KennedyChapter 30: Sunnydale free porn video

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Mr. Giles had asked Kennedy if she would drive; what started out as a favor became the thing to do as they drove across the US. Day and night seemed meaningless. Mr. Giles wanted to stop for gas only; Kennedy was amused that he had no problem with her using her debit card to pay for it. If you needed something to eat or a comfort stop, you rushed inside and did whatever business it was that you had to do.

The two other girls were English and half the time their conversation seemed incomprehensible. And they were a little vague on how they had gotten to the US as well.

Driving was surprisingly relaxing. She'd never done long distance driving on the highway before, but quickly realized that it was more or less the same as driving a race, except at much slower speeds with drivers who didn't know how to drive.

She smiled slightly at the memory. Mr. Giles got nervous at any speed above forty-five miles an hour and when she was tooling along the freeway at the seventy-two miles an hour, which was as fast as his Range Rover would go, he grew agitated because she was going "too fast."

A month before she'd have laughed and mentioned her ticket to drive Formula One cars. A week ago she'd have at least mentioned it. Today ... she slowed down to five miles over the speed limit and left it at that.

The driving was an anodyne for the pain she felt inside her; pain that had been growing for weeks and months. Her responses were rote and automatic, requiring minimal thought. It suited her.

There was a minor flap when they stopped in Needles, California and Mr. Giles saw the gasoline prices. He was on his English high horse about "highway robbery" and price gouging. In a way it was familiar and comforting, and that was the problem. Familiar meant old memories bubbled to the surface. There were a lot of things she wished she could say to Mr. Glastonbury that she was never going to get to say.

She glanced at the Watcher. He'd been pleased how polite she was, calling him Mr. Giles and all. What would he say if he found out she could care less what he thought? But it pulled her out of her mental fugue and made her focus on the situation at hand.

What should she do? Should she once again go along supinely with the wishes of another Watcher? The two girls he had with him weren't what she'd expected. She'd heard stories of Slayers and these two girls weren't anything like the stories. She'd always envisioned Potentials as someone like herself: tough, self-confident, well-trained and honed.

Annabelle. Was that even a name of a person, even one from England? People named their cows Annabelle. Annabelle had learned a thing or two from her Watcher, but it seemed to be mainly theory and not to be afraid.

Mollie wasn't much of a name, either. Worse, Mollie was a total airhead, without much of a clue about anything. She was supposed to have had a Watcher, but she must have slept through every single class. The two had moods that ranged from mildly excited to deathly afraid.

Rupert Giles wasn't an airhead. He was fussy, prissy, a lot like her first impressions of Mr. Glastonbury. Except, once you got past simple impressions, it was clear that there was the same sort of adamantine steel underneath the over-polite facade.

To put it mildly, Kennedy had lost confidence in herself, in Watchers, lost confidence in the Slayer ... the whole lot of them. And it had happened so fast!

Then there was the fact that other two girls were, she was certain, fifteen or so. Neither of them suspected Kennedy was eighteen ... they thought of her as a peer. Well, she wasn't. Not in age, not in experience.

She chuckled to herself, remembering her last real conversation with Pipes. Yes, she was bossy. Yes, she manipulated and used others to achieve her goals. Pretty much, Kennedy thought, like a real Slayer would. So, how would the real Slayer react to a junior leaguer come to play in her sandbox?

Probably not well. And if that was a fair description of how the Slayer would deal with things, what her fellow Potentials would do defied imagination. Kennedy had a great deal of experience in getting everyone killed. It had happened at her New Year's party, it nearly happened when she met the king of the gypsies. And now, Mr. Glastonbury and Lady Kennedy were dead. Was there something sad about a person who grieved as much for a dead sword, as she did for any of the people who had been killed?

There was a shimmering in front of her, and Kennedy took a step back.

Rosalie grinned at her. "I don't think it's going to help to say, 'Not to worry, I'm not real.'"

"You look real," Kennedy told her.

"Well, I'm only here in your imagination. Everyone around you is going to think you're wacky, talking to yourself."

"Wouldn't be the first time," Kennedy said.

"I'll be short. Pipes found out what happened at your house. I don't know what to say, except I'm sorry. Mr. Glastonbury seemed like a nice man."

"He was my Watcher. It went with the territory. I'm proud of the fact that I kept it to just one person killed this time."

"Pipes went to Ferinc and Ferinc came to me. Pipes explained about the linkage to the deaths that you face; he wondered if there was anything I could do. I think I can, Kennedy. Say the word and you'll only die one more time. Your own."

Kennedy laughed so hard it hurt her stomach. "I don't think that came out like you thought."

"The word, Kennedy, is yes or no."

"Yes, once more is just fine with me."

"So mote it be! Good luck, Kennedy! If you need any help, don't call a gypsy! We're going into hiding until the dust settles."

"Not Ferinc."

"No, not Ferinc, or Lauren or Deb or Steffie. Not me or Marcie. The rest of the little worms will duck for cover, though."

Then she was gone, as if she'd never been.

Mr. Giles appeared next to her. "Are you okay to drive some more?"

"I'm fine," she told him. "The one thing I've noticed already about the desert? It dries tears almost as fast as you can cry them."

It was a few minutes after dawn, and Kennedy drove the rest of the way to Sunnydale without a break. They arrived a little after noon, and the drive gave her even more time to think. She'd definitely been on the right track earlier. The Slayer didn't need competition; she needed people who would put their shoulders to the wheel and push. So, that's what she would do. She wouldn't mention things like being a little stronger than most girls, a little quicker or able to heal quickly.

Nope, from now on, she was going to be just like the others. She would lend a hand, but she was going to be really, really careful about stepping on the Slayer's toes.

Mr. Giles directed her once they were off the freeway to the house. The others were getting their things, chattering away. She met the Watcher's eyes and nodded at the house. The front windows had been shattered and were now boarded up.

They started forward, and just before they got to the front door, it opened. The woman who stood there was in her early twenties, blonde, but not nearly as perky as she'd looked the first time Kennedy had seen her. Her eyes were old, very, very old.

