Witch Chronicles 13: Aftermath free porn video

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WITCH CHRONICLES 13: AFTERMATH By JRD Lois and her two "sisters" walked into the bar. Even though she and one of her siblings were obviously too young to drink, no one in the bar cared enough to run them away. They sat at a table, and a woman who might have been pretty when younger came up and asked, "What'll you have?" Lois said, "Scotch." The woman nodded to Lois's sisters. "And them?" The two had already started fondling each other. "They'll entertain themselves." The woman just shrugged and went off to get Lois's drink. As she waited, Lois remembered her last day in the base. She had just snuck away from Bambi into the weapons area of the base. That's all her sisters were now, weapons to be used by the Dark Alliance. Outside the main door, she saw her mother. Her mother saw her and said, "Lois, what are you doing here?" "I came here for my sisters." "So did I. I can't go in because..." "Because of my curse that you not be able to get close to any shemales." Her mother nodded. "I may not be able to get close to them, but I will defend them." Lois took her mother's hand. "Let's defend them together, as mother and daughter." With a hopeful look, Lois's mother asked, "You mean it? You forgive me?" "I do." The two hugged. Lois's mother then turned and said, "If we work together-" Lois smashed her on the back of the head, knocking her out. She leaned over and said, "Sorry, mom. I do forgive you, but with you bound by your Dark Alliance oaths, I can't trust you." Lois then went into the areas with the living weapons and snuck her sisters out of the base. Now she was here in a bar where no one cared about anyone else. She was snapped out of her reverie by a hand slapping the table. She looked up into the face of an ugly bruiser. He asked, "How much for a four way?" "Not interested." The man balled his hand into a fist and shook it in her face. "Don't make me force you, whore." Lois was tempted to just disintegrate the man, but a worse thought came to mind. She said, "Not interested for me. The girls will cost twenty bucks." "What are you, some kind of junior pimp?" "Something like that." "Fine. There's a motel next door. Let's go." Lois tossed a few bucks on the table before they left. Next door they rented a single room for an hour. Upstairs, Lois said, "We'll start with a blowjob." The man dropped his pants and said, "Fine with me." Lois signaled for her eldest sister to start sucking. Thanks to the magic items stuck to her, she gladly and avidly did so. After the man orgasmed, his sister's magic tongue stud went to work, forcing him to his knees. He was clearly shocked as Lois said, "I want you to remember this the next time you decide to try to rape anyone." Then to her sisters, "You have fifteen minutes to do him. Take turns." For fifteen minutes, the two shemales raped the man's ass causing him to grow boobs, getting bigger with every load of cum. After fifteen minutes, the two had cum three times apiece giving the man a total of eight inches of breast cup. Lois called a stop and said, "You'll be able to move in five minutes. These," she slapped his breast, "will be a permanent reminder of your actions," and she left with her sisters. Outside, her eldest sister asked, "Can we do more of that?" "We'll see." Until Lois could remove the items turning her siblings into sex slut shemales, she'd have to do something to assuage their lusts or they would suffer. Maybe it'd help to make up for the evil she'd done if she punished those that would and had hurt others. *** Louise stood in front of the jail. She couldn't really go inside since the building wasn't designed to accommodate centaurs. She paced restlessly until the warden came out with a prisoner and two guards. The prisoner seemed mostly male, although there were the definite effects of the forced feminization that he had undergone. He had breasts, earrings, and a feminine haircut, none of which seemed suited to him. The prisoner also had a beaten, skittish attitude, as though he expected to be struck down at any minute. The warden said, "We found him. The other prisoners were hiding him in the laundry room." Louise asked, "What do I need to do to take him with me?" "Nothing really. He should have been released years ago. He was reported killed years ago in a riot, then kept as a slave. I can handle all the paperwork." "Thank you." "Will you need any help dealing with him?" "No, I can handle him." After the warden and the guards left, Louise stretched out her hand and said, "It's time to go home, Ivan." Ivan cringed and quickly blurted out, "My name is Ivanna. I know my name. My name is Ivanna." Louise felt sad for her brother. Clearly he had been beaten and abused a lot more than even she had been. At one time, she might have felt some satisfaction over his fate, but now she felt only compassion. "Okay, Ivanna, we're going to go now." He looked into her eyes. "A... A... Alice? Are you here to punish me now?" "It's Louise now, and no. I'm here to protect you." Ivan looked at her for a while, and then took her hand. She pulled him up on her back and trotted off. He asked, "Where are we going?" "To someplace where there's someone who can help you be who you want to be. We're going home." *** The two women sat in the small room. One paced nervously, glancing at the door that led into the cells within the base. The other woman looked up from her desk. "Would you sit down and relax?" "Are you kidding? Right behind that door in one of those cells, is Dorina Tempus, the most powerful, most evil sorceress the world has ever known!" "Yeah, but she's in an anti-magic cell where she'll remain until her trial in front of an international court for crimes against humanity. Relax. She's going nowhere." Suddenly every alarm in the place went off. Knowing that Dorina was the only prisoner they had, the woman at the desk slapped the button for back-up, and both women grabbed guns amplified with damage enhancing spells. Each was a powerful sorceress in her own right, but neither was taking a chance. If Dorina Tempus had found a way to work magic within her cell, then there was bound to be big problems ahead. Like two police officers, they went through the door and cautiously approached the cell where Dorina was being held. They moved in front of the cell and pointed their guns inside. Nothing moved and all they saw was a lump of charred flesh in a vaguely human shape. A group of people rushed into the cell area, and their leader asked, "What happened?" Looking into the cell, the woman who had been so calm said, "I'm not sure. Best guess, Dorina tried to escape and wound up flash frying herself." *** Las Vegas, Nevada *** The mood was somber in the Dark Alliance base. They had lost the war, most of their resources were gone, and Dorina Tempus, the strongest leader in the history of the Dark Alliance, was in a White Sisterhood cell. Already the stronger members of the order were jockeying for position in an attempt to claim the leadership of the Dark Alliance. At the current rate, it might be another 1,500 years before the Dark Alliance was ready for another bid for world control. A lot of people nearly snapped when alarms blared. In the main command room, there was the magical twisting of a teleport spell. An assault team formed, weapons ready to destroy whatever was coming through. When the body formed, everyone was shocked. She was badly burned, but it was still obviously Dorina Tempus. A healer was called for. When she arrived, she knelt by Dorina's side. Before she could start healing, Dorina grabbed her hands and gasped out, "Save... the baby... in... my womb." The healer said, "I can't save both, the shock to you would be too much. If I save you-" Dorina, badly damaged from her trip through the anti-magic shell, somehow managed to collect the strength to grasp the healer by the throat. "Save! The! Child!" The healer, given no option, cast her spell and plunged her hands through Dorina's flesh and into her womb. Dorina screamed in pain. The cost of