Honkytonk HeroChapter 17 free porn video

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The first leg of Tommy and Connie’s road trip was a two hour jaunt south on US Highway 84 to the newly completed section of Interstate 10. Tommy merged eastbound on the Interstate and motored to San Antonio. Sections of Interstate 10 were still under construction, so they spent as much time on US 90 as they did the Interstate. They rolled into San Antonio at noon and stopped for a leisurely lunch at the Officers Club at Brooke Army Medical Center. It was early in their travels for a lengthy stop, but Tommy needed the break. Riding in a vehicle for a prolonged trip was hard on Tommy, and four hours at a time was about all he could stand.

They pulled out of San Antonio at two in the afternoon. Connie drove the second leg of the trip. Connie did not feel constrained to drive the speed limit and Tommy was tolerating the trip better as a passenger, so at seven in the evening, they drove into Lafayette, Louisiana. Tommy was surprised when Connie made a couple of turns off the highway and pulled up in front of a small Gothic-looking hotel a number of miles outside of town.

“Why are we stopping here?” Tommy asked as Connie opened her door.

Connie turned in her seat and gave him a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay Baby, I know the family that owns the place. We’ll eat supper and get a room for the night. I figure if we leave by seven in the morning, we can be at your sister’s this time tomorrow night.”

Tommy nodded his understanding and exited the truck with her. Tommy’s feet were barely on the ground when a small wiry man wearing a white ruffle-front shirt and dark trousers appeared as if by magic in front of his truck. The man had cruelly handsome features, glossy, slicked back ebony hair and piercing brown eyes. Tommy guessed his age to be mid-twenties, but it was hard to tell for sure.

“Welcome back, Miss Delgado,” the man said in a surprisingly soft Creole voice.

“Thank you Pierre, it’s nice to be back. This is my fiancé Thomas Bledsoe; Tommy this is Pierre Arcenaux, his family owns this charming inn.”

Tommy stuck out his hand. Pierre grasped it firmly and looked up into Tommy’s face.

“You are a very lucky man, Thomas,” Arcenaux said with envy in his voice.

Pierre’s firm handshake and disarming honesty caused Tommy to like him immediately.

“Yes I am,” Tommy replied sincerely.

Connie sorted out which bags they’d need for the night, and the two men lugged them up the broad front steps.

Connie knew the area and the Arcenauxs because of a movie she’d made here in Lafayette. The inn was a prominent location in the production.

The movie was the only one in which she’d appeared cast as the villain. Connie thought her work in Voodoo She-Devil was some of her finest. The movie was also one of the few in which she actually wore different costumes, even if all the gowns were exceedingly low cut, tight and revealing.

In the movie, she played a Cajun Voodoo Priestess whose followers were tormented by a bunch of loutish Yankees down from New York on a bayou hunting expedition. After the hunters sexually assault and kill a teenage girl, the Priestess extracts her revenge. She seduces and kills the hunters, one at a time, in cruel and unusual ways in and around the Hotel Arcenaux.

Pierre led them into the lobby and up to the ornate reception desk. A petite and attractive older woman, dressed in a long black skirt and a black off-the-shoulders peasant blouse, was manning the desk. The woman also had shiny black hair, but hers had a striking white stripe on either side of her face. Her eyes were a mesmerizing caramel color flecked with gold. She greeted Connie as if she was a long lost relative, and then cast those hypnotic orbs on Tommy.

“And who is this big gorgeous man, Cherie? My girls will eat him up.”

Connie giggled and once again made introductions.

“This is Thomas, Marie. He belongs to me, so tell your daughters he’s off the menu. Tommy, this is Marie Arcenaux, she is my late husband Beau’s cousin.”

As soon as Tommy took her proffered dainty hand is his big paw, Marie’s pupils widened and she rocked back on her heels. Marie, locally renowned as a seer, quickly dropped Tommy’s hand, performed the Sign of the Cross, and looked at Connie in doe-eyed wonder.

“You have honored us, Cherie. Not since I met my children’s father have I felt such gentle goodness. He is one of the blessed!” she exclaimed.

Before the thoroughly startled Connie could react, Marie spun on her heels and fled out of the lobby through a set of double doors.

“Pierre, show our guests to the bridal suite. Cherie, dinner is still served promptly at eight,” Marie said over her shoulder.

Pierre shrugged when Connie shot him an inquiring frown, but he looked at Tommy with new respect.

“Mother sees things in people no one else can see, but I’ve never seen her react that strongly to anyone. The only other person she has ever said was blessed was my father.”

