CuckoldSessions Olivia Austin 02 19 2017
- 2 years ago
- 37
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The bell announced the completion of my second week as a teacher. It was not my intent to teach high school students, but with the times being what they are, I accepted the only job I could find.
‘Miss Parker?’
The voice made me jump. I must have phased out there for a bit. When did the door to my room get closed? Why did the school seem so empty? The voice belonged to Darren Sloop. He sat in the middle desk of the third row. Aside from roll, I don’t think I’d ever heard him talk.
‘Miss Parker, do you have a moment?’
‘Sure Darren, go ahead.’
‘Do you think we have a true self or do we just meet the expectations of our roles?’
‘I’m not sure. What do you mean?’ I’m usually not interested in pseudo-intellectual conversations. Being new in town I didn’t have any friends. With the bustle of moving and starting a new job, I hadn’t had time to make any. This was the closest to an adult conversation I’d had in quite a while, so I thought I’d humor him.
‘Well, when you are around your parents you most likely behave differently than around your friends. Their concept of you most likely centers on your behavior from when they met you. Compared to your parents concept, you are still their child no matter the age. If you were teaching elementary school your approach to your class would be different than what it is now. You were more strict with us your first week, just to set the tone, to define our roles. Would you agree with that?’
‘Yes, I think that’s fair.’ He was right. I had been more rigid than normal my first few days. I hadn’t thought it was that obvious.
‘What if I had a role for you? Do you think you would adapt to fulfill it?’
‘Yes, I want to be the best possible teacher I can.’
‘I’m sure you will. You will also be my personal slut.’
‘That’s not funny. Since it’s just us, I’ll cut you a break this time and not report you. I don’t want to hear that word again from you and I think it’s time you leave.’ I stood and moved towards the door.
‘Teach my cock.’
I spun to face him. Well, so much for having a good first two weeks. ‘OK, that’s it. You’ve gone too far. We are going to the office right now. I don’t want you in my class-‘ My indignant speech was cut short when I stuffed his cock into my mouth. On my second bob I looked up into his eyes. He smiled and gave me a little wave. I was topless, on my knees, my hands were behind my back, and he hadn’t lifted a finger. On my third trip down I took as much of him as I could while making little mewling noises. It didn’t take me long to find a rhythm. I’d only pull off completely to leave strings of saliva from his cock to my lips, and to tell him how great his cock was. His hand slid behind my head, pulled me forward, and I could feel him shooting down my throat. He softened and slowly withdrew from my mouth. I’d kept my hands behind my back the whole time. I was trying to regain my breath when he gave me an appraising look.
‘Grab your desk.’
I stood up, walked to the short side of my desk, unfastened my pants, slid them down over my hips, spread my feet to shoulder width, and bent over my desk. I placed my elbows on the top, pressed my palms down on the surface, looked straight ahead, and arched my back. I could feel him running his hand up the back of my leg. He started at my calf and worked slowly upward.
‘Time for some rules. I bet you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, so we’ll start slow. From this point on you will call me Mr. Sloop. We really need to improve your underwear selection. To be sexy you need to feel sexy, and I don’t see how these help. On Monday I expect to see in you in something pretty, the tinier the better. Your bras and panties should always match. Oh and all your bras should be front hook ones.’
He moved my feet together and slid my underwear down my legs. Then he proceeded to step me out of my clothes. I found I couldn’t resist him while he manipulated my body. He opened my desk drawer, took out a black Sharpie, and put it in my right hand.
‘Sign and date these, I’m going to keep them as a memento.’
I frowned as he placed my panties in front of me. They were my favorite pair, and I thought they were cute. When I was done he moved behind me and kicked my legs apart. I gasped as he explored between my legs.
‘I don’t care how you do it. I want this smooth by Monday.’
He pulled me up by my hair, turned me around, and sat me down on the edge of my desk. He took the Sharpie from my hand, spread my legs, squatted down, and wrote ‘Darren’s’ on the inside of each thigh.
