Witch Chronicles 001 A TG Witches Tale
- 3 years ago
- 48
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Staring at the floor, Penelope suddenly realizes that she is not on the steps of the tower, but rather on the floor inside it. How she got here, she has no idea, but it saves her the trouble of having to find her find in. She looks up to see the familiar face of Arseus. At his feet sits Hazel and a women that she can only assume is her mother. She doesn’t say a word, inside fixating her eyes on the demon.
“I am glad that you have come,” the demon says; his voice gravelly. “And I have seen that you have unlocked your full potential.”
The girl climbs to her feet, glaring at the monster before her. “Let’s cut to the chase,” she growls. “What will it take for you to release my mother and my friend?”
“In a word?” Arseus says. “You.”
Nina Starkey looks at her daughter and shakes her head. “No, Penelope. Just leave now while you have the chance.”
The witch drops her gaze down to her mother and then over at Hazel. She frowns. “I didn’t come this far to leave either of you in the hands of this demon.”
“Of course you didn’t,” Arseus agrees. “You came here because you didn’t have a choice.”
“I had a choice,” she argues. “I could have stayed in a variety of places along the way.”
“But you didn’t.”
She shakes her head. “No, I didn’t.”
“And why not?”
“Because I had to save my family,” she quickly replies.
“No, it is because I have been calling you to me,” the demon corrects.
“If by kidnapping my friend and mother is your way of calling, then I guess so,” she says defiantly.
Arseus chuckles, his voice booming around the girl like explosions. “Your mother is her of her own free will,” he eventually says. “She gave herself to me, to serve me. Your familiar therefore is mine too.”
“She is my familiar,” Penelope argues. “My mother may have signed herself to you, but Hazel did not.”
“She was your mother’s before she was yours,” the demon corrects again. “Therefore she is mine.”
Penelope looks to her mother and then Hazel once again. Hazel’s eyes drop to the floor. For the witch it is a strange thing to see and comprehend. She has never seen the cat in such a defeated way. She has never known the cat to not have defiance burning in those eyes. But now her familiar seems to be broken, a former shell of who she once was. Yet, despite their predicament, Penelope is not beaten. The fire burns with intensity behind her eyes. “I have come to stop you,” she growls. “I have come for my mother and my friend.”
This results in inducing another chuckle from Arseus. “You are certainly funny,” he says, shifting in his seat. “You come here believing that you can stop me? I wish to have you at my side like your mother once was, but have I been mistaken? Will I have to break your will too? Will I have to chain you as I have her?”
“I am powerful,” Penelope answers, her eyes burning hard at him. “I will defeat you.”
“Will you?”
“I would not have come here if I didn’t believe I could,” she confirms. For the first time the girl doe believe she could pull off a defeat. This isn’t a bluff like Hazel had taught her to do. This is real.
“Very well...” with a smirk spread out across his face, the demon lifts his hand and snaps his fingers. Instantly, Penelope drops to her knees and then to her hands. “Hmm ... it seems that you are quite weak after all.”
The witch looks up at him with glowering eyes. The fire is still there, burning with intensity and hatred. “You will not have me,” she says contumaciously.
“Well, if you insist I will just have to destroy one of my pets,” Arseus says calmly. “Which would you have me destroy first, your mother or your companion?”
“Neither,” she snarls. “I am taking both with me when I leave here.”
The demon sniggers. “I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way. You are certainly stronger than your mother, with just as much fight, but you are not stronger than me.”
“I will give my life to save them then,” she quickly counters.
“You may certainly do so,” he admits the truth. “However, it will do you no good. In the end you will perish and I will still have my pets.”
“But you won’t get what you want,” she says, grinning with satisfaction.
“I think I will, even if it takes another millennium of wait,” the demon smiles right back. “You see, I have waited for many millennia already. I thought your mother would be the one that would help me escape this realm. Sadly she turned against me. But when I saw your potential, I knew my time had come.”
