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Immigration in NV

The ship docks at around four in the afternoon just as the feeble light is beginning to fail. With no luggage, as demanded by the regulations, Nikki sits patiently in the immigration lounge with the others and listens to the mysterious booms and squeaks of mooring and connection to the quay. She keeps her head bowed, eyes staring into her lap and the leather carrybag sitting on her knees. She is aware of the other women around her, a disparate, taciturn group most sitting patiently just as she, one or two showing signs of excitement, fidgeting in their seats, eyes wide in expectation..

Announcements come over the tannoy????..residents to disembark, visitors to disembark and finally ?Candidates to immigration. ? Nikki stands. She has chosen an ankle length black woollen coat to travel in and she pulls up the hood over her hair, settles her bag over her shoulder and stands, as do all the other women in the room. A steward opens a door and beckons for them to move through?????down a corridor or two, left, right and then into the full force of a cold ripping wind and driving rain as they reach the outside.

The steel clanging bridge is slippery and Nikki gasps as the rain drives horizontal into her face despite her right hand gripping the hood tight about her. Suddenly, bizarrely, bright sunshine erupts and she sees her long shadow on the scuffed metal beneath her feet.

As quickly it is gone and she reaches the quay, following eyes downcast, the legs of the woman in front of her, kitten heels and mud spattered stockings??????..

The weather is abruptly muted as she walks into a building set by the quayside, an ugly piece of 1960’s brutalism faced with dilapidated plastic sheets. It is warm, a long room and she files forwards then sits on a long wooden bench aware of the woman next to her, and the one who sits after her, bodies pressed together.

She looks up, on the other side of the room across the parquet floor are a set of wooden tables behind which sit the immigration officers, Men in navy blue high collared uniforms reminiscent of?bobbies in?Sherlock Holmes films. They have whiskers, red faces, bald pates, spectacles, some thin and cadaverous, others corpulent and beery. Nikki lowers her eyes.

? ANZEIGER !? calls one and a woman near the end of the bench stands. The caller beckons????????????the woman moves forward.

? Armstrong!? the next

Soon all ten tables have women standing at them talking in low voices, whilst the officials write on fluttering, rustling paper. One by one they leave through a door to the right?????

?Cornwell!? It is close for Nikki ??she sits more erect.


Nikki stands and walks to a vacant table. A thin man with pince nez, dark hair.

? Maid Dorne. ?

? Yes Sir ? she thrills a little as she says it.

? You have completed all the necessary paper work, have you brought the psychiatrists and medical reports? ?

? Yes Sir ? Nikki reaches into the bag, pulls out the letters, the file, her hands are shaking??????????????????.she drops them.

She bends at her knees to pick them up , scoops them from the dustily aromatic polished wooden floor – a financial analyst, a graduate, shaking and flustered with paperwork!! – she blushes.

The man smiles indulgently.

? Settle down maid Dorne, here give them to Me?????

The papers shake in her hands as he takes them, she pushes her hands into the pockets of her coat.

He looks up.

? Hands out of your pockets if you will young lady!?

-???????? Do not mistake kindness for softness –

? Yes??????????.yes good. Good scores on the induction?month I see?????.Good. All is in order My dear, through the door to your left please, there is someone waiting for you. Leave the passport here, you will not be needing it again. And welcome to New Victoria!?

She lowers her eyes to the ground and leaves the room. Beyond it is a coridoor one side of which is glazed showing the windswept and drenched quayside buildings. The rain lashes at the glass and hisses through gaps in the card thin walls.

At the far end a woman stands. She turns as she hears Nikki come through the door..

She is in her mid fifties, tall and her height is accentuated by her hairstyle, a bouffant beehive of platinum blonde, framed in the red silk lined cowl of her black PVC maxi trenchcoat. A thin face and a?small, retrousse?nose, pierced by a large steel ring in the central pillar which partially touches her top lip. Nikki stares at it, this is what she wants, the sign of submission - of ownership.

" Maid Dorne? "

Nikki nods.

" Welcome my dear, I am maid Estella, we have spoken by email I think. "

" Yes sister. "

The woman is smiling. She walks towards Nikki, heels clicking, coat slithering and slapping,?her arms wide and then embraces her. She presses her breasts above Nikki's and whispers in her ear. Her breath is warm, her perfume musky. Nikki feels the metallic smoothness of the ring on the lobe of her ear.

" Excited little one?"

Nikki nods

" Yes sister Estella, very. "

Estella places a hand at the back of her head and pushes a little until Nikki's face is pressed onto the smooth coldness of her shoulder, she strokes Nikki's hair,? running her fingernails over the nape of her neck at each stroke. Thrilling!

Nikki is increasingly aroused.....and Estella senses it, embraces her tighter.

" I am sure we will get along VERY well maid Nikki." she whispers?again and the heat, the warmth of the words makes the girl feel a dribble of arousal at her cunt.

Slowly Estella loosens her arms and takes a step back, her coat and clothing crackling softly.

" Yes I am SURE we will, you are always Master's cunt first but I will have some enjoyment of you too.............quite a little pretty!"

" However to work child,?we must?make the pretty into a beauty worthy of Master - she must be dressed and prepared properly. We will get you fitted out appropriately for your new life here and then get you home."

She is all bustle and business.

" The coat you may leave here..............I brought a cape to make you more acceptable on the journey. "

She lifts a bright red garment from the bench next to her, a slithery, slippery, shiny assault on the eyes. Nikki recognises it is a hooded cape.

