28 February 2007Chapter 10
- 4 years ago
- 27
- 0
“Oh Amy, my love!! The show is begun!” I hurried to run a brush thru my hair, I hit a snag and cursed. I, like many others, love my long wavy hair, but maintenance is not its main asset. “You are going to miss out on all the fun!!” I picked up my favorite lipstick, but pictured having to go to a restaurant with a horrible red rush job and said screw it, leaving it on the counter. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, mascara on one eye, no rouge, hurry, hurry, hurry,” my satanic boyfriend, Dan, chanted.
I scurried through my apartment, dodging the chair. It was foolish how easily I let TV get me so flustered. I flopped on the couch next to him, my momentum slamming me into him. I’m not a big girl, so the force of impact shook me. He naturally took advantage kissing me, his tongue forcefully sampling mine as a hand slid up to cup one of my tits. He gave a sharp tug on a nipple to make me gasp before letting me go to catch my breath. He tugged on the other one so they would protrude evenly.
They were just introducing the couples. There were two white couples (one blonde, one brunette), a black couple, and an Asian woman with a white man. Mixed couples only happen on the more recent versions. I had missed that, but Dan always picks up on subtle alterations such as that. He says he masters “the unspoken undercurrents.” I studied each woman carefully, I always try to pick out the one he likes the best. I’ve slowly gotten better at it. After all a girl should know what her man likes. I mean any girl knows guys like to fuck, but if you never learn more a breakup shortly follows.
“New look?”
“Stuff it.” He was ribbing me yet again, and he knew how serious I took this. He jokes he could never trust me enough to take me on the real show. Bob Eubanks came out. When Dan first suggested we watch “The Newlywed Game” together early in our relationship I thought we would be over quick. I mean come on, “The Newlywed Game!?” I’m a modern girl. Yet now it is a pre-date tradition I insist upon. It is fun and I learn more in one half hour than I would in a year otherwise. Occasionally I get the sense he is getting tired of it, but humors me. Once, when there was a time conflict he suggested we could tape it and watch it later. I’m not proud of how I reacted, but he never suggested it again.
Bob read the rules and the wives went off stage. I handed Dan the pad. I glanced at him. He looked good in a black jacket and three tone blue shirt. “Is that the shirt we bought Tuesday?”
He looked down distracted. “Yeah, I guess. I don’t really know, that’s your department.”
That was one of the things I love about him. When I first met him, he wore basic block colors on the grounds that clothes should fade into the background of his personality. But he let me dress him because he did not care. He is willing to shop with me, although only for short trips. He even comments on trips for me, not sane comments, but it’s a start. In the two years we have been together he has only shopped for himself once, and that was only for some boxers when we first met. He always buys new underwear when he starts a relationship, some sort of odd personal tradition. Hell, I even pick his haircut. All my girlfriends are very jealous. In truth it is not a perfect fantasy, he does not really care about style so everything has to be low maintenance.
“What is the one thing, besides the bathroom, she wishes you did not share?” Bob asked the assorted husbands. Dan chewed on the end of his pen a bit before scribbling something on his pad. I listened to the answers the TV husbands gave. This was a problem we ran into sometimes. We obviously were not married, we don’t even live together. None of their answers made any sense for us. I could not come up with an answer. I could tell Dan struggled too even though he had four times the time the other did. We almost never won because of these problems. We had talked about moving in together, but neither of us was willing to leave our neighborhood. Which is just stupid. One of us ends up staying over at the other’s five or six nights a week.
Bob was going on to the next question, I would have to come up with something on the spot. “What is your wife’s number one turn on and turn off.” Well turn on was easy, but turn off was substantially harder. Dan has my number down cold, all he has to do is talk or look at me in a certain way and I melt and do whatever he wants. The end result of course is that we, to put it bluntly, fuck all the time. He also commented that there did not seem to be anything I did not like. He finished quickly and gave me his “I know something you don’t know” smile and a quick eyebrow jerk when he saw I was surprised. Arrogant shit. I should not really complain, he is strong earner as a stock broker. I have my own money, but a woman can be proud of reeling in a man who makes some green. Hey, I’m not immune to the society I was raised in.
