- 4 years ago
- 40
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Many thanks to my friend and editor Dawnj! Any mistakes in the story are mine.
This is a long story (for me) and I would like to warn my readers that it contains no sex until the second part of chapter 19. If you don’t mind waiting that long, please read on…
Barbra wished she could have skipped 2010. Perhaps things would have been better if that had been possible? She knew they wouldn’t. Still, it had been the absolute worst year of her life.
It had started alright. Christmas had been simply wonderful, spent in the family circle with her parents, her photographer husband Mike Nelson Laing and her twin sister Emily, in an atmosphere of real good will and happiness. She hadn’t even had a quarrel with her sister once, which was rare to say the least, her parents had been in extremely good spirits despite their high age and physical discomforts, and Mike had been home!
But then her life ran off the rails completely. Joe Kirkland, her father, got a stroke on the 23rd of March, and he lay in intensive care for just over a week. Barbra and Em took turns watching over him in hospital, Minnie, their mother, kept going as well as she could, but it hit her hard. She’d always been frail, and now, white-haired, slim and wise, she looked more fragile than ever, and the twins made sure she got enough rest and they tried to comfort her as well as they could. They stayed at their parents’ place. Barbra sorely missed Mike, who was in Afghanistan working for a French newspaper and freelancing, the daily phone call was quite simply not enough under the circumstances. However, it was the best they could do.
Joe died on April 1st, with his daughters and wife around him. They pressed his hand, and he nodded at them and tried to smile, but his faculty of speech had been impaired by the stroke, and he was too weak to write. At 7:56 in the evening he suddenly made a sound — like a hiccup, Barbra thought — and then lay back on the pillow, staring up at the ceiling with dead eyes. They laid him off themselves, washing him and dressing him all in the family. It was a truly valuable time as such, but one that would hurt for a long, long time, whenever she thought about it and that would fill her with longing for the togetherness of that moment.
Barbra called her aunt Kitt, her father’s favourite sister, and his only remaining sibling, who still lived in Port-of-Spain, in Trinidad where the family came from. She was in her nineties, and too old to travel. She tried to comfort her niece, and it did help Barbra some. She’d never seen her, but she sometimes called, and regularly wrote — by snail mail, as Aunt Kitt didn’t have a computer. Barbra loved the letters in her spidery handwriting.
Mike landed at Gatwick on the 3rd. Barbra had never been happier to see and hug him, she really needed her husband more than anyone. He was practical, he was sweet, and someone to hold on to…
The burial was a great success, as far as burials go. Barbra realised once again how popular and respected her father must have been, the auditorium of the cemetery was filled to capacity, and there were throngs of people in the waiting rooms, watching the ceremony on big flat screens. There were speeches by a few old friends and colleagues of her father’s. His oldest friend told a very funny story about Joe’s youthful days in Port-of-Spain and Minnie held a short but very moving exposé about her husband’s life, and their life together. She touched on his love for his daughters, and his position as a family man, and though she had to stop once or twice to master her emotions, she carried it off very well. Barbra looked at her mother stand at the microphone admiringly, she was so old and wizened, and yet she was such a commanding personality that her audience sat listening to her spellbound.
When she had finished, though, she suddenly turned very pale and she stood at the microphone swaying on her legs. Mike made a dash for her and grabbed her shoulders just in time to stop her from falling.
They took her into the coffee room and sat her down on a chair, and she gradually got some colour back in her face. Barbra and Emily hovered around her, feeling very worried, but Minnie pooh-poohed their concern for her welfare. No, of course she was quite alright. What DID they think?
She insisted on doing the cooking that evening. Barbra and Emily were on hand to help out, and the four of them had an old-fashioned family dinner. It was cosy and satisfying enough, and Barbra sighed with relief that her fears appeared to be ungrounded.
One week after the burial, on Saturday the 11th, Barbra woke up well before dawn. Something made her feel uncomfortable, and she lay tossing and turning, feeling very restless. Eventually she decided to get up and prepare the breakfast table. Better to be up and doing things than to lie in bed fretting, she thought. She put on her robe and went downstairs, and when she entered the living room she stopped dead in her tracks.
