The Five Witches Brew CAW 8 5
- 5 years ago
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Witches Brew
The Five
She awoke on her sixteenth birthday with a strange feeling deep down in the pit of her stomach. Something had happened. Something had changed. She got up and went into the bathroom where she stood in front of the mirror in shock. Her poker straight blonde hair had turned auburn, curly and she now had piercing green eyes from the baby blue she went to sleep with last night. As she stared at herself in disbelief her aunt came into her room to wish her a happy birthday. She also stood in disbelief at the bathroom door.
Oh my god Nica, I thought it had skipped you, I thought you were safe from it! she mumbled.
What did you say? What do you mean skipped me?! She turned sharply and stared intensely at her aunt Monica.
I thought the gene had skipped you honey. Im so sorry. I should have told you, she stammered.
WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME!!! Nica screamed at the top of her lungs.
Its the family gene/curse, whatever you want to call it. It happened to mostly every female in our family around the age of fourteen, I guessed you had been spared from it but I guess your just a late bloomer, she tried to explain as Nica was pacing back and forth in front of her pulling her hair.
What do you mean curse?? she squinted at her aunt.
Sit down Nica please, I have to tell you something very important and you need to sit down, Monica said grimly.
Nica sat on the edge of the bath with her short night shirt on as Monica put the lid down on the toilet to sit on it, she placed her hands on Nicas knees reassuringly.
Nica sweetie, we are witches, she said with a blank expression on her face, waiting on a reaction from Nica.
WHAT!? she squealed.
We are witches, Monica repeated again.
What do you mean witches? Witches arent real! Its all hocus pocus, make belief and stuff! Isnt it Monica? she said quietly.
We are very real honey, we just keep it a secret because of how people react like you just did and you are one of us. Do you understand why everyone thinks its make believe? she asked quizzically.
Better and easier to think something isnt real than to try and understand it? Nica said sounding a lot older and wiser than she is.
Yeah Kiddo, much easier. But you have much to learn and I can teach you a lot more than you can even begin to imagine. You have two years of catching up to make up for, Monica smirked as she spoke.
Nica raised her arched auburn eyebrows high with anticipation, excitement and a little disbelief. Aunt Monica told her to go in a shower and left her a dress on the bed for when she got out of the shower with a note saying Come to the basement, ASAP M. x
She picked up the little red and black shift dress and shook her head thinking this is definitely not my taste but put it on respectfully and headed down stairs to see what her Aunt Monica was up to. As she approached the basement she could hear a bubbling sound like a pot of water on the stove.
Aunt Monica?………Aunt Monica?……. she called out but nothing, empty silence.
Nica opened the basement door to see Monica and two other women standing dressed in similar dresses, different colours but the same style. She was about to speak when Monica told her to be silent and enter the circle with perfect love and perfect trust. She walked in trusting her Aunt knowing she would never put her in danger, the three women looked at each other and nodded.
Each of the woman were beautiful and special in their own ways, Monica was of Italian/Scottish decent about forty years old with long dark hair and beautiful tanned olive skin and dark brown eyes. The second woman was called Tasha she was of Polish decent with pale skin, ice blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes, she was twenty eight. The third was Nali she was thirty two and of African decent with the most beautiful glowing dark chocolate skin, she looked good enough to eat, with hazel eyes that could hypnotize anyone. Then there was Nica sixteen years old Irish/Scottish decent auburn haired, pale skinned with piercing green eyes.
What do these four have in-common? Why they are all witches here to help initiate the newest of their kind into their world of spells, incantations, potions, lotions, love and lust.
Nica was sat on one of four chairs around a very old round table in the center of the room, the other women proceeded to sit as well after lighting candles, spreading salt around the circle and placing a knife and a chalice full of wine onto the table. Each of the woman took the knife in turn to cut their hand letting the blood drip into the chalice of wine, once all had placed their blood in the chalice they each took a drink asking for a certain power or wish.
Monica asked for power, to be the most powerful witch in the coven, Tasha asked for someone to love her more than anything in the world, Nali asked for the power to change, to shift and Nica well she may have been the youngest but she was the smartest, she asked to have the power over men. They all expected something to happen immediately, nothing, nothing but sheer disappointment.
They sat for an hour to see if anything would happen but sadly no it wasnt to be, they thought Nica would complete the circle but they were wrong. Nica didnt complete the circle she empowered it, she was the circle, she had the power and had not even realised until they decided to part ways until the next meeting.
Monica and Nica cleaned up after Tasha and Nali left disappointed they had been waiting for the day that the change happened to Nica but it hadnt happened when it was expected. When it had happened today their spirits were high with hope but again their hopes were dashed when the circle of power didnt work.
Nica went to bed early that night without dinner because she felt so exhausted and her aunt had told her it was to do with the change so never put anymore thought into it. The next morning she woke up and got ready to go back to school, she put on her usual clothes but realised her body had changed. Her little girl frame had disappeared, she now sported feminine curves with 36C breasts that appeared overnight and a tight little bubble butt and a small waist.
She tried to hide it under a jumper but there was no hiding those breasts so she decided to use her new body to her advantage, she went into Aunt Monica and asked to borrow clothes as she was still asleep she just waved her hand and mumbled yes. This gave Nica free reign of what to choose, she looked through Monicas closet and decided on a black pleated mini skirt, white fitted shirt with her school tie and black over the knee socks with pink lace panties.
She put the clothes on and stood in front of the mirror and thought to herself this will make the boys drool, maybe even a teacher or two. She giggled to herself making sure not to wake Monica up, she fixed her hair making sure all the curls were perfect and put the finishing touches to her make up with some black eyeliner to make her eyes stand out more.
Nica went into the kitchen and made some breakfast before leaving for school. She took a photo of herself on Monicas cellphone and left a note saying Check out the photo on your phone, woke up like that, decided to use it to my advantage. Borrowed some clothes hope you dont mind. See you after school, Nica x
Nicas best friend Sara picked her up in her car, Saras seventeen and just passed her driving test, lucky for her shes daddys little princess. He bought her a brand new car which means Nica gets chauffeur driven to school, saves her walking or getting the school bus.