“Are you paying attention?”
“You’re missing the question.”
I turned my attention back to the TV, but Bob had finished. I tried to piece together that the question was while Dan wrote. I could not get anywhere, they were talking about Henry VIII, but then one said something about Henry XVI. Were there that many Henry’s? Dan would know, he was good at trivia, but I was stuck. Fortunately husband number four did not understand. “This is an intelligence test. If your wife saw Henry VIII twice would she come home and tell you she saw Henry VIII twice or Henry XVI?” That made no sense. The show went to commercial.
“I think we’re boned.”
“Have faith, they are only five points.”
“Thanks Bob.”
I stuck my tongue out at him. He lunged, I pulled back, but he got me. He stuck his face into mine. “At least I pay attention.” He kissed me and I felt a telltale lump of potential pleasure on my tummy. I struck out with my legs to rock my whole body under him. The asshole pulled back, he was just toying with me just as a cat does with a mouse. He made a face and cocked his head. “You look interesting. Are you going out that way?”
“Ha ha, give me ten minutes and I’ll be fine. Where are we going anyway?”
“I thought this is the night we were meeting Bert and Jeanie.”
“It is, but we aren’t spending all night with them are we?”
“No, but who knows when we will get out. I thought we could just wander around the pier, maybe take in a band.”
“That sounds nice. We could invite them along.”
“If you want.”
The show came back. He did not get off me, knocking the pad onto the floor where I could not see it. I twisted underneath him to get a look at the women as they answered. “What is the one thing, besides the bathroom, she wishes you did not share?” Bob intoned. Oh crap, this was one I did not have an answer for. I racked my brain to think of anything while Dan studied me. I choked and finally said. “A car.” Dan thinks I’m a bad driver, he never lets me drive him anywhere. It might be related to the fact he has a BMW and enjoys zipping himself around.
“That’s a good guess, but it is something you wish we did not share.” He showed his first answer. Refrigerator. “Remember when I left that cheese here and forgot about it.”
“That’s right, the whole kitchen stunk. That’s not bad. There really wasn’t a good answer.”
I saw him move, but did not react fast enough to avoid being bopped on the head with a cushion. I had copied the habit from the contestants and he occasionally did too. He never pounds me the way I do him. I use my fists a lot too. I shoved him and he sat back up (letting me up too). Only one of the white couples on TV did not get five. Even though we play all the time we rarely win, and have never gotten a perfect score either. It bothered me we did not win more, but again we live se
parately. Plus, as Dan had pointed out, it was a nice perk to start the night with a win, which it would not be if we won all the time.
Bob ignored my reflections moved onto the next question, the one asking about my biggest turn on and off are. I listened to the wives answers, but none of their turn offs worked for me. I felt a little slutty, which I guess I am. I blame Dan, I wasn’t always this way. Of course he loves it.
“Well the turn on is obviously stripping,” I noticed with some surprise that he did not reflexively nod, “but I can’t think of anything that turns me off, so I will say nothing.”
“The judge will accept that, but it will do no good.” He showed me his answers: My bedroom voice and being sick.
“No! Stripping is my biggest turn on.” How did he not know that?
“Then why don’t you do it more often?”
“I don’t know,” I giggled.
“Well you are going to start.” I gave him a half shimmy. He poked me, “pay attention, we are at the next question.”
“…or Henry XVI?”
I remembered this one. “The only answer that makes sense to me is Henry VIII twice.”
“Very good Sprinkles.” He showed me the pad. “We have five points.”
“Don’t start with me.”
“Me, don’t start!? Who was…”
“No, who was it-”
“Okay, okay, okay.”
He slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me close the way he knows I like. “Were you serious about that? I always thought you liked my voice.” He switched into it.