Sitting on the couch, dressed in her nightgown, was her mother, entirely motionless, smiling but somehow looking completely wrong. When Barbra greeted her, there was no answer. Barb shook herself, hurried over to the couch, and took her mother’s hand. It felt stiff and unnatural. She wasn’t even surprised, she’d often thought her parents would go together. But knowing both of them were dead, she slumped down next to her mother on the couch and cried until she had run out of tears. Then she went upstairs to wake Mike and Em. The rest of the day was one long, bad dream.
Somehow she’d survived. The burial as such went off well, and Mike stayed with her for another fortnight — in retrospect two of the happiest weeks she remembered. Then he flew back to Afghanistan, where he got killed in a bomb blast five weeks later.
An officer came to inform her in person. Mike had been damaged so much she was not allowed to see him. When Barbra got the news she simply didn’t take it in at first. She didn’t believe that it could be true. But it was. When she finally realised it really was true, she crumpled up. Of all four people who really meant something in her life the only one she had left was Em, and their relationship had always been troublesome. There was no one to turn to, now that she needed a shoulder to cry on and an arm around her shoulders. No one. Oh Mike… Mike… She sat down and bawled. As a girl she’d always turned to her father in times of need, and in her married life Mike had been the one to comfort her, to talk to, but now there was no reassuring voice to be found, no ear to listen to her.
Mike was buried on a beautiful day in late May. Barbra thought the weather was an extra insult. It should have been cold, grey and gloomy, like the way she felt. Everybody was very kind to Emily and to her, but it wasn’t long before she was alone again, really alone in the house she’d bought with Mike, among the things they’d collected together, in the ambiance they’d created together, and it seemed all the light had gone out of her life — all life out of her days.
1 – Doctor’s Orders
Time does not bring relief, you all have lied
Who told me time would ease me of my pain!
I miss him in the weeping of the rain,
I want him at the shrinking of the tide,
The old snows melt from every mountainside,
And last year’s leaves are smoke in every lane,
But last year’s bitter loving must remain
Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.
There are a hundred places where I fear
To go — so with his memory they brim.
And entering with relief some quiet place
Where never fell his foot or shone his face
I say, ‘There is no memory of him here!’
And so stand stricken, so remembering him.
Edna St. Vincent Millay seemed to be rather preoccupied with death and disease, but she wrote beautifully. Barbra loved the poem. It wasn’
t quite what she felt, but it came near. The presence of Mike in the house, in everything around her, his ghost on her shoulder… The constant reminders were hard to take, so hard that she sometimes wondered if it was all worth it. Though she never noticed, she became a recluse, withdrawn into herself, shunning human contact. She grew thin, a grey-faced shadow of her former beautiful self with unhealthy hair and dull skin that had lost its shine, and the people that knew her were not a little worried.
She wasn’t the person to ask anybody’s help. Instead, she shied away from any friendly face and she kept on trying to cope for months, rather unsuccessfully, going it alone, and that autumn Barbra was told by her GP to leave off work and get herself back into shape first. She’d come to have some vague complaints seen to, but halfway through the consultation she lost her composure altogether. Dr James was an old friend of her father’s and his kind words and the memories they kindled were too much for her. The doctor first let her cry. Then he tried to comfort her and told her to go and have herself a holiday and a change of air.
‘But my job…’
‘I’ll see to that, Bee. You cannot go on like this. You have to get yourself sorted out!’
Barbra nodded dumbly. She knew he was right. She was getting too moody, too sour.
‘Just so. Do send me a postcard, right?’
She smiled a little at that. ‘I will,’ she said. ‘Alright.’
She went home and called the office, to find Dr James had already informed her employer.
‘Have a good rest, Barbra,’ he said. ‘It’s high time you found some purpose in life again! How about a month to start with?’
She thanked him profusely, but he didn’t want to hear.
Alright, then. A holiday. But where to go? She wondered vaguely for some time, and then she remembered the enthusiastic stories her parents had told her about a holiday they’d had on the Isle of Wight. Barbra had never been there. Why not, she thought, and she booted her laptop to find out.
The next morning she packed her suitcase. She leisurely had some coffee, and a friend drove her to the station. She took a fast train to London, a slower one to Brockenhurst and then on to Lymington Pier.
When she arrived at Lymington dusk was settling over the trees, and the quayside, where the cars were waiting for the ferry to arrive, took on a slightly eerie aspect, the way such places tend to do, even in the daytime she didn’t quite like them, and now it was slowly getting dark it felt a bit chilly between her shoulder blades. She’d got off the train, walked across and bought her ticket and now she sat on her suitcase looking out over the Solent.