She removes her coat revealing a white blouse and calf length silk skirt. She folds?her woollen?coat, leaves it on the bench.

Estella then lifts the cape and guides it into place over Nikki. It is tight at the shoulders and then falls straight. It is constricting, there are no arm slits or fastenings at the front.

" You should grip your arms behind your back sister.............." explains Estella.

" I have been practising sister " Estella nods her approval but has to kneel to pull the hem to the floor, covering Nikki's 3 inch heeled shoes.

The older woman then stands in front of her and tightens the high collar about her neck, the tight hood over her head and finally places a storm flap over Nikki's lower face, all fastened with poppers.

She stands back then walks around the girl tugging at the PVC.


" It is what all the " maggots" wear when they arrive. You may see some on our walk to the shops, it marks you as a new arrival?hampers any run?from your new position AND it covers your face demurely"

She giggles and places a hand to Nikki's red plastic covered cheek.

" Not that this little doll would ever want to run away..........eh?"

" Never sister " says Nikki, but her voice is muffled, the fabric coverng her mouth is tight, already hot and moist.

Estella lifts the girl's bag and places it over her own shoulder, places her own storm flap of shining black PVC?over her lower face and leads Nikki from the building.


The wind has abated a little but the rain is still intermittent. Nikki finds walking in the cape a little difficult as it effectively hobbles her steps, slowing her.?Estella is not so hampered but she remains by her side adjusting her progress to Nikki's.

Leaving the docks they see a crocodile of women in the red " maggot " capes being?escorted up the gently sloping street ahead of them by the Sisters of the Rubber Convent in their black SBR cloaks.

" You are lucky you have a position sister. They are brutal those women. "

Nikki nods. She knows all about the Latex Sisters, for she has read assiduously about every aspect of NV life. It was her first choice of course but....................


The houses and old factories closest to the docks are derelict for the most part and it is indicative that the two women are walking. Visitors and tourists?have been whisked?away swiftly by taxis or the?tram service to the centre of town. Only female residents walk.

Gradually they climb and the ramshackle gives way to the complete, houses become larger and are obviously occupied as soft lights shine from them. It is getting darker and Nikki has glimpses of NV life through the uncurtained windows.

On the streets there are now more pedestrians. Women walk in pairs as she does with Estella, invariably arm in arm. She knows a woman on her own is a shocking thing, showing independance and often being picked up by the police as a result.

There are some couples. The Men walking in front, the women struggling to keep up with them. The fashion seems to be for bustled hobble skirted tight dresses and?a bent kneed, half trot the only way for a woman to remain up with her Master.


There are some Men together. Their profiles tall, black, sombre. Top hats accentuate their height, cloaks stop at the?hips showing thin trousers or tight jodhpurs and jackboots below, all in black or dark coloured leather. Some pass and as they do Estella and Nikki curtsey, the former deeply, the latter with some difficulty.

" A new maggot I see. " Comments one as they pass, placing a finger to the brim of his top hat.

" Fresh meat. " says the other.


Finally there are sights that jar the nerves of a visitor unused to the ways of NV. They see one of the Latex Brotherhood in?a floor length SBR mackintosh over black latex boots pulling two women behind him on chain leashes. Each wears a totally enveloping black rubber burquah which effectively dehumanises them both, a deep collar at the neck pulling in the slithering fabric making them like animated shining pawns.Nikki sees ballet heeled boots peeping under the hem.


As He passes he gives a short bow.

" Good afternoon maids." He smiles. Estelle and Nikki curtsey in return, standing to one side of the pavement.

Aware of their eyes he yanks again at the leashes brutally and one of the women stumbles forward and falls.It is obvious?her arms are secured in some way for?she makes no attempt to save herself and her?smothered face hits the pavement.?The other?is jerked suddenly to her knees?head half turning, blind and unaware of the reason for the?halt.

" Up object! " He yanks at the woman's leash and she tries to rise, legs struggling to find some leverage. He kicks at her legs and they both hear a muffled yelp. They see her struggle to rise, hampered by her companion.

" Walk on Nikki " whispers Estelle, guiding her away.

Behind them they hear His curses increase in volume and they hear the FFWHHEEP! of a lash.


Finally?they reach the centre of town.?All the shops are lit up, butchers, greengrocers, Bank, gentlemen's leather outfitters, shoe shops, restaurants,women's?clothing shops, slave tack, a bar or two. The street is wide, the lighting adequate for the first time.

They stop outside a large emporium occupying almost a block, above the plate glass windows showing the latest in women's NV fashions the name - Diana Campbell.


Estelle leads Nikki not through the?main doors but down the side of the building. They enter at a sign saying. " SINGLE MAIDS ", they are not allowed entrance without a male at the front.


They are met by a square faced woman with short blonde hair, a high necked pale blue satin blouse with long buttoned cuffs, a deep triple buckled belt and tight calf length skirt of black patent leather over matching knee boots with 6 inch stilleto heels.

" Master Archer's new maid?" Estelle nods.

" Come with me if you will sisters."

She leads them to a basement area. A large room half one side of which is mirrored showing the three women as they descend the stairs and walk to a circular banquette in?the middle of the burgundy carpeted floor. Adjacent to it is a series of showers, the red plastic curtains drawn. Beyond that a hairdressing area is set out on a black and white tiled floor, the remaining burgumdy?walls are hung with clothing. Dresses, skirts, blouses, underwear, boots, shoes, the majority in fine silks, satins and taffetas but Nikki does spot PVC and some latex.

