Honkytonk HeroChapter 3
- 3 years ago
- 28
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The VFW hall was packed with members and guests for the annual Christmas party. The Frickes and their friends were sitting at three tables pushed together just off the edge of the dance floor. Sitting at the tables were the usual cast of characters. Rita and Harold were there of course, and so was their daughter Caroline. Ben and Cricket Crawford were sitting across from Ramon and Theresa Salazar. Tommy sat at the end of the table with new VFW member Margie Wilcox. Margie had served a six month tour on a hospital ship off the coast of Vietnam, so she was qualified for membership. Betty Lou sat on the other side of Tommy. She was there that night as his guest.
As soon as the first slow dance started, Tommy walked up to Rita and asked her for the dance. It was an ingrained tradition now for Tommy to do that. Caroline watched Tommy speculatively as he presented himself to her mother. She had to give him credit for good manners, and the almost reverent manner in which he treated her mother earned him some bonus points.
Caroline was surprised at how smooth and effortlessly Tommy danced. He courteously asked each of the women at the table to dance, and seemed to pick the particular song each enjoyed dancing to. After a turn with each of the wives at the table, Tommy asked Caroline to dance a waltz with him. As he lightly whisked her around the room, she admired how gracefully he moved. Big Ben Crawford was the only man present who was bigger than Tommy, yet for his size, Tommy was noticeably agile. He was no Rudolf Nureyev, (whom she saw perform in Geneva with the Dutch National Ballet earlier that year) but he was fun to dance with anyway.
This was Tommy’s fifth or sixth VFW dance, and he was a comfortably favorite partner to a bunch of women. Caroline didn’t know that, though, so along about ten-thirty, when Tommy and her mother jumped up and started jitter-bugging as if they were high schoolers in the early fifties, Caroline almost fell off her chair. This time it was her mother who amazed her as she shook and shimmied as Tommy spun her around the floor. Rita Maude Fricke, the forty-six year old mother of three grown children, was as swivel-hipped as Tina Turner. Caroline looked over at her father goggle-eyed. Harold just smiled smugly and leaned across the table.
“Your Momma is the best dancer I ever saw, and my rhythm is so bad, I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. When she dances with Tommy, I swear she is eighteen all over again. Look how happy she is out there and tell me Tommy being in our lives is a bad thing.”
Caroline nodded as she watched them dance, her father had a point.
Of course, Harold did not tell her that later tonight, her mother would bring some of those same moves to the bedroom. Harold had swigged down half a bottle of Geritol earlier that day, just so he could keep up with her even a little bit.
There was mistletoe hung in the archway between the dance floor and the game room. The archway was located near the left hand front corner of the dance floor. All evening long, some of the women would maneuver Tommy under the mistletoe and kiss him just to make him blush. Caroline even tried the mistletoe trick, but at the last second, Tommy turned his head so her kiss landed on his cheek. When he did that, she jerked her head back and gave him an exasperated look.
“Why did you turn your head like that?” she asked.
He looked at her as if she was crazy.
“I’m not kissing you on the lips without your parents’ permission. That would be disrespectful and make me some sort of creep. Besides, I know you don’t like me, on account of I ain’t hoity-toity enough for you.”
Caroline’s anger flared red hot when he said that, and before she could stop herself, she snapped back at him.
“I don’t dislike you because you aren’t ‘hoity-toity’ enough. I dislike you because you are an immature asshole with no prospects. I was being nice to you because my parents like you, for some unknown reason, and because I felt sorry for you, the same as everyone else,” she said bitterly.
Tommy winced a couple of times as she told him off, then shook his head and offered her his arm.
“Let me walk you back to the table, and I’ll make sure you don’t have to worry about me and my poor prospects ever again.”
Rita noticed Tommy and Caroline walking back towards the table before the song had ended, and she couldn’t help notice the expressions on their faces. Caroline’s jaw was set and her eyes squinted in anger, while Tommy was trying unsuccessfully to hide his hurt feelings. As soon as they were seated, Rita stood up and motioned Caroline to follow her to the ladies room. Caroline grabbed her purse and trudged after her mother, steeling herself for the confrontation that was sure to follow.
