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She was running late, and she hated being late for this sort of thing. It had taken too long to get the stockings on and she hated the feel of them. It had been years since she’d worn stockings with a garter belt and she wasn’t sure why she was wearing them now. It was just coffee at a Starbucks. The red suede suit with the skirt with the slits up the sides was hanging on the closet door. Too dressy? But she’d dressed in red the times before and it was Christmas. Well, almost Christmas. Thanksgiving was this week.

Why did people push the season, she wondered. Barely Thanksgiving, and it already was all about Christmas. She supposed she’d best wear those enamel Christmas tree earrings. She eyed the Louis Vuitton boots. Too flashy for a coffee shop meeting, of course, but it was too cold not to wear boots. He wouldn’t notice.

Why was she doing Christmas at all this year? Nothing but pain. She should have booked on a cruise to Fiji. Nothing like Christmas down there at this time of the year.

She spent a bundle on this ‘just coffee at Starbucks.’ The lacy bikini panties and matching bra from Victoria’s Secret were apparel that hadn’t been in her wardrobe since before she’d married Wade. What? Six years ago now? My how time flies when you’re not having fun.

Not that Wade wouldn’t have been fun without the cancer that overshadowed their lives from even before the wed. She’d been termed a saint. And she’d grown accustomed to the role. It took Margie and Christine at work to propel her to Victoria’s Secret after she’d seen Simon at the office Christmas party, gotten all discombobulated at seeing him—and being alone with him for a few minutes and having been asked to meet with him again—and then having it all pulled out of her by her friends.

‘It’s time,’ Margie had said.

‘You can’t mourn Wade forever,’ Christine had said, but then, realizing how bald that sounded, she’d tempered it with, ‘He’d want you to date again and find another man. Lord, you’re not even thirty yet. I know he made you promise to do that even before you two were married.’

‘I suppose,’ Katherine had responded, her eyes still on Simon as he glided around the room, moving comfortably between groups of senior employees at the punch bowl and the Christmas tree. He was chief of the West Coast office now. He’d risen high in the company. He’d married the daughter of the company’s chief supplier, and the divorce had come through just as the office was changing chief suppliers. It was like he was a cat—always landing on his feet.

And he’d remembered her name.

‘It’s great seeing you here, Kate,’ He’d said as he approached her at the punchbowl. ‘It’s been so long. Too long.’

‘Yes, it’s been a long time,’ Katherine had said. She felt herself trembling. Had he ever said why he didn’t contact her again once he’d been transferred to the West Coast? And, even so, why had she let it go down so easy? Well, perhaps marrying another man dying of cancer on the rebound might not have been exactly letting it go easy.

It had been good with Simon those few winter months, hadn’t it? Why did everything memorable in her life seem to revolve around the Christmas season?

She’d never felt so completed before or since as she had in bed with Simon. But that wasn’t really fair to Wade. He’d been as much as his disease had allowed. But Simon. He’d brought her to—and over the brink—repeatedly, as she recalled, leaving her wrung out like a dish rag, but, in the end, purring and anticipating when they could do it again.

She shuddered that the remembrance of the feel of his hands moving up her legs, slowly unfastening the snaps to the garter belt—he’d already unhooked her lacy bra and buried his face between her breasts. The feel of his hand then, moving down her legs, one after the other, coaxing the stockings off her legs, and then his hand, strong and big, between her thighs, his meaty fingers finding and working her clitoris, entering her with his fingers, all while she moaned and he sucked on her nipples.

The weight of him as he covered her, spreading her thighs with his knees, moving his mouth to hers to take her in a brutal kiss—suddenly his need and insistence blazing hot and the sensation that it was all about him now, that other than a vessel for his need, she wasn’t in the picture anymore. That nothing would stop him now. The forceful, thick penetration, her entreaties to go slow, give her time, unheeded, and the wild thrusting. At last carrying her with him, her fingernails clawing at his back, feeling herself reach the heights and burst over the boundaries as he thrust and thrust.

