Lai Ch 01 Barb
- 2 years ago
- 24
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I must have awoken about a half hour later. Louis was still asleep. My weekend with him would be ending in a little over 12 hours. I thought I was falling in love. He seemed to have everything I was looking for in a partner. He was confident and engaging, he made me laugh and understood my goofy humor, he was tasteful and wealthy, he was handsome and, oh, what a lover. I really wanted to get to know him better, to determine how truly compatible we might be. He had seemed to indicate that he was searching for a long-term relationship. But what was my future with him? How available he was to me? I contemplated how I should approach the remaining time with him, what to talk about and how to present myself, negotiating the process of bringing him closer.
I went back into the house, found a towel, and went back outside to lay it over Louis’ exposed privates. Then I put on some clothes. I decided to abandon my halter vest, microskirt, and fuck-me sandals. Instead, I decided to change to clothes that more accurately reflected my sensibilities. I put on a white cotton bra and thong knickers set, certainly sexy enough with its lace trim and overall design, but the bra was not a push-up and the panties had ample front coverage down there. I pulled on a pink polo shirt, which displayed the size of my impressively large breasts, but did not actually reveal any of it. I poured myself into skintight white leather pants that ended with a zipper at my ankles, which enhanced the contour of my ass and highlighted the shapeliness of my legs, but did not actually reveal any of these parts. Finally, I finished off the look with unadorned black leather open-toed pumps with a half-inch platform and thin 3-inch heels. Looking at a full-length mirror in the master bedroom, I agreed that the outfit overall did a good job at exhibiting the impressiveness of many of my physical assets, without flaunting much detail or skin. This is my general philosophy to personal attire, an understated but undeniable sexiness, which I stray from for special occasions only. I had apparently decided that this weekend with Louis up to now was one long special occasion.
I then went to the kitchen to prepare for dinner. I am a competent cook, although I cannot say I am particularly skilled, since I don’t practice all that much. I was going to make a standard Chinese dinner, with stir fry, sauteed greens, and rice, topped by a steamed fish. I washed and sliced meat and vegetables, placed the whole fish in the steamer, put rice in the cooker, and mixed up a couple of sauces.
Louis entered the kitchen just as I was beginning to make my last course, the beef and vegetable stir fry. ‘Wow, Barb. This smells so good. I can’t wait to taste your offerings,’ he said, the double-entendre probably intentional. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed the back of my neck. He then whispered into my ear, ‘Nice outfit, by the way, I like it. Oh, and sorry I slept so long. I must have been really tired. I think you must have dehydrated me.’ He squeezed my ass lightly.
‘You’re crazy, sweetie,’ I replied, still facing away from him. I playfully slapped him on the hands. ‘Why don’t you clean up a bit and set the table?’
The plates turned out well, I thought. Louis seemed to agree, complimenting me effusively about my culinary skills, asking me where I learned to cook, what other dishes I knew, and on and on. I knew he was exaggerating his enthusiasm, but I was still flattered by his kind words and attitude. We did not have any wine with the meal and I was glad that we did not have a romantic candlelight dinner either. The lighting was supplied by the natural sunlight, which progressively dimmed. We talked more about our likes and dislikes. We discovered a mutual appreciation of specific spectator sports, films, and entertainers. We found out that we each had little religious inclinations. We learned that our political leanings were similar, socially liberal, although he did acknowledge extreme financial conservatism, which was not unexpected, given his family wealth.
When it got dark to the point where we had difficulty seeing each other, Louis said, ‘Shall we clean up together, Barb? I don’t have any maid service out here.’
We got to work and finally got to the point where all the items were ready to be soaped and rinsed. There was a dishwasher, but Louis indicated he would rather do the dishes, utensils, and pans by hand and let the items dry on the dishwasher rack. We stood side by side at the large two-basin sink, me washing and him rinsing. I decided this was the time to explore our relationship deeper. I casually asked him, ‘So, I’ve been dying to ask you this all weekend, honey. How is it that such a catch like yourself is still free and unattached?’
