Gold Digger color Of Cold
- 3 years ago
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‘Uncle Miles,’ the twenty-five year old young woman in the lab coat said.
‘Hey Louie, Beware of fat men bearing gifts.’ he added. He had intentionally used the masculine version of her name.
‘Granny’s donuts, my god you are amazing. You do know my name is Louise,’ the young woman chastised him while biting into a strawberry jam filled donut.
‘I know my kid brother wanted a boy and tried everything he knew to make you into a tomboy.’ Miles replied.
‘Well that explains why I became a nerd instead of a princess,’ she said hugging him. ‘So do you have them?’ she asked.
‘How could I come home without them,’ Miles said. He handed her a plastic grocery bad with twenty two long pill bottles filled with dirt and a pocket notebook. It was an old school pen and paper type notebook not a digital notebook.
‘I will get onto this right away and let you know what I find,’ she said.
‘Fair enough, what do you want for dinner,’ he asked.
‘Why? You have no idea how to operate a stove,’ Louise said with a laugh.
‘No Louie, but I do know how to operate a phone. I’m going to bring dinner to you,’ Miles said.
‘Pizza, with hamburger and onions,’ she said. ‘Don’t order till I get there. I will be working a little late on these samples.’
‘The hell you say,’ he said with a smile. ‘I’m going now, but I will get two so you have at least a slice left.?
After Miles complained about having nothing to do in his retirement, his niece Louise came up with the idea for them to prospect. She didn’t want to get rich either, but she sure wouldn’t mind making a few extra bucks, she had said.
For Miles it gave him the excuse to take his Honda scooter and sidecar on the road. Which was why he had just come back from his first three weeks in the mountains. He spent the time checking out ten spots on each of three different streams.
Louise was a geology graduate student at the local branch of the state university. So she analyzed the samples from his micro core samples. The core samples came from a shallow spot in the creek. With a five pound hammer he drove a two foot pipe as deep as it would go into the creek bed. When he pulled the pipe from the creek bed, the pushed a wooden plunger into the pipe making a perfect one inch diameter core sample. He labeled the long pill bottles with the GPS coordinates. It had taken him three weeks to get the thirty site samples.
Miles also shared his small house with Louise. He planned to continue sharing for the duration of her school at least. In exchange for the free rent, she did the lab work. She also had a 49% stake in the company. Fifty one percent of nothing was still nothing, he told himself with a laugh. She also kept the house in some sort of order.
On his way home he stopped for two medium pizzas with hamburger and onions. They fit quite easily into the sidecar. From the pizza joint, he drove straight home. He parked his scooter in the half of the garage dedicated to it. His truck was parked behind the house. It really hadn’t been used much since the mechanic got the motor rebuilt on his Honda scooter. The second parking space inside the garage, which was almost as big as the house, was dedicated to Louise’s car.
The place Miles purchased after the divorce was much smaller than the place where he and Barbara had lived for over twenty five years. Since it was two bedrooms there was just enough room for his niece Louise. There was only one room in the house that she was forbidden to enter. It was the room where he slept. The same was true for the room where she slept, he never entered it. She and her secrets from safe from his urge to snoop.
Louise came home about 10pm to find her uncle doing research on the Geological survey map site. She knew his research was useless, but she said nothing. Her research gave up the clues to make the project even possible. Their premise was based on her science and his investigative work.
Sure Uncle Miles could research and even do test holes all over the mountains, but her scientific approach was the only one that would prove of any value in the end.
‘So tell me where you went,’ Louie demanded.
‘Eat your pizza while I explain it to you. First of all I found the creek you researched. I began at the state highway 210. It is a small wooden bridge that might not be there in another year. It really needs repair.
I took samples there while I camped in a primitive state run park. I walked up the creek about ten miles and took samples every time the creek got wide and shallow. Then I moved camp to a spot of land where the creek ran through a small community. I started there and ran five miles north and five mile south of town. I scouted the creek all the way up that mountain for three more days. Each night I moved camp further up the creek. I got all the way to the top of the on the forth day.
Then I went up a creek that a park ranger suggested. He had no idea what I was really doing. He just thought that I was panning for gold. I took a smaller number of sample from that creek. I expect the samples came from a twenty five mile stretch of the creek.
Then I did the same thing with an unnamed creek off the old black river basin. I ran it almost forty mile by moving from road crossing to road crossing,’ Miles explained.
