SusanChapter 12 free porn video

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When a big toe was stuck into her ribs, Barbara Anthony was rudely awakened from what had been a sound sleep. Although, she realized as she awakened, she was very cold lying as she was on the kitchen floor. Quickly opening her eyes, she realized that the room was brightly lighted although it was still pitch dark outside. Looking up from the sheet of polyethylene on which she'd been sleeping, her eyes widened as she realized that she was looking at the most handsome man she'd ever seen. And he was naked, too! She realized that his cock, now semi-flaccid, was gigantic, and his balls were large and heavy with his spunk.

"Are you going to sleep all day?" he inquired. "You're the new house slave, aren't you?" Then when he smiled, Barbara's heart just melted. "My name is Steve Sloan," he said. "I'm the Collins' chauffeur — and I guess I'm about to become the butler ... and your trainer."

Ignoring the cuts on her ass Barbara arose and knelt up straight on the plastic sheet. Putting her weight back on her heels, she straightened up and put her shoulders back, throwing her oversized tits up and out. For the first time in her entire life she was embarrassed by her appearance, not because she was naked, but because she was so ungainly and so ugly because of all of her fat. Instantly she vowed to improve her appearance as quickly as she could.

Then with a warm smile she used to try to attract attention away from her body and up to her face, she asked, "What do you do as my trainer, sir? And what should I call you? You're neither my mistress nor my master..." She brightened and exclaimed, "I know! You shall be Sir Steven. How would that be?" Then with the most impish little grin he had ever seen she added, "Of course, when I get to know you better, I'll use your nickname: Sir Steve."

When she then looked at him plaintively, he understood what she was trying to communicate. He shook his head and just pointed to the pail sitting in the corner. Rising to her feet, Barbara retrieved the cloth she'd rinsed out the previous night, went to the corner and squatted.

"When you're squatting to relieve yourself, be sure that your back is up straight at all times," Steve ordered.

To her embarrassment, he didn't even look away as she relieved herself. She winced with shame as she heard her urine echo against the bottom of the empty bucket and then again as her feces splashed on top. In fact, she realized, the empty galvanized-metal pail acted almost like a megaphone amplifying the sounds.

Looking up she asked, "Must you watch me disgrace myself? Can't I even relieve myself in peace?"

Steve didn't reply but didn't turn away, either. After replacing the rag in her vagina that was serving as a sanitary napkin she stood up and disposed of her waste as she'd been instructed. After returning the pail to its corner she turned and was slapped three times quickly across her face. "Slave! You have no feelings and deserve no privacy. Don't even ask. Is that clear?"

"It's very clear, Sir Steven," Barbara replied softly. Then she asked, "But what time is it? It's still very early, isn't it?"

"It's after five o'clock which will be your time to arise for a while, at least. Now let's get with the exercise program."

Leading the way out on the deck, Barbara was amazed to find that there was a fifty-meter swimming pool located there. Although it was freezing cold, Steve didn't appear to notice. She followed him out and watched as he got up on a starting box and looked back at her. Clearly, she was expected to do the same thing, so she did. After a quick starting count, Steve dove into the pool in a beautiful racing dive while she just belly flopped.

Only then as she floundered toward the far wall that now seemed to be miles away did she remember that she really couldn't swim. After powering back and forth for four laps Sloan stopped beside her and gave her some swimming instruction. He realized that the woman had almost drowned and yet hadn't made a sound. To her great delight she floundered the length of the pool and then back. Steve was waiting at the end for her to finish. When she touched the wall he jumped from the pool, reached down and hauled her out.

Then he led her back to the exercise room and introduced Barbara to the fitness machines. He began her on a butterfly machine on which she was supposed to use her pectoral muscles to move the wings together in front of her chest. After Steve had halved the resistance, and then halved it again, she still couldn't move them.

Shaking his head, he went to the cabinet and removed a well-oiled whip. "I guess you need some encouragement," he said without emotion. The whip cracked and came down across her right tit and again across her left. Both strokes cut right across her nipple. When she screamed, he slapped her four times across the face reminding her that she could only cry out after she was given permission.

Use of the whip made a big difference. With blood beginning to stream from her wounded tits, she moved the machine wings. She'd been told that initially she must do ten repetitions. Barbara reached eight, but could do no more. Again the whip cracked twice, this time from the other side. Since it again cut across her already-bleeding nipples, again she was unable to contain a scream of pure agony. This time there were five slaps across her face. Then Steve just stood in front of her holding the tip of the whip.

