Halo Ch. 09 free porn video

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Hi to all my readers. Sorry about the long delay between chapters but life got in the way in the form of the premature arrival of my new Granddaughter, who is now doing great.


Janey sat on the edge of the bench sipping her orange juice while Ren stood between her knees watching her as he drank his coffee. When she had finished her juice he took the glass from her hand and placed it on the bench beside his cup before lowering his head to kiss her deeply.

‘Knock it off you pair. Didn’t you get enough last night,’ Brad said with a grin as he glanced their way at Janey’s throaty little moan of pleasure.

Ren stopped kissing Janey to lift his head and glance at Brad where he sat at the table feeding Nicky. ‘I’ll be away for a week so I’m just storing up enough to last while I’m away,’ Ren said with a quick smiling look at Janey.

‘Any excuse is better than none I suppose,’ ‘Tanaya said with a laugh beside Brad.

‘May I point out we weren’t the ones who used all the hot water this morning?’ Ren pointed out with a chuckle.

‘Tanaya glanced at Brad with a slightly embarrassed smile as she remembered what they had done to forget about turning off the shower.

‘Daddaddaddad!’ Nicky chuckled around a mouthful of toast.

‘You going to pick on Dad too are you?’ Brad asked him with a smile.

‘Yummy,’ Nicky said as he offered Brad the piece of toast he held in his hand.

Brad looked at the well-chewed edge and pretended to eat some before making sounds of enjoyment.

‘Yum, yum,’ Brad agreed. He glanced at Ren and Janey and shook his head when he saw Ren was kissing her once again.

The shrill ring of Janey’s mobile interrupted them and Ren lifted his head to glance at it where it sat beside them on the bench. He frowned and tossed it to Brad. ‘You answer that would you?’

Brad looked at the screen of the phone he had caught before holding it to his ear and pushing the call answer button.

‘Hallo, Janey’s phone, Brad speaking.’ His face was expressionless as he listened to the caller speaking.

‘Janey’s busy at the moment. I’ll let her know you called and she can call you back at her convenience,’ Brad said evenly.

‘Here I’ll talk to them,’ Janey said holding her hand out towards Brad.

Brad glanced at Ren and shrugged as he handed Janey the phone. ‘I tried mate,’ Brad said apologetically.

‘Hallo?’ Janey said holding the phone to her ear.

‘What are you doing still there?’ Adam demanded angrily.

‘I said I’d talk to you when you got back Adam,’ Janey forced herself to say evenly.

‘I didn’t sleep last night worrying about you being there. You can’t trust them. How many times do I have to tell you that? And Renford still sees you as his property. You do realise that don’t you? As long as you go there he’ll try to sucker you back in …’ Adam continued worriedly.

‘Adam, I’ve heard all this before. I’ll talk …’ Janey broke into his tirade.

‘Please go home where I know you’ll be safe. I’m going out of my mind with worry …’ Adam’s voice started to get louder and Janey held the phone out from her ear with an unhappy frown.

Seeing Janey’s growing unease and distress Ren took the phone from her unresisting fingers and raised it to his ear as he cleared his throat noisily. ‘Excuse me Adam but I believe Janey said she will talk to you when you return …’ Ren paused to listen for a moment then frowned with annoyance. ‘… Yes I know exactly what she said to you last night because she was with me when she took your call. Speak to her when you return,’ Ren said in a commanding tone before ending the call and turning the phone off.

‘How dare you!’ Janey said angrily as she made a grab for her phone but Ren tossed it onto the table and trapped her on the bench with his arms and body.

‘He was upsetting you,’ Ren said calmly.

‘I don’t care! That is my phone and he called to talk to me. Who do you think you are deciding who I can talk to?’ Janey demanded angrily.

Ren felt the blood rush in his head as his anger built, the roar in his ears deafened him momentarily before he brought his temper back under control. He leant in close to Janey, his rage showing clearly on his face and deep in his eyes.

Janey pushed at his shoulders, her own anger giving her courage against the rage on his face. Neither of them were aware of Brad and ‘Tanaya taking Nicky from the room.

‘I can talk to whoever I want to!’ Janey declared angrily as her mind raced wildly. Is this where he starts treating me like Hawk did? He won’t, he won’t, Gabriel isn’t Hawk. He’s nothing like him.

Ren slammed his fists down onto the bench either side of her making her jump nervously without intending to, ‘You will not talk to Adam on the phone while we are together …’

‘YOU DON’T OWN ME! YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHO I CAN AND CAN’T TALK TO!’ Janey yelled in outraged fright.

