Doc's Complex 07 - Dress-Up free porn video

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Doc's Complex 07 - Dress-Up by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 7 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex", in which Alice begins to learn from Keela how much fun he can have as a girl. We discuss types of teleports, a bath in the Complex, the psychological consequences of hypersensitive breasts, a different use for a mirror, bra cup sizes, and choosing a dress to wear. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't edit mistakes or respond to any reviews until December. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 - Dress-Up Teleportation in Doc's Complex, Alice learned, was nothing like the complicated process it was on his favorite TV show, Star Trek. He had never heard of science fiction before catching the first show of that series when it had come out the year before, but now he was a science fiction fanatic. He eagerly awaited each new show, and had methodically devoured every book in the college library listed as "fictional, science" after the misspelled index divider in the card catalog. He rather liked the misspelling, since in a way a lot of the books were based more on fictional science than fiction based on actual science. He'd learned that there were about as many types of teleportation as there were authors, but the versions they had here in the Complex were so wonderful he was becoming disdainful of the sparkling lights, high-pitched noises, and control panel sliders on Star Trek. There were three kinds of teleportation here. Any of the pinkish-purple doorways could instantly transport you to either side of any of the others as well as to the other side of the wall of which they were a part. Their use was simple: you asked Doc (Alice still was not clear how to do that part) and after he set it up you walked through the door. No noise or sparkles, you were just there, where you wanted to go, as easily as, well, walking through a doorway that was not made of purplish-pink light. The second kind was used to make the mirrors. "Actually," Keela told him, "it's t'same kind of teleportation as t'doors, except that everything that goes in, including light, is teleported out through t'same side that it entered." She demonstrated by sticking her hand through the right side of the mirror. It came out of the left side! "It's handy for getting at a zipper in t'back of y'dress and finishing off a complicated hairstyle," she remarked, stared more closely at the back of the head of her image, and added, "Or a simple one like this." She put her other arm in, turned a little and the arms of her image reached out and adjusted the barrette holding the hair on the back of her head. Alice watched her shapely figure dance around as she showed off her dressing room's features. "I know that before the Changing Machine made him into Keela, this busty girl was my very masculine roommate Will, yet looking at her dance around and happily show off all the neat things in her dressing room, it's hard to imagine her being anything else, anybody than this walking sex fantasy of his. It's like he's completely gone, and she's always been Keela; like she's lived here in the Complex all her life! She's nothing like my lifelong pal at all anymore! I can see hints of him in her sometimes, like the way I look is probably his ultimate perfect playmate, but I can't help but wonder if becoming his own fantasy girl is what he really wanted. Is Will still there somewhere, trapped inside this buxom beauty, trying to get out, wanting to go back to his masculine self, his life out there in the Real World?" Oblivious to his musings, Keela went to the clothing dispenser. "T'third kind of teleportation we use is only for objects, like clothes, makeup, food, and anything else we need. It won't work on anything living or that once was alive." "Wait!" Alice corrected her, "Food was once alive!" That led to a long discussion that went from the differences between life and organic chemistry, the morality of killing even a plant when it had done no harm to you, "making friends" with bacteria, making non-living duplicates of living animals and plants, and then storing the information from duplicating, say, a dress or a perfectly cooked meal, so the receiving box of the teleporter could recreate it again and again without needing to have the original each time you wanted another copy. "From there, we came up wit' t'idea of editing t'information. We could make t'dress a different color, or a different size. Some people're really good designers and can make just 'bout anything. Y'should see t'designs Charlettia makes. Let me show you! No, wait. Bath first. Doc? Can y'make time for us t'take a bath and try on a bunch o'clothes and still have us arrive in t'living room at t'same time as t'others?" She commented, "He can stretch time for us so we'll have a couple of hours to play while t'others only 'sperience it as th'ten minutes or so it'll take 'em to walk here. C'mon! Y'just have to see my (our?) bathroom!" Alice followed her through th next doorway, thinking, "I heard that 'our.' Keela's acting like a salesman trying to sell me on staying here. She's showing off all these gadgets, and keeps telling me how great everything is here, and how they never kill anything even to eat it, and yet she also warned me that I can't stay or I won't be a man anymore." Will followed her into the bathroom, and he gasped when he saw the tub. "That's not a bathtub; that's a swimming pool!" It was so wide, it could accommodate ten bathers at once, and so deep it had steps going down to the tiled floor, and soft, cushioned benches and seats built into it. A cushioned plastic edge meant that no one would bang her head against a hard surface if she leaned back while sitting or lying anywhere. Grinning in response, Keela began removing her clothing. "Doc? I want a bubble bath, about 100 degrees, what's available? Okay, plumeria sounds good." He had his cat suit pulled only to his waist, and was thinking that it would take at least an hour to fill the empty tub, when he blinked and it was suddenly a frothy mass of bubble bath foam. "Wow! I never thought I'd ever see something like that literally in the blink of an eye before!" Breasts float. Big breasts float better. Alice felt so good soaking in the super-hot water, surrounded by big clumps of soapsuds and floating patches of scented oils and fragrant Hawaiian plumeria flowers that he wondered why he had always preferred to take showers. He lay there soaking and relishing the sensations of the water on the sensitive skin of his breasts, and he played with them under the cover of the bubbles. Here, he did not feel that anyone would see him stroking himself, moving them back and forth, lifting them, hefting their weight. They floated, but when he stood and raised them up out of the water with his hands, he could appreciate their mass better than when they hung from the strengthened chest muscles that Keela had given him. Underwater again, he used his hands to explore their shape, their smoothness, their softness. He had always had fantasies about spending time with a girl who had large boobs, but even in his wildest dreams he had never even imagined that any in the world were as big as these! Back home in his apartment, his roommate Will had papered one of his bedroom walls with pictures of the biggest chests he could find from magazines he had collected as avidly as other people collect stamps or baseball cards. That wall of photographs had contained the largest chests that Al had ever seen before coming here. Then he had come here to Doc's Complex and met Keela, who became the next record breaker. Each of her breasts was least six inches in diameter, and Al