If Anyone Ever Knew free porn video

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They shared a lot, except for each other.

Each has had and are having sex with others. With teenage hormones raging through their bodies it drove a need that required only little justification. They had opportunities with each other over the years but each knew it would ruin things between them.

That alone has been the one factor that managed their temptations, until now.

They never shared much information or details about their individual sexual encounters. Sex was being had but to talk about it amongst themselves had seemed crass, until now.

Things do change when you turn 18, it changes somewhat in the mind most of all. Its a pivotal time, a milestone. Just the esoteric value alone of being 18 is a game changer.

You aren’t a kid anymore you are an adult and are expected to act like one. You can make decisions that have far reaching implications, and you own those decisions.

Not like you one doesn’t have ownership of their decisions the day before.

With some of that protection now gone you either become scared and crouch in the shadows or become bold and assertive.

Many are ready to tackle the world, do things, do things that matter and do what you want, what you have always wanted to do.

They turned 18 on the same day. There was the usual hoopla and speeches given the particular occasion.

He had to register for the draft while she didn’t. She talked about college while he didn’t.

Each of them harbored something within them that they would ultimately share with each other.

Being considered adults now they felt empowered, just by their age alone, that perhaps they could talk of intimate issues .......... and so it was one particular evening.

Being close has they have been as children they felt they can raise the stakes and talk about a subject never broached.

Chris felt inside that he was a man now and wanted to do “man” things.

Kristen had always felt like a woman from the time she was 13, when birth control began. She was never shy nor was she brash or bitchy rather she was somewhere in the middle.

It was about two weeks after their birthday. The big event was over and being 18 had settled in for everyone involved.

They were always at one house or another and on this occasion, as it was on many others, they were alone.

It had always been that way as there was never a concern about such them being together and alone.

The segway was his current girlfriend, Kristen knew the girl,

“Shes a WHORE”, she exclaimed.

Chris rolled his eyes and looked at Kristen,

“Well DUH”, he replied sarcastically.

She looked at him with a mocking frown,

“Of course you know that, you pig”, she said returning the sarcasm.

“Yeah well, Monica and I are done”, he said.

Kristen knew him, probably better than anyone, and his demeanor was clearly visible.

He wasn’t crushed and/or left picking up the pieces of his broken heart. He was in it for the sex, the same as Monica was.

“Ahhh poor baby, you look all torn up about it”, she said mockingly.

He rolled his eyes in dismay,

“All right, all right thats enough”, he replied with shit eating grin.

The kidding and ribbing was over now.

“Just be glad you didn’t knock that bitch up”, said Kristen.

He instantly shook his head,

“Wasn’t gonna happen, with any of them”, he replied.

“At least you have been smart enough to use protection”, she said.

There was silence between them and the look in his eyes and him drawing in his lower lip was telling.

She stood up, stepped to him and with both hands pushed him back in his seat,

“OH MY GOD CHRIS, ARE YOU AN IDIOT”, she hollered.

He had taken her push in a relaxed manner. He continued to lay back in the chair in a limp fashion while she

stood back and ranted.

He looked at her stoically while she continued her little tirade

She finally sat down in a flustered manner and crossed her arms looking at him as if to convey “what do you have to say for yourself young man”.

“So every guy you ever been with wore a condom” ?, he asked.

“WHAT”, she responded with a deer in the headlights look.

Tensing his muscles he pulled himself upright in the chair and looked her right in the eyes,

“You heard me”, he said with a half smile.

Now her look was telling and he couldn’t help but to take advantage of this opportunity. He stood and looked down at her in mock dismay,

“WHY KRISTEN, YOU WHORE, YOU LASCIVIOUS WHORE, HOW COULD YOU TAKE SUCH A CHANCE LIKE THAT” ............ and he continued with his own mocking tirade about the dangers and “what ifs” of such behavior.

She sat there with crossed arms drawing her lips together. It was a desperate attempt to keep from smiling but it was no good. Her cheeks raised despite her attempts and she finally busted out laughing.

