- 2 years ago
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I was on a girls' night out a few weeks ago and the subject came up of first loves. Several of the girls gave their stories of their first boyfriends and the embarrassing or romantic things that happened on their first dates. It came to my turn and I hesitated, trying to decide whether I should tell them the real story of my first love or whether I should tell them of my first romance with a boy. They are two distinctly separate things believe me but in the end I told the boy story as this fitted the expectations of the slightly tipsy girls.
My real first love preceded the boy by over a year. It started on a holiday with my parents when I was just 14. We were staying at a dreary caravan park near Poole on the south coast of England. It was the hot, dry summer of 1992 and the grass about the camp was scorched and the normally muddy fields were cracked and parched.
The evenings remained warm so that our coats and jumpers never left the caravan all fortnight. Even the nights were warm enough for us not to want duvets or covers, perhaps just a sheet to preserve some modesty. All in all very un-British weather which was good as most of my friends were heading to Spain or France with their parents, and at least I got a comparable tan.
My younger brother, at 10, spent all day, every day at a club run for the children and we saw very little of him except at mealtimes. Mum and Dad just wanted to laze on the beach all day getting darker and darker brown. For me though, it was a little boring. I was too old really for the children's club, although technically at 14 I could have gone, but I was through puberty and felt more a teenage girl rather than a child. There was a disco in the evenings for those 16 and over but I seemed to be at the awkward age group that just wasn't catered for at all.
By the third day I'd had enough of the beach and one more day laying on a sun-bed all day and taking occasional dips in the sea was too boring to contemplate. So I told my parents I wanted to go for an all-day horse trek that was available at a discount to residents. They gave me £20 which was enough for the ride and to buy a meal, ice creams etc on the way. Mum and I had a disagreement about what I should wear, she saying I needed jeans, but I insisted on a sun-dress as it was too hot for jeans. She said "Well, don't blame me if your thighs get chapped and your bum is sore!'
On their way to the beach my parents took me to the stables where there was already a queue of 7 or 8 other girls waiting for the trek, but there were plenty of horses being readied in the yard. I arranged to meet Mum and Dad at the caravan at about 4.00pm when we were due to get back. They got in the car and headed for their usual place on the beach. The girl in front of me in the queue was slightly older, probably nearer 15 than 14 but chatted excitedly about the horses. Like me, she had never ridden before and was bubbling with excitement at the prospect. We watched as some were being very frisky, one rearing up onto its back legs and tossing its head from side to side. I said to the girl "I hope I don't get that one!"
"Me neither!" she answered turning to look at me for the first time and laughing. "My name's Melanie but call me Mel, everyone does."
"OK hi Mel, I'm Tina, its short for Christina but don't dare call me that, I hate it!" She was a pretty girl with long, fair, curly hair tied up with a scrunchy. My hair was also long but straight and quite deep ginger in colour, almost red, and it hung down to the middle of my back. The stable girls came over to the queue and led the first 6 girls over to where the horses were being saddled. We watched them being helped into the saddles, shown how to hold the reins and so on and we squirmed with anticipation that it would be our turn soon. There were now 5 of us waiting but then the stable girl came back and we were told there were only 6 horses going out today. Many of the horses were just not liking the heat or the hard ground and were playing up so they weren't going out. The horses were already being unsaddled and we were all desperately disappointed and wandered sadly out the yard.
Some of the girls ran back towards the camp but Melanie and I sat on the verge by the road. She was crying a little and I put my arm round her to comfort her. "Don't worry" I told her, "We could try again another day maybe. It would be hot anyway sitting on a horse in this heat all day."
"What are you going to do now?" she asked, "Are you going to find your parents?"
"I haven't really thought about it. I don't think I could face another day sitting on the beach. What about you?"
"Well mine have gone on a boat trip somewhere and have probably already left. I hate boats anyway. Shall we see what else is going on at the camp?"