The ferry arrived, and the cars and passengers disembarked. Then she walked on board. It was stuffy inside so she took her suitcase to the upper deck, and she stood looking at the distant blurred shape that was the island until the ferry sailed. There was a near full moon, and there were some wisps of cloud. She thought it was very beautiful and serene, and she stood on deck watching the island take on shape. Eventually she could even make out the contours of Yarmouth Castle in the moon light. It was a great change from sitting at home, mourning.
She’d booked a room in a B&B in Freshwater Bay, where she was received by Mrs Dee, a small, cheerful lady who made her feel quite at home. She went to the pub for a quick, late meal and a pint of cider. The publican was friendly and he didn’t seem to mind serving food really late. When she felt well fed she went back to the B&B, where she went to bed, happy she’d taken James’s advice.
Her holiday was a smashing success. She walked all along the coast, and visited all the sights, she bought a few books at the Freshwater lifeboat charity shop (the second-hand bookshop in Dimbola Lodge was a sight too expensive) and a nice blouse in West Cowes, she took the Red Funnel Ferry to go shopping in Southampton and a Wightlink one to Portsmouth and she duly sent a postcard to Dr James from Ventnor.
She didn’t care for East Wight too much — penny arcades and fast food and other sad kinds of entertainment — but there was a pleasant coastal path with a great view across the water of Spinnaker Tower, and she loved the rest of the island. Smiling a little at the elderly people in Godshill having a good time, letting the wind blow into her face on Tennyson Down, tramping up to Newtown Harbour starting from Yarmouth, looking at the Needles from Totland Bay…
She most enjoyed a small cove with a few small houses and some fishing boats. The first time she went there the day, which had started grey, turned into unbroken rain. She had coffee at a cafe there, and she loved watching the way the rain flattened the waves, and the patterns it painted on the sea’s surface — dull lead, scrubbed silver, everything in between — and listening to the pebbles being driven onto the shore and rolling back with the waves, a lovely sound that was both musical and soothing. She went there five times in all, and she realised that she loved the sea more than she’d ever realised.
Mrs Dee, who was a motherly woman of sixty-three, made sure Barbra had a run of excellent breakfasts. She loved cooking, and taking care of people in general, and she enjoyed seeing Barbra get more colour in her face and put on weight slowly. Barbra highly enjoyed sitting in the breakfast room, doing honour to the food and talking to Mrs Dee, who after a few days asked her to call her Alice.
She returned to the mainland in the daytime. Before she sailed she could see Tennyson’s Monument in the distance, and Fort Victoria, and once out at sea she saw from the deck the whole shape of Tennyson Down, and Fort Albert, and eventually even the Needles.
She came home feeling refreshed and with a new zest for life. It had really and truly done her a lot of good, and she smiled when people complimented her on her looks. She didn’t relish the idea of staying in her old house too much, though, and when she found a job vacancy in her line near the south coast she applied. To her delight she was taken and she sold her house and moved to a small but sweet cottage, a few miles from the sea.
It lay in a reasonably large garden that had been loved by its former occupants, with a few big trees and a well-kept lawn surrounded by a few small flower beds. It contained a nice, spacious bedroom, a reasonable spare room and a small study adjacent to the living room, and, Barbra thought, it was really just what she needed. She could put her dictionaries and her laptop in the study and leave the living room uncluttered by work-related stuff, and if she wanted to she could still listen to her music by leaving the door open.
As it had only recently been done up she didn’t have to spend a lot of time redecorating, everything was well-kept and clean. All she had to do was put in new hardwood flooring in the living-room, and then she moved house in just one long weekend. Redoing the place in her own colours followed over the next few months, slowly and relaxed.
She kept no visible memories of Mike in there, apart from an enlarged, smiling photograph that she’d got framed and put up in her bedroom, and that she smiled at when she looked at it. The other memories stayed, of course, but they didn’t encroach upon her life any more.
She fondly thought of Dr. James and his advice, she’d visited him and told him about her holiday’s success before she moved, and he and his wife had taken leave of her as of an old friend. They were really nice.