all dark healing spells was pain and/or blood, and it was pain that Dorina's damaged body couldn't take. When the healer removed a glowing orb containing the still too small to be seen embryo, Dorina Tempus was dead. The healer rushed off to get the organism someplace where it could live and grow. One of the men in the room asked, "What's so important about a single, unborn kid?" Another said, "You can't guess? Dorina Tempus's hatred of pregnancy was legendary. She wasn't pregnant when she went into the Temple of Dalinor. Reports say that Daphne Newell and her spouses were down with the half-breed we trapped 1,500 years ago. Which means the child's 'father' is either the Witch Sarah, or one of the sorceress, Jenny Welker or Wanda Adams. That child may be the most important child in the history of the world." *** Elizabeth Welker unlocked the door to her house. It had been over a year since she had been here, and she figured there was an inch of dust on everything. That could wait, though. She, along with Bambi, Jenny, Sarah, Elizabeth (the Witch), Daphne, Travis and Lynnette, were here to pack up Bambi's stuff to move it into Bambi's new home. They went inside, finding the massively endowed Candy on her hands and knees getting fucked by the Great Dane who had come to the house with her. Bambi exclaimed, "Oh my god! We forgot Candy!" A deep voice said, "Very slipshod. You're lucky that when the mind spells wore off, Candy found that she actually liked her new life." Everyone looked over and saw the hooded figure known only as the Master. Jenny asked, "How'd you get through mom's shields?" She turned to her mother, intending to ask if she had sensed anything, only to see her mother staring at the Master like a deer caught in a set of headlights. The Master waved his hand at Candy, and the girl and dog disappeared. "That'll give us much needed privacy." The Master reached up and removed his hood, exposing the face of a man Jenny barely remembered. Jenny whispered, "Daddy," as her mother ran to him and threw her arms around him. Elizabeth Welker said, "Oh, Darren, I thought you were dead. I thought I had lost you." Darren Welker, a.k.a. The Master, and his wife held each other for a time before she looked up at him and asked, "How? I felt your life force torn apart. I know I did." "You did. As I told Daphne, when I tried awakening the Sphinx, my life was intricately tied into the machinery keeping him alive in stasis. As long as he remained frozen, I couldn't die, not permanently anyway." "Why didn't you come back to me? Let me know you were alive?" "I couldn't. It takes time after dying for my body to reform. By the time I was capable of coming back to you, you had moved into a position of prominence as head of the state's White Sisterhood. Between that and the prophecy of Dorina's, she was keeping regular tabs on you and the family. If I had made myself known to you, they'd have spared no expense to get to me to find out how I survived. It could have meant anything from them finding the Sphinx to the whole war starting early. I had to be content with watching you from a distance." He stepped away from his wife and up to Jenny. "I've done my best to watch all of you. I'm glad to see that my boy has grown up to be such a good sorceress. You've often let your anger run away from you, but it's always been in the name of protecting those smaller and weaker than you. I couldn't be prouder of you." Jenny replied, "Thank you, dad." He stepped up to Bambi. "I always knew my littlest was going to be a girl, and you've become quite a young woman." He crinkled up his face. "I don't think I would have named you Bambi, but it does seem to fit you." "Thank you, daddy." Darren turned to Travis. "Take good care of her." "I will, sir." Darren then stepped up to Sarah. "No words from you?" Everyone, particularly those who had grown up with her, was surprised when Sarah hauled off and smacked him. He rubbed his jaw and said, "You always did have a strong right." Tears in her eyes, Sarah said, "You ran away from us! Left us alone! Mom died when we thought you died!" Darren pulled her to him. She started to sob, as he soothingly said, "No, child, no your mother and I were bonded. She knew I was alive, so we had to fake her death." He let her loose so he could look her in the eye. "You see, the Dark Alliance watched Witches. They never interfered with their lives, but every once in a while; a Witch would meet somebody who would make small talk who was actually a Dark Alliance agent. They'd take the information and catalog it, and your mother, well, she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag." Sarah gave a half sob, half laugh. "She knew that if she stayed in public, she'd let something slip, so we faked her death and watched over you from a distance." "Why didn't you take us with you?" "We couldn't. One Witch dying after her life mate died wouldn't have drawn a lot of attention, but if we had all died, or worse, just disappeared; the other Witches would've turned the world upside down to find out what happened. Even together, your mother and I couldn't shield against that kind of scrutiny. We're sorry for the pain you suffered, but we knew your aunts would protect and care for you." "What about Denise?" Darren looked down sadly. "No sorcerer nor any Witch can predict everything. Your sister's death struck both of us hard. I think it's what finally killed your mother. Your mother saved me, you know. After a couple hundred years, I gave up on family. It was too hard watching those I loved die while I lived on. But your mother rekindled my ability to love. When your sister then she died, I almost crawled back into my shell," he stretched a hand back to his wife, "but then I met Elizabeth." Elizabeth Welker took his hand in hers and put her other hand on Sarah's arm. She said, "I know I can't replace your mom, but if you ever need a mom to talk to, I'd be willing." Sarah replied, "Thank you." Darren said, "Thinking of family... Kari." The she-demon, Kari, stepped out of the kitchen. "I can provide love and support for her, but your sister needs instruction. Could you teach her?" "Of course. I'd be glad to." Kari hugged Sarah, saying, "Thank you." After the hug, she said, "Before, the only real family I had was mom. Now, I've got a big family." Everyone had a big group hug. After they finished, Darren said, "I'm glad that my family, all my family, is together, but there is something more." He raised his hands and a massive book appeared. Bambi said, "Wow, that's bigger than the unabridged dictionary at the college library." Darren smiled. "This is my work ledger. It contains all my research, all 1,500 years of it. It has much of what was lost, as well as a lot more." Jenny asked, "Like what?" "Like all three sorcerous awakening spells." "Three?" "One for men, one for women, and a two part spell designed primarily for the upper power levels, although it will work for anyone. The Sisterhood lost their half of that last spell, and the Brotherhood lost the men's only spell. The Brotherhood's half spell worked for the lower level, but when you hit a certain power you need the female half of the spell, or the male half collapses." "Did you get the male only version?" "Not exactly. I've discovered that the longer it's been since your awakening, the longer your transformed time limit becomes. For every decade one is a sorcerer, one gets an extra hour on their time limit. I got the two part spell, but long ago passed the point where I could transform myself permanently with impunity." Elizabeth Welker said, "Let's go in the kitchen." She took Sarah's hand. "I think we've got a lot of talking to do." *** Years later *** Wanda and Jenny waited by the catering table, watching as the crew shut everything down. Richard Cronos stepped up to them and said, "I want to thank you ladies. Preliminary reports are in. Biggest ratings ever." Jenny said, "Thanks. You said you had a question?" "Yes, I've interviewed most of the major players in the Restoration War, Daphne, Sam Kravitz, your sister and her rather large family, but