The Addicted NaturalChapter 24: The White Witch Of Walden - Plot And Seduction free porn video

I went about patterning Willie's room exactly as I had done Dee's, which was in turn patterned after Brenda's. It took the better part of an hour to do so. Eventually, it had its little vanity (which I had to define, since the girl had evidently never seen one), its rich wallpaper, its incredibly soft bed, and its chandelier sporting little pocket watches. But mostly, I just had her lie "naked" on her soft, comfortable "bed of truth" while I deepened her desire for my logical conversation and total control. As with her trip to the room, she acted as if she expected this, and she welcomed it.
When I was satisfied that she was truly responding to my commands and was not acting according to some predetermined set of rules of her own, I had her get out of her bed and peel back the braided rug to discover the trap door beneath. I went through the whole spiel about her "soul" being down there, and "the way it always was," etc, etc, and was rewarded with a look of genuine concern. THIS she had obviously NOT been prepared for, which made sense since Brenda and Dee had never been allowed to remember even the emotional possibility of such a place.
I again took my time taking her down into this deepest realm, and again I found a little satisfaction in her appearance. She had slumped in her chair, her mouth hung open, and she almost appeared catatonic. I decided to progress as I had before, but his time I was cognizant of the possible repercussions. I had no idea whether ALL of my commands were going to have a permanent affect on Willie, as they had had on Dee. Still, the basics were definitely in order. I was not going to instill all of them, since she still had no baseline of emotions from which to draw. But one of them had been established last night.
"Willie, how many glasses of wine did you have last night?"
"I don't know," she replied dully. "I lost count. Three, at least."
"No, Willie. You're wrong. You only had one. Listen to me now, while I refresh your memory. You can remember clearly seeing me pour it, just after I pulled the cork from the bottle. You can see it in your mind. You take a drink, just a small one, and you cough because you aren't used to it. Then you sip again. Just a small sip, because you don't know how the alcohol might affect you. And that's a good thing, because as you continue to sip from that one and only glass of wine, you started feeling funny, didn't you."
"Yes. Dee told me I was drunk. I felt dizzy, and I couldn't seem to make my words sound right."
"Yes, and you felt happy, too, didn't you?" She nodded immediately and a small smile crossed her lips. "And now you know how you will feel after drinking just one glass of wine. Other people can drink several glasses before they feel that way, but now you know that you cannot. Alcohol affects you much more quickly than it does other people. That's the way it always will be. Always. And if you ever drink two glasses, you will find it almost impossible to speak coherently, and it will be very, very hard to walk because you will be so dizzy."
"I'd better not try it. No more than one for me. I got pretty drunk on one."
I nodded, satisfied with how my first session was going. I spent the next ten minutes laying the groundwork for future trance inductions, telling her that when I commanded that she look into my eyes, she would do so immediately and without conscious thought; and that she would instantly become relaxed and sleepy, totally open and receptive to the trance she knew would follow. I also intoned the litany about the watch; how she would fight the instantaneous and rapidly growing affects of it, and how her inevitable, complete and total surrender to it would be one of the sweetest things she would ever experience.
We'd see how effective all this had been while we were out on our "date" tonight. I finished by telling her that the things that were discussed here in this "room below" were emotions and thoughts that always were, and always would be; and so no memory of this place would follow her back to her wonderful room. I then had her climb the steps back up, close the trap door and replace the rug. Sure enough, when I questioned her about where she had been, she couldn't tell me. Satisfied, I woke her up.
She yawned and stretched, just like Dee and Brenda did when they awoke from trance, and I couldn't help but believe that they'd told her about THAT, too. I couldn't keep my eyes off her chest. Her nipples are extremely prominent on her small breasts, and they seemed to be pointing accusingly at me. Willie herself only blushed, started to cross her arms in front of her chest, and thought better of it.
"That was WONDERFUL!" she exclaimed, grinning broadly. "I can't WAIT to tell the girls about it!" She thought a moment and frowned a little. "I can do that, can't I? Do you mind if I tell them?"
"Turnabout's fair play," I said, smiling.
But when I opened the office door, I was surprised to find Brenda waiting for me. "Is anything wrong?" I asked her.
"No," she said in a small voice, and I thought: Aha! Poor Brenda's been neglected.
"Freddy," she said in her sexy-little-girl voice. "It's been two days. I know you've been busy with everything that's been going on, but could you please..."
"Get Dee and meet me in the den," I ordered. She smiled, turned, and ran off down the hall. "Willie, you go into Dee's room... I guess it's your room now, too... and wait there. The girls will only be a few minutes."
"What's wrong?" she asked, confused and uncertain.
"Nothing. Brenda needs her hypnosis, that's all. It's been a couple days, and she..."
"She's addicted!" Willie said, her eyes wide. "She told me that would happen! She NEEDS it!"
I smiled. "Yes."
Deep in thought, nibbling on the corner of her lower lip, she walked away toward the second bedroom.
I found Dee and Brenda occupying the love seat in the den, sitting quietly next to each other. I still had the pocket watch in my side pocket, and without preliminary, I pulled it out and held it in front of them. Four beautiful eyes, two brown and two green, were instantly locked onto the thing. I swung it gently and told them how tired and sleepy they were. It was all over in thirty seconds, and they had somehow wound up with Dee sprawled across Brenda's lap while my wife's head was tilted against the seat's back, her mouth slightly agape, in a deep, deep asleep. I'd been about to seek them out for this very purpose when Brenda suggested it. It was necessary.
I had only taken them to the "lower room" together once. I rarely did it at all anymore, as I've mentioned before, but now it didn't really seem important in Dee's case, since I'd found out that she was so very suggestible in any kind of trance. I spoke to them as if I were speaking to an individual, which, I'd found out, is easier than it sounds. I was simply careful not to use their names. And now, when they were in their deepest places, I told them that Willie had had only one glass of wine the night before, and that her drunkenness seemed, in their minds, to prove that she was a Natural. When the little lie was in place, I brought them back up and awakened them.
Stretching and yawning, they got up and came to me, hugging me and asking sexily if they could please me. I laughed, kissed them both and declined the invitation, telling them they only had five hours to shop and buy Willie a new wardrobe before she and I left on our date. I handed Brenda the credit card and told her there was no limit, and I wished them fun. Dee rushed out to tell Willie to get ready, but Brenda hesitated.
"You changed me," she said with a slightly accusing smile.
"I'm different. While I was hypnotized, you changed something. I can always tell, but I can never figure out what it is."
I regarded her thoughtfully, but couldn't think of anything to say.
"I'm not criticizing you, darling. To tell you the truth, I like it. You're always reminding me who the Master really is. I love you, Freddy."
"I love you too." I took her in my arms again.
"But I'm right about Willie, aren't I?"
"About what?"
"She's one of us! She really is. There shouldn't have been any doubt about it after last night."
"What happened last night?"
"The wine! She only had one glass, and she was drunk as a skunk! And now, you've hypnotized her. I was right, wasn't I? She IS a Natural, isn't she?"
"Yes, dear," I said softly, and smiled into the top of her head as I hugged her to me.
"Hello; this is Doctor Fielding."
"This Frederick Fielding?"
"Yes. Who's this?"
"This is Sheriff Randy Tatum."
(Pause) "I thought Jim Jacobson was sheriff."
"Wrong county, son. You was campin' out at the national park couple nights ago."

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