Doc's Complex 24 - Doc's Resort free porn video

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Doc's Complex 24 - Doc's Resort by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 24 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which Alice and Keela spend time on the beach at Doc's Resort. They discuss all sorts of things about the history of the resort and the nature of man's desires, but really this chapter is mostly about love, breasts, and orgasms. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't edit mistakes or respond to any reviews until December. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 24 -- Doc's Resort "Albert Eisenstein is no more. "I am Alice, the only person in the entire Complex, with this spelling of my name." He pondered the idea. "I don't know if I can give up everything from my old life, Keela. I mean, it's beautiful here, You're beautiful, Everyone around here is beautiful--" "Y're beautiful, too," she said, snuggling against him on the large towel they had spread on the sand. "Yes, I guess that's the hardest thing to accept: me and the word 'beautiful.' Or 'pretty,' for that matter. When I woke up this morning, I was a guy, a pretty normal guy. Now I'm about as far from normal as a guy can get!" "But still pretty!" She leaned up on an elbow and kissed him on the nose. She pulled back and looked at his face before sliding down again to snuggle against his side. "Even when y're frowning." "Can't you be serious? Doc only gave me fourteen days to decide who I want to be and where I want to be for the rest of my whole life. I don't even know where to begin figuring out something like that." "Y'began already, long before he told y'that. Y've been doing it since y'got here. Y'figure it out by gathering as much information as y'can, talking t'everyone y'can, and learning and experiencing as much as y'can about this exciting new place y're in so y'can compare it t'what y'know about that dull old place y'came from so y'll know that y've made an informed decision when y'decide t'give up on going back t'th'Real World and stay here!" What she was doing to him while she spoke made it hard for him to listen. Her position probably looked innocent enough to the passersby strolling on the beach. She was on his right, snuggled against his side with her right arm wrapped around his front just below his breasts. What the passersby could not know was that Alice did not have ordinary breasts. Besides being enormous, they had become Alice's largest erogenous zones, and every square inch was more sensitive than the skin on his penis. His nipples and areolas were even more sensitive, comparable to the nerve density of a woman's clitoris, but they covered so much more area than that little nub! Alice enjoyed every square inch of Keela's left breast that softly pressed the side of his right boob. Every time she moved, even slightly, a thrill shot through his whole frame. The side of her arm stimulated sensitive skin everywhere on the undersides of both his breasts, and with every casual motion as she rubbed and snuggled, a wave of pleasure traveled up and down his entire chest. Keela was not the only source of stimulation, either. A warm breeze flowing along the beach made every tiny hair of his feminized skin move where it was exposed by the itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini Keela had picked out for him, and he was as aroused as much as if it had been a dozen girls with feathers tickling his genitals. Keela had explained how she had only enhanced his nerves that transmitted sensations of pleasure, so when the breeze gusted and picked up little grains of sand and flicked them against them, instead of feeling like pin pricks or needles, tiny sparks of pure pleasure zipped to his brain, adding to the symphony of exhilaration overpowering his ability to think clearly. Within seconds of her touching him, another orgasm began building. After a minute he could not concentrate on what she was saying at all as the sensations from his breasts overrode everything else outside his body, and from then his world consisted of a liquid pool of pleasure that rose higher and higher until it overflowed into a climax that made him shake and whimper as he clamped his mouth shut to avoid screaming with ecstasy. It was just as distracting as each of the other sixty orgasms he'd had since they stepped out of an elevator into the Resort's biggest hotel six hours ago. Keela sat up and looked down at him, waiting for him to stop his little spasms and open his eyes. He took a deep breath and sat up very carefully. Any sudden movement would stimulate his boobs, and he wanted to talk, not live his life in a fog of permanent orgasm. "Thanks, I guess. I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I think that ten orgasms an hour is too many!" She smiled, "What, then? Nine? Eight?" He shook his head no, felt the motion inspire his breasts to begin quivering, so he crossed his arms firmly over his bosom and took a long, slow breath. "Ah! Oh! Whew! No, even one an hour is too much. I'd be happy with two a day, or three tops. I barely even finish a sentence before the next one starts building up." He looked down and talked to the squashed flesh under his arms, "Easy there, girls! It's only the wind. Calm down. There you go. You can use a Changing Machine to make these boobs less sensitive, right? I mean I like the idea of them being erogenous zones. You're the one who said that's what most men think boobs are anyway, when real breasts are only about as sensitive as men are in the same area. Can you dampen down the sensitivity to somewhere more than normal, but a lot less than this?" "I CAN, but you're part of an experiment rem'ber? And one of Doc's at that. Let me ask. Doc?" Alice saw her look up and listen the way he'd seen all of Doc's Girls do from time to time, and he knew she was communicating telepathically with the mad scientist who ran this futuristic society of women and men who looked like women. "Thanks, Doc." Keela's eyes focused on Alice. "He said th'experiment isn't done yet, but it's progressing much faster than he anticipated and he'll probably end it before th'end of th'fourteen-day main experiment. He said that he should know in two or three days, and even if that turns out not t'be true, he might tell us t'do what y'want in four days t'see what happens. Oh, and he said that y'should ask me about th'difference between time