Once in the bathroom, Rita leaned against the counter and asked, “What’s going on with you two, Caroline?”
Caroline took a breath and gave her mother a fairly accurate version of the conversation she had with Tommy under the mistletoe, then told her why she reacted the way she did.
“I’m twenty-two years old, mother, and I don’t need parental permission to kiss someone. Plus, he had no right to call me a snob, just because I am not one of his concubines. I know you and Daddy think the world of him, but he is never going to be any more than he is right now, a hayseed Romeo with a menial job.”
Caroline braced her self for an explosion, but incredibly, her mother just looked at her sadly and shook her head.
“I can’t believe a child of mine could purposely say something that hurtful. And I can’t believe a woman as smart as you could misjudge someone so badly. As far as Tommy’s prospects are concerned, ask your father where the money came from to expand our business.”
As soon as Rita said that, she pushed away from the sink and walked out of the bathroom without saying another word.
Tommy did not let Caroline’s spiteful words ruin the evening for his friends. He avoided Caroline, but was his normal self for everyone else. He and Betty Lou begged out of further partying at eleven, because the next day was the Sunday before Christmas, and they both had to be at church early to prepare for the annual Christmas Pageant. Tommy was elated that he was playing one of the three wise men.
Betty Lou leaned heavily on his arm as they walked to his truck; she was unsteady on her feet because of the two Long Island Iced Teas she’d quaffed. Betty Lou was buzzed for the first time in her thirty-three years. She was flirty and giggly as Tommy helped her into the truck. As soon as Tommy slid into the driver’s seat, Betty Lou snuggled up next to him, put her hand on his thigh and her head on his shoulder. Ten minutes later, Tommy pulled into her driveway and switched off his truck. Betty Lou was still leaning against his shoulder, because she was fast asleep.
Tommy managed to wake her up and help her down from the cab. Once on the ground, she held his hand and wobbled into the house. Regina and Melody were sitting in the living room, huddled under a blanket with a pan of Jiffy-Pop, when Tommy helped Betty Lou through the front door. The young women were watching a movie on the Dallas UHF channel. The movie was a Beau Baumgartner tour de force, titled ‘Marauding Martian Monsters’. In the movie, Conchita Delgado played a scantily clad astronaut who crash lands on Mars and is pursued by green versions of Dracula, Wolfman, Frankenstein and the Mummy.
Regina took one look at Betty Lou and grinned mischievously.
“Looks like someone had a good time,” Regina quipped.
“I sure did,” Betty Lou said with a giggle.
When Tommy shot her a helpless look, Regina grabbed Melody’s arm and stood up.
“Me and Mel will tuck you in bed and you can tell us all about it,” Regina said, giving Tommy a wink.
Betty Lou pouted and clung to Tommy even tighter.
“I want Tommy to tuck me in,” she said sultrily. “He does that soooo good.”
Tommy shot Regina an alarmed look and blushed furiously. Regina grabbed one of Betty Lou’s arms and Melody took the other.
“Maybe next time, Mom. Tonight you both need to get to bed, we have the pageant tomorrow, and it’s late.”
Tommy had just stepped out of his jockeys when he heard someone on the stairs. He spun around, clad in nothing except his jockstrap. Regina and Melody were standing at the bottom of the stairs, smiling at him. Reflexively, he dropped one hand down to cover his crotch and grabbed his robe with the other.
“No need to cover up, Tommy. We’ve seen it all before,” Melody said huskily.
Tommy shrugged into his robe anyway, and belted it securely.
“I thought we all had to go to bed early, on account of the pageant tomorrow,” Tommy said.
Regina gave him a smile and did a back flop onto his bed.
“I said that so mom wouldn’t do anything to embarrass herself. We don’t have to be at the church until nine, and it’s only eleven-thirty now. Besides, we aren’t going to molest you ... much. We actually want to talk to you about something.”