This was entirely new ground for them. It was a subject never ever before spoken about between them. Sex in generalities yes but as personal experiences, NO.

After their mutual laughing had diminished they could finally be a bit more serious. They had their back and forth, reasonings, justifications, etc, etc.

“Chris, Its different for me, I’ve been on birth control since I was 13” she explained.

He shrugged his shoulders to indicate “so what”,

“Thats was every girl I’ve been with said too”, he replied.

“Oh, and you trusted in that” ?, she asked.

“Well in fact NO, I didn’t trust in that THANK YOU ! God knows I wanted to”, he replied.

“still want to”, he almost inaudibly whispered.

She looked at him with question in her eyes,

“So basically you played Vatican Roulette” ?, she asked.

Each knew the Urban Dictionary definition. It meant bringing yourself to the edge and then pulling out at the last second.

“YES”, he replied without any shame whatsoever.

“So you have never ......uhhhh, you know, uhhhh, well uhhhh, left it in” ?, she asked.

It was weird that the actual words and terminology required had to be negated from their dialog. It didn’t make sense.

“I never did cum in any of them. I DIDN’T TRUST THEM OKAY !”, he exclaimed with exasperation.

There was silence as each stood there looking at each other, him with a fire and want his eyes, her with sadness and on the edge of tears in her eyes.

He looked at her quizzically because of the moistness in her eyes,

“Whats the matter” ?, he asked.

She stood there staring ahead in disbelief and let out a short breath,

“they never trusted me”, she whispered weakly.

It hit him just then why it never lasted with the girls he was with and what the ending issue always was.

They (girls) longed to fully complete the act.

He was looking at the girl who wanted the same thing yet she to had never received it.

Each of them wanted it so bad, they wanted to know what it felt like, to have that moment, that closeness, that level of trust and intimacy, the ultimate release.

Until that moment he felt that he was the only guy in the world that didn’t indulge, that didn’t take that chance, that didn’t throw all caution to the wind and roll the dice for that 10 seconds of pure ecstasy.

Looking at her he knew how she felt, he knew how many of them had felt. It caused him some regret but in a different way.

Many had basically begged him to cum inside of them but he was always frightened.

He didn’t want to ruin his life or theirs despite the protection they exclaimed.

He wanted to let it go inside so bad it almost drove him mad. He would go home afterwards and masturbate and imagine shooting his load in those girls.

The ending was always satisfactory, no pregnancy, in his little jack off fantasies.

Him pulling out always assured no pregnancy well, “almost assured” anyway.

There was always that chance of cum seeping out while they were fucking.

He refused to wear a condom. He tried it one once but to him it was like whats the point. He couldn’t feel much at all rather it was merely the fact that he was getting some pussy, and was moving in and out.

He hated the sensation or lack thereof.

To him if it wasn’t real, wasn’t natural, then he may as well jack off because he could feel that.

Of course imagination played a HUGE part of it but still, if your gonna fuck then two people should FUCK. He just couldn’t bring himself to do the ultimate inside of them.

He was selfish in a way and he knew it. He got his nut but he always tried to make sure the girl got hers. He could and would eat pussy. Like any teenage male he could recover quickly and fuck again and again and cum each time.

They embraced wrapping arms tight around one another. She lay her head on his shoulder,

“I want to know”, she whispered.

“ME TOO”, he replied.

They pulled back enough to look at one another,

“should we” ?, she asked while looking him in the eye.

Each knew that if there was nobody else in the world they could trust one another.

“I TRUST YOU”, he said looking her right in the eyes.


It was affirmed, they were going to perform the ultimate act, with each other, even as forbidden as it was.

They continued to stare at each other, searching one another’s eyes for a hint of reluctance or fear.

Each one was waiting for the other to take the lead. He slightly moved back taking her with him. There was no reluctance and she readily moved with him down the hall towards her bedroom.

They knew they would be alone for a few hours and even if they came home it was not an issue with them being in her bedroom.

