The Rescue Of HMS BeverlyChapter 11: The Capitulations free porn video

When I got there were 34 women waiting for me, 22 ladies for the ritual and the 12 10th tier ladies. Tina had the Order birch in her hand. It was quite the scene, the passage way was packed, but there was a 3 foot empty circle around Tina. No one wanted to get close to the birch. It would have been funny if the situation was not so serious.
I started the holodeck program then led them in. I went to the front and said, "Ladies we all know why we are here. This is being done for your safety when we return to our home. I don't enjoy this at all. This is the way it will work. I will give you each 3 strokes of the birch and then go to your next sister. When I get to you the next time around if you are ready to capitulate, tell me. I will give you three more strokes so that there is no question that you had no other choice. I will require, for your own safety that you take nine strokes before you capitulate. Does everyone understand?" They all understood way too well.
"Then very well ladies go to the horses to be secured, I am going to check on the auto docs and I'll be right back".
As I walked to the autodocs the 'victims' were securing their own ankles, to their horses. I quickly checked the autodocs. All 16 were fully operational. I returned to the holo deck.
The twelve 10th tier women were checking the bonds of the girls, most of which were completely secure. When Tina saw me she brought me the 'Order Birch'. When the ladies were all securely restrained I started from the back. By the third round they were all sobbing and crying. There was no point in showing them mercy. They had to be beaten into submission for their own sakes. No one capitulated until near the end of fifth round, and then it was like a flood. Some of the 9th level sisters lasted one more round no one got more than 21 (thank god). Releasing the ladies and getting them to the auto docs was more of a challenge, because so many capitulated at once. When I was done, I started to help, by carrying the girls to the autodocs.
The whole process did not take as long as I feared it might. Each round only took about 7 minutes and we had everyone in the auto docs in less than 60 minutes total. My arm on the other hand was feeling it. I used the autodoc to repair the muscles and other tissues. In 5 minutes I was good as new. I checked all the ladies then. They were all fine.
At this point I took Paula, Linda and Jackie aside. I told them what had happened with Sally.
Linda was angry and said, "I am sorry, sir. I am going to blister her butt so that she can't sit for a month for the next eight months."
I said, "No, you will not punish her at all for this. This is a mental disorder. Doing that is not going to help anything". They were quite startled by my response.
I explained what was happening to Sally, and how certain things would cause her to relive bad experiences. I said that I had startled her and she was back in the time she was assaulted nine years ago.
Jackie said, "I've read about PTSD in books. I have never seen a lady with PTSD. I have read that it sometimes happens in the convents as the women are trained. I've never heard about it in anyone as old as Sally. Are you sure?"
I replied that I was and that Sally had said so when I talked to her. I added that knew people who would help her with it. I said I would send for them when we reached Jewel. Once those people had helped Sally, she would most likely be able to function completely normally. What we had to do now is just give her the loving, support and protection she needed.
Linda who was now having second thoughts about how she had dealt with Sally for the past nine years said, "Sir I wish we had understood she was ill. It really looked like bad temper control to us". One thing about string bikinis, it is really easy to read a person's body language. Right now Linda was a mass of conflicting impulses and emotions.
I said, "Linda you had no way of knowing. I just got lucky and caught her at the right time to see it. She blurted out what was happening to her. Many times people don't tell others what was going on for them because they do not remember and they think they are going crazy. I have seen it before, unfortunately, in people I loved. It was a sad thing back then when there was nothing that I could do. Fortunately, we live and learn. This time there is something I can do. I can also tell you how to recognize the symptoms so that when you see it again so that you can do something about it. I have a feeling there are more cases of this with your other sisters.
"Linda, you need to know that the first thing she thought of was telling you about it and how disappointed she thought you'd be with her. She loves you and still needs your help and support more than anyone else. She'll be ok on this ship since I know what is going on".