Tommy and Pierre picked up the suitcases and the three of them walked over to an old-fashioned elevator set in an alcove off the lobby. As Pierre operated the controls of the creaking old Otis, he told them about his father.

“According to Mother, my father was a kind and gentle man. He refused to use a weapon, yet he volunteered for service when the Korean War broke out. He was a Navy Corpsman with a Marine unit at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, and his bravery saved a number of men. He was killed when he dashed out into the open to pull two wounded men to safety. Even though he was mortally wounded, he managed to save both men. Mother says my father was incapable of not doing what was right.”

Tommy was silent through all of this, but he nodded his understanding and agreement with how Rene Arcenaux lived and died. Tommy, better than anyone, knew how Pierre’s father felt. He shared the man’s aversion to weapons, yet Tommy, like Rene, was a long way from being a coward. Connie noticed Tommy’s sad expression and took his hand reassuringly.

Pierre led them to a lavishly decorated room with a large round bed, reminded them about dinner and disappeared. Tommy looked around, awestruck at the gaudy red and pink magnificence. Still holding his hand, Connie sat down on the bed and pulled him down next to her.

“What are you thinking, Baby?” Connie asked solicitously.

“They remind me of the ‘Addams Family,’” Tommy replied with a sheepish grin.

Connie laughed delightedly and kissed him on the cheek.

“They are unusual, Baby; but like you, in a good way,” Connie said.

Then she looked at Tommy’s watch and hopped to her feet.

“We better hurry, we need to dress for dinner and we only have twenty minutes.”

Dressing for dinner at the Hotel Arcenaux meant a coat and tie for Tommy and a calf-length red cocktail dress for Connie. Tommy dressed distractedly as he watched Connie transform herself in a focused fury of motion. At five minutes before eight, they were on the elevator as it groaned its way down to the lobby.

The dining room was small and intimate, with six tables scattered around. There were only two other couples in the dining room, both older and prosperous-looking. A young woman in a sassy French maid’s outfit showed them to a table near a large bay window. The woman was the spitting image of Marie, right down to the double white stripes in her long inky tresses.

Tommy and Connie were having a cup of coffee after an exceptional meal, when Marie swept into the room. To be such a tiny woman, she had a commanding presence. Marie greeted her other guests, then walked over to Tommy and Connie’s table. Tommy stood up and pulled out a chair for her.

“Please join us,” he said, his voice steady and clear.

Marie gave him a sweet smile and gracefully folded herself in to the chair.

Connie watched the two of them with an amused smile. She could already see the ‘Tommy magic’ working on the usually aloof and serious Marie. Cousin Marie was a kind and pleasant woman, but according to Connie’s late husband, the spark had gone out of her life when her beloved Rene died in Korea. As they sat talking, Connie had an idea.

“Tommy, I’m tired and ready for bed. Marie, why don’t you show Tommy the gardens, and I’ll just head on up to the room.”

Tommy took one look at Marie’s eager expression, and any thought of protest died on his lips. They all walked to the elevator and Marie continued to the desk to pick up her shawl. Connie stood on her tip-toes and kissed Tommy on the cheek.

“Make her laugh, Tommy. She deserves it more than most people,” she whispered in his ear.

Tommy did just that as he and Marie sat under a small gazebo in the center of the beautiful, well-tended

garden. He had her in stitches as he comically related his life as a small town cowboy who couldn’t ride a horse even if he owned one. After his stories, Marie told him about her one and only love. It amazed Marie to find herself telling this virtual stranger embarrassing, yet amusing tidbits about her and Rene.

At ten-thirty, she walked him back to the elevator and kissed him on the cheek with a promise to see him off in the morning.

When Tommy sauntered into the bridal suite, he was surprised to find Connie still awake. He was even more surprised when she whipped off the covers to show she was also gloriously naked.

“Get undressed and join me,” she said urgently. “Seeing you with Marie reminded me exactly why I love you so much, and you know how needy I am when I think about that.”

Even though they made love until midnight, Tommy was still up at his normal six AM. He cajoled Connie out of bed with the promise she could sleep in the truck while he drove. They were showered, dressed, packed and down in the lobby by six-forty-five. Pierre helped Tommy load the suitcases into the back of his truck, while Connie stood on the wide front veranda talking to Marie. When the suitcases were secured under the tarpaulin, Tommy and Pierre rejoined the women.

“Tommy, I promised Marie we’d stop by here for a night on our way home, too. They are having a cotillion next Saturday night that should be lots of fun.”