I have to admit it does turn me on when he talks that way, but I elbowed him in the stomach. “I do like that, but I really like stripping.”
“I never knew that.”
“Well I’ve kept that a secret.” I was blushing. Oh my god, I could not believe I was blushing. After all the things I done for him, to him, or let him do to me, I’m blushing over admitting I like taking my clothes off.
“Because I’m worried you’ll tease me about it.”
“Smart thinking Sprinkles, but I meant why do you like stripping.”
“I always liked it. It made me feel worth something to see all these men get excited and line up to give me money just because I’m naked and wiggling. It just always made me feel special, like a beautiful princess. I mean I know they were just horny dogs who wanted to fuck me because their wives were getting old, but it still felt good. I got into their fantasies too. And if you call me Sprinkles again I will pound you.” I threatened him with my fist. That was my old stage name. Now it sounds so stupid, but I was a very popular girl.
He smacked away my fist. “Really. I never knew that. Why did you give it up?”
“Come on.” He gestured he did not follow. “You must know this.” Still a blank stare. “That first night when your buddies brought you in and Frank bought you a lap dance I thought no big deal, I have done this a thousand times. But when you talked to me, I just felt…well, more naked. I hadn’t been uncomfortable dancing since I first started, but you made me feel embarrassed. I liked it though, or at least I liked you. I never gave my number out, before either. I had to quit that week. Do you have any idea how much money that cost me? And you know I hate my job now.”
I had met him while working. He had come in with a group of guys, your standard fair, all hooting and hollering. He was the quiet one, but what I noticed was how sleekly he moved. Every step, head turn, reach, was smooth, no wasted motion. I had joined a few other girls seeing what kind of money they were willing to outlay. They had all whipped out bankrolls before we even got there, save for Dan. I was naked and grinding myself into a lap immediately. They passed us around for a while, making sure they all got hardons, again except for Dan.
“See anything you like this time?” one of them shouted over the music as I dragged my ass up and down his lap, letting his jean clad cock slipping between my cheeks.
Expressionlessly he nodded, and looked in my direction.
“All-righty then.” He turned to talk to me for the first time. “Hey babe, give Dan here a dance,” he shoved some cash into my hand. “Make it good and there’ll be a little extra in it for you,” he whispered to me.
I sized my quarry up. I had seen this type before, too proud to admit a stripper could have any power over them. I sat down on his lap, putting an arm around him and snuggling up against his neck. “Hey there, I’m Sprinkles, what’s your name?” I ran a hand over his chest, it was strong, but not nearly the hardest I’d ever felt.
“I go by Dan.”
“Well Dan, would you like a lap dance?”
“Indeed.” I stood to dance, but he put a hand on my forearm, the soft hand surprised me. Having successfully arrested my movements, she spoke. “Might I make a request?” Confused I nodded. “Could you redress for the start?” I nodded, I’d heard of guys who like that, but never encountered one myself. All us girls regarded it as an urban legend. I bent down to get my clothes off the floor. I snapped on my thong, zipped up my super short plaid school girl skirt, and put on my white tank top. “Could I entice you to take off your shoes?”
“Sure. You like feet?”
“No, I’ve never gotten that, but want a certain look for you.”
“Okay bigboy, the stockings too?” I had some fishnets held up by elastics.
“Take them off as you dance.”
“Can do? Anything else?” He was very specific. I liked it, I felt like an artist, plus there was that promised bonus.
“You seem remarkably pliable.”
“Hey, I want you to enjoy yourself.”
“You don’t regard it as a simply transaction?”
Now I did, but I didn’t like him just pulling away the veil of fantasy away. It made me feel cheap. “I’m here for the cash, yeah, but I want you have a fun time too.”
“Well then Sprinkles,” he slowly stressed my name to point out the obvious fakeness of it, “why don’t we start and if I think of anything you can do to increase my pleasure in the moment I’ll let you know.”
“Okay.” He was really being an asshole.