Linda now had a much more relieved look. I continued, "Go to the bridge and talk to her. Tell her you're going to help her with her problem and that she can lean on you when ever she needs too. Let her talk about the incident as long as she wants to and make sure she realizes that what is occurring happens to a lot of people after less trauma like she has in her life. Just don't try to fix it.
"Remember she is on the list for tonight. Keep an eye on her at all times tonight before and after. Watch her carefully for signs of losing touch with reality. Don't hesitate to tell me if you see a problem. I'd like to do her with the others for her own sake, but if needed we can do her ritual separately".
Linda replied, "Yes Sir", and ran off to the bridge.
Jackie, on the other hand was now really looking upset. She had been rattling off all the Sally incidents in her mind and was beginning to wonder if she was as blind as a bat. "I can't believe I missed all the signs. I should have seen it. The whole point of training is to prepare sisters for punishment. This should not have happened".
I said, "Don't be too hard on yourself. You train people to take punishment, and you help them deal with it. If it was PTSD after a punishment you would have seen it. This was a sexual assault of Sally and several other sisters, as I understand it. Further, she did not tell you what was happening, because she doesn't remember what happened five minutes after the incident. With this condition, you often have to be there to see it occurring to identify it. To a lay person like her, her behavior is just plain crazy. Sally is not going to tell people she is crazy. Her intelligence in this case works against her. Sally is smart enough to hide her symptoms at most times".
Paula was also upset with herself. I said, "Paula, you clued me in on this last night. No one was hurt because I was prepared for problem. You all did your best and helped Sally survive to the point where her problem was recognized. I can attest to that not always happening". I had a friend who was killed by a body guard when she attacked a man one morning during PTSF incident, right after WW3. I was hoping she'd be my wife someday.
"Ladies, I know your sisters expect you to know everything. They expect you to be right all the time and to be able to solve all problems. They also know you make honest mistakes just like them. You need to show yourselves the same love and compassion you show them. Give yourselves a break on this".
About now the autodocs started pinging and the members of the Order of the Birch were coming out. Ten minutes later there were 19 ladies examining each others marks and bruises, laughing and joking about how they sounded when they capitulated, as they put their bikinis back on. They all gathered around me. They each came over and hugged and each kissed me. Each one thanked me for completing the ritual on them.
I knew that they would usually expect to be hauled off to bed and sex after the ritual, but as one of them said, "The sex after the ritual is a custom. The ritual is a legal process. Sisters usually live their whole lives not going through the ritual. We all want the sex, in many ways it fulfills our needs in life. That said, Sir, you are a man of your word. You will do it when there is time. We can live with that and will look forward to that time".
We chatted for a while. Then I led them back to the passenger compartment, where they were greeted by the others. It was another show and tell, bumper sticker session. I sensed that seeing more and more of their sisters with 'I survived the ritual' bumper stickers was beginning to alleviate their fears.
I looked at my watch and it was 11:15. I wanted to check on Linda and Sally on the bridge, and the ship too. I told Robin to have her group up to the holodeck at 12 noon sharp, and then headed to the bridge.
When I got to the bridge I discovered Sally in Linda's arms, sleeping, like mother and daughter, with Linda just massaging her hair. (Ok, Sally was a big daughter).
When Linda saw me she smiled, and whispered, "Everything is fine sir. She told me all about the attack 10 years ago, almost as if it happened yesterday. She cried herself to sleep. She has not cried like that since the attack that I know of".
I said, "Linda, I need to check a few things here. You better wake her up so that she can adjust". Linda woke Sally up. Sally did much better this time when she saw me. I could see her tense, for a split second, but then relax.
I checked the status of several consoles on the bridge, including the hyperdrive. Everything was fine. I then said to the ladies, "Linda, I am going to need you at the holo deck for the next session".
"Yes Sir, I'll be there".
"Sally, how are you doing?"
"I'm fine sir. If you don't mind I just stay up here while I wait for tonight. I had almost forgotten how beautiful space is. This ship is truly amazing. Some of the observation equipment is the best I have ever seen".
"Sure stay here. I really enjoy looking up close at some of systems I encounter. It can be breath taking".