here and in th'Real World when we run out of other things t'talk about. Until then, he assures y'that y'can't 'Burn Out' or 'Get Jaded,' and yer orgasms will continue to be at least as powerful as they're now, so y'won't have t'worry 'bout 'Too Much Of A Good Thing.' He said yud understand those expressions. Is that what y'were worried 'bout?" "I wasn't worried about that, really, I was actually hoping the intensity would go down a bit. I find myself constantly going back and forth between wanting to be with you, listen to you, tell you everything I know that I know and hope for the future, and try to be interesting for you, and then there are these pleasure pillows that I just have to squeeze a few times to have an orgasm. That side of me wants to do nothing else!" He took another long, slow breath to try to maintain control over the plethora of pleasurable stimuli, and looked around. "So, we came here, I saw the grand hotel, we shopped for beach stuff in the village where we didn't have to pay for anything, had a great meal at that little caf?, and we took the steam train around the lake and stopped to get off here. I can see that there are about six billion women for every man here, but what is this place?" "It's Doc's Resort. Okay, th'Real World knows it as th'Desert Oasis Calcium Spa Resort (Get it? The initials spell DOCS Resort! I always liked that.) This was where Doc and his Girls first came t'set up th'Complex, back around th'turn o'th'century. It's where the Complex started. I don't know why they started digging, but the first nine levels were right under here. We kept the Resort hidden until about fifteen years ago, well, it's still hidden, but that's when we started letting in tourists. Well, I say 'we,' but I wasn't around back then, o'course." "Why? What changed fifteen years ago?" "I don't know th'whole story, but someone flying overhead from th'Real World crashed his plane nearby, and some o'th'younger Girls went out and brought him t'Doc, and asked about -- this is the part I remember -- they said, 'We found her in th'wreckage o'her flying machine. She has a strangely deformed vagina, and hair all over her body, and th'unformed breasts o'a child. Doc, can y'help her?' They had never seen a human male before, and they thought he was a strange mutation. A lot o'my friends who were born here don't believe in 'Men' at all. They think it's something grown-ups told us kids t'scare us into not wandering too far away. I wasn't sure myself, really, until I saw y'naked. "Anyway, so Doc put him in a Changing Machine, and he came out a healthy normal woman. They had long talks together, and she convinced Doc t'help her mother because she was old and rich and deserved more than her siblings hanging around waiting for her t'kick th'bucket so they could start fighting over her estate. She was eighty-five years old, and thought she would not live t'see eighty-six. Doc invited her and her family t'th'Resort and gave her a spa treatment th'first morning she was here. She came out in th'afternoon younger and full of energy, and she felt good enough t'go dancing that evening. After her treatments th'second day, she played tennis against one o'her sons and won. By th'time she left, she was a beautiful twenty-two-year-old girl. She told HER friends, relatives, neighbors, and lovers, and they told THEIR friends, relatives, neighbors, and lovers, and th'tourists have been coming ever since. Doc finally put a limit o'no more than 5,000 Real Worlders and 5,000 of us at any one time. He kept raising the price of a stay here until fewer people came. I guess it's pretty high now." Alice asked, "How high?" Keela said a number and asked, "Is that a lot?" "Yeah," Alice stared around at the men on the beach in the light of that knowledge. "It's more than my whole family made in the last two years, and my parents do better than most people! The men on this beach must all be millionaires." Alice thought about that as he admired the women on the beach. The women, without exception, all looked young, beautiful, and full of energy. They were of all shapes, and ages down to about ten or twelve, but Alice thought he could distinguish the ones who were Doc's Girls from the tourists. The men in sight were all adults, and looked like businessmen being forced to stop working so they could come here with their families. None of the men had a face that looked less than thirty years old, and most were much older, but below their chins they looked much younger. Alice realized they would still look the same in their business suits as before they came here, so others would not know they had changed. Several of the old-faced young men played volleyball or Frisbee with teams of women, but as Alice looked around the beach, he saw that most of the men of any age were doing what he was doing: sitting on a blanket and ogling the "scenery." Two young women on the arms of a middle-aged man walked along the beach, and Alice noticed the man staring at Alice and Keela's dual deep cleavages. Keela dropped her voice to a whisper, "Wave and smile at him. I'm not eligible for a visit here for another year, so I promised Doc that we'd sit on th'beach all afternoon and be scenery for th'tourists. We can get changed and go t'a party after th'sun goes behind th'mountain." Feeling silly waving to a man while looking like this, Alice smiled and waved to the middle-aged man with the two younger women on either side of him. He waved back. It looked as if he wanted to turn towards them, but one of the twenty-something girls pulled him back saying, "Daddy!" in an exasperated tone, and then to the other girl who Alice thought was her sister, "Mom? Can't you make him behave? He's embarrassing me!" "I guess those spa treatments really do work. Are Changing Machines involved?" "No, but we use that same kind o'technology for lots o'things. It's all teleportation. We teleported from Level 9 in California t'th'hotel here in New Mexico by walking through a door, and we can also teleport a fat cell from your belly t'your breasts, or out o'your body altogether. Nutrients in, toxins out. As long as y'know where everything is and where y'want it, getting it there is easy." "Hmm, I'll bet the Star Trek people never thought of that." Alice remarked. Keela frowned, "Who are th'Star Trek people?" He could talk about his favorite TV show forever, and Keela earned a point over his roommate Will in the continuous debate in Alice's mind about