had been drawn to her by those as much as her modest behavior -- modest by the standards of the Complex, that is. Then, Keela had Changed him into Alice, and his boobs were bigger than Keela's in every direction. They were so sensitive, too! He felt as if he could tell every time a bubble popped against his nipples, and a few strokes could make his penis get hard. Keela sat in the water across the tub from him, leaning back against the cushioned edge. She was not asleep, because he could feel one of her feet sliding up and down his leg under the water, but she had her eyes closed and seemed content to let him explore his new body for a while, and that usually meant feeling up his breasts to give himself another orgasm. He stroked his skin in other places, of course, examining by touch all the new shapes and textures, repeatedly feeling places where the Changing Machine had removed small bumps he'd had since he was born, and replaced scar tissue with smooth skin. He had a woman's pelvic bone now, making his hips wider, and changing how he stood and walked, and how he could sit. There was no way to feel that from the outside of his body, but he did feel all the extra fat that now surrounded that bone. His butt stuck out way too far in back, and it felt a lot firmer and denser than the soft fat inside his breasts. "I had to give y'a big ass," Keela had told him when he'd complained to her about it. "With those tits you'd fall over or have to walk leaning back at least six inches, so y'had t'have either big hips or a butt that sticks out a lot. I happen to like butts that stick out a lot." He constantly found himself marveling at the texture of his skin. He was not entirely lacking in body hair, as he'd first thought. Instead his skin sported fine, thin hairs that could barely be seen, and that gave his skin a velvety feel. "I'm a girl everywhere but down here," Alice thought, grasping his member. It felt larger than it had, and for a moment he thought that Keela had Changed that, too, but then remembered that his hands were now smaller, so other things felt bigger. He wrapped his hand around it and stroked up and down, which had formerly been one of his fondest secret pleasures, leading to a flood of pleasure as he reached climax. That was before he had these super-sensitive boobs, though! They were so much bigger, and so much more sensitive, and felt so much better to touch and stroke and squeeze, and made him climax so much faster, that jerking off his toy car of a weenie was silly when he had a turbocharged race car like his breasts to play with! Under the water, beneath the foam of the bubble bath, Alice brought himself to yet another body-shaking orgasm by squeezing his breasts and playing with his nipples. ----------------------------------------------- A psychologist excitedly pointed at Alice playing with himself on the large screen, and shouted, "See! That is exactly what I said would happen!" "What are y'talking about, Essa? He is stimulating his breasts. We know they are remarkably sensitive, thanks t'Doc suggesting ways for Keela t'make them so. Th'other three subjects are all doing exactly t'same thing: stimulating themselves to orgasm whenever they think no one else is watching." "Yes, Selsi, but did y'not notice that he was attempting to masturbate his penis a moment ago, and then switched to his breasts to achieve orgasm? I believe that in t'space of only two hours, we may have changed his primary erogenous zone from his genitalia to his mammaries!" "Hmm. Y'are correct, then. I did not notice that. It makes sense, now that y'point it out." Two dozen scientists were still in the auditorium with Doc, watching the progress of the experimental subjects on Level 8, each with a hypothesis to prove. "Oh giving those four men those hypersensitive breasts was clever, Doc!" spoke up one of the younger watchers. "Men have no taboos about touching their chests in public, and although they now look like women, they have never had mothers or friends scold them about such behavior. In fact, I imagine that they have a hard time understanding why all women don't touch their breasts all t'time." "Yes, Halliandra," Doc replied, "well that is part of their basic fantasy about breasts as Keela explained to Alice earlier. Many men believe that because they are aroused by women's breasts, that women must also be aroused by them. Our suggestion to the four women who made their subjects' breasts so sensitive have given us a chance to examine what would happen if that were really the case." Essa returned the conversation to her point. "But don't y'see what this means? Instead of his primary erogenous zone being in his crotch, where it is taboo to touch, it is now in his breasts, which he can brush with his arms, bump against objects he comes close to, and even stimulate by shifting or adjusting his clothing. Because they are so much more available to provide him with sexual pleasure when he was dressed, he will continue to do so. "Now add to that t'genital negator that he wears in his panties. When he pulls on his panties and his genitalia enter t'negator, they completely disappear. He cannot feel any sensations from them at all, and there is no feedback to his brain from them. He will not feel himself get hard, and even during t'throes of one of his mammary generated orgasms, he will feel nothing from Down There and they will not be there to respond to all those stimula. He will experience climax after climax from his breasts to his toes and fingertips and th'top of his head, but not only will he feel nothing from his genitalia, they will not be there to respond. His penis will not engorge, his testes will not generate semen or male hormones, and unlike his previous experiences with orgasms, he will not ejaculate." "Why, Essa! That is brilliant, and since he has not studied behavioral psychology, he has no way to even suspect t'damage he is doing to himself by repeatedly giving himself pleasurable orgasms from his breasts while his male erogenous zone is inert! In a sense, he is actually training himself to prefer his breasts over his male sex organs!" "If y'don't use it, y'lose it," someone in the back commented. Doc stepped forward, hands behind his back, and he stood closer to the screen to look at a chart of changing figures in the corner. "His lack of interest in masturbating by stroking his penis is only partly caused by the larger stimulus his breasts provide. Your hypothesis seems to be proving out, Essa." He pointed at one of the lines. "See? His body is rerouting nerve connections away from his penis as his brain transfers more and more of its resources to his breasts. Even now, after only two hours - no, it's three hours in that secondary time distortion field -- his penis is already less able to satisfy him than it had been. We heard Keela warn him about changing into a complete woman in three months, but at this rate of progress, by the time he goes to sleep at the end of his day, however soon that is in that inner time distortion field, rubbing his penis will provide him less satisfaction than rubbing his big toe. He will soon think of his cock only as a way to eliminate urine, and will probably wonder why other men act as if their cocks are the center of their worlds. Let's view the other men with overly sensitive boobs and see if they are exhibiting a similar response." The screen shifted to the image of a buxom man with long blond hair leaning over to sniff a flower. His hair fell forward, so he used both his hands to pull it close to his chest, and while his fingers were hidden by his hair, they stroked the sides of his breasts. As he stood, he closed his eyes and smiled dreamily. "Do y'see?" cried a different voice, "In t'time it took to sniff a flower, he gave himself an orgasm! With