‘I’ll see you on Monday,’ he said as he gathered the trophies of my underwear and his backpack. He was out the door before I could blink. I vaguely remember getting dressed, but my drive home was a complete blank.
I stumbled through my front door, poured myself a glass of wine, drank it in three long gulps, poured myself a second glass, drank it promptly, and poured a third. What the hell had happened? One of my students used my mouth and I didn’t try to stop him. Why didn’t I try to stop him? I noticed the bottle was empty when my glass didn’t refill. I was buzzed. It was rare that I drank this much. My world tilted crazily when I turned my head too quickly. I tried to watch a movie, but my mind wouldn’t calm down. I opened another bottle of wine.
I woke up on my couch with the sun streaming through the window. My eyes felt sticky and my mouth felt as if it were stuffed with cotton. After attempting to stand I decided it was the safest course of action to stay off my feet. I crawled to the bathroom and shook two Tylenol from the bottle. Then I crawled to my kitchen to get a bottle of chilled water. I carefully propped myself up and took a mouthful. It felt wonder. After swallowing my medicine I pressed the cold bottle to my forehead and waited for the relief. When I felt remotely human again, I slipped into a hot shower.
While hanging my head and allowing the soothing water to flow over me, I found myself thinking back to the previous day. I was no stranger to oral sex. I was a college graduate after all. I didn’t mind doing it, I’d always felt a sense of empowerment while performing the act. Yeah, I was on my knees in front of a guy, but he was ultimately at my mercy. I used to brush an old boyfriend with my teeth at the beginning just to remind him who was in charge. My act on Friday shocked me because I was so wanton. Not concerned about damaging his opinion of me, I’d acted on every idea that popped into my head. My only concern was the quality of my performance. I still couldn’t believe I made that much noise! While I was lost in thought my hands had crept below my waist. No! I was not going to do that. I scrubbed at my thighs, but his name would not disappear.
I was able to lose myself in the tasks of the weekend, but the memory of Friday’s events tickled at the back of my mind. Pulling into the parking lot on Monday I convinced myself that the whole event was an aberration. I just needed to assert myself and everything would be fine. Every woman has had to deal with an overly aggressive guy. If I put him in his place, cracked his bravado, he would back down. After all he was only eighteen.
My door clicked shut as I was organizing my materials for the day. I knew he was there before my eyes found him.
‘It’s time to see if you followed my instructions Miss Parker. Grab your desk.’
It didn’t take me long to find myself bent over my desk with my pants around my ankles.
‘This won’t do Kirsten.’ He moved to my desk and picked up a pair of scissors. He pulled the waistband away from my hip, and I felt the coolness of the metal against my skin as the blade slid into place. With a snip he cut through one side, then the other, and removed them from my body. He pulled me up straight, unbuttoned my blouse, and inspected my bra. He looked me in the eyes, raised an eyebrow questioningly, and made some precise s
nips. Wait, how did he know my first name? I’d never mentioned it to the class.
‘I feel I need to emphasize the importance of my instructions,’ he said as he pushed me back down until my elbows touched my desk. I yelped as his hand connected with my bottom. He gave me eleven more firm swats. Thankfully, the room was solidly built. The closed door kept anyone in the hall from hearing what had transpired. I was working to keep tears back when he stopped. I heard a bottle pop open, and soon afterwards he rubbed something on my sore backside. A pleasant cooling sensation spread as he worked the liquid into my skin. At least he wasn’t without mercy.
‘You should straighten up. Classes begin soon,’ he said as he gathered his things and stood by the door. He waited for me to be presentable before opening it and slipping out. Well, so much for getting control of the situation.
