Doc's Complex 03 - Introductions free porn video

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Doc's Complex 03 - Introductions by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Introductions Doc stood in front of a group of white-coated women, a long wooden pointer in his hand to gesture at the screen on the stage. "Fellow scientists, I present to you my latest experiment. We discovered these seventeen intruders in the old mine near Level 8 yesterday evening, after learning of their presence from two men who were captured by robots when they actually entered the Complex yesterday afternoon. I cleared the level, of course, and as per standard procedure, the two men were changed into beautiful, sexy, intelligent women and became new citizens of the Complex with no knowledge of their former existence." A map of the mine and Level 8 appeared on the screen, and Doc used the pointer to indicate the locations about which he talked as he continued his lecture. "While the seventeen men slept in the mine, I sent robots to retrieve eight of them and take them to the automated Changing Room in one of the suites. The robots also gathered the belongings of the first two men and used a simple mindwarping device to erase all memories of them from the minds of the others in their party. The remaining members of their little expedition now all believe that there were seventeen of them, not nineteen. I've also sent an agent to the former homes of our new citizens to make sure no evidence or memories of their existence will trouble anyone in the Real World and lead them here trying to find them. We must maintain the secret of our existence, above all. "Now, last night, the robots put the eight men on the tables of the Changing Room, and I changed them into beautiful, sexy, intelligent women and timed their awakening to match the arrival of the rest of the men who are searching for them. The women all believe that they were born here and have never left the Complex in their lives." A woman near the front raised her hand and asked, "Doc, you said this was an experiment. Isn't what you described the standard procedure for all men who come here uninvited?" "So far as I've described, it is, Marielle. Good question! When the remaining men meet the newly changed women, they will not be changed to women. It has been a while since we have observed the reactions of outsiders to the Complex and what goes on here. Is the Real World ready to know of our existence yet? Have they matured enough to use our superior scientific knowledge and discoveries to do anything but kill each other? Do they still persist in their false and outdated belief that men are in any way superior to women? "I propose to let the women introduce the men to the ways of the Complex, let them live here for a while, say fourteen days, and then see how many would prefer to stay and how many would prefer to return to their former lives, with the usual restrictions, of course. "Ah! I perceive that the men are approaching the Changing Room. Let's awaken the eight who were changed, and see what happens." Another woman spoke up. "You said that the nine men are searching for their eight missing companions, right? So won't they connect the fact that they lost eight men and found eight women in a Changing Room that can change men into women?" "Thank you, Lorianne. Another good question. Will they do the math or be dazzled by pulchritude? Let us watch!" The map on the screen was replaced by a projection from a hidden camera in the Changing Room, and the audience grew quiet as they listened to the sounds from microphones planted all over the room. ----------------------------------------------- Chuck was the first to break the staring contest and speak. "Well, ladies, it seems we have a problem." Al looked from Chuck to the girls on the tables, admiring him for his ability to speak in the presence of these goddesses, and admiring the girls, period. The girl on the closest table swung her long legs off it and sat up, making no effort at all to hide the thick red bush of curly hair between her legs that matched the color of the cloud of curls surrounding her pretty face. In a clear, high-pitched voice that easily cut through the noise of the humming machinery, she answered, "And what problem might that be, uh," She looked toward the ceiling, stopped as if listening, then aimed her blue eyes back at Chuck's grey ones and continued, "Charles Berringer Jones?" Chuck blinked at the mention of his full name from this stranger, but then he smiled, "Well, the problem is simply that there are nine of us, and only eight of you!" Al was always impressed at guys who could come on to girls so strongly right from the get-go. He was always sure that if he said something like that to a pretty girl, her response would be to slap his face, or worse, walk away without