Honkytonk HeroChapter 3
- 3 years ago
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As with every adversity he’d encountered since leaving the hospital, Tommy learned from his trip to Houston. He had answered the question he had about dealing with strangers, and he’d met some wonderful new friends. Sure, he’d had the misfortune to run into Roger Taylor, but his not being smart with people had nothing to do with what Taylor did. Heck, Taylor had even fooled Paloma, and his slender friend had known him for longer than a year. Ruth said that in bigger cities, more people got away with being bad like that because they were constantly meeting strangers to take advantage of. In Brantley, where everyone knew everyone else, that didn’t happen so much.
Connie learned some things from the trip too, and sat down with Ruth and Rita to discuss them Tuesday at lunch at the Bluebonnet Diner. Once they ordered, Connie spoke her piece.
“This past week made me realize how much Tommy means to me. I mean. I knew I loved him before, but I didn’t know exactly how empty my life would be without him.”
Connie paused and took a sip of her sweet tea. Rita nodded her understanding, so Connie pressed on.
“And you know I’m not the only one who feels that way. We women who love Tommy need to band together to protect him. But we need to do it in a way that we don’t smother him. And we also need to decide how our relationships with each other are going to work.”
Connie had expected Rita to figure something out, but it was Ruth Silverman, the quiet librarian, who spoke up first.
“We’ll make it work, I’ll see to that,” she said forcefully. “Next weekend, Tommy is going up to Dallas with Regina and Melody, so why don’t all of us women meet up in Lafayette and work this out?”
And that’s exactly what happened...
On the last Saturday in April of 1971, while Tommy was up in Dallas helping rid Regina and Melody of their pesky technical virginities, seven women met up at the Hotel Arcenaux dining room. The women were all wildly different from each other, yet all connected by their bond to Tommy.
Conchita Delgado, the beautiful and sultry actress, was one of the women, as was Ruth Silverman, the petite librarian. Becky Dierdorf, Tommy’s former tutor and now a nursing student in Dallas, had also made the trip from Brantley. Paloma (Susan Compton), the hippie American Indian, had driven in from Houston. Marie Arcenaux, the owner of the hotel and her cousin Desiree, a student at the University of Southwest Louisiana, were numbers five and six. The seventh woman was Rita Maude Fricke, Tommy’s adopted mother, and the only one at the table not in a sexual relationship with Tommy.
Ruth had suggested the meeting, so it seemed only natural for her to take charge of it.
Next to Becky Dierdorf, Tommy’s presence in her life had changed Ruth the most. His calm and unwavering support of her gave her the self-confidence to become more assertive. At work, the new attitude had bulldozed right through the bureaucrats of the state library board’s objections to her expansion plans. The result was not one, but two new bookmobiles and a five thousand square foot addition to the Brantley library building. At home, she’d shed her inhibitions and discovered that she had a kinky side when it came to being the dominant partner when with another woman.
Introductions were made all around, then Ruth took the floor.
“Ladies, most people would say that Thomas Bledsoe was about the luckiest guy on earth. How could he not be, with six of the finest women on the planet in love with him, and a mother as great as Rita?”
Ruth waited for the laughter to die down, then continued.
“But I think we are the really lucky ones, because we have him and we know that he loves and respects each of us completely, without reservations or expectations.
“With a couple of exceptions, we all don’t know each other very well yet, and an outsider looking at us would see six really different women. Yet from knowing Tommy as well as I do, I know we all have much in common. For one thing, I know we are all strong minded and independent women. For another, we aren’t that concerned how society views us. We are who we are instead of whom society wants us to be. Having said that, society is changing and more and more people are moving away from antiquated ideas, so what we have might become the norm in a few years. Whatever happens though, a relationship based on love and respect can’t be a bad thing.”
With so many exceptionally bright women working on it, they quickly came up with an agreement. Tommy was best off being right where he was, they decided. They would revolve around him in Brantley. The only major change to what was going on in Tommy’s life now, would be an expansion of his house to accommodate the women not living there, so they could move in. Ruth and Paloma’s trust funds would pay for the expansion.
Ruth had guessed that the women had so much in common, they would all become better than good friends, and she was absolutely correct. It was amazing how quickly they bonded. And given all that commonality, it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise that there were groups of them that related to each other separate from the group. Desi and Becky hit it off immediately, because they were the same age and because they both had thought themselves unattractive until they met Tommy. Rita and Marie as the oldest and mothers of grown children, had much to talk about, too.
