An ClochánChapter 56 free porn video

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It was late afternoon when Rylie of Vanessa’s Clan reached out to Dóchas, “Maeve, do you have a moment?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“We are on IGN404. Secretary Dizantos, Admiral Trizalski, Commander Egulle, and their support staff just left to return to their ship.”

“What is your impression of their visit to the ship?”

“We saw a range of emotions that began with disbelief and morphed into anger. I think they would have spaced the procurement people if they had been within reach. They questioned Captain Ersatz and several other crew members. It was pretty intense. Based on their questioning it was obvious to me that Trizalski and Egulle had read Zyworki’s report. When Ersatz was with just Trizalski, Egulle, and Zyworki he told them that he thought that there were other ships being used like this one was.

“Based on what Trizalski said to Zyworki before departing, once we’ve finished unloading they intend to send it, and its crew, back to their home planet with an escort. If we understood everything, it seems that there have been complaints in the past from refugees regarding the way they were treated but there was never any evidence to support their complaints. Apparently the Secretary and Admiral are planning to immediately send a courier back with a directive that an investigation of the procurement office and the ship’s owner begin immediately.”

“It sounds like you heard quite a bit.”

“Well of course, we know quite a few of the details but thought you should hear things first from them.”

“Okay. Thanks for the heads up. Are you all preparing a summary of the activity?”

“Yes. It will be ready by the end of our shift.”

“Good. Do you know where we stand with unloading?”

“Probably another week, but it could be less.”

“Thanks. Anything else?”

“Nope. Signing off, unless you have another question.”

“Nope. Take care.”

Maeve looked at her spouses and said with a smile, “It will be interesting to hear what the Secretary has to say about IGN404 now.”

“Yes it will,” replied Janet.

It was several hours after the Iridiens had returned from their visit to IGN404 when Star said, “Aoife, Commander Egulle is seeking to establish a communications link.”

“Who does he want to include in the link?”

After a pause Star said, “He said, primarily your clan, but it is up to you. The topic is IGN404 and their visit earlier today.”

“Fine, establish the link.

“Command Staffs, you might want to monitor this.”

“Aye,” came the reply.

“Good afternoon,” said Egulle as he appeared on a monitor on Dóchas’ bridge.

“Good afternoon,” replied Sarah’s Clan.

“As you know we visited IGN404 this afternoon. It was not a pleasant visit.”

“It definitely wasn’t,” said Secretary Dizantos, with the expression of someone who had just swallowed a bitter pill. “We were shocked, appalled, and embarrassed by what we found. Its condition doesn’t come close to being what we were told it was. Based on what we’ve seen and heard it’s obvious that we were deceived. This puzzles us because those providing the information knew we were coming here. When we were reviewing today’s visit I remembered hearing of some previous complaints by refugees about their voyage on our ships. These were instances where we helped refugees move to another planet. Our Intelligence group is currently checking to see if we have copies of those reports here. It is my suspicion that those reports were not investigated. That will not happen this time as we have sent the data we have by courier to our fleet Criminal Investigation Unit.

“Also, our Maintenance Department has determined that the ship is overdue for a major overhaul. They are quite impressed with the skill your people exhibited in making repairs. From their perspective this went a long way toward avoiding a major malfunction, or something even worse.

“I hope you will accept my personal apology for the way that I responded to your comments regarding IGN404 and its suitability for the voyage here, as well as an apology from our World.”

“We will,” said Sarah’s Clan, “on behalf of all of us.”

“Thank you. Even though you’ve accepted it the memory of this situation will last a long time.”

“For our planning purposes, do you know how long it will be until the cargo is unloaded?” asked Egulle.

Maeve said, “The last report indicated that it is pretty close to complete, so within the next week, and probably sooner.”

“The current estimate is 8 days,” added Claudette. “We could complete it sooner, if need be.”

“That will be fine. As far as I know nothing has been said about the cost of using the ship.”

“True,” responded Rusty, “and that is likely a mistake on our part.”

“Several of us think that it is an indication of how much you trust us. Anyway, while our Maintenance staff was assessing the ship’s condition Admiral Trizalski asked them to estimate the value of the work you did. A preliminary accounting, which includes the services you provided during the voyage, shows that we owe you.”

“We find that difficult to believe,” responded Sarah’s Clan.

“I did too, but after looking the figures over I think they were done fairly. A key thing to remember is that the maintenance valuation was based on how our shipyards would have done it. A similar methodology was used for estimating the value of the contribution your people made to the operation of the ship.”

Seeing the expressions of Sarah’s Clan, Admiral Trizalski said, “We will be happy to show you how we did the analysis. While I don’t know the total value of the credit, it is substantial.”

“We were never concerned about the lease terms being fair,” said Rusty. “Our concerns were about what the cost would be and how we would compensate you for it. Mostly as a learning experience, we would like to have our staff review the estimate with yours.”

Maeve said, “I just checked with the group unloading IGN404 and they said definitely in 5 days, but it could be sooner if you need it.”

“That will be fine,” replied Trizalski. “It will take us longer than that to get everything ready. At this time we are willing to take the Durale prisoners when we send IGN404 back to our primary planet. We aren’t certain how we will do that, considering the number of people we are transporting and the security implications.”

“We have quite a few hibernation chambers,” said Alena. “They are the ones we found when we assisted Emprika.”

“That is an option we hadn’t considered, which was primarily due to us not having suitable units.”

“Well we don’t know how suitable these are. We can transfer them to the ship as we finish unloading. In a way it is an appropriate use for them.”

“How so?”

“These were in a shipping pod the Durale bandits dropped before joining in the attempt on Emprika. I know we have over a hundred that were in use when we found them. We are told that these units have just the basics.”