What the fuck happened to you Nica??!! Sara screamed with excitement.
Dont ask, its been a long weekend Sara, Nica sighed.
How are you gonna explain this at school? she gazed at Nicas new body.
Whats to explain? I was overdue a growth spurt! Nica got defensive.
Dont shout at me, Im on your side. Your gonna get a lot more of this from a lot worse people then me honey. she hugged Nica as she looked at her not realising she was right.
I hadnt thought about that, I guess I cant hide forever. Can I? Nica asked already knowing her answer.
Hell no! You need to show that body off. I would. she boasted.
Okay, lets go then but dont leave me today Sara. Please?! Nica pleaded to her.
Of course I wont! she grabbed Nicas hand.
Sara drove from Nicas house to school which takes about 15 minutes, she never letting go of Nicas hand the whole way there. They have been best friends for the past twelve years since they first met in kindergarten age four. Nica had just moved to live with her Aunt Monica a month before hand when her parents were killed in a car accident were she miraculously survived against all odds.
When they reached school Sara parked her car, got out and went round to get Nica out the car only letting go of her hand to get out. Sara opened the door and reached her hand out and Nica placed her hand in Saras and squeezed. Sara rubbed her thumb against the back of her hand reassuringly that she was there for her no matter. They stood together next to the car as Sara locked it, people started to notice that Nica was no longer shy, boyish Nica that she was Nica the hottie.
Are you ready for this? If youre not we can just go! Drive anywhere you want to go, Im with you Nica. Just you and me baby. Sara grinned at Nica.
Im ready, as long as youre with me nothing can go wrong, Nica smiled.
They walked towards the main doors where everyone hangs around before school starts, they were met by wolf whistles and shouting. Nica closed her eyes and put her head down trying to make it go away when Sara pulled her close, tilted her head up and kissed her forcefully on the lips. Nica kissed her back slipping in a little tongue, the whistle and cheering stopped it was like they had gone deaf. Everyone was watching with open mouths shocked that this little shy girl became a hottie over night and is now french kissing her best friend in front of basically the whole school.
They broke their kiss to see that not only was it their fellow pupils that was watching but also some male teachers, the two of them laughed and walked into the school as the bell had went. Still holding hands, never letting go even as they sat in class next to each other.
The principal sent for Nica and Sara half way through second period they got up when the assistant principal came for them and walked out together still holding hands, they sat outside his office waiting to be called in. The principal called them one at a time Sara first meaning they had to let go of each others hands, Nica sat very nervously still unsure about her new body, family and life of being a witch. The door opened and Nica stood up as Sara came out crying she opened her arms to hug her but she ran past her ignoring her. Sara had never done anything like that before, it must have been the principal, he must have done something or said something to change her.
Nica marched in guns blazing to see Principal Brown sitting at his desk looking very pleased with himself, she was about to change that.
Hi Principal Brown, what have I done wrong? she said sweetly.
Well Nica that public display of affection was completely inappropriate! This is a school not a brothel. What has happened to you? You used to be such a good student why are you acting like this? he asked me in an icy calm tone.
I happen to love Sara and I dont think our public display of affection was any different than a boy and girl kissing on school property. Which does happen all day everyday Principal Brown! And as for what happened to me, I grew up, Im not a child anymore. Im expressing my individuality. Thats why Im acting like this. What are you going to do about it, Sir? she said sarcastically.
Well there is a few things I would like to do to you but….., he stopped mid sentence.
But what Sir? Nica leaned forward on the desk flashing her cleavage.
Nothing Nica. Forget I said anything. I didnt mean anything, he stammered.
Oh but Sir I think you did mean something. I think you want to bend me over this desk and spank me till I scream, maybe more than that? Maybe get me on my knees under your desk and blow you while youre having your meetings? she giggled watching him squirm.
NICA! That is a completely inappropriate conversation to be having! he shouted as she walked to the door, locked it and put the key in her panties.
Well, what are you going to do now Principal Brown? No interruptions just us two, she raised an eyebrow as she sat on his desk facing him.
Nica get out now! This cannot happen not now not ever! he placed his hand on her knee.
Why did you make Sara cry? Nica asked as she uncrossed her legs flashing the principal a little preview of her pink lace panties.
I told her I would send one of you to another school if you didnt stop the public affection immediately! he smiled.
Nica stared at him intensely hypnotizing him into a trance to do whatever she wanted. His hand moved further up her thigh past her sock onto bare flesh feeling the tingle his touch gives her she thought to herself, I might enjoy this more than I though I would.
Principal Brown…, she said in a low seductive voice.
I want you to do as I say and whenever I command you to do so. In return you can have anything you want from me. Do we have a deal, Principal Brown? she whispered in a seductive voice.
We have a deal, Nica, he replied in a zombie like voice.
So Principal Brown, what do you want from me? Truthfully I want to know what it is you wanted to say earlier, Nica said as she opened her legs slightly.
I want You! Oh I know youre a tight little virgin and I want that cherry on my desk now! He jumped up from his chair pushing his crotch between her legs as he held her arms.
All in good time, Sir. she whispered seductively putting him back in a trance.
Now do as I say, leave Sara and me alone and you will have my cherry on your desk soon. Nica pushed him back into his chair.
Nica got down off the desk and straddled him on the leather chair wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately, slipping her tongue into his mouth massaging his tongue gently as he came out of his trance. He realised what was happening and was bedazzled with the feelings knowing it was wrong but at the same time the lust that grew inside him was overpowering ever other emotion and logic.
I need you now Nica! he whispered with lust in his voice as he grabbed her ass and was grinding against her.
Tonight, rent a room somewhere nice, call me to let me know where and what time, you dont want you wife finding out do you? she said as she nibbled on his earlobe.
Oh you fucking tease! Okay okay, give me you cell number and Ill call or text you to let you know. he hissed as he licked and nibbled her neck.
