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She was running late, and she hated being late for this sort of thing. It had taken too long to get the stockings on and she hated the feel of them. It had been years since she’d worn stockings with a garter belt and she wasn’t sure why she was wearing them now. It was just coffee at a Starbucks. The red suede suit with the skirt with the slits up the sides was hanging on the closet door. Too dressy? But she’d dressed in red the times before and it was Christmas. Well, almost Christmas. Thanksgiving was this week.

Why did people push the season, she wondered. Barely Thanksgiving, and it already was all about Christmas. She supposed she’d best wear those enamel Christmas tree earrings. She eyed the Louis Vuitton boots. Too flashy for a coffee shop meeting, of course, but it was too cold not to wear boots. He wouldn’t notice.

Why was she doing Christmas at all this year? Nothing but pain. She should have booked on a cruise to Fiji. Nothing like Christmas down there at this time of the year.

She spent a bundle on this ‘just coffee at Starbucks.’ The lacy bikini panties and matching bra from Victoria’s Secret were apparel that hadn’t been in her wardrobe since before she’d married Wade. What? Six years ago now? My how time flies when you’re not having fun.

Not that Wade wouldn’t have been fun without the cancer that overshadowed their lives from even before the wed. She’d been termed a saint. And she’d grown accustomed to the role. It took Margie and Christine at work to propel her to Victoria’s Secret after she’d seen Simon at the office Christmas party, gotten all discombobulated at seeing him—and being alone with him for a few minutes and having been asked to meet with him again—and then having it all pulled out of her by her friends.

‘It’s time,’ Margie had said.

‘You can’t mourn Wade forever,’ Christine had said, but then, realizing how bald that sounded, she’d tempered it with, ‘He’d want you to date again and find another man. Lord, you’re not even thirty yet. I know he made you promise to do that even before you two were married.’

‘I suppose,’ Katherine had responded, her eyes still on Simon as he glided around the room, moving comfortably between groups of senior employees at the punch bowl and the Christmas tree. He was chief of the West Coast office now. He’d risen high in the company. He’d married the daughter of the company’s chief supplier, and the divorce had come through just as the office was changing chief suppliers. It was like he was a cat—always landing on his feet.

And he’d remembered her name.

‘It’s great seeing you here, Kate,’ He’d said as he approached her at the punchbowl. ‘It’s been so long. Too long.’

‘Yes, it’s been a long time,’ Katherine had said. She felt herself trembling. Had he ever said why he didn’t contact her again once he’d been transferred to the West Coast? And, even so, why had she let it go down so easy? Well, perhaps marrying another man dying of cancer on the rebound might not have been exactly letting it go easy.

It had been good with Simon those few winter months, hadn’t it? Why did everything memorable in her life seem to revolve around the Christmas season?

She’d never felt so completed before or since as she had in bed with Simon. But that wasn’t really fair to Wade. He’d been as much as his disease had allowed. But Simon. He’d brought her to—and over the brink—repeatedly, as she recalled, leaving her wrung out like a dish rag, but, in the end, purring and anticipating when they could do it again.

She shuddered that the remembrance of the feel of his hands moving up her legs, slowly unfastening the snaps to the garter belt—he’d already unhooked her lacy bra and buried his face between her breasts. The feel of his hand then, moving down her legs, one after the other, coaxing the stockings off her legs, and then his hand, strong and big, between her thighs, his meaty fingers finding and working her clitoris, entering her with his fingers, all while she moaned and he sucked on her nipples.

The weight of him as he covered her, spreading her thighs with his knees, moving his mouth to hers to take her in a brutal kiss—suddenly his need and insistence blazing hot and the sensation that it was all about him now, that other than a vessel for his need, she wasn’t in the picture anymore. That nothing would stop him now. The forceful, thick penetration, her entreaties to go slow, give her time, unheeded, and the wild thrusting. At last carrying her with him, her fingernails clawing at his back, feeling herself reach the heights and burst over the boundaries as he thrust and thrust.