saying anything at all. He watched her with interest, wondering how she would respond. She looked around at the other young girls, all of whom appeared to be around eighteen or so, and then directed her gaze back to Chuck. She nodded her head in agreement and smiled provocatively, "Yes. That is a problem. There are so few of you. I'd like three or four of you for myself, and as it is, I'll have to share." She licked her lips as she slid off the table to the floor and approached him. Al's eyes widened at the approaching apparition. He was not a virgin, but he could number the women he had seen naked on one hand, and one was his sister. He had, of course, seen photos in Playboy magazine, and indeed after years of studying that journal, his standard of what a girl should look like was based upon his favorites of the touched-up photographs they printed - which explained the paucity of his sexual partners -- but this girl, in fact each girl in this room, was so superior in face and figure to anyone he had ever seen before that he was frozen in sheer awe. If anyone had touched him, he would have had taken a minute to remind himself that there were other things in the universe that might require his attention. His body, for one. When she was an inch from Chuck's chest, she stopped, her breasts squashed against his wide abdomen, and she looked up at his unshaven face. "What about it, big boy? I'm already dressed for the activity you're suggesting. Shall we see what's causing this bulge in your pants?" While they watched the provocative conversation or stared at the men, the other girls on the tables assumed different poses, sitting, lying on their sides, one kneeling on the table and doing something to her hair, another standing on the floor and leaning against the side of her table, her elbows resting on the surface behind her. None of them showed any sense of modesty at all. Except one. Al noticed the girl with the short, dark hair because she was so furtive. She was the only one who tried to cover her large chest from the sight of the men with her tiny hands. She ducked her head as if she could hide from the view of others if she did not look at them, and quietly slipped off the farthest table in the back of the room to crouch down behind it. She was the only one who seemed as embarrassed as he would have been after being caught naked in a room like this with no way to cover himself. He pretended he was looking at Chuck and the brazen girl he was now kissing and feeling up, but his eyes were really on the "little mouse" as he thought of her. He saw her sneak from the concealment of the table to behind a cabinet full of blinking lights, to a rack of shelves with neat piles of (he assumed) the girls' personal items, and then to a panel on the wall, where she began punching keys on a computer keyboard like the ones they had at Mission Control at Cape Kennedy. Fearing that she was calling for security guards to arrest the intruders, he wanted to alert the others, but when he again focused his eyes on the people next to him, he found them eagerly removing all their clothes! A glance at the other girls told him that like the one with Chuck, they also seemed interested in his companions' sexual abilities more than in calling for help. Was this some kind of underground haven for free love? Were these girls part of a hippie commune or something? He had never heard of hippies or communes that used robotic machines or electronic equipment like this, so who were these beautiful, sexy, and obviously very horny babes? Al could not decide what he should do. Should he join in the fun? Should he go to the door and act as a lookout? If he did, then what could he do if someone came who knew they were not supposed to be here? What if that dark-haired girl was reporting them and these others were only using their abundant charms to distract and delay the men until help arrived? He looked fearfully at the girl who had gone to the computer, and relaxed when he saw what was on the screen. It was a selection of dresses, and as he watched, the screen shifted to a selection of bras. He turned back to his friends, and found them engaged in an orgy. Naked women, naked men, naked arms, legs, breasts, several different shades and hues of skin color; it was difficult to determine which girl was with which man. In fact, it was difficult to tell which limb belonged to which person! Still unsure of what to do, Al walked around the writhing group on the floor as if analyzing a tangled knot before trying to untie it. Here was a hand massaging a breast that belonged to a girl who was licking the nipple of another girl while another man pumped in and out of her, and he was kissing yet another girl, while she was rocking back against the groin of another man, who had one of his hands on the breast of one girl while running his