Transition free porn video

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Keywords The Operation Categories TG Synopsis: John started life male and ended female. His transition has been experienced by many. For John it was not fun -- not all that he expected. Transition By Janet Baker My divorce was finalized yesterday. The registered letter came to my efficiency apartment this morning. My life as I knew it was over. I had to start anew. I am so lonely. I got what I wanted, I am now a woman. My transition is complete. Months of operations and recovery were past, I was released from the hospital and I returned home -- home? I took a cab from the airport to what was my home, found the locks were changed. I rang. My wife and a man answered the door. I was crushed. I fainted, fell to the ground. When I awoke I was still on the ground. She -- my wife -- looked down at me and said, "Yes John, we are through, this is no longer your home, I am divorcing you. I am sorry. I did once love you -- when you were my husband but you are now a woman. They shut the door in my face while I lay on the front steps. I rang again, he answered the door, said, "Well?" I replied simply, "Please call a cab for me, I have no phone with me. Thank you." He looked at me, sympathetically, said, "Sorry, so sorry, yes I'll call a cab for you. I am so sorry." It all started when, believe it or not, I was about seven years old. I found that I liked playing with dolls more fun than throwing a ball with my daddy. I played with girls rather than boys. I even tried putting on my sister's dress. I liked to see myself in the mirror. My daddy caught me and spanked me. As time went on I began to realize that my preference for girls and girlish things resulted from a deep feeling that I was a sort of a girl. I was made like a boy but I felt like a girl -- felt that I should be a girl. I wanted to wear girls' clothes -- I tried to explain to my mommy my feelings. She told my daddy -- he spanked me again -- and again, trying to beat the girlishness out of me. Year after year I wrestled with my confusion. Year after year I was beaten. I suffered with the conflict between my growing masculinity and my deep seated feelings that I should have been a girl. My mother loved me, I think. My father hated me, I'm sure. Puberty came and went and I was mostly male because I thought about girls although frequently I found myself thinking about being a girl -- about dating a boy -- about making love as a girl. A virgin, I wondered what it would be like. I was a cute fellow, the girls liked me and being with the girls, playing with the girls suited me. I dated, remained a virgin because, I guess the masculine part of me was suppressed by my girl side and I was never aggressive toward my dates. Maybe that's why the girls liked me - - I was safe and nice to be with. Ultimately marriage came upon me when I met a lovely young lady, a fellow student at college. We were well matched. We married. We moved into our first apartment, then later into our house. We both gave up our virginity together -- stumbling but happy. It was new, this sex thing. One of the things I liked about marriage was the pretty clothes my wife wore. The old feelings returned and I felt drawn closer to her things -- her pretty things -- her pretty lace trimmed panties, her pretty dresses. I called them her 'pretties'. As time went on, she would do the shopping and I was left at home and passed more time with her pretty clothes. We weren't the same size so I couldn't wear anything of hers but I wanted to... so I bought some things -- panties, stockings, cami for myself. The first purchases were fraught with fear as I entered a department store, ventured to the women's section and selected a few pretty bits of clothing for myself. I was drenched with sweat -- the experience was thrilling but terrifying as I selected my first feminine clothing -- albeit just underthings. I took them home and tried them on. The fit was good, I had researched sizes carefully. I put on the panties, loving the smooth, silky feeling. Same with the cami, I loved the feeling of the material against my chest. The thigh high stockings were a joy to don. Dressed in my few pretties, I finished dressing with my men's clothes and passed the day feeling most girly. My wife returned from shopping laden with groceries. After everything was put away she came to me, hugged me and discovered that I had something slippery on under my shirt. She pulled my shirt up out of my trousers and found the cami. She was bemused more than shocked or disturbed. "What else do you have under there", she asked. I confessed that I wore panties and stockings but that was all. We had a long discussion about my feelings and what had brought me to this point. I confessed that through most of my life I'd occasionally had some leanings toward girlishness but still felt largely male and, yes, here we were married and having a successful marriage and sex life. She wanted to learn more and suggested we visit a sex therapist. An appointment with the therapist was most educational. We learned that the transgender phenomenon was more common than one would expect and the therapist (also a doctor) outlined the accepted reasons for this largely male abnormality. The reasons weren't so important to me as was the reality that I was not the only transgendered person in the world. "What