Kennedy stood off to one side with the other two Potentials as Buffy and Mr. Giles talked, catching each other up on the events. Most of the time, though, Kennedy was looking at someone else.

She'd heard about the Slayer's friend who was a witch, a most powerful witch, who'd nearly scorched the planet bare of life. She wasn't at all like Kennedy had expected. She was clearly shy, diffident, uncomfortable with so many new people present that she didn't know. A red-head, on top of it! She was cute!

Of everyone present, Kennedy realized, she had the most in common with Willow the witch. They had looked on the destruction of all they'd held dear; destruction brought about by their personal actions. She should have left the house at a run as soon as she realized that the Bringers were coming for her.

Kennedy smiled to herself. And, of course, she'd been celibate for entirely too long. Maybe the two of them could get together and nature could conspire to take their minds off the past and the future?

Her attention returned to the Slayer and the current discussion. It had reached the point where the Slayer was talking about what they were going to do to fight the First, the baddie that was in charge of the Bringers, and who intended on wiping out everyone on the planet.

She listened to Mollie and Annabelle voice their fears. She herself, though, wasn't so sure the Slayer was as clueless as she sounded. Still ... this was important. "That's it? That's your plan? I saw what those Bringer guys did to my Watcher. They cut him to pieces!"

Buffy looked around at the others. "She's not wrong. We need more muscle. That's why we need Spike." Spike it turned out was not only a vampire, but Bloody Bill, one of the most famous vampires. That they needed his help boggled the mind. That the Slayer had it as her first priority made Kennedy seriously doubt the Slayer's sanity.

They were shuffled off to the kitchen to get something to eat. Kennedy was famished, but controlled herself. Sure enough, as soon as they started relaxing, the other Potentials started chattering about anything and everything except the matter at hand.

Kennedy, in turn was studying someone new. Dawn, the Slayer's magical sister. Nice breasts! Kennedy sighed and told her urges to calm down. She was eighteen now and Dawn was not. Yes, six months before she'd have definitely been interested in seeing if Dawn's horizons needed to be broadened. Now ... now it wasn't going to happen. Besides, not only was Willow more suitable, she was mysterious and clearly a force to be reckoned with.

In all of her previous relationships, there had always been the dominant member of the pair. The one who made things happen. Kennedy was quite sure that if something happened with Willow it was going to take some convincing ... but once it happened, it would be like with Annie. They'd have to take turns being on top.

Her expression froze. She supposed she could ask Mr. Giles, but according to him, the Watchers Council had been completely wiped out. Kennedy crossed her fingers and prayed that Annie had gotten the boot. She wasn't brave enough, though, to ask Mr. Giles about what Annie's fate had been.

Later, Willow was talking about sleeping arrangements. She said that Annabelle could sleep on the living room couch, and Mollie could stay in Dawn's room.

Kennedy smiled. "Not if Dawn actually wants to sleep. Mollie will talk her ear off."

"Well, Annabelle..."


Willow looked exasperated. "Would you like to take care of the sleeping arrangements?"

Kennedy grinned at her. "Okay. But you better not hog the covers."

The expression on Willow's face was priceless. Simply priceless.

A little later, Kennedy braced the Slayer. "Are we going to get weapons?"

Annabelle spoke primly. "We'll get weapons when the Slayer feels we're ready."

Mollie piped up, "I feel ready."

Annabelle rounded on her. "You're frightened. You need to learn to control your fear!"

Kennedy wanted to grimace. That statement was the same as saying "I'm afraid, too!"

Kennedy spoke up, "I know what would help with that. Weapons."

Buffy smiled slightly. "Load them up!"

The Slayer went to a large wooden chest and opened it. The others gathered around, seeing what was there. None of them went for the crossbow, and Kennedy couldn't bear the thought of carrying another blade, not just yet. She reached for the crossbow, carefully checking it out.

Kennedy spent some time with the crossbow, making sure everything was in order. Mr. Glastonbury had, from the first, made it clear that weapons worked because you took care of them and if you didn't take care of them, they wouldn't.

As it was, she was still making sure everything was oiled and ready when the word was passed: Annabelle was missing. She'd left, Mollie told them.

The Slayer left them behind. Kennedy could understand that. Why hadn't Mollie spoken sooner? It passed imagination.

Later, Buffy was back. She looked, if you'd never heard about Slayer's healing powers, pretty bad. She was battered and bruised and clearly was in pain. When Mollie expressed doubts about the future, Buffy launched into a full rant about courage and duty. Kennedy just kept her mouth shut.

It had been the Slayer, not the rest of them who'd gone after Annabelle. Yes, she was bashed and battered, but it was clear she was unaffected by the injuries.

Sleep was, though, easy for Kennedy. Not that she indulged, not with Willow just a few feet away. "That doesn't look very comfortable," Kennedy told Willow, who had pulled some blankets and pillows down on the floor.

Willow explained how it really was quite comfy on the floor. Kennedy stifled her laughter. She didn't tease long, though, knowing it would be counter-productive.

That was a good thing. In the middle of the night another batch of Potentials arrived, and Buffy went after another who was due in, having taken the bus. There was quite a bit of concern when Buffy didn't come right back, but that turned out to be because Bringers had been there to greet Rona, yet another Potential slayer, this one who'd never had the benefit of a Watcher.

Kennedy contemplating telling the girl to count her blessings, but it was clear Rona was concerned about how little she knew about what was going on.

Finally they were once again bedded down for the night. Kennedy kept trying not to laugh. Willow was still forted up on the floor, while Kennedy was on the bed. Kennedy didn't have the heart to jerk Willow's chain about it, instead contenting herself with talking about herself, keeping things very general. Still, it was cute when she mentioned to Willow that her stepsister and parents had lived in another wing of the house.

"Your house had wings?" Willow seemed startled.

"Yes. The summer house in the Hamptons didn't have wings. Well, one wing."

Finally Willow said that she thought Kennedy should sleep. Kennedy grinned. "If I'd wanted to sleep, I'd be downstairs with all the other girls, catching z's."