As if reading her thoughts the woman speaks, she has a faint East European accent.

" The Rubber Brotherhood have their own outfitters sister, we cannot meet some of their exacting requirements?but many of the Masters like latex child. You?will be tired so I will order some refreshments. First though if you would be kind enough to remove all clothing and take a shower.? Be so good as to help me Estelle, we must?remove the maggot sleeve from her."

" Certainly Magda."

So the two women tug at the hem and lift the garment off Nikki, the older carefully folding it whilst Nikki walks towards the showers, hair dishevelled.

" Throw the?previous clothes into the bin at the side, shoes as well. I take it your cunt has been clean shaven?"

Nikki turns as she unbuttons her blouse.

" Yes sister. "

" You will see some depilatory cream in the cubicle, follow the instructions and use it liberally. It may sting a little."

Nikki nods. Her natural obedience is enhanced by the clothes the woman wears. Leather is reserved for those in control, all Men?by right?but very few women are allowed to wear it. Magda must be a person of some great importance.

She pushes her clothing into the basket at the side of the shower.

Her clothing which in some ways is the last of her old life, deliberately thrown away to allow her to realise her dreams. Her sister had called it throwing away her life for some sick need to serve Men. Her friends found her need disgusting, or so they said. Subversive.

Nikki finds it entirely natural and now she feels comforted and happy in the presence of women who share her feelings.


Three?hours later she is feeling even more relaxed. Her hair has now been bleached strawberry blonde, cut to shoulder length and set in a 1960s Doris Day style turned under at the tips and lacquered into immobility. The same young girl who had set her hair has also applied her makeup. A pale foundation, equally light salmon pink lipstick on outlined lips. Doe eyeliner upswept at the corners, thick false eyelashes and pale brown eyeshadow give her an anaemic appearance. A final anointing with Cahanel No 5 in the cleft between her breasts, her pubis, throat and wrists completes the dressing.


The small cakes and herbal tea?laced with viagra?given her as refreshment whilst her hair was set have made her insides warm and promoted a tingling in her lower belly.

She is standing now in front of? a seated Estelle with the?woman Magda behind her, lacing her into her corset.

Estelle has removed her coat and is?perched now on?a red velvet banquette wearing a black?taffeta blouse, lined in red silk, the collar turned up to frame her collared neck. The blouse has?3/4 length cuffed sleeves over tight?black PVC?gloves. The skirt is of the same material with?a high waist secured over obviously severe corsetting with steel buckled straps from the sternum to the lower belly, there the skirt flows out into an A line.


" I saw that you have been using the training corset maid Dorne. American yes? "

" Yes sister."

"That is good, but I am afarid Master Archer likes His corsetting a little more severe..........eh Estelle?" She is chortling and Nikki sees that Estelle is smiling thinly too.

" Your corset is literally your foundation my dear. "

The two halves of the red satin garment are pulled tight at her back, the shaped busk begins to push into her belly and chest, cold at first and then warming.

" It constricts." Nikki hears the laces being pulled through, she feels the woman press against her back, her satin covered breasts soft, she whispers in Nikki's ear.

" Restricts ." and now Nikki feels the first pressure as the laces are tightened.

" Shapes and forms and holds the body as Master would." Now the garment is compressing her body quite harshly.

" Master Archer favours a more conical profile for the body tapering to the waist and accentuating the hips rather than the traditional wasp waisted garment. Still?I believe you will find it testing enough!"

Magda wrenches at the laces and Nikki's waist is pinched. She grunts.

" Arms above you now girl and grip the bar whilst I lace you properly."

Nikki grips the steel bar suspended from the low ceiling and Estelle stands, her skirts sussurating and hissing, smooths the garment down over her hips and tugs at the corset front to seat it properly on Nikki's body.

At the top two semi conical steel half cups covered in red satin are designed to push up their burden and thrust?them lasciviously?towards the viewer, Estelle lifts each breast to seat it comfortably in a subtle notch at the cup front but uses one slippery thumb to rub at the nipple as she does so. In response Nikki's mouth opens a little and the nubs themselves harden.


The corset tightens even more and Nikki begins to have great difficulty breathing as the triple steel boning presses into her flesh,?her breasts are now rising and falling as she inhales and exhales from the upper body alone.

" This corset is designed to control and restrict Maid Dorne, to limit movement and give discomfort. It defines you here, a permanent restriction on mobility. Worn 24 hours a day."

" Now! To ! Finish ! Off ! " The final yanks on the laces from behind make Nikki stagger back. Magda's hand in the curved small of her back reposition her.

" Bring your hands down girl."

Nikki feels the woman knotting the laces and passing them around her now terribly constricted waist her satin blouse brushing her shoulder blades.

" Your maids normally cut these at Master's house for a truer line, replacing them everyday I think, eh Estelle?"

" But these will need tightening again in an hour or so and I am leaving them "

Nikki stands, legs a little apart, aware of the wetness in her cleft cooling as the air meets it. Hands on hips concentrating on her breathing. She looks down to the floor.

" Sloppy posture My dear." sighs Magda.

" But the collar and shoulder straps are designed to correct THAT little laziness."

" Assist me please Estelle."


