I AM NUMBER 69 (CAW 12 Entry) free porn video

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The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother nature's authority. In the midst of the chaos of Dubai, the recovery truck was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, Abu Dhabi race track could be heard, the police were signalling the traffic to move on and watch for yet another broken down jeep; ours.

It was the summer of 69. It was the summer of travel and mystery.

This story starts on day three of my summer adventure abroad. I was visiting my favourite uncle and aunt who lives Dubai. My uncle took me shopping to The Mall of the Emirates, we spent all day chatting, shopping and browsing the fabulously expensive and extravagant stores. I had a funny feeling all day, deep inside me that someone had been following us throughout the mall, but I had been putting it out of my mind.

We made our way back to my uncle's white Mercedes Jeep that was parked on level six of the multi-story car park and packed it full with all the wonderful purchases he had bought for me. As we closed the trunk, a black Mercedes with black tinted windows passed us by very slowly before speeding off once it had passed. Another strange occurrence, on an already bizarre day that was about to get a lot more weird.

We left the multi-story car park and got onto the main stretch of road, just before the major intersection where the four roads joined into one; we heard a loud BANG come from the engine compartment. Smoke gushed from the engine as we both got out of the car to check it.

All the cars around us blasted their horns at us, and there I spotted the black Mercedes again, it slowed to a gentle stop in front of us. The driver went around and opened the back passenger door, out stepped an older Arab man dressed in a very fine dishdasha with a keffiyeh; he emerged and walked towards us as he waved his driver away.

''Oh my, you seem to be having some car trouble, yes?'' he asked already knowing the answer.

I looked at my uncle then to the older man, as I frowned ''Yes we are, it was fine then a loud Bang! We don't know what's wrong...Yet.'' I sighed as I put my hand in the engine and carried on looking for the problem.

The man looked at me quizzically, I had forgotten women are not meant to speak, let alone know anything about cars. He and my uncle wandered off and continued to speak in English and Arabic, I could understand a little of the conversation but was not entirely sure as they walked further away.

''My driver is at your disposal...he shall take you anywhere you would like. And I shall have your car repaired.'' he smiled as he nodded to my uncle and shook hands.

The police arrived just as I found the problem, the radiator pipe had been damaged, either accidently or on purpose, who knows. The radiator had lost all water making it explode.

''Come Claire, I'll get the bags and we can get a lift home from this nice gentleman.'' my uncle pulled my arm.

I did not trust this man in the black Mercedes but he was kind and helpful, I could not be disrespectful to him as he offered us a lift home and to fix my uncle's car. There was something I could not put my finger on about him, but it was there, that little piece of doubt.

''Okay, uncle.'' I lifted some of the bags from the jeep and placed them in the trunk of the black Mercedes as the driver closed it.

We got into the car with the older man who offered us a cool beverage after being out in the blistering heat, which I graciously accepted. An ice cold bottle of water to quench my thirst. My uncle conversed with the man as I sat across from them both and watched. The man who then introduced himself as Alaa Al Haddad, Sultan of Abu Dhabi. My uncle's face dropped and all the colour drained from it, myself I could not help but smile at him unsure what to do or how to react.

We, my uncle and I were sat in the Sultan of Abu Dhabi's car; in the presence of the Sultan! This had turned out to be a most adventurous day indeed.

My uncle was completely flabbergasted by the revelations; I was left to resume the conversational flow.

''So...you're the Sultan...Do you have a palace?'' I could have slapped myself across the face, asking such a stupid question.

''Yes my dear, of course I do.'' He chuckled a deep loud laugh.

''Would you like to see it?'' He raised an eyebrow.

''I would LOVE to.'' I smiled and nodded as my face flushed a deep crimson colour with my overly eager answer.

My uncle was still in shock, nodding along with the plans as the Sultan and I continued to talk about general things, the weather and such until I asked about seeing him earlier.

''It was you earlier, wasn’t it? That drove passed us so slowly then sped off?'' I asked as I narrowed my eyes quizzically.

''You do not hold anything back my dear, do you?'' he looked at my solemnly.

A few awkward moments passed before he resumed to answer me, once he had realized I was not about to pass the subject over.

''Yes, it was I. I saw you in The Mall and wanted to make sure you got to your car safely...'' he trailed off.

''We are almost home, Sultan.'' The driver interrupted our conversation.

I took a sip of my water, the condensation dripped of the bottom of the bottle, running down my bare chest between my ample bosom and down the deep valley of my cleavage. The Sultan sat across from me watched my every move and traced the line of the water droplet with his eyes.

The black Mercedes drove up to the palace entrance, black steel gates with the solid gold royal seal on it, the Royal Khanjar's crossing one another in a circle, the gates effortlessly opened for us.

''Ah, come my dear. I shall show you my home. David? Will you come inside?'' he paused for my uncle.

''...Yes...yes Sultan.'' my uncle opened the car door, stepped out and held it open for The Sultan.

''After you my dear...'' he smiled.

''My name is Claire...... Sultan.'' I shot him a half smile as I went to get out.

''I know, call me Al...Claire'' he touched my hand as I clambered out the car like I was drunk.

''Okay...Al'' I smiled as I stood looking at him as he gracefully emerged from the car.

We walked up the cascading mountain of marble that was the stairs, passed the identical water features on either side of the grand and lavish staircase. We strolled along a long solid marble hallway and into the entrance room which was more marble, floor to ceiling; with the most magnificent chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. It had ornate carvings in the marble walls, a huge self portrait of the Sultan on a twenty foot wall. Plush silk sofa’s with matching curtains and throws cushions big enough to seat 40 comfortably.

We stopped at a double doorway that opened to reveal a huge solid wooden table; it could have been 100 feet long with at least 60 chairs. It was overflowing with fresh fruit, water, coffee, tea, confectionary, everything you could ever want and more.

''Please, help yourselves.'' The Sultan motioned to us.

''Thank you, Sultan.'' My uncle Dave stammered.

''Thank you...Al.'' I replied.

''You know, it feels very strange calling you Al.'' I said quietly.

''Well...what would you rather call me Claire?'' he enquired.

''Oh no...I wasn't meaning I should get to call you anything else, I just mean everyone else is calling you Sultan and I'm calling you Al.'' I scrambled to explain, blushing again.

''You are very cute, when you’re flustered Claire...'' he laughed.

My uncle intervened by coughing to let us know he was still there.

''Well...I think it's time myself and Claire was getting home. My wife will be worried about us.'' he announced.

''Oh, okay. Well my driver can take you home.'' he snapped his fingers.