Nica pushed Principal Brown back on the seat as she got off him, he grabbed her ass and pulled her back as he nibbled a little on her uber sensitive nipples through her school shirt making them so erect they were impossible to hide. She pulled his hair making him release her innocent nipples from his sensual grasp she lent down and kissed his lips and walked away to retrieve the key from her panties. She unlocked the door then went back and sat opposite him on the other side of the desk taking a piece of paper and writing down her number and sliding it across the desk, he placed his hand on top of hers as the assistant principal came in she pulled her hand away leaving the paper in his.
Come along Nica, we have to go find Sara before getting you two back to class, she smiled sweetly.
I think I know where she will be. I can go find her myself. You dont have to come looking as well. I know you are so busy these days Mrs. Brown, Nica smiled sweetly as she charmed her with her newly found powers.
Only if youre sure my dear? she chirped.
Nica nodded and headed out of the office as no one was around she ran as fast as possible to their secret place and there was Sara, sobbing her heart out crying. She spotted Nica and ran towards her. As they got closer they flung their arms open and hugged each other tightly. They sat down still hugging, Nica trying to calm Sara down as she had been here herself whilst she was in the office with convincing Principal Brown to let them stay at the same school.
Nica explained to Sara the plan was to seduce the Principal to get him to sign the form permitting them to stay and she would do anything to get that form signed, of course Sara was more than eager to offer a helping hand or two. They left school early and went to Nicas house, Monica was at work so they decided to rifle through her sexy clothes, underwear and toys. As they were looking at some toys Sara found a book, a very old book, she handed it to Nica as they both looked at one another with intrigue. They opened the book to find it was a book of spells and potions for lust and control over the desired one.
What the hell Nica? Is Monica a witch? she asked shocked by their finding.
Erm…….well, promise not to say to anyone?………. We both are witches aunt Monica and I, I only found out yesterday thats why I changed because it was my time to turn. Nica babbled uncontrollably.
Sara stared at her blankly unable to comprehend what she has just been told and the fact they had been best friends for twelve years not knowing this about Monica.
Im also a witch Nica, my mother is Nali. She told me there was a newly turned witch but never even mentioned it was You! I turned early at the age of thirteen when it wasnt noticed as much as you were, she whispered.
What do you mean youre a witch? Why didnt you say Sara? Why keep it a secret from me? We dont keep secrets, Nica sighed in disappointment.
They both knew what they had to do tonight. All they were waiting on was the call or text message to say where and when. Principle Brown was in for a shock of a lifetime when he realises he is getting two for one to sweeten the deal. They both packed a bag with things they might need and took the book down to the kitchen to make a little love potion to make sure everything went to plan.
They huddled around the island in the middle of the kitchen with a pot on the stove heating up liquids and melting solids as they chanted the words from the book over and over until it was ready. They poured it into a hip flask and added some rum to disguise the taste. Nicas phone buzzed as she received a text message saying Hilton Hotel, room 203, after 7pm, she read it out to Sara. By this time it was 6pm so they decided to freshen up by getting into the shower together for a little girl on girl rub down.
They both pinned their hair up to save time restyling as the shower heated up, they both helped each other off with their clothes in sync. Nica removed Saras jumper, tie, and shirt before kneeling in front to unbutton her skirt sliding it down over her tight ass straight to the floor. She stared up at Sara looking at her gorgeous body in a bra and panties set. Sara placed her hands out and pulled Nica up and returned the favour by pulling her close and taking her tie off then her shirt and skirt. She reached around Nicas back unhooking her bra letting her newly found C cup breasts jiggle free, she walked around to her back running her hands down over her shoulders to then cup her pale milky white breasts and running her thumbs over Nicas rose coloured nipples.
Nica took Saras hand and walked to the shower opening the door, sliding her panties off and removing Saras underwear for her before stepping into the shower and pulling Sara in behind her. The hot water cascaded of over their young bodies as they held each other close in a deep embrace, passionately kissing one another as they let their hands roam over each other naked bodies, as they touched, caressed, rubbed and enjoyed each other. Nica got down on her knees and pushed Sara to the wall spreading her legs apart as she started to lick her clit and rub her lips at the same time making Sara moan gently. As Nica sped up her tongue motion she slipped two fingers gently inside Sara making her arch her back and lower herself onto her fingers more, Nica picked up speed with her hand being more intense as she was fingering her with three fingers now as she licked and rubbed her clit. As they were getting into it Sara heard someone downstairs, she was trying to tell Nica that Monica was home from work but she couldnt as she was in the middle of cumming and Monica walked in on them in the shower as Sara was cumming.
Whats going on here?! Monica shouted.
Nica fell over as she was so startled that she was home and she didnt hear her, Sara tried to cover herself up while Monica was staring at the two of them and what they were actually doing.
Aunt Monica! What are you doing home? Nica stammered.
Its quarter to seven Nica, what the hell?! she looked at them ashamed.
We have to go! Sara we have to go! Nica shouted grabbing a towel.
They both grabbed towels and ran to Nicas bedroom to get ready, Monica followed then to find out what was going on and why they were acting strange towards her. They slammed the door in her face locking her out whilst they grabbed sexy underwear and little outfits to get Principal Brown going. Monica was banging on the door telling them to let her in but nothing not a sound, no one was there, they had climbed out of the window and took Saras car and headed for the Hilton Hotel.
Monica called on Tasha and Nali for an emergency meeting to find the girls because they dont know how much danger they were actually in with the Principal, they all knew what the principal was like with the special girls and they needed to gather around the circle and chant to try to find the girls before it was too late.
They looked into the mirror to see the Hilton Hotel and the girls going into room 203 with Principal Brown holding the door open with a big smile on his face. Monica, Tasha and Nali ran to their cars and drove to the hotel as fast as possible to try and save them from losing their powers before theyve learned to use them.
As the three elder witches were driving to the hotel Nica and Sara were explaining why they were both there as Sara poured the principal a drink laced with the potion they had made earlier. He looked astounded as he listened to them explain their proposition. He took a seat in the brown leather chair watching the girls help each other undress revealing Nica wearing a black silk bra and panties set with stockings and Sara wearing the same black silk bra and panties set but with fishnet tights on, Sara picked up Principal Browns drink and strolled over with to him swaying her hips. Nica sat on his lap as Sara walked behind him and rubbed his shoulders as he drank his drink unaware of what was in it or what they were trying to do to him.