Remembering something said to her the previous night, Barbara lifted it, now wet with her blood, kissed it and said softly, "Thank you, Sir Steven, for helping to make me a better slave." Steve put her on another machine, got her started on the exercises and then left to take a shower.

As soon as he was out of the room, Barbara, now lying on her back and pulling weights down from overhead, heard a voice say, "That son of a bitch! I would kick him right in the balls if I didn't love him so damned much."

To help her concentrate all of her strength on trying to move the weights, Barbara had her eyes closed. When she opened them suddenly, she almost dropped the weights in astonishment. There, standing on her belly, was a tiny naked woman about two feet tall. Easing the weights down to their stops, she pulled herself up and supported her weight on her elbows. The sprite waded in the fat larding Barbara's belly and then dropped to her knees while just below Barbara's tits. The truly astonishing thing was that the elf was female, perfectly formed, but weighed almost nothing.

"Who are you?" Barbara asked diffidently. "Or are you the remains of something I ate last night?"

The girl giggled and it was the cutest, most delightful sound Barbara had ever heard. "No, I'm not a figment of your imagination," the sprite replied. Then she waded up higher, stuck out her hand and said, "Hi, Barbara Jensen, I'm Susie Sloan. I belong to that big lug who beat you up and just left. Or I used to." Utterly baffled, Barbara stuck out her right hand and the tiny girl took it in a remarkably firm grip.

Then dropping to her knees — and almost knocking the wind out of Barbara's lungs when she did — she started to caress the lacerations that quartered each of her breasts. Incredibly, the touch of her tiny hand was incredibly soothing and even healing as it moved over her tortured tits.

Only then did Barbara realize two things. First, this sprite, Susan Sloan, had called her Barbara Jensen — her maiden name. Second, and far more important, she suddenly realized that she was lying on her buttocks which had been severely lacerated less than twelve hours earlier — and it didn't bother her.

When she asked, the girl looked up from what she was doing, nodded quickly and said, "Yeah, that was me, too." Then she dropped to her knees in the val between Barb's pendulous tits and said, "And you're so damned fat and flabby, it took me most of the night." But then she grinned and added, "But you're going to make Steve a perfect wife."

"But I just don't understand," Barbara protested. "I thought you said that you were his wife."

"I was," the girl replied sadly. Then she quickly told Barb how she'd met Steve in Saigon and had instantly fallen in love. "We were married less than two days later," she said with a sigh. "Then we didn't leave our bedroom for three days more. God, he was great!"

Then she told how he had been captured and then she'd been kidnaped. "When I was finally able to pull the plug, I was blind, my tits had been cut off and eaten — I ate the left one and it was really good — and my right leg had been amputated. They were roasting it when I was able to remove the sutures they had put into my femoral artery. With the stitches removed I bled to death in just a matter of seconds."

Tears were streaming down Barbara's cheeks as she listened to the strange and frightening story. Then the girl shook her head and said something that utterly stunned her: "That's when the trouble really began."

"But I don't understand," Barb protested. "I thought you said you were dead. I would have thought all your troubles would have been over."

"You know, you really have got to lose weight in one hell of a hurry," Susan interjected as she bounced on the fat larding Barb's chest.

Then she grinned and replied, "That's what I thought, too. I rejoiced in the happiness Steve and I had together and the joy we were able to create for each other. Then I thought how lucky his next wife was going to be because," she said with her tiny eyes flashing, "I think I did a great job of teaching him how to really make love to a woman."

Then she paused, looked deeply into Barbara's eyes and said, "It's taken too damned long, but, Barbara Jensen, you're the lucky one. Although it's been over ten years, you're going to be Steve's next wife." She grinned and added, "What do you think? Although I know what you think. I felt your heart roll over the instant you first laid eyes on him."

"I think you're crazy, is what I think," Barbara replied. "I'm only the slave around here, and a pretty bad one at that."

"But, darling, it's all part of the plan — and it's taken forever to get the dumb plan underway. That poor guy has now been a widower for over ten years!"

Then she started to cry as she continued, "He was in mental hospitals, veterans' hospitals..." Then she knelt up straight and said, "Barbara Jensen, your next husband graduated first in his class from the Military Academy at West Point. He has a doctorate in international economics from Oxford that he earned as a Rhodes Scholar. His body ... Well, you saw his body. Enough said." Shaking her head in frustration she concluded, "And now he's a chauffeur and ... and ... and a butler! Good grief!"