fingers through the hair of another. Al could not keep track of all the connections and gave up trying. Instead he took a more aesthetic approach, admiring a feminine curve here and there, noting how the curve of an arm matched the curve of a thigh right next to it, observing techniques that he might want to try with a girl if he got the chance someday to be with one in a less public, and more comfortable setting. "It must be pretty uncomfortable doing it on the floor like that," he thought, and then saw something he had only read about. He stared at a girl sitting over a guy's face while he did something with his mouth to her genitals while she had the guy's shaft in her mouth. Al watched in fascination as she somehow moved her lips along the length until she had taken in the whole thing! "It's called '69'," whispered a very pleasant voice next to his ear. Startled, Al looked around quickly to see the girl with the short dark hair standing next to him. She was exactly his height in her heels, and was now fully dressed, wearing a fashionable yellow mini-skirted dress with a square neckline that displayed her impressive cleavage and much of her ample bosom. A necklace of large beads was so long she had wrapped it twice around her neck and the lower ends still twisted sideways at the top of her cleavage. "Stop looking at her tits, Al!" he told himself, forcing his gaze down to her legs. Her long, perfect legs, ensheathed in bright orange tights that did nothing to hide her well-toned, tapering thighs and shapely calves, extended down to small feet in white, high-heeled pumps. All found himself wondering what the toes of a perfect woman like this would look like. She pointed at the woman she was talking about, causing him to look away from her pretty feet back to the pair on the floor nearest them. "Charlettia muss be happy. She said 69 is pro'ly the only thing she misses 'bout the Real World. Wanna try it?" Her accent was odd, and she contracted words in ways he was not used to, but the sound of her voice made him think he could listen to her talk for years. Comprehension came a second or two after that thought, and he snapped his head around again, making her giggle. "Y'could hurt your neck like that, Albert Eisenstein. Does everyone in the Real World have more than one name?" "God, you're beautiful," he declared when he saw her face again. Her deep brown eyes, her nose, her cheeks, her wide smile, her chin, every part of her face seemed perfectly matched to every other. Again, her words sank in a moment later and he stuttered as he tried to give an intelligent answer to this dream come true, who seemed to find this whole situation not only natural, but amusing enough to have a casual conversation about, as if seeing an orgy on the floor of a mad scientist's laboratory or whatever this place was, happened so often she could ignore it and chat with other onlookers. "Ye-yes, I, uh, I guess so. Don't you have a family name?" " 'Family' name?" She looked confused and looked up at the ceiling. "Doc?" She listened to the silence and then said, "That's enough." She looked pensively at Al. "I din't know how li'l I know 'bout the Real World. You are part of a 'Family?' You know who's related to you by the names you share with them? Doc says I have to tell you my name as if you are a mental cripple who can't communicate with him, or one of the no- nothings on Level 300, and there's a ceremony I have to perform while I doo't." Al wondered what she was talking about and watched as she faced him and stood very straight. Then she held out her hand for him to shake and waited for him to take it. She very solemnly and a bit slowly shook his hand three times as she said to him, taking care to pronounce each word, "Hello, Albert Eisenstein. My name is Keela, which is spelled 'K. E. E. L. A.' I am very pleased to meet you." She let go of his hand and relaxed. Her mobile face took on a questioning expression as she asked, "Did I doo't properly, Albert Eisenstein? Doc says y'don't automatically know how to spell each other's names, so I added that part on my own. It didn't ruin the ceremony for you, di'it?" She looked a little worried, so he smiled to reassure her, "No, Keela, it's not really a formal ceremony. Just a custom, and no one really cares how you do it. I like the spelling thing. You wouldn't believe how many people misspell my name. You can just call me 'Al,' by the way. We don't usually use our whole names a lot, and often use nicknames. Charles, over there, for instance; he likes to be called 'Chuck,' and his brother, who is the other big Italian somewhere in that pile, is known as 'Buck.' In fact, now that I think about it, I don't know what Buck's full name really is, and I've known him for years. I'm talking a lot, aren't I? I'll shut up now." "Buck has the same first name as you," she said. "His full name's Albert Buckingham Jones, which's spelled, 'A.L.B.'