Intr indian porn

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 18 Intrepid 3756 C E

Anger. Frustration. Humiliation. These were just a few of the emotions Nadezhda was feeling as she reviewed her helpless situation. Her command of the space ship Intrepid had been stolen from her by an alien. She was confined to a villa on the outermost level. She was unable to communicate with anyone other than Beatrice: the android who was both her captor and lover. And every day when she accessed the Intrepid's information systems, she was humiliated to see an android masquerading as...

2 years ago
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Introvert s Indecent Proposal

“Fire. There is a fire in the kitchen. Please leave,” a timid voice stuttered after she opened the door to our cubicle. I looked at Molly, she looked back at me: we both stared at the embarrassed privacy intruder and waited for the punch line. I looked beyond the member of staff towards the café’s window. There, I saw the reflection of the flames in the kitchen. This was no joke.Molly and I abandoned our drinks and snacks in the cubicle. We made our way towards the usual exit. En route, we...

3 years ago
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Intr-o seara racoroasa de primavara timpurie, o femeie necunoscuta m-a oprit cand ieseam de la cursuri pe poarta universitatii: “Anatolia, te caut de un an de zile… te rog sa scrii povestea mea; asta e jurnalul meu intim”. Mi-a pus in brate un caiet si a plecat la fel de misterios precum aparuse. O vazusem doar cateva clipe… era frumoasa, avea cam 35 de ani si niste ochi mari si tristi. Am destelenit cu greu zecile de pagini scrise marunt si incalcit, insa in final am descoperit o drama...

1 year ago
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The Diary FF MF intr preg

By way of introduction, my name is Liz and I was born in 1932. The events I am about to describe occurred in 1964 when I was 32 years old. I was 5 feet tall, with short, dark brown hair and a thick heavy patch of rich brown crotch hair. I never shaved it, mainly because my best friend Karen didn't want me to and also because back then proper women didn't do that sort of thing anyway. Karen and I had grown up together and attended the same schools from first grade all the way through collage....

4 years ago
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Bi sex with Byron MMF intr

When Jane first mentioned bringing Byron into our sex life I was pretty negative about it. But over a couple of months her sexy talk made me think about it more and more. Jane and I have been married for just about 4 years and being a successful white middle class couple we haven't met all that many blacks in our social circle. But Byron was our new neighbor and it was inevitable that we would meet him sooner or later. Apparently Jane had met him and was taken with him because she kept bringing...

2 years ago
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poveste de familie

POVESTE DE FAMILIE Ma numesc Ioan. Am 35 de ani si sunt casatorit de cateva luni cu Aura, o tanara de 24 de ani. Locuim in aceeasi casa cu sora sotiei mele, Daniela. Ea are doar 14 ani si e sora vitrega a Aurei. Trebuie sa va spun ca sunt foarte indragostit de Aura. De aceea, aproape in fiecare noapte imi arat dragostea, futand-o la greu. Are un sex-appeal femeia asta… cum o vad - in camasa de noapte, cu chiloti sau fara - mi se scoala si trebuie s-o am…am facut sex in toate pozitiile, i-am...

3 years ago
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Povestea Angelei

Am cunoscut-o pe Angela acum doua luni cand mi-am programat o sedinta de masaj la salonul ei din capitala. M-am lipit de ea si, pana sa-mi vina randul, ne-am imprietenit la toarta. Angela e o fata de o frumusete divina, iar povestea ei este de-a dreptul impresionanta. Dupa multe ezitari si-a dat acordul s-o scriu eu si s-o public pe site-ul asta. Lectura placuta!…………………………. Totul a inceput cu sase ani in urma; aveam 19 ani si eram o fata simpla de la tara, o moldoveanca cu parul auriu ca spicul...

2 years ago
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Turbulente I

In vacanta de vara a anului trecut am hotarat sa mergem pentru vreo 15 zile in Delta Dunarii. Motivele au fost diferite: eu nu mai fusesem niciodata pana atunci in acel colt de natura pura, unic poate in Europa (eram curioasa); sotul meu Alex este un impatimit al pescuitului si saliva la gandul “monstrilor” pe care-i va captura cu mana lui din Dunare; mama mea Elisa ne insotea pentru ca nici eu si nici Alex nu ne imaginam o distractie de vacanta fara ca ea sa fie prezenta “trup si suflet” (la...

2 years ago
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Legaturi periculoase I

Aceasta povestire se bazeaza pe fapte si intamplari autentice. Personajele sunt reale, insa le-am schimbat numele cu unele fictive pentru a le proteja adevarata identitate in spatiul public. Este istoria erotica si sentimentala a unui bun amic si eu am incercat s-o scriu asa cum mi-a relatat-o el, cat mai exact cu putinta. Enjoy it!………………………………………………………………………..Buna, ma numesc Radu, sunt brasovean, am acum 30 de ani si va voi povesti intamplarile prin care am trecut in ultimii ani si care mi-au...

4 years ago
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Turbulente II

Am sarutat-o bland pe pleoapele ochilor, i-am lins obrajii incinsi si buzele calde, am coborat pe gat, pe piept, i-am dezmierdat in maini sanii si i-am supt sfarcurile erecte, facand-o sa se infioare si sa geama infundat, cu glas scancit. Am continuat, centimetru cu centimetru, pana la burtica, spalandu-i cu saliva buricul, lingandu-i coapsele, pipaindu-i pubisul. Chilotii leoarca emanau un miros pregnant, imbietor si excitant de pizda uda. I-am lins de cateva ori ca sa ma satur de parfumul ala...