''Ramey, take Mr. Bale and Claire home.''

''Yes Sultan!'' he replied from nowhere.

The Sultan walked us out to the car where we said our goodbyes, thanked him for rescuing us and for a lovely afternoon at the palace. We figured that, that would be the last we would be seeing him.

A week later we received a phone call from the Mercedes dealership to say the car was ready to be picked up, worked out to be the chance meeting with the Sultan again.

My uncle was at work when we received the phone call so my aunt drove me to the dealership to pick the car up; as we approached I spotted the black Mercedes again. Butterflies fluttered deep down in the pit of my stomach.

He was here, I smiled inside.

I went inside to get the keys when I saw the Sultan, our eyes met as he was speaking to the owner of the dealership. Everything seemed to slow down; everyone seemed to be watching my every move towards the Sultan and the owner.

''Salaam aleikum, Sultan.'' I nodded.

''Wa aleikum as-salaam, my dear.'' He smirked at me and walked passed grazing my hand with his index finger.

I did not turn to follow him, I continued over to the owner to get the keys and paperwork for the car. He stopped as he realized I was not following him outside, the owner looked at me with a worried look on his face.

''Go to him...'' he whispered as he handed me the keys and documentation.

I shook my head as I turned on my heels and walked out of the dealership, passing the Sultan on my way out. As I stood by his Mercedes outside, he emerged from the garage looking angry and amused.

''No one has ever disobeyed me...EVER...'' he growled and smiled.

''I am not yours to control and you didn't give me any orders or ask me to follow you.'' I looked into his eyes as I spoke to him with a deadpan face.

He stared at me in shock; it was as if I had taken all the air from his lungs.

''Well...we'll see...'' he cackled as he got into his car.


My uncle and aunt had been summoned to the palace for a business meeting; it lasted all of 15 minutes if you included the security at the gate. When they returned home my aunt was so unhappy and distressed, no one would tell me what had happened or what was going on. I was kept in the dark about the whole situation that was about to erupt.

The following day I woke up early and saw my aunt sat on the foot of my bed, watching me sleep.

''What's wrong Liz?'' I asked sleepily.

''He wants you! He wants to...'' My aunt burst into tears as she flopped onto bed at my legs, hugging them tightly.

I eventually got her to calm down after a good crying session, hugs and a cup of tea I finally got it out of her.

I was to become his number 69.

His newest Odalisque in the Imperial harem.

I was to be sold and trained in skills he found attractive in a lover, wife and potential mother of his children. If I was a well-rounded, skilled Odalisque I would make my way up the harem hierarchy quickly, with the potential to become a Kadin, a favoured one, a wife.

The Sultan's plan and mines were two very different things altogether.

My escape plan...

He would not take no for an answer, so my only hope was to run. I would take my aunt's car, drive to the next country to try to escape his clutches. I had three choices Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Oman but which to choose...

As I rushed around trying to pack things into bags, there was loud banging at the front door.

''Don't answer it!!'' I screamed to my little cousin, but it was too late.

He opened the door to reveal four army officials, there on behalf of the Sultan, there for me. As I stood at the top of the three story marble staircase, I stared down at them as ascended the stairs towards me in a hurried fashion.

I backed away from them towards my bedroom but before I could get to my door they were right in front me, they grabbed my arms and held me where I stood.

''Going somewhere, Claire?'' one of the men asked.

''We shall pack the rest, sit there and do not move or speak.'' the same man demanded.

I was sat on the edge of my bed, I was in shock; I watched the men pack all my belonging, I was not sure what was happening.

'Where was my aunt?' I thought to myself.

Then it hit me, they sold me! ... ...No, my uncle sold me!! That is why my aunt was so upset.

That bastard!!!

Taken by the Guards...

I was taken to the palace in the back of a white Rolls Royce, with a two army vehicle entourage that carried all my belongings. We arrived at those same black steel gates that opened seamlessly again, this time I was not excited. I was fucking terrified.

The car door was opened quickly as I was grabbed by the arm, dragged from the car then practically bodily lifted up the mountainous marble stairs. I tried to fight them but it was useless and pointless, I was a woman in an Arab country; I was worth less than a goat here.

I was sat in the same lounge as I saw the first time I had visited with my uncle, the doors were locked and I was alone for the first time in my life. I was scared shitless.

Hours passed before I heard any movement; a side door opened and a woman appeared wearing a black burqa that covered her completely from head to toe. All I could make out was her pale white hands that carried in the silver tray with tea and food on it.

''Shukran...'' I whispered to her.

''Your welcome Claire ...I’m Natalya...'' she said before she scurried back out the door.

I drank the tea and ate most of the food, I was famished as I was taken a little before breakfast and it was now almost dinner. I heard raised voices outside the main doorway before hearing keys jingled in the lock, I sat as far back on the sofa as I could and placed a cushion on my lap as I tried to blend in with it. The Sultan stormed in as he was still yelling at the men outside the room in Arabic.

''My dear, Claire...I'm sorry you were treated in such a way...''

I could not speak, I sat staring at him as I blinked furiously with my mouth open, a little unsure of what to do or say.

''Claire...speak!'' He demanded as he sat next to me, he searched my face for an answer or sign of life.

''I... I don't know what you expect me to say. You either bought me or had me kidnapped! What am I supposed to say to that?'' I blurted out in a rage as I threw the pillow down beside me.

''You have been grossly misinformed, my dear. Your uncle GAVE you to me, as a gift for investing in his company. I would never try to buy you, let alone kidnap you! He told me you agreed with him about the arrangement...'' he informed me.

''I was not informed at all! Your men came barging in, grabbed me and threw me around like a piece of meat! And no I am NOT in agreement with it!'' I screamed at him forgetting he was the Sultan, the ruler of the land that I am a visitor in.

''I will have my driver take you home...''he said with a sad, grim look upon his face.

''Wait... If I stay, I don't want to be your whore. I want to be your wife, or like your wife.'' I suggested.

''Well... No one is ever that direct with me, my dear. I think that is why I like you so much. Stay, while I think it over, please?'' He raised his eyebrows at my suggestion as he rubbed his chin in contemplation.

I nodded in acceptance to his offer.

A week passed...

I was treated like a princess all week, anything I wanted I was given with no questions asked; it was like a dream come true. I knew it would all come to an end eventually and it came one night that week before dinner. I received a note from the Sultan asking me to dress in formal wear for dinner that evening.