In the end, she was ashamed to say, what he gave her was more than enough.

He was always bouncing out the bed right after, though, remembering someplace he had to be, something else he had to be doing.

But she couldn’t say it hadn’t been good for her—in the long run. And certainly was more sexual excitement than she’d had at any time since.

As she smoothed out the creases in the stockings before putting the red suede skirt on, it dawned on her why she had bought these stockings and dug out the garter belt. It was because she was thinking of Simon and of the ‘meeting for a cup of coffee’ offer he’d made at the early Christmas party and that her girlfriends in the office had nagged her to accept. Because of where that might lead.

Because he’d clearly enjoyed taking the stockings off of her all those years ago.

She probably shouldn’t go. She should call him and give an excuse. God knows he’d never had a problem calling her and giving her an excuse at the eleventh hour. Something had happened to break it up without affecting her too deeply. She should take time to try to dredge up what that was.

But she already was late for the meeting. The last thing she did was check her purse to make sure that she was bringing along protection in case Simon wasn’t. She was sure it would never get that far—it was just a cup of coffee and a catch-up of the last seven years—but . . .

* * * *

‘I can’t believe how good you look, Kate. You’re still gorgeous. It’s like yesterday rather than four years.’ Simon had a coffee mug in one hand but the other extended across the table and was cupping Katherine’s elbow. His thumb was stroking the silky skin of her arm above the elbow. This was sending chills of pleasure through Katherine’s body. He’d always been a charmer—and good with the foreplay up to the point of losing control and becoming ‘me, me, me’ at penetration.

‘It’s been seven years, Simon.’ Just a month shy of seven years.

‘Has it? It seems like just yesterday,’ he repeated. ‘I don’t really know—’

‘Neither do I,’ Katherine hastily interrupted. They both knew they were talking about whatever it was that had broken their affair off. Not that Katherine could remember any indication that it was headed anywhere except hotel room trysts, though—and she’d beaten her brain all during the trip over here trying to develop a scenario in which they were starting to make plans. But she just couldn’t remember anything of that sort. The breakup was as much a mystery to her as he was saying it was to him. Other than, of course, his promotion and move to the West Coast.

But she was sure there was something else, as well. There must have been.

‘I heard you were promoted right up out of the secretarial pool here I the head office and have a line management position,’ he was saying.

‘Yes, though we don’t have secretaries anymore—just personal assistants and ‘do most of it yourself’ computer power now. I’m chief of personnel in the main office now.’

‘Oh, really? Tell me about it.’

And Katherine did. It only took a few moments, though, for her to realize that his attention had strayed. He was still holding her arm and stroking it, but he was looking over her shoulder. As she turned to look, she, at first, thought he was looking at th
e Christmas tree being trimmed by a Starbuck’s employee in the corner of the room, but then she realized he was looking at two young, very attractive women—a blonde and a red head—at a table beside the tree. As she turned her head around, she viewed someone beyond Simon’s shoulder herself who seemed familiar. A man. Distinguished looking, but a few years older than she was. For some reason ‘Atlanta’ and ‘David’ registered in her head, but beyond that, there was no recognition. He turned his head and smiled at her, and, embarrassed, she turned her attention back to Simon.

He still wasn’t really paying full attention to her, so she wrapped up her ‘my office life’ description and asked him about the West Coast office.

Simon answered at length, looking mainly at Katherine now, but now and again letting his attention check out the other women in the room.

‘And I suppose you know that Claire and I divorced,’ he said, in conclusion. ‘She was nothing like you, unfortunately. I always regretted . . . say, you aren’t still wearing those luscious stockings—and a garter belt—are you?’

Katherine blushed.

‘Remember how we—?’