Tommy smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

“Sure, as long as Marie wears something pink and saves a few dances for me,” he said teasingly.

Tommy helped Connie into the truck and handed her the bag of pastries and thermos of coffee Marie had made them, and then started to walk around to his side of the truck. He glanced up towards where Marie was standing on the porch. She looked so small and forlorn that he changed course and bounded up the steps. He stopped a step below her and pulled her into his arms. Marie wrapped her arms around his neck as he hugged her tight. Tommy turned her head towards his, kissed her firmly on the lips and blew a little puff of air into her mouth.

“That was a piece of my happiness, Marie. Be a good girl and I’ll give you some more when we come back,” he whispered in her ear.

Marie’s pupils were huge when she looked into his eyes, but she nodded and gave him a tentative smile.

The drive from Lafayette to Palmdale was smooth and uneventful. Tommy drove for the first four hours again, then Connie took over and chauffeured them the rest of the way. They pulled into the yard of Tommy’s childhood home just before eight that evening.

Tommy stepped out of his truck and was leaning to the side to stretch his back, when his sister Beth barreled into him as if she was Dick Butkus on a blind-side blitz. Tommy wrapped his arms around her in self defense and held her as she cried.

The frozen scene of Beth sobbing and Tommy looking bewildered highlighted the one big emotional tragedy of Tommy’s head injury. To make it worse, Beth was the only one with a memory of what they’d lost.

Beth’s husband Wayne came down off the porch and shrugged apologizingly to Connie.

“Beth has been in a state for days over Tom coming home. I’m Wayne Taylor, and these big lugs are our sons Joseph Thomas, who only answers to JT, and Bradley Wayne, who has decided he wants to be called Gator.”

Wayne Taylor was even bigger than Tommy’s six-three, two-twenty and Beth was just shy of being six feet tall, so their boys at ten and eleven were bigger than most teenagers. Connie gave Wayne and his sons a devastating smile, and stuck out her hand.

“I’m Connie, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all.”

Wayne made an effort not to stare at the beautiful young woman as he tried to recall where he’d seen her before. He finally put her out of his mind and went to rescue his brother-in-law.

It took a minute for Beth to compose herself, but she still kept a tight grip on Tommy’s arm. Wayne introduced her to Connie and Tommy solemnly shook hands with his nephews as they walked into the house.

After a few minutes of getting acquainted seated around the kitchen table, Wayne stood up and grabbed a blue uniform jacket off a hook next to the kitchen door. Wayne, recently promoted to lieutenant, was the weekend duty officer for the county’s central fire command. Wayne kissed his wife and boys, bid their guests goodnight and headed off. Connie and Beth sent Tommy and the boys out to fetch baggage. Beth wanted Connie alone so she could talk about her brother. Beth struggled uncomfortably for a way to tactfully start her questioning. Connie saw her discomfort and took her off the hook.

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Got inspiration to write this from a friends profile and content ( http://xhamster.com/user/pornperve666 ). Satan is a strong figure for many of us whether its love or hate....worship or revulsion. This story is just a fictional story of a young sissyboi who worships Satan.Billy had always been different from the other boys his age. At 16 he had never been into sports or chasing after girls, he had always been a shy and reclusive boy. This had been due to his timid nature many assumed but the...

3 years ago
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Halley Officer Peter and the Domestic Disturbance

I answered the door quickly when I heard the doorbell. It was only my second night at my new house in the big city, just outside Raleigh. I loved it here, the warmth, the beach within reasonable driving distance, being out of my parents’ house, having employment that utilized my college degree! And oh, the sweet southern accents that made my knees weak. My knees were not weak because of the accents at the moment though, they were quaking in fear. My not-so-friendly neighbors had gotten into...

1 year ago
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Deboras Sexlife Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - The man with the moneyIt's a great feeling to know that so many men think I'm hot. Which is also why I'm often in chat, because it's fun to meet strangers and having hot fun with them.One day in chat, a guy wrote me and made me a deal. He said, he'll give me 1000 swiss francs if he can fuck my ass. I was accepting the deal immediately and we also met pretty quickly. We talked about a location and time to meet, and I told him I'll wear a blue skirt. I also showed him a picture of me...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 276

I met Jenny, Ching Lee, Marcy and Vicky in the security office with Dan on his way. I gave Jenny the tag number from the van, "Search the data base for the tag scanners and see if that van has been here before." A few minutes later, "Yes, four times in the last two weeks," she replied. I gave each day and the time to separate girls, "Follow them on the camera system, and let's find out where they went and who they met or talked to." A search that would have taken hours was reduced...