I got up, but he grabbed my hand again. “Wait until the next song starts.” He did not let go of my hand, holding it as the last song ended. I’d let rich, respectful, clients finger me on occasion, but I had never just held hands the old-fashioned way in a club before. It was unexpectedly uncomfortable. When the sounds faded away, Jimmy the asshole DJ came over the load speakers. Dan kissed my hand once. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sure, I’m fine.”
“Then whenever you’re ready.” The first faint notes of music sounded over the buzz of strippers making money. I felt as though he had challenged me, I was going to show him. I sunk to my knees at his feet and used my head to nudge his legs apart. Looking up at him I dragged my face over his crotch. I felt him there, but he was not hard. I flicked him with my nose, and he twitched. I dragged myself over him more and rested my chest on his cock. He looked down at me impassively as I gave him and innocent look. Why do guys play hard to get with a stripper? I pulled myself up further until I could nuzzle his chest, his snake began to uncoil on my stomach. That was relieving, I had worried he won’t be able to get it up. It never took a guy so long, hell most men are rock hard before you even touch them. I take pride in being able to get to men so easily, I had been feeling a little threatened that he stayed soft. To celebrate I pulled my top over my head, and rubbed his neck with it. His challenge was making me get inventive. I stood and rubbed his face with my chest, and he blew on me. Not on my nipples the way you’d expect, but between my tits. A long continuous
breath that tickled the undersides of my tits. I pulled my skirt up and rubbed my crotch against his, wanting get control of the situation. He was not fully erect yet. Going for broke I worked my thigh against him, he filled out, but was not raging yet. Boy was I getting frustrated. Then he did an odd thing, he very gently just tapped a few beats into my thigh, as though it was Morse code. Weird. I stepped away for a moment, and bent all the way over to take off my skirt. When I looked back he was looking at me, that is my face, not the ass right in front of him. I decided to go for another tactic. Straddling him I kissed my way up his neck, around his chin, and on his cheek. I jumped with I felt his tongue press my lips, he had pressed it into his cheek. Clever clever.
I held myself against him, “would you like to take my stockings off?” I whispered. Normally guys say something or nod, he just repositioned me on his lap. The first contact came behind my knee, then up the back of my thigh. I had been expecting him to do what all guys do, get as close to my pussy as they dared and then drag their fingers down. I fidgeted, it was oddly erotic. I, a jaundiced stripper, with plenty of men in my past, a girl who’d got very physical with the others girls for a bonus, was getting a little uncomfortable. This was much more along the lines of foreplay than a lap dance. He cupped my leg as he rolled down the stockings, touching ever inch of my gams. By the time the second one was off the song was over. I’d been naked in literally hundreds of laps before, but this time I was embarrassed.
“You were definitely a wise pick.”
“Thank you.”
“You adapted very well. It’s very rare I find a girl I like.”
“Why is that?”
He paused to form the right words. “Too much of life is rush rush rush, and strippers reflect that. You’re gorgeous, flexible, and willing to take hints, the perfect combination for my tastes.”
“I am here to please.”
The music of the next song started to filter over the airwaves. “Why don’t you lose the thong?”
Wow, did that suddenly sound scary. I looked down at the thin wisp of white material. I’d been naked in front of him before, but now… I chided myself, I’m a stripper, that why he was here. I yanked it off, and felt better, but not fully at ease. I tried to get into the song, grinding my naked body against his. I started to forget, but then he stopped me.
“Are you okay?”
Oh my god. “Yeah. Why?”
“You seem tense.” He took my hand again, that was getting to me, and kissed it. Then he sucked on one of the fingers. I knew what he would do next, and watched as he directed my own hand to my pussy. I was about to press in, but he grabbed my wrist, and started slow circles over my quim. “We are trying to relax, not get you off.” Flustered I did as directed. “Keep dancing.” Lightly touching myself, I got to my feet and again began to bump and grind. I was able to get into much more then I did normally, sitting on his lap and taking his cock in my other hand and stroking my ass with it. The music faded to a stop and he yanked my hands away from my body, startling me. I saw Louie the bouncer coming, but I waived him off.
“Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s alright.” I struggled to regain my composure.
“Why don’t we slink off to a corner?” I could not believe I nodded, but I did. I stooped to pick up my clothes. “Just the top.” I slipped it on, but felt even more exposed than before. Sure my boobs were covered, but my pussy was hanging out for all to see. We sat back in a corner, me on his lap. The next song started and he nudged me so my gaze was on stage. Then, oh lordy, he sucked two of my fingers into his mouth, and firmly pressed them into my pussy. The message was clear, and I started to diddle myself. I glanced over at him and saw he was staring into my eyes. I could not take it and buried my face in his shoulder. He hugged me as I finger fucked myself on a strangers lap. I let out a tiny squeak as I came for the first time in a club. He kissed me on the forehead, and for some reason that really helped. “What is your name?”
I broke rule I swore I never would. “Amy.”
“Pleased to meet you, Amy.”
“Thanks.” I was coming down, I felt much better. “Will I see you again?”
“I’m not really into clubs.” I frowned. “Perhaps if I could call.” There were some girls who give their number out, but they were universally sluts. I had never considered it before. This was a serious issue, how would he treat me knowing what he did? On the other hand… “You have to take risks in life.” He spoke, almost reading my mind.
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"It'll grow back," you laughed as I used my nails and scratched at the skin above your cock. I started to say something smart but you took my chin and said, "put it in your mouth and shut the fuck up." I pretend pouted and leaned in to kiss you hard on the mouth. We had been fucking for about a month, I'd spent almost every night with you since we met. The sex had been phenomenal! You are my pussy like a fiend and lived to make me cum using your mouth and fingers. I returned the favor by...
I was sitting on my bed studying when Andy returned to the dorm room after his last class of the day. I didn't really think much about it when he closed and locked the door to our room behind him."Can you believe last night actually happened?" he asked.I looked up at him and smiled. "No, I never thought anything like that would happen to me," I calmly remarked.Andy and I had had our first threesome experience with another friend of ours, Amanda. All three of us took the same Chemistry class the...
BisexualMy name is David Rothman, and this is a story about the three most impressive women I've ever met. Now, one of those ladies I already knew. Wanda Perkins, a fellow grad student at Berkley. Sharp, pretty, witty, and a total bitch. Well ... she could be, when she wanted to. I had pursued her during the past two years ... and I'd even gotten her to go out with me once. We both had a really good time; but when I had tried to kiss her goodnight, she turned me down flat; and she'd refused to...
Friday, July 15, 2011, 5am Jesse was mentally exhausted when he finally went to bed that night. His first day away from the hospital was so full of surprises and challenges that he began to believe that adapting to this world was impossible. Perhaps a good night’s sleep would restore him. What he experienced, however, was anything but a good night’s sleep. For the first time that he could recall, he was visited by a nightmare. It was his father, mother, and sister, all trying to reach out...
It was in the afternoon and my wife was at work while Im stuck at home out a job for now waiting to get back on my feet for that perfect opportunity to get my job back. So suddenly I get very horny! So I invite a black friend of mine over and yes I'm a white guy. Skinny and healthy, then after calling my black friend and asking if he'd like to come over and just hang out sense I was bored and very horny for black dick. Oh yeah I forgot to tell u I'm secretly gay I like to fuck black guys behind...
Gay– 53 year old Florida MILF with 5 kids – Works as a nurse but gets freaky at night – Into the swing lifestyle currently as a unicorn – The free sex lifestyle keeps her young she believes – Travels for work, has boy toys in different area codes – She always goes for younger men because she likes the stamina – It is a usual thing for her to have 5 different men in a week – The most men she has had at one time was 3 – Likes deep hard cock, of course, doggy is her favorite position – The biggest...
xmoviesforyouThis is a long work of mainly fiction driven by recent events that have been stitched together for your reading pleasure, it features my wife of 27 years Kay and her very old friend Lesley who she has known for over 40 years.It all started innocently some weeks back when a family friend asked Kay if she knew anyone who had some old baby items stashed away that her daughter could have, Kay explained that most of what we had went years ago but she would get me (Vernon )to get up in the loft and...