can we do about it?", my wife asked with some asperity. "I married a man, not a... a... mutant." She (the therapist) said, "You have choices. Live with his crossdressing. Try to control the development of his dressing. In other words, keep pressing him to remain in the closet, that is, not go public with this aspect of his personality. I have seen couples divorce because of dressing. I hope that it does not happen to you as you seem to be a happy normal couple excepting the dressing of course. At the extreme is transition leading to surgery to become a woman. It is expensive, time consuming and painful, but it is an option. Basically he is what he is and nothing can change it, but you can live with it." My wife was very quiet for the next few days. Finally she sat with me on our sofa and laid out a plan. "I have given your -- our -- problem much thought. I love you John. This... getting dressed... to me is silly, stupid and degrading. I understand what the doctor told us but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Go! Go do it! Go get dressed like a woman. I do have one caveat. If you do it, do it well. If you want to look like, feel like a woman, do it right. But do it at home, I'll not be humiliated by our friends and neighbors knowing about your perversion." I was speechless. I smiled, gratefully hugged and kissed my darling Sandy. "Sandy, I don't know where this will lead but I'm so happy that I have your blessing." "Sorry, John, you don't have my blessing, you have my tolerance and I will ride you to make sure that you do your best to look good. We have to shop now." We shopped 'till we dropped. It was fun. She seemed to be content and happily aided me in selecting proper clothing. Wigs and makeup were going to be a problem so we put off buying wigs. Sandy was uncomfortable with aiding me in makeup and told me to go to a beauty salon in another city so no one would know me or connect me with her. I did finally and it was a humiliating experience but I did learn about makeup. I bought two wigs from a very helpful salesgirl in a wig shop. The coloring reflected my own and the girl commented that should my own hair grow out, the appearance would be almost the same, especially in coloring. I wasn't sure that I wanted my hair to grow since this would alter my appearance and I was sure my wife would object and I could anticipate employment problems. As time went on I dressed every night when I came home from work. My wife generally ignored it, not looking at me but looking away even when we were chatting about the days' events. Routinely I would dress and then do some housework. My internal need to dress was largely satisfied. I did occasionally feel the need to venture out but suppressed the urge, knowing that it would cause an eruption with my wife. Weekends were wonderful, staying dressed the entire time save necessary forays to buy necessities, groceries, fuel, etc. The months passed and my wardrobe expanded, like most women's. I had more pretty things than masculine clothes. At work I underdressed, putting on panties, a camisole and maybe even stockings. All were well concealed under my suit and tie. I had an outside sales job and needed to wear a professional ensemble. Of course my tasseled loafers were the most feminine thing I could wear and show. Wearing stockings with these loafers felt almost girly. I almost swished when wearing them. "John", she announced one day, "for the weekends from now on, I want you to wear maids' dresses. Get used to it. I am going to host my bridge club once a month from now on, and so you don't have to hide or leave I want you to look and feel like a maid, and I want you to serve. None of these ladies and men know you so there won't be an identity problem. It will also give you an opportunity to wear makeup in an attempt to really pass as a woman. I know that you'll love it since you can buy and dress in some really cute things and in those high heels you love so well. Also John, if someone comes to the door you won't have to run and hide. I am tired of covering for you. Oh, and John, I want you to buy one or so of those French maid dresses. You'll look so cute", she added sarcastically. What transgendered man has not thought at least once of performing as a cute little French maid dressed prettily in a black satin maid's dress, ruffled panties, petticoat, cap, gloves, stockings and finally the pi?ce de r?sistance, the erotic patent pumps with ankle straps? I was thrilled and eagerly set about buying these treasures. I was in fact delighted to find that my wife was beginning to more than just tolerate my dressing, she was actually aiding my progress in developing my feminine persona. I wondered if I should be suspicious about her seeming acceptance. A few weeks later my costume was complete. I dressed after work and presented myself for my wife when she arrived home. I had completed my makeup, arranged my wig, put on some jewelry, even added perfume. She inspected me, smiled and pronounced me 'acceptable'. "This weekend, John, I'm hosting the bridge game Sunday afternoon. I want you to aid me in setting up for the games and I want you to serve. You will be announced as 'Julie' and you'll be summoned by this little bell. When your presence is not required, you'll wait in the kitchen. When my guests arrive and depart you'll help with their coats. After the last guest has