The Addicted NaturalChapter 27: The White Witch Of Walden - Conflict And Resolution free porn video

"Surrender and sleep!" I ordered.
Brenda immediately slumped to her left against Dee's shoulder, while Dee closed her eyes and let her right cheek settle against the top of Brenda's head. Willie, sitting to Brenda's right, collapsed across her lap and nestled the side of her face on Dee's thigh. It made quite a picture. Maxine, wagging her tail, walked to the couch and started licking Willie's face. She didn't move.
I decided that no instruction was necessary for this hypnosis session, so I just left them for a few minutes and walked down the hall to my office, where I put the watch back into its mahogany box. I didn't really like that box, all things considered. It reminded me of something I'd just as soon forget. Still, it's better to remember, sometimes; like a fatter "before" picture on the refrigerator to remind yourself what might happen if you indulged in that extra piece of cheesecake. I shut the box's lid and walked back to the living room, where my three lovelies remained in their hypnotic heap. I clapped my hands. "Wake up!"
They immediately came to life again, and Brenda and Willie came to me, hugging me. "Do you want us?" Brenda asked eagerly. "We could all do it! We could take turns!"
I laughed. "No, thanks anyway," I told them. I walked to the couch and bent over to kiss Dee. She, of course, had orders not to walk around, and she alone had remained sitting on the couch. "Dee, I want you to share your bed with Brenda tonight, please." I turned to Brenda, who gave me a little, knowing nod. "Brenda, why don't you two call it a night. Dee looks tired."
"Okay, Freddy." She got Dee's wheelchair, and she and Willie helped her into it and took her away toward the second bedroom.
I called after them: "Willie, I'm going to do some work in my office. I'll be with you in awhile."
"Okay, Frederick," she said, smiling over her shoulder.
I was grading final papers for the Junior-level class. The course was almost over. Man, I'd be glad to see it done. I pulled up the first paper on the computer and groaned. I recognized it... it had been plagiarized from an on-line source that was at least two years old. Why didn't these kids learn? I gave the guy an "Incomplete" and wrote him an email to see me after class, preferably with another paper in hand.
There was a knock at the door. I hollered for her to come in, and Willie entered, eyes cast down, meek and humble. She was incredibly attractive. She was wearing a short nightgown and she obviously wore no panties underneath. Brenda had taken her to the hair removal clinic that day, and I could hardly wait to see the results. I just had to get through these damn papers!
"What is it, Willie?"
She was holding her ornate box containing the tarot deck. "Could I please just sit here for a moment and read my cards?" she asked. "It will only take a moment, and since you don't believe in them, it shouldn't be too much of a distraction. Please?"
I couldn't help giving her a sour look. She saw it and looked down at her feet. She was obviously very uncomfortable asking for this. I sighed. "Okay, go ahead. Be quick about it, please. I'm going to be at this for another hour, and I'm anxious to see the results of your visit to the 'clinic' today."
She blushed furiously, then walked up to the desk, took the cards from their box, and set the deck in front of me. "Just touch the deck, please."
I regarded her curiously for a long moment, then reached out and cut the deck of cards, and then cut it again. That didn't seem to phase her at all, and she scooped up the cards and quickly laid out five of them in a sort of sideways crescent. She bent forward and peered at them, then scraped them aside and laid out another design: a plus sign, or cross, using the next five cards in the deck. Again, she had to lean forward and squint at the cards myopically; and again, she hesitated only a second before scraping them aside.
Next, she began to lay the cards out seemingly at random; one here, one there on the desktop; but when she'd laid out twelve of them, they'd formed a circle. She bent forward and peered at them for almost a full minute. Her breath caught for a moment, but then she sighed and began picking them all up. She replaced the deck in its box and finally looked up at me.
"Thank you, Frederick. I appreciate your patience. I will wait for you in the bedroom."
"Aren't you going to tell me what you thought you saw?" I asked, and immediately wished I'd phrased the question differently.
She winced. "It doesn't really matter, does it?" she asked defensively, and then hung her head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. You are my Master, and I will gladly tell you everything I know. But if you don't mind, I'd like to wait until the time is right. It won't be long. Please?"
I felt my shoulders sag. I felt tired, and placating, and overbearing, and very, very horny. "Come here, Willie." At once, she stood before the desk and adopted a position of meek servitude, her hands at the sides, her eyes cast down at her feet. "No," I told her. "Come around here to me." She walked around the desk and stood before me. "Sit down," I told her.