‘Yes, I remember,’ Katherine said. She felt herself go all warm. She was glad she’d made the effort to wear them today. She wondered how far away his hotel room was—or if, perhaps, he’d already made other arrangements. Perhaps he had anticipated there would be more than coffee. He always was a cocky son of a gun. But he’d satisfied her, in his own way—it could have been better. But it was as good as it had been for the last seven years—well other than that once, when she was on that business trip to Atlanta and had that one-weekend stand with that man at the other conference . . . with David.

Oh, my God, she thought, suddenly remembering where she’d seen that man across the room before. The man who wasn’t sitting across the room any more, though, she discovered as she looked. Guiltily she looked back into Simon’s face, and although he was still talking about the good times they’d had in a husky voice, Katherine realized he was looking past her again—at a striking brunette who had just entered the coffee shop.

Now she remembered why they had broken up. It had been his move to the West Coast, of course. But it had been more than that, and although she couldn’t break with him—and with the sex—at the time, she remembered now that she’d been relieved he moved a continent away.

Simon was a browser—a simultaneous browser. And he hadn’t just browsed. She had found that hers wasn’t the only field he’d been plowing seven years ago. He had roving eyes and hands and, to her embarrassment, she had ignored the truth too long back then.

‘My hotel isn’t far from here,’ Simon said, his eyes still roving. ‘We could—’

‘Hold that thought, Simon. I’ll be back in a few. Ladies room.’

He didn’t even follow her with his eyes, or he’d have seen her heading for the door to the street, not to the back of the coffee shop—and he might have noticed that she took her overcoat with her.

‘Katie? Katie Wilson, is that you?’

‘It’s Katie Barlow now. David Danfors, isn’t it? I’m surprised you remembered me.’

The man had been waiting for her outside Starbucks. He was wearing an expensive camelhair overcoat that, nonetheless wasn’t up to the winds coming off the lake in Chicago. He had been rubbing his hands together and stamping his feet in what had turned out to be a nippy morning. A bucket truck was out on the street, valiantly fighting the wind to put up illuminated snowflakes on the streetlight poles. Katherine grimaced, realizing now why she was bah humbug about pushing the Christmas season. Wade had died last Christmas season. She wasn’t prepared to relive the pain of that.

‘It’s been a year. Get back out there. Wade would want you to, you know he would.’ The nagging of Margie and Christine came back to her. She knew they were right. They had been right too that Wade had said he wouldn’t marry her at all unless she promised to get on with her life—which included men—after he died. He’d gotten the diagnosis between the engagement and the wedding. No one clung to false hope that he’d beat it. He’d offered her her freedom too, but she just couldn’t desert him.

But she had agreed to his demand.

The weekend fling with David Danfors had been when she was on the rebound from Simon but hadn’t met Wade yet. They were at the same hotel but different conferences in Atlanta. It was after she’d broken out of the secretarial pool and went to the conference to provide backup on personnel. She had gotten in the wrong conference room one day and had stayed for several minutes, mesmerized by the session presenter’s command and charisma. David had been a handsome, albeit older than she was, man who had been both glib and witty. There had been an immediate connection between the two from across the room and then a chance meeting in the hotel bar.

She was still wearing the stockings and garter belt that Simon liked so much at the time, and David had taken as much time, attention, and pleasure in unhooking the stockings and rolling them off her legs as Simon had. The similarities had ended there, though. David had kissed his way up her naked legs and continued with his kissing to the quick of her, using his tongue, lips, and teeth to pleasure her as she writhed under him, exploding again and again and begging him to be inside her.

And when he was inside her, she was ready and ripe for him, and he just glided in and then out and in again, kissing her passionately and watching her reactions closely with his eyes, making sure she was having as much pleasure as he was.

They had two nights together—and it should have been a third, but an emergency back in Chicago called her home. She’d frantically scoured the hotel in search of him before having to race to catch her flight, but she hadn’t found him. They hadn’t exchanged addresses for contact information. They both had been too taken up in the ‘now’ to think about the ‘after.’

The next month she’d met Wade Barlow, and the memory of David Danfors had slowly died away.