which of them he would prefer to stick around after the two weeks were over. She actually seemed interested in what he told her of the show, while Will had always made fun of Al for watching what he called, "your ray gun show," when he could have watched a comedy show on another channel. Alice did not know for sure what love was, but he liked just about everything about Keela from her pretty face and sex-dream body to her job to her apparent interest in keeping him happy and sexually fulfilled to her fascination with almost everything he talked about. He knew, however, that she had once been Will, a man he had been friends with since childhood, a man who he shared an apartment with, who had good job prospects, a passion for women with enormous boobs, and a fianc? he had dated for couple of years. Doc had told them that after fourteen days of life in the Complex, each of them could choose whether or not to return to his former existence or stay in the Complex. Alice knew that wanted to stay here with Keela, but even that could not be the basis of his decision. The only thing they had here that was even close to the lifelong commitment called marriage in the Real World was "Living Together," an intense sharing of every aspect of each other's lives for 90 days, and then it was over. Did he want to go back to the Real World and be made to forget all about this place of wonders and gorgeous girls, or would he trade his entire life out there, let his family and friends think he had been killed in that mine, all for three months with Keela? "Here comes another man," Keela nudged him. "Stop hiding your breasts like that. We're supposed t'be th'happy, sexy girls these guys will dream about tonight, so let's give them something t'dream about." He smiled and waved at the old man, who walked around the beach in a daze at the displays of female flesh, his erection plainly visible as a bulge in his knee-length shorts. He nodded at Alice as if at an old friend, and kept walking. An attractive woman wearing a white one-piece bathing suit ran up to the old man and twirled in front of him. "Look at what they did to me, George!" The old man looked at her without recognition. "Honey?" asked the woman. "It's me, darling!" Still no response. "Betsy? Your wife? They didn't change me THAT much did they?" The old man stared at the young woman as if trying to remember something he had long forgotten. "That bathing suit. Betsy wore that bathing suit the first time we went to the beach together. Oh, that's right, the spa. We came here to get younger. You say you're my Betsy? You're even younger than our daughters. Are you sure I'm the right George?" "George Fenton McAllister! Don't tell me you don't know your own wife!" "Now, that's the Betsy I know." He smiled at last and looked her up and down. "At least they didn't change you there! Is this really what you want, my dear?" They continued walking as they talked, and although Alice strained his ears, he could not hear anything else they said. "That could be awkward," he commented to Keela, "explaining how his wife is now a young woman when they get back to wherever they live." "He won't have t'explain anything. Doc has agents in th'Real World who take care o'things like that. One o'them zaps y'with a Mindwarper, and you'd believe I was your sister, or your long-lost cousin, or that we'd been married for years. They can make y'believe anything." Alice stared at her. She was serious! Then he thought of how his own name had changed in a matter of minutes to a girl's name, how the name Albert Eisenstein seemed to belong to someone else now, although he was sure he had thought of it as his own before today. The switch was so thorough in his mind that even in his earliest childhood memories he could only recall people calling him "Alice." She was right. If he could remember boyhood friends calling him Alice without beating him up about having a girl's name, they could make him believe anything. A thought had been eating away at him, and the notion that someone could make him believe something that was not true suddenly made him aware of it. "Keela?" He said, and she turned away from the sights of the beach to look him in the eyes. "That reminds me, when we woke up in the mine and eight of us were missing, you, that is, Will was there with us. I remember him and Moose talking, and when we got to the Changing Room, neither Will nor Moose was with us anymore and you were on the one of the tables. Were you, I mean, was Will really with us, or were you, I mean, was he taken during the night?" Damn, pronouns were confusing when talking about people changing into other people! Keela looked up. "Doc?" She listened, and then told Alice, "Those two weren't part o'your expedition. They were agents who made sure y'found th'Changing Room so th'experiment could proceed. Y'weren't supposed t'remember them, though." She smiled then, making the sunlit beach even brighter, and added, "Y'have a unique brain, Alice! Y'resisted th'Mindwarper! Not many can do that." "It changed my name from Al to Alice," he grumbled. "I didn't resist that." "That wasn't a Mindwarper; that was th'Changing Machine. It's different." "What's so different about it?" "Well, a Mindwarper is designed for Doc's agents t'use. It's a little device they can carry around and th'agent can control what y'remember 'bout events or people. Uh, y'know, that's 'bout all I know 'bout them. I've used Changing Machines all my life, but I only know ABOUT Mindwarpers. I've never seen one, or," she put on a humorous quizzical expression as she said, "at least I don't REMEMBER ever seeing one! But what y'describe sounds like what they're supposed t'be able t'do. Y'remember those agents as who they said they were, and prob'ly thought they looked like others in your party." "Yes. The one called Will looked like Will, and the one called Moose also looked like a guy, OH!" Alice's eyes opened wide. "They were probably Girls, right?" He laughed. "They could have saved themselves a lot of work if they'd have just appeared as themselves!" "What do y'mean?" He looked at her quizzical expression. "You really don't know, do you?" "Know what?" "Do you mean to say that you really don't see what's all around us here? I mean, look at all these people. You Girls, walking, playing, jumping around, Some of the Real World women are doing their best to join in and do what you Girls are doing, and only a few of us men. Look around and