“Okay.” After a moment he added, “If you don’t want them send them all over. Our maintenance group can check them out and hopefully they won’t need any major work. It is likely that we will take enough for both the prisoners and most of the crew. As to compensation, how about salvage value?”

“That would be fine,” replied Sarah’s Clan.

“They will begin arriving in the morning,” said Claudette. “Considering the number you might need, there are enough that some can be used for parts.”

“Good. We’ll pass that on.”

“Is there anything else?” asked Sarah.

Egulle said, “We’ve had a chance to talk with our Intelligence group. They are anxious to begin interrogating the prisoners.”

Sally said, “They should have received notice but the interrogation will begin tomorrow morning. To keep the prisoners isolated we decided that it should take place on Carey, the large island where our gunnery range is located. It is a fairly desolate location.”

“I think that covers everything we had.”

“For us as well, it was good talking with you all. Have a great evening.”

“Yes it was. You all have a great evening as well.”

On IHBC-12 after the connection terminated Dizantos said, “Egulle, Orgaine, thank you for the advice. Trizalski, thank you for having the maintenance people carry out the cost analysis. That worked out very well. Has the courier left?”

“Yes,” replied Orgaine. “There were two packages, one to the Justice department and one to Fleet Criminal Investigations Command. Complete details, as we have them, are in both packages.”

Egulle said, “It would be better to wait a few days before you let your office know of the settlement you’ve reached.”

“I planned on waiting at least a week,” said Dizantos.

“Well I am surprised that they went along with our offer with no quibbling,” said Blewzinki.

“If I remember correctly you were claiming that it was quite a bit in their favor.”

“Actually, I was mistaken.”

“What?” said several of those present.

“I went back through the analysis and now think that their credit should be considerably higher.”

“It’s time for dinner,” said Trizalski. “After dinner show me how you’ve come to that conclusion. If it’s true, we can let it come out when we show them our analysis.”

“I wasn’t advocating us increasing it.”

“But we should, if it is justified, and they agree. This is not charity and we don’t want it to have any resemblance of charity.”

“I agree.” Seeing Trizalski’s expression, he continued with, “I did as you all suggested and reread some aspects of the reports we have on the Órarduine. Now, having participated in a video conference with them, and seeing our ship, the reports are more believable, much more. There are still some things, like telepathy, that I have grave doubts about ... actually I don’t believe it. Overall this is turning out to be a much more interesting trip than I expected, or that I’ve had in a long time.”

“I agree. However, my preference is that it not get too interesting...”

On Dóchas as Sarah’s Clan headed for their suite Erin said, “I expected a much more verbose apology.”

“Why?” queried Joyce.

“Because he is a diplomat, and I thought it was a requirement of a diplomat to be verbose to the point of being meaningless.”

Aoife said, “I believe he was sincere. Based on the reactions of the others we saw, I think everyone agreed with what he said.”

“I am anxious to see their cost analysis,” added Rusty.

“We noticed,” said Jill.

“I think we all are,” added Sarah.

It was approaching 14:00 on the 38th of the Sevmonth when several of Sarah’s Clan entered the hangar on Dóchas. When Zoe saw them she said, “You all look nice. Did you remember to wear your personal shields?”

“Yes. Thank you,” replied Sarah.

Alena added, “Good, you didn’t notice them, ‘cause we were worried about that since this material is so thin.”

Melody of Zoe’s Clan said, “Depending on the light, and knowing what to look for, I can tell you are wearing them. Everyone working in the Central Square area, the spaceport, and dining area will be wearing them for the next few days.”

Seeing the expressions Zoe added, “We are just being cautious, very cautious.”

“Good,” responded Sarah with her spouses nodding their agreement. “Before we received your request we had considered wearing them, but decided not to because we met a lot of these people in Sol.”

“We agree with that, but there are still quite a few that we don’t know. On that basis alone we decided to have everyone wear them, as well as take some other precautions. While we think we can sense threats before they become apparent, this gives us a cushion.”

“That makes sense as there have been times we’ve had problems differentiating between what was said and what was meant.”

“You all look more relaxed than you were yesterday,” said Deborah.

Alena said, “There were several issues in progress over the last two days that now seem to moving towards resolution. The Iridiens agree with our assessment of IGN404’s condition and have proposed what seems to be a suitable resolution. They started interrogating the Durale prisoners yesterday. Based on what we heard they’ve found the meeting site acceptable. Now it’s just a question of identifying our mutual interests and determining how to pursue them in a way that benefits all of us.”

Zoe said, “Well they know how long we’ve been here so they should be quite happy with the arrangements. Do you know any more about their motivation for visiting so soon after our arrival?”

“Not really, although we do have some suspicions.” Seeing the expectant looks she added, “I’d rather not speak of them at this point.”

“Fair enough,” responded Deborah. “Some of us have our own suspicions regarding their intent. The good thing about having suspicions is that you can do a ‘what if’ analysis. I’ve seen those assist others in avoiding an inappropriate response and taking advantage of others.”

As they were talking their shuttle had left Dóchas for Tara. The shuttle AI said, “FOC at Tara Ardchlár just advised that the other Command Staff representatives are on their way to the spaceport.”

“Let them know that we are going for lunch first.”


When Aoife saw Sally’s distant look she said, “What are you chewing on?”

“You could have looked.”

“I considered it, but thought you might want to verbalize it as I find that helps at times.” Their exchange drew the attention of their spouses and Zoe’s Clan.

“I was puzzling through Secretary Dizantos’ comments regarding IGN404 and what they thought was behind it. I find it hard to digest what was said. Why or how would our experience with the ship, and what they saw on it, fit with the complaints made by other refugees they moved. What am I missing?”