While writing on the blackboard during my first class, the cool tingle changed into a gentle, persistent warmth that was both distracting and stimulating. The lunch break couldn’t come soon enough. I grabbed mine and ran to the park nearby. To get some distance from my classroom was calming. In my final period lecture I peppered my class with questions. I called on Mr. Sloop whenever I saw his attention wander. After his third incorrect answer I assigned him an essay. Much to my chagrin he didn’t get flustered or appear intimidated. After the final bell rang, all but one of my students departed my classroom. Mr. Sloop nudged my door closed and approached me. I was frozen in my chair. I didn’t know what to do.
‘Teach my cock.’
My blouse landed on my desk while I landed on my knees in front of him. Once again I was sloppy, noisy, and eager to do my best for him. When I was done he patted me on the head.
‘Good girl. Remember my instructions for tomorrow,’ he said and he slipped out the door. I redressed, gathered my things, and drove home. Anger was bubbling inside me. I was not going to become some boy’s plaything. When I got home I drank two glasses of wine and read until I fell asleep.
The next morning I had been seated at my desk for maybe thirty seconds when I heard my door close. I turned my chair and my eyes locked on Mr. Sloop.
‘Grab your desk,’ he ordered. He sighed once I was in position. ‘You are a willful little thing.’ He cut my underwear from my body and spanked me. This time it was twenty strokes. Afterwards, he again rubbed the cooling lotion into my skin. Once he left, I finally calmed down enough to breathe normally. I was in over my head and this needed to stop. I would talk to the principal.
At my lunch break one of the students the office used as a message runner knocked at my door.
‘Miss Parker, Dr. Foster would like to talk to you.’
Excellent, I would be able to take care of my problem. I followed the young girl down to the office.
‘I’m sorry to butt into your lunch time Kirsten, but I wanted to see how you were doing and the remainder of my afternoon is booked.’
‘It’s not a problem Dr. Foster.’
‘So, how are things going?’
Now was my chance. I wouldn’t explain exactly what happened maybe just say Mr. Sloop was out of line. A visit to the office might scare him straight.
‘Everything is great. My room is in good shape and the kids have been wonderful. My last period class has been especially respectful.’ I couldn’t believe what was coming out of my mouth. Dr. Foster said a few things, but I wasn’t listening. I was trying frantically to figure out what happened. Not only had I failed to report my situation, I had now laid the foundation that would invalidate any future complaints. I was ushered out of the office with a promise to talk again soon, and walked mechanically back to my room.
I sat at my desk with my head in my hands. Sheer willpower kept me from crying. I choked down an apple so I wouldn’t be famished the rest of the day. During my final period I continued my assault of questions. He kept his eyes on me the whole time, which only served to exacerbate my unease. Mr. Sloop was the last straggler out of my class. He pushed the door closed, casually leaned up against it, and gave me a tilted smile.
‘I understand you had a chat with your boss today.’
I swallowed hard and nodded. He moved in front of me and leaned in next to my ear.
‘You’ll find you can’t tell anyone about your situation.’
He uttered those three words, and this time he fondled my breasts while I worked as if it were my second job.
‘Your homework assignment is to shave. Do you understand?’ I nodded and he left the room. At home I had two glasses of wine and found myself sitting on the edge of my bathtub with a razor and a hand mirror.
I was lost in my preparations for the day when I heard his voice. I almost jumped out of my chair.
‘Time to grade your homework. Grab your desk.’
I found myself bent over my desk while Mr. Sloop lifted my skirt. I heard him sigh, and out of the corner of my eye saw him retrieve the scissors. My underwear was cut from my body. If this kept up my resistance was going to get expensive. His fingers explored between my legs.
‘Well, at least you are partially compliant. Nice job, very smooth Kirsten.’
‘Thank you Mr. Sloop,’ slipped out of my mouth. I blushed and felt a subtle stirring of heat between my thighs.
‘You’re welcome,’ he said as gave two gentle pats on my ass.