When they entered her room he flicked the light switch on. She proceeded in the door right behind him and switched it off then closed the door.

She walked past him and sat on the edge of her bed. He moved and sat next to her. They couldn’t really see one another but it was still an awkward moment.

Neither knew if they should kiss or even say anything. Making the first move she pulled her shirt over her head. Hearing it and sensing the movement, rather than than seeing it, he began to remove his clothes.

He reached out and touched her bare skin. She pulled in a breath of nervous excitement. It was difficult to determine which one was more amorous.

They leaned against each other, the feeling of their skin merging wasn’t as awkward as anticipated.

He didn’t realize she had slipped her bra off once removing her shirt.

Her breasts gently rubbed against his chest.

He leaned more against her while orienting his body up and over her as he continued pushing her back onto the bed. He didn’t have to “push” her down rather she readily complied.

She lay with her legs straight out which was purposeful.

Just when she wondered if he would get the hint she was gratified when she felt his hands grab the slim waistband of her panties.

He began to pull them down and she raised her butt up to help him facilitate the removal.

She reached out and latched on to the front if his waistband and pulled at them. Given her position she could pull them down but her indication was clear.

He removed his own underwear then again kneeled in front of her. Reaching out she found his his swollen cock sticking straight out.

Wrapping her hand around it she judged the size.

Seeing is believing but it was dark but how it filled her hand let her know what she was in for.

As she fondled him him he reached down and ran a finger into her slit.

There was an ever so slight smacking crackle of cream that she excreted which parted her cunt lips.

Running two fingers up and down her slit he made sure the entire area was well lubed.

He withdrew his fingers from her and she let go of his cock. He rubbed his wet fingers over the head of his cock.

Leaning over her and placing one hand on the bed above her shoulder he used the other hand to guide his tool to her waiting twat.

She readily parted her legs even more to accept him.

He moved forward and oriented his hips into position which enabled him to contact her outer labia with the very tip of his cock head.

Wiggling his dick he inserted his tip into her slit and pushed to firmly implant his head well into her slot.

He know moved his other and placing it above her other shoulder to keep his weight off of her.

She placed the palms if her hands on his sides, wrapping her fingers over the curve to his back.

He pushed forward penetrating her while easing his torso down onto her.

She grunted as he thrust his manhood further inside of her.

He breathed out a gratifying moan as she constricted her ring of vaginal muscles to squeeze his dick.

He leaned more onto her while she moved her hands to his upper back pulling him closer to her.

He heaved forward, burying himself completely inside of her. She pulled her legs back and open further, inviting him to touch her deepest nether region.

Such began the slow deep penetrating, methodical and mutually passionate making of love.

The intention was known from the start, he was going to cum inside of her and she wanted to receive it.

They had trust, they had history, they had a particular love and intimacy that many didn’t possess or even knew existed.

They had a lot together, just not passion, not this type of physical contact, not this level of loving trust, not with anyone let alone each other.

This act was meant to cement their bond, to be each others “first” and to give them a thrilling secret that only they know.

They knew it in their hearts and this secret “naughtiness” at best and “forbidden” activity at worst only drove their passions.

This is simply the way it was and maybe even the way it should be.

She had already let go of any inhibition from the start as his dick continued to drive in and out of her, she only wanted what he wanted.

Feeling the soft yet firm gripping of her inner folds he wanted nothing but to fill her with seed.

While he made passionate love to her she couldn’t stop the flow of fluids drenching his pistonning cock.

As he pumped in and out of her he was coached on by the next wave of jizz that gushed from deep inside of her.

Her excitement was his and his was hers. Building to his release he only wanted to hold off. He so enjoyed the feel of her more than he has with any girl but his his dick was betraying him.

At the same time he also wanted to release inside of her. It would be his very first time and it made for quite an internal battle. He wasn’t stupid, he knew which one would win.

She lay back pulling him closer to her while he thrusted deep into her. She never wanted it to end yet she wanted the ultimate, she wanted him to cum inside of her.