“So you thought,” the witch reminds him.
“Yes, so I thought,” he repeats. “But what you do not understand is that I have time. I have all the time I will ever need. Another will come along. In the meantime, you will ultimately serve me, like your mother and her pet. You will spend eternity doing so, because you will not die until I make it so.”
“I already said, I will die first,” she reiterates.
“Don’t be foolish,” Nina says, speaking up again. “Leave us and go now while you still can.”
Arseus snarls, gripping the chain within his reach. He yanks it, tugging harshly at the collar around the woman’s neck. “You will speak when I tell you to,” he reprimands. His eyes come back up to settle on the witch. “You will do as I command or you will suffer that same fate.” His tone changes, taking on a more gentle sound. “I offer you the world, to serve at my side as an equal. You can have it all, anyone, anyplace, anytime. We can rule like the gods. In fact, the gods themselves will serve us.”
“That’s a bold claim,” Penelope utters.
This brings a smile to Arseus’ face. “It is, but one that will happen, provided you serve me.”
The witch looks at the two that she came to rescue. Neither of them looks back at her. She cannot believe that either of them could have been broken. She knows Hazel and has heard the stories of her mother, but it doesn’t make sense that either would have given up so easily. It is now that she realizes what fate has in store for her. No matter what it is she wants, she is not going to get. But there is still some hope, a chance to still take control of this situation. She looks at the demon, her eyes locking with his. The fire that had been stoked and burning like a wild fire out of control have now settled and petered out. “I will give you my loyalty if you promise to free them.”
“You want to try and negotiate with me?” he answers angrily.
“Unless you want to spend the next millennia waiting,” Penelope answers. “The art of sexual magic is a fading art, held in regard only by the elves.”
Arseus knows this already. He has yet to find a corruptible elf, and he knows that chances of doing so are in the realm of impossible. “Very well,” he says gruffly. “I will as you request when you give yourself to me as a token of your loyalty.”
“What do I have to do?” she asks.
“Simple,” he says, flicking his wrists at her. Instantly, the witch feels that she has control over her body once more. “Kneel before me.”
Penelope does as she is told. She crawls over to him, looking at Nina and Hazel briefly before crawling up onto her knees in a kneeling position.
“Now, open your mouth,” he says, dragging her attention to him with a touch of his hand. He cups her jaw, ensuring that she is looking right at him. Arseus enjoys nothing more than to see a servant n her knees looking up at him with the expectation of serving. He places his thumb in her mouth so that he can press down on her warm tongue. He stands, towering over her lithe form. His smile is sharp now, full lips curving wickedly around knife edged fangs as his eye glow down at her. “I know that you know how perform, so I’ll not have to instruct you.” The witch’s eyes brighten. A slight ripple of sexuality drips down her body like the hot wax of a candle. It doesn’t go unnoticed. “So eager now,” he traces his thumb over her bottom lip. “It is simple to appeal to your sexual nature.”
The girl cannot think of anything smart to say. She just merely giggles and reaches out to what lay between his legs. She has been here before when her mother was fused with the body of a minotaur. Arseus is no different, merely a repeat of before. She squeezes the quickly hardening appendage. A hand comes to rest in her hair and she looks up, the demon’s face intensely set on hers as he feels the softness of blonde hair. At her core, Penelope feels the stirring of excitement in response to his gaze. Her eyes flash a dazzling color to showcase her excitement to him. She looks back his crotch, bringing up her free hand to touch the angry, pinkish, tip now that stands fully erect. It twitches, jumping slightly with her attentions. Heat fills her cheeks as Arseus throws back his head with laughter.
“Do not overwhelm yourself with fear,” he assures her. “They will be freed and safe, and you will help me rule over the dregs of your world. Then together, world by world, realm by realm, we will rule them all.”
She giggles to herself, adjusting her position on her knees with a wiggle. “To serve at your side will be an honor.”