I am Vrinda Nair. I am 21 years old. I am 5’5″ tall with big breasts and big swaying ass. Fair color. I have firm breasts and I am very proud of those globes. They make every male look at me twice. I have good figure 36-26-36. I Have light brown color pointed nipples with big areola. And, my boyfriend, had bought the car only a couple of weeks back and he had invited me for a ride. One day, late in the after noon, we took off on the Merc. After the car left the city limits far behind, his left...
The strangest thing happened to me a little while ago. I thought I would never tell anyone what happened either but I kinda like the idea that guys will jerk off as they read my story. I admit, while I am writing this I feel aroused a little and oh how I wish I could watch you wanking or even feel your shaft. I'm not gay they always say. I don't care much for gay men. I always think gay and straight are measured by how they behave. I like women’s bodies and football and dirty jokes and pints of...
BisexualMay 6, 1986, Los Angeles, California When Julia and I walked off the plane at LAX, it was the first time I’d been in Los Angeles since 1972, when my parents had moved our family to Tucson, Arizona, where we stayed less than a year before moving to Ohio. As we were only staying a single night, neither Julia nor I had checked a bag, which allowed us to walk straight out of the terminal and get in line for a taxi into the city. Just under an hour later, we got out of the taxi and walked into...
Chloe had been holidaying with some friends. A week had gone by already ,but she was really enjoying her time away from the hustle and bustle of the city. She liked to cycle through the quiet country lanes whenever she got the chance and it was on one of those cycles that she first saw him. He was about the same age as Chloe and turned and smiled,Chloe smiled back and before long they were deep in conversation. He too was interested in cycling and both of them sat on the wall of the old stone...
Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. A Silk Stalkings Adventure The Ramon Vargas Affair * Chapter 1: Preparing To Enter The Fray Rita turned off the warm spray, squeezed the surplus water out of her hair, squirted a generous helping of shaving foam over her crotch, and rubbed it well in, before stepped out of the shower cubicle. She sat down on the fluffy lavatory seat...
We were barely into autumn and there were still weeks before I thought bad weather would make travel and development difficult. I sent the majority of the Knapdale host back to Oban to recover the longships but detoured on my way back to Aird Driseig to visit Cowall and Bute. I ordered the longships to meet with us at the main camp of the lordship, Rothesay, as quickly as they could get there. My party was now about seventy on horseback, including my long bow archers and we made directly for...
“We’re home!” yelled Tara, as we came in through the front door. “Yay!” squealed Angie from the kitchen. She came running out towards us and ran full tilt into Dan so that she could hug him around his legs. Dad and Nana followed from the kitchen a bit more slowly. I was kind of glad that Dad didn’t come running at us because he had a sharp knife in one hand and half a carrot in the other. He was wearing an apron over his suit which looked a bit weird. On the other hand, Nana was wearing an...
She was not even my girlfriend, but I was still happy to thrust into her drunken body; her boyfriend had passed out some time ago and was sleeping nearby on the floor. I had slipped off her knickers and spread her legs wide. My hard cock had pushed into her with little difficulty, but now I was approaching my climax. Her eyes were open and she was staring up at me, what did I care she wasn't trying to stop me. "Can I have a go next mate," I voice said from behind me, causing me to miss a...
I had the local radio station turned up loud on the radio as I chopped vegetables in preparation for our dinner. One of my favourite songs came on and I started singing along with it...what I lacked in musicality, I made up for in enthusiasm. My hips swaying to the rhythm as I sliced the carrot in time to the beat. I was having a wonderful time when I felt something brush my shoulder. Startled, I dropped the knife and turned around.....It was you...arrived home early from work...wanting to...