"Yes I suppose we could. Or else we could get a bus along to that leisure park with all the flume tubes and stuff"
"Oh wow yes, that looks really cool." We walked back to the camp entrance and looked at the bus timetable. There was one due in 15 minutes so we ran to our respective caravans, stuffed our swimming costumes and towels in a bag and ran back to the bus stop. We stood there panting and of course the bus was 7 minutes late so we needn't have run. Finally we arrived at the leisure park about 11.00am, paid our entrance fee at the pool and went into the changing rooms. The area was filled with mums drying young girls and kids running around. We shared a changing cubicle and stripped off our sun dresses and underclothes and rummaged in the bags for our costumes. As we straightened up I looked at her naked body for the first time.
She was gorgeous. Her breasts were small like mine; probably a B cup, and her nipples were standing out firm with the sudden exposure to cool air. My eyes went down to her bush which, like her hair, was fair and curly and gave the impression it wasn't very thick. She had trimmed it to a nice neat triangle. Mine was a horrible bright ginger and hadn't grown beyond a neat tuft so didn't need trimming to the panty line yet. I suddenly became a bit embarrassed looking at her like this but when I looked at her face her eyes were taking in my body too and her mouth gaped open. I think she must have felt me looking at her and looked up quickly. We both laughed at our blushing faces.
"Wow, you're gorgeous," she said softly.
"Mmmm you too, sorry if I stared though."
"Me too, but actually I don't mind you looking if you want to. It's kind of nice."
"OK thanks, and you are welcome to look too but I think we'd better get our cossies on and get in the water."
We shared a locker and played on the flume tubes for about two hours before we decided to fill our tummies with some food. We showered with our costumes on to get the chlorine smell off, then got our towels and clothes out of the locker and went in the same cubicle as before. (I recognised the graffiti!) After drying our hair and arms we both slipped our wet costumes off and wrung them out a bit. We were facing each other while we towelled ourselves and were quite openly watching each other as we dried our breasts and between our legs. She put one foot up on the seat to dry her leg and I caught a glimpse of her labia. She saw me looking, smiled and deliberately opened her legs more which opened the lips slightly to reveal the pink area beneath. She looked down at my groin area as if to say can I see yours?
I put one foot up too and opened my legs while I dried them. Once again her mouth dropped open. I brought both hands to the top of my thigh and using my two thumbs I pulled my labia apart, giving her an unrestricted view of my vulva. She put down her towel and opened herself up too. "God you're beautiful" I whispered and then mouthed "can I touch?" She smiled, nodded and reached over and took one of my hands, folding all but my index and middle fingers and placing those two between her legs, slipping and dipping below her lips onto the warmth of her smooth vulva. Reaching back a little I could feel the dip of her vaginal entrance and slid my fingers in just a centimetre or two to the first knuckle. There was a warm wet feeling in there that seemed to invite me further in but like me her hymen was there at the entrance warning me off. I again let my fingers slide up her folds to where there was loose skin that I could pull towards me, and moving my fingers apart I could see the shiny pink pearl of her clit. I touched it gently and she recoiled away from me with the electric shock it must have sent through her. This left me holding up two glistening fingers which we both giggled about. I put them into my mouth to see how it tasted, smacked my lips and smiled to say I liked the taste and then wiped my fingers on my towel.
She held out two fingers of her own and looked down then up into my eyes again, raising her eyebrows quizzically in another silent question. I nodded and guided her fingers deep in my slit as she had done with me. The feeling was indescribable and I put my hand over hers to press them against me harder. She moved closer to me until our breasts bumped together and I opened my eyes to see her face just inches from mine. Our lips seemed to be drawn together and finally met in a gentle soft kiss. Just then someone rattled the door and we both jumped violently and she snatched her fingers away from my pussy. "Are you going to be long?" a disembodied voice called. "N-no just a few minutes" said Melanie, finding her voice quicker than me. We dressed in a big hurry, realising we had been there ages.
I treated her to a burger and we wandered outside into the sun still drinking our Cokes. There was a multi-screen cinema there and we wandered over to see what was on. "We don't really have time to see a film do we?" she asked.