In the end, she was ashamed to say, what he gave her was more than enough.

He was always bouncing out the bed right after, though, remembering someplace he had to be, something else he had to be doing.

But she couldn’t say it hadn’t been good for her—in the long run. And certainly was more sexual excitement than she’d had at any time since.

As she smoothed out the creases in the stockings before putting the red suede skirt on, it dawned on her why she had bought these stockings and dug out the garter belt. It was because she was thinking of Simon and of the ‘meeting for a cup of coffee’ offer he’d made at the early Christmas party and that her girlfriends in the office had nagged her to accept. Because of where that might lead.

Because he’d clearly enjoyed taking the stockings off of her all those years ago.

She probably shouldn’t go. She should call him and give an excuse. God knows he’d never had a problem calling her and giving her an excuse at the eleventh hour. Something had happened to break it up without affecting her too deeply. She should take time to try to dredge up what that was.

But she already was late for the meeting. The last thing she did was check her purse to make sure that she was bringing along protection in case Simon wasn’t. She was sure it would never get that far—it was just a cup of coffee and a catch-up of the last seven years—but . . .

* * * *

‘I can’t believe how good you look, Kate. You’re still gorgeous. It’s like yesterday rather than four years.’ Simon had a coffee mug in one hand but the other extended across the table and was cupping Katherine’s elbow. His thumb was stroking the silky skin of her arm above the elbow. This was sending chills of pleasure through Katherine’s body. He’d always been a charmer—and good with the foreplay up to the point of losing control and becoming ‘me, me, me’ at penetration.

‘It’s been seven years, Simon.’ Just a month shy of seven years.

‘Has it? It seems like just yesterday,’ he repeated. ‘I don’t really know—’

‘Neither do I,’ Katherine hastily interrupted. They both knew they were talking about whatever it was that had broken their affair off. Not that Katherine could remember any indication that it was headed anywhere except hotel room trysts, though—and she’d beaten her brain all during the trip over here trying to develop a scenario in which they were starting to make plans. But she just couldn’t remember anything of that sort. The breakup was as much a mystery to her as he was saying it was to him. Other than, of course, his promotion and move to the West Coast.

But she was sure there was something else, as well. There must have been.

‘I heard you were promoted right up out of the secretarial pool here I the head office and have a line management position,’ he was saying.

‘Yes, though we don’t have secretaries anymore—just personal assistants and ‘do most of it yourself’ computer power now. I’m chief of personnel in the main office now.’

‘Oh, really? Tell me about it.’

And Katherine did. It only took a few moments, though, for her to realize that his attention had strayed. He was still holding her arm and stroking it, but he was looking over her shoulder. As she turned to look, she, at first, thought he was looking at th
e Christmas tree being trimmed by a Starbuck’s employee in the corner of the room, but then she realized he was looking at two young, very attractive women—a blonde and a red head—at a table beside the tree. As she turned her head around, she viewed someone beyond Simon’s shoulder herself who seemed familiar. A man. Distinguished looking, but a few years older than she was. For some reason ‘Atlanta’ and ‘David’ registered in her head, but beyond that, there was no recognition. He turned his head and smiled at her, and, embarrassed, she turned her attention back to Simon.

He still wasn’t really paying full attention to her, so she wrapped up her ‘my office life’ description and asked him about the West Coast office.

Simon answered at length, looking mainly at Katherine now, but now and again letting his attention check out the other women in the room.

‘And I suppose you know that Claire and I divorced,’ he said, in conclusion. ‘She was nothing like you, unfortunately. I always regretted . . . say, you aren’t still wearing those luscious stockings—and a garter belt—are you?’

Katherine blushed.

‘Remember how we—?’

