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Adam heard the whispers first. At least he thought they were whispers, tiny voices that were indistinct and seemed to be calling to him. He followed them, dropping his heavy pack, leaving the safety of the trail and moving into the darkness of the woods.

He knew the tales of beasts and evil things that lived in these woods, his parents had warned him of them since he was little. The tales were gruesome and horrid, children taken and sacrificed, women raped and sent back to their villages to bear babes that bore the mark of the devil, men who went into the forest and were never heard from again.

He, himself, had seen one such babe and the red mark that covered the tiny infant's face. The babe, a boy, had been taken from the village and left at the base of a tree by the boy's mother who turned her back on her child. The next morn, the boy was gone and the mother had been found by the river, her neck broken, and a strange terror in her eyes.

A branch whipped back, catching Adam across the face, drawing blood. He pushed at it, ignoring the sting, his attention focused upon the whispers. He could see light ahead, a flickering that indicated fire and he hurried that way, crashing through the dense undergrowth of the forest. If someone were to ask him where he was, he wouldn't know. But then again, he wouldn't care for the evil of the forest had taken his mind. He was a pawn for it to play with now.

At eighteen summers, Adam was a strong boy and good looking, with long blonde hair that curled at the tips, bleached almost white by the strong sun. His eyes were startling blue, rich and true, wide set in a strong face that was softened only by long golden eyelashes. He was tall and well built, muscles that came from the plow and hard labor keeping his body lean and strong.

The girls of his village considered him a catch, the only son of a prosperous farmer and handsome to boot. They followed him constantly, giggling behind their hands if he turned and caught an eye or smiled at their silliness.

He'd been on his way to the village this morning, but his mind had been elsewhere instead of concentrating upon his way and his own safety, allowing the evil that dwelled within the dark trees an opening. It had taken its chance for Adam was as sought after by this darkness as he was by the girls of the village.

Laughter caught Adam's attention and he drew closer to the small clearing, moving aside a branch heavily laden with full rich berries to see what had brought him here. Looking between the branches, he caught his breath at the sight that greeted him.

Three girls, not much older than Adam himself, danced around the clearing. The three were beautiful, scarcely dressed with filmy shifts of varying colors. The first that caught his eye was a trim brunette with hair so dark that it seemed part of the forest itself. It flowed around her body bouncing with the girl's movements, a wreath of green leaves gracing her head. Green leaves were scattered among her locks echoing the color of her shift that parted as she skipped around the clearing.

Her breasts were full, nipples hardened and pressing temptingly against the thin fabric. A tiny waist and full hips were displayed by a gold link belt. A large knife in a golden sheath was fastened to the belt.

The second girl was blonde, her hair more golden than Adam's. She was buxom with fleshy breasts that would more than fill his large hands. Large rounded nipples pressed against the sky blue of her shift which was the same color as her eyes. Her hair was as straight as pins with pale blue flowers woven through the satiny tresses. It wasn't her body that drew Adam's eyes though, but her mouth, lush and pink, she wet her lips with her tongue leaving them moist and soft looking. He had a very difficult time taking his eyes off of her.

But there was one more girl. This girl's exotic looks with fiery red hair that hung in thick waves to her waist and green eyes shaped like a cat's, caused Adam's heart to race and his blood to pump thickly into his groin. She wore gold, the material thin enough for Adam to see through it to the graceful curves of her body. Her breasts stood high, her nipples large and pink. Slender hips framed bright red curls that covered the mound of her sex. She seemed to be staring at Adam, though he knew she couldn't see him in the darkness of the forest.

His hands itched to touch her, his body ached with pent up desire. Sex was forbidden before marriage, he had never felt the touch of a woman's hand against his body. And had only known his own self pleasuring, though that also was forbidden and he'd been forced to repent long hours afterwards.

Now he couldn't help but drop his hand to his groin and gently rub the growing bulge that grew from the erotic sight before him. He watched as the three girls danced around the clearing, their bare feet flying over the soft grass as they sang their tunes and stirred a small black cauldron from which a tempting aroma wafted into the wind.

Adam watched the girls as they giggled together, his eyes almost popping from his head when the luscious brunette embraced the blonde, their lips meeting softly. The blonde's hands caressed the brunette with tender touches that had the girl moaning her pleasure. Their lips parted to show the teasing tangle of their tongues as they continued to arouse each other.

The gold link belt was removed and the brunette's green shift slipped from her shoulders catching for a teasing instant against the hardened tips of her breasts. She pulled back a little, wrapping her arm under her breasts to hold the shift to her before turning her back on the blonde. To Adam, it almost seemed as if she was teasing him as well as the pretty blonde girl whose hands settled on the brunette's slim shoulders.

Her hands slipped down, her fingers catching in the slim green straps and pulling downwards almost forcibly on the thin material of the shift. It slid down her arms, the material dragging off her breasts so that they seemed to bounce into view. Adam swallowed hard, his hand shifting over the long bulge in his pants as he feasted his eyes upon the first breasts he'd ever had the chance to see.

For a moment, his father's voice came to him. "Adam, son, you must never do anything that would jeopardize your mortal soul."

And then her shift slid down her body and landed at her feet, exposing the rest of her to his eyes and the voice was forgotten. She smiled and seemed to stare into Adam's eyes as if beckoning him to come to her, to touch the silky skin that gleamed in the sunlight.

"Bernadette," he heard the blonde say to the brunette as she slipped her hands over her soft breasts, her fingers pulling on the hard pink nipples. "Do you have the stones?"

Bernadette nodded, her head falling back to rest on the blonde's shoulder as she allowed her body to be mauled by the girl's small hands.

"Well, where are they?" the redhead asked, slipping up next to the two and stroking Bernadette's thigh.