his smaller breasts, t'increased concentration of nerve endings has shortened his response time by a factor of ten over that of Alice, with his much larger surface area to stimulate." "He's also had more than Alice. Look at his chart! In two hours he's given himself over forty-five orgasms. That's more than one every three minutes!" "Yes, but did y'notice that he never touches his nipples?" And so the discussion went on. ----------------------------------------------- Alice let his hands explore his nipples, teasing them until even the hot water could not prevent them from becoming erect. "These, I love," he told himself. "When I go back to being a man again, I wonder if I could keep my nipples? I could hide them under a thick shirt, and play with them whenever I wanted to!" He twirled them, lightly brushed them, and then rubbed them hard. He pressed them like doorbells, and it was not long before he discovered that he could bend his head down, press his breasts up, and suck his own nipples to provide yet another path to orgasm. He had yet another, having lost track of how many he'd had since getting off the Changing Machine's table. Keela came over and said, "Turn around. Your muscles should be relaxed by now," and gave him a back and shoulder massage. When he felt as limp as a rag doll, Keela had him stand up. "Doc? We're through with our bath. Please remove all t'bath water." A second later, the tub was dry, and so were they! "Whoa! I'm dry. I didn't expect that. He really removed ALL the bath water, didn't he?" The water gone, weight returned, and Alice immediately put both his forearms under his breasts to support them. "I need a bra," he told Keela. "I've seen older women with big breasts, and I don't want to stretch these out." "Y'may want a bra, but y'don't need one. I told y'that when y'were in t'Changing Room. Take your arms away. See? They support themselves. You're boobs are strong enough to not need a bra." She climbed the steps and turned to watch his boobs bounce as he followed her. Liking what she saw, she added teasingly, "Besides, you're a man. Can y'imagine if any of your friends in t'Real World heard y'admit that y'wanted to wear a bra?" In her dressing room she said, "Let's play with your body another way. Look in that mirror and wave t'yourself and say, 'Hi, Alice! What do y'want t'wear today?' Then wait a minute and see if your body answers back." Feeling silly, Alice did as she suggested. He raised his right hand and waved. "Hi, Alice! What do you want to wear today to show off that magnificent body?" It was disconcerting to see his image wave back with its right hand when he expected it to reflect the way a Real World mirror did. It made the illusion that he was talking to someone other than himself easy to believe. He waited, turning a little to the left and right, and said, "Well, first, I want a clean pair of panties with that gooey stuff in them to hide this distracting thing. Then, I want something that sort of wraps around these, uh, I might as well call them MY boobs." He took a breath and repeated that. "I think I want to wear a dress that wraps around my boobs, and continues to wrap around my waist, and then flares out around these hips and hangs down to about, hmm." He held his hand at various points on his thighs, and then his knees, and then even lower. "Yes, that's it. I want my dress to go all the way down to there, a couple of inches below my knees, and some red accessories to match these shoes." "It's a good thing we wear t'same size shoes and I had those." He looked down. Without thinking about it, he had put on the shoes with the highest heels in the room. They were bright red and matched his nail polish. He looked back at the mirror, holding his hands out, and then putting one on a hip. He did not know how to be a girl. Before today, it never would have entered his head that he would have to know anything about being a girl, so now, in this body, he found himself trying out things that he had seen girls do all his life. He "tried on" different poses, and styles of walking, and ways of holding his fingers and arms. With no ready way to call them up out of his memory, he had to wait until a situation reminded him of something before the images of women and girls popped up for him to try to imitate. Standing there, looking at his nude, abundantly female form in the mirror, he suddenly recalled his collection of Playboy centerfolds. He had studied those photos and could have told anyone interested how many of those women had been standing, how many had both feet showing, even how many had their left leg in front of the right or vice versa. Now, with a figure far more extremely womanly than any centerfold in that large collection, he realized that he could refer to that varied collection of images as if it were a reference work in his head. Hand on hip, right foot in front, swivel to the left, head tilted to the right, just a hint of a smile as if she knew more than you did, that was good. He stood that way and pictured the dress, and suddenly more of the outfit's details appeared in his mind's eye: "Okay, I want a red belt and red bangle bracelets, and red earrings, and I want the dress to be white." "Good. Okay. I've got that entered. You're down to about sixty thousand choices. What else?" Looking at himself in the mirror again, he thought, "I can't believe I'm standing here in a fantasy girl's body and describing what clothes she should wear. Well, I definitely don't look like a guy right now, so what do girls wear that guys don't?" The funny thing was that having described the dress to Keela, he could almost see his image wearing it. White dress, red belt, it seemed so plain. It needed, "Lace! It needs lace! And something else, folds of cloth up here, thin little, whatchacallums, pleats around the neckline, and a pleated skirt, one that spreads out when I spin around!" He did spin then, and found that his body had accepted the extra mass in his chest and hips. Now, instead of their feeling like his center of gravity was wrong, he felt that they helped him to stay balanced. "Yes! I can dance!" He turned to Keela, for the first time really excited about the idea of doing something besides having sex with this body. "Do you know what I like most about girls, besides that they're pretty and make boys hormones go through the roof?" Keela shook her head no, but she was smiling at his enthusiasm. "It how carefree they look when they dance. I think I'd rather dance in this body than have sex!" "Okay, I think that can be arranged. We have a lot of parties. I'll find out where there's one with dancing." She turned to the control panel. "Look through these really fast and see if anything pops out at you. Tap this button as fast as y'can, and then this button to go back if y'saw something y'might like." Sixteen white wraparound dresses with lace and pleated necklines and skirts filled each screen, and as he paged through them they began to all look alike. Then, he saw something. He slowly tapped the other button until the image returned. He entered the letters and numbers below the image and there was exactly the dress he had imagined, but made of a shiny satin material. Keela, looking over his shoulder said, "Oh, yer good! That's beautiful! Now let me enter it. You'll need a chemise under th'top, and a slip, and, um, this, and this, and some of these." Items arrived in the receiving cabinet, but she kept entering codes for more things. "Close t'door," she said. "I need t'have clothes, too, y'know. Don't worry. I'm not going to wear what you're wearing, but I do need some things for me." He was not worrying about any such thing. He was unfolding clothes from the stack he had removed from the cabinet. "You got me a bra!" "Well, y'asked for it. Just 'cause y'don't need one doesn't mean they're not nice to wear. We girls like pretty things. I got ya'a satin one with lace t'match y'dress, although we'll be t'only ones who see it." Having put on his first bra so automatically that he had it on before he knew how, Alice paid attention to what he was doing this time. The bra looked immense, like the kind of clothing he's seen a fat lady take out of the dryer once in a Laundromat. It had cups, that looked like they would each hold a kid's bowling ball and the band had five sets of hooks and loops to fasten it, but he knew it would fit him. "I can't believe I'm only two cup sizes larger than you, Keela. This looks so enormous!" "Two cup sizes? Whatever gave y'that idea?" "Well, you're an F, you said, and I'm an H, right? So, F, G, H, two steps up." "Maybe where you're from. Here, we use double and triple letters, so if I grew an inch, I'd be an FF cup. Then comes, FFF, G, GG, GGG, and your size H. You're a good seven inches bigger around than I am up there. 