I haven't even met Sarah or your mother, and I was wondering if you could ask one or both if they'd be willing to take the time for an interview." "I can pass the message along, but neither my mom or Sarah were really public people before the war, so I wouldn't expect them to come forward now." "All I can do is ask. Thanks." The shemale couple left, and Richard stayed and watched as the crews finished their work. He was always the first to arrive and the last to leave and was well thought of by everyone. The last worker came to him and handed him a large computer disk. "Here's the copy of the interview for you." "Thanks, Fred. One more for my collection." After Fred left, Richard returned to his dressing room. He looked around as if checking for something, then went to his closet and stepped in. In a shimmer, he was teleported to the Dark Alliance base in Vegas. Once there, he immediately canceled the spells covering his awakening transformation. Breasts filled his shirt and his pants filled with a massive male member. He dropped the disk into a computer slot. As the computer whirred, copying the data, Richard's assistant, a young man about twenty years of age, stepped in. "Welcome back, sir. Was there any risk?" "Of course there was a risk. This was my most dangerous interview yet. If Welker or Adams had detected the spells covering my body, I'd've been in serious trouble." "Why do it?" "Knowledge is power. These people undid us. No sense giving them another chance. I'm not planning on waiting a millennium or more to make another attempt at world control, even if I could live that long. Before I die, the world will be ours, and my brother will be avenged." "Your brother?" Richard smiled. "You knew him as Dorina. Surely you knew that Dorina Tempus used to be a man?" "Yes, but thanks to her dark wish, no one imbued with the dark power could refer to her as anything other than a woman, not even after her death. The only way you could use male referents to refer to her would be..." "Would be if I never took a dark wish, never swore allegiance to the dark ones beyond. You've discovered my secret. I'm just a regular sorcerer and have never sworn allegiance to anyone." "You must swear allegiance to the dark ones. You can't be trusted without those oaths." "Actually, I'm more trustworthy than those with the oaths. Sit down." "No, you must-" "Sit down!" The man sat almost instantly, unaware of why. He knew no spell had been used, yet was unable to disobey Richard's command. "Now sit there and don't move. I feel an urge to talk, but you will say nothing of what I say to anyone else." Richard walked around the man as he talked. "Tell me, did you wonder how, in an organization filled with treachery, Dorian, a.k.a. Dorina, could force everyone to work together? Or how I could accomplish the same thing? Most think it is because of the raw power we wield, but that's not it. "After world war two, thanks to the war's atrocities, a single demon managed to escape his prison. For decades after, the demon committed hundreds of crimes against humanity until his death at the hands of the White Sisterhood. Was it any surprise that the rape of a prostitute was overlooked? If the prostitute had any friends or family to turn to, she might have survived the birth of the half-demon spawn. Instead she bled to death in an alley. "You'd think that an untended child would die without parents, but it was half-demon. That child grew to take a bride of his own, a selfish status climber who knew her mate only as a strong willed orphan who rose to a position of power over a major corporation. The woman died giving birth to Dorina's and my mother. That's right. Dorina and I are both one eighth demon, and because of that demon blood, no Dark Alliance sorcerer can deny my orders. I am more dependable than you because the demons we seek to free are my relatives. "And now that you know, get out, and remember who you're fucking with when you challenge me." After the man ran from the room, Richard went to one side of the room and pressed a button on the wall. A panel slid aside showing a nursery. Most of the babes within would become slaves, and a few were sorcerers' children, but they didn't matter to him. He was concerned with a single toddler with shocking blonde hair. Raised in a magic crucible until birth, Mortis, the boy child of Dorina Tempus, was already showing signs of magic power, unprecedented in one so young. Richard watched as the boy crawled over and took a doll from a little girl. When the girl objected, Mortis zapped her. She ran off, but no one responded to her pleas. In a Dark Alliance nursery, you were predator or prey. Only the most basic of needs were furnished. After that, you took what you wanted or you went without. Richard smiled as the boy tossed the doll aside, his interest gone now that he had proven his superiority in claiming it. Already the boy was learning that his power set him apart and above normal people. The Restoration War might be over, but the world was far from lost. *** Okay, there you have it. The war has passed and the face of the world has been changed in its wake. The stories I plan to write are by no means finished, but there's no way I could possibly write every story that could possibly be written within the world of the Witch Chronicles. Towards the idea of showing the new world, I am opening the world to other writers. There are only a few rules for writing a story in the world of the Witch Chronicles. First, I ask that you leave the characters I have presented within these stories out of any story you might write. I know I included more than a few people, but the world still has a population of billions. I have very specific ideas about the characters, their motives, and future within the world. If there's some minor character who you've got an idea about, contact me and we might be able to work something out, but I would prefer you write about new characters. Second, don't write about Sorcerer-Witches. They will show up more in future stories and will be a specific part of the new world. Third, the Temple of Dalinor should be used sparingly if at all. If you must use the temple, I won't say no, but as soon as anyone finishes using the temple it should disappear. Further, finding the Temple of Dalinor should always be based on luck, and it should only be found in the most out of the way places. Now some statements about the world in general that didn't make it into the stories. I'll start with the Whit-chara. Any descendant of a Witch/Witch, Witch/Warlock or Witch/Sorcerer will, at some point in their life, Transform into a full Witch. Of human/Witch matings, approximately one in ten will Transform into a magically empowered Witch. The rest become Whit-chara. A Whit-chara always transforms on their seventh birthday and always in a full body transformation. What the Whit-chara becomes is not set in stone, but tends to follow psychological lines. A belligerent, "bullish" type would probably become a Minotaur, and a kind, loving person would become an angel. Although any person born within seven generations of a Witch became Whit-chara, most were unaware of their heritage. The first generation born to Witches knew of their parents, but they rarely told their mates, not knowing how they'd react, so second and further generations only knew, if they knew anything at all, that one of their ancestors was a strange recluse. In the wake of the Restoration, most understood the reasons why they were kept in the dark, but a sizable number felt resentful, particularly if their Transformation resulted in problems at home (how would you feel if your significant other and all children seven or older suddenly became mythological beasts). In the new world, everyone has some magical talent. Whit-chara's power comes through as abilities that would be natural to their new form. Wings, no matter the shape, grant flight power, a werewolf (who looks like the "Wolfen" type and does not change under the full moon) has animal strength and a wolf's sense of smell, a centaur has equine speed, etc. A