Honkytonk HeroChapter 3
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Harold Fricke shared Tommy’s request with his wife as they drove home from church. He wasn’t about to do anything that Rita disapproved of, at least not where Tommy was concerned. Especially not since Tommy started calling her Momma Rita. Harold did not worry about the conversation bothering or embarrassing Rita, even though it was about sexual matters. Prim and proper in public, Rita Maude Fricke was a wanton hellion in the privacy of her bedroom.
Rita was not as surprised by Tommy’s request as her husband had been. In fact, she had pretty much expected it, although Tommy was asking a little earlier than she had anticipated. She chalked that up to Betty Lou’s daughter getting stirred into the mix. She already knew about Tommy’s date last night, because Ruth had called her first thing this morning. Ruth’s reluctant admission that she was so inexperienced was the one thing that really surprised her. Who would have thought that a liberal peace and love New Yorker would still be a virgin at the age of twenty-six?
Harold had been right to suggest that a woman should teach Tommy all about sex, but that woman sure wasn’t going to be Conchita Delgado, no matter how qualified she was. No, the person to teach Tommy needed to be someone who loved him and would be considerate and understanding of his special circumstances. Rita grinned, thinking that she, herself, was the perfect someone. Too bad she was a one man woman. There was someone else, though, that was almost as perfect. She was even pretty sure that Margie Wilcox would not be a bit against the idea, judging by her comments the night of the VFW dinner-dance. All they needed was a plan. She picked up the phone and called Margie to rectify that.
While Rita was on the phone with Margie, Tommy was in Melody’s bedroom playing spin the bottle with Melody and Regina. The game was Melody’s idea, and she had prepared for it in advance. The game was simple, the person who spun the bottle and the one it landed on went into Melody’s closet for three minutes of anything they wanted. The person left out kept the time. Melody had even cleaned off the floor of the closet and thrown down a couple of quilts. Melody and Regina liked the idea because the dark closet would make everyone less inhibited, while the time limit would keep things from getting out of hand. Tommy loved the idea because at least half of the time he was going to be in a dark closet with a pretty and adventuresome girl.
Melody was correct about them being less inhibited in the dark closet. Tommy was aware of that as soon as Melody impatiently pulled him into the closet for the first time. Once inside, she put her lips to his ear and whispered to him.
“Do anything you can think of, Tommy. I’ll tell you if I don’t like it.”
Melody’s plan seemed excellent in theory, but the execution turned out to be slightly frustrating, especially for Tommy. See, Melody and Regina, both being girls, at least knew what felt good to them, so they could try it on each other. Tommy did not know what they liked, and clumsily pawed at the girls in the dark closet, and they did not know enough about boys to know what he liked. The next time it was his turn to spin the bottle, he made a suggestion that changed everything.
“Hey, let’s do something different. How about if the person the bottle chooses shows me how to make them feel good? That way I’m not just fumbling around.”
When the bottle stopped at Melody, she smiled and shivered in excitement. Everything she’d hoped for was coming to pass. She jumped up and shocked the hell out of Tommy and Regina by shucking out of her blouse and skirt to stand proudly naked in front of them.
“This is so much better than getting groped in the backseat of some dork’s car,” she sighed huskily as she flopped back on her bed.
Tommy went home an hour later, but the girls stayed to ‘talk’ some more they said. By the time Tommy returned to his room, he was much more familiar with a woman’s intimate anatomy, having received a guided tour of both Regina and Melody’s nubile young bodies. He was very proud that he had made both of them climax with his fingers, following the instructions they gave him. He was also happy with the orgasms they gave him. It was much better when a pretty girl rubbed one out than when he did it himself.
Harold kept his promise to Tommy Monday afternoon, when things had finally quieted down at the feed store. He did that by driving Tommy over to the Walgreens located in the Brownwood Mall. Tommy wasn’t the least bit embarrassed as they stood in front of the contraceptives display, while Harold explained the pros and cons of various means of pregnancy and disease prevention. Tommy was not embarrassed, because he didn’t know he should have been. To him, it was the same as Rita helping him pick out a suit.
Surprisingly, it was Rita who finally gave him the lecture on losing one’s virginity. She did it because she felt Tommy would do better if he knew what it was like from the woman’s perspective. Besides, both Rita and Harold knew Tommy would take whatever Rita told him as the absolute gospel truth.
One unexpected, but very pleasant, result of educating Tommy was a revival of the Fricke’s love life. For their age, Rita and Harold would have already been considered very active. With this thing with Tommy going on, they were going at it as if they were teenagers.