‘Why, Miss Wei, how do you know that I am unattached?’ he replied with a slight grin. I immediately frowned intensely before assuming a more neutral appearance. Louis must have noticed because he quickly added, ‘I’m joking, Barb. I’m free, nothing to hide. Are you all right?’ He eyed me carefully and my face relaxed further.
‘I’m fine,’ I said, slightly subdued.
‘Barb, I’m not sure what got you all tense just now. But if it will make you feel better, I will tell you more about my most recent relationship.’ He paused. ‘You know, it was not my choice to return to Hong Kong earlier this year. It was my father’s choice and possibly my mother’s. Obviously, I was eventually going to have to come back. But the timing was almost certainly chosen because they disapproved of my girlfriend out there and they wanted to break us up. Which they successfully did. I had been with Amy for a while and was seriously thinking about proposing to her, right after she finished her training as a pediatrician this year. Which she probably did a few months ago …’ He looked wistful.
‘You could have waited and brought her to Hong Kong, no?’
‘I could have, I suppose. But the break-up was nasty. I don’t think she ever really understood the obligations that constrain me here. Nor why should she? She left Hong Kong as a baby and knows nothing of this place. She came over to Hong Kong with me once for a few weeks. But ultimately, she didn’t want to come here, the place too foreign, my role here too unfathomable, and she wanted me to stay in America, for me to build a new life out there with her. I wanted to, as well, but … but I couldn’t. Or maybe I could have, who knows. In the end, I did what I was told, familial piety and all that. She accompanied me to the airport, but I haven’t heard from her since and, by arrangement, I never will. My father was probably right to stop us when he did, it never would have worked out, although sometimes I still wonder …’
Louis paused again, staring out the window above the sink. ‘For the past few months, my parents have been introducing me to daughters of their business associates. Or my sisters with their friends or my old friends with women they know. These women have all been great, smart, caring, attractive, but they have all been in the same circle that I am a part of. I wanted to find someone outside of my zone, someone that I could feel free and alive with … again.’
I got the sense that he did not want to spit out that last word, but felt compelled to. ‘What was she like, Louis?’ I asked with a calculated calm that concealed true worry. Before now, I was slightly concerned that I might have to compete with my frenemy Nan for his heart. Now I was seriously concerned that I might have to compete with a living ghost.
‘She was very smart, very intuitive, very committed, very passionate. She showed me how to express my emotions and how to read strangers. She encouraged me to be my best and with her I discovered drive and curiosity that I didn’t know I possessed. Most of all she made me feel free, to believe that I could be who I wanted to be. To act and live to the fullest in the present and to trust that doing so would always pay off in the u
nknown future.’ Louis stayed silent for a while, still staring out the window. Finally, he said, ‘Well, this is all ancient history, Barb. I am happy to be with you now.’ He gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, essentially informing me he was done talking about this aspect of his life.
I returned the kiss. I stared out the window, too, wondering if I should reveal my own recent and sad relationship story. I exhaled loudly just before I spoke. ‘You probably noticed the change in my face when you joked about your relationship status. I should tell you that I had an affair that ended six months ago. This indiscretion may scar me for life, Louis. I don’t even know where to begin …’
Louis nodded slowly and with a bemused look on his face, a curious reaction in retrospect, but I was lost in my thoughts and wasn’t really paying attention to him by this point.
‘It started about a year ago. I had just broken up with someone who I had been friends with since university and whom I subsequently dated for almost a year, long after we had already graduated. Mutual agreement, no bad feelings, but I was still feeling upset and probably a little too vulnerable.
‘Well, I met him at a shoot, he was the head of the company whose clothing line I was representing. He was older, in his late thirties. As it turned out, he was extremely wealthy. The company I modeled for was one small part of his retail business empire. I had been seeing him for about two months before I found out that he was married with two children. Complete naivete on my part. I had only been out from the shelter of the university for about a couple of years and these kind of relationships were things I had only gossiped about, not realizing that it could happen to me. Even after I knew, it didn’t matter to me, though. He treated me like a princess, I had so much fun, did so many interesting things, went to so many interesting places. He developed a sophisticated and daring sensuality in me that I didn’t realize I had in me. He promised me that he would marry me soon. But one day, suddenly, he told me it was over.’
