Honkytonk HeroChapter 3
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Caroline Fricke was not swayed by the gentle chiding she received from her mother concerning Tommy Bledsoe. Maybe the man wasn’t another Lennie Small from “Of Mice and Men”, but there was certainly something suspicious about how he had waltzed into town and insinuated himself into her parents’ life. Not to mention he had seduced a number of town women. Maybe, she thought, he was another Charles Manson, the crazy eyed guru just arrested a few days ago for being involved in the murder of actress Sharon Tate. Actually, Manson did fit better, because Manson also had a bevy of mesmerized women doing his evil bidding.
The Monday morning after her party, Caroline borrowed her mother’s car and drove to the library to talk with Ruth Silverman about it. She chose the librarian, because Ruth was a sophisticated and educated young woman who was not likely to be swayed by the charms of some cowboy drifter.
Ruth listened to Caroline’s concerns and nodded understandingly as the younger woman expressed her misgivings. She could sympathize with Caroline’s feelings, as she ruefully recalled her own assumptions about Thomas.
“I understand what you are saying, Caroline, and I know all too well your qualms about Thomas. I had them myself when I first met him. However, your mother is absolutely right about him. He is the nicest, sincerest and sweetest man I’ve ever met. Yes, he is emotionally underdeveloped, and yes, he sometimes acts immature. But I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, because Thomas doesn’t have a big ego or a legion of bad habits and misconceptions. When he tells me he loves me, I know he is telling the unconditional, unvarnished truth.”
As a way of example, Ruth related to Caroline her date with Tommy on Friday night. She left out her trip to the feed store. Caroline smiled at the story; that’s exactly how she felt a man should act if he truly loved you. However, she was still skeptical on several points.
“What about the other women I saw him with? That’s a strange way to show you he loves you,” Caroline argued.
Ruth smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
“Tommy loves those other women as much as he loves me, that’s the way he is. He is sweet and tender, and he makes us all feel special without stifling us with demands. As a matter of fact, we have to be careful what we say around Tommy, because he would literally give us anything we wanted or do anything we asked. What more could we want? Besides, we are all close friends and there is no jealousy between us.”
Caroline thought it strange that four women would so happily share one man, but her mind was at least at ease about Tommy being a danger to her parents. Her worries were suddenly replaced with curiosity. She did not like it that there was something about him the other women saw and she didn’t. Her naturally inquisitive mind set about solving the Tommy problem as soon as she walked out of the library.
Tommy had fun the ten days leading up to Christmas, as he shopped for gifts for his friends and participated in community events that celebrated the holidays. Tommy delighted in volunteering for everything. He sang in the church Christmas program, acted as one of Santa’s helpers at the VFW Children’s Christmas Party, and rode on a fire truck dressed as an elf for the Elk’s lodge parade. He rang a bell and watched over the donation kettle for the Salvation Army in front of the Piggly Wiggly for six hours, and collected gifts for Toys for Tots. Tommy also made two shopping excursions to Brownwood, and one all the way to Dallas to find gifts for his friends. By now, there were a lot of people who considered Tommy a friend, and Tommy wholeheartedly returned the sentiment.
While they had been at Caroline’s homecoming party, one of those friends invited Tommy to dinner for the following Tuesday. So as soon as he was finished with his day at the feed store, Tommy zipped home, showered, threw on some clean clothes and drove out to Connie’s. He arrived at Conchita Delgado’s Happy Endings Ranch at six-thirty on the dot. Tommy prided himself in always being on time.
Conchita had been as nervous as a new bride as she carefully followed the recipes that Rita and Betty Lou gave her. Conchita Delgado was a lot of things, but a good cook wasn’t among them. Still, she was motivated and determined, so armed with three times the quantities of the ingredients called for by the recipes, she had slaved away in the kitchen all afternoon. When Tommy rapped his knuckles on her door, she was just sliding the biscuits out of the oven. She quickly flopped the cookie sheet up onto the stove top, turned off the oven and dashed to the door.
