SusanChapter 12 free porn video

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When a big toe was stuck into her ribs, Barbara Anthony was rudely awakened from what had been a sound sleep. Although, she realized as she awakened, she was very cold lying as she was on the kitchen floor. Quickly opening her eyes, she realized that the room was brightly lighted although it was still pitch dark outside. Looking up from the sheet of polyethylene on which she'd been sleeping, her eyes widened as she realized that she was looking at the most handsome man she'd ever seen. And he was naked, too! She realized that his cock, now semi-flaccid, was gigantic, and his balls were large and heavy with his spunk.

"Are you going to sleep all day?" he inquired. "You're the new house slave, aren't you?" Then when he smiled, Barbara's heart just melted. "My name is Steve Sloan," he said. "I'm the Collins' chauffeur — and I guess I'm about to become the butler ... and your trainer."

Ignoring the cuts on her ass Barbara arose and knelt up straight on the plastic sheet. Putting her weight back on her heels, she straightened up and put her shoulders back, throwing her oversized tits up and out. For the first time in her entire life she was embarrassed by her appearance, not because she was naked, but because she was so ungainly and so ugly because of all of her fat. Instantly she vowed to improve her appearance as quickly as she could.

Then with a warm smile she used to try to attract attention away from her body and up to her face, she asked, "What do you do as my trainer, sir? And what should I call you? You're neither my mistress nor my master..." She brightened and exclaimed, "I know! You shall be Sir Steven. How would that be?" Then with the most impish little grin he had ever seen she added, "Of course, when I get to know you better, I'll use your nickname: Sir Steve."

When she then looked at him plaintively, he understood what she was trying to communicate. He shook his head and just pointed to the pail sitting in the corner. Rising to her feet, Barbara retrieved the cloth she'd rinsed out the previous night, went to the corner and squatted.

"When you're squatting to relieve yourself, be sure that your back is up straight at all times," Steve ordered.

To her embarrassment, he didn't even look away as she relieved herself. She winced with shame as she heard her urine echo against the bottom of the empty bucket and then again as her feces splashed on top. In fact, she realized, the empty galvanized-metal pail acted almost like a megaphone amplifying the sounds.

Looking up she asked, "Must you watch me disgrace myself? Can't I even relieve myself in peace?"

Steve didn't reply but didn't turn away, either. After replacing the rag in her vagina that was serving as a sanitary napkin she stood up and disposed of her waste as she'd been instructed. After returning the pail to its corner she turned and was slapped three times quickly across her face. "Slave! You have no feelings and deserve no privacy. Don't even ask. Is that clear?"

"It's very clear, Sir Steven," Barbara replied softly. Then she asked, "But what time is it? It's still very early, isn't it?"

"It's after five o'clock which will be your time to arise for a while, at least. Now let's get with the exercise program."

Leading the way out on the deck, Barbara was amazed to find that there was a fifty-meter swimming pool located there. Although it was freezing cold, Steve didn't appear to notice. She followed him out and watched as he got up on a starting box and looked back at her. Clearly, she was expected to do the same thing, so she did. After a quick starting count, Steve dove into the pool in a beautiful racing dive while she just belly flopped.

Only then as she floundered toward the far wall that now seemed to be miles away did she remember that she really couldn't swim. After powering back and forth for four laps Sloan stopped beside her and gave her some swimming instruction. He realized that the woman had almost drowned and yet hadn't made a sound. To her great delight she floundered the length of the pool and then back. Steve was waiting at the end for her to finish. When she touched the wall he jumped from the pool, reached down and hauled her out.

Then he led her back to the exercise room and introduced Barbara to the fitness machines. He began her on a butterfly machine on which she was supposed to use her pectoral muscles to move the wings together in front of her chest. After Steve had halved the resistance, and then halved it again, she still couldn't move them.

Shaking his head, he went to the cabinet and removed a well-oiled whip. "I guess you need some encouragement," he said without emotion. The whip cracked and came down across her right tit and again across her left. Both strokes cut right across her nipple. When she screamed, he slapped her four times across the face reminding her that she could only cry out after she was given permission.

Use of the whip made a big difference. With blood beginning to stream from her wounded tits, she moved the machine wings. She'd been told that initially she must do ten repetitions. Barbara reached eight, but could do no more. Again the whip cracked twice, this time from the other side. Since it again cut across her already-bleeding nipples, again she was unable to contain a scream of pure agony. This time there were five slaps across her face. Then Steve just stood in front of her holding the tip of the whip.

