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My wife, Denise, had been very agitated lately. Something was bothering her, but my inquiries were deflected out-of-hand. Since nothing seemed wrong between us, I told myself it was work related. When she came home Thursday night, her anxiety had reached a new peak.

"What's going on?"

"We need to talk," she said. "Mix me a drink and make it strong, please."

Five years ago when she was nineteen, Denise went to work for a large privately owned company. Smart, a hard worker and good looking, she'd been promoted from the typing pool through the ranks. A month ago, she was selected to be one of the three executive assistants to Mr. J. Woodward Chase, the billionaire owner.

The promotion had three unusual job requirements. She had to dye her hair blonde, maintain her figure, and Mr. Chase would select and pay for all her work clothing. The clothes he selected were demure, classy and expensive with an elegant, understated sexiness. Denise looked good as a blonde. She'd inherited a narrow waisted, full breasted figure from her mother which required little diet and exercise to maintain. The clothes made her look even better.

"I want you to listen to everything I have to say, Danny. Don't get up and run off. Okay?"

"Sure, baby. What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No, honey. It's about work. It's a long story."

"I'm all ears," I replied, settling back into my chair.

"Do you know why I was picked to be one of Mr. Chase's assistants?"

"Besides the fact you're wonderful? No. Why?"

"He can trust me. I treat everything like it was top secret. I always have. I would've had more friends among the secretaries if I'd shared gossip from time to time, but I never did. Trust is very important to me."

"You are very trustworthy."

"Yes, I am and so are you. That's one of the things I've always admired about you. Trust is the cornerstone of a marriage as well as a business relationship, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," I said.

"About a year ago I heard a rumor Mr. Chase had a mistress who gave birth to three children by him. I didn't believe it. All rich men have wild stories floating around about them, you know, about women or crooked deals or whatever."

She took a deep breath and sipped at her scotch and water.

"As an executive assistant, I see his personal, confidential files, things no one else sees. Some of these files relate to that rumor. The rumor's true. His mistress gave birth to three of his children. Only, Danny, it's not one mistress - it's four. Four women have had his children out of wedlock."

"You're kidding me."

"No, I'm not. It's true. Mr. Chase has nineteen children, seven with his wife and three each by four other woman. I wondered why any man would want so many. I did some reading. Many anthropologists think all men have a deep biological urge to impregnate as many women as possible."

"I've read about that. All mammals have it."

"Mr. Chase certainly does. He's very intelligent, physically large and powerful, and rich, so if all that's the result of good genes, his must be very good."

"There are other gene qualities, you know," I said.

"Yes, there are. All sorts of things are genetically based. Life expectancy is inherited, in part anyway, as are heart attacks, cancers, and a whole bunch of other diseases."

"I'd never really thought about it. I must have some good genes, too. Everybody in my family lives into their seventies."

"My family's even longer lived, but nothing compared to Mr. Chase. He's fifty-three. His father's going strong at seventy-two and his grandfather's ninety-four. His great-grandfather died at one hundred three. Old Mr. Chase has a forty-year-old girl friend, so even that works, I suspect."

"Denise, why are we discussing this?" The back of my neck tingled.

"Women have a tougher time of it. We're the givers of birth and the ones who raise the young. The future of the species depends upon how well we do our job. Women have to select a man to love and who loves them, someone who will care for them and help care for their children. And we have to select the right man to impregnate us so the children'll carry the best possible genes."

The tingle exploded into tremors.

"What does that mean?"

"I've been thinking about having a baby."

"Oh? When we talked about it a month ago, you wanted to wait until you were thirty."

"That's true, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I'm ready now. I want to be pregnant."

"And?" I said. I felt light headed and sweat beaded on my brow.

She leaned forward. Her eyes were pin points of intensity. "Do you trust me, Danny? Do you trust me with your life and your future?"


"Then you must trust me on this, too, because it's our future. Ours and our children. You must trust my instinct to do what's best for all of us."

"What are you trying to say?" The sweat flowed and I wiped my face with my handkerchief.