He proceeded to spank me twenty times and applied the warming lotion. He pulled me to a standing position by my hair, turned me around, and perched me on the end of my desk. He took the Sharpie, spread my legs, and retraced ‘Darren’s’ on the inside of each thigh. My blouse was unbuttoned due to my bra removal. Above my navel he wrote ‘Darren’s’ in a broad arc. Below my navel her wrote ‘cocksucker’ in an upwards arc. I came to my senses when my door shut. I knew it was irrational, but every time I faced my class I could feel the writing on my stomach. That combined with the persistent warm feeling on my bottom kept me at a sexual simmer all day long.
While eating lunch at my desk, I felt someone at the door. I looked and there was Mr. Sloop casually leaning against my doorframe. Ours eyes met, he held my gaze for fifteen seconds or so, and entered the hallway. I had to slow down my breathing. My nipples were hard. Damn him.
By now the other students had detected the undercurrent of the class. The few unoccupied desks now surrounded Mr. Sloop. My attention had isolated him from the other students. He never gave an outward sign of annoyance.
My work day concluded with me on my knees with a student’s cock in my mouth. A little after I began he put his hand on the back of my head and took control. For the rest of the job he worked himself in and out of my throat, while his other hand mercilessly tweaked my nipples. I felt my eyes widen in shock when he pulled my head back and finished in my mouth. I swallowed everything and didn’t give it a second thought. The taste was different, but not unpleasant. He patted me on my head, told me ‘good girl’, and left.
I gathered my things and raced home. I was turned on and desperately wanted to finish myself off in the privacy of my own home. Once I was there, I dropped my skirt, threw myself on my bed, and let my fingers get to work. After an hour and a half without success, I gave up. Every time I approached a climax it slipped away. Frustrated beyond words, I made myself a salad, drank a glass of wine, and settled into my couch to watch my woman doctor show.
‘Miss Parker, you seem frustrated,’ my student teased me as he cut away my underwear. A moan escaped my lips when his fingers found their mark. I kept moaning while his fingers kept working.
‘By now you have probably noticed that you are unable to satisfy yourself. This will continue until you declare yourself my slut.’
I was then spanked for my clothing violation. He applied the l
otion quite liberally and included my inner thighs.
‘Are you on birth control?’
‘No,’ I replied.
‘Your homework assignment is to get on some as soon as possible.’
He gave me a sharp slap on my bottom and departed. Having extra parts of my body tingle with warmth was immensely distracting. During my lecture Mr. Sloop incorrectly answered two of my questions. I expressed disappointment in him, and requested he type out his notes from class and present them to me the next day for review. My day ended in what was quickly becoming my normal fashion. Again he controlled the tempo and finished in my mouth. With another pat on the head and a whispered ‘good girl’ he departed.
The taste of him stayed in my mouth the whole ride home. I completed some chores before taking my nightly glass of wine. My dreams were filled with him.
I lost another set of underwear and paid for it with a warm bottom. He departed my room with a content sigh. At lunch I slipped out to my doctor appointment. Leaving her office I was quite pleased with myself. I’d completed my homework rather quickly.
At the end of the day Mr. Sloop let me set my own pace while he aggressively played with my breasts. I was positively on fire by the time he left. Upon arriving home I promptly took a cold shower. Again my dreams revolved around him. They would start innocently enough, me sitting on his lap giggling at his jokes, and then they would turn more aggressive. Moments before we would consummate our passion, the dream would start over. When my alarm beeped I awoke panting and wet. My weekend started off with cold shower. I started to doubt my resolve to hold out.
While my bottom was cooling Mr. Sloop gently tapped my clitoris with his fingers. A little grunt escaped me on ever other tap.
‘I’ll give you credit Kirsten, you’ve lasted longer than I expected.’
He pulled out the marker. ‘Darren’s’ was written on the inside of the thighs, and ‘A+ Cocksucker’ around my belly button. I felt him write on the back of my thighs. When he was done he informed me I had ‘Spank’ down the back of my left thigh, and ‘Me’ down the back of the right. He also drew a tribal pattern on my upper left arm. My blouse would cover it as long as I didn’t reach for anything. To my surprise this turned me on. Maybe it was my lack of control, maybe the thought of knowing these words were hidden from my class only by a thin layer of clothing, or perhaps it was the simple, causal manner Mr. Sloop had while he decorated me as he saw fit.
