Doc's Complex 11 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 1 free porn video

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Doc's Complex 11 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 1 by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 11 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex" begins the story of Doc's first experiment in swapping the minds of two people. Part 1 describes the experiment, and Part 2 will describe the results. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't edit mistakes or respond to any reviews until December. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction "Lilyan," asked Berrry as they were strolling, "You seem to know a lot about the history of the Complex. How did Doc get to be so powerful? He's just a man, isn't he?" "No. Doc has not been 'just a man' for a very long time. In fact the whole Complex was created as a way to keep him sane after he stopped being human. You see, he has a thousand brains. You see when two brains are connected, they--" She stopped and said, "No, to understand that, I need to tell you about his experiments with human brains, and the best way to tell about that would be to tell you about the first one. Are you ready for a kind of long story?" Berrry had felt an attraction to her since he had first seen her, back when his name was "Chuck," and he had seen the naked beauty get off a Changing Machine table. He said, "Beautiful, I could listen to you tell me stories all day. You have a lovely voice." "I do?" She looked at the way he looked at her and blushing, smiled, "Oh! Well, the first experiment was in the early 1800s in Boston, Massachusetts. I'd love to tell it the way it was told to me, in my grandmother's flowery style. She was a great storyteller and could imitate the long-winded Gothic way they talked back then, but I'm afraid my skills don't go in that direction. So the story starts with a young couple..." ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 1 Adam Hawkins and his wife, Susan, had a problem. They both loved each other greatly, but each constantly got on the other's nerves. They came from widely disparate backgrounds: she from a family whose wealthy farm helped provide the sustenance for the people of the large city, and he a Harvard-educated lad from a family who had moved from city to city because the father was an ambassador to foreign nations, or so he was told. Susan had learned all the chores and duties a girl growing up in those unliberated times must know to be considered a prospective wife and mother: sewing, cooking, staying pretty, shopping, cleaning clothes, making soap, managing the servant, handyman, and gardener, hiring other help when needed, and other housekeeping chores. She scoffed at the big- city women who stayed single, and she helped spread rumors about their "indecency" with men. A woman's place, she had been raised to believe, was in the home. She sometimes had dreams about becoming wealthy - perhaps marrying a Southern gentleman who had many Negro slaves around to do her housework, or perhaps disguising herself as a man so she could travel the world over - but she knew they were only dreams. She had her feet firmly planted on the ground. Don't get me wrong, though. Without having had formal schooling, she was still very intelligent, and able to dominate her City Man. She'd boss him and push him to get ahead, so she could have a new dress or at least the material to sew one. She wanted status. She wanted other women to look up to her. She wanted men to respect her intelligence and wit. Yet women only saw her as another woman like themselves, and men seemed only to notice her pretty face, shiny long dark hair, and slim and supple figure. The more that men ignored what she felt were her best attributes for her most superficial ones, the more she envied the respect, the independence, the freedom and power that men could have. She wanted, sometimes, to be a man! Adam, on the other hand, had been brought up in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington, D.C. He was sent to Cambridge to go to Harvard. His mother had explained his father's long absences by saying he was one of the diplomats the new country was sending out to the European countries to arrange alliances, trade agreements, and other international affairs. When he was in Harvard, though, he learned who was who in the government and his father's name was conspicuously absent from any of the lists. He investigated further and found out his father was a courier, little more than a messenger between the new capital and the REAL ambassadors who talked with KINGS. His father gone most of the time, he was raised by his mother and the old family's maids, and witnessed time and again the servants all deferring important decisions to his mother. So he was prepared for his life with Susan by being raised in an environment where women always were to be respected and obeyed. Intellectually knowing that he lived in a patriarchal country ruled by men, his life was dominated by women who looked up to his mother as a matriarch. Susan's personality was even more dominant than his mother's, so for him obeying her dictates was not so much a matter of letting her take control as it was of switching allegiances from one matriarch to another. His family, of course, only saw him marrying a pretty farm girl, and disowned him immediately. Susan kept insisting that he constantly push himself to improve his position at the accounting firm where he rapidly rose to be General Manager, which was where he no doubt would have stayed if Susan had not introduced him to Doc. Adam thought he had done quite well, and had figured out a budget that would slowly but