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Transition By Holly Forward My good readers, the story you are about to read is a combination of fantasy and reality. You can decide which is which, but I hope that your thoughts will be filled with the possibilities and hopes. Enjoy knowing that the only person depicted that is real is myself, no others are real other than as a combination of people that have helped me in my quest. Transition I had lost track of time, was it a week, two, I didn't know any more and I wasn't sure if I cared either. I needed to get out, but my prospects seemed unlikely at the very best and it was clear that I was not going to be given any opportunities in the near future. For the thousandth time I surveyed my situation and it wasn't very good. I was on some kind of table tilted about 30 degrees up with my head held tightly by a strap at my forehead. The rest of my body was wrapped in layers of Lycra and latex from the neck down so that I could not even move. My arms were at my side with my hands positioned just under my butt. I don't know how long I had been bound like this; it had been long enough that I had forgotten what it was like to move under my own power. The heels were still strapped to my feet and my calves ached with the continual pressure of their effect. The woman I had figured out had to be a cosmetician was again working her trade on my body. So far, between her and the doctor, my body had been changed, maybe permanently, I didn't know any more. I had told myself at the beginning that they could do nothing that I could not undo when I had the chance. Now I wasn't sure. "You will cooperate and not move or this could go very badly for you," she said as she began getting ready for the next part of my treatment. "I am starting around your eyes," she was saying, "a little color and some definition will make your life a lot easier. Sorry that you will not have a lot to say about this, but then the client was very clear on what was desired. But I will let you see what is happening so that you can appreciate just how much work we are going through for you." As she said this she positioned a mirror so that I could see my face. The strap held my head between two padded blocks such that I could not turn it at all and could not move one little bit. She then took a very fine line pencil and began drawing on my face. Starting at the eyebrows, she wiped the excess off and then told me I could open my eyes for a moment. When I did, my eyes were lined top and bottom in black. I would have cried if I could. It was the first really permanent thing they had done, or so I thought. Looking into my eyes, she told me not to worry, I would be beautiful. She then began mixing some colors together in another depression. She checked it several times against a color standard she had with her until she was finally satisfied it was correct and then began working at my eyebrows. The pinpricks were back with a vengeance as she filled in between the lines she had made earlier. She was careful not to get too dense a color, but it was dark enough and full enough to be seen clearly. As I watched I began to get an appreciation for the skill of this lady. The color was not so bold that it looked artificial. She was careful to keep the color between the existing hair there so that it was clear I still had natural brows as well as the artificial color she was putting there. When she was done with the first one, I mentally compared it to the other and thought it to be a few shades darker but at least believable. Again she went to her color pallet and began mixing colors, this time shades of red and pink until she had a color that was several shades darker than my lips and redder. When she was satisfied, she outlined my lips along the line that had been done before. Once she finished, I noticed that she had made my lips fuller in shape and luscious. But this was only the beginning as she then made the color slightly lighter and began filling in between covering my lips. Damn that hurt a bit, or maybe it just tingled maddeningly. I wanted to scratch and it was nearly impossible to hold still. Before she finished, she wiped the excess off and let my lip settle down. Ten minutes later she had finished my lips and I had kissable luscious lips to look at. I guess the only good news was that they at least looked believable and not ridiculous. But they were not mine either, or at least they didn't used to be, they were mine now! OK, I would likely get a little razzing from my buds, but I could argue that it was the stain from a really red cherry drink or something, maybe a pomegranate. She was again mixing colors and these were again in the pinks and roses. When she was satisfied, she began putting definition to my cheeks. Not a lot of color, just enough to say it had color. So far she was being very conservative with the color, but it was getting more and more clear to me that what I was going to end up with was the appearance of makeup and there was going to be no way I was going to get it off! After the first shades of dusty rose were put on, she then put several new colors slightly darker adding more definition to the apple of my cheeks until I had somewhat prominent cheek bones defined by color. Still in all very attractive and subtle. I guess I was fortunate that I had not had a rough adolescent period with lots of zits otherwise it would be much harder to cover. My skin texture had been altered somehow and seemed smoother now. I don't know how they had done it but there was no doubt that it was better than before. I also realized that I no longer had a beard. When had that disappeared? "You have seen enough for now, close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you to do so or there will be hell to pay, understand?" I closed my eyes in compliance; I really had little choice any more. Why was that. I used to be a fighter, now I did what she told me to do with little to argue about. Now I felt the pin pricks attack my eyelids. I knew she was adding color to them and shading my eyes completely. I could feel her work around the lid and then throughout the eye area until my skin itched and I wanted to scream. The restraint prevented me from even contemplating movement and the scream would have been a waste of time. As I lay there with little to do but think of what she was doing to my face, I felt her again working around my lips and cheeks. I knew that the color had to be deeper now, but could not even imagine what she was doing. The last indignity was a sharp pain in my ear. She was piercing my ears! Not once, but two, no three times each. What had I agreed to? I really could not even recall now and it seemed it would not matter anyway. Moments later the world got warm and fuzzy and I found it hard to concentrate on anything. There was a voice in the distance, a friendly voice talking to me. I listened intently and slept. I have no idea how long I slept, but when I woke up, I was again on the table still wrapped in the cocoon that had become a part of my world. "It's about time you woke up. How do you feel? You may speak, but do so respectfully." I looked up at my girlfriend and the woman who had been identified so long ago as the doctor and nodded. "I feel odd, why can't I move? What happened to me?" "The procedures are going well and you will be able to move in a few days. Though I suspect you will long to be back in your cocoon my little butterfly. As to what has happened to you, that will take some time and we really have little to spare. We have permitted your memory to clear so that you can recall if you try hard enough. For the moment, we have done only that which has been agreed to prior to starting. We have you on tape voluntarily signing the releases and agreeing to follow through the treatment plan." "What treatment plan!?" My voice sounded weird to me, but I could not figure out why. They just looked at me and forced a tube into my mouth telling me to drink slowly. I did as I was told. Apparently the conditioning was working. When I had finished the glass, they removed the straw and left the room. Again I found myself alone with my thoughts, only now there seemed to be more in my head. How long had I been here? How long in this cocoon? I wasn't sure, but I was getting some faint tickles of memory now. I recalled the restaurant we had met at and the loud noises and talking. I could barely hear Mindy and leaned to listen. We had a pleasant dinner, or did we, I can't recall what I ate that night, when the world went dark. We had talked about college and classes we had taken and I had told her about being in a sociology course and required to be an experimental subject for a graduate student project. It had been interesting exploring alternative perspectives. She had asked what kind of perspective I had been involved with, and I told her about looking at the feminine point of view. I had found it intriguing to realize just how similar and different the perspectives were. I don't recall clearly, but I think she asked if I would do it again and I would have told here yes, it was very valuable. As these thoughts ran through my mind, I found more of the past coming back to me. I recall now being joined by another person and she talked about the possibility of a study that was on-going exploring gender roles and attitudes and suggested that I might be a good candidate if I had the time to devote. It would be intense at first and then normal day to day for a period of time. I would of course be compensated for my time. I thought about it and said that I was interested and would consider it. She left after that and my memory seemed to fade but I remember that I must have fallen asleep. *** As I awoke, I became aware of several things immediately. First I was warm, and then realized I was thirsty. This was made worse by the fact of something in my mouth that made swallowing difficult. Whatever it was it was holding my jaw open and would not budge. I reached to remove it or at least figure out what it was and it was at that time that I realized that I was restrained somehow. I needed to open my eyes, I needed to see what was going on and all I could do was struggle, nothing seemed to make a difference and no matter what I did, my eyes would not open. I began to squirm, to try and call out, but whatever was in my mouth made this impossible and the restraints totally nullified my attempts at movement. I was beginning to panic; I did not like being restrained and blind. I had been a child when this first happened to me and it had terrified me. They had done surgery on my eyes and I had been told only one eye would be covered, when I awoke from the surgery, both were covered and I had been restrained to keep me from removing the bandages. I had panicked then and was beginning to do so now. As it had happened then, I heard the voice of a woman trying to calm me and reassure me. It had been my mother when I was a child, but the voice now, it was someone else, familiar, but still not clear in my mind as to whom. I tried to concentrate on the voice and cling to the possibility that all would be ok. She was talking again, "You are ok for now, listen to my voice and try to relax. Your eyes were covered during your trip, if you can be calm I will remove the cover now. If you will cooperate, just nod your head, don't try to talk." I nodded and then felt fingers working at the edge of my eyes. Soon light flooded into my eyes blinding me for the moment. "Now, do you know where you are?" I shook my head no. "Do you know what happened?" Again I indicated no. "That's fine, you are about to find out." The last comment had a bit of an edge to it and worried me a little. I was in some kind of trouble that I was sure of. I tried harder to open my eyes again and as I did, they finally adjusted to a point that I could begin focusing. The woman was familiar to me, I searched my fogged mind and realized that this one the lady that I had been seeing for the past several weeks. As I tried to get a better look about me, I realized that I was truly restrained and in a plain room with little to define it. There were a couple of cabinets and tables, but little else to distinguish it from any other room. I could feel a light breeze on my body as she moved about me that made me realize that I had nothing on save something over my crotch. I tried to see more and