left, you'll clean up. I think that you'll enjoy the afternoon, it should suit your servility and give you a chance to show your expertise at posing as a woman. Some day if you do well enough, I may take you out in public -- as my maid perhaps, or possibly dressed as a friend, shopping together. We'll see." "Sandy, I don't feel servile, I just feel happy to do this for you, I appreciate being dressed like this with your approval and I'll be delighted to serve at you bridge game. It'll really be a pleasure, not a punishment. I love you and I'm so grateful that you're accepting my dressing." "John, you know I'm not in favor of your dressing but since the therapist says we can't work it out of you, we have to live with it and that's what I'm trying to do. You have cleaning to do, John. I'm going shopping. I'll return later and we'll have dinner. You can prepare dinner for us. Oh, yes, John, when you're dressed, I'll call you Julie. It makes no sense calling a woman 'John'." She returned from her shopping trip carrying a few parcels. I put the groceries away and asked her what took so long for so few things -- she had been gone all afternoon. She replied that she consumed much time in finding a few very important items for my persona. "Julie, come with me, you have to change clothes." "OK, but what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" "Nothing except that your chest is flat. I have a cure for that." I went to our bedroom and undressed, waiting for instructions. "John, here is a bra for you and breast forms. You must have a proper chest appearance to complete your costume. I think that satin maid's dress will now look perfect and you'll be perfect for the bridge game", she smirked. I was too happy to be wary or suspicious. I was simply thrilled at her acceptance and at my appearance. I was beginning to really look like a woman. That weekend. "Julie, the guests, some men, mostly ladies, will be arriving shortly. You know what to do, but most important for your security, keep your voice down. Speak very quietly, your voice is too masculine to fool everyone. We must do something about it. We'll talk with your therapist next week, but until then be careful." "OK Sandy, I'll do my best." I was grateful for her help and forbearance and as such I smiled through the bridge game, kept my voice low and helped as much as I could. Being dressed throughout was an absolute delight. My youthful fantasies of dressing were achieved and I felt quite feminine. I had no idea what could be done about my voice except some sort of training. I wondered what the therapist could offer. Sandy and I went to the therapist's office, presented the problem -- voice -- and asked what could be done. She suggested that with considerable training my voice could be altered and I might achieve a result that could fool people. An alternative would be a minor laser tweak to my vocal cords to increase the level of my voice, making it somewhat more feminine. This would be an absolute fix and easily done but I was concerned about what impact this voice change would have on my professional life. "Sandy, I'm worried about what impact the voice change will have jobwise." "John, I don't think there would be a problem, many men have higher voices than yours. I see no problem at all, in fact I think I'll like your new higher voice. Please try it John. Also John, it'll go so well with your dressing. I'm sure that I'll like it", she said soothingly. "OK, Sandy, let's do it", I agreed enthusiastically. I felt myself moving towards womanhood but was afraid that my wife would be turned off if I went too far too fast. Also, when I reflected on it, I wondered if I was doing the right thing by embracing this change. Did I really want to be a woman? At times I wasn't sure. I was sure that Sandy would object - she'd married a man. 'For better or for worse' surely did not envision a sex change, especially a voluntary sex change. The voice change was satisfactory, my level was raised somewhat and no one made any negative comments. We talked now and then about where this dressing would lead. One evening as we relaxed in front of the TV, Sandy asked me what my plans were regarding dressing. "Julie" -- I was dressed in a little black cocktail dress - "how far do you intend to take this dressing? Do you want to be a woman?" "No, I don't believe I want to be a woman, I enjoy dressing and I found that passing as a woman was very pleasant. I really liked serving at your bridge games. But I love you and I don't want to do anything that would change our relationship -- our marriage. But do you love me? Would you love me if I were to transition to womanhood?" She thought a while and answered slowly and thoughtfully. "Yes John -- Julie -- I would still love you but our marriage would obviously change. If you were a woman what about our sex life? Children? How would I become pregnant after your change?" "Yeah, there is no doubt that our life would change. On a practical level, there are things we could do. Sperm could be saved for children. There are many sex aids that could provide you with sexual pleasure. I assume that if I were woman I could also be pleasured similarly. That's funny, we'd become lesbian lovers." "That does not please me Julie. I married a man. I like sex with you as John -- as a man. I could still love you but there would likely be no sex between us. I am only