Estelle moves behind Nikki, her smooth skirts brushing against her naked calves. At the outside of each cup two wide satin straps rise and are positioned over her shoulders. Nikki feels them tighten as the two women pull on them and her lower back curves even more as her breasts are thrust higher, the nipples now pointing at the ceiling.

Finally the collar in matching red satin, steel boned precisely as the corset but front laced in black ?as the back is also attached to laces at the top of the corset behind her.

Whilst Magda tightens that fixing Estelle moves in front of her and laces it tight.


Nikki finds she cannot turn her head from side to side, forced now to only look straight ahead. Nor can she look down apart from lowering her heavily mascarred eyes. Her lips feel full and pouting, tingling slightly, her whole body is warm.

" There now!" Both women now stand in front of her and study her.

" Acceptable Magda."

" You find it too hard my dear?" Smiles Estelle placing a hand to her constricted and rigid neck.

" It will get FAR harder!" She sneers.


Nikki is aware that the rest of her dressing must be carried out by others. She can bend a little at the waist but her knees are beyond her reach. It is Magda who now kneels to roll her black silk stockings up her legs, and attaching them to the eight suspender tabs set in the hem. Before finishing she presses her fingers into Nikki's cunt, streaming now.

Nikki mews, clitoris tingling, vagina hot and hungry.

" Don't worry sister dear, I have just the thing for that little place."

She turns and brings something up to Nikki's face to show her.

A two and a half inch wide,?ywenty two?inch long steel rod, the top a series of steel balls. Eight inches lower than the tip there are two D rings set into the surface. Magda kneels again and press the tip to Nikki's cunt. It is cold and terribly smooth, Magda rubs it slowly up and down the slit between labia majora and then up to her clitoris, round the hood and then pushes it back to press it hard to the little clitflesh.

Nikki screams and finds Estelle gripping her forearms from behind.

" This is the cuntbar that you will wear everyday sister Nikki." she whispers into Nikki's ear.

" A perpetual reminder of what your purpose is in life. Woman is born to suffer and give pleasure to Man in her suffering. Woman must always be ready for use. Wet and gaping............eh bitch?"

Nikki tries to nod. She cannot. Her lips are dry.

" Yesssss ssssister." She is shaking, teeth clenched as Magda pushes the cuntbar further into her, opening her inner lips, twisting it.

" May I cum sister Estelle? Please."

" Not yet darling............" Estelle holds her tighter.


The rod is now in her, filling her cunt, Magda runs a short thin chain from Another D ring set in the front of the corset at her pubis to one of the rod's sides.?Clips it tight and then reaches back to between her buttocks to get the matching chain at the back. A click, she stands.

" Don't move sister, press your legs together. You think she control it Estelle?"

" I am not sure, the bitch is obviously a natural but she will have to learn. Nikki, do NOT peak. We have not finished by a long chalk. "

Nikki nods urgently. She must show that she can obey.

She is sweating. Shivering in passion. Lips bloated, eyes wide.

Madga kneels again and presses her feet into the shoes of red PVC knee boots?with 6 inch heels and then expertly laces them tight.

Nikki sways as her weight is placed on the stilletos. The rod moves within her slightly. She stops. She has some control now but is aware of a stream of cuntcream dribbling from her. Her thighs are wet and sticky with need.

Estelle meanwhile is no less urgently putting Nikki's fingers into her gloves, rolling the elasticised black plastic up her arms and lacing them tight at her armpits.

The two woman both help to dress her in her red silk blouse lined in black, Magda buttons it at the front, flips up the collar to match Estelle's own style and checks the cuffs on the 3/4 sleeves. Estelle smooths it down over her hips.

Nikki is electrified. The satin slipping over her nipples and bosomflesh, the slippery smoothness of her stockinged legs, THE ROD, her immobility, her choking collar, THE ROD! She is almost trancelike. Each sensation is part of the same submissive mantra.

The skirt is huge. Red PVC on the outside, lined with layers of black net and stiff taffeta cunningly cut to support the garment, flat fronted but with a pronounced flare from the hips and arse. It is positioned beneath her and with Estelle's help she steps into it. The rod twists within her to one side, the tip pressing hard against her vaginal wall.

" Oh Godaaaaaaaah!"

" Quiet bitch!" snaps Estelle.

She is panting as they lift it up onto her hips, lace it at the back and then tighten the attached five inch shaped black PVC belt onto her.

They move around her tugging clothing, smoothing it and then step back.

The attention slowly subsides.

They look at one another, nod.

" Walk to the end of the room and back sister and now you may cum."


Nikki takes a short breath and begins, she can see?a stranger, a doll in shining red?in a mirror far in front of her. The heels are very high and she would turn on?her ankle if the boots were not reinforced at this point. She is effectively close to tiptoe. The skirts rustle and crackle as she begins, her hips sway far more than ever when she has corsetted before, at every step they reach far to one side and then............SNAP back in the other direction. It is this moment which moves the rod most within her. In addition as she walks her sticky thighs are twisting it within her ..............she cums.

Her hands fall naturally away from her sides and she lifts her finger tips as she has seen other NV women do, it actually helps her balance but she knows it also looks elegant.

She nears the mirror not recognising the figure she sees and turns, the sound is constant, a hissing, the wild rustle of Autumn leaves.

She cums again. Eyes wide. Panting.

She cums again.

Her vagina is red hot and bursting. This is a prolonged ecstasy she has NEVER experienced before. She reaches the two women who have changed her into this doll,

Silently they are both clapping.

They embrace her.

