Adam & Jesse Ch. 14 free porn video

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When Jesse and Adam walked in the meeting room, most of the board members were already seated. Gerald hadn’t arrived yet, although this did not surprise Jesse. She went to the head of the table and motioned for Adam to have a seat beside her. Questions were already flying around the room before she sat down. They were all wondering why she had called a meeting.

The first person Adam noticed was Doug sitting directly opposite him. Both men glared at each other for several moments before Adam took his seat. He didn’t know the man much, but wondered how he happened to be one of the board members. He chatted with a few of the others he had recognized from her parties. He had to laugh to himself seeing a room full of men and Jesse at the head of the table. She was in her element, he thought, having the attention of all these men. Then he quickly glanced at her blouse and saw that several of the buttons had been left undone. Luckily he could glimpse the bra beneath, but so could the men sitting close to her. What a piece of work he thought, knowing full well that she had done that purposely.

‘Gentleman, thank you for all being on time,’ Jesse said and was interrupted by a new arrival.

‘What the hell, Jesse, going to start the meeting without meeeee,’ Reese said, slurring his words a bit. ‘Even put someone else in my seat. Excuse me,’ he said and patted Adam on the shoulder, ‘This seat is taken.’

‘Find another seat,’ Jesse replied quickly when Adam turned to stare at Reese.

‘What the…since when did we start having our bartenders attend meetings?’ Reese questioned, recognizing Adam. ‘Although, I really thought the bar in here should always be open during meetings. I’ll have a whiskey and water and I’m sure the others wouldn’t mind a drink. By the way has she let you fuck her yet?’

‘I do believe you’ve had enough to drink already. The lady said take seat and that’s what you need to do before getting thrown out of here and embarrassing yourself any further.’ Adam said, now having stood up to face Reese, ready to slam his fist in his face if he uttered another word.

Adam would have liked to punch out the guy right there, especially after his last comment. It already had the members glancing between Adam and Jesse let alone what their curious minds were thinking. Although it took just about every once of strength he had to keep from hitting him, he did manage to hold back. He knew this wasn’t the place to start brawling and Jesse would have had a fit. The two men glared at each other until finally Reese, pouting, took a seat at the other end of the table.

‘I’d like you all to meet Adam Farrows, he is going to be project manager for the project I plan on introducing you to. Does anyone know if Gerald will be attending the meeting, or should I start right now?’ Jesse asked, relieved that Adam had restrained himself and managed to put Reese in his place.

‘You can start it right now and be quick about it, I don’t have time for these silly little meetings you call for, Jesse. What’s this about a new project?’ Gerald said walking in.

All eyes turned towards the man that walked in the door. He was well over 6 foot tall and although on the heavy side, he carried it well. His eyes were dark and the way he looked at a person seemed almost punishing. Adam felt the tension in the room change immediately when the man walked in. His bold arrogance alone would keep people at bay. Adam also glanced at Jesse and thought if looks could kill…Damn! What did this man do to her?

‘Glad you could make it, Gerald. Now why don’t you sit down and shut…’ Jesse was already angry, but stopped herself to calm down. She again reminded herself of the position she held at the company. ‘You might be surprised with this new project, Gerald.’

‘Nothing you do, surprises me, Jesse. Just get on with it, I have more important things to do.’ Gerald sat down opposite Jesse, but never took his eyes off her.

The more Adam watched the two of them and the looks they were giving each other, the more worried he was getting. There definitely wasn’t any love lost between the two of them, and Gerald obviously had it in for her. The daggers he was sending out let them all know exactly what he thought of the president of the company. Adam couldn’t figure out why Jesse even allowed this man to hold the position he did, let alone run her company. It was something he was going to have to ask her later, if for no other reason than to ease his curiousity.

Finally, once everyone settled down, Jesse stood up and started the meeting, going over all information about her project and what her plans were. Adam was proud at the way she had handled Gerald, Reese, and the board members. He wasn’t sure if he could have been as calm and cool as she made out, although he did notice her impatience when it came to some of the remarks made by her ex husband. What had surprised him more was when Gerald finally told Reese to be quiet, allowing Jesse to continue. When she was through, all but Gerald starting asking her questions, showing real interest in her plans. He was just sitting back with his arms folded at his belly.