3 years ago
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Intruder 2

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

3 years ago
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Tarfa din sotia mea 1

La vremea aceea eram deja casatoriti de vreo 4 ani si impreuna de vreo 8. Era o perioada in care aveam multe deplasari, dar niciodata mai mult de 2-3 zile. Personal, credeam ca avem o viata sexuala mai mult decat OK. Intamplarea a facut sa fie nevoie sa leg doua deplasari, pe o durata de 8 zile, in Koln si Berlin. Cum treburile au mers bine, am ramas cu o zi libera pana la intoarcere. Afland asta si ziua libera fiind sambata, clientul din Berlin imi propune sa petrecem ziua respectiva impreuna,...

3 years ago
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Schimb de dame

Povestea urmatoare este uluitoare si poate unora le va parea neverosimila. Am scris-o bazandu-ma pe fapte si intamplari reale. Subiectul este destul de sensibil si de controversat, asa incat le recomand cititorilor s-o trateze ca pe o simpla fantezie. Sper totusi ca o sa va placa! Enjoy it!……………………………………………………………….Numele meu e Sergiu, am 32 de ani, sunt absolvent al facultatii de Drept si in momentul de fata sunt angajat ca jurist la o societate comerciala din capitala. Sunt saten cu ochi...

2 years ago
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Dupa douazeci de ani

Am scris povestirea urmatoare la insistentele unui bun amic. Intamplarile mi s-au parut extrem de interesante si subiectul incitant. Textul este destul de lung, dar sper sa aveti rabdare sa-l cititi pana la capat; cred ca o sa va placa!……………………………………………………………In urma cu un an, cam pe la inceputul verii, am primit un telefon de la un fost coleg de liceu care incerca sa organizeze o reuniune a clasei ce absolvise colegiul cu douazeci de ani in urma. M-a intrebat daca sunt dispus sa particip si...

3 years ago
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amant de meserie capitolul 2

17 ianuarie 2007 – 12 iunie 2007 O lipoveanca de 28 de ani pe care am intalnit-o pe mirc. Era 17 ianuarie. Locuia intr-un satuc din judetul Tulcea, in care comunitatea lipoveneasca era majoritara, Jurilovca. Fizicul sau era bine proportionat, rotund pe alocuri,exact asa cum imi inchipuiam ca poate fi femeia perfecta in viziunea mea. Avea ceva specific, o frumusete pe care o poti intalnii doar la rusoaicele autentice. Rosul pe care il observi in obrajii lor, il avea si Corina. Sanii sai erau...

3 years ago
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Croaziera de lux

Sprijinita cu ambele brate de balustrada inalta a puntii superioare, urmaream cu emotie desprinderea lenta a mastodontului plutitor de cheul portului. Lucram deja de doi ani pe vase de croaziera, dar acum ma aflam pentru prima oara la bordul unui vapor de asemenea dimensiuni, un adevarat “orasel plutitor”. Era o bijuterie de lux pentru clienti de lux, dotata cu restaurante, baruri, magazine si buticuri, terenuri de sport, piscine, sali de cinema, cazinou, spatii de joaca pentru copii, avea...

4 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 10 Intrepid 3755 C E

The several thousand passengers and crew of a colossal space ship that was travelling through the most distant reaches of space all shared the misconception that the Interplanetary Space Ship Intrepid was on a mission directed from the Moon and that Nadezhda Kerensky was the captain. However, only one human on the space ship knew the truth. And that person was, of course, Captain Kerensky. But what use was this knowledge when the captain couldn't share it with anyone? Hers was a very...

2 years ago
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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

3 years ago
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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

3 years ago
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Lapte de mama 9 10

Lapte de mama (9). O femeie rasfatata.Autor: Desir Ardent(9.1) Romanta intre o mama si fiul sauDiana avea capul pe pieptul lui Doru si i-a soptit la ureche planul sau despre Costi, care il va ajuta sa se integreze mai bine in grup, sa nu devina invidios, etc, etc. Euforic fiind, chiar de 69 de ori euforic!, in urma terapiei sexuale primite de la Diana, Doru l-a acceptat imediat si a repetat scenariul ca sa probeze ca l-a inteles:- Deci eu imi fac de lucru in bucatarie si dupa ce treceti voi in...

5 years ago
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Sex in trei II

Buna, sunt Denisa si, daca am vazut ca v-a placut atat de mult prima parte a povestii mele voi continua acum cu partea a doua, asa cum v-am promis. Voi incerca sa reiau firul intamplarilor de la momentul in care am incheiat prima parte a povestirii, asa cum mi le amintesc eu acum. Pentru cei care vor fi citit doar aceasta a doua parte, le recomand s-o citeasca neaparat si pe prima, intitulata « Sex in trei », asta pentru intelegerea coerenta a actiunii si pentru integrarea corecta in atmosfera....

2 years ago
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Sex in trei

Buna, ma numesc Denisa, sunt studenta, am 20 de ani si sunt maritata de un an cu Alex. Sotul meu are 26 de ani si este Sales Manager la o multinationala din Bucuresti. Locuim intr-un apartament cochet si ne intelegem de minune ; ne iubim la nebunie si nu ne refuzam unul altuia nicio dorinta care sa ne faca placere sau care sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine. Facem sex in fiecare zi, cateodata si de mai multe ori pe zi, am experimentat toate fanteziile sexuale care ne-au trecut prin cap si pot spune...

