Die k nigliche Familie
- 4 years ago
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Mein Name ist Mike Müller und bin 20 Jahre alt. Ich bin 1.83m groß und sehr schlank. Mit meiner Akne bin ich nicht gerade ein Blickfang für die Frauen. Dennoch hatte ich bereits drei, mehr oder weniger ernste, Beziehungen. Die längste davon hat gerade mal ein knappes Jahr gehalten. Seit einigen Monaten hatte ich allerdings kein Mädchen mehr in meinem Bett. Wenn ich mir nicht regelmäßig einen von der Palme wedeln würde, hätte ich inzwischen Eier wie Bowlingkugeln. Wie viele Jungs in meinem Alter wohne ich noch bei meiner Familie. Diese besteht aus meiner Mutter Jessica und meiner 2 Jahre jüngeren Schwester Susanne. Unser Erzeuger ist einfach abgehauen als meine Mutter ihm offenbarte, dass sie das zweite mal schwanger ist. Ich muss leider zugeben, dass meine Mutter nicht gerade die hellste Kerze auf der Torte ist. Sie hat sich mit 17 in meinen Erzeuger verliebt und war auch schon ein Jahr später mit mir schwanger. Als dann zwei Jahre danach meine Schwester unterwegs war, ist er ohne ein Wort verschwunden. Die 18 Jahre bis heute waren sehr schwierig für unsere Familie. Meine Mutter hatte es wohl am schwersten. Jung, alleinerziehend und ohne Ausbildung, war sie immer knapp bei Kasse. Sie hat uns immer ein gebläut, dass es nichts auf dieser Welt geschenkt gibt. Dieser Spruch hat sich regelrecht in mein Gehirn eingebrannt und wurde auch zu meinem Lebensmotto. Susanne ist ein typisches 18 jähriges Mädchen. Sie hat nur noch Party und Jungs im Kopf. Einen Festen Freund hat sie nicht, sie genoss lieber die Abwechslung. Im Gegensatz zu mir, half ihr die schlanke Figur dabei. Sie ist dazu noch 1.77m groß und hat schier endlos lange schlanke Beine. Diese mündeten in einem recht kleinen knack Arsch. Ihre Brüste wirkten mit dem gut gefüllten C-Körbchen zu groß für ihre schmalen Körper. Die langen braunen Haare trug sie meistens offen. Unsere Mutter sah ihr sehr ähnlich. Da Mum aber gut 10cm kleiner ist und auch eine etwas kräftigere Figur hat, passten ihre Proportionen deutlich besser zusammen. Ihre Haare sind auch etwas kürzer. Alles in allem kann man sie eine perfekte Milf nennen. Zu dritt leben wir in einer kleinen Wohnung in einem Brennpunktbezirk von einer kleinen Stadt.
Als ich Samstagnachmittag nach Hause kam, nachdem ich meinen alten Wagen gerade an einen Gebrauchtwagenhändler verkauft hatte, hatte ich noch keine Ahnung, wie sehr sich einiges bald ändern würde. Daheim angekommen warf ich meine Schuhe in die Ecke und ging in mein Zimmer, um den Briefumschlag mit den 5000 Euro, die ich für das Auto bekommen hatte, in den Safe zu legen, den ich mir wegen meines Hobbys als Sportschütze zugelegt hatte. Ich hatte ihn gerade verstaut, als meine kleine Schwester...
IncestPOVESTE DE FAMILIE Ma numesc Ioan. Am 35 de ani si sunt casatorit de cateva luni cu Aura, o tanara de 24 de ani. Locuim in aceeasi casa cu sora sotiei mele, Daniela. Ea are doar 14 ani si e sora vitrega a Aurei. Trebuie sa va spun ca sunt foarte indragostit de Aura. De aceea, aproape in fiecare noapte imi arat dragostea, futand-o la greu. Are un sex-appeal femeia asta… cum o vad - in camasa de noapte, cu chiloti sau fara - mi se scoala si trebuie s-o am…am facut sex in toate pozitiile, i-am...
Freie Übersetzung und einige Variationen des Inzest-Klassikers "Captured Family" von John_2. _________________________________________________________________________ Mögliche Variationen: Weiße Familie - weiße oder schwarze Gang. Weiße Familie mit erpresstem Vater - weiße oder schwarze Gang. Schwarzer Vater und Sohn, weiße Mutter und Tochter - weiße oder schwarze Gang. Weißer Vater und Sohn, schwarze Mutter und Tochter - weiße oder schwarze Gang.
