12a Archdeacon StreetChapter 14: Unplanned Families free porn video

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"I dropped Sally off at school. She's got classes this afternoon."

Delia twisted the control knob of the washing machine. Water began to gurgle. "Good of you to look after her. And thanks for bringing all her washing round. Her jeans and stuff."

Russ looked at her. Delia's face was blank.

"I'd have expected a phone call from her. She is my younger daughter, after all."

"She couldn't call you from 1928."

"They had phones in 1928."

"Yes, but..."

She turned round, grinning broadly. "I was only kidding, you daft bugger!" She swayed across the kitchen and laced her fingers behind his neck. She wasn't wearing anything under her shirt. "Thanks for looking after her."

"She looked after me."

"I bet she did, too!" She wriggled her hips, producing a belated response. "Well, she didn't wear you out completely. Come on, you can tell me all about it in bed." She yanked him off balance and hurried him out of the kitchen. He was halfway up the stairs before he could protest, and by then it was too late. "How did her jeans get soaked like that?" Delia asked over her shoulder.

"It was snowing."

"I know! In February, too. It must be all this global warming and stuff." She hauled him into the bedroom and started tearing at his clothing. He replied in a series of abrupt sentences, punctuated with gasps.

"They didn't have global warming in 1928. I mean it hadn't been invented then. It was at least a foot deep. We could hardly walk through it. Sally fell into a snowdrift. We had to thaw her out. In front of a gas fire." Economical with the truth, perhaps, but true enough.

"So!" Delia sat down on the bed. "Undress me. And tell me what happened. Everything."

"Nothing. I wrapped her up in blankets and put her in front of the gas..."

"Not Sally, stupid! This other business. Your preggers girlfriend. What's her name?"


"Same name as Granny. I suppose it was quite a popular name back then. It was the name of Just William's big sister, after all. Anyway, is she still pregnant?"

"I don't know exactly. But everything was different this time. I think it's all right. So does Sally."

"That's okay, then. What did you bring back? Anything exciting?"

"No, the weather was so bad I had to spend most of my cash on a pair of boots."

Delia pulled a face and sighed. "Oh, well. Next time, perhaps. We'll have to find some more old money for you. Come on, then. I told you to undress me. I need your body."

No peace for the wicked. He knelt before her and removed her shoes. Delia would want things done in an orderly fashion.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Oh, Russie, Russie, Russie, Russie, Russeeeeee!"

Delia lay back, sweating like a racehorse, as Russ collapsed shuddering on top of her, his face in her wet, wobbling cleavage. "Uh!"

"Is that all you can say? After the most miraculous sex of all time, what does the great lover say? 'Uh!'"


"That's slightly better." She giggled and squirmed comfortably beneath him. "I suppose I'm a lucky woman, really, being able to share my stud with my two vast-bosomed daughters. A lucky mother. I don't suppose we'll have time for another go before Sally comes in, will we? When's Claire coming home? What's the matter? Russie?"

He raised his face from its damp resting place. Had he heard correctly? Probably not, with tits wrapped round his ears. Not nearly as big as Sally's monsters, of course, but still a wonder of nature.

"You didn't answer my question," she said.

"Which one?"

"When's Claire coming home?"

"It's hard to say. She was going to call again on Tuesday. Tomorrow."

"Oh, good! You don't need to go home tonight. We can have dinner here. As it happens, I've got something special, just for you. Sally enjoys it, too, as it happens."

Russ often had this feeling that Delia never said anything that had only one meaning.

"What were you saying about being able to share me with your daughters?"

Delia laughed and scooted her big bottom across to the edge of the bed. "You can come down and help me in the kitchen. We'd better get dressed first, or we'll keep getting diverted. I don't mind sharing you, as long as the girls don't. And they don't. Well, Sally doesn't. Claire might object to her baby sister getting in on the act. You'd have to ask her." Her voice went muffled as her head disappeared into a monster T-shirt. She emerged, peering round as if expecting the world not to be still there.

"That wasn't what I meant. Not quite. You said something about your two daughters?" Russ was trying not to put words into Delia's mouth. "About the way they both look the same, I mean?"

"Look the same? Claire and Sally?" A giggle. She squirmed into a pair of indecent jeans. "I wouldn't have thought there'd ever be any problem telling those two apart!"