I glanced at my watch, 11:50. I said, "Well I'd better get down there. I am sure they will be better off if they don't have to wait for me".
With that Linda and I headed toward the holodeck. Linda said on the way, "Sir, I have never known a man like you. Please don't get me wrong on this, I loved the Reverend. I can say though, and even he would agree, that you are the perfect replacement for him. You've already helped solve Sally's problem, and I am sure you are correct about the cause. You cut us slack when it is right to do so, yet you do what has to be done. You may find this a little difficult to understand but it is near impossible to get 10th tier ladies as aroused as I am right now, but I am aroused. It is a pity we don't have the time to give me a good girl spanking and send me to the moon. I can't tell you how horny I am right now. It is so good to feel this way again".
When we arrived, 22 members of the order of the cane were waiting for us.
Like the time before I started the holodeck program then led them in. I went to the front and said, "Ladies we all know why we are here. This is being done for your safety when we return to our home. I don't enjoy this at all. This is the way it will work. I will give you each 5 strokes of the cane and then go to your next sister. When I get to you the next time around if you are ready to capitulate, tell me. I will give you five more strokes so that there is no question that you had no other choice. I will require, for your own safety that you take fifteen strokes before you capitulate. Does everyone understand?" Again, they all understood way too well.
"Ok then let's get started. Go to your horses and be secured". They all filed to there places. Robin had the Order canes, so I walked over to her I took them from her and she continued to help the others be secured. Suddenly, one of the ladies bolted running into the field. I don't know who yelled, "Billy Jo, NO!!!"
She got about ten meters into the field and ran into one of the holodeck walls. At this point she hit the ground with a thud. I reached her first and latched on to her. She struggled for a few seconds and then subsided. I calmly said, "Billy Jo, let's go get you set up".
Billy Jo was of course in tears, "I am sorry sir, but I can't move now. Please help me!" I had the doctors check her out, and she was fine, but she was not kidding either. After a second or two of coaxing I picked Billy Jo up and carried her to her horse. She was stiff as a board not exactly cooperating, but not struggling at all. "I'm sorry sir" was repeated over and over. I put her over her horse, Robin was there helping me at that point and while I was securing her feet Robin did her arms. At this point Billy Jo was also apologizing to her saying "I'm sorry sis, I'm so sorry".
Robin said, "Don't worry about it sis, your mind just did what all of our bodies are telling us to do. We are all struggling with it. Part of our training says that you should do anything to stop the ritual from being performed on you. I know you know it does not apply at this point, but training is a hard thing to fight. So just relax, now. Take what you need and it will be over soon".
Once we secured her, I walked back to the rear of the room, I was definitely feeling that maybe I was not doing the right thing. Robin followed me as I was going. Apparently the sisters can read body language too, because she said, "Sir, I know this is hard for you. You've made it clear that you really don't want to do it. Please understand, even though she ran, she wants and needs you to do this. Each on of us is fighting our training here. There is a section of our training that tells us to fight anyone trying to perform the ritual on us. It does not apply in this situation and we understand it. Trust me when I say, there is a voice in our heads that is telling us to 'RUN'. This is hard for all involved. It is hardest on you right now because while we are mentally prepared and trained to accept this kind of punishment and deal with it afterward, you never really have spanked people to hurt them like this and you are not cruel. Many men on our planet are cruel. You are being forced into a situation where you have to be. Let's get this over with as soon as we can. We will show our appreciation later.
Clair brought the cane to me and handed it to me, "Sir I speak for all my sisters, when I say 'For our own safety, please do this for us!'"
I took the cane, once I started, it became mechanical, Clair and Robin stayed with me the whole time, Clair counting the strokes, Robin making sure the lady, whose turn it was, was ok. They were both there to provide support to me. I knew why Claire and Robin were there and I greatly appreciated it.