as I did, I realized there were two others in the room, both women. "Well she seems like she is coming out of it. After I check him over, we can get ready for the transition plan. Anne, when will you be ready to start with the preparations?" "I can be ready in ten minutes, doctor, the waxes are already at temperature." "Excellent, we are on a tight schedule for this one and I want that bonus. Now for our subject, you probably are wondering just what is going on?" I looked blankly at the speaker who was wearing the typical white lab coat over a set of scrubs. "Well you were selected as the subject of an experimental procedure based upon the recommendations of Mindy here. She felt that your interests would make you an ideal candidate for this and if we are successful, then we would all benefit. As a result, you were asked to sign the appropriate releases and were then brought here to my clinic." I had no idea what she was talking about, what releases? What interests? I recalled very little of the past up to the moment I tried to open my eyes. "The disorientation is a side effect from the transport drug that we used to bring you here. Your head should clear shortly and if necessary I can show you the video from that session?" As I listened to her, my memory began to fill in some of the blanks. My friend and I had been at one of those hypnotist shows and I had been dragged up to the front as an example of an unwilling subject. My girlfriend had been plying me with wine and so it really had not taken much to get me up there. Of course I did not know it had been a set up and that I was the show! The combination of wine and suggestion had me under in short order and after some typical parlor tricks I was lead back stage to check further. Mindy, my girlfriend had put a light hypnotic in my wine and so it took little effort for them to take me very deep. Once there, they had questioned me and determined that I had no local family and friends did not check on me very regularly. I was supposed to be out of town and was planning on leaving later that night so even my office was not expecting me. I know they asked a lot of questions but my memory of the specifics was gone. Then I remember them saying that if that was my wish, all I had to do was sign the release and I could be a part of the trial group and be one of the first to get this great opportunity. My memory of signing the many pages was clear in my head, whatever they planned, I had apparently agreed to it! "I see you are remembering? Good, that will make the next part far easier. Given the timing of your arrival here, we had to shuffle so other subjects around so we really do not have as much time to do everything we typically do to complete transition. That means that you will have to work very hard to do your best to make progress. We will of course, help you get to your goal." I had no idea what she was talking about, but it was clear that I was along for the ride now. I tried to speak, but the gag, since that is was it must be, would not allow me. "I told you not to try to talk, we have a lot of work to do there and we don't want you ruining the effort by speaking out of turn." Mindy said in a rather exasperated tone. "The device in your mouth is doing several things besides restricting your speech. It has a nutrient, which as you suck on it will be fed to you through the days, it also contains some of the transition fluids you will need for the complete process. The shape was picked to help you remember your training and place, so I am sure you will appreciate it in time." At this point the other woman came back into view with a cart filled with heated tubs of god only knew what? "Doctor, you want him ready for the first set of procedures in two days is that right?" "Yes, I have the surgery reserved for Wednesday and we can work all morning if necessary. Can you have her ready then?" "Yes, I think so, she may still be a bit sensitive, but that should not be much of a problem. Help me turn her over, so we can start on the back." As she said this, the three of them began working with the restraints. As they did the doctor injected something into my arm. Seconds later, my mind fogged over a bit and I found I could not make my head move in the direction I wanted it to go. "That was a muscle relaxant to help you cooperate better. We do not want to have to fight with you. It would therefore be best just to let us do the work here." The three of them had little difficulty turning me onto my stomach and then removing the covering on my crotch. It was at this point I felt a cold dab on my ass cheek followed by a sharp pinprick and the unmistakable feeling of something being injected into my butt cheek. This was repeated on the other cheek as well and I was again strapped down to the table at the ankles and wrists. "In order to get you ready for your surgery, we need to get the proper chemical balance in your body. So, per your request, the first injection will shut down the production of testosterone while the second will provide an appropriate balance of estrogen, progesterone and other critical hormones and chemistry for your body. In order to get the job done in time you are going to get a rather heavy dose for the next several weeks, but I think you will be pleased with the results. Ordinarily the half-life of these hormones is such that we could not achieve fast results without continual feed. We will have to see if that will be necessary." What the hell was she talking about, shut down my production of testosterone and give me a balance of estrogen?! Those were female hormones and I most assuredly was not a girl. Any fast look would clearly make that plain. My figure had a girl plus in it, no tits and too much belly! Not to mention my third leg. As these thoughts were running through my mind, I felt her hands spread some kind of powder onto my back. It felt like talcum to me and had that baby powder smell, then I felt the very warm, almost hot wax being applied to the small of my back! Not entirely unpleasant, but I had no idea what I was in for. I have never been waxed and found myself cringing when it was described to me by my past girlfriends. Don't let anyone ever tell you that girls are the weaker sex! They have reserves that make pain disappear. I could feel the drag of the stick as she spread the wax onto my back covering the right side from the small of my back to my shoulder blades. The heat soaked in and I tried to relax since I could not stop her any way. But then, I had no idea what she was about to do. I then felt the first strip rubbed against my back to be followed by the sudden rip and a 2 inch by 6 inch patch of hair was pulled out by the roots! OUCH! Before I could regroup, she was smoothing the strip down again next to the first patch and... rip, the second patch of hair disappeared from my back. I began to think very hard about just how hairy I was! She moved quickly and methodically, ripping the hair from my back going over the more stubborn parts again until the area she had prepared was clean. It was then I felt the next patch being prepared. 10 minutes later, she had removed that as well and in 30 minutes my back glowed red from the effects of the waxing. I was sweating now as she began to spread that damned was on the back of my legs from the ankles up to the back of my knee. In another 30 minutes, the backs of my legs were also clean of any hair and also glowing. She had stopped at the crease of my butt cheek and then moved to my arms. All the while she was singing to herself. At least one tune I recognized was "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" from Cher. At one point she shifted to the "Volga boatman" and on each downbeat yanked my hair out. "Well, now all we have to do is the front and you will be ready for your next training session. Don't worry, the irritation will be gone in a few hours and then we should be able to do the procedure that the doctor has proscribed for you. Now don't fight as we turn you over." It took the three of them only a few moments to turn my limp body over and strap me down again at the wrists and ankles. I was now sweating a lot as I could now see what she was doing. On the cart were two pots one filled with a dark blue green liquid the other with a golden brown. It was the golden brown one that she was using at the moment on me. She was spreading it with a flat stick like a butter knife starting at my ankles again and working to my knees. I watched in mute horror at the efficiency with which she systematically stripped every strand of hair from my body. Over an hour later, my skin glowed red and screamed for relief as she wiped me down with a soothing cream and then washed the residue off. At this point hair was only left on my head, brows and crotch. She then reached for the wax again and told me to close my eyes and relax, she needed to shape my brows and it would only take a few moments. I knew it was pointless to fight so I tried to relax, so far nothing was irreversible and could be hidden with clothing if it really looked bad. She spread the wax with precision and when I felt the first strip applied, I cringed internally. That first rip caused my eyes to water as she, in only 4 minutes, removed a fair amount of my eyebrows and left a very feminine arch in their place. My eyes had teared up and I could not clear them since my hands were still bound. OK, the hair would grow back, at least I think it will; sure it will, women have to get this done all the time, so it must grow back. I figured she had to be done now. She had very carefully avoided the crotch and it did not seem likely that they would take the hair off my head since that was long and full and fitted their end goal. But my greatest fear of the moment was soon to be realized. As I watched her, she began re-binding my legs so that they were spread far apart. She then positioned a hard cushion under my naked rear raising my crotch even more exposed. I started shaking my head rapidly telling her no, No, NO. She just looked at me and smiled saying that I was now going to get a Brazilian wax and that was very special. Since I had been sweating so much, she first cleaned the area again and then spread the baby powder to act as a separator for my skin. It felt good until I realized what was to follow. She then began spreading the hotter blue/green wax onto my bikini line. As she did so, she added more to that which was already there and began sealing my crotch with the wax, which had a real hardness to it. It did not take long for the wax to cool and then she stated to remove it. The fire was intense as patch after patch was pulled from my body and with it the hair attached. When she cleared an area of the wax, she looked into my tearing eyes only to inform me that it was not all gone, but the good thing about this kind of wax was that it could be re-applied time and again. It took her over an hour to clear my crotch then I was turned over and bent over so that my rear was high in the air and exposed and she began to clear my butt of every errant hair. Over an hour later it seemed every square inch of my body was on fire. Once clear, she then retrieved a new pot filled with a soft cream that was spread over my every inch of my body with particular attention to my breasts and crotch. I was then asked if I knew what the largest organ in the human body was? I did not know, but then being gagged it was a moot point. She told me it was the skin and the cream that was spread and rubbed into my body was laden with estrogen and other critical nutrients for the transformation. When she was finished, she then attached large suction chambers to my flat chest over my breasts and began to stretch the breast to build the skin tone and get me ready. What happened next really confused me. The doctor returned with Mindy with a pair of high heels and strapped them to my feet. Since I was laying down, it really didn't have much effect until they then forced my feet into a position as if I was standing and I felt the strain begin in my calves. "That should start to get your feet ready for heels!" They laughed and then I was then left for that moment to consider what was happening to me. *** I awoke the next morning aware that I was still bound but now had an IV in my arm. I was told it was to ensure that I received my nutrition and anything else they felt was required. I could