:: Chapter Three: The Decision:: ‘Shira, can you hear me?’ Ashira’s eyes fluttered open with a groan. ‘Shira?’ Ashira screamed as she recognized the voice as masculine. ‘Shira, it’s Jake, shh, you’re going to be okay,’ Jake soothed, pressing his shirt onto her shoulder. ‘I’ve called the police and they’re on the way,’ he murmured. ::4 hours later:: Jake, Crystal and Melinda walked into Ashira’s hospital room. ‘Shira?’ Jake asked as he knocked on the open door. Ashira opened her eyes and...
Sean's Weekend By: Lyrissa "You're kidding!" Sean exclaimed in stark disbelief as he turned the weird suit over in his hands. "This is all you have left?" The lovely shopkeeper gave him a sweet smile and gently grabbed his hands to turn the suit over so he could look at it from the front. Sean was a thin young man with little in the way of muscles, pale skin with a light coating of freckles, red hair that always seemed unkempt and green eyes. The suit he was holding was so...
It was a vacation of firsts for me—my first blackberry tequila, my first crab and callaloo, my first Creole cock.The three of us had met these well-endowed cockerels at the restaurant of the resort we were staying at. Marcus was a waiter. He had two friends. My girlfriend Darcy was the negotiator.I wasn’t fucking any of them, I told them, despite what the tequila was telling me to do.“Well, we’re not a trio of dainty ladies in Victorian-style dresses and white gloves having tea,” Darcy reasoned...
OutdoorI'm Mark and I'm engaged to marry my love, Karen in a month. That doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that we are not going to make love till our wedding night. Wow! Can I go a month without sex? That would almost be a record for me. Maybe I'll just have a last fling. I promised Karen that I would be monogamous after we were married, we're not married yet. What if she finds out? Then I may lose the only woman I believe I truly ever loved. Damn! Why did I agree to this? I thought I...
Hi all..Before starting my story,i would like thank the ISS firm for providing people like me,such a tremendous way for sharing our hot experiences.Without ISS we would all be dying inside burnt with our own stories.Secondly,yhis story is a real one unlike some fake ones in this site so i’ll be telling it in parts,so its a bit draggy,kindly cope with that..After reading this story please send your feedbacks to unsatisfied men/women can also contact me.I’m there for you guys:) Okay now its...
Hi mera nam kriti he. Me guwahati see hu. Mera age 26 h. ISS me meraa yee dusraa story he jo me share karane jaa raha sabkee sath. Agar kisi koo atchaa lage too comment karnaa vuliyegaa maat. Aur koi auorat yaa ladkiyaa Guwahati see mere sath agar apnaa pyaar jatanaa chahte he too jarun mera hardik swagatam sabko. Aap log mujhee tension free hokee mail kaar saktee he its safe and secret. Mera email id he Ab aate he story pe jyada bore naa karte hue. Pfysicaly mera height he lagbhag 5.8 feet....
Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water Mut - Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven Isis - Goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom (wife of Ra) ...
Your house is in total darkness. I stand and watch it for a minute, then realize that I might be attracting attention. I don’t want that. Not tonight. So I cross the street and walk up the stairs and onto the porch, trying to look nonchalant. I test the handle on the front door. It isn’t locked, and it swings open. I step inside, closing the door behind me. To my right, a staircase leads up to the upper unit. To my left, there is another door. I put my hand on the knob and turn it carefully,...
Earth Hillside Lake Dungeon, Ontario August 17, 2019 20:08 EDT I couldn’t see what Ben was unhappy about. As on the previous floor, we were standing up on a platform overlooking the room. This time it was a straight shot to the other side rather than a curving room, though the end seemed to be pretty far away. A kilometer at least. Judging by the goblins appearing and disappearing in the long room, there also seemed to be a number of possibly large rooms adjacent to it. “What’s up?” Mason...