'Two cup sizes,' hah! Look at the mods I need to make to this dress so it'll fit your fantastic figure. Y'have a 46-inch chest, which means t'dress has to come down to 22 inches to wrap around your waist. Y'keep talking about how huge I made your butt, but at 36 inches, it's not that much bigger than anyone else around here. It's definitely smaller than it was when y'got here!" "Wow," Alice said, remembering a store clerk once saying he had perfect measurements: 38-38-38. "Any other surprises? Am I still five foot nine inches tall?" "Yeah," Keela snorted, "as long as y'don't take off those seven-inch heels! We're both five feet two inches high. That's why all those other girls look so tall. What's t'big deal, anyway? If y'want to change yourself, we have our own Changing Machines down the hall, more modern ones, improved by yours truly, I might add. Y'don't think I looked like this all my life, do you? Last week, I was a six-foot tall blonde." "No you weren't," thought Alice. "Last week you were Will, and he wore special shoes so he could look six feet tall, and he had brown hair cropped short, and now you don't look or act anything like him." He bent forward to put on the bra, putting his arms through the straps. Then he held one end of the band in each hand and let his boobs hang into the cups as he straightened up and pulled the band together behind his back, pulling the cups straight onto his boobs as he straightened up and hooked the bra behind him. He?d seen his sister fasten her bra in front and then swing it around before putting her arms through the straps, but he somehow knew that with his bra, doing so could bend the underwires and it would be harder to get his enormous boobs to sit comfortably in the cups. As if he?d worn a bra all his life, he put two fingers of each hand under the strap at the middle of his back and brought them around to the front, sliding his thumbs on the outside to straighten out any tiny wrinkles. Then he did the same with the shoulder straps, and reached for the next item of clothing, the chemise. Smooth and silky, he knew without asking (?more Changing Machine knowledge probably?) that a big-chested girl wore a chemise to prevent the top of her dress from rubbing against her sensitive breasts and, in his case, it would help prevent more unexpected orgasms. He pulled it over his head, making sure the straps would land on his narrow shoulders as he let it slide down his slender, girlish arms. Adjusting it in place over his bra, it stretched across, hiding his view of everything below his cleavage. Keela chose that time to make a request that seemed completely out of place in the dressing room, and that only after he figured out what she was talking about: While she fastened on her own bra, she mused aloud, ?I really am not interested in y?for that thing, but I AM a woman and I understand that it?s supposed to fit us. I can?t even imagine how it works, but I ought t?try it at least once, if only for t'experience, so I?m wondering if at some point, would y?consider doing whatever?? Her roundabout way of asking, and his mind occupied with thoughts about being a girl and putting on girl?s clothing made him wonder what she was talking about. He looked at her, saw that she was looking at something low on his torso, and he checked his mirror image to see what he could not see directly because his breasts were so big that they blocked his view. He had not yet put on the panties, and all the stimulation of his breasts from putting on the bra and the chemise had aroused him to the point where his cock stuck straight out like a flagpole! He gasped as he realized, ?She just asked me to fuck her -- something I wanted to do since I first set eyes on her -- and I didn?t even know what she was talking about because I was so involved with putting on girl?s clothes.? He gasped again, ?God! She was right! What kind of a man puts on girl?s clothes? Is that what I?m becoming, a sissy who cares more about dressing like a girl than screwing one?? He looked at her, just standing there as if hypnotized by his rod, looking so innocent and girlish with those gigantic breasts of hers, that small waist, that bare, inviting pussy. All thoughts of what he looked like forgotten, he only knew he was a man with an erection, and she was a girl who wanted it inside her. How could he refuse? "You don't have to ask me twice," he said aloud, after a pause that was just a bit too long for it to be a witty response. ----------------------------------------------- To Be Continued! ----------------------------------------------- Author's note: Next time, Alice and Keela play dress-up. In the previous 2 chapters, I tried using italics to show when people were thinking things instead of saying them aloud, but although I posted in .RTF format, even the HTML version doesn't show the italics, so starting with this chapter, I'm going back to the tried-and-true format that looks like this: "I think," he thought. I'll go back to chapters 5 & 6 and change them to that format in December, which is jokingly called "National Novel Editing Month" in the NaNo forums. It'll be good as well for those with old computers or text readers who can only see the ASCII text versions. A note about the Complex dialect. The people in the Complex have been living apart from the rest of American culture, and language in isolated subcultures often stray from that of the main culture. Rather than evolve exactly as our version of English did, they tend to contract words in different ways. Some examples: they almost never say these words without contracting them: ?you,? ?to,? ?the,? and often ?of,? and other words get contracted differently, such as ?din?t?, ?rilly,? ?prob?ly,? and ?rem?ber,? instead of ?didn?t,? ?really,? ?probably,? and ?remember.? I read another story where similar contractions were used to indicate an Irish accent, but Doc?s Girls speak with a neutral middle-American accent,. I'm writing this novel as part of the 2012 NaNoWriMo challenge to write a novel of at least 50,000 words between November 1st and 30th. I intend to post a chapter a day during November. (For more info about National Novel Writing Month, see By the way, if you like to write and can't resist improving this story with extra characters or new adventures or situations for the existing characters, go ahead! I know other writers can describe that orgy in a much more exciting way than I did, for instance, and I can't describe more than a few of the 17 of the people in the room and what happens to each of them. You have my permission to post your version on FictionMania. To avoid confusion, add a letter to the chapter #, like "Doc's Complex 03a", and make up a new title. Who knows? If enough people do it, FictionMania may add a new category!