Again she grinned and added, "Of course, working for Susan and Jeffrey Collins makes it all right. Aren't those two too much?"

Hearing a sound at the door, suddenly Barbara found herself moving the weights and the sprite had disappeared. It was Steve returning. After checking on her number of reps — she was still on her back at the time — he took the whip, striped her once right across her breasts while again cutting into both nipples. Then he stroked once on top and again below. When she looked down at her chest she could see the upper edge of her tits outlined in blood. From the feel of it, her tits were outlined below, as well.

After kissing the blood-soaked tip again, she thanked him for helping prepare her for her slavery. Then he told her that it was almost seven o'clock, so it was time for her to prepare the coffee and begin the breakfast. When she told him that she could scarcely boil water and couldn't cook an egg, he just ran his fingers lightly over her back and made clucking sounds.

"What was that all about?" she asked diffidently.

"I was just thinking what a shame it's going to be to have to slice your back to ribbons. But that's the way it's going to be unless you learn to cook very well, very quickly!" With that he showed her how to make coffee using the automatic maker. He poured the coffee into a vacuum bottle and placed it, along with some mugs, on a tray. When she asked him why, he just grinned. Taking the tray she went back to the master suite, and following his instructions, very quietly opened the door.

Looking at the bed she found herself wriggling with delight as she beheld the loveliest scene she could imagine. There was Susan with her golden hair spread like a fan beneath her while her head rested on Jeff's massively muscled shoulder. His arm was obviously around her, but it was hidden by the covers which were up around their necks.

While Jeff was sleeping soundly, the instant the door opened, so did Susan's eyes. Without moving a muscle, she grinned at Barbara, winked, and then carefully slid the covers down baring her breast which was covered completely by Jeff's very large hand. Ever so gently she squeezed his hand cupping her tit and waited.

Without even opening his eyes, Jeff just rolled over between her now-widespread legs. When he did, it was all Barbara could do to keep from gasping in amazement. Jeff's body was golden brown all over — even his cock was tanned — and heavily muscled. Susan's was also golden but the picture of feminine perfection. She was just soft and ... But no, Barbara realized, she's as hard-muscled as he is, but her muscles are just so smooth and flowing.

As she watched, Jeff eased his enormous cock easily into Susan's tiny cunt. It's so beautiful, Barbara decided. Even as she watched Jeff brought Susan to her first orgasm. Her long, perfectly-shaped legs were high in the air and her ankles were linked behind Jeff's neck. To her dismay, Barbara found herself moving to the side of the bed in order better to see Jeff's ravishment of this beautiful girl.

From her new vantage point she could see Jeff's huge cock move slowly back and forth more than six inches on each stroke. Each time he reached full penetration, his balls swung forward and struck Sue's tight ass, provoking a cry of joy. While Jeff moved in her, Susan was babbling in a stream of words saying, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..."

Now, as her loins exploded in spasmodic motion, Barbara was astounded to realize that the girl was in continuous orgasm. She had never heard of such a thing. As she watched, to her astonishment Barbara realized she'd dropped to her knees with all of her weight back on her ankles. In response to the visual stimulus of the lovemaking on the bed, she had spread her knees wide apart and was teasing her clit with her fingers. As Susan reached and then sustained her orgasm, so did Barbara. Watching the young couple she just felt her own fluids running down her inner thighs in twin streams. It never occurred to Barbara that it was, in fact, the first orgasm she had experienced in her entire life.

As she watched, Barbara could see that Jeff was having increasing difficulty maintaining his own control. Finally, with a scream of joy he drove into Susan as far as he could go and began to pump his warm spend deep into her vagina and uterus. As usual, the girl fainted from the sensory overload and Jeff passed out on top of her as her cunt continued to try to empty out his balls.

A few minutes later Jeff rolled off his love. Shortly afterward, Susan's eyes blinked open and she stretched languidly. Then, to Barbara's utter amazement, she turned and appeared to hit Jeff as hard as she could on his heavily muscled upper arm.

"Ouch!" Jeff protested. "Why did you hit me?"

"Because you're an insensitive, unfeeling boor, is why," Sue replied while she glared at him with her arms now folded across her chest.

"What did I do this time?"

"You didn't wish me a good morning," she complained with a shake of her head. Barbara noticed that when she did her magnificent golden hair spun out, but then instantly returned to its beautifully-groomed position. My God, Barbara thought, everything about this girl is perfect. Even her hair grooms itself!