4 years ago
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Sex in trei

Buna, ma numesc Denisa, sunt studenta, am 20 de ani si sunt maritata de un an cu Alex. Sotul meu are 26 de ani si este Sales Manager la o multinationala din Bucuresti. Locuim intr-un apartament cochet si ne intelegem de minune ; ne iubim la nebunie si nu ne refuzam unul altuia nicio dorinta care sa ne faca placere sau care sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine. Facem sex in fiecare zi, cateodata si de mai multe ori pe zi, am experimentat toate fanteziile sexuale care ne-au trecut prin cap si pot spune...

2 years ago
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The Intruders Part 3

THE INTRUDERS, PART 3 I looked at the secretary. She simply couldn't be more sexy, more alluring. As I watched, she uncrossed and then recrossed her legs, the black nylon that encased them shimmering as she did so, the tight skirt riding up to display a glimpse of creamy thigh. She wiggled her free foot slightly, drawing attention to the shiny black pump and its preposterously high heel. As my gaze shifted up, I took in the crisp white blouse, unbuttoned far enough to reveal just a...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 22 Intrepid 3756 C E

Paul held Beatrice to his chest. Well, not all of her of course: just the head and shoulders. The rest of her was scattered in fragments across the living room, now so evidently the dismembered remains of an android rather than a human. It wasn't blood but a strangely viscous black liquid that seeped out of her mouth, from the stumps of her arms and from a torso that was sliced apart just below her bosom, or at least the single breast that remained intact. It was obvious now. Colonel Vashti...

2 years ago
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Aventuri montane

Va redau in textul de mai jos intamplarile traite de un barbat cu ceva timp in urma. Nu-l cunosteam si nu stiu nici acum cum naiba a aflat de mine si nici de la cine, cert este ca a reusit sa ma contacteze si a insistat sa-i ascult povestea, apoi m-a rugat s-o scriu eu si s-o public aici, pe site-ul asta. Mi s-a parut interesanta si am decis ca merita a fi scrisa si postata. Daca am avut sau nu dreptate, va las pe voi sa decideti! Enjoy it!…………………………………………………………..Numele meu este Alin, sunt...

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An intruders insurance

I woke with a start, it was the Monday before Christmas last and the clock read 3:30 am, the voice was calm but aggressive, he didn’t shout, but there was a definite tone of command. I felt my wife wake, as my eyes got used to the dark room, I could see a male figure standing beside the bed, holding what appeared to be a gun. “Wake up, if you keep calm and do exactly what you’re told no one will get hurt”. I sat up. “You’re phone” he pointed at the table beside my bed” I handed him the phone as...

4 years ago
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Doc s Complex 03 Introductions

Doc's Complex 03 - Introductions by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Introductions Doc stood in front of a group of white-coated women, a long wooden pointer in his hand to gesture at the screen on the stage. "Fellow scientists, I present to you my latest experiment. We discovered these seventeen intruders in the old mine near Level 8 yesterday evening, after learning of their presence from two men who...

3 years ago
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Legaturi periculoase II

Trecuse deja mai mult de un an de la acele intamplari si ma convinsesem ca Ildiko avusese dreptate. Devenisem si eu sclavul sexual al directoarei. Cel putin o data pe saptamana ma lua cu masina, sub diferite pretexte, direct de la birou, fie dimineata, la pranz sau dupa program si ma ducea intr-un apartament din centrul capitalei ca s-o fut. Devenisem dependent de sexul cu ea, ca de un drog de care esti constient ca nu-ti face bine dar de care nu te poti debarasa. Femeia asta era incredibila,...

2 years ago
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The Intruders Part 1

THE INTRUDERS, PART 1 I gasped. Kristina looked at me nervously, as if she couldn't quite trust my reaction. "Is this ... all right?" she asked. I stared at her some more, then finally found my voice. "No," I said, "it's not all right at all." As she began to frown, I grinned and added, "You look amazing baby, seriously." And she really did. Her slender body was usually a little too boyish for my tastes, which generally ran to much bustier and curvy figures. I'd only really taken...

4 years ago
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Masters introduction of the new pig

My Master put me through many months of training me to be HIS pig the way he DESIRES his pig to be for him and even though I l My Master put me through many months of training to become HIS pig the way he DESIRES his pig to be for him and even though I learn quickly he has very high standards of the type of pig slave I was to become in order to serve him as he wishes to be served as well as become the pig he could be proud to show off to his BDSM friends.  It was only a few months ago...

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 18 Intrepid 3755 C E

It was over in all of seven seconds, but for Paul it wasn't until the final fraction of the seventh second that he was conscious that anything had happened at all. And what he was aware of was more disorientating than calamitous. It had started with a sudden jolt that shuddered through the room and in particular the bed on which he'd been dozing. He'd been awake for over half an hour but it was his habit to drift in and out of the last few moments of sleep before eventually sliding his...

2 years ago
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The Anal Intruder

It was 01:00 am Mandy had not been able to sleep due to the heat outside. Despite leaving the windows open not enough breeze was passing through. Not only that but a new heat was causing an issue in her panties. She reached down , sliding her hand over ample breasts brushing her soft nipples. She continued her motion south , her finger gliding into soft cotton panties and over her soft hairless pubic mound.Mandy gasped as her finger parted her soft hot 25 year old skin and exposed her throbbing...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 13 Intrepid 3756 C E

There was much that was currently troubling Emmanuel. The essential nature of the mission that he signed up for had changed dramatically now that the space ship Intrepid had steered itself into the Anomaly. He had no recollection of ever having committed himself to a mission from which there was absolutely no chance of return. Just how had this happened? How had his memory been so faulty? The evidence of the Intrepid's records was unambiguous. The space ship had indeed all along been...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 16 Intrepid 3756 C E

It was no surprise at all to Vashti that taking control of the space ship Intrepid had been so effortless. Humans were such simple animals. All she had to do was take control of the command structure and the crew and passengers were easily persuaded to follow orders. The few cases of dissent were regrettable and only to be expected, but they were easy to identify and deal with. Human history showed time after time that command structures of sometimes appalling stupidity and gross cruelty had...