‘Well tomorrow I will begin mapping the three creeks. It will take me about a week but when I am finished I should have a pretty good idea where to send you next,’ she suggested.
‘You sure have your mother’s way of talking. Everything you say comes out as the plantation owner talking to her foreman. I should call you Miss Scarlet,’ Miles said.
‘Well one thing for sure, you are not a lazy foreman. I couldn’t ask for a better partner,’ she said. ‘And you have good taste in Pizza.’
‘Yes I do,’ Miles agreed.
During the week while she made her maps and threw the chicken bones to determine his next exploration spot, Mile worked on his scooter. He touched up the black stealth paint, and checked over all the belts and hoses.
Even though everything was new, It wasn’t immune to breakage over the rough roads of the smokey mountains.
Miles was getting bored after three days. He needed something to fritter away his time. Louise recognize the restless feet syndrome almost before he did. It is what led her to devise the plan in the first place.
Her answer to his restlessness was Ada Fine… Professor Ada Fine to be exact. The professor was a widow a little older than Miles. She of course didn’t ask her age, but the indications were all there. Louise decided that Ada would do nicely for her uncle. Louise had decided, so all that remained was to engineer a meeting.
Louise didn’t have the same type relationship with Ada Fine she had with her science department professors. Since that was the case she expected it to prove more difficult. Every minute that she wasn’t analyzing the samples, she spent trying to think of a way for them to meet.
‘Uncle Miles, I have a plan,’ she said.
‘Not another one?’ he asked.
‘Of course,’ she said. ‘You are convinced that we should concentrate on the creeks with a record of producing gold. Even though I think it is a waste of time, we should at least take a scientific approach to your obsession. We should research the historical references,’ she demanded.
‘Oh, how would that work. You want me to sit behind a computer all day?’ Miles asked.
‘Of course not, there is a history professor at the university. I have been told that she loves pure research. Let’s include her into the project. A third of a find is better than half of nothing. If you are right that is,’ Louise said.
‘Sure why not, you are more the academic type, so you recruit her,’ Miles said.
‘So you are good with her getting 30% of the profits that are derived from her site selections?’ Louise asked.
‘As you pointed out 40% of
something is better than 100% of nothing. I think her input will be very valuable. If she is willing to work for Pizza. Hire her,’ Miles replied.
Louise met with Ada the very next day. She explained that Ada’s role would be the historic research of the streams of the state. Then her Uncle Miles would do the field work of collecting samples. If the samples looked worthwhile, she would map the stream for the best geological place for a more detailed evaluation.
‘We are in this for the long haul,’ Louise explained.
‘Give me as much input as you have on the project and I’m in,’ Ada said without hesitation. ‘I have an idea to finance the operation as well. It may not work out, but it is a possibility.’
‘Did I mention my uncle is an ex cop?’ Louise asked.
‘It’s legal, but it will require he talk to some people. That is assuming I can set it up a meeting. Let me try before you ask him,’ Ada suggested. ‘Actually I should meet him first.’
Louise was amazed how simple it had been to arrange for Ada to meet her uncle. She suggested lunch. She was surprised when Ada agreed without question. The date was set contingent upon Ada making contacts with her revenue generating source.
Miles was feeling cramped living inside. He just wanted to go back on he road. The scooter was ready, and his ten year old truck had been serviced and it was deemed as good as it would get, by his mechanic.
If the Samples proved to be of any use, he would be using the truck to transport his small amount of tools to the most likely job site. If the samples were a bust, then it would be back to the woods for more creek walking. Either way he was ready to get on to it.
Instead he showered then dressed in jeans and a short sleeve sweat shirt for his meeting with Ada and Louise. The three of them had planned on a Sunday brunch at the International House of Pancakes in the larger town a few miles from his place.
Inside the plastic restaurant, he met Ada and Louise, ‘Hello there Louise, this must by your professor friend.’ Miles said.
‘Yes, I’m Ada Fine,’ she said.
‘Nice to meet you Ada Fine,’ Miles said. Miles seated himself at the small table better suited for two people rather than the four which the number of chairs tended to dictate. ‘So, has Louise explained the concept of our project.’ Miles asked.
‘Yes she has and I think the idea sounds very interesting,’ Ada said.
‘Did she also explain that no one gets paid unless or until the company is profitable?’ Miles asked.
‘She said I would have a 30% stake in anything I brought to the table,’ Ada suggested.
‘That is correct,’ Miles said.
‘That won’t do,’ she said.
