Flawed Red Silk 12 linked stories
- 3 years ago
- 31
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Brock was content to let the ladies sleep while he went to breakfast, bleary-eyed, with Zoe. She was off Mondays and it had become their habit to meet at a local restaurant on Monday mornings.
Randi and Meredith were having none of it. They were awake, semi-alert, and ready to go when Brock headed for the door. Randi had made arrangements with her security company as soon as she knew she was going to be back.
Both proudly wore the matching diamond tennis bracelets they had found in the gift boxes the night before.
Emmy had class on Monday mornings and the others had work, so it was usually just Brock and Zoe who shared a mixed fruit platter and sipped juice. This time, Brock was a little surprised to be ushered to a back room. He walked in to see Emmy sitting beside Zoe at a table and Mel sitting across from them.
"Well, look who made his grand appearance," Zoe said, smiling at her brother.
"Our fault," Randi said brightly as she walked in next. "We got back yesterday instead of today and made him wait on us."
Zoe, Mel and Emmy gave Randi a warm hug. They hugged Meredith, too, but with a little less warmth. Oh, well, he figured it was Meredith's job to get back in their good graces.
"How'd you get out of work?" Brock asked Mel.
"I took a personal day," she explained. "Half the courts are closed all week so the judges can head off to Maui for Thanksgiving. I had other things to do today."
"Such as?" Zoe prompted.
"Well, I had to pick up someone from the airport," Mel told the room.
"A witness?" Brock asked.
"A sister," Jen replied as she walked in from a side room where she was hiding.
"Hey!" Brock said with excitement. He grabbed Jen in a bear hug and twirled her around. It was far different than the response she had gotten from him when she departed after her last visit. He had simply frowned and wished her a safe trip back to Atlanta. "I have missed you."
"I can tell," Jen said through her giggles. "Now put me down."
"Nope," Brock replied. "I'm going to put you in my pocket so you can't run off again."
"Next month," Jen promised. "It's good to see you happy again."
Jen had no reservations about the greeting she offered Meredith. She gave her a big hug and kissed her cheek.
"Thank you for helping him through this," she whispered.
"I didn't help him," Meredith admitted softly. "I caused most of his unhappiness. But I'm really happy to see you."
"It's good to see you both," Jen said louder, after she had greeted Randi.
"I thought you had classes to teach," Brock said. "I had already worked out a schedule for how we were going to Skype with you on Thanksgiving."
"I was going to review for next week's finals," Jen admitted. "But the class is pretty simple and the students are on top of the material. I canceled the class today and Wednesday. We'll have a study session next Monday night if they want it. No one was unhappy."
Brock smiled widely at his friend. It seemed like everything was in place for a big Thanksgiving dinner. It was already going to be a huge gathering but he had been bummed to learn that Jen probably would be missing.
Randi noticed there was plenty of room around the table and motioned to her bodyguard. It was the same one she normally used – and the same one she had seen at the awards after-party.
"Hey, Chris," she said. "Why don't you join us for breakfast?"
"Oh, I couldn't," Chris Gomez remarked.
"Sure you could," Randi said. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'd like for you to join us."
Chris paused for a moment then gave a slight nod to himself. Brock wondered if he was speaking into a concealed microphone but then he realized the man's lip hadn't moved. He walked over and took a seat between Jen and Zoe. He was still facing the door so he could make sure no harm came to his charge. But the second guard outside would make sure nothing untoward happened.
"Thank you," he said sincerely.
"Thank you," Randi replied. "You've put up with me since I was 13 years old. I specifically requested you today not only because I trust you completely but because I've always enjoyed having you around. You're a really good guy and I can't say that about a lot of people in your profession."
The big man blushed and muttered another thanks.
The ritual with the larger group didn't stray from when it was only Zoe and Brock at the table. They ate and chatted, caught up on how the week went and what this week looked like.
"Randi and I were hoping to cook Thanksgiving this year," Meredith said.
"Uh, well, I've already made arrangements," Brock cut in. "I mean, we're going to have a houseful so your Dad and I worked it out to have it catered. I hope you're not disappointed."
"We're not," Randi said. "In fact, I'm relieved. I just didn't want to see you have turkey-flavored Pop-Tarts this year."