‘Yes, I remember,’ Katherine said. She felt herself go all warm. She was glad she’d made the effort to wear them today. She wondered how far away his hotel room was—or if, perhaps, he’d already made other arrangements. Perhaps he had anticipated there would be more than coffee. He always was a cocky son of a gun. But he’d satisfied her, in his own way—it could have been better. But it was as good as it had been for the last seven years—well other than that once, when she was on that business trip to Atlanta and had that one-weekend stand with that man at the other conference . . . with David.

Oh, my God, she thought, suddenly remembering where she’d seen that man across the room before. The man who wasn’t sitting across the room any more, though, she discovered as she looked. Guiltily she looked back into Simon’s face, and although he was still talking about the good times they’d had in a husky voice, Katherine realized he was looking past her again—at a striking brunette who had just entered the coffee shop.

Now she remembered why they had broken up. It had been his move to the West Coast, of course. But it had been more than that, and although she couldn’t break with him—and with the sex—at the time, she remembered now that she’d been relieved he moved a continent away.

Simon was a browser—a simultaneous browser. And he hadn’t just browsed. She had found that hers wasn’t the only field he’d been plowing seven years ago. He had roving eyes and hands and, to her embarrassment, she had ignored the truth too long back then.

‘My hotel isn’t far from here,’ Simon said, his eyes still roving. ‘We could—’

‘Hold that thought, Simon. I’ll be back in a few. Ladies room.’

He didn’t even follow her with his eyes, or he’d have seen her heading for the door to the street, not to the back of the coffee shop—and he might have noticed that she took her overcoat with her.

‘Katie? Katie Wilson, is that you?’

‘It’s Katie Barlow now. David Danfors, isn’t it? I’m surprised you remembered me.’

The man had been waiting for her outside Starbucks. He was wearing an expensive camelhair overcoat that, nonetheless wasn’t up to the winds coming off the lake in Chicago. He had been rubbing his hands together and stamping his feet in what had turned out to be a nippy morning. A bucket truck was out on the street, valiantly fighting the wind to put up illuminated snowflakes on the streetlight poles. Katherine grimaced, realizing now why she was bah humbug about pushing the Christmas season. Wade had died last Christmas season. She wasn’t prepared to relive the pain of that.

‘It’s been a year. Get back out there. Wade would want you to, you know he would.’ The nagging of Margie and Christine came back to her. She knew they were right. They had been right too that Wade had said he wouldn’t marry her at all unless she promised to get on with her life—which included men—after he died. He’d gotten the diagnosis between the engagement and the wedding. No one clung to false hope that he’d beat it. He’d offered her her freedom too, but she just couldn’t desert him.

But she had agreed to his demand.

The weekend fling with David Danfors had been when she was on the rebound from Simon but hadn’t met Wade yet. They were at the same hotel but different conferences in Atlanta. It was after she’d broken out of the secretarial pool and went to the conference to provide backup on personnel. She had gotten in the wrong conference room one day and had stayed for several minutes, mesmerized by the session presenter’s command and charisma. David had been a handsome, albeit older than she was, man who had been both glib and witty. There had been an immediate connection between the two from across the room and then a chance meeting in the hotel bar.

She was still wearing the stockings and garter belt that Simon liked so much at the time, and David had taken as much time, attention, and pleasure in unhooking the stockings and rolling them off her legs as Simon had. The similarities had ended there, though. David had kissed his way up her naked legs and continued with his kissing to the quick of her, using his tongue, lips, and teeth to pleasure her as she writhed under him, exploding again and again and begging him to be inside her.

And when he was inside her, she was ready and ripe for him, and he just glided in and then out and in again, kissing her passionately and watching her reactions closely with his eyes, making sure she was having as much pleasure as he was.

They had two nights together—and it should have been a third, but an emergency back in Chicago called her home. She’d frantically scoured the hotel in search of him before having to race to catch her flight, but she hadn’t found him. They hadn’t exchanged addresses for contact information. They both had been too taken up in the ‘now’ to think about the ‘after.’

The next month she’d met Wade Barlow, and the memory of David Danfors had slowly died away.