2 years ago
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Captain David Humatha ran down the corridor toward the high speed gravity tube that would take him down the fourteen levels to the bridge. He shouted into his comlink to be heard over the loud alarms and the sound of running spaceboots which was echoing all around him in the hallway. Between loud squawks, the alarm was repeatedly shouting in a mechanically calm, and yet very urgent voice, “Level Three Intruder Alert. Level Three Intruder Alert. All crew to battle stations. All families to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 20 Intrepid 3756 C E

Although Captain Kerensky thought otherwise, the one person on the Intrepid who more than any other was a mere spectator since the Intrepid entered the Anomaly was Beatrice. And she was also imprisoned within an invisible force field where she was unable to communicate with either human or robot. Beatrice witnessed the same Apparitions as everyone else, but they meant little to her. A charging buffalo stormed towards the villa churning up the lawn as it did so. And then it vanished. A small...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 15 Intrepid 3756 C E

It was now over a month since the Intrepid plunged into the Anomaly and Paul was no more relaxed about it than he was before despite Beatrice's constant reassurances. What troubled him most wasn't just what was going to happen to him now that he was inside the Anomaly but whether he'd ever return to the universe he came from. "I look at the bulletin boards every day and read each and every the scientific report," Paul told Beatrice who was sitting beside him, "and I've still seen...

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The Intruder

My wife, Helen, has set up a nice evening with me. She wants to make me horny, so she's dressed with panties and a very tight lacy bra. It's very sexy and cupping her heavy tits in a very strong and vice grip, putting them on display as a real slut.We are starting kissing when a masked intruder comes in the house. The intruder is here for a robbery. First, he ties me to a chair, then he ties my wife to another chair. While binding my wife, he keeps on looking at her chest and his cock starts...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 28 Intrigues and Intrusions

“I’m serious, Paul, go to work,” Jeryl said. “You’ve been wonderful and supportive, and loving, but you need to go back to work. Besides, it’s not like I lack for help or companionship.” I smiled and kissed her. “If you’re sure.” She smiled back. “I am, really.” We had been home from the hospital for almost three weeks. Jeryl’s mother had been with us the first two weeks. My mom had arrived just over a week ago. Anna had started the week we came home, and Alison was near, constantly...

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Numele meu este Bogdan, am 29 de ani, sunt bucurestean si sunt patronul unei micute firme de confectii textile din capitala. Am pornit afacerea imediat dupa ce am terminat ASE-ul cu sprijinul financiar exclusiv al parintilor mei, ambii medici destul de renumiti in bransa lor. Acum, dupa aproape cinci ani, pot spune ca am reusit sa construiesc o firma profitabila cu 25 de angajati si sa castig suficient de bine ca sa traiesc independent de ajutorul parintilor, fara grija zilei de maine si fara...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 17 Intrepid 3756 C E

The Intrepid's computer system had been tampered with. Sheila Nkomo knew this for sure. She could use most of the system, but she had no access at all to any part of it that could tell her what was happening on the space ship. Ever since Captain Kerensky and the military officers had arrested and detained her in the villa, she had been as much blind as she was naked. She had no access to the Intrepid's information systems. She couldn't monitor the bridge. She had no means of communicating...

4 years ago
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The Intruders Part 2

THE INTRUDERS, PART 2 "Hold still please Brandi," instructed Kristina, as she worked to repair my makeup. "Don't call me that," I muttered, though I did my best to comply. I knew just as well as she did how much trouble we would be in if I didn't look as "glamorous" as possible for the two dangerous criminals who had invaded her apartment and threatened us both "Well that's your name right now, isn't it?" retorted my girlfriend, restoring my lips to the state they'd been in before...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 7 Intrepid 3756 C E

When Colonel Vashti strolled into the living room where Beatrice was sitting, it was no surprise to her at all to see the android staring ahead of her with an expression of intense concentration. Beatrice turned her head round to face the colonel. "Would you mind telling me what has just happened?" she asked. Colonel Vashti smiled. "You don't know, do you?" "One moment there was nothing out of the usual. The next moment there were strong indications of the presence of a Sirius space...

2 years ago
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Innocence Lost An Early Introduction to BDSM

Innocence Lost: An Early Introduction to BDSM, Pt. I ? Hannah Sullivan was not your average schoolgirl.? She was not interested in most of the things that excited her schoolmates.? People might have confused her demeanor as being shy or even stand-offish.? Actually she was just basically independent.? She was a pretty little teen but lagged behind her classmates in body development.? She was a virgin who had not yet developed much of an interest in boys.?She had an experimental and adventurous...

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 21 Intrepid 3755 C E

It had been a long time since Captain Kerensky last had to squeeze into a space suit. It wasn't really what a captain of a space ship, especially one as large as the Intrepid, was ever expected to do. Why would a captain ever need to go anywhere that wasn't climate-controlled? The last time Nadezhda had put on a space suit was many decades earlier when she held a very junior rank on a much smaller space ship. On that occasion, she was assigned to go outside the space ship to examine the...