‘You must have loved him deeply, Barb.’
‘I did. I was devastated. I called him, but he had changed his numbers. I went by his place, but the doorman refused to let me enter. I entered his company headquarters, but was blocked by security. So humiliating. I felt so betrayed. So used. But, you know, in the end, it was a good lesson for me. It changed my attitude about myself. My father, mother, brother, all quite educated and disciplined people, had advised me since I was a teenager to start using my brains more and apply myself more seriously to tasks, to stop just using my beauty to get what I wanted. So I took their advice. My bosses at the station have told me that they’ve been pleasantly surprised by a noticeable upgrade in my preparation and professionalism. I worked hard to improve my singing, which must have helped me win Miss Hong Kong. And while I recognize that my face and body will always be an asset, I now have the confidence to leverage it to get to better opportunities, get involved in more creative and intellectual pursuits. I don’t want my beauty to define my path anymore.’
‘Barb, all disappointments have their value, as long as you grow from them.’
‘I see the truth in that now, honey. Thanks for telling me your story and listening to mine.’ I continued with a twinkle in my eye, ‘You know, I swore off men when I was dumped. You are the first man I have dated in about six months. You had such a striking confidence, I couldn’t say no. Besides, how could I turn down the great Louis Lai, one of Hong Kong’s most eligible bachelors? Or so say the gossip pages. I had to see what that was all about.’ I then whispered in his ear, ‘And I haven’t been disappointed.’
‘Miss Wei, are you telling me that you haven’t had a man in six months? What pent-up energy you must have had. You just took me down a notch. I was under the impression that your shuddering orgasms and insatiable sex drive were directly attributable to my talents,’ Louis said, only half-jokingly.
‘Just making up for lost time, my gigolo,’ I replied with a laugh. ‘No, seriously, sweetie, there’s no pent-up energy. Fingers make good lovers, too. But, dear, I really want you to know that you are best lover I have ever had. So giving, so responsive, and so intuitive about what I need and when. Whatever happens, I think my body will always crave yours.’
‘I’m flattered, Barb. Shall we get ready for bed? We have to get up early tomorrow, remember? Why don’t you get ready in the master bathroom? I have less to do and I’ll get ready in another bathroom and meet you in bed when you’re done. In any case, I want to watch some news, I’m curious about who’s replacing you tonight.’
‘Must be Tessa. She’s cute. But don’t get any ideas, honey. She’s married and I met you first.’
I took off all my make-up, jewelry, and clothes. I did my usual nighttime routine. Then I changed into a simple white satin kimono-style robe that ended at my upper thigh. I slipped on a pair of white slides with a 1-inch kitten heel. It was an enticing combination, showing off my toned and slender legs, still, the sexual appeal was understated. Just like dinner, I wanted to continue to keep the ambience realistic. I also decided that I was not going to be initiating any over-the-top sexual activities tonight either. I recognized that over this past weekend, I had attired myself in more erotic garments and acted in a manner consistent with extreme male fantasies, part of the effort to secure Louis’ ongoing interest in me. But the time for me to make a strong first impression was over and, if he was going to want to see me again in the future, I needed to be able to seduce him with my natural allure, not a fantasy allure that I could not possibly stage on a constant basis.
When I emerged from the bathroom, Louis was already between the sheets, reading a magazine. He got out, completely nude and quite hard, apprising me. I remained in place, yet again marveling at the aura of his masculine beauty, the ruggedly handsome face, the chiseled V-shaped torso and the thick limbs, the defined musculature and low body fat. I could only think to myself, I get to fuck that. He stood still for a while, just smiling and gazing at me, knowing that I was lustily admiring his physique. After a bit, he came over to me, encircled my waist from behind before using the side of his left hand to languidly stroke along my slit. He gave me a few soft kisses at the back of my neck. Eventually he said, ‘Barb, before we sleep tonight, I want you to know that I had an incredible weekend with you and that I would hope this is not the end between us.’
