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Ma numesc Ioan. Am 35 de ani si sunt casatorit de cateva luni cu Aura, o tanara de 24 de ani. Locuim in aceeasi casa cu sora sotiei mele, Daniela. Ea are doar 14 ani si e sora vitrega a Aurei.
Trebuie sa va spun ca sunt foarte indragostit de Aura. De aceea, aproape in fiecare noapte imi arat dragostea, futand-o la greu. Are un sex-appeal femeia asta… cum o vad - in camasa de noapte, cu chiloti sau fara - mi se scoala si trebuie s-o am…am facut sex in toate pozitiile, i-am penetrat toate gaurile. Dar… Nevasta-mea are o idee fixa: nu vrea copii. Nu-mi permite sa-i ejaculez in pizda. Mie, pe de alta parte, nu-mi place sa utilizez prezervative. De aceea, o fut rar in pizda, de obicei i-o trag in cur, deoarece asa nu trebuie sa folosesc prezervativ si sigur nu ramane insarcinata. De asemenea, am lasat sperma din belsug pe corpul ei. Uneori, cand e bine dispusa, ma lasa sa-i spermez pe sani sau pe fatza – ea numeste asta tratament facial.
Cel mai tare ma excita, insa, atunci cand se imbraca foarte elegant, cu cate o rochie scumpa, ma masturbeaza si-mi cere sa ejaculez pe hainele alea fitzoase. A! odata, inainte de a merge la o petrecere, am facut dragoste; inainte de a termina, si-a ridicat poalele fustei si mi-a spus sa-i spermez pe coapse, peste ciorapi. Apoi, cu un gest firesc, si-a lasat poalele in jos, am iesit din casa si am mers la petrecere. Toata seara am fost innebunit la ideea ca sperma mea ii este lipita pe picioare. Grozav!
Povestea este abia la inceput, insa.
Sa va spun ce s-a intamplat.
Intr-o seara dulce, de alint - era pe la ora noua - imi futeam femeia. Obiceiul ei este ca atunci cand are orgasm sa tzipe si sa miaune ca o pisica in calduri.
Stau protapit intre rotundele ei fese si o alint. Privesc nesatios umerii carnosi si spinarea arcuita… apoi ies din pizdulicea ei dulce – in care-mi fac doar incalzirea - si imi aplec fata spre bucile rotunde; lingandu-i sfincterul, ii pipai c-un deget pizda cea tremuratoare iar ea, cutremurata de placeri, sopteste “da-mi pula ta, aauuaaaa…aaaaahhhh….strapunge-ma, vreau sa te simt acolo – o sa ma doara, stiu asta, dar nu-mi pasa - sunt tarfa, fecioara vagaboanda, nu sta, hai, scormoneste-ma adanc in cur, acolo iti place tare sa ma ai, aaaaaaaa…. iti permit sa spermezi in gaura mea secreta”.
O ling la borta curului si ma opintesc sa intru in gaura …ea tzipa, si-si freaca pasarica, s-ajunga mai iute la orgasm…
Si atunci aud o voce uimita: “Ce faceti voi, aici, ce se intampla?” Cumnata-mea, Daniela - ne-a prins in plin dezmatz.
Dana este o adolescenta slabanoaga, nu prea inalta, dar frumusica.
Poarta un furou subtire, alb, prin care i se vad tzatzisoarele; furoul abia ii ajunge la buric, asa ca i se vad chiloteii si mica tufa de par negru dintre picioare; ne priveste cu ochii mari.
Femeia mea - o vad, e fastacita rau – se extrage de sub mine si se lasa pe pat: “Ce sa facem, draga, ne iubim ca doi soti”. “Dar tu tzipi atat de tare, Aura, sunteti niste scarbosi, nemernici, cum ati putut sa faceti asta?” Fata este derutata, necajita. Nevasta-mea o apuca de mana si o trage spre ea, pe pat. Eu tac, nedumerit. Pula mi s-a blegit si nu stiu ce sa spun, e o situatie ciudata.
“Intelege, Dana” ii spune sora-sa, si-o mangaie pe coapsa “ne iubim, asta-i tot”.
“Am vrut sa vad ce-ti face in fiecare noapte, de tzipi ca o nebuna si nu ma lasi sa dorm; acuma stiu si”…fata izbucneste in plans “sunteti atat de frumosi, iertati-ma ca am venit si v-am deranjat, dar sunt speriata si singura, am crezut ca se petrece ceva rau…”
Eu tac, nu fac nici o miscare; femeile stau lungite pe pat, soptesc si-aud franturi de vorbe dragastoase, repezite. O imbuna treptat Aura pe sora-sa mai mica - si o saruta pe frunte, zicandu-i sa nu planga. “Nu fi prostuta, el ma iubeste, asa-i firesc, caci e barbat si dragostea si-o arata prin iubire curata, trupeasca, si sunt datoare sa-l satisfac”.
Glasul Aurei tremura, se pare ca ceva i-a trecut prin minte. “Uite, stai aici, cu noi, sa vezi, nu-mi face rau. Ioan, vino, iubeste-ma, sa vada si Dana ce-mi faci.” Nu ma las rugat mult, o imbratisez tandru pe la spate si-mi strecor pula in pizda primitoare. In acest timp, Daniela se holbeaza curioasa.
Vicleana mea sotzie isi cuprinde sora, si-o tine la piept, apoi se intoarce cu fatza spre mine, facandu-mi semn s-o mangai si eu pe pustoaica… Nu astept, imi intind mana si-o strecor intre pulpele stranse si simt cum carnea se-nfioara; vrea sa se miste, sa se zbata suparata, dar Aura o tzine aproape si-o saruta pe obraz intai, pe buze apoi, iar limba-i jucausa se intalneste cu limba Danielei in prelungita dezmierdare…si-si schimba saliva intre ele, si-si musca umflatele lor buze, printre lacrimi de impacare, si isi zambesc si–si ling guritzele lor fragede.
Eu respir din ce in ce mai greu; caut iarasi privirea sotiei mele si ea da din cap ca “da, continua”; in acest timp, eu introduc un deget sub chilotul fin al fetitzei si–apas usor intre buzele de jos; Dana ma priveste cu ochi inlacrimati; “Ce faci, nu, nu vreau, nu, te rog..”; Aura o linisteste: ”Surioara, el e barbat, are nevoie de multa dragoste si iti vom arata si tie ce e dragostea dintre barbat si femeie; tu tii la mine mult si vrei sa-mi fie bine, nu? Stii ca si eu vreau sa-ti fie bine; Ioan, lasa-ma pe mine si vino sa te vedem de aproape”. Ascult porunca si ma strecor intre cele doua tinere. Ele stau culcate pe spate si ma privesc. “Poti pune mana pe pula sa, Daniela, nu trebuie sa te temi”. Fata ma atinge cu timiditate.
“Acum lasa-l sa te patrunda pe la spate”; fata se deschide incet, desi se mai smuceste nervoasa. O sarut delicat pe ceafa dezgolita si pe gatul subtiratic. Mi se-ntareste pula si mi se-nroseste … Pe nesimtite, bag mana sub furoul fetei si cuprind o tzatza mica in palma; o frec usurel si o ciupesc de sfarc; ea se incordeaza putin, apoi se impinge cu fesele slabe spre mine; apropii capul pulii de pizda frageda a cumnatei mele, e calda si primitoare si o strapung, e-a mea! Sunt inauntru, acum eu conduc dansul! N-am mai futut niciodata o muierusca atat de slabanoaga, aproape ca e facuta numai din oase, dar pizda e incapatoare si primitoare.
Surorile se tin in brate si se saruta neincetat iar eu lucrez pe indelete,
in pizda cumnatei mele, pe la spate; stau rezemat in cot si le privesc pe cele doua pisicute, sunt dulci si nostime si sexy…Aud gemetele lor si suspinele pe care le scot.
Daniela e inca imbracata in furou, asa cum a intrat in camera, eu i-am tras doar chilotul intr-o parte, inainte de a incepe s-o fut.
Infierbantata, Aura si-a pierdut rusinea – ii cam place sa vorbeasca murdar -“hai, a****lule, da-i pula ta cea groasa, fii nemilos cu ea” o aud zicand “hai, fute-o asa cum este, nu te atinge de hainele ei, nu vreau sa te lipesti de pielea ei curata, doar eu am voie sa-i mangai tzatzele de copil si sa-i sarut pielea catifelata; tu fute-o mai adanc dar sa nu-ti dai drumul in ea; iar tu, Daniela, saruta-ma iar, esti buna, ce dulce gura de copila ai”.
Daniela ii musca buzele cu disperare si o zgarie pe spate pe sora-sa, murmurand: “Fac tot ce vreti, sa nu ma parasiti vreodata, caci doar pe voi va am”.
Aura o linisteste iar: ”Prostuto, noi te iubim, si Ioan te iubeste mult; dar ca sa nu te parasim, va trebui sa ne asculti intocmai si sa faci ceea ce-ti vom cere; vrem sa te facem fericita, asa cum sunt fericita si eu; eu am sa va privesc, caci am stiut de mult ca ti-l voi da si tie intr-o zi”.
Sotia mea deschide cu blandete gura sorei sale, si-si lasa saliva sa-i picure pe limba acesteia, privind-o in ochi; se lasa apoi pe spate si-si freaca nerusinata pasarica:
“Hai, Daniela, saruta-ma intre picioare, pentru ca sotul meu si-al tau amant sa intre usor in gaurica mea de femeie”. “Nu pot”, sopteste sfioasa Daniela “el ne priveste”.
Aura, cu obrajii imbujorati, i-aduce aminte: “Iubita mea surioara, ai uitat de jocurile noastre nevinovate; cand tu aveai zece sau unsprezece ani ma chemai in patul tau si nu dormeam si intreaga noapte ne sarutam la nesfarsit si ne starneam placeri cu degetele-ntre coapse si chicoteam si ne lingeam la labii una pe cealalta?”
