Honkytonk HeroChapter 3 free porn video

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Ruth Silverman was the head librarian at the Brantley Public Library. She was everything that self-respecting Texans in the nineteen-sixties loathed. She was a know-it-all, snobby, New York, liberal, Jew feminist. She was head librarian because she’d been foisted on the long suffering citizens of Brantley as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society initiative. The federal government offered to expand and update the Brantley library and even pay for a head librarian, provided the person was who the Department of Education recommended. The cash-strapped county government jumped at the chance and, viola ... Ruth Silverman shows up on their doorstep, three-year contract firmly in place.

Ruth was no better disposed towards the citizens of McCulloch County than they were of her. When she eschewed the Peace Corp for its domestic equivalent, the VISTA program (Volunteers in Service to America), she thought she would be helping disadvantaged Appalachian children learn to read. Instead, she ended up checking out books to a bunch of hardheaded, strong willed ranchers and farmers.

In the fifteen months Ruth had been in charge of the library, she had done little to improve people’s opinion of her. She constantly battled the county council and school board about their restricted books list. She was aloof while performing her duties, and unfriendly when she was not working. For her part, Ruth did not much care what kind of impression she made. Her complete focus was on making her library the best in the state. To that end, she worked tirelessly, sometimes as many as seventy hours a week to cover for not having enough staff.

That particular Saturday afternoon was one of those times she had to work extra hours. Mrs. Purdy, the middle-aged woman who normally worked Saturdays from nine to three, was at her daughters wedding. So Ruth was sitting at the circulation desk when a gaggle of young teens came bustling through the door. As the youths were swarming the teen book section, a man she figured to be in his mid to late twenties, the same age as she, walked in. Ruth frowned when she saw the man walk directly towards the youngsters. She frowned because she had just finished reading a cautionary article in The American Library Journal. The article was all about a new type of sexual deviants who used the library as a fishing ground for young boys.

Ruth’s suspicions were further heightened when the man seemed to focus on a particular boy. The boy was small in stature and walked with a pronounced limp. Ruth stood up and quickly followed when the man and boy disappeared into the stacks. Ruth did not find the pair right off, because they turned the opposite way she figured they would. Instead of finding them in teen and children’s (young adult fiction, alphabetical by author) books, she found them in arts and artists (Dewey decimal classification 700). Ruth knew her instincts were correct when the man appeared to be pointing to a picture in a coffee table art book titled The Sensuous Nudes of Peter Paul Rubens.

Tommy really liked the library, even without the nudie picture book. He couldn’t believe it took him so long to agree to go there with Bucky. He would find out where the western story books were located, and maybe check one out as soon as Bucky finished showing him the pictures of naked ladies. The pictures were great; they were making his tallywhacker hard. Bucky was showing him a picture where the woman’s naked breasts were really big, when someone suddenly cleared their throat. Both boys looked up quickly, and blanched at the stern looking woman standing in front of them. Bucky dropped the book as if it were radio active. The woman pointed at Bucky.

“Pick that up, put it back on the shelf and go home,” she ordered.

Bucky gulped, nodded and with trembling hands, put the book away. As soon as the tome slid into its slot, Bucky hustled out the door.

When the young boy was safely out of the library, Ruth turned her baleful glare on Tommy.

“Okay you, what are you doing here?” Ruth asked in her rudest New York voice.

The mean acting woman had Tommy quaking in his boots. The fear caused Tommy to lose the ability to speak. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. He licked his lips and tried again.

Ruth took the man’s discomfort and silence as an admission of guilt.

“Cat got your tongue? Doesn’t matter, because I think I had better let the sheriff handle this,” she hissed.

Her statement put Tommy in even more of a panic. She was calling the sheriff on him because he was looking at naked pictures. He just knew he was going to prison. He gave a strangled moan and started sobbing. Ruth was nonplussed by the wailing sobs from the grown man, and flinched back a step. The other two kids that came into the library with Bucky were edging towards the entry door, trying to leave unnoticed.