Ren took a deep breath as he stepped back from where she sat on the bench. He watched as she slid from the bench and moved to put more space between them. Ren couldn’t help but feel that once again another man was coming between them as he took a deep trembling breath.

‘I’m sick of …’ his voice trailed off for a few seconds. ‘We’re through. This relationship between us is poison,’ Ren said tightly before turning and walking from the kitchen.

Janey took a deep breath as she struggled to understand what had just happened. One moment Ren had been kissing her and then the next everything seemed to dissolve into an awful mess. She attempted to take a deep breath but her throat seemed to close over and something was pressing hard against her chest, so hard it hurt to breathe.

Tears filled her eyes but she brushed them from her lashes angrily with the back of her hand, unable to make sense of what her mind was trying to tell her.

Her hand hurt and she looked down to where she held her mobile clenched tightly in her fist, she turned her hand so she could see the screen and a horrible wave of grief washed over her. If only Adam hadn’t called. If only she hadn’t turned the phone on earlier this morning. If only she had told Adam it was over between them before this.

* * * * *

Janey folded the last of Nicky’s clothes and put it in the bag she used when she took him to visit his father. She closed the zipper up and then sat on the bed disheartened. She’d had no energy, no drive to do anything since Ren told her it was over between them.

‘Need a hand out to the car with anything?’ Jim asked from the doorway.

Janey turned her head to look at her father. ‘I’m right thanks,’ she said quietly.

Jim gave his daughter one last thoughtful look before heading back the way he had come, he knew something was wrong but Janey had said nothing to either him or her mother.

Janey sighed and glanced around the room to make sure she had not missed anything before getting to her feet and reaching for her overnight bag and the bag of clothes for Nicky. She hefted them and carried them outside to her car, put them in the back and headed back inside for the remainder of the things she intended to take with them.

Marina was in the kitchen washing Nicky’s face and hands with a washcloth when Janey walked into the room.

‘Everything in the car?’ Marina asked.

‘Everything except for Nicky and myself,’ Janey said evenly.

‘I’ll carry Nicky to the car for you. That way I get a good-bye cuddle,’ Marina said with a smile and a kiss on Nicky’s cheek.

‘You want to go see Daddy?’ Janey asked her son.

Nicky looked at her with wide eyes, ‘ ‘Nay? Dar? Unca Maddy?’

Janey felt a tightening in her chest as Nicky asked for Dar, it was what he had decided he was calling Ren. ‘Just Daddy this weekend kiddo,’ Janey said softly.

”Nay, Bubbubbub, Dar, Bubba, Mum …’ Nicky began chatting away to the stuffed teddy he was h

Janey watched as her mother placed Nicky in his child-seat and buckled him in carefully. She kissed her mother’s cheek and hugged her father before climbing into the car and putting her seatbelt on.

The drive to Brad and ‘Tanaya’s place was uneventful and Janey arrived an hour before Brad was due home from work. The key was where he had told her it would be and she let herself and Nicky into the house. With Nicky happily playing in the kitchen she set about peeling vegetables and putting meat out to defrost.

She had a fresh pot of coffee made and fresh scones she had made that morning on the table when she heard the front door open.

‘Who’s that Nicky?’ Janey coaxed as she lifted her son and placed him in the hallway where he could see Brad as he walked towards them.

‘Daddaddaddad!’ Nicky chuckled in glee and ran towards him holding his arms up.

‘Hey there Nicky my boy!’ Brad said happily as he swung Nicky up into his arms and hugged him close.

‘Hi Brad,’ Janey greeted him with a smile.

‘Hey Janey,’ Brad smiled and shifted Nicky to sit on his hip, ‘good to see you made it. I was a bit worried what happened between you and Ren might have upset things.’

Janey looked down at her feet as she struggled to stop the tears that seemed to form for no reason this last few days.

‘Nicky is your son. What happened won’t come between you two,’ Janey said forcing calmness into her voice as she looked up.

‘How are you and Adam doing?’ Brad asked as he walked over and helped himself to a welcome mug of coffee.

‘I told him Thursday morning that I was breaking up with him and I sent his ring back to him by courier the same day,’ Janey said quietly.

‘Did you do that to try to fix things between you and Ren?’ Brad asked levelly.

‘I … I finally did it …I broke up with Adam, it was the right thing to do. I shouldn’t have left Adam thinking things were fine between us. He kept calling me thinking it was good between us … I just got to where I was having difficulty facing the mess I’d made. I thought he made me feel safe but I was just using him to hide behind. I used him as a barrier between me and the world,’ Janey said focusing on the wall past his shoulder, not meeting his eyes until she finished what she had to say.

