Doc's Complex 12 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 2 free porn video

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Doc's Complex 12 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 2 by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 12 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex." Susan in Adam's body gains his skills, but Adam in Susan's body has a problem. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I said Victorian but it's actually the Regency period just before that. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't edit mistakes or respond to any reviews until December. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction to Chapter 11 "I forget," admitted Lilyan, "exactly which traits are passed on when RNA is transferred from one brain to another. Charlettia could probably tell you. She was involved in a study where they trained a rat to take the shortest path through a maze, and then injected the RNA from the brain of that rat into another rat, and the new rat took the same route through the maze that they had trained the other rat to take. RNA is a brain chemical about half as complicated as DNA, which is still pretty complicated. Our brains use it to store things like skills, habits, memories, things you had to memorize and can rattle off by rote afterwards like multiplication tables, poems, and all the dates and names and countries and other things you learned in school. In other words, the RNA in your brain stores all those other things that don't require us to think too much when we do them. Now, obviously, if you transfer thoughts from one brain to another by connecting wires between the two brains, you will not transfer the RNA, so while you can transfer things like thoughts, and that constant chatter and talking to yourself you do inside your head that makes up your identity and personality, you won't transfer the memories, skills, and all that knowledge you built up over time. When Doc transferred Adam's thoughts and personality into Susan's body, and hers into his, they each found themselves in new bodies, but they did not yet know what their new bodies knew. They also had the interesting problem of thinking that they knew things when they did not actually have the information in their current brains. Susan had the advantage there. She had never gone to school, and had been careful all her life to hide her illiteracy from even her husband. She had also carefully questioned him to find out what sorts of things he did know about, and they often passed the time of an evening with him listing his classes and topics of study, while she stared at him fascinated that a single brain could hold such a variety of knowledge. When she awoke in Adam's body with all of his Harvard education suddenly available to her, it was as if she had been climbing a mountain through fog all her life, and had suddenly broken through the fog just as she reached the peak. The whole bright world was spread out before her, she could see where she wanted to go as well as the best path to take, and it was as easy as rolling down a hill. She started her own accounting firm, soon hired the best of the people who had worked the closed ccompany, expanded to other cities, and prospered all her life. Adam's experience, however, was quite different. ------------------------------------------------ Chapter 11 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 2 Adam awoke for only long enough to answer Doc's questions. He felt a need to assure the ugly man that his experiment had succeeded, although he could not quite remember the reason for the experiment. Doc seemed satisfied, Adam felt relieved, and he dropped off to sleep again. The second time he awoke, he realized that he was no longer a man and screamed. When he heard the feminine pitch of his voice, he screamed again. When he discovered he had smooth skin and women's breasts, well, that's when he really began screaming in earnest! Someone held a bottle to his lips, so he must drink or drown, so he drank the sweet-tasting liquid and then he slept again, his dreams filled with images of that laboratory, of the ugly dwarf in the white coat, of beautiful women doing horrible things to animals, of two tables where something nameless and awful would happen if he approached them. A man woke him up. He would have started screaming again when he saw his own face on the other man's body, but a strip of cloth wrapped around his head gagged his mouth. "It's alright, Susan. I'm here. We're at home again. I'm healthy, you're healthy, and Doc did as he promised us. He paid all our debts!" Adam looked around himself and saw his own bedroom, the room he shared with Susan. He, wait! "That man with my face called ME 'Susan'! That doctor completed his experiment!" He remembered feeling those folds of flesh where his prick had been, the soft skin of his arms and chest, the breasts on his chest, and the sound of his screams. "Oh my gracious! I am Susan now, and she is me!" He could not speak, so he looked at the man with worried eyes and made a very small noise like a kitten. "Are you calm now?" asked the man, and Adam nodded yes. "You won't scream again if I remove the gag, will you?" Adam shook his head no. "Okay, I'm going to untie it now, Susan." He did pulled the strip of cloth away. Adam was going to speak, when the man put his finger on his lips. "Before you say anything, please remember that you are Susan now, and I am your loving husband, Adam. Doc said that we should not endeavor to attempt to perform his experiment a second time, it would be dangerous for us to even undergo the preparations for such a procedure so you must inhabit that womanly frame in perpetuity. Please know that I do love you, my darling, and I will endeavor to plant the pitiful stipend Doc paid us and nurture it into a tree, nay, a forest of affluence! for us to move even as far up in the social register as to consider taking up residence in Beacon Hill. I'm afraid however, that as I will be navigating the oceans of the financial world, you must needs take on the burden of performing domestic duties. Do you understand?" He removed his finger from Adam's lips. Adam did not know that his wife, in her constant attempt to hide her illiteracy, had often pretended that she understood her husband's long- winded proclamations, without having the vocabulary to know what half of it meant. Now he stared at the face of the man sitting at his bedside, completely ignorant of the meaning of any of those long, Harvard University words. To Adam, that speech was made even more difficult by his attempts to interpret what he did not understand in terms that he did understand. Susan's education on her father's farm by her mother in the skills that a woman must know, had resulted in a brain filled with a vocabulary that made Adam's desperate search for meaning misinterpret many of the sounds he heard. In fact, to him that speech sounded something like this: "Before you say anything, please remember that you are Susan now, and I am your loving husband, Adam. Doc said that we should not end ever to tempt to purr form his experiment (Why purr? Is there a cat here?) a second time, it would be dangerous for us to even under Oh! The palpitations for such a prose seed your sew you must in habit (I must sew a habit? What? Like those clothes the Catholic nuns wear?) that womanly frame (Does it frame a painting?) in perpetuity (I know that word! The pastor always uses that word when talking about hell. Is he saying my life will be hell from now on?) Please know that I do love you, my darling, and I will end ever to plant the piggy full sty pen (What is he talking about? You don't plant pigs in a sty, and a sty IS a pen. Is he trying to tell me that this house is a pig sty that needs cleaning?) Doc paid us and nurture it into a tree, nay, a forest of alfalfa lents! (Alfalfa doesn't grow on trees! He knows nothing about farming, which is odd because Susan grew up on a farm.) for us to move (Move! He does want us to move to a farm!) even as far up in the so shall Reggies trees two cons sitter taking up rezi dense (Pure nonsense.) in Beacon Hill. (there are no farms in Beacon Hill. That's