Just relax Principal Brown, Nica hissed sexily looking deep into his eyes as she undid his tie.
Call me Richard girls, please. He placed his free hand on Nicas thigh.
Sara pulled his hair tipping his head back towards her as she dove in for a passionate kiss, Nica pulled off his tie and undid the buttons on his shirt kissing down neck and chest as she slipped onto her knees on the floor at his feet. Richard pulled away from Sara as he could no longer feel where Nica was in the room, Nica smiled up at him from the floor as she reached up to his belt and undid it. Sara came around to join Nica in front of the principal, she then reached down to Nica and pulled her up kissing her so hard they bumped heads, their hands roamed freely and without a care as they kissed giving the principal a show hed never forget.
Saras hands pushed Nicas bra straps down as she kissed down her neck and across her chest, she reached around and unhooked her bra letting it fall to the floor as her breasts were gently set free her nipples became instantly hard. Sara moved down kissing over her breasts working slowly toward the nipples teasing the aerolas with the tip of her tongue before completely covering them with her mouth to lick and suck on them slowly. Nica closed her eyes and ran her hand through Saras hair pulling on it slightly as she sucked and licked her very sensitive nipples. By that point Richard had gotten up from the chair after finishing his drink, removed the rest of his clothes and laid down on the bed to watch the two girls kissing, touching, sucking and licking each other, this is when he became very aroused by them.
He thought to himself, If I can cum inside these girls before they have been bound to the circle I can steal their powers for myself to make me one of the most powerful warlocks in the country.
Sara, Nica come join me here, he said as he patted the bed next to him.
Well I guess you enjoyed what you saw by the looks of things! Nica sniggered.
Are you jealous Pricipal Brown? Do you want some of us? Sara teased as she licked Nicas neck.
Get your asses over her now! And I told you two to call me Richard! Dont make me spank you, the principal demanded.
Oooh, promises promises, Richard, the two girls said in harmony.
He raised his eyebrows thinking to himself maybe he was in over his head as he started to feel funny then realised that they had gave him some kind of potion but he was about to have his fantasy fuck so was not going to say a word that he knew what they had done. They walked over to the bed holding hands as Richard grabbed Saras bra and ripped it clean off her body, she gasped at the shock of it and Nica jumped back letting go of her hand. He took that opportunity to pull Sara on top of him rolling over on top of her pinning her down he licked her nipples like a hungry cat that just got some milk. She wriggled under him as he furiously licked and went onto suck her nipples as Nica could do nothing but watch, she started to say a phrase over and over nothing happened. She ran over to the bed pushing him to try get him off Sara but it was too late she had started to cum and was enjoying it, he grabbed Nica and threw her on top of the bed as he pulled Saras panties down finishing her off by just rubbing her erect clit a few times making her cum so hard she passed out.
Now its your turn, he said smugly with a grin on his face.
It wasnt meant to be this way! she exclaimed.
You gave me the potion, you have to deal with the consequences Nica! he told her sternly.
She looked at him shocked that he knew about the potion and still drank it knowing what it would do to him, the lust, the passion. He reached down to her panties and ripped them of her body leaving scratches, he pushed her legs apart and placed his hand on her lips rubbing back and forth gently then picking up speed. It wasnt too long before she was gasping, moaning and dripping wet.
Well Nica that didnt take very long, you seem ready for cock. Are you? he questioned her not really caring about her answer.
She couldnt answer him as he was still rubbing her clit and sliding a finger in her tight pussy making her moan, grunt and breathe heavy. She grabbed onto the bed sheets as she was about to cum he stopped rubbing her clit and fingering her, he got off her and stood at the bottom of the bed looking at the two girls that he had made dripping wet. He thought to himself, This is what i love about being a principal! He then climbed back onto the bed, cock in hand stroking to Nicas pussy before lowering down onto her and positioning the head just between her labia at the opening of her wet pussy. She begged for him to fuck her, this just made him want to slam deep and hard right into her immediately after she begged. He tried to control it but the potion was too much it took over him, he plunged into her right up to his balls feeling every muscle and bump inside her. She gasped and cried out as their pelvises met with a thud, this woke Sara up as she had passed out with pleasure next to them.
She turned to watch when she saw the pain and pleasure on Nicas face she reached over and started to play with her nipples to help ease the pain and increase the pleasure. Just as Richard and Nica were cumming together there was someone banging on the door. Nica, Sara and Richard all knew who it was and none of them wanted to open the door when suddenly it burst open and the three elders Monica, Tasha and Nali stormed in. Nica was cumming as was Richard when they burst through the three elders pulled the principal off of Nica as they knew what he was trying to do, as they did he came all over Nica and Sara. They dropped him on the floor and Monica and Tasha grabbed the two girls wrapping them up in bed sheets and sitting them on the couch as Nali closed the door.
What the hell were you two thinking!? Monica and Tasha shouted as Nali tied Principal Richard Brown to the chair.
He was going to send us away to separate schools, he was going to split us up! He said he would do it if we didnt do as he said or asked, Sara cried as Nica held her in her arms stroking her hair.
The three elders looked at each other and went into a huddle whispering so quiet no one could hear them, the three turned to the principal held hands and started to chant a spell. Nica and Sara looked on with astonishment not believing their eyes, they were watching the principal being bound to the chair, tightly bound.
We bind you Richard Brown from doing harm to yourself and to others, we bind you Richard Brown from doing harm to yourself and to others, we bind you Richard Brown from doing harm to yourself and to others, the three repeated.
They chanted this until he had no remaining hold over the girls and they could speak and join the elders to bind the principal and complete the chant.
The elders got the girls ready to go back to Monicas house. Nali drove them back as they had much to discuss, as for the principal Monica and Tasha got him ready and also took him back to the house, they had something planned for him, something very interesting indeed.