I chose to wear the blue and gold sari the Sultan had bought for me the previous day; it fit my curves perfectly and showcased my flat stomach, wide hips and heaving chest. I had my amber tresses pinned up high as I was going to wear the sapphire earrings he had given me that matched my deep blue eyes. My eye makeup was done in the style of the Egyptians, and my pale skin made somewhat paler with the hue of the blue from the sari.

As I walked into the dining room I could see the look in his eyes and on his face, he liked my outfit. It was the first time he had seen the sari on my body, and the first time he had really seen my body. He stood up, walked to my chair and pulled it out for me before sitting back down. We were alone at the table for 60 and I wondered why I had to dress formally for just the two of us.

''Claire...I have taken time to think our situation over...I have discussed it with my advisors and I have made my decision.'' he reached for his gold cup of water.

I sat looking at him as he paused for a drink of water to wet his pallet before he went on to tell me his decision, the decision that could change my life forever.

''As I said I've thought long and hard and I want to ask you a serious question. I want you to be my wife...'' he paused seeking my reaction.

''Really...?'' I squeaked.

''Of course.'' he said sternly.

I squealed excitedly as I bounced up and down in my chair.

''We must go through the proper courtship rituals, you must have a chaperone with you always and you must be examined by my private physician to make sure you are a virgin and that your well.'' he smiled wickedly as he walked towards me, kissing my head, before he walked away waving his hands at the servants as he gave out orders.

The Sultan's private physician was called to the palace that night to check that my womanhood was still intact before anything was arranged or announced. After a thorough examination I was given a certificate of purity, to prove I am still pure and a clean bill of health.

The engagement was announced to the city and within a matter of hours it had become worldwide news, I telephoned my parents first to tell them beforehand so they knew all about it before it went global.

The wedding was planned for six weeks, the invites were sent out to all the dignitaries and political allies of the Sultan from all across the world. My family and friends were being flown in from across the Atlantic a week before the wedding to be shown around and to be fitted with the proper attire for the wedding. I was having a red and gold hand stitched silk sari custom made to match the Sultan's attire for the ceremonies, he also had my jewellery specially made as a surprise for me; which I had to wait 'til the day of the wedding to see.

I spent all my time with my chaperone and the Sultans' mother Tahirah, going over details for the henna night, the ceremony, wedding party, my dress, the rings and the first time being alone with the Sultan.


The day of the wedding was fast approaching, the night before was the Henna night where I would get my palms and feet decorated with Mehendi while all my female family and friends got to meet the Sultans' female family. There we would see each other for the last time before the wedding ceremony, the Sultan would come so we could be Mehendi'd together and he would offer me my mahr, my gold.

Everyone was sat around me; everyone watched and chatted as my Mehendi was being applied, enjoying the music and the company. I looked up and saw the Sultan stood in the doorway watching me as I was smiled and chatted with the women. I beamed a huge smile at him as I bowed my head towards him and winked, everyone turned to see what had made me smile so much.

''Sultan...'' an echo from everyone.

''As you where ladies, it is good to see you all so relaxed. I think I shall sit next to my bride to get my Mehendi if you do not mind...'' he suggested as he walked towards where I sat on the floor, before sitting next to me and touching my chin.

Everyone watched with bated breath, no one had ever seen the Sultan in this light before, he looked almost smitten.

''Come now, I do not have all day. Let's get to going.'' he held his hands out to the woman; she started applying the henna to his hands scrolling my initials on his palms.

I watched with a tiny smile on my face as he looked completely innocent and so peaceful, sat there surrounded by our family and friends on the eve of our wedding.

''Well...I shall see you all tomorrow. Especially you, my dear...'' he said as he kissed my head, taking a deep breath; inhaling my scent.

''Tomorrow...Al.'' I shot him a big smile as I stared directly into his deep brown eyes.

We continued the Mehendi party until my hands and feet were complete then I was sent off to bed to get as much rest as possible; for tomorrow would be a long day, and I would not be getting any sleep tomorrow night.

The Day of the Wedding...

I was woken at 6am to be bathed in rose water; I was washed by two women in a marble bathtub that was a little bigger than the size of a hot tub. They left no patch of skin unwashed, my hair also washed with rose water and left to dry naturally. The two women thoroughly dried me off before they applied sweet scent to my body. They then took me to Tahirah; she would dress me today, my mother-in-law.

''Good morning Claire, how are we?'' she asked gently as she stroked my head.

Tahirah was in her mid-70's, a mother of eight sons and six daughters, most of which were married to or were other rulers across the Middle East, her oldest son was the Sultan. She was very small in stature with long wavy grey hair down to her backside; the years had been good to her unlike her late husband. He used to beat her for giving birth to female heirs. For what she lacked in height she made up for in wisdom and kindness. She was everything you could ask for in a mother.

''I'm well, Tahirah. How are you?'' I smiled putting on a brave front.

''You are nervous child; it is only to be expected. Do not worry, he will treat you well.'' she hugged me and took me over to a chair and sat me down.

Tahirah started to pin my long red hair up in preparation for the ceremony, I watched her lovingly pin it up so carefully for me. She then went on to my makeup, black Egyptian cat eye makeup, a little lip tint and I was done.

''Thank you Tahirah! You mean the world to me; I promise I will always take care of Alaa; and you. I swear.'' I said as I stood up to hug her tightly.

''...Oh child...I was not expecting you to say that.'' she cried happily.

She continued to help me to dress, she fixed my red and gold sari into the correct positions and the Sultan had entrusted his mother with my jewellery.

''Come child.'' she waved.

I followed her intrigued.

''This is for you my child, this is my gift to you.'' she handed me a small tattered black box.

I looked at her and smiled as I opened the box to reveal a gold diamond encrusted hair ornament. My mouth dropped open; I was stunned and unable to speak.

''Do you not like it, my child?'' she paused with a saddened look on her face.

''I...I LOVE it. It is so beautiful...I don't know what to say...'' I hugged her.

''That's all you had to say...it was given to me on my wedding day by my husband’s mother'' Tahirah told me as she hugged me back.

''This is from your Husband.'' she handed me a big red velvet box.

''Eeeee....I'm excited.'' I squealed.

I took the box and placed it on the bed as I knelt on the floor to open it while Tahirah stood behind me watching on; I opened the box to reveal a ruby encrusted necklace with matching earrings and bracelets.

''OH...MY...GOD!! Tahirah look...'' I said in a high pitched voice.

''They are very beautiful like you my child.'' Tahirah smiled down at me, kissing my head with such sadness in her eyes.

''What's wrong?'' I frowned.