InterracialHI, mein Name ist John Doe und ich bin 19 Jahre alt. Ich wohne mit meinem Vater, meiner Stiefmutter (Monika.....einen Kopf kleiner als ich, Blondes schulterlanges Haar, und immer so Gekleidet / Total Nuttich / , das jeder weiß warum sie meinen Vater geheiratet hat, nämlich wegen seines Geldes.) und meiner kleinen Schwester (Michaela....rotbraunes Haar ständig zu "kleinen Mädchen Zöpfen" gebunden, kleine grade aufblühende Brüste...und ich denke sie hat keine Ahnung von der wirklichen...
Eine zauberhafte Familie! Hier geht es um eine Familie, in der die einzelnen Familienmitglieder magische Fähigkeiten besitzen. Zum Beispiel Gedankenkontrolle, Liebeszauber, Verwandlung...
Ich war 19, kam gerade frisch nach dem Abitur in eine fremde Stadt, wo ich mit ein wenig Glück einen Studienplatz gefunden hatte. Meine Eltern wohnten in München und da ich in Hamburg studierte, war ich von meiner gewohnten Umwelt und meinen Freunden völlig abgeschnitten. Mit meinem Freund hatte ich auch Schluss gemacht, nachdem ich erfahren hatte, dass ich dort oben studieren wollte. Auf eine Fernbeziehung hatte ich keine Lust. So war ich natürlich umso glücklicher, als ich direkt am ersten...
TeenEs war gegen 7 Uhr an einem Montagmorgen in einer norddeutschen Kleinstadt. In einem kleinen aber liebevoll hergerichteten Einfamilienhaus versammelte sich eine auf den ersten Blick ganz normale Fami-lie zum Frühstück. Peter, der Vater, war 35 Jahre alt, blond und muskulös, war Schulleiter eines Gymna-siums in der nahen Großstadt. Michaela, seine Frau, war 36 Jahre alt, hatte lange schwarze Haare, die sie meistens zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammengebunden hatte, sie war gerade mal 1,60m groß,...
IncestUm das zu erzählen, was ich mein Daddy-Ding nenne, muss ich ein bisschen weiter ausholen und euch von meiner Jugend erzählen: Ich bin ein Einzelkind und wuchs ziemlich behütet auf. Mein Vater war Verkaufsleiter eines mittleren Betriebs, meine Mutter Kassiererin in einem Supermarkt. Wir schwammen nicht gerade im Geld, aber es hat mir auch nie richtig an etwas gemangelt. Meine Eltern waren lieb und nett zu mir, manchmal habe ich von Mama oder Papi Schläge bekommen, aber immer nur, wenn ich das...
IncestFamilie Schaubach ist ganz normal. . . War ganz normal, bis zum Mai letzten Jahres. . .
Incest(Hallo. Das hier ist meine erste Geschichte und ich hoffe sehr, dass sie euch gefällt. Sagt mir bitte in den Kommentaren oder Nachrichten bescheid wenn ihr Kritik oder Ideen habt) Die Morgensonne tauchte die Stadt Jeraira in ein rötliches Licht. Auf dem Marktplatz hatten die Händler bereits ihre Stände aufgebaut und es roch nach allerlei Gewürzen. Die Menschen unterhielten sich angeregt mit den ersten Kunden, während sie Preise verhandelten und ihre neuesten Waren anboten. Die friedliche...
Bridie sat quietly in Dr Reilly’s surgery trying to take in what he was saying. “Are you saying that I have the Aids?” she asked. “No, to be sure you have the HIV but that don’t mean you going to get the Aids,” he explained. “So what shall I have to do Doctor?” she asked awkwardly. “Well to be sure you shouldn’t be screwing any decent Irish lads bareback,” he said,. “But me Da won’t work and me Ma has eight kids at home to feed, I’m the only earner!” she protested, “I need every cent I...
"Are you ready for me to make love to you, Aubery?" she asked, getting on top of me."Yes, Erin," I muttered, failing to make eye contact."I love you," she stated, sticking the dildo into my twat."I love you too," I groaned, placing my hands on her lower back. 'Just fuck me, and get it over with, woman.'I didn't look at her, but I was sure she glared right at me as she let the dildo thrust in and out of my slit. She stayed close enough, so our boobs stayed in contact, but it didn't...