"In my sheath, Calandra," Bernadette gasped.

Calandra laughed, slipping her fingers between Bernadette's thighs and into the wetness of her pink flesh. "I don't feel anything in there," she said, wiggling her fingers in a way that had Bernadette squirming and moaning.

"Not that sheath," she gasped, moaning when Calandra removed her fingers, slipping them between the brunette's lush pink lips to allow her to taste herself.

Calandra leaned forward and kissed Bernadette, their lips clinging as the blonde slipped her fingers between Bernadette's thighs, sliding two inside and slowly thrusting them in and out.

Adam watched as she squirmed between the two women, her moans escaping despite Calandra's best efforts to keep her mouth busy.

"Not yet, Patience," Calandra said breathlessly as she tore her mouth away. "She must wait for her pleasure like the rest of us must."

Patience removed her hand, bringing her sticky fingers up to her mouth and licking them clean. "True, it will be much better for all of us if we are aroused when he comes."

Bernadette groaned, more than aroused. "I was so close," she grumped. "Can we not start the ceremony?"

Patience shrugged, stepping away from the flushed brunette. "Retrieve the stones, Calandra. I shall get the crystal and herbs." She slipped the straps of her shift from her plump arms, baring her large breasts to Adam's gaze.

He barely restrained the moan that wanted to escape, his hand grasping his cock that throbbed against the material of his pants, twitching as it seemed to swell until it was almost painful.

Patience slipped off her shift, exposing the rest of her curvy body, running her hands down over her breasts and stomach and moaning herself. "I can hardly wait. Have you seen him?" she asked Calandra.

"Only what He showed us," she said, slipping her golden shift down her body until her pink tipped breasts and red furred sex were exposed to the sunlight. "He said the boy would be the one. He said that he would be able to take care of all three of us. We have but to call him and he will come to us."

Bernadette held up three stones, washed smooth in the river and painted a bright red. "I have the stones."

They gathered around the small black pot, Patience handing Calandra a bundle of herbs while she held a crystal that was a pale pink in color.

Adam watched, his eyes roving over the naked bodies of the three girls. They stood proudly in the middle of the clearing, the sun glistening off their skin, shining on their hair. They clasped hands, the black pot that bubbled over the fire in the center of the three. In their left hands they held their offerings, the crystal, the herbs and the three red stones.

As one, they began chanting, their voices raised in praise and plaintive beckoning, sung in sweet harmony. The words were strange and unearthly sounding, sung in a language he'd never heard before. As he watched, they began to dance, their bodies moving, swaying and dipping though their hands remained clasped.

Adam could feel their voices, almost as if they were a physical presence. He stood, his hand dropping from his crotch as he parted the branches, walking towards the girls.

Calandra, who face him, smiled as she chanted and nodded towards him. The other two turned their heads, watching him come towards him. As one, they twisted towards the fire, dropping their offerings into the fragrant brew.

The Bernadette stepped forward, holding her hands out to Adam. "Welcome, Adam. I am happy that you have heard our call."

He put his hands in hers, the other two girls coming up to flank him on either side. Patience touched his arm and Calandra put her hand on his shoulder, linking the four of them together.

Adam felt a flash of heat that flew through him from where the girls' hands touched him ending at his fingertips and leaving him shuddering with a strange kind of pleasure that he could not understand.

Bernadette smiled. "He has blessed us and this joining. You shall perform well for us Adam and we shall reward you with more pleasure than you have ever felt before. Will we not, Patience?"

Patience nodded her blonde head, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness. "We will, Bernadette." She moved closer until her taut heavy breasts touched his arm, rubbing against him. She smiled even more when she saw him swallow convulsively and stare down at her body.

"Do not make him come in his pants, Patience." Calandra stepped closer and brushed her body against his back, pushing her hips against the hard curve of his ass.

"Have you ever been with a woman, Adam?" Bernadette asked him gently, smiling into his eyes.

Even as he shook his head no, Calandra spoke up. "You know he hasn't, Bernadette. We were told he would come to us pure of any evils, ours to turn, ours to make into what we wish him to become."

"Hush, Calandra, you are always so impatient. This boy must be treated with care, he is important to the future of our kind." She dropped Adam's hands, reaching up to the black tie at his neck, pulling at the knots until it came loose and dropped into her hands. Then she slipped the laces of his shirt free, as Calandra pulled his jacket from his shoulders.

As one, they lifted his shirt from his body, leaving him bare from the waist up. Patience sighed in anticipation as she ran her hands over his body, muscled and toned from the heavy labor of his daily chores. He was pale, for to bare a body in public was forbidden for those of his religion. That would change once he became one of them. He would grow tan and used to being naked in front of others. But now, it was up to them to lead him into their ways.

Calandra pressed against him from behind, her hands stroking from his shoulders to his waist as she sought to bring the boy pleasure and to please herself as well. He was easy on the eyes, she thought, hearing her sisters' voices in her head agreeing. Her hands found the waistband of his pants and she undid the crude fastening, feeling the baggy breeches fall from his trim hips, leaving him exposed.

Bernadette knelt at his feet, her eyes upon the hardness of his cock which had swung free of the confines of cloth, standing hard and long before them. "Oh, He was true to his word," she whispered, staring at the hardened shaft. "He will pleasure us all well and true." Her hand reached out as if she would touch him, but then she remembered herself, instead reaching for the boots on his feet to help him out of them.

He stepped from the pooled fabric of his breeches naked but for the heavy knitted stockings on his feet. Patience stepped around him, her hands trailing across his chest, her voice low as if speaking to a spooked animal. "You are a fine one, Adam. You are strong of face and form. Do you wish to be with me as man is with a woman?"