--" She was so good looking! And her mouth, as it formed each letter, made such pretty shapes, but he did not want to hear Buck's entire name spelled out a letter at a time, so he kissed her. He kissed her right on her pretty mouth. She attempted to say, "E," but said, "Mm," instead, and then she stopped talking. Her mouth felt soft and tasted like strawberries or flowers or some other delicious thing that he could not think of just then. When he was about to pull away, she put her hands on the back of his head and opened her mouth, inviting his tongue to enter, and then she kissed him back. She did not give him just a little peck, or the sort of chaste, lips-only sort of kiss he could easily pull away from. She was easily as strong as he was, and she held his head while she used her lips and tongue to tease and explore every part of his mouth that she could reach, and she even sucked his own tongue into her mouth, inviting him to do the same. Electricity seemed to flow into his mouth from hers, and travel all through his head, down his spine, and even his legs began to quiver and shiver. The skin of his arms had goosebumps! No one had ever kissed him like this before, and he was pretty sure that no one he had ever met had been kissed like this, and maybe no one in the whole world, or they would have written a song about it that would have been on the top of every radio station's charts, or a poem about it so wonderful that everyone in the world could quote it. Al knew he wanted to tell the world about this delightful kiss! One of her hands slid down to hug his back, and then the other went to his waist, and still their mouths were together. He put his arms around her, and felt her soft blouse, and through it a silky chemise, and under that was nothing but her smooth skin. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and she felt soft and warm and delightful, she smelled sweet and tasty, and he wanted to do nothing that would ruin his chances and make her go away. She released her hold on him and he took the hint and relaxed his arms. They backed apart and looked at each other's faces, licking their lips to savor the leftover taste of each other's mouths. "That was nice. I'd like to take you home with me, but you can't go out looking like that," Keela said, looking at the door. She licked her lips again, as if savoring for the last time what she would not do again, and nodded her head at the steel tables next to them, making him look at them as well. Not for the first time since he had seen them, he wondered what the steel tables were for, and what all the oddly shaped apparatus and oversized dental drill things sticking out of the tables did. When they had first seen these eight nubile nymphs, they had been lying on these tables, but why? He would find out sooner than he expected, and in a very direct way. "I suppose since like being called 'Al', you could change your name to some variation on 'Alice'," Keela mused aloud, and then, as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world to say, she asked him, "How big do you want your breasts to be?" ----------------------------------------------- To Be Continued! ----------------------------------------------- Author's note: I was sure someone would have figured out who the girls really were by now! Well, I did say there would be 30 chapters, but I sort of hoped I'd be through this introductory tale by now. Doc's story spans some 200 years! Talk about being trapped in the 60s, sheesh! I'm writing this novel as part of the 2012 NaNoWriMo challenge, in which I intend to post a chapter a day during November. For more info about National Novel Writing Month, see By the way, if you like to write and can't resist improving this story with extra characters or new adventures or situations for the existing characters, go ahead! I know other writers can describe that orgy in a much more exciting way than I did, for instance, and I can't describe more than a few of the 17 of the people in the room and what happens to each of them. You have my permission to post your version on FictionMania. To avoid confusion, add a letter to the chapter #, like "Doc's Complex 03a", and make up a new title. Who knows? If enough people do it, FictionMania may add a new category! Editing/Reposting: If you want to post this or an edited or amended version of this story anywhere other than FictionMania, send me a message so I'll know where it is. (I'm not against other people reading my stuff. I just want to know how far it can spread.) If you can figure out a way to make a profit from my writing and do, the share I claim is owed to me is modest: $0.01 per copy read on screen or printed or downloaded, or 1% of gross sales, or 10% of the profits, whichever of the three amounts is largest.