To know that she was wanted, needed and desired badly enough that he would release his essence inside of her. This is what drove her passion.

Holding off as long as he could he pumped in and out with long deep yet passionate strokes. With pressure building he breathed heavily.

Their heads were beside each others, each ones lips were at the others ear.

She knew the sound and for encouragement she moved her mouth closer to his ear.

She let out halting breathes across his ear. This caused him to pick up his pace making him bump against her pubic bone on his downstrokes.

She tightened the embrace she had on his back. He had his forearms on the bed beside her and moved his elbows in tighter towards her.

He was at the point of no return now, he slipped into what seemed like full out assault mode. Instincts completely took over now, something that had never happened to him before.

With the full intent of staying inside he pounded her into her and panted faster and faster until ........

He let out a long long relieving breath.

This was the moment each wanted. She felt his cock pulsing inside of her and he pumped his cream deep into her.

She released the tension in her vaginal muscles and enjoyed the feeling of being trusted, of providing relief, of being inseminated.

Once semen was ejected from his cock the relief radiated throughout his entire body.

He constricted his cock muscles never wanting the flow to stop. He knew for absolute certain he never ever ejaculated such an amount prior to this.

Remaining inside of her he tried to keep his weight off of her but all his other muscles went weak. His body shook from the intensity of his release. Not wanting to withdraw he remained inside while struggling fo hold up his body.

Once he regained a modicum of composure he finally and reluctantly pulled out.

There was an overwhelming desire that he never had before. He wanted to kiss her and kiss her deeply.

Slightly picking up his head from beside hers their mouths drifted together and they kissed.

It was a kiss like neither had ever felt, it was as passionate and as mutual as what they had just finished doing.

When their initial kiss broke they wrapped arms tight around each other and went in for the longest most passionate deep kissing either had ever experienced.

Finally rolling onto their sides and facing one another they kissed again and again.

They stopped kissing and held each other like they never wanted to let go.

There were almost no words to say rather they simply enjoyed the moment.

After some time of quiet and holding he finally spoke up,

“Will this be our first and last time” ?, he asked.

“Hell no, not if i have anything to say about it”, she replied enthusiastically.

“GOOD”, he replied.

They lay together for a few more minute.

“We better be careful, mom and dad would shit their pants”, she said laughing.

“Yeah, guess its lucky they are divorced and we live in separate houses.

“We have a little more time before mom comes home”, she said.

The End.


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The Everetts A tale of severe domination

REGIME IMPERIA: COPYRIGHTED 2004THE EVERETTS/ CHAPTER 1?Donald? you asshole, where the fuck are you?  Get your ass in here right now?? Seventeen-year-old Mary Everett was getting furious.  Was her stepfather being purposely stubborn?  Did he actually believe he could get away with such disobedience?         Finally, Donald Everett arrived at his stepdaughter’s bedroom.  He’d been down the hallway, in his own bathroom, trying to urinate through the tricky restrictive chastity device locked...

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Beverlys Holodeck Fantasy

" ... All's quiet tonight, Doctor Crusher." said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by...

4 years ago
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Beverly Ascending

She was laying on her side, facing away from the bathroom door. Looking out the window, she could see, across the Intracoastal Waterway, the cement tile roofs of Ft. Lauderdale as it stretched all the way to the Everglades. Bill emerged naked from the bathroom and slid back into bed with her. He pressed his lean, smoothly muscled body along the length of hers and wrapped an arm around her waist. She savored the silken sensation of his skin against hers. A glance at the clock at her...

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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 04 Beverly and Jake1

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...

2 years ago
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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 04 Beverly and Jake0

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...

3 years ago
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Dever Aur Usake Dosto Se Sath

Ye mere sath huvi sachhi ghtana hai, halaki ye 2 sal pahele ki bat hai. Mera naam madhu hai,aur me married hun, meri shadi 3 sal pahele rajiv ke sath huvi thi , hamari married life normal hai…mere pati gusse vale hai, aur sex ke doran kabhi kuch nahi bolane , na pyar jatate, par hamari sex life bhi achhi hi hai. Parivar me hum dono ke alawa , sas aur dever rahete hai. middle class family hai. Par jo bhi 2sal pahele huva vo aam baat hogi ye muje nahi lagata… Ye bat mere devar se judi hai, usaka...