1 year ago
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Djinn Game IV

Djinn Game IV By Ellie Dauber (c) 2004 Harry Jerome pulled the car over to the side of the narrow dirt road. "I don't think this is the right road, Mr. DelFino." Tommy DelFino leaned forward from the back seat. "What're you talking about? The map says this is the way to the hotel." His company, DelFino Investments, owned 30 percent of Coral Breeze, a popular resort complex. DelFino had decided to spend a long weekend checking out his investment -- and its female...

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Taboo Eve in the bedroom

As Eve led Lee into her bedroom she knew there was to be no coming back now. She turned around and faced him pushing him slowly onto her bed.Lee fell back onto the bed with his feet still on the floor with his huge erection pointing to the sky. Eve knew this was what she was wanting desperately. She fell to her knees in front of Lee and started to lick his shaft. This made the young lad shiver with excitement. Slowly licking up and down his cock. This lasted for what seemed an eternity then Lee...

2 years ago
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My Friend Girlfriend Before Marriage

Hi friends this is Vikas again with my new story. I got some comments for my first story so I thought to share some of my experience with you people. For new viewers let me introduce myself Vikas (NC) of 22 Doing eng and 5.7” of height having a broad shoulders and arms with my workouts and a 5.7 inch shaft I really don’t need to say lie to you people which is much thick the shaft really have a great stamina of minimum of 40 min even in heavy banging and great recovery power of max of 1 min if...

1 year ago
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Valentines Day Wife

Man leaves cheating wife on Valentines Day. February 14th 2008, Valentines Day I watched her through hooded eyes as she slipped into the bedroom, and then tried to control the grin I felt growing on my lips when I saw what she was wearing. Fuck, she’s still capable of giving me a hard-on I thought as I watched her full, round breasts moving under the diaphanous, ivory colored, silk babydoll she was wearing. To her husband of f******n years her already hard, dark pink, half dollar sized...

3 years ago
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Pet shop pick up

I recently got a pet that requires fresh food on a three times a week basis, so I have been a regular at the local pet shop for a while. I have gotten to know many of the people that worked there especially a girl named Lisa. Lisa is about 5'3", almost a foot shorter than me and built tiny. She has long jet black hair and stunning blue eyes. Her tits are most likely B cup, but look larger on her small frame. What has really gotten my attention is her ass. Fantastic in her work Khakis she fills...

1 year ago
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Merry ChristmasChapter 6

They took an airport limo from the airport to Jim's house. He had called his son and told him that he would be bringing a business acquaintance to the house. He knew how young people were and ordered his son to have a maid service to come and clean the house before they left. He told his son to pay for the cleaning with Jim's credit card. As they walked into the house, he was relieved to see that the house was perfect. Everything was clean and in it's place. "You have a very nice...

1 year ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 7 Porcelain Shell

I’d set an alarm for five, deciding that the lack of sleep would be better than leaving the twins stranded by themselves. However, when I slapped the sound off and staggered out into the living room, all was quiet. Figuring they’d be up soon, I grabbed my Walkman and stretched out on the couch to relax while I waited. As it turned out, I fell asleep and Lara ended up waking me up. I started, surprised to see her shaking me. “What time is it?” I asked, pulling the tangled headphones from my...

3 years ago
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EMails To My MasterChapter 25

TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse i received some mail from you this morning so i think i'll answer that before moving on to my report. The idea of being kicked out of a wet bed and into a gutter by you is almost appealing. The thought of being hog-tied and dumped onto a street stark naked... hmm, a delicious fantasy but something that i'm not sure i'd enjoy in real life! i enjoyed reading about your experiences with Sister Mercy and i'm sure that Sharon will comment on that in greater...

1 year ago
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Weekend at Grandparents With Cousin Part 1

Every year my family and I go down to my grandparent’s house with my aunt and my cousin Sarah. This year we went down like normal and met one of my other cousins Victoria at my grandparents. I have not seen Victoria in a few years so when I saw her for the first time this year I was stunned. At 17 she had started to blossom into a beautiful young woman. She was around 5’3” and she died her brown hair to a dark red with streaks of blonde. She weighed no more than 110 pounds and had budding...

4 years ago
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Divine Grace the Journal of Belladonna the RedChapter 7 The Beast of Edmonds Field

The story of Garnett of Edmond's Field begins thousands of years ago, with the imprisonment of a demon known as Seregil. I am not aware of the circumstances of its imprisonment, or who performed the act, but the creature was cursed to remain within a subterranean jail until the end of time. It is the way of curses, or so Elminster tells me —and really, who would know better than he?—that there is always a manner in which they can be circumvented. In the case of Seregil, he could gain his...