“The way I took it,” responded Maeve, “was that the descriptions of events from the refugees were a very close fit to what they found on IGN404. Why the delayed response? I think it was probably because those receiving the complaints discounted them as they were from people of marginal means who were getting a free ride to a new life. The other aspect is that we don’t know how many complaints there were, or whether the Iridiens had other warning signs. Besides, those receiving the complaints could have been involved in the kickback scheme but once the veil was lifted many of the pieces begin fitting together.”

“A good rationalization,” said Chester of Keriann’s Clan. “Also, bear in mind that Dizantos is a diplomat even if we thought his comments were very candid, in fact candid enough that his assistant looked uncomfortable at times.”

“We noticed,” said Calvin of Kathryn’s Clan. “I wonder why.”

After arriving at the spaceport Zoe said, “Let’s pick up the IPTPs (Individual Planetary Transport Platform) before we head for the dining area.”

“We plan on just walking around to see how things are progressing,” responded Elana of Kathryn’s Clan.

Erin said, “That is our plan as well but using the IPTPs means we won’t spend as much time walking between each location.”

“Good point, especially considering today’s agenda.”

Keriann said, “The downside is that walking between locations gives you time to think about things as well as meet people. However, with visitors arriving in a few hours the IPTPs are a good choice.”

Erin said, “We are going to take a look at the road at the west end. We know it is useable but it would be nice see how it turned out. We may also have time for a close look at how they are coming along with the fields.”

Oriel added, “I think that seeing the different projects gives the updates and summaries an added dimension, sort of like coming alive.”

“Don’t forget that we need to be back here by 19:00 to greet our guests,” said Jill.

Amy said, “After we eat we plan on checking out the meeting areas then visiting our office.”

“Is there an issue?” asked Sally.

“Not that we know of. The support staff for the three delegations finished setting up their office areas this morning. We did not hear of any issues, so we presume everything was acceptable. They plan on staffing their offices around the clock.”

“Interesting,” said Chester.

“It is,” added Erica with a smile. “I understand that a lot of the office equipment they brought was electronic. Their night staff are all bots, not that it makes any difference.”

“Are you sure?” asked Sally.

“Nearly so, why?”

“To me that means they’ve given them a lot more responsibility since Sol.”

“Maybe, either that or no one wants to work dusk to dawn.”

“Well there is that. Now that we have our transportation let’s go eat as we don’t have a lot of time to look around.”

It was shortly before their visitors’ scheduled arrival that the Command Staff representatives returned to the spaceport. Molly’s Clan was the last to arrive prompting Amy to say, “We were just about to remind you.”

“We felt you looking for us, but we were chatting with some recent arrivals and it was hard to get away,” replied Mirial of Molly’s Clan.

Several smiled as Crystal said, “I think we’ve all had that experience. So what did you learn?”

“That like the others we’ve talked to, they are very happy to be here as they feel secure and are reasonably comfortable. Several have admitted to harboring doubts about coming, especially since they viewed it as a decision that couldn’t be reversed. Besides that most of their reluctance was due to differences in cultures, in particular nudity and social structure. Surprisingly telepathy wasn’t a big concern, but that was likely because they didn’t believe it. In addition some thought that life here was going to be considerably more primitive than what was reported. They are now very pleased with what they’ve found.

“Since their telepathy is fully functioning they like the learning centers and think that they are especially good for their children. All seemed to be pleased with how they are contributing toward establishing our settlement. While not unhappy with their current work assignment some are looking to change occupations once our focus broadens. So, all in all their concerns were pretty similar to others we’ve talked to.”

Molly smiled as she added, “We had been chatting with them for a few minutes before they realized who we were. Fortunately by that time we had enough clues about their interests that we were able to restart our dialog, and keep it going.”

“Sometimes that is really hard to do,” said Eibhlin of Maureen’s Clan.

Rebeca of Kathryn’s Clan said, “To me that only seems to occur with new arrivals, and it doesn’t seem to happen as much now as it did right after they arrived.”

“We’ve seen that with all new arrivals,” responded Alena of Sarah’s Clan. “We attribute it to not being around them as much as we would be on a ship. Besides, some people have difficulty chatting on general subjects with those they see as being above their station, even if they don’t have any difficulty when it comes to discussing work issues.”

Tara Ardchlár’s FOC said, “Atewa shuttle on final. Iridien and Monque shuttles are right behind them.”

When Sean of Zoe’s Clan noticed the size of the crowd gathering behind them, he also noticed that Deborah and Rachele seemed to be anxious. He said to Zoe, “Did you notice the large crowd gathering behind us? Do we want to add more teams?”

“In a way we already have but you may have not noticed them.” Sensing that he was still puzzled she added, “They are in our link.” Then to their team she said, “Caoilinn’s Team will join us in a few minutes.”

“Okay,” replied several of the team.

“Zoe’s Team,” said Tara of Sarah’s Clan, “besides our drone there are three others monitoring the area. They are operated by our visitors. All are at an altitude of 100 meters and off to the side.”


“Zoe, when did they decide to do that?” asked Deborah.

“Not sure, but I suspect that we are monitoring their feeds.”

“We are,” responded Security. “We offered to share ours but they didn’t seem interested.”

“Interesting,” said Zoe. “No one said anything about a perceived threat.”

“They claim they are being very cautious due to not being very familiar with how we operate. Some of us believe that they have recently been caught off-guard. Anyway, we are watching the watchers.”

“Good. Let us know if you see something odd.”

“Oh, we will.”

The Iridien, Atewa, and Monque shuttles parked a short distance from the waiting Órarduine. After a few moments the cabin doors opened, and like the Alliance’s first visit to Mars, the delegations exited their ships simultaneously. Once on the ground the three groups walked toward the waiting Órarduine. On seeing their visitors exit the shuttles the Command Staff representatives formed a line facing them. The crowd shifted to form a semicircle behind their leaders with Zoe’s Team on one flank and Caoilinn’s Team on the other.