Finally they slept. It wasn't until late that Kennedy woke up, restless and nervous. So much to think about! At least she owed Rosalie an eternal favor: when Annabelle had died she hadn't been in her mind. Maybe that was messing with the mystical order of things, but she didn't care. Dying wasn't pleasant; once would have been enough.

Willow was gone, so Kennedy got out of bed and went downstairs. One of the new girls, Eve, was holding forth. Kennedy wasn't sure what it was about what Eve was saying, but she was pretty sure Eve was trying to undercut the Slayer. That didn't seem to make much sense, but she'd had her nose rubbed into it too many times to want to stand up and call the girl on it.

Giles and a woman who evidently had once been a demon went off on an errand, to visit a dimension that had some seer in it that the woman, Anya, thought could help.

A little later, Willow appeared, telling the Slayer that the seers in England had located another Potential, who'd made it to Sunnydale, and was staying in a motel. Buffy and friend Xander went to seek the latest Potential out, while the rest of the Potentials went downstairs. Instead of working out, there was more talk-talk. Kennedy was getting upset at all of the talk, and at Eve who seemed to be the ringleader.

Kennedy had grave doubts on how well the other Potentials could handle themselves, if it came to a fight. For the first time she realized what a herculean task it must be, usually, for a Watcher. Mr. Glastonbury had had it easy, she thought!

Her musings had meant she'd tuned Eve out. Abruptly, Buffy was in the door to the basement. "Get away from them!" she commanded.

Kennedy wasn't sure at first who the Slayer was talking to, but Eve turned and smiled. "Oops!"

Eve was, it turned out, really the First in disguise. She could take Eve's place, because the real Eve was dead back in the motel. The other girls were shocked and horrified, and the First's warning them that, come night, they'd all be dead, didn't help.

Then there was a flash and Eve/the First was gone.

Buffy turned to Willow and asked if she could do a barrier spell. Kennedy's heart went out to the witch; she could see how much the other was afraid. Still, Willow said she'd do it. The other Potentials had their doubts, but Kennedy stood up for Willow, as stoutly as she'd ever stood up for anyone.

Still, the conversation started to degenerate into fear and recriminations. Kennedy turned to Buffy. The Slayer was adamant. "We'll fight!"

Vi, one of the English girls, and red-headed, answered. "With what?"

Kennedy snarled, "With whatever it takes, right?" Kennedy was talking to Buffy for the last. But the chorus of Potentials, all afraid, rose and rose, drowning out the Slayer. Kennedy tried to inject some sense, and was mildly miffed that the Slayer wasn't doing anything to help. It was then that Kennedy noticed that Buffy, Willow and Xander were gone.

All Kennedy could do was swallow, and vow to do her best.

Later, as darkness fell, Dawn was peeking out the window at the Bringers gathering around the house. Buffy went to the weapons chest again and pulled out a short sword, handing it to Rona.

Rona looked at the weapon with concern and fear on her face. "Like this will do any good! What's the point?"

Kennedy lost her temper. She gestured at the tip of the sword. "That's the point. You stick it in bad guys. Any more questions?"

Kennedy grabbed up the crossbow and checked it again. The Slayer gestured. "Do you know how to use that?"

Kennedy clicked the trigger and looked the Slayer in the eye. "Since I was eight." Buffy gave Kennedy a bag of quarrels. It was deja vu, all over again! It was the same sort of bag that Mr. Glastonbury had once asked her to carry at Faire.

She vowed that she would stop being all weepy like the other girls. A little while later, she came across Willow in the hall. Willow was floating a glowing ball, above her hand.

She tried to keep her voice light. "Wow! You really can float stuff!" The light went out and the ball dropped to Willow's palm. Willow explained how the First had interfered the last time she'd tried a spell.

Dawn called from the living room, "There's something happening outside."

They all rushed to her side. It was ugly, no doubt about it. The Uber-vampire was all gray skin, fangs and claws. It looked at the house and Buffy urged Willow to get the barrier up.

The thing broke down the front door before the barrier was working. Kennedy was shocked at how much pain it looked like Willow was suffering. She could even feel a tithe of the magical energies swirling around them.

"Run! Go out the back!" Buffy told them, when it was clear that Willow wasn't going to be able to hold it.

Kennedy vowed she'd be the first out the door; she'd fought Bringers, she knew how to kill them. But, as fast as she was, Xander beat her. He hardly slowed, slamming an axe into the first one. Kennedy saw the next Bringer start to swing at Xander and she shot it through the forehead. Then it was a melee fight, with the Potentials holding their own until Buffy came out, then it was no contest.

In a few minutes they were all running down the street, Willow included. Buffy turned back to hold up the Uber-vamp, while Xander led the rest of them towards safety. Kennedy hadn't had much use for Xander up to that minute, but she hastily reevaluated everything she'd thought before. When the rubber hit the road, he was there, standing shoulder to shoulder with Buffy and Willow.

Soon, they were clambering down construction scaffolding into a pit. They'd no more than got to the bottom, when the Uber-vamp showed up. Evidently, Buffy hadn't held him up very much at all.

Then Buffy was there, a pillar of strength. It was an epic battle that raged in front of the Potentials. At one point, Buffy grabbed the crossbow from Kennedy and shot the Uber-vampire with it. It didn't seem to slow it down.

Kennedy was getting nervous, but Willow kept counseling caution. She wasn't sure where Willow got that from, but then, the Slayer was being squeezed by the ultimate vampire, and she slammed her palm forward, breaking off the crossbow bolt in the vampires shoulder. She slammed the broken piece into the vampire's eye, and it threw her quite a distance. Buffy bounced up and started kicking some serious vampire butt.

At the end, she strangled it with a piece of barbed wire. It vanished in a haze of dust.

A bloody and battered Buffy turned and faced the Potentials and gave them another pep talk. "Here endeth the lesson!" she concluded. She gave Xander and Willow a high sign, and they started back to the house. Kennedy wanted to cry, wishing she could be as brave as the Slayer, but Buffy wasn't around -- she'd gone to rescue Bloody Bill, the vampire, from the First's clutches. Alone.