Whit-chara also has human understanding of their new forms and abilities, allowing them to perform feats their animal counterparts aren't capable of; a werewolf could use his nose as a form of chemical detector; a centaur could actually climb steps. As a final note on Whit-chara, I'll explain how they handle transformations. Like a Witch, their Transformed parts, which amounts to a Whit-chara's entire body, cannot be permanently transformed (a permanent spell becomes a sealed spell), but unlike Witches, a Whit-chara has no time limit on the transformation spells cast on him. For regular humans, their magic power manifests as sorcerous ability. Sponts are now the rule rather than the exception, although few have any significant power. Because of this, basics in controlling power are taught in high school and cautions are given against trying over reaching magics. However, people are people. Whether it's kids who are sure they can handle it or greedy exploiters who don't care, there's always someone, or more often a group of someones, willing to push themselves and their friends in order to cast a ritual or create a magic item for their personal use. The problem with this is controlled visualization. Sorceresses are trained in keeping extraneous images out of spell work. When an untrained sorcerer works magic, things he thinks about may actually get woven into the spell, and the problem is amplified when working in a group. For example, a group of high school nerds get together to create a ring that changes the wearer into a buff bodybuilder. A couple of the guys can't help but think about the girls they'll be having sex with, one of the guys is gay and thinks about the guys he'll get, and about three hours in, one gets hungry. The result is a ring that changes the wearer into a bisexual, female bodybuilder who can't stop eating. Considering the problems, why would anyone work in a group? Simple, power. Although everyone has power, only a few have the power to effect even a minor transformation, even with ritual or magic enchantment. The new White Collegium serves a variety of purposes in the new world. First is the training of new sorcerers/sorceresses. Anybody with the money can take classes, but anybody with a power of 100 or more gets free admission. Advanced spell work and visualization is taught only to those who undergo a full power awakening and swear an oath to uphold the ethics of the order. The second purpose of the new order is to act as a kind of Better Business Bureau for spell users. They keep an up to date list of unaffiliated spell users who use their magics for commercial gain and any ethical or technical problems they have shown in the use of their magic. However, like the BBB, people rarely check with the Collegium before exploiting that "great deal" they've been offered. The third main purpose of the order is the elimination of magic items deemed harmful to the users. When some idiot or idiots create an item like the one described above, the Collegium gets the job of rendering it harmless. If the item can be easily destroyed, then that's what happens. Toss the item in a furnace or some such and the problem item is no more. If the item can't be easily destroyed, either because the enchanter has included magic to make it harder or because the item is some cherished heirloom that the owner wants to keep, then the Collegium will undo the magic first, then either sell it or return it. The last main purpose of the Collegium is the restoration of those who have suffered from bad magic. When a person suffers from magic spells cast upon them, whether intentionally cast on them or not, then the Collegium's job is to help restore the person to their original state. Like a medical service, this service does cost a fee, but will be done for anyone who needs it, even if it means the Collegium has to soak the cost. I'm not going to make any hard and fast rules for what spells cost, such a system would be far too restrictive. Instead, I will only include the following list of spells of comparative costs. The further down the list you go, the more energy a spell takes. Predicting the future Probability manipulation Temporarily influencing untrained minds Temporarily transforming inorganic matter Temporarily transforming organic, nonliving matter Temporarily influencing trained minds Temporarily transforming organic, living matter Permanently changing untrained minds Permanently changing trained minds A few notes on spells: Predicting the future Although this spell starts in the lowest slot, it has the greatest possible range of costs. The more people you attempt to predict and the more time you attempt to predict causes an increase in costs of the spell. Predicting tomorrow's weather is a parlor trick (something even an untrained sorcerer could do). Predicting the weather a month from now takes a sorcerer of some talent. Predicting what a small group will do takes some talent. Predicting the fate of humanity tomorrow would be impossible even for Dorina Tempus. Note: Witches' natural ability to predict the future costs no power and seems to bypass accuracy results. With sorcery, the more people you involve, the less accurate the resulting prediction (that pesky free will thing). Witches' predictions always seem to be accurate, except when magic is employed. In the post-Restoration world, this makes even Witch predictions far less reliable. Whit-chara do have an ability to predict like Witches, although at a far lower capacity. It manifests either as a strong hunch playing ability, or the ability to predict a specific thing. Examples: Storms, earthquakes, the next time a person will be sick. Probability manipulation This is the art of influencing events so that an unlikely event will happen. It cannot be used to make something impossible happen, and its cost is based on the likelihood of the event occurring without help, the more unlikely the event, the greater the cost. Ex: Making a coin come up heads is pretty easy. Making it come up heads fifty times in a row with a single spell is far harder. Note: Both probability manipulation and future predicting can only be resisted by active spells. That is to say that the only way to stop the spells from having some effect is with another spell. All other categories of magic can be resisted by anyone simply by not wanting the spell to affect them. The base cost for a spell is for a willing, knowing target. The base cost is multiplied by five for a willing, unknowing target, and by ten for an unwilling, unknowing target. The description for this is done in more detail in Witch Chronicles 9. The last categories are pretty self explanatory with only a note on trained versus untrained minds. A trained mind is simply one that has been disciplined to overcome the body's natural inclinations towards ease and the amount and severity of training causes a proportional increase in the cost of the spell. The lowest level of training would be someone who trained them self to exercise at the same time every day. Further levels would go through boy/girl scout training, high school competitive sports, college sports, and R.O.T.C. The highest levels available are in sorcerous training with military training and the discipline of orders of cloistered monks. This is only a rough scale and by no means comprehensive. If there are any further questions, contact me at [email protected] and I'll be more than willing to answer them. I've included here a list of the math formulae that were explained in the stories for one easy reference spot. Post awakening tissue growth: Female only spell: Total power = (Inches of cup size X 2) | 3 Male only spell: Total power = Inches of penis | 2 The combined spell: ((cupsize * 2) | 2) * (Penis length |2) Spend this cast a ritual Enchant item with much time up to spells up to 1 hour Base power * 1.5 Base power 2 hours Base power * 2 Base power * 1.5 4 hours Base power * 3 Base power * 2 8 hours Base power * 4 Base power * 3 If more lines are needed, every further line doubles the time of the line above it, and adds 1 to the multipliers.