"Well, what was that a few minutes ago, then?"

"That was your cock wishing my cunt — its beloved warm, wet sheath — a good morning ... And very nicely, too." Hitting him again she said, "Your cock is a gentleman, Jeffrey Collins! What's wrong with the rest of you?"

Jeff pulled her over to him and at first gently, but then with increasing urgency and passion, began to work his lips on hers. Barbara didn't believe her eyes. She could actually see the love, the passion, and the electricity flow between the young couple. When they slowly eased apart, both pairs of eyes were glassy.

Same as Susan
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As I am getting ready for the presentation all I can thing about is how good it felt to be in your arms and how much I wanted your dick inside of me. Before I knew it I was on the stage and ready to dance, that is when I spotted you. You were sitting in the third row right in the middle in front of me and on your lap there was a small pink rose. The music started and as my hips moved my sight was set on you the whole time. I danced with all my heart and it was all for you. As the seconds...

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Massage Surprise

I belong to one of those Massage places that offers a monthly subscription. These are not your ‘Rub and Tug’ Asian Massage Parlors, but a ‘reputable’ therapeutic place. Heck my wife even belongs as well. I go to a female masseuse as I like having a woman rather than a dude rubbing me. Besides after being married for 8 years it is nice to have some strange female hands on me. I go in once a month and normally book based on what my schedule permits so I normally have 1 of three women that work...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 1

‘Fire all around! I’m burning up!’ Forcing herself to remain in the teleportation zone, even though her skin was blistering and her hair was on fire, she cried out one last time. “Lisa? Where are you? Béla? Please! Answer me!” She gave up, her ability to concentrate overwhelmed by the unbearable heat as her body began to blister, the nuclear fire so intense that, even through her time shield, it was unbearable. ‘So hot!’ Tabatha shrieked as she awoke, sitting straight up on her sick bed....

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Happy Ending In Train

I am a 38 yrs old Indian sex pest turned gentleman leading a cursed love life. My life has turned a new leaf after my marriage, which was a turn for the worst. I am leading my horrible days with a ugly wife who rations my doses of sex. My sex life is now incredibly depressing to the extent that my only maid goes around the house with her forehead fully covered with pallu and comes to work wearing a full-sleeve & full-length blouse. Forget her hanging boobs; she even keeps her blouse fully...

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Foreign Exchange

My name is Peter and I teach Political Science and Economics to senior high school students who have more money and technology than some Third World countries. It is hard to explain to them about Capitalism or Communism while they are texting their friends about old "Professor Pete". Recently I was drinking with a friend who is a journalist for our major daily paper and he got me to write a few pieces about the upcoming APEC conference to use as fillers in the paper. The whole city was in...

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Mom And Son Sex No Limits Part 3

Hi dear. It is my story another part I think you will read it and comments soon. Is story ko parhny say phly parts parh lyein.Thanks Let’s start sex story Mny ghalti sy orange ke jaga boob pkr lia, Phir mom sy alag ho k next trees dakny lag gaya, Phir hum wps dada k ghr a gay Rat wahein. Gozari aur subha hoty he ghr lot ay apny, As usual din gozarty rahy, dad out of county thy,dad ke call ai k wo ak 2 week nae a paein gy.Mri chotain abhe baqi thein Phir do din asy gozar gay. Next day was...

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Busted By My Mom:I Was Caught In My Mom's No Nonsense Pantyhose, High Heels, Bra, EtcI had been sneaking into my mom's bedroom to wear her clothes for a few years by this time. I was quite comfortable and very adept at doing it. Or so I thought.On this particular day, I came home from school. Since my mom was always away until one and a half hours after I get home, I decided to do my usual favorite activity of mine, going into my mom's bedroom to get dressed up in her clothing. I took off my...

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“Lies, Lies, Lies!” Mindy angrily thought to herself as she left the restaurant and got into her car. “I can’t stand myself.” She was sick with her life, and sick with lying about it. She had had what she supposed to be a perfect life, and imagined herself the envy of many. A husband who owned a successful office furniture business that allowed her to be a stay at home mom for her two beautiful girls, age twelve and fifteen. A beautiful mansion in an exclusive, gated country club. She was an...

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This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife

This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...

