The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 2 The H M S Beverly
- 4 years ago
- 50
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Now that the rescues were complete I went to the bridge. Sally was in the pilot's seat with the widest smile I have seen in a decade. She was flying the ship herself. She clicked the autopilot on when she saw me. She said, "Hello Sir, I have been waiting for over three centuries to get a chance to pilot a ship manually for real. I know every ship system. I have a pilot's license and have piloted many ships, though never off automatic, except while training".
I said, "You'll have plenty more opportunities in the very near future. I can normally run the Zeus myself, but now with passengers, things are going to need to be watched much more carefully and there is going to have to be someone on watch at all times. How'd you like to be part of the crew for the remainder of this rescue operation?"
She said, "I love to sir, but I will need permission of the senior members of the Order first".
Ok ... I had to ask, "Why?"
"Sir, I don't think anyone has told you enough about the way our system works. I don't know about know all the little details yet myself, after about 520 years in the order". She did not look a day over 22.
I said, "Why don't you tell me quickly what I need to know so I know how to get the right people, people I can trust in place. I need the ten minute version".
She laughed, "It can't be done in that timeframe. Sir, may I presume to make a suggestion?"
I was not surprised by the answer. I said, "Go ahead". I wish they'd stop asking permission to talk. Showing respect is one thing, but this was just tedious. I never say no. The only reason they should be behaving this way is that they were scared to death of me. About the time I finished that thought, I realized that indeed they are scared to death of me at least at some level. I'd just spent the last 12 hours beating the crap out of their leaders and had given them each a seriously hard swat. The rest of the ladies were in line for their own 'capitulation session' eventually. I decided to cut them a little slack.
"Tonight there are some women you need to finish the ritual with. They are the 10th tier members of the order, the highest tier. There are 3 10th tier members in each order on this ship and there is another 10th tier member at Jewel and Apple. There is also one 10th tier sister in each of the convents. They know all the rules and can guild you much better than I can.
"I am only an 8th tier member. It will be decades before I am 10th tier, assuming I learn to control my temper and get over my current problem. Why don't you finish the ritual the rest of the 10th tier sisters tonight and ask the sisters you've already done to join you and help? That will give you a chance to ask questions and begin to learn how our system works.
"They will help you get what you need and do it through the chain of leadership in the Orders. You have complete control over everyone in the Orders but you need to work through them or there will be absolute chaos. This is not the time to change the way we function.
"If you ask them for help selecting crew members, they will most certainly suggest me and other well qualified candidates. Ask for the most senior people who know star ships. Then ask that they be put on the schedule for tomorrow, however many that will be. My guess is they are already working on the list, since you might ask them to form one. Technically we are all yours now, via the surrogate rule, but there are limits to that rule. You will need to finish the ritual with your crew members to avoid serious conflicts. Once you complete the ritual that will make us yours, with no limits.
"To put your mind at ease, Sir, don't worry, I will be the most senior person they suggest".
There was a flash on the scanner screen, I looked back to see that the Beverly had broken into several more pieces. It was only a matter of a few minutes before the Beverly was incinerated by the star. Sally had a really sad look on here face, tears brimming in her eyes. Then she shook her head slightly to clear it and turned to me and said, "Sir, my sisters and I need to watch the Beverly be incinerated, so that we can say our goodbyes to the Reverend and our sisters. We've lost our companion and way too many good friends. Can we wait here and pipe the video to the passenger compartment?"
I said, "Sure no problem, it will be like an old fashioned funeral pyre. You've got a few minutes, run down to the cargo hold and tell them what is happening. I'll set it up and be right behind you. I tied the video feed in and went back to the navigation console and changed course back to the star so that we would not lose the picture, which I quickly realized could be the problem since Sally had a lead foot when she had moved us away. The auto pilot had no reason to slow us down. I programmed the navigation system to turn the Zeus back around after I estimated the Beverly would be incinerated by the star. I also relayed the scene unfolding to the monitors near the autodoc so that the women there could see the end of the Beverly too.
I headed to the passenger deck, stopping at the autodoc to check on Robin and Yoko. All four doctor's were there (by now I had noticed the insignia on the bikinis) and the other 10th tier members (there were a little black bands on the ties to there bikinis). The leaders were arguing about something, but when they saw me they stopped. Robin and Yoko, were still in the autodoc, but doing fine. I told the women what was on the monitor and tied the monitor into the sound system in the passenger compartment, so that they could hear Sally's details of what was going on. They turned to the monitor and watched sadly. Sally had already finished and the rest of the women were one at a time coming to the podium and literally saying good bye to the Reverend and their friends from the other orders.