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Docs Complex 03 Introductions

Doc's Complex 03 - Introductions by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Introductions Doc stood in front of a group of white-coated women, a long wooden pointer in his hand to gesture at the screen on the stage. "Fellow scientists, I present to you my latest experiment. We discovered these seventeen intruders in the old mine near Level 8 yesterday evening, after learning of their presence from two men who...

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Docs Complex 09 Escape

Doc's Complex 09 - Escape by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 9 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex." Doc wants everyone to be a buxom, beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman, so what do you think he did to a mindless idiot who raped and killed one of his Girls? This chapter can be read as a stand-alone short story. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on...

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Docs Complex 10 Whos Who

Doc's Complex 10 - Who's Who by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 10 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which our group of now-buxom explorers figure out each other's names and how to tell each other apart now that they all are or look like buxom women and most have shoulder-length blond hair. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so...

2 years ago
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Docs Complex 26 The Suite Explored

Doc's Complex 26 - The Suite Explored by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 25 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which Aliceputs on his first nightgown, we get to see more of the sci-fi home life of the Girls, and Pixxie tries to [Oh no! I broke a nail!] Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't edit mistakes or respond to any...

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Docs Complex 11 Adam And Susans Identity Transfer Part 1

Doc's Complex 11 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 1 by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 11 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex" begins the story of Doc's first experiment in swapping the minds of two people. Part 1 describes the experiment, and Part 2 will describe the results. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't edit...

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Docs Complex 25 What It Felt Like

Doc's Complex 25 - What It Felt Like by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 25 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which the men from the mine, now buxom beauties, reunite and compare notes. Alice tells how it felt to wear a bikini among men. The Girl who had been Tom's fantasy gets a name. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't...

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The Methuselah ComplexChapter 3

Mon Aug 19 Everyone in the locker room had obviously heard the news by the time I arrived at practice this morning. Chad stuck by me while my uniform was issued and I changed. He spoke with several of the players to make sure they understood that he was happy about not being the quarterback, and excited about the prospects the new offensive schemes provided. Still, they treated me like a bit of a pariah--something I had expected. The team meeting before practice also helped as Coach...

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Docs Complex 08 Making Love

Doc's Complex 08 - Making Love by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 8 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which Alice, a shemale, makes love to Keela, a former male who now believe she always lived in Doc's Complex. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. This is my first attempt to write a sex scene, so comments welcome, but I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't...

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Docs Complex 29 The Meadowlark School For Girls

Doc's Complex 29 - The Meadowlark School For Girls by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 29 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which we experience the mindtape Alice & Keela Listen to. It's the story about a boy who is put in a girls' school so his evil stepmother can get hold of the fortune he is supposed to inherit. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm...

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The Methuselah ComplexChapter 5

“Did your mother mean what I think she meant just now?” Bridget asked me when she came inside. “I think so. She didn’t come right out and say so, but she said Dad wouldn’t be home for three hours and she was going out to work on her tan for two hours. I also told her the same thing I told your mom about your memories,” I told her. “Then let’s not waste any time,” she purred seductively as she grabbed my hand and headed for my room. “I can’t believe both of our parents are cool with this,”...

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Apartment Complex Video Club

Mike and Cindy had been living in the Broadway Apartments for about a year. In the 1940's the buildings in the complex had been a hotel. With three buildings, each with three floors, and a beautiful courtyard in the middle of the U-shaped layout of the buildings, the complex was unique when compared to the cookie-cutter complexes of today. Mike and Cindy are an attractive couple in their early thirties, both with light brown hair. Cindy had a tight little body that accentuated her 34C breasts....