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Apartment Complex Susan Pt 2

John was spent. He has rather regular sex but today was very taxing and he wanted to rest. Susan had other ideas as she had only had a little orgasm and was not about to quit. Susan looked at John and she started to kiss him first on the neck and then down and nibbled on each nipple and down kissing and lightly sucking on every part she could. John had a hand on her head and just lay back. He was thinking, man this girl is not going to stop, oh god that’s good, oh, you can do that all...

1 year ago
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The Apartment Complex

I can't believe I finally found an apartment. I've been living at home longer than I would like to admit, and I was getting tired of it. Mom constantly on my ass to move out. Asking where I'm going, and where I've been. It's been like this since I graduated college. I had finally saved up enough money to move out and then my apartment search began. The first few places were either WAY outside me price range or were in scary parts of town. I work as a secretary in a law office, and I have to...

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Steaming apartment complex

Every since that new night club opened beside the apartment complex nothing has been the same! Especially since they also rented a one bedroom apartment on the complex for a playroom. That hasn't stopped them from hitting on my wifes sexy body at least a couple of times a week, I'll walk into my office to here the sweet sounds of hot sex from her office. Our neighbor the sexy little Mexican girl still sneaks over to the club to get her share of big black cock bringing back the results for me to...

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Brother Complex Part 1

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe what I felt has damned me to deepest pits in hell, but it couldn't be help. I love himMy little brother and I have always been close. He was born prematurely when I was two. So since then I dedicated seventeen years of my life to protect him. I had graduated with a scholarship and was accepted to study abroad and that meant being away from home for at least four years. Away from home meant, being away from Kasumi. Who would protect him from those pervs on the street...

4 years ago
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Complex Relationships The Indian Context The Client Visit

Synopsis: Its a story of an Indian guy who lusts for his wife's sister, and one day he gets the opportunity of his life time. He catches her flirting with clients and decide that she may as well be an object of amusement for himself.In continuation of the story called Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The DiscoveryTitle : Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The Client VisitSynopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife's younger sister is said to...

3 years ago
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The Methuselah ComplexChapter 8

“Shitfuckhelldamncrap,” I cursed mentally, once again reminded of the excruciating pain associated with assuming another body. Somehow, I had conveniently forgotten about that part. “RRRRRaaaaayyyyy,” I heard a woman’s voice shriek. Ray’s memories quickly identified the voice as that of his mother, Cynthia Walker. Ray had been trudging in the pouring rain from the bus stop to the front door when something happened, throwing him several feet across the yard. Looking in the direction I’d come...

1 year ago
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Sankaku Complex

I’ve got something a little different for you perverts today. At first glance, SankakuComplex may look innocent enough. You may even miss the sex completely if you’re not looking. Once you find it, though, you’re in for a surprise full of silicone hentai buttholes, live-action Hollywood anime sex, and gender-swapped Super Mario has been around for about ten years now and has grown a pretty fucking strong following. They’re getting more than 30 million views a month...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Bethany, Michael and Jonathan were the three tenants down for the student house. Bethany was doing a degree in Media, Michael in Physics and Jonathan in Maths. None of them had met before the first day of moving in. the personal possessions had been eased in over the last few weeks. Jonathan was situated on the second floor, Bethany and Michael on the third. Jonathan spent little time with our housemates during the first week, retreating to his highly private room with his girlfriend. For...

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Mia Chapter 1 Introductions

Chapter 1 – Introductions 10 Aug 2010 Dearest Mia, I’m using the several thousand miles between us as an opportunity to start my letter writing hobby. I think as a generation we lack the romance of a hand written letter being delivered through the post. That being said, it also gives me the chance to perfect my English language skills and feel a bit more Jane Austen-esque. J (Damn it. I almost wrote a smiley face there.) I also think you get more out of a handwritten letter than Facebook,...

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Ann Part 1 Introductions

AnnChapter 1 – Introductions“She was like a gift from heaven - just what I needed.”John Sheffield was a lonely man.I was in his early 60s, tall, with all his hair and in good shape, for his age. Strong arms and large, with a little paunch around the waist, like many men his age. His hair was starting to go a little gray, as was his mustache which he wore down the sides, a cross between ‘fu-manchu’ and cowboy style. He was also very well off, having started a number of tech startups in the early...

3 years ago
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Mia Chapter 1 Introductions

Chapter 1 - Introductions 10 Aug 2010 Dearest Mia, I’m using the several thousand miles between us as an opportunity to start my letter writing hobby. I think as a generation we lack the romance of a hand written letter being delivered through the post. That being said, it also gives me the chance to perfect my English language skills and feel a bit more Jane Austen-esque. J (Damn it. I almost wrote a smiley face there.) I also think you get more out of a handwritten letter than Facebook,...

2 years ago
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Melissas Lovely Mommy New Introductions

Melissa's Lovely Mommy: New Introductions Miss Samantha Love Styles entered the mall with her daughter hand in hand. The vision of loveliness drew breaths and gasps from those who passed by them enchanted by her beauty. Johnny, now Melissa was dressed in his full feminine regalia. The lovely floral perfume he was wearing intoxicated those who passed by him. The high stiletto heels he was wearing made the same staccato click his mother's shoes did. An electric thrill ran through him...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 1 No Need For Introductions

Day 1: part 1: 'No need' for introductions. It is an idyllic setting. Wispy clouds of cotton, wander unhurried across a sky of tranquil blue. A bright azure dome which stands an eternal vigil over a vista of lush rolling hills and wide fertile valleys. Modest streams and placid lakes below complete a picture perfect landscape. Casting silver reflections in turn of that same eternal sky. From our current lofty vantage, sailing unimpeded over all which lies below. We turn after some...