"My instinct, my gut-level female intuition, tells me to select the best male for loving, living with, and nurturing my children. That's you. It's always been you. I love you, Danny. Trust me on that. "

I didn't answer. I don't think she expected one, but I couldn't speak if she did.

"Those same instincts tell me to choose the best possible gene pool to impregnate me. Danny, Mr. Chase wants me to be his fifth mistress and have three children by him. He asked me Wednesday."

"Go on," I croaked.

"I accepted. I'll become his mistress and have his three children. I know it's the best thing for the children and for us."

"Do you love him?"

"No! Trust me, Danny. This isn't love. This is biology and genetics. I don't want to spend my life with him."

"But you want him, not me, to father your children."

"Our children. The ones we'll raise together."

"Is it about sex?"

"What do you mean?"

"Have you had sex with him?"

"No, of course not."

"Has he asked you to do it?"

"No, he hasn't."

"Do you want to?"

"I must have sex with him in order to have his children. That's what this is about, having children."

"But do you want to have sex with him?"

"Danny, don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do."

"Then you know I've always been faithful to you."

"If it's about children, well, are we going to have any?"

"We'll have three children."

"No, I mean are you going to have any children I father."

"I knew what you meant, but it's important you realize these three will be yours. Your nurturing will help mold them. I don't think we should have more than three. That'll be enough."

"I don't like this. You need to tell him no."

"Weren't you listening? I agreed to do it."

"Maybe that decision was for you, but it wasn't for me."

"Yes, it was. It was for us. You have to trust me and my intuition, Danny."

"And if I don't trust you on this, Denise? What then?"

"If you don't trust me, how can I trust you? I can't let a man I don't trust help me raise my children. It's too important."

She yawned and stretched, letting her robe open to treat me to a view of her body. "I'm ready for bed, honey. Please come hold me."

That was as demonstrative as Denise ever got in asking for sex. We made love as we always did. I played with her until she warmed up. She brought her knees up, letting me enter her. I pumped away until my orgasm came. She put a towel between her legs and rolled over, her back to me, and went to sleep. We did it that way twice a week, sometimes three.

I sometimes wondered if she really liked sex. She assured me she almost always orgasmed. I could feel the contractions of her pussy on my cock, hear her breathing change and feel the elevation of her body heat, so I believed her. But where was the explosion? Where were the sweat, the moaning and the other signs? Where was the ecstasy and passion?

Maybe that was it. Maybe I wasn't sexually pleasing her and that's why she wanted to accept Mr. Chase's offer. Maybe it was pure lust. She slept soundly beside me as I thought about the bombshell she'd dropped on me that night. It was early morning when sleep finally came. I wished a decision had come with it.

Denise awakened me the next morning. "We have a four o'clock appointment this afternoon with Mr. Chase. He'll explain the financial arrangements to you."

"What financial arrangements?"

"Of me being his mistress. Have a good day, honey. I'll see you at four and don't you dare be late." She kissed me on the cheek and left me with the same thoughts I'd had all night.

I arrived at three fifty-five dressed in my best suit. Their offices were on the top floor of a major office building. I went to the thirty-third floor, cleared security, changed elevators and continued to the top. The floor receptionist passed me to the receptionist for Mr. Chase. Denise was beaming when she came out. She took both my hands and kissed me on the cheek. "I'm so glad you're here. You don't understand how valuable Mr. Chase's time is. His meeting with us is quite an honor."

"He should be honored you agreed to be his mistress," I said under my breath.

"Danny, many women would love to have an offer like this. He picked us and it's our honor. Now be on your best behavior."

Mr. Chase was standing beside a large conference table covered in documents. Two men and two women were with him. "His key men and the other E.A.s," Denise whispered. Both the women were very attractive, blonde, built, and beautifully dressed, just like Denise. I wondered if either of them had been offered the "honor" he offered us.

J. Woodward Chase was what I expected. Physically imposing, immaculately groomed, he was a large man, thick and barrel chested as well as tall. He greeted me warmly and started small talk to put me at ease. If he had special feelings for Denise, they didn't show. I was surprised I liked him in spite of the situation. I knew I'd respect and, maybe, fear him. Liking him was a plus. Finally, he turned to the topic at hand.