‘Gentleman, for those of you that don’t know him, this is Doug, the architect that designed the plans. He should be able to answer all of your questions much better than I. I’m going to turn the meeting over to him.’

As soon as it was out of her mouth, she could feel Adams eyes on her. Okay, so she hadn’t told him who Doug was. What difference did it make? It wasn’t as if Doug and she were involved. Sure, they had spent long days and even many nights going over the plans. When she handed the meeting over to him, she sat down, making sure not to glance in Adam’s direction.

Adam, on the other hand, had been quite shocked to find out who Doug was. Why the hell hadn’t she let him know, he thought. Even though it did explain why she had spent so much time with him, it didn’t explain the nights out dancing and the kisses they had exchanged. He was getting the impression he was not the only one she was fond of playing with and this didn’t set well with him at all. With this thought, he wasn’t sure if he was mad at her for having kept this information from him, or at himself for feeling jealous about Doug. When he had seen several looks from the others, he was beginning to get the idea she was playing him for a fool.

‘If you will all turn your attention up here on the board, I’ll explain what I have in mind.’ Doug said making his way to the large board that held the project layout. All eyes were on him now, including Adam and Jesse although both of them were lost in their own thoughts. It didn’t take Jesse long to lose interest in Doug or what he was explaining. Having spent so many hours going over the details of this project, she practically had it memorized. She soon found herself looking at Adam and saw how interested he seemed in what Doug was saying. As much as this made her happy, she couldn’t help but prefer his attention towards her. With a wicked little grin, she decided to see if she could get his attention and slipped the shoe off her foot. The instant she touched his leg, he quickly turned in her direction, giving her a quizzical look before turning back towards Doug. She smiled and continued slowly making her foot up his leg. When her foot went past his knee and started nearing his crotch, he started looking at her intensely but she just kept grinning.

Adam couldn’t believe she wanted to play footsie at her own meeting, especially as important as it was to her. She already had his cock twitching in his pants and it was beginning to make him nervous. He wanted very much for her to read his thoughts and knock it off, but that was too much to ask for. When she persisted, what the hell he thought. He too could play this game and probably better, he thought to himself. So he reached under the table and squeezed just above her knee, almost laughing out loud when she practically jumped out of her
seat. She was a bit wide eyed when she looked at him but still she persisted.

Adam glanced around first, making sure all other eyes were on Doug and then started inching his fingers up her thigh. This got her squirming a bit in her seat as well as excited. Even though she kept glancing back and forth between Doug and Adam, he could tell she was only pretending to be interested in the topic of conversation. The further up her thigh he went, the more nervous he seemed to make her until she finally dropped her foot from his lap. He grinned, but instead of stopping, he managed to reach the elastic of her panty around the top her thigh, teasing her by lifting it and letting it slap back. When he slipped two of his fingers underneath and felt how moist she was, not only did she practically jump up, but his cock was almost bursting at the zipper. He grinned at her, knowingly and slid his finger across her slippery clit, she was beside herself having slipped down a bit in her seat.

‘That’s enough!’ Gerald stood up and shouted.

Both Adam and Jesse sat up, first having thought he was referring to them, but regained composure upon learning otherwise.

‘You can forget about this project. It won’t only cost too much, but just the thought of having something like that wouldn’t look good for the community.’ Gerald continued. ‘All of you better give this a lot of thought.’

Gerald went on and on, ranting about the figures, costs and time and energy wasted on such a foolish project. Jesse having now put her full attention into what he was saying, just sat back, calmly and waited for him to quit with his temper tantrum. She was pretty use to them, not being the first one she was privileged to hear and also knew it wouldn’t be the last time either.

