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Vendeuse MarieaAnne Smith Chapter 1 Suzie & Mary "Mary, it seems such a long time since we've talked. I've just been shopping, including a visit to your boutique. I had hoped to see you to chat, though I did need a new bra, so it would have been nice for both of us. Your new vendeuse, though, is a super saleswoman. Almost before I had realized it I had a new bra and panties to match, she even persuaded me to buy two pairs. I haven't been fitted for a long time so she measured me and I had to buy a cup size larger, but the new one is so comfortable. She then showed me some lovely lace bodies, so, foolishly I bought one and a new nightdress as well. It was really a pleasure to shop there and have such an attentive vendeuse. But, you know, she looks as if she was John's sister, she could almost be a twin, but I know that he hasn't one." "Oh, Suzie, there is a really long story. Come and have lunch and I'll explain." As I put together a salad, opened a bottle of wine and put a baguette to warm in the oven, I wondered what to tell and how. John, my husband for twenty five years has always had a penchant for wearing women's clothes. At first, when he told me, soon after marriage, I was disturbed, uncomfortable and did not know how to handle the situation. However he was a good husband, became a good father and so I accepted his cache of clothes and occasional dressing sessions, happily mostly alone. However, about two years ago, at the age of 53 he was made redundant. The company was generous in its terms, so financially it was not an immediate catastrophe, and I have my boutique, which he had helped finance. He decided to try to make it alone as a consultant and set up an office at home. It was difficult, but he got sufficient volume of work, interestingly including a long term contract from his old firm, to occupy him about three days a week and to provide a reasonably generous income. However, the loss of daily contact in a big office and, I guess, the realization that he would never ascend to those giddy heights beloved of ambitious men, clearly made him depressed. He would not see our doctor, but I did notice that there were signs that he was dressing in his limited selection of clothes more often. It wasn't difficult to know as I am, I suppose, a little bit fanatical about order in drawers and wardrobes so I could see things in changed places. I was out Tuesdays to Saturday as I built up my business, a boutique that sells expensive lingerie, including a line of mastectomy bras and accessories and a limited range of what one might call corsetry. Strangely, there is still a demand for good shape-wear and not only from older ladies. Some of my best clients are well off young women for whom the sexy exoticism of a good and pretty corset or bustier is worth the expense and the discomfort - I cannot imagine wearing such restrictive clothing any more. Though a pretty control panty is, I regret to say sometimes necessary. One day, about a year ago, the weather was vile, the high street almost empty of shoppers so I decided to close really early. I came in quietly, by habit, and I could hear the radio upstairs. Our bedroom door was open and there was John, in tarty red underwear and black stockings, in improbably high heels, sitting at my dressing table putting on make up. I was between shock and laughter. "Oh John, what are you trying to do? Women of our age, in fact of any age, don't dress like that unless they are low class tarts." I could see tears in his eyes so changed tack completely and said: "If you really want to be a woman, dear, I can help you, but we will have to start from scratch." At that moment the door bell rang, so not having decided what to tell Suzie, one of my best and oldest friends, I stopped my reflections and went to let her in. She is a very emotional and ebullient woman, and had clearly come straight from her shopping and she still had a couple of packages, including that of "So Feminine", my shop. "Mary dear, it's so nice to see you again. Thank you so much for this invitation. I just have to find out about your new vendeuse, Jenny, she said her name was. But first, I must go to the loo, I drank too much coffee this morning and I can't keep my legs crossed any longer." When she came out, lipstick redone, and as usual very smart in a blue suit, white silk blouse, with just the smallest indication of the lace of her bra showing in the V. I poured us both a glass of wine and we sat down. "Well, tell me more. The resemblance to John must be a pure coincidence, but it gave me shivers when I first saw her. So feminine, but so like him in basic features, but so different." I took a deep breath. "Jenny is John." "Mary, don't be such a silly, she can't be John, she's a woman, and he's an obvious man and your husband." "I said that it was a long story, so, once I have lunch on the table, I'll tell you all." Once we had started eating I plunged into the story, telling her a little history up to the moment I was remembering when she arrived. "Well, what could I do? I knew that stopping him from dressing was impossible (I have done some research