Russ heaved a sigh of relief and groped around on the floor under the bed, looking for his shorts. Delia flounced over to the mirror and inspected her overall appearance.

"Of course, there are certain similarities," she went on. "But Sally's tall, like her father. And Claire's such a squidgy little thing. Except where it counts, of course."

A chill descended on his neck and he hesitated, half in and half out of his pants. "Where it counts?"

Delia gave a great heave to her jeans, setting every ounce of herself wobbling monstrously. "Up top. Of course, with Claire being so much more petite, her bust looks even bigger than Sal's. I shouldn't say it, I know, but with your height, you'd be much better suited to Sally than to Claire. But that's Mother Nature for you. The laws of natural selection. Claire's baby will probably be so much taller than her, so everything will average out nicely. Are you getting dressed, or what?"


"That's what I thought. Come on. You've got to peel the spuds."

Sally's face lit up. "You're here!"

"Your mother insisted. Something special for dinner, she said. She's had me peeling potatoes for hours."

"Potatoes?" Sally wiggled her bottom. "She's trying to make me even bigger. I'm starving. I haven't eaten for about seventy years. Where is she, anyway?"

"Upstairs in the bathroom."

"Come here, then!" She held her arms out. An offer he couldn't refuse. "I've been thinking. About clearing up in the past... ?"

"That reminds me. Something your mother said earlier made me think. How big is Claire's bust?"

Sally spluttered. "Claire doesn't have a bust. Hers is a chest! This is what you call a bust." She leaned back in his arms, her lips about two feet out of range. She saw his expression. "What did she say?"

"She was talking about her two vast-bosomed daughters. When I kind of asked her what she meant, she described Claire's figure. She said something about her being petite, so her bust looks even bigger than yours."

"Bigger than mine?"

"And another thing. She was talking about Claire's baby, as if she's pregnant, you know, the way she said it, as if Claire's been pregnant long enough for us all to be used to the idea?"

Sally was impressed. "Wow! We really screwed up!"

"We did? How?"

"I dunno. I could probably work it out. But it must mean that when you went back this time and didn't make Ethel pregnant, you did the wrong thing. And now you've done it - or not done it, as the case may be - everything's changed."

"It can't have changed. We already know what Claire looks like..."

"We do, because we've been involved in one particular version of her history. To everybody else, it seems, Claire's a big girl, and always has been. Petite, so even if her bust is smaller than mine, it looks bigger. We're the only ones who ever knew her as a skinny beanpole."

"That's ridiculous!"

"Is it? Look at Mum, and me. And all the women in our family since way back. Isn't it perfectly logical for Claire to be just like the rest of us? You lucky bugger. That's three of us you've got now, and we've all got huge tits! That's what you like, isn't it?"

Russ shifted uncomfortably. "I suppose so. And Claire could be pregnant, too?"

"Why not?" Sally suddenly laughed her rudest snorting laugh. "Maybe we all are! I wouldn't mind at all! Lisa says I'd look..."

"What are you two lovebirds plotting?" Delia had crept downstairs without them noticing. "Come on, it's all ready to dish up." She stared closely at Sally's tummy. "Not you as well, Sal?"


"I should hope not, either. No babies for you, young lady, not until you finish school." Sally rolled her eyes at Russ as her mother glided ahead of them into the kitchen. Even when she wasn't deliberately swinging those big hips, they still swayed. Sally pointed at her mother's backside and rolled her eyes.

Delia stopped and turned round with a grin. She raised an eyebrow. "Two pregnant women in the family is quite enough, thank you!"

Russ followed the familiar road to Staunchbury. This time, it felt different. He wasn't on his way back to the late 1920s, with a dog-eared business card in his overcoat pocket. The magical card was gone, torn to shreds and tossed into the garden bonfire. He wouldn't have felt safe any more, venturing back seventy years, not knowing what he might find. Especially without Sally's reassuring presence. Sally had gone to school, although not without protest. 'I want to meet Claire, ' she had complained. Her mother had told her not to be such a great big daft baby.

Delia had stayed at home in bed. The return of her eldest daughter meant little enough, although they no doubt had loads of things to tell each other. It did put a stop to her sex-life for a while, at least until she could arrange one of her marvellously-crafted excuses for an hour's nookie.