also feel fullness in my ass as if it were plugged. Of course it was. I was also aware of the fact that I had not had anything to eat in over 24 hours and my stomach was beginning to let me know this. These women were out of their mind if they intended to starve me thin! Besides, I almost hoped they tried; it would make undoing what they were up to that much easier. As I continued through my morning reverie I also became aware of the fact that I really needed to pee. Well if they didn't let me go, they would have to deal with the consequences. As my thoughts rolled through this, they arrived, as if on cue. "Good you are awake now. It's about time, we will have to get you up if you can't manage to be awake when we need you up." It was the woman who had done the waxing the day before. "Well it is time for breakfast." As she said this, she injected something into the IV going into my arm. "As we told you yesterday, the IV will ensure you get all the body needs while we are working through your transition. This as well as the reduced diet and some other special processes will get your figure where we need it to be. However, we are not totally heartless, we have a little something for your mouth as well." As she said this she attached a tube to the gag in my mouth. And showing me a glass of a milky liquid, she directed me to drink it down by sucking it through the straw attached to the gag. The image was obvious, as it appeared I was sucking on a dildo drinking cum. It was revolting to me to even consider this possibility, but then I had little choice at the moment. "Today you will begin the preparations for your major body shaping. We are using an experimental process derived from a relatively new, but common technique. We know that you are unsatisfied with your body as it is. You feel you are a bit too fat, is that correct?" She was looking directly into my eyes. I wanted to resist the question, but found a compulsion to answer despite the situation. Unable to speak, I just nodded my head. "Yes, well the technique we are going to be using is a form of liposuction so that when we have finished, you will be noticeably thinner and the fat will not return since it will have been removed. The good news for you is that you will have a sculpted body that will be the envy of every guy around. Would this please you?" Again I nodded my agreement, though I had some trepidation about what they were talking about. Whatever they had in mind, well, being thinner and well shaped would be fine with me. I could feel a dull fog surrounding me; I realized that the drink I had been given contained something a bit stronger than vitamins and nutrients. It was too late now. I felt compelled to agree with her, I could do nothing else. "Now, I am going to remove the gag in your mouth, but you are not going to say anything until told to do so, is that clear?" Again she was looking directly into my eyes and I was compelled to obey. I nodded my head. She then removed the gag, it felt so good to be able to close my mouth again. "Now I am going to ask you some questions which you will answer with a yes, or yes very much as appropriate, is that clear?" Again she was looking into my eyes, I was compelled to answer. "Yes Ma'am." Though I could not know it, the interview was being taped, both audio and video, but the view was very focused on my face so the extent of restraint could not be seen. She then brought in a clipboard and began reading questions. She started with the basics, name, age, address, those things necessary to establish identity. The she started the more critical questions. "You have agreed to participate in a study regarding gender identity, is that correct?" "Yes Ma'am." "This is of your own free will?" "Yes Ma'am" My mind screamed otherwise, but I could not get it out. "You understand that this may result in permanent changes to your appearance?" "Yes Ma'am" "One of the procedures will involve local surgery including micro- grafting liposuction as well as some figure enhancing procedures. Is this something that you are consenting to at this time?" "Yes Ma'am, very much so." "Very good, we will be conducting the first phases of the body sculpting today, afterwards you will be required to wear a compression garment to help your body adjust to the new distribution of the remaining fat cells. Do you understand?" "Yes Ma'am" "We have taped and filmed this interview since it is possible to fake signatures and we want to be sure we are getting your honest desires. This procedure is very expensive and can take some time. The medical expenses are going to be paid for by the institute conducting the study. You have agreed to continue in the study after the medical study for a period of one year as a result. Is that correct?" "Yes Ma'am, it is." "Thank you, we will now give you a little something to settle you before the surgical team arrives and when you wake up, it will be to a new look and life. Are you looking forward to your new life?" "Yes Ma'am, very much, I can't wait." With that she injected something into the IV and I faded out again. While I was out, the doctor came in and I was moved to the surgical suite that had been built at the clinic. They had already mapped the areas they were going to be working on and after cleaning my body carefully; they began removing the excess fat with a special cannula that would not damage the fat cells. These were cleaned and collected in another vessel for later implantation. For the next several hours, my waist was reduced and moved up to just below my ribcage more in keeping with the feminine appearance they were trying to achieve. I was then rolled over and they began the implantation of the fat into my rear and hips building these up to create some definition in my body. I was going to be in real discomfort for some time as a result but at the moment I was dead to the world. As they worked they discussed the future plans and decided that they did not want to do the radical surgery just yet, considering that they were going to make me ask for this at some point. Once they had completed the fat removal and re-implanting of the selected areas, I was many pounds lighter and very shapely. They were right, when the bruising healed, I would be the envy of every man around, but as a woman. Having finished their work on the reshaping of my body, they then prepared me for my cocooning, which started with spreading a soothing cream over the areas that they had worked on. This cream contained healing properties to reduce the bruising as well as a heavy dose of estrogen to be absorbed directly into my skin. It also contained some moisturizers. They then began the process of wrapping my body in the plastic to hold the moisture and keep me tightly held. The intent of the process was to hold my waist in, but not to constrict my ass or hips. I would later discover that they had also enhanced other parts of my body. It was at this time that they also inserted the plug into my rear and a catheter into my penis. When they were finished, a tight latex/spandex sheath was pulled onto my body and I was taken to the recovery and holding area. They knew that I could not be left on a bed since this would flatten or deform the very areas that they had just worked on and so I was placed in suspension so that there were no pressure points. I would remain in this condition for over three days with my body being fed a combination of nutrients and hormones via the IV and the waste being removed by the special plug in my rear and the catheter in my cock. I was kept sedated during this first period of time in order to ensure that my resistance would not interrupt the process. Days later I was allowed to wake and when I did, I was aware of an ache in my calves from the heels that had again been bound to my feet and the pain in every part of my body. I tried to move, but could not even wiggle. I felt the fullness in my ass and the incredible itch in my cock from the catheter. They explained to me that while I slept, they flushed my body first filling my ass with cleansing liquids then draining me every day to ensure that I continued to process the fats in my body. With each passing day I was growing a little bit weaker as my muscles had no activity to maintain tone. I already felt tired, but this could easily be a result of the drugs they had used on me. I was again blindfolded and then they explained to me that they were going to again wrap me, but they were not ready for me to see myself coming out of my cocoon quite yet. They kept talking about me as if I was a butterfly who was even now going through metamorphosis. I was stood up on the high heels and then I felt the sheath being pulled from my body and then felt the plastic cut from my body. The intense cold of the air hitting my skin was mind numbing. It was as if my skin were hyper alive and felt every whisper of the air about me. I then felt them washing my body with some liquid. I thought it was water, it wasn't. When I was dried off, I was then again smoothed over with the hormone- laced cream and then felt the plastic again being wrapped around my body. It was very tight along my legs and waist, but loose at my ass and hips. I could feel a weight on my chest, but it was not clear what it was and then the sheath was again pulled up my body. "You have been slacking off enough now. We are going to start with walking. You need to get used to the heels, you will be wearing them a very long time." It was my girlfriend speaking. I was taken to a treadmill and told to step on. The blindfold was then removed and they explained that I was going to learn to walk properly in heels. When they finished, 4 or 5-inch heels would not even be a challenge. I was told to watch as they demonstrated the proper way to move as each showed me what to do with my hands and hips. They then turned on the treadmill on a low speed and I tried to walk. It was painful and difficult at first as I tried to get the correct fluid movement. I worked at it for what seemed like hours. I would later find out it was only about 30 minutes. But at the end I was beginning to get the hang of it and I found that if I kept my arms swinging next to my body, I could make my hips move properly. "You will be brought to this training room again later and will again practice your walking. This will be your routine, three times a day for at least 45 minutes each time. We will start with 3 ? inch heels then move to 4 and then 5 inch heels in the next few days. Whether or not you are allowed to sleep or are kept awake will depend on how well you learn. If you do well, then the time you are not in training, you will be blissfully ignorant of the passage of time, but if you do not then you will feel the passage of every minute. You will now be taken to the rest area and then flushed again." I was then walked out of the room and found myself looking at a strange sling like operation into which I was seated. It supported my legs, but did not put any pressure on my rear or hips. My legs were again bound together and then the hose from the plug in my rear was attached to a machine. As I watched, they turned it on and I felt fluid being forced into my rear. On the side of the chamber, I could see the total quantity being injected into my ass and I became alarmed when I realized that it would exceed two quarts. With each passing moment, my rear grew fuller and fuller and I could feel my guts begin to rumble. I was told that the liquid used had some special properties including a cleansing agent. It was not just water! It was also very warm. As the clocked ticked, my need to clear this liquid from my body became more and more intense. Finally, I felt the pressure change as the machine changed flow and sucked the liquid from my body. The next sensation was the feeling that whatever was on my chest began pulling at my chest. The feeling was as if my breasts were being sucked up. I would later discover that that was exactly what was happening. They were using a suction device to enhance my breasts. Shortly thereafter, I drifted off to sleep. When I again awoke, the suction on my chest was still there and I remained immobile from the bondage. "It is time for you to begin your behavior training. You will have regular training before your walk training and exercise. Today we will start with something simple like makeup." The woman that had done the waxing was speaking