‘I’m sorry, did Louise not make the terms clear?’ Miles asked.
‘Yes, but I’m here to negotiate,’ Ada said.
‘Well let’s order before we have our first negotiations. I always negotiate better on a full stomach,’ Louise suggested.
‘Well I suppose I get to pay the breakfast tab,’ Miles said. ‘Or is that part of the negotiations?’
‘No it is not, I expected to be wined and dined before we entered into any agreement,’ Ada informed them with a smile.
A few minute later over his French Toast, Miles suggested, ‘So what exactly do you have in mind.’
‘I want to be a full partner in everything the company does. I also want a full vote in any decisions the company makes,’ Ada explained.
‘Well that actually doesn’t sound too bad, if you are also willing to pay your fair share of the expenses.’ Miles agreed. Miles knew that there weren’t any real expenses at that moment, but he hoped it would give her pause for a reality check.
‘Not at all, as a matter of fact, I think I have a plan for that. If it works out it will also build some working capitol toward the future expenses,’ Ada suggested.
‘Oh what might that be,’ Miles asked. He also looked at Louise suspiciously. She shrugged her shoulders. She either didn’t know or didn’t want to commit to Ada’s plan.
‘If I listen and decide I’m not interested in your revenue plan, what happens to the rest of your involvement?’ Miles asked.
‘Then we take a vote if it goes your way, we continue on without the plan,’ she suggested.
‘Then explain your grand plan,’ Miles demanded. He was surprised how quiet Louise was during the exchange.’
‘Have either of you heard of QE2TV?’ she asked.
‘Afraid not, but I don’t watch much TV. Well I do but nothing on commercial TV, so I have no idea what QE2TV might be, even if I was a faithful watcher I might not know. So what is it,’ Miles finally asked.
‘It’s a producer of Docudramas. They do a lot of history and some adventure docudramas,’ Ada explained.
‘Like?’ Miles asked.
‘Well did you watch the series call, ‘Mining The Gold Towns’?’ she asked.
‘Actually I did,’ Miles said. Louise just shook her head.
‘Well they made that and a lot more. After they make them they try to market them to the smaller TV outlets. The producers are always looking for new shows since the ones they make are good for only one or two seasons. I think they would give us an interview. If it works out we would at least have a second temporary revenue stream. One more likely to produce a steady income,’ Ada informed Miles and Louise.
‘So we have to perform on camera. I’m not sure I’m up for that,’ Louise said.
‘Me neither, I go into the field to get away from people,’ Miles said.
‘Just meet them and then decide. If I can get a meeting with them at all,’ Ada said. ‘Either way I will start my research on streams which have produced gold previously. I’m sure some of them have dried up by now, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t viable for our needs.’ she said.
It was obvious to Miles, that she had given some serious thought to the project. ‘We are going to need a place to hold team meetings,’ Miles suggested.
‘We never use your living room as a living room, so let’s convert it to a meeting room,’ Louise suggested.
‘That’s easy for you to say Louis,’ Miles said using the masculine form of her name.
‘What you like the idea of sitting on a day bed looking at the empty walls?’ she asked.
‘I like knowing I can, if I want to,’ Miles informed her. ‘Or have a place to entertain.’
‘Get over it. It’s either that or pay a thousand dollars for an office to sit empty 90% of the time,’ Ada said. Miles didn’t like her cavalier approach to his property.
‘Well one thing at a time. We can meet there for now, but I reserve the right to throw you all out,’ Miles informed them both.
‘You can’t throw me out, I live there,’ Louise said. She saw the look Ada gave her, so she went on to explain’ Miles is my dad’s older brother. I am living with him to cut down on my expenses, so that I can attend graduate school. That is our only relationship.’
‘So do I send QE2TV an outline of our project?’ Ada asked.
‘Why not,’ Louise said. Miles just nodded his agreement.
‘Good then we need to meet at Miles’s house and lay out the office plan. We will need to decide what if any furniture we want in the office,’ Ada said.
‘You are certainly the little organizer. So are we going to need a time clock?’ Miles asked.
‘I have a feeling that nothing is going to get done, if I don’t get you organized. You are working on retirement time and Louise is working on academia time.’ Ada said.
‘And what time are you working on,’ Miles asked.
I am working on researcher time. We have a lot of information to review and a short time to do it.’ Ada said.
‘Why a short time?’ Louise asked.
‘Winter is coming,’ Miles said. ‘Right boss?’