The demon grins. “Open,” he presses her bottom lip until her jaw slowly falls for him. “Stick out your tongue.” She follows his orders, her cunt throbbing as she waits for him with anticipation. He pushes the tip of his prick into her mouth and she closes her lips without hesitation. His shaft is hot and smooth to the touch, like polished stone left in the sun. He tastes warm as if he had been sitting by a warm fire. That heat seems to spread to her core as her eyes slowly drift closed in delight. The girl hums, and places a hand on the demon’s hip as he rocks them deeply into her mouth.
“That’s good,” he hisses. “Take your place as your mother did, and rule it all with me.”
Penelope hollows her cheeks as she drags her lips toward the tip of his length and back down again, bobbing her head a bit faster. She looks up at him, her eyes are as black as pitch now and half lidded. This serve to cause a groan to part from the demon’s lips. He knows that she is truly giving herself over to him and his will, just as Nina had those many, many years ago.
The witch sloppily rolls her tongue over the sensitive head while still keeping suction and movement. She moves to kissing the tip and teasing his length. She nips the sensitive flesh of his thighs while stroking him. She kisses and drags her tongue along the underside to the soft sack of flesh beneath the daunting shaft. She strokes him distractedly, head dipping lower to pull the dangling delight into her mouth and drawing out another response from him.
Maybe it is just her eagerness to please or the promise of such power, Penelope uses all her skill. She wants to hear him moan and she is determined to hear it. Her tongue prods and sends shivers up his legs every time. Her thumb finds an especially nice spot between the tip and base of her thick shaft which twitches periodically in response as he bucks into her hand.
The young witch looks up at him around his erection, peeking up at his face to see how she is doing only to find it out of view, tilted back as he looks toward the ceiling rather than at her. When he feels her head turn in his hands, he finds his belly coil with heat and her gaze steadily on him. He sees the impish smirk finding its way onto her otherwise occupied lips when he hisses in satisfaction.
The previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH CHRONICLES 006 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 WITCH CHRONICLES 007 - Dark Beginnings WITCH CHRONICLES 008 - Prelude to War Now,...
It's finally done! The next part of my Witch Chronicles series. It's the largest part to date, almost twice as large as Part 9, the previous record holder. It's also closing in on the end. There'll be two more parts. Part 12 will cover the end of the war. Part 13 will be an aftermath, answering questions that weren't covered in previous installments with information the government doesn't have access to. The previous installments of this story line are republished under the...
WITCH CHRONICLES 13: AFTERMATH By JRD Lois and her two "sisters" walked into the bar. Even though she and one of her siblings were obviously too young to drink, no one in the bar cared enough to run them away. They sat at a table, and a woman who might have been pretty when younger came up and asked, "What'll you have?" Lois said, "Scotch." The woman nodded to Lois's sisters. "And them?" The two had already started fondling each other. "They'll entertain themselves." The...
Government file 00010: Document classification: Events leading up to the Restoration See also: Diaries of characters of the Restoration: Government file 00001: A TG Witch's Tale Government file 00002: Elizabeth's Story - Elizabeth Government file 00003: Elizabeth's Story - Lynn Events leading up to the Restoration: Government file 00004: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 01 Government file 00005: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 02 Government file 00006: I Was A Teenage...
Six yeti are lounging around then the two human women appear. They glance up with wide smiles appearing on their faces. They all know Gudnwet and have heard of Penelope. “Did Phurre inform you that we were coming?” Gudnwet asks them. “Yes,” one of the yeti answers quickly. “We have been expecting you for some time now.” “Well, we shall be in that room over there,” the witch says, pointing across the way. “Somebody should spread the word.” As the yeti discuss this amongst themselves,...
WITCH CHRONICLES 006 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the sixth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...