" Welcome sister. " says Estelle and kisses her open mouthed, her tongue rasping inside Nikki's mouth. Her gloved hands gripping her face.?

She cums again.

" Now to take you to Master!"








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The Lufthansa trans-polar flight from Los Angeles to Frankfurt was on time. Kim was awakened in first class with an announcement made loudly over the plane’s PA system: “It is now 0600 hours, local time. We will be landing in about one hour. It is time for morning exercise!” Kim looked at Brad who just shook his head. “Yes, darling,” she said, “we’re flying Lufthansa. ‘Unt ve know vats best for you!’” Brad just grinned. Going through Customs & Immigration in Frankfurt, they hit their...

3 years ago
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Basketball Time Chapter 6Final

I’m the new basketball mom for the AAU team I tell my husband, he says you sure you want to do that it’s a lot of work buying stuff and serving snacks making reservations for the team in hotels all that stuff I’m pretty sure coach’s wife used to do it and hated it. Oh it’s our k**s’ last year and if I don’t like it I won’t do it next year, next year he says you are crazy ok let see how it goes. Duties weren’t that bad I would pick up fruit and drinks give coach the receipt and he would pay me,...

2 years ago
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Lost FoundEpilogue

February 3, 2036 The cornerback in white shadowed the gold and black clad receiver as the pair dashed downfield. Both players glanced back towards the QB as they ran. The big crowd fell nearly silent when the QB heaved the ball towards the pair. Receiver and defender both leapt high as the ball arced towards them. Four hands reached for the ball simultaneously. The man in white grabbed and jerked, as he twisted away from the receiver. The two men collapsed to the ground and referees whistled...

1 year ago
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Anal Virgin But Not For Long

When it comes to sex, I’ve always been open trying new things. As I see it, I don’t know what I won’t like it unless I try it at least once, and I’ve often found that I’ve ended up enjoying them in the end. The one thing I have always been against is anal sex. I have never even been remotely interested in trying it. There are many reasons why. Mainly, I just don’t see the reason for it. My husband and I have been married for six years, and after six years of telling him no, I’m finally willing...

2 years ago
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12 Days

Day 1 - 12-13 “Here.” Joey handed Seto a wrapped gift at breakfast. “It’s the First Day of Christmas. Open it.” Inside was the picture of a smiling, dark-haired man wearing a 1970s leisure suit. He was leaning against a tree with white blossoms. “What is this?” “It’s a Partridge in a Pear Tree.” Joey grinned. “A what?” “Oh, come on! That’s David Cassidy. Keith Partridge? The Partridge Family? Geez, TV here sucks! He’s sitting in a pear-blossom tree.” “I see.” Seto sipped his coffee. “Very...

2 years ago
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Ben finally Fucks my Ass

We woke up this morning as usual, feeling horny and wanting to get dirty. At the breakfast table, having coffee, I joked with Ben "How about we get a little sexy ass for you to fuck tonight?" smiling at him in a naughty way. Ben put his coffee cup down, looking at me intensely. I couldn't tell if he was for or against my idea. He got up and walked over to me, pulling my hair back and lifting my face up to look at him. Staring down at me, he said with much authority "I wanna fuck YOU in the ass,...

1 year ago
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Home Run Part 3 Second Base

Home Run By Pamela ([email protected]) Part 3. SECOND BASE On a Monday at Miriam's apartment, before she arrived home from work, I set the table and did some cleaning. When I heard Miriam's key in the lock I ran to the front door and greeted her. I took some grocery bags she was carrying and brought them to the kitchen. A short while later after she had washed up, we worked together in the kitchen making tacos for dinner. While we ate dinner, Miriam asked me how my day...

2 years ago
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Me and Mum Starting Again chapter 2

The dance floor was probably very crowded, but I wouldn't have known. As far as I was concerned it was just her and me. We moved together perfectly, our eyes fixed very firmly on each other, every song the D.J. played seemed to mean something to us, every line of every song was for us, she clung to me with every step, she moaned softly in her throat when she felt my hands on her bottom."It's fat Danny," she whispered and then held me tighter when I told her it was perfect.We stopped halfway up...

1 year ago
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Right Under Your NoseChapter 10

ANNA Sunday dawned and I was a wreck. Last night had been great, the best date I'd ever had and it had been a fiction. Or at least enough of a fiction to make my heart ache when I woke up. I thought about the night and I broke into a smile, then I thought about the end, and I was overcome with sadness and embarrassment. I felt like I was coming apart. When I broke down crying because I'd put too much milk in my coffee, I knew I needed help. I called Kay, and even though I woke her up, she...

3 years ago
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Favorite Fantasies 1

I am married to a lovely woman and we have two beautiful c***dren, a boy and a girl. We both teach music, and our in-come is twenty-five thousand dollars per year.My fantasies are about my beautiful mother and me. In them, my mother is thirty-six but looks much younger. I am a sixteen-year-old boy with a perpetual hard-on. On a Sunday morning in summer, we go for a walk in the country. It is peaceful, sunny, and warm. My mother has a white simple dress on. Since the path is narrow, I walk...

1 year ago
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Enjoyed With Office Girl

Dear all, I m Aj from Konkan area , age-29 , dick size – 7 inches and cleanly shaved. This is my first story on Indian sex stories so please ignore if any mistakes. I request girls and married women to send your feedback and if any1 interested to enjoy please email me on Total privacy. 100% satisfaction. Coming to the story , it happened 1yr back. I was working as office assistant in a private company. There was 1 girl named Neha (24) with me on same post. She was beautiful with perfect shape...