2 – Mary’s Birthday Party
Once she had completely settled, Barbra spent her weekends exploring the surroundings. There were a few beautiful paths in the neighbourhood. She especially liked the cliff paths, there was a rather precipitous path going down to the beach that made a sharp turn after some six or seven yards where the cliff went down perpendicularly, to become a little less steep. She often went down there, it re
minded her a lot of her favourite spot on the Isle of Wight, and there was a small tea shop that sold good scones at the other end. She came to know Molly Barnes, the proprietress, very well. She quite liked her, and invariably had a nice chat with her when she went.
There was a good little pub in the village, and she met a few fellow-Caribbeans in the neighbouring town. Joan Boudreaux was a big woman with long plaits that she did herself, and Mary Ruddock was thin, tall and wore her hair short. It was nice to be around them, and talk girl things. Big girl things, admittedly, as they were all in their forties, but still. Joan had a quiet, friendly husband and three beautiful daughters, and Mary went in for the occasional lover but didn’t keep any of them around for long. She often told hilarious stories about their clumsiness, larded with a good deal of self-deprecation, and whenever they met she would have the others in stitches within minutes. Barbra invariably went home smiling still.
That spring, at Mary’s birthday party, Barbra was introduced to John Gibbons. He was at least six foot six, with very fine kinky hair, almost ebony skin and a royal bearing. He was very muscular, obviously in top shape, and he wore a white T-shirt. He had a small scar in the shape of the Nike logo on his upper arm, just over his elbow and the most beautiful smile, and Barbra was very impressed. His handshake was warm and firm, his eyes were brown and clear — he was a really handsome man.
‘Pleased to meet you,’ he said in a deep voice. ‘Barbra Laing… Are you Mike’s widow, by any chance?’
‘Yes I am. Did you know him?’
John shook his head. ‘I know his photography,’ he said. ‘He was a true artist, and a good reporter.’
Barbra nodded. ‘He was,’ she said. ‘And a great husband.’
‘You were lucky,’ Mary said. ‘Husbands like him are rare.’
Barbra smiled. ‘Thank you,’ she said.
Mike had been as handsome as John, she thought, in a slightly ragged way. He’d been less smooth, less poised, perhaps. But oh, oh, oh, how she missed him still.
‘I don’t talk about him much, you know,’ she said. ‘But he is often on my mind. It’s about a year ago now…’
‘Poor girl,’ Mary said, and she hugged her friend tight.
‘I’m not. I wondered about it for a long time but I don’t think I would have wanted to miss out on him, even if I’d known it would have spared me going through the loneliness that followed.’
‘Okay, sweetie, but let me hug you some more nevertheless!’
Barbra grinned. Mary was a great girl, she thought. Funny, sweet, weird sometimes — and a real friend.
John stood looking at them silently. He seemed to like what he saw, and he waited until Mary had done hugging Barbra before he spoke again.
‘Got a lot of his photographs about the house?’ he said.
‘No. I have a good many in portfolios, though. I like them, but there are too many war-related ones, and seeing how he died, I cannot get myself to put them up. They would conjure up the wrong kind of memory.’
‘Tear open half-healed wounds,’ Mary said. ‘Not a good idea.’
John nodded. ‘Yes. Of course. I’d love one or two on my wall, though. Have you come down from the Midlands?’
‘No, I moved here some months ago. Better for my mental health, and I love the cliffs.’
‘Okay. Right. In that case, as you’ll be around here anyway, would you like to go out with me this weekend?’
‘Sounds like a good idea. What do you have in mind?’ Barbra said with a smile.
‘Just a couple of drinks in the pub, to get to know you a little better?’
‘Mmm, I don’t know. I never drink and drive.’
‘I could pick you up and drive you home again.’
Barbra shook her head. ‘No,’ she said. ‘Unless you want to live on Vichy all evening.’
‘Not me,’ John admitted. ‘There’s no pub in your village where we could go?’
Barbra considered for a moment. She didn’t want to make a bad impression, and she was afraid John might find the place very old-fashioned. ‘There is the Jolly Woodman. I rather like it, but I don’t know if you would find it any good. It’s a real village pub, you know.’
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CrossdressingAnother true story from my past: A few years after college, a friend got married, and lots of folks showed up for the wedding, including some friends I hadn’t seen in several years. We had all graduated from high school, then gone to different colleges and then settled in different places. An old girlfriend, Betty, was among these people, and I must say, she was looking fine! She still had the long, blonde hair she had in high school, but she was obviously more attentive to it and it looked...