''Remembering my wedding day... Anyway this is your day and we need to finish getting you ready and something to eat.''

She helped put the necklace, bracelets and hair ornament on me as I put the earring on, I stood up in front of her my outfit complete, my sari with my jewellery and makeup done. Tahirah smiled at me and opened the door leading me out to the ceremony room.

All our families and friends where sat around with all the dignitaries and political allies of the Sultans', the Imam was waiting to perform the ceremony with the Sultan. I walked over to them and the Imam started, he said a short speech then asked my father to sign a contract with the Sultan.

''You look very beautiful.'' the Sultan whispered to me as my father signed me away.

We were officially married.

The Sultan placed a four carat diamond platinum ring on my right hand ring finger, and then I placed a platinum band on his right hand ring finger.

We went out to the gardens' of the palace for the wedding reception where we sat on the kosha, where we reigned as king and queen of the reception. The drinks were then passed around to wish us happiness and health in our marriage before we switched the rings from the right hand to the left; that lead onto our first dance.

He took my hand leading me to the dance floor; he spun me around before he kissed my hand as we danced. The d.j then invited everyone else up to join us in our first dance.

''I love you...'' I whispered in his ear.

''I have loved you since the first moment I saw you in the mall. I will always love you Claire'' he smiled.

The Sultan took the microphone from the d.j.

''I wish to thank you all for being here to share this special event with me and my beautiful wife today. It has been a wonderful day but I must retire now with my wife but please stay and enjoy the festivities.'' he announced to everyone.

The Wedding Night...

I was taken to the Sultan's bed chamber by Tahirah, where Al was waiting for us; he was wearing only a pair of trousers.

''Thank you Mother.'' he pecked her cheek.

''Be kind to her son, she is a good girl.'' Tahirah smiled as she left.

''Hi...husband.'' I smiled at Al as he sat on the edge of the bed.

''Hi wife...'' he held out his hand, beckoning me to him.

I walked towards Al and placed my hand in his; he had the softest skin to touch for a man in his late 40's. He gasped my hand and pulled me onto his lap, he lovingly stroked my cheek as I placed my legs across his. I ran my left hand threw his salt and pepper coloured hair; I turned to him, our noses touched with our lips only a few millimetres away from one another.

I could feel his breathing become ragged and sharp.

''Thank you for my gifts.'' I whispered onto his lips as I stared into his chocolate eyes.

''Anything for you...anything.'' his hand reached up to my neck holding me in place as he kissed my lips for the first time.

My arms wrapped around his neck pulling him to me; and me to him as he kissed me with more passion and lust. He lay back onto the bed pulling me with him making me be on top of him as we kiss, his hands roamed my body; pulling the sari wrap off my head and shoulders. Pulling on the zipper of my blouse; he revealed my bare back, his hands ran down my warm new exposed skin to my ass. He grabbed it as I moved my legs to either side of his hips straddling him; we were still locked in our first passionate kiss. I pulled away from him braking our kiss, gasping for air as I held my top over my heaving milky white breasts.

''Let it fall...'' Al asked me.

I looked down at him as I removed my hand and placed it on his chest with my other hand, the blouse slid down my pale freckled arms and onto his chest. Revealing to him my hard rose coloured nipples and heavy breasts that swayed as I took a deep nervous breaths, I stared down into his dark brown eyes as I bit my bottom lip.

His hands worked their way up my legs slowly caressing every inch of them; from my ankles to my calves to my knees then my thighs where he stopped. He looked up into my emerald eyes looking for a sign to continue or to stop. I smiled a n anxious half smile at him were he continued on to my untouched womanhood, his skilled fingers finding my clit almost instantly. It was he who was now smiling a half smile at me, almost wickedly. He rubbed over my little nub so gently in circles then back and forth. My breath heightened; making my breasts move faster and more rapid, I watched Al watching me and my breasts as his fingers worked their magic on my body.

''You are ready my princess...'' he smiled eagerly.

''I'm scared Al...'' I sighed and put my head down in shame.

''I'll be gentle, I promise.'' he told me as he lifted my chin up with his index finger.

He pulled me down onto his chest wrapping his arms around my back as he rolled us over, pinning me under him. He knelt up on the bed pushed up away from me; he took my leg in his hands, starting at my toes he kissed up both my legs until he reached the top of my thighs, where he undid my skirt and pulled it out from under me.

I was splayed out naked on his huge white linen bed.

He slid off the bed and stood at the bottom of it as he looked up at me. He undressed revealing his already throbbing and rock hard manhood, before clambering up the bed to lie between my legs.

''You seen my penis Claire? This is what you do to me all the time.'' he sighed in frustration.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and back pulling him onto my chest; I kissed him hard, opening my mouth and pushing my tongue into his mouth to show him my wanting and my lust.

''I am yours, take me.'' I whisper in his ear as I kiss up his cheek.

Al reached between my legs he held his firm cock in his hand; he rubbed the head against my clit then up and down my slit. He looked into my eyes and asked again if I was ready; I nodded and he kissed me as he pushed the head of his rock hard cock into my pussy. I let out a moan that was muffled by Al's kiss. Still holding his cock he slid back and forth before he pushed against my hymen tearing it; he was inside me, I was no longer a virgin and I was his now and forever. I screamed out only to have it silenced by the Sultan's lips and tongue, tears' fell from my tightly closed eyes. He stopped inside me, breaking our kiss.

''Are you okay...?'' he asked as he wiped my tears away replacing them with a kisses.

''I'm okay...'' I smiled a sad smile.

He continued to making love to me as he kissed my neck and breasts working his way towards my highly sensitive nipples, he was slowly thrusting in and out of my pussy. I held on to his neck and back as he was thrusting, our breathing both ragged as I start to feel something building deep in my belly. I started to make noises I had never made before, I was starting to climax. He kissed my areola's before nibbling gently on my nipples making me gasp and grab his hair.

We kissed furiously as we were both reaching the penultimate point of climax; he grabbed my legs pushing them on his shoulders as he plunged into me again, deeper. I was going to explode soon. Sooner than I imagined as Al started to cum inside me; his body spasmed and slammed against mine, he was balls deep in me as I exploded, my body shaking and shuddering as I came on his wilting member.

That was the last thing I remembered of that night.

I woke up in Al's arm's; it was the safest, most wonderful place I had ever been and ever cared to be. I lay there in his embrace as I watched him sleep; he looked so peaceful, content and calm. I could not help but stretch up to kiss him, to kiss my husband.

Three Months Later...