3 years ago
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Ragini Bhabhi Ki Expert Chudai With Dever

Hi dosto mai Ajay ek baar phir se hajir hoon ek nayee story ke saath ee story ekdum real hai jo ki mere ek dost ne mujhe bataya hai ki usne meri story padhi hai aur wo bhi apni story share karna chahta tha isiliye Uske request pe mai uski story jaisa ki usne bataya tha likh raha hun aur ab mai aapko usi ki words me aage bataunga jo iss prakaar hai. Mera naam Ravi hai mai Mumbai me apne bade bhai Rajan 35 bhabhi Ragini 32 and mai Ravi 30 Saath rahta hai mere bhaiya ki shaadi 6 mahine pahle...

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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 03 Troy and Beverly

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 03 = Troy and Beverly Well, I had heard about a group being formed where they go on just one date a week. The date starts on Friday whenever the two people can get...

2 years ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 3 The Order of the Brush

At this point I left the bridge and knew Mother would take care of the Beverly. I went to the emergency airlock near the middle of the Zeus. Once at the airlock, I put on my environmental suit for my own safety. The Zeus's emergency air lock has a flexible docking tube that allows me to connect to another ship's airlock even if the other ship was three hundred feet (100 meters) away. This was ideal for the current situation because with the Beverly being a smashed and twisted wreck I...

1 year ago
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The Wrong Reverend Part 2 Its Better in the Bahamas

The Wrong Reverend Part 2 Its Better in the Bahamas It had been a long dull week of living and working in Nassau in boy mode and I was looking forward to some action. I parked in front of a motel not too far from the seedy side of town. I went up to my room and proceeded to strip off my clothes and soaked in the bath tub, and then I shaved my body to a nice silky smoothness. I attached my breast forms with adhesive and slipped into a lacy little bra that supported well but concealed...

3 years ago
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Summer Job with The Reverend

A friend told be about his hot time, and now here it is for you! The ReverendIt was summer and I had just finished my first year of college. I knew I was gay and had played with some of the guys in my dorm. I loved to suck cock and guys would often compliment me on my ability, telling me that I must have sucked a lot of cock. I hadn’t, it was passion for cock that showed, not experience. I loved to look at cock, play with it and of course feed on it. I needed a summer job and my dad suggested...

3 years ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 18 Reverend Gibson Relents

Sherry had been surprised that her father's office was locked and, even though the sign said that he was out, she'd had doubts. She was sitting on a bench not far from the door when young Debby came out and Sherry had no doubt at all about what had just transpired in her father's locked office. The buxom youngster's awkward waddle told her enough but even if it hadn't, the girl's slack-lipped expression and her heavy-lidded eyes would have been sufficient confirmation of her suspicions....

4 years ago
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Beverly Taught Me

Beverly Taught MeBy: Londebaaz ChohanAlthough, I did not lose my virginity to the mom of one of my friends, but honestly, it was no less an experience than losing my virginity. She must be around 40, very shapely, good looking and divorced already. All of the young testosterone ravished boys dreamed of doing her; I was the lucky one to actually fuck her and fulfill my fantasy.We had graduated from the high school and this was the day; the army recruiters were coming to school to enroll the guys...

3 years ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 2

With far too much time on my hands, my mind starts to wander, thinking of crazy things I could be doing or problems to solve. One of the easiest times for my mind to ramble is after breakfast while I enjoy a good cup of coffee; one of my vises, and I am referring to good coffee. However, the real problem is, after I come up with some stupid, lame brain idea; later at night in bed, my mind has a heyday trying to enhance the stupid idea. This is how it began. After the 'Shootout on Everett...