‘I’m glad you could see that for yourself,’ Brad said gently.

‘Yeah well better late then never I suppose,’ Janey said unhappily and turned away.

‘Bickie, bickie,’ Nicky insisted and reached towards the container on the table.

‘Is it okay for Nicky to have some of whatever you got there?’ Brad asked.

Janey glanced at the container on the table and smiled, ‘Of course. They’re only date scones but he loves them,’ she said.

‘Well don’t tell Brent, he loves ’em too,’ Brad laughed as Nicky tried to launch himself at the food Janey pulled from the container.

‘There’s enough to go around if the guys want to come over,’ Janey said with a smile.

‘You don’t mind?’ Brad asked curiously as he watched Nicky start to demolish a scone.

‘I don’t mind their company. They’re actually pretty nice guys,’ Janey said with a shrug and a faint smile.

‘I sometimes wonder if you ever wish all reminders of what happened would vanish into thin air,’ Brad said and rushed to continue when Janey glanced at Nicky shocked. ‘I mean except for Nicky here, I know you think the world of him.’

‘How about we have a chat when Nicky goes to sleep? Maybe it’s time we talked about what happened between us at least,’ Janey said with an uncomfortable grimace.

‘Yeah, that might be a good idea,’ Brad said quietly after a long pause.

‘I got tea all ready to just put on and cook for when you’re hungry,’ Janey said into the silence that descended between them.

‘Great, good thinking,’ Brad said with a smile. ‘How about I give this young fellow a bath and have a shower myself? I’m a bit grubby from work,’

‘Sounds like a plan,’ Janey agreed with a relieved smile.

* * * * *

Brad got a beer and a can of coke from the fridge before heading back to the lounge room. Nicky was finally in his cot asleep and Matt and Brent had left for the night.

‘Here, have a drink,’ Brad said as he passed the can of coke to Janey before settling comfortably in his recliner chair.

‘Thanks,’ Janey said. She was suddenly nervous and shy now they were alone. Would Brad remember they were going to talk about what had happened?

‘It’s a bit hard to know where to start isn’t it,’ Brad said quietly after several minutes of silence between them.

‘It wasn’t as clear and simple as everyone thinks it was,’ Janey admitted softly.

‘I know now that you weren’t willing when I slept with you, I hope I didn’t … I hope I didn’t hurt you,’ Brad said carefully.

Janey was silent for several moments as she thought carefully about what she was about to say. Finally she took a deep breath and glanced his way.

‘I wasn’t willing the first time, but then my only experience had been rape. I know now that Hawk had meant for it to be a horrible experience,’ Janey paused as she took another deep breath. ‘That first time I wasn’t willing but you made sure my body wanted it Brad. You were tender and gentle and showed me that sex could feel good. It didn’t have to be degrading and hurtful.’

‘I thought that you liked playing reluctant. I thought that was what was happening between you and Hawk, role-playing. I can’t believe I was so stupid,’ Brad said tightly.

‘After that first time it wasn’t against my will. I even wished a few times that he’d give me to you for the night or something …’ Janey broke off embarrassed.

‘So you could enjoy it and he couldn’t hurt you,’ Brad offered.

Janey gave a slight nod and a self-conscious laugh, ‘Yeah something along those lines,’ she agreed.

‘So how did you end up with Adam?’ Brad asked quietly.

‘I’m not really sure,’ Janey said slightly surprised. She thought for a few minutes before giving a slight shrug, ‘He was involved in … he showed me books with photos to see if I could identify any of my abductors. And he was just … I ended up sleeping with him, I actually missed sex,’ she said giving a tight uncomfortable laugh.

‘I know the feeling,’ Brad offered tentatively. ‘So did he chase you or what?’

‘I thought he was cute. He wears bike boots and leather jackets a lot. He was so nice to me, and I felt safe around him. He’s not threatening, I don’t feel threatened around him,’ Janey tried to explain.

‘I think I can understand what you’re saying. And safe was something you really needed to feel,’ Brad said quietly.

‘I’m glad we’re friends,’ Janey said suddenly, ‘not everything that came out of it was bad,’

‘Nicky’s something special isn’t he,’ Brad mused softly.

‘Not that we’re biased,’ Janey laughed softly.

‘So do you think things can be worked out between you and Ren?’ Brad enquired. ‘Do you want to work things out with him?’