"I do not understand," Adam said, groaning as Patience's soft fingers brushed against the tops of his thighs and across the heavy sack that held his balls.

"Do not worry," Bernadette said, her hands on his legs, lifting them to remove the hand knitted stockings. "We shall teach you what you need to know. But you must answer Patience's question, Adam."

Calandra, her body still plastered against his back, stood on tiptoe to reach his ear with her mouth. "She wishes you to fuck her, Adam. Have you never seen two animals rut or know what husbands and wives do in your village?"

Adam nodded his head distractedly. "I have seen the horses that we mate and dogs, of course. Is that what you wish for me to do?"

"Good boy," Calandra whispered, slipping her tongue into his ear to circle the whorled curve. "Now answer Patience, Adam."

Adam, his cock throbbing with need, painful desire almost forcing him to his knees before these three beautiful women, felt a moment of fear and sanity through the cloud of lust that seemed to surround this clearing. Was this the danger his parents had warned him of? Would he be condemning himself to hell if he answered yes?

He struggled with himself, a losing battle for the spell cast by the three was strong.

Patience, unable to say another word until he answered her question, stood before him, her hands cupping her breasts, fingers twisting and tweaking at her nipples until they stood as ripe as the berries of the forest before him. Then she moved her hands down, over her rounded belly and plump thighs to the blonde covered mound of her sex, parting the swollen lips of her cunt with her fingers to show him the pink within.

"Y... Yes," Adam stammered, his eyes following her hands as they were meant to do. He lost the battle of wills with barely a struggle and stepped forward and into the blonde witch's hands. Lust overcame all moral religious values Adam might ever have had, leaving him a pawn to the three's wicked advances.

Patience lowered herself to the sweet grasses of the clearing, holding her hands out to Adam who followed her down. He felt his body settle against her plump one, feeling the give of sleek flesh and the heat of her like a fire, burning him from the inside out. Her hands caressed his chest, her lips finding his, giving him his first kiss.

He was clumsy and unsure, his mouth held tightly closed against hers. She sighed, pushing him back until he lay upon his back in the smooth grasses. "Open your lips when you kiss, Adam." She looked up at Bernadette who dropped to her knees at her unspoken request. Her mouth found Patience's easily, their lips parting and clinging moistly.

"See what they do, Adam," Calandra said, coming to rest on the other side of him, her hands seeking the heat of his body as if that was where they belonged. "Open your lips, rub them against hers," she said, pushing him to his side. She snuggled in behind him, her hands stroking over the plains and angles of his body, hearing his moans as they watched the two girls kiss. "Then use your tongue to explore her mouth," she said, using her own to trace a path down his spine and then back up.

Patience broke the kiss, turning back to their promised one. She faced him; her blonde hair spread out around her, and pulled his face back to hers. "It is easy, Adam. And pleasurable, once you master the technique." Her lips touched his, gently, just brushing against his firm mouth. Then again, returning to take a deeper taste, still teasing until his mouth followed hers when she pulled back. "He's eager to learn," Patience said, satisfaction in her tone.

Then she slipped her mouth over his, rubbing his lips with her own and finally running her soft pink tongue over the seam of his lips until he opened them. His tongue pushed tentatively at her own with a childlike innocence that Patience enjoyed immensely. She could feel the heat of desire coiling in her own loins, knowing that she would be his first. First to taste of his mouth, first to feel his cock in her cunt, she would be the one to take his saintly virginity and lure him away from the ways of his people.

Adam grew surer in his kiss, his mouth no longer following the dictates of Patience's but exploring what felt good to him. He loved the taste of her mouth, the darkness of the flavor that made his heart beat faster and a pulse seem to beat in the heaviness of his groin. Her breasts were like twin brands of fire against his chest. He wished to touch them, to find out for himself what one felt like.

His hand rose awkwardly, hesitantly brushing against the taut skin. He pulled back when she moaned as if he'd done something wrong. "I... I'm sorry," he stuttered, his lips still close to hers. "They are so pretty, I... I just wanted to know how they felt."

Patience laughed, a melodic sound empty of derision. "Then feel them, my stud, for they are for your pleasure as well as my own."

He reached up, his hand brushing over her skin, not touching her nipple though he wished to know if it were as hard as it looked, or if it felt the same as his own, though they looked very different in appearance.

"Like this, Adam," Bernadette said, coming to rest behind Patience, her arm around the blonde girl as she took Adam's hand in her own. Laying his palm against the heavy mound of flesh, she squeezed her hand over it gently, lifting slightly. Then ran his palm up and over, around the smoothness of her skin before finally pressing his palm against Patience's nipple.

"See how sleek and soft she is, Adam?" Bernadette asked, moving his hand in circles so that it teased Patience's nipple in a way she knew the blonde girl loved. The moan that escaped her lush lips told the tale of her passion and in her mind, she begged her sister to teach him more.

Adam nodded, swallowing convulsively. His mind was full of visions of corruption, his senses full of these three women. He could feel his cock being pressed between the soft plump thighs of Patience, trapped there so close to her heat to make him almost feel scorched. Calandra was behind him, her mouth on the back of his neck, her hands caressing him with a touch that was exquisite in its gentleness and persistence. Bernadette, her hand over his, was staring at him with eyes that seemed to melt into his soul. And all he could do was be the putty for their hands to mold as his will to resist had been tepid at best even from the first.

"Now do with her breast what you will, Adam. Squeeze it, play with her nipples, pull on them, twist them if that is your wish. You may even taste them for Patience loves to feel a hot mouth and playful tongue on her body. Would you wish to feel her plump little nipples inside of your mouth, Adam?" Bernadette took Patience breast in her hand, lifting it so that her nipple stood in offering to his lips.