TabooSeit ?ber 24 Stunden war ich nun schon in diesem bl?den Flughafen Terminal und mir fiel die Decke auf den Kopf. Es gab einfach nichts zu tun. Praktisch jeder Zeitvertreib kostete Geld, und das war mit meinem Taschengeld nicht drin. Ich hatte schon ein wenig in meine Reisekasse gegriffen, aber ich konnte nicht alles ausgeben, bevor die Reise richtig begann. Es sollte zu einem Sprachurlaub gehen, nach England. Eigentlich w?re mir Amerika viel lieber gewesen, aber das war viel zu teuer. V...
Darlia bewegte sich geschmeidig durch den Trubel des Basars. Ein enger zerschlissener Rock reichte ihr knapp bis zu den Knien und ein schmutziges Stück Stoff war eng um ihren Oberkörper geschlungen. Als sie an einem Obst Stand vorbei kam beugte sie sich weit nach vorne, so das der Händler seinen Blick nicht von ihren wohlgeformten kleinen Brüsten wenden konnte die ihr Ausschnitt preis gab. Als er abgelenkt war griff sie schnell zu und nahm sich zwei wunderschöne rote Äpfel die ungefähr die...
CHAPTER EIGHT When Freddie got off the plane in New York, she was carrying all her worldly possessions in her two suitcases. She felt like she was coming home, and she hoped that she was coming home to stay. King and Alexander had told her that they would meet her at King’s motel, so she wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the airport waiting for her. When she heard someone calling her name, she was quiet surprised. She turned around to find the person and was thrilled to see a very pregnant...
Hi there! Name's Gym Bunny Candie. Of course, you can just call me Candie, but that's up to you. I'm quite the enthusiast when it comes to fitness (the name sort of gives it away:)). Most any day you can find me in the gym, working out, stretching, training clients, teaching classes, or just hanging out. I love most things "fitness" (you should check out my new tumblr page. It's kind of like me--a sassy work in progress). I just adore waking up in the morning, sliding into a sports...
I woke up and looked over at Goldie, she was sleeping soundly. She had a soft smile on her lips. I wanted to kiss her but instead I got up and went to relieve myself. When I returned she was sitting on the side of the bed. I sat beside her and pushed her back and kissed her sweet lips, she tried to pull away but my hand slipped under her gown and between her legs. She stopped struggling and her arms went around my neck. She pulled her face back, ‘Please let me go to the bathroom. I’ll be...
Andie pulled up in front of the Honolulu Inter-island Terminal and saw her dad wave at her. She pulled over and quickly found the trunk button and pushed it. Ben tossed his two bags in, closed the lid and got in the car next to his daughter. She leaned over the console and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Where did you find this car?" "I borrowed it from my roommate. She's away for a couple of days so we can use it to look around," Andie said. "I'm anxious to see your...
New Abbey, Scotland, 1914 CHAPTER ONE One. Two. Three. Four. Four steps would bring Madeline Welby to her brother’s bedroom door. Maddie’s heart pounded painfully in her chest and her body trembled, teeth chattering as she stared ahead of her in the dark hallway. With each step, she could feel the brush of the carpet under her bare feet. A late winter rainstorm was approaching outside, and the rumble of the thunder matched the rumble inside her being. Maddie took the first step. I’m barmy!...
From the beginning of Jeff and Morris’s dealings, Morris kept Jeff from becoming more than someone with whom he did business by always keeping Jeff at arm’s length. He treated Jeff cordially but he thought that any show of warmth or affection was a sign of weakness. Being incapable of feeling or at least expressing any level of warmth or affection for another person, it didn’t take a lot for Morris to keep his feelings for Jeff hidden. Indeed, Morris had been brusque with Jeff when asked...
Sadie's Education Sadie licked the last of Miss Maple's envelopes. "Are you done, dear." MissMaple, a six foot two Jamaican woman and Sadie's typing teacher asked her. "Yes,Miss Maple. I really appreciate you giving me the work." Sadie said gratefully.Money was tight, and she didn't want to work part-time and screw up her businesscollege scholarship. Miss Maple had never seemed the sympathetic sort, andwas a tough critic of her students, once embarrassing Sadie in front of theclass by...
Once upon a time there was a girl named Goldie. Her parents were very mean to her. Like, they made her actually clean her room! And come home on time when there was a curfew!! And be respectful of old people, like her lecherous boss down at the Hit and Miss Drive In, where she wore roller skates to take food to people!!! It was a real bummer for Goldie, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lox were serious about her growing up to be a proper woman. They made her eat her vegetables at every meal too,...