‘How could I have forgotten you? We seemed to have lost track, though,’ David was saying. He was hugging himself and Katherine could tell that he was cold. She had a warm coat on over the suede suit, so she was in better condition. ‘Or maybe it was too intense for you. If so, I’m sorry. I just fell hard. We were supposed to have another night, but you were gone and I couldn’t find you.’

‘I was called back to Chicago. I looked for you before I left too. I didn’t lose interest, I lost contact.’

‘I wasn’t in the hotel that afternoon. I was at a jewelry store—buying something.’

‘Oh.’ Katherine couldn’t think of anything else to say

‘Seven years ago, the weekend after Thanksgiving,’ David piped up, endeavoring to lighten up the conversation.

‘Yes, I remember,’ Katherine said, with a laugh. ‘I moped and pouted right up until Christmas.’

‘And then?’

‘I met my husband.’

‘Ah,’ David said. She could hear the disappointment and resignation in his voice.

‘But he died last Christmas,’ she said.

There was a pause before David took up the conversation again. ‘I’m sorry for your loss. I didn’t marry again myself. I had just been divorced, if you remember. But after that weekend I couldn’t marry again—anyone else.’


‘Say, would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?’

Katherine laughed—but it was a nervous laugh. ‘I just did that and it wasn’t the best idea.’

‘You were breaking up with that guy in there? He didn’t seem to be giving you his undivided attention. Not a good sign.’

‘That’s true. No, we were trying to reconnect, and I think I was trying harder than he was. But we should get inside, it’s freezing out here. Coffee still sounds good. There’s a Starbucks right here, but I don’t really want to—’
< br> ‘Strangely enough, there’s another Starbucks just two blocks down. We could . . . or . . . I know this sounds silly, but do you still wear stockings with a garter belt?’

Katherine laughed, moved closer to David, and put an arm through his, cuddling up to him to share some of her warmth with him. All of a sudden she was feeling very warm—and very much in the spirit.

‘I am today. Do you still live in New York?’


‘And you’re here in Chicago on business?’

‘Yes, my hotel is just up the street.’

‘How convenient. Much better than Starbucks, don’t you think?’ Katherine said, suddenly not a bit afraid of the impending Christmas season.

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About me

Im new to this site and I may write a story or two when a got some time. but for now , I want to write about what I like in women who are into sex and proud of it and openly shows it."Absolutely a turn on for me!" In the old days when women were mocked and cut down for being interested in it, is not a turn on to me nor is it sexy. I found a new insight when I realized that gals who are horney and the real thing!Sex I beleave is a two way street and people should admit that women...

2 years ago
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Family HavenChapter 6

Now it was time for Ursula. John was already naked and fondling the girl's well-rounded teenage titties when David and Carol stirred themselves into action. "I'd like you to suck my prick for a little while, Ursula, and later David and I will frig you together. While you suck me, it would be a good idea, I think, if you, Carol, and David got her asshole ready. With that John sat at the edge of the bed, his prick waiting for the young girl's lips. Ursula was soon sucking it avidly and...

2 years ago
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Shagging Two Preston Prostitutes For 30 Quid

Preston's good if you want to empty your sac and not spend a fortune boys. Red light district is next to city centre travelodge so you can check them out on foot , make your choice & take them back without driving. Some dirty old skanks but I got lucky last week after several poor returns. Picked up a couple of girls who said they were trying to get some money together for a big night out. Didn't look or act like smackheads & were obviously new to it as I got the pair of them for £30...

3 years ago
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3:45. The numbers on the digital clock by the bed cast a green glow over the room. Outside, the street was quiet, save for the rustling of the leaves swirling in the autumn breeze. Inside, the only sound was the deep, even breath of sleep. She had gotten home at the regular time. The boys were already there and doing homework. The oldest was working on math problems while the younger colored a picture of bright, primary colors. The evening was, thankfully, uneventful as no major fights broke...