“Asa-i” raspunde Daniela cu glasu-i subtire, “eu am uitat de toate acestea de cand te-ai maritat; ce nopti far’de sfarsit si tu aveai orgasm dupa orgasm cand imi bagai in pizdulice cate-un deget, iar tu-mi lingeai anusul pe saturate”. Atzatzata de amintiri si de senzatiile pe care i le trezesc futand-o, copila Dana isi apuca sora de tzatze si-o trage incet spre ea si isi aminteste si ea: “Mai stii cum am sarbatorit ziua mea, cand am implinit doisprezece ani?”. “Da” spune Aura “imi amintesc, la miezul noptii te-am trezit, te-am sarutat si ti-am aratat jucaria pe care ti-am adus-o; era un mic vibrator cu care te-am rascolit in pantec si te-am dezvirginat; infierbantata cum eram te-am invatat sa-mi sugi sanii si ti i-am supt si eu pe ai tai iar mai tarziu te-am facut sa juisezi iarasi dandu-ti limbi. Hai surioara, lasa-te din nou cuprinsa de febra aceea a noptilor fierbinti, secrete”. “Dragostea” continua Aura “nu este insa doar o joaca, atunci cand un barbat te vrea trebuie sa i te supui si sa-l lasi sa te patrunda unde doreste; iar tu, barbate, nu sta ca prostul” gafaie Aura “fute-o, da-i-o in sfincter, s-o aud tzipand cum tzipam eu asta noapte”. ”Draguto” i se adreseaza iar Aura sora-sii “lasa-l sa-ti intre in cur, relaxeaza-te, e ca un supozitor mare”.
Asezat la spatele cumnatei, ii departez fesele plate si slabe, tzinand intr-o parte atza chilotilor, uzi si aromati de sucul ei ce-a izvorat din pizda-i mai devreme. Ma ung pe pula in graba cu crema pregatita din timp (pentru sotia mea) si o patrund treptat pe fata, alunecand cu mare greutate in dulcea gaura, atat de stramta… E virgina acolo, la cur, pustoaica. Si ce, cu atat mai bine!
Daniela tzipa si-i zice sora-si: “ma doare, Aura, uuuuu!.. uuuu!..ma ustura cumplit, e-atat de gros si lung ca-mi rupe anusul, uhhhhhh!...e-un a****l si nu se mai opreste, nu mai pot, in pizda era grozav de bine dar in cur nu-mi place, vaiiiiii, uuuuuuu..!!!!”.
Imi porunceste atunci Aura: “Las-o in pace, vino si mi-o da mie, ma sparge-n cur pe mine, dar lasa-mi surioara-n pace; e doar un biet copil si tu o futi in cur.
Grabeste-te, o doare, o faci sa sufere. Esti ditamai barbatul si ea-i o fetiscana, doar”. Eu nu ma las rugat si-mi scot din anusul cumnatei mele sula bagand-o iute in larga borta a curului Aurei…Acolo sunt familiarizat si imping si pompez innebunit de senzatiile ce ma rascolesc.
Dana ne priveste cum ne miscam ca intr-un dans lasciv; brusc isi baga mina in sutien, scotandu-si sanul stang, mic ca o caisa: “Suge, Aura, asa cum mi-l sugeai ‘nainte de a te casatori si eram singure pe lume”. Aura sufla greu si suge sfarcul ascutit si-l musca si linge sanul mic. Apoi ea izbucneste cu un glas prefacut: “Vezi, draga mea, eu te-am salvat, nici eu nu pot sa il primesc atat de mult; in adevar e-un monstru cu pula nemiloasa; ai mila, fetitzo”. “Dar ce sa fac?” intreba copila, neajutorata. “Pune-i mana pe coaie, cuprinde-le si maseaza-le” zice smechera de Aura.
La-ndemnul bunei sale surioare, Daniela ma apuca neindemanatica de coaiele grele si umflate si ma stoarce cu asprime “Hai, lasa-ti mai repede samanta in curul sora-mii, n-auzi ca nu mai poate?” Senzatia este ametitoare, fata are miinile mici si atingerea ei ma innebuneste.
Ca sa nu termin, ies din curul fierbinte al sotiei mele si le zic: “Dragele mele, nu vreau ca sa va chinui, ci doar sa va iubesc. Spuneti-mi voi ce vreti sa fac
si ma supun dorintei voastre.”
“Ai rabdare, stai sa ne linistim putin” spune Aura.
Se linistesc femeile si merg la baie sa se spele.
Intr-un tarziu revin.
“Ce, esti mirat, suntem tot noi.”
Privesc cu gura cas**ta frumoasele surori. Sunt dezbracate amandoua. Aura e putin mai inalta, are tzatze albe, grele, ca niste globuri perfecte iar sfarcurile sunt de un rosu aprins, atzatzator. E machiata abundent, ca o curva, si-i rasa jos, sa-i vad triumfatoarea pizda dezgolita. Si-a pus o pereche de manusi de dantela alba. Cu degete subtiri se mangaie si-si freaca labiile umflate.
Daniela, mai scunda, are soldurile-nguste, seamana cu un baiat la trup si e atat de tanara si are tzatze mici ca doua piersici, iar sfarcurile mov sunt tuguiate ca la capre. Priveste pe furis la pula mea si are obrajii imbujorati.
Sunt amandoua brunete, doar ca nevasta-mea are coditze, iar juna Daniela e tunsa scurt.
Se tin de mana amandoua si sunt al naibii de sexoase.
“Intai sa-mi futi micuta surioara” incepe jocul Aura. “Si-apoi sa-mi dai in pantec ce-i al meu; dar nu uita ca n-ai voie sa spermezi in ea, ca altfel e de rau, iubite, suntem fete rele”.
Dana se urca in pat si o insfac, tragandu-i-o pe la spate, nerabdator, caci pula mi-e tare de multa vreme si ma doare. Aura se-aseaza cu pizda aproape de fatza ei:
“Hai, draga mea, da-mi limba ta, atinge-mi clitorisul jucaus; ce senzatie am, grozava,
caci esti tunsa scurt, ca un baiat si parca m-as iubi c-un pushti strain, pe care-l fute sotul meu”.Vazandu-le cum se joaca, precum doua leoaice, nu mai rezist – spermez inauntrul Danei, grohaind de placere, in timp ce ea tzipa ascutit.
Cumplit se-nfurie sotia mea, ma palmuieste: “Esti nesimtit, ce faci, ai stricat totul; ti-am interzis sa-i dai ei sperma. Vei plati!”
Ies amandoua din camera si cand revin, aduc cu ele sfori. De pat ma leaga cu mainile si picioarele departate; le-aud razand pe infundate.
“Acum te-om invata minte sa futi copile de paisprezece ani si sa-ti inseli sotia iubitoare”. Aura imi leaga radacina pulei si coaiele cu un sistem complicat de inele si lantisoare. “Sa-l futem noi acum, iubita surioara, sa sufere asa cum si noi am suferit;
iar coaiele fiind legate, nu va sperma decat cand i-om permite”.
Sunt tare iar, caci fetele ma saruta pe rand pe capul pulii.
Aura ma-ncaleca de-a –ndoaselea; ii vad doar splendida spinare alungita.
Daniela, chicotind, isi face de lucru pe la coaiele mele; ii simt mainile reci acolo si ma agit.
Ele se saruta cu sete si-si spun vorbe de amor: “Esti atat de frumoasa, surioara mea iubita, ca trebuie sa te sarut iar si iar si iar”; “Esti ca o printesa, nu ma mai satur de gura ta”; “cand te-am sarutat pe pizda ti-am vazut si borta curului”; “Si ti-ai amintit cat de mult iti placea sa te joci acolo, Daniela?”; ”E nemaipomenita, era ca o gura mai mica, cu buzele stranse”; “Ce culoare avea?”; “Roz…si mirosea bine…a sapun scump.!”; “Atunci saruta-mi gura cea mica din dos, nerusinato, tarfulita mica ce esti… a, a,aaaaaaaaaaaaa !! ce bine e!”; “Te doresc, draga mea”.
Cutremurat de dulcile lor vorbe le rog sa stea asa incat sa le vad.
Aura ma asculta, se intoarce cu fatza si ma calareste in continuare. Imi face din ochi: intr-adevar, a reusit cu abilitate sa-si atraga mica sora intr-un joc al placerilor si dragostei. Ma saruta lung si-i spune sorei sale sa faca la fel.
Daniela se lungeste langa mine si se conformeaza; are o guritza dulce si frageda si nevinovata; apoi dialogul lor continua, plin de iubire: “Mica mea sora, ce tzatze dragute ai, da-mi voie sa ti le sarut”; Dana se ridica si isi impinge sanii feciorelnici spre gura iubitoare a neveste-mii, ce le soarbe sfarcurile pe rand. Apoi e randul Danielei, isi lasa saliva sa curga din abundentza pe limba Aurei; si Aura inghite tot si-i cere iar “Mai vreau sa ma adapi din gura ta”. Daniela, innebunita, scuipa pe fatza surorii sale si linge apoi scuipatul, luindu-l inapoi. Gem amandoua ca niste tigrese si in timpul asta Aura se misca in pula mea, ritmic, inainte si inapoi.
“Da-mi si tu, reao, ” murmura Daniela. Aura se aprinde. Cuprinde fatza sorei ei, o face sa caste gura si scuipa repetat in gura acesteia, dupa care fetele se cuprind strans si se trag tare una pe cealalta de tzatzele albe. In acest timp, sotia mea vorbeste fara noima – are din nou orgasm–“aaaaa….saruta-ma, zeitza mica, gura ta e atat de dulce, stii cat tin la tine, as face orice pentru tine, iubito, ahhhhhh!...cere-mi ce vrei, hai, treci si-mi calareste armasarul, i s-a sculat pula ca niciodata, te vrea, micuto, primeste-l in tine”.
“Sarutati-ma si pe mine fetelor, reusesc eu sa ingaim” si le dau limba sa mi-o suga pe rand si le sug si eu limbile neastamparate.
Ca in transa, Daniela ma incaleca, intru in ea greu la inceput, dar apoi e usor, este atat de umeda si calda, se leagana inainte si inapoi iar Aura ma saruta si-mi vorbeste: “Iubitul meu, s-o iubesti asa cum ma iubesti pe mine, s-o saruti ca pe mine, simti gustul salivei ei pe buzele mele, e bun, nu-i asa?’. Aura se freaca intre picioare ca o nebuna: “Iti place surioara mea, da-i-o adanc, e femeia ta de-acum, ca si mine”.
Femeile m-au starnit ingrozitor, ma dor coaiele cumplit, pula mi-e ca un batz, dar nu ma pot usura, sunt bine legat la coaie cu inelele alea. Aura imi ghiceste gandurile:
“Te dor coaiele, e bine, asa trebuie, noi vom fi satisfacute si la urma iti va veni randul, pana atunci fute-mi surioara.”
Daniela are ochi de drogata, are si ea un orgasm si ma cearta: “a****lule, te imperecheai cu sora mea, o chinuiai noaptea, o futeai in cur, iar eu stateam in camera de alaturi si va auzeam si ma masturbam ca nebuna si tu nu te gandeai sa vii si la mine, iar ea tzipa de placere si de durere. uuuuuuuhhhh.. mai adanc, asa…uuuuuu!!.. Aura este o imparateasa, o sultana, cand eram mai mica ma indemna sa ii ling pizda ore in sir si nu ma saturam, apoi ii bagam un deget in anus; Aura, vreau sa-ti vad curul acum… uuuuu…”
Femeile parca au innebunit, sunt agitate la culme, excitatia le-a eliberat de rusine. Mirosul de femeie s-a raspandit in camera si ma infierbanta rau de tot.
Aura se ridica in picioare, apoi se apleca si ne arata magnificul ei sfincter,
de care nu ma satur noaptea: “Al meu este rozaliu, iar al Danei este maro inchis…
ciudat, desi suntem surori, nu semanam; mai inainte ne-ai avut pe amandoua acolo, ti-a placut sa ne spargi la cur, nu? Eu sunt larga dar ea este foarte stramta, e un copil nevinovat, tu ai pervertit-o, i-ai deflorat sfincterul delicat”
Daniela ii vede anusul si pare hipnotizata: “iubita mea sora, apropie-te, trebuie sa te sarut si sa te patrund cu limba; raul asta te fute acolo si te doare; doar limba mea te va alina”.
Se da apoi jos de pe mine, lasandu-ma cu pula indurerata.
“Iti vom arata ce inseamna dragostea adevarata, iubitule,” murmura Aura.
Se ghemuieste pe pat, cu anusul la cativa centimetri de fatza mea, ca sa nu scap nimic din ceea ce va urma. Dana ingenuncheaza la spatele ei si incepe s-o linga, de la pizda pana la cur si inapoi. Apoi, cuprinsa de pasiune, saruta prelung sfincterul roz al nevestei mele. Isi introduce degetele aratatoare in interiorul primitor si trage in laturi usurel, cascand borta cam un centimetru, dupa care scuipa cu frenezie inauntrul anusului desfacut.
Aura geme ca un a****l ranit, dupa care se ridica, vine deasupra mea “sunt uda in cur, sora-mea m-a pregatit, o sa ma futi ca pe o tarfa si ea ne va privi si se va bucura nespus” si-si propteste curul in pula mea belita. Se aseaza confortabil in pula mea, si incepe sa-mi maseze pieptul cu unghiile. Incredibil, dar anusul ei antrenat mi-a inghitit toata pula in adancurile intunecate.
Daniela a privit fascinata cum anusul surorii sale a inghitit pula mea. Pare ca-si aminteste ceva important si-i sopteste la ureche Aurei. Aceasta zambeste si spune: ”De ce nu? Ioan, Daniela vrea sa-ti arate unul din jocurile noastre secrete. Ah, dar nu acum, draga mea, sa termin mai intai…asa, asa, ahhhh!aaaaaaa…” Un nou orgasm – al catelea, oare? - o zguduie violent.
Daniela dispare in bucatarie si revine aducand o palnie mica de plastic. Aura se aseaza astfel incat sa-si prezinte iar anusul sorei sale; aceasta ii indeasa palnia bine de tot in cur dupa care se pozitioneaza deasupra; se incordeaza putin, dupa care un jet de urina galbena tasneste drept in palnie. Privesc fascinat cum pisatul se scurge in adancul curului sotiei mele. Aceasta isi scoate palnia din fund, isi misca fesele si-si strange bine inelul sfincterului, sa pastreze pretiosul lichid in ea.
Apoi, epuizate, femeile ma dezleaga si Aura imi zice obosita:”Fa si tu o laba, sa termini odata; cand esti gata, sloboade-te in gura mea.”
Nu ma las rugat prea mult. In timp ce ma masturbez o privesc insistent pe Daniela. “Vino, fetito, ajuta-ma sa termin, sora ta asteapta s-o stropesc pe obraz”.
Ea se apropie si ma strange brusc de coaie. Sperma abundenta o loveste pe Aura drept in gat si pe limba. Daniela se arunca lacoma peste sora ei mai mare si o saruta, impartind cu ea sperma alba si groasa.
Femeile au adormit; stropi de sperma ii atarna Aurei la coltul gurii iar Daniela are urme lipicioase pe barbie. Adorm si eu privind aceasta imagine delicioasa in timp ce afara se lumineaza de ziua.
Ultimul gand ce-mi trece prin cap este: “Ce bine, maine e sambata! Se anunta un week- end fierbinte!”
“Trezeste-te, Ioan, nu auzi? Hai, trezeste-te” Aura ma zgaltaie de umar.
Ma trezesc ametit dupa orgia din noaptea precedenta.
“Ce-i, iubito, ce s-a intamplat?” mormai.
“Trezeste-te. A dat telefon mama si a spus ca vine incoace sa ne viziteze!”
Aura si Daniela s-au imbracat deja si robotesc prin casa, sa faca putina curatenie. Sar din pat, le sarut in graba pe fiecare si merg la baie.
Ma spal si in timpul asta ma gandesc la soacra mea. A fost casatorita de doua ori, si cu fiecare din soti a avut cate o fata, mai intai pe Aura, apoi pe Dana. Ambii soti au murit, asa ca ea e singura de vreo…patru ani. Cati ani are Irina, soacra-mea? Cred ca 48, e mai in varsta ca mine. Este o femeie frumoasa inca, e bruneta, poarta ochelari cu rame de aur, e inalta cam cat Aura si trebuie sa recunosc ca ma excit cand o vad; de ce? Este o femeia stilata, are clasa, seamana cu o fosta profesoara de-a mea, e genul de femeie intepata, usor distanta, pe care mi-ar place s-o supun. Chiar, de ce nu? Alta data nu as fi indraznit sa sper s-o fac cu ea, dar dupa noaptea trecuta…
Aura intra in baie si ma priveste: “Ce faci, la ce te gandesti?”. “La maica-ta” raspund eu spontan. “Vezi ca ti s-a sculat pula” zambeste ea sagalnic. “Vai de mine, nu e ceea ce crezi” ma inrosesc eu. “De ce nu?” pune Aura gaz pe foc, pipaindu-ma. ”E o femeie frumoasa, e singura, si e statuta. Chiar, mi-a venit o idee! Daniela, vino incoace”. “M-ai strigat?” vine in fuga Dana. “facem o baie impreuna? De cand visez asta!”. “Taci, tu, natafleato! Ioan s-a excitat cand a auzit ca vine mama la noi! Ce-ai zice s-o invatam si pe ea jocurile noastre?” “Dar, Aura, e mama!” protesteaza Daniela. “Tocmai! O iubim si vrem sa-i fie bine. Hai s-o cuplam cu Ioan la noapte. Am un plan!” Razand, fetele ies din baie, lasandu-ma excitat si cu capul vajaind.
Orele au trecut si intre timp a aparut soacra-mea, Irina. Trebuie sa recunosc, arata bine. A mai slabit, poarta un sutien mic din care i se revarsa sanii mari, si rochita de vara pe care o are e scurta de-o palma. Are niste picioare trasnet si e bronzata. Soacra-mea este spectaculoasa. Am vorbit, am stat la masa si timpul a trecut pe nesimtite.
E dupa-amiaza. Deodata ma aud strigat de Irina. “Ioan, vino te rog in camera mea”. Irina sta alaturi de Daniela pe pat. Deodata, izbucneste furioasa:”Cum de ti-ai permis, ma, ticalosule, s-o futi pe Dana? Mi-a povestit tot ce i-ai facut.” Raman blocat si surprins. Mititica m-a tradat. Irina o da afara din camera:”Iesi, scumpo, trebuie sa vorbesc ceva cu mizerabilul asta!”. Suspinand, Daniela iese, nu inainte de a-mi face cu ochiul; se preface ca se impiedica, eu o prind sa nu cada si ea imi sopteste ”Fa-i ce vrei, eu si Aura te vom ajuta!”.
Raman singur cu soacra-mea. O privesc indelung, fara sa spun ceva. Am si ce vedea: acum poarta o bluza roz, care-i lasa umerii goi, si o fusta larga si vaporoasa; parul negru ii atarna pe spate intr-o coada groasa. “Auzi ce-ti spun? Am sa te dau in judecata!” izbucneste ea. Dupa ce ma face cu ou si cu otet, are o cadere nervoasa si incepe sa planga:”Hai, spune, de ce ai pangarit-o? e doar un copil!”
“Irina, e un copil, dar un copil care a crescut. E aproape femeie. Trebuia sa-si inceapa viata sexuala ca orice tanara. S-o las s-o faca la intamplare cu vreun neispravit? Sunt responsabil de fericirea ei. Si e cel mai bine asa, crede-ma.” vorbesc eu calm. Ma apropii de patul pe care sta Irina si ma asez langa ea. Ii cuprind umerii si o trag spre mine, vorbind continuu, cu blandete: “Nu mai plange, important e ca o iubesc nespus pe Aura si de asemenea ca amandorura ne pasa de viitorul Danielei! De aceea am considerat ca cel mai bine e s-o initiem noi in arta iubirii.”. Ii ridic barbia si o privesc in ochi, dupa care o sarut delicat pe buze. “Irina, noi suntem o familie si trebuie sa tinem unii la altii”. O sarut iar, apoi ii departez usor buzele si-mi introduc limba in gura ei. “Vezi, ce s-a intamplat rau? Nimic. E o dovada a dragostei, doar, asa cum a primit si Daniela”. “Dar” baiguie femeia, stand tot in bratele mele “a spus ca ai avut-o in anus…Cum ai putut face una ca asta?” O sarut iar, de data asta impingandu-mi limba adanc in gura ei. Imi plimb limba alene pe limba ei, pana o simt ca-mi raspunde, miscandu-si si ea limba. “Daniela e tanara, e frumoasa, ca de altfel si Aura si…ca si tine, Irina… e firesc ca atunci cand vreau sa-mi manifest dragostea, s-o patrund in toate orificiile, sa-i arat placerea sub diversele ei forme; anusul e o deschizatura care trebuie explorata, atata tot; poti gasi placeri si in anus. Ai fost maritata de doua ori. Nici unul din acei barbati nu ti-a tras-o in cur?”. „Pai, nu, au vrut, dar, nu i-am lasat”