"No I have to be back by 4.00pm and its gone two already. Anyway it's too nice to be in a cinema. Shall we walk back to the camp?"
"Wa-alk? God its miles!" Melanie almost choked on her Coke.
"'It's only about 2 miles, we'll be there in an hour." Reluctantly she nodded and we held hands to cross the busy A road. There was a footpath the other side that led in the direction of the caravan park which we thought would cut off a big chunk of the distance and we still held hands as we walked along. "Wow, that was sexy what we did back there wasn't it!" she said, obviously referring to the changing room incident.
"Yes, was it ever! We were both getting a bit wet I think."
"A bit?!! I was soaked. I still am too; it just keeps on leaking whenever I think about it."
"Oooh, can I feel?"
"Not here sexy, it's too open. Let's find somewhere a bit more private and you can have a feel I promise. I get to feel you too though!"
We giggled, feeling very naughty, and skipped along still holding hands. The path kept getting further from the road and after crossing a stile it went through a field of bright yellow flowered rape seed crop. The crop was taller than us, and although the path was a good metre across at the bottom and nicely clear to walk, the tops almost came together to form an arch. It was quite spooky but it was nice to get out of the hot sun for a while. We ran through the arched corridor for a long way but it seemed to go on for ever. We stopped for breath. I looked both ways along the path but we seemed to be the only people in the county of Dorset out walking that hot afternoon. "Hey, it doesn't come much more private than this" I said with my eyebrows raised in a sexy look.
She knew exactly what I wanted. "Oh go on then you sexy girl". She stood invitingly with her feet a little apart. I slid my hand up her thigh until I felt her panties and slid the flat of my hand over her crotch. I felt the dampness in the material below her vagina.
"Feel inside the panties, it's even wetter there!" she encouraged. I put my finger under the material and it was sticky with her wetness. I pushed my knuckle upwards through her lips into her vagina and could feel it still oozing out of her. "Ooh Tina that feels so good, don't stop."
"Oh wow this is so erotic. Let me get to you properly." I pulled her towards me and slid my hands over her bottom until I found the elastic of her knickers and tucked my thumbs inside, drawing them over her cheeks and letting them fall down her legs. She bent down and lifting each leg in turn pulled the wet panties off her feet and tucked them into her swimming bag with her towel and costume. "God if my mum could see me now she'd give me such a smacking!" she remarked.
I pulled her to me again and slipped my hand underneath her body opening her labia. I covered my fingers in her juices and smeared them over her smooth vulva and pressed one finger each side of her hard little clit. She put her hands round my neck and held on for dear life while I circled her clit. I only did this a few minutes when she started kissing my face until she found my mouth and kissed me hard pressing her tongue into it. She breathed hard as she broke the kiss and her face was red and contorted, her eyes wide and wild. "Christ Tina I'm going to cum!" Her vulva pressed down on me in waves of pleasure and she threw her head back as she went over into a massive orgasm and yet more wetness ran from her onto my hand. Her knees just buckled suddenly and she fell backwards, her hands around my neck pulling me with her. We fell into the crop, bending the woody plants back and snapping some with loud cracks but they broke our fall.
"My god Mel, that must have been a hell of an orgasm!" I laughed. I had been masturbating for some time and had reached orgasms before but nothing as intense as she had apparently just achieved. Her eyes were glazed and I don't think she could speak but she nodded weakly. "The farmer's going to kill us if he sees his crop!" I said and she managed a laugh. She still had her hands round my neck and pulled me in for more kisses. Slowly she got her senses functioning again and said "Right Tina, my sweet, now it's your turn!"