tell me what rest of the men from my world are doing." Keela looked about the beach, the water, the boats, "They're mostly staring at th'Girls. Even th'ones who are with women are looking at us instead o'their own women. A lot're staring at US!" She smiled and waved at someone, then turned back to Alice. "Y're right. They are behaving oddly." He laughed again, and said, "No they aren't! They're doing what men have always done. They are looking for the finest examples of their species to mate with. It's just that you Girls are so much better than any female they have ever seen before in their lives that they can't process it." He searched for an analogy. "There was a psychologist named Maslow we had to study, who wrote about an actualized man as an ideal. We had long discussions about what he meant, and someone said she had known a man like that and she said, I think I'll always remember this, she said, 'It was like I had been rating guys all my life on a scale of 1 to 10, and thought I was doing pretty good when I met a guy who came up to 8 or 9 on that scale, but when I met that actualized man, I discovered that the scale doesn't go from 1 to 10; it goes from 1 to 100!' That's why all the old guys here are just sitting and staring. They've discovered that the best, the prettiest, the sexiest girls they knew in their whole lives were less than half of what you Girls take for granted as normal. And when they get back to the Real World, they'll never find a woman there who could compare with even one of the women here. The kindest thing you could do for those guys when they leave here is to make them forget everything about this place!" "They do! There's a Mindwarper in every seat of the train that goes to the airport. They remember something about being at the Resort, but it's not the full story. I always thought it had something t'do with Doc not wanting th'world t'know about us, but if men truly react t'seeing us as y'say they do, then I can see that he must be doing them that kindness. He prob'ly has other reasons as well. Charlettia always said Doc's experiments are never what they seem t'be about. It's prob'ly true 'bout everything else 'bout Doc." "Hmm. So about those agents he sent. All they really had to do was walk through that door, stand where we could see them, and tell us to follow them. We would have followed them anywhere they led us and done anything they told us to do. No disguises, no Mindwarper, no robots needed. Show a man a girl as good-looking as you, and he'll do anything she wants. And if she doesn't ask him for anything, he'll follow her around and try to figure out what she wants so he can give it to her." "Is that how y'feel about me?" "Pretty much." "Y'll do anything I want?" "Name it." "Rub more o'that tanning lotion on me." "Your wish is my command, my beautiful companion!" He rolled over and picked the bottle out of the beach bag she had taken from the shop. She lay on her stomach with her arms at her sides, and looked delectable. He opened the bottle and poured a few drops of the lotion into his hand. Like everything else around here, the lotion was more than it seemed. When he had first spread it on her, he had poured a generous amount into his small hand, perhaps a teaspoon or more, and it had expanded so much on contact with her skin that they both had to use his towel to lie on in the sun until hers dried off. The three drops spread out under his hands as he spread the clear purple liquid onto the smooth, flawless skin of her back, her round, soft shoulders, the tight, hard muscles of her neck, and her arms, which also had surprisingly hard muscles under her soft skin. He moved down, extremely conscious of every sway of his hanging breasts as he half rubbed, half massaged her wonderful skin. He sat back on his heels as picked up her hand and rubbed the oily lotion into each of her delicate fingers, even around the cuticle at the base of each long fingernail. He noticed that his hands were even smaller than her small hands, so while their fingernails were the same length, his extended twice as far out from his nail bed as his nail bed, and hers only half as much. She had nails half again as wide as his, too. He looked at his hands while he rubbed two more drops into the already darkening skin on the backs of her thighs. His hands seemed so delicate, and yet he knew they were stronger than the much larger hands he'd had before. His whole body was in top physical condition since the Changing Room, and he had surprised himself at being able to do things like lift Keela up off the floor, and when he pushed through a crowd of men, he had actually pushed aside a man about twice his size without feeling as if he had pushed very hard at all. "She made everything about me either extremely big, or extremely small. Big breasts, big butt, big hair, long legs, and tiny waist, tiny feet, tiny nose, and chin and feet and hands. I couldn't even get this little hand she gave me halfway around that bottle of beer in that caf?. I had to hold it around the neck." He kept moving, relishing the rush of each surge towards orgasm as his breasts swung back and forth. He looked around as he sat back on his heels to add a couple more drops, and had to remember to smile when he noticed that every male eye in the neighborhood was watching him. "We're here as scenery," his mind's ear heard Keela telling him. "Always smile at th'men when they look at you." He kept his hands moving over her luscious skin, working down to her feet, and then moving around to her other side. He could feel the sensations from his swinging gigantic boobs slowly filling him, pushing aside all his thoughts, his awareness of the men, the mountain, the lake, the beach, the sand, even the towel he knelt upon. There was only Keela's leg under his hands, and the overwhelming feelings surging from these magical, wonderful breasts as they swung again and again with each stroke of his hands on her sensational skin. He had made it most of the way up her thigh when the orgasm hit him. Lost in the tsunami of his orgasm as it swelled, he opened his eyes and looked into the face of a man staring at him from only twenty feet away. The man's expression was the funniest thing he had ever seen, and Alice smiled, and his smile turned into a laugh that became, well, it's that sound I can't describe again. Even as the tidal wave washed over him, he could not stop staring into the bug-eyed face of that man. He