Adam nodded, bending his head to the treat that was offered. His mouth opened and he drew the pink tip into his mouth, using his tongue as he was directed by Bernadette's soft words. He pushed her to her back in the grass, his mouth feasting on the taut flesh as Patience moaned and begged, writhing beneath.

Her legs spread, offering herself up as an altar to be breeched by his cock. With the coaxing of the other two, who now moved closer to Patience head, their hands caressing each others bodies as they watched, he stared down at the wet pink flesh between her thighs.

"Come," Patience said, reaching out to touch his cock with her soft hand. She wrapped her palm over him, feeling the heat of his need pulse against her skin. With a shiver of need of her own, she guided him over her and towards her wet, waiting opening.

Adam thought he would explode when her hand wrapped around his cock, the first that anyone other than himself had touched him there since he was a baby. It was an unexpected shock of pleasure, her soft palm, startling him enough that he moved with her as she slowly pulled on him. He felt the wet heat of her cunt stretch around his cock, drawing him inside of her.

"Ooo, he's big," Patience sighed, her hips moving to force him deeper. She undulated under him, her breasts jiggling as he started thrusting in and out.

Calandra felt a twist of desire as she watched Adam. She could hardly wait for her turn with this handsome stud. She was last as she was the youngest of the three, her sisters would fuck him first. But with being last meant she would also get the best for the men He found that were as young as Adam and as virile always managed to perform much better than they were expected to. With a grin, she pressed her mouth against Bernadette's breast, suckling upon its turgid tip. Her sister groaned, her fingers looping through her hair to hold her head tighter.

"Look, Calandra," she hissed as together they turned to watch Adam's body jerk almost uncontrollably. "He's going to come."

Patience reached between her thighs, her fingers finding the button like hardness of her clit, strumming it furiously. Her voice rose, the words she panted strange and unfamiliar, joining her sisters' as they chanted another of their accursed spells.

Adam felt a tingling at the base of his spine, almost as if fingernails were being used to tickle him in that sensitive area. The tingling grew, growing lower until it enveloped his groin, his body humping into the woman beneath him with feverish like intensity. Their voices seemed inside his head, their words, though really nothing more than babble to him, strangely known in a small part of him brain.

They urged him on, begging him to move faster, to feel more, and to become one with the three of them. And as the pressure built, so did the pleasure, the thick juices in his balls churning and boiling until they spewed forth from his rampaging cock, filling the blonde Patience with his creamy come.

She shrieked her pleasure, the satiny walls of her sheath contracting around his cock and clamping down with exquisite pressure, milking him like a fist clothed in wet silk until he felt wrung dry.

Adam collapsed, finding the strength to roll off of the girl and fell upon his back in the grass, his chest heaving as he sought to find his breath. His eyes closed, he didn't see the look of triumph on Patience's face or the looks of lust upon the other two as they stared at his supine body. But he did feel their hands as both girls came to lie next to him.

His eyes opened and he looked into green almond shaped eyes that sparkled with lustful musings. "You did well, Adam," Calandra said, her voice husky with desire. "Now it is time for us to teach you other things, things that you will like as well as what you did with Patience, if you will allow us?"

Adam felt Bernadette's hot mouth roving over his chest and down across his stomach and his cock twitched, coming back to life with the endurance and stamina of youth. "What do you wish to teach me?" he asked, his breath hissing from his lungs as long slender fingers wrapped around his stiffening cock, sticky from Patience's cunt.

"You will enjoy their ministrations, dear Adam," Patience said, her hand reaching out to push a damp strand of his hair from off his forehead. "Say yes and then let them play, for you will reap the reward of the talents they possess in all the best ways imaginable."

Calandra's mouth touched his, a brief kiss but one that spoke of passionate possibilities, tempting him beyond his measure as Bernadette's soft hand stroked his now erect shaft. "Yes," he whispered, feeling as if what little part of him that had remained his by free will was now gone. He was putty in the hands of these three, clay to be molded and turned into what they wished for him to become. But he felt no regret, no remorse over his decisions. He felt nothing but the sweetness of their mouths, the softness of their tongues. Their hands as they roved over his body leaving nothing unknown to them as they searched out the cleft of his ass, the crease behind his knee, the small spaces between his toes, caressing him until he cried out his frustrated need.

And then he glanced down, seeing Bernadette, her mouth barely parted, her lips but a mere inch from the head of his cock. Her eyes glittered as she stared down at him hungrily, her cool breath blowing across his shaft and sending shivers of sensation through him. "Please," he whispered, trying to reach for her.

"You wish this, for me to take you into my mouth?" she asked him softly, a small smile upon her flushed face.

"Is it done?" he asked, fearful of her answer.

"Oh, yes, by our people it is done quite often and vastly enjoyed. Would you like to know this sort of touch?" She stroked her hand over his cock, feeling the drop of precum that lubricated its head.

Calandra appeared next to him, her arm coming under his head to lift him up so that he could see what Bernadette was doing. "Say yes, for then I may play also, Adam. I wish to taste of your essence the same as she." Her soft fingers touched his face, stroking down his cheek as she kissed his jaw gently.

Patience appeared to his other side, her breasts grazing his shoulder, leaving a fiery trail where her nipples rubbed against his skin. "And you shall be able to watch us play as well. Yes, Calandra?" she asked her sister, leaning over him to kiss the redhead's soft lips.

"Yes, sister," Calandra lisped.

"I wish to feel her mouth," Adam said. "But is it not a sin most foul to taste of the flesh of a sibling?"

"A sin, it is true," said Bernadette, her tongue slowly licking around the shaft of his cock and causing him to jerk. "But a sin of such pleasure should not be a sin to my mind, should it, sisters?"