That was the tableau that greeted Betty Lou Grimes when she stormed through the door, Bucky holding tightly to her hand. Betty Lou had been across the street at the Piggly Wiggly. She had been loading her groceries into her car when her distraught son ran up and told her about the librarian. When Betty Lou came in, the other kids hightailed it out the door.

Ruth recognized the woman as one of the tellers at the Brantley bank. She felt a flush of pride that she had probably saved the woman’s child from molestation. However, Betty Lou’s reaction was anything but grateful.

“What did you do to him?” Betty Lou yelled as she stomped towards Tommy and the librarian.

The angry look the woman was directing at her caused Ruth a few seconds confusion.

“I stopped him from luring your son into who knows what deviant behavior,” Ruth primly replied.

Betty Lou stopped dead in her tracts, and if possible, she became even angrier. She gritted her teeth and willed herself to calm down for the boys’ sake. She managed to put on a soothing smile and addressed Tommy.

“Everything is all right, Tommy. You’re not in any trouble. Why don’t you and Bucky go outside and play with Rex.”

Tommy’s face took on a look of relief so heartfelt, it was almost comical. He still could not control his speech, so he jerked his head up and down and bolted for the door.

As soon as the door swung closed behind Tommy and Bucky, the smile dropped off Betty Lou’s face, and she rounded on Ruth. She was still madder than hell, but she had control of herself now.

“Explain yourself, Miss Silverman,” she snapped.

Ruth cited the magazine article and regurgitated her suspicions about the grown man’s conduct. She even threw in her perception that the man had as much as admitted it by the way he reacted when confronted.

Betty Lou looked at Ruth as if the librarian was insane.

“That man is a highly decorated former Army Officer. He suffered a serious brain injury in Vietnam, and is mentally the same age as my son. Yet, even with that against him, he still has a job and is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. He is also my ward, and my son’s very best friend. You have done a cruel and hurtful thing here, today.”

Betty Lou spun on her heels and stalked out of the library before Ruth could say another word. Ruth could actually feel the color drain from her face as she watched Betty Lou’s retreating back. Good Lord, what had she done?

Tommy was over the incident at the library by late Saturday afternoon. He was in the backyard, giving Rex a bath and thinking about supper. It being Saturday meant that Betty Lou was cooking Bucky and Tommy’s favorite meal, chicken fried steak, lumpy mashed potatoes, with biscuits and gravy. Tommy had just finished rinsing the flea shampoo off the incredible Rex, when Regina came out the back door.

“Someone is here to see you, Creep,” she said.

Tommy looked perplexed.

“Who is it?” he asked.

“The woman from the library, she and mom are in the parlor talking. Why are you wasting your time on that mutt? He’ll never be anything except ugly and stupid, just like you.”

Regina recoiled at the look Tommy shot her and she cringed when he spoke.

“I don’t know why I ever thought you were attractive, because you are nothing but a vindictive bitch,” he snapped angrily.

Regina turned and fled into the house while Tommy finished toweling Rex. Regina was stunned at Tommy’s steely voice and hateful choice of words. Actually, Tommy was stunned too. The words just popped out of his head and into his mouth. As he sat and thought about it, he wasn’t even sure what ‘vindictive’ meant. He knew it was mean to call her the b-word, but she was even meaner for calling Rex ugly and stupid. Tommy sighed and walked into the back door with Rex. He did not know what the library lady wanted, but with Betty Lou in the house, he knew he was safe.

Ruth Silverman was seated on an overstuffed Chesterfield in Betty Lou’s parlor, the one room in the house reserved for company. Betty Lou was sitting on the matching sofa. Ruth had come to the house on Spring Street to apologize to Tommy. She had found Betty Lou Grimes’s phone number and address in the master card file at the library. Ruth had called Betty Lou an hour ago to apologize, and to ascertain Tommy’s last name. Betty Lou accepted the heartfelt apology and agreed completely with what the librarian wanted to do.

Tommy walked into the parlor as the two women were chatting. The room was off limits to Rex, so the yellow dog stopped and sat down in the doorway. Tommy hesitated for a second, and then walked over to where the librarian was sitting. Tommy held out his hand, palm turned slightly to the side like his Momma taught him.