became all men, all voyeurs, himself as a teenager looking at Playboy centerfolds, himself in awe when his first girlfriend allowed him to see her bare breasts, and he imagined what he and Keela looked like to the unbelieving eyes of the man he faced. Keela had been the most buxom, the sexiest woman Al had ever seen in his life, and she had probably been based upon the sexual fantasies of his roommate Will, whose hobby was finding photos of the sexiest, most buxom women he could discover in the Real World. Then, that manifestation of the ultimate the Real World could devise as a female lure of men's attentions had added to that obsession all of the knowledge of the Complex to create an even sexier feminine image in the form of Alice. She had programmed the Changing Machine to Change Al into Alice, who had the absolutely largest breasts that could stand free of the chest below them using all of the biological knowledge their science-based society had gathered while the rest of the world was tearing itself apart with ever more sophisticated ways to kill and destroy. She had made the rest of Alice's body as extremely female as his breasts, and this poor guy had been watching while he, Alice, the ultimate sex fantasy of the Real World's sex fantasy, had spread tanning lotion over every enticing inch of his creator's skin. He imagined the guy wishing he was in either of their places and thinking he would be so sexually stimulated by touching such a perfect body that he would cream his shorts, and then, to top it off, Alice had come to a screaming climax by doing exactly that, while staring him in the eyes! Alice could not believe how long it lasted, and he could not imagine what anyone else on the beach thought. He could see people so far in the distance that he could barely make out the color of their hair standing up and looking towards him to see the source of the ecstatic howl that seemed to come from somewhere inside him even deeper than his throat. And it was still building! He arched his back and closed his eyes as streamers of light filled them inside his eyelids and one by one his muscles clenched or relaxed or whatever was going on in his body because he had transcended so far above his body that the whole beach and all the people on it seemed to be a receding bunch of shrinking dots as his mind spread outward and upward and everywhere at once. He saw stars, not from the point of view of someone standing on the ground, but from the point of view of another star looking around at her equals. He was a cloud, shifting and melding with other clouds. He was bedrock flowing on top of a lake of magma. He was a whale swimming with dozens of his species. He was all of human kind. He was everyone with breasts. He was every woman on this beach. He was a very mixed up Alice, coming back to a much reality as possible in a place like this, sitting on his heels on a towel on the sand, his arms spread so wide they reached behind him, his breasts thrust out and upward toward the sky. He found himself staring around at an ordinary summer scene with very beautiful women and strange men all around him, most of them staring at him. Keela had rolled over onto her back, her arms folded behind her head. He looked down at her, and she said, "Was it good for y'too?" He laughed, and looked self-consciously at the men in various places on the beach around them. "Don't worry about the men. I think they enjoyed that even more than you did. Pansy Pond always laughs at them, but I don't think we should do that." He did feel like laughing at them! Their eyes were bugging out looking at him, and he was really a guy just like them! His breasts swung a little too much, and he felt another wave of pleasure from the sensation. "Okay, maybe I'm not a guy JUST like them, but I'm still a guy. If my penis wasn't numbed by that goo, I'd be just as hard as them around here!" Considering Essa's theory mentioned earlier, he might have been wrong about that. Alice sighed as he wondered at his luck in linking up with Keela. "Even her shoulders are beautiful," he thought, "and I guess that does mean I'm in love with her." Aloud, "I bet I can tell which girls are Doc's Girls and which are tourists." "Really? Without asking Doc?" Alice looked at her. He knew that this girly-girl, buxom, playful woman had been his quite masculine roommate only yesterday, but in her mind, she had been born in the Complex and had spent her entire life as one of Doc's Girls. He also knew that Doc's Girls never were without instant access to Doc's vast store of knowledge. And who was this all-knowing all-seeing godlike Doc? "Oh, he's like a computer, but he's also a man except that he uses a bunch o'different bodies and most o'them look like us Girls. Oh, and there's also a bunch o'women who are part o'him somehow. I don't know much about them. I guess it's a kind o'a secret." "Yes. It's pretty simple, actually. See her, the blond in the red bathing suit playing volleyball? She's a tourist. And that one with the white and blue cover-up, and the two walking toward us with that guy in the cowboy hat." "Four for four. Well, th'last two were obvious," Keela said. "We don't usually like men, (except shapely ones,) but how did you know about th'other two?" "Well, they're beautiful and buxom, and they're full f energy, but they aren't as beautiful as possible, and they don't seem as self-assured as you Girls. They're like Ivory soap. It's 99 and 44/100ths pure, but not 100%. You Girls all go that extra 56/100ths. You don't settle for being almost as beautiful as you can be. You are the absolute best you possible." Keela blushed, "I have faults. I'm not perfect." "Not from where I'm sitting." She turned even redder, "Y're making me feel embarrassed! Y'don't think there's even one thing about me that I could make better?" "Nope," he grinned. "You're the best Keela I can imagine." "There are things 'bout me that I'd like t'improve." "And you will. See? That's what's different about you. That girl playing volleyball is probably the center of attention wherever she goes, but not here. Here, she's not even the prettiest girl on her team, and while she's doing everything she can to compete with them, the others are all so casual about their great bodies and pretty faces that they don't even have to try to compete and they win anyway. They have the confidence of knowing that if they don't like something about themselves, they'll do something and improve