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O noapte fierbinte part 1

Eu si Alina suntem casatoriti de 10 ani. Ne iubim foarte tare, dar relatia noastra s-a transformat, in timp, doar intr-una de prietenie. Viata noastra sexuala a intrat intr-un fel de letargie. Am constatat acest fapt impreuna si ne-a cuprins ingrijorarea. Am cazut de acord ca trebuie sa incercam ceva nou, care sa ne aprinda din nou. In doi am incercat cam totul asa ca ne-am gandit la o relatie cu alte cupluri, cu atat mai mult cu cat amandoi aveam fantezii cu mai multe persoane. Am inceput...

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 23 Intrepid 3755 C E

Beatrice wandered contemplatively across the freshly grown lawns on the outermost level of the Intrepid. The space ship's restoration systems had at last made the level habitable although not everything had quite returned to the condition it had been before. New trees had been planted but were modest in comparison to those uprooted by the explosion. New villas had been constructed to replace those that had been destroyed. Animals had been relocated to replace those that had perished. The...

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Intruder Laura Vandervoort 2 8

Chapter 2Laura blinked as if she hadn’t heard him right. “Excuse me?!?” Jan smiled. “You don’t know this, Laura, but you’re my ultimate fantasy,” he said. “Oh, I am so flattered. Not,” she said scornfully. “I’ve written over a hundred erotic stories about you,” he went on. “I’ve always wanted to see what you look like naked, and you just promised to do anything I asked. Well, I want you to strip.” “You must be joking,” she spat. “Either that, or you’re crazy.” He shrugged. “Suit...

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Night intruders at home

That night my lovely hubby was watching a movie at the dining room and I was upstairs getting ready for bed. I was really tired after a long and stressing day at my office.I had stripped of and then put a long t-shirt to cover my body.All of a sudden, I heard and insistent ringing of the doorbell. I went out of our bedroom and saw Victor was moving from his seat. He opened the door slightly to see who was there and immediately he found himself thrown back into the room as a man pushed his way...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 42 Introducing Lois

The son was talking to the extension agent outside in the parking area as I went around the loading dock on my way to help clean the milk house. I’d already made a boner while dreaming of holding Lilly in my arms and that distraction led the way with a hands on experience, my lightning rod of anticipation for my favorite chore. As I day dreamed squeezing away I overheard them conversing about the upcoming county fair and the son was excited about showing livestock. I passed by out of sight...

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An Unknown AttractionChapter 2 An Awkward Introduction

Amongst the raging beats of the overlapping songs from multiple Orleans pubs, amidst the varied lights and sights the city offered at this time of night, though the raging sea of humanity celebrating an old city, Shaniqua walked us both back to the hotel. She never moved more than a few millimeters from my side, pressing her large soft breasts against my upper arm the entire way. It was a bit awkward, especially if you aren't used to it, but it was an exquisite torture. Cate just kept...

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Orgasm total

Cat de important este sexul in viata de familie? Sunt casatorit cu o superba femeie. Dincolo de alcatuirea trupeasca fara cusur, Miriamin cucereste prin trairile interioare pe care si le exteriorizeaza fascinandu-i pe ceilalti. Ea este, deopotriva, naiva si cocheta, copilareasca dar frivola, are gesturi pline de eleganta, insa, subtil presarate cu parsivenie. Creaza, permanent impresia ca se simte, o doamna din lumea buna si, in acelasi timp, tarfa de lux. Deseori, amicii mei, dupa un pahar in...

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Another Wintry Night 2020

By Jax_Teller Buffalo New York was known for its winters and it was often said by locals in the middle of heavy snow that they were going to get a break from the snow by going to Alaska. More often than not, the weather was better in Anchorage Alaska than Buffalo New. The city of Buffalo was an early era industrial-age town built around the production of steel and auto parts. The location of the Lakes and maneuverable waterways made it perfect for the task. In that time in history function...

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Another Wintry Night

Buffalo New York was known for its winters and it was often said by locals in the middle of heavy snow that they were going to get a break from the snow by going to Alaska. More often than not, the weather was better in Anchorage Alaska than Buffalo New. The city of Buffalo was an early era industrial-age town built around the production of steel and auto parts. The location of the Lakes and maneuverable waterways made it perfect for the task. In that time in history function was more...

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Melissa s Lovely Mommy New Introductions

Melissa's Lovely Mommy: New Introductions Miss Samantha Love Styles entered the mall with her daughter hand in hand. The vision of loveliness drew breaths and gasps from those who passed by them enchanted by her beauty. Johnny, now Melissa was dressed in his full feminine regalia. The lovely floral perfume he was wearing intoxicated those who passed by him. The high stiletto heels he was wearing made the same staccato click his mother's shoes did. An electric thrill ran through him...

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Hotwife data la futut

Ziua urmatoare ne-am facut planul sa mergem la plaja, ne-am echipa corespunzator apoi am luat-o la pas sa cautam o plaja cu mai putin agitatie eventual cu ceva nudism.Am luat-o de-a lungul apei cautand un loc propice dorintelor noastre, am tot mers de-a lungul coastei vreo 20-25 de minute cu picioarele prin apa pana am ajuns la o stanca ce iesea aproape pana apa, era lovita ocazional de valuri, am presupus ca nu multi indraznesc sa treaca de zona asta. Am trecut repede pe langa stanca si ne-am...

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Our Introduction to our neighbours part 2

Jacqueline and I are lying on our bed, recuperating from our experience with our neighbour. Jacqueline looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. “Do you realise, we didn’t even ask her, her name. I have seen a man coming and going from the house, which could be her boyfriend or her husband. Maybe, we could invite them over for dinner and a bit of fun. What do you think?” Jacqueline asks. I love the way Jacqueline thinks, and have already decided this sounds like a great idea. ”Let’s...