‘It takes two … ‘ Janey broke off as her throat thickened and she cleared it before continuing, ‘I don’t think he wants to.’

‘I think you pair really need to sit down and have a calm chat to each other,’ Brad said firmly.

‘I think it might be too late for that,’ Janey said regretfully. ‘I think he’ll keep away from me.’

‘Give it time and see how things go between you when he gets back,’ Brad advised gently.

Janey shrugged and was silent, she didn’t know what to say.

‘So what do you plan to do in the future? Be a stay at home mum or get some kind of a job?’ Brad asked curiously.

‘I been thinking of doing some kind of course at the local TAFE college,’ Janey answered.

‘I don’t think I’ve heard of that college,’ Brad remarked.

‘TAFE stands for Tertiary And Further Education. They offer courses from Mechanics, Nursing, Childcare to Business Admin a
nd Accounting, ‘ Janey explained.

‘What course are you thinking about?’ Brad asked.

‘Either a Business Admin course where I can work part-time in an office or an Accounting course and work from home. I don’t want to put Nicky into day care and only see him at nights,’ Janey explained.

‘Wouldn’t having another baby with Adam have interfered with your plans or is the course thing new since you decided to give him the flick?’ Brad asked with a raised eyebrow.

Janey felt the heat rise in her face quickly and shrugged uncomfortably, ‘I was using a diaphram without telling Adam. I just didn’t feel ready to cope with a second child,’ Janey admitted.

‘I’m glad to hear you had your head screwed on properly,’ was all Brad had to say. He yawned and stretched and glanced at his watch.

‘Tired?’ Janey asked with a quick glance.

‘Yeah but I really miss ‘Tanaya. Not just the sex but the company as well,’ Brad admitted quietly.

Janey nodded, she understood. She missed Gabriel when she wasn’t with him. She’d never missed Adam that way she realised with a start.

‘Not looking forward to going to bed in an empty bed huh,’ Janey said quietly.

‘You got that right. I didn’t realise just how much I would miss her,’ Brad said flatly.

‘Well cheer up, it’s only another what … five or six days until she gets back,’ Janey said with forced brightness.

‘Six. They get back Thursday,’ Brad confirmed. ‘I bet you’ll be glad to see Ren again.’

When Janey remained silent Brad glanced her way. He frowned when he saw the pained expression on her face. ‘Come on don’t tell me you’re not going to fight for him.’

‘He’s the one who broke things up. He said it’s over between us,’ Janey said in a strained whisper.

‘Don’t you realise he only did that because he thought he was treating you in a similar way to the way Hawk treated you?’ Brad demanded angrily. ‘ He was only trying to prevent that shithead upsetting you and instead he gets accused of treating you as if he thought he owned you.’

‘What happened is between Gabriel and I,’ Janey said tightly.

‘Is it? That is my son in there!’ Brad said angrily motioning towards the bedroom, ‘And every time you get upset and argue with Ren, Nicky gets upset, so it affects me too! Not to mention …’

The ringing of the phone interrupted his tirade and he got to his feet to answer the phone with an angry snarl.

‘Hallo,’ Brad said curtly, his expression changed and he smiled. ‘Hey ‘Tanaya, how are you tonight?’

He was silent for close to a minute before he laughed softly, ‘Yeah, Janey brought Nicky over to see me … ‘Tanaya and Ren say hi Janey …’

‘Hi ‘Tanaya,’ Janey called. ‘I might head to bed. See you in the morning,’ she told Brad as she got to her feet and headed for the bedroom.

* * * * *

Ren paced the small lounge room restlessly, impatient to get his business done. Check on his restaurants and return back to the place he was beginning to think of as home.

‘Can you sit down! You’re making feel exhausted with your pacing,’ ‘Tanaya snapped at him irritated.

Ren frowned darkly at her but sat down in one of the two-seater lounges.

‘Why don’t you have a beer and unwind a bit?’ ‘Tanaya asked levelly.

‘I don’t want a god-damned beer!’ Ren snarled.

‘No, you want Janey,’ ‘Tanaya said.

Ren glowered at her but didn’t confirm or refute her statement.

‘Why don’t you call Brad so you get off my back,’ Ren said after several minutes of silence between them.

‘Tanaya smiled. She knew that he would hang around hoping for some snippet of news about Janey.

Picking up the telephone ‘Tanaya raised her eyebrows at Ren, ‘Will you want to speak to Janey?’

‘Why torture both of us?’ Ren grunted angrily as he turned his face away.

‘Idiot,’ ‘Tanaya muttered as she dialled the familiar phone number.