Tommy gave her a big smile when she threw open the door. He gave her a kiss and complimented her on how nice she looked. Conchita returned his smile and thanked him for the compliment. She was wearing a nice knee-length dress that flattered her figure without showing a lot of skin. She had two inch heels on her feet and her hair was loose and brushed until it shined. It was, however, a completely different story underneath the demure frock. Connie was loaded for bear in a Fredrick’s of Hollywood bra, panty and garter belt set in hot pink satin. She was determined that tonight would be the night.
Conchita sat Tommy down on the couch with a Lonestar and some peanuts, then swayed back to the kitchen to put the meal on the table. She was gratified that everything had turned out so well, until she saw the biscuits she’d just baked. Instead of light and fluffy perfection, she had created golden brown hockey pucks. Resourceful Conchita had been prepared for that eventuality, however. She dumped the flat, rock hard biscuits into the trash and deftly opened a package of Merita brown and serve rolls. She threw the rolls on the same cookie sheet and popped them in the oven.
Conchita put the food on the table six quick minutes later, and fetched Tommy to the dining room. Tommy was probably the first person to ever have country fried steak and lumpy mashed potatoes by romantic candle light with a beautiful movie star. Tommy enjoyed the heck out of the meal, and went to great pains to make sure Connie knew that. Conchita acknowledged his compliment, then went about subtly seducing him. It was probably Conchita’s most outstanding performance ever, as she acted the part of a perfect soubrette. It worked, though, so for dessert, Tommy had himself a heaping helping of hot Hungarian.
How they ended up in the bed together was educational for Conchita. It was educational, because of the way Tommy orchestrated the event instead of vice versa. She was very pleasantly surprised when Tommy took charge and pulled her into his lap as he sat on the couch. Somehow he nimbly removed her dress while she wriggled on his lap. When she was down to her pink lingerie, he stood up with her in his arms.
“Where’s your bedroom?” he growled.
She shivered and fluttered her hand weakly toward the hall.
“Last door on the right,” she cooed.
In Conchita Delgado’s actress mind, she was the stunningly beautiful Scarlett O’Hara, and Tommy was a most handsome Rhett Butler.
Tommy adroitly maneuvered them through her bedroom door and gently laid her on her bed. She watched with wide and wild eyes as he started stripping off his clothes. When his shirt came off, she avidly took in how his broad shoulders and chiseled chest tapered down to a washboard stomach and narrow hips. She quickly sat up and twisted her hands behind her back to unfasten her bra. Tommy gave her a look and shook his head.
“Uh-uh,” he said forcefully. “It’s too close to Christmas to let someone else unwrap my present.”
She fell back on the bed with a smile on her lips. Tommy wasn’t smooth or suave, but his sincere honesty made her tingle all over.
Soon enough, Tommy was naked and working on making her the same way. Conchita was a very sensual and highly sexed woman. She discovered masturbation at the age of eleven, and shortly after she turned twelve, she found that boys could make her feel even better. Conchita loved to fuck, and she was multi-orgasmic. Until she met Tommy, she had used and discarded men as if they were expendable sex aids. Her husband Beau had known about her nature and let her find satisfaction where she could. She became the predatory queen of one-night stands, and directed each encounter to suit her needs.
Conchita’s body was constructed in a manner that was a perfect compliment to her supercharged libido. Her clit was larger than normal, extending from its protective hood in a way that allowed it constant stimulation during intercourse, and yet it was not overly sensitive. Consequently, it did not take a Casanova to get her off multiple times.
Her tried and true methods did not seem to work with Tommy, however, because instead of climbing on her and riding her hard and fast as she wanted him to do, he took his time and made slow gentle love to her. He took her to the very edge of an orgasm and then did just enough to keep her hanging on the precipice. Her groans of frustration soon turned to keening wails, though, as Tommy finally took her over the top. She could not remember ever coming that hard. Yet before she could really savor the moment, he started on her again.
