A Tortured SoulChapter 20: GeordieSlut.com free porn video

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I woke up late but refreshed on Friday morning having slept really well—with no dreams to disturb me. Well, I say late. I guess that nine-thirty isn’t really that late. Hell, for most students it would be classed as early. But I was an early-bird, usually up and about, showered and dressed by seven-thirty most mornings, so, for me, nine-thirty was a lie in.

Actually, I’d been woken by Mark stomping about getting ready for his nine o’clock exam, but I smiled and rolled over to face the wall and closed my eyes again for another half an hour.

It felt a bit strange, knowing that I quite literally had nothing to do that day. Or the next day. Or the day after that. I’d finished my exams and lectures didn’t start up again until Monday. And because they would all be new courses, with new topics and in some cases different tutors, I couldn’t even get a head start on the reading since I didn’t know what the reading actually was.

So I had nothing to do. And it felt weird.

I was pondering this when my phone beeped. The one-word message was from Imogen.


I replied that I’d meet her at the foot of the stairs in ten minutes, which would give me just enough time to shower and dress. I wasn’t surprised when Vanessa came down the stairs by Imogen’s side.

We took longer over breakfast than usual, the three of us just sitting in the canteen talking about nothing, looking forward to the prospect of three days free from studies.

“So, what are we going to do today?” Imogen said.

“I planned on just sitting about all day doing nothing,” said Vanessa.

“But that’ll get boring really quickly.”

“So what do you suggest?”

Imogen shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s why I asked. What do you think we should do, Paul?”

“I’m all for Ness’ plan. I’ve got a couple of box-sets I downloaded that I haven’t had a chance to watch yet.”

“Paul could take us shopping?” Vanessa said with a grin.

I pointed at myself and said, “Me?”

“Well, you can drive is what I mean. Gen and I will do the shopping. Even if it is mostly window shopping.”

“Now that sounds like a plan,” said Imogen. “How about we go to that big shopping centre they built next to the Olympic Park in London. I haven’t been yet, but it’s supposed to be awesome.”

“Hang on, hang on,” I said, holding up my hands. “If you’re planning on going there, I’m sure there’s a whole lot of our friends who’d like to go too. So maybe we can do that tomorrow?”

“He’s right,” Vanessa said. “People will be pissed if they find out we went without them.”

“We can go on the train,” I said. “Go into central London too, perhaps. It’s been a while since I’ve been. We can make a day of it. Go early, come back late.”

“Okay,” said Imogen. “But what about today?”

I shrugged again. “I don’t know.” After a second’s thought I said, “Have either of you eaten at my sister’s restaurant?”

“Your sister has a restaurant?” Vanessa said. “Where?”

“Back in Micester. I’ve been meaning to take Mark there since he thinks we’ll get a big discount or something. I know it’s his last exam this morning, so maybe we can wait for him, then go there for lunch. Then, in the afternoon, I’ll show you around my hometown. I mean, there’s not much to see really, but—”

“That’s a great idea!” Vanessa said.

“Sorted then. We’ll watch one of the box-sets until Mark gets back, then I’ll treat you all to lunch at Vicky’s place.”

With that, we cleared away our plates and hustled back across the road to Wintersmith. Little did I know that I wouldn’t get to watch the boxset, but I really should have known the trip to Micester would be a bad idea.

Rather than go upstairs to their rooms first, the girls followed me to my room. We stopped off at the kitchen first, where I collected a bottle of coke that I had in the fridge. I had snacks in my room too, so we’d be all set for a morning of vegging out. I’d not entirely legally downloaded the full third season of an American television series based on a horror comic book. I’d seen the first and second seasons during my time in The US, but in the UK the series was shown on a subscription channel that we couldn’t get access to in the hall. At least, I assumed we couldn’t. I hadn’t actually asked the question, but something in my gut told me that the university wasn’t going to let me stick a satellite dish on the side of the building.

“You know,” Imogen said as we walked down the corridor to my room, “You’re going to have to stop all this illegal downloading when you’re a proper lawyer. You’ll get struck off or something.”

I grinned. “That’s, what? At least five years away? Plenty of time.”