4 years ago
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Singles apartment complex has benefits

I got a raise at work, I was two years out of college and it was time to upgrade my can and apartment. I moved into one of the fanciest singles themed complexes in the city. It has the usual facilities; an indoor and outdoor pool, a fitness center, whirlpool, a clubhouse with bar and tennis. The big draw in the summer is the outdoor pool where the beautiful people show off.I moved in early January and began using the fitness center and indoor pool each evening. One evening as I was entering...

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Complex Family Ch 13

As the title suggests this is the end for this series. Thank you all for your support and feedback. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Also a final thank you to Alexandra and luvtaread for their assistance in editing it was most appreciated. Epilogue Ten years later Brandon had a lot to celebrate about. All his children were off to great starts, all successful in their chosen careers. Leah, Kara, and Anna had all found wonderful husbands, and Ethan and Jake,...

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Complex Relationship Ch 13

Thanks to luvtaread for editing. * All four woke knowing this would be their last day together, at least for a while. Buy days end they would each head home. Brandon’s flight to Chicago left that evening, Mel and Katy were headed Boston around the same time. As for Ashley, her grandparents were coming in from Georgia that afternoon to presumably take her back to the family estate. Ashley was not looking forward to this meeting in the least it seemed. Given her history with her family Brandon...

1 year ago
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Complex Family Ch 01

This is the sequel to Complex Relationship and follows the characters of that story as they become a family. Together they will face the challenges of life as they try to fulfill their hopes and dreams. As always thanks to luvtaread for editing * Brandon sat in the limo as the cold Chicago winter swirled around him. It had been weeks since he had last seen any of his companions from the island, but the time had arrived for Ashley to come to Chicago. As he awaited her call he pondered the...

1 year ago
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Complex Lovers

Bill had been absolutely my best friend for the last four years. Four years ago I had moved here to start college and this May I would be graduating with a degree in Political Science. It was frightening moving to a new town where I didn’t know anyone, but with Bill and I living in the same apartment complex, we quickly grew to like one another and he looked out for me as he was 38 years old, 16 years my senior. Outwardly, we had been pals for the last four years. Inwardly, my heart thumped...

3 years ago
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Exercise in an Apartment Complex

It was the start of a three-day holiday weekend, late Friday afternoon. With many people already gone, the nicely furnished and equipped exercise room of the apartment complex was empty except for one man who was moving weights. Don rented a small one bedroom apartment but its size was ample for a single divorced man whose work required him to travel often. His divorce was finalized about two years ago. In a few minutes, a slightly younger woman entered the exercise room. ‘Good to see you,...

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The Johnson Complex

At Samuel Ezra Xander University, a small, private, liberal arts college on the east coast there are several options for freshman living. One of these options is the Johnson Complex, and it’s considered the best place a freshman could live. Twelve buildings, Forty-Eight students per building, a lounge, every room has AC, and it’s in a great location on campus. Due to a scheduling mishap, however, one of the buildings is even better to live in than expected. They accidentally put only one...

2 years ago
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New apartment complex

I just separated from my wife and I was horny as hell. I moved into a new singles complex that had all of the amenities, including an indoor and outdoor pool.After I moved in I was looking around form some local talentOne evening I was at the clubhouse trolling for some actionI moved outdoors by the pool so I could get a look at what the local talent looked like in swim suits.I noticed two girls headed to the indoor pool and that seemed strange in the middle of the summerBoth girls were about...

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Body Hoppers The Complex

Body Hoppers - The Complex By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: This story is in the effort to reboot the body hopper world and to set the rules firmly in place for all who wish to make a body hopper story. It just seems that years after the original, everything is just out of place now. So, I hope you all enjoy it, if not well then, sorry to hear it: D Thank you.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hi. My name is Steven. I have a last name, but I am not going to tell you what it is. I work...