Two Trojans and forty-five minutes later, Tommy hopped out of bed and fetched her a glass of ice water. By then, she’d cum so much and so hard, her stomach muscles hurt. Her hair was plastered to her sweaty face and her body was limp as boiled spaghetti. She sat up and gratefully gulped the water, as Tommy used a warm, damp hand towel to gently wipe the sweat off her. She handed him the empty glass and fell back on the bed with a contented sigh.
“You aren’t leaving are you?” she asked hopefully.
He smiled and took one of her large firm breasts in his hand.
“Are you kidding? The night is young and we’re just getting started,” he replied.
She looked at him incredulously and gasped as his head dipped down between her legs. After the second swipe of his tongue, she moaned and reached for his head to pull his face tighter to her core.
“You are going to kill me,” she hissed.
Tommy popped his head up and gave her a grin.
“Maybe, but you’ll die happy,” he said.
Well, of course she didn’t die, unless you count the ten or twelve ‘little deaths’ he coaxed out of her. At midnight, she slipped on her robe and walked him to the door. She had asked him to spend the night, but he reluctantly turned her down.
“Next time, I’ll bring a change of clothes so I can go to work from here, okay Connie?”
She kissed him passionately and held the door for him.
“You have no idea how happy that will make me,” she said.
The trichotomy between Tommy Bledsoe’s natural intelligence, physical age and emotional age, put him in some awkward predicaments. Sometimes it was just some funny embarrassing statement that slipped out of his mouth. However, other times, Tommy’s reaction to something that an adult would know how to handle, caused him more serious problems. That was one reason everyone looked out for him. Thursday of the week before Christmas was the first of two incidents that proved the point.
Tommy did not have any experience to draw from on how he should conduct himself, so he formed his values from reading and observing people around him. He read westerns, of course; he loved stories of the old west. He also read biographies of great men. In his choice of reading material, the story’s heroes were brave, kind and resolute. They were protective of their friends, treated women and children with respect and kindness, and were loyal to a fault. Harold Fricke, Ben Crawford and Ramon Salazar, all of his adult male role models acted like that too. Tommy thought that if he could live his life half that well, he’d never be unhappy. So when the first incident took place at the Brantley Savings and Loan, Tommy acted in the manner he thought any of what Teddy Roosevelt’s ‘true men’ would.
A second cause for Tommy’s behavior was the inability that most teenager boys have in understanding the consequences of foolish actions. For a time, many boys and young men think they are invincible, and that nothing bad could possibly happen to them. Tommy Bledsoe was one of those boys.
On Thursday afternoon, Tommy took off from work a few minutes early and drove down the block to the savings and loan. He pulled up to the bank right before closing time to deposit a check from the Fort Sam Credit Union into his normal checking account. He needed more Christmas shopping money, because he still had a few gifts yet to purchase. He parked behind a nondescript, mid-sixties beige Impala. He rolled down his window and turned to Rex who was sitting in the passenger’s seat. Tommy took Rex to work with him, now that he had a way to get him there.
Harold Fricke shared Tommy’s request with his wife as they drove home from church. He wasn’t about to do anything that Rita disapproved of, at least not where Tommy was concerned. Especially not since Tommy started calling her Momma Rita. Harold did not worry about the conversation bothering or embarrassing Rita, even though it was about sexual matters. Prim and proper in public, Rita Maude Fricke was a wanton hellion in the privacy of her bedroom. Rita was not as surprised by Tommy’s...
Margie and Tommy walked into the Grimes’ house at three-thirty Saturday afternoon. Margie said hello to everyone and goodbye to Tommy, then dashed back to her car. She was in a hurry so she could get back to San Antonio early enough to get some sleep before her Sunday tour of duty at the hospital. She also hustled away so she would not show how much she was going to miss Tommy. She had, however, let Tommy know that fact on the ride from the Frickes’. “I’m going to miss you like crazy,...