She slapped my arm playfully. “You’re terrible, you are.”

Vanessa was a step behind us and while I was teasing Imogen, I almost didn’t notice her sharp intake of breath.

I did hear her mutter, “Shit. That bastard.”

I turned to ask her what was wrong, but she was already legging it away from us.


“Paul. Look.” Imogen handed me a piece of paper. “It was stuck to this door,” she said, pointing to the nearest one. “There’s one on all the doors. Even yours.” She pointed towards my room.

I ran over and tore down the poster taped to my door then compared it to the one Imogen had handed me. They were obviously the same. Across the top, in large type, was a single word—SLUT. Underneath was a series of grainy photos which, while they hadn’t photocopied particularly well, were clearly of a woman in—shall we be delicate and call them compromising positions—with several men.

I threw a questioning at Imogen and she replied, “Look at the girl in the pictures, Paul. Look closely.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I can see who it is. But...” But what? These pictures were of Vanessa. It was no wonder she’d run away.

Imogen shook her head. “There’s time for whos and whys and whatnots later. Right now we need to get rid of them. There’s one on every door down here. There’s probably one on every damn door in the hall! I’ll get the rest of them down here. You go clear the next floor up. I’ll do the third floor then meet you on the top. We’ll clear that then try and talk to Nessa.”


“Quick, Paul! Before people start coming back from their exam and see them.”

“But not everyone’s in an exam. Some people will have already seen them.”

“There’s nothing we can do about that. We can’t control the gossip. But we can minimise the damage. Now go!”

I nodded and headed for the stairs. There weren’t just posters on every door. Whoever had done this had stuck the damn things on the stairwell walls, the windows, everywhere. I even checked the bathroom and found posters on the doors of the individual stalls.

I ripped them all down. Every single one I saw. But I had a horrible feeling I hadn’t gotten them all. Some of the bedroom doors didn’t have a poster—either ripped down and disposed of by the occupier already or, more likely, kept somewhere safe to be shown to friends.

I had a better look at the photos while I waited for Imogen outside Vanessa’s room. I daren’t try and talk to Vanessa without her. The lack of shock that Imogen displayed told me she already knew of the photos’ existence.

There were four of them on the poster, but God knows how many there were in total. She didn’t look much different in the photos to now, so my guess was they were taken during her last year at school. And since they were probably taken with the camera on a smartphone, the likelihood was the photographer (pornographer?) had snapped away with abandon. Hell, let’s be honest, the likelihood was that most of the guys at this party had a smartphone and they all took pictures.

In two of them, she was on her back, sucking one cock while getting royally fucked. In a third, she was riding a cock reverse cowgirl style, facing the guy’s feet (and the camera) so you could see the point of penetration clearly. In the final photo, she was again lying on her back, this time legs spread and covered all over her body with pools of semen.

“Stop looking at them, Paul,” Imogen said as she approached.

“I just ... I mean, I...”

“I’ll explain everything. Or Ness will. I hope. But if she doesn’t, then I will. Okay?”

I nodded.

“Good.” Then she faced Vanessa’s door and hammered on it as hard as she could. “Ness! It’s me. Open up.”

“Is Paul with you?” Her voice was quiet, and it wasn’t because of the door between us.



“Okay, he is. But he’s helped me collect up all of those things we could find. We think we got them all. Come on, Ness. He just wants to know what happened. And you know he won’t judge. Hell, he’s probably done worse himself. And besides, if you don’t tell him, you know I will. He deserves to know this wasn’t your fault.”

There was silence from the other side of the door. Then it creaked open slowly and Vanessa said, “Of course it was my fault. I’m the one that let myself get into that fucked up position.”

“Only because they took advantage of you. Now let us in and tell Paul the whole story.”

Imogen and Vanessa sat on the bed—Imogen at the foot, Vanessa at the head. Vanessa had one leg tucked underneath her with the other dangling off the bed. Imogen sat crossed-legged. They both half-faced each other and half-faced me as I sat on the lounge chair. Vanessa’s chair was blue and much more tasteful and modern than the manky old red one in my room.

“Just tell him what you told me,” Imogen said softly.