When the Iridien, Atewa and Monque representatives were within a couple of meters of them the Command Staffs said as one, “Welcome to Tara Ardchlár, Isle of Gaillimh on Planet Ananu in Celia System.”

Atewa Off World Secretary Sagnoite said, “We see it as a great honor to be permitted to visit your new home and this beautiful planet while you are still in the midst of establishing yourselves.”

Those from Sarah’s Clan responded with, “We see it as a great honor for you to have traveled such a great distance to visit our small world, a world that barely exists.”

Monque Off World Secretary Baraska said, “We too are honored to be here. Our people are thankful for your willingness to so quickly come to the aid of those of us who were in dire need. Your deed will long be remembered by us.”

Iridien Off World Secretary Dizantos said, “We are also grateful to be here, and that our paths have crossed. We think that there are ways we can assist each other as we all journey into the future. It is our hope that we can identify some of those ways during this visit. Our people are very appreciative of the assistance you have given to all of us in one way or another.”

With that the two groups stepped forward and began to exchange less formal greetings as they introduced themselves. After greetings were exchanged the Command Staffs walked with their guests to the nearby transporters. Once everyone was on board they began moving toward Central Square, passing the crowd.

Laonize said to Orgaine, “This is a bit different than the last time we met them.”

“Yes. It is a much different situation as many things have changed.”

“I thought I saw some familiar faces among those with the Command Staffs that I don’t remember seeing in that setting before.”


“Well for instance, those two pacing us on those, I believe they are called IPTPs.”

“I remember them and you are correct. They attended our Sol41 open house as a part of an Earth delegation, but I don’t remember which one. Well I know that not all of Sarah’s Clan is here.”

“That seems strange.”

“For us I agree. However, when all eight clans are together it makes a rather large group.”

“Yes, it does. Do the representatives with you realize how these people interact?”

“At this point I think Secretary Dizantos does, as he is pretty perceptive. Why, do you see a problem?”

“No, not really. It is my impression that you’ve often worked with diplomats. Reyonte and I have only had diplomats accompany us a couple times. Those were visits to large established worlds, which was quite a bit different to this situation. By the questions they’ve asked us, our diplomats have gone over the information we have quite thoroughly.”

Smiling Orgaine said, “On that basis some of ours have as well, but there are others...”

“I understand. They have made much more progress than I expected to see.”

“I agree. I think it also fits with the plan they showed us at An Clochán.”

“True. It looks like we have reached our destination.”

Once everyone was in the meeting area Sarah, Aoife, Maeve, and Erin said, “This will be our meeting area, which is also where our Councilor’s currently hold their meetings. There are name plates for everyone and they are grouped by delegation. We ask that you place them in front of you so that we can address you correctly. There is a selection of refreshments on the side counters, please help yourselves.”

The Órarduine then went to get some refreshments before taking their seats. Zoe’s and Caoilinn’s Teams took seats along the back of the meeting area and were joined by the visitors’ security staffs. Once everyone was seated Keriann said, “We’ve exchanged lists of topics to cover during your visit. We see this afternoon as having two broad objectives. One is to become better acquainted through introductions at this meeting and then at the reception and dinner later today. The other is to review the list of topics and decide on tomorrow’s agenda. We are suggesting only one or two items for tomorrow as the first item will be an overview of our settlement activity.

“As to our participation, some of you have probably noticed that not all of us are here. This is primarily due to the high state of readiness our ships are maintaining. At each meeting or activity we plan to have about half of each Command Staff in attendance. Depending on the activity, those attending may change while it is in progress. There will always be several of our Security Teams nearby and not all will be obvious. Your security staffs are aware of this. With us today are Zoe’s and Caoilinn’s teams.” She then had them stand and introduced them, she continued, “We intend to introduce each team when they join us.

“Our sessions will be facilitated by one of our clans; each clan will take a turn at filling that role. We thought that this would assist you in getting to know us.”

Siobhan said, “Now let’s introduce ourselves again, this time we will include our responsibilities and other relevant information. Sarah.”

“My name is Sarah and I am a member of Sarah’s Clan. I am currently one of the Command Staff for Dóchas with specific responsibilities for Command and Astrogation. My background is in engineering, computer science, communications, business administration, and financial management. Our clan has just been installed as one of the eight groups who accepted the role of Celia Councilors.”

Each Órarduine followed Sarah’s example as they introduced themselves by giving a brief summary of their background. Once the Órarduine present finished, a holographic image of those on the ships appeared as they introduced themselves. When the Órarduine finished Reyonte nodded to Sagnoite who then introduced herself following Sarah’s example. The rest of the Atewa delegation followed her lead. With precedence established the other delegations followed in the order that they were seated.

Following the introductions Siobhan said, “Many of us are meeting for the first time, and it is going to be difficult to remember who is who, so none of us should be surprised when the person you are talking to asks your name. I can guarantee that we will.”

Calvin of Kathryn’s Clan said, “We believe that you’ve all seen the background videos on us. Are there any questions you would like us to answer at this time?”

After the Órarduine answered several questions Arenta said, “Calvin, we really appreciate the effort you are all making in trying to avoid misunderstandings. From what I’ve heard today I think each delegations’ medical staff can answer any questions on your physical makeup. I know who to ask if I don’t know an answer and I am sure my colleagues do as well, so let’s discuss our list of topics.

“While it is not on the topics list, some of my staff and I intend to meet with your medical staff. We had an excellent exchange when we met at An Clochán and are anxious to repeat it. I believe the Atewa and Monque medical staffs would also like to participate.”

“I am Captain Edivonize, Chief of Medical Staff and she is correct.”

“I am Captain Mandria and that is true for us as well.”

“Kathy of Kathryn’s Clan told us of your plans,” responded Calvin. “We think that seeing the overview of our current plans for establishing a home beforehand would be beneficial.”