“Do you think we’ve gotten far enough away?” the witch asks, coming to a stop to bend over with her hands on her knees, huffing and puffing. Hazel is just a few yards ahead of her, breathing just as heavily. “I doubt anyone is still following us.” “I’m more worried about that cyclops.” “And to think he was such a nice guy,” the cat remarks with a shrug. “How exactly did you manage to get us a rom anyway?” “Let’s just say that I used my persuasive charm.” “You don’t have any charm,” the...
Penelope stares up at the orc, wide-eyed and a little stunned. She has only ever seen orcs from a distance as they don’t usually visit parts of the world that she is from. Most are sailors and thus only generally seen at the docks of port cities. But to see one up close—a female at that, well... “It appears that my arrival may have been a little too late,” the orc says in a gruff yet feminine voice. The witch quickly shakes her head. “Actually I was enjoying myself.” The orc’s eyes go...
Here's the next part of my Witch Chronicles series. It isn't the end and I'm not sure how long or how many installments there will be, but here's this one. The previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a...
Her face feels wet, like something lapping against it. As Penelope begins to come around, she hears the sound of waves hitting the shore. That’s it! She doesn’t know what happened after Vebri and Lysis and the sea god Crocdius, but she knows she must still be in the temple, or where the place is. Slowly, she opens her eyes, squinting when the sunlight hits them. “Hazel?” she mumbles. What in the nine hells happened to us? Relief comes over the witch. At the very least, whatever spell was...
This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...
Look through there are find a solution. “Do you think my mother had a second book?” Well, considering that I’ve never seen a second and this one isn’t even filled up yet? “Good point.” Yeah, I know. “Sheesh,” the witch says, shaking her head. “I think I liked you better these last few days.” I think I did too since I wasn’t trapped inside you again. “Hey, there’s a bright side...” I’m waiting... “You’re in my body.” Same thing as the last time. “I mean, we don’t look like a...
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Witch Chronicles 003: Elizabeth's Story-Lynn by JRD Author's Note: Here is part 3 of the Witch Chronicles. The installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". Here are the original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH...
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“Thank you for trying to save me,” Ned says a little while later after finding his clothes and Penelope has repaired hers. “But I was about ready to make my escape when you showed up.” “I saw that,” the witch murmurs. “Regardless, I am glad you showed up as it aided in my escape in regards that I was able to do it faster,” the vampire hunter continues. “My distraction allowed for their destruction.” “Glad to help, but I need your help.” “My help?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “What help I...
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SupernaturalHave you noticed something about this place? “Yeah, it’s hot and full of trees,” the witch answers. No, I mean we’ve been walking around forever and the sun hasn’t moved. Penelope looks up, and the cat is right, the sun hasn’t moved. “Maybe it hasn’t been hours and it just feels like that. I was thinking about just how big this island is, because with all the walking we should be on the other side by now.” You know, the Northern Continent hasn’t been fully explored. Maybe this is...
“This is where I leave you, miss,” Remfrey says with a bow from the bottom of the large stone steps. “I must give you a warning. The door to inner chamber will only open once the doorman’s name has been called.” “That doesn’t sound like a warning,” the witch says, frowning at the knight. “That sounds like advice.” “The warning is for you to expect the unexpected,” he says, his eyes dropping to the ground. “I cannot say more than that as I am bound by the laws of this island. I can say that...
Here's that Christmas Story I mentioned. Actually I had two other ideas for Christmas stories, but thinking about it, I determined that the story ideas would work better as more fully fleshed out stories, non-seasonally oriented. I was almost going to skip it and move right into Witch Chronicles 12, but this idea popped into my head. There's a lot going on in the Witch Chronicles world not directly revealed in those stories. So I took an idea from the first story and wrote this,...
Penelope managed to hold down the tavern without, to Hazel’s delight, having any of the patrons’ cocks in her—any hole. When Merily returned, she notified the witch that a ship has been secured and that the terms for travel could be completed upon her arrival. Penelope already knew what it meant, and of course, Hazel had a problem with it. Though she didn’t raise much of a fuss, knowing that without money in their pockets, they didn’t have much in the way of bargaining. At the very least,...