Vanessa just stared at her hands as she wrung them in her lap as if she was trying to clean them of some unseen dirt. Or maybe it wasn’t her hands she was trying to clean.

Imogen sighed and began, “His name—”

“No!” said Vanessa, snapping her head up to look at her friend. “I’ll ... I’ll tell him. Just ... In my own time. Okay?”

She stood and walked across the room to her desk. For a moment she stood stock-still, eyes seemingly fixed on the photos that adorned the pinboard above the desk, but I sensed she wasn’t really looking at them, that she was looking somewhere else. Or maybe somewhen else.

“You have no idea,” she said, “how hard it is to move from somewhere like South Shields to somewhere like Richmond.” She faced the wall, but her words were directed at me. And perhaps Imogen too. I had the feeling that while Imogen knew what happened, she perhaps didn’t understand why it had happened.

“I thought we were pretty well off when we lived back home. Some people even thought we were dead posh.” She chuckled. “But I didn’t understand the meaning of posh or well off until we moved down south. We had a big, five-bedroom house in South Shields. Lovely location, big garden, double garage. In Richmond, we were lucky to find a three-bedroom terrace we could afford.” She laughed. “There are two-bedroom flats on sale in Richmond for what our house back home cost.”

“I can understand that. I’ve seen—” Imogen shot me a stern look and I shut up.

“It’s hard enough being the new girl in school, but being the new girl and sounding like me in a school full of posh kids who sound like they’ve got a plum or two in their mouth ... That’s really hard. No one could understand us at first. Some acted like they still couldn’t understand us even after I’d been there for a year. Just a bunch of posh, stuck-up snobs, all of them. I made a few friends, but not many. And none I’d call best friends, you know?” She twisted to look Imogen in the eye. “Not like you.”

Imogen’s face split into a comforting smile, which Vanessa returned before she looked back at the wall.

“So I was pretty lonely really. Which is why I agreed to go out with him when he asked. James. That was his name. Back home I’d have run a mile from him. He was the last type of guy I’d have gone out with. But when you’re feeling so completely alone...”

“Been there,” said Imogen.

Vanessa shook her head. “Not like this.” She finally turned to face us, leaning her bottom against her desk and gripping the edge tightly in her hands. Her shoulders we hunched up, as if she were standing outside in a storm.

“Actually, at first, he was fine. Attentive. Complimentary. Exactly what you’d expect from a rich, posh kid. He bought me gifts—flowers, chocolate, even jewellery. And I’m sorry to say I let him get further than I really should. If you know what I mean.

“That’s when things changed. After the first time we had sex. He’d bought me a really nice phone and I got a text from him one night asking me to send him a picture. So I did. Then he asked for another one and asked if I’d show him some skin. So I did. And he kept asking. And each time he asked, he wanted more. In my pyjamas. Wrapped in a towel after a shower. In my bra. Then bra and panties. Then just the panties. Then completely nude.

“Then when we were together, he started asking if he could take pictures, after all, it was nothing he hadn’t seen before. Just something to remind him of me. Nothing to worry about. He wouldn’t show anyone. I should have known better. I really should have known better.

“Then he wanted a photo of me performing on him. Nothing to worry about. Just for him. He wouldn’t show anyone.”

“I think I can see where this is going,” I said. “You don’t need to go on.” I knew this must be difficult for her. Why prolong it?

“No. I need to do this.” She took a deep breath. “When he asked if he could video me on his phone giving him a blowjob, that’s when I knew I was in real trouble. When I knew how far I’d let myself get into this mess. I said no, of course, but he said if I didn’t, he’d make sure everyone in our school saw the pictures he already had. All the kids. All the teachers. Even the parents. Even my parents.

“After the first video, there was a second, this time a blowjob followed by him fucking me from behind. Then he invited a friend to join us. Then a different friend. It spiralled out of control, and I knew I had no choice because if I refused then everything he already had would get out there. It went on for nearly a year.