where the rich people live.) I'm afraid however, that as I will be navigating the oceans of the financial world. (Oceans? Is he going to sail away without me?) you must knees steak (maybe he means I should knead steaks? Or pound them to make them more tender? I'm hungry. Is he suggesting steak for dinner?) on the burden of purr forming (There's that cat again.) domestic duties. Do you understand?" The honest answer would have been a simple "No," but Adam was too confused even to say that much. "Something seems to be wrong with my hearing," he thought as he silently gazed into the eyes he had only before seen in mirrors. "I know I myself have said all of those words, but most of what he said sounds like either nonsense or meaningless sounds to me. Perhaps that is what they mean when they say that a man and a woman can never really understand each other. I am in a woman's body now, so I must now do the things women do, and let him do what men do." Aloud, Adam said, "I trust that you will do your best, my darling husband." He saw the smile on the man's face and said, "And I, now being the woman, must begin to prepare our dinner. Am I wrong in thinking that you would like to have steak for dinner?" He sat up, feeling the new, yet familiar feeling of his breasts shifting on his chest under his cotton nightgown. Susan had a very shapely body, which did not match the current style of slender sticks, as he called the skinny women who showed off their figures these days. His full breasts and hips were a reminder of Adam's preferences. "I wonder if Susan will like this body as much as I did," Adam thought as he waited for the man's -- his husband's -- reply, "Steak? Yes, steak to celebrate our bright new future!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out his coin purse. "Let's find out how much your brain still knows. Do you know what the butcher is likely to charge you for a couple of thick, sirloin steaks?" "What he charges? Why, he, um..." Adam trailed off as he tried to dredge up any memory about a butcher. He thought, "I must know what the butcher charges. Susan got meat from him twice a week when I was still working. I know the memory must be here, but I can't get at it. Doc said this would happen and I only need to find a way to relate it to something I did as a man. I never bought steak, but I did help a client who invested in beef futures. I'll just divide the price of a hundred shares of beef by...uh...Oh, my! Oh, no!" That was when he discovered the horrifying fact that Susan's brain had no concept of large numbers or even basic arithmetic. Quickly exploring this hole in his knowledge, Adam discovered that even a "hundred" was translated as "a lot." He understood "a lot" to mean, "more than I can figure on my fingers." In response to the bewildered look of confusion and betrayal that must have been on Adam's face, the man said, "Oh, don't worry your silly little head about it, Susan. Here, this should cover it." He handed her a few coins. "I'm going to go out and see if an idea I have for investing out meager capital is feasible. I'll be back in time for lunch, darling. Good-bye." He kissed Adam on the cheek, and Adam, already thinking about several things at once: that he would now have to get dressed in women's clothing, and that he would have to cook breakfast now that Susan was a man and men did not cook, what to make for breakfast, and, starting to plan his preparations for dinner, which vegetables in their cold storage room would go with steak, absently said, "Good bye, Susan." PAIN! He had slapped Adam's face so hard that Adam fell backward onto the bed. The man's face changed color and he exploded, "DO NOT CALL ME 'SUSAN' EVER AGAIN!" Adam had only just started to reconcile himself to being a member of the weaker sex, cowered on the bed and looked fearfully, tearfully at the giant towering over him, and he started crying, and then cried more from the sheer shame of being a weak woman who would cry from a single slap. He had been in his share of drunken brawls in the taverns as a man. One of the pastimes of men in a tavern was to see who could hold the most liquor, it was a rare week when Adam had no bruises, but he had been proud of the fact that he always gave as good as he got or better. He was equally proud of the fact that he had never hit a woman, or indeed anyone weaker than himself, even when Susan had provoked him. She had always taken her anger out on him physically, and he provoked her back by NOT responding in kind. Now she, in his strong body, had hit him in her weaker one. That is not to say Susan's body was weak. She shopped wood, carried buckets of water and milk, walked everywhere she had to go, and was generally as fit as any woman would be who got several hours of heavy exercise every day. But Adam's outweighed Susan's by sixty pounds, he stood almost a foot taller, and his job included not only arithmetic figuring and accounting, but also handling the huge accounting ledgers, leather-bound books two feet high that weighed as much as thirty pounds each. He, too, walked everywhere he went carrying his heavy satchel, and while tavern brawling was often painful, it also developed strong muscles and quick reflexes. "I hate this," Adam silently lamented. "First, I wake up in a woman's body, then I find I cannot understand ordinary speech or arithmetic, I must do women's work for the rest of my life, I must live as a wife, subservient to my husband, who is my wife in my own body, and now he has hit me so hard as to knock me over! Look! He approaches! O! What will he do to me now? I cannot look!" He scrambled to the far side of the bed, cowering in the corner of the headboard and the wall, holding an arm over his face lest he be hit again. Strong hands grasped Adam's shoulders; he felt himself pulled up and being hugged by arms that seemed strong enough to crush him. "Oh! My darling! I'm sorry! I did not know the strength these arms possess! I promise never to hit you again." Adam sobbed into the strong man's shoulder, his tears soaking his coat. The position reminded him of being a small child in his father's comforting arms. "It hurt so much," he sobbed. "I feared you would kill me." "No, my love. I did not think! I know, now, how brave you were never to hit me back when I hit you before. There is such strength in these arms that I feel I could move mountains, and my rage, too, was so powerful that I wanted to destroy something, to lash out, to smash--" Adam pushed away from him and glared angrily at him, "And so you chose my face to smash! That is NOT the way a gentleman behaves, SIR! He does not beat women, or children, or anyone weaker than himself. You have my body now, and it is far stronger than this one. You are my husband, Mr. Hawkins: my protector, the man who is supposed to take care of me, and instead my face is aflame with pain and humiliation!" Adam sobbed again, sniffed, and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "Your slap feels worse than any injury I ever suffered in any tavern. It hurts from my cheek right through to the other side of my head!" Susan, in his body, looked fearfully at Adam and then at his right hand. "I never knew," he said in wonderment, "how much strength you held back when I railed on you so, when I hit you in my fury. I see now that you were far more of a man than I ever credited. I can see now why you fought other men in the tavern. This strength makes me want to prove something." "Then do! Use your strength to prove what you always believed, husband. When we were, when you were in this body you always thought that your cleverness combined with my knowledge would overwhelm the male world of business and finance. Now you have both together in that brain, in that body. Do what you always berated me for not doing. Don't waste your strength brawling in taverns; use it to conquer the world!" "Oh, Susan--" "Do not call me 'Susan,' either, Mr. Hawkins. I do not know you, and you do not know who I am now." Adam laughed, "Heavens, husband! I don't even know who I am now, so how could you? Let us not be so familiar as to call each other by our first names, until our new identities are firmly established in our new bodies." Adam gingerly touched