"Which he would have if someone else wasn't feeding him," Jen chimed in with a laugh.
"There is nothing wrong with Pop-Tarts," Brock pointed out. "Help me out here, Chris. I think they have to be considered a staple of any balanced diet."
"I had two this morning before I went to pick up Randi," he admitted.
"Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?" Randi asked. She knew he wasn't married and his family was from Canada.
"I had my Thanksgiving in October," he admitted. "I went home to Calgary while I was suspended from work."
"You were suspended?" Randi asked.
"Taylor Reynolds threw a fit and the owner put me on ice for 30 days," Chris admitted.
Randi scowled and Brock knew the owner of StarPoint Security was going to get an earful as soon as breakfast ended. It turned out that Randi didn't even wait. She sat silently for a moment and then stood abruptly, her phone already in her hand.
"Please don't," Chris said. "I shouldn't have mentioned it to another client. I will probably get fired if he finds out."
Randi's scowl deepened. She had a look on her face that was reminiscent of Melanie right before a rampage began. She nodded slightly and resumed her seat.
"Have you thought about branching out on your own?" Randi asked before her butt cheeks had re-connected with the leather on the chair.
"It's expensive," Chris replied. "The bond alone is more than I can afford. Factor in paying my own insurance and the overhead and it's just not workable."
"So you have thought about it," Randi said.
"Anyone in my line of work thinks about it," Chris replied. "Just like every kid who picks up a baseball thinks about one day playing shortstop for the Dodgers and every little girl who ever sang into her hairbrush thinks about being on stage in front of 50,000 fans. The odds are just about the same, too."
Randi nodded again and Brock could see the wheels turning in her head.
"OK, secret time," she said finally. "My Mom has been scouting locations for a recording studio. I'm starting my own label in a few months. We still need to line up financing but I'm certain that won't be a problem. I plan to finance most of it myself and let people buy in once it's off the ground."
Meredith cleared her throat and prepared to interrupt. Randi raised a hand to stop her.
"I don't want anyone else to assume the risk," she said. "Mom and I talked about this. I also don't want anyone else to have a real say in how I start it. I make the majority of my money off my tours. I also get a larger cut of my merchandise than I do from my royalties. I get 6 percent on songs someone else wrote and 10 percent of the songs I wrote myself. So if someone pays $10, I made a buck and record label took the rest. It's actually a little less depending on the advance I've received but I almost always take a small advance against higher royalties. That's not how I want to structure the company at the start and it will mean a large risk for the investors if it doesn't work."
"I want to keep the roster small to start with and produce a quality product that isn't going to cost some kid his entire allowance for a month," she continued. "Mom and I are still working out the kinks and I'm sure I'll be coming around with my hand out to most of you at some point."
"Count me out as an investor, I'm a poor college student," Jen said with a laugh. "But I have ten or twelve bucks I can toss your way."
"I guess I should have said that I'm going to hit up Brock's financially wealthy friends if I can find a way to make this work," Randi corrected. "Those rich in charm, grace and intelligence I hope to find another way to include. So, anyway, my goal is to make the label not only a producer but also a promoter. We'll recoup what we normally see from album sales by booking and promoting their tours for a smaller cut than a separate promoter takes now. I'm talking about four or five performers at a time. After we see how it works, we'll go from there."
She saw people around the table nodding at her and she knew full well they didn't understand the risks she was taking, not only financially but in other areas. The music industry was rife with gang and underworld influences and had been for decades.
Chris seemed to get the message.
"So you're going to need bodyguards full time," he said. Randi nodded.
"Mom and I have been going over my finances," Randi said. "We figure that for what I pay StarPoint each year, I can hire three full-time guards, pay them a better salary and keep insurance on them until the company gets off the ground."
"Really?" Zoe asked. She knew the security companies charged a lot but she didn't realize it was as much as Randi suggested.
"If the guards don't want a salary increase, I could actually hire four," Randi said. "But I think it would help to bring them on board if I increase the money by about a third."
"You'll need internal security, too," Chris said. "And we probably will cost less than you think if you're basing it on what you're charged by the company. I make less than $20 an hour and I know they charge close to a hundred for my services."