My father, Mick O’Dell IV, inherited our farm from his father, Mick O’Dell The Third. One day my father got this crazy idea to dig a hole in the middle of the farm in order to stop the town north of us from taking over our land and incorporating it as part of their town. I think my mom talked him into it. She was always the driving force in our family. I am my parent’s first child and they named me Mick O’Dell the Fifth. The story is that my mother, Angel, told my father that she wanted me...
Yeh kahani Himalayan ke vadiyo me base ek rajya kaampur ki hai yeh kahani jab shuru hui jab Raja Lingavarma ne apne padosi rajya yonpur ke Raja ki beti se apne vivah ki prastaav rakha aur Rajkumari ne Raja se vivah karne se inkaar kar diya magar Rajkumari ke pita ne Rajkumari ka vivah Raja Lingavarma se hi karne ka tay kiya aur firr Rajkumari ne Raja ke paas apni ek dasi bheji jo yeh nivedan lekar gayi ki Raja Rajkumari se vivah karne se inkaar kar de kyunki Rajkumari kisi aur se pyaar karti...
We left Brixham early in the morning of the twenty-ninth, under power to run over the rising tide. The wind had veered a little and dropped; the barometer also dropping a little as the high-pressure system reluctantly moved away north-east. Evania watched as we made our way out of the harbour, but went back to her cabin once we cleared the breakwater. I had offered a day or two at anchor in Fishcombe cove, just outside the harbour. It looked as though, and I was told it was, quite a good...
Let's get something straight here. Why the fuck are alarm clocks so harsh? I realize that people need to wake up but why to this terrible alarm klaxon. I started using an alarm to wake myself up 4 years ago and already it is making me psychotic. I shit you not. Whenever I hear an alarm while awake, I go fucking insane. I remain cool on the outside, so people think I'm sane and shit but on the inside, nothing is holding me back from taking a sledgehammer to the face of that guy next to me. I...
Coming out to my family was a rather simple affair. My parents and brother I knew their love for me wouldn’t change. I told them when I was 18 just before i went to uni it didn’t change anything (as is typical with gay men, my father was the hardest).my dad just said ok son and left the room .i just sat ther think he hates me .just then he came in and said Dad-" you still like football and rugby" ?Me -i said of course i do Dad-"good so we can still go to the match on saturday"Me - thanks dad...
Prinz stood and then held out his hand to Karen. She took it and stood before him passively as he began speaking to her in soothing tones. "We are going to ask you to do some things, Electra... and I want you to be totally submissive to our whims-- do you understand?" She looked at him, then dropped her eyes as she replied, "Yes, I understand and I will do anything you ask of me." Prinz nodded and looked at Coco. A slow fire came to her almond-shaped eyes and she licked her lips as she...
I am installing one of our company’s systems at a customer’s location in a city that you, my lovely daughter, had moved to for a new job several months back. I had met up with you last night, and we had gone out for dinner and a few drinks. Although we had done this daddy/daughter dinner thing a few times in the past when I had travelled here, something was a little different last night that I couldn’t put my finger on. One thing that I do know, you were dressed sexier than usual, wearing a...
Welcome to Hogwarts. Now as many of you know Parseltongue is a magical language that can be used to talk to snakes. What you may not know is that like most magical languages a specific branch of magic comes with knowing that language. A specialty if you will. The specialty of Parseltongue is, and yes I’m sure you guessed it, Sex magic. Enter if you will this world and the power of its tongue. For those of you who want to add your own tales here are some things to remember: Parseltongue is a...
He went to the mall looking for a piece of ass. He always found either a bored housewife or a horny college girl. Today he noticed a forty something woman looking his way. She had on a tight t-shirt with no bra and a short skirt. He only imagined her panties were just as sexy and very little of them. She had just the ass he was looking for. He smiled and walked up to her and said "you are lovely. Are you lonely?" She replied "Yes, I am all alone today." He leaned close to her and said "Want to...
This is my first story and when I have time will post others.All of my stories are 100% TRUE.One day I decided to troll Backpage and Craigs list to see what was out there. What I found was actually not too much. So I decided to post and ad myself looking for young Asian,Ebony or Latina women who might be interested in getting together with a married middle aged white in good shape in exchange for a mutually beneficial relationship ie:your company for money.I received the usual bunch of spam but...