surely buy his way into the firm. In ten years, he would have been a one-third partner with an income big enough to support both his new bride and a family. She surprised him when he showed her his figures. "Ten years? I can't wait that long! I'll be an old woman in ten years!" She used her anger when he showed her pages of figures to hide the fact that she could not add his long lists of numbers or read the words he'd neatly put next to each item explaining what the number represented. She was illiterate. One day, Susan tittered over some gossip about a man who wanted volunteers for his experiments on living brains. He would even pay a handsome sum. She and her friends laughed, "Who would be reckless enough to let someone tamper with their brains?" She thought it so funny that she even told her husband about it when he got home. Adam, instead of laughing, said nothing, as if thinking seriously about it. "Mr. Raskins and Mr. Heathworth were killed last night by highwaymen, and I spent the day arbitrating the breakup of the company by the two families fighting over who would get what as their share of the inheritances. There is no more company, and I am afraid that in the middle of this depression I no longer have a job. With all the other accountants looking for work, most of whom have many more years of experience than I do, it may be a year or two before I'll again be able to work. How much is this doctor paying?" Susan made him go look for work, but all the banks, stores, factories, and even the farmers outside the city had enough hands for once. After the second week of borrowing food and money from friends and neighbors, the young couple went to see Doc, who had his laboratory in an old textile mill on a stream outside. A large waterwheel outside powered what must be a hundred ceiling fans, and there were spinning shafts running between each aisle that separated all kinds of large, complicate-looking machines, none of which were in use. Doc paid all their debts and showed him the successful results of his previous experiments. All the mice, dogs, pigs, and monkeys upon which he had previously experimented looked healthy and happy. His remarkably pretty laboratory assistants assured them that despite his misshapen appearance, "Doc is a true genius. Never has even a mouse seemed to suffer or show any ill effects other than confusion after one of his experiments." He was a small man with a horribly disfigured face, made uglier by his apparent dislike and disdain for anyone except his beautiful assistants, who in turn seemed even lovelier by contrast. One, the pretty young servant named Elizabeth, had the job it seemed of making sure that the good doctor was not disturbed from his work by distracting questions. Elizabeth kept them informed of each of the steps of preparation, constantly praising her master as she did so. She excitedly explained that Doc had become such an expert on the way that brains worked that he had even revived the brains of deceased animals, and used them as controlling devices for his machinery. She showed them how the shaft of a water wheel from outside powered a set of pulleys to turn the ceiling fans in his laboratory, and then how he had connect the control box to another box in which a mouse's brain was kept alive and how the mouse's muscles that used to control its body were now attached to valves and gear boxes. The mouse responded to the temperature in the room to speed up or slow down the fans. "See how some of those valves adjust the flow of nutrients to its own little brain? I only need to fill this cup with a strained soup broth every morning, and the little mouse will control all the fans all day and night." She explained that Doc used the brains of larger animals for more complicated jobs, and there were even a pair of monkey brains in each of the two tables Adam and Susan would lie on during the experiment. Doc had impatiently refused to explain his experiment other than to say that if he succeeded "your soul, sir, will reside in the body of your wife, and hers in yours. I would like to start immediately, and there is a line of prospective subjects waiting if you do not choose to participate." When asked about the experiment's possible dangers and likelihood of success he cut them off in mid question. "When it succeeds, you will know instantly upon awakening, and if it fails, then nothing will have changed when you open your eyes. Your insistent wife has already gotten me to agree to pay off your debts and then pay you enough to feed your family for three years. I admit that I would be very interested to see her mind in the body of a Harvard-educated man, and to see how you will fare in the body of an uneducated farm girl. Do you wish to continue, or should I ask the next couple?" Adam thought it would be uncomfortable to live in a different body, but he was sure that he could adapt to the situation. Susan, on the other hand, was very enthusiastic and excited at the idea. She could finally live her dream of living as a man, with all the power and status denied her by fate's choice of her sex. Adam was the first to be prepared. One of Doc's assistants gave Adam a large glass of a cloudy liquid to drink, and he was soon asleep. The assistants arranged him face down on the padded table, his face in an opening at one end, and they clamped his head firmly in place so it could not move. They did not shave his head, as Sue thought they would, but cut through his skin right to the bone and peeled back the living tissue to expose the bone of Adam's skull. Then they used very precise measurement tools to draw lines on his skull with pens fine as a human hair. Sue looked on in amazement as five metal rods arose out of holes in the end