While Regina was talking, Melody sat down on the bed, grabbed Tommy by the arm, and pulled him down to join her. Regina sat up and after a nod from Melody, started talking again.
“I’ll be eighteen next month, Tommy, and in August I’m starting college. The same is true for Melody, except her birthday isn’t until March. We have both decided that we are not going to start college as inexperienced virgins. We are going to start the pill right after our birthdays, so sometime between when we go on the pill and us leaving for school, you need to make us women.”
Tommy’s facial expression did not change as he nodded. Tommy had fooled around with both girls for months but never had intercourse with them. The request did not seem odd to Tommy at all, considering he had already performed the same service for Ruthie Silverman.
“Sure, Reggie, I’ll help you out. After all, what are friends for?”
Both girls squealed in delight and jumped on Tommy to shower him with kisses. Melody broke free of the tangle, tugged her sleep shirt over her head, and tossed it off the bed.
“Make me cum, Tommy,” Melody yipped. “I’m all hot and bothered from watching your girlfriend strut around half naked on TV.”
The church’s pageant went off without a hitch and Tommy sailed into the last few days before Christmas as excited as a six-year-old.
On Monday afternoon, Tommy took care of his last three presents, by meeting with banker Otto Mills, down at the Bluebonnet Diner. Mister Mills met Tommy there to keep their business dealings a secret from Betty Lou.
Christmas morning found Tommy up and dressed by six in the morning. With everyone else in the house sleeping, Tommy snuck into the family room and put his boxed presents under the tree. When his neatly wrapped (thanks to Melody Graham) presents were in the pile with all the others, he put on a pot of coffee, grabbed up another stack of presents, and took Rex for a walk around the neighborhood. During the walk, Tommy stopped a couple of times to leave presents at the front door of several houses. The presents for the neighbors weren’t all that much: a couple of Zebco fishing outfits for the Dawson children, an oversized maple rolling pin for the Widow Guthrie and a big bag of Florida oranges for the elderly Millers. They were gifts from Tommy’s heart, though, and it made him happy to be able to give everyone something.
Tommy was sipping coffee and watching ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ on television, when Bucky stumbled into the room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He took one look at the presents, then hustled upstairs to roust his sister and mother. Ten minutes later, the women, each with a mug of coffee, joined Tommy and Bucky, and the fun began. Bucky dove under the tree and started to hand everyone presents. The Grimes’ tradition was that each person be handed one present, then everyone unwraps them at the same time. Tommy was very happy with the belt and buckle from Regina, the wallet from Bucky, and the low crowned black Stetson from Betty Lou. In turn, the Grimes family all seemed to like the practical gifts he gave them.
After all the gifts were opened and oh’d and ah’d over, Tommy sprang his real gifts on them. He reached under the chair cushion where he sat, and took out three business-sized envelopes, embossed in the upper left hand corner with the Brantley Savings and Loan’s name and address. He handed the envelopes to the person whose name was typed on the front. Before anyone opened theirs, Tommy cleared his throat and took Betty Lou’s hand in his.
“Before you open these, you need to know that I consider the three of you my family. These gifts reflect that. Also, you can do anything with these that you want, except give them back to me, because I am well and truly happy to be rid of the part of my life they represent.”
Harold Fricke shared Tommy’s request with his wife as they drove home from church. He wasn’t about to do anything that Rita disapproved of, at least not where Tommy was concerned. Especially not since Tommy started calling her Momma Rita. Harold did not worry about the conversation bothering or embarrassing Rita, even though it was about sexual matters. Prim and proper in public, Rita Maude Fricke was a wanton hellion in the privacy of her bedroom. Rita was not as surprised by Tommy’s...