I had been sick for the last week; week and a half when the Sultan had the physician called in to see me, he arrived at our bed chambers. He announced his arrival with a loud knock on the door.

''Come in. I'm in here.'' I called out from the bathroom as I was throwing up.

''Come...your highness...come.'' the physician helped me to my feet and into bed as my servant fetched me a glass of water.

''Tell me what is wrong. The Sultan is extremely worried about you, your highness.'' he confessed to me.

''Nothing, I feel fine. I just keeping throwing up.'' I told him innocently.

''And when was you last period, your highness?'' he asked bluntly.

''Emm...I don't know. Now that you mention it, it has been a while.'' I told him as the penny dropped in my head.

After an examination and a blood test I was told I was with child, potentially the next heir to the throne. The Sultan was called to our bed chambers immediately to be informed of my 'illness'.

''Al, come.'' I patted the bed beside me.

''What is wrong my dear...'' he asked as he sat down with a grim look on his face.

''Everything is fine. I am well.'' I smiled at him as I took his hand placing it on my stomach.

''I am with child. You are to be a daddy.'' I beamed at him.

''Oh you wonderful, wonderful girl!!'' he grabbed my head as he kissed me all over, and then kissed my belly.

''Praise Allah! Notify everyone I am to be a father again.'' he shouted to his servants.

Six Months Later...

I gave birth to a baby boy, giving the Sultan his first male heir after having 12 daughters; Allah had finally blessed him with a son. He had always thought that Allah had cursed him by only giving him female children until I gave birth to our son.

He loved me more than he did before and worshipped the ground I walk on; for I had given him our son Caleb, his heir to the throne. The one thing the other 68 could not.

I am number 69.


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I AM NUMBER 69 CAW 12 Entry

Introduction: It was the summer of travel and mystery. It was the summer of 69. I AM NUMBER 69 The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother natures authority. In the midst of the chaos of Dubai, the recovery truck was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, Abu Dhabi race track could be heard, the police were signalling the traffic to move on and watch for yet another broken down jeep, ours. It was the summer of 69. It was the...

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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

Introduction: CAW 13 Entry – How horrifying Art Can Be. Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13 Entry. This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth...

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Andrew CAW 10

Introduction: This is my story for the CAW 10, it is also a true story about a dark part of my life that I am just starting to come to terms with and wanted to share. Please try to be constructive when giving criticism to my story. Thank you to my last minute proofreader and to you the reader for taking the time to actually read my story. Vicki x This is my first attempt at writing my story, I have decided to enter it in the CAW 10 also. Please give me constructive criticism and try not to be...

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CAW 10 The Best Decision I Made

Introduction: This is my story of The Best for the CAW 10. It is about a blossoming friendship within XNXX, between an older gent and a young woman. *Best decision I made* I scoured the Internet looking for something, yearning for something, someone, when I found the sex story section of xnxx and then located the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for, a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as me. I began chatting with people but was very skeptical and...

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CAW 10 The Best Decision I Made

I scoured the Internet looking for something, yearning for something, someone, when I found the sex story section of xnxx and then located the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for; a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as me. I began chatting with people but was very skeptical and wary of giving out any personal details. I found some very interesting people, some of whom became close friends. It was when I decided to throw my hat into the ring with...

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Baxter Savage A Trilogy CAW 85 Halloween

cannibalism, death, murder, sex, rape Introduction: Baxter Savage, a serial killer seeking to right the wrongs in his past kills for peace of mind, to put at ease his morose ponderings and possibly manage the guilt he feels. It's a short story, so be warned. Baxter Savage: All Hallows Eve, Carving More Than Pumpkins - CAW 8.5 To derive a sense of pleasure from the screams, as blood curdling and fearful as you could possibly imagine, a mass of flesh lay in a crumpled pile...

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Baxter Savage All Hallows Eve Carving More Than Pumpkins CAW 85

Tagged: cannibalism, murder, death, cooking Introduction: Baxter Savage, a serial killer seeking to right the wrongs in his past kills for peace of mind, to put at ease his morose ponderings and possibly manage the guilt he feels. It's a short story, so be warned. Baxter Savage: All Hallows Eve, Carving More Than Pumpkins - CAW 8.5 To derive a sense of pleasure from the screams, as blood curdling and fearful as you could possibly imagine, a mass of flesh lay in a crumpled...

5 years ago
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The Five Witches Brew CAW 85

Introduction: This is my story for CAW 8.5, witches and sex is all im going to say. Witches Brew The Five She was awoke on her sixteenth birthday with a strange feeling deep down in the pit of her stomach, something had happened, something had changed. She got up and went into the bathroom where she stood infront of the mirror in shock, her poker straight blonde hair had turned auburn, curly and she now had piercing green eyes from the baby blue she went to sleep with last night. As she...

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Playing With Fire CAW 7

Introduction: Here is my story for CAW 7 hope you all like my entry, its the first story ive ever written. Be gentle with me. *Play with fire, youll get burned.* I was paged over the intercom to go meet Craig, my handler outside The Bosss office, Lawrence is the director and boss of the The Agency he gives everyone there orders and missions. I arrived and Craig was already there pacing back and forth nervously. He looked up at me, put his hands on my shoulders and told me I would be fine, then...

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Relatively Related CAW 27 entry0

“What was that?” Hailey quietly whispered to her sister. Straining to hear more, Jamie replied, “I think it’s the Nanny trying to catch us playing in mother and father’s room. Oh dear! I am afraid that the ghosts aren’t going to be happy!” Giggling softly Hailey asked, “You think they will scare her away?” “I’m not sure this one is the toughest we have ever had; we’ll have to wait and see,” Jamie said looking at her sister. “Get to sleep before she comes in here and catches us. I for...

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A Welcomed Guest 1 CAW 27 entry 3rd place tie

------------------------------------ It was only a few hours later after they had pleasured each other when he awoke to find that that he was still on the bed stark naked. Turning his head he expected to find the room completely empty. Then his eyes settled on her pale, shining form sitting in the chair by the window. “I thought you had left as you always do,” he thought he said to her. He wasn’t sure, as it seemed hardly any of his senses were working correctly. “Have stayed to...

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Christmas Gift CAW 26

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here it was almost a month before Christmas and I had no spirit at all. Christ, I had always had great Christmas spirit loved to give rather than receive. This year I had nothing, all my children were scattered, me and the wife had parted ways not in a good way, though we were still married. I figured what the hell, without them it just...

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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...