"What has Denise told you about my offer, Dan?" he asked.

"Very little except she'll become your mistress and bear three of your children."

"That's the emotional bottom line," he said with a smile. "Let me tell you about the financial bottom line. Do you know what a trust is?"

"Not really."

"A trust is a legal agreement which transfers assets to a trustee for the benefit of someone," he began. I listened closely as he explained the agreement establishing a trust for Denise, me and the three children of his she would bear. When I looked at her, she was smiling happily and appeared unconcerned about the financial ramifications. I wondered if she'd been over them previously or if her motivation was non-financial.

"In addition, I'll bonus out one hundred thousand dollars after tax to Denise on the day the agreement's signed to be used as down payment on a new house and its furnishings," Mr. Chase concluded.

"How much do you expect the income from the trust to be, Mr. Chase?"

"Before taxes, about two hundred thousand a year. That's a four per cent return on the five million trust principle."

I blanched. He was watching me intently. Denise seemed to be in another world.

Maybe that was it. Maybe it was the money because there was a lot of it in this trust. I was making sixty thousand a year. Two hundred thousand more seemed like a dream. When the trust terminated, Denise, the three children and I would have a million in cash each. It was mind- boggling.

"The reason for the trust, Dan, is to provide a good life style for my children and their mother. I wouldn't bring a child into the world and not provide for them financially. Denise would continue to work here until she became pregnant with the first child. After that, her responsibility would be raising those kids. Part of the agreement would be that you continue to work. I want a stable, normal household for them."

"Thank you for explaining it, Mr. Chase. It's very generous."

"I want the best for my children and their family, Dan. Trust me when I say I'll never intrude upon their lives, but I'll be there if wanted or needed."

Mr. Chase's expression appeared to be honest and sincere, but a man didn't reach his position without controlling his emotions. Denise was a cat, inscrutable.

"May I ask about the sexual part?" I inquired.

"What do you want to know?" Mr. Chase replied.

"I assume you'll have sex with her at least three times."

His eyes were cold when they cut to Denise. Her expression didn't change.

"Dan, I thought you understood that. She'll be my mistress. I'll have sex with her when and where I want. It won't be just to impregnate her. If we agree to this, we'll have sex immediately. After about a year, she'll go off the pill. I like to space the babies two years apart. After she's recovered from the birth of the third baby, she and I will take a week together somewhere. Our sexual relations will end after that week. So, for about eight years, Denise and I'll have sex on a regular basis."

Denise's expression still didn't change, but her legs were crossed and the foot in the air was rocking back and forth.

"You understood that, didn't you, Denise?" he asked.

"Yes, Mr. Chase. I understood," she replied. Her voice was sultry, like I'd never heard.

My emotions were a jumbled mass, like neutrons in a particle accelerator. Mr. Chase must have seen that.

"Denise, excuse us. I want to talk to Dan alone."

She bolted upright, shaking and apprehensive. She started to speak, but his look silenced her. She didn't look at me as she turned on her heel and walked from the room.

"Want a drink, Dan?" Mr. Chase asked.

"If you're having one."

"I think I will. What'll you have?"

"Scotch and water, please."

He pushed a button and one of his executive assistants appeared. He introduced her as Virginia and ordered drinks, which she prepared before leaving us. After we sat in his conversation area, he loosened his tie and took a sip.

"Dan, I don't think Denise being my mistress is a good idea."

That floored me and I gasped, "Why?"

"If I put ads in the major papers offering this trust arrangement, I'd have five million women accept within two days. But - this isn't something I do lightly. I'm concerned about the women and my children. I do care. While I provide genes and money, the children will be raised outside my direct control and that always concerns me. I've never had a married mistress and, at this point, the dynamics trouble me."

"Why?" I knew why I was troubled, but why was he?

"When Denise asked me to make her my mistress, I... "

"Excuse me, Mr. Chase. Denise asked you?"

"Yes, she did. That's another troublesome issue. I've always initiated the agreement."

"She told me you asked her."

He reached under the table next to the couch and Virginia appeared again. "Put on the tape of Denise from Wednesday, Virginia," he said. A screen lowered from the ceiling.