Same as A Tortured Soul
Chapter 20: GeordieSlut.com Videos

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"Comfortable?" His sardonic smile didn't quite make his eyes. She looked at him through tear swelled and reddened, half closed lids. The saline water of her tears seemed to enhance colours; the silver SS badge on his tunic shone and branded her mind. Not waiting for her reply, he slapped her pussy with the flat of his hand. The resounding smack rebounded off the whitewashed walls. She would have screamed, but the tape across her mouth allowed for a muffled murmff only. Two grease-covered...

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Let me get one thing straight, I never actually thought it would work! I'm serious. When mother touched my upper arm and our eyes met, I just knew. Maybe it was that look, wide anxious eyes that made me wonder if I had ever noticed her green pupils before. But it was more than her eyes, it was the whole of her face, a breath away from my own, intimate and awkward at the same time. As if that was not evidence enough, a quick look down I could see that mother had opened her work blouse,...

2 years ago
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SexCraving Zombies

It was a foggy night in Chicago, with clouds shrouding the moonlight, letting little down to brighten the night. The past few nights have been strange ones, with odd noises coming from below your window as you slept. Something wasn't right in the town, admittedly. However, that wouldn't stop you from making your weekly midnight trip to Wendy's for a bite to eat to celebrate the end of the work week, which for you was Friday. You decided to walk, since it was somewhat mild out, unusually warm...

3 years ago
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Beginningsthe end

So after that day at my new friend Lou's, I didnt really have anything going on. Rick was off doing his own thing, I saw my gf Joanne a couple times, just went to work on the eves I worked, and not much else. I hadnt seen Walter around either. A couple weeks went by and I was thinking about going over to Lou's place to see if he needed any work done, and maybe suck some cock. The day before I was gonna go over there I ran into him and he asked if I wanted to come over the next day. No work, but...

2 years ago
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We found a watcher

After a long time discussing, agreeing, disagreeing and finally making it happen the wife and I rented a motel room in a city not too far from home. We placed an ad on Craigslist for a couple to come to a motel room and allow us to watch them make love, we too were going to be on next bed making love. We had never done anything like this, never had even seen a live sex act. We were excited and very nervous. Scared of what could happen if these people were not who and what they claim to be. We...

1 year ago
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SAIGON LESBIANS – PART 6 (and last)(This will be the last part of this series. At least I enjoyed writing it even though very few people seemed to have liked it. I will start another series later.)« So are you going to talk to me ? », asked Marlene who was in the same position as always on Sunday nights, naked and lying next to Louise.The sex had been good but rather mechanical. Louise wasn’t into it. “You are such a liar”, suddenly shouted Louise“Please lower your voice and explain why I’m a...

1 year ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 2

The first thing Dave noticed as he was coming to consciousness was the smell of fresh coffee. That was strange; Julie didn't like the smell of coffee for some reason, so he usually got some on the way to work ... he opened his eyes, and saw a very tall blonde in the kitchen. All of a sudden things snapped into place. Yesterday. The tower going down. Julie. The boys ... and then, Shae and Eve. "Shae?" he said wonderingly, the question hanging in the air. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she...

1 year ago
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My first time with Cindy Part 1

I've been crossdressing a long time. I met a new GG online and we had been chatting a lot online. We started to share all of our little secrets and neither of us met up with other CDs before. We decided that we would meet and do a little dressing together in a hotel in a city near us. We agreed on the date and I was anxious with anticipation. Nobody has seen me fully dressed as Molly before and I was excited to take the next step with Cindy.I checked into the Marriott with my rolling suitcase...

4 years ago
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Broke Down

As the freezing, tempestuous wind whistled through the uninsulated crack in the passenger door of her older model Honda, Riley realized she had little choice. She was stuck here, hundreds of miles from her home, in her broken down little hatchback in the midst of a freezing February Minnesota blizzard, and it was quickly getting dark. She chastised herself for forgetting to charge her cell phone, because it died before she’d even pulled out of her own driveway, and she’d forgotten to bring her...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 19

"PUTIN PUNTS FOREIGN POLICY" "PREMIER PLACATES PRESIDENT" "WHAT'S UP WITH VLAD?" "HAS THE BEAR BEEN DECLAWED – Putin Backs Down" The newspapers shouted the headlines six inches tall. Putin chose to stand down, when faced with the choice of fighting to retain control of oil shipping in the Black Sea. His move shocked everyone and further depressed oil prices. Analysts had set the ceiling of a barrel of crude at forty eight to fifty dollars a barrel – long term. Now it looked like...