The rest of the week blurred together in my haze of need. Tuesday followed the routine of me being spanked in the morning and my mouth being used at the end of the day. Wednesday was a normal morning, but Mr. Sloop appeared after my lunch. I was sitting at my desk reading a novel when he entered, and closed my door. In what seemed liked seconds, I found myself without pants and seated on the edge of my desk while Mr. Sloop worked his fingers inside of me. He got better at it each time. He found the places that made my hips jerk of their own accord, and the places that caused me to moan or grunt. I was panting with my eyes squeezed shut when his fingers entered my mouth.
‘Clean them up,’ he told me. I hadn’t done anything like this. So, I worked my tongue over every inch of his fingers. When he nodded I stopped. I lectured the rest of the day with my taste clinging to my tongue. During class I asked Mr. Sloop if he had completed the reading assignment from the previous day. He had not, so presenting his notes to me for review became a requirement. Approximately thirty minutes later he assaulted my nipples, while I bobbed my head eagerly. The heat grew between my legs, and I realized I was going to give in. It was only a matter of time.
Thursday morning went normally. Mr. Sloop stopped by at lunch, caused my heart to lurch in my chest, smiled, waved, and left. He was absent from the afternoon class. During the lecture I found myself wondering where he was. After class was over I kept myself busy at my desk for over an hour. I tried to convince myself I wasn’t waiting. I was just using my time constructively. The empty feeling I had driving home proved I had been lying to myself.
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FantasyJAV fans know the name Caribbeancom, or at least the real ones do. The company has been putting out Japanese dirty movies for decades now, building a name for themselves around the world with their sexy Asian sluts and filthy encounters. I first heard about the brand mentioned by weeaboos years ago, and of course, now I’ve had a lot more experience with their flicks ever since I started reviewing Japanese Adult Video. They’re one of the biggest names in Japanese porn, and don’t you want to know...
Premium Asian Porn SitesIn Private Specials, Two Girlfriends are Better than One, the beautiful Lana Roy is joined by Private new girl Stefany Skyler for every guy’s fantasy as today these two horny teens wake up their lucky boyfriend Willy Regal for a sexy surprise. Enjoy the beauty of polyamory right here on where girlfriends Lana and Stefany share a cock for breakfast as they warm up for the main event… A hot anal threesome that has them both moaning and screaming all the way to a cumshot over their...
xmoviesforyouHello all! This is my first attempt of writing a story. I have read so many of yours so far; I just had to add one of my own. I hope that it is not my last story. Most of all, I am one of the world's worst spellers, so please forgive me on any mistakes that I do make. Thanks and enjoy! Allissa Wondering Eyes Chapter 1 He let out a soft moan. The bedroom was dark and the only person in the room was Albert. Albert was a cross dresser. He had just finished pleasuring himself as...
Kalluri padithu mudithu ithu varai entha pennaiyum kaamam seiyaamal irunthathal eppozhuthum kaama very pidithu alaigiren. Entha pen eppozhuthu kidaipaargal endru aripu athigamaaga eduthu alaigiren. En nanban oru naal avan kathaliyai santhika sendran, appozhuthu avanathu sexyaana kathiyudan thozhiyum irunthaal. Naan avaluku arimugam aanen en peyar suresh vayathu 24, naan santhitha pen peryar santhiya. Iruvarum paartha udane thee patriyathu, iruvarum pugai padam eduthu kondom. Pinbu angu irunthu...
“Fuck, she knows I’ve been sneaking looks under her skirt,” you realize. “You left your notebook in class the other day… You’re a real artist,” she says. “You saw the drawings?” you wonder, thinking about how fucked you are. “No. The words. You’re a literary artist. I noticed it when you wrote that essay on the Red Light District. The way you… described it… it turned me on. Come with me; I’ve got something I want to show you.” “What the fuck? I’m not in trouble?” you think. You’re in...