During the fifth round they started to capitulate. By the seventh they were all done, except for Billy Jo. She would not give in. She was set on paying for her earlier lapse, and was going to take a hundred before she gave in. After she had her 10th round I took a break. Clair and Robin stayed with her, talking to her and I suspected reading her the riot act.
After about 10 minutes, I went back and gave her five more. She then capitulated, gave her the five extra I gave everyone as promised. My emotions got the better of me and I threw the cane as hard as I could across the meadow and into the holodeck wall. At that moment I really did care if I broke it into 100 pieces. Robin and Clair released her. I carried her to the autodoc and put her in. I then went straight to my quarters without saying a thing.
About 15 minutes later, when the 10th tier ladies did not find me on the bridge there was a knock on my door. "Sir, are you in there. Please we need to talk to you!" I didn't recognize the voice at the time. It was Lori from the Order of the Strap. I composed myself and said, "Please enter". Lori, Paula, Amanda, Linda, Yoko and Tina filed in.
Paula asked, "Sir, are you ok?"
I replied, "No ... No I am not. This is just plain cruel. You women do not deserve this kind of treatment. Not from anyone, under any circumstances.
"I should not be forced to hurt you this way. I am not a psychopath and only a psychopath would enjoy this".
Amanda said, "Yes sir, we understand". She really didn't. Her culture was different than mine. It was the right thing to say. On her planet men punished women when ever they felt like it. Why I didn't react the same way as most men on the planet would they could not fathom. "Maybe we should take a break for the rest of the day. We could continue tomorrow".
I thought about it a second, "No, that will only prolong the agony for all of us. We need to do this quickly". I looked at my watch 2:45. I was surprised to find out how much time there was before the next session. I realized that my arm was not sore at this point. "Wonderful I am getting used to it", I thought. That did nothing to brighten my day.
The ladies had gathered close to me at this point, I found that I was sitting on the sofa, a couple of them were behind the sofa massaging my shoulders and back. It was better than any autodoc could have done. I could feel myself relaxing. One thing was for sure in my mind, these women knew how to take care of a man. As with any group of people there were problem spots and bumps in the road. They knew how to handle them. Somehow I knew I was going to find a way to love and protect every one of these women.
About this time Robin and Clare showed up, with the doctors, Billy Jo and a couple of other Order of the Cane ladies. They gathered around the sofa and finding places to relax.
Billy Jo knelt right in front of me, and said. "Sir, I am sorry I upset you. I really didn't mean to, I was scared; please let me make it up to you. Please have sex with me now so that I may properly apologize". She undid the strings of her bikini bottoms.
Well right about then my member popped to attention so there was no doubting that it was ready for fun, even if psychologically I was not. I could not say no though and reject her. She did not deserve that.
I said, "Ok Billy Jo. Just remember the problem today was not your fault. I do not blame you for any of it. If you still want to do this take off your bra and come here". Her bikini bra was off in half a second.
One of the other Sisters of the Cane was next to Billy Jo on her knees, "Sir I am Sister Jane may I be next?"
I said, "Ok Jane, you are next, take off your bikini too".
The other sister of the cane said taking here place on the other side of Billy Jo, "Sir I am Sister Patty, may I go after Jane".
Like I was going to say no... "Ok Patty, you are after Jane".
I took off my pants and underwear. Then I walked behind them. "Ladies, get on all fours, and spread your knees as far as you can".
They did as they were told, I did then as well as I could but found myself not really into it. You could only have so much sex in 24 hours, I don't care who you are. I was not feeling mentally into sexual activity right then. Fortunately for me, the three ladies had not had any sex in weeks, so after I was done, they took over. Ok, I was wrong, you never can have too much sex with women who love you and love sex.
Someone eventually noticed it was time to go to the 'next session' so we wrapped it up with a few hugs and kisses.
We went to the holodeck, and the ladies of the strap were waiting. I started the holo program and went in. Linda and Tina and the other 10th tier women had stationed additional sisters along the periphery of the punishment horsed to catch any bolters before they hurt themselves. Fortunately the ladies of the strap seemed to be better prepared. I think Amanda had talked to them. They went directly to their places and started securing themselves. I helped a couple with the final adjustments.