There were half a dozen taxis waiting in the station yard, with the London train almost due. Russ parked in one of the spaces allocated to those waiting to pick up passengers. The sleet lashed against the car windows. Claire would be complaining bitterly about the weather. She didn't like the cold.

Or would she? He was sitting there behind the wheel, waiting for a stranger. If Claire could have changed from the young woman he knew so intimately to a petitely buxom woman who was carrying his child, what other changes could he expect? He might not even like her. Was he going to have to learn all the ways of this new lover? She, presumably, already knew all of his.

The train came in silently without fuss. None of the puffing, door-slamming self-importance of a 1920s London express. Glimpsed beyond the station buildings as it weaved its tedious way through the approach to Staunchbury: Central - Staunchbury Parkway was two miles back - it sighed to a halt and opened its doors to spill its customers on to the bone-chilling Platform One.

At the station entrance, the first travellers had already emerged, cramming themselves greedily into the available taxis. Unnoticed, half a dozen more black cabs had appeared to take their places in the waiting line, but there would never be enough for everyone. Several people bent their heads and set off up the slope into the town centre, heading for the car parks and the bus station. Claire wasn't one of them. She appeared last of all, peering out into the station yard, a diminutive figure wrapped in a puffa jacket, a bulky holdall in one hand, disapproving of the sleet, looking round. She saw the familiar car and set off with a purpose, skirting the puddles, straight to the passenger side door, opening it...

"Hello, you!" She wriggled in, dumped her bag on her lap and slammed the door shut after her. "Oops, sorry! I forgot." She opened the door again so she could close it once more, quietly this time. "Wow, it's a bit warmer in here, though. Sodding train. The heating was working, but only just. I complained, but they said it was a technical fault. Can you get your money back for that? I'd have thought you could fill in a form and claim." Same old Claire, he thought, without realising. She leaned across. "Thanks for coming to the station. Did you have long to wait?" Her little hand squeezed his arm as she planted a moist kiss on his cheek.

"Only five minutes." He started the engine and released the handbrake as she turned and placed her bag on the back seat, then turned her attention to her seat belt. His eyes widened.

"You can wind your eyeballs back in, too, Russell," she chided him gently with a giggle. "I know what you're thinking." She arranged the belt across her suddenly bulky chest. "You're right, too. I've only been away a couple of weeks and I've gone through half a dozen bras. Literally gone through them. You wait 'til we get home and see this little lot straining to get out. At least, I found this perfectly wonderful little bra shop. The one I told you about? Did you tell Sally about it? I told Mum..."

They swished up the steep slope and turned on to the inner ring road, Claire prattling away nineteen to the dozen about Parsifal, Renfrew, Garbutt, Mountfitchett and Pryce, and Si and Rumbold and Cindy, the twins and Bogdanov. At least, he now knew that Bogdanov was a dog. Maybe all the others were dogs as well...

" ... and the most amazing news! I nearly died when Cindy told me. Bogdanov's getting married in April! I said to him, you've got to be joking, but he just gave me that enigmatic..."

So much for that idea! Young Sally up to her pranks again. She was asking for a good spanking, that one. She'd probably enjoy it, too.

"How's Sally?"

"What? Oh, fine."

"Good. Mum said you'd been away with her for a dirty weekend. Is she as good as me? I suppose she's quite fit, despite those footballs of hers. Although if we got the tape measure out, it might be a different story now." Claire patted her chest. It wobbled disturbingly on each side of the seat belt. "I can't wait to get you home. Can't you stop somewhere and we can climb into the back seat? M-mmm!" She leaned her head on his shoulder, placing a hot little hand on his thigh. Straight away, it began walking as if it had a will of its own. "No, on second thoughts. We'll go to bed as soon as we get back. Put your foot down, driver!"

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The Unplanned Vegas Gangbang

If you are new to my stories; all the stories are true events in which I participated. Some details have been changed to protect the guilty. I share these stories to document my transition from a shy virgin to a Dom. BBC Bull. I was contacted by a couple on AFF. They lived in Florida and would be visiting Vegas in a few weeks. The couple lived in Florida and were in their early 30's. He was an Air force Pilot. She was a beautiful blond with one of the best bodies I had ever seen. We exchanged a...