Tasha took him to see Nali who put a silence spell on him as he was trying to cast, then she put a black hood over his head and sat him on the couch. The three elders changed into black cloaks with nothing underneath and the two girls had to wear white cloaks with nothing underneath either. Nali took Principal Brown outside as the others gathered the candles, they followed Nali outside who had lit a fire and placed five seats around it with the principal sitting on the ground behind them. They each joined the circle by age each standing until everyone was there then they sat down. Nali led the binding as she was the one with the most experience.
By the power of Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Nature we bind thee, by the power of air, earth, fire, water and nature we bind thee, we bind thee, we bind thee! they all chanted until a bolt of lightening came across the sky hitting the fire making The Five all fly back off their chairs. They all got up and made sure everyone was okay forgetting about the principal who is the key to their binding.
Nali went over to him once she realised he wasnt moving she checked his pulse to make sure he was still alive, he grabbed her hand and gasped for air. Now that they had been bound together in the circle they had released the full potential of their power, all that was left to do was for Nica and Sara to get Principal Brown to cum inside them to transfer his powers to them.
The elders Tasha and Nali laid the principal out on the garden pulling his trousers and shirt off holding him down as Monica started to lick his cock to get it hard for the girls to get his seed, she started slow by teasing him with just the tip of her tongue over and around the head as one of her hands worked his shaft whilst the other gently cupped and rubbed his balls. She then took the head of his six inch cock into her hot wet mouth sucking hard as she slid up and down the shaft twirling her tongue as she went. She then let her hand do the work on his shaft as she went onto suck his balls into her mouth running her tongue over them she could feel him ready to cum, she stopped and called on Nica.
Nica lifted her cloak and lowered down onto his rock hard cock as she slid onto him and rocked back and forth. He started to spasm making him grab onto the grass and dirt as he shot stream after steam of hot cum inside Nica forgetting he was losing his powers in that transfer of fluids. Nica kept riding him making sure she was getting all she could from him, he came again but just a tiny spurt into her. The elders then got the sacred chalice and got Nica to stand over it as they collected the cum from the principal, they then gave it to the two girls to equally share between them to evenly distribute the powers from him. The Five then offered the principal as a sacrifice to complete the transfer of power to the two new witches in the circle. Nica and Sara then both held the special knife and cut open his chest, removed his beating heart and watched him die. They could feel the power grow inside of them as the heart stopped beating in their hands until it was no longer and the transfer was complete.
The Five were the strongest circle of witches in the country and what they didnt realise was that he had more power than they ever had imagined possible making the girls the most powerful witches in world.
The Five She was awoke on her sixteenth birthday with a strange feeling deep down in the pit of her stomach, something had happened, something had changed. She got up and went into the bathroom where she stood infront of the mirror in shock, her poker straight blonde hair had turned auburn, curly and she now had piercing green eyes from the baby blue she went to sleep with last night. As she stared at herself in disbelief her aunt came into her room to wish her a happy birthday, she also...
"I can't believe it," Emma Edwards said to herself as she sat on the couch in the Alpha Omega Phi House. Emma was an energetic and plucky girl who had just started her freshman year of college at Magnus University, only to have her mother tell her that she comes from a long line of Witches! "You better believe it!" Mia Coleman, a sophomore at the school specializing her powers in transmutation, responded to her. Mia being an eccentric type, despite being the smallest of the group at only five...
Introduction: CAW 13 Entry – How horrifying Art Can Be. Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13 Entry. This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth...
Introduction: This is my story for the CAW 10, it is also a true story about a dark part of my life that I am just starting to come to terms with and wanted to share. Please try to be constructive when giving criticism to my story. Thank you to my last minute proofreader and to you the reader for taking the time to actually read my story. Vicki x This is my first attempt at writing my story, I have decided to enter it in the CAW 10 also. Please give me constructive criticism and try not to be...
Introduction: This is my story of The Best for the CAW 10. It is about a blossoming friendship within XNXX, between an older gent and a young woman. *Best decision I made* I scoured the Internet looking for something, yearning for something, someone, when I found the sex story section of xnxx and then located the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for, a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as me. I began chatting with people but was very skeptical and...
Witches Wanted by Brianna 0. Failure for none It has been two generations passed since magic was banned, since our homeland of Oft became occupied by our enemy and neighbour Baselt. We had not stopped fighting, but as their machines advanced, our magic twindled. At first, our witches did not know why but by the time it was too late we had discovered that the Baselt technosci had discovered a way to suppress the magic in our women. We became defenseless and now we fight them...
This tale was my part of the Halloween Round Robin that was held on TSA last week. The one I posted there was shorter than this one, with a lot fewer details about the dressing up and changes after meeting the old lady. I think this version will be much more pleasing to read. HALLOWEEN Round Robin Witches Brew Part two by Steve Zink This year's Halloween was going to be something different. Or so claimed Kathleen, my significant other for the past three years. I...
I scoured the Internet looking for something, yearning for something, someone, when I found the sex story section of xnxx and then located the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for; a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as me. I began chatting with people but was very skeptical and wary of giving out any personal details. I found some very interesting people, some of whom became close friends. It was when I decided to throw my hat into the ring with...
cannibalism, death, murder, sex, rape Introduction: Baxter Savage, a serial killer seeking to right the wrongs in his past kills for peace of mind, to put at ease his morose ponderings and possibly manage the guilt he feels. It's a short story, so be warned. Baxter Savage: All Hallows Eve, Carving More Than Pumpkins - CAW 8.5 To derive a sense of pleasure from the screams, as blood curdling and fearful as you could possibly imagine, a mass of flesh lay in a crumpled pile...
Tagged: cannibalism, murder, death, cooking Introduction: Baxter Savage, a serial killer seeking to right the wrongs in his past kills for peace of mind, to put at ease his morose ponderings and possibly manage the guilt he feels. It's a short story, so be warned. Baxter Savage: All Hallows Eve, Carving More Than Pumpkins - CAW 8.5 To derive a sense of pleasure from the screams, as blood curdling and fearful as you could possibly imagine, a mass of flesh lay in a crumpled...