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Singles apartment complex

I had just moved to Portland and didn't know anybody. I accepted the job because it paid well and I knew Portland was supposed to be a great place to live; lot's of beautiful scenery and a sizable young professional population.I moved into an apartment complex that was geared towards young professionals. The facility had a small lounge in the complex along with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, volleyball courts, tennis and an exercise room.I ran into a bunch of about 8 guys; all of us in our...

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Sunrise Apartment Complex

This is the beginning of my sex stories. The old man young tenant were part of this series as are other ones. I will be posting more tenant stories in the future. If you have a tenant you would like to have live at the complex let me know. OH not mass murders or serial r****ts, lol. Enjoy and please comment on what you want in the future.Apartment ComplexJohn is the owner manage or a 128 unit apartment complex with a common pool and patio area. There are single, double and 3 bedroom units...

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Docs Complex 12 Adam And Susans Identity Transfer Part 2

Doc's Complex 12 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 2 by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 12 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex." Susan in Adam's body gains his skills, but Adam in Susan's body has a problem. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I said Victorian but it's actually the Regency period just before that. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't...

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Docs Complex 13 23 CutePattis Big Changes Revisited

Doc's Complex 13 - 23 - CutePatti's Big Changes Revisited by Lee Most Based on "Big Changes" by CutePatti Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis Chapters 13 - 23 of "Doc's Complex," is fan fiction in honor of CutePatti's story "Big Changes." The story is about a teenage boy living with his older and younger sisters and his mother. He gets to be so nasty to them and to all other women (except his girlfriend) that...

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Docs Complex 9a The Last Escape

Doc's Complex 9a - The Last Escape by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 9a of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex." A reviewer asked a question about Chapter 9 "Escape," and thinking about it led to this extension of that chapter, where a mindless idiot who raped and killed one of his Girls was made into a beautiful, intelligent, sexy, buxom woman himself. This chapter can be added to that one...

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Confidence Complex

They shook hands and Robert sat down opposite her, with a self-assured smile. I hope this is not going to take too long?, he said, and pointed at his expensive-looking watch. The initial conversation is about 30mins, Athena said, and sometimes this is enough, sometimes we recommend further sessions and programmes — depending on the case. His case was pretty standard. Five times over the speeding limit, once caught with alcohol in the blood – not a lot, but enough to have his driving licence...

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All Female Apartment Complex

Of course, that’s not what the tenants are told. They are told that I am allowed to live there because the owner has a soft spot for me because I am legally blind and pretty much blind as a bat. My picture is also posted around the complex along with an explanation of my condition and my special relationship with the owner. And that's why the rent is also insanely cheap. The owner wants to give young women a way to save up their money or not go into debt any more than they already...

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Apartment Complex Mother and Daughters1

Jane from SS said they needed to move fast and it sounded like life or death, so I said, bring them over and can you bring some help to move the furniture in. Sure and they will need everything as they have just run out with very little and he seems to be armed and violent and drunk. Okay but be sure you tell them the rules about telling anyone where they are. I don’t want the cops like last time. I will stock the frig and pantry as well. Hanging up John started picking up tools and...

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Prologue 8211 The Oedipus Complex

For those readers who are puzzled by the title, here is an explanation. (Oedipus Complex is the desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex. The term was originally applied to boys and the equivalent in girls being called the Electra complex – Editor.) I ran my fingers through her hair as I kissed her. Our tongues were fighting a war between our mouths. We exchanged saliva as we kissed. You could say I was tongue-fucking her mouth and by her expressions, I could easily...

4 years ago
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Apartment Complex Susan Pt 2

John was spent. He has rather regular sex but today was very taxing and he wanted to rest. Susan had other ideas as she had only had a little orgasm and was not about to quit. Susan looked at John and she started to kiss him first on the neck and then down and nibbled on each nipple and down kissing and lightly sucking on every part she could. John had a hand on her head and just lay back. He was thinking, man this girl is not going to stop, oh god that’s good, oh, you can do that all...

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The Apartment Complex

I can't believe I finally found an apartment. I've been living at home longer than I would like to admit, and I was getting tired of it. Mom constantly on my ass to move out. Asking where I'm going, and where I've been. It's been like this since I graduated college. I had finally saved up enough money to move out and then my apartment search began. The first few places were either WAY outside me price range or were in scary parts of town. I work as a secretary in a law office, and I have to...

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Steaming apartment complex

Every since that new night club opened beside the apartment complex nothing has been the same! Especially since they also rented a one bedroom apartment on the complex for a playroom. That hasn't stopped them from hitting on my wifes sexy body at least a couple of times a week, I'll walk into my office to here the sweet sounds of hot sex from her office. Our neighbor the sexy little Mexican girl still sneaks over to the club to get her share of big black cock bringing back the results for me to...

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Brother Complex Part 1

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe what I felt has damned me to deepest pits in hell, but it couldn't be help. I love himMy little brother and I have always been close. He was born prematurely when I was two. So since then I dedicated seventeen years of my life to protect him. I had graduated with a scholarship and was accepted to study abroad and that meant being away from home for at least four years. Away from home meant, being away from Kasumi. Who would protect him from those pervs on the street...

4 years ago
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Complex Relationships The Indian Context The Client Visit

Synopsis: Its a story of an Indian guy who lusts for his wife's sister, and one day he gets the opportunity of his life time. He catches her flirting with clients and decide that she may as well be an object of amusement for himself.In continuation of the story called Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The DiscoveryTitle : Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The Client VisitSynopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife's younger sister is said to...

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The Methuselah ComplexChapter 8

“Shitfuckhelldamncrap,” I cursed mentally, once again reminded of the excruciating pain associated with assuming another body. Somehow, I had conveniently forgotten about that part. “RRRRRaaaaayyyyy,” I heard a woman’s voice shriek. Ray’s memories quickly identified the voice as that of his mother, Cynthia Walker. Ray had been trudging in the pouring rain from the bus stop to the front door when something happened, throwing him several feet across the yard. Looking in the direction I’d come...