I leaned forward and looked up and down the footpath, but couldn't hear or see anyone anywhere near so I laid back into the plants again while she stood a little bit unsteadily and pulled off my panties in one quick movement. She smelt at the wet crotch of the flimsy garment and smiled before tucking it in her bag with hers. She held my legs apart and she knelt between them, her face no more than 6 inches from my pussy. "Oh wow, you are just so beautiful down there" she said. She brought both her hands to me, holding my inner lips wide apart with one hand and repeating what I had done to her a few minutes earlier, making my clit wet and pulling the rubbery flesh in tight circles round it. The stimulation was too great for me to last long and the orgasm was building rapidly inside me. To my surprise she leant her head towards me and licked rapidly on my exposed clit. This sent me spinning into the wildest, most intense feelings I had ever experienced. My back arched and Melanie had a job to keep her mouth on my clit. The feelings were too strong and I cried out with a mix of pleasure and pain to relieve the pressure in my body, and then I blacked out.
I awoke to Melanie shaking me saying "Wake up Tina there's people coming." Adrenalin started to flow as I struggled back into the world. She held my hands, pulling me forward, and I struggled up holding on to her as my head started to spin again. I looked down the path between the yellow crop, and indeed there were two people walking towards us from the same direction we had come, still a long way off fortunately. We grabbed our bags and walked the opposite direction, slowly at first but faster as I the strength returned to my legs. We started sniggering as we put distance between us and the couple, and soon were laughing loudly at our crazy antics. Eventually we got to a stile and then could see the caravan park over a grassy field. The footpath led by a corner of the park but the fencing had a well worn gap that we squeezed through.
It was now 3.30pm, and we walked through the rows of similar-looking caravans searching for either of ours. We found hers first and she let us in with the key from her bag. It was stifling hot inside like walking into an oven, and we went round opening all the windows. We sat down on the L shaped sofa in the lounge and cuddled each other then kissed deeply. "God Tina I love you!" she whispered.
"I love you too Mel, you're really great. Where did you learn to do that?"
"You know, what you did with your tongue on me."
"I think I read about it in a teen magazine as to what boys do to their girlfriends when they have oral sex and I just wanted to try it. Was it good?"
"Good doesn't even come close, it nearly blew my head off!" We both laughed.
"Yes I noticed you had a little orgasm!"
"Little?!!!" We laughed loudly.
"I thought I'd killed you for a moment; you went out like a light. Then I saw that couple on the path and I couldn't wake you to start with. I was pulling your dress down to make you respectable and was going to say you'd fainted."
"Well next time I'm going to do that to you and see how you like it! There will be a next time won't there?"
EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...
Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...
I invite all my fine female dear readers to respond to this sweet sexy survey of their number #1 erotic experience. I invite you to write me the best possible sex you dream to have in the future, or maybe it better stays only fantasy?I invite you to tell us as much as you like about the ideal circumstances needed and the sexy scenario you long for.I invite you to share your feelings about your favourite fantasy. Why is it so special? A secret? A taboo? A fetish?I invite you all to check as well...
Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...
BDSMThe It was in the late nineties, 1998 to be exact and I was living in a small apartment in downtown Montreal. I’d been divorced now for over three years after 25 years of marriage. Thankfully my kids had been out of the nest and living on their own at the time of my divorce. Some think I was lucky as after my husband had taken off with a much, much younger woman, as I was left with everything. So after my divorce which was not contested, I was left with our house, the furnishings and our car. ...
The following day being a Sunday, and as I had no plans for the day I kind of took stock of my situation. I had to admit to myself again that I not only liked the slutty life, but actually preferred it to the vanilla lifestyle. My ex husband had introduced me to it over the years, and we kind of lived a double life. Sex with him had been good, we did it in every imaginable way an in a multitude of situations. I'd often taken it up my ass to please him; he was often full of surprises that helped...
LesbianThe It was in the late nineties, 1998 to be exact and I was living in a small apartment in downtown Montreal. I'd been divorced now for over three years after 25 years of marriage. Thankfully my kids had been out of the nest and living on their own at the time of my divorce. Some think I was lucky as after my husband had taken off with a much, much younger woman, as I was left with everything. So after my divorce which was not contested, I was left with our house, the furnishings and our car. I...