Remembering something said to her the previous night, Barbara lifted it, now wet with her blood, kissed it and said softly, "Thank you, Sir Steven, for helping to make me a better slave." Steve put her on another machine, got her started on the exercises and then left to take a shower.

As soon as he was out of the room, Barbara, now lying on her back and pulling weights down from overhead, heard a voice say, "That son of a bitch! I would kick him right in the balls if I didn't love him so damned much."

To help her concentrate all of her strength on trying to move the weights, Barbara had her eyes closed. When she opened them suddenly, she almost dropped the weights in astonishment. There, standing on her belly, was a tiny naked woman about two feet tall. Easing the weights down to their stops, she pulled herself up and supported her weight on her elbows. The sprite waded in the fat larding Barbara's belly and then dropped to her knees while just below Barbara's tits. The truly astonishing thing was that the elf was female, perfectly formed, but weighed almost nothing.

"Who are you?" Barbara asked diffidently. "Or are you the remains of something I ate last night?"

The girl giggled and it was the cutest, most delightful sound Barbara had ever heard. "No, I'm not a figment of your imagination," the sprite replied. Then she waded up higher, stuck out her hand and said, "Hi, Barbara Jensen, I'm Susie Sloan. I belong to that big lug who beat you up and just left. Or I used to." Utterly baffled, Barbara stuck out her right hand and the tiny girl took it in a remarkably firm grip.

Then dropping to her knees — and almost knocking the wind out of Barbara's lungs when she did — she started to caress the lacerations that quartered each of her breasts. Incredibly, the touch of her tiny hand was incredibly soothing and even healing as it moved over her tortured tits.

Only then did Barbara realize two things. First, this sprite, Susan Sloan, had called her Barbara Jensen — her maiden name. Second, and far more important, she suddenly realized that she was lying on her buttocks which had been severely lacerated less than twelve hours earlier — and it didn't bother her.

When she asked, the girl looked up from what she was doing, nodded quickly and said, "Yeah, that was me, too." Then she dropped to her knees in the val between Barb's pendulous tits and said, "And you're so damned fat and flabby, it took me most of the night." But then she grinned and added, "But you're going to make Steve a perfect wife."

"But I just don't understand," Barbara protested. "I thought you said that you were his wife."

"I was," the girl replied sadly. Then she quickly told Barb how she'd met Steve in Saigon and had instantly fallen in love. "We were married less than two days later," she said with a sigh. "Then we didn't leave our bedroom for three days more. God, he was great!"

Then she told how he had been captured and then she'd been kidnaped. "When I was finally able to pull the plug, I was blind, my tits had been cut off and eaten — I ate the left one and it was really good — and my right leg had been amputated. They were roasting it when I was able to remove the sutures they had put into my femoral artery. With the stitches removed I bled to death in just a matter of seconds."

Tears were streaming down Barbara's cheeks as she listened to the strange and frightening story. Then the girl shook her head and said something that utterly stunned her: "That's when the trouble really began."

"But I don't understand," Barb protested. "I thought you said you were dead. I would have thought all your troubles would have been over."

"You know, you really have got to lose weight in one hell of a hurry," Susan interjected as she bounced on the fat larding Barb's chest.

Then she grinned and replied, "That's what I thought, too. I rejoiced in the happiness Steve and I had together and the joy we were able to create for each other. Then I thought how lucky his next wife was going to be because," she said with her tiny eyes flashing, "I think I did a great job of teaching him how to really make love to a woman."

Then she paused, looked deeply into Barbara's eyes and said, "It's taken too damned long, but, Barbara Jensen, you're the lucky one. Although it's been over ten years, you're going to be Steve's next wife." She grinned and added, "What do you think? Although I know what you think. I felt your heart roll over the instant you first laid eyes on him."

"I think you're crazy, is what I think," Barbara replied. "I'm only the slave around here, and a pretty bad one at that."

"But, darling, it's all part of the plan — and it's taken forever to get the dumb plan underway. That poor guy has now been a widower for over ten years!"

Then she started to cry as she continued, "He was in mental hospitals, veterans' hospitals..." Then she knelt up straight and said, "Barbara Jensen, your next husband graduated first in his class from the Military Academy at West Point. He has a doctorate in international economics from Oxford that he earned as a Rhodes Scholar. His body ... Well, you saw his body. Enough said." Shaking her head in frustration she concluded, "And now he's a chauffeur and ... and ... and a butler! Good grief!"

Again she grinned and added, "Of course, working for Susan and Jeffrey Collins makes it all right. Aren't those two too much?"