Cu mana stanga ii ridic brusc rochia, dezvelindu-i coapsele innegrite de soare. Poarta ciorapi fini, din cei care se lipesc cu banda de pulpe. Are chiloti negri. “Ce faci” murmura femeia. „ Ce sa fac, vreau sa-ti arat ca te iubesc, esti din familie, nu?”. „Dar, dar” murmura femeia „nu e bine”. “Iti voi arata ca ceea ce am facut a fost bine, ca sa ma judeci asa cum se cuvine.”. Un deget mi-a alunecat sub chilotul fin, drept in pizda femeii si o scormonesc acolo, insistent, in timp ce o sarut, de asta data prelung, fara s-o mai las sa vorbeasca. Limba mi se invarte in gura ei, si ea imi raspunde la sarutari. Imi scot degetul umezit de sucurile femeii si-l implant apoi brusc in anusul ei. Irina tresare si ma cuprinde strans de gat. ”Auuuu! m-a durut putin! Dar e bine.. te rog, tine-ti degetul inauntru…ahhhh, misca-l incet, te rog, asaaa, incet…”
Corpul ii tremura dar ma tine in continuare de gat. Imi dau seama ca pot avansa, asa ca-mi scot degetul din fundul Irinei desi ea protesteaza: “Mai baga-l o data…”. Ii scot chilotii, apoi ma deschei la prohab si pula iese sculata si tare. Soacra-mea se inroseste la fatza: “Ce, ce, ce, vrei sa-mi faci , nu-i bine, nu trebuie…te rog, nu vreau, ai innebunit, te rog, nu ma fute, sunt soacra ta, ce vor spune fetele?”
“Ce sa spunem, mamico, ne bucuram pentru tine” se aude vocea Aurei. Ea si Daniela ne privesc din pragul usii. “Fetelor, ce faceti aici?” se rusineaza Irina. “Mama, stii ca te iubim, lasa-l pe Ioan sa te aiba, te doreste de cand m-am maritat cu el, dar nu a vrut sa ma raneasca; acum sunt pregatita, vreau sa-l impartim. Stiu ca esti statuta, doar tu ne-ai povestit ca de mult nu te-ai mai culcat cu vreun barbat.”. “Dar nu se cuvine, nu-i bine”.
“Stii ce, mama, o sa stam cu tine, sa vezi ca nu trebuie sa te rusinezi.”. “Nu-ti fie teama, stam cu tine, mamico”.
Zis si facut, zapacitele de fete se apropie de noi si se baga in pat. Aura are pe ea doar o pereche de tanga negri, iar Daniela e imbracata cu pijamaua. Ele se aseaza de o parte si de alta a Irinei, in timp ce eu astept ca femeia sa-si piarda rezistenta si s-o pot avea.
Aura i-a dezvelit rapid pieptul maica-si, scotandu-i sanii deasupra bluzei si sutienului. Sustinuti dedesubt de sutien, sanii femeii sunt atintiti semeti spre tavan. Are sfarcuri maronii, groase cat capatul de creion. Fara s-o lase pe mama ei sa spuna ceva, Aura ii insfaca sanul drept si se ocupa cu ardoare de el: ii suge sfarcul, ii musca si il ciupeste. Cu mana libera se masturbeaza frenetic.
Daniela nu sta nici ea degeaba. Fetita asta are talent pentru varsta ei frageda. Palma ei s-a implantat sub chilotii maica-si si ii freaca de zor clitorisul. Irina rasufla greu, dar nu mai are putere sa spuna ceva. Cand vad ca atmosfera s-a incalzit, ii rup chilotii Irinei, cu o miscare brusca, si asa imbracat cum sunt, in pantaloni si camasa, ma pozitionez intre pulpele ei si imi introduc pula drept in pizda femeii, fara menajamente. Aceasta se cutremura si se incordeaza. Fetele ma incurajeaza, in timp ce eu le fut mama.”Da-i-o in pizda, uite ce pizda grasa si suculenta are, baga-i-o adanc”; “Mamico, esti atat de frumoasa, iti place sa fii fututa si noi sa te privim, nu-i asa?”; “Ioan, sa nu te slobozesti prea repede, mai bine sa spermezi in curul mamei, vrei, mamico, si pe noi ne-a futut in cur” “Uite, Aura, ce gaoz frumos are mama, are un sfincter maro ca al meu,” sopteste Daniela, care si-a bagat capul sub noi. O privesc cum se chinuie sa ajunga cu limba la curul mamei sale; isi strecoara trupul subtire ca un sarpe, pana reuseste; acum ii vad fatza sub coaiele mele. O linge pe maica-sa in cur, apoi ii baga un deget inauntru. Irina se misca nebuneste, are un orgasm prelungit, dar eu rezist si o pompez in continuare.
Aura isi saruta mama si le vad facand schimb de saliva.
Daniela a iesit de sub noi. Se aseaza in genunchi langa capul mamai sale si se masturbeaza. “Uite, mama, ce pizda frumoasa am.” “Da-mi-o s-o sarut, fetitzo”, murmura Irina, care si-a pierdut inhibitiile. Daniela nu se lasa rugata si se suie pe fatza mamei sale, postandu-si pizda peste gura acesteia. Irina gafaie ”Esti atat de gustoasa, fata mea, nu stiam ca ai un gust atat de bun. Stai aici, vreau sa iti ofer un orgasm cu limba”. Peste cateva minute, Daniela urla, zgaltaita ca de un cutremur, apoi se repede si-si saruta lacoma mama “Iti multumesc, mamico, a fost teribil de bine”, suspina ea.
Aura, bosumflata, a stat deoparte, multumindu-se sa se masturbeze si sa ne urmareasca plina de atentie. Deocamdata ne da doar indicatii: ”Ioan, da-i-o mamei si in cur, acum!” Ma supun. Imi scot pula care pare neobosita si-o proptesc pe gaoaza Irinei. E bine umezita de mai dinainte, de cand a lins-o Daniela, asa ca patrund destul de usor. Femeia chiuie: “Auuu! M-ai rupt, Ioan, iubitule, scoate-o, ma doare cumplit, fetelor, scapati-ma, fac ce vreti voi, numai in cur sa n-o mai iau”
Aura imi face semn sa ies; si-a atins scopul: maica-sa a intrat in familia noastra cu adevarat.
Cele trei femei stau lungite pe pat, respirand cu greu. Aura isi aduce aminte ca eu n-am terminat, asa ca-i spune Irinei: “Mama, vezi ca Ioan nu a spermat, ce facem cu el, ca sufera, sarmanul”. Irina se aseaza in sezut si ma intreaba, cu ochii iesiti din orbite: “Unde vrei sa spermezi, pe fatza mea, in gura mea, spune…iubitul meu ginere!”
Stau in cumpana. Tot Aura ma salveaza. “Ioan, adu sampania si cupele. Asa, acum mama, lasa-l sa ti-o dea in gura si dupa aceea, cand ii vine, lasa-l sa spermeze intr-o cupa!”. Stau in picioare pe pat, iar Irina imi ia pula in gat. Aura si Daniela ma mangaie pe coaiele grele. “Hai, mama, suge-l, asa, acum linge-i doar capul pulii, asa va termina imediat!”. Draga de Aura, ma stie atat de bine! Cu un geamat profund, ma incordez si sperma tasneste in jeturi groase si albe in paharul pregatit. Ma prabusesc sfarsit de puteri, in timp ce mama si cele doua fiice se saruta, toarna sampanie peste sperma mea si beau fiecare cate o inghititura zdravana. “Pentru amor!” “Pentru dragoste!” “Pentru iubirea noastra”, toasteaza ele. “Ioan, tu nu bei?” “Fetelor, eu beau din sticla!”
Sunt terminat, dar in pat orgia reincepe.
Aura si Daniela isi atrag mama in jocurile lor ciudate.
Daniela zice cu o voce subtire si prefacuta:
“Mama, trebuie sa urinez, dar nu vreau sa merg la baie. Ce sa fac, oare?” Aura o apuca pe maica-sa de mamele si-i spune:”mama, las-o sa-ti urineze in gura, vrea sa-ti spele urmele de sperma din gat, ce zici?”
Docila, femeia se culca pe spate si deschide gura. Daniela se aseaza cu pizda pe fatza mamei sale si jeturi de pisat incep sa curga in gatlejul acesteia.
E randul Aurei, acum. I-a placut in noaptea trecuta chestia cu saliva si ii arata maica-si ce stie ea sa faca, impreuna cu Dana. Fetele stau in genunchi fatza in fatza si isi scuipa in gura una alteia, in timp ce se ciupesc de sfarcuri. Atrasa de ciudatul joc, Irina le trage spre ea si ele isi lasa saliva si in gura ei.
Femeia s-a infierbantat rau, asa ca trage capetele fiicelor sale spre tzatzele ei dezvelite. Fetele infuleca hulpave globurile carnoase si sug si mesteca din carnea inrosita de placere. “Asa, fetele mamei, sugeti, de mult nu ati mai supt la pieptul meu, ce minunat ma simt cu voi, scormoniti-ma in pizda, va rog, ahhhhh! E atat de bine, copilele mele”.
Irina se scutura, are orgasm dupa orgasm, dar fetele, nemiloase, nu se opresc.
M-am infierbantat iar, pula mea s-a sculat la datorie. Imi cuprind nevasta pe la spate si-o patrund, ca de obicei, in cur. Ma agit la spatele ei, are un anus primitor. Irina observa ce fac si ma incurajeaza :”Asa, baiete, fute-mi fata in cur, da-i samanta ta acolo, Doamne, e nemaipomenit sa o vad pe Aura cum se reguleaza; fata mamei, esti atat de frumoasa, da-mi gura ta, dulci iti sunt sarutarile, fetito; nu te opri, baiete, iubitul meu ginere, fute-o, e o nesatula, e o tarfa care merita sa aiba curul spart, da-i, asa, asa, nu te opri...”