"It's ready, Mr. Chase. Would you like another drink?" she asked, handing him a remote control. She refreshed our drinks before leaving.

"Denise and Charlotte really report to Virginia. She's assistant number one. She's forty-nine, happily married, and been with me since she was eighteen. We had a brief affair when we were both young and single. I haven't touched her in almost thirty years, but I trust her with my life. She knows things the others don't know, such as everything in this office can be recorded on both audio and video."

Nervously, I sipped my drink.

"I recorded my discussion with Denise on Wednesday. I want you to see it."

The screen lit up. Denise was standing in front of his desk. She looked excited.

"Yes, Denise," he said.

"I'd like to talk to you, Mr. Chase."

"About what?"

"I overheard Virginia talking to Charlotte about protocol relating to Margaret Woodman."

"That's no concern of yours, Denise."

She took a step toward his desk. Her tongue flicked across her lips. Erect, head held high, she was poised and beautiful. However, there was hesitation in her eyes, an indecisiveness which flickered in her heat.

"Well, Denise, whatever it is, spit it out," Mr. Chase said. He sounded irritated and I wished I could see his face.

"How do you select your mistresses?" she asked. The words burst from her. A tear rolled down her right cheek and she turned beet red. A tremor starting in her feet rolled up her body.

"Why do you ask?"

She opened her mouth, but no words came out. Another tear fell, then a few more followed it, one by one. Her hands clenched and unclenched.

"Why do you ask?" he repeated softly. Still, she didn't answer. "Why don't you leave and come back when you're ready to talk." She took a step backward, then another. She turned away as if to leave, stopped and turned back to him again.

"You know why I asked, " she accused.

"Yes, I do, but I want you to say it. If you can't say it, you can't do it."

Her head bowed as she nodded agreement. She shyly whispered, "I want to be your mistress."

"Do you know what that means?"

"Yes. I'll have your babies."

"It's more than that. You and I will be lovers. We'll make love whenever I want."

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PART THREE I had some trouble getting to sleep that night as I couldn’t stop thinking about what Brett had said to me about wanting to share a bed with me. All sorts of ideas were popping up in my mind and I started to formulate a plan in my head as to how we just might be able to achieve this wish. Eventually though, I did nod off to sleep and the next thing I knew the alarm was waking me from a deep slumber. I climbed out of bed and began...

1 year ago
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Hot Young Thing Part Six

As I picked out a tiny yellow sun dress to wear, I heard all kinds of hammering and drilling noises coming from the basement. I bopped halfway down the stairs to see what Uncle Clyde was up to. He was working on some sort of contraption that looked like a rocket launcher, or something. He looked up at me and smiled, enjoying his view up my revealing dress. I asked him what he was making, as I walked over and leaned up against his workbench. He told me it was a work in progress, and he’d...

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Old wine tests better

Hi everybody, here is a 28 yr old guy from kolkata. I have been reading this site for years but it’s only now that I have the guts to recount one of my most memorable experiences. This happened last year. I used to stay in a rented house and my bedroom window used to face another apartment. Being a bachelor, I would usually wear only shorts and after bathing wud come out nude and change. One day I noticed a lady in the balcony opposite who was staring at me while I came out. Luckily that day I...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 5 Planning for Change

Sharon did not implement Ann’s advice immediately. She knew that they couldn’t afford it. The cost of completely replacing her wardrobe would have been the financial blow that would break their back. Instead, she went through the house for a week making an honest assessment of what they owned. At the end of the week, she came to the conclusion that her house was filled with junk that was never used. For the next week, Sharon started planning how to change her situation. At first, it seemed...

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Thicker Than BloodChapter 5

It was 7:13 P.M. on the wall clock in the living room. I was in front of the tube watching some mindless nonsense and thinking not at all. I heard the scream. It was muted, and it was from the back bedroom of our three bedroom tract home. I didn’t quite run back. She was sweating and not wanting to talk. She did blubber her level of stress, however. “Hospital—now!” she gasped. Her bag was already packed and in the car. One-point-five minutes later we were on the road: I’d had to all but...