My pussy was soaking by now and it was all I could do to croak, ‘Please take off my robe, my dear lover.’
He did and the garment pooled at my feet. I turned around on my tiptoes and we urgently entwined ourselves, pressing our forms together, arms groping each other up and down our backs and asses, kissing each other all over the face and neck, grunting rapidly and softly. With crazed urgency, we were simultaneously trying to worship and possess each other’s body. I was leaking heavily by now and I could feel pre-cum at the tip of his penis.
I frantically pulled him onto the bed on top of me. Louis dropped lower down my body and began to play with my large tits, burying his face in my deep cleavage, massaging each one with his gentle hands and nimble fingers, left breast then right, then sucking hard on my sensitive and highly erect nipples. I dropped my hands down there, right fingers rubbing my clit and my left fingers gliding between my lips. I closed my eyes, attempting to shut out extraneous non-sexual sensations. I softly moaned over and over. Then Louis very slowly skimmed further down to my lower torso, patiently licking and kissing what seemed like every square inch with his mouth and gently tracing all of its curves with his fingers. Incredibly aroused, I began gener
ating increasingly more pussy juice and moaning louder, as my hands gripped the powerfully hard muscles of his arms and upper torso and as he licked me progressively closer to the burning fire in my cunt.
I broke the wordless atmosphere, nearly sobbing, ‘Please fuck me, honey. I can’t stand this. I need to feel you inside me.’ Louis braced his arms against my side, raised his trunk, and then roughly plunged his dick into me, eliciting a sharp gasp from me, but providing me with an instantly satisfying fullness. I released my hands from my pussy, as he calmly massaged the inner depths of my sex with slow strokes of his rock-hard cock. We gazed into each other’s eyes, smiling and cherishing the connection we had achieved.
I don’t know if I just got caught up in the moment, if it was the cumulative events of the fantastic weekend, or simply my pussy overpowering my emotional defenses, but I blurted out with a sweet voice, ‘I love you, Louis,’ while still gazing into his eyes. I knew that wasn’t the best thing to say, but I didn’t care at the moment. Louis didn’t reply, but he didn’t he recoil either. He leaned his chest down from his position above me and kissed me deeply on the lips.
I instantly wrapped my arms around him, keeping him tight to me. He had no choice but to do the same. We continued to kiss, sensually, each tongue desperately tasting its counterpart, lips never unlocking. Our hips bucked rhythmically, slowly in unison, equally determined to maintain the carnal link. My heart soared, pounding loudly and rapidly. I didn’t want this unbelievably intimate moment to end. We must have kept at this for over half an hour, our bodies as one. But all things, no matter how blissful, must come to an end. Sheer physical exhaustion took over. ‘Let’s cum together, sweetie,’ I whispered, breaking the seal between our lips.
Louis raised his trunk and thrusted deeper, more forcefully, and faster. I brought my hands south and rubbed my clit manically. I applied what I had learned this weekend, that prurient talk reliably aroused both of us to orgasm. ‘Your cock feels so good, oh god it feels so good, honey. Fuck me hard, give me what I need, fuck me hard, give me what I need. Cum inside me, make me your slut, cum inside me, make me your slut, dear’ I moaned repeatedly. I was on the edge when I felt his manhood twitch and ejaculate fluid into my cavity. Instantly, I climaxed, screaming, ‘LOUISSSSSS!’ Then he collapsed onto me, as spent as I.
I woke up. Louis was still sleeping soundly. The clock indicated 5 o’clock, a half hour before the alarm was to go off. We were going to leave at 6:30 o’clock, as Louis told me that he had meetings beginning at 8 o’clock. I stared at him, as I probed my feelings about this weekend and the sleeping man before me.