“Oh, we agree,” they replied.

Edivonize added, “In light of that how about we schedule the medical teams to begin meeting after lunch tomorrow.”

“An inquiry was made regarding planet side recreation for your crews,” said Chester. “We have two suggestions. One is to join us in utilizing the recreation area we have here. It is in the northwest quadrant of this site, beginning with the 6 large tents northwest of us. In the afternoon and evening there is a variety of music, singing, dancing, indoor sports, theater performances, and similar activities there. All of these are spontaneous activities. Beyond the tents there are several fields suitable for outdoor sports.

Same as An Clochán
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Train to London We got the train to London for the evening to meet up with some old work colleagues. Ann was wearing a lovely figure hugging dress that showed off her voluptuous body and a short top coat. We had to stand on the train, I stood with my back to the door and Ann stood in front with her back to me. She pushed back to me, rubbing her pert rear into my groin. My hand stoked her round bum…..I couldn’t feel the outline of her knickers, covertly moving my hand up to her waist I felt her...

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A Womans Charms

Rich is not all too happy about having to move back home. It will really be the first time, since summers in college, that he’s relied on his parents for food and shelter. His five years since graduation have been spent in the city, getting his MBA and then a stint at a software firm that recently tanked. So, unable to afford living in the city for more than a couple months without an income, he's moved back, living in his parent's place where they stay now only through the summer. They spend...

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Sex With My Cousin Rose Part 4 Best 2 Days Of Her Fucking Married Life

I am back another story with my cousin Rose.  is my email address. You can contact me there. This is the fourth part of my series. It’s the story about me and my elder cousin sister Rose. I’m 21 years now I have a 6-inch dick and 175 cm tall. My elder cousin sister is 26 with medium big boobs and ass with a curvy body and she’s just 3/4th my height. She is 5 years elder to me. Please read the previous stories before you read this one. So after the Onam incident, I went to visit her after a few...

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Discipline and Reward A Love StoryThe Epilogues In which the players take their final bows

I’ve spoken at some length about Greg Wolfe. Let me take some time to give a brief eulogy of that selfless, courageous woman, Annette Wolfe. Annette Jolie Dubois was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in the USA. Later in life she was fond of telling people of her hometown, “It’s pronounced just like it’s spelled: bah-tawn roozh, loo-zana.” At age 8 she met her best friend for life, Julia Charlotte Crosby of Falkirk, Western Australia. They met in their first Jovan Farmer Trust...

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The Way of the WorldChapter 4

Naked, we went down the hall to the communal bath. I carried a knife though there shouldn't be any issues in a bath. It was considered impolite. Women entered these places knowing that they would be having sex with any men who wanted them. It was the way of the world. We walked in and there were two men who had obviously arrived just before us. One of them raised his hand in salute. "Hello, I am Morri, a trader from the Western mountains." The other was quieter. He said, "I am Frustic...

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Dinner and a sleepover

After a while I began to sob quietly and Auntie pulled me closer, and said, it was going to be fine and not to worry, I muttered, I wasn’t upset because I had been caught, but it was tears of relief that I had told somebody and I wouldn’t have to hide the fear anymore.We sat up and she quickly wiped away the tears and said, from today you will be free to explore your feelings when you are with me, now wait here and she trotted off to the bathroom.I started to take off my French knickers, corset...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 30 Exhausted Plan

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal My husband Sven glanced at the sleeping Kora as Ealaín’s question seemed to echo through the tent. His face tightened. “I want to go after that bastard. We’ve destroyed his army and I want to ram my sword into his guts. But...” “But?” the aoi si asked, her voice sounding almost bored, disinterested. “The amulet.” A shiver ran through me. The Biomancer Vebrin’s soul laid locked Kora’s amulet. Panthopus, his terrifying...

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In der Kirche

Der Einstieg war einfach, ich brach ein Fenster hinten und fand bald ein paar Sachen. Ich holte etwas Kommunionwein, aber der schmeckte nach Scheiße, also spuckte ich ihn aus und stapfte in den Mittelgang der Kirche, um zu sehen, ob es noch etwas zu stehlen gab. Ich suchte die Seitenwände ab, als ich ein Geräusch an der Tür hörte. Ich ließ mich hinter eine Bank fallen und beobachtete durch die Lücke, wie sich die Tür öffnete. Ein Mädchen trat mit einem riesigen Blumenstrauß herein. Sie muss...

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The Island of Patmos

It is said a story has a beginning and an end. This story started with an interest in history and ended on a secure and isolated patch of beach on the Island of Patmos with a mature aged German tourist. I was studying at university for a degree and because it was done for an interest, or to prove a point, the courses I chose were of interest only to myself; those subjects were based on ancient history. During the holiday break I decided to investigate those areas that had been discussed in the...

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Authors Note: I originally planned this to be a stand alone story but as I finished it, I feel like I could take it further. I would love to hear suggestions from any readers as to how I should do this as well as the usual constructive criticism. Love Sophie x Miss-Spelled "We ready to go then Richie?" I asked. "Sure am Phil, let's go," Richie replied. The two of us were on our to our friend Craig's 25th birthday party, a fancy dress one to be precise. Neither of...

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Final Draft The Autobiography

The Autobiography =============================================================== The tennis season was finally coming to a close. I stumbled off the court after my last match, peeling off my sweat-drenched shirt, making my way over to my bag. Amber was sitting next to it, watching me walk towards her, a wide smile spreading across her face. “Good job.” “Thanks.” I panted, grabbing my water, dropping my shirt onto her...

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My Hubby Takes My Mothers Virgin Ass

A true story which happens a few years ago and I am Meenu age 28 I am married to Ramesh and he is 30 and with good physique and looks. All this happens when we went to meet my parents at a village near Jaipur. My mother is a house wife and she is around 50 and she has 34 D boobs and nice buttock. My father is a bank manager as soon we reached my husband Ramesh hugs my mother. I am Meenu as hive told in summary. I husband is always a feet lover and mature women’s lover. My mother has size 7...