Betty Lou Grimes received a telephone call from Margie Wilcox while Tommy was at the library Monday night. Margie was calling to let Betty Lou know that Tommy needed to come in to the medical center for a check-up, since he’d been out of the hospital over six months. Margie said the tests were routine, but necessary. Margie also casually mentioned that Tommy could stay at her place so he would not have to be by himself.
Betty Lou passed the word on to Tommy that night. Margie would be picking him up on Wednesday afternoon, and bringing him back sometime Saturday.
Betty Lou also called Rita and filled her in. Rita smiled when she heard the plan. Margie was a smart and resourceful woman. She was going to be a big asset to McCulloch County, once she was out of the Army and settled here. Margie had signed on to Rita’s idea about Tommy’s sexual education quickly and completely. The idea of seducing Tommy excited the tall statuesque nurse to no end. Margie’s excitement was fueled by equal parts of love and lust.
Betty Lou did not understand why she was so sad about Tommy going to San Antonio. After all, it was only for a few days. But sad she was as she stood by his bed Tuesday night and helped him pack the suitcase on it. Tommy picked up on her somber mood as she packed a shirt neatly into the suitcase. He stepped over behind her and put his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him tightly. This reverse hug was different from any others they had ever shared. She stiffened in his arms then sagged back against him.
“I’m going to miss you,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.
He kissed the top of her head and put his lips near her ear.
“I’m going to miss you, too,” he said softly. “But I’ll be home Saturday.”
She nodded and unexpectedly spun around in his encircling arms. Then she shocked both of them by planting a desperately intense kiss on his lips. It was the most forward thing she’d ever done in her sheltered life. When she pulled back and looked at him, a tear was sliding down her cheek.
“You better be, Mister Bledsoe, because I suddenly can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
Tommy nodded and gently wiped her tear away with his thumb.
Margaret Wilcox arrived in Brantley at noon on Wednesday. She had lunch with Rita at the Bluebonnet, then headed over to Betty Lou’s to pick up Tommy. By one-fifteen, they were rocketing down the road towards San Antonio. In contrast to Ruth’s little VW Beetle, Margie drove a big four door 1969 Thunderbird luxoboat. It even had ‘suicide’ rear doors just like a Lincoln. Tommy loved that car. He thought it matched Margie’s personality perfectly.
They cruised into San Antonio around five-thirty in the afternoon. Margie stopped at a pizza place and picked them up a large pepperoni pie to go, before heading home. Margie’s place was a mile from the gates of Fort Sam Houston and two miles from the big medical center.
As soon as they polished off the pie, Margie gave Tommy some forms and medical questionnaires.
“I brought this paperwork home for you to fill out so your day will go faster tomorrow, and also so I could help you if you needed it,” she said.
The hospital appointments were part of a full re-evaluation of Tommy’s case for which Margie had lobbied. She had to call in a few favors and promise one date to a psychologist, but she eventually made it happen.
She explained all that to Tommy.
“Tommy, I arranged for these tests and interviews tomorrow to get your status changed with the Veterans’ Affairs and the retirement branch. As it stands now, you are permanently medically retired for a mental disability that keeps you from holding a meaningful job. We both know that’s not the case. You also don’t need that ‘mentally disabled’ label stuck to you when it obviously doesn’t apply.
“I believe you should be placed on the Temporarily Disabled Retired List with the cause listed as resolving head trauma. Being on the TDRL means you are reexamined every few years and a determination is made to keep you on the list or change your separation code to Medically Discharged. You’ll lose some of your disability compensation, but I know you wouldn’t want it if you weren’t qualified for it anyway, right?”
Tommy emphatically shook his head.
“Heck no, I don’t need it anyway. Did you know I’m the warehouse manager of the feed store now?”
Margie gave him a smile and a kiss on the cheek. She loved how he was boyishly enthusiastic one minute and grown-up serious the next. She hoped he never lost that.
“I’m very proud of you, Baby, congratulations!” she said.
They slogged on the paperwork together until Margie stood up at about eight o’clock.
“I’m going to take a quick shower. When I finish, you can jump in next.”
Tommy absent mindedly acknowledged her as he reached for the last two forms.
Fifteen minutes later, Margie called out the shower was all his, so he went to her guest room and pulled out his pajamas and a clean pair of Jockeys and headed towards the bathroom. He was in and out of the shower in fifteen minutes, including brushing his teeth. He pulled open the bathroom door and started to walk out, when he saw Margie standing in the doorway of her bedroom, holding a wine glass. He stopped dead in his tracks and his jaw almost literally dropped to the floor. Tommy’s first thought was that he had never seen a woman look as beautiful or as sexy as Margie did in her diaphanous white nightgown.