of Adam's table on either side of his head. The rods bent in multiple places, and with an awful buzzing sound, drills on their ends began whirring. Moving of their own accord, the drills positioned themselves over five of the intersections of the lines drawn at the base of Adam's skull and each drilled a hole smaller than the diameter of the tiniest petit point sewing needle in her sewing kit. Elizabeth explained proudly, "The arms are controlled by one of the monkey brains I told you about. Each mechanical arm is attached to the muscles that used to control the monkey's limbs, including its tail. The nearsighted eyes of infant moles mounted on the ends of the drills allow the monkey brain to see where it is drilling. Do you see how methodically they work? It is like a clockwork dance! Now the other monkey brain will begin inserting the electrodes." Another set of arms came to life, and as the thin drill was removed from each hold to start drilling a hole at the adjacent intersection, one of the second set of arms inserted a long, thin electrode into it, then moved to pluck another electrode from a box at the side of the table. The "electrodes" were thin gold needles six-inches long wrapped with waxed thread and attached to an even thinner wire. Elizabeth explained that the wax prevented contact anywhere except with the exact part of the brain where lived the thoughts or memories to be extracted. The holes were so small that the tiny drop of blood that escaped was enough to seal the needles in place when the blood coagulated The process went very quickly. The holes were so tiny that it took less than a second to position a drill, bore through the bone, extract the drill, and then move to the next position, and there were five drills all going at once. The power to move the arms and drills came from a gearbox on the floor, and Elizabeth confirmed that it, too, was connected to the shaft from the waterwheel outside the old mill. Susan's attention was diverted by a frantic shout from Doc. "It must not dry out! Spray the blood solution! Where is that girl?" Susan saw another pretty girl, who had been standing out of the way of all the activity at the side of the room, immediately run forward holding a large cylinder with a tiny garden hose nozzle on the end. Susan saw her pump air into the cylinder and then turn the nozzle to spray a red mist onto the whole dance of clockwork arms and exposed skull and Adam's peeled-back scalp. Doc observed the symphony of mechanical movement with the interest of a piano tuner's apprentice learning how to do what his master was teaching him. The mechanical arms came to the last of the rows of markings and after a few seconds searching for more intersections to drill, the all retracted back down into the table. Then Doc impatiently shooed the girl with the sprayer out of his way, and carefully wrapped a large hood over the wires and the exposed bone of Adam's skull and then fitted eyelets around the edges to small studs around the edges of the table. He told another assistant to close the hood around the cable, which she did by threading an ordinary bootlace through eyelets on either side of a slit and lacing it up until only the cable protruded from the hood. Oh, I forgot to tell you about the cable. The wires from the electrodes combined into a thick cable that snaked out of the hood and fed into a box on a stand between the operating tables. The box had many small toggles on it and one large thick, leather-wrapped iron lever handle. Two similar cables extended from the box. One cable led, as Susan expected, to the other table. The other cable went into to a large metal box on a much smaller table between the one where Adam lay and the other where she was to be operated upon. "What's in there?" Susan pointed at the box. She was nothing if not curious. "This?" Doc said, proudly opening the lid, "This is my spare brain!" Almost entirely hidden by a porcupine-like forest of needles the brain sat in the box surrounded by red tubes that pulsed sickeningly as they fed it new blood and took away old blood to be recharged with nutrients and oxygen in a different box beneath the table. "The spare brain is completely vacant," he said. "Whatever soul or thoughts it once had went where those things go when people die. It has not a single thought in it, and when I throw this switch, it will begin to absorb every thought and personality trait of your husband. It will become, for all practical purposes, a second copy." He threw the switch and Susan looked at Adam and then the box, expecting something to happen. "It has begun. See how this feather leans towards the empty brain? It shows which way the majority of thoughts are flowing. There is no way to control which way thoughts will flow through the cables, and as the spare brain fills with your husband's mind, more and more of his thoughts will flow through the cable the other way and the feather will become more and more vertical. My assistant, Abigail, here will keep an eye on the feather and mark the time when the feather stands straight up on this slowly moving wheel. When the feather is perfectly straight up and down, then we will know that we have reached the point where an equal number of thoughts are flowing in each direction. That means that we have transferred half of his mind into the spare brain." "Half?" Susan broke in. "Don't you mean all?" "Do not jump to conclusions my dear lady. When you pour a full container of milk into an empty one until you have the same amount in both containers, have you poured all of the milk, or only half?" Susan had never thought about it, but she found that she knew the answer. "Half. Oh! I see. When both brains are thinking the same number of thoughts, it