"No," the other two chorused, all three watching as Bernadette opened her mouth and slowly took Adam's hard cock into its dark depths, not stopping her slow descent until her nose touched the hair at his groin. She held it there, sucking as well as she could around the wide girth, her tongue never still even undulating with firm waves of touch against the bottom of his shaft.

"Do you wish her to stop, Adam? You have but to say you wish no more and she will release you and not bother you again." Calandra watched, fascinated by her sister's amazing talent. Patience watched Adam's face, giggling as she motioned for Calandra to see what she was seeing.

"I think he is beyond speech, sister," she giggled.

Adam's head was thrown back, his eyes closed tightly. His mouth was opened but his teeth seemed gritted shut as if he were in pain. Even as he felt the two girls touch him with their soft hands, his mind was fixated upon the mouth at his groin, the mouth that even now was sucking on him, her lips clamped around his girth as she slowly made her way back up his shaft to the tip. A long slow hissing breath left his mouth as Bernadette slowly released him, her hand stroking over the moisture she'd left on his shaft.

She nodded to her sisters, indicating she still needed his assent, for what she had just done was no more than taste of the flavor of his will, a tiny nibble at his morality. She needed his agreement before she may drink of each to her heart's content.

"Do you wish more, Adam?" Calandra asked, reaching for the hand that he held balled at his side and bringing it to her mouth. She sucked his fingers into her mouth, nibbling on the tips as she teased him. "You've but to agree and she will show you what true pleasure can be had from her lips."

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As we awaken this morning I gently caress your face.  You turn your head and we enjoy a deep kiss.  I continue to caress your face, your ears and around the back and top of your head.  I gently scratch your head.  I can tell by your deepened kiss that this is sending tingles throughout your body. I caress from your head, to your shoulders, your arms.   As I reach your dainty fingertips I flick away any bad energy that might have caused you stress, lately.   I caress back up your arms and to...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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While working at a friends house it started to get late, too late to travel home so my friend Debbie asked if i would like to use the spare bedroom. I asked her if her boyfriend would be ok with me staying and she said he wouldn't be home until the morning and would be ok with me sleeping over. As she made the room ready for me she said i could shower first before her. 20 minutes later i was sat on the sofa watching late night tv dressed in my bathrobe and secretly wearing a black pair of g...

2 years ago
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The Wrong Bus Part 3

The Wrong Bus, Part 3 By Sissy Trisha I finally got home after what seemed like an exceptionally long cab ride. The cum that had leaked into my panties and shorts had finally dried on the drive home. I walked into my house ready to pass out on the bed. The first thing I noticed walking into my bedroom was a pile of my underwear on the floor. Master had apparently pulled all my male underwear out of my drawers and shredded them to bits. He had also shredded every cotton panty I had...

4 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 1

Hello,all the readers, I am a regular reader of this site. I used to read stories from this site and I felt that I should write one. I am male and this story is completely a work of fiction. This is my first attempt of writing any story. Please do give your feedback. If you masturbate at the end of the story, it would be a reward for me, it will tell me how much I am successful as a story writer. So let me take you to the world of Megha and her family hope you will enjoy. Hello friends, I am...

2 years ago
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Journey OutwardChapter 9 Mine

Walking along with Saul is like walking with a summer day by your side. He is warm and delightfully sweet. I realize most of what I am feeling is he wonderful gift of empathy, his love of me. "What did you think of Napoleon's plan, Nosis?" he asked as we walked around looking for Nimrod. "It has a sound base. The only thing I did not like was he presumption that the out post would be keeping the same number of troops, for all we know the Empire could be sending out new troops every...

3 years ago
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Happy Change

Happy Change By Kathy Smith Jonathan Goldstein was in the first year in post graduate after medical (he needed to do the last exam to get his license for his M.D.). He just got married, 1 year ago, with a woman who is a nurse in the same medical center. They got twins, Rachel and Aingeal (Gaelic). Jonathan is very short, just 5'4" but so handsome. He has a shock of wavy blonde hair and piecing blue eyes. Lots of woman would want a piece of him! His wife, Barbara...

1 year ago
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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 3

Carry's Narrative: The following new characters appear in the next few chapters: Marge Agent Trainee, 5'- 6'' tall, 140 pounds, 36C-25-36, 21 years old, brown hair cut short, blue eyes. Carol Agent Trainee, 5'- 4'' tall, 130 pounds, 34C-24-34, 20 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Those of us going to Field Agent training boarded a bus very early on the morning of Monday, the 9th of October following our graduation at the Training Facility on Friday, the 6th. The "we" consisted...

4 years ago
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Look Into My Eyes Pt 3

(Read parts 1 and 2 first otherwise this wont make so much sense)Of course I was expecting to hear from Chris again – it was obvious that he’d want another go at my wife. But I thought “fair do’s”, I should have a go at his wife in return! Surprisingly enough, he had had exactly the same thought and the following morning he phoned me. As luck would have it Sue was due to be away seeing her mother the next day and we hatched a little plot together, where I would drive to his place with my photo...

2 years ago
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The layby

The weather was atrocious, rain was lashing down and I could barely see where the hell I was !! In fact I had no idea where I was!! I kept going for a couple more miles until I saw a sign for a layby. Just what I needed so I could get my bearings and check my map and see where I was. I pulled in and turned the engine off and grabbed the map book to see where I had gone wrong. I notice at the other end of the layby was a truck parked up. Hmmm I thought I wonder if he knows where I am no harm in...

2 years ago
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End the year with a Bang or three

I have always fantasised about her sister Karen though. She is just as beautiful in the face with a great tan with tits just a little smaller than Becky's but i like them small but she has an even better ass that kindof makes you wanna just grab and hold it for dear life. She is bi-sexual and i always wanted to have a threesome with them. But it was hard to ask Becky to do that with her sister so I figured i wait for the right time to ask her about it. But anyways it was on new years eve...