4 years ago
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Blue RibbonChapter 8

I stank of exertion and sex, as did Lisa. Holly had the sex smell, Anna the exertion, yet the two sophomores still smelled sweet. This was the most exciting day of my life. I chewed the last of my whopper as Lisa ate the last of my fries and Anna passed my coke to Holly. “Is this diet?” She worried. “No,” Glory shook her head. She had Alice’s keys, opening her classroom. I may have nudged her impolitely aside as I entered. Beth slalomed around Lisa and myself running to her bag. My clothes...

3 years ago
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To Murder and CreateChapter 11

I was wondering just what to say to Jim about how my hair got wet in the library, when I ran a hand through it and realized that ten minutes in the sun had rendered it reasonably dry -- and anyway, Jim would notice nothing. Jim, in fact, was in his doorway, depriving Billings of a chance to lean his canary-colored shirt against the jamb. "Hi," he said. "I think you've met Inspector Billings." "Lieutenant," said Billings. "We met on Monday, but we also spent some time together on...

4 years ago
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The Crusader Escape

The days had an order to them. More days than not, Thabit came to Rida in her prison bedchamber. The encounters were violent and rough but mercifully brief. She was brought two meals a day by a timid young woman who never spoke and barely looked at her. Over time, Rida became accustomed to her nakedness. She stopped cowering when Thabit barged into the room. Her lack of fear and shame increased his wrath. Some nights, he left her bloody and barely conscious. She had ceased begging for release...

4 years ago
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New Fantasy 23

THE NEW FANTASY 23 BY PAUL G JUTRAS Paul woke up in bed with a start. His legs began twitch and he felt like he had a hard-on between his legs as the pressure to go to the bathroom become almost unbearable. He didn't even bother turning on the light or lifting the seat. As he felt the relief he heard the roar of a lawn mower outside. As he took some toilet paper and whipped the pee that dripped on the seat cover, he looked out the window. First thing he saw his sister's cat in the lit...

2 years ago
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Summer of 93rsquo Borrow Him Part III

Summer of 93’ Borrow HimPart IIIMaggi took about 20 minutes before she was completing whole sentences again and Natalie kept asking me about The Venus Butterfly. We had a lot of fun. We moved into the kitchen bar and sat together snacking on some leftover pizza and replenishing our fluids. Natalie and Maggi got up and laid down in our bedroom. They were on their backs, legs spread, Natalie said, “come lay down Pete let’s kiss and cuddle.” I said, “in a couple of minutes I need some more water....

4 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 8 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I moved from sleeping to waking in that easy way that happens when it’s a Saturday and your alarm is switched firmly to the off position. The warm body cuddled up against me was still and relaxed which meant she was still asleep. I lay still for a moment until the idea percolated into my head that Estelle was sleeping in the other room so therefore I should’ve been on my own. I carefully rolled until I was lying face to face with Jen, my elder daughter. Her arms had allowed me to roll and...

3 years ago
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Further Adventures Of A FiftyYearOld Couple

For anyone who has not read any of my stories, they are all based on true events. We are a very happy couple in our fifties but love to experiment in our sex life. One Friday evening, we decided to head out of our neighbourhood for a couple of drinks. We found a nice little pub in a little village a few miles out of town. We had finished our first drink when I noticed two young guys eyeing my wife up, which was not a surprise as she was looking very horny in a short skirt and high heels. After...

Wife Lovers
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My First Trip To Heaven

Hi guys and girls. Mayank this side. This is my first sex story, so kindly bear with my grammatical mistakes. I live in Delhi since 2012 when I came here along with my family for my graduation. It was very easy for us to shift as one of my dad’s close friend (Sagar) live here since a long time. Even before shifting, their family and ours used to meet frequently. My family consists of dad (50), mom(46) and me(22). Their family consists of Sagar(48), his wife asha(45), his daughter akriti(22). As...