Group Sex
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Voyeur Intruder

Heather was a younger version of her 45 year old mother. She was 5’-10” tall, with straight brown hair and a model’s physique. She didn’t starve herself, but you could bounce a quarter off her taut stomach and perfectly shaped ass. Heather did some modeling too but was also a very focused student. She had just graduated top in her class with a degree in psychology and was going to continue to pursue a doctorate degree and become a licensed psychologist. Heather wanted to help people,...

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An Intruder Watches

Heather was a younger version of her 45 year old mother. She was 5’-10” tall, with straight brown hair and a model’s physique. She didn’t starve herself, but you could bounce a quarter off her taut stomach and perfectly shaped ass. Heather did some modeling too but was also a very focused student. She had just graduated top in her class with a degree in psychology and was going to continue to pursue a doctorate degree and become a licensed psychologist. Heather wanted to help people, but...

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Your key turns in the lock and I hear you softly sigh once the door shuts firmly behind you. I watch you from the shadows, you don’t see me, and you’re oblivious to my presence. The darkness does not scare you for you’re content to refrain from switching on the hallway light. Instead you kick off your shoes, freeing your slender tanned feet. I study you, holding my breath in case you should hear me hiding there in the darkness of your apartment. I am an intruder in your peaceful sanctum. I...

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 15 Intrepid 3755 C E

Paul had never shown much interest in the other passengers and crew of the Intrepid in all the months since he first boarded the space ship. He didn't feel comfortable in the company of soldiers, he didn't need to see the crew very often, and there were no other computer archaeologists amongst the scientists. He was more than happy in his own company and, of course, that of Beatrice. What more did he ever need? Not a lot, Paul mostly believed, but lately Beatrice had been spending rather...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 21 Intrepid 3756 C E

Vashti stumbled through the open lawns of the penultimate level where Beatrice had so recently been imprisoned. She reasoned that the android perhaps had an idea of what was happening. How was it possible for a nanobot community to be compromised in such a strange and unprecedented manner? There was nothing in Vashti's vast repository of data and experience that could explain it. It was definitely humbling for a being who naturally presumed that she was superior over both biological and...

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My introduction to swinging group sex Part 17

Please read parts 1 – 16 first which are posted as My Introduction and Pathway to Group Sex. I have changed the title to Swinging Group Sex as it more accurately describes my life from this point on.During my first couple of years working, I was getting plenty of sex from guys on my road trips, plus the occasional woman I met. I was still seeing my best girlfriend from Uni every week and we satisfied each others girl to girl desires regularly. I also had a constantly evolving phone-a-fuck list...

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My introduction to swinging group sex Part 17

Please read parts 1 - 16 first which are posted as My Introduction and Pathway to Group Sex. I have changed the title to Swinging Group Sex as it more accurately describes my life from this point on.During my first couple of years working, I was getting plenty of sex from guys on my road trips, plus the occasional woman I met. I was still seeing my best girlfriend from Uni every week and we satisfied each others girl to girl desires regularly. I also had a constantly evolving phone-a-fuck list...

Group Sex
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Introduction to Shelley Part 5

Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men and women.? If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. ? Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re- post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission. Copyright March 2011, All Rights Reserved. ? Jenny describes...

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Introverted Dom

I never expected things to go this way, but life has alwaysthrown surprises my way. I have found myself, through no fault of my own, alone in my forties. Being an introvert I enjoyed the alone time for a while, but at some point I started wanting a sub in my life again. Having a sub in your life is a challenge for an introvert. Having someone in close physical space for long periods plus having to take control can be exhausting. I have to like or love them enough to have them in my space for...

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College Roommates Ch 01 An Introduction

This is an introduction to a story of two girls who fall in love, if you want to continue following their blossoming relationship the content will continue in further stories under the same headlines but in specific erotic categories. You can also go to my profile to follow the story as well. Thank you! Feedback is appreciated! ***** ‘You know I am just a few hours away, so if you need anything just call okay?’ my mom had tears in her eyes. We had gotten to campus early and got my entire side...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 7 Outside Intruders

Dave heard the alarm going off. He woke instantly, had his shoes and shorts on and raced down the stairs of his home and out into the core. The alarm came from Owen’s home. Several other lights came on and heads popped out of nearby houses. Dave ran to Owen’s home, quickly punching in the five-digit code for access into the home. Owen was on the phone and moving around in the living room waving off the security company from calling the police. After he ended the security call, he said, “Hey....

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My Introduction to swinging sex CH 18

My continuing journey into swinging sex. Please read Chapters 1 - 17 first. In the days following that first swinger’s party, I was as horny as hell. I was determined to explore this as far as I could. I think what impressed me the most was that all the guests seemed so much like me. Just ordinary people who loved open sex as much as I did. Seeing some of them dressed in their street clothes when we were leaving brought this home. They could have been going to a bar or restaurant for the night....

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XSFGCChapter 1 A New Student Is Introduced

Phillip sat fidgeting nervously in the taxi cab as it pulled into the main gate to the Xavier School for Gifted Children. His new home. Not that he would be missing his father's home in Hampton, Virginia because with the amount of moving around his father did for his work, Phillip never stayed in one location for more than three or four years. At the ripe age of sixteen, Phillip was still developing, but he had already grown to six feet in height and weighed one hundred and sixty pounds. If...

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Our Introduction to our neighbours part 2

Jacqueline and I are lying on our bed, recuperating from our experience with our neighbour. Jacqueline looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. “Do you realise, we didn’t even ask her, her name. I have seen a man coming and going from the house, which could be her boyfriend or her husband. Maybe, we could invite them over for dinner and a bit of fun. What do you think?” Jacqueline asks. I love the way Jacqueline thinks, and have already decided this sounds like a great idea. ”Let’s...