is as if only half of his mind was poured from Adam's brain into the other." She frowned, "but how will you pour the rest of his mind?" "Do not make the mistake of assuming that an analogy tells the whole story. Thoughts do not flow like water or milk. Each brain is alive and constantly reviewing who it is and what it knows, and those thoughts will also flow through the wires to the same parts of the other brain. I am fairly certain that double the amount of time from start until the feather becomes vertical will be enough time for both brains to be identical, but we are not in a rush, so we will double that time before assuming we can take the next step. I estimate that it will take about twenty minutes for the feather to indicate the halfway mark, so let us go have some lunch. There will be nothing to see for at least an hour." But, Susan noticed, something had already happened. She could see Adam's face in a mirror mounted below the hole in the table, and although he was still unconscious, he was smiling. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "You should not eat very much before the operation," Doc told her, "but I do want to get to know you while you are in this body." "What about Adam? You did not get to know him before you started experimenting on him," she protested. "Him! A man with no ambition, and no intellect other than what he was taught? I could not care less what happens to his mind after it is transferred into the body of an uneducated farm girl like you. He will be as entertaining as watching a village idiot attempting to tie his shoes, but you, my dear! Your brilliant mind inhabiting a brain with all his education, now that will be an interesting combination, I assure you!" She was not sure whether to be insulted by Doc's dismissal of her husband's mental abilities and her own lack of formal education, or complimented by his admiration of her mind and intrigued by his interest in her future in Adam's body. She thought for a moment about how hard it was to thrust her husband forward despite his lack of ambition, and decided to be complimented and intrigued. After lunch, the doctor had Susan drink the same concoction that had put Adam to sleep, and she lay down on the other operating table. In moments she was asleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------- While the others and the robotic arms prepared Susan's brain for the transfer, Doc pushed the large lever up to disconnect the cables connecting Adam's two brains. He now had to empty the brain in his body without killing it or the body. Now was the time when he would find out if all of his research into the brains of other species held true for the brains of humans. He wanted to completely erase Adam's thoughts from the more developed areas of his brain, while keeping intact the parts of his brain that did things like breathing, keeping his heart beating and so on, and that remembered the habits and skills he had learned so well that he did not need to consciously think about them to do them. Adjusting the levers on the control box, he again pulled the large lever and Adam's thoughts were soon rushing through a fourth cable that went through the floor and ended in the sluice that fed the waterwheel. The quickly running water produced an effect on the ends of wires left hanging free in it that traveled through the wires and worked to counteract the organized thoughts streaming through from the electrodes connected to the thinking areas of his brain. Coherent thoughts flowed out of Adam's brain, and in flowed only random pulses of static electricity to replace them. [Lilyan broke off her story as Berrry laughed, "So along with all his other achievements, Doc also invented brainwashing!"] Doc left the lever thrown while he supervised the preparation of Susan, which was similar to what had been done to Adam. When she was ready, he pushed the lever to sever the connection, flipped some of the toggles, and pulled the lever to start letting her thoughts flow from her brain into the now-empty brain in Adam's body. ----------------------------------------------- To Be Continued! ----------------------------------------------- Author's note: Part 2 will describe the results of the experiment. I can tell you that Doc is correct about Susan's bright future in Adam's body, but sometimes the story of a winner is not nearly as interesting as the story of the one who had all he worked for in life taken away. Doc stated that he was not interested in Adam's fate, but I think we should consider in detail what happens after Adam awakens in a woman's body. Since this takes place before the Age of Steam really got started, this science-fiction story can't really be called "SteamPunk," but we could consider it "WaterwheelPunk!" Comments welcome, but I won't be answering any until after NaNoWriMo is over. I'm writing this novel as part of the 2012 NaNoWriMo challenge to write a novel of at least 50,000 words between November 1st and 30th. I intend to post a chapter a day during November. (For more info about National Novel Writing Month, see By the way, if you like to write and can't resist improving this story with extra characters or new adventures or situations for the existing characters, go ahead! The Complex has over 500 Levels, is populated by millions of beautiful, buxom, sexy, intelligent women (and a few thousand men,) more than half of whom are scientists. If there's a science fiction or feminist plot clich?, you can find it there somewhere! You have my permission to post your version on FictionMania. To avoid confusion, add a letter to the chapter #, like "Doc's Complex 11a," and make up a new title. Who knows? If enough people do it, FictionMania may add a new category!