‘How could I have forgotten you? We seemed to have lost track, though,’ David was saying. He was hugging himself and Katherine could tell that he was cold. She had a warm coat on over the suede suit, so she was in better condition. ‘Or maybe it was too intense for you. If so, I’m sorry. I just fell hard. We were supposed to have another night, but you were gone and I couldn’t find you.’

‘I was called back to Chicago. I looked for you before I left too. I didn’t lose interest, I lost contact.’

‘I wasn’t in the hotel that afternoon. I was at a jewelry store—buying something.’

‘Oh.’ Katherine couldn’t think of anything else to say

‘Seven years ago, the weekend after Thanksgiving,’ David piped up, endeavoring to lighten up the conversation.

‘Yes, I remember,’ Katherine said, with a laugh. ‘I moped and pouted right up until Christmas.’

‘And then?’

‘I met my husband.’

‘Ah,’ David said. She could hear the disappointment and resignation in his voice.

‘But he died last Christmas,’ she said.

There was a pause before David took up the conversation again. ‘I’m sorry for your loss. I didn’t marry again myself. I had just been divorced, if you remember. But after that weekend I couldn’t marry again—anyone else.’


‘Say, would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?’

Katherine laughed—but it was a nervous laugh. ‘I just did that and it wasn’t the best idea.’

‘You were breaking up with that guy in there? He didn’t seem to be giving you his undivided attention. Not a good sign.’

‘That’s true. No, we were trying to reconnect, and I think I was trying harder than he was. But we should get inside, it’s freezing out here. Coffee still sounds good. There’s a Starbucks right here, but I don’t really want to—’
< br> ‘Strangely enough, there’s another Starbucks just two blocks down. We could . . . or . . . I know this sounds silly, but do you still wear stockings with a garter belt?’

Katherine laughed, moved closer to David, and put an arm through his, cuddling up to him to share some of her warmth with him. All of a sudden she was feeling very warm—and very much in the spirit.

‘I am today. Do you still live in New York?’


‘And you’re here in Chicago on business?’

‘Yes, my hotel is just up the street.’

‘How convenient. Much better than Starbucks, don’t you think?’ Katherine said, suddenly not a bit afraid of the impending Christmas season.

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Sarah Part Sixteen

The spring break at school was a few days away. The good news was that it would provide nine days of relaxation for me. I did have one chore to do, and that was to find a place to live during the coming summer and for at least a year after that. David and Julie were frantically trying to finish their graduate degree requirements, move things home, find a place to live and plan their wedding. And, Sarah, unfortunately, had to spend a good amount of her vacation time in upstate New York...

1 year ago
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Megaplex Theater 1st Visit

Megaplex Theater 1st VisitWell today I got a break from everything and decided to go check out an adult store I have been wanting to go to, Megaplex in Boonville Missouri.First I took a shower and took some extra time to tidy up a little with the razor. Then I picked out a sexy pair of pink and black panties, painted my toes a pale pink. Then I slipped on my favorite womens silvers low rise jeans, a bra and a salmon tshirt, put on my flip flops and headed out. Since it was my first trip I...

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Iravu Nerathu Kaamam 8211 Motai Maadiyil Kasamusa

Ennaku thirumanam aagi 5 varudangal aagugirathu en peyar selvi vayathu 30 aagugirathu. Naan indru en kanavan ennai sariyaaga paarthu kolathathaal en pakathu veetu paiyanai eppadi iravu nerathil azhaithu sex seithu ulasamaaga irunthen enbathai ungaludan pagira pogiren. Ithu en vaazvil nadantha unmai kathai aagum. En kanavan ennai nandraaga thaan paarthu kondar aanal aval athigam padikaamal irunthaar, naan kalluri padithu mudithu ippozhuthu ivrai thirumanam seithu konden. Naan en veetil...