Hearing a sound at the door, suddenly Barbara found herself moving the weights and the sprite had disappeared. It was Steve returning. After checking on her number of reps — she was still on her back at the time — he took the whip, striped her once right across her breasts while again cutting into both nipples. Then he stroked once on top and again below. When she looked down at her chest she could see the upper edge of her tits outlined in blood. From the feel of it, her tits were outlined below, as well.

After kissing the blood-soaked tip again, she thanked him for helping prepare her for her slavery. Then he told her that it was almost seven o'clock, so it was time for her to prepare the coffee and begin the breakfast. When she told him that she could scarcely boil water and couldn't cook an egg, he just ran his fingers lightly over her back and made clucking sounds.

"What was that all about?" she asked diffidently.

"I was just thinking what a shame it's going to be to have to slice your back to ribbons. But that's the way it's going to be unless you learn to cook very well, very quickly!" With that he showed her how to make coffee using the automatic maker. He poured the coffee into a vacuum bottle and placed it, along with some mugs, on a tray. When she asked him why, he just grinned. Taking the tray she went back to the master suite, and following his instructions, very quietly opened the door.

Looking at the bed she found herself wriggling with delight as she beheld the loveliest scene she could imagine. There was Susan with her golden hair spread like a fan beneath her while her head rested on Jeff's massively muscled shoulder. His arm was obviously around her, but it was hidden by the covers which were up around their necks.

While Jeff was sleeping soundly, the instant the door opened, so did Susan's eyes. Without moving a muscle, she grinned at Barbara, winked, and then carefully slid the covers down baring her breast which was covered completely by Jeff's very large hand. Ever so gently she squeezed his hand cupping her tit and waited.

Without even opening his eyes, Jeff just rolled over between her now-widespread legs. When he did, it was all Barbara could do to keep from gasping in amazement. Jeff's body was golden brown all over — even his cock was tanned — and heavily muscled. Susan's was also golden but the picture of feminine perfection. She was just soft and ... But no, Barbara realized, she's as hard-muscled as he is, but her muscles are just so smooth and flowing.

As she watched, Jeff eased his enormous cock easily into Susan's tiny cunt. It's so beautiful, Barbara decided. Even as she watched Jeff brought Susan to her first orgasm. Her long, perfectly-shaped legs were high in the air and her ankles were linked behind Jeff's neck. To her dismay, Barbara found herself moving to the side of the bed in order better to see Jeff's ravishment of this beautiful girl.

From her new vantage point she could see Jeff's huge cock move slowly back and forth more than six inches on each stroke. Each time he reached full penetration, his balls swung forward and struck Sue's tight ass, provoking a cry of joy. While Jeff moved in her, Susan was babbling in a stream of words saying, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..."

Now, as her loins exploded in spasmodic motion, Barbara was astounded to realize that the girl was in continuous orgasm. She had never heard of such a thing. As she watched, to her astonishment Barbara realized she'd dropped to her knees with all of her weight back on her ankles. In response to the visual stimulus of the lovemaking on the bed, she had spread her knees wide apart and was teasing her clit with her fingers. As Susan reached and then sustained her orgasm, so did Barbara. Watching the young couple she just felt her own fluids running down her inner thighs in twin streams. It never occurred to Barbara that it was, in fact, the first orgasm she had experienced in her entire life.

As she watched, Barbara could see that Jeff was having increasing difficulty maintaining his own control. Finally, with a scream of joy he drove into Susan as far as he could go and began to pump his warm spend deep into her vagina and uterus. As usual, the girl fainted from the sensory overload and Jeff passed out on top of her as her cunt continued to try to empty out his balls.

A few minutes later Jeff rolled off his love. Shortly afterward, Susan's eyes blinked open and she stretched languidly. Then, to Barbara's utter amazement, she turned and appeared to hit Jeff as hard as she could on his heavily muscled upper arm.

"Ouch!" Jeff protested. "Why did you hit me?"

"Because you're an insensitive, unfeeling boor, is why," Sue replied while she glared at him with her arms now folded across her chest.

"What did I do this time?"

"You didn't wish me a good morning," she complained with a shake of her head. Barbara noticed that when she did her magnificent golden hair spun out, but then instantly returned to its beautifully-groomed position. My God, Barbara thought, everything about this girl is perfect. Even her hair grooms itself!

"Well, what was that a few minutes ago, then?"