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One night I was just chilling in my dorm when I got a call from my best friend Jesse asking if I wanted to go to a bar with him and hang out since we haven't seen each other in a while. "Sure" I responded and got ready. I met him later at the bar and we each grabbed a beer. We walked over and sat at a both. We were both introverted and didn't have a lot of courage to start talking to women, so we sat and just looked around.A few minutes later, he tapped my shoulder and pointed to someone. She...

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Introduction: newly single mothers first time out… It was later than I expected when I came home from our first date. Then again I wasnt sure what to expect, I havent dated in over ten years, much less imagined dating another woman. I had often thought about being with another woman, but I was married with kids when those thoughts occurred so I never figured I would ever get to act on them. My name is Marie, Im 29 years old. My husband left me 4 months ago and Im in the process of divorce. Ive...

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Intro to medical fetish

One of the perks of having a long term partner is the possibility to explore your own kinks, finding your likes and dislikes and to be introduced to new deviance's.  I don’t know about you, but I always like to push my limits a bit further, expanding my horizons. There are certain things you just don't discuss or do with a one night stand or with a man, you've just met, unsure, where that particular relationship is going yet. So we tend to start off vanilla and only after a while, when that...

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Replacement Daughter Intro

Replacement Daughter (Intro - James' Story) Author: note: this story revolves around James' life as Hailey, as recorded in a journal read by the character in the main story. It is separate so as to inter fear the flow of the story. It also introduces several important characters in the main story. I looked around the room that was now mine. I was trapped, in a body that was radically different than the one I had known the last fifteen years, in different town in a different state...

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The House of OctaviaChapter 2 Sally Havery entertains a princess and introduces her sister to The House of Octavia

The sun streamed through the window of Sally Havery’s bedroom as she opened the slats of the blinds. The sky was blue and the birds were singing. It was going to be a good day. Sally slipped off the t-shirt and shorts that she wore in bed and padded naked into her en-suite shower. Sally lived at the family home with her mother and her older sister, Emily. Both young women had opted to stay at home with their mother for financial reasons. Sally was heavily in debt with her university tuition...

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Jordan s Job Untimely intrusions

Finally, Jordan's first day was finished and Eric took him back home discussing the latter part of his day as they walked up the stairs to their apartment. "But why didn't you just tell him no?" "I did. The little shit wouldn't take no for an answer so I told him we had a date that night." "Well, what are we doing for our date?" Eric teased. "I don't know, beer and tv." "Wow, catch me I may faint." "We're not actually going on a date." "Then you better come up with...

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“Cine Dumnezeu m-a pus sa las masina acasa…trenul…futu-i trenu’ vietii sa-i fut”.Ganduri ce-mi treceau prin minte pe masura ce Rapidul inainta ca un melc printre troienele cat casa. E prima zi de Craciun si in loc sa fiu acasa, cu o bautura in mana la caldura, sunt intr-un compartiment nenorocit, intr-un tren pe trei sferturi gol, pe jumatate mort de frig, asteptand un drum de 10 ore( pe vreme frumoasa) care traverseaza tara de-a latul. In primele doua ore de cand am pornit la drum nu s-au...

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I had the biggest crush on this girl in high school. Her name was Lauren. She was about 5'6, had a nice and curvy body with large titties and a nice ass. She rode the same bus as me, we had the same classes and we even lived two houses apart; but my I, being the introverted bastard I am, could never summon up the courage to talk to her. Every time I tried, I would get nervous and chicken out. I think she knew I had a crush on her because she caught me staring at her from time to time; but I...

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True Sex Stories The Intruder

Since graduating from university, my sex life has been somewhat quiet. As I've been living at my parent's house for nearly three months, I've been desperate to have a really intense fuck. As I'm still in the process of finding a job; out of boredom, I've been watching a lot more porn than I normally would and by doing so, my mind has become more open to kinky sex. After watching a gay porno of an intruder breaking into a guys house and fucking him, I wanted this to happen to me. I relished the...

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True Sex Stories The Intruder

Since graduating from university, my sex life has been somewhat quiet. As I've been living at my parent's house for nearly three months, I've been desperate to have a really intense fuck. As I'm still in the process of finding a job; out of boredom, I've been watching a lot more porn than I normally would and by doing so, my mind has become more open to kinky sex. After watching a gay porno of an intruder breaking into a guys house and fucking him, I wanted this to happen to me. I relished the...

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B5 Chapter 7 Jeanne s Introduction

Chapter 7: Jeanne's IntroductionClyda, Dee Dee and Jordan took their seats on the far side of the stage of the auditorium. Tiffany stopped at the podium, and addressed the assembled amazons. "All right everyone. I hate to start sounding repetitive whenever I'm up here, but we have to make some more critical decisions. A short time ago, Barocca committed some very serious acts in the Main Event. As a result of her actions, she was expelled from the Island. "Between then and now, Barocca has...

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my diary intro

Introduction: who am I: enough has happened to stick with truth so far! Here I am, a single girl in the outskirts of Madrid. Why am I interesting enough to write an erotic diary? Well, Im quite introverted, I am a translator, of English origin- Middlesbrough actually. I am quite focused in my life, so things do happen to me, and as I spend a lot of time on the computer, I thought that it would be nice to try to write erotica. My sex life? As I want to start by writing in diary format, I dont...