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Docs Complex 01 Mining For Gold

Doc's Complex 01 - Mining For Gold by Lee Most Albert Eisenstein shouted, "Eureka! I found it!" and his roommate Will threw a pillow at him. "Shut up! You just made me miss the score!" "Sorry. Try one of the local stations. Channel 11 shows the weather before the sports news, I think." "Not a bad idea. Maybe you did learn something in college after all." Will got up and walked over to the TV set to turn the knob. "Living in the city has all the perks," he said. "Back...

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Oedipus complex part 1

Oedipus complex - part 1 Chapter 1 Steven Thompson was your average 18 year old boy. Standing about 5 foot 10 and possessing an athletic build. Steven was attending university doing some generic psychology course on the recommendation of his parents, although it was looking increasingly likely that he would drop out. The second semester was coming to a close and Steven has missed multiple assignments and left himself with a near impossible task if he wanted to pass the year. It...

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Oedipus complex part 2

Oedipus complex - Part 2 Chapter 4 You arrived the next evening with a cigarette craving as strong as ever. "Hey Patricia, I'm dying for a fag," you said as you came in the door. You had to admit, last night the cigarettes had felt really good. "I'm sure you are honey," she laughed, "but you know the drill, you have to do something for me if you want cigarettes." "Well I'll put the lipstick on if that's what you want," you answered. "Well, I do want that but I want something...

1 year ago
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Complex Relationship With First Client

By : Criticalmass Synopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife’s younger sister is said to be ‘Almost Half Wife’. Although like a joke, many Indian men fantasize about their wife’s younger sister. However for the lucky some, this becomes a reality. This story is a narration by one such lucky man. This is part 2 of that story. Part 1, you can find here Disclaimer: The story...

2 years ago
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Complex Relationships The Indian Context The Discovery

Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The DiscoverySynopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife's younger sister is said to be 'Almost Half Wife'. Although like a joke, many Indian men fantasize about their wife?s younger sister. However for the lucky some, this becomes a reality. This story is a narration by one suck lucky man.Disclaimer:  The story is purely a fantasy, but put in this situation would love to do the same.I am 28 years old and run a 5 star...

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Embarrassment at my apartment complex pool True S

I dated Tomasa on and off for almost 2 years and our relationship was great honestly. I had no issues with dating and being seen publicly with her despite her appearance which was thick and sexy but also there was no doubt she was a trans woman. She was open and accepting of her gender so I needed to be as well. The sex was versatile and great and she hadn’t been on hormones for a long time.She had this routine for tucking her jewels when she was dressed up that I thought was so odd but I...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 41 Sorting Out A Complex Situation

January 2, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Dad! Dad! Dad!” Jesse shouted as I walked in the front door. He was, literally, bouncing off the walls. “Nicholas is moving here! Nicholas is moving here!” I couldn’t help but laugh, “I know, Jesse. Aunt Bethany told me.” “Can they live with us? Can they? Please? Can they?” “Jesse, I only found out an hour ago. You knew before I did! Can we wait, please?” “Can Nicholas go to the hockey game with us tonight?” That would put us a ticket short, but if...

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Heather Asks a Simple Question and Gets a Complex AnswerChapter 1

Like most people, I like sunny days but the day I came home to ask my brother, Danny, the question from school, it was rainy and damp. No, I don't believe it was an omen; actually, I don't believe in that kind of stuff at all. Mrs. Johns, who teaches us Language Arts, asked us, "What do you most hope for?" It really is a simple question but it stopped me in my tracks when I heard it. It's only six words, but I didn't have an exact answer. There are many things I hope for, how could I...

3 years ago
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Racing the ClockChapter 18 Reintroductions

Alex and the others were rudely awakened by loud knocking on the door. It took a moment to figure out what was happening, but a second rapid knock got them focused. “Quick, get in the bathroom,” Gail insisted as she grabbed her scattered clothes from the nearby chair. “I’ll answer the door, but if it’s a reporter I don’t want them to see you.” “Who the hell could it be this time of day?” Cate asked, glancing at the door as she hurried to find something to put on. Clothes were rarely worn in...

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