his burning cheek and added, "I do not even know if I like who you have become." The man looked put-off by that, but after a moment's pause, he stiffly said, "As you wish, wife. I shall call you, 'Mrs. Hawkins'." He stood and bowed. "You need not fear that I will hit you again, madam. I will leave the room so you can get dressed. Would you like a cold compress for your face?" Adam nodded, and his husband left the room. He sat on the bed, worried that he had said too much, that he had gone too far. "I saw the pain my words caused him. I never spoke so bluntly before in my life. I don't know what came over me. Can it be that my words can inflict as much damage to him as his hand did to me? I must learn to curb my own temper and withhold the strength of my tongue as much as he must learn to withhold the strength of his arms." He went to Susan's, now his wardrobe and sifted through the items neatly folded in the drawers, unfolding them to see what each one was, and then folding the duplicates back the way they were. She had arranged her clothes, he discovered, in the order that she put them on, "Drawers," he sniffed, pulling out the lace-trimmed underpants. "I have not worn drawers since I was old enough to wear long pants!" As he pulled the undergarment on under his nightdress, he sobbed again, and berated himself for taking such a long time to recover from the intensity of his emotions. "He left the room minutes ago! He apologized and I yelled at him, and I'm still crying. Why cannot I give it over?" He unfolded a chemise and looked it over. "Perhaps I am crying about more than that one slap. I've never put on one of these in my life! Look at the delicate lace trim, the embroidered flowers, her initials so carefully copied from that page in my notebook, because she said she wanted to copy the way that I wrote them." He thought about the way she had complimented him and gotten him to figure numbers for her, and how she loved it when he read to her, saying she liked the sound of his voice, but she would never do the same for him, saying she could never do it as well as he did. And now this. He already knew Susan could not do arithmetic. Was it that she liked his handwriting so much, or was it that she COULD not write? "Oh, no!" He held the garment out at arm's length, and then turned, looking around the room. A book lay on the small table where he had put it after reading Susan to sleep the night before the experiment. Fearing what he would discover, Adam picked up the book and opened it to a random page. There were the lines of print, the little ants and circles and lines that made up the letters, and that was it. "No, it can't be!" he moaned, closing the book. "All this time! If she'd only asked, I would have been glad to teach her how to read! Does this brain even know the alphabet?" He opened the book again, hoping Susan had at least learned that much, and he studied a page. "There's an S, and another one, and that's an H just like on the chemise. There's an E. I can see that. Huh. It's the big letters I know, but not the small ones. Oh, Susan, why did you have to be so proud that you couldn't ask me? I would have taught you to read and add. Without reading, she probably never learned to write, either. Oh, I'm trapped! I'm doomed!" A knock on the door, "I have your compress," Adam's husband said from outside. "Shall I bring it in? Are you decent? Mrs. Hawkins? Are you there?" The door opened, and he came in to see Adam sprawled on the bed crying into a pillow. "Oh, for heaven's sake! Are you still crying about..." He saw the book in his wife's hand and shut up. Adam turned on him, holding the book out as if it explained everything. It did, but the big man stayed silent. "I can't read! I don't even know the alphabet! You never told me! You never could read and you never told me! What? Did you think I would have left you? That I would have thought you were beneath me? I loved you! I loved reading! Don't you think I would have shown you how? Don't you think I would have taught you? Do you have any idea what you have taken from me? Books took me to places I could never hope to travel. They taught me things about the whole rest of the world, about things I did not know how to do! I depended on books to learn how to be a good wife to you." The man stared at Adam in confusion. "How to be a good wife? I don't understand." "OF COURSE YOU DON'T!" Adam screamed at him. "You have no idea what books are good for, because you never read one, you never used one to look up something you didn't know, because you could not read!" He got up and stalked past his former body, storming into their living room, walking up to the bookshelves, his spouse following in confusion. "Read the titles of these books. Aloud, please." He walked closer, and picked the first one she indicated. "'First Catch Your Hare....' The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy," he read. He put it back and took the next. "A New System of Domestic Cookery by A Lady." Then there was, "American Cookery," and a very old book called, "The Accomplisht Cook, or the Art and Mystery of Cookery." The next a book with a red binding, was called, "The Housekeeper's Instructor; or Universal Family Cook." Curious, he opened it and read, "Being a Full and Clear Display of the Art of Cookery in all its Branches, Containing Proper Directions for dressing all Kinds of Butcher's Meat, Poultry, Game, Fish, &c.; the Method of preparing al the varieties of Soups, Hashes, and Made Dishes; The Whole Art Of Confectionary, Picking, Preserving, &C; The making and Keeping in Perfection British Wines; and Proper Rules For Brewing Malt Liquor For Large Or Small Families. To Which is Added, The Complete Art of Carving, Illustrated with Engravings, Explaining by proper References, The Manner in which Young Practitioners may aquit themselves at Table with Elegance and Ease. Also Bills of Fare for Every Month in the Year; The Manner of Decorating a Table, displayed by Copper Plates; Directions for Marketing; Observations on Culinary Poisons, and the Management of the Kitchen and Fruit Garden. By W.A. Henderson, Many Years eminent in the Culinary Profession." "Do you see?" Adam's voice achieved a whining tone. "I knew that I know nothing about cooking or being a housewife, so I bought books that I could use to look up what I could not get from your memories after I became the woman of the house. Now that I, that I am, that I am STUCK in this body, in this illiterate brain of yours, I don't even know what half those words you just read mean, even if I could read them." "I can read!" "Fine," Adam said sulkily, "And I suppose that you're going to read and explain what every recipe means when you are off running your business somewhere and I am supposed to make your dinner." "No, I mean, I can read! I just read a whole passage out of a book! I never did that before! I look at a word and it's not just a lot of little marks." He pulled another book from the large collection, opened it to the middle, and read, "Is there anything men take more pains about than to render themselves unhappy? It is better to take many injuries than to give one." He put it back and opened another. "By hearing him often I came to distinguish easily between sermons newly composed and those which he," he stopped reading, saying, "The rest of the page is a footnote." He turned the page and continued, "had often preached in the course of his travels. His delivery of the latter was so improved by frequent repetition that every accent, every emphasis, every modulation of voice, was so perfectly well turned and well placed that without being interested in the subject one could not help being pleased with the discourse; a pleasure of much a pleasure of much the same kind with that received from an excellent piece of music. This is an advantage itinerant preachers have over those who are stationary, as the latter cannot well improve their delivery of a sermon by so many rehearsals." Adam sat in a chair with his elbows on his knees, his head cupped in his hands, looking up at his spouse reading aloud. Listening to his voice was soothing, calming; it dissipated his anger and frustration. Watching his husband's face light up in