Honkytonk HeroChapter 3
- 3 years ago
- 28
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The week after Tommy’s dating and singing debut, was just as full of wonder. The routine down at the feed store and his Monday and Wednesday tutoring sessions kept him grounded. Still, a lot happened that week.
Tommy was on his way out of the library after his Monday night tutoring session, when Ruth Silverman stopped him and turned him into the reference stacks. Ruth led him halfway down the aisle then stopped and looked around to make sure they were alone.
“Thomas, I have a problem I hope you can help me with,” she said.
Tommy’s eyebrows went up that an adult would actually need his help.
“I’ll do anything for you Ruthie, you know that. Only you know I’m not very good at most things.”
Ruth smiled because Tommy loved to use nicknames. If a person didn’t have a nickname, he’d worry with it until he came up with one for them. Ruthie was the moniker he’d hung on her. Had it been any other man calling her that, she’d have gone ballistic.
“I think you’ll be perfect for what I have in mind. See, I have a couple of tickets to the dinner theater in Brownwood for next Saturday night. I don’t have an escort for the event, so I thought you might accompany me. You’ll have to wear a suit, but I think you will enjoy the play and the meal.”
Tommy thought about it for a minute, then beamed a boyish grin.
“I don’t have a suit,” he said, “but I’ll bet Missus Rita will help me with that.”
Tommy’s grin and enthusiasm shot an unexpected jolt of pleasure through Ruth’s body. Without conscious thought, she stepped forward and gave him a lingering kiss on the lips. When she stepped back, her face was flushed with embarrassment and something else she found hard to identify. She recovered quickly and gave him a return smile.
“That’s great. Tell Rita I’m wearing a black cocktail dress. You’ll have fun, Thomas. Wait and see.”
The next day, Rita was more than willing to help Tommy shop for a suit. She knew exactly what Ruth was wearing, because Ruth had called her the night before to give her a heads up. Rita was ecstatic that Tommy had thought of her helping him all on his own. When Rita told Harold about the shopping expedition Tuesday morning, he bitched and whined that it should be his job to take Tommy to buy a suit. That cracked Rita up.
“You know you have terrible taste, Harold Fricke. You can’t even be trusted to pick out your own underwear.”
Rita took Tommy to the big J C Penney store in the Brownwood Mall that very afternoon. They came away with a very nice traditional cut, dark gray suit, along with a white shirt and burgundy paisley tie. Of course, Tommy then needed something to go on his feet that matched the suit. He was happy as hell when Rita agreed with his choice of a pair of black ‘Dan Post’ cowboy boots. Tommy did not even flinch at writing out the check for two-hundred and fifty dollars. Rita thought Tommy was the most handsome young man in Texas when he modeled the suit for her. They took the suit with them, as Rita said she would hem the pants and coat cuffs herself.
Tommy received more than a little good natured ribbing from Harold, Ben Crawford and Ramon Salazar when they all had lunch at the Bluebonnet Diner the next day. Big Ben was especially wound up.
“You need a license, Tommy boy, so you can take your date sparking after the show. When you let the women drive, they head straight home,” he teased.
This was one of those occasions where Tommy couldn’t differentiate between serious and teasing, so he nodded glumly.
“I know,” he lamented, “only who would give me a license?”
Harold saw Tommy’s dejected look and immediately had a thought.
“Why the Great State of Texas, that’s who,” Harold declared.
To match action to words, the three friends dragged Tommy down to the McCulloch County DMV, snagged him a study guide for the written test and secured him a learner’s permit. Tommy started memorizing the traffic regulations and safe driving instructions before Ben could maneuver his big Lincoln out of the DMV parking lot.
Harold had Juan Luna, the delivery driver, give Tommy driving lessons. The feed store’s pickup was a two year old GMC with a straight six and three speed on the column. Tommy learned quickly as his muscle memory fell into the old patterns of lightly releasing the clutch while feeding the engine a little gas. Within an hour, he was driving around the block.
Tommy learning to drive was another step in his regaining his adulthood. The only real downside to him maturing so rapidly was his friendship with Bucky Grimes. Oh, he and Bucky were still friends, no question about that, but the number of things they had in common were rapidly dwindling. Bucky was much more stoic about it than Tommy was.