2 years ago
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Cry Little Sister Ch 04

First off, as always, much thanks and gratitude go out to SoCalCynic for being awesome and editing this yet again. Really, it wouldn’t read half as well as it does if it weren’t for him. Sorry that there was a little bit of a delay on this, guys. Unfortunately life tends to get in the way every so often. So without further ado, here’s chapter four. * Jill half hoped that Rory would still be in the hallway when she opened the door to leave the next morning. He wasn’t. She rode the elevator...

2 years ago
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Lust for My Wifes sister

My wife and I have been married for over 10 years now. During that time, we've had our ups and downs, as most couples do. Whenever problems have arisen, we've been able to work through them, strengthening our relationship along the way. However, last week something happened that I thought would destroy all of our hard work.Our sex life, like everything else, has gone in cycles. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it cools. We were going through one of our cooler periods lately. As a result, I was...

4 years ago
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A New Job a New Friend Chapter One

Bob and I had been struggling for the last few months, ever since I had lost my job due to the company I was working for having a major down fall in clients. A very close friend of mine informed me of a large insurance company they knew who were looking for experienced personnel to run their administrations department. I sent in my resume, and within a few days I was asked to attend an interview. The interview lasted no more than half an hour. By the end of the interview I was informed I was...

3 years ago
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Breaking Article 134 Ch 05

Taking his comb onto the porch, I sat in the swing and slowly worked the tangles out of my hair. Considering the position of the sun, it was near noon. ‘How did you find this place, sir?’ I asked the moment he stepped out onto the porch. He scratched himself, then sat next to me on the swing. I snuggled against his side, one leg hanging with his, the other on the swing. He told me it belonged to a friend of his uncle or something. He’d used it before to relax, hunt or fish. I listened to the...

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Subrina Skye and the Domination Dimension

A couple of cycles ago, Subrina Skye lived a simple life on her peaceful homeworld of Freeboria on the edge of the Sapphic Sector. That was, until the Galactic Empress discovered her planet and swiftly conquered it with her legions. Since then, Freeboria has been subject to the Empress' cruel subjugation. Many of its citizens were displaced, and those that weren't live under a draconic, outright sadistic empire. One after another, Skye's friends found themselves whisked away to remote prisons,...

2 years ago
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Julie and the Hot Tub

Julie’s friend Lorraine was off on vacation leaving Julie to watch over her house. This was no hardship, Lorraine has a really nice place on the lake with a big-screen TV, jacuzzi hot tub and a cat named Bill. I was away on yet another work trip so Julie stayed at Lorraine’s house full time. It was early spring and still too cold to swim in the lake but the hot tub was a nice relaxer after a long day so Julie had gotten in the habit of taking a dip after work. She’d sit with a nice glass of...

Wife Lovers
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Wife enjoyed gangbang with strangers

Its my first story on this blog and its an incident happened with my office freind and her wife. Its really an erotic incident that how a shy wife become a total slut enjoyed by strangers. I work in a pvt export firm that exports garments, its a small firm with around 20 odd employees, since iam the only professional MBA in comparison to my other colleagues i directly report into the MD Mr. Hussain. Mr Hussain is close to 55 years old has a dark face with spots and would be considered ugly had...

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My Wife My Hooker Part 2

Introduction: Part 2 Part 2 — I return to my slut, completely filled and used. I lean over to her and say How was that, exactly what you wanted?, she replies Yes and so much more I pull everything out of her. All of her holes are gaping open, cum is dried on her face and hair and I think to myself she never looked sexier. Aimee takes a shower and when she is done we both fall asleep. We both wake the next morning. I turn and look at the clock and it displays 9:30. I roll back over and look at...

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risedale secrets 2

“howz your day been then?” I asked as we existed the corridor. Smiling her dazzling smile she replied her day had been shit, but she could think of a few ways it could get better. She was always a tease, even when she was younger and still is to this day. She had the all knowing smile that not many girls had, no matter what you are thinking she somehow knows when its about her. Finally they reached the wood work department, I quickly stepped ahead of her and opened the door, holding it for...

1 year ago
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Boys School 3 Another Dormitory

My helpful teacher, James, had told me that after my night with the boys in one dormitory last visit, the lads from the other dorms had been complaining about the fact that only those boys had enjoyed me. It seems there are six dorms for the older boys, each with between sixteen and twenty lads, so it would take several visits to accommodate them all.I felt the tingle of anticipation. A hundred horny sex-starved teenage boys all wanting to enjoy me? Oh, wow. As I had just spent the day teaching...

Group Sex
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The Threesome

Hi. My name is Steve Williams. This is part of the story of my introduction to alternative lifestyles.Beginning at the age of sixteen, I experienced a great deal of sex, including many variations that were not limited to couples of two. I participated in numerous group-gropes or orgies and had several threesome experiences with two women -- female/male/female threesomes. I never found these larger group orgies or the FMF threesomes to be overly satisfying even though I always had fantasized...

Wife Lovers
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An Indian Boy I knew

Shashi Sahni ouska naam tha. Aahhhhhhh! Yeh ouskay naam ki fucking sound; aaj bhi mera lun hard kar denay ke liye kafi hai. Jee haan; voh really itna behtreen bottom boy tha with passion, attitude and swagger to feel pride and show dignity before, during and after getting fucked. Voh mujhay kahan aur kaisay mila; es baat ka zikar yahan zaroori nahi, sirf itna keh dena kafi hai keh Shashi jaisay gaandu boys hamesha hamaray darmayaan rahay hein aur rahein gae. Sahi koshish, a bit of luck and we...