heterosexual, I have never had any inclination toward a relationship with another woman." "But Sandy, what would you -- we -- do for sex? Would you want to give up sex if I ever went that far into womanhood?" "Good question, Julie. I get so damned confused with your dual persona, I don't know if I should address you as John or Julie. I just don't know. I'm not obsessed with sex as many people are but how could we live together as man and wife if you became a woman? Can't you just keep this thing under control and limit your compulsion to simple dressing? Otherwise we could never have friends over for a party or simple get together. I'm not going to endure the humiliation of introducing you to people as my husband who is now a woman. It's bad enough having you dress but we can control it to a large extent." The Winds Shift Weeks turned into months. Our sex life diminished -- seriously. I became more enamored of my dressing and my appearance and Sandy became more accepting. I thought increasingly of changing my appearance to look more womanly. I considered breast enhancement. My forms were fine but real breasts would be so much nicer -- so real. I went to my therapist without Sandy. I discussed my concerns -- my increasing desire to become a woman. She prescribed the regimen required to bring me to the point of surgical transition. She cautioned me that my sex life would change. I recounted how our sex life had already changed. Sandy was reluctant to bed me when I was dressed, which was almost always, and I, being thrilled with my dressing, was less inclined to pursue sex with her. Oddly however, Sandy seemed more accepting of my Julie persona and even encouraged my progress. We frequently went out together as women to do the shopping, and as I became more womanly in my dress, figure, and performance we started shopping locally. From time to time we would meet some of her friends and I would be introduced as Julie. We even started going out to dinner as women. I passed so well that I don't believe I was ever 'made'. The months passed with my femininity becoming more pronounced. My supervisor called me into the human resources office and he and the HR officer asked me what the hell was going on. They told me that my changes were becoming obvious, and even some clients were asking questions. I said that I was in transition to become a woman. I shocked myself by saying it, since I was not sure I wanted to change. Their response however convinced me that I should continue. They told me that I would be accepted as my new person and that a sales job for a woman would be available for me. They asked when I planned to do the SRS. They were both aware of what was required. I answered that I had not yet planned a date but would let them know when I made arrangements. A Deadly Calm That night I told Sandy what had transpired at work including my statement that I was in transition. She was shocked. Wordlessly she rose and went to our bedroom. I remained seated, wondering.... She returned later. "So you decided to go ahead with this... this... without asking me. Without thinking of me. Without thinking of our marriage. How could you be so thoughtless?" "I'm sorry, Sandy, it just seemed to happen. Month after month I evolved I guess from what I was to what I am. It came to a head when my management called me in and asked my intentions. I... just... told them that I was in transition. Their response was so encouraging that I was relieved and also felt trapped by my own words." "Well, you go right ahead and do your thing -- do your SRS -- we'll cope somehow. I love you. We'll survive." The Operation After consulting with my employer, I started dressing full time. My sales position worked out well. I did well as a woman, still using the name Julie. Sandy seemed to accept my new persona but our sex life diminished to almost nothing. I continued with my regimen continuing toward womanhood, finally making arrangements for SRS. I went to Thailand for cost reasons and returned a few months later. Recovery was slow and painful, requiring regular dilation so the new vagina would not heal and close. Epilogue A week after I returned and was turned away from my own home by Sandy and a somewhat more sympathetic man, I tried again. I drove to my old home one evening and knocked on the door. When Sandy answered, I asked if I could come in and talk, since we had some loose ends to resolve. I needed some papers, birth certificates, etc. to reconstruct my life. She and her new man admitted me this time, and we sat and talked. We finished the technical aspects first and then I ventured to ask Sandy why she had deserted me, since she had told me she loved me. "Julie, I did care for you but simply put, I married a man. You are now a woman. I want a divorce so I can remarry. I am sorry this happened but you deserted me. You left me to change your sex. I can no longer live with you. I no longer want anything to do with you. I no longer care for you." "I understand Sandy. I am also sorry this occurred but I seemed to have had no control over it. It is as though I was born wrong and have finally been fixed to the detriment of both of us. I will cooperate with a no fault divorce and bother you no more although I hope we can remain friends." "I doubt it Julie, I don't want to see you again. I have a new life and will have a new husband. Good bye Julie." End © Janet Baker