"We've got to go down there and honor our friends too". Paula said.
I replied, "Ladies there isn't time. It is going to be over in two minutes at most. Do it from here".
Then Paula said to the screen, "Goodbye Reverend". The rest of the woman almost as one took her queue and did the same thing. Then they each, even the ladies in the autodoc, started to say goodbye to their personal friends simultaneously.
I could see that the others in the passenger compartment were never going to get done in time. I picked up the commlink and set it to the passenger compartment and said, "Ladies this is the Captain, the Beverly in going to be gone in a minute or two. Say your goodbyes simultaneously". It took a second to sink in but they did as directed. About 90 seconds later the goodbyes had slowed down to a trickle. You could see the Beverly glowing red from the heat, then yellow, then white. Seconds later in a flash and a puff of smoke the Beverly was gone.
There were a lot of tears and sobbing for the next several minutes. I let them have their time.
There were two pings from the autodoc that broke the scene and the doctors turned to the autodoc console then said, "You are both done, you may come out", the doors open and the two came out and quickly put on their bikinis. My penis, even after all spanking saluted them properly and I spent a second rearranging my underwear and pants to absolutely no avail. I could see them all smiling at me.
Paula said, "Master, we have all seen them, we know it is not easy to control and we certainly do not take offense because of it. As you have said relax. I for one look forward to seeing more of it".
I replied, "That's good. Speaking of that, tonight I order all 10th tier sisters who have not yet capitulated to my cabin, for completion of the ritual. I'd also like it if the 4 senior members came. We have a lot to discuss. We can do it during the ritual."
The women all replied, "Yes Master".
"And knock it off with the 'Yes Master'. It makes me feel like a slaver, and as you woman will soon come to learn I expect respect and obedience, but I also respect you, your vows and your Orders rules. We'll go with 'Sir' except when we're having sex or I am punishing you. Clear?"
Twelve nice and clear, "Yes Mast ... Yes Sir's.
"Let's go to the passenger compartment".
As we walked I asked, "What were you arguing about when I came in here?"
Paula responded, "Sir, we were trying to determine if we should ask you to recover the remains of the Reverend before we left. That's obviously a mote point now. We did not understand how close to the end the Beverly was".
I replied. "Ok then". It did get them started though.
Paula then said, "Sir, you need to know something else about the ritual. Once the ritual is completed, it is the custom of our planet that the woman gives herself sexually to the man that night".
I responded, "You mean if I finish the ritual on the eight of you, all twelve of you will sleep with me?" That was a lot of women for one exhausted man in one night.
Paula replied, "Yes sir, but that will not be as 'hard' as you might think. We can do most of the work, you just need to be there with your, ah ... member. We have ways of making it work". They all laughed when she said it. They knew there was a limit on how long a man could perform. I am sure they could see I was exhausted at this point.
Amanda said, "Sir, we need to create a schedule. We are in agreement that we should recommend that you 'do' the highest ranks first and work down".
I said, "Sounds good, however please leave room at the top of the list to do 6 special requests. We can discuss what I need and why tonight".
"Yes, Sir!"
Yoko then said, "Sir, we need to know how many we could expect you to do in a day. It would be best if you did us all as soon as possible, as it will remove any lingering doubt any of our sisters might have. The replacement of a Reverend is usually much easier, since the Reverend's replacement is usually decided before he dies".
I said "For now let's go with eight. If my arm or member does not fall off we'll increasing the number in a couple of days". They all burst out laughing.
Linda said, "Sir, the replication of food is giving us problems. We can't get the system to recognize the names of items we are requesting".
"Ok, we'll figure that out in a few minutes".
Jackie said, "Sir, we also need your help with the facilities. The toilets, showers, and sinks, do not appear to be working. The cold water comes into the sinks but they don't drain. We figured it could wait until you were done rescuing our sisters".
I said, "There not? They should be". I touched my communicator and continued, "Mother, run a level five diagnostic on the restrooms in freight compartment 5".
"Working...", a few seconds later, "Result available, restrooms fully functional, but disabled for maintenance, date: 20.08.24, reason recorded, party poopers".
"Oh", I knew what that was about, in had had a group of passengers aboard the ship almost a year ago in another cargo hold. They somehow, and I still have no idea how, managed to burst a seal on the sewage system and shut down the entire system. I had to cannibalize a pump from the number 5 hold to fix it. I had others replace the pump and test it but I had been warned that I needed to enable they system since I had shut it down via voice command. I had had no reason to do it at the time. "Mother, enable restroom facilities in cargo hold 5 and flush".