Margie and Tommy walked into the Grimes’ house at three-thirty Saturday afternoon. Margie said hello to everyone and goodbye to Tommy, then dashed back to her car. She was in a hurry so she could get back to San Antonio early enough to get some sleep before her Sunday tour of duty at the hospital. She also hustled away so she would not show how much she was going to miss Tommy. She had, however, let Tommy know that fact on the ride from the Frickes’. “I’m going to miss you like crazy,...
Tommy rushed home after work so he could show his truck to everyone. Regina seemed as excited by the vehicle as he was. “This is far out Tommy, if Melody can come over later, will you take us for a ride?” Tommy instantly agreed, “Sure Reggie, meanwhile, I’ll take Bucky and Rex for a spin.” It was a toss-up as to who was happier, as the three amigos motored sedately through Brantley. Bucky and Rex both ended up riding shotgun as Rex sat in Bucky’s lap with his head out the window....
As soon as Harold Fricke sat down at his desk after lunch, he saw the envelope Tommy had left in the middle of his blotter. He opened the envelope, pulled out the check, realized what it was and sat back in his chair with a grunt. “Rita Maude, what do you know about this?” he asked, waving the check in the air. Rita walked over to his desk and plucked the check out of his hand. She gave it the once-over, her eyebrows arched in surprise. “I don’t know a thing about it, but it’s drawn...
Caroline Fricke was not swayed by the gentle chiding she received from her mother concerning Tommy Bledsoe. Maybe the man wasn’t another Lennie Small from “Of Mice and Men”, but there was certainly something suspicious about how he had waltzed into town and insinuated himself into her parents’ life. Not to mention he had seduced a number of town women. Maybe, she thought, he was another Charles Manson, the crazy eyed guru just arrested a few days ago for being involved in the murder of...
Tommy smiled in relief when Rita told him he was merely restrained instead of paralyzed. He would have figured it out on his own as soon as he was completely awake anyway, but knowing early saved him from any more panic. “Is everyone else okay?” he asked worriedly. “Everyone else is just fine, Sweetie. Conchita went for coffee, but she’ll be back in a minute. Harold took Caroline home to get some rest. They’ll be back later today. Margaret went to Fort Sam to fetch your doctor from...
Ruth Silverman returned from New York City on the Tuesday after New Years. She’d had to wait until Tuesday because of all the college kids traveling on Sunday and Monday. She picked up her Volkswagen at the long term parking facility at the Dallas airport and sedately chugged towards Brantley. Her forty-five horse powered bug was not exactly burning up the pavement. As she drove, she had time to reflect on her visit with her parents. All in all, she admitted to herself, it had been a nice...
Betty Lou relayed Otto’s message to Tommy that night at supper. Tommy smiled big at the thought of being able to buy the ranch without spending all his savings. Tommy promise to take everyone to visit the place before he committed to it, and the conversation shifted to the next thing on Betty Lou’s mind. “So Regina, your birthday is less than a week away. It’s going to be difficult to find a gift for you after the haul you made at Christmas. Got any ideas?” Regina smiled sweetly and...
After church on the Sunday following the visit to their new place, Connie and Tommy started cleaning the house. Ruth wasn’t there, because she had to work at the library. They had not been at it more than thirty minutes, before the Frickes, Crawfords and Salazars showed up with cleaning equipment to help. Having such good friends plastered a smile on Tommy’s face a mile wide. With four couples working, the house was spic and span in only a few hours. Tommy enjoyed razzing the other men at...
The first leg of Tommy and Connie’s road trip was a two hour jaunt south on US Highway 84 to the newly completed section of Interstate 10. Tommy merged eastbound on the Interstate and motored to San Antonio. Sections of Interstate 10 were still under construction, so they spent as much time on US 90 as they did the Interstate. They rolled into San Antonio at noon and stopped for a leisurely lunch at the Officers Club at Brooke Army Medical Center. It was early in their travels for a lengthy...
Tommy and Connie stayed in good spirits as they made the drive westward towards Lafayette and the Hotel Arcenaux. They once again split the driving duties and with some cajoling from Connie, Tommy actually drove a few miles an hour over the speed limit. They made even better time on the return trip and pulled up to the hotel at seven that evening. Pierre met them in the parking lot again, this time his sudden appearance didn’t startle Tommy. Pierre seemed genuinely happy to see them as he...