3 years ago
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Dagabaz Babita Ka Bura Haal Honey Wala Hai 8211 Part 2

Iyer sitting in his drawing room watching wall clock again and again and trying to call babita again and again but her no. Is keep on switch off mode from last 12 hours , He already visited police twice but cops keep telling him that they can’t do anything until 24 hours of missing her not completed… It is almost 23 hours completed where iyer don’t have any clue for babita.. Suddenly door bell rang and iyer furiously open the door and its babita not walking properly enter the house , because...

3 years ago
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Hotwife Broken In

I grabbed the buzzing phone off the nightstand.  “You’re not going to answer that, are you?” Sarah asked.She was on her back in my bed.  Her thick thighs were spread wide exposing her fat pink pussy lips.  She was still trembling from the orgasm I’d given her with my tongue.  “Of course not,” I told her.I glanced at the phone.  Stela was trying to send a video call.  Her flight left in a couple of hours.  She was in the bathroom of her beach house wearing nothing but a towel.  “I need you to...

1 year ago
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Sexy Lady Boss8217s Crazy Blind Gift

Hi all readers this is my first story. This story is completely my imagination. All you have to do is imagine you’re self in my place (if male) or in the opposite place if female. Read it with patience normal story line but tried to make it different Today is our project delivery and there will be a lot of work to do.We were working hard and I am unable to work because I am unable to stop staring at my Manage. I had my fantasy of having sex with my boss. Many people are gifted with many...

1 year ago
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My new neighbors

‘That’s the last box, miss.’ The movers did their job quite efficiently. ‘You have a nice day, now.’ I was so excited to have my first place!! Things were beginning to look up for me!! It had taken a lot to save up for the quaint 2 bedroom apartment, but it was finally mine!! I relished in the thought of freedom as I began unpacking my clothing into my dresser. I smiled as I pulled out the little black cocktail dress ‘You and I have had some fun times together,’ I giggled to myself. After a...

1 year ago
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Ready to join the VeoPorno Club? That’s kind of a rhetorical question, because they don’t have a membership roll or even a signup button. Maybe the better question is, are you ready to watch some full-length premium porno movies? Because that’s what they’re serving up at this club. Some institutions offer discounts on wine or scholarly discussion of the arts, but this club is strictly a smut thing -- no membership required!VeoPorno.club has only been online a few months, but a few months is all...

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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my best friend12

Delicately, as if it were made from porcelain, Jayda removed her bra and placed the constraining under-wiring and cotton object beside her on the bed. The unbearably short, dark green, red and black pleated skirt in a plaid pattern that she wore showed off the semi-long, lean legs that were desired by many men. The flimsy material of the skirt kept her legs bare and slightly cooler than the rest of her body, and for that, she silently thanked the gods for the small comfort. Jayda had...

4 years ago
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17th BirthdayChapter 8

The time had arrived, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, for the end of Golf Season. We had three guys that qualified for the regional tournament. They held the regional's at Bay Hill. Arnold Palmer owns the course, and they play a PGA event there every year. We still had to walk, but we played eighteen holes instead of nine, and we had to skip school. Sean, Tim, and I were representing our school. Tim and I found that we were seated by the members of the Regional Committee in the top ten,...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 8

[Preservation – Janice] After gulping a time or two, he said, "My mom and I were living in Columbia on the Day. We didn't get sick. My dad and mom divorced when I was a baby and my dad vanished. I didn't know where he was on the Day and still don't. We joined up with some other survivors and eventually were merged into the Triple-A's. Mom is back with the main camp as the main woman for one of the Six. "She doesn't like him much but it means a better life for both of us. Mom is a...

3 years ago
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Biggy x The Beagle Wilds

Ziggy blinked an eye. His head was giving him that sign again, like when his dad talked with him thru telepathy. It was faint at first but then it came thru clearer, more audible. It said: “Look son, you three must get out of there as fast as possible. The boss is sending Montana over in an hour to bring you boys to him. Montana is a mean big bulldog who likes to beat up young k**s. There’s no telling what he will do if the boss asks him to knock some information out of you guys. Now listen...

1 year ago
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Eye Candy

My name is Heather, I’m a 40 year old lesbian. I only been with one guy, I don’t hate men I just don’t want one. When I was 19 years old, I let a man fuck me just to see if I would like it, I didn’t, the only thing I got out of it is a daughter Jessica, and a never ending supply of milk, my breasts has never stop producing milk. I have to pump my self a couple times a day. I love to find a girl who would drink from me. My daughter Jessica is 19 now and she is away at college. My dad owned a...

4 years ago
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The Chase

The moonlight flickered softly across the lake, a reflection cast upon the still water as you walked hand in hand alongside the water’s edge. A soft gentle breeze ruffled the loose strands of your hair, enough to soften and cool the humid air of a late summer’s night. A quietness having descended, so peaceful and tranquil, the only sounds those of nocturnal nature. With each step upon the soft grass you felt the warm glow in your heart unable to stop the radiating smile etched across your...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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My Best Friends Pussy

One morning, I parked and as I removed my helmet, I heard the four cylinder growl of a crotch rocket pulling into the parking lot. The rider parked his Suzuki 600 sportbike right next mine. I waited for him to remove his helmet so I could greet him. He was my height, 5' 10”. Chubby but in a burly sort of way. He took his helmet off and I was struck by how handsome he was. I am not into guys and never even acknowledge how a guy looks but he bordered on beautiful. It surprised me that I...