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Ever since I was in my teens, I've had a very active sex life and I've always loved new experiences. If I am not masturbating, I'd be fucking any woman who gave me an opportunity. Years ago I had my first homosexual experience with a family friend, who was about 15 years older than me (I was 19 at the time). While he never approached me, I always a bit of curiosity about having sex with another guy. For me it was a taboo I never acted on. So one night while hanging out at his place, we got into...

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My Techer

When I was 21 I met a lovley lady who took me in hand so to speak she was conserably older than me. I ws quite shy in those days, she taught me all I know from how to kiss to brining her to her climax without me coming. She taught me how to play her clit with the tip my tongue bringng her to climax & sometimes getting a present for my care & consideration We had a relationship for almost a year but it was doomed from the start the age gap finaly cought up with us as I found &...

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Stacy the Asian pharmacist Kidnappedconclusion

Getting double-teamed on the couch by two horny frat boys in an undisclosed location, Stacy the Asian pharmacist has finally surrendered to her treatment, no longer resisting as both guys shoot their load in her mouth and warm, wet pussy. As their friends standing off to the side cheer and applaud, both guys slowly pull out. The one who fucked her mouth heads back to stand with the group. Stacy weakly licks some random sperm off her lips, even as semen and pussy juice slowly runs down...

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To Walk a Mile

Chapter 1 Ed liked his new truck. It was shiny and big and had a heater that worked. It had lots of other toys too but he hadn’t really played with them yet. He’d discovered the air conditioner though. The truck was a present from some of the ladies he loved. When his previous F-150 was destroyed in an accident he’d insisted that he could take the bus to work but they wouldn’t have it. Rachel, Angie, and Zoe had all pitched in to buy him a brand new Ford F-150 XLT. It was black with...

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Sardamami ne chodi bapor vache

Hi dosto aap logo ne meri fast and secand story padhi our pasand ki is ke liye thx. Muje meri story ke liye bahot sare mail aaye khas kar gujrati femal ke jyada mail aaye our unmese kai femal ne kaha ki yaar hum guju hai to gujrati me story kahona to dosto un sab femal friend ke liye me aapni story gujarati me likh raha hu. Dosto vese to aap muje jante hi he mera nam sunil from surat. Dosto mari mami nu nam che sarada ye khub sundar ane bharav dar bandha vadi aurat che teni umar mara karta 5...

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The Storm

Angie arrived later that night than she was supposed to due to the storm delays with her flights. There she was, lost in the big's storming and rain is coming down in sheets. The taxi drops her off because she's out of money and it's in the worst part of town. She shivers as the wind cut through her. Cold, wet and afraid she hurries over to get under an awning of one of the abandoned buildings that lined the street. She gathers herself and notices a group of men just down the alley...

Straight Sex
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office romance part 1

Throughout your life friends egg you on with silly dares, generally these are in jest and some fun For quite a while now Jason and I had become comfortable with each other and being close. This day at work began as others had, Jason pulling his chair over beside me, and strangely enough the gentle rubbing of our legs together under the desk still contained the original intent and it was our way of holding hands.We may have averted the big question, Do we be unfaithful, how far do we go? It...

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My Sons Budding Breasts Part II

My Son's Budding Breasts, Part II By Sandy Brown Presentation by Celeste Holmes, PhD, at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach, Fla. "Good afternoon. My name is Doctor Celeste Holmes. I am honored to be a speaker at this year's Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association. I know we have lots of speakers on lots of technical and dry subjects, so I thought I might make things a bit more interesting...

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Hunted Ch 05

We were woken up early by someone screaming, ‘OH MY GOD!!!!!’ I jumped up and ran outside, with Liv right behind me. Nate was standing by the fire with a look of horror on his face. Bre was sitting up against a tree, dead. Her throat had been slashed from ear to ear. The knife was lying next to her, with dried blood on it. Liv gasped and grabbed me. I shielded her from the sight and said, ‘Oh Christ, not another one.’ Cody came running over and swore when he saw the body. ‘We need to...