on the subject), but if he needed, rather than just wanted, to be a woman, I wasn't having anyone but a lady, so I had to help. I hadn't much time to reflect, so I told him to put on my dressing gown, take off those silly heels and put on something more sensible. We went downstairs and I said what we, and I stressed the "we", would have to do! I got out a tape measure and took all the key measurements and said that he would have to loose about 7 kg, do regular exercises with me for tummy, waist and thighs, start a laser depilation process for his face, and commence some voice therapy. I also told him to start ensuring that he had as little body hair as possible, using depilatory cream plus one of those rotary things that pull hairs out by the roots." "But he is quite slim and in good shape." "He was and is, but she needed to be slimmer as both hips and bottom would need padding and, of course she would need decent breasts, all of which would increase apparent weight." "Gosh", said Suzie, who had hardly touched her salad, "I still can't see though how you made your man into a total lady, so I want the works." "I didn't make him into a lady. I helped him become a woman, and that woman, happily, adopted rapidly the habits of a lady." Once we had started together, John was a super pupil. Not that I know anything about feminization, but it was clear enough what was needed. We went through "her" clothes, discarding all the tat and making a list of what would be required. John was all for going off shopping as soon as possible, but I told him that there would be no shopping until he was at the right size. He was so motivated that the weight loss was quite fast, all 7 kg gone in three months and, with exercise, his natural waist dropped to 32". He had his first two Laser sessions, started voice training and followed my exercise regime. In fact we enrolled at the gym; he was the only man in the class, but it didn't cause any problems for the other girls or for him. "You know, his depression started to lift; it was as if once again he had a goal, though I don't think either of us realized at the time what that goal would be. He also became a lot tenderer and even our love making improved." "Ooh, you are a lucky woman. When I think of my ex and his efforts, all geared to his own climax and very little consideration for my needs, a decent lover is certainly to be valued." "That, Suzie dear is another story, and not for today!" When he was down to the right weight and his beard already considerably lighter, we started on shape, make up and clothes. Breasts were not a problem - I stock and sell a limited line of mastectomy wear, so I could fit "her" properly. Hips were a little more difficult. We did some internet research, but everything seemed to be to stress bottom, whereas I wanted width, to balance shoulders. In the end I talked to a specialist corsetiere who took a light control girdle and cut some pads to shape to give the right width of hips. He had already found out how to hide his maleness, by pulling everything back between his legs, but I felt that there lacked a little roundness, so suggested that he wore a light incontinence pad, that gave her a really nice shape in front, just like a feminine mons de venus. "How uncomfortable for him." "He, no, I think I must always say she, for Jenny as she was now becoming, said it was really quite comfortable and she can now do a full day without apparent discomfort. You know, it was very surprising but she wanted to experience all the things we are glad to have finished with. He asked if he could have a period, so for a week, I made her wear wet pads, doubled up for the third and fourth day. I've told her that at our age it is a delight not to have the curse, but I guess that it was and is part of her learning curve as she continues, not regularly, to wear pads for a week when the mood takes her." "Horrible things! I always wore Tampax, but even then was never comfortable. That at least is something she can't have experienced." "Well, dear, even that. I know that he has tried a tampon in his rear and he uses occasionally a vaginal cream, so at least he (oh dear, I am confusing gender again) she has some experience of things inside the body. However, to return to the creation of a woman. We had eternal practice sessions as to behavior, walking and sitting, using the loo etc. The latter was really rather fun. I had her wear all sorts of outfits, straight skirt, with tights, trousers, the whole panoply of possible outfits and then made her drink lots of water so that she had to go frequently to the loo. I marked her on speed and her appearance when she came out. All this at home in preparation of our first sortie together." "You certainly created a total woman. I wouldn't have even dreamed this morning that I was being fitted for a bra by other than a very professional sales lady." "She did attend a one day fitting course, so she certainly knows how to do it properly and I get nice comments from some of my customers about my assistant and how she is so attentive and seems to know exactly what to offer. But this was much later in the story." "Dare I ask?" "Ask what?" "Well