"That was your cock wishing my cunt — its beloved warm, wet sheath — a good morning ... And very nicely, too." Hitting him again she said, "Your cock is a gentleman, Jeffrey Collins! What's wrong with the rest of you?"

Jeff pulled her over to him and at first gently, but then with increasing urgency and passion, began to work his lips on hers. Barbara didn't believe her eyes. She could actually see the love, the passion, and the electricity flow between the young couple. When they slowly eased apart, both pairs of eyes were glassy.

Same as Susan
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Easter fun with Kellykins2u’s a lovely Easter morning in the park and everyone has come out for the yearly Easter Egg Hunt. I have been waiting for this day all winter. I see you across the park. You are in a thin sundress that clings to your body like a second skin. As the k**s run off to find the hidden eggs I work my way over to you and grab your hand pulling you aside. I bring you in to a small stand of trees and bushes that no...

3 years ago
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Meeting Grannys Friend

I looked down at my lovely Granny Dawn’s supple back as she stood on all fours on the edge of her bed. My cock looked like a piston entering her ass cheeks. I was buried halfway inside her ass as I methodically sodomized my Granny. I withdrew it halfway and then I thrust forward all the way implanting my cock deep into her ass. Dawn had been getting fucked like this for about five minutes which is about all her ass could withstand. I knew she would be tired soon, so I increased the tempo and...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 101

Present – Ben, Jens and others – The trip I had a hell of a nap and when I wake up I find Jens is still asleep. I slowly extricate myself from her arms, slip out of bed, find my underwear and clothes and put them back on. I look at Jens, sleeping in the bed, and realize I’m the luckiest man in the world. I’ve married an incredibly beautiful woman who actually wants sex more than I do. I make sure to cover her up after ogling her incredibly hot body and head out into the main area. I pick up...

4 years ago
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my dark fantasy

I have a dream about being accosted taken and throw into a panel van . held down and tied up a dirty soiled jock still wet from cum and piss . rubbed over my face and forced in my mouth, duct taped, gaged, as a hood is pulled over my head .left blinded and conpleatly helpless . As I can feel the van pulling away as doors slam shut . People laugh and say "well time to get back with this bitch , she's going to be a busy slut tonight"feet kicking me and hands grabbing and pushing me. every bump...

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MY SWEET MOTHER, RELUCTANT SLUT (mF Inc Reluc) By Dave E. Perelli andKachina CHAPTER 2 SINS OF THE MOTHER JENNIFER: As I dutifully walked away I knew James' eyes followed my movements andI imagined he was seeing my shamelessly bared ass in his mind. I did feela sense of relief however. I knew when my son confronted us that we wouldhave to atone for our transgressions and he could have been much moredemanding. Strangely, I did not feel much remorse over him 'divorcing'John and I nor...

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Snowdonia. A truly magnificent part of Wales. Rugged peaks and deep valleys. Babbling brooks and roaring waterfalls. Green and grey, all at the same time. Whether washed by the pure rain, buried under feet of snow or drenched in glorious sunshine, this land of princes and castles, myths, legends and history dating back to the dawn of time, is simply breathtaking! My husband and I often visit the tiny villages with their slate houses and little Victorian steam railways, which are the best way...

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The SaviorsChapter 11 Orgy

They arose to face the new day rested and refreshed. As they sat around the fire eating more rabbit for breakfast Suzie said, "Guys I am not begrudging Kathy's sexual therapy, hell, I even gave her some myself, but in the meantime I have been forced to watch and be without. She stood up flipped up her skirt with one hand and pulled her panties to the side with the other. She pointed to herself and said. "This pussy needs some attention too. It needs at least one bone stuck in it and...

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E121 Finally

Emma stirs awake on Sunday morning somewhat early and is surprised to see that Donald is not there.  Then she hears him opening the bedroom door and coming in. What follows is almost an identical repeat of the first morning she had been at the house.Emma feels her stomach growl a little and hopes it is not audible.  It has been so long since she last ate anything.  With all that had happened yesterday, they never really got around to eating much of anything.She is rather thirsty too.So, it is a...

Love Stories
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ConjunctionChapter 4 WarriorShaman

Caden wandered between the spires, his boots sinking into the red sand as he trudged along, sweat stinging his eyes. He had set out in what he knew was an Easterly direction that morning, marching towards the sunrise, but he had a far less accurate idea of where he was going now that it was hanging directly above his head. All that he could do was keep heading straight, but the lay of the land meant that he couldn’t help but take a twisting, winding path through the reefs. The reptiles...