his enthusiasm at being able to read lightened Adam's spirits and inspired enthusiasm in him as well. "Is this what Susan felt when I read aloud to her and when I excitedly told her of my hopes for our future?" He felt a spark of love for the oddly familiar man who was now his husband, and whose brain held the spirit of his wife, a woman who had been far more complicated than Adam had ever imagined. ----------------------------------------------- Again in their bedroom, Adam got dressed while his husband went to the butcher. He had not known what the time was until he had seen the position of the sun. Evidently, he had also left behind the ability to read either the face of the mantle clock or a pocket watch to tell the time, not that anyone had wound any of them since the experiment. He remembered being so proud that he could afford to have a clock in every room, and had made a point of winding them each week. He stopped moving as he suddenly realized that the experiment must have been more than a week ago! Desperately, he looked around the room, as if anything there could tell him what day it was. "I'm being silly," he told himself. "There could be a calendar on every wall and I still would not know, even if I could read it. I need a newspaper." Then he added, "and someone to read it and tell me what it says." Throwing off his night dress, he pushed his arms through the chemise and then brought it over his head, unconsciously maneuvering it so it would not snag on the tight bun of hair he had at the rear of the top of his head. He pulled it all the way down so the hem hung below his knees, noticing that the legs of his drawers stuck out several inches below. He straightened the short sleeves around his shoulders, and then smoothed the bodice around his waist so there would be no uncomfortable wrinkles under his corset. Sitting on a chair he pulled on a pair of knitted stockings. He looked at the way they were knitted and he suddenly knew how to make another pair just like them. His corset came next. For everyday wear, he did not need to tighten it very much. Besides making his figure look nice, he mainly wore it to provide support when he carried heavy items like firewood and milk buckets. He wrapped it around himself, fastened a dozen hooks in the back into loops, and then threaded the long lace back and forth in much the same way that he had laced up his men's boots, tightening it and tying it off the same way. It felt snug and reassuring, like a constant hug. His gown came next, the colorful garment that men called a dress. He was glad Susan had been able to get some with the high-waist of the new fashion before Adam had lost his job. This dress was a light blue with white trim, puffed sleeves that went halfway down his upper arms, and a satin waistband below his breasts. A woman normally left her upper chest exposed when at home, but he wrapped a kerchief around his neck and tucked it into the neckline of his gown as if he was indoors with a stranger or planning to go outside. It was indecent to show off a lot of bare skin where others could see it. Adam still thought it was too soon to start being familiar with the man, although the ice around his heart had melted a little while listening to him read. Before leaving the bedroom, he pulled on his flat-heeled pumps, wrapped their ribbons around his ankles, and tied them into tiny bows. He looked in the mirror and murmured, "I think I'll also wear my cap." It was two pieces of cotton cloth sewn together to cover his hair so it would not get dusty. Again, Susan had sewn ruffles around the front to make it prettier. Women did not normally wear their caps at home when no visitors were expected, but Adam wanted to keep his husband at arm's length. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Lilyan said, "I'm going to have t'cut this story short. We're almost there. Doc'd told them t'visit him every day t'report their thoughts, discoveries, and what they found that they knew or din't know about themselves and each other. "It took three months for Adam t'finally admit t'himself that he was a she, t'allow anyone t'call her Susan, and t'start calling her husband Adam. She found that she had no problems doing women's tasks like cooking, sewing, knitting, tending their kitchen garden, and shopping. She insisted that Adam teach her reading, writing, and arithmetic." "The three Rs," Berrry remarked. "Huh? What three Rs?" "Readin', 'Ritin' and 'Rithmetic." She paused, and then said carefully, "You DO know that two o' those words don't really start with th'letter R, don't you?" Berry had never thought about it before. He said, "I never thought about it before. That's just what they call a basic education back in the Real World. Now that you mention it, it's a pretty uneducated way to describe a basic education, isn't it?" "Yes, especially while I'm telling th'story of a woman who didn't know any o' th'three! So, as I said earlier, Doc spent most of his time talking with Susan in Adam's body, recording what he did and did not remember about being Susan, and what he did and did not remember about being Adam. He interviewed Adam and gave him quizzes and tested his reactions, and almost completely ignored what was going on with Adam's mind in Susan's body." Berry did not comment aloud, but thought, "No wonder all the girls idolize this Doc! He really is more interested in a woman's mind than her body!" "I know about her side o' the story because after she learned to write, she recorded all her experiences and she gave her diary t'my grandmother as a small girl. My grandmother grew up and then searched for a descendent o' Doc's t'show him (or her) th'diary. Instead of a descendant, she found Doc himself alive and well and living in an 'intentional community' in upstate New York with dozens o' women and babies. He was delighted that Susan had learned t'read and write, and although he had performed and perfected many other ways of experimenting with and using living brains, he spent days with my grandmother digging out his own notes from that experiment and th'two of them created a day- by-day account of th'progress o' th'integration of their minds with their new bodies, and my grandmother joined his community and helped him with his research." "You said that Adam became successful in business. Did Susan become successful at something?" "Raising babies. Susan had eleven children including my grandmother's mother." ----------------------------------------------- To Be Continued! ----------------------------------------------- Author's note: I just realized that I forgot to go through what people said 2 chapters ago to make sure that Doc's Girls comments had those contractions. I'll fix that next month. I initially intended to make this a much shorter chapter, but the characters insisted on getting all emotional, and the story kept growing. I hope it was as much fun to read as it was to write. Comments welcome, but I won't be answering any until after NaNoWriMo is over. I'm writing this novel as part of the 2012 NaNoWriMo challenge to write a novel of at least 50,000 words between November 1st and 30th. I actually passed the 50,000 word mark with this chapter and November is not even half over, so this may end up being a novel with 100K words! Also, I intended to post a chapter a day during November, but this chapter took 5 days to write, so although it will be a longer novel than planned, it will probably end up with less than 30 chapters. (For more info about National Novel Writing Month, see By the way, if you like to write and can't resist improving this story with extra characters or new adventures or situations for the existing characters, go ahead! The Complex has over 500 Levels, is populated by millions of beautiful, buxom, sexy, intelligent women (and a few thousand men,) more than half of whom are scientists, and Doc's timeline spans over 200 years, so if there's a science fiction or feminist plot clich?, you can find it there somewhere! You have my permission to post your version on FictionMania. To avoid confusion, add a letter to the chapter #, like "Doc's Complex 09a," and make up a new title. Who knows? If enough people do it, FictionMania may add a new category!

