Honkytonk HeroChapter 10 free porn video

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As soon as Harold Fricke sat down at his desk after lunch, he saw the envelope Tommy had left in the middle of his blotter. He opened the envelope, pulled out the check, realized what it was and sat back in his chair with a grunt.

“Rita Maude, what do you know about this?” he asked, waving the check in the air.

Rita walked over to his desk and plucked the check out of his hand. She gave it the once-over, her eyebrows arched in surprise.

“I don’t know a thing about it, but it’s drawn on the savings and loan, so I’ll call Betty Lou and find out.”

Harold didn’t answer her immediately, because he had just discovered the receipt for the tentative land purchase.

“What the hell, Rita, there is also a receipt for the purchase of the old lumber yard next door, made out to you and me. I’ll call Leo Dixon as soon as you talk to Betty Lou,” he said.

Betty Lou pulled the cashier’s check log and looked up the check number Rita gave her. When she came back to the phone, her voice was strangely subdued.

“That check was purchased just a few hours ago by Thomas Bledsoe. Where in the world did Tommy get all that money?”

Rita thanked Betty Lou for the help and gently put the phone back in its cradle. She stared at it thoughtfully for a minute, then spun her chair around and faced her husband.

“Tommy bought that check earlier today. That must be the important business he had to take care of. He also purchased one for thirty thousand, so I have a sneaking suspicion that Leo’s going to tell you Tommy bought the property next door.”

Harold called Leo and confirmed Rita’s suspicion. He hung up the phone and looked over at his wife.

“Tommy handed Leo a cashier’s check for thirty grand at noon today. Leo thought we’d sent Tommy over there with the check, that’s why the receipt is in our name,” he explained.

Rita shook her head and laughed out loud.

“Our boy is full of surprises, isn’t he? Let’s go see what he has to say for himself,” she said.

Tommy was building two pallets of assorted grain for the Flying J Ranch, when Rita and Harold walked into the warehouse. When Rita waved to him, Tommy shut off the forklift and walked over to them.

“Hey, Momma, how was lunch?” Tommy asked.

“Lunch was fine, Tommy. Now what can you tell me about this check and receipt?” she said, waving them in front of his face.

Tommy looked at the check and shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s money to expand the store the way Mister Harold wants. I heard him talking about how the bank wouldn’t give you all of the money, so I did.”

Rita nodded and smiled that motherly smile that Tommy lived to receive.

“Don’t you think that maybe you should save this money for your future? Where did you get all that anyway? Don’t tell me we are paying you that well.”

Tommy missed Rita’s attempt at humor and shook his head emphatically.

“You pay me plenty, even though everyone says Mister Harold is so tight he squeaks when he walks. That money belonged to old Tommy. Old Tommy is gone, and I don’t need it, so why can’t I give it to you if I want to?”

Harold and Rita tried to reason with Tommy, but he was adamant about them keeping the money. Rita finally stopped Harold arguing when Tommy started to get emotionally upset. She had an idea that might work for all three of them.

“Tommy, we can’t take your money as a gift, it’s just too much for us to feel right about accepting. But maybe you could invest the money in the feed store and become a partner in it. You are very good with math, so why don’t we go into the office and see how that idea might work?”

Harold looked intrigued at the idea and nodded his head in agreement.

It took the three of them less than an hour to work out an agreement with which they all could live. In the end, Tommy ended up owning twenty-four point nine percent of Brantley Feed, Seed and Farm Supply, Rita Fricke owned twenty-five percent and Harold was the Managing Partner with fifty point one percent.

“I’ll run this down to Glenn Ballard and make it all legal and such,” Harold said when they reached an agreement.

Glenn Ballard was the town’s only attorney, and was married to Harold’s sister Inez. Inez was the Post Master for McCulloch County, Texas, Zip Code 76825.

Harold had an excellent business plan, including blue prints for the expansion he envisioned, and now he had the money to make it happen. He also had five or six vendors lined up who were willing to stock his shelves on consignment for the first ninety days. Of course none of that made a difference to Tommy, he was just tickled that Harold was so happy. He went back to work and put the money out of his mind. He was actually glad to be rid of Old Tommy’s money, and pleased that the new Tommy was doing just fine without it.

Tommy held the door open as Conchita Delgado hoisted herself up into the cab of his pickup. It was five in the afternoon, on Saturday, the six of December, nineteen hundred and sixty-nine. Conchita was beside herself with curiosity as to where they were going on their date. Despite all her wheedling, the only hint Tommy gave her was when he said she should dress western. So Conchita was wearing a nice pair of semi-tight jeans and a plaid shirt that was perfectly tailored to her fabulous figure. She had on red, white and blue cowgirl boots and a stylish white Lady Stetson. Since it was early December, she carried a butter soft, leather bomber jacket.