“Good evening, Ma’am, my name is Tommy Bledsoe,” he said.

Tommy’s parents had been sticklers on the subject of manners. As a result, politeness was ingrained with Tommy. Ruth Silverman’s eyebrows rose in surprise at the gesture, but she lightly pressed her hand into his. Betty Lou beamed in pride from her perch on the sofa.

“Ruth Silverman, and I am pleased to meet you,” Ruth formally replied.

Tommy dropped her hand and waved towards Rex.

“This is my dog Rex, he’s not allowed in here even when he is clean. Say hello to Miss Silverman, Rex.”

Rex gave a woof and thumped his tail on the floor.

Ruth smiled at the dog, her smile an event as rare as snow in July, then turned her attention back to Tommy.

“Mister Bledsoe, I am so sorry about how I acted today. It was rude and it was wrong. Please know that it will never happen again, and that you are welcome at the library anytime. Because you left before you could get your library card, I made one for you,” she said as she handed him the card with his name typed on it.

It was Tommy’s turn to smile as he took the card and read it.

“You mean I can check out books all by myself?” he asked in disbelief.

When Ruth replied yes, Tommy thanked her profusely and proudly put the card in his wallet with his military’s Retired ID card, and his social security card. The card meant more to Tommy than the privileges it granted him at the library. To Tommy, the card was another accomplishment that proved he wasn’t as stupid as people thought.

As a result of that fateful Saturday, Betty Lou and Ruth became friends; Tommy started to use the library regularly, and Regina started treating Tommy worse than ever. However, the most important result of all was that Tommy came into contact with Ruth Silverman at least two or three times a week.

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The city of Reignam is a dark, crime filled land of isolation. A city on the water in the outskirts of the United States. The streets are dirty and gang warfare runs rampant. Two major gangs run the underground: the South Side Triad, an all Asian gang led by Zhèng Jah, a Chinese woman with telepathic powers, and the Sons of Sorrow, an all men biker gang with a live free mentality, jointly led by Ryan Tracker, a weapons expert,  Ken Tran-Lee, a shapeshifter, and Warren Winchester, gifted with...

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IHaveAWife Cassidy Banks 22671

“Give me what I need, and I’ll give you what you need.” Charles hasn’t heard that in a LONG time, especially from a horny, busty chick like Cassidy Banks! He stops by her house asking her to sign a petition to keep the city from replacing a local park with a strip mall. But the thing is, Cassidy likes strip malls…but she also likes dick! Charles has the cock that she wants, and she has the signature that he wants, so…boom! Cassidy accidentally spills water on her top, so out burst her big...

3 years ago
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Meeting Bree Ch 03

Vic bent over Angie’s prone form, smiling down at her, ‘I almost hate to move you,’ he said, taking a moment to kiss her lips again. Angie returned the kiss and stretched, her body moving sinuously. ‘Didn’t someone mention a bath?’ She asked, smiling up at her lover. ‘I most certainly did,’ Vic replied and bent to gather her in his arms, picking her up effortlessly from the bed. Angie squealed as he picked her up, ‘What are you doing?’ She laughed, ‘I could hurt your back.’ Vic just looked...

1 year ago
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A Figure To Die For

A Figure to Die For Wednesday 21:30 David held the heavy glass in his upturned hand. He swirled the last drop of whisky and watched the golden light play around the bottom of the crystal glass. He knew he had drunk too much and it was time to go home. He'd stayed longer in the bar than he'd intended, but then there was nothing to rush home for. Jane was out of town for another five days - her new job meant a training course in the country. Glancing up from his thoughts,...