Bianca enters the reception area of the fancy hotel and walks up to the desk. She signs in and takes the key she is handed, then lugging her suitcase behind her, she heads towards the elevator. Hitting the up arrow, she waits for the elevator doors to open. As she steps into the elevator, Bianca thinks about why she’s here. Not because of some business trip, that’s for sure. The thirty-five year old was here for pleasure. Usually when people come to a hotel like this for pleasure, they have...
LesbianI was feeling strange. I was hiding in the bathroom with my back against the door. My knees were trembling and my throat was dry and my insides were all tied up in knots. All these weird emotions were running around inside of me – all mixed up and confused. I wanted to be with people but I wanted to hide away from everybody. I wanted to have a bath and get clean but I didn’t want to take my clothes off. I wanted to ask Mum why she had gotten upset about me doing a drawing in her style but I...
Introduction: Uncle and his two neices go out to fish and he ends up catching more than he thought he would It was a lazy Sunday. I was kind of bored so I figured I would see if my two nieces wanted to go fishing since I knew they both enjoyed the outdoors. I called my brother and asked what they were up to today. He said they were just sitting around the house and doing nothing. I offered to come and pick them up and take them out for the day. He readily agreed since he and his wife had not...
Chapter Five: The Hamadryad ================================================== Jim had never seen a car like the one that pulled into Magnolia Circle about an hour and a half later; not that he could remember anyway. It was low to the ground and seemed to be more rounded curves than was the style of auto design he was familiar with. With its narrow profile it suggested to him a stretched elongated drop of water more than anything else and it seemed to him more like something that...
Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Please note that the story is based in Australia and is written in Queen’s English therefore my American audience will notice subtle differences in wording or phrases. This is the story of a family deeply involved in the world of boxing and how decisions can change the course of many lives. Copyright© 2009 by David Paul Jack Finnegan was feeling good tonight, his defence was holding up well and he was attacking as often as possible. His opponent was...
I am loving my life! I am 25 years old and doing very well for myself. I have a great job that pays me great, and my sex life is at an all time high, though I am not ready to settle just yet. One of the reasons is because I have a fetish for black cock. I enjoy sleeping around with black man, weather they are married or not. To be used and fucked by a BBC is my definition of nirvana. I don't mind them at any age, but I prefer older black men. Although I no longer live with my parents I...
I don't remember when I dozed off but I was soon awakened by Ethan kissing my neck. I was laying down on the bed fetal position and Ethan was behind me. "Hey sleeping beauty," He whispered in my ear and glided his lips on my earlobe. "Hi," I murmured. "What time is it?" "It's almost four in the morning," he answered. I stretched my body out and flipped over to face him. Only one lamp in the room was on. I could see his face clearly. His hair was such a cute mess and his face...
Sister Mom. I can't wear Jamie's clothes Don't be silly Pete. Her clothes will fit you and if you look at the pop stars they all wear styles that are a lot like Jamie's clothes. Just look at bts I know mom but, She does not need all these clothes anymore while she is at varsity and seems a waste if you can't use them. I will sort out what I think you can use at home first. She really has some lovely clothes. I know mom, but Pete, I want you to move into Jamie`s room and...
Enslaving Rico chapter 2 A First Cup It was Monday morning and Rico woke up with a semi hard cock he grabbed his dick only to realize he was bound by the cock cage that Ben put on him. The cock cage was preventing him to jerk off. He was naked in his bed as instructed and all cameras in the room were recording his every move, of course on the other side of the camera was Ben. Rico got up and got dressed for school he wore jeans and the school jersey. He came down stairs and he poured...