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The Slumber Party

The Slumber Party By RogerGirl I was standing in the bathroom that was between my room and my sister's room and was checking my makeup in the mirror. I stood back and admired myself in my cheerleading uniform. The skirt was short and showed off my long smooth legs and my long blonde hair was tied back with a ribbon. My three friends were downstairs in their cheerleading uniforms waiting for me. Oh, I should probably mention that I'm a straight guy and so are my three friends. ...

4 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 101 Getting Ugly

I had predicted that the race would get ugly, and it did, in a hurry. Andy Stewart had a tough fight with Bill Worley, and he spent far more money than he planned to. In April he eked out a narrow 52-48 percent win, and then immediately turned his sights on me. He had neither the record to run on nor the inclination to do so. He went negative immediately. Every political campaign has both positive and negative aspects to it. Every candidate promises to run only a positive campaign, a...

2 years ago
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"Hailey, what's the matter?" Kayla asked. "I can tell something's up." "Oh ... I don't know if I can talk about it," Hailey replied. "Something's got you upset. Are you sure you don't wanna talk?" "Maybe I should. Um ... my mom called from home to tell me they had to put my dog to sleep." "Ohhhh, Hailey! I'm so, so sorry! You poor thing. Come here." Kayla pulled Hailey to her and hugged her tightly for a few moments. Tears that had been welling in Hailey's eyes began to...

1 year ago
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7 Train Pleasures

Natasha, 22, lived a very lonely and organized life. Everyday she would get up to what felt like her deadend job with nothing to look forward to then to take customers complaints and fill out paperwork when the customers complain. It was like this from monday thru friday, with her days off on the weekend but unfortunatly for Natasha, it was a monday. Natasha is on her nice royal blue bed with her pink nightgown on where you can see a little of her breasts. The alarm clock goes off as Natasha...

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Living the Dream part 22

Living the Dream, part 22 I was halfway through getting things ready when another call interrupted my plans. "Hello?" "Malissa, we found her. She's ok." "WH, what?" I asked. "Malissa, it's Old Elk, We found Night Bird. She was walking in the hills muttering about not being able to take a Spirit walk without people worrying about her every step." "And she's ok? She's not hurt or anything?" "No, not that old woman. Of course we had a bit of trouble with the Brown Bear that...

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NMCF Club Of Manhattan Part Two

In the early spring, the invitation arrived: "Bassoon Concert, NMCF Club Sponsored Event. Aaron Velequez -  Bassoonist, La Campanella by Paganini,Apt 778, 10 Gracie Square,Upper East Side,Manhattan.10 PM Wednesday, April 13, 2016Your Presence is kindly requested.RSVP."He took an Uber to the Upper East Side and disembarked at what was a dead-end street in front of an older style building that abutted the East River. Despite its age, inside, the building was elegant with large Italian granite...

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Lonesome Willow Ranch

Marina and I have been seeing each other for a week. I have learned about why she left Russia, seeking to make more money outside Russia. She is well-educated, but did not have access to a wide-ranging job market. Jobs in which she could put her skills to use are abundant outside Russia. She had a desire to see and experience the customs and traditions of a new culture. Russian men lack chivalry, they treat their Russian women with indifference or disinterest. Russian men are inclined to...

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The Boy With The Dragon Tattoo 8211 Confessions Of A Long Haired Teacher

Introduction Shylaja woke up, opened her eyes. She was finding it difficult to remember anything happened so far. Only thing that bothered her was the the huge headache she was having, like her head will burst open now. Slowly slowly her headache was disappearing and she became more and more aware of the situation. A chill went through Shylaja’s spine when she realised that she is no longer in bed but tied and hung from her hands and what was more disturbing was that she was hung from the...

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The Lady In The Bus And The Wedding Ring 8211 Part I

It was a crowd Saturday morning and the sun was up and showing its colors to the world as i squeezed my self in to the long distance bus which was full of people. As it was the weekend i didn’t have to go to work. I was traveling to city to buy a new mobile phone for my sister.Thanks the Gods half way to the city the bus was not crowded and i got the chance to stand near a lovely lady who was seated. The lady must be around 34. I almost forgot to tell about myself, I am, lets say Yuvi, and i’m...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Jennifer White Gets a happy ending massage from her hot employee

Jennifer White has bad news to give today. Her company is going digital because of the pandemic and cutting pay 50%. Her employee is sad to hear it and mentions he’s going to have to go back to giving massages. She decides to take pity on him and hire him for a home massage later that day. He’s a bit rusty but he’ll give it a go! He’s not sure what type of massage she wants but she tells him she wants the “full body” treatment he’s done in the past....

2 years ago
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The MILF Next Door Chapter 1

Introduction: The MILF next door finally realises Im not a little boy anymore The MILF next door was probably the most attractive woman on the street, she was 5 foot nothing with a tiny waist, an amazing ass and her tits were glorious. She was a mother of two and wouldve been about 40 max, her name was Jenny and ever since my family moved in next to her 4 years ago when I was 13 I had been absolutely awe struck by her beauty. She enjoyed wearing skimpy outfits around the house and outside,...