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she is telling more

Sara came home about 930. Her company had a party because they had a good month. Sara said that her department has worked hard long hours. She came walking in the back yard I'm sitting on the patio. She had her shoes in one hand and her bra in the other. Her skirt was twisted to the side. Her hair was messed up. I could tell she was dancing tonight. I could see her freshly painted toe nails through the the hole in her pantyhose. They were painted red her favorite color. I can see that she has...

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Mandy Jenni and Iain

Iain looked across to the passenger seat again, the traffic had slowed and he was finding it difficult to concentrate with the distraction of the gorgeous woman sitting next to him. Mandy crossed her legs again and the little black dress she was wearing rode up another inch or so. He savoured the sight of her long legs encased in sheer nylon, with just a glimpse of naked flesh showing at the top: he felt his cock twitch and looked up just in time to notice the car in front and had to brake...

3 years ago
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Return EncountersChapter 9

8:10 PM local time, Thursday, December 31, 2009, near the city of Huelva on the southern coast of Spain, close to the Portuguese border... "Isabelle all tucked in?" Carlotta nodded. We held hands and began our evening stroll. Our return flights to Chile would start early tomorrow morning, and we had both decided not to attend any New Year's celebrations. We walked along the edge of the ocean, breathing the cold salty air. "This vacation has been a dream for me..." commented...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 11 Back Door Man

NIS Day 4 – Late-Morning – 9th Grade Health Class, Medway High School 11:37am, Thursday, November 1, 1979 “It’s good to see that a few of you accepted my invitation to join us, today,” Mrs. Bumstead said to the four tenth grade girls who walked into this ninth grade health class and sat over near the windows. “When you said we could bring our lunches up here, it was a pretty easy decision to make, Mrs. B,” Cindy Baer replied as she fidgeted with her brown lunch sack. I knew three of the...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Anissa Kate 2 Pilots 1 Stewardess Hardcore Double Penetration in Hotel

When the two pilots David Perry and Erik Everhard and the hot stewardess Anissa Kate check in at the DDF Network hotel, it’s just a matter of minutes until the hardcore double penetration begins! David and Erik are quite surprised when the brown-eyed hottie with big natural tits walks into their room. She’s complaining about the noise, but once the two studs see her in her breath-taking lingerie, they start making out and today’s Busty threesome begins! The stunning glamour babe gives both...

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The Neighborhood MILF Katie

The circle of friends in our neighborhood that is into swinging and lesbian flings is getting bigger and bigger. I’ve only come around a couple years ago to the new lifestyle, and have enjoyed every bit of it. One pleasant surprise to our group is Katie, a local hairdresser that must have got sick of gossiping about us, and joined in the fun. The cute sandy-haired blonde with chipmunk cheeks and a nice round ass was about ten years younger than me, but seemed to follow my pattern of behavior by...

1 year ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 47

At 1:00pm I parked the bus on the grounds of Gruene Hall. We’re two days early and we needed rooms to stay four days and three nights to have a place to shower and rest. After asking around, we were directed to a motel a few blocks over, in New Braunfels. Sherry and Marlene took charge and rented three rooms with connecting doors. By the time we had our clothes and personal stuff in our rooms, we had a few folks checking out our bus. It’s still hard for me to believe we can drive this far...

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Wifes first strangers cock

My wife & I have been together since not long after her 16 birthday & after 20 years & 3 k**s later she is still a damn fine sort, she is a curvy size 10, nice firm arse, great boobs , since her job a year & a half ago & large hard nipples. I have been suggesting for a while now that I'd like to watch her with another man to which she non politely declined, but after constant reminding she surprisingly started to warm to the idea after I told her she didn't have to try to...

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Savagely Sexed in School5

Charlie was greatly enjoying himself as he sexed my butt, air was beginning to be expelled as he worked his fuck tool in and out of my ruptured butt. Charlie increased his pace and soon was exploding again deep in my butt. Each eruption of his fuck tool struck my anal walls like a small hammer till Charlie finally said 'damn, that's some mighty good pussy, It's all yours Danny'. I glanced up as Charlie rapidly pulled from my forever stretched anal opening and got a good look at the monster...