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CAW 12 Mr Phillips and Miss Jasmine

It was the summer of 1869. It was the summer of my life ending in India… Oh how I shall miss my beloved Princess Jasmine, the silky smooth texture of her fair skin, and the lips that pulsate with fiery bliss whenever they so, so gently press against my cheek. Oh how I can still feel the heat of her breath upon my skin, the gentle breeze coming from the smiling lips and her nose… Then in an instant to the here and now I suddenly returned, calling out orders to the handful of my men who...

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Loni CAW 12

********** Aging fishermen tell stories about “the one that got away.” The one that got away from me was a girl named Loni. ***** The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother nature's authority. Shade was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, a transistor radio could be heard, the music of the Beatles signaling the start of another day on the beach. It was the summer of '69. It was the summer of...

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CAW11 Cold Winters Day reedittedII

My pimp had forced me to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for a profitable night to keep him and his henchmen away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single, twenty-one-year-old mother and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter named Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling every icy cold whiff of air tonight. I stand 5 foot 7 inches and weigh 103 pounds and I wasn’t dressed...

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CAW11 Cold Winters Day reeditted

My pimp forced to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for profitable night; to keep him and his henchmen, away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single 21 year old mother, and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter, Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling, every icy cold whiff of air, tonight. I stand 5-foot 7-inches and weigh 103-pounds; and I wasn’t dressed appropriately for the elements...

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CAW11 Cold Winters Day

My pimp forced to work the streets tonight. I was hoping for profitable night; to keep him and his henchmen, away from me and my family. My name is Louise and I am a single 21 year old mother, and also a prostitute. I have a three year old daughter, Misty (Melissa). She was being looked after by a close friend. My slender framed body was feeling, every icy cold whiff of air, tonight. I stand 5-foot 7-inches and weigh 103-pounds; and I wasn’t dressed appropriately for the elements...

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The Cheatin Side of Town CAW 11

***** “I heard a song driving over here,” Goldie said. “You know that band 'The Eagles'?” “Mhm,” I wasn't really listening. I was watching her get undressed. “It was about lying eyes and going to the cheating side of town.” She went into the bathroom to look in the mirror. “Do you think Brian can see it when he looks at me? Is that where we are?” “I hate to think of it that way,” I said. “But that's what we're doing, isn't it? Cheating? You're married, and I have...

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CAW Just One

She got up each day and ate her breakfast and drank a cup of coffee. She dressed for work and walked out the door of her apartment. She walked to work each day. It wasn’t far and she had no car. She walked the same streets each day stepping over the same cracked sidewalks and seeing the same rundown buildings. She went to her job where she sat in her cubicle and did her mindless tasks. She could do most of her job in her sleep without thinking. She didn’t socialize much with her fellow...

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Andrew CAW 10

Please give me constructive criticism and try not to be too harsh with me as it is my first story and a part of my life. Andrew I felt so lucky to have someone who loved and cherished me so much or so I thought. In my naivety, I gave him my virginity at the mere age of fifteen. It just didn't click that maybe he was using me for his own twisted pleasures. I always thought he truly loved and cared for me and my ambitions to go to art college. Everything was fine until I turned...

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CAW 10 The Banger Sisters

I was stuck for cash, avoiding my landlord and everyone else I owed money which left me with very few friends. The friends that were left I held very dearly. Jessica, my best friend in the world, had been friends with me since nursery school when we were named 'the gruesome twosome'. Jessica and I both left school at fifteen; she had a well-paying job to go to, and I went on to have a scholarship at an art college. For a while we lost touch but more recently when it was our birthdays she...

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CAW 9 A Hanukkah Gift

The resistance fighters fled to avoid the approach of more Germans. All was silent. Each of the German soldiers had been killed but Private Hans Rickmers, seventeen years old, slender and slight, 5’7”. He had been wounded in the leg. When he was sure the resistance fighters had left he began calling out to his older brother, “Karl! Karl!” When he discovered the body of his brother, Hans began to cry bitterly. After he composed himself, he applied a first aid bandage to the...

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The Gift of Life CAW 9

It was a cold, rainy, wet, miserable afternoon, and the last place Hal Binks wanted to be was up an electrical pole. However, he told himself, that was what they paid him the big roll of quarters to do, and besides, there were a lot of people counting on guys like him to get their electricity turned back on again. But it didn’t make him any warmer, or drier, and it certainly didn’t make him feel any better about his lonely lot in life. Maybe it was his inattention to what he was doing....

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The Five Witches Brew CAW 85

The Five She was awoke on her sixteenth birthday with a strange feeling deep down in the pit of her stomach, something had happened, something had changed. She got up and went into the bathroom where she stood infront of the mirror in shock, her poker straight blonde hair had turned auburn, curly and she now had piercing green eyes from the baby blue she went to sleep with last night. As she stared at herself in disbelief her aunt came into her room to wish her a happy birthday, she also...

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One Special Day CAW8

Then she heard a car pull up, and the door close. There standing at the gate was Peter. Their eyes met as he opened the gate and stepped through. Her heart was beating hard as she set her cup down on the counter and stepped out the door. She was in his arms and held tight. "You are beautiful my Kat." He whispered. "Dreaming of this is nothing like being here." He said as his lips brushed her cheek. His fingers ran through her hair as he watched the sun light sparkle through...

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Caitlyn Returning Home A CAW 7 Entry Cheltenham

by Cheltenham Caitlyn struggled with addiction all her life. Finding herself holed up in a decrepit hotel room, its walls caked with peeling, yellowed wallpaper and nearly as much dirt upon the floor that it appeared to be thick like a lush carpet, she didn't know where she was headed. A syringe had been hanging out of the crook of her arm and a shoestring held her last decent vein prominently against the skin. She wanted one more hit, but couldn't score. There wasn't any money in her...

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Playing With Fire CAW 7

I was paged over the intercom to go meet Craig, my handler outside The Boss's office, Lawrence is the director and boss of the The Agency he gives everyone there orders and missions. I arrived and Craig was already there pacing back and forth nervously. He looked up at me, put his hands on my shoulders and told me I would be fine, then opened the door ushering me inside. I walked in and the door behind me closed as I stood in front of his desk, my hands clasped in front of me nervously....

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CAW 17 entry Drifting

The ship rocked in space. I had no idea what was happening but the evacuation alarm had been triggered. I was running for the life pods for all I was worth. Again that rocking sensation this time so hard it threw me to the floor. Then the deck started to vibrate and shake as if we were in a planet quake. People ran and screamed around me. Then the sound of an explosion pealed through the hull. It took everything I had not to panic. I was an officer in the navy. It was my duty to be strong for...