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The Intern Intro

The Intern I’d been working at a large Marketing firm for just over a year. I had no marketing experience when I got the job but had an extensive background in business management having run a few businesses and having sold my own business earlier that year. I quickly made a name for myself and within the year I was in the top 10 highest producing account managers in the company. I was surprised it happened as quickly as it did but I knew I deserved it. I was promoted into a leadership...

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The Introductio to masking and One Weekend

This is a two parter, two stories that follow up each other. This is a direct continuation from The Introduction Jeremy stared on in utter shock at the shemale with a male face, while her previous one hung emptily from her hand. " happening?" The man smiled as with glee he started to explain. "This is a skinsuit im wearing. They can turn you into anything you want. Did you even expect that your shemale visitor was a real man underneath?" "No's all fake...

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The Fantasy Agency Prolog and Chapter 1 Introducing Alicia

Mmmf Group Teen DP Oral Anal BJ The Fantasy Agency - Prolog I have had this idea for a good few years but have finally decided to put it into action. The idea is for a high class escort agency where client fantasies can be realised. I want a bank of girls who are opening and willing to go along with roleplay and fantasies. I will then get the clients to ‘apply’ with full details of their fantasy. I’ll price the job factoring in the cost of the girl, the cost of location and how deep /...

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Introduction to Bi

bisexual threesome – mfm – suck husband's cock – woman loves bisexual men – multiple orgasms – sharing semen – sensuous bi seduction – bi couple seduces – bisexual initiationAn open-minded young man is introduced to bisexuality by a sensuous couple I was 29, and still recovering from my fiancée's breaking up with me. I hadn't dated in many months and found it difficult to motivate myself to get out of the house, so when I saw an ad for a weekend seminar on personal goal-setting, it sounded like...

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One Dark Wintry Night

By Jax_Teller I was searching for sexual entertainment one dark wintry night in Buffalo NY. It was hard finding any activity in a town covered in thirty six inches of fresh snow with wind chills of minus twenty seven. This night though I had just got off of a lake freighter from Port Huron MI. I had been working long cold hours with a crew of miscreant men who were at their best, not in jail. I was determined to be entertained. The water front bars were mostly closed dumps that had...

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My first 3 way and intro to pussy

I had been living with my male partner Sean in Ca. for a couple of years who worked at a restaurant with his friends Liz and her boyfriend "Big Daddy Ron". After a night at work and drinking with them at the bar while they cooked,I helped them close down and went to our apt. afterwards to relax and smoke some weed. Sean then realized we were almost out of smoke so he had gone to another girl's house to get some and left me and his friends to continue with the wine and their scotch. As we sat...

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The Thief of the RoseIntroduction

Reginald Ravensblade, Harpist of Time, sat idly watching the roulette wheel spin as the small gold ball travelled around in the opposite direction waiting to find its home. He was in the Maytag Casino, the largest, most prestigious gaming establishment on Rito III, a pleasure planet known for its gaming establishments. Reg had been on the planet for a week and had just finished his latest quest, another task where time had been manipulated. Several unscrupulous men had found an ancient relic...

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Lovely Intruder part 1

Introduction: This is a multiple part story, If youre not into forced pleasure than I assure you will not enjoy this story. I did not hear the click of the lock, nor did I hear his silent entrance into my bedroom. All I heard was a short cough. I sprang up in my bed, letting my eyes adjust to the hypothesizing darkness. I sat there for a few minutes, sharply turning my head at every creak in the room only to find out it was the house creaking, my house was old. I swore I saw an almost invisible...

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Rob s Introduction To Oral Pleasure

At the time of the incident I am about to describe, my girlfriend, Carol, and I, Rob had been seeing each other for about a year.We were both in our early forties and, in today's parlance, were 'fuck buddies' or 'friends with benefits'. Except that this was fifteen years ago and the terms hadn't been invented. We referred to ourselves as being in a 'fun' relationship. That is, we would meet up every couple of weeks and have fun.It was a great arrangement. No strings, no jealousy. In...

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Lovely Intruder part 3

Introduction: This is a multiple part story, If youre not into forced pleasure than I assure you will not enjoy this story. My body trembled and my mind raced as I saw Will walk towards me. His gaze felt so powerful over me, at least Sirs was gentle some of the time. What I saw in this mans eyes was a very strong urge to control and take what wasnt his, along with a burning passion for this naked woman in front of him – me. He instructed me to get on my knees. When I complied and looked up at...

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How I Came To Be Me Part 1 Introduction

My name is Celine Devereux. I'm twenty-five years old, sort of your average girl next door. My father was a gambler. He hid it very well until about my fifteenth birthday when he skimmed around ten thousand dollars from the business he and my mother were building up. He took it to Las Vegas where he lost it all overnight. At the time, my mother was worried sick that he'd vanished without a trace. That was until her CPA told her the funds were missing. It wasn't until the following month when...

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Studio Salon Jezebel Introduction

This is my first contribution to and is part fantasy, part reality as to the story content. It's actually much more autographical than I'd like to admit but it's actually very authentic and real as to my experience to date. If the feedback is positive, I'll continue to write additional chapters. Studio Salon Jezebel - Introduction I'm feeling in a bit of a fog while starting this but a better description is probably that I'm in a sort of virtual reality where...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 433 Single Minded Marks Initial Introductions

Friday, July 25, 2008 I became a god at midday, and by dinnertime even the never-before-contacted, single-minded Marks had been connected to my network. One second they were living a so-so life, the next second they're told they're a God of the Universe who'll soon be linked with over a trillion other god-minds and they'll have astonishing abilities. It took them a few hours to get used to it - the other minds helped - and to have their links increased all the way to them being full...

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