"Working, enabled ... flushing complete". A bell sounded, "Warning!!! Emergency cleaning due to unhealthy conditions".
I said, "Oh shuzbutt+...", and broke into a trot, "You used the facilities anyway, right?" I had not thought of this possibility.
Paula was right next to me and answered, "Yes Sir, We had to go somewhere. Why?"
"You'll see when they we get there".
"Mother, entry doors to restrooms cargo bay 5, emergency open".
As we rounded the corner, I could hear a bunch of screaming coming form the cargo bay. I entered the cargo bay, everyone was at the restroom doors. I could see six groups of women around what I was sure were 6 writhing, very drenched green women who had probably been in the restroom when the sanitation system activated. The liquid was automatically sprayed when the computer detected extremely unsanitary conditions. This usually occurred only when the sewer system backed up while in transit. All the urine and stools from these 200 women had accumulated over the past 11+ hours. The computer normally checks for personnel unless the conditions reach a preset extreme, which causes the sanitation system to immediately activate.
As I entered the compartment, I grabbed the first aid kit on the wall just inside the hatch and yanked out the pressure hypo. I selected the latest knockout chemical, and gave each of the writhing ladies a shot. They quickly went limp. I said, "Ok, everyone just relax now. There was a sanitation emergency in the restroom. They will be just fine. The sanitation fluid stings like hell but there is no permanent physical harm".
About then the computer signaled over my commlink, "Emergency Sanitation complete". "Joy, unfettered", is all I could think.
Some of the other ladies were in agony, now too, they had touched there sisters to help them when they came out, screaming at the tops of the lungs. I told them, "Any of you who touched the injured girls here go to the showers in the men's room and take a good long shower don't rub the effected area until you wash it off it or will make it worse".
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The next six days of the trip would be a dream come true to most men. We were finally done doing what both legally and customarily needed to be done. It was clear by now that the 8 other orders were now in total disarray. The remaining 25 members in each Order that stayed in at the Reverend's home were not getting any leadership from the ship and were completely unguided. The other orders tried to help but were not able to give much assistance and there seemed to be resistance in accepting...
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I still can't believe the time I had last night. It's now Sunday morning and the sun has been up for a couple of hours. My wife Beverly and I just said goodbye to our new friends Theresa and Craig. The four of us had the time of our lives last night, an experience that none of us will soon forget. To help remember I decided to write down how our evening transpired. Here is the story of what happened. Bev and I had heard about this nice old bar in a neighboring town from friends. The place...
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This is a continuation of a story called ‘A Big Black Cock For Beverly’ its not imperative you read that first but if you wish to get the whole story then I suggest you take a look at it. Once again thanks to couple4hunghung for the inspiration. check out her pics and give them a thumbs up! The butterflies were racing around Beverly stomach as she watched the clock tic by. Today was the day she had waited for, the day she had ached over arriving. Today was the day she was going to meet up with...
Big thanks to Couple4HungHung[/username] for providing the inspiration for this story. If you haven’t already then please check out her beautiful pictures and give them a Thumbs Up!Beverly’s heart raced and her palms were sweaty on the wheel of her car. She stole a quick glace sideways at the man sat beside her in the car. God he excited her, she could already feel her crotch itch and the lubricating fluids prepare her for what she needed.She forced her eyes back onto the road and as she looked...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 03 = Troy and Beverly Well, I had heard about a group being formed where they go on just one date a week. The date starts on Friday whenever the two people can get...
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The Beverly Hillbillies 01): The Remedy By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "Out! Out! You charlatan! How dare you come to me under false pretenses! Some doctor you are; you don't know the first thing about a simple thing like Banker's Headache!" Mr. Drysdale slammed his office door in the face of a small, badly rumpled oldish man who was in need of a barber. "Well!" the woman sitting behind the desk in the outer office said about the scene. She rose: "I apologize for his...
Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...
14 May 202113 May 2021Not since the morning of my birthday have I been quite so flustered and flummoxed. What you might ask had left perky, pokie, sodden-cunted me so bothered and bewildered? Well, when I finished my diary yesterday my fingertips were already tipping and tapping their way across the smooth runway of my public mound in a teasing dance of moan-inducing temptation, and the organisms were quivering beneath my touch in trembly anticipation. Now one thing I have learned as a...