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Witches BrewCAW 9Resubmitted

Witches Brew The Five She awoke on her sixteenth birthday with a strange feeling deep down in the pit of her stomach. Something had happened. Something had changed. She got up and went into the bathroom where she stood in front of the mirror in shock. Her poker straight blonde hair had turned auburn, curly and she now had piercing green eyes from the baby blue she went to sleep with last night. As she stared at herself in disbelief her aunt came into her room to wish her a happy birthday. She...

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One Special Day CAW8

Introduction: Kat and Pete have dreamed of a day they can be together. Just one day. This is there day. Kat stood in her kitchen doorway. Her silk gown blowing in the breeze. Her eyes scanning the back gate watching for her lover to walk up. It was nearing the time for him to be there. Her children were away with family and her husband was at work. She was so excited for this day. It was a long day coming. Then she heard a car pull up, and the door close. There standing at the gate was Peter....

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CAW 10 The Banger Sisters

Introduction: Cash strapped Ally get re-acquainted with an old friend. The Banger Sisters. I was stuck for cash, avoiding my landlord and everyone else I owed money which left me with very few friends. The friends that were left I held very dearly. Jessica, my best friend in the world, had been friends with me since nursery school when we were named the gruesome twosome. Jessica and I both left school at fifteen, she had a well-paying job to go to, and I went on to have a scholarship at an art...

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In the entry

I had just come out of the army after my national service and had travelled home on the bus from a night out with my c***dhood friend Derek.We lived in terraced housed with an entry inbetween.It was a dark night and we stood chatting in the entry about the old days and what we did to each other.We both knew that the interest was still there.Within minutes we had each others cock out and were playing with each other as we talked,we had to be very careful because even t ho' it was dark we were...

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My November Journal Entry

My birthday was on a Sunday and all I had planned was a swinger’s club visit and some husband fun. I didn’t expect much to happen but I was hoping it would as the start of November had been disappointing, nothing other than a dud swinger’s party. In the event, I had a great romantic weekend on my birthday and hubby’s birthday was on the horizon as well. All good signs.I'd been bored to tears during the work week and I masturbated like a teenager to on-cam guys who had huge cocks. I had happy...

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My second entry

Right now, I'm typing this on my laptop. I'm looking down at my penis, and it is, of course, erect. My penis is pretty average in size, about six inches. It's got a nice, thick vein on it that you can see pulse as the blood courses through it when I have an erection. In some instances in my post-S&M days, I've had a few men who have gone nuts when they've seen it. I love penis. There's something that draws me into it. When I masturbate, I love how my hand feels on it . When I'm...

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My first entry

I suppose you should know a little about me. Well, this journal is intended to be stories about my past. I'm 28 years old now. I'm gay. I like a dominant man, and I figured that out when I was 18. I'm still horny as all hell...just like I was as a kid. I didn't know what I liked or didn't. At the time, I didn't know I was gay. But, even then, the word penis turned me on. I always wanted to see another guy's penis. I didn't have that opportunity until I was 18. I had decided not to...

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December Swap Meat Journal Entry

December chill has hit us but I still long for attention and fun. A few recent swingers parties were okay at best — but they keep me hungry for more.I'm very fortunate that I live this lifestyle and I wish that I’d started younger. My husband is awesome — he just is. I never really write about him much because he doesn't know I keep this journal. And he certainly doesn’t know about some of the things I do. They would probably crush him. I step out more than I should but we have a “don't ask,...

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B7 Chapter 2 Entry

Chapter 2: forced Entry Calista, Dejah and Kristal finally finished cutting through the deadbolt locks that had reinforced the door to Dee Dee's laboratory. All right, everyone out of the way," ordered Rhiannon. Smoke was still wisping out of the lock mechanisms as she braced herself in front of the door. Summoning her strength, Rhiannon lowered her posture slightly and shoved forward with the heels of her hands, so that all of her force was concentrated into one powerful thrust. A dull...

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Forced Entry

Forced Entry By Michele Nylons Danny sat at the bar of the Holiday Inn nursing his fourth double scotch, espousing to the man beside him the reasons why his company was the best designer and distributor of accounting software in the world. Danny was a large man in his forties and was running to fat. He was dressed in a travel-weary navy-blue business suit, a crumpled white shirt now open at the neck, and a ratty tie. He was attending a convention for accounting software...

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Last Entry

Last Entry Well, it looks like this is it. Nobody is coming, or at least not in time to save me. The end of the line, as they say. I'm gonna die. Dont know why I'm writing this down. Nobody will find it, even if there is anybody left. But I want to, because that's what I did my whole life - write. In the unlikely event someone does come, and sees a forty-something dude wearing a wedding dress and wonders why, the answer is simple. This is who I was, the secret I will take with...

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Juvenile Reentry

The house at the end of the street was a two-story farmhouse-style home with white siding and burgundy shutters. It had a covered porch that wrapped around close to three-quarters of the house. It was owned by Renaissance Foster Solutions, LLC which was run by Mona Watford and Rosalind Person.Mona and Rosalind had been together for 19 years and married for two. Mona worked as marriage and family ther****t. Rosalind, a former retail store manager, now ran the home that served foster c***dren -...

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There's something extremely satisfying about the slow pull of a zipper.That's what I'd instructed her to wear. Something that zipped. With nothing underneath.cristina is a stereotypical Tex-Mex beauty. Long dark hair. Hour glass figures. Nice round ass and big perfect tits.She walked into the hotel bar in a belted burgundy satin romper with a zipper down the front. She had on high heels. She was trying to walk slow, but she couldn't keep those big tits from jostling.Her husband came in behind...

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Number One Pony

Number One Pony PlowingEvery day at the farm begins the same way. I was wakened as usual at seven o’clock and had fifteen minutes to brush my teeth and go to the bathroom. Then I waited at the gate until my mistress arrived. My team assembled behind me and we waited silently until Mistress Eve showed up. She unlocked the gate and we walked to the wash room. I positioned myself between two posts, spread my feet and raised my arms. Mistress Eve tied my wrists to the posts then did the same to my...