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Witch Chronicles 006 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3

WITCH CHRONICLES 006 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the sixth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Witch Chronicles 004 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1

WITCH CHRONICLES 004 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the fourth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Witch Chronicles 005 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2

WITCH CHRONICLES 005 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the fifth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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Witch Chronicles Christmas Intermission

Here's that Christmas Story I mentioned. Actually I had two other ideas for Christmas stories, but thinking about it, I determined that the story ideas would work better as more fully fleshed out stories, non-seasonally oriented. I was almost going to skip it and move right into Witch Chronicles 12, but this idea popped into my head. There's a lot going on in the Witch Chronicles world not directly revealed in those stories. So I took an idea from the first story and wrote this,...

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Witch Chronicles 007 Dark Beginnings

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

4 years ago
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Witch Chronicles 010 The WarOpening Gambit

Government file 00010: Document classification: Events leading up to the Restoration See also: Diaries of characters of the Restoration: Government file 00001: A TG Witch's Tale Government file 00002: Elizabeth's Story - Elizabeth Government file 00003: Elizabeth's Story - Lynn Events leading up to the Restoration: Government file 00004: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 01 Government file 00005: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 02 Government file 00006: I Was A Teenage...

2 years ago
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Witch Chronicles Marys Story

Witch Chronicles: Mary's Story By JRD [The following relates the story of Mary Pritchard, detailing her seduction by and entry into the Dark Alliance. The entries are excerpts from her personal diaries. The first diary was from the year of her sixteenth birthday, the second semester of her sophomore year of high school. Mary is an attractive woman, rather well developed for her age. Only the most pertinent diary excerpts have been included here.] *** Diary entry, Feb....

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Witch Chronicles 12 The WarEndgame

Government file 00007: Document classification: Events leading up to the Restoration See also: Diaries of characters of the Restoration: Government file 00001: A TG Witch's Tale Government file 00002: Elizabeth's Story - Elizabeth Government file 00003: Elizabeth's Story - Lynn Events leading up to the Restoration: Government file 00004: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 01 Government file 00005: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 02 Government file 00006: I Was A Teenage...

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The OConnell Chronicles One Mans Art

Untitled Document The Chronicles of Jerry O?ConnellThis is the second part of an intended chronicle detailing the works of a ratherunpleasant man by the name of Jerry O?Connell. ( the first part being ?The Objectof His Affection?) Jerry is a physician, of sorts, who deals in the art of women,modifying them to suit the needs of his clients. He has a long and sordid history,which should be detailed in future installments. Some installments of this chronicle,such as this, will feature Jerry as a...

1 year ago
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Chronicles of Kresh 2 The Culling

Disclaimer: all characters in the story are 18 or older, and all events are entirely fictitious. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better! ******** The smoldering ruins of the Choi village were like a fine wine tasted with relish to Warlord Kresh as he strode down the main thoroughfare. Two naked young women, their wrists bound with rope in front of them, were yanked along by leashes attached to makeshift rope collars, the end of each leash...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 5 Quiver Full of Toys

This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...

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The Family Pet The OConnell Chronicles

Author’s Note:  While this is another chapter in the O’Connell Chronicles it is intended to stand alone. For those unfamiliar with the O’Connell Chronicles I would direct you to the first story in the series ?The Object of His Affection?. For those hoping for another tale in extreme body modification – well, this is probably not the story you are looking for. Just the same, it will likely hint at future tales (providing I can manage sustained inspiration and figure out how to bring my ideas to...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 4 Young Justice

Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...

1 year ago
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Making Her Cum at the Cinema The Isabelle Chronicles Part 1

Introduction: This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles ************************************************************** This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles. Some of these stories are real, some are semi-real and some are just fantasy. Can you guess which is which? *************************************************************** It was a Monday night in the middle of a sizzling summer and I had only one thing on my mind: you. The...