The next day Buffy behaved if nothing special had happened. She told the others that late in the evening she'd show them how she patrolled for vampires. Kennedy smiled faintly as she heard the description of trolling through the graveyard, getting a new vampire to attack at once. Mr. Glastonbury had never said anything about a tactic like that, but it made sense! Slayers were at their weakest in the first few days after they were Chosen. Vampires would be as well.

The first two chosen to patrol were Rona and Vi. Rona was from America, Vi one of the auburn-haired girls from England. The rest of the Potentials stayed back as the two girls prowled through the graveyard at midnight.

Kennedy saw the hint of movement, something the two victims didn't see until it was too late. Spike grabbed Rona and threw her a few feet, then grabbed Vi and would have had a snack if it hadn't been just practice. Buffy had a little session explaining to them what they'd done wrong. Then it was Kennedy and Chloe's turn. Both of them spotted the movement. Chloe ducked and ran, while Kennedy backpedaled, watching Spike intently. Neither of them said anything; it was Buffy who broke the moment.

"There you have it. If you're not surprised, you can move back to regroup, or watch your enemy carefully, to see what it's doing."

Later, they were back at Buffy's house, training some more in the basement. As the sun started to come up, Willow told Buffy that the seers had found yet another Potential in Sunnydale, this one who lived there and had for some time.

Still, Buffy had to get to her job, so Willow promised she'd work some magic later to find the Potential.

Kennedy wasn't sure how Buffy divided up the duty for her friends. When she'd gone to the motel and found the dead Eve, she'd taken Xander. That evening she told the Potentials that they were going patrolling, while Willow would conjure up a spell to find the Potential, and once they knew where she was, they'd go get her. Xander, Dawn and Anya would be backing up Willow.

Kennedy was amused. The first thing Buffy did was take them to a demon bar where she lectured them on how to extract information from sources. Kennedy was looking around, fascinated. This wasn't Mr. Waterman, there were all kinds of demons present, along with some people who looked quite human.

"Blend in, get used to this sort of place," Buffy told them.

Rona laughed. "We're a bunch of fifteen-year-olds in a demon bar. Just how much blending are we going to do?" Kennedy smiled at that. It was true, except for the age thing. So, none of them had yet twigged to the fact she wasn't a true peer.

Later, they went out into the night again, this time meeting up with Spike. They went back to the graveyard again, but this time to a marble mausoleum. It was a real mess, and from the description, a nest of vampires had been living there. Then Vi found what looked at first glance to be a body, but turned out to be a vampire.

Buffy thumped it a few times, talking about how important various things were. Then she turned and spilled a handful of stakes on the ground. "It's up to you, now," and left out the door, locking it behind her.

Kennedy hung back, letting Rona, Vi and Mollie fight it. They did pretty good, too. Mollie was the one who finally dusted it.

Later, Buffy and the rest were back, another Potential in tow. She had not only dusted a vampire, but fought Bringers as well. Amanda was the girl's name and Dawn had kept the Bringers off the girl's back until Buffy and the others arrived, and then, together, they'd put down the Bringers.

Kennedy couldn't help it. Earlier, Mollie had grabbed the crossbow from the weapons chest and Kennedy had made do with a long dagger. Now, she was mildly jealous of the Slayer and her friends who had gotten to fight the real enemy: the Bringers. If they'd been locked in a room with a Bringer or two, she wouldn't have hung back! She'd have run up her score!

She glanced at the new girl. She looked ... plain. A long face, long straight hair, taller than most of the others, a sort of awkwardness about her movements. Still, Kennedy heard her plan of trying to lure the vampire she'd found to where the school's marching band was practicing, to make up for years of slights to the swing choir that Amanda participated in. Kennedy grinned. She'd done something like that once, bringing the kidnappers to the vampires. It was a good idea!

A few days later there were still more Potentials. Buffy and Giles had quite a few hushed conversations, and then it was announced that the Potentials would go out into the desert with Giles to a place in the desert where they could commune with the First Slayer or whatever. Kennedy didn't really relish the thought, and when the big day dawned, the first thing she noticed was that the Slayer, the big bad Slayer, had the crud.

Kennedy smiled at that. She could never remember a day where she'd really felt sick from something like the cold or the flu. She'd been beat up a few times, knifed once and those had hurt, but she'd never been sick. Willow came downstairs and started talking to Buffy and Kennedy watched her for a few seconds. Why not, she thought? What would it hurt?

She went over to Willow and touched her shoulder. "I got the crud. I'm going back to bed." She lowered her voice, and while she didn't think she sounded very convincing, both Buffy and Willow were solicitous. Later, Kennedy said she wasn't up to the retreat with the others and everyone nodded sagely. Kennedy could feel the Slayer's eyes on her, but Buffy didn't say anything.

Later, it was evening and Kennedy watched the others leave through a curtain. With that, she took a shower, got dressed and was thinking about heading downstairs when Willow showed up with a cup of tea. It was a sweet thing for her to do, and Kennedy didn't have the heart to lie directly to her. Still, it took Willow only about a second to figure out that Kennedy wasn't sick.

It took some doing, but she convinced Willow that she had a mission to undertake, and the two of them snuck out. The Bronze hadn't been on the "demon bar" tour, but Kennedy had heard enough about it. She asked Willow what she wanted and brought it, along with her own "virgin Bloody Mary." It was clear from the conversation that Willow didn't realize that Kennedy was drinking a glass of tomato juice without any alcohol. Willow was having a daiquiri and after that the conversation stayed general for quite a while.

At one point Kennedy asked Willow how long she'd known she was gay. It was kind of sad, really. Just for the one person. The one that Andrew's friend Warren had killed. Having had loved ones killed in front of her, she didn't feel any need to explore Willow's feelings about that!

Finally it was getting late and Kennedy didn't want to risk running into Bringers, so they returned to the house. Buffy, Xander and Anya were in the living room talking, and didn't say anything to the two girls who came in. Kennedy and Willow went upstairs to the bedroom. It was a tender and sweet moment, getting Willow to relax enough to let Kennedy kiss her.