Tommy took Texas 836 east, then turned north on Highway 931. Twenty-six miles later, and just north of Brownwood, he pulled into the Brown County Fairgrounds. Conchita smiled when she saw the sign proclaiming the evening ‘Championship Night for the Texas Professional Rodeo Circuit’. Leave it to unpredictable Tommy to take her to something she’d never seen before. Putting aside the fact that he aroused her sexually, the more time she spent with him, the more she liked him.

The rodeo events lasted until about nine, then there was an awards ceremony, as the champions for each event was crowned. Conchita and Tommy stayed for everything, including the fireworks display at the end. They were back on the road headed home by a quarter to ten. Conchita scooted over to the middle of the seat as soon as Tommy shifted up through the gears. She sighed contentedly when he put his arm over her shoulder and pulled her against his side.

Conchita Delgado had slept with a lot of men, but she felt a more intimate connection with Tommy just riding in his truck than she had felt having sex with any of the rest. What, she wondered, makes such a thing possible? Maybe she was finally growing up, she rationalized, and as such, she was in the same boat as Tommy. She figured that both Tommy and she were at about the same place socially when it came to relations with the other sex. They were both bright and talented sixteen year olds feeling their way along the rutted relationship road.

Conchita was startled awake when Tommy wheeled onto the dusty clay road that led to her house. She giggled and moved over so he could down shift.

“I hope I didn’t drool all over you,” she said.

Tommy made a production of checking to see if his shoulder was wet, then shot her a grin.

“Not too bad, and I guess it’s okay, because I drool anytime I think of you,” he replied.

His comment was the opening she had been waiting for.

“So stay the night with me, Tommy, and we can do something about that,” she said earnestly.

Tommy shook his head.

“I want to, but we probably better wait a while for that, Connie, this being our first date and all.”

Conchita thought about that for a minute and, strangely enough, she did not take his refusal as a rejection. Instead, she felt good that he respected her that much, and she was not about to do anything to lose that respect. Being thought of as a good girl was something new and alien to Conchita Delgado, in fact, it was exactly opposite of the reputation she’d worked so hard to earn.

Conchita had more to think about when Tommy walked her to her door and laid a kiss on her that left her weak kneed and light headed.

She said, “bye, Tommy,” in a daze, and escaped into her house. She shut the door and sagged back against it as his headlights flashed by her living room windows. She must have stood there for five minutes before her heart slowed down to a normal beat.

During the second week of December, Joe Bob Flagler, the best carpenter in the area, started building a partition wall that would eventually turn half of the warehouse into a show room and sales floor. Once the new wall was in place, Joe Bob and his boys would tear out the old walls to the office and sales area and build shelving for products that were slated to begin arriving within a week or two. Harold was figuring that he could be up and running as a full service farm supply store by the first of February. To accommodate feed and seed inventories until the warehouse was expanded, Harold leased five of the forty foot long shipping containers used for transporting goods either by train or truck. The containers came from the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad switch yard over in San Angelo. The containers sat on the ground behind the warehouse, but were accessible to Tommy and his forklift.

Tommy found something to do with part of the rest of ‘Old Tommy’s’ money that week, when Regina announced at the dinner table that she was filling out applications for colleges and scholarships.

“I am applying to all the schools I’d like to attend, even though I know we can’t afford them. Who knows, maybe I can win some other scholarships to go with the one from Daddy’s union. If nothing else, I can work and attend Central Texas Junior College,” she said.

Tommy’s ears perked up and he joined the conversation.

“Where do you want to go to school if you had the money?” he asked.

Regina didn’t hesitate a second before replying.

“That’s easy. I’d go to Texas A&M. They have the best equine veterinarian program in the country. Melody is going to commit to going there, but then money isn’t a problem for her. I applied there because Melody did, but I haven’t heard from them yet.”

Tommy nodded his understanding and turned his attention back to his plate of spaghetti. He knew that both Regina and Melody were crazy about anything to do with horses. He was pretty proud of himself for acting so disinterested. As soon as he finished the supper dishes, he was going to go to the library and find out how much it would cost for Regina to go there.

Tommy wasn’t quite as sneaky as he thought he was, because Betty Lou picked up on the conversation and Tommy’s sudden abandonment of it. Betty Lou also knew about what Tommy had done for the Frickes. It wasn’t a giant leap for her to guess Tommy’s intentions. She waited until he was up to his elbows in dish water before approaching him about it.