This happened when me and my friend were on a field trip to china. On Sunday morning Vicky and I drank a bottle of whisky and decided to go out. – Listen, why don’t we visit a museum? – Vicky asked. – Yeah, it’s a good idea… We went to the museum, looked around, had a snack a couple of times, even got lost. Then we found ourselves in a small room which was being left by the visitors too quickly and with strange expressions on their faces. Something was wrong with it. When we entered a young...
IncestIt was about 7pm and I was pretty tired. I'm sitting on the couch watching TV when my wife walks over. "Let go play some pool" she says. "I'm a little tired from work" i respond. "Its Friday and we won't stay to late" she says. She walks off into the bedroom. A short time later she returns in my favorite outfit (at the time at least). She had a short black leather mini skirt and a tank top that showed her cleavage very nicely. I kissed her and we headed out.The bar is about 20 minutes from the...
Thoughts of you being in the shower with me were shattered when the phone started ringing. I quickly grabbed the towel that was hanging on a hook and wrapped myself as I picked up the receiver. “Hello?” “Hey You, it’s Me, are you busy?” “Never too busy for you… I was just taking a shower, what’s up?” “Well, I know we’ve only met a couple of times, but would you like some company?” “You know, I was just thinking about you.” “Hmmm, what were you thinking about?” “Actually, I was thinking...
Love StoriesIt all started one day when I was invited to my best friend Dave’s house for a house warming party. He had just purchased the house after a harsh divorce and he wanted to break it in the right way. So, he invited a few friends who in turn invited friends. It turned out to be a bigger party than what he was expecting. The more the merrier was all he could say. There were at least 60 people in all running throughout his house, in the back at the pool and it even spilled over into the front...
It was safe to say that there was a little tension between me and Janet now. The thought of her watching me masturbate was arousing but it worried me a little as to what she thought about it. I was desperate to confront her but in no way did I have the confidence to do so. Janet had never come across as a sexual person so it was frustrating to think that nothing may come of this. I spent my time thinking about her constantly and I was praying for an opportunity to be alone with her.It had been...
I was in the city on holidays recently, it was late when I left the city to head out to my motel in the outer suburbs. The bus was almost full as we started the trip. No spare seats, with people standing, too. I stood there holding the overhead strap, trying not to fall over as the bus drove down the rough road. Beside me stood a young woman, she must have been only nineteen or twenty. She had the most beautiful blue eyes, long, blond hair, and the most perfect C cup breasts I have ever seen....
A shadow was visible against the wall, broad and tall. It was not too late at night but I had gone to bed early as I wasn't expecting company. My flat mates had a small gathering downstairs and I avoided them at all costs. I loved being the only girl in a house full of geeky guys. Not only because I had constant help with my work, but because there was no risk of booty calls or uncomfortable sexual tension. I always left my door open so that I knew when it was safe to go down and get some food...
Straight SexSoftly Leanne Leanne and Eddie had been together for 6 months, still unknown to everyone but Charlie. Eddie had moved back to regular day shift, filling in for vacationers. He was still hearing comments about “the Ice Queen”. Often hearing that many still wanted to get in her panties or that she had to be gay. He just listened, smiled and let them pass. When he saw Leanne, he relayed the comments and often they became scenarios in their sexual play. He asked her if she had considered fucking...
There was an alley that shortened Kayla's walk by ten minutes when she went from her house to the store.To be more precise, it was her uncle's house. She was living with him while she was in school.She could take the long way and stay on the sidewalk by the street, but the alley was quicker and more fun. Who doesn't like to kick around in an empty alley?Only lately it wasn't always empty.One morning, almost noon, she could hear voices as she came around the curve. There were four guys gathered...
Group SexAuthor's Note: This story took a long time to write over many sessions, and is intended to be read solely as erotic fiction. It is not meant to contain any commentary, deeper meanings, or really anything of literary value. Fair warning: the characters in this story are subjected to what is basically unwaning cruelty, which helps keep its tone similar to certain stories in that universe by the original work's author. If you're looking for acceptance, love, or a happy ending, you may...
Fantasy sugar daddy to reality sugar daddy Chapter two After giving me the injection Gina let me relax in the back room for about fifteen minutes. Gina reappeared and asked me if I was now ready to start my transformation. I responded in the affirmative. She then introduced me to Nancy a very cute brunette and told me that Nancy would be doing my waxing to remove all my body hair. I was told to remove all my clothes just leaving on my panties. I...