Penelope woke up with Gudnwet gone. The demon hunter obviously slipped out sometime in the night to avoid any uncomfortableness with their parting. There is a bit of sadness that she feels, especially that she is alone. She bathed one last time, then dressed and headed out to buy a little bit of food with the little bit on money Gudnwet left her for that purpose. With a few supplies and a direction, the witch left the town and headed for the gate. With the simplicity of the road going...
“Hello, Dearie?” Granny shouted from her rocking chair. “Oh there you are. Did you have a good day at College?” “Hi Granny, s’OK, I suppose. You know that guy I was telling you about…”Alice twisted her feet together and wrung her hands behind her back in the way she always did when she was nervous. “Well, I’ve brought him back… since Mum’s not here. You said it’d be OK if…” “For Christ’s sake, Alice Smith, stop being so wet. Bring him in, bring him in. Let me take a look at him.” Alice...
SupernaturalAll of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...
WITCH CHRONICLES 004 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the fourth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...
WITCH CHRONICLES 005 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the fifth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...
What the hell was I thinking, suggesting that? “Clearly you weren’t thinking,” Penelope says. “A good fucking like that will do it.” Yes. I will agree with you on this one. “So you enjoyed it as much as I did?” I hate to admit it, but yes. “If you’re still in need, we can always stop to play,” the witch suggests, pulling out the stone cock from the gargoyle.” I’ll pass. What do you plan to do with that, use it as a dildo? “Maybe or maybe not,” she answers. “I may just put it on a shelf...
I can’t believe we spent the entire afternoon lost. “I know,” Penelope agrees. “We could have spent that time doing something else.” There will be plenty of time for that later. Right now we have to focus on finding your mother so she can undo this mess you’ve put us in again. “So I messed up one word, it’s not like it’s the end of the world.” Maybe not the end of the world, but that one word put us on another ridiculous journey that could have been easily avoided. “Do you think he would...
What the hell happen? “I think we drowned,” the witch says before coughing up some water. I don’t feel dead. “I do.” I’ve heard people do when they nearly do die. “So we’re not dead?” I don’t think so. Where is the rest of the crew? “Beat me,” she murmurs, looking around toward the sea. There is not a single piece of proof that there ever was a ship out there. On top of that, the storm is gone as if it never existed either. I hope they didn’t forget about us. “I doubt Rowley would...
Once again, when Penelope goes to open her eyes, she is wrapped in the comfort of a nice, warm bed. Her first thoughts go to the small shack on the beach, but as she looks around it become apparent that this is far from that place. This island is just full of surprises. The witch sits up and looks around, taking more of the room in than the first time. It is decorated with weapons and shields hanging on the wall. There are sconces lit by fires and a warm, cozy fireplace. Other than that,...
Randomir paces a hand behind the witch’s neck and threads his hand in her hair. Penelope is yanked to her feet where her mouth is brought around to match his. The vampire is surprisingly gentle and his lips nibble at hers. The world around her vanishes and all she feels is his lips against hers. She feels like it is a promise of things to come. What the hell is going on? Penelope feels him against her ear, nuzzling her neck, saying, “I know who you are. I expected to have to search for you....
“Are you sure that you don’t want to come back with us?” Penelope asks her friend. Hazel smirks at her. “As much as I would enjoy that, there is a barmaid that I would like to see again, what with my new body and all.” “I guess I cannot blame you,” the witch says with a grin. “Promise you’ll visit?” “I think that you’re the one that will have to do the visiting,” Hazel counters. “With all the traveling that you plan to do, I’ll never know where you are.” “So the connection is truly...
Orthros tears through the forest without a destination in mind. Trees and vines and plants of all shapes and sizes whip by at a blinding rate. Miraculously none of it touches the witch. Hazel is frightened having only seen power like this once before, and that was by someone with control over it. Penelope has no control. This latent power inside her is burning hot and free and the cat has no explanation why. Then there is this running, this escape, or so it seems. Hazel has no idea where her...