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The First Adam

The First Adam Then God made Adam, and showed him all creation. But Adam felt all alone in the world, and a shadow befell his countenance. So God spoke to him, and asked him about the very thing that was bothering him. Knowing nothing, Adam could not articulate his frustrations to God. On a hunch, he pointed down at the dangling piece of flesh at his crotch. Adam asked God what the little flaccid thing was meant to do. There was surely some great purpose in the oddly shaped thing,...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings CH04 The week without Adam

1. The week was dragging along and my mom and others could see how sad I was. I will be so happy when Adam gets back here. Most of the seniors I ate lunch with where gone on the trip too. I was really depressed and finding myself daydreaming all the time. My mom came home as I was fixing me a snack and asked how I was feeling. I told her I was fine, just bored. Well son, today I talked to Bobby’s mom and she want’s him to stay here a couple of days. She has to go out of town for family...

4 years ago
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Joan Jill Adam

"Baby," she gasped, her chest heaving, as she struggled to regain her breath. "I haven't come that hard in years. Maybe I've never had one that good." "I'm only here to serve," Adam grinned and hefted her right breast in the palm of his hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed the nipple. Only then did he realize his lips were actually sore from eating her out so thoroughly. "Oh, I'm done," Jill said, "I'm exhausted, really I am." "I can go again if you'd like," he...

4 years ago
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Adam at the Arcade

Dear readers: Lots of gay sex, so don’t read if that’s not your thing. Lily and Adam appear in ‘Doggies Don’t Wear Clothes’ and ‘Drilled by Desmond,’ but this story takes place several months before the events of either—long before Adam knows how to please a cock. That said, it’s not violent, like ‘Drilled by Desmond’ was. ***** One problem about Adam: Although he was a man, he had no idea how to please one. They had to take care of that. So, one night, after Lily triggered him, they went to...

2 years ago
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Me and Adam

Introduction: Two 13 year old boys find the sexual pleasures in each other – the DIRTY way! It was a long Friday at school, and I was glad to finally be done. It would be good to have a weekend without tests and homework. As I boarded the bus, I thought about what a fun weekend I would have. I was going to stay at my best friend Adams house for the weekend. Adam and I were both in many classes together, and being 13, we loved to annoy our teachers, so it was nice to not have a detention today....

3 years ago
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Magic Glade II Adam and his Eve ning

“What a day, what a life,” Adam was thinking as he took the short cut home through the woods. The fact that he even had need of the short cut, or to walk at all for that matter, was down to the fact that he had broken down. To Adam this was just another indication that the whole world and its dog had it in for him. Work sucked, he had been passed over for promotion yet again .His last girlfriend had recently dumped him to join some religious cult or other led by some guy she had to bow down...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
5 years ago
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Emily Thrashes Adam Then Rides His Cock

The morning after their latest sexual encounter Emily Bothwick-Smyth was fidgetting in the back seat of the vehicle as chauffeur Adam Crook looked at her in the rear-view mirror. Adam knew very well that the cause of her discomfort was the nine strokes with Emily's riding crop that he had applied to her bare arse before giving her a good fucking. He also knew that she had told him that she would be whipping him before their next fuck and he imagined that she would not be stopping at nine...

2 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 07

The next day Jesse greeted Adam at her door. As the dinner party was formal, he was wearing a black tux with a white shirt. She had put on a white strapless dress that was slightly longer than some of her other ones, but it still didn’t come to her knees. Her hair looked uncombed, but very sexy and windswept. She also was wearing a small diamond necklace and diamond earrings. ‘You look ravishing! I can also tell that you have nothing on underneath. ‘ Adam said softly with a grin. ‘But my...