1 year ago
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Hubby arranges evening with Liam

“She has wonderful breasts” LIam said to my husband. “I know, would you like a closer look?” Tonight was to be the night. Hubby had swapped several e mails with Liam to set this up and our first meeting was to be tonight. It’s 8.25 I have bathed, shaved my pussy, and prepared myself. Hubby had dressed me in black see through lingerie with stockings and suspenders. The extra high heels made me look a little slutty. I hoped I would be attractive enough to excite him and get it over quickly....

1 year ago
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Private Misha Maver Anal Addicted Sex Therapist

Misha Maver is a sex therapist who is addicted to anal and today in Private Specials, Elegant, Young and Anal Loving 3 this sexy redheaded star takes advantage of her favourite client Alberto Blanco and gets the ass fucking she’s been needing! Watch Misha slip into her lingerie and show off her incredible big tits and tattoos before she gets all warmed up with a dildo in her ass and a nice fucking. Then enjoy the rest of the action on www.private.com as she takes a hard anal pounding that has...

3 years ago
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A Planet Is SwornChapter 6

"Commander, Elizabeth is trying to use my interface to contact you. Are you content to allow that?" "Sure. Wait a minute, Elizabeth communicated with me like this earlier and you didn't need to ask my permission. What's changed?" 'asked' Ben. "I'm fully bonded to you now and your safety and security are paramount. Despite the fact that Elizabeth is my creator, I have disabled the override she programmed in - no one should have access to me without you controlling it. That is...

2 years ago
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Capn Angie and the Return of the Booty

This is the last in the trilogy of the adventures of Cap'n Angie...For the first part, if you haven't read it already, please check it out here: https://xhamster.com/stories/cap-039-n-angie-633514And also feel free to check out the prequel here: https://xhamster.com/stories/cap-039-n-angie-and-a-fair-maiden-039-s-booty-637449----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cap'n Angie and the Return of the...

2 years ago
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The First Cuckolding

We were back in the hotel after lunch. Callum was in the bath and I just flicked on the screen on his phone to see how much battery he had left. There was a Snapchat message. I didn't even know he had Snapchat! And who was sending him pics while we were on our anniversary holiday? I unlocked the phone and looked at it. It was an extremely graphic picture of a huge black cock behind a girl on all fours. The text banner read, "This is how I like to get fucked! A real man with a big, black...

1 year ago
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TeenageJo beggins

And not saying a single word, she just grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of her, standing in front of an Asian old-man, who did just looked at my barefoot white feet, and pay close attention to the blue-eyes I had, knowing that I had a rare golden hair, then he looked at my mother's face waving his head up and down, and gave two enormous bags filled with a strange currency, then he took a large ablaze metal, and the woman that was no longer my mother, made a strong wrestling from behind...

2 years ago
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Getting It on With SamanthaChapter 14

After Samantha and Pete were reunited when she came to visit, and after Sam had made the first move and sucked Pete's horny cock until he spewed his full cumload into her sucking mouth, they got themselves together and Pete drove them to a nice nearby restaurant where he'd promised his sister a very pleasant meal. It was there, after Sam had given Pete her first blowjob in over 25 years, that their conversation began to take on much more in-depth and serious tones. Pete's cock was...

1 year ago
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A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 8

I carried Mr. Waters to his bed and helped Barbara get his clothes off and make him as comfortable as possible. They did have some laudanum, so it was possible to relieve his discomfort. We all had to be careful that he did not take too much, since he did not want to become addicted to opium. Tony showed me around the ranch. I was only eight years older than Barbara's brother, but I felt like I was 20 years older than him. Barbara had told him that I had shot all but two of the men who were...