Tommy rushed home after work so he could show his truck to everyone. Regina seemed as excited by the vehicle as he was. “This is far out Tommy, if Melody can come over later, will you take us for a ride?” Tommy instantly agreed, “Sure Reggie, meanwhile, I’ll take Bucky and Rex for a spin.” It was a toss-up as to who was happier, as the three amigos motored sedately through Brantley. Bucky and Rex both ended up riding shotgun as Rex sat in Bucky’s lap with his head out the window....
As soon as Harold Fricke sat down at his desk after lunch, he saw the envelope Tommy had left in the middle of his blotter. He opened the envelope, pulled out the check, realized what it was and sat back in his chair with a grunt. “Rita Maude, what do you know about this?” he asked, waving the check in the air. Rita walked over to his desk and plucked the check out of his hand. She gave it the once-over, her eyebrows arched in surprise. “I don’t know a thing about it, but it’s drawn...
The VFW hall was packed with members and guests for the annual Christmas party. The Frickes and their friends were sitting at three tables pushed together just off the edge of the dance floor. Sitting at the tables were the usual cast of characters. Rita and Harold were there of course, and so was their daughter Caroline. Ben and Cricket Crawford were sitting across from Ramon and Theresa Salazar. Tommy sat at the end of the table with new VFW member Margie Wilcox. Margie had served a six...
Tommy smiled in relief when Rita told him he was merely restrained instead of paralyzed. He would have figured it out on his own as soon as he was completely awake anyway, but knowing early saved him from any more panic. “Is everyone else okay?” he asked worriedly. “Everyone else is just fine, Sweetie. Conchita went for coffee, but she’ll be back in a minute. Harold took Caroline home to get some rest. They’ll be back later today. Margaret went to Fort Sam to fetch your doctor from...
Ruth Silverman returned from New York City on the Tuesday after New Years. She’d had to wait until Tuesday because of all the college kids traveling on Sunday and Monday. She picked up her Volkswagen at the long term parking facility at the Dallas airport and sedately chugged towards Brantley. Her forty-five horse powered bug was not exactly burning up the pavement. As she drove, she had time to reflect on her visit with her parents. All in all, she admitted to herself, it had been a nice...
Betty Lou relayed Otto’s message to Tommy that night at supper. Tommy smiled big at the thought of being able to buy the ranch without spending all his savings. Tommy promise to take everyone to visit the place before he committed to it, and the conversation shifted to the next thing on Betty Lou’s mind. “So Regina, your birthday is less than a week away. It’s going to be difficult to find a gift for you after the haul you made at Christmas. Got any ideas?” Regina smiled sweetly and...
After church on the Sunday following the visit to their new place, Connie and Tommy started cleaning the house. Ruth wasn’t there, because she had to work at the library. They had not been at it more than thirty minutes, before the Frickes, Crawfords and Salazars showed up with cleaning equipment to help. Having such good friends plastered a smile on Tommy’s face a mile wide. With four couples working, the house was spic and span in only a few hours. Tommy enjoyed razzing the other men at...
The first leg of Tommy and Connie’s road trip was a two hour jaunt south on US Highway 84 to the newly completed section of Interstate 10. Tommy merged eastbound on the Interstate and motored to San Antonio. Sections of Interstate 10 were still under construction, so they spent as much time on US 90 as they did the Interstate. They rolled into San Antonio at noon and stopped for a leisurely lunch at the Officers Club at Brooke Army Medical Center. It was early in their travels for a lengthy...
Tommy and Connie stayed in good spirits as they made the drive westward towards Lafayette and the Hotel Arcenaux. They once again split the driving duties and with some cajoling from Connie, Tommy actually drove a few miles an hour over the speed limit. They made even better time on the return trip and pulled up to the hotel at seven that evening. Pierre met them in the parking lot again, this time his sudden appearance didn’t startle Tommy. Pierre seemed genuinely happy to see them as he...