Tommy showed up for work at seven-thirty on the Monday morning after his vacation, refreshed and relaxed, even though he’d only slept for four hours. His vacation had been great, but he was glad to be home. He was the first one in that morning, so he unlocked the side door to the warehouse and he and Rex slipped inside. Tommy heaved a satisfied sigh as surveyed his realm, noting with pleasure that it was almost as neat and orderly as when he’d left. He went to his locker, shed his jacket...
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As with every adversity he’d encountered since leaving the hospital, Tommy learned from his trip to Houston. He had answered the question he had about dealing with strangers, and he’d met some wonderful new friends. Sure, he’d had the misfortune to run into Roger Taylor, but his not being smart with people had nothing to do with what Taylor did. Heck, Taylor had even fooled Paloma, and his slender friend had known him for longer than a year. Ruth said that in bigger cities, more people got...
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He awoke with a start. Fumbling with the alarm clock he could not get it to shut up, only to realize it was the damn cell phone ringing. Just as he reached for it, the ringing stopped. Shit! Now he was awake and ticked off. He looked at the number, nothing he recognized, no voicemail, Damn sales call. He started to set the phone down when he heard a small chirp, the notification alert. He glanced at the phone. She had posted something on Facebook again. He had retired after 30 years...
It had been almost a month since Clarence had ravage my butt in the janitors closet on the fourth floor. I had been avoiding after school activities and being out at night or all alone in public. Our track coach came to me and asked 'would you like to make up some credits this month'. Our school has a policy of awarding quarter credits to any one that did after school activities, out side of the usual requirements. It could be from polishing the gym floor to removing cob webs from the corner...
Hi, This is Ranadip, a Bengali software engineer from Bangalore. Apart from my job in the IT industry, I provide gigolo service to matured women to quench their thirst like never before. Here, I would like to share my experience with one of my lady clients which took place around three months back. I am 28, 5’9″, a matured, passionate, educated, descent, energetic guy with a well built masculine body, and carry myself in a classy way. I have a strong, thick and long tool which can last for...
Pramila got fucked by a young 18 year boy in hospital which awaken sleeping tigress. As day passed her sex desire began to multiply. She hired workers for painting of house. She could not control and when work was going to get over she accepted offer of workers to fuck her. In last part you read that while husband went with maid to doctor he got gang banged by four men. And again with husband in house Pramila had those workers. Three of them had fucked her thrice that day. Most of the time she...
I. The Story Of Alice Alice Grey was a dear little thing, she lived with her parents and worked hard every day at her job in the local drapery store. Her family may have been poor, but they got by, paying their way in the world and earning respect for their dutiful efforts and high moral standards. Alice was a fanciful girl, always dreaming of love and raising her own family, a dream that appeared to be coming true when a handsome young gentleman took an interest in her. This young man came...
Usually, men don’t make me nervous. As a 26-year-old, I felt I knew what to expect from them, and I had a self esteem that tended to air on the side of arrogance when it came to dates that always kept me in control. I knew that I had a power over men, and I knew I could make them want me considerably more than I could ever want them without hardly any effort. I knew I could dominate them. But this man was the exception the rule. In my own way, I had worked at this. It felt like a fantasy of...
I walked back to the barracks with my head spinning as I struggled to take in the fact that Emma had gone. She must have known a fortnight ago that it would be our last meeting. That could explain her somewhat feverish sexual activity- had she wanted something special to look back on? Who was the other employee from her firm who had disappeared with her? Phillipa hadn't said but I assumed it to be a male as I couldn't imagine Emma without a pliable male companion. Had he been shagging her...
ReStorr could reverse the aging process and make you twenty years old again physically. The catch was it only worked on men...and it turned them into women. As time passed, it increasingly started to change society. This is the story of its effect on a group of ex-army buddies.... RESTORR: ...AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by BobH (c) 2015 - 1 - Madison, Wisconsin gets cold in the winter, real cold, with the lakes freezing over, but in spring there...