"You'll be disappointed to learn that I'm being charged $180 an hour for the services of you and your helper today," Randi told him. "I can't believe you get $20 of that and StarPoint gets the rest. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, though."
"We've looked at internal security, too. I wasn't going to say anything until after Thanksgiving but what Chris told me pisses me off. He got suspended because he wouldn't be some douche bag's lap dog. So, Chris, I have a full-time job, with benefits and a better salary as soon as you're ready to take it."
Chris's eyes went wide.
"Randi, I appreciate it," he said. "But, you don't have..."
"I do have to," she said. "In the next 30 days, I was going to offer this to you anyway. Not only do I like you, but I know you've got principles. For the next four or five months, you would be my personal bodyguard. After that, I want you to head the security for Rave-Land Recording. Mom is on board. My other main partner has said this is an area I know better than she does. So if you want the job, you can start as soon as you want. If you want to think about it, it will be there whenever you decide."
"I want the job," he said immediately. "When can I start?"
He was surprised when Randi and Meredith started to laugh. He could see they weren't making fun of him they were just laughing. The rest of the table caught on to what the women found funny and joined them.
"Don't you want to know how much I'm willing to pay?" Randi asked.
Chris considered for only a moment before he answered.
"You and your mom are two of the few people who have always treated me fairly," he said. "No, I want the job. I live pretty sparsely and I have some money saved. I can go about 18 months without working at all if I have to. Nope, I'm in."
Randi beamed.
"Well, that was easy," she said. "OK, I want you to think of two other people – men or women – you'd like to work for you – or with you for a while longer. Let me know who you want and I'll do what I can to get them onboard. Your starting salary is $125,000 per year. Those you hire will start out at $35 an hour for a standard eight-hour day. We'll pay overtime for anything past that. You will be compensated with either extra pay or flex time for extra time you work."
Chris' mouth dropped as Mel sat shaking her head.
"Randi, if I'm being insensitive, tell me," she began.
"You're being insensitive," Brock put forth with a laugh. "But we're used to it."
Mel flipped him off.
"I think I know what you want to ask and I don't mind telling you," Randi said. "I made just over $20 million last year before taxes. With two major tours this year, Mom estimates I'll bring in about $38 million."
"Good Christ," Brock muttered.
"It's not all mine," Randi said. "Mom gets 12 percent as my manager. My promoter gets 8 percent. All told, I get to keep just about 55 percent after I pay a lot of taxes. I had Mom do a real workup of my finances when I started to consider this. She was not really onboard until I explained some things to her. Since that conversation, she has been nothing but supportive."
Brock could guess what Randi had been forced to explain to her mother. It also explained why he had barely seen Darla Darby in the past few months.
"My net worth is just slightly below $300 million," Randi said. "Not all of it is accessible but my investments are solid and I could liquidate pretty quickly if I needed to."
"Hey, we have something in common," Jen said. "My net worth is slightly below $300 million too. Well, it's $300 million below but a million here and a million there..."
"You're lucky you don't have student loans or it would $301 million below," Melanie said, nudging her sister in the side.
"Too true, Sis," Jen joked. "Thankfully Brock accepted unfettered access to our bodies for eight years as recompense for our educations."
"Money well spent, I'd say," Meredith said. "If I'd have known that was on the table, I would have started a trust fund for you years ago."
"Shit, Merie, it was on the table even without a trust fund," Jen said with a laugh.
"Probably still is," Mel added, wiggling her eyebrows lasciviously.
She and Jen had been intent upon waiting to welcome Meredith back into the fold. They both worried about how she had behaved and that she might wind up hurting Brock again – because the memory of the first time it had happened was still firmly in their memory. They had to admit that Meredith had done a masterful job of keeping everyone sane after Brock's attack. It was only in hindsight did they realize that the way it had been accomplished had been harmful.
Still, as the group ate breakfast together each saw Meredith occasionally staring at Brock with such a look of adoration that they individually decided that if Meredith's explanation was good enough for Brock, it needed to be good enough for them.
They were so focused on how Meredith treated their best friend that they failed to realize that Randi was looking at him exactly the same way.