when he is she and you are together what is the, er, relationship?" I laughed and explained that yes we did things together as two women, including making love, and that she was so gentle and considerate that, yes, she could give me an orgasm." "So you are, he, she is, oh dear my grammar is deserting me, lesbians!" "Well I suppose so, but I would rather that, than she was attracted to men, though I know she is very excited when being given the 'look' by a potentially interested male." "Ooh, I don't think I could be attracted by a man who was a woman." "Suzie, stop there for the moment. Maybe we can talk about that later. I'd like to go back to the creation of Jenny. You know that the boutique used to be closed on Mondays. Well, when I felt that she could go out without causing comment; I decided we should do a semi public transformation, starting as John and ending as Jenny." I had decided to do the him-to-her transformation in a leisurely manner, including some basic shopping and a first beauty session. So the evening before, I had him ensure that there was no unfeminine body hair. When we started the day I had him put on his padded girdle, tights and a nice lace bra, into which I put his breast forms. Then male clothes on top, no socks of course. He wasn't comfortable, but with a loose jacket on top no one could see anything. We started off in Kendals - I know the head of fashions and she was expecting us - for the basics. It did not take too long to have him, at that stage still, in a smart blouse and well fitted trousers, showing his now widened and feminine hips. We also bought an attractive, but smart skirt and a ? jacket/anorak, with a little bit of fur at the collar. His clothes, shoes excepted, and the skirt were put in the bag and we headed off for shoes. "Didn't she have anything left after your clean out?" "Yes, of course, but I wanted to get her into the style that would suit a woman, a lady, of her age. You know, it was strange, but she, Jenny, looked around 10 years younger than him, John. No mini skirts, trousers as much as skirts etc." At the shoe store, there was no hiding a man wearing tights, but the sales lady was unflustered and we bought two pairs, one almost flat, the other a little more dressy, so that now he (still) was completely dressed in women's clothes, except for jewelry. Then we chose a couple of rings, bracelet, clip-on ear rings and a simple necklace to complete the outfit. Finally to the beauty salon, for the last stage of the transformation. In the cubicle I let him put on the skirt as we waited for Roxanne to do the make up. Fortunately, she had done trannies before so had no problems with a male client and had all the skills and products. "Well, you've met Jenny and she fooled you, so you can see how effective the make up was. I've got the photos. Do you want to see them?" "Gosh, yes, of course." I went upstairs to get the photographs, which showed the power of make up. Fortunately the laser treatment had killed most of the dark hairs in his beard and considerably lightened the whole, so the concealer and foundation did not need to be too heavy. It was more the way she made his eyes seem bigger, helped, I guess by the false eyelashes and fined down his nose and chin. Very clever and effective! Suzie was astonished. "Well, I know that it is still John, but what a change. He is not, you know, changing into a woman?" "You are mixing sex and gender, Suzie. She is a woman, he, fortunately remains a male. He did try to suggest hormones, but I killed that idea instantly. I could have gotten an extra prescription for Premarin and I am sure that it would have pleased him, and, I suspect made his breasts grow and become more sensitive, but the dangers are too great and, besides, I wanted to, and want to, keep my male man, though accepting a male woman as part of the package." Then I showed her the final photograph with wig and jewelry as well as the little portrait photo we had done later. Both showed an elegant and smiling woman, apparently totally happy with her look and herself. "Wow!" was all she could say. "So, Suzie, that's Jenny. She is a strong presence in our life together, but doesn't completely dominate, though I know when John works at home when I am out, it is certainly Jenny that does the reports and research. Sometimes she will not change before I come in and then we spend an evening together, even going out to see a film or a concert or to dinner together. No one realizes that we are other than two women having an evening out. I must admit that we tend to avoid those places where we could be seen by people we know as we both want to keep things to ourselves, but now the circle has expanded to include you." "What a story! But how did he come to work for you in the boutique?" "That will be another story." I looked at my watch and noted that it was already 4 pm and I had to do some shopping, so said, "Lets have dinner together on Saturday, just the three of us, women only of course." "Ooh, that would be lovely, but let me be the hostess, you haven't had a meal with me for ages, and it will give you both time as one of you at least will be in the shop all day."