"It's slow, Teri ... I'm going to leave early. You and Beth should be able to hand it now." "Sure, Andie. Was that your new boyfriend with the cute little girl?" "She's a doll, isn't she?" Andie took her apron off and put it in with the laundry. "Bet she has Daddy wrapped around her finger. Bet her Daddy is going to be in trouble with two cuties chasing after him." Andie got her things and waved goodbye as she headed out the door of the little shop. She made a stop at Macy's...
"I should be jealous. How come I'm not?" "Jealous of what, Fred?" "We're laying here on the beach. A beach that we aren't even supposed to be on. We are nude, Sean has just fucked you, you're still holding his dick, and I've only gotten one little kiss all day." "I keep telling you, Fred, you're just going to have to grow a cock," Sean answered for Andie. "Shut up, Sean." "Both of you! Stop it now." Andie closed her eyes again and Fred and Sean both turned over on their...
CHAPTER THREE On Monday, Freddie decided that she really wanted to face King on her own terms and get it over with. She dressed in jeans and went in search of the man. She started by knocking on his door. When she didn’t get an answer there, she looked in the kitchen, where she had found him the week before. When she didn’t find him there, she searched for him in the motel. But no one had seen him and no one had any idea where he was. Disappointed, Freddie returned to her rooms. As she...
He laid back on the pillow while Andie was changing in the bathroom. Joel was nude and his penis was already filling just thinking about spending another night in the same bed with her. If this were to be the last night, then he would ever be thankful for the time that they had. In his heart though, he knew that it had to be just the beginning. He believed in his God with all of his heart and he knew that this God would not take away this gift to him and his daughter. When Andie stepped...
The Mating Habits of the Mature Jim's Story Suddenly, I'm single. I'll probably never stop grieving the loss of Diane, but I've committed to myself, my son and daughter, and my best friend Bruce to get my head out of my ass, as the latter called it, and to start to enjoy the world again. I'm very left brain – analytical, logical. I was a systems engineer for NASA, and segued into middle and then upper management, but always with large, multi-million dollar technical aerospace projects....
"Morgen" brachte Lena hervor als sie schlaftrunken durch die große Wohnküche des Ferienhauses in Richtung des "kleinen Badezimmers" torkelte. "Guten Morgen" lächelte Frank, blickte vom Frühstückmachen auf und sah seiner achzehnjährigen Stieftochter nach. Durch den dünnen Stoff ihres Nachthemdchens zeichneten sich ziemlich deutlich Details ihrer Figur ab, die ihn an Sabrina erinnerten. Sabrina war Lenas Mutter, die er vorletzte Woche gehreiratet hatte. Frank hatte lange gedacht, nie wieder eine...
Mein name ist karsten, ich in 18 Jahre alt und wohne in Düsseldorf mit meinen Eltern und meiner kleinen Schwester Nicole. Meine Eltern arbeiten beide in demselben Büro und wochentags sind sie fast nie zuhause. An diesen tagen kriegen meine schwester und ich- gegen unseren Willen- eine Babysitterin, die auf uns aufpassen soll. Diese ist gebürtige Polin und legt sehr oft ein sehr heisses Temperament an den Tag, das zu ihrem aufreizenden Aussehen gut passt. An einem Dienstagmorgen, an dem unsere...
IncestTom surfte im Internet. Der 19jährige war schon seit langem regelmässiger Besucher einschlägiger Internetseiten, und liebte es sich die verschiedenen Frauen, allein oder beim Geschlechtsverkehr abgebildet, anzusehen. Auch heute Abend war er wieder unterwegs im Netz mit der rechten Hand an der Computermaus, mit der linken an seinen Schwanz. Wie die Seite hiess, auf der er das erste Mal auf diese Frau gestossen war, wusste er nicht. Aber die Bilder zeigten eine um die dreissig Jahre alte...
Mandy ist 23 Jahr alt und ist seit ganzen 6 Jahren mit ihrem Freund Markus fest in einer Beziehung. Die beide lieben sich über alles und vor einigen Monaten hat es Markus endlich gemacht und um Mandy's Hand angehalten. Markus ist eher der schüchterne Typ und er hätte sich sicher nicht getraut Mandy einen Antrag zu machen aber seine Eltern haben ihn dabei sehr unterstützt und vor allem sein Vater hat ihn regelrecht dazu gepusht um Mandy's Hand an zuhalten und so tat er es endlich. Er ist mit...