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10 October 2008Chapter 11

Susan smiled at Dan holding hands as they walked the ceramic floors of the Convention Centre. “There is something about a beautiful, sensual looking woman in a very revealing little black dress,” he complimented. “And a handsome, well-dressed man to show off to the women,” she grinned. “See how much the outline of your cock shows when it’s out of your underwear?” she commented stopping by a store window and smoothing a hand over his obvious bulge. Most eyes turned her way as Dan’s hand to...

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The Necklace

I hadn't been looking forward to the encounter, but it's one of the many crosses you have to bear in my profession. The victim of an unsolvable crime that had for some years laid dormant in our files, had asked to meet with the investigating officer and ... well, technically that was supposed to be me. With no witnesses to the crime itself, and no further evidence coming to light in the years since it had taken place -- and it being doubtful that any ever would -- I feared the case was one...

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A Hot One They Suggested

Em was tired when she got back to the hotel. She felt a bit frazzled. She was on a particularly onerous business trip. Normally she liked travelling and didn’t find it a strain, but this trip had been tough, and it wasn’t over yet. She still had three days to go, with more meetings, further presentations and two more business dinners. But this afternoon and evening she was free of appointments. There was plenty of work to do, writing up notes and making sure appointments were still on track. ...

Quickie Sex
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 15 I Dreamt A Dream Tonight

Victor I re-read Tyler's text message from earlier. "Hey Nikki. I made reservations at a fancy restaurant. Meet me at my place at 5." I was annoyed at the fancy part. I didn't need or want fancy food. I didn't want to dress fancy either. I looked at the time. 3:30. Now I was annoyed at the 5 o'clock part too. Typically as a guy I could get ready and out the door in twenty minutes. He wants me to dress fancy. This is going to take time to look pretty. Especially since I had no idea...

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Out of the Van

The SUV was still full of tiny nymphs when they reached Chad's house, although not as full as it had been when the set out. Three nymphs had already selected one of Roy's friends to bond with. One of the nymphs climbed out of the SVU and looked at Chad's window with her head tilted to one side. She stood motionless for a moment before reentering the SUV. Roy sighed. Chad was on the cross country team with him. While he knew there would be some boys wouldn't be picked, he hated to see that...

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Life of A Mafia Wife

Introduction: Ocay so this dirt ball tries to whack my hubby Carlo but nearly shoots my mamma instead. Complications, tahts the life of a mafia wife. Being a mafia wife isnt as glamorous as you see in the movies. Fuck no. Im Belinda and my good fella husband is Carlo. Were a young couple, a bambino on the yeah Im 3 months preggers and showing it. So I never want for anything, but there are always complications. Like what happened last week . We are just getting up and Carlo tells me hes going...

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English Rose Part 1

I met him when I was 13, he was 23, married when I was 19 and had two k**s - we spent our lives watching the k**s grow and had no time for each other.He called me just before Christmas one year - "I am having an affair and leaving you" - I was devastated as I thought our once a month sex was all he wanted - obviously not - he had met an older women who loved oral, anal, dogging and some fetishes I had never even heard of.He came home for Christmas and we talked, we both said a few home truths...

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MyFamilyPies Chloe Cherry Sneaking In To Fuck My Step Bro

Chloe Cherry has borrowed her stepbrother, Tony’s, laptop and has found a sex tape that Tony and his girlfriend made. Suddenly, she no longer thinks her stepbrother is quite as much of a prude! She shows it to Tony to call him on it, which freaks Tony out. That video gets Chloe way too hot to resist Tony any longer. After thinking about her brother’s cock for a while, Chloe decides to take action. She sneaks into Tony’s bedroom when he’s sleeping and starts sucking him...

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Wives of africa part 4

James smiled at her he on the other hand was looking forward to the next few weeks more than any time in his life. While we are here we could visit my village you would enjoy it.” “Did you never fancy getting married to someone from there?” James laughed. “I guess I’m a bit strange. I only fancy white women. In fact I only fancy tall blondes. Since they don’t fancy me then I have remained sexually inexperienced except for recent events.” He patted Hannah on her knee a firm grip...

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Michelles Cruise Chapter 4

I backed away slightly, looking into her eyes, still desperately trying to maintain my look of detached friendliness. “And what did you tell him?”She also was looking into my eyes, “I haven’t told him anything yet, but he knows what I’m going to say. He knows I’m going to tell him yes.”I felt like I’d lost everything at that moment. The tears were so close to brimming into my eyes. I knew I’d fight for my woman, but I had no idea how. How do I fight the kind of charm and wealth Brett has? How...