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Chirag Callboy Ne Khush Kar Diya Part II

By: bittu Hello I’m Sharmila again mera figure 36/34/36 rang ek dun gora he mera aap sabne meri first story call boy ne khush kar diya ko bahot acha response diya uske liye thanks jo bhi ek bar meri gand or mere boobs dekhta he wo pagal ho jata he jaise ke aap sab jante he ke maine kaise kitty party me se chirag ka no liya tha or usko mere ghar bulaya or hum ne bahot hi sex kiya tha or maine usko mere bahot si friends ka contact bhi karvaya tha Isbar bhi story chirag ke sath hi he.mere hubby 1...

2 years ago
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Daughter in law shocks me

I stopped by my son's house to visit one day but his wife said he was called in to work. As I talked to her I saw they had a new dog, a little Chihuahua. I asked her when did they get that? She said she won it in a fishing bet she had with my son. She said they made bets and if she won she got a Chihuahua. I asked if did he get if he won. She blushed and said I can't say. I laughed and said I bet it's sex isn't it. She said yes. I could tell she was embarrassed so I told her if it was to...

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The Honeymoon Continues part 6 of the Business

Carla was newly pregnant and had not begun to show it but, the hormones had stepped up her urges. The lactating Gaucho Girls and their induced glandular secretions made her want to get started on her own breast milk production before her baby was due. The returned home and she resumed her office duties, for her boss. At lunch she went to the health food store and sought the advice of the herbalist there. She bought some products to help induce lactation and began to take them on the spot. The...

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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 6

Dark, dusty and smelling like sour wine, my favorite tavern was mostly empty. Due to the time of day and not because it was pretty rank. I guess when you are drinking, you don't notice little things like, "Whatever have I stepped in?" and "Excuse me, sir, but that was my shoe you just sicked up on." Still, I liked this place, and people that know me always find me easily. "Care for something to drink?" The barkeep was unusually friendly today, perhaps due to his lack of patronage,...

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A blowjob from my mistress

Down in the basement of my mistress’ house, it was dark and secluded. One door, with one key around my mistress’ neck. I was told to go in, remove my clothing, lie down on the table and wait… I waited for over fifteen minutes. In that time, my mind thought back to previous encounters with my mistress. She would sometimes call me at stupid times of the morning, like two and three o’clock. Once, she even woke me at five o’clock in the morning, just to go to her house, and lick and please her...

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PenthouseGold Jennifer White Vanna Bardot Lesbian Massage Heaven

When Penthouse Pet Vanna Bardot decides she wants to become a masseuse, who better to get training from than brunette stunner Jennifer White who teaches in a very hands on sort of way. Watch this steamy premium Penthouse lesbian porn scene unfold as the two hot ladies take turns rubbing oil up and down each other’s bodies. They take time to finger and lick each other’s juicy pussies meanwhile to get even hotter and wetter to prepare for Magic Wand masturbations that take them to...

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Lisa at Petrs house again

I had my hair dyed red, a perfect match for the new black and red basque I was wearing. Apart from seamed stockings and black boots, I was naked under my long black winter woolen coat. I could feel the chill autumn air around the parts I like to keep warm, as I got into the car. Peter had re-organized his living room. The sofa’s and chairs had been pushed back against the walls and two mattresses were now on the floor in the center of the room. I warmed myself by the...

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The First Day

This is a true short story, although it has been tweaked with names and locations. Ok, so it's the first year in college, and me and my buddy Herald were being the usual pervs we are. We check out the hot freshmen, we check out the hot teachers, and we envy the jocks who have the hottest of the hot. Next thing I know, one of the hottest chicks I've ever seen walks up to Herald and says, "If you need any help... Anything... just come over to my dorm." I knew it wasn't fake or a dare because she...

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All Thanks Goes To MrMonkey

Hello friends, I am a regular reader of this site and incest is my favourite block on this website. After reading many stories I decided to upload my real stories which took place few days back. If you like it please reply me any unsatisfied girl,bhabhi and aunty want to be satisfy do contact me my e.mail id is First of all let me tell your about my self and my family. My name is sahil and my age is 21 years my body is average boy with a fair complection and my dick is 6 inch long and 2.5 inch...

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I knew Andy from high school, too, but he was mostly Tony’s friend. After he moved in, I got to know him better and we got along nicely. He was good looking, relatively neat, and the three of us did well as roommates, so it was a good situation for all of us. Andy was also pretty flirty and funny, and he paid a lot of attention to my large, natural 36E boobs, which I got a kick out of….and we horsed around a lot, which sometimes led to the occasional squeezed tit and grabbed crotch. It was...

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Camp in the Woods Part 1

Introduction: one in a potential series Some people say that Masters first sexual experience was with a girl. It would make sense since shes a lesbian. But anyway, so the story goes- and Im sure its been modified over the years- something like this: In the woods, not far from the current camp, was a tree house built with three rooms. A main room, a closet like room, and a washroom complete with a mirror, a deep sink like tub and water hose connections, (a pipe ran up the trunk of the tree to...

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My first experience wife swapping

This is a true story. Our neighbors from across the street, let’s call them Ted and Dianne (not their real names). We both moved into the neighborhood at about the same time. We also both had daughters that were in the same grade and became close friends. We started socializing and going out with Ted & Dianne. We had a hot tub and Ted & Dianne had a swimming pool. We used to enjoy their pool in the warmer months, and they enjoyed our hot tub in the cooler months. Since k**s were always...