‘Are you through?’ she finally asked when he stopped and sat back down. She remained sitting, cool and collected. ‘Gerald, if you hadn’t heard earlier, I said I was introducing everyone to a new project. This means the decision has already been made. I intend to go full steam ahead with this. I have a very capable project manager, a reputable architect and another group of people already working on a list of the man power this is going to take. I hope all you gentleman decide to get on board with this but if not, so be it. The property is already bought and paid for and I even have the approval of the Mayor. He is already planning a ground breaking celebration.’

She had caught all their attentions with this comment including Adam. He finally realized she was dead set on going through with her plans including running Gerald out of town by the looks she was giving him. There was a sudden silence in the room now, all eyes directed their attention to the man at the end of the table. Gerald was tapping his fingers loudly on the table, studying Jesse.

‘Well, I hope you don’t bankrupt this company and as far as the rest of you go, I strongly suggest you refuse to have anything to do with this project.’ Gerald said, a little bit too calmly before he added, ‘By the way, what does your mother think of this idea, Jesse? I’m sure she had a lot to say about it?’

There it was, Adam thought. The man had practically threatened all of them including Jesse’s mother. He would have liked to arrest him for it, but since it wasn’t stated outright and the fact that it wasn’t Adam’s jurisdiction to do so, there wasn’t much he could do. Besides the fact what they would all say, especially Jesse, when they found out his true profession. Before he could wonder what Jesse was going to do about it, she surprised him yet again.

‘It doesn’t matter what she says, she gave up all her power at this company when she signed it over to me. Besides, I sent her on an extended vacation, she won’t be back for quite some time. Any messages?’

Wow! Adam thought, she really had prepared for all this, packing her mother off to safety included. He was relieved to see she wasn’t going to let Gerald get to her, but with everything, he was becoming more and more nervous about the project. He was startled when Gerald stood up and pounded his fist on the desk, so was everyone else in the room.

‘If you think you can run me out of here, then think again. I’m not going anywhere! The only message I have is for you girl. Sooner or later you’re going to have to deal with me on my terms…my terms!’ With that said, Gerald left the room, letting the door slam loudly.

It took several minutes for the room to get back to order, but finally everyone was back to asking Jesse lots of questions. There was a lot Adam wanted to do, not only to Reese, but now Gerald. Now, not only he knew, but everyone knew how much the man had it in for her. Although, he had no idea how long this sort of thing went on, only that it didn’t seem to bother Jesse in the least by what the man had said.

‘Thank you all for your interest and I’m very confident that this plan will work and be beneficial for everyone. Now, if you’d like, lunch is being served in the banquet room so go enjoy.’

Other than Adam, the rest of the men made haste and left the room. Jesse came up next to him and leaned against the table. He couldn’t help his eyes from traveling up and down her body, reminding himself what they both had been doing not to long ago.

‘So what do you think?’ she asked him.

‘I think I need to resign and just go about my business.’ he said flatly.

‘No, honestly, how do you think it went? I think they are all planning to get involved, don’t you?’

‘I was being honest,’ Adam said and looked directly at her. ‘That man threatened everyone in this room including you and your mother. Yet no one did anything about it, let alone you. Why the hell do you even have him running this company?’

‘That was my mother’s doing since she knew I was too busy with my own. But she left me as president just in case and this was that just in case time, wouldn’t you say. Besides, it’s not the first time he’s threatened me, probably won’t be the last. As for the board members, I don’t think they’ll let that stop them, knowing the Mayor is looking forward to this. I don’t know why it bothers you so much, unless it’s me you’re worried about?’ Jesse gave him that smile he was all too familiar with.

‘That’s my job, isn’t it?’ he reminded her. ‘And by the way, why the hell didn’t you tell me about Doug? What kind of working relationship do you have with him?’

‘Jealous, are you?’ she asked, grinning, quite happy with this knowledge.

‘No, not jealous, just a bit curious how many men you do have working for you and if all of them enjoy…’ He stopped himself and stood up. ‘Its none of my business, who you fuck or don’t fuck as long as it doesn’t prevent me from doing my job.’

‘Fine, then lets go, we have work to do.’