“Mmm, you smell nice.” The voice comes from the doorway. Penelope rolls over and opens her eyes to see Remus, the wild man from the forest leaning against the doorframe. “What are you doing here?” she asks, her eyes drifting off of him to scan the room. “I came to see you,” he answers. “I do not know what it is about you, but I have traveled a long way to taste you again.” “Hazel?” she whispers. “You had disappeared for a while there,” he continues, stepping into the room. “I was afraid...
A strong grip twists into the witch’s hair and yanks her head back. The grizzled, muscular yeti stands before her, glaring down with flaring eyes. A painful mewl spills from her lips at the sight of him. “I want her to myself,” Tunrash growls to the other yeti. Despite a few grumbles of annoyance, none of them make a move when he drags the whimpering witch off the bed. She lands hard on the floor, scuffing her knees, yet he gives her no time to adjust, moving to the door. Penelope’s fingers...
Phurre and Gudnwet step forward. “It’s our turn now,” the yeti queen says. The witch watches, biting her lip. She doesn’t have any idea of how long she was out of it, but the cum on her isn’t completely dry when she sticks her hand down between her thighs. The bed shifts as they climb on, pinning Penelope between their bodies. Two sets of hands paw at her body. Gudnwet takes to her nipples, pinching them. Phurre sends a few fingers into Penelope’s drenched snatch, and those fingers end up...
Stepping through the gate doesn’t seem to change anything. The world looks exactly like it was before she stepped through. Tartas explained that the only difference was that the demons are stuck in their realm which is just another layer of theirs. She said she still didn’t understand and the sphynx said that she didn’t have to. The witch took it at face value and pressed on. It was really no different than when she was at school. If she didn’t understand something, she faked it. If that...
Penelope slowly opens her eyes. The chirping of a bird not far from her stirs her from her slumber. It is a sweet song, reminding her of a summer’s day with a cool breeze and nests full of baby birds. And not far from the witch is standing the ugliest bird she has ever seen. Ugly may actually not be the best word to use in its case. Maybe if it’s one eye was actually in the socket rather than hanging limply down the side of its face, ugly could be the word to use. Instead of a smile, Penelope...
Penelope, in and out of consciousness, does her best to help aid Hazel to carry her through the forest. It isn’t easy, but after several moment of rest, the pair finally breaks free of the dark place and into a clearing at the edge of a village. Though the cat has never been here before, she knows that this is the place they are looking for. Immediately, her eyes catch the sign of the inn. “We’re nearly there,” she tells the witch. “I negotiate us a room for the night.” “How do you plan on...
Government file 00007: Document classification: Events leading up to the Restoration See also: Diaries of characters of the Restoration: Government file 00001: A TG Witch's Tale Government file 00002: Elizabeth's Story - Elizabeth Government file 00003: Elizabeth's Story - Lynn Events leading up to the Restoration: Government file 00004: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 01 Government file 00005: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 02 Government file 00006: I Was A Teenage...
Legends say Evelyn Delarosa is the most powerful witch ever to be born. Even at an early age, she had mastered things those far older than her had yet to learn like transmutation. However, she tended to use her magic to pull pranks. Which eventually got her in very much trouble when she turned 23 and used her magic to turn all of the royal guards to women. Very attractive women which ended with a good four of them getting pregnant, making the spell permanent. The King was quite cross with her,...
Mind ControlAuthor’s Note: I started writing this story right before a rather difficult time in my life which ended in me not writing for several years. However, I always meant to come back and finish out all of the series that I started and never completed. I’m thrilled to be able to do that now for Witch. There will be one more chapter after this one to conclude this novella… I hope you enjoy! ******* There are certain rules that even a demon must follow, whether he wills it or not. Lyana had called...