Kennedy was quite sure nature would take its course if Willow would just relax a little. It was a nice kiss, and Kennedy could feel Willow slowly relaxing, adjusting -- and enjoying the kiss.

There was no discernable instant when Kennedy sensed something was wrong. The muscle tone under her fingers changed, the passion went away. Kennedy opened her eyes and jumped back. Willow was gone, replaced by a guy!

The guy made some joke about not being attractive, and moved towards Kennedy again. Kennedy hastily backed up. She'd just remembered Steffie and her glamours just as the guy noticed himself in the mirror.

Then he was trying to reassure Kennedy that it was really Willow. After a very short discussion, they went downstairs.

Even after all the earlier discussion, Kennedy hadn't realized just which guy Willow had morphed into -- but the shocked reactions on everyone else's part made it clear. Warren, the man who'd killed Willow's lover, Tara, and who Willow had, in retribution, more or less turned inside out.

Same as Kennedy
Chapter 30: Sunnydale Videos

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Playing Slave

One of my favorite things to do when I go to a bookstore is live out a fantasy. One of those fantasies was to be totally submissive to men in a bookstore. This is what happened...The bookstore I chose was nice. It was a flat rate store so you paid your entry and then could watch all you wanted. They have large booths and some glory hole booths. For this fantasy I needed a large booth. I selected one at the end of the hallway, away from the glory hole booths. Stripping off my clothes, I folded...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Elle Voneva Asian Beauty Elle Voneva gives a Nuru gel massage with a very happy ending

Elle Voneva has a new client in at the Kinky Spa today and he’s nervous because he hasn’t tried a nuru massage before. She puts him at ease and starts the massage which uses a special gel and LOTS on skin to skin contact. It doesn’t take long for him to get comfortable and he gets a little TOO comfortable when she starts massaging his fat cock. She moves on to sucking it and next thing you know her tight body is getting railed by his big white cock and she’s stroking him to an extra happy...

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All These Things That Ive DoneChapter 12

The next Monday, Pranay and Stephen stared at me over the lunch table. Miriam sat to my right, tapping the table with her fingers. The other sponsors watched us with as much attention as my friends were giving me. Mr. Jessa dropped his wife off at the Berto mansion on Friday morning. He proceeded to go on a hunting spree. He killed the ten for me, the extra one for Lieutenant Jones, and finished off by barricading himself in his home. The cops must have been given strict instructions to let...

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Awakenings part 4

(Sorry messed up posting this once tried again)The holiday finished with Malcolm being a little surly and avoiding me. Although confused by his manner I felt so alive following the previous two evenings experience it did not affect my mood at all, indeed my parents commented on how much good the holiday had done me.On returning home I knew it would be a couple of weeks before I would see Malcolm again; however the good memories of our lovemaking meant that I was not too worried about it. I...

3 years ago
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From Little Girl to teenager Girl Pt 3

From Little Girl to Teenage girl (3) (That night at the BBQ) By Ms. Nicole Smith ************************************ Do NOT read this story if you are legally not allowed to do so. The story itself is based on events which actually took place when I was a much younger boy. ************************************ "I'll shower first Wend, then you, and Stephanie you have to go last, because Angela won't be around till about 6ish" announced Lois, so Wendy and I hung around Lois'...

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The Kali Diary

“Are you sure you’ll be fine, Dad?” The voice of her daughter, Blake, was filled with worry. “Yes, I’m sure, sweetheart. I used to be Huntsman, so making my own food is no problem.” Ghira spoke with a positive tone, a direct opposite of his current situation. “Well, if you’re sure. I have to go and continue my workout, dad. I’ll come by and visit sometime. Take care!” With a quick farewell of his own, Ghira ended the call with a heavy sigh. For the first time in decades, Ghira was lonely. While...

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My Mothers LoverChapter 12 Apres Chicago A New Beginning

Dear Diary, He did not quite get me there tonight, and so I am awake at 3AM. However, I am not a bit sad about that, he made me tingle all over and delighted me in ways I never expected to see again. He was just darling. Besides, I'm still just a little bit tender down there from our wonderful overindulgence in sex in Chicago. So I might have regretted him going on much longer. Delightful. We may be acting a bit like teenagers just at the moment, but I am sure things will settle down to...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 9

“So, Megan, how the fuck did you get caught up in this mess?” I asked my ex-wife as she lay there on the bed. “I ... married a guy ... who ... joined the Klan,” Megan stammered, more than a little embarrassed, perhaps because she knew that racism was wrong. “Yeah, you really traded up, didn’t you? Who needs a pothead male nurse when you can have a leading champion of the fucking master race, am I right?” I scoffed now, making my ex wince. “Okay, okay, touche. You fucking win! You’ve...

1 year ago
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Politics Ch 09

Chapter 9: Marriage? While the last thirty-six hours had been agonizingly slow, Katie couldn’t remember the details. She remembered cancelling her meetings yesterday and today. The psychiatrist had told herself that doing so would allow her to recover from her sexual mauling at Alistair’s hands. She remembered drinking—most of Election Day had been spent with a glass of wine in her hand. And here she was, the day after, in a rough bar in the East End of London. Drinking again. Any other...

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Her Flock Trilogy

Her Flock Kayla moaned into Mary’s folds, her tongue driving the older woman into even more intense throes of climax. Mary’s hands were entwined in Kayla’s short blonde locks, alternately pulling her against, and shoving her away from her climaxing pussy. Kayla’s face was smeared with the older woman’s juices, and she was still lapping for every drop she could get. Ever so slowly, she let Mary settle down from her orgasm, and then cat-crawled over her. Their breasts touched as they shared a...

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My girlfriend Carol

Until quite recently, when I related it to someone else on this site, I'd never ever told anyone about this experience, that I had many years ago, so it's a bit of a first. I was probably about fifteen or sixteen, at the time, but I'm pretty sure I was still at school when it happened. I was going out with a girl called Carol (not Barry's sister who I'd mentioned in another of my reminisces) who was about the same age as me if not a little younger but quite advanced sexually for her age and was...