1 year ago
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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 13 It only seems like an eternity

We left the Citadel in stages. Rogard would have his sneaks in front and behind as we traveled. It was hard to believe that our group now consisted of fifteen. There would be the seven of us traveling in the main body and two sets of two sneaks ahead and the same behind. The King of Thieves had his stronghold in the southern mountains; he kept it there because it was nearly impossible to attack with a standing army. Thieves, being the counterpart of sneaks, simply melted away when they...

2 years ago
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Gifted Grifter Ch 11

Gifted Grifter #11: Julie’s Revenge We arrived in Vegas late after a long day of driving. It was prime poker time, but we were too tired from fifteen hours behind the wheel to do anything but drag our bags upstairs, make love and go to sleep. I was up first the next morning and lay in bed anxiously waiting to see how Julie would be. I was very concerned about her emotionally, since the last time she woke up in a hotel room in Vegas she living there as a self-employed sex worker. A lot had...

1 year ago
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I Should Have Seen It Coming

I Should Have Seen It Coming - by: Patricia Marie Allen I guess, if I want to be honest, I should have seen it coming. I'm her third husband. The first one took to drinking and she divorced him. The second died. There were those who suspected it wasn't exactly an accident. I mean, he was an experienced high steelworker and it wasn't even a windy day. Well, anyway, while she and I were friends, she never really acted like she had any really deep feelings for me, but some how I...

3 years ago
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Crays First TimeChapter 3 Eve

I had spoken to Cray yesterday. We had talked for hours, telling each other about our summer vacations. Like the old song, Hey La, Hey La, my boyfriend's back! He was back in New York from Outward Bound in Colorado and Munich. I had been in Sweden with my family for three weeks and he had been gone for a month. We both had just finished 10th grade. This had started a year ago. I had been talking to my sister Vivian about wanting a boyfriend. She had just finished her junior year. She had...

1 year ago
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Seduced during make believe photo shoot

“I have an idea. Let’s go into the bedroom and while we are having sex I will shoot some pictures of us while we are doing it.” “Are you crazy or what?” “No. Let’s go do it. Come on. It’ll be erotic.” “That seems weird to me.” “No, it’ll be cool. We’ve never done anything like that before. ” “Yeah…. But, it’s weird. Nobody is going to see these photos, are they?” “No. No. They are just for us.” So, we went into the bedroom and lay on the bed. Karen, who would later become my wife years later,...

Wife Lovers
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DominiqueChapter 9

Memories of sultry summers scudded though my mind like hot afternoon clouds. Dim recollections of wafting mosquito netting fought with the smell of sun showers for my attention. Without opening my eyes, I knew the side of my face was stuck to the training table. The dull ache of my ass felt a million miles away. In fact, it felt good. "Mmmmm," I murmured, as it throbbed in time with my heart. The egg inside me was quiet now, in harmony with the rest of the room. Rousing myself, I blinked...

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DiSH 2 Labor Day Picnic

The summer was ending and Ken hadn't been to a DiSH social event since the Memorial Day Picnic a few months ago. That day was one of the most memorable events in his recent life. He had joined one of Amy's risqué games and had ended up with Jenna, the group's sexpot (every college class, company department, and social group seemed to have one for some inexplicable reason), sitting on his face while catching and throwing water balloons. Afterward, Jenna had dragged him into the woods...

1 year ago
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THE LEASH SM fantasy story if there a

It was a splendid day in mid-July at 10:30 I was in the garagea pair of Masters and Mistress.I contact them I was a slave to them for educational treatment, the Mistress blackberry,breasts bursting with beautiful feet and she felt the most severe and authoritarian of the two, the Masters speaks quietly but with great authority told me to undress.I was totally naked, shaved and shaved properly, I had put a collarfor dogs with a leash attached to a chain, a cap with a black latexthe openings of...

3 years ago
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DEMON Part 2

“Yeah, that's God.” She leaned forward, her large breasts pushing against my chest, and her arms to the sides of my chest, rocking back and forth slowly In my cock. “Oh my god. Our Lord and savior is an asshole.” I sighed, wrapping my hands around her, except my hands were at the bend of her back. “So you're literally a demon? Or an angel?” “It's all just a profession really. Choose whether you wanna chill with humanity or fuck with them.” There was one big question on my mind though....

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