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

2 years ago
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VeraSusans Surprise

Introduction: a dog is still a dog Susans Surprise This is fiction, any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** Sunday afternoon Susan fumed as she lay on the lounge lay by the pool. She had dumped her boy friend. Not that she really cared for him in the first place. The suggestion he made to her on their date two weeks ago was gross. So she demanded he take her home. The fact she had given him her virginity last...

3 years ago
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Susan Adam and Joe

Susan, Adam and JoeFamily, Close Relations, Up skirt/Pantie Flash, Multiple partners, Cum Dump, Pregnancy Joe arrived at Susan's in the mid afternoon. Adam and 4 of his “crew” were there. Susan had on her “little Blue Dress”, one just sexy enough to entice, over sheer “Day Glow” bright yellow, bra and pantie set. Adam brought in his suit bag and over night suitcase. He noticed the suitcase was weighty, but passed the thought, and left with his crew. Coming back an hour later, out of the view...

3 years ago
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Susan and Adam

Adam and SusanA kinky Twisted tale of Family, Close Relations, Older/Younger. Up Skirt/Pantie Flash, Multiple Partners, Cum play, Cream Pie “You know you've ruined my womb, I never should have let you in there”, Susan giggled. Adam replied, “it's your fault! You pushed back on me! I was fine with just getting your pussy”. They played the blame game feeding each others ego, fanning the flames of their taboo lust. Susan had always been promiscuous. She missed her graduation while birthing Adam....

2 years ago
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Madam Im Adam

Warning: This story uses scripture to explore the perils facing time travelers if the bible (and in particular, Genesis) could be interpreted literally. If you are a rabid bible-thumper, you should probably stop reading here. On the other hand, if you actually possess a sense of humor, please continue. Madam, I'm Adam By Sue Kidder Chapter 1. "Adam, you've got to give up this foolishness. Even if time travel...

2 years ago
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Candy Stroker Part 2 Adam and I Explore

Candy Stroker, Part 2: Adam and I Explore I went home and played with myself once more before falling asleep. I called Adam when I woke up, but he was out somewhere with his parents, I guess; no one answered. Well, that week was frustrating for me. I worked three afternoons, and Adam's family wouldn't let him out on school nights. Also, he got a job that kept him busy after school! We only saw each between classes or during lunch. I couldn't wait to surprise him with what I'd learned on night...

First Time
3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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You Wont Adam And Eve It

Adam’s tongue waited expectantly for Eve’s pussy. She was squatting across him and slowly lowering her pussy onto his face. Her outer lips were gorged, her inner lips glistened with the strawberry red body paint he had spent a good five minutes diligently painting into her folds. His cock throbbed as he waited to taste her.He had used his chat room surname of Chandler when he collected the envelope left for him by Mark, Eve’s husband at the hotel reception. It was her name, Eve, that had...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Adam Comes to Visit

This summer, my mom's sister left her husband of eighteen years and their son, my cousin, Adam, came to stay with my mom and I for a little over a month. That's really where all this starts. My mom and I are very close and we talk about all kinds of things. She's great because she's willing to talk with me about boys and sex and all that. She says it's better than learning it wrong from other kids. She's probably right. So, we've talked about sex in more detail than many moms and...

4 years ago
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Adam and Mike

Adam woke up feeling horny, holding his cock in his hands and playing with himself, turned to his smartphone for some porn. But soon became bored and felt he needed something more.He searched for Mike's phone number and stared at it for a while lingering on the decision to phone him or not. In the end his raging hormones overcame his shyness and lack of confidence and he made the call.Mike answered from the other side and his deep sexy voice melted Adam's heart straight away. Adam explained who...

3 years ago
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My Wife Ann and our New Neighbor Adam

My wife Ann and I are in are early fifties, and are a bit on the adventurous side when it comes to sex. We had done things that would surprise many and about five years ago I shared my wife Ann with an old college buddy of mine. Greg had some time off and decided to come to town for a visit. I hadn’t seen him since his divorce a few years back, and the three of us had a great time together. We had been living it up one night while playing several games of pool downstairs in our finished...

2 years ago
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Adam and Mike Part 1

Adam was alone, living in the of London. He walked the streets with eyes constantly searching the crowds, picking on guys with handsome faces, fantasising about what it could be if he could just have them.At the age of 30 Adam, failed to get any relationship. He was handsome himself. With a mediterranean look, black hair, brown eyes and sun kissed skin, he had a body fairly well shaped with his work, his long walks roaming the city and his frequent incursions to the gym.But Adam didnt feel...

4 years ago
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Adam Jason and I chpt 4

Dear Jason, Geoffrey, Adam, and Matthew, I have gone to run errands, that long list of chores have really piled up, I’ve gone to complete them I trust you four can manage to cook yourselves dinner be back at 11:00! Love, Mom That was perfect I thought, I would cook Adam dinner as we got to know each other. I was now glad for the cooking lessons that my mom drilled into my head night after night. I couldn’t find much in their pantry, so I decided to cook something simple, spaghetti. I wish...