Tommy showed up for work at seven-thirty on the Monday morning after his vacation, refreshed and relaxed, even though he’d only slept for four hours. His vacation had been great, but he was glad to be home. He was the first one in that morning, so he unlocked the side door to the warehouse and he and Rex slipped inside. Tommy heaved a satisfied sigh as surveyed his realm, noting with pleasure that it was almost as neat and orderly as when he’d left. He went to his locker, shed his jacket...
The rest of the week after Tommy talked to doctor Glickman passed quickly. Tommy was amazed at how quickly time went by when you were happily busy. Tommy was a very busy boy now that he had the goats. He was waking up a half hour earlier now, hopping out of bed at five-thirty to check over his goats and put them out to pasture. The morning inspection was an important part of raising angoras, because of them not being the hardiest of animals. Checking the Angoras for signs of skin problems...
As with every adversity he’d encountered since leaving the hospital, Tommy learned from his trip to Houston. He had answered the question he had about dealing with strangers, and he’d met some wonderful new friends. Sure, he’d had the misfortune to run into Roger Taylor, but his not being smart with people had nothing to do with what Taylor did. Heck, Taylor had even fooled Paloma, and his slender friend had known him for longer than a year. Ruth said that in bigger cities, more people got...
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There was an article on page eight of the Tribune. Thirty per cent of new graduates could not find jobs. Glenda felt very lucky to be employed in one of Chicago's biggest accounting firms. It was only a clerk's position, but it was better than nothing. She was sure her 5.0 GPA helped a lot, the interviewer seem impressed with that, and that she took accounting classes in high school. The train was slowing for Union Station. Glenda folded up the newspaper and crammed it between the seat and...
Jessie, the hard-working wife of Grandpa Logan, settled the new schoolteacher, Sally, into a comfortable but tiny room in the new wing they had added just last month to house the cowpunchers coming into the valley and looking for work on a decent place with home-style cooking instead of eating tasteless slop thrown together by some disreputable cook doing a distasteful job just because he was unable to ride a horse any longer. The Logan's came in from the branding pit making a racket that...
Introduction: The following story is a sequel to my story Ore-gasm (found in the Outdoor category) and picks up where it left off. It is suggested that you read Ore-gasm before starting this one as it will introduce you to the characters and how they got to this point, making this story easier to understand.It had been six months or so since that first picnic and trip to the mine where Becky became a woman. Billy and Becky had continued to see each other regularly and Billy had spent nights,...
MatureI had run into Rose at the local Wal Mart and had her follow me to our house. One of the things I loved about my little Rosie is that naked she had this sort of dancer's body, long lean and a pronounced ass that I just loved to hit and fuck. But a dancer that sucked and fucked with the very best of them. After the first or second month of our sessions she had asked if I could be a little less hard on her in public. I guess my face got hard because she quickly continued, "No, not when...
Several months later I received a phone call from Margie. "Are you still interested in buying a place in The Narrows Tony?" "If it's something worthwhile, I could be, what have you found love?" "Barry Hall's house is on the market, with him in the mental institution, the family want to get rid of it. I've got the phone number to contact and Jack took their notice down so no one else knows about it yet." "Did they have a price on it Margie?" "No just for sale and the contact...
Date: March 22, 2019 Author: Kirsten Addison Subject: Chrysalis of Kirsten Chapter 1 By KirstensubTS My name is Steven aka Kirsten. This story is about how I went from a closet cross dresser to becoming a full time transsexual slave. This story is mostly true, based on my journals with dramatic license to make it more exciting and readable. Names have been changed. This is who I am. Chapter 1: Youth and Confusion I grew up in San Francisco. The City is a haven for personal freedom and...