One hugely important result of the friendship between Tommy and Bucky was the improvement in the strength in Bucky’s polio atrophied left leg. Bucky was out of his brace by then, and into a high-topped walking shoe with a thickened sole and heel. Tommy and Bucky still walked up and down the stairs to the basement twenty-five times every morning and evening. They climbed the stairs backwards, forwards and both sideways. Then they sat on the bottom step and did leg lifts with progressively heavier weights. Bucky was psyched that he would start high school without a brace and just maybe, without a limp.
Betty Lou Grimes thought Bucky’s progress was nothing short of miraculous, and she credited it all on Tommy. Betty Lou was shocked at times by the strength of the emotions she felt for her handsome young boarder. Sure, she was grateful to him for what he’d done for Bucky, and his steady financial help had solved her money woes, but her feelings were well past gratitude. She actually had to avoid him at times to keep from appearing flustered.
Regina’s feelings were not nearly as complex as her step mother’s. Regina and her best friend Melody were simply hot for Tommy’s body. Melody and Regina started hanging out at the Grimes’s house most of the time. The two were constantly conniving situations that put one or both of them alone with Tommy. Getting Tommy alone was much harder to do than the girls had planned for it to be. Bucky and Betty Lou seemed to always be around or else Tommy was at the library or work. Regina was the one to figure out the library angle.
In the evening of the Wednesday that Tommy was issued his learners permit, Regina schemed up a need to visit the library while Tommy was there with his tutor. She actually did need to do some research for a history paper anyway. So what if she had study hall in the high school’s library five days a week? When Tommy walked to the door to head for home, Regina was waiting for him.
“Can you walk me home, Tommy? I promised mom I wouldn’t walk by myself.” She asked sweetly.
Tommy nodded, and even better, he took her books from her and carried them as they walked. Halfway home, Regina cut through a small park dedicated to the man for whom the town was named. That man was Confederate Colonel Rufus Reed Brantley, better known as ‘Old Rough and Ready’. Colonel Brantley was the commander of the 46th Texas Irregular Cavalry during the Civil War. The men of the 46th called themselves the Rough and Ready Raiders. Colonel Brantley never had more than a hundred men in his command, yet he had been a colossal thorn in the side of the Union Army in the far west.
It wasn’t ancient Texas history on Regina’s mind that night, however, as she led Tommy to a park bench under a drooping willow tree.
“Let’s sit here and talk for a minute Tommy, the evening is too beautiful to rush home.” Regina said.
Guileless Tommy agreed. It was in fact, a gorgeous early November night. The weather was unseasonably warm, and a huge Hunter’s Moon seemed as if it were close enough to touch. Regina had plotted the exact place for them to sit, because the large statue of Brantley on a rearing horse and the low hanging willow branches hid the bench from passersby.
As soon as they were seated, Regina snuggled up to Tommy and sighed contentedly. The thing that was so great about Tommy was that she felt safe with him. She knew that anything that happened would be at her speed and her instigation. She smiled to herself and instigated a scorching kiss. Tommy was so shy, he needed a little push to get him started, but his kisses made the blood sing in her veins. She liked the kisses enough that she grabbed his hand and put it on her breast ... outside her clothes, of course.
Tommy’s breath caught in his throat when she did that, but his hand seemed to know just how to knead her pliant orb. Regina moaned into his mouth when he gently squeezed her bullet-hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Melody was the only other person who had ever made her feel that good. As a matter of fact, all the evening was missing to be perfect was Melody sharing it. Regina had a solution to that for tomorrow night after choir practice though.
Regina broke up the make out session after another five minutes, after she had a small but satisfying climax. It was the first she’d ever experienced with a boy and it was just from a little second base petting and kissing. She couldn’t wait to tell Melody.
On Thursday, Tommy spent his lunch hour with Juan Luna driving the feed and seed truck out on Highway 931. Tommy was nervous, but focused on driving and remembering the rules of the road he’d memorized the evening before. Juan thought it was a hoot that Tommy gave hand and arm signals as well as utilizing the trucks regular turn signals.