“What were you thinking when you asked Regina about College plans? I don’t want you doing anything crazy with whatever money you have left,” she warned.

Tommy laughed and flicked soap suds off his hands at her.

“I was thinking it would be nice if Rex had his own personal vet. Besides, I’m tired of telling people that it’s not my money. My money I worked for ... and I know where every penny of it is. I might as well have found this other money lying on the ground. Just because I don’t want it, doesn’t mean that it can’t do something nice for my family, though.”

Betty Lou looked at Tommy in consternation and tried again.

“But Honey, that money could help you make a better life for yourself. You could find a place of your own, or travel, or even go back to college yourself...” she tried to reason.

As soon as she mentioned him finding a place of his own, Tommy drew back as if she had slapped him.

“I like my life just fine, thank you very much. I have a good job and lots of friends. Besides, I can do most of that other stuff with my own money. If you want me to move out, though, just say so,” he said stiffly.

Betty Lou realized instantly that she had hurt Tommy’s feelings. He was still not very good at hiding how he felt. She immediately pulled him into her arms, and for the first time she could remember, he didn’t joyfully return her hug. That little omission on his part made Betty Lou very sad.

“I’m sorry, Tommy; I did not express myself clearly. I do not want you to move, and neither does anyone else in this house. I was simply saying that one day, if and when you decide to move out on your own, the money would come in handy. Listen, after everyone is in bed, I’ll come down and we’ll talk some more, okay?”

Tommy nodded, gave her a squeeze and returned to his sink full of dirty dishes. Rex, who had taken in the entire conversation as if he knew what they were saying, put his face back down into his food dish. Betty Lou stood there for a minute, looking at Tommy’s back before she headed up the stairs to get ready for bed. For the first time in her life, Betty Lou was actively planning some make-up sex to heal hurt feelings.

Tommy went out with Ruth Silverman on Friday night. Tommy had to pull out all the stops to make the date happen, because Ruth was working herself to death down at the library. Ruth had yet to find anyone to replace Becky Dierdorf in the evenings, so she was working six days a week, including ten AM until ten PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Missus Purdy, the part-timer, worked Tuesday and Friday evenings, and Saturdays during the day. Ruth was off Saturday and worked the abbreviated Sunday shift by herself.

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Greg worked half a day on Saturday, finishing up some last-minute work that he couldn't avoid. During the gloomy period after his discovery of his children's incestuous affair, he had tried to stay out of the house as much as possible, which often meant working extra hours. It eventually became expected, and now he was having a hard time getting back to his original 5-day schedule. Fortunately, he was caught up now and it would likely be the last Saturday that he went into the office. Jeff...

2 years ago
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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Asha bhi baki din hotel room mein hi rahi. Asha ne Mohsin se bolkar apne liye 5:30 pm ka parlour book karaya. Sham 6:30 tak parlour se aane ke baad Asha ne backless golden blouse aur net ki saree pehni. Blouse padded hone ke sath hi bohut chota aur tight fitted tha, halka cleavage bhi dikh raha tha. Poori back mein kewal do thread the, jisse uski poori back visible thi aur saree bhi bohut low thi. Usne choodiyan, mangalsutra, sindoor, ear ring, bindi sab pehen rakhi thi. Taiyaar hote hote hi...

1 year ago
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InnocentHigh Eliza Ibarra Scandalous Sex Notes

Eliza Ibarra is a sexy, raven haired vixen in her school uniform and short, plaid skirt. She has a big crush on her favorite teacher, Mr. Castle. When he catches her passing notes in class, he reprimands her and tells her to stay after class for her punishment. When they are alone, he asks her what she meant when she wrote that note, and Eliza tells him that she would fuck him if she could. When Mr. Castle hears this, he moves in closer for a kiss before positioning Eliza up on his desk and...

2 years ago
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Check Me Out

‘We’re open on lane eight, if you wanna step over here, sir,’ Reanna said, keeping the edge she keenly felt out of her voice. Customer service was very important to her, but still, this was the third time Mr. Mendenhall had cut her break short in as many shifts to cover a register when they got short-handed. She was hungry, she was tired, and to top things off, the creeper coming over to her register was already checking her out, and not even bothering to hide it. ‘Evening,’ the woman said....

4 years ago
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A Hard Rains Gonna Fall

Author’s Note ;this is not a political statement on any countries politics or foreign policy. It could be set in Syria today (though certain details make that highly unlikely) or set in the future in the States where citizens are defending themselves against a draconian government’s attempt to ban guns (that was a joke), it is a statement about the general futility and brutality of war but more than that it is about grabbing the chance of beauty in an ugly world. And some of this story is...