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Mind ControlWithin this world there exists a powerful force, a force fuelled by passion, pleasure and love. Known as the Lovelace, it grants the world the power of magic and blesses our lives with its presence. Blooming forth from the hearts of the truly happy, the Lovelace exists inside all of us, filling us with energy and happiness. Said to have been born in ages past from the wishes for a shining future, it has ended war and strife, stopped pointless crimes, ended prejudice and brought the races of the...
FantasyJohn and Doe membuka pintu warnet. John and Doe mulai membuka windows dan membuka irc. Di IRC itu John and Doe mendapat kenalan seorang wanita. Wanita itu memberi no hp nya.Wanita itu bernama Mia, berumur 23 tahun.
I bought this plug and got it a few days ago, I charged it up, put it in me, turned it on, and it turned me on. It’s got several settings and you can also control by Bluetooth with your phone. I wore it around the house for about 4 hours, changing the vibration settings. There are a couple settings I really like, the low constant vibe, and the high pulsing vibe, where it pulses every 2 seconds. I usually keep it on low when I’m sitting around, but the pulse is awesome when walking around. I...
I'm walking across a dealer parking lot looking over the new cars when I spot her.She was older and she was on the heavy side. She walked with a bit of a limp thatwas probably due to the wearing her feet and knees take from carrying the extraweight.As she came toward me I see her straightening out her blouse down over her pantson one side, then switching her purse to the other arm to do her other side. Thenshe straightens her collar, all the while taking glances at me. The lady wants to...
My very first sexdoll was a Sex Teen Love Doll. A company called PABO distributed free erotic catalogs in the students residences mailboxes and there was an offer for a 'starter pack' containing an inflatable lovedoll, some sextoys, some lube and an erotic comic. I was so excited to have a girl I could fuck anytime I ordered one by mail in 2001. She was kinda expensive for her quality but at that time I didn't know better. She was ugly but fortunately I could draw her a more beautiful face and...
Alan had been watching his new neighbour for months now, picturing her naked every time he saw her. She'd moved in a while back, and he'd been immediately struck by her beauty. His first glimpse had been while she helped the removalists by hefting some of the smaller boxes inside alone. She had a Mediterranean look, with a dark olive complexion, dressed in a pair of loose beige slacks and a country style red shirt, knotted together at the bottom with rolled up sleeves. Her copper coloured hair...
So I had given my little spy twink what he wanted, and he wanted more! I had caught him looking through my basement window while I was stroking and brought him inside to choke him with my Cock and feed on his young Cum. He did not disappoint and after getting his tight ass fingerbanged while I sucked him off, he was in desperate need to have my thick shaft buried deep inside him as well! He had already fed on my hot nectar and having my seed pulsing into his tight little ass is a gift that will...
Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they'd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden."Hello," a cheery voice called out.They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a...
He is but still rather young in years. The hangover from his 27th birthday was still fresh in his mind even though it was now almost two months past. He was always seen as the joker in school and he loved making people laugh. Cupid came knocking on his door about two years ago and even though his parents frowned at the fact that the love of his life was 42, she was his world. He understood that there would be instant responsibility as she had two k**s but he did the best he could. Even though...
Harry was lucky there weren’t any lessons the following day because he didn’t leave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in love with Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Cho had broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was a great friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streaked then the last. Harry read them but couldn’t bring himself to reply. The message was pretty much...
Luna took her wizard’s wand in hand and began stroking it firmly while rubbing her palm along the sensitive place just below his piss slit. The blonde had already cast the appropriate charm to ensure his prick would act as if lubricated so she was in no danger of rubbing his skin raw. Harry’s tool hardened approvingly of the blonde’s efforts. The couple were no stranger to each other’s bodies. Indeed the pair had done everything but penetrating intercourse. With a serene smile on her lips...