She was mad and to say his words hadn’t stung would have been a lie. Then again what had she expected, not telling him about Doug and flaunting their relationship practically in his face. He kept telling himself not to let it bother him, but following behind her, the sway of her ass mesmerized him. He had to keep telling himself to stay focused instead of letting his emotions get him carried away.

By the time they made it back to her office, Jesse had let go of the anger his words had stirred in her. She needed to let Ann her secretary know about the meeting and what had happened. Adam stood, listening and watching her, and then a thought struck him. Her secretary was a woman, a nice attractive one at that. As much as Jesse liked men, he had to wonder why she hadn’t hired one for a secretary.

‘So tell me, why don’t you have a man for your secretary?’ he finally asked when they were riding the elevator up to her penthouse.

‘Because Ann does a wonderful job and I like her,’ she said and then saw the smirk on his face. ‘I know what you’re thinking and so what if I like men. They are more fun. You like woman and I’m not on your back about it. It just so happens that a man w
ould have been too distracting, happy now?’ she finally cracked a smile.

‘Yes, I gathered as much,’ he too cracked a smile. ‘So what’s on the agenda for the rest of the afternoon? Why didn’t we go to lunch, I was getting kind of hungry and if you remember, you didn’t leave me much time for breakfast.’

‘We’ll eat later, don’t worry,’ she winked at him and being this close to him in the elevator had her senses a bit stirred. ‘I have some calls to make so if you want you can look for a snack to munch on before we leave.’

‘Oh, and we’re going somewhere?’ he asked, surprised to learn this. Adam had noticed the little wink she made and had a good idea what she was on her mind and moved next to her. ‘What if I wanted to snack on you?’ His hand had fallen to the front of her skirt and gently patted her.

‘Uh…well…we don’t have time for that right now,’ she finally managed to say. Damn, he seems to know everything I’m thinking! ‘We are going out to the project site so I can show you around.’

‘I’d much rather show you a few things,’ he flirted, enjoying how nervous he was making her. He bent down to whisper in her ear, ‘Wouldn’t you rather enjoy a snack before working, darlin?’ His hand crept up her skirt between her legs until he rested it against her dampened panties. ‘We could finish what we started earlier…’

‘Adam, honey…’ she said softly and without hesitation, reached down and squeezed the swell in his crotch. ‘As much as I’d love to finish what we started…’ she continued to rub against his crotch while feeling his fingers toying with the elastic of her panties. What was it about these elevator trips, she thought to herself. Work, there’s work to do, she had to keep reminding herself. ‘We’re working, remember… besides I have a surprise for you.’

‘I have a surprise for you too, baby,’ he whispered, disregarding her attempts at putting him off. The way she was making his cock swell, she damn well better not back out, he thought. He had been wanting this since he awoke this morning and by the moisture between her legs, she obviously wanted him too. He slipped a finger underneath her panties and stroked her clit.

‘Ohhhh….’ she gasped just as the elevator door opened. ‘Sorry baby, but it will have to wait.’ she said and quickly pulled away from his groping fingers to out of the elevator. ‘Not too awful long though…’

‘It might be to late,’ he mumbled under his breath as he followed her into the penthouse.

Adam first thought about relieving the pressure in his groin by himself, but every time he looked at Jesse he changed his mind. He busied himself while she made her phone calls, grabbing a quick snack to take his mind off what he was really hungry for. When she had gotten up from her desk and went in the bedroom, he thought maybe she had changed her mind. He followed her and upon seeing her start discarding her clothes, he could feel his blood pressure rise.

‘Don’t start, Adam, we both need to change before we go to the site. There’s jeans and shirts in the closet for you to put on.’ she said, seeing how his eyes traveled her body.

‘I’m getting real tired of taking orders from you, boss lady.’ he teased, although disappointed that they weren’t going to have a bit of fun before they left.

Jesse had rushed putting on her jeans and a t-shirt and then slipped on a pair of black boots. He found the clothes and wasn’t as quick to put them on as he was to take them off. He let her enjoy looking him over, giving her another chance to change her mind and have some fun.