Ren glanced back at ‘Tanaya annoyed as he heard her muttered comment. She was watching him closely obviously ready to give him her view on things whether he wanted it or not so he remained silent.

After what seemed like forever to Ren ‘Tanaya smiled to herself.

‘Hi Janey, is Brad around?’

Ren watched as the smile faded from ‘Tanaya’s face to be replaced with a look of near panic.

‘How bad is he hurt? Can I speak to him? Tell me exactly what happened, I want to speak to Brad now …’ ‘Tanaya barely paused for breath as the words exploded out of her.

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A short history of masturbating the sister i

I had my first orgasm a few weeks before my thirteenth birthday. My older brother (he was fifteen) was always flashing his hard at me. Most mornings the pare of us would wake with hard on's. The two of us would run around our bedroom flashing our cocks at each other. He had a loads of sex magazines under his bed, he's show me the picture of all the naked woman, we'd both get hard on's looking at the images. That when he showed me how masturbate. I'd been having wet dreams for mouths. I'd...

1 year ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 30 Friday Night Lights on a Saturday

The congratulatory pats on the back and raucous shaking from the freshman football team still in the locker room were easily heard outside the locker room where many parents and fans were waiting for the player-of-the-game to come out. Tim finished transferring his stuff from the freshman locker area into the JV locker room. Johnnie and the rest of Tim’s friends were sitting around waiting for him so they could make an appearance at the Sombrero Rosa’s across the street where many of the...

2 years ago
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I open the door and she’s standing there with a red rose and a bottle of something expensive. ‘Hey.’ she says calmly. ‘How about it?’ ‘Good morning,’ I say. What else can I say? It’s 9am. It’s Sunday. It’s six months and nine days since the last time she said that. How has she got here? I suppose it doesn’t matter now. We stand looking at each other and I don’t know what to do, really I don’t. She hands me the rose. ‘Come in?’ It’s more of a suggestion than anything. I step aside and she...

1 year ago
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Do you want me to be slutty for you? I think you do, and when I think about it I lose breaths that normally I take for granted. We’ve never touched before and as I look at your hands I wonder how they will feel on me, I wonder about the little things, the electricity between the tips of your fingers and the skin on my neck, how warm your hands will be on my breasts. I wonder about the other slightly largerthings too, such as when your hands are on my breasts and I put my hands over yours and...

Love Stories
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Big Little Brother ch 3

“She’s on her way over. Come on, let’s go upstairs. I need to talk to you.” Once upstairs, Andrea followed her brother to his room. They sat on the bed together, although a little ways apart. “If this is about what you said this afternoon, Billy, I want to say something first.” Andrea told him. He nodded and let her continue. “You said you want the first time you go all the way to be with the girl you love.” “That’s right.” Billy said softly. “You. You are the girl I love, and I want my first...

2 years ago
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Interlude 3 ndash The FarthestOut Times so far ndash TV

Interlude 3 – The Farthest-Out Times (so far) – TV/CD , mast, fetishesWell, I believe I may have covered most of my fetishes between my previous blog posts and my intro paragraph here on Xhamster, but I may not have covered the extreme maxxximum extent to which I have taken each one. So for a quickie post, left let see if I can remember the “best of the best,” so to speak. I started typing one up for a conversation I was having with another user, and it got me so exxxcited I had to go...

3 years ago
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Kat Renae

‘Thump thump thump’. She knew the sound. Every morning Kat would get up and go for a run. And she, being her lazy self, would sleep in til well after sunrise and sip her tea by herself waiting for her to return. “Hi” said Kat as she bounced through the door, still perspiring from the jog. “Morning.’ Renae replied, a small smile playing along her lips. Kat reached for the towel at her waist and wiped her forehead. “I'm just gunna jump in the shower…you’re welcome to join me” she said with...

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TimeslipChapter 14

After we opened the store I was approached by Brian Maskell who handled all of the transporting and stock movements. "Jimmy, could I have a word with you?" "Of course Brian how can I help you?" "In three months time I become eligible for the old age pension, Helen and I are going to be travelling around Australia, we have bought on old bus and converted it into a motor home. The thing is I think you need to find someone to replace me, the three months gives us plenty of time to train...

4 years ago
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INSEMINATING elaine part 2

Introduction: follow up to earlier story which is besr to read before this one I met the creepy older guy at a service station and he was talking non stop about how much it had turned him on to see the video I had sent him. He said Your wife is a very classy lady. I know she wouldnt look at me twice. She would probably cross the street to avoid me. Its good to know she slept with my *** inside her last night He asked what contraception Elaine used and when I told him she was Catholic and would...