as she moved about me getting things ready. "I could show you how to do it, but until you are willing to pay attention, you will be unsuccessful and we have not enough time to go through that attitude. For these first few classes, you will be shown in detail over and over again until you are able to understand and do this in your sleep. To aid in your concentration, I will be adding something with your morning meal." As she said this she injected something into the IV. My mind seemed to fog a bit and then I could see with incredible detail, everything around me. I was hyper aware, but at the same time, I felt that, while I knew what was happening, I could not resist her direction. She moved a television close to me and set another on either side blocking my view so that no matter where I looked, I saw the TVs. "You will watch and learn, when I come back we will walk for a while." As she said this she looked directly into my eyes. I felt compelled to do as she directed and look at the image now forming on the tube. An attractive woman was beginning to discuss the points of makeup and what and how to apply. I don't really remember much as the images blended in my mind and I submerged into the lesson. It went on for some time and I know that it repeated at least a couple of times. When she returned, the TVs were moved away and she began to remove the sheath that had held me so long. I wanted to ask how long I had been there, but until she said that I could speak, I dared not. "It is time to teach you a thing or two about clothing, so we have decided to change your restraints and add some new elements. I strongly suggest that you cooperate and learn so that it will be easier on you. We are going to the bath room and you will be cleaned up and readied for your next lesson." I was walked to the bathroom and told to sit on the toilet. It seemed a waste of time to me since I still had the plug in my rear and the sheath was still covering my body, but I had learned not to argue with them. Having sat down, the tube in my rear was attached to the flushing machine and I was again filled with the cleaning liquid and flushed out. At the same time my catheter was drained and I felt the unmistakable itch in my penis again. "You are to walk for an hour and then will be taken to your makeup lesson and finish with clothing. To help you do well, we are going to give you a little incentive. If you do well in your walking and makeup, then we will make you a bit more comfortable and you may have some real food. Would you like that?" I had not realized just how long it had been since I had eaten real food. Yes! This would be a treat. Shortly thereafter, I was again walking in the high heels on the treadmill. The pace was bearable and the heels were becoming comfortable even if they were 4 inches. My calves were finally beginning to adjust to them a little and the cramps were gone. I could not see, but the women were behind me and watching my progress. They nodded to each other, there was a nice wiggle in my walk and I was handling the heels with little to no problem now. The hour passed by quickly enough and I was glad to be off the treadmill. Mindy smiled at me and told me that I had done well and would now go to my makeup lesson. "You will be given an opportunity to see your makeup applied to your face. I want you to pay attention and then it will be your turn. Each time your training will now include a session at the makeup mirror. After that we will give you a lesson in clothing and style." I was placed in the suspension sling and then a mirror was brought to me. For the first time in a very long time I could see my face. It was placed so that I could see nothing else however. My hands were bound to my side and the woman who was the cosmetician began applying my makeup. The first thing I realized was that I had no beard. In fact there was not even a stubble or hint of one. My skin seemed very soft in appearance and for the first time I saw what was left of my eyebrows. After concealer, the foundation was applied and then eye make up. I watched as my face changed from a quasi male to a very feminine look. When it was finished, the learning aid was injected into the IV and the mirrors were replaced with the TV again and the lecture about style and clothing began. As before, I have no idea how long it went, but when it was finished, I was asleep. This was my routine for several cycles. I have no idea how many days since I did not know how many times a day they were doing the walk training. Given how I was holding up, I think it must have been two weeks now. Then the routine changed. After the walk training, I was taken to the makeup table and instead of the demonstration, my hands were left free and I was told that it was my turn to do my makeup. I struggled with the various parts and when I was done, it looked nothing like what she had done. I looked terrible. She removed the makeup and told me to try again pointing out the areas that I needed to work on. I did it again and the results were better, but it took far too long for her satisfaction. Again it was removed and I was told to try it again. My last attempt was not much better and she informed me that I had not performed satisfactorily. "You will be given one last chance on the next training cycle. You will be shown and then you will do your makeup. Should you not be satisfactory at that time, you will receive special treatment to make this easier for you. Is that clear?" She looked me directly in the eye as she asked this and I nodded that I did. She then injected the training aid into the IV and the mirrors were replaced with system again. As before, the effects of the drug were to cause my memory to fog over and my recollection of what was happening on the TV screens was lost. The remainder of the day was the same and the very sameness caused me to further loose track of time. I slept and was again awaken by the presence of my training mistress who once again released me and took me to the bathroom. As had happened before, I was connected to the flushing machine and again cleaned out. It was at that time I recalled that I had still not had a meal of solid food that I could remember. How long this was going to go on I did not know, but as long as the critical nutrients were still being fed into my body, I guessed I would be ok. Today, or at least this time the routine changed again. I was reminded that this was my last chance to get the makeup correct otherwise they would take other steps. Also I was informed that I was entering the last stages of training and the IV was to be removed. Once again I was taken to the makeup table and once again the mirrors were placed so that I could see what I was doing. At that time the IV was removed and for the first time in, what I would later learn was three weeks, I was free of the direct feed into my body. Though I tried hard to get it right, once again I fell short of their expectations. Somehow, I felt they were not surprised and in fact, I think they were looking forward to the likelihood that I would fail. "As we have told you, we have very little time to get you ready for the client and to complete the study that you volunteered to participate in. Your continued difficulty in this particular area of your training is disturbing and will require us to take some special steps to ensure that this does not negatively impact your future. I am sure that you can appreciate that it is imperative that you do the best and present the best possible image in your future life. Therefore, we feel it would be in your best interest to get a little help in your makeup. You do agree that this is important right?" Again the direct question while looking me in the eye resulted in an affirmative nod. I was powerless to resist this form of questioning. "Good, then we agree that some for m of permanent makeup is your desire, right?" Again I nodded yes. "Then after your style and clothing lesson, you will be taken to the salon and I will put your new face on. If all goes well, you may be ready for your unveiling and final training tomorrow." The lesson continued but for the first time I was not drugged prior to the TV being turned on. I was shown a discussion of style and proper skirt length. How to sit properly and what to be aware of in company. How to choose clothing and what I could wear to de-emphasize or emphasize parts of my body. All the conditioning I had been subjected to in the past now came into play and I found myself actually interested in the discussion. When it was over, I was removed from the sling and placed on an inclined padded table. My head was positioned between two ridges so that it was impossible for me to turn in any direction. In the back of my mind there was a little fear, but they had told me that this was going to help and I had agreed. (at least a part of me had.) I could not imagine what had happened to me in the three weeks I had been here; but if they were telling me the truth, I would find out soon enough. I was taken to a room with special lighting and a lot of extra equipment and trays where Camille, the cosmetician waited for me. She positioned mirrors so that I could watch what she did, then began the process of tattooing the permanent makeup to my face. *** "It is time to get you ready for your coming out party, young lady. You know, we still have not got a name for you. What would you like?" I looked at Camille and had no idea what to answer, I knew that my male name would never do, but had not given any thought to a more feminine name. She looked at me and suggested that perhaps they should call me Amber. But this did not sound right to me. Was I an Amber? I did not know, so I looked at her and for the first time that I was aware of, shook my head no. This surprised her, and she called Mindy and the doctor in. She again posed the question and suggested Amber, to which I again shook my head no. "Apparently there is still some element of independence left," the doctor noted. "I am impressed, the mind is far stronger than we thought." "Well in that case, let's ask her what she wants? Maybe we will be able to use this to aid in further training." Mindy commented. "I did ask her, but she said nothing so I suggested Amber from the approved list." "I see, I think I understand what has happened." The doctor looked at me directly in the eye again and said, "we want you to help us find your name, my dear. Do you know your name? You may speak." I searched my thoughts and could at first come up with nothing, but as I did, slowly a picture was building in my mind. I saw a butterfly flitting about a holly tree. The prickly leaves of the holly contrasting with the beauty of the butterfly. But which was I, the holly or the butterfly? As I looked back at the three women, the answer cleared and I spoke for the first time, "I am Holly, Ma'am" my voice was foreign to me. Higher in pitch, but still somehow mine; it was softer, with a different rhythm pattern. I realized it was feminine. "OK, Holly it is. Holly, we are going to get you ready for your unveiling, you're coming out of your cocoon, would you like that?" "Yes Ma'am, I would very much like to spread my wings a bit." "And what wings would those be, Holly?" "Butterflies come from cocoons, I guess I am a butterfly!?" Where this was coming from I did not know, but it seemed right to me. "Very good Holly dear, you shall be our butterfly. Now I want you to sleep so that you are rested and ready to exit your cocoon, OK?" The table I was on was tiled back to horizontal and a pillow placed under my head. To my great surprise they did not drug me this time. For the first time that I could remember, I was going to sleep naturally. In moments, I settled and was sound asleep, free in my mind to flit about like the butterfly I was becoming. My dreams were filled with the closeness of my cocoon and the feeling of freedom when I emerged, or soon would emerge. My mind was rejoicing, yet I had no idea what was happening or why. Then the morning came. As I woke to soft music I began to realize just how different this day was going to be. I was to discover what was happening to my body. I hoped that the feelings in my head would reconcile and I would survive the impact of the change. I knew now that whatever was done, had a degree of permanence that meant my life had changed. The three ladies entered my room, for now I found