Thanksgiving was a festive affair. Sam had rented an entire restaurant for the event. It wasn't one of the upscale eateries that frequently appeared in gossip and trade magazines. Instead it was a down-home place with a clientele that more suited Sam than it would have the Hollywood elite. Of course that meant it suited Brock just fine, too. And since Sam and Brock were making all the arrangements, they figured they were the only ones who mattered.
Sam had insisted that the crew could take care of themselves and that no wait staff needed to be present. He didn't want the people who worked there to miss Thanksgiving with their families. There were three servers who had no family nearby so they volunteered to help out, which was probably for the best.
The entire clan – plus a couple of newcomers – arrived at one p.m. for a traditional dinner of turkey, stuffing, gravy, assorted vegetables, homemade rolls and pumpkin pie. The feast had been prepared earlier and the wait staff simply reheated it before serving it to the guests.
Brock was happy to see that Leslie Miles and her new husband had driven down from Corbly for the day. Leslie was tickled that her daughters were at least in the same time zone again, even if they did live four hours to the south. Erin Wyatt attended without a guest. She had returned in the summer and taken an administration job at a prep school about 20 miles north of Los Angeles.
The biggest surprise for Brock was that Jen had invited Chris Gomez to attend as her guest. The pair seemed to be getting along quite well. As had happened every time he saw his friends out with a new guy, he felt the initial surge of jealousy. But it receded far more quickly this time than it had in the past.
It helped that he knew and liked Chris – and that he knew Chris to be a good guy.
The same was true of the guy who came with Melanie. Brock could see from their interaction that this was just a casual date for Melanie but he found the guy, who worked as a surveyor for the county, to be friendly and funny.
Tara had invited Zack, but he felt obligated to spend Thanksgiving with his family – since he had been playing Winter Ball in various foreign countries every year since he'd turned 19. As it turned out, only five people came without guests – Sam, Erin, Susan, Tara and Randi, who decided that Thanksgiving would be Meredith's holiday to act as Brock's date.
Randi's mother had even come, along with a boyfriend - that Brock knew nothing about - and his children, two boys of 15 and 13. Darla must have prepared the group well because they seemed to fit in seamlessly – despite the fact that the boys couldn't seem to keep their eyes off the attractive females that littered the room. Still, they were never obvious and they didn't make a spectacle of themselves, even when Randi greeted them with a hug and kiss on the cheek.
Brock found he couldn't blame the poor kids. He was having difficulty keeping his eyes in his head – at least until the food appeared.
Meredith and Brock found their way back to his house after the festivities. Randi had elected to spend the rest of the evening with Darla's boyfriend's family. Although nothing definitive had been decided, the group had discussed their situation enough to acknowledge that individual dates were a necessary part of their lives if they wanted this to work.
Meredith curled up on Brock's lap to watch the start of the last NFL game of the night. She didn't really care about football but she was content just to be close to her guy, particularly since he was stroking her hair.
"So," Brock asked softly. "Is this what you wanted?"
Meredith, who had changed into a tight tank top and cutoff sweatpants as soon as she got in the door, rolled over to look up at him.
"As in this past week?" she asked.
Brock nodded.
"It is exactly what I wanted," she said. "Thank you. I can't tell you how much I love you."
Brock smiled down at her.
"I'm glad you're happy," he said.
After a moment's hesitation, Meredith asked, "Are you?"
"Yeah," Brock admitted. "It's been good this week. You were right. I enjoy spending time alone with each of you but it's always good when the other person comes back. It might not be perfect but it's working."
"I wish I had the chance to have some fun when I was younger," Meredith told him. "I might have gotten this out of my system and be ready to move forward with you alone."
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Author’s Note: This story depicts graphic lesbian sex, mind control and lactation. If these topics do not interest you or are prohibited in your area please back out now. This is the second installment of a long story. Those that have read my other stories will know that I tend to have some story behind the sex so if you’re looking for a quickie this may not be the place for you. For those of you that haven’t backed out, I hope you enjoy my words. ~CD
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BisexualHi friends, this is my first story and it is a real incident. I am a new guy in Lucknow, staying in a PG. I was very active in some of the online apps and recently got a message from a 36 years old married lady, named Pooja in Lucknow. Her husband was a businessman who used to visit different cities for purchase and sale. Pooja loved her husband a lot but was very fascinated to try new things with other people. It took me almost 2 months to convince her to meet me and go out on a date. So, we...