2 years ago
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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 4 The Ship

I woke up alone on a firm bed in a white room. I could hear a mechanical beeping sound all around me. I looked around, saw all kinds of machines, and thought I must be in a hospital, except there was nothing touching me. 'How did I get here?' I thought back, 'Agent Fleck and Wyman in my house, the verbal banter, the physical assault, my head hitting the island, my blindness, the near miss on the rape.' I shuddered at that last thought. Then I remember Oliver coming to my rescue. I looked...

3 years ago
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My Second Lesbian Encounter

Sorry for making you wait for such a long time!! I hope you guys remember about my first lesbian encounter with Sanjana . For those who don’t, I’m Natasha and it will be great if u read my earlier post My first encounter was really very special; everything was so new to me. The feeling that u get is too amazing. Girls who have not tasted another girl are surely missing a lot .The touch, the feel, everything is super amazing!!!...

2 years ago
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Saloni Ki Jawani Lund Ki Diwani

Mera naam Saloni hai pura naam nargis sultana hai, meri umar 18 saal ho gayi hai, aaj main apko meri madakti madmast jawan choot ki chudai ki kahani batane jaa rahi hun, main 7 bahi me akeli bahan hun, or meri joint family hai, yeh chudai story meri or meri cousin brother ki hai jo mere ghar ke bagal me rahta hai uska naam rehaan hai or gopu ki hai dono ne kaise meri chudai ki or mujhe apne lund ka diwana banaya batne ja rahi hun Iss se pahele maine apko yeh bata dun ki mujhe chudai ka lat knha...

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Nina Was Her NameChapter 8

How the hell can a man come up with Western Omelets for 15 people on a small yacht after several days at sea? Cookie is a wizard! The Fates really smiled on us when he joined the crew! He did mention that he was now out of eggs and ice, so there would be no more omelets until we put into a large port. That was almost enough for us to forget the pirate we were chasing and head to port right away. Oh, well, maybe later. We were running flat out to catch the other boat, but it still took us...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 7

[Preservation – Janice] It was Thursday when our sentry post advised us by radio that we had company coming from Atlanta. We had a quick pow-wow and decided that a couple would be heading over to High Falls park to "prep it for winter" with the plan that they would be seen and talk to the Triple-A party coming down the road. They carried a radio in their wagon but would keep it hidden and off when they met the Triple‑A contingent. They reported that they saw the Triple-A coming down I-75...

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The Group

Virginia Preston was tall, about 5’9”, with long chestnut hair and allowed herself to be led gently into the dark room. She was aware of others present in the shadows but could not see them clearly, just hear some shuffling and a soft cough. Hands gently held her arms from behind as a soft cloth was placed over her eyes, she thought it was silk, but couldn’t be sure. Totally unable to get her bearings, Virginia found her arms gripped a little tighter as she was propelled gently forward, her...

1 year ago
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Cam Girl Fap! I love camsluts. I’m a sucker for watching a whore spread her legs and get absolutely pounded by a fuck machine for an audience of thousands. Man, what a world we live in. Could you imagine telling some dude from the 1950s that we’d have the hottest babes you could ever imagine shooting fake eggs out of their pussies and riding arm-sized horsecocks for people to jerk off to in the future? You’d get locked up in a goddamn insane asylum faster than you could pull out your cell phone...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
3 years ago
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Protest To Pleasure 8211 Part 2 Sexy Elegant Client

Hi, sex story fans. This is Victor (names changed for privacy reasons). I am a regular reader and fan of Indian Sex Stories. I am back with this second sequel of my story. Thank you for all the fans who mailed me and encouraged me. Sorry for the long gap, guys. I was caught up and busy with official works. I am waiting for your valuable suggestions. All sex-hungry mature ladies and girls can mail me at I assure you of full privacy and satisfaction. So now let’s begin with the story. I went...

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Ines Flowers Black Orchid Avenging Angel

This story is set in a universe created by Enbreeze, though the darkness in it is mine, not hers.Thanks go to Enbreeze for the idea of bringing Mama Juju into the tale, and to Steve Zink for his comments and fine editing. Ine?s Flowers: Black Orchid - Avenging Angel By Maggie Finson The room may have been different from on her previous jaunt to Earth in quest of retribution against those who had wronged her in another life. But it was still dingy, cheerless, and nearly...

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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 6

Surprise, surprise, I wake up feeling thoroughly used and horny as fuck. I look at you and you’re still sleeping. Checking the clock, it’s only 6:00 am. Damn, I want you to fuck me so bad, but I hate to wake you up. I think of masturbating, but I know you like to watch me so what am I supposed to do? Finally I decide to wake you. I move down the bed until I’m laying between your legs and I slowly begin sucking on your balls as gently as I possibly can. I feel your cock twitching so I start...

Group Sex
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My Perfect Weekend With My MASTER

Since i have met SUBSEEKER i have spent an awful lot of time dreaming and fantasizing about how things would be if there wasn't a vast ocean between us. Sometimes it's the only way i can make it through the day!The following piece is ideas from several of these dreams and fantasies, and chats with my MASTER. As i have a rare weekend off this weekend my MASTER thought that this would be an ideal piece for me to write, that coupled with my reading material on xh over the last few days lol.So here...

3 years ago
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Hole in FourChapter 5

"Now make sure you get to bed at a reasonable time," Mom said the next day. "I will," I said. I had my golf bag over my shoulder and was almost out the kitchen side door. "No wild parties." "Mooom!" I protested. I hated when my parents teased like this. They knew I was a good kid. "You heading out, Andy?" Dad said showing up. "Yeah, Dad." "No parties while we're gone," he said. I grimaced. Mom said, "You can call my cell if you need something, anything." "I'll be...

1 year ago
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Who do you want to fuck

So the subject was brought up after we had watched an old movie about truck drivers, bandits and bears. You can probably guess the one, if you’re old enough. Anyway, it had a very young Sally Fields in it being sexy as only she can be, at least in the opinion of many men, not necessarily old. Mary made the remark that her husband, Joe, would fuck Sally if he had the chance. At least that’s what he was always telling her. Joe, putting on his best sad face, admitted that so far his chance hadn’t...