Margie gave him a coy smile as he stood there dumbstruck. She hadn’t seen Tommy when he wasn’t wearing a shirt for almost a year. She had to admit that he had filled out nicely since he was a patient up on the ward. She leaned back against the door frame in a sultry pose, and gestured with her hand so his eyes traveled down her negligee.
“Like it?” she asked unnecessarily.
Tommy’s fixated eyes finally blinked, then he gulped and bobbed his head up and down.
“You are s-sp-spectacular,” he stammered.
Margie took a sip of her wine and held her hand out to him.
“I’m glad you like it, baby, because I wore it just for you. And in a little while I’m going to let you take it off me and demonstrate what a fast learner you really are,” she said seductively.
Tommy followed her into the bedroom, eager as a puppy. Margie gracefully sat on the edge of her queen sized bed and gestured Tommy towards her. When he was in front of her, she deftly reached into his pajama bottom and fished out his dick. Margie cooed at the size of him. He’d felt substantial when they danced, but in her hand he felt even larger.
Tommy’s knees almost buckled when she touched him, then his eyes flew open and he tried to take a step backwards.
“We can’t do this. I did not bring any rubbers, so I can’t protect you,” he yelped.
Margie tightened her grip on him so he couldn’t get away and smiled. Rita certainly had trained him well in that regard.
“No problem Baby, I’m on the pill, so I’m protected. Now come here.”
She reeled a willing Tommy towards her by tugging on his throbbing hardness. When he was in the correct position, Margie leaned forward and without any sort of warning, engulfed his shaft in her mouth. Tommy’s head spun when she did that and his knees sagged involuntarily. He felt as though he was on the verge of slipping back into a coma.
Margie and Tommy walked into the Grimes’ house at three-thirty Saturday afternoon. Margie said hello to everyone and goodbye to Tommy, then dashed back to her car. She was in a hurry so she could get back to San Antonio early enough to get some sleep before her Sunday tour of duty at the hospital. She also hustled away so she would not show how much she was going to miss Tommy. She had, however, let Tommy know that fact on the ride from the Frickes’. “I’m going to miss you like crazy,...
Tommy rushed home after work so he could show his truck to everyone. Regina seemed as excited by the vehicle as he was. “This is far out Tommy, if Melody can come over later, will you take us for a ride?” Tommy instantly agreed, “Sure Reggie, meanwhile, I’ll take Bucky and Rex for a spin.” It was a toss-up as to who was happier, as the three amigos motored sedately through Brantley. Bucky and Rex both ended up riding shotgun as Rex sat in Bucky’s lap with his head out the window....
As soon as Harold Fricke sat down at his desk after lunch, he saw the envelope Tommy had left in the middle of his blotter. He opened the envelope, pulled out the check, realized what it was and sat back in his chair with a grunt. “Rita Maude, what do you know about this?” he asked, waving the check in the air. Rita walked over to his desk and plucked the check out of his hand. She gave it the once-over, her eyebrows arched in surprise. “I don’t know a thing about it, but it’s drawn...
Caroline Fricke was not swayed by the gentle chiding she received from her mother concerning Tommy Bledsoe. Maybe the man wasn’t another Lennie Small from “Of Mice and Men”, but there was certainly something suspicious about how he had waltzed into town and insinuated himself into her parents’ life. Not to mention he had seduced a number of town women. Maybe, she thought, he was another Charles Manson, the crazy eyed guru just arrested a few days ago for being involved in the murder of...
The VFW hall was packed with members and guests for the annual Christmas party. The Frickes and their friends were sitting at three tables pushed together just off the edge of the dance floor. Sitting at the tables were the usual cast of characters. Rita and Harold were there of course, and so was their daughter Caroline. Ben and Cricket Crawford were sitting across from Ramon and Theresa Salazar. Tommy sat at the end of the table with new VFW member Margie Wilcox. Margie had served a six...
Tommy smiled in relief when Rita told him he was merely restrained instead of paralyzed. He would have figured it out on his own as soon as he was completely awake anyway, but knowing early saved him from any more panic. “Is everyone else okay?” he asked worriedly. “Everyone else is just fine, Sweetie. Conchita went for coffee, but she’ll be back in a minute. Harold took Caroline home to get some rest. They’ll be back later today. Margaret went to Fort Sam to fetch your doctor from...
Ruth Silverman returned from New York City on the Tuesday after New Years. She’d had to wait until Tuesday because of all the college kids traveling on Sunday and Monday. She picked up her Volkswagen at the long term parking facility at the Dallas airport and sedately chugged towards Brantley. Her forty-five horse powered bug was not exactly burning up the pavement. As she drove, she had time to reflect on her visit with her parents. All in all, she admitted to herself, it had been a nice...