‘Here you’ll need these too.’ she said having gone into the closet to pull out a pair of black heavy boots.

He put them on not questioning her about them, but wondered if maybe it was muddy at the site. Why else would they need boots, he thought to himself. So much for her changing her mind, he thought to himself. He could tell she was getting excited, but obviously it was for something else and he now wondered about the surprise she had mentioned.

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Adam Jesse Ch 02

Several days had gone by and he expected Mark to arrive home any time. He also began noticing the traffic that now seemed to move up and down the block. Like he was told, most of it did come and go from Jesse’s home. They were right in telling him she entertained. It seemed to be nonstop day and night. She had adults of all ages, dressed anywhere from formal attire to jeans, to even bikinis coming and going. While Mark had been gone, he had decided to do a little checking up on her, which...

2 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 10

It was well over an hour before they both were dressed and went to the kitchen. Someone had already made coffee and there were bakery goods on the table. Jesse poured them both a cup of coffee and they each took a roll. Adam followed her outside where there was already a crowd around the pool and at the bar. ‘Well it’s about time you two decided to join us. ‘ Sandy said. They made their way to where Sandy was now talking to a small group of women. Jesse sat on the lounge chair, leaving...

3 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 8 Wednesday at School

"Good morning, students and staff," Holloway was just beginning. "This morning we have another student who's in The Program and who'd like to present some information about himself. As with Dee, who spoke yesterday, I'm hoping this will cut down on repetitive questions and answers that waste time for everyone. Go ahead, Ben." "Uh, hi, my name is Ben Daire. A lot of you know me," he began. "Now that I'm in The Program, I guess everybody knows that I have two cocks. At least,...

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Adam Prologue: Hello Friends: This is a photo of Adam. Adam is the latest young man to audition for my upcoming theatre season. He wants to be a professional actor. Some of you know that I have gotten many young men their starts in professional theatre. Some have gone on to become big stars. For any of you living in the Minneapolis area, the man starring in Peer Gynt at the Guthrie, Mark Rylance started out with me in every sense of the word. Anyway, I am helping Adam look into Drama Schools...

4 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 1 Monday Morning

The air was dank with cigarette smoke, the bad spring in the couch was jabbing me in the side, and the sound of puking was coming from the bathroom. By all signs, this was going to be another crap morning. Hello, Monday. The weekend hadn't been much better. Sure, I'd gotten my injection Saturday morning. Sure, that meant I'd keep my shape and my strength for another six months. Otherwise I'd have melted into a heap like Marjorie, my so-called aunt, a one-time exotic dancer who was off...

2 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 4 Tuesday Morning

About four in the morning I woke up a couple of times and couldn't get back to sleep. On the third try I decided I might as well get something done. As quietly as possible I closed the hallway door, snapped on the desk light, and booted up the computer. First I reviewed the previous day's lecture material and it was scary how little seemed familiar. I must have been more spaced out than I realized. Anyway, I finished reviewing the lectures, did the assigned reading, and then whipped...

3 years ago
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Aunt Jesse

When I was a young child, my mother passed away through complications with an illness. I was too young to understand and took it very hard. My father also took it badly and for years he didn’t seem to get out of the rut of the loss. That was until he met Mia. Mia was a gorgeous Latin woman who worked with my father in the diamond district. They seemed to hit it off and started courting. After a year’s romance, they got married. It was a small affair and I could never remember my father looking...

2 years ago
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Adam Desire 1 Meet Miss Lulu

AdamDesire-1 Introduction: This is the first of my "AdamDesire" series of stories, an autobiography of that part of my life having to do with my love of cross-dressing. For many years, I kept a book of notes about my experiences being dressed in women's clothing and the different women who guided me on those journeys. These are excerpts from those journals and notes Its my very personal true story. Since I lived them, I hope that you see that my stories have the ring of true...

1 year ago
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Adam comes home for Christmas

Adam could not wait to get back to the warmth of Florida from his college in the North East. He liked the university, just not the climate. He was met at his plane by his parents and his f******n year old little sister, Alice. He was a freshman in college and she was also a freshman, but in high school. It was very hot that day and she was just wearing a loose halter top and some very short and very tight shorts. It had only been four months since he saw her last, but she seemed to have...