Was this the best weekend of my life? Maybe yes, among the most fun from an activity standpoint, possibly the most emotionally charged, and certainly the most physically satisfying. Was I actually in love, like I had let slip during intercourse? The answer again was a maybe yes, my libido and my brain voting yes, my heart abstaining for now. Louis possessed so many attributes I covet in a partner. He was not only a great lover, but also handsome, smart, confident, wealthy, generous. I wasn’t entirely sure about our mental and emotional compatibility at this point, but I was certainly willing to adapt as much as I could to accommodate him. Which led to the most important set of questions, the ones that I was most scared of. Where was this all headed? Did he want to continue to learn more about me as I wanted to learn more about him? I was certain that I captured his interest and that we would see each other again. But what comprised the interest? I had learned the hard way that a relationship based mostly on sex ultimately leads to disappointment and I did not want to be burned again.
It was a fine dinner. The nighttime view of Victoria Harbor from his penthouse flat was magnificent. As were the food and the conversation, both enhanced by a bottle of vintage white wine that Louis told me he had had from before he left for America and was saving for a special occasion. He was a perfect gentleman, seated across from me in the middle of a long glass table meant for six. He listened attentively to what I had to say and was forthcoming with his own thoughts. For the most part, he...
I awoke and a clock indicated 8 o’clock, I couldn’t have slept more than five hours. My body felt somewhat tired, but my mind was excited and my heart was leaping. Louis was still fast asleep. I looked at him for a bit, wondering whether I was falling in love. I had only known him for one night, was it possible? Oh, but what a night! Such a handsome, wealthy, intelligent, confident, powerful man … and I felt so alive around him. I felt so comfortable and secure around him. And so great at...
MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: ABBY & BARBWHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This first story is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Abby Ordman and her daughter, Barb. Abby is 43 and Barb is...
ABBY & BARB This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This story is an interracial story. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW … This is a story about a mother, Abby Ordman and her daughter, Barb. Abby is 43 and Barb is 20. Both women have trim...
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I have a twin brother, his name is Brad. We are like most twins, very close. When we were eight our parents divorced under very friendly terms and remarried. All four were very friendly and I don’t pretend to understand how they managed this, but the end result was that we were each to live with different parents. We lived in the same block but on different streets. We each had a bedroom in the others house and we often were under the same roof at one house or the other. But actually the thing...
"Absolutely not!" Adrian Martin slammed her hand on the table. "I refuse to allow it!" "Allow what?" Greg asked. "This whole project. I'm not going to let it go forward." "What do you object to?" Greg asked. "This girl. What she does. The whole idea. Everything about it!" "It's the sex, isn't it?" Hanna asked. "You don't want her to engage in it." "I expected better of you!" Adrian said. "You're a woman. Can't you see that they're just using her? This is just...
Knocking on the door to what was supposed to be Nikolai’s apartment I waited anxiously for him to answer. After a few moments I heard a sexy, masculine voice saying just a moment in Russian. I hoped that it was Nikolai. I would know as soon as I gave him the code phrase, and he responded with the completion of the scripture verse. “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,” I said quietly in Russian when he opened the door. “For he has visited and redeemed his people.” He replied in Russian...
Barbies ? by: Jamisia On some nights, when you're on the town and walking around, it's better not to meet certain people. On some nights there could be a full moon and then there's no telling what goes on behind these people's faces. The usual friendly neighbour could very well all of a sudden be the guardian of a door to another, magical world. Most people do believe in different, magical worlds, but immediately let it accompany by the thought that these worlds must be better...
Clair, Dee and the Visit Clair hurried to Dee's home, feeling anxious. He had been told to arrive before ten. He has been ordered to be smooth and hairless, wearing his sexiest lingerie under his drab, male clothes. He was very keen to ensure that he prepared exactly right and had spent ages with depilatories, razors, lotions, creams and perfumes to ensure that his skin was as glossy and fragrant as he could possibly get it. He had managed to avoid too much onanism, saving himself for...
“Clair why can’t I have a piece of ass” was such a simple question. It started an unexpected chain of events, it is all the chaos theory. Clair is my beautiful, alienated older sister. Clair is a classic sociopath with few human emotions or feelings. She is a promiscuous slut because she gets pleasure from sex. Now Clair was not your run of the mill High School Cheer Leader slut, she has some class and is slutty with a few selected guys. Clair is a classic California Girl, blonde, slender,...