myself in a room complete with windows; furniture and odds and ends that made it look right and complete. Somehow, I knew that this was my room, my Holly room. I was still on the table however and so knew that they likely did not drug me again, at least I could not remember any thing suggesting that they might have. Mindy adjusted the table so that I was now standing on the heels that had become a part of my feet. At this point the doctor produced a pair of scissors and began cutting away the cocoon that had held my body. Again the sensation of the cold air hitting my body was intense. For the first time, I could see everything, since they had moved full-length mirrors into place. Even before she began cutting the plastic, I could see that I had some very special curves. I found myself looking at a woman in the mirror. Intellectually I knew it was I, but it looked nothing like what I expected. It was impossible that they could have made that radical a change in my body. Yeah sure, I had read all the stories, but I knew that you could not change the body that much in such a short time. Yet here I was three and a half weeks since they started and I was looking and the emerging figure of a very trim and attractive lady. She started at my feet and began cutting up to my waist. As the plastic pulled away and opened, I saw my legs for the first time. They were gorgeous. Trim, shapely, perfect in the heels, and so very smooth. How had they done that? Next she began to cut away the plastic on my chest starting at my arms. With each step, just as with the legs, the plastic first began to tear, then separate revealing more and more of my body. I was watching the butterfly exit her cocoon. As the plastic fell away, the covering over my breasts was removed. Underneath, to my shock and surprise were breasts! They were nicely formed and sensitive to the sudden cold as my nipples stood proudly. My nipples! They were larger and the areola around them was larger, darker, more feminine. Yes I had a woman's breasts now, and for the first time I could feel their weight. They were full and heavy on my chest. Finally, the part I had dreaded, what had they done to my body. I could see through the plastic that my waist was very different, it was higher, more curved, my hips fuller. In the mirror, I could tell my ass was also more round and full than before. My figure was great, if I were a woman, but then maybe I was now. As the final cut was made and the plastic fell from my body, I gasped. I was looking at a very trim and beautiful body. There was a little darkness still at the waist where the liposuction was still healing, but my waist was very much smaller and my round and full hips much larger. What got my attention however was the lack of my penis. It was gone, there was the tube from the catheter hanging from between my legs and I could see the external part of the plug still in my rear. I staggered and Mindy helped me back onto the table, which was again tilted back. Once again I was on my back. "We must remove the training plug and catheter Holly. This will permit you to use the toilet as you have been trained and allow for the final parts of your training." As she said this, the stirrups were extended and my legs spread. A catch basin was placed under my ass. The doctor released the clamp and my bladder was again drained. She then cut the balloon tube and it was drained allowing the catheter to be removed from my body. With one smooth pull, she yanked the catheter tube from me causing the bladder to spill again. The itch was severe and I was in tears. When my body had stopped spasming, she dabbed the area with a tissue and then released the pressure on the plug in my rear. I have no idea how long that had been there, and could not know that it was a very special plug that had been slowly increasing in diameter and then going down causing my ass to grow accustomed to the increased size. When the air was released, the plug was considerably smaller and she pulled this from my body with a smooth motion. My ass spasmed, but nothing came out. How could it, I had not had a thing to eat in over three weeks! "What happened to my body, what have you done?!" My voice was a panicked version of the feminine voice I had heard earlier. "Holly, you agreed to this transformation to test the procedures for future transsexuals, remember?" "Yes, but what have you done?" "Well your figure is the result of a new process called micro-fat grafting. We took fat from your waist and then implanted some at your hips, rear and a little in your breasts to add definition. The result is a very feminine figure, don't you agree?" I was stunned and looked in the mirror, as again I was standing, now very naked. "With this process you will never get fat since the fat cells are gone. If you try to eat your figure away, it will enhance your breasts, hips and ass. Since you had so much trouble with the makeup we decided to give you permanent makeup to ensure that you always looked your best. For now, we have done a very basic look; you can enhance it with makeup for drama and different looks, as you need. You will need to practice a lot since the client that asked for you is a photographer and domme and will want to photograph you in various scenes. Your breasts have had several special treatments. First they have been in continuous suction to expand them, and of course there was the fat grafting I spoke of earlier. You have also noticed that your skin is very smooth and soft? Well this is because the creams we have been rubbing on you have been enriched with estrogen and other hormones. You know the skin is the largest most absorbent organ in the body, so you have been getting a very high dose of estrogen for these past weeks and the breasts have developed accordingly. One more thing, you will notice that your breasts are nice and round, not overly so, but still far more than would usually be possible. This was done by using a small breast implant to give the breast a growth point. They will always be firm and nice, and you will not be able to change that. I think we did a very good job so that they do not look fake, don't you?" I didn't know what to say, this was far more than I thought they were doing and the fact that I had been oblivious as they did it made the shock all the more intense. I was stunned and silent as I stared at the figure in the mirror. Each curve stood out, I would never be able to change my body back and even if I did try, the permanent make up would make it impossible to look male again. "You are now ready to begin your dressing and figure training. Yes I know you have a figure to die for, but you will need to learn to dress the part as well as look the part. Eventually, you will be trained as a bondage model, but for the time being, we must get you used to the fit and feel of clothing." I was lead to a dresser in the room and shown the contents of the drawers. There was one filled with panties, bras, stockings and garters. To one side I also noticed some body stockings which were quite enticing. In the next were a collection of tops and leotards. The last was filled with some skirts, and sweaters. I was told to select a pair of panties, bra garters and stockings for the next lesson. To my great surprise, this did not seem at all foreign to me and I selected a nice thong in a leopard print with black stockings and a matching, but muted bra. The shoes that had been on my feet for the last three weeks were removed and as my heel approached the ground for the first time, the intense discomfort as the tendon tried to stretch drove me back to my toes. Damn these women, I could not stand with my feet flat on the ground any more. I was instructed to put the garter belt on and then the hose, which I had no problem rolling up my legs. Obviously that part of the video training had been well absorbed. The panties were next and then the bra, which was amply filled by my breasts. I would later discover that I had a C+ cup size, not overly large, but very nice on my frame. I would also later learn I had lost over 100 pounds to bring me to a very shapely 130. "Now let us see what you learned about walking correctly after you put your shoes on again." It was Mindy speaking. She watched me move with confidence around the room as if this was no big deal. "Well it would seem that we will be able to put you into higher heels sooner than we thought. Very good Holly. You have earned yourself a real meal tonight. But first we will need to put your waist cincher on." As she said this, Camille came up behind me and put a garment around my narrowed waist and began closing up the clasps in the front. When she had it on my body, she positioned it and then tightened the lacing in the back until my waist was nipped in several inches. My figure was tight and shapely, but not overly so and I still could breath, or at least I thought I could. I was then instructed to walk again and found the challenge a little more strenuous, but not impossible. "OK Holly, time for dinner. Now don't eat too much or too fast." Mindy said as I was escorted out of the room to the dining hall. "In the future, you will be expected to serve us before you eat, and in time, I think you will also be taught how to cook as well. But for tonight, we shall celebrate your coming out party before you get your tattoo." What tattoo? This was not looking good to me. I had a very decidedly female body, and I suddenly realized that when I looked in the mirror, I did not see my penis. Was I castrated? These thoughts and the gentle persuasion of the waist cincher made for a very small meal. This seemed to please my mistresses and I was then again taken back to my room. "Holly, you have questions?" I nodded my head. "Then you may speak and ask them, but first, you will always address any of the women you encounter here as Ma'am or Mistress is that clear?" "Yes Ma'am." "Very good, now ask your questions." "What did you do to my ???. Male ????. Parts? Are they gone?" They all laughed, and shook their heads. "Is that all you are worried about little one?" The doctor said to me. "Your old body is hidden in your new one. You are not totally female yet, and we shall not until such time as you ask to be, but for the moment we have hidden your non- female parts away." As she said this, I reached down to my panty-covered crotch and searched in the folds of my body. Yes, there was something there, but it was hard to tell what was going on. Again they laughed. "You will need to behave or we can make that permanent and we can force you to agree as you already know. But for now we are content to leave things as they are. You will discover soon enough that we have used a very strong cyano-acrylic glue to pull your penis between your legs and then further glued your ball sack around to mimic a set of labia. You will not experience sex as a woman and so will not have an orgasm nor will you be able to have sex as a male. Should your body try to do so, you will find it very uncomfortable. As you may have already figured out, you will need to sit as a lady on the toilet from now on until such time as you are released from this special bondage. Hopefully you have learned your toilet lessons well as it would be very bad for you if you have not. Actually, I really think it unlikely that you will get an erection given the hormones you are taking and have been given so I doubt that it will ever be an issue." I was again taken to the cosmetics room and again put on the bench, only this time I was face down and my rear was high in the air. My panties were pulled down and a new lady came in and told me to relax, that this would take about an hour. As I tried to do so, she began drawing on my right ass cheek. I could not tell what it was, nor had any idea what she had in mind until I again heard the unmistakable sound of the tattooing implement. Not another one! I was being tattooed on my ass and I was strapped down with no way to stop her. It was over an hour later before I could see what she had done to me. When I did, I saw a butterfly with wings spread proud on my ass. This ends part I. To the readers, this is the beginning of my new life, my transition to a woman and my transition to a special model. This also ends the part of the story submitted for Permanent Makeup and feminization. The follow on will be written soon, and I do hope you have enjoyed the story. Holly