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Learning TogetherChapter 8

The tickets for the Pink Floyd concert were going to be on sale early on Wednesday morning. Sian and I went over to the Students Union to buy them, as Julie and Vee had a revision tutorial to attend first thing. I got a very bad feeling when we met the end of the ticket queue only just inside the Union doors. We tagged on to the back of the queue, and very soon there were many more people behind us, and the end of the queue was outside the doors. "Lucky we came straight here and didn't...

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Jessicas Scarf and the Old School Copier1

Revised version: Much improved and 10% longer --- fixed spelling, verb tenses, improved wording, sex scenes extended, more dialog,… Cast of characters: Jessica Roberts -- 23 years old ---- Newest science teacher. Stunningly beautiful, smart, lonely. Annoyed at being ignored. Mr. Skinner -- 34 years old ---- High school principal. Single, geeky, strict, fair. A hopeless romantic, but awkward with women. Dirk, Nick, Paul, and Abe -- 15 years old ---- Four naughty 10th grade...

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Island Expedition

The problem is they are the same person. Island Expedition by Cheltenham I led the expedition through a vine laden forest and slashed at the overgrowth with a machete. "The myths describe a wooden box with an accented crest of snakes, and a gold seal over the locks. The locks can be opened by those destined to find it and no one else." As a tour guide, I had to make a living somehow. We planted items throughout distant locations and pretended to find them days later. It brought visitors to...

2 years ago
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Female fragrances

Hi!This is Sunil again and wishing the best for ISS readers.In my previous stories I had told you about my voyeuristic sexpade with my Mami in Pune and then much later sex with her as Mama failed to satisfy her and during the course of our sexual dalliance she became pregnant and now has a beautiful daughter from me.It was during this dalliance that Istarted worshipping female body.My Mami is a queenlike looking Kokanastha Brahmin with creamy peach complexion and light eyes.She tall and bit...

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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 10

"Gwen, your sister has some valid points," stated Ted as Lisa fled the room. "This family has been so affected by Steve that I doubt we can have an objective opinion on him, but you've been talking about this Fallen guy nonstop. You deserve praise and accolades for your actions of the past few days and weeks. However, that doesn't mean that you can lord it over your family and friends. "Maybe you're bored with Steve, or you've outgrown him. That happens in relationships. When it...

2 years ago
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Ten Years Later

After ten years, Gail was still blonde and gorgeous, but was now a push-over.The last time I was Gail was ten years ago. We dated for a year in high school and broke up when the star quarterback asked her out. We were both s*******n at the time. We'd go to the drive-in every Saturday night and make out, but she'd never let me get to first base. I'd get a boner and have to take care of it when I got home.Then last night I bumped into her at a local bar, and she was still gorgeous!“Gail Barclay!”...

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Gifts From a Spirit

Chapter 1 A soft snowfall blanketed the earth that late night Christmas Eve. The stillness of the evening was broken only by the occasional car that went through the sleepy suburban neighborhood. Julie McPherson heard a car go past as the crunching of the tires against the icy pavement broke the silence. Soon, the sound faded into the distance until it was quiet once more. ‘Probably someone coming home from a party,’ Julie mumbled to herself sadly. She was tired but not sleepy as she...

1 year ago
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Chatting with Thomas Hassan

Chat Night Guest: Thomas Hassan On Saturday August 28, 1999 11AM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Thomas at: [email protected] In a change of pace, the guest is in the room first! (Thomas) Hi! *Looking around the room, waiting for the audience* (*Anne-Mal) Hello! (Thomas) Hmmm soemthing on mz kezboard here is fishz! (*Anne-Mal) For some reason everyone comes late, so don't worry! (Thomas) Arrgh! American keyboard... (*Anne-Mal) I doubt that members of the...

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The Ride

If you were ever looking for the perfect example of a wimp, that would be me. I am the guy who cannot say boo to a mouse. Standing five-foot-seven inches, I weigh around one hundred and thirty pounds. I am not butt-ugly, but rather wispy looking. I live on a small-holding on my own, and yes, I am an accountant. At twenty-three years old, I have never had a relationship with anyone. My right hand, a modest collection of erotic DVD’s, and surfing porn sites on the internet, totally sum up my...