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Desk Escapade

Sarah the receptionist was bent over the desk, her tantalizing rear standing out like a beacon calling out to me. The elbow of one hand rested on the formica-topped desk while the other hand cradled a receiver into which she cooed softly. I stepped around her high chair, and keeping well out of sight, placed a hand on her brazenly stuck out bum and ran it lightly over her bottom. She turned her head slightly and shot me a rather spiteful glance but continued talking. I fondled one cheek,...

Quickie Sex
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The Cougars Next Door

Jimmy was on his way home from High School when he noticed the moving van next door. He thought "getting some new neighbors. Hope they have a hot daughter my age."As he got closer he saw two women standing at the door. He noticed that they both kind of looked alike with similar hair and build. He also noticed that they had their arms around each other that suggested they were more than friends.Jimmy who had just turned18 had never seen a lesbian couple but he was certain that is what they are....

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Ahh Lochy Part 5

Fuck knows what I was thinking... perhaps I just wasnt thinking at all. Ahh... Lochy Part 4 Changing Direction “Gyaaahhhhh....” I groaned I woke up in the early hours of the morning, my head swimming in pain and confusion. I didn't know where I was... Who's bed am I in?, Who's room? Finding my phone would be first priority once I had enough strength to move. Trying to relax a little I begun to see tiny sliver's of last night, Steve fucking me, Lochy saving me. “Oh my...

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Andies Adventure

Andie's Adventure by Jojo My life as Andrew began to undergo serious changes six months ago when my cousin Sara and my older sister, Hannah, asked me for a small favor. Sara was not doing well in calculus at the university the three of us were attending while I had already aced the course the prior semester. As a Fine Arts major Sara was annoyed at even having to take a mathematics course and this may have accounted to her underachieving. When she found out that unless she passed...

3 years ago
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The Girl Book 2 Chapter 07

--- "What happened in the last couple of weeks?" --- "Oh. You know. The usual." --- "Exactly. I didn't do anything." --- "That's the thing. Apart from an occasional face-rape, everything was normal." --- "Face-rape? What the actual fuck, Lilly?" --- "How else you would call a girl being rushed into a public toilet stall, pushed on her knees, and her head being used to rub one off?" --- "That was only one time ..." --- "Or sitting on a girl's face while the girl is...

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The Condom Broke

There was a time when my wife's gynecologist advised her to stop taking the pill for three months. My wife asked her about sex and the doctor said that there would be no problem if we (myself and my wife) used a condom!! Problem!! 1) My wife hates condoms, and 2) My wife was fucking this black stud every two or three weeks, for about 2 years and had not seen him in a few weeks. He would be out of town for another two months and we were scheduled to spend a three day weekend at his place when...

1 year ago
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fuck To The Fullest

I was 23 when this incident happened.Those were the days after I completed my engineering in Chennai.I returned from Chennai to my home town and started preparing for TOEFL & GRE exams.We rented our top floor which consisted of two rooms to bachelor students who were studying in a college near by.I did not have any computer and so I used to study in the boy’s room which had a PC. We had a muslim maid servant named “Sakeena” who returned from Saudi.She was married and had a son.Her hubby left...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 12 Prep for a Visit

The video image flickered on the core’s largest screen television. Suddenly, a nice-looking couple appeared sitting side-by-side on a sofa twelve hundred miles to the north. The style of dress to accommodate the cooler northern weather was quite noticeable. A small box in the lower corner of the screen showed the local view and what they saw. Aaron spoke first, “Hi Martin and Sasha. We can see you fine. Thanks for the call. I have a cast of thousands here to meet you for the first time...

3 years ago
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Pantyhose cousins house not what u think

Well it started out like allot of pantyhose wearers first times.  It was when I was young I first tried on my mom's pantyhose.  I went into the bathroom and found a pair of my mom's pantyhose in the trash can.  They were some tan colored pair of hose.  I took my pajama's bottoms off and slipped the hose on over my underwear.  They felt so good going on.  I went into the living room and sat on the couch and was watching some cartoons rubbing my legs loving how the nylon felt on my legs.  After a...

2 years ago
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Me My Girlfriend and Her brother

I met my current girlfriend a few months ago when her family moved in a few doors down from where I lived with my parents. Once we met we hit it off right away and got pretty serious. And though she is just nineteen years old, she and I have been quite active sexually. Too often we have almost been caught by either her parents or her brother. But so far we managed to stay one step ahead of them and am hiding that fact from them. Or so I thought!Just last month she and I decided to take a trip...