3 years ago
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Unintended Consequences Again

I was now safely retired for the third time. I was hoping it would take, but if past history was any predictor I would be employed in a gainful way very soon. Sometimes you should keep your thoughts to yourself, or better yet, don’t even think them. I had been playing at being an author for the last eight or so years. It all started with a long road trip where I started telling my wife a story about a kid hitchhiking to California from Ohio. It had some of my life and times as a loose...

3 years ago
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Kat on the loose again

Kat is my wife of almost 20 years we have two daughters and lead a good life. Kat is my one and only but well first see when Kat was sixteen her Aunt Bev taught her the ways to please a woman by force and though it was new and Bev was forcing her self on Kat she liked the pleasure not the pain. So over the years she has learned to get what she wants just by talking and in a way that makes you think it's your idea. Kat likes to get married women with k**s that have never had sex with a...

3 years ago
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Amy Goes Swinging

The thought of going to a swingers club had always intrigued Amy. Not that she was ready to be shared with other men and women just yet, but just to check it out, to be a voyeur and see what that mysterious world was all about. Amy wouldn't dream of doing such a thing in her own hometown of San Diego. Such an experience would need to be somewhere else, somewhere nobody knew her - if and when the opportunity ever presented itself. That is why a trip to London seemed to be the perfect occasion to...

2 years ago
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Dont Fuck MY Wife

As I exited her bedroom after having fucked Samatha three times to finally render her comatose, the most serene feeling of my life washed over me like a gentle wave in the Caribbean. All that was left was the complete humiliation of that asshole that started me on my quest. Sorry, I was just thinking back on one of the most satisfying experiences of my life, and I know that you have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me give you the background before I relate my tale. At the time this...

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Still the One Ch 03

A/N: Sorry it has taken me so long to get this out. I am in school, and I have a child to raise. I hope you enjoy this one. ***** His car smelled just as good as he did, like smooth, rich leather—a new car smell. ‘How long have you had this?’ ‘Oh, not long. I had it shipped in about a month ago. You like it?’ ‘It’s beautiful.’ ‘Like you.’ He put his hand over hers and kept it there for what seemed to be minutes, but was only seconds. The thing was, she didn’t want him to move it. His skin...

3 years ago
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We went to bed spooned, as we often do, but this evening I just couldn't seem to fall asleep. My mind wouldn't relax, and my body, though comfortable, wouldn't really let go. You know how that happens sometimes. The mundane niggling events of the workday just wouldn't leave my head. I tried to distract myself with songs, memories, even sheep for goodness sakes, but nothing worked.I was about to excuse myself from the bed and go to the den to read or watch the tube or something, but stopped as I...

Wife Lovers
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The Medieval Marine Part Eleven

The next morning, Marion woke up terrified and alone. It had been a long night for her because she had almost constant nightmares. Images of Gabriel on fire and Luke hanging from a tree, gutted; filled her head. Also, images of Pollyanna giving birth and her child split open on a pike while still attached by the umbilical cord; her own child being tossed into a pig pen and being eaten alive also flew around her head. All this while she was tied to a stake so unable to do anything about...

1 year ago
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Teacher 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The next time I (18 years old) had sex with my mother was to be three days after that first night. No opportunity presented its self prior to that. Mother was alone in the house after dad had left for work. She was in a nightgown and was picking up the dishes from breakfast. I walked up behind her and grabbed her in a hug. I wrapped both hands on her breasts and pulled her tight against me. All I had on were my boxers. As I nuzzled her neck I felt my...

4 years ago
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Sabrina the Tricky Witch part 3

Sabrina woke up and went downstairs, she invited Jack and he came over and joined them for breakfast. They all sat down at the table Hilda nervously buttered her toast, Zelda elbowed her and motioned toward Sabrina, "I found out whats wrong with you dear" said Hilda, "What is it Auntie?" Sabrina asked eagerly awaiting an answer, "Its called a Prajanu Raurava, in English it means, vagina monster, its a lesser sex daemon" Said Zelda before taking a long drag from her cigarette. Sabrina was...