I didn't see Sian for a few days, and then I ran into her at the Asian supermarket, while I was buying a net of onions, a jar of curry powder, and two big packs of sun-dried poppadums tied up with dirty string. "Hi Sian, nice to see you. How are you getting on?" "Not bad, thanks, Jon. Are you going to eat those all yourself?" "No, it's just my turn to do the shopping. My flat mate Chris has a great curry recipe; though we have to watch out when he fries the poppadums, because he...
The truck crawled across the hard packed dirt path toward the foothills on this high plateau. All three women had been quiet since we left the motel. It was an uneasy silence. Perhaps I should have missed the enjoyable banter or sweet sounds they normally emitted, but my mind had only one focus: the formula. They had dressed that morning to please me, as they always should. Each wore a thin, plain white T-shirt with a scoop neck. It was more sexy than if they were naked with their breasts...
I was in a significantly bad mood. I was answering the phones. Mona and the rest of the staff were on strike. All the CSIRO staff were on strike. Chaz was minding the phones at Floreat. We were "management." CSIRO management and the union representing the agency's 6500 staff will meet today to thrash out differences over a new enterprise agreement that has sparked two weeks of industrial action. The CSIRO Staff Association warns the action, the first national industrial campaign at the...
At the beginning, until it was revealed I could understand and speak Italian, everything was spoken in Italian and repeated for my benefit in English. Charles began his act and I followed him. “What brings you to Italy?” “Business.” “Any time for pleasure?” “None during the day. Some nights perhaps.” “Have you been to Italy before?” “No. I arrived this morning. And I’m tired. I’d like to go back to my lodgings and go to bed to sleep.” “Then I’d better move on.” “Please do. I’m afraid...
I sit in the van just down the street from your house. Watching as your husband loads the car with luggage and what appears to be a business briefcase. You stand in the door way wearing a house coat and your hair wrapped with a towel, waving good by. I hop out of the van in my jogging outfit and start jogging towards your residence and as he pulls off I dart to e front door. With a friendly knock I hear you saying "don't tell me, you forgot your keys....you would loose your head if it wasn't...
It was freezing cold today. I came back home in the evening. Alone. Pissed off. Cold. Hungry. I took a beer from the fridge. Yeah! I am genius! Cold beer after cold day on my cold troat! Heh. But it was good. Damn good. Increased my mood. I've turned music on loud. Went to take a bath. Very hot. I really needed to warm up myself.I step in to the hot, steamy water and laid down. Hot. Better. Much better and nice as the music set up the background.I started to think about a girl. A sweet, lonely...
Hearing the crash, she looks to the north to see a plume of dust and smoke rising from the forest. Not knowing what to make of it, she decides to investigate the phenomenon. Making her way, she comes upon a scar in the ground never before seen. You can see how the tops of the trees are broken, then at an angle it’s like they are shaved off until it reaches the ground. From there it continues along the ground for 100 feet where she sees the strangest thing. It appears to be a very large black...
The elders then began to crowd around my atlas. I showed them the picture of the United States with the Interstates marked. They asked about the state lines and I told them some of the history of the development of them. Eric then suggested that we plan presentations for everyone and they would have their most knowledgeable individuals meet with us also regarding history and what they knew of the world. He stated that their few explorations had been southerly and southwesterly. He also stated...
I woke up this morning.... again..... In the line of work I’m in the only thing worse then going to sleep and never waking up is going to sleep and just finding myself still here. See there’s a prison on the moon, a place so damp and dark it’s more detrimental to the staff then the prisoners. Only the worst of the worst find themselves here, a wide assortment of lab experiments gone wrong to visitors from other worlds to actual literal demons. In all there must be around 1000 prisoners at any...
Non-EroticAfter a night of ultimate pleasure with Ray, or Lynn as I called him/her after that night, I went home a bit nervous about my experience, and any consequences that may come from it, would he tell? Did he video us? Did he give me an Std? I reasoned out all of those things as I was just being paranoid. Two days had past it today was my last full day before returning to school, I had much to do but all I could think of was what had happened, not wanting to regret not calling, I called Ray, he was...