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Sissy A Flame From the Bitchmaker Chronicles BY

Sissy A Flame -From the Bitchmaker Chronicles SM-BLACK1st off, this is a story for sissies everywhere who adore and worship big black cock. If you can’t hang with that shit, move the fuck on. 2nd. I’ve tinkered with these events to protect the innocent, the not so innocent, and definitely the guilty. These stories are a blend of fiction, intermingled with actual experiences to present the powerful energies that connect dominant Nubian / Black alpha males with totally sissy, beta, omega, fem,...

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The Kristal Chronicles Story I Chapter 4

The Kristal Chronicles - Story I: The Birth of a Hot WifeChapter 4 - The Shared WifeWith Krystal clearly ready for another round of fun, I nodded to Roger, and said, “you’re up again, she drained me and I need to recharge.” He looked thoughtful for a moment, pondering the next activity...and then the light turned on, and he broke out in a big smile. He took Kristal by the hand and led her to the sofa. He sat her down, spread her legs apart, and then knelt down in front of her. I knew where this...

3 years ago
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Hungry Housewives 8211 Milf Chronicles 8211 Part 2

Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai, continuing my story of the Hungry Housewives – Milf Chronicles. About me : people describe me as a jolly, fun-loving and eccentric guy. I’ve been called a ‘Gentleman on the streets, Tiger under the sheets’. You can contact me at : Also, quick thanks to ISS for providing a great platform to express ourselves here, and get mingling with great like-minded people. Now we quickly get to the story. Please read the first part (if you haven’t) before...

4 years ago
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The Mangini Chronicles Vol I

The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) Description:This is the first volume of what I hope to be many about High School Head Master, Eric Mangini.? In this volume Eric begins the manifestation of his dark desires by entrapping and blackmailing a student into sexual...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 25

Welcome back everyone to the last chapter of The Runesmith Chronicles: Oni and the Farmer! I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I have written a book ... gotta say, it feels pretty damn good. I should start posting chapters for book two in a few weeks as I’m still working on outlining and planning right now. Just want to say thank you all for coming along on this wild ride with me! Keep an eye out for updates on my blog over the next couple of weeks, I am...

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Witch Hazel And The CIA

Witch Hazel And The CIA Josh was the second boy Hazel pushed back on. Hazel was six that first time, so was the boy. This time Hazel was thirty eight the boy eighteen. Both boys ended up diapers wondering what the hell happened. You really don't want to push on a witch - Ever! This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to locations, persons living or dead is purely coincidental. There is also sex between consenting partners over the age of 18 which may include sexual...

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Witch SwitchChapter 21

Six yeti are lounging around then the two human women appear. They glance up with wide smiles appearing on their faces. They all know Gudnwet and have heard of Penelope. “Did Phurre inform you that we were coming?” Gudnwet asks them. “Yes,” one of the yeti answers quickly. “We have been expecting you for some time now.” “Well, we shall be in that room over there,” the witch says, pointing across the way. “Somebody should spread the word.” As the yeti discuss this amongst themselves,...

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Witch SwitchChapter 16

“Do you think we’ve gotten far enough away?” the witch asks, coming to a stop to bend over with her hands on her knees, huffing and puffing. Hazel is just a few yards ahead of her, breathing just as heavily. “I doubt anyone is still following us.” “I’m more worried about that cyclops.” “And to think he was such a nice guy,” the cat remarks with a shrug. “How exactly did you manage to get us a rom anyway?” “Let’s just say that I used my persuasive charm.” “You don’t have any charm,” the...

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Witch SwitchChapter 27

Penelope stares up at the orc, wide-eyed and a little stunned. She has only ever seen orcs from a distance as they don’t usually visit parts of the world that she is from. Most are sailors and thus only generally seen at the docks of port cities. But to see one up close—a female at that, well... “It appears that my arrival may have been a little too late,” the orc says in a gruff yet feminine voice. The witch quickly shakes her head. “Actually I was enjoying myself.” The orc’s eyes go...

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Witch SwitchChapter 12

Her face feels wet, like something lapping against it. As Penelope begins to come around, she hears the sound of waves hitting the shore. That’s it! She doesn’t know what happened after Vebri and Lysis and the sea god Crocdius, but she knows she must still be in the temple, or where the place is. Slowly, she opens her eyes, squinting when the sunlight hits them. “Hazel?” she mumbles. What in the nine hells happened to us? Relief comes over the witch. At the very least, whatever spell was...

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Witch SwitchChapter 1

Look through there are find a solution. “Do you think my mother had a second book?” Well, considering that I’ve never seen a second and this one isn’t even filled up yet? “Good point.” Yeah, I know. “Sheesh,” the witch says, shaking her head. “I think I liked you better these last few days.” I think I did too since I wasn’t trapped inside you again. “Hey, there’s a bright side...” I’m waiting... “You’re in my body.” Same thing as the last time. “I mean, we don’t look like a...

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Witch SwitchChapter 17

“Hey, wake up!” a voice says in a high whisper. A nudge follows and then, “Are you awake? Come on, wake up.” Yeah, she’s a heavy sleeper. “Hey, you’ve got to get up,” the voice says again, and another nudge follows. This time the witch begins to stir. She grumbles out something unintelligent before finally cracking open her eyes. “Is the party over?” “It’s been over for a little while,” the voice says. Hey, I’m in the same boat as you. Penelope catches a glimpse through blurry eyes at...

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Witch Hex

Please note the following story tags: Beastiality, Consensual Sex, Creampie, Exhibitonism, First Time, Hardcore, Lactation, Pregnant, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity, Young, ***Prologue*** Coughing and eyes stinging the small boy tried to wave the blue smoke away. "Taro? What are you doing?" came the suspicious voice of his master. Kendra walked in and with a click of her fingers her gold bracelets jingled while at the same time cleared the noxious clouds. A quick survey of the scene...

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Witch SwitchChapter 19

“Thank you for trying to save me,” Ned says a little while later after finding his clothes and Penelope has repaired hers. “But I was about ready to make my escape when you showed up.” “I saw that,” the witch murmurs. “Regardless, I am glad you showed up as it aided in my escape in regards that I was able to do it faster,” the vampire hunter continues. “My distraction allowed for their destruction.” “Glad to help, but I need your help.” “My help?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “What help I...