Introduction: Here is my story for CAW 7 hope you all like my entry, its the first story ive ever written. Be gentle with me. *Play with fire, youll get burned.* I was paged over the intercom to go meet Craig, my handler outside The Bosss office, Lawrence is the director and boss of the The Agency he gives everyone there orders and missions. I arrived and Craig was already there pacing back and forth nervously. He looked up at me, put his hands on my shoulders and told me I would be fine, then...
It’s the sequel of my initiation to the beautiful world of . After being set free by my three captors I went back to my school. I never reported the matter to anyone and nobody suspected anything either. But after a couple of days the real problem started. I started to have a real craving for cocks. I would lie awake at night aching for a cock in my mouth and my ass. I would have a strange tingling in my ass as if it was hungry for male meat. I could not talk to anyone but then the fate took a...
GayHarvest Blend: A Special Brew! By Keri R. Synopsis: Nothing like a good cup of coffee to start the day-and finish it for good. Stacy has aspirations to move up the corporate ladder in a hurry. Unfortunately for her boss, a regular guy named Michael, he's the next rung for her to climb! Coffee anyone? ************************** Twenty-nine year old Michael Beck had been with the company for nearly 7 years. Carrying a slim build and barely reaching 5 foot nine, he could...
Her mind raced back over the years that they had both worked for the agency. They had been a damn good team, working together but always independent, able to change any aspect of the mission at a moment’s notice. ‘Well, ‘ she thought, ‘I could; he was always a slave to the plan. I pulled his ass out of danger more than a few times; the man was always in a hurry.’ A shiver ran through her as she remembered the day they had been sent after several ISIS leaders. A damned retrieval that was...
“Damn it, Beatrix!” The headless body issued, dropping a scythe then stooping to pick up the skull head that was rolling on the ground. “If I wasn’t dead I might be now!” There was an eerie echoing laugh as the body placed the skull head back on the body covering it with the hood. Beatrix had already taken the? What the hell? Was this a scythe? Strange, she thought, she could almost feel the damn thing vibrating in her hands as if it was alive! Taking another look at the figure she gasped,...
“What was that?” Hailey quietly whispered to her sister. Straining to hear more, Jamie replied, “I think it’s the Nanny trying to catch us playing in mother and father’s room. Oh dear! I am afraid that the ghosts aren’t going to be happy!” Giggling softly Hailey asked, “You think they will scare her away?” “I’m not sure this one is the toughest we have ever had; we’ll have to wait and see,” Jamie said looking at her sister. “Get to sleep before she comes in here and catches us. I for...
------------------------------------ It was only a few hours later after they had pleasured each other when he awoke to find that that he was still on the bed stark naked. Turning his head he expected to find the room completely empty. Then his eyes settled on her pale, shining form sitting in the chair by the window. “I thought you had left as you always do,” he thought he said to her. He wasn’t sure, as it seemed hardly any of his senses were working correctly. “Have stayed to...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here it was almost a month before Christmas and I had no spirit at all. Christ, I had always had great Christmas spirit loved to give rather than receive. This year I had nothing, all my children were scattered, me and the wife had parted ways not in a good way, though we were still married. I figured what the hell, without them it just...
bitch who was the absolute curse of my life. The dry wind blew out of the south, a hot tongue of dryness that tried to suck any moisture from any thing it touched. I had miles to go just to reach the border of her forest, then I had to struggle even more miles through the thick tangle of under brush. It was going to be tough going considering I couldn't really run now, not after what she'd done to me, plus the fact I couldn't really let anyone see me. Me? I'm Tyrome Greenstick,...
This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...
It was the summer of 1869. It was the summer of my life ending in India… Oh how I shall miss my beloved Princess Jasmine, the silky smooth texture of her fair skin, and the lips that pulsate with fiery bliss whenever they so, so gently press against my cheek. Oh how I can still feel the heat of her breath upon my skin, the gentle breeze coming from the smiling lips and her nose… Then in an instant to the here and now I suddenly returned, calling out orders to the handful of my men who...
The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother nature's authority. In the midst of the chaos of Dubai, the recovery truck was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, Abu Dhabi race track could be heard, the police were signalling the traffic to move on and watch for yet another broken down jeep; ours. It was the summer of 69. It was the summer of travel and mystery. This story starts on day three of my summer adventure...
********** Aging fishermen tell stories about “the one that got away.” The one that got away from me was a girl named Loni. ***** The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother nature's authority. Shade was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, a transistor radio could be heard, the music of the Beatles signaling the start of another day on the beach. It was the summer of '69. It was the summer of...
My pimp had forced me to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for a profitable night to keep him and his henchmen away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single, twenty-one-year-old mother and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter named Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling every icy cold whiff of air tonight. I stand 5 foot 7 inches and weigh 103 pounds and I wasn’t dressed...
My pimp forced to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for profitable night; to keep him and his henchmen, away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single 21 year old mother, and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter, Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling, every icy cold whiff of air, tonight. I stand 5-foot 7-inches and weigh 103-pounds; and I wasn’t dressed appropriately for the elements...
My pimp forced to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for profitable night; to keep him and his henchmen, away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single 21 year old mother, and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter, Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling, every icy cold whiff of air, tonight. I stand 5-foot 7-inches and weigh 103-pounds; and I wasn’t dressed appropriately for the elements...
***** “I heard a song driving over here,” Goldie said. “You know that band 'The Eagles'?” “Mhm,” I wasn't really listening. I was watching her get undressed. “It was about lying eyes and going to the cheating side of town.” She went into the bathroom to look in the mirror. “Do you think Brian can see it when he looks at me? Is that where we are?” “I hate to think of it that way,” I said. “But that's what we're doing, isn't it? Cheating? You're married, and I have...
She got up each day and ate her breakfast and drank a cup of coffee. She dressed for work and walked out the door of her apartment. She walked to work each day. It wasn’t far and she had no car. She walked the same streets each day stepping over the same cracked sidewalks and seeing the same rundown buildings. She went to her job where she sat in her cubicle and did her mindless tasks. She could do most of her job in her sleep without thinking. She didn’t socialize much with her fellow...