2 years ago
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 8

Kristen: These two teens had permanent smiles, it seemed; that well-fucked look. Amy followed me upstairs while I changed. "About our little party for Adam, um, I've been thinking. It would be pretty daring, you know, doing all that in front of each other. But, I think Adam would love it. Where else can a guy find two prettier women who want to make him happy. I think I'd like to do it, even in front of my mom." Well, the ball seemed to now be in my court. My daughter was becoming a...

3 years ago
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Adam and Ellie Part I

It was a typical Tuesday; I was off work, Adam was at his store that he opened, and our two-year old was sharing his cereal with the dogs. Days like today made it hard to believe it was only five years ago when Adam found me upset and pissed off in the old bar down the road. How did one chance encounter, hundreds of miles from home, lead to this little family?The only thing different about today was the fact I had news to share with Adam, and him me. We were going out to dinner later that...

Love Stories
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Adam Jason and I chpt2

“Hey Adam, let’s go to sleep in your room, just in case someone comes into the game room and it’s a bit uncomfortable here.” I said “Ok…” He replied in a daze I lifted him up in my arms wedding style and started walking down the hallway looking back at the couch, it was covered in stains if anyone came in within the next hour or two it would be obvious what we had done there. I finally got to his room good thing his parents had gotten him a big bed, it was queen sized. I put him down and...

3 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

The next morning I went to swim practice at the Y as usual. The Y, however, had started to get whacky. In particular, Ethan and his girlfriend Caitlin were undressing near the center of the locker room formerly known as Men's. Caitlin was on the girl's swim team at Inner Outlands High School. "Hi, Ethan. Hi Caitlin," I greeted them, "What's up?" "Just practice," answered Ethan. And with that, he and Caitlin strolled out naked toward the pool. I just stood and thought about that...

2 years ago
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 13

Kristen: As I woke up, I could see Amy up over Adam sucking his cock as he licked her pussy. What a nice way to wake up with all this lust and loving going on around me. I knew my daughter was happy. Unfortunately, we had to take Adam to the airport later that afternoon and then return home to a male-less household. As I watched them, Adam wrenched and cummed into Amy's mouth as a bit ran down her chin. Ah, it had happened to me many a time. She started bucking against Adam and I could see...

3 years ago
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Adam Jason and I Chpt 5

After dressing, we gathered our things and his mother dropped us off at the band hall entrance to the school, now I was nervous, if he was right, as much as I would enjoy it, would mean that I would have lost and he was then in command. We made our way into the band hall, I opened the door alone, as Adam wanted a drink of water before going inside, immediately five pairs of eyes landed on me, stalking its prey, me. Wow…. It hadn’t even taken a minute, I thought as the five girls came over to me...

2 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 15

It didn’t take either of them long to settle on the motorcycle, listening to the purr of the engine, feeling the wind in their hair. Both felt a sense of renewal, always enjoying how it felt to ride. Adam could tell it wasn’t her first ride the way her body went with the curves of the rode, thankful for that. He rode all around town enjoying the sites, chatting and giggling with each other now and then. Jesse had put her arms around his waist and laid her head on the back of his shoulder. She...

2 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

The next morning I ate a light breakfast, then went to the Y for an hour of laps. There were only a few other swimmers and like myself, most of them were on swim teams. Everyone wore suits and used separate locker rooms. I enjoyed the sheer normalcy of it. After heading back to the locker room, I found that my PDA had a message waiting. So, after showering and getting dressed, I strapped it onto my wrist and told it to read the message. Hi Adam, this is Ben. I'm at registration here with...

4 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 5 Friday

As it turned out I only slept until 7:00 AM, but even that was really late for me. I think the sunlight woke me up; it was usually dark when I got up for workouts. Noises and pleasant aromas were coming from the kitchen, both irresistible. I sat up in bed, stretched, went to the bathroom, checked that my pajama bottoms were closed, and headed downstairs. Dad, apparently, had already left for his flight. The newspaper and some dirty dishes were at his place, but no sign of Dad himself. Effie...