Choir practice that Thursday night was much easier on Tommy than the first one had been. Part of the reason for that was Bucky’s decision to also join the choir. Tommy talked him into it by mentioning that Bucky would have more in common with petite and pretty thirteen-year-old Shelia Franklin if he did. Bucky and Tommy had spent an hour down in Tommy’s basement room, talking about girls and sex earlier that day. Tommy shared Harold’s explanation of the mechanics of sex with Bucky. Bucky filled Tommy in on all he’d heard about girls and getting some. Stuff like hickeys: were okay if they weren’t on the neck, and girls with big boobies liked sex more. Tommy took it all in with wide-eyed wonderment.
Madeline Dixon, the director of the choir, played a record of George Jones singing a gospel song call Uncloudy Day. Tommy loved the song and mimed Jones’s soulful voiced perfectly. Maddie mixed and matched voices around him until she had a version of the song that sounded better than the recording.
Melody Graham was at the choir practice because she was spending the night with Regina. They were out of school for some teachers’ conference the next day. When the practice was over, everyone piled into Betty Lou’s Chevy station wagon and headed home. As soon as they arrived at the house, Melody remembered she had (conveniently) forgotten her retainer. Regina volunteered Tommy to escort them the block and a half to fetch the errant dental device.
Margie and Tommy walked into the Grimes’ house at three-thirty Saturday afternoon. Margie said hello to everyone and goodbye to Tommy, then dashed back to her car. She was in a hurry so she could get back to San Antonio early enough to get some sleep before her Sunday tour of duty at the hospital. She also hustled away so she would not show how much she was going to miss Tommy. She had, however, let Tommy know that fact on the ride from the Frickes’. “I’m going to miss you like crazy,...
Tommy rushed home after work so he could show his truck to everyone. Regina seemed as excited by the vehicle as he was. “This is far out Tommy, if Melody can come over later, will you take us for a ride?” Tommy instantly agreed, “Sure Reggie, meanwhile, I’ll take Bucky and Rex for a spin.” It was a toss-up as to who was happier, as the three amigos motored sedately through Brantley. Bucky and Rex both ended up riding shotgun as Rex sat in Bucky’s lap with his head out the window....
As soon as Harold Fricke sat down at his desk after lunch, he saw the envelope Tommy had left in the middle of his blotter. He opened the envelope, pulled out the check, realized what it was and sat back in his chair with a grunt. “Rita Maude, what do you know about this?” he asked, waving the check in the air. Rita walked over to his desk and plucked the check out of his hand. She gave it the once-over, her eyebrows arched in surprise. “I don’t know a thing about it, but it’s drawn...
Caroline Fricke was not swayed by the gentle chiding she received from her mother concerning Tommy Bledsoe. Maybe the man wasn’t another Lennie Small from “Of Mice and Men”, but there was certainly something suspicious about how he had waltzed into town and insinuated himself into her parents’ life. Not to mention he had seduced a number of town women. Maybe, she thought, he was another Charles Manson, the crazy eyed guru just arrested a few days ago for being involved in the murder of...
The VFW hall was packed with members and guests for the annual Christmas party. The Frickes and their friends were sitting at three tables pushed together just off the edge of the dance floor. Sitting at the tables were the usual cast of characters. Rita and Harold were there of course, and so was their daughter Caroline. Ben and Cricket Crawford were sitting across from Ramon and Theresa Salazar. Tommy sat at the end of the table with new VFW member Margie Wilcox. Margie had served a six...
Tommy smiled in relief when Rita told him he was merely restrained instead of paralyzed. He would have figured it out on his own as soon as he was completely awake anyway, but knowing early saved him from any more panic. “Is everyone else okay?” he asked worriedly. “Everyone else is just fine, Sweetie. Conchita went for coffee, but she’ll be back in a minute. Harold took Caroline home to get some rest. They’ll be back later today. Margaret went to Fort Sam to fetch your doctor from...
Ruth Silverman returned from New York City on the Tuesday after New Years. She’d had to wait until Tuesday because of all the college kids traveling on Sunday and Monday. She picked up her Volkswagen at the long term parking facility at the Dallas airport and sedately chugged towards Brantley. Her forty-five horse powered bug was not exactly burning up the pavement. As she drove, she had time to reflect on her visit with her parents. All in all, she admitted to herself, it had been a nice...