Please give me constructive criticism and try not to be too harsh with me as it is my first story and a part of my life. Andrew I felt so lucky to have someone who loved and cherished me so much or so I thought. In my naivety, I gave him my virginity at the mere age of fifteen. It just didn't click that maybe he was using me for his own twisted pleasures. I always thought he truly loved and cared for me and my ambitions to go to art college. Everything was fine until I turned...
I was stuck for cash, avoiding my landlord and everyone else I owed money which left me with very few friends. The friends that were left I held very dearly. Jessica, my best friend in the world, had been friends with me since nursery school when we were named 'the gruesome twosome'. Jessica and I both left school at fifteen; she had a well-paying job to go to, and I went on to have a scholarship at an art college. For a while we lost touch but more recently when it was our birthdays she...
The resistance fighters fled to avoid the approach of more Germans. All was silent. Each of the German soldiers had been killed but Private Hans Rickmers, seventeen years old, slender and slight, 5’7”. He had been wounded in the leg. When he was sure the resistance fighters had left he began calling out to his older brother, “Karl! Karl!” When he discovered the body of his brother, Hans began to cry bitterly. After he composed himself, he applied a first aid bandage to the...
It was a cold, rainy, wet, miserable afternoon, and the last place Hal Binks wanted to be was up an electrical pole. However, he told himself, that was what they paid him the big roll of quarters to do, and besides, there were a lot of people counting on guys like him to get their electricity turned back on again. But it didn’t make him any warmer, or drier, and it certainly didn’t make him feel any better about his lonely lot in life. Maybe it was his inattention to what he was doing....
Then she heard a car pull up, and the door close. There standing at the gate was Peter. Their eyes met as he opened the gate and stepped through. Her heart was beating hard as she set her cup down on the counter and stepped out the door. She was in his arms and held tight. "You are beautiful my Kat." He whispered. "Dreaming of this is nothing like being here." He said as his lips brushed her cheek. His fingers ran through her hair as he watched the sun light sparkle through...
by Cheltenham Caitlyn struggled with addiction all her life. Finding herself holed up in a decrepit hotel room, its walls caked with peeling, yellowed wallpaper and nearly as much dirt upon the floor that it appeared to be thick like a lush carpet, she didn't know where she was headed. A syringe had been hanging out of the crook of her arm and a shoestring held her last decent vein prominently against the skin. She wanted one more hit, but couldn't score. There wasn't any money in her...
I was paged over the intercom to go meet Craig, my handler outside The Boss's office, Lawrence is the director and boss of the The Agency he gives everyone there orders and missions. I arrived and Craig was already there pacing back and forth nervously. He looked up at me, put his hands on my shoulders and told me I would be fine, then opened the door ushering me inside. I walked in and the door behind me closed as I stood in front of his desk, my hands clasped in front of me nervously....
The ship rocked in space. I had no idea what was happening but the evacuation alarm had been triggered. I was running for the life pods for all I was worth. Again that rocking sensation this time so hard it threw me to the floor. Then the deck started to vibrate and shake as if we were in a planet quake. People ran and screamed around me. Then the sound of an explosion pealed through the hull. It took everything I had not to panic. I was an officer in the navy. It was my duty to be strong for...
Introduction: It was the summer of travel and mystery. It was the summer of 69. I AM NUMBER 69 The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother natures authority. In the midst of the chaos of Dubai, the recovery truck was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, Abu Dhabi race track could be heard, the police were signalling the traffic to move on and watch for yet another broken down jeep, ours. It was the summer of 69. It was the...
Introduction: Kat and Pete have dreamed of a day they can be together. Just one day. This is there day. Kat stood in her kitchen doorway. Her silk gown blowing in the breeze. Her eyes scanning the back gate watching for her lover to walk up. It was nearing the time for him to be there. Her children were away with family and her husband was at work. She was so excited for this day. It was a long day coming. Then she heard a car pull up, and the door close. There standing at the gate was Peter....
Introduction: Cash strapped Ally get re-acquainted with an old friend. The Banger Sisters. I was stuck for cash, avoiding my landlord and everyone else I owed money which left me with very few friends. The friends that were left I held very dearly. Jessica, my best friend in the world, had been friends with me since nursery school when we were named the gruesome twosome. Jessica and I both left school at fifteen, she had a well-paying job to go to, and I went on to have a scholarship at an art...
I picked up the Citroën rental at Toulouse Blagnac Airport, making sure it had satellite navigation and a tank full of fuel. Baggage stowed, I set off for my destination and lover's reunion.My talented artist girlfriend Arianne, lived, in a tiny village in the foothills of the Pyrenees. There she painted landscapes which she sold online. She had painted one for me and I was excited to see it.My journey had begun in the dark on good well-lit roads. It was Halloween and the French radio station...
HorrorIt was desperation built up over three years of high school frustration that drove me to seek the advice, wisdom and magic of the woman. I was over my head in love with Marjorie Kim Salinas, she was the most beautiful, sexy girl in the whole world and I spent every waking moment thinking about her. She didn’t even know I existed; she hung out with the sports stars, the bad boys, she chased any hunk she saw. I was the quintessential nerd: 5’5, 122 lbs., thick glasses, elephantine ears, dull...
The door chime jingled as the last couple of deadbeats and drunks staggered out into the night. That just left me and the bartender alone in this clean, but cheap-looking bar. I nursed my beer resting before me, one in a line I wish had been longer, but I have never been able to throw back alcohol like some people I knew. I sighed and stared sightlessly the frothy amber liquid and contemplated my life."Last drinks there, son," said the barman, a wiry older gent with a long goatee, red t-shirt,...
There was no music in the middle of the forest except for the steady beat of naked feet on the bed of leaves already fallen from the tall trees. Thirteen female bodies twisting in the light of the Harvest Moon with nipples bouncing and pretty bushes all a twitter with a frenzy of the rhythm. Nikki was feeling the spirit of the master driving her into a frantic gyration that lathered up her flanks and her pretty pussy. The other females were just as carried away by the rays of Mother Moon...