Jill closed the door behind her carefully, not wanting to disturb the unexpected stillness of the house. ‘Miles?’ she called out softly, her voice breaking the silence almost reluctantly. ‘Miles, where are you?’ ‘I’m in the bedroom, honey,’ she heard from down the hall. ‘I’ve got a surprise for you…’ Jill rolled her eyes. He’d called her home from work for that? Not that it hadn’t been easy to wrap things up a little early, and not that it wasn’t kind of romantic, but that was probably a...
New Year's Dolls By Paul G. Jutras The music was going hard from the base officer?s club. George couldn?t find a costume in his size and chose to wear his uniform while he thought his wife looked sweet in a ballet?s tutu and toe shoes. A man dressed as a scarecrow came over to George and patted him on the back. ?Hey Charlie. How is it going in the research department?? The scarecrow asked. ?You know my work is top secret.? George replied. ?We had to can Dr. Clark. The wacko...
"I hate to add to your burden honey, but there is something else." Fred looked at her as she continued, "What happened today wasn't my fault and I fought it as best I could, but in the end I loved it and I want to do it again and again as often as I can." "What?" Fred asked, "Fuck black men?" "No" Mary replied, "I don't care about color, but I do want a lot of cocks. I'm sorry baby, but I'm afraid your little Mary is hooked on gangbangs." With those words Fred knew that...
I'm Velma and my boyfriend's name is Harry. He's kind of a funny guy but I love him anyway. Everything he hears he takes as sexual. I guess it's just the way his mind works. Harry finally got his own apartment and is very proud of himself. He told me that the neighborhood might not be the best but he has very friendly neighbors and he says they seem to like him too. Harry asked me what I was going to do for Thanksgiving and I told him that I was probably going to spend it at my sister's...
The day of the Tour de Victoria arrives. I have an agreement that the cheerleaders would attend wearing our jersey, but two or three girls are missing from every team. Carol is fully healed from her injuries, and I still have some bruised ribs but decide to do the 140k distance anyway. Sam and Grandpa rented trailers to bring all the bikes to the race. Almost every event has the maximum amount of athletes. Some cyclists are turned away. I’m not surprised to say, it almost feels like a...
Transition By Holly Forward My good readers, the story you are about to read is a combination of fantasy and reality. You can decide which is which, but I hope that your thoughts will be filled with the possibilities and hopes. Enjoy knowing that the only person depicted that is real is myself, no others are real other than as a combination of people that have helped me in my quest. Transition I had lost track of time, was it a week, two, I didn't know any more and I wasn't...
About five years after Robinson had taken up his post as butler to His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, a small war started against the neighbouring Khanate of Tirfil. The new Khan, formerly Prince Habib, had allowed more and more incursions across the border, raiding villages, mostly for livestock but with a few women also being stolen. Things came to a head when a complete village was razed to the ground and its male inhabitants slaughtered. A few escaped and they confirmed what the...
Our sex life has been a bit slow lately given the stress of negative current events, but my sex drive and fantasies seem to be keeping up or even surpassing their norm. I recently set about trying to find some “misplaced” toys that we haven’t seen for a while and when I opened up our stash upon finally discovering their location found a face dildo and a blindfold. Had forgotten all about those gems, and they were plenty enough inspiration for my sex to spring into an immediate erection and...
Fetish"He was a fool. He did a lot of foolish things," Bobby's father said as they walked down Walnut street in the shadow of City Hall toward the apartment building where his dead uncle had lived. "I'm warning you. I don't know what we'll find in that apartment." Bobby hunched over against the cold January wind whipping down the street. He was going to his Uncle Lenny's apartment to clean it out. Lenny had died three days earlier, and since he had no other immediate family, it was left to...
There was a lot going on here. The railcar was tilting past forty-five degrees; the earth was still shattering; the mountain to the left of the rail shot up 45 feet ... BANG ... forty-five feet ... instantly. The mountain on the right side of the canyon dropped 45 feet. Like a faster moving sine wave or a bell curve that had an outbreak of idiots and the demise of smart kids. Kerfluffle ... but real loud and snappy. The car dropped over the edge. On the backroad between St. Johns and...