Connie, Ruth and Paloma also had much in common, although they weren’t ready to talk about it in a public forum. Connie was tickled that Paloma was practically swooning over Ruth. Ruth saw the looks, and made a point of making plenty of eye contact and casually touched the tall woman every chance she got.
That night, the seven of them dressed up and met at Boudreau and Charlene’s Bar and Grill to continue their bonding in a strictly social setting. Charlene and Desiree pushed two tables together and the women sat around and talked. As they became comfortable with each other, each of them told the group what they wanted in a relationship with Tommy. There were some surprises.
For instance, Paloma was moving permanently to Brantley to be with them as soon as she finished the two courses she was attending. She was going to help Connie with her dude ranch idea.
Becky Dierdorf planned on moving to the ranch also. She was scheduled to complete the hospital registered nurse program and take the licensing exam at the end of June. Becky was crazy in love with Tommy, and was giddy with the idea that all these other women thought it wonderful that she felt that way. Her big problem was finding a job near Brantley. Connie told her not to worry about it, because she would need a person with medical training at her dude ranch. Becky would be perfect for the job, because she was an excellent horse woman, and could do double duty as a riding instructor.
Desiree planned on visiting for a month, and both she and Marie hoped Tommy could come spend a week or two in Lafayette with them.
The group split up at eleven. Marie and Rita headed out together in Marie’s Bonneville, towards Marie’s house on the Bayou Laveau. Marie had some things to tell Rita in private; chief among them, the fact that Rita was going to be a grandmother in about six months. Becky and Desiree stayed at the roadhouse, yakking. They were amazed at how similar their experiences with men had been. They were also thrilled to have found a best friend.
Connie, Ruth and Paloma headed back to the hotel, but they weren’t leaving just so they could talk. Ruth made that clear when she pushed Paloma into the backseat of Connie’s Caddy and slid in behind her. As Connie pulled out of the parking lot, Ruth crawled into Paloma’s lap, grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her mouth down for a blistering kiss. Paloma moaned in lust when Ruth broke the kiss by jerking the tall woman’s head back until they were eye to eye.
“I think I’m going to keep you,” Ruthie growled.
Paloma’s eye lids fluttered and she shivered.
“I’d like that ... a lot,” she whispered huskily.
When Connie spent that wild Friday night with Paloma, she’d fantasized about Ruth, Paloma and her being together, but the reality was ten times better. Ruth seemed to know exactly which buttons of Paloma’s to push, and Paloma eagerly did whatever the small librarian demanded. Hell, for that matter, so did Connie.
When the women parted ways Sunday morning, they were a family. As they said their tearful goodbyes in front of the hotel, they vowed that they would all get together at least twice a year.
Tommy returned from his long weekend in Dallas on Monday night. He’d had a great time with Mel and Gina, but he was happy to be home. Melody and Regina were his friends, and he was more than glad to help them experience sex with a man before they started college; but because he did not have that special connection with them, it wasn’t as satisfying for him. Tommy and both girls knew it was a one time thing.
After all the excitement in April, Tommy’s life settled down into a routine that suited him just fine. He worked, tended his goats, took care of his women, and on Sundays, he hosted the special needs kids from his Sunday school class. That was enough for him.
While Tommy basked in his simple life, the people around him seemed to explode into a frenzy of activity.
Connie moved her dude ranch forward quickly during the month of May. The road between her spread and Tommy’s was completed and the new gates installed. Pablo Luna had refurbished the bunk house into four, two man rooms, and a single room for the ranch foreman. He also subcontracted a plumber to install two modern bathrooms. Connie had furnished and decorated the four guest rooms in the bunk house and reconfigured the main ranch house so that she had an additional three guestrooms and a nice suite. Then she turned her attention to upgrading the stables and sprucing up the corrals that flanked it.
In town, Brantley Farm and Ranch Center was doing better than Harold’s wildest expectations. Business was so brisk, he had eight full-time employees now, plus Bucky Grimes and another part time high school student. Harold was in the process of expanding the business yet again by building a rental center so farmers and ranchers could rent equipment they couldn’t afford to buy. Harold’s vision of providing farmers and ranchers a one stop place that met all their needs was coming to fruition.
Ruth was also busy that month as she hired an architect to design a new house around Tommy’s existing one. Tommy went along with her expansion plans, because she let him think he was financing the new digs with a home improvement loan from Brantley Savings and Loan. Even though Ruth secretly backed the loan, Tommy could have afforded it anyway, what with the money his one-third interest in the expanded feed store was generating.