2 years ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 7

"Don, I am going to need some funds, the cleaners are nearly done. Need a hundred and thirty thousand cash." I nod and get up off my butt; shit, I ache all over! "Don, I also need another twenty thousand for the metal haulers. They are policing the mountain face for brass and ordnances of any kind. They will remove all of the crap Riggs's men left behind; but, they are not happy about the foam." There are four men, in coveralls, wearing what appear to be gasmasks, walking the face of...

1 year ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 8

When Skip departs the Chevy, I can hear him swearing at the slight incline. I am out to welcome Peanut, who is smiling knowing that am tweaking Skip, our ongoing task of aggravating each other. "Welcome, Peanut! I was waiting for your travel information, so I would be there to pick you up. How come you brought Grumpy with you? He told me, in no uncertain terms, that he did not wish to see me, or my friendly, happy mountain, in this lifetime. But, here he is, with his usual scowl. Come on...

1 year ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 9

For the past two weeks, I have been spending time at Leo Haley's office. Now in his new digs, he gives the impression he is granting you an audience rather than an office visit. He now has a permanent secretary plus the two individuals that handle my or, should I say, CBHF Corp. holdings various needs. The financial officer is a young lady, who is very proficient at her job. I found it very difficult to get my mind around the enormous amount of funds generated by the rents from the...

2 years ago
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Climbing my own everest

His name reminded me of mount Everest and in time he became to symbolize it too - an unreachable, mysterious goal. Our friendship began quite unexpectedly. I knew of him from high school but it wasn't until we were in the same college that I realized him. He was, and is the sort of geeky guy, that you would not recognize if you did not go up and talk to him; and maybe even then. He does not have the body of a god, nor is he an amazing speaker. But I knew from that moment that I was really...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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It Just HappenedChapter 4 Beverly

Being Saturday afternoon, Dean's barber shop was crowded. Dean was no longer the proprietor, but his son had kept the same name. Looking around the shop as I waited for my turn in one of the chairs, I wondered if anyone recognized me. Did they remember that my brother had stolen my girl? Did they talk behind my back, whispering that Jen couldn't wait for me? A sinister thought crossed my mind; had Ed paid my college tuition to keep me away from home for long periods of time? I left the...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 8 The End of the Beverly and Birthday Spankings

Now that the rescues were complete I went to the bridge. Sally was in the pilot's seat with the widest smile I have seen in a decade. She was flying the ship herself. She clicked the autopilot on when she saw me. She said, "Hello Sir, I have been waiting for over three centuries to get a chance to pilot a ship manually for real. I know every ship system. I have a pilot's license and have piloted many ships, though never off automatic, except while training". I said, "You'll have plenty...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 50

I heard giggling and woke up. It was still dark in the salon, but I could see Erin and Frank as they scurried to the door leading to the cockpit. "What time is it Erin?" I asked, sitting up and trying to adjust to the darkness. "Four o'clock," Erin said. "Why did you to get up so early?" Erin told Frank to wait a minute, came over to me and whispered, "We've been up all night, Jen. Frank and I have been making love all night." I giggled. "You two are going to be beat...

3 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 21

The next week seemed to drag as I waited for Sunday and the chance to go fishing with my brother and the others. I was glad we were going to have the Gordon's along to teach us, but I also would liked it if it was just the family so I could go topless. My brother and I ran every morning before school. I started leaving my bedroom door open a lot more and would get all giddy when Eddie saw me prancing around in my underwear or naked. Because we were so busy with school and sports, my brother...

4 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 39

I wasn't all that interested in the movie and decided to have a little fun. I started to rub Brad's leg, slowly working my way from his knee to his crotch and back. Brad slipped the arm he had on my shoulders down, cupped my boob and began to massage it through my top. I slid my hand over his hard cock and squeezed it through his cotton shorts, moving my fingers along its length. "Are you playing with my brother's dick?" Kathy asked, giggling. "Yeah and he's playing with my tit," I...