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Witch SwitchChapter 20

Penelope stands and pads over quickly to drop to her knees in front of the yeti queen. She descends on the yeti queen’s slick slit, licking and kissing breathlessly and tasting the juices that stream sluggishly from it. A firm hand twines into her hair, simply holding the blonde tresses and letting the witch set the pace. Her tongue slathers up and down, provoking pleased growls form Phurre. “So you don’t have a particular, do you?” the yeti queen asks vaguely. “I wasn’t sure if it was just...

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Witch SwitchChapter 24

Instead of penetrating the witch, Gudnwet starts to rub her clit. Penelope bucks against the hand as it is coaxed and caresses. The young witch then moans when the other picks up the pace. “I’m sorry that I cannot go with you, but I have to find that dirt bag brother of mine,” the demon hunter purrs into the witch’s ear. “But I thought you hunted demons,” Penelope says, feeling slightly lightheaded as the girl teases her ear and neck while playing with her clit relentlessly. Gudnwet dips...

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Witch SwitchChapter 7

Penelope stretches with a yawn. She slept more comfortably than she imagined she would on rocks. She doesn’t immediately open her eyes as the sleep still lingers, clutching at the far reaches of her mind in an attempt to keep here there in darkness rather than allow her to awaken to light. But something is different. It’s not wrong, yet not exactly right either. Faintly she can hear the waves crashing... Shouldn’t those waves be lapping, not crashing? Finally the witch opens her eyes. She...

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Witch SwitchChapter 4

“He was right,” Penelope says as she steps out of the forest into a clearing. Directly before her is the town they had been looking for, for two days. I still have a bad feeling about the guy. “Well never came back, so that’s a plus for you,” the witch remarks. It’s true he never showed back up later last night and he wasn’t there this morning. Fortunate for me and unfortunate for you... score one for the cat. “I’m not sure I like it when you gloat.” Everything was going good until you...

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Witch SwitchChapter 11

The witch, on unsteady legs, walks into the inner chamber of the temple. Where the floor and walls were stone, the portal gives way to a sandy beach and open air. It is like being on the beach once more, but there is no little shack with a single bed here. In fact, even the doorway she stepped through is gone. On one side is a beach stretching for eternity on the other a wall of tree so dense that the witch doesn’t even think a fly could get through. The only parting in the dense collection...

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Witch Tales

-Clive Barker *** Herb looked at the house and whistled as he got out of the car. “Are you sure this woman’s not a real witch?” he said. “Who else would live here?” Herb’s wife shushed him. The old iron gate around the property’s dying lawn creaked when he pushed on it, and a winding path of broken stones led up to the tall, dark house with Gothic turrets and staring windows. You’d basically have to be a witch to move into a place like this like this, he thought. The realtor was...

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Witch Tales

“Horror stories show that the control we believe we have is merely an illusion.”-Clive Barker*Herb looked at the house and whistled as he got out of the car. “Are you sure this woman’s not a real witch?” he said. “Who else would live here?”Herb’s wife shushed him. The old iron gate around the property’s dying lawn creaked when he pushed on it, and a winding path of broken stones led up to the tall, dark house with Gothic turrets and staring windows. You’d basically have to be a witch to move...

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Witch SwitchChapter 8

Have you noticed something about this place? “Yeah, it’s hot and full of trees,” the witch answers. No, I mean we’ve been walking around forever and the sun hasn’t moved. Penelope looks up, and the cat is right, the sun hasn’t moved. “Maybe it hasn’t been hours and it just feels like that. I was thinking about just how big this island is, because with all the walking we should be on the other side by now.” You know, the Northern Continent hasn’t been fully explored. Maybe this is...

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Witch SwitchChapter 10

“This is where I leave you, miss,” Remfrey says with a bow from the bottom of the large stone steps. “I must give you a warning. The door to inner chamber will only open once the doorman’s name has been called.” “That doesn’t sound like a warning,” the witch says, frowning at the knight. “That sounds like advice.” “The warning is for you to expect the unexpected,” he says, his eyes dropping to the ground. “I cannot say more than that as I am bound by the laws of this island. I can say that...

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The Covet Chronicles With Malvika 8211 Part 1 8211 Prelude

They say life is full of uncertainties. You never know what might happen the very next moment from now and sometimes we get so lost in our past that we just ignore our present and our future. We keep digging into our past more and more, forgetting what a beautiful life we have ahead of us and what amazing opportunities lay in front of us. Well I was in that state of mind too before I started reading Malvika’s stories on ISS. It was like a complete turnaround for me. I never knew that a lady can...

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Witch SwitchChapter 5

Penelope managed to hold down the tavern without, to Hazel’s delight, having any of the patrons’ cocks in her—any hole. When Merily returned, she notified the witch that a ship has been secured and that the terms for travel could be completed upon her arrival. Penelope already knew what it meant, and of course, Hazel had a problem with it. Though she didn’t raise much of a fuss, knowing that without money in their pockets, they didn’t have much in the way of bargaining. At the very least,...

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Witch SwitchChapter 25

Penelope woke up with Gudnwet gone. The demon hunter obviously slipped out sometime in the night to avoid any uncomfortableness with their parting. There is a bit of sadness that she feels, especially that she is alone. She bathed one last time, then dressed and headed out to buy a little bit of food with the little bit on money Gudnwet left her for that purpose. With a few supplies and a direction, the witch left the town and headed for the gate. With the simplicity of the road going...

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Witch SwitchChapter 29

Staring at the floor, Penelope suddenly realizes that she is not on the steps of the tower, but rather on the floor inside it. How she got here, she has no idea, but it saves her the trouble of having to find her find in. She looks up to see the familiar face of Arseus. At his feet sits Hazel and a women that she can only assume is her mother. She doesn’t say a word, inside fixating her eyes on the demon. “I am glad that you have come,” the demon says; his voice gravelly. “And I have seen...