4 years ago
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Adam Eves First Time

Adam & Eve’s First Time Alone was I, walking aimlessly through the green pastures and meadows, when upon a forested glen I did come. Seeing no harm in it, I entered the shadowy realm for a little exploratory expedition. Soon I realized I must be careful of the myriad array of briars and brambles which could rip and tear uncovered skin. I began thinking about how lucky animals were to have fur or hair for skin protection. The only furry hair covering I had on my body was on the top of...

4 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 14

When Jesse and Adam walked in the meeting room, most of the board members were already seated. Gerald hadn’t arrived yet, although this did not surprise Jesse. She went to the head of the table and motioned for Adam to have a seat beside her. Questions were already flying around the room before she sat down. They were all wondering why she had called a meeting. The first person Adam noticed was Doug sitting directly opposite him. Both men glared at each other for several moments before Adam...

3 years ago
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The Escape Chapter 4 Adam

The drive to Austin was even more annoying than Kimberly expected. The aggravation started on the weekend with the news that the announcement had been moved up to Monday morning forcing Kimberly to begin her drive early Monday morning. But she would still miss Tuesday in Houston. Her frustration only increased when she arrived in Austin to find that a ‘legal issue’ had delayed the announcement until late afternoon. Only essential personnel allowed in the building. She decided to go shopping...

4 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 06

The next day, Adam was working the night shift and not long after he had been working, Mark showed up. ‘What’s up? ‘ Mark asked, as he sat down at the bar. ‘You’re a son of a bitch, you know that? ‘ He said quietly. ‘What the hell did I do? ‘ Mark asked. ‘ Look man, if you and Jesse are having problems, don’t say I didn’t warn you. ‘ ‘Yes, and what exactly were you warning me of? ‘ ‘Oh, I get it now. She turned you down too! ‘ Mark laughed. ‘What’s the real story on her, Mark? ‘ Adam...

3 years ago
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Feminising Adam

Meeting MistressSixteen-year-old Adam walked hand in hand with his mum across the park. He was wearing his favourite shiny pink leotard under the school blazer, white shoes with kitten heels and white ankle socks.He took small steps to avoid his tiny boy-clit rubbing up another erection inside the soft fabric.“Look at that lady in the black leather, what's she doing to that older lady on her knees, mummy?”“They look like Mistress Anna and her sub, Suzy,” Mum replied, trying to shield her son's...

Office Sex
5 years ago
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Exploring Adam The Sequel part two

I called Adam back the following evening, genuinely pleased that I would be seeing him and a little nervous to meet his boyfriend. He'd told me about Trevor in his emails--a talented actor working mostly in theatre, but who had gotten a few television roles here and there, as well as the principal role in an ad that had gotten a lot of air time. His television bits I had never seen, but I knew the ad well. He was a handsome, fine-featured man with a brilliant smile, and the first time it came...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Exploring Adam The Sequel part three

Our shower was a lovely, languorous thing, in which we soaped each other's bodies as we made out. It reminded me, vividly, of the times we'd showered together that weekend before... and there was some satisfaction, for me, in that my shower now reflected my success. The en suite bathroom I had was handsome and large, and the shower itself bore no resemblance to the grotty bathtub of my grad school years. No, now I had a jacuzzi bathtub and a separate, sizable shower space with frosted glass. I...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Adam Jason and I

Hi, Im Matthew, Im gay if you havent figured out from the section youre reading, and this is a little about me. Im 5ft 3in, longish black hair (just past my ears) I had a swimmers physique, cause well, I was a swimmer, I was hairless except for my head( I shaved my pubes) I had brown eyes, I didnt think I was sexy, but I mean, I didnt think I looked too bad. I was a freshman in high school, so I was basically the bottom of the food chain, having no chance at all to be with another guy,...

2 years ago
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Episode 94 Feminising Adam

Author’s NoteI’ve been informed that Anna and Suzy actually work in Winchester, but it doesn’t have any sex shops, so their office has been transported to Andover which has ‘An Amazing Fantasy’ (previously enjoyed by some as ‘Erotica Belle’); where Emma may work on occasion.Meeting MistressAdam walked hand in hand with his mum across the park. He was wearing his favourite shiny pink leotard under the school blazer, white shoes with kitten heels and white ankle socks.He took small steps to avoid...