4 years ago
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My Unplanned Foray Into Lesbo World

I am Vaishali (Lovingly called “Vaishoo) and am writing on one of the deepest secrets held within me. Sometime back, I was unsuspectingly drawn into a scandalous Lesbian affair with my office colleagues. I was quite scared in the beginning, but finally things got so hot that I gave in to the moment.I had gone to Digha with my colleagues on an Annual Picnic. Digha is a beach resort near Kolkata in India. Initially, I was reluctant to go because I was recently betrothed to my engineer fiancee...

4 years ago
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Unplanned 3 some with a huge cock FFM

It had been a beautiful day from the outset and I swung by the apartment of some friends, wanting to say hello since I was in the area. When I got there, Kay answered the door, dressed in a small bikini and a big grin. She greeted me by throwing her arms around me and giving me a hearty kiss. Now Kay is attractive, but not what some would consider attractive. Facially, she's pretty plain, but her smile and sparkling blue eyes tell a lot about the warmth and passion of this young lady. Her...

2 years ago
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Unplanned male bonding

Jay was a guy I knew from the neighborhood bar I went to in Manhattan. Not a close friend, just someone I saw in there from time to time. A few years older than my close circle. We played pool together and watched a ballgame or two. On TV, even up at the stadium a couple of times. I liked the bar, it was pretty low-key and there was plenty of girls came in, giving me ample opportunity for one-nighters. New York girls aren't shy.Anyway, this isn't about girls. This is about the time with Jay.We...

2 years ago
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Unplanned Ultimate Sex With Swati

This story is about Swati (name changed for obvious reasons) and me. It all started when I was in std 12(2005). It was winter time and all schools were closed for Christmas. After scoring high grades in 10th, I moved to the capital city and was staying in a PG. My father’s ex colleague and his wife were my LG and were the only people I knew in the city. It was family of 4 : Husband, wife, daughter Swati(23 yrs) and son sanju (20). Lemme tell you about Sonam. She is 5’2″, fair with a figure of...

2 years ago
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A pleasant unplanned surprise for me

Last week, I was in Atlanta working, and had planned to be home for the weekend!I had decided to do a little shopping while in Atlanta, and started driving late in the afternoon on Saturday.Bad weather was moving across the country, and was due at home on Saturday, so I was monitoring it on the radio and my weather app on my phone. I was about half way home, and ice started forming on my wiper blades, and it was getting dark fast. I decided to get a hotel room, and wait to drive home on Sunday,...

3 years ago
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Girls Shopping Party Has Unplanned Pleasure

We are around the house Saturday morning just doing normal stuff and the phone rings and I go and answer it. I hear you talking for a while and then come back in. You smile like you do when you want to ask for something and give me the big green eyes and say "Honey, can I ask a big favor of you?" I look a little nervous when I reply, "What is it?" You playfully say "Remember I was supposed to go over to Jill's tonight for one of those girl's parties," and I nod. "Well, she had a pipe leak in...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Unplanned Sex Means Unimaginable Pleasure

Hello, guys, this is Rohit here. I’m currently 21 years and living in Nagpur with 8 inches of hard and long dick. I am 5.7 tall with 65 weight athletic body and muscular built. The bhabhi of my story is 31 years baby with sexy curves with 5.4 height and 52 kgs. This is my first sex story and more to come. I’ve gained the experience to fuck really hard and make pussies wet and girls moan and wanting more. Well, this story is when I was studying for my 12th exams. I used to study on the 3rd floor...

3 years ago
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Unplanned And Best Fuck With Hot ExBoyfriend

Hello everyone, I am new here and this is my first submission (definitely not my last). I got to know about this sex story site from my ex-boyfriend, who is a frequent reader and blogger here. Also turns out, he is the main reason I am submitting this today. A little something about me. My name is Fiona, I am 24 years old and live in Mumbai. I am a girl with average height but with a good figure (at least that’s what guys say). My measurements are 36-28-36. I love to keep myself fit so I guess...