Betty Lou relayed Otto’s message to Tommy that night at supper. Tommy smiled big at the thought of being able to buy the ranch without spending all his savings. Tommy promise to take everyone to visit the place before he committed to it, and the conversation shifted to the next thing on Betty Lou’s mind. “So Regina, your birthday is less than a week away. It’s going to be difficult to find a gift for you after the haul you made at Christmas. Got any ideas?” Regina smiled sweetly and...
After church on the Sunday following the visit to their new place, Connie and Tommy started cleaning the house. Ruth wasn’t there, because she had to work at the library. They had not been at it more than thirty minutes, before the Frickes, Crawfords and Salazars showed up with cleaning equipment to help. Having such good friends plastered a smile on Tommy’s face a mile wide. With four couples working, the house was spic and span in only a few hours. Tommy enjoyed razzing the other men at...
The first leg of Tommy and Connie’s road trip was a two hour jaunt south on US Highway 84 to the newly completed section of Interstate 10. Tommy merged eastbound on the Interstate and motored to San Antonio. Sections of Interstate 10 were still under construction, so they spent as much time on US 90 as they did the Interstate. They rolled into San Antonio at noon and stopped for a leisurely lunch at the Officers Club at Brooke Army Medical Center. It was early in their travels for a lengthy...
Tommy and Connie stayed in good spirits as they made the drive westward towards Lafayette and the Hotel Arcenaux. They once again split the driving duties and with some cajoling from Connie, Tommy actually drove a few miles an hour over the speed limit. They made even better time on the return trip and pulled up to the hotel at seven that evening. Pierre met them in the parking lot again, this time his sudden appearance didn’t startle Tommy. Pierre seemed genuinely happy to see them as he...
Tommy showed up for work at seven-thirty on the Monday morning after his vacation, refreshed and relaxed, even though he’d only slept for four hours. His vacation had been great, but he was glad to be home. He was the first one in that morning, so he unlocked the side door to the warehouse and he and Rex slipped inside. Tommy heaved a satisfied sigh as surveyed his realm, noting with pleasure that it was almost as neat and orderly as when he’d left. He went to his locker, shed his jacket...
The rest of the week after Tommy talked to doctor Glickman passed quickly. Tommy was amazed at how quickly time went by when you were happily busy. Tommy was a very busy boy now that he had the goats. He was waking up a half hour earlier now, hopping out of bed at five-thirty to check over his goats and put them out to pasture. The morning inspection was an important part of raising angoras, because of them not being the hardiest of animals. Checking the Angoras for signs of skin problems...
As with every adversity he’d encountered since leaving the hospital, Tommy learned from his trip to Houston. He had answered the question he had about dealing with strangers, and he’d met some wonderful new friends. Sure, he’d had the misfortune to run into Roger Taylor, but his not being smart with people had nothing to do with what Taylor did. Heck, Taylor had even fooled Paloma, and his slender friend had known him for longer than a year. Ruth said that in bigger cities, more people got...
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Welcome! I hope you enjoy this trashy little romp. If there are aspects of the story you would like to be able to customize, please do feel free to ask in the comments, and I will try to oblige by adding some new variables. Finally, if you enjoyed the story, please take a moment to click the "like" button on the chapter(s) you particularly enjoyed... or just on this one if you'd rather! Europa is the name of a continent, a moon of Jupiter, a mythological figure... and a town in Oklahoma. And...
IncestThe war may have been over, though there was still some tidying up to do. There were still rogue units of Sidhe out there turning to banditry as well as what remained of the fanatical Nephilim, though most of those had perished with the destruction of the fortresses. The vast majority of the Sidhe units still in the field had come in to claim amnesty from Verenestra as she held court in Keldravan. In all cases it had been granted, though a large minority had had terms attached to monitor...
I have got a long vacation so went to my house. I was greeted by my mother, dad and my sister. I was not able to face her but she smiled at me and went in. My sis look so good and she was wearing a black color midi and white tops. I was amazed to see her; She has a strong arm and well builds in muscle. She has very good thing which was stronger like a man. Next day my father and mother went to attend his friends and marriage. They told they will be coming after 3 days so if you want any help...