Daniela ma saruta pe neasteptate si-mi sopteste: “Dar eu ce sa fac, vreau si eu sa mi-o dai, Aura, iti vreau si eu barbatul, trebuie sa ma futa si pe mine, surioara”. Irina isi priveste mandra fetele. Femeile ma rasfata cu mangaieri si incurajari, Aura geme tot mai tare si Daniela se masturbeaza cu frenezie in timp ce maica-sa ii saruta spinarea si-i freaca pizdulicea.
Brusc, Aura se extrage de sub mine si spune:”Stati, opriti-va! Trebuie sa facem o mica pauza. Avem toata noaptea in fatza si trebuie sa gasim o metoda sa ne bucuram de Ioan toate trei, fara ca el sa se epuizeze.”
Femeile se retrag la baie sa faca un dus, iar eu ma intreb ce se va mai intampla la noapte.
Aflu curand ce mi se pregateste.
Femeile intra in camera purtand, ca si asta noapte, sfori, inele, lantisoare.
Ma las legat pe pat. Aura imi leaga iar pula si coaiele, ca sa-mi opreasca ejacularea. Apoi Irina si Aura ies, lasand-o pe Daniela sa inceapa distractia. Ma incaleca, se aseaza confortabil in pula mea si ma imbratiseaza. Saruta grozav, fetiscana asta! Tzatzele ei mici mi se freaca de piept, starnindu-ma nemaipomenit. In acest timp, funduletul ei neastamparat descrie opturi continuu, pana ce isi obtine orgasmul.
A doua e Aura. Cu un zambet larg, se urca pe mine si-si potriveste gaura curului pe pula mea, ca de obicei. “Ce zici, ti-a placut? Si inca nu s-a terminat!”. “Te iubesc, Aura” gem eu iar ea isi obtine intr-un tarziu orgasmul dorit.
Ultima este Irina. E cam rusinata, dar mainile ei experte ma maseaza la coaie si deodata ma incaleca. “Irina, ma dor grozav coaiele, n-ai vrea sa–mi dezlegi chestiile alea de pe pula si sa ma lasi sa variez? Esti grozava, si as dori sa ti-o arat, daruindu-ti samanta mea”. Soacra-mea ma saruta nebuneste, ma mangaie, dupa care spune: “Nu, dragul meu, asta ar insemna sa comitem un i****t!”. “Bine, pot varia pe cearsaf sau pe covor, numai cruta-ma, te rog!”.
Irina se da jos de pe mine si zice: “Am sa ma sfatuiesc cu Aura”. “Hei, nu, nu cu ea, n-o sa vrea!”.
Femeile revin toate in camera, susotind si razand. „Dormi acum, odihneste-te, o sa variezi la noapte, nesatulule!”
Ma trezeste peste vreo cateva ore nevasta-mea. “Hai, ca e miezul noptii”.
“Si? Mai lasa-ma sa dorm putin.” “Nu, am pregatit ceva pentru tine si mama”. Mi se trezeste brusc interesul. “Iar ti s-a sculat pula cand ai auzit de mama” remarca Aura. “Da, vreau s-o fut la greu, si pe tine si pe sora-ta.”. “Foarte bine, asta si trebuie sa faci, de-acum inainte, toata viata. Hai, trebuie sa fii la inaltime, ti-am pregatit ceva special: iti permit sa spermezi in mama!”. “Cum adica?” intreb eu. “Asa cum auzi; e vremea sa simta sperma in pantec. Cine stie, poate o lasi gravida; ce spui?”. “Pai stiu eu? Ar fi vremea ca sa fac si eu ceva nebunesc!”.
Irina sta pe pat, imbracata cu o camasuta de dantela rosie. Nu are chiloti. Daniela tocmai o saruta languros si ii pipaie sanii umflati. Camera este luminata doar de cateva lumanari parfumate. Irina ma vede si intinde bratele spre mine: “Vino, fiule, vino la mama soacra sa te iubeasca! Fetele mele m-au convins. Te implor sa variezi in mine, asa cum un barbat variaza in femeia sa. Ma supun tie. Ce vrei sa fac?”.
“Ingenuncheaza si suge-mi pula, femeie; iar voi, fetelor, luati aminte cum mama voastra ma satisface: o voi fecunda sub privirile voastre, asa trebuie, s-o vedeti cum moare de placere, pentru ca de maine va vine randul si voua!”
Irina imi suge pula cateva minute. Apoi o imping pe pat, o intorc cu spatele la mine si o pun capra: ”Stai asa; fetelor, priviti-o, e adorabila, imi ofera comoara pizdei si a curului ei.”. “Ia-i pizda!” scheauna Aura, masturbandu-se frenetic. “Fute-o in pizda!” tzipa si Daniela “fute-o, te asteapta, te vrea, bag-o adanc!”.
Apuc cu nadejde soldurile late ale muierii si ma opintesc; o despic dintr-o miscare, pula intra si iese in pizda ei alunecoasa. Irina geme prelung. Spatele ei e acoperit de transpiratie.
“Nu mai pot,” sopteste Aura “sunteti asa frumosi, imperecheati asa, ca sot si sotie; mama, vrei ca sotul meu sa fie si sotul tau? Te rog, spune ca da, sunt teribil de excitata.” Irina isi misca ritmic fundul iar eu o penetrez neobosit. Apoi o aud “Da, te vreau sa-mi fii sot si ginere si amant si stapan; fute-ma, lasa-ti samanta de barbat in burta mea, vreau sa-ti fac o fetita pe care s-o futi cand va creste! Da-mi, da-mi, sparge-ma, a****l cu pula mare, imi place sa te simt inauntru, umple-ma cu pula ta de barbat adevarat, dupa ce ma termini pe mine s-o iei pe Daniela, s-o futi bine si pe ea; Aurei sa nu-i mai dai, ea e fericita, o futi zilnic dar eu sunt statuta iar Dana e abia la inceput, aaaaaaa……uuuhhh!...e bine…mai da-mi….fute-ma baiete, fute-ti soacra ca pe o curva ordinara, sunt curva ta, ahhh!!”
Imi fut soacra iar ea are deja un orgasm; tremura si transpira toata, dar isi impinge in continuare bucile spre mine, sa nu piarda contactul cu pula ce-i rascoleste strafundurile.
Fetele se hotarasc sa nu mai stea pe margine si sa-si frece pizdele. Aura incepe sa-si sarute mama pe gura. Le aud plescaind, isi sug limbile. Daniela isi baga capul sub pieptul mamei sale, care sta sprijinita in patru labe. Ii ia o tzatza in gura si incepe s-o suga. Sunt nemaipomenite si le iubesc pe toate trei femeile mele. “Irina, Aura, Daniela, va iubesc, dragele mele, va iubesc mult, imi vine, sunt gata, termin, aaaaaaaa…ahhhhhhh!”
Ejaculez tare si in timpul asta tin pula infipta pana la radacina in pizda soacrei mele. Fetele zambesc si tipa: ”Bravo, mama, a variat in tine, te simti bine?”. “Grozav, Ioan esti un amant teribil, iti multumesc ca m-ai insamantat, vreau sa fiu gravida cu tine, baiatule, ai fost nemaipomenit!”
Aura ma saruta apasat si ma mangaie pe pieptul transpirat. Apoi isi aminteste: ”Mamico, sa nu te speli la pizda, tzine sperma in tine, te rog!”.
Sunt atat de excitat ca pula imi ramane sculata. Mai vreau sa le fut, dar pe care din ele? “Daniela, treci langa mine, trebuie sa te am si pe tine, fetito!”
Irina s-a lungit pe spate si ne priveste cu ochii incetosati de placere. “Ioan, fute-mi fata cea mica in cur, te rog, sparge-o la cur”. “Mamica, dar nu-mi place acolo, ma ustura tare”. “Am o alifie speciala in geanta, te ung cu ea si iti va calma usturimea.” “Dar de ce in cur?” se supara Dana. “Pentru ca esti prea tanara sa ramai gravida!” raspunde maica-sa.
Irina aduce o cutie cu alifie. Unge bine anusul fiicei sale si apoi, cu maini tremuratoare, imi unge pula. “E magnifica pula ta, Ioan,” spune ea, surazand. “Fute-mi bine fata!” Dana e suparata pe maica-sa:”Esti o tarfa, mamico, tu ai luat-o in pizda, esti geloasa pe mine, ca sunt tanara si nu vrei sa se indragosteasca de mine!”.
Nu ma las asteptat prea mult. Daniela e cam inhibata, si nu pot sa-i fortez intrarea din dos. Aura intervine si o cheama si pe mama sa in ajutor. Femeile o cracaneaza larg pe micuta, apoi isi introduc fiecare cate un deget in anusul acesteia, fara a lua in seama micile ei tipete. Apoi, cu grija, trag fiecare intr-o parte de sfincterul contractat. Voila! Pestera tainica s-a deschis! “Intra, acum, hai, asa,asa, bine!”
Sunt insurubat in anusul fetei de paisprezece ani. Nu ma misc, stau sa ma acomodez cu senzatia. Parca mi-as fi prins jumatate de pula intr-o teaca stramta si fierbinte si alunecoasa. Daniela geme ca un a****l ranit. Ma misc cu prudenta, inainte, inapoi, inainte, inapoi. Deodata ma las brusc sa cad peste fata. Pula a intrat toata, iar Dana racneste.
“Mama, te rog, ma doare, auuuuu!”
Miloasa, Irina imi cuprinde coaiele in palmele reci si mi le freaca. “Da-ti, drumul, iubitule” ma indeamna ea “hai, variaza, mai tarziu te las sa ma futi pe mine in cur”.
Nu rezist mult si ejaculez. Imi extrag pula.
“Mama,“spune Aura, “uite, anusul s-a largit si se scurge sperma dinauntru, grozav!”. Irina isi apropie fatza de borta Danei si linge sperma ce se scurge: ”Immm…e buna, are un gust bun, Aura, ia si tu, draga, Daniela nu te mai foi, stai nemis**ta, sa te lingem, uite, intr-adevar sfincterul a ramas cas**t…nu stiam ca ai sfincterul maro; Aura, vino draga si-ti baga limba inauntru, e bun, nu-i asa?” “Mama,” spune Aura “vreau sa-mi bag limba inauntru, ce gaoz dragut ai surioara! Chiar, parca e o gura mica si rotunda; s-o sarut, mmmmm….”.
Daniela geme, dar de placere. Maica-sa si Aura ii scormonesc cu limbile lor neastamparate in cur si ea e in al noualea cer.
Privelistea ma excita si simt ca pula, desi ma doare, ramane sculata.
Distractia continua.