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 7

Introduction: Catherine and Tonys Wild night of sex! Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 7 Chapter 7 But this motorcycle officer was no normal police officer? The city of Columbus had started hiring female officers over 20 yrs ago mostly for addressing domestic issues. But women and especially women libbers on the department had viewed these jobs for years as non traditional police work. Being a female officer in a police cruiser with another male was one thing, but a female patrol...

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Fucked an Interviewee On Her First Day Hookup Confessions

I am a 42 years old man who works as an HR in a software company. So last week I had been scheduled to interview a lady. One of my colleagues referred her. She was this gorgeous brunette woman with perfect amount of tan on her skin. She was wearing a formal off-white shirt, tucked in a grey coloured pencil skirt with black stilettos. Seemed like a confident young woman. This is my hookup confession about how I fucked an interviewee on her first day. I interviewed her for 20 mins or so. She was...

Real Hookup
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A Day at the Gloryhole

I had a day off and the wife was out of town. I was sitting at home looking at porn on the internet and decided it would be fun to go to an adult bookstore and see some action in the flesh. Even though I was straight (I thought) I loved watching other guys jerk off through a gloryhole. I had been in the booth for about five minutes when someone entered the booth next door. He dropped his shorts and jacked off to a video and left. I was really hot and pretty soon another guy, jacked-off and...

3 years ago
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Seduction of the ice queen

It had been a long flight for karan and he was looking forward to going to his hotel and starting his day. He, along with the rest of the passengers has just landed in dubai , the commercial capital of not only united arab emirates , but of the entire persian gulf , after a 15 hour non-stop flight from new york city . As a high level business executive of a multinational firm, he had flown business class of emirates airlines, and as always their service had been exquisite. However, karan had a...

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Enslaving Robert

Enslaving Robert Robert 5_1 By The Devil's Advocate 1. As I regained consciousness, I just laid on my back and stared at thebars above me. I still had a bit of a headache but the main reason I didthis was that I was too scared to see who had captured me. The bars wereonly a few feet above me so I knew I wasn't lucky enough to be in some kindof temporary holding cell at the local sheriff's office. I stayed like this for more than 30 minutes. ...

3 years ago
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Dance Lessons0

Thursday came, and when I got home from school, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach beginning to form. I played baseball, and most other sports. Athletes didn’t dance. So I was torn between betraying my perceived manhood, and having my friends laugh at me, so I told nobody. I didn’t tell Denise, because I didn’t want to create unrealistic expectations. Better to surprise her I thought. The Doorbell rang, and I could see JoAnne through the thick glass. I guess I should tell you about...

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Broken PromisesChapter 39

It was two days before New Year’s, 2000. We’d gotten a card. We were invited to dinner on New Year’s Day. Oddly, I hadn’t gotten anything from the Nevadans: messages, calls, cards since they found out. Strange. But now of course I had. We had. “So, are we going after all?” she said. “You can, but I’m not. Tell them, I’m feeling a little down,” I said. “It’ll give them something to talk about. Oh, and you can tell them I’m not suing the doctor for revealing the info in my sealed records,” I...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 53

"Very good, you two." said Maria, "that was great, well done. Have a rest and watch the next part of the show." She rose, revealing she wore knickers and the white bra. Lauren, in an attempt to be invisible, glanced back at the two youngsters, now cuddled up again together on the chair. She knew where Maria had gone, certain that she would return with the young girl who was meant to be in her protection. Lauren mentally shrugged. The girl wasn't a virgin and was more sexually active...

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My Sisterinlaw BethChapter 14

Jennifer was in the midst of a very big government fraud trial, so our time together was limited over the next few months. We did get together once or twice a week for dinner or a movie. Jen was so easy to get along with and though despite our age differences she made me feel like a young man. We both kept ourselves busy with our respective jobs, making time for each other when we could. On one of my normal Sunday dinners to my in-laws, Jen’s parents were once again present, along with...

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New office new patients

This time Joan told me to setup the office with cameras and mics so she can watch how I make things happen with my patients. She always wanted to watch me work back then as I told the stories in so much detail, she almost felt like she was there watching us she told me a few times. Now this way she can review the sessions at her leisure or if she had time she can watch in a one way mirror room that I made sound proof, so no one would know about her being in the room. I was thinking she...