She looked at me and blinked, then looked around for a place to sit. I patted my lap. "Here," I told her, and she smiled and blushed. She positioned her tight little ass on my lap, put her hands in her own, and leaned demurely against me. She felt very good: small and slim and firm and feminine. She'd obviously bathed recently, because she smelled of the floral soap that Brenda liked, but she also smelled like... Willie; that subtle but unmistakable odor that her body seemed to exude. My cock hardened under her pert little ass.
"Put your arms around my neck," I ordered, and she immediately complied. I put my hand on her thigh. "Now, spread your legs for me," I said. She made a little noise and hesitated only a moment before spreading her knees apart for me. I ran my hand up her thigh and pressed my palm into her hairless mound. She gasped sharply and shivered violently.
So much for the papers.
I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. Our lovemaking was exquisite. When I sucked on her rock-hard nipples, she grasped my head and held me to herself, shuddering violently. When I nibbled and licked and slurped her hairless pussy, she drenched me with her tasty juices and came so hard she filled the night with her screams. And when I came, deep, deep inside her slim young body, it felt like my body was exploding.
"Frederick!" she whispered harshly. I awoke with a jerk and looked up, surprised to find her standing next to the bed, leaning over me. She wore a short silk robe, one of Brenda's, and her left breast was peeking out its front fold. I tried to clear my sleepy mind, and I reached for her. She shied away a step.
"No, Frederick, please!" she insisted. "I need to talk to you. I need to tell you something." She was speaking very lowly.
"Why are you whispering?" I asked, muddled.
"Shhh! Please, Frederick. We must be quiet. I must show you this!" She acted suddenly indecisive. "At least, I think I should. We MUST talk! Please?"
I sat up in bed and patted the space next to me. Reluctantly, she sat, her hands on her lap, her eyes averted. The light was dim, but I could see her clearly enough. She was upset, nervous, meek. "What is it, Willie?" I whispered.
She was trying to get her thoughts in order. "You are my Master," she said levelly, quietly. "I should have no secrets from you. I love you. I would do anything for you." I said nothing, and at length, she continued. "If I DON'T tell you, nothing will happen. And that would be good. Well, not good, but not bad, either. But if I DO tell you, then something terrible could happen. But that's the future, and it could be altered. If..."
"Willie," I interrupted, "you aren't making any sense at all. What are you talking about? What's the matter? Tell me?"
She looked into my eyes for a moment, then stood, holding out a hand to me. With the other, she picked up my bathrobe, which she'd obviously gotten from the closet while I slept. "You are my Master," she repeated as I stood and allowed her to help me on with the robe. "I will tell you. I should have no secrets from you."
Maxine was suddenly at our side, but Willie leaned down and told her to stay. The dog lay on the rug next to our bed and moped. Willie tugged on my hand, and I let her lead me out the bedroom door and down the dark hall. There was a light on in the library, but the door was closed. She tiptoed up to it, turning twice to put a silent finger to her lips as a signal to me, and then she cracked the door a couple inches. Curious, I peeked in.
Brenda, completely nude, her back to me, was busy at the computer. From time to time, she would stop and stare at the screen, and I could tell from her posture that she wasn't happy. She used the computer mouse, and I could see text being highlighted and deleted, and then she started typing again. Willie tugged me back into the hall and silently closed the door. I turned to her and started to speak a question, but she put her palm against my lips, stood on tiptoe, and whispered softly, directly into my ear.
"She is under the influence of a man: a man you regard as your enemy, though he really is not. You hate this man, for he took her body before you yourself could taste its pleasures. You have never forgiven him for this. You despise him."
I shot a glaring look at the closed door, and my mind thought a single, terrible word: TRAITOR! I had thought it might be Brenda; in fact, there was no else it could have been. But I loved her and I refused to believe it. It was the problem of the mahogany box, you see. It had been sent by Menlo as a wedding gift, along with a little congratulatory card and note. We were married by a justice of the peace downstate, and the only other person we had invited, the only other person who knew of our marriage, had been Brenda's mother (who I really like, by the way). There had been no announcement, no outside celebration, no publicity of any kind; yet Menlo had sent the box. I had never really liked it, as I've mentioned before, but I keep it visible as a reminder that power can corrupt. The watch IS power; but I will never, NEVER allow myself to become what that asshole is. And I haven't... have I?
Willie saw the look in my eyes and quickly leaned up to whisper in my ear again. "She has no control over what she's doing now! You must not blame her! If you want to see what it is she's doing, you must follow my instructions exactly. It's the only way!"

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