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Eine ganz normale Familie

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Meine geile Familie

Mein name ist karsten, ich in 18 Jahre alt und wohne in Düsseldorf mit meinen Eltern und meiner kleinen Schwester Nicole. Meine Eltern arbeiten beide in demselben Büro und wochentags sind sie fast nie zuhause. An diesen tagen kriegen meine schwester und ich- gegen unseren Willen- eine Babysitterin, die auf uns aufpassen soll. Diese ist gebürtige Polin und legt sehr oft ein sehr heisses Temperament an den Tag, das zu ihrem aufreizenden Aussehen gut passt. An einem Dienstagmorgen, an dem unsere...

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Ein Pornostar und ihre Familie

Tom surfte im Internet. Der 19jährige war schon seit langem regelmässiger Besucher einschlägiger Internetseiten, und liebte es sich die verschiedenen Frauen, allein oder beim Geschlechtsverkehr abgebildet, anzusehen. Auch heute Abend war er wieder unterwegs im Netz mit der rechten Hand an der Computermaus, mit der linken an seinen Schwanz. Wie die Seite hiess, auf der er das erste Mal auf diese Frau gestossen war, wusste er nicht. Aber die Bilder zeigten eine um die dreissig Jahre alte...

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Willkommen in der Familie

Mandy ist 23 Jahr alt und ist seit ganzen 6 Jahren mit ihrem Freund Markus fest in einer Beziehung. Die beide lieben sich über alles und vor einigen Monaten hat es Markus endlich gemacht und um Mandy's Hand angehalten. Markus ist eher der schüchterne Typ und er hätte sich sicher nicht getraut Mandy einen Antrag zu machen aber seine Eltern haben ihn dabei sehr unterstützt und vor allem sein Vater hat ihn regelrecht dazu gepusht um Mandy's Hand an zuhalten und so tat er es endlich. Er ist mit...

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Die Familie

HI, mein Name ist John Doe und ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Ich wohne mit meinem Vater, meiner Stiefmutter (Monika.....einen Kopf kleiner als ich, Blondes schulterlanges Haar, und immer so Gekleidet / Total Nuttich / , das jeder weiß warum sie meinen Vater geheiratet hat, nämlich wegen seines Geldes.) und meiner kleinen Schwester (Michaela....rotbraunes Haar ständig zu "kleinen Mädchen Zöpfen" gebunden, kleine grade aufblühende Brüste...und ich denke sie hat keine Ahnung von der wirklichen...

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Posta in familie

Am ajuns amandoi, repede, la concluzia ca este mult mai excitanta viata conjugala, daca o combinam cu aventuri in afara familiei. Asa ca, fara sa abuzum si nici sa ne luam la intrecere cine inseala mai mult pe celalat, ne-am lasat in voia placerilor de a avea amanti si amante. Dar gusturile noastre difereau foarte mult. MIRA. Una din primele dar dintre cele mai rascolitoare partide de sex, am avut-o prin Gusti. L-am cunoscut in sera cand ne-a sunat la usa, intreband de sotul meu. Un tip suplu,...

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Povestea Angelei

Am cunoscut-o pe Angela acum doua luni cand mi-am programat o sedinta de masaj la salonul ei din capitala. M-am lipit de ea si, pana sa-mi vina randul, ne-am imprietenit la toarta. Angela e o fata de o frumusete divina, iar povestea ei este de-a dreptul impresionanta. Dupa multe ezitari si-a dat acordul s-o scriu eu si s-o public pe site-ul asta. Lectura placuta!…………………………. Totul a inceput cu sase ani in urma; aveam 19 ani si eram o fata simpla de la tara, o moldoveanca cu parul auriu ca spicul...