IncestTo his right was a brand new box of man-sized tissues and a small bottle of baby oil, Harry's favourite lubricant. To his left was a small digital alarm clock, correct to within one second. He sat on the edge of his bed, anxiously wringing his hands as he watched the time tick by ever so slowly. Just two minutes remained before the start of his greatest challenge to date. At exactly 15:55, his roommate Oscar's lecture would end and he would begin to make his way back to their shared room. It...
MasturbationA Day in the Life at Thomas Grover Elementary By Aardvark I wrote this a few years ago after the idea for this story wouldn't let me sleep. :) The usual disclaimer about offensive topics and so forth, although this one is pretty innocuous. The subject matter may, in fact, be very familiar. If you want to put this story on another site, contact me for permission first. *** It was my first day at school at Thomas Grover Elementary and I was uncertain where my new friends would...
HumorSharon White loves her lingerie and silky robe. She also loves her baths. When she can combine all of the above, she knows it’s going to be a very good night indeed, even when she’s on her own. Admiring herself in the mirror, she slips the robe down and then lets the sheer bra and thong follow suit. When she’s finally nude, she slips into the tub. There are plenty of bubbles for Sharon to rub all over her tight body. From her enhanced titties to her toes, she’s soon nice...
xmoviesforyouWell after i was at the movies today with some friends and i saw this hot girls in this lil sundress that only just covered her. I was remembering about some times i had been to the movies with a old bf from my swim team when we went to Sydney and the fun time i had.Well i was going out with brent (not his real name) and he was older then me and on the swim team he was the cool older boy that all us girls wanted to be with and he picked me. it was not long before we were having lots of fun...
Mike woke up the next morning after the best night of sleep he had enjoyed for several months. He felt not just rested, but truly refreshed. He had gone to bed happy and woken up happy. On top of his good mood, he slept well because for the first time all semester he had not had to put up with the muffled sounds of electronic warfare coming out of Todd's headphones. Todd had crawled on top of his bed and went to sleep in his street clothes shortly after Mike returned from the shower. He...
iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #1 – Chapter 1In Seattle, not much had changed since the end of summer for most of the iCarly gang. They slowly worked towards finishing their senior year, and Freddie actually was earning enough credits that he would enter college as a sophomore rather than a freshman. Even Gibby was pretty busy, his school basement food joint garnering more and more business every week, which prompted him to work extra time there. Sam helped out when she could, but as...
I was shocked when one of the other teachers, one of my best buds, showed me the story. Of course I knew who had written it. Everyone could have guessed.She was a unique seventeen yeard old girl. She wasn't makeup-and-clothes-obsessed, she wasn't a mouthy brat, she wasn't an angst-ridden teenager, she just was who she was. Her hair was a shade of red you could never bottle. Her eyes were hazel, my favorite eye-color on a woman, always swirling with emotions and mystery. She liked the same music...
TabooI grew up in the 70's and 80's, and the only kind of sexual education that was available was that embarrassing talk with your parents on where babies came from, and the discovery of pornographic magazines. As a naïve teenage boy, I happened to come across my uncle's stash of old 70's porno mags from a few years back, liberally left around his room. Most were of a high production quality, a mixture of black and white photos mixed with colour. Completely irrelevant pieces on luxury cars, Formula...
Dear ISS Reader, this is Shail. Here I come with the second part of my story as I promised. Thanks for responses to my previous stories. This is the next part of my story. I will tell how my bhabhi made me make her pregnant. The intro – I am from Ahmedabad. I am 6.1ft tall guy and normal looking with the 7inc long tool. I have great energy which can satisfy any woman of any age. Now let’s come to the story. After over goa trip, I and Riya used to all the time either at her place or mine in...
Feeling both shy and seductive, I turned to face the figure on the bed. He was turned slightly onto his side, watching me. I gazed back at him, my eyes moving slowly over his body. Absorbing the image of him stretched comfortably on my bed like some half tamed predator. Handsome yet dangerous. And oh so tempting. His eyes locked with mine, capturing me. I was mesmerized by the intensity in their depths. He smiled and opened his arms to me, beckoning. Lightheaded, I took the steps...