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Chapter 18 The Affairs Circle Crumbles Is My Husband Leaving Me I Move Up

Erica's blabbing about our country-western bar hop and Thumper transformed “A-T” to "Now Now" into an “Affairs Circle” star. A trophy ring quest among the members ensued. It was notoriety I didn’t relish. Outsider’s gossip about members would eventually compromise my staid super mom/wife image. I wanted out.To exit, I stopped aiding and abetting their affairs, renounced mine, avoided those in the group and only smiled if one was met by chance, then scurried away. My parting advice was.“Put...

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Working The Club Part Three

Working the Club - Part Three The ride up in the elevator seemed to take forever but it wasn't any longer than the other times she'd ridden in it when working as part of the housekeeping crew for "upstairs" when she was still just a Pussy Boy. She looked at herself in the mirror lining the walls of the elevator. She'd come so far in just so short a span of time since she first started at the Pussy Galore Club. She thought she was passable back then. Her girlfriend / Mistress told...

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First time with wife

I thought I would share the first time on how my wife and I hooked up. We were both 22 years of age. I just got out of the service and she was a senior in college. We had a mutual friend set us up. I wasn't big on blind dates but I was like well it's been awhile since I was in the service and always in the field. She came to my door that night at my apartment to pick me up. We were going to go meet up with some people at a bar on campus. When I opened the door to let her in we chatted...

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Jason and Kate

Twenty-two year old Jason had just graduated from a state university with a marketing degree. After a long difficult decision, he moved back to his hometown and into the house that he and his older sister grew up in. He had taken a job with a marketing firm that promised to challenge him and reward him generously if he performed to their high standards. Twenty-four year old Kate had graduated from the same university two years ago and was now working in a small Certified Public Accounting...

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application for secretary

Heather showed up at Margaret's office at nine sharp the next morning for her interview. I was in Margaret's office sipping at a cup of french vanilla cappuccino and Margaret was having a cup of coffee. Heather came in and introduced herself to us. She was wearing a very curly blonde wig that fell to the middle of her back, and she also had on a loose fitting white blouse, a knee length black skirt, white stockings and black five inch heels. Margaret directed Heather to sit in the chair by...

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Trannies feminize dandy boy part 3

Ever tried getting unnoticed along a corridor with nothing on except a football top which doesn't even cover your bum and knowing there's cum oozing out of your crack? Well that was me in this Rugby Club after I'd had my ass stuffed by 36 virile players in the showers. I was trying to find my clothes which had been removed from me in the heat of the excitement as they were homing in on my soapy slit with their raging dicks. There was one door behind which I could hear a great hubbub of noise....

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A Tail of Onions

There’s an old saying, truth is stranger than fiction, and my friend Josh is pretty strange. He has an onion plant growing in a flowerpot in his apartment. It’s huge. It looks very old and bedraggled, and has something that looks like an old pocketknife sticking out of the dirt. You can just barely see it underneath all the onion leaves that got cut off or died and fell over. Josh told me, during one of our camping trips, about his first sexual experience with a girl. I tried to tell him about...

3 years ago
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Trusting Rebekka Ch 1

On a warm afternoon in early May, fresh from the hair salon where I’d swapped my usual straw-blonde for a rich, exciting glossy raven black, I sat in the corner of my favourite traditional coffee shop and typed. I was working on the article that was certain to confirm my position as one of Europe’s foremost lesbian-feminist social commentary journalists when I noticed a very attractive woman walk into the café. How could I not have noticed her? Slim, very elegant and exuding self-confidence...

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Cuckold Club Pt 4

**i don't claim authorship of this story. It was originally posted on dark Wanderer by Cuck Hubby. Thought it was goodSaturday night Bruce was tending bar at the Circle party when he saw Linda heading toward the stairs arm-in-arm with the youngest Man in The Circle. This was the one he had heard about – only nineteen, just out of high school, energetic, handsome and apparently endowed in a way that demanded respect and awe.The thought of a k** that young enjoying his wife when even he, her...