3 years ago
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Adam and Eve Black Love

Is there such a thing as too much of anything in this life? I sure hope not. My name is Evelyn Kara Auberge. I am head over heels in love with a reformed player from the States. Here’s a little bit about me. I was born in the town of Cap-Haitien in the island of Haiti but I barely remember it because I’ve lived in the region of Ontario, Canada, ever since I could remember. These days, I’m a recent graduate of Carleton University in the City of Ottawa ( I’ve got a Master’s degree in Psychology )...

4 years ago
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Adam Jason and I chpt 3

Introduction: (All four are in this one.) Oh, are we going to have some fun. He stated as he pulled some rope from behind his back Adam and I shrank into the wall hoping to escape the obvious fate. We pulled the blanket over us, but to no avail, soon Adam was torn away from me and dragged away kicking and scratching, I got up and followed out of the room with them so I could make some attempt to save my new boyfriend. I saw Geoffrey dragging the naked Adam down the hall way. Adam caught my eye...

3 years ago
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Barb and Adam

Barb and AdamPart 1Barb sighed with relief as she walked in the door. Another long day at the Post office was finally done, and she was home. Her keys and purse fell onto a chair, a dreamy smile crossing her lips as she anticipated the E-mail that was surely awaiting her. He was so very good at writing them. Her hands traveled across her hips a she savored the tightness of her pants and t-shirt, imagining it was his hands that were touching her. Another sigh, this one of pleasure rather than...

3 years ago
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Adam Jason and I chpt 3

Adam and I shrank into the wall hoping to escape the obvious fate. We pulled the blanket over us, but to no avail, soon Adam was torn away from me and dragged away kicking and scratching, I got up and followed out of the room with them so I could make some attempt to save my new boyfriend. I saw Geoffrey dragging the naked Adam down the hall way. Adam caught my eye and beamed up I shot him a glance to silence him and snuck up behind Geoffrey. “Hah!” I yelled and jumped on top of Geoffrey back...

4 years ago
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First time with Adam

It was late spring, early summer. I was newley married, had a new job and life was great! My beautiful young wife and I had been home from our honeymoon for about 3 weeks when I got a call from my boss telling me, "your assistance is needed out of state and you need to fly out asap". I said, "Not a problem". The next available flight was late the next morning, which was okay because I lived about 2 hours away from the airport. Not knowing whether to travel that evening or early the next...

3 years ago
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Getting to know Adam

It was late spring, early summer. I was newley married, had a new job and life was great! My beautiful young wife and I had been home from our honeymoon for about 3 weeks when I got a call from my boss telling me, "your assistance is needed out of state and you must fly out asap". I said, "Not a problem". The next available flight was late the next morning, which was okay because I lived about 3 hours away from the airport. Not knowing whether to travel that evening or early the next morning,...

3 years ago
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Callum and Adam torment Lily

Fourteen year old Adam writhed in pain. He was lying on his bed with nipple clamps attached firmly to his chest and handcuffs securing him to the bed frame. Intermittently his 17 year old step brother Callum whipped him across his bare chest with a flogger further increasing his discomfort. I should say at this point the story isn’t going to be about the bondage games Adam and Callum played together.  You see, when Callum and his mother had first moved in with Adam the two boys discovered they...

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Callum and Adam The schoolgirls and the babysitter

It was a sunny Friday afternoon. Adam was relaxing in his room when he heard a sudden shattering of glass downstairs. He ran down the stairs to find one of the front windows was now in pieces all over the floor, a frisbee laid on the carpet in amongst the glass. Just as moved to  the door to look for the culprits the door bell sounded. Two girls from his school, Tilly and Summer, stood at the doorstep with guilty expressions on their faces.?Hi.? Said Tilly. ?We’re really sorry but it was us...

4 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 2 Monday at School

First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...

2 years ago
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Cilla and Adam Ch 02

It was Thursday afternoon, and Cilla had decided to leave work early. Patrick was picking her up to take her car shopping. Cilla had been seeing Adam for two months, during which time she had found a place of her own. As she walked down the front steps, pulling her knapsack behind her, she thought about the conversation she had had earlier with Maureen over lunch. ‘Have you heard the latest about our esteemed superintendent?’ she asked, biting into the ham and cheese sandwich Cilla had...