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Das Familienimperium

Das Wetter war aufgewühlt, unruhig. Durch ein kleines Flugzeugfenster blickte ich auf eine dunkle Wolkendecke. „Mistwetter“, murmelte ich für mich. Es war, als würde meine Stimmung durch das Wetter gespiegelt werden: unruhig, aufgewühlt und irgendwie melancholisch. Es war natürlich nicht in erster Linie das Wetter, was mich in diese Stimmung brachte. Es war eigentlich… alles! Und das auch noch auf einmal. Es begann vor zwei Tagen mit einem Anruf meiner Mutter. Sie bat mich schnellstmöglich...

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Trkisches und Deutsches Ehepaar in Zweifamilienh

Sie lebten in einem Zweifafilienhaus, das deutsche Ehepaar Andreas und Sandra Hoffmann und das türkische Ehepaar Ali und Aisha Sülemann. Die Türken wohnten in der oberen Wohnung und durch die Sitten anderer Völker gab es immer wieder mal Reibereien, die aber nicht so ernst waren. Während sich Hoffmanns am agilen Nachtleben und dem ständig im Flur im Weg stehenden Kinderwagen störten; war es der zu gross genutzte Bereich des Waschraums, den Sandra wie Aisha meinte über die Grenzen hinaus...

4 years ago
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Als ich mich gegen 6.00 Uhr aus dem Bett meiner Chefin und Geliebten wälze, um unseren beiden Söhnen Frühstück zu machen und sie zur Schule zu schicken, bin ich wie meistens vom Restalkohol noch ziemlich benebelt. Aber immerhin kann ich schon wieder halbwegs sicher auf meinen Beinen stehen, als ich zur ersten Zigarette greife und den Rauch tief inhaliere. Dabei muss ich ein paarmal abgrundtief rülpsen, und mir gehen auch ein paar kräftige Fürze ab. Aber vielleicht sollte ich zunächst einmal...

3 years ago
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Der übliche Familienurlaub zu Weihnachten stand an und wir fuhren in einen der bekannten Centerparcs.Am zweiten Tag unserer Ankunft wollten unsere Kinder wie üblich, schwimmen gehen. Also wurde die Schwimmsachen gepackt und meine Frau Saskia zog sich sehr zu meinem Leidwesen nur in ihre Alltagsklamotten zum Schwimmen an. Gemütlich und voller Vorfreude spazierten wir die 15 Minuten Im Park zum Schwimmbad. Dort angekommen, war es mal wieder brechend voll und es war sehr schwierig überhaupt eine...

4 years ago
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FamilientraditionenUSABen hatte die Ranch erst vor einem ? Jahr erworben und gleich modernisieren lassen. Er wollte daraus ein Paradies machen. Ein Paradies, in dem er schalten und walten konnte, wie er wollte. Er wollte einflussreiche Personen mit gleichen Interessen hierher einladen. Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Showbusiness und Sport. Woher sollte er wissen, dass dies viel schneller vonstatten ging als er es sich in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen ausgemalt hatte. Noch vor wenigen Tagen war er J...

2 years ago
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Ronja der Familienmensch

Dies ist die Fortsetzung der Geschichten um Ronja Teil 1: Schulhure Ronja https://chyoa.com/story/Schulhure-Ronja.32044 Teil 2: Ronja in der Hafenstadt https://chyoa.com/story/Ronja-in-der-Hafenstadt.32714 Im dritten Teil geht es um Ronjas und Viktors weitere Partnerschaft, Ehe, Schwangerschaften und Familiengründung, außerdem um die Übernahme der Speditions von Ronjas Vater.

3 years ago
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Three Families

Special Thanks To Zingiber, mumsmaja, floppy15, Whizzper, 1hawaiikat, B1G Bro, Boogeyman, Bran Hopewell, Fjord83, and Xyleen for helping make this one of the biggest and longest running incest story on chyoo. "3 Families" 2.0 can be found here. https://chyoa.com/story/3-families-2-0/thread/157287 SUNDAY There it was finally, after three tanks of gas six restroom breaks and a lot of coffee I could finally see the city limits sign. I was finally home. I had spent the last year away at collage....

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 279 Meeting the Families

Never thought of it that way. Mary and Skylar’s fathers had many wives. Did they not come from outside of their family? Without the four girls here, I’m sure there will be other families who encourage their daughters to try to have me impregnate them, just to keep up with the Jones. They are going to be out of luck. To keep from being a distraction from “business,” I went to my room to dress in shorts and a button-up, short-sleeved blue linen shirt, plus sandals. I didn’t know how to call...

5 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 2 The Sugar Daddy for two families

Montu Kumar saw a chance here and Montu said to Asha. Ok Asha You can try them and see how you look in these saree and jewellery .. If You like them after you wear them .. Then you can decide to take them or leave them. Try them to check if they suit you. She said Sahab I am feeling sticky due to sweat and wanted to take a bath and then wear these new clothes.. Montu Kumar said Ok I am in no hurry to sleep and tomorrow is Sunday. He was also feeling sticky due to sweat and also wanted to...

2 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 14 Families

Alexa Chapter 14: Families The next few weeks following our trip to Como Park saw our lives settle back into more of a routine. Classes had started backup, which began taking up most of our time. I went to all my classes as Alexa. Alex was becoming more of a memory. While many of my professors and classmates said nothing, there were still a few that found my change disgusting. A heated discussion in a class one day brought a fellow student named Ericka to an open display of...

5 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 3 The Sugar Daddy for two families

The story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. He was left alone in night with his maid Asha and then he fucked Asha for a whole week. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families. Maanvi ...

4 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 6 The Sugar Daddy for two families

The story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. He was left alone in night with his maid Asha and then he fucked Asha for a whole week. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families. Maanvi...

4 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 4 Sugar Daddy of Two families

The story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. He was left alone in night with his maid Asha and then he fucked Asha for a whole week. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families. Maanvi...

3 years ago
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United families

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

4 years ago
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Blending Families

He got the widow, her daughter, and his step-daughter in his bed. More a romance than a stroke story. It takes a while for the characters to ‘hook up,’ but there’s romantic sex, spanking, first time sex, foreplay, post play, and incest-in-spirit if not in law. Many thanks to OneSilky for her assistance in editing. * ‘Dad, can you pick us up?’ It was his daughter, Tara, sounding a little angry, a little scared, a lot flustered. ‘Mr. Freeman was supposed to, but he’s way late, and isn’t...

4 years ago
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Two Families

My father was searching for a good alliance for marriage. He was very particular about heavy dowry. As such many matches failed. But all of a sudden my father took me to a family to finalize their daughter. The house is very good but not so rich. And the girl was too sex. On our return journey I asked my father “can they give us the heavy dowry. To my surprise he said there may not be any dowry. You will enjoy life with this marriage. I said how . . ., You will see is the answer. The marriage...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 442 Bad Families

I wonder what his story is and why he got drawn to Ellen. Ellen sent in the boy she had found to play with here, and as soon as I saw him, I knew him. I watched the realization on his face when he sort of recognized me. I showed him a picture of me from before Paula’s accident. He asked, “Darren?” in his family language, to which I replied, “Darren is dead. I’m David.” “You smell like Darren and have his eyes,” he whispered in my ear. I whispered back, “I also have children with Mary,...

3 years ago
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3 Families

PROLOGUE: HOMEWARD BOUND While I have abonded this story after Chyoo broke down and glad to see a new site up and running in its place I have taken the story to Literotica and invite everyone who likes this story to check it out over there and as well though I am also posting new content here under the extra's at the bottom. And feel free to help upvote it at Literotica and thanks for reading my story. New Version Here https://chyoa.com/chapter/Alternate-Version.169573 Rico Louis It was a...

2 years ago
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12a Archdeacon StreetChapter 14 Unplanned Families

"I dropped Sally off at school. She's got classes this afternoon." Delia twisted the control knob of the washing machine. Water began to gurgle. "Good of you to look after her. And thanks for bringing all her washing round. Her jeans and stuff." Russ looked at her. Delia's face was blank. "I'd have expected a phone call from her. She is my younger daughter, after all." "She couldn't call you from 1928." "They had phones in 1928." "Yes, but..." She turned round, grinning...

5 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 18 A Choice of Families

"But she's my sister! I can't let my sister stay a slave, even if she has been let live her own life most of the time." "I will not give her up!" Harrison said. I had just returned from the really cool bathroom they had there, my smile from having to step over the massive pileup of sleeping Etas fading fast. "Where's Sarah?" I asked, noticing she wasn't in the room. "She gone to get Tommy," Harrison said. "Your companion here is not seeing things very clearly. She's my wife,...

2 years ago
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Female DelightsPrologue Families

Prince Abdullah had acquired a second wife in London when he made Madeleine Lascaux pregnant in the year after he married his first wife, Amelia, whom he had renamed Princess Zubeydeh. Madeleine was the insipid little daughter of a French diplomat who, at 22 was already considering herself 'left on the shelf'. He met her at an early evening reception in the Kobekistani Embassy; he was bored and she was the only female there that he did not already know. Most of the others had already been...