When they were all ready Amanda produced the strap and handed it to me, saying, "Sir, I know you don't like to hurt us, but this is for our own sakes. We appreciate that you are doing this for us". Noticing the doubtful look in my face, Amanda thought a second, grinned and continued, "Well ok, we will all appreciate that you are doing this for us when it is over. Please do this for the safety of my sisters".
I took the strap. I actually felt a whole lot better about my current "duties" after the women I had just spanked came to my quarters and thanked me. Maybe I should cut myself a break. This had to be done, but I did not have to like it. If they could endure it and not be angry about it, the least I could do is handle it better than I was.
I said, "Ladies, this has to be done. I would not do it if there was any other way to return you home safely.
"This is how it is going to work. I will give you ten licks of the strap and then move to your next sister. You may capitulate any time you feel you have taken enough. I will give you ten more strokes after that, immediately. You will then be taken to the nearest autodoc and put in.
"Please don't go stoic on me. Cry out as you need to, everyone knows it hurts. Remember to breath".
I went to the back and started. During the fourth round the women began to capitulate, and by the end of the fifth round it was done. I carried the last lady to the autodoc and put here in.
The eight 10th tier sisters who were not doctors were watching me, seeing how I was handling it. I walked over to them and I said, "I'm ok. Thanks for the help earlier. Make sure you let Billy Jo, Patty and Jane know that I feel much better because of their help. I'll talk to them later".
I looked at my watch, 6:15. "Hey its diner time, do we have any birthdays?".
Everyone looked at Tina, who swallowed hard and said, "Yes sir, we have two, Anita from the Order of the Cane and me". Tina didn't look happy, considering this was a fun spanking.
I asked, "What's wrong Tina".
"Oh, nothing, sir".
"Tina out with it, I really don't like asking twice".
"Sir, it is just that I am 784 years old today. I don't care how aroused you make me, 784 swats of the hand hurts. It also takes quite a lot of time". It could not be too good for my hand either. I could see her point, after all a birthday spanking is supposed to be fun.
I said, "Ladies is there any reason we can't alter the rules for people over 100".
"No sir", and they all had relieved looks on there faces.
I continued, "Does any order use a ping pong paddle as an implement?"
"No sir", they did not look quite as happy at this turn of events.
"How about we change the birthday spanking rules if you are over 100? At the beginning you get one swat with the ping pong paddle for every 20 years over 100. Tina would get 34 swats with the paddle and then 104 with my hand".
They all looked much happier, Tina said, "Sir this sounds like a good idea, we can try it now. I certainly don't mind being the guinea pig. I am sure Anita will not mind either. If there is a problem, say with the number 20 being to large or small we can experiment with it, over the next few months. I think we all want the birthday spankings to be a sexually arousing thing for all of us. After 200 swats the spanking stops being fun for all of us, including you. It will be a lot faster too". It would also be easier on my hand.
Paula said, "I like the idea to, but their needs to be one slight change. The last swat, 'the one to grow on', is supposed to be the hardest. It needs to remain that way for tradition sake. I'd suggest, that you need to give everyone one swat HARD with the paddle to each cheek to grow on".
They all giggled. It was clear that they all enjoyed the birthday spankings, at least at some point in their lives, and suddenly were looking forward to it again. I would later find out that all the 10th level sisters were at least 800 years old.
I said, "Ok then, it is settled. Two swats to grow on with the paddle before the pinch for good luck'
Paula said, "Good grief, even I will look forward to my birthday now. I never thought that would happen again".
Right about then the pinging of the autodocs started and in about 5 minutes the sisters of the Order of the Strap were done. We headed to the passenger compartment. Once we arrived there was another show and tell session, where bruises and their experiences were discussed.