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Dost Ki Maa Ka Kand Kiya

Hi friends . This is a true incident that happened between me and my friend’s slutty mom some years back . Mera chutiya friend hai ek Manoj . Manoj ki maa yaani is story ki heroin ke baare me aap logo ko batata hu . Name : sharmishtha Boobs : 38D Gand ; 40+ Sharmishtha ek goori , halki mooti maal thi , aise to vo kuch jaada lund khara karde ya dekhte hi chodne type ki nahi thi per buri bhi nahi thi , boobs bade aur foole hue hamesha darshan dete the , vo ek school teacher hai . Manoj mere...

1 year ago
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Not So Innocent Anymore

Dustin got up and took my hand, pulling me towards the store Marcus worked at. Marcus was our friend and would always give us free stuff at his shop. He said our brotherly love was cute. "Hey Marc! One popsicle. Strawberry." Dustin yelled to the back of the store. Marc yelled back a yes and we waited in one of the booths. It would take a while because judging by the faint moans, I'd say Marc was having sex with his girlfriend in his office again. "I don't get why it's so hot...

3 years ago
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Nice Niece 2

Claire and I stood hand in hand looking at the door where Claire’s mom had barged out, furious, cutting a mother daughter tie. I was in a whirling fog. What will happen now. Claire was so young and we had melded in a passionate fury. Was I at fault or did Claire know what was at stake ? Claire turned to me a gently hugged me, crying. “It’s ok Claire.” “I’ve put you in a messy situation. I’m so sorry!” “We’ll make the best of it. Your mom will calm down.” Claire was frightened of her own...

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Bossing the Boss Ch 02

Author’s Note: To get background on the characters, please read Chapter 1. Let me know what you think and whether there should be another chapter. Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, or if it is offensive to you. All characters are fictitious. All events are fictional. Any similarities in this story to real events or people are unintentional. As Tom headed out of the office after leaving Suzanne, he heard someone calling his name. He turned around. It was...

4 years ago
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I Dream of My Doctor 2

Part 2I spent the remainder of the week in a perpetual state of horniness. It was only three days, but it felt like forever. I had looked his house up on Google Maps at least seven times. I even drove past it once or twice. It was a nice place, not fancy by any means, but nice. I dreamt about my exam almost every night and kept waking up with severe cases of morning wood. Which would be fine if that was the only time such issues arose, but it kept happening while walking my dog or driving in...

2 years ago
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My Neighbours wife 3

I was busy working on my car one morning in my drive way when Paul stepped out of his house a couple of doors down and when he saw me, he immediately came strolling up."Morning Steve, how's things?" he asks cheerily."Fine, how are you?" I reply back"Not bad, not bad, well actually I was wondering if I could ask a favour?" he then said"What kind of favour?" I aske curiously."It's my lawnmower, Steve, it's not working quite right, could you pop round and take a look?" he then asks."Sure" I reply...

2 years ago
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Dark Lords part 1

Vraska was a major trade center, so even if he was lost Jin felt confident he could find the city easy enough. He did not feel shy or embarrassed to have to ask directions, after all he was not from these parts. Larger cities would be known to everyone from around here. At least he hoped. After walking for several hours Jin finally came to an end of the forest. The bright afternoon sun greeted him with warmth as he stepped from the trees. In the distance he could see two people...

3 years ago
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Inappropriate Footwear

The earthy scent of the dusty baked soil reared up into my nostrils. I was only inches away from eating it. Flat on my front, I clung to the ground. Relieved I had come to rest, the cry of gulls mocked my inability to stay upright.“Merde! Est-ce que tu vas bien?”“Yes, yes I'm okay.”A stabbing pain forced out an anguished exhale.“Ooh, ooh, no, no I’m not!”Rolling over, I managed to get myself onto my behind and sit up. I glowered at the rock in the pathway that had dropped me like a sack of...