3 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 5 The Sugar Daddy for two families

Maanvi started to give him food as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine morning when she went there to give him morning Coffee on seeing his erect 9 Inch cock while he was asleep and she was lured into sucking it and then while bathing she fell in bathroom and Montu Kumar treated and helped her. In the last part 4 you read “He kept his thumb inserted in her pussy for a few seconds longer during the up down massage of her legs, the massages started...

4 years ago
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Even in The Best Families

** But have you ever even thought about doing anything improper as far as Shelley is concerned Greg?" She was staring at her husband as one might a laboratory specimen. "Be honest with me, I promise I won't hold it against you hun - I'm just interested. "Jesus Christ," Greg was thinking, "What father if he was honest had never once looked at his teenage daughter, if only in a moment of surging hormonal...

2 years ago
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Tea For Two Families

Part One The air conditioning had just cut on when the door bell chimed. "I'll get that, Angela. It must be the Taylors. Are the children ready?" "Yes, Miz Brown." "Make sure they're clean, then send them to the foyer." Beth walked past the mahogany dining table to peek through the sheers. Yes, there it is: Vicky's silver El Dorado. Beth closed the sheers, glided around the corner buffet toward the pocket doors. "Freddie! Sandy! Hurry! You mustn't keep your guests waiting."...

4 years ago
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Happy Families

1. A Daughter in Flagrante Delicto Barbara was in her early thirties, a good looking housewife with two beautiful children, Jack who was 15 and Sophie who was 14. She had a lot to be grateful for but she was also bored with life. The children didn't need her like they used to and their father was so involved with work at this point in their lives that it all became a bit dull. For some time her fantasies had been growing more and more outrageous, spurred on by the lack of any suitable outlet...

4 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 34 Happy Families

The following evening the Chief Eunuch was not put out in the least when he was ordered to prepare the two new wives and Princess Zubeydeh to go to the Emir's bed together that night, but prudently he had three separate teams of bath girls and eunuchs prepare the women, each in their own quarters. Thus it was a surprise to all three of them when they met in the corridor, being escorted together to the Emir's bedroom. There, all three knelt at the foot of the bed. As they did so Ayda asked...

2 years ago
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Absolute DelightsPrologue Families

She was a natural blonde with a slim figure and good teeth. Her hair was worn shoulder length and straight. Amelia Smith was just twenty and reading medicine at the University of London when she met Prince Abdullah from the Emirate of Kobekistan and fell head-over-heels in love with his dashing good looks and enormous fortune. Dinners at restaurants, the like of which a country doctor's daughter could only dream about soon led to visits to his sumptuous apartment overlooking Hyde Park. She...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 38 Of Fantasies and Families

As we arrived at the baggage claim area, I was surprised to see Rhonda standing there with a huge grin on her face. We hurried over to her, and I swept her into a big hug. "You didn't have to do this. We were going to take the bus back." She smiled up at me. "I had to come to the city anyway for something else, so picking the two of you up wasn't a problem." She looked down for a moment, then back up, and quietly added, "To tell the truth, I've missed the two of you. It's been damn...

3 years ago
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True Friends and Family

True Family and Friends A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book...

3 years ago
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Christmas With The Family

Christmas With The Family   An Original Work by Donato, Copyright 2007       Harry and Todd had been friends since grade school and now were freshmen at the same college, State University. It was almost Christmas and Todd had invited Harry to stay with he and his family as Harry's folks had been called out of town on a family emergency. It was the first time Harry was not to see his folks over Christmas and he was really down in the...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1 The week before school vacation is always a tough week, but for the large Finn Family this 2nd week of February was the toughest. It started with a wedding but quickly turned into fear and anxiety as two members of the family went into premature labor. Marcus Quentin Sylvester, the elder by one minute, was alright but Brent Louis Jones, the younger of the two, was in very real danger. Brent had trouble breathing and was on the small side for babies at his state of...

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Heading East The Jones Family

Newhall, Missouri was a changed place. In the past two and a half months every town agency had been completely torn apart by the state and federal corruption probes. There was rampant nepotism, greed, extortion, conflicts of interest, fraud, and embezzlement throughout the town brought to light by the investigators. It went further to include the County of Hadley which Newhall residents completely controlled. Things were dire in the town. The sheriff's office was torn in half...

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My family

My Family My Family    I have lived next door to Jim and Cindy most of my life and they had two beautiful daughters? that were much undisciplined girls.  The oldest one Mary 18 years old and the younger one Vicki 17 years old. Jim drove truck and one day was killed in an accident. Cindy and I started to date about 3 months later and she and I were to go out for dinner one night. I was to pick her up at 6pm for a business dinner. I arrived and she was not ready and was just getting out of...

3 years ago
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Making of a Family

Prologue James York was a tall, skinny, weak white teenager. His father worked hard as a distribution warehouse manager. His mother was a nurse who spent long hours working at a major hospital. The family lived in a modest four bedroom home in an upscale neighborhood in Winnisimmet, MA that their combined hard work enabled them to buy. James wasn't the best looking but he had an infections personality that made you instantly like him. He could tell what you were thinking and know...

2 years ago
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Heading East The Toro Family

The season had just ended in bitter disappointment. The Dodgers had lost in the divisional series yet again. They tried but there was always something that caused them to collapse or lose out on opportunities. Their performance wasn't really a problem to him, what irked was that the team was full of themselves. They were elites in the city but not all players were the same. Some were family people who chose to go home to their wives and girlfriends while others, like Miguel Toro,...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 9 Tuscaloosa Trip First Christmas with the Family

Characters Introduced Sophia, 18 5'4, white Dirty Blond hazel eyes 36D breasts, long swan-like neck Becca, 16 5'6, white Red Hair with Green eyes 36C breasts Martha, 35 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 36D breasts Victoria, 17 5'6, white Blond with Blue eyes 36C breasts Candy, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Cynthia, 14 5'4, white Blond with Blue eyes 34B breasts Alileen, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green eyes 32C breasts Alexis, 12 5'2, white Blond with Green...

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Christmas Wedding Part 2 Evans Family

9 Days Before Christmas Charles and Grace Evans were about to enjoy their first extended period of solitude since their son was born. Charles enjoyed his job as a police officer but it often kept him busy at all hours of the day and night as be worked up through the ranks to become an Assistant Commissioner, the third highest rank in the Metropolitan Police Service. He had no plans on becoming the Deputy Commissioner or the Commissioner when the positions opened up, but still worked...

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A Bride for the Entire Family

Cindie Hightower’s entire body still tingled with the memory of the wonderful fucking her daddy had given her moments ago. Kalyn was so right, fucking was the best. She hoped that daddy would fuck her again soon, but if not, she had options — plenty of them! Cindie just basked in the afterglow of her happiness, remembering that only just a month ago, things had been so, so different. The 19-year old had not been a happy girl then. Almost all of her misery was caused by her unhappy home life....

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Very Loving Family

by Jen L. Lee © 2012 The thick cock was moving in and out of Brooke’s pussy at a steady pace. Her nipples tingle and she felt flush, but it was all so GOOD! Losing her cherry had hurt a little, but it hadn’t really been a long hurt. Now it was feeling so wonderful. Brooke Taylor was thrilled. At last she was one of them. At long last she could fuck with her loving family. Brooke’s long blonde hair covered her coral-pink nipples and it tickled a bit. She knew that she was a bit...

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The Shaw Family

?? ? ? ? ?The tea cup in my hand was probably worth more than my car in the driveway. It was a grand circular driveway of course. I loved the car though; it was an old old Chevy Cavalier, bright yellow. People on the street were always waving at me, trying to hail a cab. I felt popular. I got to hand it to the Shaw family, they were one good looking bunch of people. All three sons inherited their height, manner and masculine good looks from Dr. Donald Shaw, one of the world's most famous...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 1 The Family

Sunday, May 30, 1971 Grace stretched her nude body languorously beside me, reaching above her head to touch the rustic headboard as she pointed her toes. "Ooo! I can't believe I fell asleep," she said lazily. "You expended a lot of energy," I replied. "I think WE expended a lot of energy. You fell asleep too," she giggled. I just smiled. My name used to be Phil Brown. And up until two weeks ago, I was a fifty-six year old loser, stuck in a dead end job, a dead end marriage, and a...

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An Insular Family

A young woman finds a unique way to keep her family together. There were just 3 people plus the minister at the gravesite. As the minister spoke, the three people just stood there, holding hands, with tears streaming down their faces. The three people were Anna, her brother Shaun, and their father Carl Pearson. The person in the casket was the children’s mother. Just a couple of short months ago their mother had complained of feeling run down and went to see a doctor. What she found was that...

4 years ago
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Big Incest Family

Hi Friends, This is Bobby here again with a new episode. It was a last week event when due to my official work I had to go to Jaipur for 2 day trip. I planned to leave early in the morning around 6 so that I can be in Jaipur by 10 AM and can start my meetings. As per schedule I started and as soon as I crossed manesar, I saw one lady waiving for the Lift. She was standing near the car which shows that there was some problem with car and some male was inspecting the same. I stopped the car near...


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