The remodel was centered on a huge master suite with a cavernous walk-in closet, a large bathroom with three sinks, and a separate shower big enough for six people. The bedroom would be twenty-five feet by twenty feet, so it could house the double king-sized bed Connie had ordered from a custom furniture builder in San Angelo. The living room was growing by fifty percent, and the kitchen was doubling in size with all the latest modern conveniences installed. The outside of the house was receiving a brick façade and all new windows. Ruth was also having central air-conditioning and heat installed. French doors leading out to a new patio and pool were going into the expanded living room and the new master suite.
Paloma arrived with bag and baggage during the second week of June, and moved right into Tommy’s house and bed. She had been spending most weekends at the ranch anyway. Paloma’s two classes at Baylor were on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so she drove up Thursday night and went home Monday afternoon. Paloma had been working with Connie on the dude ranch during those visits, so when Connie took off for an acting gig in the middle of June, the conversion of the Happy Endings Ranch didn’t miss a beat.
Desiree arrived a week after Paloma. She would be staying with them for a couple of months before classes started in late August. Desiree moved into one of the spare bedrooms instead of Tommy’s room. She did that because she wasn’t yet comfortable about making love with an audience, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about sex with another woman. She wasn’t inherently against the idea, it was just something beyond her experience. She had to admit though, that when tiny self-assured Ruthie flirted with her, it made her heart beat a little faster.
Desiree turned out to have an affinity for dealing with Tommy’s goats, so she helped him tend them. She went with Tommy in July when he purchased another thirty nannies from the same breeder down in Edwards County. Including the kids birthed by the pregnant nannies he bought in February, Tommy’s herd now numbered sixty-one. Tommy was surprised that it didn’t take much more effort to raise sixty goats than it did for twenty.
The plans for the remodeling of Tommy’s house were ready by the time Paloma and Desiree moved in, and Ruth had hired the contractor her architect recommended. Construction began on the first of July. It was inconvenient living in the house while construction was going on all around them, but they managed.
The construction crews were the first people to glimpse the communal lifestyle Tommy lived, and his relationship with the women was a constant source of speculation to the workmen. Tommy and the women were careful to moderate displays of affection around the workers, but still, he lived with four attractive women and that was worth talking about.
Connie returned from Hollywood in mid July. She wouldn’t be needed at the studio lot again until it was time to do voiceovers and to film any rewritten scenes. Connie was excited about her role as a major supporting character in the Warner Brother’s film, because it was her first serious role for a major studio. That she received her biggest paycheck ever was icing on the cake. She won the role because of her strong performance in the Hammer Studio’s Dracula movie she filmed in England. The film opened in American theaters in May, and had been an instant success at the box office.
Harold Fricke shared Tommy’s request with his wife as they drove home from church. He wasn’t about to do anything that Rita disapproved of, at least not where Tommy was concerned. Especially not since Tommy started calling her Momma Rita. Harold did not worry about the conversation bothering or embarrassing Rita, even though it was about sexual matters. Prim and proper in public, Rita Maude Fricke was a wanton hellion in the privacy of her bedroom. Rita was not as surprised by Tommy’s...
Margie and Tommy walked into the Grimes’ house at three-thirty Saturday afternoon. Margie said hello to everyone and goodbye to Tommy, then dashed back to her car. She was in a hurry so she could get back to San Antonio early enough to get some sleep before her Sunday tour of duty at the hospital. She also hustled away so she would not show how much she was going to miss Tommy. She had, however, let Tommy know that fact on the ride from the Frickes’. “I’m going to miss you like crazy,...
Tommy rushed home after work so he could show his truck to everyone. Regina seemed as excited by the vehicle as he was. “This is far out Tommy, if Melody can come over later, will you take us for a ride?” Tommy instantly agreed, “Sure Reggie, meanwhile, I’ll take Bucky and Rex for a spin.” It was a toss-up as to who was happier, as the three amigos motored sedately through Brantley. Bucky and Rex both ended up riding shotgun as Rex sat in Bucky’s lap with his head out the window....
As soon as Harold Fricke sat down at his desk after lunch, he saw the envelope Tommy had left in the middle of his blotter. He opened the envelope, pulled out the check, realized what it was and sat back in his chair with a grunt. “Rita Maude, what do you know about this?” he asked, waving the check in the air. Rita walked over to his desk and plucked the check out of his hand. She gave it the once-over, her eyebrows arched in surprise. “I don’t know a thing about it, but it’s drawn...