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Number 6

She hides behind a tree; her heart is pumping so loudly that she's scared it will give her hiding place away. She can hear him, searching for her, he's so very close she feels, a branch snaps and she holds her breath, wishing her heart wasn't so loud. Why had she gotten into his car so easily? After everything her mother had told her! WHY had she been so trusting? A noise - just by her! She turns to see him looking at her! She squeals in shock and runs away as his hands reach out to grab...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 77 Carpentry

Then I took a job with a farmer who said he needed some carpentry done. I knew which end of a hammer and a saw to hold onto so I told him I was his man, especially after I saw his wife and daughter, a pair of downright stunners who were casual about their dress. The farmer was well into his sixties, perhaps seventy, but his wife was closer to twenty and his daughter was about the same, maybe a year or two older. They certainly could have worn each other's clothes. To me it looked like an...

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My third entry

I've been in that position before, go figure. The best time, however, was my night from hell though. I had cum against my master's orders on the first night I was with him. But I couldn't help it! I had been left tied up, standing, blindfolded, my ears covered, my mouth stuffed, and incredibly horny. After some time of being in that position, wanting to cum, I suddenly felt a mouth come over my penis. I felt his tongue run up and down my penis, from the bottom of my scrotum, to the top...

2 years ago
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diary entry

BLL 34 years, first time 1 kid, 15 years old red hair, freckles on face, tits. green eyes. 180 pounds, 5'9" tall not "fat" or gross, but "thick" nicely proportioned body, little something extra. wore jeans, tee shirts mostly, rarely a dress, or uniform, lots of thongs, always matched bra, satin liked to dress as a cop when she came over. she wanted a BF. i wanted an FB. 2 years on and off, never dated, only screwed. supposedly on birth control, not sure, she said "don't worry...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Entry

Summary Bethan’s back from her first term away at uni, freshly-pierced, freshly-tattooed and now, it seems… freshly-bisexual. And what better way to shock everyone back home than showing off her sassy, rebellious, dreadlocked new girlfriend Emily? But when they visit her old school friend Jadie, it’s Bethan and Emily who’ll get a shock. And Jim might just have something to do with that… Jim’s had his ups and downs in life, a parent at sixteen, an orphan at eighteen and a widower at...

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Forced Entry

Introduction: A man forces himself inside a womans home and rapes her. (A rape fantasy) It was almost 2 AM in the morning. I went out with some girlfriends to go clubbing and I was tired ready to crash for the night. This was our weekly Friday ritual. After a night of dancing and drinking, we could forget about the workweek and put it all behind us for a couple of days. I fumbled with the keys at the front door. When I unlocked the door and opened it, a man from behind grabbed me and forced...

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My Life My Rules 8211 Part 2 Lalabhai Ki Entry

Hi doston!  I’m Sarika. I’m 28 years old aur main ek widhwa aurat hoon. Aaj main aapko meri life ke bare main batana chahungi. Meri life ek sahi aur galat ke hisse main bati hui hai, koi kehta hai ki main sahi hoon aur koi kehta hain main galat. Isliye main aaj apni life ka woh hissa apse share karna chahati hoon jo meri life ka sabse bada turning point bana. Ye kahaani sunne ke baad aap mujhe apne suggestions, ya apne comments par mail kar sakte hain. Main umeed karti hoon ki aap sab mujhe...

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il Entry

I was awoken by a knock at the door and i though nothing of opening it as we lived in a very quiet neighourhood. The neighbours we very friendly and everyone knew everyone else. As it was way after midnight and i was already in bed wearing nothing but a tback and a camisole, i staggered to the door, drunk with sleep.As soon as i open the door, rough arms grip my mouth and around my waist. Five men proceed to push me aside like a rag doll and enter my house. I was mortified at the idea on...

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Entering In No Entry

I was lying nude on my bed.my husband was on top of me guiding his penis into my vagina.i was completely aroused and wanted my husband to fuck me really hard but this was no special night.he cummed in just 4 strokes.he got off me,cleaned himself and lied beside me–ignoring my feelings.I just lay there—nude–unsatisfied. 2 years back i got shifted to Mumbai after i got married to vivek,a nice looking,handsome guy.i was 24 then and he was 27.since then we are sharing a very busy life in a rented...

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Forced Entry

I am an Indian living in Lagos, Nigeria for the past 3years. Any Indian gays or adventurous Indian aunties in Lagos who wish to have anonymous relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. Now for the story Sushmita let herself be afraid. With her hands cuffed behind her and her eyes blindfolded, she had little choice. One second, she’s feeding the cat and trying to figure out what she wants for dinner. The next, she’s grabbed from behind and plunged into...

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Bi Bi 4 Legal entry

It was maybe two weeks later when I got a phone call. I didn’t recognise the number when it rang but I answered it anyway. “Hello Roger” the guy said “this is Alfred Chalmers. Remember me?” “Yes Alfred” I said. “Well” he continued “I know you like parties and I am having one. Are you interested?” I was very surprised “how did you get my number?” I asked. “Oh I have my spies” he said laughing “I have been thinking about you and wondered if you would be interested in MY party”. “Well I guess so”...

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Big Sisters Milkmaid A Dream Diary Entry

I know that it was terribly perverse, what I did. But that is exactly why I did it. I have always had a taste for the bizarre, and what I did was about as bizarre as you can get. By the time I was seventeen I knew that I was bi-sexual. I thought boys and their cocks were absolutely heavenly but many of my sexual fantasies, and I had plenty, involved women and girls. Whenever possible at school I would sneak a peak at my girlfriends as they peed or showered after gym class. I even spied on my...

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Forced Entry

Danny sat at the bar of the Holiday Inn nursing his fourth double scotch, espousing to the man beside him the reasons why his company was the best designer and distributor of accounting software in the world. Danny was a large man in his forties and was running to fat. He was dressed in a travel-weary navy-blue business suit, a crumpled white shirt now open at the neck, and a ratty tie. He was attending a convention for accounting software distributors at the hotel, and he mistakenly believed...

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There and BackChapter 145 Barrier to Entry

All of our forces had lined up in ranks, five across, in front of the opening leading further underground. There weren’t as many as I’d hoped, between the injuries and those left to guard our rear. The soldiers themselves seemed tense, as though their numbers were weighing on their minds as well. We’d been subjected to hours of stress punctuated by periods of intense combat; though the Wardens faced the worst of the fighting, it had to be affecting the soldiers, many of whom were probably...

2 years ago
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Wild Card Entry

I am Sunil today and want to describe the real-life thing that happened in my life 7 years ago. I was just a normal guy of age 36 and from a middle-class family. I was living together with my father, mom, and wife. My life changed suddenly when I had gone to meet my friend Vishnu Vishnu lived just 6-7 km away from my house. I arrived before the scheduled time to meet him at his house and saw the door was closed from the inside. The doorbell was not working and hence I stayed there for a few...


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