it. She doesn't think that way." "I know that y're right," Keela said. "Y'can't see it, but everyone who's here from th'Complex has a sort o'glow around them like th'way everything in th'Complex glows. Y'have it, too. We use it t'know who we are and she isn't glowing, but y'cant see th'glow, so what gave her away?" Alice had to think about it. "Lots of little things. She keeps adjusting her bikini so it won't look wrinkled. Her hair isn't as perfect, and she keeps touching it. She does not have perfectly symmetrical breasts. She and my sister have one side larger than the other, but you Girls don't have that problem. I don't either. I guess the Changing Machines make both of them equal size. Your face, too, I just noticed. Exactly the same on both sides. Makes you look prettier than Mother Nature could. She doesn't have long fingernails, either." He held up his hand and looked at his yellow nails with the little dots that matched his bikini. "My sister used to spend hours with her friends painting each other's nails. Here, you stick your hand in a slot and a few seconds later it has a different color, even with little patterns on them. Do yours have paisleys?" She held out her hand and he took it, closely examining the thin lines and patterns that matched the paisley pattern on her swimsuit. ----------------------------------------------- Back in her dressing room before they'd come here, he had put the rubbery goo that hid his genitals into the bikini bottom and slid that on fairly quickly, but had spent a good ten minutes trying to get the tiny triangles of his bikini top to cover his huge nipples, when he saw that Keela had put on a one-piece purple paisley bathing suit that covered her from mid chest down to between her legs. "If you're wearing that, how come I have to wear this skimpy thing?" "Have y'ever worn a bikini bathing suit in public where men could see y'before?" "I haven't EVER worn a bikini bathing suit before! In public OR otherwise! I'm a GUY, remember?" "There y'go, then. A new experience. Come on, we're wasting sunlight!" Stepping out of her bedroom door this time had put them inside an empty elevator. He turned to see the doors closing on a wall of purplish-pink energy. Keela had pressed the "L" button, but the elevator stopped to pick up two more passengers a couple of floors down, also buxom, beautiful Doc's Girls stepping out of a pinkish-purple blankness. Keela, who had been humming the song ever since his first protest about his bikini bathing suit, had begun singing "Itsy, Bitsy, Teeny, Weeny, Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini ," but changing the gender of the person in the song from a boy to a girl. As she had sung the song, Alice's face had become redder and redder with embarrassment, knowing exactly how the boy in the song felt. It did not help when the newcomers saw him blushing, instantly figured out his situation, and joined Keela in singing the song to tease him during the rest of the elevator ride. The only thing he found funny about the song was that they all sang it with that oddly contracted dialect of English the people of the Complex used: He was afraid t'come out o'th'locker. He was as nervous as could be. He was afraid t'come out o'th'locker. He was afraid that somebody would see. One, two, three, four, Tell th'people what he wore! It was an itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini That he wore for th' first time today. An itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini So in th"locker he wanted t'stay. One, two, three, four, Tell th'people what he wore! He was afraid t'come out in th'open, And so a blanket 'round he wore. He was afraid t'come out in th'open, And so he sat bundled up on th'shore. One, two, three, four, Tell th'people what he wore! It was an itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini That he wore for th'first time today An itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini So in th'blanket he wanted to stay One, two, three, four, Tell the people what he wore! Now he is afraid to come out o'the water And I wonder what he's gonna do. Now he is afraid to come out o'the water And the poor little boy's turning blue! One, two, three, four, Tell the people what he wore! It was an itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini That he wore for th'first time today. An itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini So in the water he wanted to stay. From th'locker to th'blanket, From th'blanket to th'shore, From th'shore to th'water, Guess there isn't any more! -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Afterword for Chapter 24 The idea for the "Complex dialect" was that a subculture cut off from mainstream American culture would develop a variation on the main dialect. I decided that they would contract words differently, so if Keela repeated a sentence spoken by Alice, it would be written like this: Alice: "Do you know the first time you spoke to me?" Keela: "Do y'know th'first time y'spoke t'me?" Before posting most of the chapters, I went over the story to make sure every quote from one of Doc's Girls had the apostrophes in the right place. Well, I read this chapter aloud to my spouse, and realized that all my work was worthless. Keela's dialog and Alice's sounded almost the same! So, do I continue trying to add accents and so on, or just have everyone talk the same? Maybe I'll just "you" to "y' " and keep the idea that she has an accent, but not do all the other stuff. It takes away time from writing, and there's so much of this story that will probably never get written down. I'm writing this novel as part of the 2012 NaNoWriMo challenge to write a novel of at least 50,000 words between November 1st and 30th. I intend to post a chapter a day during November. (For more info about National Novel Writing Month, see By the way, if you like to write and can't resist improving this story with extra characters or new adventures or situations for the existing characters, go ahead! I know other writers can describe that orgy in a much more exciting way than I did, for instance, and I can't describe more than a few of the 17 of the people in the room and what happens to each of them. You have my permission to post your version on FictionMania. To avoid confusion, add a letter to the chapter #, like "Doc's Complex 03a", and make up a new title. Who knows? If enough people do it, FictionMania may add a new category!