1 year ago
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Our story begins in 1981. My name is Jeff. I was running a retail store in San Antonio, Texas, when a long-time acquaintance of my ex-wife came in the store. She and I had always gotten along so I was happily surprised after not seeing her for 4 years.She came quickly to the point that her daughter needed a job. I handed her an application and told her to have Shawn (not her real name) to fill it out. Shawn was to return it personally and an interview would be given at that time.A week later I...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 439

The Deaf Italian Bookkeeper... A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper, Guido, has cheated him out of $10,000,000.00 His bookkeeper is deaf. That was the reason he got the job in the first place. It was assumed that Guido would hear nothing so he would not have to testify in court. When the Godfather goes to confront Guido about his missing $10 million, he takes along his lawyer who knows sign language. The Godfather tells the lawyer, "Ask him where the money is!" The lawyer,...

2 years ago
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 14

"That was a lot of help," I grumbled to Susan after we were back in the car. I'd looked for the shiv in the car door when we'd got to the Federal building, but it hadn't been there any more; probably jarred loose when I'd been clipping out of that parking lot with bullets flying at me, or maybe when I busted through the exit barrier. There was, however, a neatly indented gash in the sheet metal. "I'm sorry, Larry, I really thought they'd come through," she told me. "I mean, if I...

1 year ago
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Nicole Webcam SlaveChapter 4

Nicole walked to her tiny kitchen to make some food. The webcam couldn't see her here so she could relax a little. Barry had said he would be away from the computer for some time but she didn't trust him. The printed photos he had forced her to stuff into herself were hurting her. Did she dare to take them out for now? He couldn't see her but she was afraid of doing it anyway. She should use these moments of freedom. He couldn't take away her dignity all of the time! Nicole pulled down...

3 years ago
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a familiar stranger

Introduction: this is only mysecond story and was written from a phone so please excuse typos. let me know what you think. My day started out as usual with me waking up to ny lab pacing around my room. This was her choice way of waking me up. I groaned a little and got up to take hee outside. I came inside and stepped into the shower. I trembled a little as the warm water began to run over my body. My girlfriend and I had been on a break for the past three weeks due to some relationship...

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The Dream

We were sitting on her “gently used” leather sofa; me on one end, her on the other. Uncomfortable with each other, yet not wanting it to be that way, we tried to lighten the mood with the liquor I’d brought. I swallowed the last shot of tequila, took an enormous amount pleasure in the burn, and then wished like hell I had brought more. Why couldn’t I just say it? Just blurt out that the reason I left was my dad, since he threatened to tell her parents. “So…” I was quite the conversationalist...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 24 Hard to Handle

Alan woke up Wednesday morning feeling weary but excited. He was weary because he hadn't been able to sleep as much as he needed; he was wiped out from so many great sexual experiences. He was also excited, because he sensed that his mother had reached some kind of tipping point. Their path forward wasn't clear, but it was obvious that there was no going back. That was an absolutely huge development, because she was the linchpin to sexual permissiveness at home. Unfortunately, when he...

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Heavy TrafficChapter 20

The fog that preceded full consciousness was filled with pain. The pain didn’t subside as DeMarcus’ wakefulness increased; it only became more intense and widespread. The brightness on the other side of his eyelids implied light, but DeMarcus was hesitant to subject his eye to it just yet. The voice suddenly speaking convinced him to open his eyes. “We have eye movement. Tell the doctor that the patient may be regaining consciousness.” DeMarcus opened one eye to see the back of a person...

3 years ago
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The Drive

The Drive The party had been an exciting event as they drove back to their usual meeting place. There had been food, dancing, and the annual midnight toast. Champagne was flowing, along with a mix of other beverages for all the guests to sample. I stayed away as a responsible driver and because I just don't like the stuff. Chloe has been responsible as well but did have a nose for good wine and a taste for the bubbly. I had a sip of the Champagne at midnight before a long passionate kiss with...

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Back to Glorias

I could not believe what had just happened. I had just had sex with a woman half my age. She was truly gorgeous girl with amazing eyes, hair and she was breast feeding her daughter so her breasts were huge. I told Gloria to call me anytime she needed a hand with her baby girl Katie. Katie was a doll and I was already wrapped around her tiny little fingers. It was almost a week later when Gloria called me and asked if I could sit with Katie while she did some clothes shopping. I jumped at the...

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