3 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 18 Sunday at Shallow Chasm

Sunday morning everyone at Jonson's feasted on the leftovers from Nate's Swedish Breakfast and actually made a dent in them. Then, at eight, everyone assembled in the front yard for the drive to Shallow Chasm. In addition to Adam and me, this included Nadia, Ben, Dan, Olivia, Ginger, Cynthia, Lucy Lastik, Edgar Robinsong, Guido Rabottini from Guido's Quick Fill, Bushman's office clerk Fiona Fledermaus, and Lola Liliuo, the soccer mom with the fake Mohawk. In fact, the whole Liliuo family...

2 years ago
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 2

Kristen: Well, I've got him poised to shove his really beautiful, pink cock into me and am I ready. I'm really turned-on being naked with a guy less than half my age whose cock tastes so nice and fresh. Ah, it was sliding in now and I must say, it felt wonderful. I wish I'd been my nephew's first but this would have to do. He was rubbing my breasts as we fucked and I was flexing my pelvic muscles, squeezing tight to give him a real tug when he pulls back. Oh that felt delicious. We...

3 years ago
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 4

Adam: If anything, Amy's pussy is nicer than Kristen's. Now, don't get me wrong. Both are wonderful. But I think this is the first time Amy has had a guy go down on her. She had hold of me pulling me into her pussy like she never wanted it to stop. And, what an orgasm. I've seen quite a few but she went off like a rocket. And now, fucking her. Oh, so sweet. She has a perfect body and she's not just a passive receptacle for cock like one girl I've been with who just lay there as you...

4 years ago
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Adam and Eve Part 5

Times they are a changin So we were back home. The routine of everyday life at university, lectures, research in the library, writing up experiments was the order of the day and soon brought us back to reality and the holiday faded into a warm memory. In some ways it was a relief, we had probably indulged in too much drinking and possibly in too much sex while we were on holiday. As a memento Babs bought me a wine bottle charm for my bracelet. The climax of our relationship with...

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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 5

Adam: Can a dick wear out? I hope not. I've had non-stop sex all day and, now, I'm on call for a good fucking later tonight. And, good fucking it will be, too. My Aunt Kristen would be the dream of any guy and I'm slipping into her room shortly and she'll be naked waiting for me. Jealous, aren't you? I looked at Amy's door and it seemed like her lights were out so I went to the end of the hall, rapped lightly, and entered, pulling off my shirt as I went. Beautifully naked, Kristen sat...

2 years ago
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 12

Kristen: "I've got a lasagna ready for the oven. Let me go put it in. You two behave yourselves while I'm gone." As Amy reached for Adam's cock, I said, "Amy, must you play with Adam's dick all the time? Poor guy." "Mom, if Adam doesn't want me to, he can ask me to stop." "No I won't, ever." "Well, I may play with it myself when I get back." So, the dinner was in the oven and the timer set. I had just enough time to get back upstairs to play with Adam myself. "My turn,...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 3 Wednesday

Upon awakening, the first thing I sensed was nakedness, complete nakedness: no bedspread, no blanket, no sheet, no bedclothes. Just me, my ever-present erection and the air. The door was open for anyone who wanted to peek. Dignity at that point wasn't much of an option. Blithely and boldly I navigated the hallway and seized the bathroom before the twins or anyone else took it over. I tried my new pissing exercises for a few minutes, but achieved no real success. Instead, I began my shower...

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Adam 4 Seduced by Megans Tutor

In this 4th chapter about the seductions of Adam, he joins Megan in her tutoring sessions, only to be seduced by the tutor, a friend of theirs. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16...

3 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 08

Continuing Story – Please read other chapters. * * * * * It had only been an hour or so when he felt Jesse stir, and he was awakened by her soft cry. Adam could tell instantly that she was dreaming. She had moved away from him and she had her hands in front of her as if trying to stop someone. ‘Stop. ‘ She cried so softly he could barely hear her and saw that she was dreaming. ‘Honey, it’s just a dream. You’re okay. ‘ He held her tightly to him and brushed her hair with his hand trying to...