1 year ago
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Witch Way to the Apocalypse

“Hello, Dearie?” Granny shouted from her rocking chair. “Oh there you are. Did you have a good day at College?” “Hi Granny, s’OK, I suppose. You know that guy I was telling you about…”Alice twisted her feet together and wrung her hands behind her back in the way she always did when she was nervous. “Well, I’ve brought him back… since Mum’s not here. You said it’d be OK if…” “For Christ’s sake, Alice Smith, stop being so wet. Bring him in, bring him in. Let me take a look at him.” Alice...

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Witch Mountain A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...

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Witch SwitchChapter 2

What the hell was I thinking, suggesting that? “Clearly you weren’t thinking,” Penelope says. “A good fucking like that will do it.” Yes. I will agree with you on this one. “So you enjoyed it as much as I did?” I hate to admit it, but yes. “If you’re still in need, we can always stop to play,” the witch suggests, pulling out the stone cock from the gargoyle.” I’ll pass. What do you plan to do with that, use it as a dildo? “Maybe or maybe not,” she answers. “I may just put it on a shelf...

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Witch SwitchChapter 3

I can’t believe we spent the entire afternoon lost. “I know,” Penelope agrees. “We could have spent that time doing something else.” There will be plenty of time for that later. Right now we have to focus on finding your mother so she can undo this mess you’ve put us in again. “So I messed up one word, it’s not like it’s the end of the world.” Maybe not the end of the world, but that one word put us on another ridiculous journey that could have been easily avoided. “Do you think he would...

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Witch SwitchChapter 6

What the hell happen? “I think we drowned,” the witch says before coughing up some water. I don’t feel dead. “I do.” I’ve heard people do when they nearly do die. “So we’re not dead?” I don’t think so. Where is the rest of the crew? “Beat me,” she murmurs, looking around toward the sea. There is not a single piece of proof that there ever was a ship out there. On top of that, the storm is gone as if it never existed either. I hope they didn’t forget about us. “I doubt Rowley would...

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Witch SwitchChapter 9

Once again, when Penelope goes to open her eyes, she is wrapped in the comfort of a nice, warm bed. Her first thoughts go to the small shack on the beach, but as she looks around it become apparent that this is far from that place. This island is just full of surprises. The witch sits up and looks around, taking more of the room in than the first time. It is decorated with weapons and shields hanging on the wall. There are sconces lit by fires and a warm, cozy fireplace. Other than that,...

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Witch SwitchChapter 18

Randomir paces a hand behind the witch’s neck and threads his hand in her hair. Penelope is yanked to her feet where her mouth is brought around to match his. The vampire is surprisingly gentle and his lips nibble at hers. The world around her vanishes and all she feels is his lips against hers. She feels like it is a promise of things to come. What the hell is going on? Penelope feels him against her ear, nuzzling her neck, saying, “I know who you are. I expected to have to search for you....

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Witch SwitchChapter 30

“Are you sure that you don’t want to come back with us?” Penelope asks her friend. Hazel smirks at her. “As much as I would enjoy that, there is a barmaid that I would like to see again, what with my new body and all.” “I guess I cannot blame you,” the witch says with a grin. “Promise you’ll visit?” “I think that you’re the one that will have to do the visiting,” Hazel counters. “With all the traveling that you plan to do, I’ll never know where you are.” “So the connection is truly...

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Witch SwitchChapter 13

Orthros tears through the forest without a destination in mind. Trees and vines and plants of all shapes and sizes whip by at a blinding rate. Miraculously none of it touches the witch. Hazel is frightened having only seen power like this once before, and that was by someone with control over it. Penelope has no control. This latent power inside her is burning hot and free and the cat has no explanation why. Then there is this running, this escape, or so it seems. Hazel has no idea where her...

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90210 Chronicles

Fantasy Land – The 90210 Chronicles Part 1 Annalynne rolled furiously on her bed in frustration. Who the hell was making so much noise at this time? She punched the bed repeatedly and rolled onto her side to double check the time, it was 06:05. It was bad enough being woken up at this time any morning but Annalynne had a massive hangover today and she wasn’t happy at all. She tried to drown out the various noises of clattering plates and other sounds she couldn’t recognise by covering her...

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The Awakening Chronicles Chapter 4

Also I thought I would let you know that "The Genie Chronicles" and "The Succubae Seduction" were the two series that really inspired me to start posting some public stories, if you like my story you will love theirs. Both series can be found on XNXX. With that out of the way, here is: Chapter 4 === === Rebecca felt much better after the fresh wave of energy that Nathan dumped deep within her slit. Nathan had dosed off, obviously tired from today's events, but she was awake,...

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The Sexcraft Chronicles Book 1 Carolines Quest Chapter 2 Alpha

It’s not rape like the last chapter but kind of different which may not be to everyone’s liking. Then again, this is in “Dark Fantasy” for a reason and things might very well get progressively darker as the story continues. Do read it though and please review even if you hate the story. I hope it won’t be too bad as I think this chapter is a little better then the last time. Anyhow, enough rambling or I’ll bore you to tears. So without further ado, here’s the next episode! THE SEXCRAFT...

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Sexcraft Chronicles Book 1 Carolines Quest Chapter 1 Rescue

There will be gay sex and lesbian sex eventually, but mostly straight stuff. Also, there will be incest even though the relatives in this story have never met each other. It’s kind of like a love story at the same time but not really. I can’t quite explain it properly, so your best bet at understanding my ramblings is to just read the chapter and review. That way, I’ll know what to edit and change for the next story. Suggestions for sex scenes are accepted, but do send them to me via PM...

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The Chronicles of Erica Bradson Chapter 1

HARD PASSION: The Chronicles of Erica Bradson. Chapter 1 Huge Change! My name is Erica Bradson, I am 48 years of age and I have been happily married to my husband Daniel for 23 years. I have three children, Emma the oldest is 19 years old, my son Brian is 18 and my youngest Peter is 14. We have always been regarded as the perfect family, my husband Daniel worked at a Pharmaceutical company called Binarex Implants & Co, my oldest daughter Emma left for college when she was 18, my son...

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