1 year ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 20

Taking some wine samples to Rodrigo in Mount Sterling was going to be very important for me and my family. If he liked the wine that we made, it would give us an outlet for it and a reason to continue rebuilding and expanding our vineyards to make more wine. I decided to use some of the bottles we had collected to display the wine. I had almost begged for wine bottles at the market. To do this, I had put a sign up that asked for empty wine bottles and received a large variety. I was able to...

1 year ago
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A Hot Day In December

Judy Weinberg was pondering her life one afternoon. She was sitting in a lounge at Finley Hall, the student center building for the City College of New York. It was near the end of a cold and bright day in December 1974, just before the winter break. She had one more exam in two days, and then she faced about two weeks of unstructured time for herself.I should get a job, she thought; even when classes were in session there were plenty of hours during the week for something like that. At the...

2 years ago
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McSluts Chapter 1

NOTE: All characters are over the age of 18. No character engages in sex under the age of 18 in this story or in their backstory. Any reference to a character when they were underage is purely non-sexual and for character building purposes only. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tracy reached across the table and slapped Jenny’s large, fake tit. It was firm for a breast and it wobbled only once, braless, beneath the top of...

3 years ago
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Fucked Pissed And Slaved By Servant

Hi, I am Madhav (Name Changed), this is my story of me knowing the world of sex and getting fucked by my own servant. I am now a straight guy with a dick size of inches and white skin tone. Hight of about 6.1 inch and a fit gymnast body. But it was not the case when I was of that age. Back then I was a bit of a chubby kid. Had a nice boobs and a perfect ass. One of those who anyone would love to fuck like a mad man. Back when I was just 19 year old, we used to have a servant in our house. His...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Sleepover Surprise

A very late "bloomer" both physically and socially, I was quite shy,because of my immature body and my lack of social graces. I had hadseveral dates, though nothing very serious. My breasts had just becomefull, blooming at last from the little nubs I had lived with for sometime. They had, at last, assumed a breast shape, so admired inmagazines. Small, pink, pointed nipples that got so hard sometimes,like tiny, little diamonds, and so very sensitive, aching to betouched. My breasts, though full...

3 years ago
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Vidhwa Didi Ki Tadap

I am Huma at your service with another brother sister incest story which is the story of a widowed sister burning in lust for a cock which she finds at home Main Avi, umar 20 saal, kad 6 feet, rang gora, lund 8 inch aur motai 3 inch. Main insani rishton ki bahut izzat karta tha lekin pichhle mahine jo meri zindagi mein hua, usne meri zindagi ka rukh hi mod diya. Main anath hoon. Mere mata pita ki maut tab ho gayi thee jab main kewal 6 sal ka tha. Mujh se badi meri behan Reema hai jiski shadi...

4 years ago
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Meating Stephanie

I got there around 10:00 A.M. and had everything set up in 15 minutes. The show didn't start until noon so I had some time to kill. The show was set up at one of the local schools. But it was one I had never been to, so I decided to walk around and check it out. It was rather boring really, all of the doors were locked except for a few that led to old class rooms. I was about to give up and go back to the go back to the gym when I saw someone at the end of the hall. It was a girl about...

2 years ago
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Quod Somnia Veniat

Christie had fallen asleep the night before in the arms of Liam. She had sex with a man called David, who she picked up in a bar, all whilst Liam watched and masturbated. David had then left and Liam and Christie had fallen asleep together spooning.Christie woke up the next morning a bit dazed and confused. She had a bright light streaming into her bleary eyes and she could hear a peculiar humming sound.She felt cold and was lying on something hard. Slowly her eyes adjusted to the light and...

4 years ago
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The Zombie Hunters Price

"Watch out!" It was close to noon and the sun had been up seven hours at least. The field should have been safe enough: no visible shade for miles. Hearing Jex's shout, the woman stopped digging, turned to see the lumbering beast approaching and ran. At the sound of the call, the abomination turned and began shuffling in Jex's direction. He had his shotgun pointed at it just in case but there was no point in risking a shot when the sun was doing the work for him. Wisps of smoke were...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Alex Blake Sexy Spinner Alex Blake Takes A Huge Cock In Her Tiny Pussy

Alex Blake is Ripe for the picking in this sexy session with Manuel. Alex is a sexy spinner with long luscious legs and perky little titties. She’s wearing pink lingerie with matching leg warmers and high heels as she shows off her perfect body and slowly removes her lingerie. Alex makes her way to the bathroom where there’s a bath ready for her, so she jumps in to wash herself and play with her pussy. She meets up with Manuel in the living room and they start making out right away. Manuel gets...