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Narutos Discovery Part 1

‘THOUGHT’ KYUUBI Naruto felt the heat as Sasuke slid in and out of his ass moaning his name. He was so close. Sasuke reached around and gripped his erection and pumped it a few times before bringing his hands back to Naruto’s hips and pushed in deeper with each thrust. Sasuke let out a feral grunt and then… he was awake. This had been going on for two weeks and it pissed Naruto off to no end. “Why the fuck do I keep having these dreams!? It’s getting to where I can’t even get a...

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Saras Eyes

They say revenge is sweet. But until you walk down that path, intentionally setting out to destroy another human being, you don’t know what revenge is. And it isn’t sweet. It eats at you, like a cancer, forever knowing what you did, unable to come clean, to expose your own duplicitous and evil nature. Yes, there is a moment of triumph, of feeling victorious over the other who caused you pain, but it is only momentary. In the long run, there is no peace. Particularly when you aren’t a...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 295 Blow Job Outlook

Bill and I slumped into each other's arms. We were both in the after glow of orgasm. Men and women have always experienced orgasm differently. Now there was a third variation. ROBO-ORGASM, it was something which the humans could aspire too. No it wasn't better, it was just different. Humans would never rest until they could experience one, should they ever find that there was such things. It was therefore essential that they never find out, I was informed secretly. The message came from...

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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 5 Fucked My Mom

Greetings dear readers! Welcome to the 5th part of the series ‘The Nerd Hits Back!’ To all of your delight, I will come with some extras of my previous ‘Revenge on Bullies’ in the next month. However, let us come back to this story for now. So here comes part 5! Enjoy and masturbate! “Hmmmmmm I see, that means you can literally control anyone any way you like?” Lakshmi asked her son Avinash or ‘Avi’ after he explained her effects of his hallucinogen drug. “Uuuuhhh yes…. kind of.” Avi...

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GirlNextDoor 1 The Rooster

This is the first episode in a multi-episodic story but it is meant to be read as a complete story by itself. More episodes in the Girl-Next-Door cycle have been plotted. If you like this one, E-mail and nag me to get the next one finished. [email protected] This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. If you are under 18 or if reading this would involve anyone in an illegal act, please stop reading immediately. If you are offended by strong adult-oriented themes,...

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A Mothers Love

Originally, I wanted this to be as an homage for Mother's Day, but I couldn't complete it in time. Oh well, better late than never - Hope you enjoy! A Mother's Love By Anon Allsop It had been five years since I stood on this small grassy hill, five years since I had said my goodbye to one of the best women I had ever known. Sighing, I looked down at the flowers in my hand and quietly placed them in the little vase that...

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Sleeper Car

The Sleeper Train By Jill Gossard I was travelling on a journey to the southernmost tip of England and decided, as it's a long drive, I'd take the sleeper train. I was to spend an overnight in a hotel near Falmouth, so I decided to take my alter ego Jill with me in my bag so as to have a little gentle fun while in the confines of my hotel room. It was past 11.30 in the evening, the night train was standing silently at a platform on Paddington station in central London. The...

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Wishes Really Do Come True

"Can I not just admire you from afar?" a knot forming in my throat realizing just how absurd that request sounded. A deep throaty laugh was her response. That chuckle sent shivers up and down my spine, sending heat that radiated throughout my body and pool in places I longed for her to discover. And try as I may to deny it, I knew she would be the one, the first one to worship my humanness. Its perfections and imperfections. She would taste what I offered to no other. She will linger, lavish...

2 years ago
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Intensive New Zealand

After finishing University, I wanted to travel and get to know the world. My first stop was New Zealand. Four weeks of hitchhiking and trekking laid ahead of me. After my arrival at the airport, I took the bus to the city centre. I hadn’t reserved a hotel room, I wanted to be free and spontaneous. It was just me and my backpack. So, I decided to get some basic stuff for my trip. In the first big grocery store I found almost everything I needed. Except one thing. I wanted to celebrate my arrival...

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The FeelChapter 10

Steve leaned on his elbow, looking down at Michelle as she slept. They were spooned, his shorts clad groin pushed into her naked butt. He wasn't thinking of having sex with her again, though he felt hard. Then again, if a sixteen year old laying in bed with a girl who's body he had sucked, fucked, and fondled all night long didn't have a hard on, people might thing there was something wrong with him. For now, he was content to just look at her. He wondered idly if there was something...

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A Catholic Girl Gets What She Wants

Alice was a good Catholic girl, at least in all the ways that matter. She went to church regularly. She believed in God. She took seriously the Church’s teaching on various issues, abortion, just war, marriage and divorce. The one thing that she struggled with was sex. It’s not that she was a wild one or anything. Her experience was limited. She was a black haired beauty at the age of 26, with a sweet and sultry voice and a killer body, pale luminescent skin, legs that went on for...

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SS NerdChapter 25

Our first day was spent touring the island and all of Mark's discoveries and improvements. The natural gas discovery was huge and was being piped to Limon for sale. The island had sufficient gas escaping from the field to fuel all of the islands' needs and more. What would normally be burned off out in the water was being diverted to the islands. All of the carts, tractors, and other vehicles had been converted to natural gas. Mark had even been experimenting with a way to fuel the light...

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uncle mike and my best friend

Richard and I used to study together for every exam during high school.We'd take turns sleeping over at each other's houses. It was during oneparticular evening before a math final, that I awoke to my truesexuality. By now, sexual horseplay between Richard and I was quitecommon and it was fun jerking off with him, but I had never realized Iwas excited by cocks, and it had never crossed my mind that I'd like toget penetrated. I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed Richard was not in...

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Tinder Tragedy 8211 Part 2 On A Roadtrip To Nepal

This is an experience from my friend Karan. He had been on a road trip to Nepal for some soul-searching adventures. The below story is presented from his POV. Hi readers, this is Karan Mehta, a traveler, and explorer. I like to call myself a sexplorer. I visit different places and try to hook up with the local ladies. This gives me the local taste and also fulfills my burning desires. I am always traveling on a budget. So hooking up with the locals gives me a free space to stay with food and...