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Sankaku Complex

I’ve got something a little different for you perverts today. At first glance, SankakuComplex may look innocent enough. You may even miss the sex completely if you’re not looking. Once you find it, though, you’re in for a surprise full of silicone hentai buttholes, live-action Hollywood anime sex, and gender-swapped Super Mario has been around for about ten years now and has grown a pretty fucking strong following. They’re getting more than 30 million views a month...

Hentai Porn Sites
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The Dressmaker

THE DRESSMAKER By Lisa Lovelace I had utterly the most horrid crisis in my boudoir on Wednesday morning. Phineas and I had responded s'il vous pla?t to a Thursday night soiree at the Gardners' on Chestnut Street, on the coveted south slope of Beacon Hill. It was the grandest house to which we had yet been invited - and the gorgeous new gown that I planned to wear lay in ruins. It was two-layered floor-length tulle over light gold taffeta, embroidered with purple and plum flowers. The ...

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Singles apartment complex has benefits

I got a raise at work, I was two years out of college and it was time to upgrade my can and apartment. I moved into one of the fanciest singles themed complexes in the city. It has the usual facilities; an indoor and outdoor pool, a fitness center, whirlpool, a clubhouse with bar and tennis. The big draw in the summer is the outdoor pool where the beautiful people show off.I moved in early January and began using the fitness center and indoor pool each evening. One evening as I was entering...

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Complex Family Ch 13

As the title suggests this is the end for this series. Thank you all for your support and feedback. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Also a final thank you to Alexandra and luvtaread for their assistance in editing it was most appreciated. Epilogue Ten years later Brandon had a lot to celebrate about. All his children were off to great starts, all successful in their chosen careers. Leah, Kara, and Anna had all found wonderful husbands, and Ethan and Jake,...

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Complex Relationship Ch 13

Thanks to luvtaread for editing. * All four woke knowing this would be their last day together, at least for a while. Buy days end they would each head home. Brandon’s flight to Chicago left that evening, Mel and Katy were headed Boston around the same time. As for Ashley, her grandparents were coming in from Georgia that afternoon to presumably take her back to the family estate. Ashley was not looking forward to this meeting in the least it seemed. Given her history with her family Brandon...

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Complex Family Ch 01

This is the sequel to Complex Relationship and follows the characters of that story as they become a family. Together they will face the challenges of life as they try to fulfill their hopes and dreams. As always thanks to luvtaread for editing * Brandon sat in the limo as the cold Chicago winter swirled around him. It had been weeks since he had last seen any of his companions from the island, but the time had arrived for Ashley to come to Chicago. As he awaited her call he pondered the...

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Complex Lovers

Bill had been absolutely my best friend for the last four years. Four years ago I had moved here to start college and this May I would be graduating with a degree in Political Science. It was frightening moving to a new town where I didn’t know anyone, but with Bill and I living in the same apartment complex, we quickly grew to like one another and he looked out for me as he was 38 years old, 16 years my senior. Outwardly, we had been pals for the last four years. Inwardly, my heart thumped...

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Exercise in an Apartment Complex

It was the start of a three-day holiday weekend, late Friday afternoon. With many people already gone, the nicely furnished and equipped exercise room of the apartment complex was empty except for one man who was moving weights. Don rented a small one bedroom apartment but its size was ample for a single divorced man whose work required him to travel often. His divorce was finalized about two years ago. In a few minutes, a slightly younger woman entered the exercise room. ‘Good to see you,...

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The Johnson Complex

At Samuel Ezra Xander University, a small, private, liberal arts college on the east coast there are several options for freshman living. One of these options is the Johnson Complex, and it’s considered the best place a freshman could live. Twelve buildings, Forty-Eight students per building, a lounge, every room has AC, and it’s in a great location on campus. Due to a scheduling mishap, however, one of the buildings is even better to live in than expected. They accidentally put only one...

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New apartment complex

I just separated from my wife and I was horny as hell. I moved into a new singles complex that had all of the amenities, including an indoor and outdoor pool.After I moved in I was looking around form some local talentOne evening I was at the clubhouse trolling for some actionI moved outdoors by the pool so I could get a look at what the local talent looked like in swim suits.I noticed two girls headed to the indoor pool and that seemed strange in the middle of the summerBoth girls were about...

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Body Hoppers The Complex

Body Hoppers - The Complex By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: This story is in the effort to reboot the body hopper world and to set the rules firmly in place for all who wish to make a body hopper story. It just seems that years after the original, everything is just out of place now. So, I hope you all enjoy it, if not well then, sorry to hear it: D Thank you.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hi. My name is Steven. I have a last name, but I am not going to tell you what it is. I work...

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Docs Complex 01 Mining For Gold

Doc's Complex 01 - Mining For Gold by Lee Most Albert Eisenstein shouted, "Eureka! I found it!" and his roommate Will threw a pillow at him. "Shut up! You just made me miss the score!" "Sorry. Try one of the local stations. Channel 11 shows the weather before the sports news, I think." "Not a bad idea. Maybe you did learn something in college after all." Will got up and walked over to the TV set to turn the knob. "Living in the city has all the perks," he said. "Back...

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Oedipus complex part 1

Oedipus complex - part 1 Chapter 1 Steven Thompson was your average 18 year old boy. Standing about 5 foot 10 and possessing an athletic build. Steven was attending university doing some generic psychology course on the recommendation of his parents, although it was looking increasingly likely that he would drop out. The second semester was coming to a close and Steven has missed multiple assignments and left himself with a near impossible task if he wanted to pass the year. It...