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Denise is back, Hi all, After five years far from our last home on the East Coast my mother and I decided to return there, all because of two reasons. One was that we were always moving, my Mom always suspected that people will know that I was not a real girl. And the other was that my aunt landed to my Mom a very good job. Normally my mother would be paranoid about returning, but she had not seen my aunt for a very long time. To all that don't know who am I, I just will...

4 years ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 3

We left Santa Fe for the Estancia three days later. Anna spent those three days shopping for the kids and rebuilding our supplies. I’d spent my time with the Judge, Lucien, Tom, and Hiram, reviewing information on ‘the Boss’, which remained slim to none. Between the four of them, and Kit’s friends and trusted contacts, there were over forty people reporting anything they heard about the mysterious ‘Boss’. Unfortunately, none of the friends and contacts had heard a word. It was frustrating to...

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FE3H Chosen by the Goddess

1182* - 3rd day of the Horsebow Moon - Friday As cold air begins to creep in from the north of Faerghus, Fódlan welcomes the riches of fall. The men spend their days sowing golden fields, gratefully embracing the bounty the goddess has once again provided. The women warm their beds for the winter, ready to be filled with the seeds of fall. The road back to Garreg Mach was cold, wet, and long, but it was finally coming to an end. You pause at the head of the column, returning from a mission...

3 years ago
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STORY ndash lsquoWhored Out to his InLawsrsquo Pt 2

STORY – ‘Whored Out to his In-Laws’ Pt 2...Stephen couldn’t hold out any longer and his cock filled Lisa again, knowing he would be licking her beautiful shaven pussy and swallowing his cum again....and now, just as Lisa had planned he wished he was tasting another’s cum , from her....he wanted it as much now as Lisa.....Lisa slide off Stephen’s wilting cock and for the second time lowered her cum filled pussy onto Stephen’s accepting mouth, as Stephen’s tongue probed into Lisa’s wet sex as his...

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Airport Blowjob

She gets off the plane and starts walking down the tunnel where I am waiting for her. She looks beautiful. I haven't seen this woman in 6 years. Knowing we are going to try and start things fresh and new, I grab her by the waist and pull her in close for a kiss. I have missed that. "Hi" I say after kissing her"Hi" she replies with a laugh and smile"Good flight?" I ask"Yeah not too bad" she repliesWe walk down the stairs and wait for her bag to arrive. We grab it and start to walk to my car...

4 years ago
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Their Forbidden Love Ch 01

Warning: This story contains adult language/situation, some rough sex ***** It was no wonder all the girls took creative writing. Mr. Atkins was a real treat to look at. He had dark dusty blonde hair, green eyes, and a body to die for. Watching him made it hard for anyone to focus, especially me. From the first day I walked into his class I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of him. But it wasn’t like I could go out with him or anything. He’s my teacher. He’s my incredibly sexy teacher....

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INTERNET RELAY CHAT When Predator Becomes Prey

I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for ‘Internet Relay Chat’. It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that can...

3 years ago
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My Fluffy Sister

My sister and I lived together while we were going to college in Seattle. About a year after we took the two bedroom apartment we had attended a party and both of us got fucked up enough that our morals were rendered lifeless by a flood of alcohol and a handful of meds. I'm not sure how we got home but I vaguely remember watching her pull her skin tight jeans off while complaining about spilling something on them.My sister doesn't have a model's body, she tends to be a little thick around the...