It was Friday morning and Janice was happy, she would soon be meeting Wayne, her lover. She had told her husband that she was having a weekend with her friend Ruth and would be home late Sunday afternoon so she had three days with Wayne and two nights. Technically though not just with Wayne he had promised to take her to a posh club for morning coffee, 5* lunch and an afternoon of fun. She did not know what the fun would be but trusted Wayne. Wayne had said some of his friends would be eating...
I'm a 36 year old white male who has been an avid cock worshipper since the age of twelve. I've taken on both the active and passive roles with men. I was even raped by a man once, but have masturbated to the memory of it ever since. To me, the male being is the most fantastic of all creation. I glorify every aspect of the male being. Cock is something I crave almost every minute of every day. I have pleasured well over 500 males from age twelve to the present time. There are times...
Hi girls ,bhabies,aunties I am litu 26 year old average looking guy stays here in kolhapur and she is also of my age .Seema(name changed) is average looking girl but a sex bomb .Her boobs size is 34 and height is 5′. I do not want to waste your time and I am writing this story in hindi .Hope you guys and girls can understand (feeling ati he usme) So baat ye he ki me kolhapur me ache company me job karta hu aur bo mere hi sath kam karti he.Pehle pehle me thoda shy tha kyun ki me ladkiyo se bat...
Introduction: This is the last segment of Evan and the Beach Boys. Enjoy! Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Twelve year old Evan had just returned from a fucking session with the notorious Beach Boys. Evan was thinking about cock in his room. He took out his sexy young penis. He was stroking it thinking all about boys. He then had a hot idea. He called his friend Michael. Michael answered the phone. Hello said Mike, Hi its Evan, you wanna come over? responded Evan. Sure,...
This is what I wrote end 2010...It’s nearly New Year, a few hours to go, and I think I should declare a few of my dreams and fantasies for 2011. If I don’t put them out there, they may never happen. So treat this as a fantasy story, or maybe a look to the future.My wife’s away, so I can’t share them with her at the moment – and most of them involve herepractically, or at the very least with her acceptance and ideally presence. I don’t have any dream or fantasy of being apart from her physically...
[Edited version. Thanks a lot to Catfish who did a great job at painstakingly pointing out thousands of minor and major errors!] ==== Chapter One: Dajinni ===== I walked home from school. The P.E. class had run late, so it was already 5 PM. I was alone, too - my best friend Maputo had skipped the afternoon classes. It was my birthday - I was eighteen as of today. So I was pretty sure I knew what was going on: Maputo was preparing a surprise for me at home. Just as I crossed...
RIDING AFTER THE DUKE "Don't forget to lock up." "I won't." She moved the last stack of returned books onto the cart for reloading as the door behind her opened and shut. It had been a pretty good day, quiet, and the last of the patrons had gone out early so they could close on time. She worked as a librarian, and no one was ever surprised when they found that out. She had long, fine light brown hair and glasses. Clear skin and a rather diminutive build. Her voice was...
The day seemed to fly by and soon enough the Queens and I sat down for supper. Since we weren't bothering with any Royal servants the food just appeared. Come to think of it, this was much better service than servants could ever provide. The food appeared, we ate it, and then the dirty dishes left. I never had to worry about refilling a glass or my coffee mug, since more of whatever I was drinking just materialized in place. Actually, we didn't even have to get naked and go to bed, though...
I woke up late but refreshed on Friday morning having slept really well—with no dreams to disturb me. Well, I say late. I guess that nine-thirty isn’t really that late. Hell, for most students it would be classed as early. But I was an early-bird, usually up and about, showered and dressed by seven-thirty most mornings, so, for me, nine-thirty was a lie in. Actually, I’d been woken by Mark stomping about getting ready for his nine o’clock exam, but I smiled and rolled over to face the wall...