‘Exactly,’ she replied.
‘Finish your analysis of the samples. Then we can decide where we go from there,’ Ada suggested.
‘So let me know when you want to look the place over,’ Miles said to Ada.
‘Now would be good,’ Ada said.
‘Okay, you can follow us to the house.’ Miles said.
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There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...
Group SexMy name is Jordan Lee. Just an average girl, living an average life. There really isn't anything inherently special about me or the life I have lived. I came from an average family, I studied philosophy at my local community college and I now work as a waitress at a local bar. I make just enough to make modest living and though I have always desired more in life, I have rarely been presented with a chance to do more with my life. Until one day when it came. It seemed like a normal package. It...
FantasyTuesday: The next few days were very busy. My cousins tried to call me and left messages for me at several places. Art and Rob Oomailiq agreed in principle to working with me to build my cabin. So I decided to remain in Fairbanks to take care of some other business, rather than return in a week's time. Friday: We stopped by the First National Bank of Alaska at Tommy's suggestion. Tommy introduced me to Jorge Jorgensen who was a vice president of the bank. Jorge told me he was very sorry to...
Shamans Involved The gold shone through the sparkling quartz structure like glittering webs in a white butterfly’s wing. A waterfall of quartz, wide sheets of it, flowed through and across the granite face of the mine. Michael Peterson, dressed in dull brown coveralls, hammered steadily against a hand-held star bit. Tink, tink, tink, each blow sending a trickle of granite dust falling from the hole. A series of deep holes pierced the rock face, some above, some below the glistening quartz...
The footer at Penthouse Gold stamps a 2008 copyright date on the joint, which means it’s old as hell in Internet years. I bet all the old fuckers remember the Penthouse name from long before that, though. The brand got its start as an old-school paper porn rag in England way back in 1965, and I know some of you had your first fap to your dad or your grandpa’s copies hidden under his mattress. Before the Internet, these guys were some of the biggest names in the business alongside Playboy and...
Top Premium Porn SitesSwapna is a friend from college. We have been in touch ever since as she had only very few friends and I have been one of her closest. She is 32 but still single by choice and pretty young looking for her age. Swapna has short hair and a lean face with a great smile. She is thin with tiny breasts and small buttocks too. I have made fun of her figure at times before saying she has to work out and gain some mass in the right places to please her future husband. But I never really thought of her...
The next two weeks were a blur. Tommy and his friends made nine trips to the mine site that Monday, getting us all there. The first order of business on the north side of the river, was to get the gold mine in operation so that sand and gravel would be available for future building. Six men took over this activity and had it up and working within a half hour of our arrival. The rest of the men and the wives built a tent city on the south side of the river, below and east of were Art wanted to...
Introductions What the hell is THIS? Little Chief, and Big Chief? Jason Embridge tried not to stare at the two figures who’d appeared in his office. Both men, one barely of an age to shave, and the other much older with a bronzed, deeply wrinkled face, stood gazing back at him. Both wore beaded high-topped moccasins reaching to the knees of their tanned leather trousers with loin flaps, topped with cream-white leather shirts with beaded designs on their left breast. Each wore bead-worked...
My eyes. I don’t know if I was getting used to seeing my black and black world or if I’d simply lost hope of truly regaining ‘normal’ vision. As spring approached, I saw more and more color. Living things have color. I saw a brilliant red cardinal pecking at a green leaf. They were redder and greener than I remembered. I saw daffodils and tulips getting ready to bloom. And people. Nearly everyone I met was clearly visible, though some were a little more muted than others. Life was color...
All major plot related events take place in current years. Most musical devices mentioned will therefore be more recent. I'm not saying that everything is exactly precise, because I don't know the full extent of how some machines are used. Please read this as it is, a work of fiction. Not being blind myself, I doubt I will ever be able to accurately describe events from their perspective, but I have consulted with several blind fellows and done some research. I hope you...
ColorClimax! I throw the word retro around like it’s going out of style, but I’m actually on point this time. ColorClimax is literally a retro pornography site with a gigantic library of ancient pornographic movies, all of which are full-length and available for viewing. There’s a lot to be said about this fantastic porn site and the level of quality they’re bringing to the table. The smut on the site seems to be coming in from one source, the Color Climax catalog. There’s a lot of history to...