My roommate, Cindee, had gone into one of her moods and was trying to ruin my life, as usual. Even though i sort of hated her, she was sexy as hell, with big, dark, innocent doe eyes, long black hair, and a wide, white smile that curled up in the corners wickedly. She had an hourglass figure and ahletic, toned limbs. But the least little thing would piss her off. Dishes in the sink this time. One glass. One bowl. And one spoon. She needed to get laid (and i think now that she knew i knew). But...
Charlie Tuesday was nuts! Just nuts. The four of us had breakfast together, an' Weena had to go an' ask Maddy what she wanted as a wedding present. Dumb ass Charlie had to say I hadn't said nothin' about a wedding. So I got the rest of Maddy's coffee over my head an' she started in with "What the hell was I thinkin'?" and that sort of stuff. An' I tried to explain that I'd said I wanted to git to a jewelry stare, an' I was plannin' to ask her, but she hadn't even told me what...
Hey guys, I am a frequent reader of ISS and I thought I should write about my story also. I wanted to tell you guys about a maid in my society. Her name is sheetal. She is 24 years old and I am 25 years old. We both started dating each other when she was 18 and I was 19 years old. Now the story begins….. When she was 15, she just joined the society. I had been 2-3 months since she joined and I noticed her then. I was coming from school, when I noticed her sitting on the bench in the park. She...
April Olsen comes down the stairs to join her boyfriend Seth Gamble in the main hall. She nervously asks if she looks alright, and Seth kindly replies that she does. April admits that she’s pretty nervous- she’s never done anything like this before. Seth assures that there’s nothing to worry about- he’s sure it’ll all go splendidly. April loves how reassuring Seth is, and as she runs her hands over his chest, tells him that she’s excited for him to see her...
xmoviesforyou12:09 pm, January 15 Demonizor Hello to all who read this. This is just a little ‘Fantasy Sex’ scenario story I wrote for this new neighbor lady of mine that I’m trying to convince to go out with me? She said I didn’t seem like the ‘Romantic’ type & until I’m able to prove other wise to her? That’s where she firmly stands! So I wrote this but I haven’t given it to her yet. I guess I’m afraid of rejection I don’t know? But if it’s not too much trouble to ask? When your finished reading this, &...
My names Cindy , I'm 24 and I'm a dancer living in Brighton on the South Coast of the UK. For those of you that don't know, Brighton is a very liberal party town which is why I love living here - I guess becuase I'm a very liberal party girl! I'm lucky because my job keeps me pretty trim and in good shape, I have a athletic body with a tight ass and good sized boobs - all this keeps me employed and pretty popular. I have several jobs, I dance for a company doing big corperate events...
Velvet Star is a young 21 year old college student of Chyoa University, who's now staying with her family over the summer break. Her family consist of her 45 year old mother Jessica, her 27 year old sister Victoria, her 18 year old brother Ash, and her 35 year old Aunt Hilda will her boyfriend Keith. Her father had passed away due to illness six years ago and Jessica and Hilda had to raise all three of them by themselves. Right now all six of them are enjoying a Japanese style dinner in the...
Sex, it seems it’s all I ever think about. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed, sex is never far from my thoughts. From pub-erty, I found myself always fascinated by the male sex organ, and how sex could be an integral part of my life. My thoughts never wandered far from thinking about sex, even after I had my first sexual experience with a partner. Looking back at how my teenage years unfolded, I can see now how my parents were worried about me and my early...
EroticHi friend’s am the regular reader’s of ISS and I am very much found of reading of its new story any ways not wasting of all ur’s time am going to tell u one of mine experience . Jaha tak hey na me aapni identy batana chaunga or na us ki kuki ham dono hi bade gharo se belong karte hey jaisa ki mene aap logo ko bataya k me Internet pe regular online rehta hu kuki am very much found of ISS n yahoo messenger on day am log on with my id n killing my time in between I found a girl n v start chatting...