1 year ago
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Aging Well 2 the SequelChapter 8

[Sandy writes] We talked some more waiting for Jack's release and Gretchen's return. She had been gone for over two hours when she returned with Doctor Abrams in tow. Her eyes had a dreamy look and his weren't much better. Both of them had silly grins. I grinned at her and said, "Apparently, breakfast was okay." Gretchen said, "Yes, it was quite good. Mack knows what to order in the cafeteria that they do well. However, it doesn't hold a candle to your cooking, Mom." I said, "I...

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Megan A Fantasy

Megan, A Fantasy By meganprincess Tom Harden was a confused sissy. But what sissy is not confused to some degree? Being a sissy is an awkward, funny business on the face of it. It leads to so many (often unanswerable) questions: Am I straight? Am I gay? Am I bisexual? Do I just have a panty fetish, or do I want to be a woman? Do I want to go on hormones and grow breasts? And if so, how large do I want them to be? Do I want to have a full sex change? If I have a sex change how will I...

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Nina is Caught Out

Nina did go back to stay overnight with Jenifer and did discover Emily and Chloe had drunk more vodka. The two Mum’s went stayed up for a while discussing the action they would take in the morning. Jenifer was going to spank Chloe for sure and tried to convince Nina that if she followed her lead she would have Emily across her lap for a bare bottom spanking. Nina sounded convinced but when alone in bed she tossed and turned unsure of whether she should spank her 17 year old daughter, even...

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The Titchester Chronicles The Cuckold Club 1

It was a bright sunny morning in Titchester, the birds were chirping, flowers were blooming, the radio was playing 'Sounds of the Seventies' on Radio Titchester, and the inhabitants at No. 17 Lychfield Close, hummed with industry and endeavour. “Have you got the fancies and nibbles on the table, Mary?” Mary Quinn bustled into the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron “Yes I have Jane, now stop fussing” Jane Parish eyed her friend with a touch of asperity “I'm not fussing Mary I just...

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Broken AngelChapter 7 The Commitment

When they pulled up next to Elmo's house, he ran out to meet them. He stopped, his eyes widened and looked at Judge Reynolds in surprise, "Oh dear, Ralph! What are you doing with these disreputable characters?" "Well, Elmo, it seems I have made some strange alliances with unusual people." He chuckled humorlessly, "Though when one's nose is rubbed in it, one has to open his eyes and see what's before him." "Ralph, you have mixed more metaphors in one sentence than I do in a whole...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Tristan Summers Fucked and Showered with Cum

Sweet blonde babe, Tristan Summers, slays in her black lacy lingerie and knee-high stockings as she touches her full-grown boobies and frail-looking body to satisfy her lust. But doing so just wasn’t enough. She decides to show off her navel piercing before bending over, teasing Tyler D with her tight asshole and shaved pinkish pussy. Tyler couldn’t resist the horny blonde so he inserts his fingers into her hole before letting her give him a sloppy blowjob. Not able to control their lust any...

2 years ago
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Mariel needing sex in a hotel

I threw my small carry bag onto the bed and plumped down into the chair, suddenly I was feeling tired.The room was small, typical fare for a budget airline and their employees, just the basic of comforts, a bed, washbasin, and TV, and at that last thought, I reached for the remote, and flicked on the TV.The screen burst into life, surprisingly at two in the morning, but it was after-all your early morning porn movie, just phone down for full connection and a small payment of course.I laughed at...

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RoadhouseChapter 14

I gave Jess the cooks tour of the mess hall and cook house, then I showed her the offsiders room. I pointed out that the bathroom adjoined to my room and she would need to knock before entering as would I. She wrinkled her nose at it. "Jesus, why do I have to stop in this God forsaken dump? I've got to leave all my friends to come and live in the sticks just because HE won't get a job nearer to home. It's just not fair and I've got to stay in this stinking hovel." I was starting to...

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Claras Cuckold

WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is coincidental. The participants are imaginary; their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment and should not be emulated in the real world. Clara had no...

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The public showers

I was talking to another girl online and asked about if they liked the idea of sex in a public shower/changing room and this fantasy popped into my head with her.... Hope you all like this.After a few hours in a public swimming pool we go to the public showers. We go to the disabled area with a long wall around it that has a closable door on the inside. You press the button to turn the shower on, getting your one piece swim suit wet again. You apply shampoo to your wet hair and mass it in. You...

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