Betty Lou relayed Otto’s message to Tommy that night at supper. Tommy smiled big at the thought of being able to buy the ranch without spending all his savings. Tommy promise to take everyone to visit the place before he committed to it, and the conversation shifted to the next thing on Betty Lou’s mind. “So Regina, your birthday is less than a week away. It’s going to be difficult to find a gift for you after the haul you made at Christmas. Got any ideas?” Regina smiled sweetly and...
After church on the Sunday following the visit to their new place, Connie and Tommy started cleaning the house. Ruth wasn’t there, because she had to work at the library. They had not been at it more than thirty minutes, before the Frickes, Crawfords and Salazars showed up with cleaning equipment to help. Having such good friends plastered a smile on Tommy’s face a mile wide. With four couples working, the house was spic and span in only a few hours. Tommy enjoyed razzing the other men at...
The first leg of Tommy and Connie’s road trip was a two hour jaunt south on US Highway 84 to the newly completed section of Interstate 10. Tommy merged eastbound on the Interstate and motored to San Antonio. Sections of Interstate 10 were still under construction, so they spent as much time on US 90 as they did the Interstate. They rolled into San Antonio at noon and stopped for a leisurely lunch at the Officers Club at Brooke Army Medical Center. It was early in their travels for a lengthy...
Tommy and Connie stayed in good spirits as they made the drive westward towards Lafayette and the Hotel Arcenaux. They once again split the driving duties and with some cajoling from Connie, Tommy actually drove a few miles an hour over the speed limit. They made even better time on the return trip and pulled up to the hotel at seven that evening. Pierre met them in the parking lot again, this time his sudden appearance didn’t startle Tommy. Pierre seemed genuinely happy to see them as he...
Tommy showed up for work at seven-thirty on the Monday morning after his vacation, refreshed and relaxed, even though he’d only slept for four hours. His vacation had been great, but he was glad to be home. He was the first one in that morning, so he unlocked the side door to the warehouse and he and Rex slipped inside. Tommy heaved a satisfied sigh as surveyed his realm, noting with pleasure that it was almost as neat and orderly as when he’d left. He went to his locker, shed his jacket...
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I suppose I was the one that first mentioned porn to Nikki. We’d been chatting on a girls’ night out and laughed abut how I’d never found any porn in the house. She giggled and said I was bound to find some sooner or later – all men had some, somewhere. A few days later, I’d completely forgotten our drunken conversation and so when Nikki showed up at mine after you’d gone out with your friends, I was surprised when she mentioned it. We’d both had a few glasses of wine at that point and when...
This is my personal homage to Georgette Heyer, the doyenne of romantic comedy writing. Of course, my take on the Regency period is very different from hers, but she has written very astutely and sympathetically about the equivocal position of secretaries, stewards, housekeepers and governesses in noble households, and I have unashamedly taken a leaf from her book. Alas I have not her wit and humour nor her gift for wonderful, sparkling dialogue, but I comfort myself that she was halfway...
CHAPTER 3“We’re still on for dinner tonight? You’ll let me know what you think of my idea?” I nodded at him and I know I blushed. His idea seemed outrageous. His idea was the most exciting thing I had ever considered.“I will pick you up here at 6:30. Wear THAT dress.” My eyes opened wide and he nodded. Then he left. I stepped back into the apartment and closed the door, leaning against it and suddenly realized I had been standing in the open doorway naked as I saw him off. God, I have never...
When I got there I realized that practically my whole class was there. It wasn’t that warm seeing as it was November, I had came with my friend Tristan and just coming from the golf course. She had a pool with a hot tub so I was lucky to a bathing suit in my car. Everyone was just hanging out, playing beer pong and just hammered. Than it seemed at one moment everyone went for the pool or hot tub. I decided not to go because Price wasn’t going at the time and I wanted to try and get an...
I know Abbie has already told you how this all began and how I have to take the credit or the blame, depending on how you look at it, for how this whole complicated mess got started. To be honest, I'd probably do everything exactly the same way if I had it do to over again. It's just so confusing, though! Even now, I'm not sure how I feel about all the changes in my role in the neighborhood or how all these young men are behaving around me. Of course, my behavior and my attitude have changed...
Misty stood in front of the long mirror looking at her deformed body and softly caressed her swollen stomach. 'Maybe your bull-headed Daddy will see how much he hates being lonely and come find us, ' she smiled seeing a small droplet of moisture on her left nipple. 'What the hell?' Misty said running her finger under it and then to her mouth. 'Oh my Lord, ' she laughed out licking her lips. 'Milk anyone!' Misty laughed giving each of her full breasts a good, firm squeeze watching the...