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Amy Emily and Me Part 20

Her fingertips were playing with the cum still on my stomach and chest. Her mouth watering thinking about seeing all of my hard shaft. I asked Emily if she really wanted to see my hard cock. She'd just bared her lust filled desires with me and her hormones were running rampant through her veins directly to her throbbing teenage pussy. Yes Kevin. I really want to see your cock. Emily replied in a hushed tone. I've thought about it ever since you first got hard when Amy farted in your...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingEpilogue

Allison Delaney had never seen herself as the adventurous sort, and yet, as she got ready for their graduation ceremony, she had to admit that she no longer even remotely resembled the young girl who appeared on campus nearly four years ago. Between her makeover and her sexual revolution so to speak, she was a totally different person. And in her eyes, that was a good thing. So the book she was supposed to write with Professor Salinger never panned out. It wasn't his fault. The series the...

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The Erotica Novels Meeting

He'd been writing erotica for some time now, and had enjoyed a reasonable amount of feedback from the sites he'd frequented and had his stories published at. He'd been asked several times if he'd like to attend an informal meeting of authors from a site, all with similar interests. The majority of his work centred on his love of dominant females and the fantasies he often had about them. Meeting such women was a dream to him, and he was not sure about how his exposure would make him react. It...

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A Season of Karas Perfection

Kara grabbed her backpack and walked out the side door of her mother’s house. Jenny was waiting in the driveway, sitting behind the wheel of her new Honda Accord. Jenny had turned sixteen a few months ago and her father had bought it for her and Kara had to make every effort to suppress her jealousy. She would be turning sixteen next month too but she knew better than to hope for a new car. Her single mother could never afford it and her father (wherever he was) wasn’t too good about keeping...

1 year ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Luna Star Havana Poon Nah Nah

Luna Star is smokin hot with her bleach blonde hair and her bodacious curves. She is practically popping out of her top and bursting at the seams in those tights. And when she opens her mouth, she reveals a sultry, sexy Cuban accent that just makes the blood boil. She shakes her ass and climbs a stripper pole nude to give us a glimpse into her private life. Then she flaunts her tits for us. It is enough to make anyone go crazy. What a babe! She is even flexible. She does a split on the couch...

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The Rebirth of Messalina

Blanche opened the door on the third knock. "Hello Burt" she said as she showed him into the lounge room. "I was out the back trying to clean up the back garden; it is a real mess that was why I was a bit late in opening up". "That is fine Blanche", he replied as he followed her into the kitchen which was the general area where afternoon tea was served or any general gossip was discussed, for he and Blanche were very much on the same wave length and it was in this room that he had...

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Mature Man fucks Teen Girls In The Press Box Adve

This was a true story that caused me to have a fascinating dream. It started off with a situation that happened to Mike and I guess it was buried deep in my subconscious and I had a dream about it in a scenerio type of form.Mike told me that during his evening football practice,(he is the coach)two young girls approached him. They were young and seemed to be harmless. They walked up and the first girl asked him if he had 5 dollars. Mike ansered back no and walked away. The girl approached him...

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Sexy webcam granny during lock down

Our local council had taken an initiative during lock down to encourage older people to use skype to meet new people on the basis that there were quite a lot of lonely silver surfers out there. I signed up as I was bored out of my skull during this isolation due to the fact that I could not visit any of my local granny fuck mates. I was not expecting very much but there could always be some old biddies who would give me a show to wank to. I struck lucky on my third outing with Felicity. She...

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Sexy Guy Gangbanged In A Running Train

Hi readers, this story is a combination of truth plus my fantasies. Once I misplaced my ticket accidentally and I had to please the TTE which ended up in a gangbang of my fantasy. Hope you enjoy and please give me your feedbacks at So, all of this started when I had to travel from my hometown in Bihar to Secunderabad. My vacations had just ended and somehow I managed to get a seat in Danapur-Secunderabad express. The day arrived when I had to leave, I packed my luggage, but I accidentally left...

1 year ago
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Daughter Masturbating in Her Motherrsquos Pantie

When I need to come and my Mom isn’t home, I go through her dirty laundry. I take the dirtiest panties with the most stains in them. I go to her bed and take my clothes off. I smell them, lick them and rub them all over my body, so that I smell like her. I put them on, white cotton, and start rubbing my already throbbing clit through them. I’m wet, the panties are soaked in only a couple of minutes. While I rub my clit I think about my Mom, the way she kisses me, her lips on mine, her tongue in...

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A Wedding Present

Dave could not believe it. Dave was reading his e-mail on his laptop sitting at the desk in his hotel room. He had just gotten off the plane in Auckland, New Zealand. He was sent there by his company to troubleshoot a networking problem in one of their data centers. Dave was used to travel, but the flight from New York had taken almost a whole day. And, as he now learned, while he was in the air – cut off from the rest of humanity for longer than he had ever been – the problem had been solved....

3 years ago
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To Be Frank Ch 01

“Uhhhhnnnnnnnnn!” I moaned as Karl slipped in and out of me, thrusting away on top as I lay underneath. Within moments he’d pulled out of my pussy and shot his spunk all over my stomach and tits. “Whew, Kate, you’re the best!” he said as he rolled off and sat on the edge of my bed. Moments later he was dressed, kissing me quickly and walking off home, leaving me waiting for my parents and kid brother to get back from the shops. Why was it always the same, I thought. I hated Karl, really...

1 year ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 3 First Morning

Synopsis: Dan is enjoying a wonderful weekend as MzDominica's slave, up in her mountain cabin. On her command, he cleaned himself out with several huge, warm enemas (ohhhhhhhh, yummy!), then inserted a thick butt plug which will be inside him all weekend. Then she covered a dildo with her pussy juices, pushed it into his mouth, and set him on a rubber-covered pallet to sleep, with orders NOT to rub his aching cock on the seductively soft rubber surface. Chapter 3, First Morning: Even in Dan's...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 32

Flashback – Jack – On the way to Russia Now this totally sucked! After a nice as hell trip back stateside, during which Banzai 'took many for the team', everything turned ugly. We had just touched down when the Major became a major prick. He gave us our briefing, (Banzai was remarkably accurate in his WAG of the situation) then we barely had time to clean up, get into uniform and grab our gear when we were headed to Russia - only this time it was on a fucking commercial airliner. I...

2 years ago
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My Very Good Friend

My Very Good Friend By Wendi Robertson My good friend, Charles Dumont, caught me cross-dressed the other evening. I was so embarrassed! You see, Charles is a very handsome man and very intelligent. In fact, he is a psychiatrist. Charles and I are both successful men in our early 40s. We are both married. Charles wife is a beautiful, sexually-charged woman who really knows how to dress and strut her stuff, so to speak (I have always envied that lovely woman so!) My wife is sweet,...

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Mere Ghar Ke Pass Rehne Wali Ek Ladki 8211 Part 3

Hi friends I am back with the other part of my story cum exp. Mere ghar ke pass rehne wali ladki part 3. Umeed hai ap sab logo ko mere stories cum exp. Ke first 2 parts kafi pasand aaye honge. This is last but not least part, you will get more fun and more excitement in this part For contact, chat, exp sharing, and feedbacks about my story dont forget to email me on Chalo ab bahut ho gyi idhar udhar ki baate ab story per ata hoon Haan to dosto last experience me maine bataya ki kaise main...

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Humilatrons Anthology

Everyone loves a good humiliation story, at least I assume you do if you're on this site. But some stories are simply too short to stand on their own, but still deserve to be told. This story is dedicated to sharing all of those stories from me. This will have a collection of characters with different scenarios some longer than others. All of these will be written by me, so the story will be Private. The stories may change perspectives although will mostly be either first person or third...

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You awaken with a start to find yourself no longer on the plane you boarded on. Instead you're seated in a room that is almost entirely blue in color. Judging from the sound of it, you're on a train. You can hear the faint click clack of the train along the tracks...though as you look out the window, you see nothing but blue void. Your attention is quickly brought to the fact that you're not alone in this room. Sitting across from you is the...strangest looking man you have ever laid eyes on....