2 years ago
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Emily Invites Catherine To Meet Adam

Having had sex on three consecutive days, Emily and Adam did not have any sexual contact in the next two although there was a little bit of mild flirting when they were in the car together.Emily had telephoned her friend Catherine Phillipson to tell her about the wonderful sex she was getting from her twenty-two-year-old chauffeur and to suggest that Catherine might like to join her and Adam for an afternoon of sexual adventures. Catherine, like Emily, was equally happy having sex with males or...

3 years ago
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Adam and Ellie Part II

"Adam, can you come take the trash out?""Yes, give me a minute it's almost halftime."I rolled my eyes. We had the ability to pause our TV, but somehow he doesn't remember it exists during the game. Actually, I don't know if he thinks it works on anything else but the Bachelor or Bachelorette, you know, my shows. I knew I had a few options: do it myself without a word, tell him I'd just do it, or pause the game myself. I chose to tell him I'd do it."That's fine, I'll take it out myself."Suddenly...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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The Story of Eve and Adam a Fable

The Story of Eve and Adam, a Fable by dkb The first human that God created was spherical, with four arms and four legs, and two faces, facing either way. Male and female created He them. And He saw that they were good. They were one completely perfect being. Having all living perfection within them they wanted for nothing and understood everything. The first human lived in contemplative bliss for an unknown period. But then they realised that there was one thing they did not...

4 years ago
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Accidental Adam

"Come on Adam, it'll be great," Ken cajoled."You can go, I already told you that you don't need me there," Adam responded for the umpteenth time in two days."I'm the new k** in town, I can't just show up uninvited, plus I won't know anyone there. You have to come with me." Ken pleaded in a whiney voice."Fine," Adam said in defeat, his shoulders slumping as he finally gave into the avalanche of nagging his brother had put him through. "What are we going to do for costumes?" he asked, dreading...

4 years ago
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My brother Adam Part Two

I had a best mate on my ship, Andrew Green was his name and I told him about what me and Adam had got up to. I could tell he was very turned on and asked me to bring him up to Derby when we were both next on leave. I knew he wanted to fuck him, but I was determined to have him myself before then. He is my brother after all.I also knew it would be difficult to get my Father to let us both go to Derby for a couple of days. Adam, even in the holidays had to do his chores. Then there was the...

3 years ago
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The First Adam

The First Adam Then God made Adam, and showed him all creation. But Adam felt all alone in the world, and a shadow befell his countenance. So God spoke to him, and asked him about the very thing that was bothering him. Knowing nothing, Adam could not articulate his frustrations to God. On a hunch, he pointed down at the dangling piece of flesh at his crotch. Adam asked God what the little flaccid thing was meant to do. There was surely some great purpose in the oddly shaped thing,...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings CH04 The week without Adam

1. The week was dragging along and my mom and others could see how sad I was. I will be so happy when Adam gets back here. Most of the seniors I ate lunch with where gone on the trip too. I was really depressed and finding myself daydreaming all the time. My mom came home as I was fixing me a snack and asked how I was feeling. I told her I was fine, just bored. Well son, today I talked to Bobby’s mom and she want’s him to stay here a couple of days. She has to go out of town for family...

4 years ago
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Joan Jill Adam

"Baby," she gasped, her chest heaving, as she struggled to regain her breath. "I haven't come that hard in years. Maybe I've never had one that good." "I'm only here to serve," Adam grinned and hefted her right breast in the palm of his hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed the nipple. Only then did he realize his lips were actually sore from eating her out so thoroughly. "Oh, I'm done," Jill said, "I'm exhausted, really I am." "I can go again if you'd like," he...

4 years ago
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Adam at the Arcade

Dear readers: Lots of gay sex, so don’t read if that’s not your thing. Lily and Adam appear in ‘Doggies Don’t Wear Clothes’ and ‘Drilled by Desmond,’ but this story takes place several months before the events of either—long before Adam knows how to please a cock. That said, it’s not violent, like ‘Drilled by Desmond’ was. ***** One problem about Adam: Although he was a man, he had no idea how to please one. They had to take care of that. So, one night, after Lily triggered him, they went to...

2 years ago
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Me and Adam

Introduction: Two 13 year old boys find the sexual pleasures in each other – the DIRTY way! It was a long Friday at school, and I was glad to finally be done. It would be good to have a weekend without tests and homework. As I boarded the bus, I thought about what a fun weekend I would have. I was going to stay at my best friend Adams house for the weekend. Adam and I were both in many classes together, and being 13, we loved to annoy our teachers, so it was nice to not have a detention today....

3 years ago
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Magic Glade II Adam and his Eve ning

“What a day, what a life,” Adam was thinking as he took the short cut home through the woods. The fact that he even had need of the short cut, or to walk at all for that matter, was down to the fact that he had broken down. To Adam this was just another indication that the whole world and its dog had it in for him. Work sucked, he had been passed over for promotion yet again .His last girlfriend had recently dumped him to join some religious cult or other led by some guy she had to bow down...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
5 years ago
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Emily Thrashes Adam Then Rides His Cock

The morning after their latest sexual encounter Emily Bothwick-Smyth was fidgetting in the back seat of the vehicle as chauffeur Adam Crook looked at her in the rear-view mirror. Adam knew very well that the cause of her discomfort was the nine strokes with Emily's riding crop that he had applied to her bare arse before giving her a good fucking. He also knew that she had told him that she would be whipping him before their next fuck and he imagined that she would not be stopping at nine...

2 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 07

The next day Jesse greeted Adam at her door. As the dinner party was formal, he was wearing a black tux with a white shirt. She had put on a white strapless dress that was slightly longer than some of her other ones, but it still didn’t come to her knees. Her hair looked uncombed, but very sexy and windswept. She also was wearing a small diamond necklace and diamond earrings. ‘You look ravishing! I can also tell that you have nothing on underneath. ‘ Adam said softly with a grin. ‘But my...

4 years ago
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Adam Eves First Time

Adam & Eve’s First Time Alone was I, walking aimlessly through the green pastures and meadows, when upon a forested glen I did come. Seeing no harm in it, I entered the shadowy realm for a little exploratory expedition. Soon I realized I must be careful of the myriad array of briars and brambles which could rip and tear uncovered skin. I began thinking about how lucky animals were to have fur or hair for skin protection. The only furry hair covering I had on my body was on the top of...