Premium Vintage Porn SitesIt was the last but one day of competition and Jake sat on the bench on the walkway that led between the stadium and the athlete’s village. He felt dejected and deflated, his elbows propped up on his knees and his head in his hands. Fourth place was worse than coming last. He was the nearly man. Four years of blood, sweat and tears destroyed by one hundredth of a second. As he picked up his bottle of water Talinka and Trynka approached on their way to celebrate their gold and silver...
After a long winding journey of driving you car through the mountains. You can finally see the Golden Mountian Hotel from the distance. The gold painted roof glimmers as the sunshine caresses the landscape. The ocean water shimmers next to it as the snow capped mountains reflect the sunlight like beacons. It has been a frustrating go of it at work. The seemingly unrealistic deadlines your boss had put on you controlled your mind for the past six months, but now that you have unexpectedly...
It was the last but one day of competition and Jake sat on the bench on the walkway that led between the stadium and the athlete’s village. He felt dejected and deflated, his elbows propped up on his knees and his head in his hands. Fourth place was worse than coming last. He was the nearly man. Four years of blood, sweat and tears destroyed by one hundredth of a second. As he picked up his bottle of water Talinka and Trynka approached on their way to celebrate their gold and silver...
Group SexThursday: I was awoken by the arrival of a chopper again. They were bringing in the heaters and the required pipes and fittings to support them. They set the load down in front of the huts, and then the chopper flew off without landing. A short time later, the second chopper and load arrived; set the load down and departed also. At breakfast, Junior interrupted my conversation with Jenn, to ask if I wanted to help connect the heaters in the huts. I agreed and after breakfast, Jenn ferried...
Our arrival at the camp was not what I expected. All work had stopped and everybody was gathered around the plane as it was tied up against the bank. Dad was, of course, the first one off the plane, having flown in the co-pilots position. He was met by an old man, who said something to him. The next thing I knew, they were hugging. Jenn leaned forward, looking out the door said, "That is my grandpa. What's going on?" "I have no idea." "Art served in the same National Guard Unit with...
Monday - continued: While at lunch, I asked Rob and Art, "What do you think of leaving my side logs extended out from the front of my cabin, and use the spare logs to make a porch?" Both men sat there and thought but Jenn said, "That would be nice, maybe someday you could screen it in." I know she was thinking about the swarms of mosquitoes that seem to be particularly bad since the last wet spell we had. "I think it is doable, but we need to build a foundation under the logs that...
Thursday: I walked down to the camp. Things were quiet and Nukka was coming out of the dining tent, so I asked her "Where is everybody?" "They have gone hunting and fishing today. Some of the men went down river to meet the salmon and will be gone for three or four days. Art and Rob have gone to find where the caribou herds are located." "Who is in camp?" "Mainly us women. Of course, there are the troopers and radio operators too." "Where is Tommy?" "Oh yeah, Tommy and Pa are...
I am married and live in a flat. We have another apartment just besides us and hardly any space between the two. The other apartment was built on a declination. So our balcony and bit higher than theirs. Their bathrooms, kitchen and bedrooms are below our balcony level. Like for them my flat is quite visible for the floor higher than ours. I have closed the balcony with a large bed sheet so nothing is visible and our kitchen window is also always shut. Luckily our bathrooms are faced the other...
It was a crisp winter’s day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
It was a crisp winter's day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
Straight SexSTARTING YOUNGGoldilocks, yes she had hair like that, absolutely right, down to her navel. But who was she really?Photographing her, painting her. Reaching under her short little Catholic skirt and touching the silk of her naked thighs, I thought of all that, too, I have to admit. I thought of kissing her, seeing if her face was as soft as it looked - baby flesh.Yes, it was there from the start, especially once she gave me the age-old inviting smile and her eyes became, for a moment, a woman’s...
My name is Camille Cartwright and my favorite color is blue. The color blue has been associated with all types of descriptions from feeling down to feeling peaceful. For me, it just depends on what day it is and what I’m going through at the time. Blue is one of those colors that embody complexity – it can be depressed and hopeful simultaneously, like the sky. Its distance is limitless to those of us who wish to reach for it, but at times we feel as though the further we reach the further away...
Definitely Your Color By Shawna Stimple Danny Perry, and Sarah Baker had recently moved in together. This put a bee in the bonnet of Sarah's Mother, as it was 1968, and was socially frowned upon. Danny saw himself as a revolutionary. He favored socialist ideas, and was not quiet with his opinions. This made it very hard for him to find a job. No one wanted someone so "un-American" to work for them, especially not one of those "long haired hippies". He'd tried several times to break...