Wife Lovers
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 27

After their shower, Sylvia and Sofia went lying on the bed of Agent 1. There, they told each other about everything that had happened to them in the past few days, and Sylvia also told her friend everything about her dad. "So, that's why you decided to help them?" Sofia asked. "Yes, I thought I just needed to do this. Especially after I had learned what those people had done to my parents. It was ... well ... my way of getting back at them." "Still, I can't believe you did this for...

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A night company at home

That had been a nice warm spring day.The light was fading from the sky, but the heat remained in the air. I was home alone that evening and was fully stretched out on the marital bed. My curly blonde hair was over the pillow, as I faced the mattress down. I was wearing just a cotton thong and a light camisole. Then I slipped one hand under my body and started taking care of my wet pussy. I was dreaming of my loving husband; his strong hands pushing my head down, as he fucked me from behind…I...

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Dick Pic Cock Sucking Club Gay PT3

After meeting the rest of the group, on my last visit over to Tony's, things slowed down. Schedules just didn't work and life had gotten busy. About six months later, I got a text from Tony one Monday afternoon.Tony: What are you doing for the game Saturday night?Mike: No plans, what did you have in mind?Tony: Come over, watch the game, enjoy the hot tub and a couple drinks, normal night.Mike: Anyone else coming over?Tony: I texted Greg and John, but haven't heard from themMike: Let me check to...

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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 8

Ed was prompt -- and nervous. Adele took the twelve-pack of beer he brought from him and led him back to the kitchen. Despite the discussion over appearing in his work coverall, Ed was in a plaid shirt and very new blue jeans. Adele forbore comment. She was in a halter top and a skirt -- and if Ed got that far, which was questionable, he would discover a distinct lack of panties. Adele had gone around and around with herself over that choice, and she decided that she would deal with the issue...

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The Bradley BunchChapter 4 StepChildren Orgy

At the age of eighteen, Lauren had just discovered two things. The first was that she had gained a confidence when it came to things sexual. The second discovery was that having a lot of great sex just made you want more. She had thought that her stay at the cousins had pretty much fucked her out, but now that she was home, she was horny again. Worst of all, there seemed to be no chance of relief anytime soon. There was that offer of her mother’s to go swinging with her and her step-dad, but...

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MyPervyFamily Kylie Quinn Now I Know Why My Mom Married You

My new stepdaughter Kylie Quinn is a total brat. When she casually decides to leave the house with an oversized handbag – on St.Patty’s Day – she must’ve thought I (Jovan Jordan) just fell off the turnip truck. I ask her to show me her bag and lo & behold – a skimpy holiday outfit! I tell her there is no way she is going out like that & it’s settled. That is, until she comes back dressed in the tiny outfit. You can almost see her pussy, it’s so...

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Daddys Girl Part 2

“Good morning, Daddy,” I heard over my shoulder as I sipped my morning coffee, reading the paper.“Good Morning, Shyan,” I said, noticing how large her breasts were getting as she brushed my arm going past me.When I found out my stepdaughter was pregnant, I took advantage of the situation to help fill my sexual needs her mother didn’t. She quickly became a good “Daddy’s Girl” and loved being fucked as much as I enjoyed fucking her.My eyes slowly gazed up and down her body. Being seven months...

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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 3

Watching Rockie stroll down the sidewalk towards the walkway that led to her condo, JR noticed that the sun was still relatively high in the western sky. He closed the door and returned to the kitchen where a glance at the clock on the microwave confirmed that it was not even six o’clock yet. There were at least two hours before sunset. He put any food items that required refrigeration away but left the rest of the clean-up for later. He could finish that after sunset, but he couldn’t clean...

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No, you see, I am David Roberts, a 29 year old, attractive single man who, in addition to a working as an officer in a local Police Department on the Gulf here in FL, teaches Criminal Justice at the local Community College, mostly to incoming ‘freshmen’. These young adults are mostly wide-eyed kids on their own for the first time. Gone are the bratty and smart-ass ‘emo-types’ of high school. The part that makes it so tough are the females With each school year, I am constantly...

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William Redman CarterChapter 2

Linda, an attractive young woman, was a special friend of Patrick. She had a well defined hour glass figure with long shapely legs. Her hazel eyes, flecked with gold, drew attention to her face. Her face with soft features was framed by naturally curly blond hair that gave the impression that she had just come from bed. As far as most men were concerned, she would have been an ideal cheerleader type except for what many thought was one major flaw. She was the least endowed female on the...

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