1 year ago
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Dr Tuber aka Dr. Tuber? Is this some kind of porn doctor? Well, porn tubes usually have a little bit of everything. It’s like a buffet of bitches. Asian chicks? Check. BDSM? Got that too. Oh, what about amateur content? Oh, hell yeah, you know they have that shit. But there are a lot of porn tubes out there, and some are a lot better than others. All too often free porn tubes don’t have the best content, have way too many ads, and a bad design. I don’t have one of those sites for you today. I...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Togetherness MChapter 8 Every

Andy Trainor found the rest of the week of Spring Break fun, but less fun than the first half had been. Marilyn seemed distracted when he wanted to cuddle while they were dressed, and – in bed -- insisted that he come into her after she’d had only two climaxes under his hand or mouth. They didn’t try anything more in front of the mirror or with her on top. It was a far cry from celibacy, but it was more restricted than he had hoped for from the week. The pleasure of discussing their future...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 19

Saturday I woke up and started hitting the books again. D&D books that is. I would go through the Monster Manual for a bit, then write out the next section, then look up some treasure items or making some up myself by the time 3 rolled along I had things pretty well laid out I thought.This was a follow-up to my first adventure, which was both to get an idea how it played out in an adventure, as well as an introduction to this one. Now they would have to trace the orcs back to their lair and...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 27 Its Quiet

Dec. 12th, 2018 I’ve been completely off the old med and on the new for about 2 days now. The flatness has disappeared and my anxiety level is higher. The migraine pain is more noticeable but still tolerable. The speech issues are about the same. Ditto with the cognitive. Though I am detecting a little loosening around the edges and a little more freedom in thought. So that’s good. It will still take a while for my body to acclimate to the meds to really tell. My wife and I had a little...

4 years ago
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Sleepover Party

So my friend, Nora, and I have been really good friends since like 5th grade. In October of senior year of high school we decided to have a sleepover with another one of our friends, Anne. I have thought since I was about 13 that I am bisexual, but I had never really been sure. we would always flirt and stuff, but it was just silly things for laughs. I am pretty sedentary, but look okay with 36C cups, small waist, nice back, and an ass that I personally think is way too big, but have been told...

3 years ago
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fun by the pool

It was the hottest day in recent history and I was melting away. We had just arrived at our special hotel and couldn’t wait to go to the swimming pool? We hurriedly got changed in our swim gear and headed down... In minutes we were out in the sun on our towels covered in cream and relaxing by the pool. We were excited by our first visit here as we had heard lots of good things and as we sat there we watched the crowd fill in. We had come quite early in the morning and found a nice, shadowy...

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Sexy Boy And Mature Man In The Park 8211 Part 3

Hi readers, this is the third part of my story about the erotic sexual experience with a young boy whom I met in the park. Without any delay, let’s continue. We had just finished showering and I had carried him with his thighs gripping my waist and my cock rubbing his ass crack. As I rimmed him, he asked to be fucked. Hearing the cute boy made me go hard as a rock. I turned him around and as we kissed, I lowered myself between his raised knees. The head of my cock slid along his throbbing cock...

Gay Male
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Three Homes House One 2

As I mentioned before, from the time I was 13 to the time I was 18 my mom and I moved three times. Because we moved a lot, and because I knew that we would be moving again, I usually did not get too attached to the neighborhood we lived in. Still, in the tidy neighborhood on the edge of the city I had already watched one of my neighbors fuck her husband in the shower, and fucked my other neighbor, Miriam. Over the next few weeks after I fucked Miriam, I did not get the opportunity to...

2 years ago
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Jared gets Caught

Oh what a day from hell. Or should I say week. I have been sick for almost 2 weeks and finally broke down and went to the doctor, only to get news I wasn’t expecting. Then I came back to my boss getting on my ass for a file she couldn’t find, and too top it off I haven’t hardly seen Jared my boyfriend all week. So I was looking forward to seeing Jared after work, and I so need to tell him our news. Even though I knew he wouldn’t be happy about the news. I had tried a couple times that day to...