Same as Doc's Complex 24 - Doc's Resort Videos

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Docs Complex 04 Fun With Changing Machines

Doc's Complex 04 - Fun With Changing Machines by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Fun With Changing Machines In the auditorium, a beautiful woman raised her hand and spoke up. Doc admired her voluptuous figure as he listened to her protest. She wore the standard scientist's white coat as it had been redesigned to his specifications. That meant that it required no underwear underneath it, unless she...

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Being Naughty At Nude Resort

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Chennai Business Woman At Mahabalipuram Resort

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Wife And Neighbor Wali At Resort

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My Favorite Ski Resort

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Lonely Shores Resort

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Docs Complex 02 Fantasies Come True

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Docs Complex 05 Whats Wrong With Fantasies

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Docs Complex 28 Living Together

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Docs Complex Alice

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Docs Complex 27 The Man With 1000 Brains

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Confidence Complex

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First time naked resort

Part 1My GF and I were in Valalta, naturist resort in Croatia this summer. For her it was her first time to stay in a naturist resort. I will always remember when she said after arriving the first night not to be angry if she wanted to leave next day if she did not feel right at this place. I respected her coz I knew she comes from a very different culture but I also felt very confident that she would like it.. Well, it turned out she loved it! For a lady, living in a big city she felt free to...

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Mom And Son Incestuous Journey ndash 2 Resort

Firstly my sincere thanks to the editor who read my previous parts and this one for publishing it. And my sincere thanks to all the readers for all the positive response and the critics!Vihaan and Deepti both boarded the flight with each other’s hand very close. Deepti lay her head on Vihaan’s shoulder and kept looking down. Deepti certainly felt that she’s becoming more and more possessive with her son and didn’t think that it’s wrong.Meanwhile, Vihaan was feeling more comfortable with his...

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Lesbian Bar Girls Work At My Resort

Hi, I’m Kathy last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. I had been a bodybuilder also; I am a large but very muscular woman in her forties. I love my husband’s Hugh cock and since college I have had quite a few lesbian women who were drawn to my physically fit body.The resort and bar was not doing well so...

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Hot Weekend At Gay Resort

I haven't had much to post since my last sexual adventure a few months ago. I was going through a dry spell, tried picking up guys on Craigslist but I just couldn't find anyone who would interest me that much...I used to "settle" but now I have standards with whom I choose to go to bed with. I was working a lot and needed a break, so I took a long weekend and booked a room at a gay resort near Palm Springs, CA. I have never been to such a place, and told myself that I wouldn't fuck anything...