4 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 14

When Jesse and Adam walked in the meeting room, most of the board members were already seated. Gerald hadn’t arrived yet, although this did not surprise Jesse. She went to the head of the table and motioned for Adam to have a seat beside her. Questions were already flying around the room before she sat down. They were all wondering why she had called a meeting. The first person Adam noticed was Doug sitting directly opposite him. Both men glared at each other for several moments before Adam...

3 years ago
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The Escape Chapter 4 Adam

The drive to Austin was even more annoying than Kimberly expected. The aggravation started on the weekend with the news that the announcement had been moved up to Monday morning forcing Kimberly to begin her drive early Monday morning. But she would still miss Tuesday in Houston. Her frustration only increased when she arrived in Austin to find that a ‘legal issue’ had delayed the announcement until late afternoon. Only essential personnel allowed in the building. She decided to go shopping...

4 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 06

The next day, Adam was working the night shift and not long after he had been working, Mark showed up. ‘What’s up? ‘ Mark asked, as he sat down at the bar. ‘You’re a son of a bitch, you know that? ‘ He said quietly. ‘What the hell did I do? ‘ Mark asked. ‘ Look man, if you and Jesse are having problems, don’t say I didn’t warn you. ‘ ‘Yes, and what exactly were you warning me of? ‘ ‘Oh, I get it now. She turned you down too! ‘ Mark laughed. ‘What’s the real story on her, Mark? ‘ Adam...

3 years ago
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Feminising Adam

Meeting MistressSixteen-year-old Adam walked hand in hand with his mum across the park. He was wearing his favourite shiny pink leotard under the school blazer, white shoes with kitten heels and white ankle socks.He took small steps to avoid his tiny boy-clit rubbing up another erection inside the soft fabric.“Look at that lady in the black leather, what's she doing to that older lady on her knees, mummy?”“They look like Mistress Anna and her sub, Suzy,” Mum replied, trying to shield her son's...

Office Sex
5 years ago
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Exploring Adam The Sequel part two

I called Adam back the following evening, genuinely pleased that I would be seeing him and a little nervous to meet his boyfriend. He'd told me about Trevor in his emails--a talented actor working mostly in theatre, but who had gotten a few television roles here and there, as well as the principal role in an ad that had gotten a lot of air time. His television bits I had never seen, but I knew the ad well. He was a handsome, fine-featured man with a brilliant smile, and the first time it came...

Gay Male
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Exploring Adam The Sequel part three

Our shower was a lovely, languorous thing, in which we soaped each other's bodies as we made out. It reminded me, vividly, of the times we'd showered together that weekend before... and there was some satisfaction, for me, in that my shower now reflected my success. The en suite bathroom I had was handsome and large, and the shower itself bore no resemblance to the grotty bathtub of my grad school years. No, now I had a jacuzzi bathtub and a separate, sizable shower space with frosted glass. I...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Adam Jason and I

Hi, Im Matthew, Im gay if you havent figured out from the section youre reading, and this is a little about me. Im 5ft 3in, longish black hair (just past my ears) I had a swimmers physique, cause well, I was a swimmer, I was hairless except for my head( I shaved my pubes) I had brown eyes, I didnt think I was sexy, but I mean, I didnt think I looked too bad. I was a freshman in high school, so I was basically the bottom of the food chain, having no chance at all to be with another guy,...

2 years ago
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Episode 94 Feminising Adam

Author’s NoteI’ve been informed that Anna and Suzy actually work in Winchester, but it doesn’t have any sex shops, so their office has been transported to Andover which has ‘An Amazing Fantasy’ (previously enjoyed by some as ‘Erotica Belle’); where Emma may work on occasion.Meeting MistressAdam walked hand in hand with his mum across the park. He was wearing his favourite shiny pink leotard under the school blazer, white shoes with kitten heels and white ankle socks.He took small steps to avoid...

3 years ago
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Adam and Eve Black Love

Is there such a thing as too much of anything in this life? I sure hope not. My name is Evelyn Kara Auberge. I am head over heels in love with a reformed player from the States. Here’s a little bit about me. I was born in the town of Cap-Haitien in the island of Haiti but I barely remember it because I’ve lived in the region of Ontario, Canada, ever since I could remember. These days, I’m a recent graduate of Carleton University in the City of Ottawa ( I’ve got a Master’s degree in Psychology )...

4 years ago
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Adam Jason and I chpt 3

Introduction: (All four are in this one.) Oh, are we going to have some fun. He stated as he pulled some rope from behind his back Adam and I shrank into the wall hoping to escape the obvious fate. We pulled the blanket over us, but to no avail, soon Adam was torn away from me and dragged away kicking and scratching, I got up and followed out of the room with them so I could make some attempt to save my new boyfriend. I saw Geoffrey dragging the naked Adam down the hall way. Adam caught my eye...

3 years ago
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Barb and Adam

Barb and AdamPart 1Barb sighed with relief as she walked in the door. Another long day at the Post office was finally done, and she was home. Her keys and purse fell onto a chair, a dreamy smile crossing her lips as she anticipated the E-mail that was surely awaiting her. He was so very good at writing them. Her hands traveled across her hips a she savored the tightness of her pants and t-shirt, imagining it was his hands that were touching her. Another sigh, this one of pleasure rather than...

3 years ago
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Adam Jason and I chpt 3

Adam and I shrank into the wall hoping to escape the obvious fate. We pulled the blanket over us, but to no avail, soon Adam was torn away from me and dragged away kicking and scratching, I got up and followed out of the room with them so I could make some attempt to save my new boyfriend. I saw Geoffrey dragging the naked Adam down the hall way. Adam caught my eye and beamed up I shot him a glance to silence him and snuck up behind Geoffrey. “Hah!” I yelled and jumped on top of Geoffrey back...

4 years ago
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First time with Adam

It was late spring, early summer. I was newley married, had a new job and life was great! My beautiful young wife and I had been home from our honeymoon for about 3 weeks when I got a call from my boss telling me, "your assistance is needed out of state and you need to fly out asap". I said, "Not a problem". The next available flight was late the next morning, which was okay because I lived about 2 hours away from the airport. Not knowing whether to travel that evening or early the next...