Hello my name is Josh this is my first story so sorry if it is not that good but please feel free to add your own chapters onto the story. This story starts in the year 1692 when the witch trials are starting, and the Doe family discover that they have magical powers so they know if they are found out they will be killed or even hunted. So they decided to keep themselves a secret. But they also discover that of the 3 Women and 4 Men in the family only the women have magical powers. But one of...
Incest##### Part 1 - A Walk in the Woods ##### Twas early in the spring of 1809 that she took up residence in the woods near our small and quiet town of Westmoor. We were a small community, reasonably polite, but wary of strangers. It was always “Miss Lendberg” to her face, maintaining the polite social pleasantries in which we all cloak our true emotions. But by early summer, she carried many another name. A witch, some called her, or for a more dramatic flair, “the dark maiden”. Actual facts...
Wanda the Witch. That was what they called her at Bradford High School. Not because she was ugly or anything like that. In fact, quite the opposite was true as she was one of the prettiest girls in school. She couldn't remember exactly when she got the nickname. It just began when one of the girls at school joked that she must be a witch as every time anybody got on her bad side, weird things would begin to happen to them.And, unfortunately today was one of those days for Daphne Cones. Daphne...
Over the holidays, Faith’s art sales were through the roof. Word was spreading about her little gallery and her fantastic art classes. Not only that, but requests for her Brews & Brushes events were at an all-time high. In addition, word of her talents had spread throughout the local art community, and many aspiring artists had approached Faith about renting studio time or even about showing their art in her gallery. One day in early spring, a woman came by Live Oaks and asked for Faith....
Nicole, Samantha and Kelly huddled around the mail order cauldron. “Do you really think this will work?” Kelly whispered. The three women where gathered in Samantha’s tiny one bedroom apartment. Each had a goal in mind, something they felt that they could not accomplish by normal means. Kelly at 21 was the youngest and had never before been involved with the occult. She was a pretty long blond with a round innocent face. She had a very strict Christian upbringing and she knew her parents...
On tour, all sorts of wild things happen. Our weekend started with me losing my knickers over lunch at a bistro in a sports bet. My team lost, and I had to pay a forfeit to Caroline.For a laugh, it was suggested I hand over my knickers, expecting me to object. I didn't say a word, or slink off to the ladies to remove them, I just reached under the table pulled them down my legs and put them neatly on the table. I looked Caroline in the eye and gave a saucy wink.She blushed, stared at my black...
TrueLarry was reluctant to take the deal from Quentin. To fulfill the order would require a massive expansion of his operations. Instead, Larry proposed a more gradual increase in production. That way they could test new markets and not need to change things too radically. Soon, however, the demand for Larry’s beer was outgrowing the barn and his backyard production facility. If Larry were to continue to grow, he would need to move his brewery into a much larger building. Larry had to do some...
All the male eyes followed her as she walked down the slope pushing the baby stroller. Her legs were long, slim and tanned, her feet balanced unwaveringly in the white stilletoed sandals and her hips, wrapped in the briefest white bikini bottoms, swayed slowly from side to side. All she wore on her upper body was a skimpy bikini top, the darkest of sun glasses and a smile that competed with the brightness of the sun. As she neared the steps at the end of the path, a couple of young...
Larry was sitting in the kitchen, waiting. After fourteen minutes, the door opened, and Faith walked in, slightly out of breath. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top like she often did when she went running or to work out. She was red-faced. “What in the hell is going on, Faith?” Larry asked as soon as she came inside. “Nothing is going on,” Faith explained, sitting down across from her husband. “He’s a nude model. I was painting him. That’s all.” “Oh, come on,” Larry protested,...
I was in the Westfield Mall to return a couple shirts that didn't fit me. I knew I should've tried them on, but dress shirts are a massive pain in the ass when you're in a fitting room. All those pins and clips, the cardboard holding the collars and cuffs in place...way too much work. So imagine my surprise when I saw people running or briskly walking out of Le Tailleur, some of them muttering to themselves and others silent & pale white as new linen. On asking someone what was going on, I got...
FantasyBEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP You wake up to the sound of your infernal alarm. You had been having some weird dream. A gypsy woman cursed you for some reason. You can't remember it all now, but it seemed really vivid. You lay in bed trying to remember what the curse was for a while. It must have been for too long, because you hear the door to your room open. Your stepmother walks in. Your father is usually away on business, and you suspect because of his age, and her absolute hotness, that she's just a...
FantasyAdam heard the whispers first. At least he thought they were whispers, tiny voices that were indistinct and seemed to be calling to him. He followed them, dropping his heavy pack, leaving the safety of the trail and moving into the darkness of the woods. He knew the tales of beasts and evil things that lived in these woods, his parents had warned him of them since he was little. The tales were gruesome and horrid, children taken and sacrificed, women raped and sent back to their villages to...
This short story is based on the two characters that were in my first story Elaine and Me. Some years have elapsed and they are still in love. I think that this story might illustrate the prejudice experienced by TS women everywhere. If anyone has any comments then please let me know. Brewing Up A Storm By Elaine Copyright 2001 "Darling will you help me get ready?" Elaine asked standing in the doorway. "Sure," he replied smiling at the scantily clad woman standing before...
It was winter of 2029 and Chloe Daniels had just received a letter that she had been dreading for years: her parents wanted her to come to Alaska to meet with them about something important. She had spent years trying hard to avoid that place, but her family still had a way of finding her and making her see things their way. It was a place that she disliked, a rare case for her as it was hard to get her upset- yet her Alaska hometown did just that. Chloe fled her hometown after...
Everything was going along smoothly at Camelot while trouble was brewing in another part of the county. There were some unusual things happening at the local Department of Social Services (DSS) office that did not bode well for the innocent victims of the trouble. There was an unscrupulous case worker that was taking advantage of his official position to satisfy his carnal desires. He was the embodiment of the popular definition of a pedophile meaning that he liked to have sexual relations...