2 years ago
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Warm Welcome 8211 The Resort

Opening – Devi came to me one day with a ad she saw on internet. It was about a holiday package in a hill station in Kerala – Karnataka border named “Warm Welcome”. So what’s special about a holiday package I wondered. It’s only for girls. Wow, the very thought of going on a ladies only trip excited me. I checked with Dilip if he is willing to let me go. He asked when is it planned. I kind of know that he is supposed to go on a business trip. Personally, I didn’t want him to accompany for a...

3 years ago
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Luscious Ladies Spa And Resort

My boss and I were working very late to finish the proposal. It would be a huge contract for us, and although I was exhausted, it seemed important to her.I was her intern, getting work experience after graduating high school. I would proofread her copy, letting her know where I didn't understand something. She seemed grateful for my feedback.She gave a huge sigh and said, "Well, I think we've done all we can. I'll have another read in the morning before I submit it.""Let's hope we win!" I...

4 years ago
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Our benchmark is fucking five times in a day. We agreed during this holiday to stretch our sexual boundaries, and work through some of the items on our bucket list without any jealousies getting in the way. However, we agreed on one rule, no fucking with others, any sexual pleasure apart from fucking was acceptable and left lots of exciting options. I get a real buzz when I tell my man, “Your turn on is my turn on,” and he tacitly smiles back. On our first date a few years ago he took my...

2 years ago
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Our benchmark is fucking five times in a day. We agreed during this holiday to stretch our sexual boundaries, and work through some of the items on our bucket list without any jealousies getting in the way. However, we agreed on one rule, no fucking with others, any sexual pleasure apart from fucking was acceptable and left lots of exciting options. I get a real buzz when I tell my man, “Your turn on is my turn on,” and he tacitly smiles back. On our first date a few years ago he took my...

1 year ago
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Hermatus A Futanari Resort

Off the coast of Greece lies a small, privately owned island called Hermatus. This particular island is notable mostly for the crowd it attracts. In a world plagued by prejudice and misconceptions, Hermatus is a safe haven for the type of people that otherwise, would have a very hard time. Ever since Angelique Lovemore used her fortune to buy and convert the island to its current glory, futa women like her have been swarming it. On Hermatus Angelique built a luxury resort outfitted with: a...

4 years ago
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Docs Complex 03 Introductions

Doc's Complex 03 - Introductions by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Introductions Doc stood in front of a group of white-coated women, a long wooden pointer in his hand to gesture at the screen on the stage. "Fellow scientists, I present to you my latest experiment. We discovered these seventeen intruders in the old mine near Level 8 yesterday evening, after learning of their presence from two men who...

4 years ago
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Docs Complex 09 Escape

Doc's Complex 09 - Escape by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 9 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex." Doc wants everyone to be a buxom, beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman, so what do you think he did to a mindless idiot who raped and killed one of his Girls? This chapter can be read as a stand-alone short story. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on...

4 years ago
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Docs Complex 10 Whos Who

Doc's Complex 10 - Who's Who by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 10 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which our group of now-buxom explorers figure out each other's names and how to tell each other apart now that they all are or look like buxom women and most have shoulder-length blond hair. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so...

2 years ago
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Docs Complex 26 The Suite Explored

Doc's Complex 26 - The Suite Explored by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 25 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which Aliceputs on his first nightgown, we get to see more of the sci-fi home life of the Girls, and Pixxie tries to [Oh no! I broke a nail!] Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't edit mistakes or respond to any...

3 years ago
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Docs Complex 11 Adam And Susans Identity Transfer Part 1

Doc's Complex 11 - Adam And Susan's Identity Transfer, Part 1 by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 11 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex" begins the story of Doc's first experiment in swapping the minds of two people. Part 1 describes the experiment, and Part 2 will describe the results. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't edit...

2 years ago
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Docs Complex 25 What It Felt Like

Doc's Complex 25 - What It Felt Like by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 25 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which the men from the mine, now buxom beauties, reunite and compare notes. Alice tells how it felt to wear a bikini among men. The Girl who had been Tom's fantasy gets a name. Categories and key words describe only this chapter. I'm concentrating on writing now, so I won't...

4 years ago
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The Methuselah ComplexChapter 3

Mon Aug 19 Everyone in the locker room had obviously heard the news by the time I arrived at practice this morning. Chad stuck by me while my uniform was issued and I changed. He spoke with several of the players to make sure they understood that he was happy about not being the quarterback, and excited about the prospects the new offensive schemes provided. Still, they treated me like a bit of a pariah--something I had expected. The team meeting before practice also helped as Coach...

2 years ago
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At a Resort

At a Resort        When I was a freshman, I went to Turkey on a summer holiday with a couple of my friends after a hard academic year. As girls always do, when we put our feet on that gorgeous ground filled with handsome guys and beautiful girls like me we had immediately gone out to a party at the resort we were staying at. There also were very dirty stinking people around who wanted steal somebody. As it was summer and it was very hot, we were all wearing skimpy tops and very short skirts to...

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