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Schooling Ashley chapter 3

Late one evening, she found herself in the corridor that led to the Headmaster's office. His last words to her repeated over the over in her head, "I can teach you things that most women will never learn in their entire lives, show you a way to live that will afford you more pleasure than you can imagine, but it has to be your choice... If you do choose to come back, it will be to stay. No changing your mind, no second chances." The office door was unlocked and she entered, finding the...

3 years ago
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A Linda Christmas

Chapter One I got home from work last Wednesday and the light was flashing on the machine. Probably someone who wanted to know when I was going to make my overdue payment. The voice was hesitant, but that Chicago accent was definitely Linda’s. She wanted to know if I was cousin Pete, said she didn’t want to go into anything on the machine, but if it was me, she needed me to call her as soon as possible. She was in a motel in Anaheim, 35 miles south of me. I called, the number she left was for...

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Kate and Alice family Jewels

Introduction:"Pete, have you seen my...urgh" When the door had fully opened, Alice stopped dead in her tracks as she saw her brother Pete on his bed, naked. On top of him sat her best friend Kate, just as naked, smiling broadly at Alice, while she enthusiastically bounced away, riding Pete and obviously enjoying it. Seeing her brother blindfolded, with his hands tied to the headboard and his feet tied to the foot-end of the bed astonished Alice even with video when kate and alice...

1 year ago
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Horny Mom with Alzheimers

100% fiction! This story started 3 years ago and I'm now 20 and my life has gotten way better. It all started like this. My name is Mike and I live with my mom and older brother in a small house in a bad neighborhood of Gary Indiana. My dad Don, died a year ago and things got pretty bad after that. My brother Keith is four years older than me at 21. He is bigger and more masculine than me and works at an adult book store. I guess his job makes him horny because he's always jacking off and my...

4 years ago
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Rock Concert Coupling

I have been patiently waiting to again see my lover, Daniel, for over three weeks. His being a senior at a trade school in the next state is really "the pits." This endless waiting, and unrelentless craving for his hard muscular body, has been driving me crazy, as well as making every single cell in my young fourteen-year-old body extremely horny. My long red nipples always seem to be hard as large pebbles and my blond fuzz-covered slit always seems to be sooo swollen, sopping wet, and...

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Lai Ch 06 Barb

I must have awoken about a half hour later. Louis was still asleep. My weekend with him would be ending in a little over 12 hours. I thought I was falling in love. He seemed to have everything I was looking for in a partner. He was confident and engaging, he made me laugh and understood my goofy humor, he was tasteful and wealthy, he was handsome and, oh, what a lover. I really wanted to get to know him better, to determine how truly compatible we might be. He had seemed to indicate that he was...

5 years ago
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BethChapter 55

August 31, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, “Dad, why does the Sprinter smell like sex?” “Droll, biological daughter o’ mine. Droll.” I smiled at Dad’s response to the question I had asked upon entering the Sprinter with Dad well ahead of the other girls, who had all decided that they needed a last toilet visit before we headed to practice. “But I take your point, Beth,” he continued as he started the engine and cranked the AC. “We’ll have to get into the habit of running the ventilation fan.” I...

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Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I had lost dozen of friends before until I had finally just stopped even trying to make new friends. I lost track of most of them anyway, and it didn't seem worth it anymore. Arriving in town, I looked out the window thinking about how nice all these houses looked. We had money. But even...

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Zuris birthday part 2

Jessie was the first to wake up and looked over at the clock and saw it was only 2 in the morning. She looked over to Emma and Zuri sleeping next to her. Watching their naked bodies started to make Jessie get wet. She looked down to her pussy and noticed she was still wearing one of Emma's strapons. She took it off and started slowly massaging her clit giving her a little pleasure. She began pinching her clit with one hand and rubbing her pussy with the other. By now she was soaking the...

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