Caroline Fricke was not swayed by the gentle chiding she received from her mother concerning Tommy Bledsoe. Maybe the man wasn’t another Lennie Small from “Of Mice and Men”, but there was certainly something suspicious about how he had waltzed into town and insinuated himself into her parents’ life. Not to mention he had seduced a number of town women. Maybe, she thought, he was another Charles Manson, the crazy eyed guru just arrested a few days ago for being involved in the murder of...
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Ruth Silverman returned from New York City on the Tuesday after New Years. She’d had to wait until Tuesday because of all the college kids traveling on Sunday and Monday. She picked up her Volkswagen at the long term parking facility at the Dallas airport and sedately chugged towards Brantley. Her forty-five horse powered bug was not exactly burning up the pavement. As she drove, she had time to reflect on her visit with her parents. All in all, she admitted to herself, it had been a nice...
Betty Lou relayed Otto’s message to Tommy that night at supper. Tommy smiled big at the thought of being able to buy the ranch without spending all his savings. Tommy promise to take everyone to visit the place before he committed to it, and the conversation shifted to the next thing on Betty Lou’s mind. “So Regina, your birthday is less than a week away. It’s going to be difficult to find a gift for you after the haul you made at Christmas. Got any ideas?” Regina smiled sweetly and...
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“Be safe! We love you!” My family yelled as I maneuvered my silver 2001 BMW down the driveway of our 2 story brick house on my way to freedom. I gave one final wave as I pushed on the gas and started off to college. Finally! I thought as I started off to GT where I planned on making my dream come true… being and actress. Now, don’t get me wrong, I could care less if I’m famous… I just wanna act… to be on stage and in the spotlight. The college campus was only about 45 min away from where I...
LesbianBoth Christy and Chet were drawn in by the scene they were witnessing, though, for the moment, Nikki and Jake were oblivious to their audience. Nikki's moans intensified as Jake ran his hands over her ass, digging his finger tips into her flesh while he swirled his tongue around her asshole. She pressed herself harder against his face and increased her motion on his cock. When he slid a finger into her ass and bit down firmly on her clit, she raised up and screamed out, "aaah, ooooh!" Within...
EroticGrace Adler had thoroughly enjoyed the large St- Bernard's cock as he fucked her pussy. But now they were tied together and her roommate would be returning soon. She watched helplessly as the large animal threw one of his hindlegs over hers and faced away from her, his cock still stubbornly imbedded in her cunt. Grace was only grateful that he stopped trying to pull out of her pussy. She stared down at her stomach, and could swear that she could see the outline of his cock pushing her tummy...
Becky and I had lunch together as usual; only on this day we were the only ones sitting at the table, being abandoned by admirers who looked upon me with adoring eyes in recent days. I told Becky about the meeting with Coach Nelson and my apology to Buzz. She sympathized with me, saying she knew it had been hard for me to admit that I was wrong. She didn't know how wrong I was and I had only discovered it by accident. Something she had said the night before, that I was not taking her to...
Today was Thursday the 31st of August 2017; Dylan’s birthday. He didn’t like his date of birth, as it meant that he was the youngest in his year at school. The sun was streaming from behind his blinds into his bedroom, and now he was ready to get up. Normally his weekend and school holiday mornings were spent jerking off, but today he wanted to get up to open his presents. Dylan and his father lived alone in a reasonably small house in Cardiff. Dylan’s mother died when he was little, so...
Hi, friends, I am Sonia, and my age is 44. I have been married for the past 16 years with two teenage kids. I am a good-looking mature woman with vital stats of 36-30-38. I used to stay with my husband, who works in an IT company. I had a happy married life, but my sex life was getting disturbed lately because of my husband’s workload. As a mother of grown-up kids, I tried to stay away from having an affair outside my marriage. That is when I came in touch with Prerna. She was 38 years old and...
SHAKESPEAREAN EXPLICATION Cauldron of breasts and buttocks Labia, clitorises, vaginas Buttocks, anuses, rectums Penises, scrota, testicles, and sperm A witches' brew brewed Especially for you Will you have a glass, or pass? She looks good In her torso vest Complete With female breasts Wearing her mask Of makeup And her costume Of femininity Derived From masculinity Denied. My thirteenth lover reminded me I am not out of the woodshed yet Butterfly nipples A cocoon...