Brock was content to let the ladies sleep while he went to breakfast, bleary-eyed, with Zoe. She was off Mondays and it had become their habit to meet at a local restaurant on Monday mornings. Randi and Meredith were having none of it. They were awake, semi-alert, and ready to go when Brock headed for the door. Randi had made arrangements with her security company as soon as she knew she was going to be back. Both proudly wore the matching diamond tennis bracelets they had found in the gift...
JAN 1941 TOBRUK IN NORTH AFRICA FALLS TO THE BRITISH “Tobruk was the only deep water port in Eastern Libya and as a consequence it had been heavily fortified by its former Italian garrison. The capture of Tobruk was essential for an advance on Alexandria and Suez. In April 1941, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel made its capture the main objective of his first offensive in North Africa. British forces ibn Libya’s eastern coastal region of Cyrenaica were caught completely by surprise and...
You were bent forwards now, legs splayed, your ass and pussy only just covered by your tiny gym slip, but not for long. I reached forwards and drew the skirt up - a finger gently tracing along the line between your cheeks - and left it gathered around your waist. I heard you cry out as you felt yourself exposed to me. By now you will have realized what a tough headmaster I could be and you must have been more than a little scared as to what was to come next. I stared at you, stroking my cock...
Straight Sex"well, do you want to order that pizza tonight" Andy asks? "and put our plan in motion if its the right delivery boy working tonight"? "I would love to" Lena replys. "I could use some special delivered hot sex if our plan works". Lena thinking of the cute black boy that usually deliverys the pizza, and how strong and compact his body looks, with a huge bulge in his pants every time he comes to the door with the pizzas in his hand. "What kind of toppings do you want on the pizza...
Firstly let me say that this is a story written by the husband, as told by the wife's account. We have discussed this meet many many times and she wanted me to write it for her. So please accept my apologies if it sometimes goes from 1st to 3rd person. My wife has proof read it and is happy it is as she experienced and reads as if she wrote it. Husbands Account.....We had been talking to this guy online for a while and the usual tell tale sign that she wants someone cock is to introduce him...
"Maggots, that was it for you four," the drillmaster said. "Some of you have done better than expected and some of you ... well ... have still a lot to learn!" When he said this last part, he was looking at Sofia and Sabina. When both of them saw how the people around them looked at them, they just couldn't hide their shame, and they started to blush. "Men," the drillmaster said to those four soldiers that had been accompanying them the whole time. "You better take those maggots to...
I called Spencer and asked about the property Steve was leasing, thirty acres on the south side of my property (at least it would be mine eventually). When I asked if I could sell it, Spencer said it was up to me, but that he’d have to sign all the paperwork since he was still executing the will. He reminded me that the money from the sale would go into my uncle’s holdings and not into my pocket. I told him I understood that, and that I’d get back to him. I called Steve’s cell phone and...
Last night on New Year’s Eve my with and I decided to get rather drunk and while doing so we decided to play poker.The game started off how every other game of poker starts off with my wife which is me winning most hands. So I decided In the back of my mind that I was gonna make my hairy slut of a wife pay for being such a bitch earlier that morning. So as I continued to top both our drinks up so we were both letting our inhibitions flow, I let her win a few hands and build her confidence up so...
He gives me an address for a block of apartments about 15 minutes' walk from my house. "I'll put some porn on in the background."It's a Friday night in November, about 11.45pm. It's cold outside, but I've had a couple of drinks. I take a coat and, leaving my wallet on the side of my bedroom table, my keys. Can't be too careful. There's an amazing amount of adrenaline rushing through me as I make my way through these familiar streets. I look at strangers as I'm on my way past. I'm mildly...
The next morning I woke up when I heard the refrigerator door close. Peggy was getting a glass of orange juice. She saw me watching her and grinned self-consciously. "I'm sorry. I guess that I should have waited for you to get up. I was trying to get out of here before you woke up. I've got to find a place to stay." I threw the covers back, "I've got to get up. Turn away; all I have on is my shorts." She smiled, "I don't care. I realized this morning that I gave you quite a show...