Barbraby theduck1930 The year was 1965 I on the Eagles drill team in the local Area. There was an invitational meet in a larger city an it was to be held in their gym. The gym was large and had seating for over one-thousand people. Not many Areas had gyms let alone one of this size. The team I was on decided to attend as it was not far off and each of us would be bale to handle the expense. Those expenses included our transportation, food, and drinks.We took first place which got us one free...
This story begins in the middle of nowhere ‘can you picture it? In the middle of the sea is where you are thinking about, right? If you are thinking about the middle of the sea turn right by 78 degrees and go forward 2 nautical miles. If you do that you will stumble across the island of Barbados. The island was found by a Englishman whose boat had sunk and he was the only survivor, when he got back to England he try to tell everyone about the island but they though the sun had driven him crazy...
That evening after dinner Ana smiled and asked me if I would mind if she and her girlfriend Helena would take a vacation together.I said not at all, knowing I could not take a single vacation day for the next three months. So, my sweet wife had the right to enjoy some days for herself, even in the company of that slutty bitch…But the worst thing was to know that they were planning to go to Barbados. It would be just five nights there; but I knew Helena could fuck a dozen well hung black guys in...
Blair's Britain "Damn, where's my bra?" For those of you who don't think there's anything odd about this question perhaps I should explain. I am a heterosexual married man yet here I am typing out my story in stilettos, stockings, satin knickers and suspenders, a satin bra and a slip writing my story. I would never have thought this possible 10 years ago when "Things Can Only get Better" blared through the speakers and a triumphant Tony and Cherie drove to Downing Street. I...
"AHHHH! OHHHHHH, SHITTTTTTT!" Wanda cried out as she felt the fingertip push slowly into the tight, gripping ring of her bung. Elaine wriggled it around and around, teasing her and sending thrills racing from her ass to her clit. The brunette's clit throbbed in time with her to her friend's fingering, making her slam her ass harder against Elaine's face. "MFGGGFFF!" Elaine cried out, turning her face to one side to catch her breath. "Do it, babe! Do it!" Wanda cried out wildly....
Seth reclined in his litter, borne upon the shoulders of four servants as they elevated him above the crowded marketplace. He stared up at cloudless blue sky while they made their stuttering, stop-and-start way through the throng and toward the slave pens. He'd ventured out with a mission today. A particular need had overcome him, a rather... insatiable craving, and his usual methods of indulgence were proving wanting of late. The brothels and the infrequent liaisons with other lords barely...
Gay MaleHi friends, enathu peyar Kishore, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, naan chenniyil vasikiren. IT velai seithu varugiren, oru naal naanum enathu nanbargalum kolli hills sellalam endru mudivu seithu irunthom. Summer vanthu vitathu oru falls sendru kulikalam endru mudivu seithu irunthom, naan ithu naal varai entha aruviyilum kulithathe ilai. Enaku migavum aasaiyaaga irunthathu aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya vilai naan oru gramathu kanniyai matter adipen endru. Naam niraiya model pengalai paarthu irupom...
Fucking My Mother in Law Barbra I'd been married for 3 years to my wife and we were very happy with each other as far as sex and love but when we was around her mother she would always manage to get close to me or rub against me when I was close to her either at my house or her house. I was 19 yrs. old at the time and she was around 36 and I never thought much about it except when she would wear loose clothes and she would make sure she would lean over so I could get a good look at her tits....
"AIYYEEIEE!" Elaine shrieked as Rex hunched his powerful black hips one more time and buried almost all of his cock in her snatch. She kept screaming and screaming as the dog held tightly onto her heaving belly. Elaine shook her head wildly back and forth as tears of pained pleasure sprang to her eyes. She couldn't believe the sensation she was having right now. It was different getting screwed by a dog. All those lumps that funny, slick pointed feeling of doggie meat pressing against her...