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My Office SlutChapter 7

In the morning I woke to Marcy stroking my cock. I was hard as a rock, and as soon as she saw that I was awake, she quickly stradded me and slowly lowered her cunt onto my cock. She was soaking wet already, and she slid her cunt right down on me. She looked at me and said "I woke up horny, thinking about last night, and I almost played with myself, then I figured that was crazy, when I had a cock right here, I just had to get it hard." I smiled at her. She said "You don't mind do...

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BFF I went to a nudist camp 2

Our second day at the nudist campVanessa was the first to waken. She woke me up then Kate got up. Vanessa wanted to get something to eat. What's the dress code? I was like what do you mean? The dress code Vanessa said. Do we have to wear clothes? Kate was a little puzzled. Is this the same girl I had to take her bikini bottoms off yesterday? I hardly sleep last night. All I kept thinking about was you. You were such an exhibitionist walking back to the room without any clothes, cum & all on...

1 year ago
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Private Scarlet Domingo Maid Enjoys Anal With The Butler

The beautiful mulatto Scarlet has come to Private Specials, Anal Summer Vibes and this is one scene you won’t want to miss! With the house owners away the sexual tension between maid Scarlet and butler Alberto Blanco is at breaking point and there’s only one possible outcome… a hot anal fuck! Watch this sexy Latina teen in action on as Scarlet gets hot and horny with her lucky man in the bath, treating him to a sloppy blowjob before enjoying passionate fuck that will finish up...

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I Screwed My Shalas Sweet Daughter

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization.I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 9

At my insistence, we pushed hard on the way back home, knocking two days off the return trip. The dull ache in my shoulder hadn’t returned at all since we left the Hacienda, so I felt comfortable pushing a little harder. As we dismounted in front of the courtyard gate, I asked the cousin who took my horse to send a message asking Nantan and Miguel to dinner this evening. Saddlebags over our shoulders and carrying our bedrolls, we entered the Hacienda looking forward to seeing our wives and...

1 year ago
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Hot in laws

Cathy and I had been married about 4 months when I got this surprise. We were living with her mom and step dad Jim ever since we had gotten married to save money. My father in law Jim had badly broken his leg about 2 months earlier. He could get out of bed to use the bathroom but that was about all. He ate most of his meals in bed.  I found out my mother in law, Mary, was very sexual the first time we were alone together more than an hour or two. Cathy went to a girlfriends house for a weekend...

1 year ago
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Victor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he especially loved that he got to fuck just about every female employee he hired whenever the mood struck him. In Part 1, Victor interviewed two waitresses, getting a blowjob under his desk from one, while he interviewed the other in front of his desk. In Part 2, Victor checked on the kitchen staff and found time to fuck the sous-chef before the dinner rush started, and later got a massage with a happy ending from one of the masseuses he hired. In Part...

2 years ago
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Friends and BenefitsChapter 5

I spent the drive back to my place analyzing Sherri's motives, while she followed in her own car. I didn't get it. I wasn't paying her any more, at least tonight, but she wasn't saying 'thank you' and walking away. None of the professional shrinks I had heard of ever extended their hours for free. I just didn't get it. I didn't say anything while we got settled. I poured myself a glass of wine and offered Sherri some, but she declined, only wanting water. We settled onto the couch...

4 years ago
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Just Desserts

Again he is going to be late. This is the third night this week and she is wondering what it is that he does at work so late. Finally at 2 am she heads to bed alone again and cries for what seems like hours. Suddenly she feels the bed move and she lays still. He is home and thinks she is asleep and she wants to keep it that way. The last thing she wants tonight is an argument. He leans over her and gently kisses her face. He wraps his arm around her and is soon sound asleep. “Damn him” she says...

3 years ago
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The First Sexperience

The First Sexperience Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. Today I will tell you the story what Ayesha told me about her first sex experience and I am expressing the story in her own lips. Here is the story for you……… “I am Ayesha, about 20 years old with slightly dark complexion. My appearance is not so cute, medium figure but I have huge breasts with 36-30-38 figure. I am not so tall, only 5 feet. I borne in a...

1 year ago
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Escape from BuggeryChapter 17

Neither Tracey nor Buttercup went to work in the factory the following day: the excuse being that they needed to exchange the proceeds of their day's labour for more immediately edible items. Neither of them could live on chicken alone. They sought out Theta Seven Six Seven Five. She was very impressed by the wealth of returns the girls had got from their single day there. In fact, she seemed very envious. "I've never done as well as this!" she exclaimed. "The men obviously took quite a...

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