2 years ago
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Unplanned Sex With My Aunt

Hi everyone I am Kartik. I am from Uttarakhand. This incident happened last year. After completing my graduation I and my girlfriend went for a vacation to Nainital. Since I am from Uttarakhand many of my relatives live in Nainital. We reached there by 4. We went into the hotel changed our clothes and rested for a few hours. In the evening I went to a medical store to buy a pack of condom. As soon as I entered the medical shop I saw a woman in her 40s. She was as sexy as hell. I just ignored...

4 years ago
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Maternal Love 8211 Part 1 8211 Unplanned Sex With Grandma

Hello, this is my first story. Hope you enjoy. Note that all the characters here above 18 and this story is totally a work of fiction. This story has a total of 4 parts. First of all, let me describe my family. I have a small family consisting of my dad, my mom (Daisy) and me (Klingy). My dad is a muscular man with an ideal man’s outlook. My mom is a 35-year-old lady with perfect buttocks. Her measurements are 34 E-24-38. She has a well-maintained body with big breasts. She looks like a model...

3 years ago
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Unplanned Sex With My Bhabhi

I am from Mumbai but I was in Bangalore for some official work and office had provided me a flat as the project would take 2-3months. My wife was pregnant and she couldn’t join me so I send her to my in-law’s place. My big brother Arvind planned for Diwali vacation trip. I requested him to join me in Bangalore and enjoy the stay with me. After that, they can proceed towards their trip and I can arrange a better trip for them with help of my colleagues. He accepted my request and he arrives with...

3 years ago
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Unplanned Sex 8211 Became Sex Addict

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I was 18 years old. As I was in my 12th standard. I came home for holidays. Mom prepared different varieties of food as I am home. I enjoyed the food and mom are making preparations to go to my grand mother’s village to give them the food we cooked as they are old and not able to make all kinds of varieties. Mom asked me to come along with her. But, I don’t want to travel and I said maybe next time. She said fine and she left...

4 years ago
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Unplanned Dogging session

Real Story...My wife and i were on a weekend away when we had a drive around the local countryside, the weather was warm with little breeze, i was in shorts and t shirt my wife in a short thin cotton summer dress, while driving around i had the aircon on in the car which caused my wifes nipples to poke through the thin cotton. After a while we found a car park in the country near to some woods so we parked up and decided to take a walk. we locked the car looked at the map at the entrance to the...

2 years ago
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Unplanned Sex With My Landlady

Hello friends.. My name is Vivaan and I’m an engineer from Allahabad, aged 26. The sex story I’m writing here revolves around my landlady when I was in college. There are few people who comes in our life’s whom we can friends with or we respect them due to their nature, behaviour and loving attitude.. She was one of them. A middle aged woman of age 38 approx who was a house wife and the landlord uncle was a government employee in bank. I was new to the state and in ma second year of engineering...

3 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay Chapter 5

Chapter 5Andy continued into the room, followed closely by Carl. Their faces were a picture, looks of utter amazement that rapidly changed to ones of sheer lust. Carl was the first to break the silence. “Hi girls, I won’t ask what’s going on, cos that’s obvious, but who is that you’ve got tied up on the bed?”Andy added. “We could hear you lot cumming from the lift and the smell as we walked in, it smells like a brothel in here. In a nice way of course.” He added, quickly.On the bed Ilke turned...

4 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay Chapter 4

Chapter 4 “So tell us Ilke, we both know each other well and know what we each like, what really makes you cum very hard?” Asked Lorraine.She stood still in the middle of the room, her face a picture of hesitation and indecision, her face still bathed in my drying juices, the ends of her hair still very wet.“I not know if I can say to you. Is how you say, slightly unusual.”We looked at her expectantly.She continued. “I like to make like prisoner, with bindings, maybe a little pain too.” She...

3 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay Chapter 3

Chapter 3 I set up my Lumix camera on my gorillapod, adjusted it so it took in all of the bed area and checked a picture, perfect, it covered it perfectly. I adjusted the zoom to the place I wanted it snapped off another shot. Even better, now I’d be able to record our lovemaking so that we could watch it at our leisure later.I walked back towards the bed, as I did so there was a tentative knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it wide. “Come in Ilke.” I said to the lovely brunette...