Gay Male
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Miriam hugged the distraught, nude, black woman. Around them stood the woman's four children. The nine-year-old boy cried while holding his younger sister, who sobbed. The two younger children played behind them. The final page spat out from the printer. The pickup at the Old Hickory Mall in Jackson, Tennessee, was winding down. The food court became the only center of attention. A group of Desert Storm Vets had been holding their yearly reunion. Half the men were already on the ship. Miriam...

2 years ago
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The Groom

Ian was checking the buckles on the side-saddle when Lady Gordon walked in. Ian had grown up admiring the beautiful land-owner’s blonde wife. She would go out for walks and rides each day and stayed in great physical condition. Her husband, on the other hand, had far too many rich meals. He had become rather rotund and would rarely go out with Ian’s father to hunt game on the estate. ‘Good morning, Ian. How is she today?’ ‘Quite well, ma’am. I brushed her out earlier and she is ready for her...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Friend Part 1 of 2

Amy had the perfect figure for a model, her slim shoulders curved into a tiny waist and then out over the cutest of hips and down into long slim legs. Yet she looked on jealously at the only other person in the gym. Sarah was sitting on the leg press where her strong athletic legs were moving almost half the stack of weights. Like Amy, the woman was in her early thirties and like Amy the woman had long brown hair in a ponytail. Amy observed the woman discretely, her white trainers with tiny...

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Story 2

You stammer as I walk in your residence. You are asking something about "What are you doing here?" when I cut you off with my index finger on your full lips."Hush. This is going to be an afternoon to enjoy. And to cum," I say.You've read my stories, seen my pictures ... but we've never met. And you weren't planning on meeting anyone today."Show me your place," I command. You raise an eyebrow, and turn around... my hand falls from your face and to your elbow until it laces with your right hand....

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Mandys Letter To Santa Claus

Mandy sat quietly in the corner of the school room as the other children were laughing and eating cookies with kool-aid. She stared out the window looking at the snow falling on the playground wishing she could have stayed home from the Christmas party. Mandy’s teacher walked up to her smiling knowing the child did not have a gift to exchange today. ‘You left something in my desk Mandy.’ She said handing her a gift with the name Thomas wrote on the gift tag. Mandy smiled up at her with a huge...

4 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 19 The Sinclairs Houseguest

Ruthie returned to her mother's apartment while Doña Lisette was still at work. In spite of the quiet, she had a premonition that something unpleasant awaited her as soon as her mother returned. The feeling was so strong that Ruthie was tempted to call Mike, apologize for being rude to him, and beg him to return and get her out of Salinas. She took a deep breath and decided that no ... it would be better to see what was the problem. She assumed that her mother might be mad about her trip to...

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A chance encounter1

I pulled in and, as expected, there was nobody around. I drove to the back of the park to one of two covered shelters, each with a long, concrete picnic table down the center. In addition to being a nice, quiet place to chill for a while, this park — and this shelter in particular — was a well-known cruising area. Guys, girls and couples would come from several surrounding communities to play or hook up. I’d been sitting on top of the picnic table and was starting on my second brew when I...

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My First Gangbang How Hell Turned Into Heaven 8211 Part 2

Hi readers! This is maaya and I’m back with my first gangbang experience! So my previous story was about me going to my boyfriend’s house and he cheated me by calling his friends and all four of them forced me into rough sex. It started as a rape but ended up as a beautiful sex experience. Like i mentioned earlier, this story is about my second day with my four boyfriends. My darlings woke me up the next morning around 9am. They were all in their shorts. I was still naked in bed. They all...

1 year ago
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BangBus Molly Little Miss Little One Night Stand

Molly Little came to Miami for spring break. Already the first night she scored, was just walking home from a one night stand when the notorious white van stopped next to her. Since she was from Tennessee she didn’t know the urban legends about white vans and she thought it was slightly strange that strangers would offer her $100 bills but it was Miami after all. So they gave her $100 for her phone number. Another $100 for her good looking friend’s number. Then $300 for her panties. But where...