TransI slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Sandy was a newlywed; she and her husband Jeff had married just 7 months earlier. Their marriage had been a dream come true so far. Just after they were engaged, Sandy had found a good paying job as a secretary in a small office. With their combined incomes they were able to buy the house of their dreams. But it took nearly every penny they had. They cut every expense they could to have this house. Cutting coupons, shopping only on double coupon day, packing lunches and eating dinners at home...
It was love at first sight she was sixteen years old and was sitting on my brothers bed she had on a red bandanna and had the prettiest eyes I had ever seen bluish green and they sparkled when she laughed which she did a lot! I was nineteen a horny teenager myself but when I saw Beverly I was a goner she saw me staring at her but did not seem to mind in fact she seemed to like the attention so after a bit I asked her if she would like to come over and sit on my bed with me I knew she would come...
When Beverly found out and........ (After an idea originally suggested in a story by Susan Petty) Up to recently i was fairly shure my name was Marco but if you could see me now you would never believe it, especially if you saw the way i am dressed now. I'm fully made up as a blushing young bride with my hair done up in a very glamorous updo and i'm wearing an exquisite designer bridal gown and veil with clouds of petticoats and full bridal lingerie and i'm waiting for my devious...
Andrea’s Birthday An Erotic Adventure Starring Kiki and Ty Blaze Special Guest Stars Andearl Andrea gasped as she came. “Fuck me with your big Black cock.” she moaned, as her body shuddered. She rammed the big black dildo she had been fucking herself to orgasm with deep into her asshole while she fingered her...
August thirty one, year 5784. Last vacation day. After much consideration, Marco and Laylen Zel arrived to the conclusion that it will be better to wait to after the Great Earth's Core Pursuit before enrolling Zax to a post Core School. For the past month they weighed the pros and cons of sending their young boy to a post Core School right after his vacation. It was a dilemma of many parents in Kingdom Earth. The fourth grade was unique. Unlike any other grade, although still legally...
The flight from the island is bitter sweet, sweet because of the rescue, bitter because of the unknown. My relationship with Leeza isn't something that we can declare openly. A bit about myself, my name is Don Parson, widower, fifty-one, living in Abbotsville a small city in the northeast. I am a software developer by trade, specializing in computer viruses and the dismantling of them. My last assignment introduces me to Mr. Raven and his twelve-year-old daughter Leeza. Leeza and I got off to...
The ship that was transporting Helena and myself back to England was hardly the largest in Her Majesty's Navy. HMS Minotaur was a "pistol ship" one of a new class of vessels, designed for the rapidly changing nature of sea warfare. Faster than the dreadnoughts but much smaller, she carried a single 12 inch breech-loading gun in a fixed mounting on her bow. Fighting tactics for the pistol ships were simple: they drove straight at the opposing fleet at high speed, aiming to get as close as...
Just graduated from the British School of Aerospace Navigation, I stared at my new ship, HMS Harmony. Being a pilot was my life long dream, and today I am living it. "Hello Captain Valentine." A voice echoes through the controll room as I enter. The synthetic voice sounded like a sweet secretary rather than an A.I. program. "I am Blossom, your personal A.I. system for helping pilot. Please state your full name."
Hi! sabhi lund walo aur chut waaaliyon ko mera lund wat pranam. Main ISS pe naya nahin hun magr yeh meri pehli story hai. Bahut saalon se stories padh raha hun aur hila raha hun. Aisa ek din bhi nahin hota jab ISS pe log in nahin kiya ho. Badi hi mast site hai aur mast kahaniyan hai. Ab bakwass bandh karke maal pe aate hai. Apni pehli kahaani mein main aapko apne ghar le jaata hun aur apni raand maal RITU chachi se milwata hun. Aisa koi lund na hoga jo is chinaal ko chodna na chahe. Saaali...
Even as Miss Hathaway's convertible was slipping through traffic, Elly May was still trying to argue herself out of the trip. "I don't need no more clothes," she told the secretary, who looked like a broomstick with a shriveled up old apple on the top. "I got plenty." "Hmm, yes," Miss Hathaway said, keeping her eyes on the road. "But there are a few gaps in your wardrobe." Elly May looked down at herself. Her abundant breasts were corralled by a white men's shirt, with the ends...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
So while we were having coffee's etc, they invited me to visit them the following weekend, they were happy to host and went on the say they had built a play room in the loft of the house and wanted to share it , adding that they both wanted to delve deeper into the whole b.d.s.m world, if i have learnt anything over the years its best to find out as much as possible about what people want ?what a person says can differ so much in real life, so with that in mind i reminded them both that they...