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One New Years Eve

Just to give you an idea of how my young wife's mind worked. One New Years Eve, when we lived in Southern Calif , even in January it was still pretty warm, after a great meal and more Champagne than she should have drank. I had placed a sleep blindfold over her eyes and had taken her to one of the local sleazy adult motels something we did on a number of occasions, as she loved not knowing where she was or what was going to happen, in the front parking lot I had unzipped her cocktail dress...

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Erection at movies hall

This is a true story…send to me by my chat friend Paresh. My (Paresh) wife and I are both in our late 30’s. It started out with my wife and I deciding to go to a special showing of a movie at a local movie hall. As there was assigned seating, we proceeded to our seats. As we approached our row I was surprised to see my next door neighbor Meena and her daughter Pooja seated in our row. They have been our neighbors long enough for me to have watched Pooja grow from a young teen to a beautiful,...

2 years ago
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Bad News Part Two

After Fred and Percy said good night and went on their way, Vicki and I were left standing there not knowing what to say to each other. I opened the car door for her and helped her in. Then I went around and climbed in on the driver’s side and started the engine.As I looked over at her I asked, “Where to?” Vicki looked back at me uneasily as she gave me the name and address of the hotel she was staying in. Then she suddenly stammered, as if trying to explain herself, “My, my brother and I are...

Straight Sex
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Sunshine Moonlight

‘I’m not sure that you’re going to have time to get dry before we get to the service station.’ ‘Yea and as soon as I get out of the car I will be wet again anyway, and not in a good way.’ The young woman pulled her shirt up over her head and wrung it out the window, laid it over the dash, then wriggled out of her jeans. ‘You know, I think this is a torrential downpour.’ ‘I think you just may be right. It might not be safe to keep driving in this rain. I live just a few miles away. We could...

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Jenny my sister friend stays the night at our house

Note : This story is completely fictional!  my sister "jill" had a friend "jenny" come home with us after school to stay the night at our house. jenny was nineteen years old and so was my sister. i was one year young then the both of them. i got to the house first before my sister and jenny. i have never meet jenny and did not know if she was hot or not. so i run upstairs and jump in the shower. i get all dressed up like i was going out on a date or something. just as i was walking back down...

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Ladies LodgeChapter 5

"I think we ought to let Gwen sleep in a bit longer", said Francesca as she re-filled Harriet and Jessica's coffee cups and went to do some more toast. "She should be in bed for a week, not prancing about naked on the hills and dales at this time of the year! Can't you talk her out of it?" she shouted at them from the kitchen. "It's not as if this jaunt was her idea in the first place - you thought it up, Jessie. Why don't you call it off?" "It's been a dream of mine since I...

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Jimmys Clean Sweep by loyalsock

Since getting divorced a couple of years back, my ex said I was perverted after she found a link to some of my favourite videos from an online porn site, I have enjoyed a sedate single life. At 34, five foot eleven and with only a slight paunch my few friends say I should have a girlfriend by now. But I work from home, and not being one for socialising, other than the occasional trip to the pub with said friends, I haven't had much opportunity to meet some-one else. After what happened last...

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Summer 2000

My mobile phone rang and vibrated on the desk in my site office. I picked it up and glanced at the screen to see if it was a recognized number, perhaps even the caller’s name. The screen told me it was the office calling. “Hello?” I said a second after hitting the green answer button. “Hello, Brad, its Lucy here. I have Mr. Ash on the line for you. Just putting you through.” The line went quiet for a moment. Mr. Ash was the Managing Director of Ash Construction who had employed me as a Site...

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SisLovesMe Jane Wilde Spring Break With My Stepsis

After a long, hard semester, Jane Wilde is home on break from school. Jane is a shy bookworm with thick glasses, long legs and perky tits. After her friends bail on plans to celebrate the end of finals week, Jane is at home chilling on the couch when her stepbro shows up. He has been thinking about Jane since he caught her working out in the living room. She didn’t think anyone was watching so she slipped out of her yoga pants and started playing with her pussy, lying down on the shag rug with...