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She Took It AllChapter 5

Ted had little to say until we reached the main building where the boilers were located. They were massive. The boiler room was spotless and the floor was painted a battleship gray. Much of the piping was copper and I could see it was kept polished in and around the gauges. The gauges themselves were of brass. It made a beautiful sight. Over on the far edge of the room there was a diesel engine that turned a generator. "The generator is just for the boilers and the pumps, not for the whole...

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Racquel Darrians Ultimate Fantasy Part III

Racquel Darrian’s Ultimate Fantasy III1999: Racquel has been waiting at a street-corner off of Sunset Boulevard for almost half an hour. Pervs have been driving by slowly, eyeing her as a street-hooker – it is 9pm after all.Her pussy has been getting wet thinking about the quick money should could shake off the street when her limo finally pulls up. Racquel is dressed in shiny, black latex boots that extend above the knees with a very short matching mini-skirt. She has a tight-fitting white top...

2 years ago
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Beach Sex

The sun broke through the mid-morning haze as Brandy and I made our way over the dunes and toward the beach. For the last couple days, we had been camping at Watch Hill Campground on Fire Island. It's a beautiful place, well removed from the hectic pace of the city. Unfortunately, the campsites are placed so close together that we haven't had much privacy in this otherwise intimate setting, a reality that proved insufferable last night.This was my only grievance as we traipsed over the dunes....

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10 Best Indian Sex Stories of February 2023

Hi Readers, you can become listeners, too! We have started adding audio options to some of our stories from February 2023. Now, you can read and hear while jerking your dicks or fingering your pussies. And here are the 10 best stories of February 2023. 1) By: I wanted to suck my mom’s hot sexy breasts for milk. I slowly convinced her and started sucking them. Then we went on to do other erotic things as well! ‘One day, she wore a sleeveless black t-shirt that was transparent and thin. It...

2 years ago
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Sister on the Sofa pt 1

I was playing when I looked over to my sister. She had a gorgeous face and body. She had curves to die for, blonde hair, and bubble-ass that looked like it was about to burst right through her jeans. She was wearing skinny jeans, and a top that showed off some skin. She was facing the TV, and was sound asleep. I started to realize how gorgeous my sister really was. After a while, I noticed I was paying more attention to her than my game. I was unaware of my surroundings. My...

3 years ago
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Joe Becomes Jessica

Part I The Birthday        It was my 18th birthday. This was going to be my best birthday ever. My parents had planned some party with my friends, but I had something much better in store for them. Living on the streets of New York City for 18 years now had taught me where one could get a good time, and it was not in some parent-planned occasion. It was on the streets. I had a plan to get the supplies for the real party and had some fun at the same time.        The plan started with a hooker....

4 years ago
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Mom Ko Nanga Karke Khoob Romance Kiya And Choda Bhi

Hi! Dosto meein punjab se hoon aur hum 5 log ka pariwar hai…Papa, mom, bache 3. Mere papa private company mein job krte hain aur mein b-tech 4th sem de ke ghar aaya tha. Meri mom housewife hai.Aaj mein aapko aisi sachai batane jaa rha hoon aur us ghatna k bare mein jis se aaj bhi mere mann ko shanti milti hai………So yeh baat meri aur mere mom ki hai….Meri mom bahut hi sexy hai aur uske boobs! Hiiiiiii hiiiiiii! Jee kar ta hai puri zindagi bar uske boobs chusta jaon…Aur uska navel bhi gehra hai.....

4 years ago
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A Grandfathers Lust An Overture

Like every night, he finished watching the news at 11:30, turned off the TV, and walked through the house to ensure the doors were locked and no windows were left open. He peaked into the quest room. There she lay, his granddaughter. She had come to live with him while her parents were figuring things out. Their home was hostile and Cynthia was internalizing it all. She had been struggling in school. A senior now, she was striving to get scholarships at U, 25 miles away from Pee Paws house....

3 years ago
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Costume Party

Ian sighed as he walked down the street, glancing at the shops. He’d been trying to come up with a good idea for a halloween party for a week - the last few years the costume parties they’d thrown had been fun, but now that he and Shauna was engaged, he felt like this needed to be a big one. After all - they’d met at a halloween party, brought there by their mutual love for the holiday. He’d searched on-line for a good party game, but none of them had jumped out at him. And none of the...

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Santas Bell

It was about 4:00 a.m. Christmas morning. I woke up having to pee so bad I thought I was going to explode. I knew finishing off that six pack right before going to bed was going to come back to haunt me. As I headed down the hall toward the bathroom, I glanced over and saw someone standing in my living room. He had his back to me, but I could still see that the guy was in a Santa costume. "Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?" I said, taking a few cautious steps into...

2 years ago
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Best Friends Forever

Alicia has always been sexually attracted to her best friend, Kevin. He’s not a big guy, but she’d heard rumors that he had a very big body part below the belt. Truth be told, it’s the main reason she became friends with him.At first, she tried hooking up with him, but he had a girlfriend. After they broke up, she tried again, but he was too sad. After hanging out with him a few times, she realized that he’s a great guy and an even better friend. So, she let her desire for him go and became the...

Straight Sex
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 22 Awkward Meetings

On the last leg of the trip, Audrey began to loosen up. That meant two things: she filled us in on her servitude to Master and she showed a surprised but willing Cassie some of her porn star fellatio technique. I caught Nicky licking her lips as she spied on their tutorial. As she climaxed, Audrey rolled down her window before Cassie squired nearly a quart of juice out onto U.S. 395. To celebrate the occasion, I received the first, I hoped, of many blowjobs from darling Nicky. Unlike Cassie,...

4 years ago
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Amys first Anal

Amy was a world class cock sucker. She had me right where she wanted me. My dick was hard and throbbing I was getting ready to cum. She pulled my dick out and looked me in the eye. Playing with the hole of my dick she said "Joanie thinks I should have you fuck me in the ass.""Oh, yeah?" I replied "Why does Joanie think that?""Well, you know I like doing new stuff, and its the only thing I haven't tried yet.""And Joanie has?""Yep, her and Fred do it all the time."Joanie was starting to grow on...