TranssexualDear friends, I am 38 years old now and my wife is 34. We are Sikh by religion and live in northern India. Eleven years ago, we got married. That time my wife was just like a model. She was only 23 years old. She was so beautiful and attractive (still she is beautiful & attractive) that she could turn anybody’s head towards her. When we got married, my wife was doing B.Ed.When we came back from our honeymoon, I met with a road accident. My wife believes in horoscope, stars, etc. She went to...
BRAVE NEW WOMEN'S WORLDMy favorite type of FEMALE Dominance is one in which the FEMALES Rule completely; in the family's home, at work, in the community, in the world! Where WOMEN take over all rights, FEMINIZE their males and control the males lives completely. I especially love when the FEMALES of a home domesticate, dominate, enslave, FEMINIZE and sissify THEIR petticoated males to do any bidding THEY might demand or require. I am not into professional dominants, except as teachers for new...
The stable boy almost ran into the back of one of the law men. They’d stopped a lot faster than he’d thought. “You the fella with the two horses?” “Yes sir. I was just explaining that we picked them up on the trail after we had a run in with some rough men.” “How many rough men?” I looked at the sheriff and the deputy and both were starting to lower their rifle barrels towards me. Opal Anne moved behind me. “If you’re the sheriff, we crossed paths with five of them.” “And what...
Gearan shouldered the second tray with the same sense of pride he had the first. Moving across the central mess area with the practiced ease one tends to acquire after a century of service. Of course while the galley facilities aboard the imperial launch were 'limited' compared to those in his kitchens in the palace on Jurihelm. The hastily granted refits he'd demanded, more than allowed him to compensate. Fortunate enough indeed, given the lavishness of the orders received unexpectedly...
He awoke covered in sweat, knowing what he had to do. He got out of bed and began to dress. His heart beating hard and fast, his palms sweaty, his legs feeling unsteady. The cool crispness of the night air felt good against his skin, the trees almost barren, the ground wet from the fall dew. The moon covered by drifting clouds made the shadows of the night dance as the music lead him towards his destiny. His fear mixed with anticipation, what was his soul leading him to? Would she be waiting,...
SupernaturalTEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER FORTY When I woke up, I was face down in bed, Bob lying next to me on his side, his hand on my ass. He was still asleep. I roll back against him, draping his arm across my shoulder. I was kinda cold but his body heat quickly warms me up. We stay that way for about twenty minutes. I'd be happy to stay right here for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, I'll be back in the club in ... I check out the clock ... three hours. I'll worry...
I first met Sarah when I was eleven, almost immediately we became good friends. If you asked anyone who knew us they would say we were inseparable, it was when we turned sixteen which things began to change. We were at the age where we were interested in the boys or so I thought. I didn’t take much of a fancy to them instead I turned my attention towards girls, especially Sarah, I had felt this way for a long time but never spoke of it to Sarah but it would not be long before I would have my...
LesbianWith Gingrich gone and the tensions gone with him, things slowed down for Susan quite a bit. She was still busy with her studies at Riverside and her work for the Record-Herald, but for the most part the hassles were behind her. Even though she knew she was still being carried on the books as a student at the high school, she didn't think of herself as one. She agreed to help Mr. Delahayne out in first class perion on Friday mornings, strictly as a volunteer, as long as she didn't have...
Hello indian sex stories dot net people, this my personal experience which happened during my studies in the US. This is how I lost my virginity. I have been a sissy for last two years. I used to wear panties and bra and take pictures. I have not gone far other than this. I used to see all the sissy posts in Tumblr and excited about being a girl and pleasuring men. I am doing my masters in the US and one day I was super horny at 9 pm. I watched porn, had sex chat in kik, nothing satisfied me....
Gay MaleI am young & handsome fashion designer, with a athletic masculine buildup. I am running a boutique with a tailoring workshop in the backside. My clients are very happy due to latest designs and proper fittings. I had a memorable encounter with a young and beautiful, smart and intelligent lady who was feeling lonely and sexually starved in long time absence of her hubby. She contacted me on phone with a reference of a permanent customer, who recommended me to her. She wanted to get stitched some...