Paul sat in his favorite easy chair in the living room. On the table next to him was a half empty glass of scotch; the ice cubes had melted long ago. He had finally calmed down enough so that he could go over in his mind the events of early this evening. He had come to the bar tonight to celebrate the completion of one journey and beginning of a new one. He had been awe-struck at the show that Angel had put on. Knowing that this was the woman that he woke up next to every morning made it...
My first gay sex experience was not until I was 22. I knew I was gay but being very shy it took me a long time to get around to doing something about it. I took the bus to work and used to eye off a spunky guy who caught the bus at the same stop as me. Eventually I joined a gay social club and was persuaded to go to a “gay church” – who should I meet but the guy from the bus. His name was Hugh and he was 19. He recognised me from the bus and we got chatting, he suggested we get together and...
First TimeJason thought swim practice camps were tough. At best they had ten hours of practice per day, sometimes theory to boot. He loved swimming, but the hunger, exhaustion and soreness of his muscles after working out the whole day sometimes made him reconsider his choice of sport. Jason strolled with the other guys towards the showers from the swimming pools located outside. The footsteps of their naked feet echoed in the hallway; no one talked, everyone was too tired. Jason took off his...
You got undressed and stepped into the shower, the water heating a little more as it fell against your back. You relaxed as the water ran down your body. You heard the bathroom door open, then close. I pressed my hands against your shoulders, moving them down your shoulder blades, then across your spine. You shivered at my touch, my hands slowly caressing your warm flesh. ‘Let me soap you up.’ I took the bar of soap from the shelf, and then rubbed the bar across your smooth back. You...
There I was sitting in the instrument lab of Sampson University, running the sixth of what would be ten trials. There was a hell of a storm outside, but you wouldn’t know it from here in the fishbowl. You can lose track of time, as well as any semblance of connection to the outside world, in this brick room in the center of the building, filled with all manner of instruments used by the chemistry department. The room is officially named the advanced chemistry instrument lab, but everyone calls...
Kim logged into the chat room. What did she feel like tonight. A soak in "The Hot Tub"? To plunge into the "Dungeon"? To role play? Then she saw a room she had never ventured into before. "The Fantasy Room". She clicked on the icon and entered. " Hello Kimuk. Do you have a fantasy to share?". Kim laughed at the screen. " Not here " she typed. Immediately she revived 4 private messages . The one which caught her eye was from Dark stranger. " Hello Kimuk. Tell me? Your secret is safe with me"...
Prelude My name is Marcus. I am a mercenary commander, a leader of a band of misfits, outsiders, and those who do not belong to what the majority say a normal world. From a rugged untried professionals, my regiment became the most feared, and effective mercenary units in the world. It is not the size of the organization that matters. It was the equipment, quality of men, training, experience, discipline, and sheer will power that have allowed my mercenary regiment to rise up in its current...
100% fiction! One Saturday night and I was awake again. I had a long damn week. I was tired. It's 4 in the morning! Now I was awake again because my slut of a mother is being loud in her bedroom. I never saw anyone come in, and never saw anyone leave.But the noises! Partially muffled by the pounding techno music my mother somehow produced, I primarily heard the woman. I rarely heard my mother moan. Momentarily questioning my angry actions, I stopped in front of my mother's bedroom door. The...
IncestSo its another cold winter night and I have been out late shoveling the walkways, the driveway, helping out the neighbors and then having a quick couple of beers with a couple of neighborhood guys. I am cold and wet, but after the beers I am feeling a little horny and wondering what my beautiful and sexxy girlfriend is doing inside the warm house. As I open the side door to the house I am struck first by the warmth, then by the fragrance of candles and only the light from the candles. I am...
AnalOk this story would have been impossible for me to write if I had not done something wrong from the very beginning, I saved my chat logs from conversations with my sister. My sister and I are both divorced and live near each other. Our boys are the same age and go to the same school. In my defense (which I know is non existent) I saved the chat logs to prove later on that all this was my sisters fault. Every time we got in trouble while growing up my sister always blamed me, and I always knew...
Greg Anderton had quite the growth spurt over the summer -- he had finally hit puberty. He was an extremely late bloomer for some unknown reason. His peers were nearly fully developed, the boys sporting facial hair and muscular bodies and the girls sporting full chests and wide hips. Now that Greg had finally undergone this transformation, he fit in a bit better. However, he grew very rapidly over the summer, almost abnormally fast, shooting up more than a couple of inches in terms of height...