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Maa Ko Choda Agale Din

Hello friends, main Ravi ye meri story ka doosra bhaag hai. Jinhone pehla part nahi padha hai. Unse guzaarish hai ki pehle meri story ke pechle part padhe aur fir ISS story ka anand le. Jab main subah utha to maine dekha ki main wahan akela so rah tha. To main samajh gaya ki ma ab uth chuki hain. Unhe ye sab jo bhi raat ko hua uska andaaza lag gaya hoga ki woh koi sapna nahi balki sach tha. Maine apne kapde pahene aur fresh hone chala gaya. Uske baad maa ko doodhne main kitchen mein gaya to maa...

2 years ago
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I Become a BFFB

Chapter 1 I've always been interested in technology, actually work with computers in my job, so when friends and family have problems, they often come to me for help. That's fine with me, I'm happy to share my knowledge and expertise and have most of the tools available to me anyway. So, when my niece, Marian, called me to tell me that her laptop had quit working and that she had a paper on it that she had to finish and turn in, I told her not to worry and asked her if she had a backup...

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WildOnCam Aiden Ashley Adira Allure Wild For Each Other

It was hard to keep these hot girls apart and no reason to even try! Adira Allure and Aiden Ashley were so ready to finally meet and fuck on camera! They were eager to taste those sweet wet pussies! Aiden loves teasing Adira and her feet licking all up and down her legs. She knows just what to do to get Adira horny as fuck! The girls show off their buttplugs when their lingerie comes off knowing how badly you’d love to stick your face right in those beautiful asses and lick them up. They...

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lastmales tale

My name is Jack Lastmale and it seems like I'm the last male in the world. 16 years ago, nobody knows why, but every male vanished from this world. But somehow I'm still here and I want to save the world! I don't think I can get every women pregnant in this world but i want to try it so I'm boarded a caravan to see the world. I came from a little village in the south, my family has a farm there. I lived there with my mother and with my three sisters. I'm the smallest in the family and the only...

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My Uncles Wife

Uncle Dave was only 6 years older than I. His wife (my Aunt Betty) was only 3 yrs. my senior. We had always been a very close family and the 50's seemed a slow and easier time. It was that closeness that led to my very first "Piece of ass." Even more fantastic was the fact; I lost my 'Cherry' with the girl of my dreams; Aunt Betty!David was in the Coast Guard and stationed in San Francisco. They had only been married 6 months and she was now living with my parents while he finished his tour of...

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Utopian RefugeeChapter 10

Jack Dunn placed the paper plate with a sandwich on the picnic table before taking a seat across from Ed Taylor. With no clouds in the sky, the overhead sun beat down relentlessly on the two men. Hats kept their heads from baking and sunglasses prevented eyestrain. The soft breeze kept them cool. “I see that you’re still eating bologna sandwiches,” Ed said while pointing at the paper plate in front of Jack. “What can I say? I like them,” Jack said with a smile. Jack picked up his sandwich...

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Marrying Mom Changed My Life 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Raj. and I want to share my a experience with all. This story is about how I fuck my 45 year old mom Kavitha My mom kavitha is a hot woman she has big boobs , and she has a perfect figure. She always wears a saari with a low cut back blouse. My mom lived with my dad in a village in Maharashtra , I am currently studying in pune. I started lusting at mom at an young age itself, because I had seen her and asked. I always had a dream of fucking her and so my dream came true. I...

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Slut wife gets a job

Please read "slut wife but don't tell her husband before reading this. Any and all comments are greatly appreciated. I love getting your ideas for further parts of the story too.Sarahs husband was called into his bosses office and asked if Sarah had a job, the answer was no, he earnt enough for her to stay home. Then he was asked if she had ever done any secretarial work, the answer was yes, she used to be a secretary. The boss then asked him If he thought Sarah would like to become 1 of the...

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Another FavorChapter 2

Instead of brushing her question aside, Jake stood in front of Janet and lifted his chin, looking her in the eyes, "The woman I was thinking about asking to be my wife told her lover that I was a lousy fuck." Janet's quick indrawn breath told him she was as startled as he had expected. As if it were a closed matter, Jake took the dishes to the kitchen sink. After closing the door of the dishwasher, he stood at the kitchen counter with his back to Janet. "Will your parents miss you if...

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Sienna pressed her forefinger to her gin-soaked lips. “Sssshh,” she giggled, a feeble attempt to control her sudden burst of hiccups.The clink of the door keys signalled Sam’s drunken attempt to find the lock. “Fuck, you’ll get me into trouble,” he whispered, trying to hide his laugh from any spying neighbours.Sienna pressed her petite body up against his, as they stumbled through the door, locking out the snap of cool midnight air. He quietly chuckled at the sound of her sweet giggles,...

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Sex Art! As a lifetime pervert with an advanced case of sexaholism, I would argue that sex is always art. I’d also argue that art is better with sex in it, and that pornography is the highest art form known to man. It celebrates and excites our most primal desires while providing the ultimate canvas for expression. When I see a porn site with a title like SexArt, I think, “These fuckers really get me!”It ain’t just me, though. gets more than 3,000 visitors a day. The tagline on the...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Grannys Timeshare

For the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...

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A train ride to Remember

This is a short story of what happened to me on the train on my way home from a night shift a few weeks back. Whilst waiting for a train to arrive I noticed a tall girl in tight jeans sitting on the platform near me. As my train arrived and I rose to wait for it to stop, she also got up and stood near me waiting. We both got on the train and I ended up sitting a few seats in front of her. As the train was heading out of the city and it was early on a Sunday morning there were only about a dozen...

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The Pokemon Rocket Resistance

All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. After used to battle other Pokemon most Pokemon grew irate and powerful enough that they overthrew their human captors and now would even use them in 'Human Battles', though their new battling is more sex than battling, as a form of retribution. Most Pokemon however use their new human "friends" as slaves and don't subject them to the pain of battle but still use them manual, mental, and sexual slavery. A group of resistance fighters,...

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Magical Incest Chapter 2 of 5 Oily Love

As Dean awoke the next morning, he questioned his moral compass. After reading the incest story, it was apparent that a hidden demon had awoken and caused him to see his mother in a different light. But now that it was out, could he find the strength to control it? Alternatively, did he even want to? Then as he dove deeper into the depths of his mind to look for an answer as to why this had happened, seductive images of his mother's naked figure remerged.Fuck. Dean thought as he sinfully...

4 years ago
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Daddy doesnt like my skirt

I met Greg when I was 18 and he was 29. I found older men to be irresistible and when I became of legal age I was determined to get myself one. Greg knew his way around a woman’s body and took me to new heights. I shared every secret and every desire with him. He helped me explore my sexuality all while keeping me safe. I felt secure and protected when I was with him. It was a year into our relationship when Greg asked me to live out his fantasy of playing Daddy and daughter. I could never...

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Siesta Time

Siesta TimeIt was definitely a hot and sticky day, I had just got out of the pool and was hunting for a sun bed on the terrace, somewhere with a little shade. I found one in front of a family of four. Normally, I stay away from kids but these were a little older and their mother happened to be a little bit of a stunner. She had blonde hair, slim but curvaceous body and I would say medium sized breasts. Just enough to get hold of. She had on a skimpy bikini, which is always a bonus.I thought...

Straight Sex
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Championship Sex

‘It’s just a game right?’ I replied after being asked to attend Rob’s footy match. ‘Of course, it’s not like a hooligan riot will occur..’ laughed Rob at my sad attempt at a joke. In result I playfully punched him after he made that snide remark. Rob then wandered off into his room to gear up and leave for the championship game he basically begged me to attend. Everything about this game bothered me, the drive, the arena, the weird smell of old, and the whole damn concept of going but I...

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Night Watch Man Who Slaved Me

Hi Friends,I am Shailaja, a female from traditional and respectable family.i got married in 2008 and i moved to my husbands place for living like all other married Indian women. It was a rented house in the middle of the town and soon after my marriage, my husband started constructing a house and we can say it is almost in the outskirts of the town. As it’s a newly married life, my sexual life was in a roar. i was happy with my husband, but my urge never reduced. I always wanted to stay with...

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Hentai is one of the most popular types of adult content in the world. Although it was originated in Japan, this comic book-influenced type of adult comic has seen a wild level of success all over the world, with the United States actually being one of its largest consumers.Hentai is nothing like your typical pornography. It definitely sets itself apart from the rest of the adult industry. For one, most of the material involves reading. Manga books are the number one form of hentai (with hentai...

Hentai Manga Sites

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