3 years ago
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Nates Chastity

After a little encouragement, Nate's soon to be wife, Sophie, agreed to be his key holder on the condition that it would be on her terms - 'well fine, that's kind of the point' he thought. However, he did not anticipate how extreme she'd take things. Day 0, the day Nate first put on a chastity device: This evening (Friday: Day 0) was scheduled to be Nate's first time ever in chastity, something he'd waited a long time for. Sophie had ordered the chastity device she wanted him to wear...

3 years ago
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The Test

                                                                  The Test                                                            By Sardonicus        He had been captured about three days previously, he thought, though it was difficult to mark the passage of time correctly when being ?processed? as his captors referred to it.        Interestingly, though the combat was fought in the traditional manner, male on male, all of his captors were definitely female.  He presumed, correctly, that...

1 year ago
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Sex with my friends sister

It was a Friday, the last day of school for the week. I was a junior in high school and I like to party. At lunch my friends and I were discussing where we were going to party that evening. Someone had mentioned that Josh (a senior) was having a party at his house because his parents were out of town. After school I hung out with my two friends, Conor and Eric. The party at Josh's house didn't start till 10 but we wanted to start drinking early. Our younger friend Trevor (a sophomore) said we...

First Time
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Lindas Lay on the Thames Part 6

Day 8 TuesdayI woke up to find Angela was not beside me in bed and all the covers turned down from the portholes, including the one above my side of the bed. Meanwhile daylight streamed in through the now re-opened skylight. I got up and stared back at the war zone that the bed had become. I could make out the dry patches from our bodily fluids and took to the bathroom. I had a very nice, warm shower, standing in the bath tub and returned to the main cabin, towelling myself down. I found...

1 year ago
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Assisting the Writer

Greg sat at the glass desk in Sarah and Don's house, writing his latest novel. Outside it was pitch black. If he glanced at the time he would have seen it was three am and he had been writing for seven hours straight. The only recollection of the passing time Greg had was the empty coffee pot by his side. As his fingers typed his newest novel his mind filled with thoughts of Sarah kneeling under the glass desk sucking his cock lovingly. His cock twitched and hardened as he thought, One more...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Ritual 2 Birth of the ClanChapter 2

Despite the late hours, I woke early the next morning, well before my normal time. I considered waking Priya for a little marital playtime, but rejected the idea. She was still running a bit behind on sleep, even with Jessica and Nadiya and the rest of the staff to help keep track of the babies, and she needed her rest. Besides, I'd just remembered that I needed to read the notes that Ambassador Monrill had given me. I got up and went downstairs to my office, where I retrieved my datapouch...

2 years ago
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It happened

We had a very open relationship, not to the point where we slept with other people. I mean it was open in the way we talked about our desires and wants. My wife and I had been together for over 20 years and we still loved to fuck. Hardest periods of our marriage had been when my wife was pregnant and we were told not to have sex due to her difficult pregnancy. This happened at both of them. But we got two beautiful k**s so it had been ok not to fuck my wife. My statement about us not sleeping...

2 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 23

They arrived beneath the flight facility, took an escalator up, and paid the fees at the entrance. Their bodies were scanned while the table they lay on took their weight and determined exactly where their center of gravity was in relation to the rest of their bodies, so that their flight suits could be fitted to them exactly. While their suits were prepared they were given a twenty-five minute lesson that taught the essentials of flight technique, safety rules, right-of-way regulations,...

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The Look2

My name is Stanley Vernon and I'm 32 years old. I'm a white guy, 6'2" and about 185 pounds. I still don't understand how it started or why. I've always been a guy that people can talk to. I've always enjoyed meeting and talking to people. I've talked to many women and some have invited me to bed. Things changed however. When it all boils down to a specific time that I know for a fact this all was working for me was when I took my elderly neighbor's puppy dog to the vet. It was time...

3 years ago
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The Clitoral Penis Experience Come True Part Two

An hour later after Dixie had phoned her ex-girlfriend to come over to play with her new sex toy, Rebekah had arrived.Dixie opened the front door to her with a big smile wearing her dressing gown. She kissed her and smiled. "You smell gorgeous, my darling," she said. Her blue eyes lingered over her ex-girlfriend's sexy slender body in a scarlet red dress. She felt a stirring of arousal in her groin. It grew stronger the more her eyes fixated on her perfect humongous breasts."Dixie, sweetie, do...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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In the pleasant glow induced by a very fulfilling all-night lovemaking session, having lost her inhibitions, she told me her wildest sexual fantasy: acting like a filthy whore, begging to suck and fuck a 9-inch dick and to become a man’s dirty slut, preferably a black man. It would add to her pleasure if I watched; and her wish would be complete if I participated! I replied I would certainly enjoy a threesome with her and another woman, but I was not sure about introducing a strange man in our...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyTwo

Chapter Twenty-Two - Adventures in San Francisco When her flight was at altitude, Laura accepted champagne from the stewardess. She used the four hour flight to go over the week ahead and the past few weeks of her ever more hectic life. Her first thought was Dan is really getting short changed by my new jobs. Laura hadn’t spent a full week with just her husband in a month. She knew she had to take steps to maintain her primary relationship. Greg is showing strain too was Laura’s next...

4 years ago
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Copyright © 2000 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved I remember standing in front of the mirror turning this way and that. I smiled at myself knowing that I looked just like Mark liked me to when we went out dancing. It was our anniversary and we always went dancing on our anniversary. Two hours of dancing with Mark was like two hours of intense foreplay. I always finished the evening so hot we had to have a quick 'tension reliever' in the back seat of the car, or any place else we could...