1 year ago
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A fantasy encounter with nick73

A story for 'nick73'. Please excuse any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. I was super horny when I wrote it.Wefinally meet up. We start the evening at a quiet pub away from familiar eyes and have a few drinks to raise our courage and rid us of our annoying inhibitions. We chat about everything and nothing, all the while our minds drift to why we have met together. A few hours pass and the pub is near empty. We are in a booth hidden from view. You return from the bar with a couple of...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 7 A New Home

The last week aboard the Fortune sped-by for the Ubobo’s. The Ubobo family kept the crew, and other passengers entertained every night with their music. The night they celebrated New Year’s Eve; the crew informed them it was actually going into July on Utopia. But they may as well enjoy the celebration anyway. Everyone did their level best to do so. The five oldest members of the Ubobo clan also managed to find someone else to celebrate with as well. The boys were amused by the starry-eyed...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Anita the new neighbours

It has been so long I haven't written to you all. Actually nothing exciting has happened in our life, we have been having a lot of sex with each other's husbands but there has not been a new dick that we have had. But on Saturday evening my husband had to leave for work and was not going to be back for a week. I was going to be at home for a week. But on Sunday morning I decided to do a little gardening. I put in my blue tube top and black hot pants and was cutting the grass when i saw a merc...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Superlove the White Angels AutobiographyChapter 17

Amy had come by taxi in case she wanted to drink, so after 5 minutes, we found another taxi and together we made the 20 minute journey to Amy's apartment. It was a small and very cozy place. It had a warm feeling as soon as you walked through the door, I almost felt at home. Amy wanted to change into something more comfortable, so she invited me to sit down on the couch and wait. I thanked her for her hospitality and sat down. While I waited, I looked around the apartment. It had a lounge,...

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A Full House

It was time to go and I decided to leave via the photocopying room, I had a couple of copies to make before heading home. While standing at the photocopier with a glass in my hand I suddenly felt a presence behind me. I turned and it was the young clerk. He had a drink in one hand and was slowly stroking the bulge in his pants with the other. I bent down to gather my sheets from the machine and immediately felt a hand slowly slide up my inner thigh and under my short skirt. I wanted this to...

3 years ago
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She Had a Hot Massage Upstairs at Home

“Ambrose,” Em had said over the croissants and Eggs Benedict. “I’d like to get a home service massage today.” It was a Saturday and they were having a late breakfast at the big table out under the jacaranda tree that shaded the courtyard. Unusually they would both be home this weekend. It often wasn’t like that. Their competing work schedules frequently deprived them of weekends together. Tonight they’d be going to dinner together too, a little place Ambrose had chanced upon by the river a...

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Mona8217s Lesbian Maid

Coming home was a bit of a surprise for Mona. She expected that her mother would be at the airport, but there was a driver waiting for her instead.When she entered the house, it was deserted. There was a note on the table from Namitha her mom, telling her she was sorry, but she had got a call from a friend who needed help. She would be back that evening. Everything at home had changed, the furniture, the decoration, everything. Thankfully her old room had been left untouched. Cleaned and...

2 years ago
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XSFGCChapter 28

Phillip woke to screaming; it took him a moment to realize that it was neither him screaming nor that the screams he was hearing was being heard by his ears. After he was able to distinguish what he was hearing was mental screams, he was able to decipher who it was doing the screaming; Jean Grey. This confused him, but that was added to the list of things confusing Phillip. His eyes were open but he could see nothing. He was neither sitting nor standing, but he was strapped down and could...

2 years ago
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Pretending Ch 09

Pretending Ch. 09 © 2009 All Right Reserved Connie let the water run down on her from the shower head after she'd finished. The hot water felt wonderful after such a long day. She turned off the water, wrapped her hair in one towel and grabbed another for her body. While she'd been in there, she'd gone back over what Emily had said. Her sister was right. She needed to tell him, and tell him now. She tucked in the corner of the towel and stepped into the hallway, then tiptoed down the hall to...

Love Stories
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 26

Ryan knocked on Brody’s door, bursting to tell him about the tour. Word had gotten around, and she’d gotten congratulatory calls from Annette and others, but it wasn’t quite the same. She was about to knock again when he opened the door. ‘Hey, come on in.’ Brody held the door open for her. ‘Thanks.’ Ryan’s excitement dropped a few notches. Brody looked and sounded far different than he had on the phone earlier. ‘You okay?’ ‘Sure. What’s up?’ He closed the door. ‘I, um, I have news.’ ‘Yeah?...