"Here we are, my dear. In you go," she murmurs in warm honey, holding the door open, so Claire can go before. As they walk to the center of the small store, a diminutive woman with spiky gray hair and piercing black eyes comes out from the back room."Good morning, Ruth, how are you today?"Very well, Kathryn. What are we in need of?Kathryn takes Claire by the shoulders and moves her between them, facing Ruth. She runs her crisp red nails down the girl's arms, straightening them to her...
LesbianHi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en companyil velai seibavanin veetirku sendra pozhuthu avan ammavai eppadi oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar ramesh vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan oru it companyil manager velai paarthu varugiren, ippozhuthu oru varudamaaga velaiku puthithaaga sernthu irukum paiyan peyar thaan vignesh. Avan vayathu 21 thaan aagugirathu, avan veetile valantha paiyan pola irupaan avalavaaga veli ulagam theriyaamal...
Claire's Place Synopsis: "Claire's Place!" The sign read across the top. Below it read: "Home cooking, and honey, if you leave here hungry, it's your fault." A cute sign on the side of a road hardly used since the new freeway. A perfect sort of road for a slow trip on a bicycle, and a perfect place to stop if you're hungry and Carl stopped. Starting off again, however, was going to be a lot harder. Players: Claire and Carla Simms; Sheriff Emmit Baker; Susan Day; Old Doc...
Linda at the Barbershop - by Bald-Ed-----------------------------------------------The deal that I have with Linda, I give her buzzcuts and she fucks my ass, is a great success.I give her a number 2 buzzcut every weekend and we are both happy with that.We are also very happy with the strapon sex. It gives us both a lot of pleasure.Although Linda looks great with a number 2 buzzcut, I asked her to go shorter. I wanted to give her a number 1 at the sides and a number 0 at the back. You know,...
Masturbation"SHITTTTTTT!" Elaine cried out, bucking on the bed, hunching up, drooling with excitement until she thought she'd piss on the bed. Sam was pushing the blunt, bulging head of his cock farther inside her cunt. Elaine could feel his heavy balls now resting on the bottom V of her cunt-lips. Inch after hot inch sank into her hole like a hot poker through a tub of butter. Finally their bodies touched and Sam rested, panting heavily and dripping sweat on her forehead as his cock jerked and danced...
Elaine's Top 5 The culture of sex has changed a lot in my lifetime. Twenty years ago Lush would not have worked. Even if the Web had existed, we wouldn't have had the same degree of openness. Photos and clips that are fun today would have been judged as gross, filthy, immoral, and in some cases illegal. My "Top 5" collection of Elaine experiences is about the transition period from then to now. This collection of anecdotes is based on real occurences, with a liberty taken here and there. My...
VoyeurElaine sat at the bar nursing a gin and tonic, she had come here after the breakup of her marriage. She looked around the room, there were a few couples scattered around the small bar, not many people this time of year, peak season wouldn't start for another month. Her eyes rested on two men sat in the corner, both were laughing and joking, Elaine envied them; they didn't seem to worry about anything. One of the guys looked up, and caught Elaine's eye, he winked and smiled at her, his...
Group Sex"Ohhhhhh!" Elaine cried out in fear as she felt the animal's hot, heavy breath blow through her wiry cunt hairs. He hadn't touched her yet, but she could feel his breath against her trembling thighs. Suddenly the blonde felt something cold and wet press against her right snatch-lip. She knew it was the animal's pointed snout, and screamed out in horror. "That's it, babe! Cry it out like you really mean it," Peter said loudly. Elaine choked down the sobs, refusing to give the fat man...
"How could you get mixed up with people like that? HOW?" in cried out as they reached the hotel lobby. "Shhh!" Wanda cautioned her friend as they walked quickly through the tiled lobby. "People'll stare if you keep shouting like that," she whispered. "I don't care, Wanda," Elaine said, feeling herself pulled quickly into the first set of revolving doors. "Okay, we're outside now," Wanda said, sighing in relief. "You know what they did to me up there?" Elaine cried out,...