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ADAM oder der Mann mit dem Hengstschwanz

ADAM Adam war ein ganz normaler Mann. Er sah nicht wie ein Männermodell aus, war aber ein attraktiver Kerl. Er war körperlich mit sich im Reinen. Keine Bodybuilderfigur aber, er konnte sich durchaus sehen lassen. Adam hatte blonde, kurze Haare und war 1.85 m groß. Er hatte schöne, breite Schultern. Schultern, an denen sich Frauen sehr gerne anlehnen würden, doch da gab es doch noch ein großes Problem. Wahrscheinlkich werden einige Männer neidisch sein oder manch einer auch Lachen, doch Adam...

3 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

The next morning I woke up as usual and headed down to the Y for workouts. As I neared the locker rooms, I saw Ethan and Caitlin enter what used to be Men's, with three more girls and two naked guys right behind them. No one seemed to be using the former Women's room, however, so with some trepidation, that's where I went. Inside, the former Women's room wasn't much different from the former Men's. Of course there were no urinals, but the tiles, lockers, and benches were the same. The...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 5 Tuesday at School

The bell rang just as I got to Honors Seminar. I barely got to my usual spot snuggling with Pietre when Holloway began her daily announcements. "Good morning, students," she began as usual. "Today a student who's in The Program would like to present some information. I think you'll see why I've granted her request. Go ahead, Dee." The picture changed and there was Dee, extra-tall frame, extra-long mouth, extra-long hair, extra-high heels, and extra whatever else. Her eyes looked...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 16 Saturday at Plummet Field

The next morning I woke with Adam's arm draped across my side. Eventually I couldn't hold still any longer and then he woke up too. "You doin' OK?" he whispered. "Yeah, weird but OK, I guess." "Olivia's just a friend. You know that, right? And it was Friday the thirteenth..." "Yeah, shower buddies," I recalled, silently regretting I'd ever proposed that arrangement. Then oh well, I thought: better the trouble you know. Gently I grabbed his cock. "You better be careful,...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 17 Saturday at Bushies OffRoad

We got to Bushman's shortly before nine thirty but pandemonium had clearly preceded us. For one thing, there was a craft fair operating in the park across the street. Nobody had checked the park schedule, and nobody had made provisions. Neither, of course, had the craft show vendors. As a result, the artists, artisans, food vendors, and local merchants were all arguing furiously about curb space. Progress was slow but step by step, inch by inch, everyone was slowly getting settled. The next...

2 years ago
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 3

Adam: God, it was terrible trying to keep my hands off my aunt until Amy went off to bed. I had a raging hard-on by then and was really ready for our lovemaking. We had tried several positions that were new to me; it's wonderful being with a more experienced woman. Oh, yeah, just incredible. So, after we had made love (Some nights we did it twice, some just once, but then I got a blowjob as an extra.), Kristen said, "Adam, I just love what we're doing and I want to ask you a favor. I...

3 years ago
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 9

Adam: Unbelievable. I had two of the most beautiful women in the world making love to me. I'd lusted over my Aunt Kristen ever since I first started getting erections. Now, her daughter has bloomed into a junior edition of her: hair, breasts, hips, legs and all. Kristen was sucking my whipped cream-coated dick and Amy was rubbing her breasts in my face while I rubbed her pussy between her wide-stanced legs. I hoped my here could hold up through all this. My two lovers switched places and...

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Adam and Eves First Time

Alone was I, walking aimlessly through the green pastures and meadows, when upon a forested glen I did come. Seeing no harm in it, I entered the shadowy realm for a little exploratory expedition. Soon I realized I must be careful of the myriad array of briars and brambles which could rip and tear uncovered skin. I began thinking about how lucky animals were to have fur or hair for skin protection. The only furry hair covering I had on my body was on the top of my head and between my legs. I...

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