4 years ago
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An Unplanned Overnight Stay

Chapter 2An hour later we were ready, not a sign of the horny games we’d been playing in evidence.Lorraine was wearing a gorgeous short grey dress in a stretchy, partly see through material, it had only one shoulder strap, she was wearing it over her tiny black lace thong and strapless lace push-up bra, the flesh coloured stockings complimented the colour of the dress perfectly. She’d slipped on a pair of black patent Christian Le Boutin shoes with daffodil heels. She looked amazingly...

4 years ago
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An unplanned overnight stay

An overnight stayChapter 1“I just don’t believe it,” said Lorraine as she looked in the mini-bar of the hotel room.“Not a thing to drink, this certainly is a cut-price doss house.”“We’ve had such a fab time so far, it seems a shame to spoil it now,” I commented.“So what do you want to do then,” asked Carl. “We could always go and get something to drink, if you want us to,” added Andy as he stood by the door of what was laughingly called the en-suite bathroom.I checked my watch, only 10:30pm,...

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Brother8217s Unplanned Romance With His Cousin Sister 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone I am Raghav Batra. This story is about a real incident which I think shouldn’t have happened. Let me introduce myself and my sister to you. I am 21 years old , studying in last year of college. I am fair and good looking guy. My cousin sister Meghna is also 21 years old. She is fair in colour. She is a cute girl with slim figure. Her main attraction is her boobs. She has big boobs which also gave her lot of stares in college. Her stats must be 38 24 34. I and Meghna have...

3 years ago
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My Unplanned Foray Into Lesbo World

I am Vaishali (Lovingly called “Vaishoo) and am writing on one of the deepest secrets held within me. Sometime back, I was unsuspectingly drawn into a scandalous Lesbian affair with my office colleagues. I was quite scared in the beginning, but finally things got so hot that I gave in to the moment. I had gone to Digha with my colleagues on an Annual Picnic. Digha is a beach resort near Kolkata in India. Initially, I was reluctant to go because I was recently betrothed to my engineer fiancee &...

4 years ago
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Tommys Unplanned Sissy Life Part 1

This should not be read by anyone under eighteen. Tommy's new sissy life By Deewet Tommy didn't realize that Gary was hitting on him the first two nights at the in/out bar. Never in his life had a man or woman hit on him before. Women thought he was cute, but they had no desire to be with a cute, 4'11" inch tall, 89 pound man who looked like he was twelve. On the third night, Gary was very straight-forward to Tommy. "I'm going to tell you something," said Gary,...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Gf Unplanned

Hi. I’m a regular reader of iss and this is my first story. It is a real one. I felt many stories here were fake ones. I really like sharing and reading real ones. Here it goes. The story of how I made out with a girl in her house. Her name is Nithu from Chennai. Myself Balamurugan. We studied together in school and were lovers. However we broke up after school. When I was in college we again got back in touch and we kissed in a cyber cafe. We also met once in my house, and I touched her boobs...

4 years ago
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Unplanned Long Drive Led To Planned Sex

Hi readers. I’m Rahul, a freelance photographer and a bachelor residing in Bangalore. This is about me and Kruthi – a beautiful gal whom i culd ever imagine that i culd get a chance to sleep with her. When I was an amateur photographer, I used to click randomly and post them on my Facebook page to increase my fan base and also i used to tag my friends who were also interested in this field. It happened so one day, a girl named Kruthi, liked some 30 of my clicks randomly. My notification column...

2 years ago
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Unplanned Ultimate Sex With Swati

Hello Readers. I have been reading stories in this forum since last 3 yrs and finally decided to share my story with you all. About me, I am 24 yrs with avg height of 5’8’’, fair complexioned and athlete body. Currently I stay in Delhi and working for an MNC. Please do share your feedback with me after ready this on This story is about Swati (name changed for obvious reasons) and me. It all started when I was in std 12(2005). It was winter time and all schools were closed for Christmas. After...

3 years ago
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Our first unplanned group sex

Kelly and I met at university, and married shortly after graduating. We thought we would travel a bit before settling down, and worked around Europe in various jobs. After nearly three years we found ourselves at a Spanish resort. I was giving tennis lessons at a big hotel, while Kelly lectured on Spanish history to interested guests, and in the evening was a barmaid at a large bar/disco/casino place. We were making good money, and enjoying the life. One evening I joined Kelly while she was...

Group Sex

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