2 years ago
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Water park

Hi friends how are you me yesh Gujarat se me 26 sal ka hu aur aaj me jo aapko kahani sunane jar aha hu vo meri aur ek couple ki he Ye baat aaj se karib do month pahale ki he me office kam se ahmedabad gaya tha vaha par me ek five star hotel me thahara tha maine teen din ke liye hotel par booking kiya tha mera bahu me ek karib 45 sal ka couple bhi thahara tha uncle ki umar 45 sal hogi aur anty ki karib 40 sal vo bahut khubsurat thi usne sliveless blouse pahana tha jisme se uski cleavage saf dikh...

2 years ago
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Princess SaraChapter 5

The lonely and wandering naked girl was aroused by the rain. It fell on her unprotected body, driven stingingly against it by a fierce wind which had been blowing up all night. Only her extreme exhaustion had caused her not to be wakened long since. She recalled the Fairy's harsh sentence. No shelter from the wind and rain and burning sun. The despair that she was beginning to feel left her. If this was to be her fate, then so be it. She would survive - somehow! She scrambled to her sore...

1 year ago
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BlackPatrol Maggie Green Joslyn Cheater caught doing misdemeanor break in

We got a call of a suspicious break in at some warehouses over in Opa-locka. So we investigated and found the suspect sleeping in the back. We apprehended him and found out he was breaking in because he was kicked out of his house for cheating. So this repeat offender needed to learn a lesson in law and order, so we took him to the back of the warehouse and made him eat our pussies. Then we took his pants off and sucked him off. We even let the rookie get a turn. When we got him hard we let him...

1 year ago
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Russian Boy

It all started a few months ago, we would talk everyday to eachother, we would have cybersex everyday. it was so good. we shared pictures together and it was going so good. I told him that when we meet I will give him the pleasure first. he agreed. he told me that he was still a virgin, that made me really horny. A few weeks past and we agreed to meet up, I came all the way to Russia for him, by the way, i live in Sweden. my heart was pounding as I walked towards him and saw him in real life...

First Time
2 years ago
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A Simple Farmer 5

Chapter 11: Rory Makes His MoveThe next morning, Sara woke in Rory’s arms. She decided to wake him by sucking his cock until he exploded into her mouth.Sara knew that she was in love with Rory, and that there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for him. She wanted to stay on the farm with him. She wanted to make a life with Rory and Rebeca and, if Rory wanted two or three more children, to have them.He kissed her deeply and passionately again after she had swallowed his essence. She thought that it...

Love Stories
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The leather mother

The leather motherA fantasy only and did not happy feedback welcome Looking back now I feel so dumb, that I did not pick up on the signs earlier. Let me explain. I am Josie a 44 year old divorced mother who had her son late in life. I had given up so much for my career and was now the head solicitor in my practice. My life had just become humdrum, cases that no longer challenged me and coming home to the same old existence. A son on his computer a ready meal and some old crap on the tv and a...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriend Virgin Fucking

Hi ISS readers, this is my first submission, so please ignore if there are any errors. I have been reading ISS foe about 4 years now and the stories mentioned here gave me the courage to share with you my own debut sex experience. About me: I am 20 years old, living in Chandigarh and currently studying in Panjab University. I have a good body, not very athletic or slim, but good 6 feet and a 7 inch+ organ. In this story i will call myself Casanova About my girl: She is dark complectioned,...

2 years ago
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The First Big Black Cock

[email protected] weren’t my first black cocks although, the one guy was my first BIG one. I had a black friend in junior h/s that was my first black cock, he was great! We both learned a lot from those experiences.This was in August of 1967, I was in the Navy and had just arrived in Da Nang, South Vietnam as part of the original military buildup. I was working as a storekeeper and back then the town was wide-open. During our time off there were few restrictions on where we could go; it...

1 year ago
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All Pleasure No Pain

By : Lovesilver2010 As I’ve got tremendous response from people on this forum, I assume that I need not give an intro about me and my girlfriend.Those new to reading my stories can refer to the link on my profile for knowing more about us. This happened just after me and my girlfriends lost our virginity to each other in college.We were both very happy and our joy knew no bounds. We couldn’t meet each other for a month. The first night after we had sex my girlfriend’s hostel mates asked her...

3 years ago
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Under Orders

The alarm went of at the usual 1:45 am. He stood and went into the bathroom to shower and shave. She didn't work on Sundays, but she got up, wearing one of his extra large t-shirts, and went into the kitchen to fry some country potatoes and toss together some leftover pork chops and a salad for his lunch. He came through the kitchen on the way to the front door, his security uniform making him look as handsome as ever. He wore a crisp, ironed shirt and a tie. The white shirt contrasted against...

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