4 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 39

I wasn't all that interested in the movie and decided to have a little fun. I started to rub Brad's leg, slowly working my way from his knee to his crotch and back. Brad slipped the arm he had on my shoulders down, cupped my boob and began to massage it through my top. I slid my hand over his hard cock and squeezed it through his cotton shorts, moving my fingers along its length. "Are you playing with my brother's dick?" Kathy asked, giggling. "Yeah and he's playing with my tit," I...

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Back to work There are two sides to every stor

Back to work.There are two sides to every story.The wife’s story.I’d finished my lunch, hardly a hearty meal, but I did feel a little like the condemned. I sipped my drink, and listened as Gerry chatted to my husband. They’d always got on well, and had been catching up. It had been five years since I had last “worked” but the recession had hit us hard, and me in particular. Mike would have given me the cash to see me by, but I was too stubborn, or too proud to take more money from him. I’d...

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I could never do that

It was july, and that meant it was time for the annual camping trip. My friends and i had been doing this since we were teenagers. Now, most of them are married, and we don’t spend much time together anymore, so we really look forward to this trip. Me probably more than the others. While my friends have been busy getting married, i have focused my efforts on my career and it has paid off. I am a 29 year old guy with a six figure income and with a nice muscular body, good hair and a killer...

3 years ago
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Corbin Duece James

Not much as for a quick cum story so if that's what your looking for this ain't for you "Duece! Goblin! Gas! Shady! Get your ass's over here!" Eagle yelled. We almost sprinted to him his voice sounded like he was going to kill.  "Natalie left about five hours ago for San Fransico she was supposed to check in 3 hour ago, I've tried her cell so I'm sending you over there."  I opted to ride in the back with Shady cause I knew he was going to be a close brother and this was...

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Two MILFs and their daughters Chapter 3 The aftermath intro plus Tessa and Valerie

Julie and Tessa had actually become a thing just like their moms although no one ever busted each other for being couples. Everyone knew about everyone but still everyone's mouth remained closed, when they weren't spying anyway. They usually had their sleepovers on the weekends but as Julie and Tessa joined the lesbian pool they convinced their parents to let them sleep over on weeknights too. As you can imagine, there wasn't a whole lot of actual sleeping going on. Neither couple spilled the...

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Aperitif Gina sat on the curb watching the happenings at the annual Triangle Block Party her new neighbors held every first weekend after Labor Day. The celebration took its name from the island that formed a fork among three streets a few doors from Gina's house. About a hundred feet on a leg, the Triangle had been made into a neighborhood park with grass, shrubs, benches, and a stone walkway. A spreading 'historic' oak tree shaded the haven, allowing locals to relax out of the...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 17A

Saturday, August 24, 1957. I woke up at six. Martha slept like a log beside me. Even after a good night's sleep, I was grumpy; I was ready for life to ease up. Nothing was turning out the way I wanted it to. Two weeks left in New York. I had a hard run through Central Park, trying to run past unease and frustration but feeling it keeping pace with me. When I arrived at Martha's I was covered with sweat. Martha was in the kitchen shower. She swept aside the shower curtain and peered out...

4 years ago
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Double Dhamaal

Hi dosto mai Rahul aap ne mere saccha pyar story toh padi hogi thanks for your reply but jin logo ne nahi padi hai unko apna intro de du.mai mp se hu age 24 hai mere height 6 fit or body muscular hai uska size 8.5 hai yeh story mere dost ki shadi k time ki hai. Shikha or mai shikha ki shadi k baad ek bar he mile the but ham dono ko chudai ka moka nahi mila but shikha phone pr muje hamesha bolti kit you yaha aa ja but muje time nahi tha ham dono phone par he nipat lete but Ham dono ko moka mila...

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Jills Brother and Father

Jill Ebber was laying on her back on her small twin bed. She was naked except for a pair of pale yellow bikini panties. Her small tits were flattened to almost non existence. Her brown nipples stood erect with her small left hand laying on one of them. One of her fingers was gently making circles on one of her nipples making her lips turn up in a sweet smile. Her right hand crept under the waist band of her panties stopping only when her fingers found her damp pussy. Jill softly stroked her...

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