2 years ago
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Romantic Novelist Beverly Hills

‘Yes, yes,’ the woman said, ‘this is really good. I’ll even ask you for more’. Audrey resisted opening her mouth in surprise. She was sitting on a comfortable leather chair in the quaint office of Gabrielle West, a popular literary agent for publisher localized within Beverly Hills, California. Audrey had finished her first novel, completed during a trip to Las Vegas with her boyfriend, a romantic story set in Old Las Vegas and her new agent ate it up like a good meal. She sat on a large chair...

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Beverlys Story

Beverly’s StoryChapter 1        Beverly stepped out of the steaming hot shower with a large soft towel wrapped around her body.  Today was a big day for her and the butterflies were going crazy in her stomach.         When she returned from her amazing vacation in Mexico, a box was sitting on her front door step.  Bev knew exactly who the box was from, but she wasn’t allowed to open until this morning.        The box was sent by Ian.  A man she had been talking to over the internet after...

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Beverly Apritifs and a series of Peculiar Mornings

Beverly, Ap?ritifs, and a series of Peculiar Mornings. The first time Charline and I met Beverly was at a meeting, back when we did graphic design labs, networking and installs for food companies. She was exceptionally good at first impressions. The building was still in construction, wire and dry wall and tools everywhere. Elevators with green dusty pads on the walls. Riding down the elevator to meet up with her, there was a sweaty, grisly and very bad smelling construction w...

1 year ago
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Beverly Gets a Surprise

I was just carrying the last of my things into Sarah's bedroom when I heard the garage door opener start to run. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was only ten-thirty and I thought "That sure didn't take long. Only three and a half hours to wreck a marriage that had lasted twenty-three years. Actually, it had taken less than five minutes. I heard the door from the garage into the utility room open and then close and then I heard her high heels clicking across the tiled kitchen floor and...

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A Letter Reverend Mother

To: Reverend Mother Concepta,Convent of Perpetual Repentance,Old Convent Road.From: Miss Ethel Woods,Mayfield Community School for Girls,Lotamore Road,January 10th,2015.Dear Reverend Mother, I am writing to you to ask for your help in a most serious matter. I am a principal of a community school catering for girls. At present the school has 437 girls enrolled in our day school and 343 women enrolled in after school courses. I have noticed for sometime the complete lack of respect for...

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Jerrys World Beverleys Friend

I wasn’t sure if Lynn had ever seen a cock before but there was no mistaking I was aroused, “WOW Jerry” she sighed softly as she looked at my angled bulge, my shorts were a snug fit and I was only glad the button was holding out. Lynn giggled as she looked at the pulsing bulge, “Have you ever seen a penis before Lynn” I asked with a cheeky wink and she looked up at me taking another gulp of her beer.“It’s not something I am really interested in” she replied confirming her sexuality and I...

1 year ago
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The Wrong Reverend

The Wrong Reverend By Suzanne Knight My name is Bob, well I don't use that much anymore, I was a high flying Florida real estate developer until that market crashed with a thud. Now I am bankrupt, I have a nice home but no other real assets. I managed to stash a few thousand in a bank in the Cayman Islands to hide it from my creditors. More significantly, I have no source of income to pay my living expenses and alimony to my ex wife. My only skill or talent is selling and at the...

4 years ago
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Reversal Rings One Night

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Once again, Morpheus created the Reversal Rings universe and I appreciate any opportunity to expand upon it. This is a sequel to my story "Reversal Rings: One Hour." If you have not read the original, you may feel lost a time or two. Again, I make no claims at being a world-class author. This was just for fun. I wanted to take the concept of casual swapping to the next level. This will be the last story involving these characters for a while. I know I...

2 years ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 4 The Order of the Strap

The Order of the Strap We made our rendezvous with Paula at the auto doc and revived her. When she came to Paula was all smiles and in the sexiest voice I could remember ever hearing said, "Hello, Master! How may I serve you?" She was still recovering from the drugs a bit and I could hear the snickers behind me. I repeated my instructions to Paula on rivalries. She looked at the other ladies, grinned and said, "Our new companion learns way too fast". Paula then noticed the red eyes and...

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