1 year ago
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This is one you Studs need to read

Having some famous friends can be an erotic encounter, as expressed in one of my stories about 'E', a famous and gorgeous female model, whom I met at school, long before she became a desirable body, as depicted in my horsey tale, where we both discovered our lustiness for all thing large and phallic.Of course E's younger female sibling, 'M', although quite a looker in her own right, became disillusioned, by her sisters' success, growing instead in the opposite direction, humping all the men...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings CH 06 Locker room

LOCKER ROOM Me and Adam had been seeing each other for sex nearly everyday and multiple times when we did get together. I was happy he had forgiven me and told me I was the love of his life. I had dropped my humility and had no problem changing in gym class though I usually just helped the jocks by holding their feet while they did sit ups or counted and was a little errand boy for them and the coach. I woke up one morning to find Adam in my room and I jumped up and kissed him. He said you...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Adriana Chechik Lyra Law The Art Of Lesbian Anal Assthletics

Topless Adriana Chechik is getting ready for game time with Lyra Law. The lesbian ladies have a bet going on, and they’ve both been working out in preparation. If Lyra wins she can do whatever she wants to Adriana. Lyra comes over in a white sports bra and yoga pants. She shows her the big black strapon that will be the prize and the punishment if Adriana loses the bet. The challenge begins with an order decreed by Lyra for Adriana to take her top off. Adriana leans back on the sofa and...

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John asked Mary, “Are we okay now? I mean, we have James and Kelly over here a lot – I was just wondering if they’re more important in our life now, you know, than just you and me?” Her eyes widened and a crease frowned her forehead. “Honey, do you remember what our life was like before we started in with our toys? I mean, our sex life. We really didn’t have much going on then. You just did it when I pushed you, maybe once every three weeks – you know, when it was about tampon time ...

2 years ago
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My webcam pet Chapter 6

She smiled to herself when she finally saw my hello and turned on her webcam. I complimented her on how she looked and especially about the fact that she was wearing her collar. She replied "I am your pet my Master. How may I serve you?" I instructed her to first stand and spin so I could see how she looked dressed. She did so immediately, taking her time, bending over so I got a nice long look at that sexy ass and also making a point to pinch her nipples to bring them fully to life under her...

3 years ago
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The Ideal Practice ndash Part 1

My adopted niece wanted me to pop her cherry so that her wedding night would be pain-free. An odd request, but one that I loved to accommodate.I'm a young, single doctor in a small southern town. In fact, I'm the only doctor in town, which keeps me very busy and allows me to meet almost everyone in town eventually.Of course, I see the young and old alike, but lately, it seems like I've seen every young teenage girl in town! They come in with very vague complaints, usually a headache or stomach...

1 year ago
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Poppers and a BBC Gay

I had just turned 18 years old and wanted to explore my new found adult-hood. I was finally old enough to drink and get into some places that I had been too young to visit before. I had my own car, went to a city college, still lived at home and had a small part time job. I had a steady girlfriend, great parents and life was good. One of the biggest perks of being 18, I thought, was finally being able to buy some pornography. My girlfriend and I had not gone all the way yet, so I masturbated a...

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Hotel Bonaventure

“Well, isn’t this a coincidence?” The question came out of the blue for Steven Kirkpatrick, a young businessman with just a little more arrogance than humility, with an inherent sense of entitlement as he navigated his way through the world. He was checking in to his hotel room rather uneventfully as he’d done so many times before. He was caught off-guard as he felt the presence of two people invade his personal space on both sides. He glanced nervously around as he saw the person who posed the...

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Please dont walk away

I'm Angela, I'm 5'6 with c-cup breasts and blond hair. I'm 17, and I'm in love with my brother who is 19. I don't know why exactly. Maybe because we've been best friends forever. Anyway I asked him into my bedroom one evening around 6:00 to confess how I feel. His name is Steve. He's 5'8 and has dirty blond hair. Then he came in my room one night as our parents were at a party and would be gone at least until 9:00. He came in. “What's up sis?” Steve asked. “Hi Steve, can we talk for a couple...