I walked downstairs and into the sorority’s common room, dressed in the costume that had been chosen for me, I was dressed in a private school uniform, a couple sizes too small, but not too revealing. All-in-all, it could have been worse, the other three girls were dressed in costumes that either barely covered them, or were practically see through, or both. I was amazed that I could clearly see the nipples of the girl standing to my left, Brenda, through the sheer fabric of the sci-fi costume...
I have known Emily my entire life. The two of us have grown up together and we are only a few months apart in age. We share many common interests such as books and music as well as movies and a same sense of humor. "Emmie" as I have always called her, has a wild side to her just like I do. We both love danger and dabbling in things that no one is supposed to do. So, naturally, we seemed to always get into trouble together. Now, it is common knowledge that Emmie has always had a crush on me....
I was in my early thirties when I had my first prostate exam. A visit to a new doctor and she (yes, she) told me that it was something men should do regularly once they reached my age. My friends and I had joked about prostate exams, as you do, and I was expecting the worst. But here's the thing. I didn't hate it.The doctor pulled on a rubber glove, covered it in lubricant and had me bend over the examination table. There was pressure and she told me to relax. I managed to do so and felt her...
100% fiction! Hi readers and I hope you are doing well and I love the stories which are posted on this site and it’s a pleasure to know others real time experience. My Name is Jak(Name Changed) 24 years old and post my graduation, I moved from Chennai to Bangalore before 5 years in search of job when I moved to the new city, I have a desire to have an affair with married women and so did it happen a month ago. My wish had become true. I live in the second floor and house owner on the first...
IncestThis is a real story. I am Sameer and my aunt’s name is Prerna. She is around 38 years old and has one child. She is absolutely hot, she goes to the gym everyday to maintain her lustful figure. This story is very recent. During this college vacation, when I came home, I was asked to babysit her child as her husband went to work in some other city. So I was at her home for about a week. The whole week, I stole glances at her when she used to go to bath, wear deep neck tops etc. I also used to...
IncestOnce my boss gave me a task to handle the huge party. This was not the corporate meet actually, this was organized by them to entertain their clients under the same roof. Everything was organized in company bungalow cum five floor building without any camera or CCTV inside the building, only entry and exit point covered with hd quality CCTV and bungalow technically covered with That bungalow was used only for company's eve and party only, but this time all were invited like top achievers, top...
#02: Jake If you are part of my generation, you’ll remember the despicable newspaper advice columnist Ann Landers. Occasionally, she would publish a letter from a reader, relating an interesting story of how he met his wife. Over the years, I’ve been collecting stories of how men met their wives, or how wives met their husbands. These are stories that Ann never would have published. Here’s the story of how Jake met Erin. Of course, the names and details have been fictionalized for privacy. ...
It had been raining for almost a week, so finishing the painting at kathleen's was on hold. Needless to say, I was eager to get more of the favours she seemed willing to provide, but had no good excuse to get near her. Gloria had gone out of town to her daughter's for a few days, so my sexual options were limited to nothing. One evening, while trying to get to sleep, I found myself thinking of Kathleen's curvy and soft body. Try as I might, the memory of my encounter with her only got me more...
An infinite black void... check. No body, check. A blue text box hovering in front of me, check. Wait, what? Hold up, somethings not right... Oh yeah, that's right. I'm certain that I'm dead, no one can possibly survive a ship crash at lightspeed, unless they're immortal like Kars or something... [CONGRATULATION, YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BE GRANTED THE 'GAMER' SYSTEM] Aaaaaand there it is. The legendary Gamer system... So uhh, does this means I'll either get reincarnated or transported to...
FetishOnly Fans! I love the social media generation. I’m not saying I’m big into tweeting or twittling or whatever, but I love that there’s this whole culture of beautiful women sharing photos of themselves, trying to out-sexy all their friends. One big complaint I have is that most social media sites still don’t really allow nudes. Take a guess why I was so excited to hear about OnlyFans.If you’re into naked girls, and I’m sure you are, you’ve probably heard rumblings about this site. I’ve heard it...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesHow long had Tim known Lindsey? They had been best friends for many years now; he spent so much time at her home, he was practically considered part of the family. It was their senior year in high school and Tim was sitting in his math class when he felt his phone's vibration go off in his pocket. The teacher was pretty lenient about texting in class so he pulled his phone out, not-so-subtly hiding it behind his book. He was able to read the incoming text message. "He broke up with...