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My First Unwanted Yet Wanted Sex Part Two

Continued... "Admit it, you want more. I already know. Tell me. Tell me you want more." "I..I..I want more!"       "Ha-ha-ha-ha." the second voice laughed a devious yet seductive laugh. "The little virgin wants to be drowned from her innocence already? That was awfully, quick." "You know what they say, Samantha. Nothing ever goes as planned." said Juliet.          Samantha, Samantha was the other woman's name. Maddison figured it out. Juliet and Maddison both very much so burned with jealousy...

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fluky dogs Part 02 Escape Form The Sewers by Mogrim

[Chapter 1] As the footstep grew louder, the three friends panicked. If he is a cop, who surely he is, he’d have a gun, and all they have is a replica gun. If they try to use it, the cop will fire at them. And if they don’t use it, they will be arrested. It doesn’t matter how many cops are coming, they’re busted already. They have to come out with something, and they’d better come out with something very quick. “Hey Kenny, think something!” said Bill, the need of haste showing in his...

4 years ago
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Our Introduction to our neighbours part 2

Jacqueline and I are lying on our bed, recuperating from our experience with our neighbour. Jacqueline looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. “Do you realise, we didn’t even ask her, her name. I have seen a man coming and going from the house, which could be her boyfriend or her husband. Maybe, we could invite them over for dinner and a bit of fun. What do you think?” Jacqueline asks. I love the way Jacqueline thinks, and have already decided this sounds like a great idea. ”Let’s...

Group Sex
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Judy     "You cheapskate bastard!" Judy shouted,throwing a table  lamp at John.  The lamp gashedJohn's forehead before the lamp smashed on thefloor.  John lost his cool and decked her with asingle punch.  Then he went back to bed, lockingthe bedroom door behind him.     Judy got to her feet and looked at her face. There was a visible contusion which would developinto a nice black eye.  She went to the phone andcalled the police.  Thirteen minutes later, when twocops arrived at the door, they...

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My friends dad 18

As little Jeanette was 9 weeks old, it was safe for me to have sex. So John and I had a date night and had Christina and Jeanette babysit for the night. Of course Jeanette needed some experience, they both had one coming soon, she was 15 weeks along. We went to a nice restaurant for dinner. It was expensive, but it was a celebration. So we came home and we both went straight to our bedroom. We laid down on the bed on our sides. “That was a great meal, no bullshit,” I said. “Well I hope so, it...

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Always A Catch Part Three

I'll admit it: I'm not so good at playing the part of "wing man" to someone else, particularly when the "someone else" is my sad sack of a best friend, Wayne. He had just been dumped by his long time girlfriend Crystal, a cruel, unattractive thing who hated all of Wayne's friends (me included) and was borderline abusive to him.  Secretly we had all applauded the breakup which had been the result of her blatantly cheating on Wayne and refusing to work it out no matter how much he begged. Like I...

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Crash Course

Chapter 1 Jake Carver thought his life was going pretty good. He was in his freshman year of college and had his own apartment. His uncle Tom had died about a year ago and he was sad about that. But there was a silver lining to that dark cloud. His uncle had left him a little over 200,000 dollars and he was using that money to get through college. He also bought himself a brand new black corvette. It was the fastest thing he had ever owned. His mother had told him to be careful with it. Even...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 6 A Chance Encounter

September 11, 1994, London, England “«Доброе утро»,” an elderly man who seemed to be an usher said as I stepped inside the narthex of the Cathedral. (“Good morning.”) “«Доброе утро»,” I replied, then added something Tanya had taught me, “«Извините, я не говор по-русски.»” (“Good morning.”; “Excuse me, I don’t speak Russian.”) “Ah, no problem! I speak English. Good morning. Welcome to the Cathedral. Are you a visitor?” “Yes, from Chicago. I’m an inquirer.” He nodded, “It’s nice of you to...