"Dude, did it happen?" John asked excitedly as he entered Kevin's room. "Yeah, two days ago. You're the first person I am telling," Kevin said and smiled. "FUCKIN' AWESOME!" John replied and went up for a high five. Kevin returned it, but with a lot less enthusiasm. "Keep it down. I don't want my parents to know yet," Kevin said. "Why?" Kevin replied. "You know all the shit that happens when someone's power's activate. I'll have to get Assessed and go to a different school,...
Cheryl wiped the sleep out of her eyes, yawned, and scrunched down in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She'd been having the most wonderful dream, but she couldn't remember what it was. There were horses in it, she could remember that much, and she'd gone riding, her long hair blowing in the breeze behind her. But... She finally pushed the covers away and got out of bed. It was dark outside, no surprise because it was 5:30 in the morning, and it was snowing. She could see the flakes...
"Cheryl came to the offices last Saturday," Hanna said on Monday morning. "She wanted to know why certain things were happening." "Such as the non-stop sex?" "That came up, but that wasn't her first concern. Apparently she turned trig homework in at her regular school. It was homework that she'd had in The Construct. But that wasn't all. I'd come in to finish archiving some material, and she was here. She wanted to view tapes of her experience in The Construct." "Uh oh. That...
Elaine awoke from her nap glad to be off from work even if it was for a Doctor’s appointment. It was time for her annual physical. Elaine always dreaded these exams; they were so private, so intimate, but knew they were necessary. She wanted to take a long shower and prepare herself. It was almost noon and her appointment was for 2:30pm. At 35, Elaine was in great shape for a mother of two. She had been married for 10 years and she and her husband continued to have sex just about every...
The following story contains details of sexual relations between consenting adults. If you are 16 or under you are asked not to read the following. This story contains no references to any person living or dead. It is essentially a romance with a twist. This story is the second to be posted here, please let me know your thoughts. My E-mail is [email protected]. My thanks go to all those who took the trouble to send me comments on Wanted and to Nikkie who made some useful...
THUNDARR THE BARBARIAN © 2008 by Anthony Durrant As I was wheeled into the operating room on a gurney, I saw Dr. Schillinger looking at me sadly. "What's up, Doc?" I asked him. "We'll be opening you up in a few minutes, Mr. Partridge. As you know, you won't be expected to survive the procedure. I'm so sorry." He and a nurse lifted me onto the operating table, and I looked up and smiled at him. He smiled back as his anesthetist put a gas mask over my nose and...
Elaine and Pauline by Georgina Her soft, satin-gloved hands shirred with a hissing, sexy sound over the slim, black satin skirts of her beautiful strapless evening gown. Elaine was in a wild and sensuous mood, sweet in its depth of desire and pure decadent and forbidden lust. Her stiletto heeled shoes tapped on the parquet flooring of the corridor as she glided towards her son's room. In the quietness of his room Paul waited, fear gripping his heart as he waited for his...
Linda at the Barbershop – by Bald-Ed ———————————————– The deal that I have with Linda, I give her buzzcuts and she fucks my ass, is a great success. I give her a number 2 buzzcut every weekend and we are both happy with that. We are also very happy with the strapon sex. It gives us both a lot of pleasure. Although Linda looks great with a number 2 buzzcut, I asked her to go shorter. I wanted to give her a number 1 at the sides and a number 0 at the back. You know, fucking a woman with a shaved...
I have a friend who puts forth the image of the super-macho alpha male. He plays golf, hunts, watches football on TV and ogles the ladies in our social group.His wife is a curvaceous woman who had turned my head for decades. I’d really like to get into her panties, both figuratively and literally. I have been secretly sneaking into her laundry hamper for years and pilfering her panties, nighties, bras, girdles and anything else I can snag. I take them home with me and wear them, fondle myself...
Eugene was sat next to Elaine on the passenger's seat. She was blindfolded. "Are we there yet?" Eugene asked with enthusiasm. "We are but I will not take the blindfolds out yet. In fact I am going to lead you with it still on," Elaine said. Her car was parked outside The Soho BDSM Centre. "Why can't I take out these blindfolds?" Eugene asked. "Because it makes it more erotic and these young men love fucking a beautiful Blonde like yourself. Now come on," Elaine being...