I said, "I'm going to eat dinner, feel free to join me". I went to the replicators, ordered my diner and sat down to eat at one of the tables nearby. When I sat there were almost instantly 11 women at the table with me. We found stuff to talk about. I asked the girls about their areas of training. I found I had a mix of talents at the table from hyperspace researchers to primary school teachers. Most of the ladies were part of the Reverend's household because they had special talents for a project the Reverend wanted done. After that their talent was wasted. For the most part, the women seemed the think that this is the way it was everywhere in the universe.
On the other hand I was beginning to see some really good opportunities for the women and myself. I was not sure yet what the situation was and why things seemed to be the way they were. What I did know though was that I had a talent pool next to none. I never waste talent and I was going to find ways to us it.
I was done eating. I said "Ok time for the birthday cake. Will the birthday girls please step forward. Tina was close by and came forward. Anita came forward from the back of the room. She almost tripped twice on her own feet, she was so nervous.
"How old are you Anita?"
"279 Sir", not looking happy about it at all. I could see she was an 8th tier lady from the markings on her bikini. She was a blue eyed blond and about 5 foot 7.
I said, "While I order the ice cream and cake, Paula, why don't you tell them all about the new birthday spanking policy".
I ordered the cake and ice cream. I then had the replicators fabricate a ping pong paddle. By the time I returned, Paula had finished explaining the new spanking policy. Every one seemed pleased, most of all Anita. She would be getting eight swats with the paddle and 119 with the hand, plus the two to grow on. Trust me, I'd never forget the pinch for good luck.
Once the birthday girls had made a wish and had blown out their candles we all had small pieces of cake and ice cream. I was done with my cake and ice cream in a couple of minutes. I had noticed that both Tina and Anita hardly ate at the meal and then hardly had any ice cream or cake. I wondered what was up and asked.
One of the ladies at the table who's name was Tiffany spoke up and said, "Sorry sir, it is not that we are afraid of you or the spanking. Riding on a man's knees, bucking up and down like we tend to as we are played with, has a tendency to make one pee and/or vomit. We usually eat afterward, if we were up to it. We always pee just before we come up here. The spanking and play is much easier for us on an empty stomach".
I had not thought of that and I said, "Oh! I see. That's an interesting piece of knowledge, thank you".
I then made a quick decision and announced, "It has come to my attention that the ladies being spanked would be able to enjoy the cake and ice cream more if they were served after the spanking. We will do the birthday spanking before the meal from now on".
What I think amazed me then most about past two days is how ladies took everything that occurred in stride. They were completely able to handle the psychological aspects of spanking and still have smiles on there faces that were not forced. They wanted to mingle with me, the ones yet to 'get it' and the ones that had already 'got it'. I wanted learn everything about everyone one of them.
The ladies had placed an armless chair in the center of the eating area so I went over and sat in it. There was a small table on the left side of the chair, to put the paddle on. The ladies think of everything.
Anita came over and said, "Sir, please give me my birthday spanking".
I said "Ok honey". I pulled the strings on her bikini and helped her over my lap. I took the ping pong paddle, tapped the paddle on her butt a couple of times, and gave her a half strength swat on her left buttock and continued switching cheeks each time.
Smack! "Twenty!" Smack! "Forty!" Smack "Sixty!" Smack! "Eighty".
I stopped for a second and asked Anita how she was doing.
"I am ok sir, the swats sting much worse than a hand swat but nothing like 80 hand swats. I'd be bawling my eyes out at this point, without any breaks".
I look my finger and ran it down her back a couple of times stopping before running it down her crack and then going back to the top. She was already pretty aroused, as she let out a moan of disappointment every time stopped. I then darted my finger right into her clitoris. Her legs snapped shut so hard that it sounded louder than the report of the ping pong paddle. I removed my fingers.
"Oh ... oh...", then a slight pause, "Oh, sorry sir, wow, that has not happened to me in 200 years. Oh please sir, do that again!! It feels so good".
I pick up the paddle and started again.
Smack! "One Hundred!" Smack! "One Twenty!" Smack! "One Forty!" Smack! "One Sixty!".

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