I would like to thank Gaius Petronius for editing. Any mistakes are mine. There are 13 chapters in the story and it is complete. Votes, comments, and emails are appreciated. Thank you for reading! DB ***** Amy looked around Anne’s office, waiting for her therapist to return. Late afternoon in January, darkness was setting in, and the room was lit by only a table lamp on the desk. The walls were painted robin’s egg blue. The painting of an ocean scene and the overstuffed couch had always...
I was fairly certain my best friend Alex was fucking my mom behind my back. Not that I minded (too much), but I would have liked for him to at least ask me first. I wanted revenge, but I didn’t have the kind of confidence he had. Girls flocked to Alex. While I knew I was attractive, I didn’t have quite the following that Alex did. I had stopped at the store on my way home from basketball practice when I saw Alex’s mom and sister just in front of me. I swallowed hard, his mom was incredibly...
Tuesday, March 13. 4:30 PM "Do you know what a fetish is?" asked Elizabeth. Dr. Mason paused before responding. "A fetish...." "Yes." "I assume that you are referring to a 'sexual' fetish?" "Of course," Elizabeth teased, while playfully twirling the bow on her crisp white blouse. Today is Dr. Jonathan Mason's (just 'Jon' to most people who knew him) first meeting with Elizabeth. Last week Elizabeth was Greg, a slight and introverted young twenty-something man who barely...
Watching the clock count down the minutes to the weekend was all that was in my mind that Friday! "Wow, I'm so glad that week is over" I said to myself once quitting time came. "Yeah, me too, have a good weekend everybody" was pretty much a given to hear while leaving on a Friday. Working Monday through Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm as a customer service call center account manager is taxing on the nerves but sure pays the bills, This week was definitely one for the books. I had just broke up with my...
Drunk sexImmigration in NVThe ship docks at around four in the afternoon just as the feeble light is beginning to fail. With no luggage, as demanded by the regulations, Nikki sits patiently in the immigration lounge with the others and listens to the mysterious booms and squeaks of mooring and connection to the quay. She keeps her head bowed, eyes staring into her lap and the leather carrybag sitting on her knees. She is aware of the other women around her, a disparate, taciturn group most sitting...
Ikuno panted as Kal’s tongue lapped hungrily at her clit, Kal tried to adjust himself as his erection was rubbing uncomfortably against his trousers. “No touching,” Ikuno reminded him putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing him into her sex. Kal growled in annoyance and sucked her clit into his mouth swirling his tongue around until Ikuno gasped and her legs began to shake as she came. Ikuno stepped away and let the leather flap fall hiding her pussy from...
Hi, My name is Sindhu (using a female name). Here, I am going to write about how I am smitten by my girlfriend’s brother and turned from a straight guy to a dick-loving cross-dresser. My girlfriend and I started living together after both of us got a job in the same city. Both our families knew about this, and they were cool with us. We were happy together; we were enjoying our life to the fullest until her elder brother came to stay with us and took me to a fantasy world which showed me how...
Gay MaleInformed earlier in the day I had been betrothed to a woman of a faraway island, I struggled to sleep. Distressed, I had decided to go for a walk in my grey-blue silk bathrobe, eyeing the servant girls that passed, all as diverse as trees in autumn. They chuckled to themselves, some eyeing the bit of my broad chest exposed by the robe. Our continent had broken off from the world some decades ago, giving us a diverse population (for which I was very thankful) and left us with some modern...
When the kids had arrived at the school early that morning, they had found the area around the school semi-deserted, similar to the day before. The only real difference was that they found Patty waiting by the front door. The eleven people crowded in the car, counting Pietro, Amy and the 3 Wilson kids, clambered out and breathed a sigh of relief. The only people that really enjoyed the ride were John and Debbie (Debbie was riding on John's lap and he took the opportunity to position the...
Hello Ladies and Gentleman, I’m Jay Krishna, Jay, living in Vizag, done with my B.Tech 2 years back. I’m 25, 5’10 with 7 inches dick Long and wide enough to satisfy any unsatisfied pussy and ass holes. Not so fair but a good looking face and dimples as girls say all this. Firstly, thank you soo much guys for the feedbacks for my 1st story from many girls and middle aged women and also few men appreciating my story. And please guys no matter what you offer but I don’t want to share any of my...