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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXXIII 8211 Guest Room Me Dhoom

Ham ko, mujhe aur mere pati ko, unke ek dost ne raat ke khane par bulaya tha. Wo friday ka din tha. Mere pati ke dost ka ghar Gurgaon me tha jo ki hamare ghar se thoda door tha kyon ki hamara ghar to Delhi me hai. Ham wahan sham ko pahunche aur ham ne unke dost aur unki wife ke sath bahut achha samay bitaya. Raat ka khana bahut achha tha. Khane ke pahle ham ne unke drawing room me baith kar drinks bhi kiya tha. Pahle drinks aur uske baad me khana, in sab me kafi raat ho gai thi. Un ke dost ne...

4 years ago
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Jonny Wants the choir to be his escorts

Jonny Wants the choir to be his escortsSince the first night that Angela sucked her husband (Pastor or minister John) as he ate his tea, Angela gave him head at every opportunity. When he woke in the morning his wooden shaft was sucked and licked before he got out of bed. John ate his breakfast at the dinning table after his first experience of a blow job from Angela and he always indicated she should get under the table and go to work. Tea at John's home was always accompanied by a blow job....

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I allowed my brother to enjoy me

My brother is three years older than me, so you can imagine how I felt when I first saw him in his glory.He has a magnificent physique, in my eyes, but if the truth be known, he was the first naked male I had laid eyes on, and yes all the giggling and innuendo we girls talked excitedly about men, just fell to the wayside as I looked at my brother, teasing me, pretending to be a strip tease dancer, his penis swinging around wildly as he swayed his hips and thrust them provocatively in my...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 148

The men sat in Dave and Evie's apartment talking, laughing and killing time, their shoes off and their feet propped on ottomans or the coffee table. The TV was on, muted, as some guy was catching and eating bugs on one of the "survival" shows, not that any of the men were paying attention to the TV. Diana walked in and plopped down in her husband's lap. "Mind if I invite Steve and Marcie to go with us tonight, then share in our party?" (Steve and Marcie are the nearest neighbors down...

1 year ago
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Annes First Massage Chapter 1

Anne’s First Massage Chapter 1 Anne woke up, tired and irritable. Her husband had told her some bad news the night before. He’d have to stay another six months in Korea. They’d been married 14 years before he had to go overseas. They’d only been separated a few weeks at a time before this. The toughest thing was being a single parent in everything but name. The kids were great, but even great kids get sick, noisy or sassy. To top it all off, try shopping at the commissary with a...

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Ashlynn Daddyrsquos Little Girl

Part 1 Fathers love their daughters. They will do anything to protect them and keep them safe, and that is how I ended up walking my 18 year old Ashlynn, on a leash haft naked, into a room full of horny men. Ashlynn is 4’ 11 3/4” about 89 pounds, with hair the color of milk tea, green eyes with little sparkles of Gold, her measurements are 33D 20 33 with a size 4 shoes. I tease her that nothing grows in the shade. Ash was growing into a beautiful young woman. Not super model pretty, but, she...

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Not Her Fantasy The Conclusion

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation where every answer was yes?Amy glowed with exertion and submitted to more questions.  At the envelope of her limits, and tempted to reveal every sexual more.  When you know each answer creates reality – never is more truth spoken.For a patient man, my husband had his limits too, the time, the place – both agreed.  The notion as a potent force, the act itself would be explosive.From precocious curiosity, to novice, Amy was my Sapphic lover.  These...

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New Neighbours ndash The Introduction

I woke up quite late for me but didn’t panic as I had nothing really planned for the day but with my new neighbours moving in I decided that I would at least introduce myself and offer any assistance that may be required but it was all quiet at the moment which gave me time to have my breakfast and shower ready for the day ahead.I was sitting outside having a smoke when at around 11am I saw the removal van pull up and things starting to happen and as my car was right outside my gate I thought...

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There and BackChapter 8 Mabari Endorsement

Once we got to the Imperial Highway, I lead, chatting with Leliana as we walked. I told her about Tomas and Theron, reminding myself to be even more careful with their aliases than I already was being. I explained that we were survivors from Ostagar waiting to meet up with three others, including two Grey Wardens - I think the existence of a third Grey Warden should remain a secret for now - and that we had a plan to defeat the Blight. "So, two Grey Wardens, two warriors, and a mage. And...

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Breakfast of Champions

I was at the stove in a pair of Brian’s boxers stirring oatmeal for our first breakfast in our new home. I looked down at my thin gray wife beater. I was showing a good amount of cleavage and the blue boxers were his favorite. Oatmeal…such a sad first breakfast. We’d been unloading the truck until well past midnight. Only the big furniture was in any way ‘unpacked’ as we’d placed most where it would stay at least until it needed to be moved for the renovation. Oatmeal and a pan were the...

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I first met Sylvia in a coffee shop. She was part owner with her daughter in. law. . A good looker, but a few years older and wiser. We had a rip snorter of a session the first time we met, Hot, Torrid and Impulsive. I had left her my number just in case she wanted more. Although she is 15 years older than me..It didn’t mean that she had to live without sex, I had given her that missing part of life last time, and wanted more of it... the Fone rang almost a week later, she told me that what we...

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S I T (Sub In Training)S I T (Sub In Training) He was in a totally darkened room no larger than a crawl space. She had him right where she wanted him and she knew he would be where she left him previously. Her name is Mistress Camille and she is a ruthless Dominatrix. Mistress Camille is an expert in handling her sub and her antics are quite brutal. But every Dom has to train her sub and Mistress Camille knows her sub like the back of her hand which she used quite frequently across his...

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