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: First, let me thank everyone who read the first chapter and offered their insights and views. The food-for-thought I’ve received from you has helped me to think about what to include (and not include) in the newest revision. Thank you! Normally after I’ve finished a story I write a little introduction, musing about what inspired me to write it, or perhaps trying to explain certain words or phrases that were used. In any event, with this particular story my introduction...
Witches Moira and Guinevere fuck their way across the world for centuries./Moira and Guinevere Carling were sisters, though not in the biological sense. Each found a similar in the other -- sisters in dark temperament and unnatural desires, sisters with great powers in the black craft --and the two cleaved to each other for mutual benefit. What benefit, you might ask, would compel two of a species with a well known preference for solitude to spend eternity together? Quite simply stated: beauty....
I hung around the cottage, watching the players materialize from out of thin air. It was kind of cool and something I hadn't done a lot of recently. I made a mental note to do this more often. And then there she was, an invisible presence, sensed rather than seen. A slight shimmer in the air gave her away, she was newly graduated and her inexperience showed. The shimmering grew stronger and she materialised before me, I whistled my appreciation. "Why thank you kind sir." "You're...
Witches Wanted by Brianna 0. Failure for none It has been two generations passed since magic was banned, since our homeland of Oft became occupied by our enemy and neighbour Baselt. We had not stopped fighting, but as their machines advanced, our magic twindled. At first, our witches did not know why but by the time it was too late we had discovered that the Baselt technosci had discovered a way to suppress the magic in our women. We became defenseless and now we fight them...
Sorry everyone, here is the actual second chapter of this story, it contains elements of erotic horror, bdsm, graphic violence, non-consent, and group sex. Enjoy! ************************ It didn’t take long for Lyana to return to the crossroads from the day before. She could tell that the raiders had moved in the night… some more of them had broken off from the main group, but they were still all in the same general direction. Determinedly, she started folding the road again with her dark...
Witch Season By Paul G Jutras It was a cold, stormy night. Sheets of rain came pouring down from the black sky. A pair of headlights beamed out of the darkness while a young couple's car engine started knocking before it broke down at the end of a long dirt road. "Just great." Kim muttered to her husband as she folded her arms above her breasts. "You and your short cuts. Now how to we make the party?" "I guess it's up to me to check the car." Tim said as he stepped out...
Luke and Erwin had never had that much fun. Their props were a part of it, but the best of the evening was Amy. She delighted in all the tricks. By the third try, she got the timing right with the skeleton, and after a while Erwin let her trigger the Jack-in-the-Box. She laughed so much that she got hick-ups at least twice. Seeing people jump when the Jack-in-the-Box was triggered was just too much for her, and she took minutes to get over the giggling attacks. By nine o'clock Luke saw that...
Witches Brew The Five She awoke on her sixteenth birthday with a strange feeling deep down in the pit of her stomach. Something had happened. Something had changed. She got up and went into the bathroom where she stood in front of the mirror in shock. Her poker straight blonde hair had turned auburn, curly and she now had piercing green eyes from the baby blue she went to sleep with last night. As she stared at herself in disbelief her aunt came into her room to wish her a happy birthday. She...
On a Tuesday in late October, Luke's easy living took the first hit. The day had gone really well so far and promised to get better. He and his father had finally convinced a major Japanese producer of optical instruments to bundle their microscope camera systems with the ImaXX M software package. The deal was worth only seven million dollars on paper, but it was a breakthrough for they had never got a foot into the Japanese market before. Luke was elated but when Stella called him at five...
Author's Note: I was having a terrible time trying to write installments for another story I am in the middle of writing. So, in the meantime, as sort of a break, I tried my hand at writing another story, a quick one, inspired by a TV show about a trio of witches which I am sure you all know of, as well as by a new friend named Angel, and her little work of fiction, Kim, whom I got to know because of our mutual acquaintance, Dan. Problem was, this new story started to take on a life of...