3 years ago
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Ein Wochenende German

Ein Wochenende Erstes Kapitel Es war Freitagnachmittag gegen drei Uhr als Peter, von der Arbeit kommend,das Haus betrat. Ein wenig müde nach einer anstrengenden Arbeitswoche,freute er sich jetzt auf ein paar ruhige Tage zusammen mit seiner Frau. DieKinder waren am Morgen zu den Großeltern gefahren und werden erst Sonntagabendzurück sein. So hatten Charlotte und er das Wochenende mal für sichallein. Sie hatten sich vorgenommen richtig auszuspannen und die Zweisamkeit zu genießen.Er hatte...

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A Womans Place

A Woman's Place by Pyrite [email protected] * * * * * * * Prologue It was just a small piece of wasteland, an undeveloped part of the suburbs that had been let go to seed. To Mariah though it was a haven, a place where she could go and hide amongst the long grass when she wanted to be alone, and that was exactly what she needed at this moment. As she sat there playing with a particularly long blade of grass and enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on her body, she...

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I fucked my wife and her best friend together

I am Rocky Shrestha, 29 years now working on Senior Level in MNC. I have small home at Chabahil, Kathmandu with small happy family me, my wife, my daughter and my mummy. The incident happened one year back while Nepal’s Moist Party called 3 days strike in Nepal. I have that one night experience with my wife (Sujita) and her married best friend (Priya). Sujita’s figure is 5 feet 4 inches long and it is 32-26-32. Priya is more beautiful and smart than Sujita and equally long and tall – but her...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 174

Laura had not seen Sholandra since the evening when they had both been double-fucked by Eric and Danny. Sholandra had taken to both guys, and, according to Rhonda, was seeing them both, though no longer at the same time, it seemed. Laura didn't wonder. One could only take so much of that. Both her asshole and her pussy seemed to wince just at the memory of having those cannons jammed into them. Rhonda had given up on her, being a purist and a romantic, and unwilling to share Sholandra with...

2 years ago
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My part tim boss

more than i was comfortable with.I had worked for him as a saturday boy and 2 nights a week for about 18mnths now and whilst i genuinely liked the guy and enjoyed working at the chain of garden centers he owned,he had on more than one occasion been suggestive about my appearance or my physique,in a positive way ,but none the less it was still suggestive..."you are such a good looking guy I bet all the girls are climbing was over each other to get to you!!"......and when i...

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A Mothers Lament

A Mothers Lament A Mothers LamentCHAPTER 1: THE VICTIM???? As I toiled away at my job, loan manager, for a local bank I was sure it would be yet another boring day then it happened.? She was in her late thirties, married or at least wearing a ring; with bra length raven black hair, large dark brown eyes, her olive complexion, just the look I pined over.? Her shape breathtaking, very matronly, her breast I guessed at around 32b, they looked motherly the way they sat low even in the bra I...

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The Chair Part 2

“Sophie! Where the fuck are you?” Charlotte screamed, not bothering to put her clothes back on as she searched Sophie’s house for her presence. She ventured down the hallway towards her room, following the sounds of Sophie’s moans, until she found her riding Gideon’s cock. Charlotte slowly entered the room, watching the sex on the four poster bed in the center of the room as she shook with the rage of betrayal. “How the FUCK could you do that to me!” she asked incredulously. With a jump, Sophie...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 376

This compliments of Chris Angus was dyin'. He asked for his good mate Jock to come to his bedside. "Jock" he says, "Jock, you know that bottle of 21 year old malt whiskey that I promised ye we would have a wee taste..." "Well when I am gone and I am put in the ground, I want ye to promise me to pour that bottle over me coffin - will ye do that for me!" "Aye " said Jock. "I would be mightly honoured to do that for ye". "As an extra mark of respect I would like to strain it...

1 year ago
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My Pussy Owned by BBC PT3

After they finished off that night, they gave me the Video titled Betty the married whore for black cocks. They didn't let me take a shower or clean up. I had to order a cab. They told me that I am the property of these black men and I must obey them. They forced me to show the video to Scott and told him how much I enjoyed being fucked and treated like a dirty whore. Also, from now on, they can decide who I get to fuck and obviously black men only, in which I don't have anything to complain.I...

1 year ago
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Spending Time With Friends

Spending Time With FriendsMy name is Michael and I want to share with you the story of the first time my wife and I had sex with another couple. Now let me describe myself so you have and idea of what I look like. I am 6'3" with blond hair and blue eyes, I work out daily to keep my flat stomach and nice chest and arms. It seems the harder I work out the farther away from a 6-pack I get. I also have a massive 8.5" cock that drives my wife, Kelly, wild. Kelly on the other hand is a gorgeous 5'4"...

Wife Lovers
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Sex starved mother

Hi ISS readers, I’m Angelo a 23 year old single male from the USA. I am not Indian but I enjoy reading all about incest no matter where its from and I really enjoy all the stories here at ISS. I hope you enjoy hearing about my situation that I’m presently involved in. I had always fantasized about my mom, ever since I was around 14 or so. I loved looking at her hot body and very attractive face and I am not ashamed to say that I would often masturbate to dirty thoughts of my mom on a daily...

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The Stranger

She was a bit nervous knowing that she was going to have company today, even though she had done this before. For some strange reason this encounter was making her nervous, not so much nervous but, more turned on than any other time. There was a knock at her door precisely at noon, and her pussy gave a little quiver at the sound. When she opened the door the dark haired woman stepped in and closed the door behind her, without saying a word she kissed Danielle deeply forcing her tongue into...

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Masturbation to a playboy model

It is kind of a true story. I have a co worker of me, 65 years old now. He lives alone for years and he is the most conservative person I know. He doesn’t have a computer at his home and even a cell phone! 3 months ago we were on a business trip for few weeks. One evening after dinner we took few beers and went in my hotel room to watch a football game. We talked a lot and he said that he felt very lonely and he hadn’t done it (he meant fuck) for really long. I asked him about masturbation. He...

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