3 years ago
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Getting to know Adam

It was late spring, early summer. I was newley married, had a new job and life was great! My beautiful young wife and I had been home from our honeymoon for about 3 weeks when I got a call from my boss telling me, "your assistance is needed out of state and you must fly out asap". I said, "Not a problem". The next available flight was late the next morning, which was okay because I lived about 3 hours away from the airport. Not knowing whether to travel that evening or early the next morning,...

3 years ago
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Callum and Adam torment Lily

Fourteen year old Adam writhed in pain. He was lying on his bed with nipple clamps attached firmly to his chest and handcuffs securing him to the bed frame. Intermittently his 17 year old step brother Callum whipped him across his bare chest with a flogger further increasing his discomfort. I should say at this point the story isn’t going to be about the bondage games Adam and Callum played together.  You see, when Callum and his mother had first moved in with Adam the two boys discovered they...

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Callum and Adam The schoolgirls and the babysitter

It was a sunny Friday afternoon. Adam was relaxing in his room when he heard a sudden shattering of glass downstairs. He ran down the stairs to find one of the front windows was now in pieces all over the floor, a frisbee laid on the carpet in amongst the glass. Just as moved to  the door to look for the culprits the door bell sounded. Two girls from his school, Tilly and Summer, stood at the doorstep with guilty expressions on their faces.?Hi.? Said Tilly. ?We’re really sorry but it was us...

4 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 2 Monday at School

First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...

2 years ago
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Cilla and Adam Ch 02

It was Thursday afternoon, and Cilla had decided to leave work early. Patrick was picking her up to take her car shopping. Cilla had been seeing Adam for two months, during which time she had found a place of her own. As she walked down the front steps, pulling her knapsack behind her, she thought about the conversation she had had earlier with Maureen over lunch. ‘Have you heard the latest about our esteemed superintendent?’ she asked, biting into the ham and cheese sandwich Cilla had...

4 years ago
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Exploring Adam 8

Let me describe his cock to you. I know I have already, but that was in passing. Let me really describe it to you: it was almost seven inches long, and a little more than an inch thick. He was circumcised. The head was gorgeous: flaring out about a quarter inch from the shaft, it would get swollen with desire when he was hard, and I loved little more than to trace its contours with the tip of my tongue. When he fucked me I could literally feel it pop inside me as he pushed it past my sphincter....

Gay Male
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Cilla and Adam Ch 01

Reverend Barnes took his place on the podium with the other ministers, and his family sat in their usual pew on the right of the altar. Cilla had always loved going to church, and the music had always soothed the place inside her that remained scared and lonely, no matter how happy she appeared to be. Today, as she listened to the choir sing, and as she joined with the congregation in singing the sweet old hymns, her spirit soared, and she felt at peace for the first time in a long time. All...

2 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 02

Several days had gone by and he expected Mark to arrive home any time. He also began noticing the traffic that now seemed to move up and down the block. Like he was told, most of it did come and go from Jesse’s home. They were right in telling him she entertained. It seemed to be nonstop day and night. She had adults of all ages, dressed anywhere from formal attire to jeans, to even bikinis coming and going. While Mark had been gone, he had decided to do a little checking up on her, which...

3 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 10

It was well over an hour before they both were dressed and went to the kitchen. Someone had already made coffee and there were bakery goods on the table. Jesse poured them both a cup of coffee and they each took a roll. Adam followed her outside where there was already a crowd around the pool and at the bar. ‘Well it’s about time you two decided to join us. ‘ Sandy said. They made their way to where Sandy was now talking to a small group of women. Jesse sat on the lounge chair, leaving...

4 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 8 Wednesday at School

"Good morning, students and staff," Holloway was just beginning. "This morning we have another student who's in The Program and who'd like to present some information about himself. As with Dee, who spoke yesterday, I'm hoping this will cut down on repetitive questions and answers that waste time for everyone. Go ahead, Ben." "Uh, hi, my name is Ben Daire. A lot of you know me," he began. "Now that I'm in The Program, I guess everybody knows that I have two cocks. At least,...

4 years ago
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Adam Prologue: Hello Friends: This is a photo of Adam. Adam is the latest young man to audition for my upcoming theatre season. He wants to be a professional actor. Some of you know that I have gotten many young men their starts in professional theatre. Some have gone on to become big stars. For any of you living in the Minneapolis area, the man starring in Peer Gynt at the Guthrie, Mark Rylance started out with me in every sense of the word. Anyway, I am helping Adam look into Drama Schools...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 1 Monday Morning

The air was dank with cigarette smoke, the bad spring in the couch was jabbing me in the side, and the sound of puking was coming from the bathroom. By all signs, this was going to be another crap morning. Hello, Monday. The weekend hadn't been much better. Sure, I'd gotten my injection Saturday morning. Sure, that meant I'd keep my shape and my strength for another six months. Otherwise I'd have melted into a heap like Marjorie, my so-called aunt, a one-time exotic dancer who was off...

3 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 4 Tuesday Morning

About four in the morning I woke up a couple of times and couldn't get back to sleep. On the third try I decided I might as well get something done. As quietly as possible I closed the hallway door, snapped on the desk light, and booted up the computer. First I reviewed the previous day's lecture material and it was scary how little seemed familiar. I must have been more spaced out than I realized. Anyway, I finished reviewing the lectures, did the assigned reading, and then whipped...

2 years ago
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Exploring Adam The Sequel part one

The year that followed my magical three days with Adam was decidedly odd. On one hand, I got really busy with school, spending insanely long days in the lab. And when I wasn't in the lab, I was writing up my results. The upshot was that, a little more than a year after the Adam interlude, I defended my dissertation and emerged with a PhD in biochemistry. But more on that later.The year was odd in part because I was so busy, but also because it took me some time to figure out how I felt about...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My brother Adam Part One

I am writing this document as a testament to my brother Adam so that one day he will know how much I care for and love him. Even though while I am at sea and far away, I think about him everyday and long for the day when I will be back on shore and can give him a huge hug.Since our Mother died when I was eight and Adam six, we have been consistently abused physically by our Father who seemed to care more about punishing us for all minor misdemeanour's rather than giving us a stable and loving...

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