4 years ago
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Exploring Adam 8

Let me describe his cock to you. I know I have already, but that was in passing. Let me really describe it to you: it was almost seven inches long, and a little more than an inch thick. He was circumcised. The head was gorgeous: flaring out about a quarter inch from the shaft, it would get swollen with desire when he was hard, and I loved little more than to trace its contours with the tip of my tongue. When he fucked me I could literally feel it pop inside me as he pushed it past my sphincter....

Gay Male
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Cilla and Adam Ch 01

Reverend Barnes took his place on the podium with the other ministers, and his family sat in their usual pew on the right of the altar. Cilla had always loved going to church, and the music had always soothed the place inside her that remained scared and lonely, no matter how happy she appeared to be. Today, as she listened to the choir sing, and as she joined with the congregation in singing the sweet old hymns, her spirit soared, and she felt at peace for the first time in a long time. All...

2 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 02

Several days had gone by and he expected Mark to arrive home any time. He also began noticing the traffic that now seemed to move up and down the block. Like he was told, most of it did come and go from Jesse’s home. They were right in telling him she entertained. It seemed to be nonstop day and night. She had adults of all ages, dressed anywhere from formal attire to jeans, to even bikinis coming and going. While Mark had been gone, he had decided to do a little checking up on her, which...

3 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 10

It was well over an hour before they both were dressed and went to the kitchen. Someone had already made coffee and there were bakery goods on the table. Jesse poured them both a cup of coffee and they each took a roll. Adam followed her outside where there was already a crowd around the pool and at the bar. ‘Well it’s about time you two decided to join us. ‘ Sandy said. They made their way to where Sandy was now talking to a small group of women. Jesse sat on the lounge chair, leaving...

4 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 8 Wednesday at School

"Good morning, students and staff," Holloway was just beginning. "This morning we have another student who's in The Program and who'd like to present some information about himself. As with Dee, who spoke yesterday, I'm hoping this will cut down on repetitive questions and answers that waste time for everyone. Go ahead, Ben." "Uh, hi, my name is Ben Daire. A lot of you know me," he began. "Now that I'm in The Program, I guess everybody knows that I have two cocks. At least,...

4 years ago
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Adam Prologue: Hello Friends: This is a photo of Adam. Adam is the latest young man to audition for my upcoming theatre season. He wants to be a professional actor. Some of you know that I have gotten many young men their starts in professional theatre. Some have gone on to become big stars. For any of you living in the Minneapolis area, the man starring in Peer Gynt at the Guthrie, Mark Rylance started out with me in every sense of the word. Anyway, I am helping Adam look into Drama Schools...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 1 Monday Morning

The air was dank with cigarette smoke, the bad spring in the couch was jabbing me in the side, and the sound of puking was coming from the bathroom. By all signs, this was going to be another crap morning. Hello, Monday. The weekend hadn't been much better. Sure, I'd gotten my injection Saturday morning. Sure, that meant I'd keep my shape and my strength for another six months. Otherwise I'd have melted into a heap like Marjorie, my so-called aunt, a one-time exotic dancer who was off...

2 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 4 Tuesday Morning

About four in the morning I woke up a couple of times and couldn't get back to sleep. On the third try I decided I might as well get something done. As quietly as possible I closed the hallway door, snapped on the desk light, and booted up the computer. First I reviewed the previous day's lecture material and it was scary how little seemed familiar. I must have been more spaced out than I realized. Anyway, I finished reviewing the lectures, did the assigned reading, and then whipped...

2 years ago
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Exploring Adam The Sequel part one

The year that followed my magical three days with Adam was decidedly odd. On one hand, I got really busy with school, spending insanely long days in the lab. And when I wasn't in the lab, I was writing up my results. The upshot was that, a little more than a year after the Adam interlude, I defended my dissertation and emerged with a PhD in biochemistry. But more on that later.The year was odd in part because I was so busy, but also because it took me some time to figure out how I felt about...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My brother Adam Part One

I am writing this document as a testament to my brother Adam so that one day he will know how much I care for and love him. Even though while I am at sea and far away, I think about him everyday and long for the day when I will be back on shore and can give him a huge hug.Since our Mother died when I was eight and Adam six, we have been consistently abused physically by our Father who seemed to care more about punishing us for all minor misdemeanour's rather than giving us a stable and loving...

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