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Chemistry Ch 03

I’m sorry it took so long to continue this, but there were various family crises to look after. Anyway here it is. I hope you like it. For those of you who are interested, there will be an end… ——— After the truck was loaded, we all admitted to being more than a little hungry. I had found a spot on the sofa free of bagged clothes and boxes of bedroom knick-knacks, just big enough to hold one person. I sank into the cushions with profound relief. A moment later, plopping into the inch of space...

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Warned Off

“I’ll do my homework after I get home, Dad,” Eleanor said. “If I can work tables four nights a week, you can’t ask me to stay home with books the other nights.” “Where are you going, and who with?” Bud asked his daughter. He thought he knew the answer to the second question. “Movies. Lee. He could hardly take me to the Rosebud. Now, could he?” “You ought to be still seeing other boys.” “What do you have against Lee?” Eleanor could never see what Dad had against Lee -- Mom, was nearly as...

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10 Steps to Domination

Chapter 1: Submission It was the first time meeting her and looking back I didn't realize how this meeting would change my ordinary life. It would change in many different ways. Parts of my life would be turned upside down and I would enjoy it. The control she would place over me was something I never realized one person would be able to do. The deep desire to be controlled would surface and stimulate me beyond my wildest dreams. I am a regular guy with a regular apartment, a regular job,...

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Three black studs in the mens room

Friday evening, my beloved hubby was enjoying in anticipation about the dirty things we could make in our marital bed; when my slutty girlfriend Suzie called to invite me to join her and go to a dance club. She added that we would have a wonderful time.My loving Victor stared at me and I looked into his crotch, noticing his bulge was going down. He said I could have a good time there.He would wait for me at home…But Suzie had not told me that we would go to a club for blacks.I decided to wear a...

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CagedChapter 8 The Final Result

The next day, the first of the three finalists arrived at nine am. He left at ten. The slave was given an hour to rest, shower, and get ready for the next one. She got into her cage just before the next one arrived at eleven and left at twelve. The last one arrived at one pm. By two, it was all over. Thomas walked into the slave's room soon after the third potential owner left. "So, was it like you expected?" he asked. She shook her head. "Not even close. They were all so...

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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Family Kai Trump

A couple of times when we were in the room alone and she greeted me with a kiss I took hold of her chin and kissed her on the mouth. She would give a nervous little giggle but I could tell it upset her some. After a few times of this, she began giving me a quick peck on the lips of her own free will, I think she looked upon it as a game. Once when she had come in from school I was standing in the kitchen alone and when we hugged and kissed I held her and forced my tongue in her mouth. She...

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Secret Affairs with my friends son part11

“Hey, Rachel,” I said picking up the phone. “Hi, Jennifer,” she replied but sounded worried. “What happened?” I asked. “Adam went to see his friends but haven’t come back, and you see the weather is getting worse, too,” Rachel said. I was thinking about what to tell Rachel. Should I tell her that her son was with me in my bed or should I tell her that I also didn’t have any idea about where he could be? “Adam is with me,” I said slowly. “What?” Rachel was surprised a little. “Yah, he...

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Fantasia Part 2 chapter 1

FANTASIA PART TWO - CHAPTER 1 After being asked many times to write a sequel for FANTASIA, here it is many years after the original. I hope I did it justice. CHAPTER 1 Sebastian woke up screaming. It had been the same for some time, he couldn't remember how long but since he returned from that world he had these constant nightmares. He lay in bed awake and stared at the ceiling. The ceiling was different to the one he had woken up and stared at for so long. Nice...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 31 ZOOphilia Part 5

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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Moms Horse HungerChapter 5

Patti opened her eyes to the morning sun. A flush of desire swept over her as she remembered the day before. It had been a day of exploration and discovery, and she quickly jumped out of bed, knowing today would be even better. Dressed in shorts and top, she scurried downstairs. "Mommy! Mommy!" She ran to the kitchen. "Mom--" The kitchen was empty. She spotted a note on the table. A frown clouded her face as she discovered her mother would be gone for most of the day. Blazer had to be...

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