In part one I alluded to the events of a few weeks ago, and how what follows came about. Having admitted to my wife, Asha that I was interested in repeating the experience of sharing her with another man (only this time being more involved) we started to discuss how this would go.A few days after my confession, once we had put the kids to bed, we opened a bottle of wine and began to talk about it. Asha was curled in next to me on the sofa in a pair of leggings and a vest top. This gave me the...
Cuckold"I wonder how an outsider like me could get up to the hub to look around." "Look here. I know where your questions are going. Two fems with no man in hearing is what we are. You wonder what sex in microgravity is like. All downers must hear those stories. The wrong question is what it is. "You get up to orbit for the first time, and you hint around to find a hidden nook at the hub of the habitat. Well, for one, the hub is an incredibly busy place. Things and people are coming and going,...
Max was excited. Very, very excited. It was almost time for her very first field test run. After all the stupid shit she had been through, she could finally get to the fun part of having superpowers: running around the city at night, beating up people. She took one last look at herself in the mirror. It was the same mirror she had first seen herself in all those days ago. She had certainly come a long way from the scared girl wearing nothing but a hospital gown staring...
You go over your dress one more time before you step out of the car. You smooth any wrinkles you find and double check in the car mirror. Your makeup is on point and you can't help but you blow a kiss at the mirror and hope this date goes well. It's been so long since your divorce that you've actually gotten all dolled up and it's exciting to say the least. As you slide out of your Jeep Wrangler you give yourself one last look over, your in a tight black dress that has a slit in the side going...
BDSMMitranno hi goshta baryach varshapuvichi aahe. Mi tevha khupach lahaan hoto. Maaza kutumba mhanje mi, aai ani baba. Maaze baba army madhe jawaan hote ani aai shalet shikshika hoti. Punyaat aamcha ek chota bungla hota. Baba sainyaat aslyaane tyaanche ushira lagna zaale. Maza janma zaala tevha aai ani baba doghehi javalpass 36-37 varshache asavet. Baba sainyaat aslyaane ekdum shishtiche hote. Tyanche sharirahi pildaar hote. Unchi changli 6 foot 2 incha hoti. Pan te disayla ekdum dagdasarkhe obad...
Santa Babe by Daniel A. Wolfe (aka D.A.W.) Author's Note I sat on this story for more than a year, but I finally decided to dust it off and finish it just in time for Christmas. It's a little more 'fetishy' than my usual stuff, but I hope you like it. ------- "Ho, ho, oh no!" The fat bastard rolled out of the sled falling face first and produced a thud that shook the whole damn roof. "Clumsy old coot," I grumbled under my breath and hopped out of the sleigh to help my red...
Hello mera naam parvati hai , main apne parivar ke saath madhavpur naam ke chote se shaher main rehti hoon. Ye sab tab shuru hua jub mera beta punjab engineering collage se degree khatam karke ghar aaya. Iss baar lekin uski harkato main badlav tha , aat hi usne mere pair choone ki wajay mujhe kaske gale laga lagaya tha, usi samay mujhe kuch azeeb lag raha tha . Din guzarte rahe , mera beta bas mere saath baith ke baate karta rehta din bhar , dheere dheere wo aisi baatein bhi karne laga jinse...
May 1977 I saw Birgit on Monday in homeroom and just gave her a big smile as she walked past me to take her seat. She laughed and said “Oh stop” and smacked me on the shoulder. Life was good. I started looking at girls at school in a different light as I was walking down the hall. I had a new confidence - girls didn’t scare me as much anymore. They intrigued me and fascinated me. And I wanted more of what I had experienced with Jennie McGrath. The kissing I’d had with Susan just wasn’t...
Just after I turned 18, I was constantly on porn and cam2cam website. I once discover a man, 47 years old, leaving not far from my place. I so wanted to have sex and I think old people are way sexier than teenagers like me. So I invited me at my place one morning when no one was home.On Internet, I told him that I already got millions of dicks in my ass and that I was the biggest slut he has ever met. He believed me. When he arrived, I was pretty nervous, I had ever seen a dick other than mine....
Hi. This is Raghavan. I am a doctor by profession. I am 24 yrs old. I am an avid reader of ISS stories, which by the way is the reason for posting my real life sex story here. This incident took place when I was doing my internship in a hospital in Bangalore. I was posted in Dermatology. Though I was least interested in this posting, what kept me going was this hottie, Dr. Kiran Kaur 27 yrs old, fair skinned Punjabi, who was doing her post graduation in Dermat. She was married to an engineer,...