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Oedipus complex part 2

Oedipus complex - Part 2 Chapter 4 You arrived the next evening with a cigarette craving as strong as ever. "Hey Patricia, I'm dying for a fag," you said as you came in the door. You had to admit, last night the cigarettes had felt really good. "I'm sure you are honey," she laughed, "but you know the drill, you have to do something for me if you want cigarettes." "Well I'll put the lipstick on if that's what you want," you answered. "Well, I do want that but I want something...

2 years ago
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Complex Relationship With First Client

By : Criticalmass Synopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife’s younger sister is said to be ‘Almost Half Wife’. Although like a joke, many Indian men fantasize about their wife’s younger sister. However for the lucky some, this becomes a reality. This story is a narration by one such lucky man. This is part 2 of that story. Part 1, you can find here Disclaimer: The story...

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Complex Relationships The Indian Context The Discovery

Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The DiscoverySynopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife's younger sister is said to be 'Almost Half Wife'. Although like a joke, many Indian men fantasize about their wife?s younger sister. However for the lucky some, this becomes a reality. This story is a narration by one suck lucky man.Disclaimer:  The story is purely a fantasy, but put in this situation would love to do the same.I am 28 years old and run a 5 star...

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Embarrassment at my apartment complex pool True S

I dated Tomasa on and off for almost 2 years and our relationship was great honestly. I had no issues with dating and being seen publicly with her despite her appearance which was thick and sexy but also there was no doubt she was a trans woman. She was open and accepting of her gender so I needed to be as well. The sex was versatile and great and she hadn’t been on hormones for a long time.She had this routine for tucking her jewels when she was dressed up that I thought was so odd but I...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 41 Sorting Out A Complex Situation

January 2, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Dad! Dad! Dad!” Jesse shouted as I walked in the front door. He was, literally, bouncing off the walls. “Nicholas is moving here! Nicholas is moving here!” I couldn’t help but laugh, “I know, Jesse. Aunt Bethany told me.” “Can they live with us? Can they? Please? Can they?” “Jesse, I only found out an hour ago. You knew before I did! Can we wait, please?” “Can Nicholas go to the hockey game with us tonight?” That would put us a ticket short, but if...

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Heather Asks a Simple Question and Gets a Complex AnswerChapter 1

Like most people, I like sunny days but the day I came home to ask my brother, Danny, the question from school, it was rainy and damp. No, I don't believe it was an omen; actually, I don't believe in that kind of stuff at all. Mrs. Johns, who teaches us Language Arts, asked us, "What do you most hope for?" It really is a simple question but it stopped me in my tracks when I heard it. It's only six words, but I didn't have an exact answer. There are many things I hope for, how could I...

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The Scarlet Witch Versus The Hairdresser

Chapter 1. Recap and Introduction In her first encounter with the infamous follicle felon, the Hairdresser, the mutant heroine known as the Scarlet Witch, and commonly simply referred to as Scarlet though Wanda was her Christian name, had been lured into his diabolical styling salon under the premise of a beauty make over and hair coiffure. However, instead of a relaxing hair appointment to enhance her already natural beauty and provide a boost to her self-esteem, the Scarlet Witch had only...

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Chapter 5 Playing with a New Friend While Dresse

While my friend Jim was pretty much my best buddy, I never tried to involve him in my panty play. I didn’t believe he would go for it, and I was afraid to suggest it to him for fear I would lose his friendship and become the object of his ridicule.I did meet another boy my age, and I discovered he shared my passion for nylon. His name was Dale. He also had a mature woman fan the flames of his passion. It was his mother, but, as he told me, she merely facilitated his enjoyment of her...

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First Time With Crossdressers

For once, I actually decided to look at some of the other categories on the streaming sites I'd visit. So many things came up under fetish. Some of it I don't get but to each their own. A BBW was mixed in with the fetish and as I had expected before hand, it wasn't my cup of tea. Several videos had girls dominating guys in leather or latex outfits. I liked how tight they were, showing off every curve of their body, leaving little to the imagination. Upon thought, I had never been...

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Chronicles With Sexy Crossdressers

My email id is Do not forget to let me know how this sex story was. Who knows, we might get even lucky if everything goes well ;) Clean shaved men inside female clothes (or people who are known by the name crossdressers) are my new found favorites. Believe me, I always make it a point to taste every bit of them with passion and fire. My hands and tongue never leave an inch of their body. Hairless, like women and the ‘EXTRA’ jackpot called ‘COCK’, is simply divine. This is a story of how a...

Gay Male
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Complex Family Ch 112

Edited by luvtaread As Brandon had expected, his once very friendly and semi-fatherly relationship with Leah broke down immediately after the discussion in his office. Weeks and months passed and there was still no progress, although Brandon made sure to make it clear to her that she was always welcome in his life and he did not blame her for being angry. To his surprise it appeared that she had not told Kara the truth either as she showed no signs of knowing the truth. Late one snowy evening...

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Apartment Complex Elizabeth 1

Elizabeth is a nurse and has been divorced for the past 5 years. Nice face and okay body with wide hips and a nice wiggle in her ass when walking away from you. She liked to wear short skirts at times and she had seen John looking at her with some interest. It had been some time since she had had a good fuck and wanted a good healthy man. John was the target as she knew he was healthy because she had seen the blood tests he seems to have had done every 3 months or so and the tests were...

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Complex Family Ch 02

Thanks to luvtaread for editing * The tours the next day went rather well and Ashley seemed to impress both schools. It turned out that once you piece together all of the classes from the various schools she had started and not finished it added up to more than enough to graduate. All that was left was for her to do her student teaching and take a few certification exams in the spring. The best part of this was that, provided she finish a few of the papers she had started in other classes,...

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