2 years ago
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Ambers Rape Fantasy

Anyway, one of these fantasies is a rape fantasy. When I told Alex, he was all for it. In fact, he’d told me he had the same fantasy. We were just too perfect for each other. “If we do it, I want it to be as realistic as possible,” he said to me. “I know,” I responded. “Me too.” “That means I want you to hurt me as you struggle.” “That goes both ways,” I said, looking him dead in the eye. He wasn’t entirely sure what I meant. “I want you to hurt me as you rape me.” It took him a...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 12: GIRL TIMEWe were all soaked to the skin after the exposure to the storm. I settled the boys in for the rest of the night after rewarding them with the leftover meatballs from a recent spaghetti dinner, despite Adrian’s playful protests. I equally playfully offered that he could take them away, if he really wanted them.The three of us were headed for the upstairs for hot showers and bed when Sylvia emptied her pocket in the kitchen, finding the business card Rosa had given me....

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Peggys SurpriseChapter 7

I went and took a shower. I had so many things going threw my mind, I stood there thinking of everything that happen to me in a little over 24 hours. Then the money popped into the picture. I had $5,000.00 in cash that worked out to $2,500.00 a day, over 30 days that will be $75,000.00 and for 6 months very close to $500,000.00. This in itself is very mind-boggling. On top of the money, I experienced sexual pleasure like I had never known before in my life. It was dirty; it was nasty, very...

3 years ago
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Magic and Malice at the Movies The Conclusion

MAGIC AND MALICE AT THE MOVIES A GENDER SWAP TALE Rachel Rose Parker Mr Williams has trapped Joey in the job (and in his clutches) by altering her reality even further and all because Stephanie and she were developing their relationship in new ways... How are they going to find their way out of this nightmare and back into their old lives?! Sorry for the delay in posting, it's been a manic time, but in return for your wait, why don't you enjoy... THE CONCLUSION of Magic...

4 years ago
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Twisted stepsister Vll Summer Fun

As you know drivers Ed started on Monday, I got up a 5am to be ready when the instructor arrives at 6am. The instructor is Coach Jenkins the basketball coach so things will not as bad as I thought. I had to dress up because at 11:30am we will be at Dans office for his introduction and promotion press conference. They also will be serving lunch so the coach gest a freebee today. The Coach picks me up and we drive over to a driving range they use to see just what I know. I get to drive around the...

2 years ago
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Godless and Faithless2 Ch 1

In the now crowded brothel, Axel sat with his own full mug of devil’s water, brooding over the events since he was summoned to this world. Almost from the beginning, he and his best friend Rayner had been embroiled in conflict, battling goblins, Inimi soldiers, bandits, and even dragons. All he wanted now was to slip into obscurity and keep a low profile. Too much attention brought the wrong kind of scrutiny. People would start asking dangerous questions about them. Questions they could not...

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Chelseas First TimeChapter 3

It was just about noontime. Drowsy from smoking marijuana and a morning's worth of sex play, Gwen and I rested on a couch in the living room of her parent's big Victorian house wearing nothing but bathrobes. Totally relaxed, she had placed her head on my lap and lay there fast asleep. Earlier, Gwen had assured me that her fourteen year old sister Chelsea was attending a full day at school, so we were unaware that classes were scheduled to be let out early. We assumed that the house was ours...

4 years ago
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Fate of a Jewish Family

Fate of a Jewish FamilyBy  Sonya  EsperantoAuthor’s  Note:This is the first time I am doing a story that is set in the past,  in a time of history,  in the Second World War.  I have watched a lot of films and documentaries  about the Nazis occupying Europe,  the Holocaust ( the Nazi extermination of Europe’s Jewish population,   at  around  6  million ),  the fate of other groups of people ( gypsies, Slavs,  communists  etc )  and  other  brutal  things  that  had  occurred  under  Hitler’s ...

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JulesJordan Jarushka Ross Doesn8217t Speak English But We Know Big Tits Is A Universal Language

Jarushka Ross is a pain in Chris Streams’ butt.. so since he can’t translate what this hot MILF is saying, Manuel steps in and gets paid in her trade. The tattooed blonde speaks the same fuck language he does and the rest is just smooth sailing. Well, it’s not exactly smooth, it’s actually pretty rough, and that’s how this foreign minx likes it. She gets titty and mouth fucked but needs more – so he gives it to her. Those beautiful pussy lips open up for that...


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