THIS STORY BY bigthighlover:I had been talking with this very beautiful sexy tranny from the southern part of the state for weeks and she told me she was going to drive up to Morgantown and check out the gay lesbian club Vice Versa on Saturday night so I decided to surprise her and be there I got there around 8 pm and got a table next to back wall in front of stage I could see from there desk the hostess set out and I watched for Steph to come in it was all most 9 pm and there she was walking...
Chapter Seven Xhamster Profile for Love2Bused After a quick thirty minute ride we pulled into a parking lot that looked like part of a biker bar. Right away my pussy started heating up just thinking about being used by a bunch of bad boy bikers. When Harold parked the bike he turned to me and asked me if I was sure I was ready for this? Looking Harold in the eyes I told him I have to be ready for this. My entire future is...
Chapter Five Xhamster profile love2bused It wasn’t long after that when Fred took me over to their frat house to meet with the guys. In the days leading up to this I kept going over and over in my mind what it was going to be like having men coming up to me and pointing their cocks at me and then jerking off in my face. I would imagining their cock heads being pointed so close to my face that I would be able to smell the pungent...
Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Wife Loversshe jumps at my touch,are you here i ask ?turns to me her eyes look past me yes is the reply,i move away from her hand reaching for me always usessex as distraction with intimacy ,with talking in general. you thinking about him again it goes unspoken between us affairs are wildfires burning fast all consuming and over too quicklyi've done worse to her ,and come back empty and emotionally drainedpart of it is the sex and majority is emotional guilt justifying the great sexnew body to...
Hey, guys!By now you probably all know what a complete slut I am when it comes to cock. I LOVE cock! Nothing in this world is more important to me than cock. I crave it! Need it! Whenever I meet a man for the first time my thoughts immediately go toward his cock; how big it is, how it tastes, how good it will feel inside me &, most of all, what I need to do to have it!All my favorite masturbation fantasies involve many, many hard glistening cocks - especially those big, thick, long black...
Hey, guys!By now you probably all know what a complete slut I am when it comes to cock. I LOVE cock! Nothing in this world is more important to me than cock. I crave it! Need it! Whenever I meet a man for the first time my thoughts immediately go toward his cock; how big it is, how it tastes, how good it will feel inside me &, most of all, what I need to do to have it!All my favorite masturbation fantasies involve many, many hard glistening cocks - especially those big, thick, long black...
Title: lovelylaura22Rating: NC17Summary: Not k**ding. I keep getting these emails in my spam folder from "lovelylaura22" with the subject "Looking For A F-Buddy??" Well, what if this was the real thing?Always Jan got these email messages in his "spam" folder. Always he immediately deleted them without a single thought.But as Laura's birthday got closer and closer, he imagined that one of them did contain the real thing, that it really was from the Laura Dianne Vandervoort that he was in so very...
for a long time I look at all the horny women here on the forum and rub my little willy in front of the monitor. Since no one can suffer me, my mother had always hung me as c***d sausages about the neck so that at least the dogs play with me. Now, I wanted to play along here so gladly and post also horny picture on the hamster. But from where should I take them? Not a single healthy woman wants to have me however. Therefore, I have ordered a whore from the lokal advertising. My Harz4 money has...
Chat Night Guest: Eddie Glover On Monday July 19, 1999 6 PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal I arrived a little late in the middle of a conversation... (*Anne-Mal) So did I miss anything good? (Eddie) I'm ready for my close up Mr. Demille! We were just speaking on the joys of computer freezes or lack thereof! (Carrie_g) It becomes the cruelest editor. :) (*Anne-Mal) At least you are forced to rewrite! (Eddie) No problem. I'm not nervous or anything. Really. :) (Carrie_g) I...
This Story is pretty much true I came home early one time my parents where out but my bedroom light was on.I crept up stairs and looked through the crack in my door! What I saw has changed my life forever! My sister was laid on the floor with her legs up in the air totally naked playing with herself.I looked on eagerly watching through the crack in door and started playing with myself my phone fell out of my pocket. I bent down too pick it up and when I looked up my sister was looking at me. I...
As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...
As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...