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My African Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, I am back with the next part of my African girlfriend story. I hope you guys enjoyed the first part. Guys who have read the first part of my story probably know me. For those who don’t know me, here is a short one. I am basically from Mumbai working overseas on a ship. I am 25, stand 5’9″ tall with a lean beach body. So, let’s get started with the story. My African girlfriend licked my saliva and spat on my lips and gave a naughty smile. I held her back strongly in the same position...

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The Figure Skater

After I got home from Iraq. I was happy to be home and went on a sexual role as I had a lot of pent up sexual energy.There was a girl who is a friend of a friend who started writing me when I was overseas. She had been a pretty accomplished figure skater and wrote me letters telling me about herself. I dropped her a note and let her know we would get together when I got home.I had kind of forgotten about her when I arrived home. After a couple of months my friend told me to call her and I did.I...

4 years ago
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Kim and Susan Fucking my Sisters

Linda; I liked the part where you felt so nasty cummming, while sucking your brothers cock... I know you said penis, but that's a little girls word. Look at it this way, you are both grown-ups, what your doing is for nothing but unadulterated Nasty pleasure. Remember, this is the guy that know just how Nasty you like your sex. I'll never forget the first time I fucked you in the ass, that's one Cherry I'll never forget popping. There you where bent over in front of me, your long legs...

1 year ago
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Ma premiere anal

Je suis agé de 23 ans et je suis en couple avec une charmante demoiselle de 18 ans. Un jour nous avons decider d’acheter un gode ceinture pour qu’elle puisse me prendre, car étant adepte des jeux coquins je prend un plaisir de fou de voir une femme prendre un homme, et franchement je ne regrette en rien cette soumissions, domination. J’ai adoré, j’adore quand elle me prend sauvagement, cela l’excite beaucoup, que je lui tende mon trou bien accueillant et que je lui dise de me bourrer a fond…...

2 years ago
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Neighborly Love For Two Horny Punjabi Women 8211 Part 1

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10” tall, muscular in build and my tool is 8.1” big and 3” thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the middle-east and India. I am located in Dubai and I am a frequent traveler. This happened in Saudi. I had to work in Saudi for 2 months on a business visit. My company office in Saudi was in a remote location and so the apartment given to me was near the factory location. There were no shopping...

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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 11 Into The Holidays

Thanksgiving came up more quickly than Mel was ready for. Three weeks after Halloween and he was still getting used to the woman, the very sexual being, that was Tracy. He had come to an understanding with Tracy, an acceptance of her desire to continue seeing other people, even though deep within his heart he wished she would tire of her need for variation and see him as the one who could meet all of her needs. Yeah, totally unrealistic, but Tracy seemed to like him being there as the one big...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Crissy Hot wife make porn debut

– 37 years old married amateur – Brought hubby to watch and listen to her get fucked – He is excited for her to be doing porn – They are active in the swinger community – Loves sex so figured she should make money doing it – Loves to be pounded from behind because it hit all her right spots – Is into rough sex a little and likes to be submissive – Great cock sucker and she takes it all the way down her throat – Loves anal, I spread her thick ass cheeks and fucked her asshole – Likes to swallow...

2 years ago
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Humilatrons Anthology

Everyone loves a good humiliation story, at least I assume you do if you're on this site. But some stories are simply too short to stand on their own, but still deserve to be told. This story is dedicated to sharing all of those stories from me. This will have a collection of characters with different scenarios some longer than others. All of these will be written by me, so the story will be Private. The stories may change perspectives although will mostly be either first person or third...

3 years ago
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Dragon WytchChapter 11

The following new characters appear in this chapter: The Spirits of Magic: The Spirit of Ley Line Magic, the largest of the Spirits, it appeared to be a strong young man of about twenty-five years of age or so. The Spirit of Ordinary Magic, the younger brother, appeared to be a young man of eighteen or nineteen years of age. The Spirit of Witch Magic, their sister, appeared to be a young woman of twenty or twenty-one years of age. The Spirit of Black Magic, their cousin, was a figure in...

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DianneChapter 7 Integrated Learning Platform

--Thursday, 27th May, 1999-- Early hours of the morning... My head spun in a haze, a perfect storm of lust, alcohol and intense sensation. I was lying face up on my bed, Debbie astride my hips, Jessica kneeling over my face. The two girls’ lips made wet smacking sounds as they kissed while riding me, moaning and sighing softly, sometimes giggling. I didn’t know how long we’d been at it, and I didn’t care. I never wanted tonight to end. “Is his cock good in your hot little pussy?” Jessica...

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whole fam ily fucks

The incident which is happened when I finished my xii standard during the summer holiday. We lived in the Bangalore . My family consists of 4 members dad(Raghav,48) mom(Radha 45) sister(priya24) and me(Raghul18) . My father working in the MNC company and having the flat in the apartment . My mother was the house wife . My sister pursuing the final year M.B.A .Next me waiting for xii std result and going to join in the college . We have 3 bedroom in the flat me and sister have separate room and...

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Betsys Finest Hour

We all have to die someday. I knew that, but this isn't what I had expected. I wasn't supposed to end up in the streets, naked and unidentifiable. They were behind me. They hadn't made their "official" move yet, but I knew it was coming. I could almost feel their hands on my skin and their bodies between my legs. I involuntarily shuddered with revulsion and fought to keep panicky tears from starting. I knew that if I started crying now I'd never stop. Panic is like that. Fear is like...

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