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Morning Departure

My wife, Claire, has friends from all over. We have a big house in the hills, overlooking Mount Shasta, with five bedrooms and a lot more space than we needed once our k**s went to college. We had plenty of overnight visitors, who loved the morning view of the mountain, and Claire’s pleasant hospitality.Claire had a very wide circle of friends, men and women, she had known throughout the years from college and on. More than a few were old boyfriends, and a select number of girlfriends, lovers...

2 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 5 The Worms Keep Turning

Agnes Loehman watched her husband back his car out of the driveway. She and Bert had not uttered a word to one another since the argument the previous evening. She stood motionless in the picture window in case he returned for something forgotten, which he often did as an excuse to see if she wanted to break the ice to enable reconciliation. She was glad that he did not return and she had no intention to initiate any such groveling. She was determined to take action. When Agnes was certain...

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Kyle locked the door and turned around. He smiled and reached forward at the bow. He tugged at a loose string and the lace fell the floor. She smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. Kyle smiled and grabbed her left nipple. She moaned and dropped to her knees, the pleasure overwhelming her muscles. She breathed a sigh of relief as his hand released its grip on her breast. She smiled as he pulled out his dick. She looked at the rock hard throbbing rod and reached forward tentatively. “What do you...

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American PaganEpilogue Globalization

After what came to be known as The Big Hug, almost all wars and terrorist attacks ceased everywhere in the world for almost a full month, and the number of crimes and domestic violence cases dropped by seventy percent. Interest in Aphrodite expanded from the USA, Canada, and a few European countries to worldwide. Livia was again tasked to find enough priests to spread the word to all the nations. Unfortunately, there were many countries that did not welcome missionaries from unapproved...

4 years ago
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Classroom quickie Frenchie series

The classroom felt horribly hot and stuffy for a day of June, and she had her full breasts right in his face. Well, not exactly. But close enough.Pierre Gosselin, genius student in his younger days and now youngest philosophy teacher to a class of forty prestigious khâgne students, was finding it hard to keep them from raising their arm even when they didn't have an answer. As hard as the buddy in his pants that was very interested in that pair of breasts ready for the taking. As infatuated...

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Shirley JeanChapter 1

I don't often go to private parties, but Clarissa Bowen had insisted I come. I didn't know why—perhaps she wanted some younger women to liven up the place—but I had agreed. Shortly after seven o'clock one Friday evening, I nosed my Blazer into a spot near the fountain and got out. I should explain that Clarissa is an acquaintance and not a friend; I work as a posting clerk and she has more money than God. She is, however, one of the few people who know every available gay female within a...

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For my beautiful Natalie, my first love.. I shall never forget you… A shadow.. Shadow’s… the perfect combination of Light and Darkness, intertwining the two so beautifully that you realize that one cannot live without the other… this.. is the small glance into my soul… A Nightshadow is different than a day shadow of course but in order to fully understand you must fully also understand the differences between darkness and light…. pure Light.. is bright, it is warm.. it is inviting. Like the...

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Ciarra the ColdChapter 9 The Tailor

Surrounded by a solid block wall, Gravestead was reasonably well protected. I reminded myself to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention, at least until my pets and I could safely fight other champions in a dungeon. I approached the two guardsmen stationed at the city gate. Vixen’s over-sized clothing amused them, and they didn’t try to hide it. Grinning, they asked a few questions about where we came from and what we planed to do in the city. My pet had expected their questions, and...

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Their StoriesChapter 4 Allans Story

I had been a nervous wreck all week. Fortunately I had found a large costume shop in the city and had acquired a Roman Toga and a mask that was of a size that would cover my face and hide my identity. If I did things right I might be able to join the party without questions being raised. It was a case of finding just the right moment and method for entering the house. Arriving in Miami I drove north and found a decent Courtyard Inn just outside West Palm Beach. I went down to the restaurant,...

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Selenas Crush

This story, did in fact happen. I won't say I'm not proud of it, because that's not how I think of it. If anyone reading this is anti-lesbian, well, I have a few places in mind that you could go to. Some names have been changed to protect some people that are innocent, and some people that are less than innocent. I was in eigth grade, my last year in Junior High, when I developed feelings for another girl. My first name is Selena, and my last name isn't too important (Neither is my first name,...


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