I awoke Thursday morning nervous for some reason. After breakfast I called Janice to see how her night was. Then I went to KCC to spend the morning. I was going to be back to the gym at one to prepare for the signing at three. Kelly and Courtney had carried them to a thank you breakfast. They were in the process of loading the cars to come home. Captain Peters had stopped by the college. He gave them a sealed package to deliver to me and wished them a safe trip. I told them to be careful. I...
The wedding took place a month later, held in the register office in Cairo. Commodore Silverman and his wife Doctor Helen Silverman, Cookie, and Prof with Barbara sporting an engagement ring. Ted Frazer, now a Lieutenant Colonel, and Bobby sporting a cast on his arm, learning later he was on sick leave due to run in with a German patrol. At the reception in the gardens of the Nile Palace Shaun thanked everyone for attending amid ribald remarks from Bobby and Cookie. At five the Commodore...
Hot Little Army Brats – Part Three I was wrong again. Late one Friday night, Nicole and I were cuddled up on her couch watching a movie on TV. Everyone else had gone to bed. When a commercial came on, she turned to face me, took hold of both of my hands in hers, and looked me in the eyes. “I want you to do me a favor,” she said softly. By then, she knew I would do anything for her. “I want you to teach April about sex.” She had my full attention. I had lusted after April since I first met her,...
My parents were really strict about me being alone with boys in my bedroom while I was growing up. As such, I was a big fan of the back seats at the local cinema and spent an unreasonable amount of time sitting in stationary cars, testing out the suspension and upholstery.That background is my excuse for what I did to Alex.Alex was ‘the Korean kid’. He was very different than the rest of us 'Middle England' 16-year-olds, watching anime through his bottle-bottomed glasses, rather than joining...
TeenNovembers most beautiful Cherry of the Month Emma Hix is ready to get down and show you what she is all about! She got her sexy new green plaid bra and panties just for you and will gladly take them off at your request! She has Small Hands to enjoy and he is ready to do anything she asks of him! She wraps her hands around his large cock knowing just how great it will feel going deeper and deeper into her pussy! Can she take it all? Well you know she will and she’ll let you tell her any...
xmoviesforyouWhen The girls got back they were shocked at what they found when they went in to Sally's room, David was still laying on her bed with his panties pulled down and cum dripping from his used hole. They girls ran over to him to find out what had happened and when he told them they were quite shocked as there was no sign of a brake in or anything like that and the doors had been locked. Sally decided it was best for the other girls to go home and they would have their sleep over another time and...
This is my first story and hope you will encourage me to write even more stories. If you like it or want to give feedback please write to Let’s start with the story. Let me first start with myself. I am Tul (Name Changed) stay in Pune, done my MBA and had worked with Bank now Started my own Business. Was leaving in rented flat with my 2 flat partner at Sena pati Bapat Rd (Sb Road). Here goes the Story I do believe that no one forget sex Partners with whom they had a Sex Encounters. I was...
Maya Kendrick is enjoying some chill time on her phone, but her girlfriend Alina Lopez is feeling horny. Alina sneaks up on Maya, surprising the redhead with her hands on her lover’s shoulders. Maya pulls Alina onto the couch, where the girls wrestle around a bit before the serious sensuality of their love overcomes them. Soon, Maya has pressed her lips to Alina’s in a hot promise that guarantees lesbian pleasure. Pulling down the top of Alina’s shirt, Maya enjoys the view of...
xmoviesforyouThe next Sunday wasn’t the best of days, but it wasn’t raining. I arrived at the spot when David had left me the previous week. I was much earlier and I still had on my coat. I now removed it and was thus in only boots and a smile as they say. I had the blindfold which I pulled on, but I left the ropes in a bundle at my feet. I waited. I couldn’t have cared less about being seen, although I suppose that would have spoiled things. I heard him arrive. He didn’t say anything at first. I had...