2 years ago
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The Club

I park my car at the same parking lot as usual. I grab my purse and I get out. The evening is nice and warm. I take a quick look at my watch. I've still got a lot of time, so I can enjoy my slow walk towards The Club. It takes me about ten minutes to reach my destination. I take a look at the building, and I smile. It's big and elegant, but quite ordinary at the same time. Anonymous. Discreet. That's what we like. I take a look around. The street looks empty. Not a surprise. It's a peaceful...

1 year ago
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Slut wife chronicles 2 Melinda

Melinda carefully checked her dark hair and smoothed her night gown before reaching for the front door knob and opening the door!!! "Melinda ," asked the tall black man with a dazzling white smile, "I'm Jim Hardwick, you were expecting me!?!" "Ugh, please come in, Mr. Hardwick," Melinda said nervously, "I'm so glad you could make it!!!" Jim Hardwick moved smoothly into Melinda's well appointed apartment, and after giving it a quick once over, turned back to Melinda and said softly, "I'm glad...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Virgin Junior

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with to share another experience and thank you for all your response for my last story and for those who don’t me I am Varun 23 years guy from Chennai with an average body 6 feet tall and with an a 6 inch tool. Anyone from Chennai or Bangalore can contact me through sex angel is Anita who is a virgin. Now coming to story I was studying my 2nd year MBA and Anita joined as my junior in the college at first we don’t talk with each other and after we had...

1 year ago
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Predatory MothersChapter 13 Showers without Doors

"So, are you ready to tell me the story of your first time Joseph?" Joseph adjusted the position of his head resting on one of Dana's massive tits. "Yeah, it was during the summer between seventh and eighth grade while I was at camp. After the first communal shower, you know, the ones without doors? A lot of the other boys would point and giggle when I was nearby. I didn't know why at first, but I later learned that they were joking about me being so well-hung." Dana asked, "Did that...

2 years ago
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New City

“I’m goning to miss you” says your mum in her foreign accent as she wraps her arms around you. You lean down to hug her back before giving her a kiss on the cheek goodbye. You wave off her car as she begins to reverse out of her parking spot before disappearing. You then turn around and take a good look at your ginormous campus. After taking in the change of scenery, you grab your bags, the duffel bag on your shoulder, the suitcase with your left hand and the 4 bags of food your mum just bought...

2 years ago
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3 evil sisters Part 9 Final copy

“Come on Max, I don’t have all day.” She said with a snigger on her face as she pulled over for a drink of water. “You were staring at my ass again weren’t you?” she said with a surprisingly calm tone. I just nodded slowly. “So this Gene… do you like her?” “She is just a friend” I replied, reaching for my bottle of water, “I have no reason to be attracted to her.” I lied but I couldn’t tell Riley that for I know how she would react. “We better be going Riley don’t want to...

2 years ago
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The Checklist

Her name was Jessica. I never had anything to do with her before or since the night of our first encounter. But she was special because…well, because she was the first person I ever did it with. By “did it”, I mean that Jessica initiated me into a lot of different things. Before that special night with Jessica, I was a complete sexual novice. I was one of those shy, nerdy types in high school and never really had any kind of girlfriend until my last year. Typically for me in high school, a date...

First Time
2 years ago
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Going for the Juggler7 Dragon

It was three days' ride north, always in sight of the narrowing chasm, before we reached the bridge to the other side. At this point, the chasm narrowed to only a hundred feet, but the bridge that spanned it didn't seem solid enough to cross. I wondered, in fact, how they'd managed to construct it. "The Brothers Cho got tired of sending their goods around the chasm," Chang said. "It's nearly a hundred miles north to where the chasm ends in the mountains. Going south, the land...

4 years ago
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Fun Sex With My Hot And Horny Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hi, Ashish here, this is my first story on the forum, so kindly ignore the mistakes. This story is about how I got intimate with my cousin when she came to my home to spend her vacations. Let’s get to the incident straight away. This incident happened about 12 years ago. I was 18 at that time and my cousin, Kirti was 21 years old. She came to Mumbai to spend her vacations with us. I was so happy to see her after a long time. We had shared a very good bond since childhood. She gave me a nice...

1 year ago
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Beverly Takes It Rough

She sat on the bed beside me looking slightly uncomfortable. She knew that her husband was in the next bedroom over with my wife. She hadn’t really wanted to do this, but she loved her husband and it was what he wanted. I turned to look at her. While she was slightly overweight, it was not so much that she could in any way be considered fat. She had curves in all the right places and filled he white sweater nicely. Her blond hair was cut short and at 5’2″ she made me feel...

2 years ago
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You have been with your girlfriend, Ava, since you were in high school. She is fairly tall, thin, and has long, blonde hair. She was and is your first love, and you experience everything together. This story is about your sexual conquests as a couple. You love to seduce innocent virgins, usually those aged 18 or 19, and give them a great "first time." Your typical plan of seduction: Ava befriends a high school senior/college freshman, and gets to know them. You and Ava pretend to not know each...

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AF Changing Minds

AF Changing of Minds by Lorna Samuels Prelude: Interaction with the Medallion of Zulo inevitably wreaks havoc on otherwise mundane lives, each of whom must deal with its consequences in their own ways. This is the story of how one young couple coped. After an early morning feeding, the new mother detached her sleeping newborn from her breast and settled the 5-month-old baby girl into her crib. She paused and watched as little Carrie slept, sighing with a deep soul pleasing...

1 year ago
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Lets Go For A Drive ch 1

From the day that we met online, Dave and I hit it off. We talked often, and told each other a lot about ourselves and sex. He was older than me; married and lived in another state, the chance of us meeting seemed impossible, although we often talked about it. I didn’t think anything more about it, until to my surprise, he called me one afternoon. He had some business in a town near mine, and if I was free, would love to take me out to lunch, adding that he’d have me for dessert. Now how could...


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