2 years ago
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My Life Experience 8211 Part 2 8211 The Indian Exhibitionist Woman

Hi everybody. This is s4mkarthika again with another experience of mine. I would also like to inform you that I have changed my id to “karthikas4m” and the email as well (at the bottom). This is the continuation of the story – “My Life Experience Part 1”. I hope that you have read the first part of my life experience and enjoyed it. In that first part, I have talked about all the embarrassing experiences I had with my husband and how he had pleasure in exposing me in public. Yes, my husband had...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 8

Annie and Sara arrived at the printing plant just after 12:30. Sean and I were just finishing cleaning up the presses, and only needed to use a quick spell to clean ourselves up and be presentable. Annie and Sara were wearing jeans like Sean and I were, but had on heavy blouses and jackets rather than the "Magic Ink" T-shirts that Sean and I were wearing with our sneakers. They had also brought jackets for us. "It's a lot colder in Denver than it is here," Sara told us, as they handed...

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Wife Pays for Husbands InfidelityChapter 5

Allison couldn’t believe her loving husband, the boy she’d started dating when she turned sixteen and never dated anyone else, wanted her to have sex with his friends. Unwillingly she had sex with Eric, the bad boy of the group, then the other six friends of John’s. What shocked Allison the most was she liked being used by her husband’s friends; but what terrified her was she wanted Eric to fuck her again, knowing she’d do whatever he wanted. Now she was lying in bed fucking her husband and...

3 years ago
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There Is a ReasonChapter 10

My deep sleep was interrupted by the sound of the front door chimes. I vaguely heard Taylor, saying something like, "I'll get it." I barely noticed as she left my side. Suddenly I was jolted awake when Taylor yelled, "Oh my God ... Bren!" I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was Jack on his feet. He looked toward the doors to the front hall where the shout had come from, then looked at me and Amelia, and then back toward the front hall. He was torn between what he perceived...

2 years ago
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Nothing is Free

Nothing is Free By Lady in Waiting The mailbox opens. In it waiting is a package. Michael's hand reaches in the mailbox, taking out the package. "Hmm." As he looks at the package he sees that there is no return address on it. He walks back in the house, looking the package over once again. "Get the mail honey?" Asks his wife, Laura. "Yep, nothing but this," he says as he tosses it to her. "I dunno what it is." "Hmm, well, let's find out." Michael walks over and gets...

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WildOnCam Chantal Danielle Queenie Sateen Have Quite The Encounter LIVE

October Cherry of the Month Chantal Danielle meets Queenie Sateen and these girls are ready to get naked and play! Queenie loves Chantal’s big fake tits; they are so big within her grasp. Chantal moans when Queenie’s tongue makes contact with her hard nipple and she wants that tongue to continue exploring until Queenie finds her way down between her legs. Queenie is not going to stop until Chantal cums and then Chantal can thank Queenie in the best way possible by making her cum too...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 7

Later in the afternoon, the Albrights, Julie's parents, showed up, as expected. It went better than expected -- not good, but better than it might have. While Dave couldn't categorize his in-laws (or was it former in-laws now?) as being rich, they were certainly far from being poor. Dave would have categorized them as 'upper upper middle class'; much of their wealth came from a family business Stan had inherited. But they, especially Deborah, had a pretty strong opinion of themselves;...

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MommysGirl Misty Stone Daya Knight Sonny Mckinley You Used To BABYSIT Her

Misty Stone is tidying up her living room when she hears a knock at the front door. Who could it be? She certainly wasn’t expecting anyone… Misty opens the door to reveal Sonny McKinley, who used to babysit Misty’s stepdaughter, Daya Knight, ages ago. It turns out that Daya and Sonny have set up a play date together. Now that Daya is all grown up, Sonny figured Misty wouldn’t mind. Misty seems totally okay with it, and allows Sonny inside, pointing her up to Daya’s...

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The magic of Brownies

The school holidays had been a drag, just me and my brother at home with nothing to do. But in the middle weekend of our two week break an exciting event happened. Daniel, my brother had been making brownies, he offered me one and it was scrumptious as usual. I insisted on helping him clean the dishes, mainly out of boredom but also because I enjoy the alone time with Daniel. I grabbed a tea towel from the cupboard and as I turned around to start drying the dishes Daniel blew the bubbles from...

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JulesJordan Slimthick Vic 8220They Call Her Slimthick Vic8230 Enough Said8221

Slimthick Vick brings big league curves and Jules Jordan puts them in all the right positions in this jack-tastic classic. Slimthick is outdoors and poolside as Jules is mesmerized by Slimthick’s fleshy goodness. Blue-eyed Vic is adorned in tropical colored shorts that hug her better than bulbous ass. Jules states “I bet this ass has gotten you in trouble”. He then has the curvy concubine sit on a plexiglass bench. Vic pops her cheeks as she straddles then drizzles oil onto her hams. Glazed for...


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