Am ajuns amandoi, repede, la concluzia ca este mult mai excitanta viata conjugala, daca o combinam cu aventuri in afara familiei. Asa ca, fara sa abuzum si nici sa ne luam la intrecere cine inseala mai mult pe celalat, ne-am lasat in voia placerilor de a avea amanti si amante. Dar gusturile noastre difereau foarte mult. MIRA. Una din primele dar dintre cele mai rascolitoare partide de sex, am avut-o prin Gusti. L-am cunoscut in sera cand ne-a sunat la usa, intreband de sotul meu. Un tip suplu,...
"Someday..." he thought to himself, referring to someday being in charge of everything...so he could stop working so much like a damned slave. Martin tugged at his tie, letting it hang loosely from his neck as he ran his fingers through his hair, yawning off the days work, headed to the coffee machine to get himself a mug of the good stuff before Adrianne got home from school. His eyes caught the picture stuck to the fridge...him and his little girl had been at it on their own for the last 5...
The next day, my wife & Edie went out shopping, and I decided it was time to play some more! I quickly stripped off my cloths as soon as I heard them drive away and got ready. First, I wrapped a rubber band around my balls, then I took a 2-section cock ring and snugged it above my balls to keep them nice and tight, then slipped off the rubber band. Then I slipped my growing cock through the second loop, and after ensuring it was down low and tight, snugged that up as well to keep my cock...
Chapter 1: Introduction Friday I agreed to be a sex slave. I thought I would make a good one since I have a big cock that is hard most of the time. But after only an hour my mistress became very exasperated with me because I was unable to please her as a good slave should. "You don't even know how to lap a cunt properly," she complained. "You're probably even more useless at advanced tasks." I was devastated. "But Mistress, I'll do anything you want, just teach me." She dismissed...
Andie & AjaxHello everyone! Peachy here
Her neighbor, Dave, was a fairly nice looking guy and had a really great smile. It was easy to be attracted to him, although both of them were already married. His two kids’ ages put them a year ahead of her two girls, who were in first and third grades. Edie was barely 18 when she and Jack married and got pregnant immediately. They moved to the small town when the first child was ready to start school, thinking that a smaller school system would provide a better education. Dave and...
I've been married to Edie for just a little over six years and I am constantly finding out things about her - things that I would never have expected or even believed for that matter. For instance - I just found out she is a slut. Edie wasn't a virgin when I married her. It wasn't something that I knew first hand, but in the spirit of being up front with me Edie laid out her entire sexual history for me even to the point of naming names. I knew two of her previous lovers and she wanted to...
My name was Gary and I’m fifty-two years old from Seattle. I’m 6′-0″ with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blonde pubic hair over my seven-inch cock. I’m married to fifty-year-old Robyn who was 5’8″, short chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. She had a nice pair of D-Cup tits that are still perky for her age and a bit of a chubby ass. She keeps her pussy hairy and loves to have her clit licked. Her cunt is so juicy and tasty! Robyn worked with forty-six year...
Note: This story is non-fiction and a fantasy I’ve had for a while. It’s one of those typical fantasies where married men would love to see their wife with another woman for a threesome. So I’ll change the names of the parties involved to protect this horny married man from the northwestern part of the states. So here’s how I want my fantasy to play out…My name was Gary and I’m fifty-two years old. I’m 6’-0”” with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blonde pubic hair over my seven-inch cock. I’m...
Jodie looked across the room at Mark with distaste and contempt as she propped herself up on her elbows and knees ready for their landlord to take her from behind. She heard the landlord unfasten his pants and then drop them to the floor and felt his cold calloused hands grip her ass cheeks roughly and pull them wide apart. He plunged into her without hesitation causing her to wince and bite her lower lip. He was not a handsome man in fact he was at best an untidy slob but she was hopeful of at...
Actually, it turned out that figuring out what to do about Edie was the easy part. I loved her—I loved her more than I'd ever loved anyone, in fact—but I wasn't going to stick around and be her happy cuckold of a husband. Thinking about what I'd seen her do made me want to throw up. In fact I had to pull the truck over to the side of the road at one point, because I was afraid I really WOULD throw up. I thought about how turned-on I'd gotten watching her fuck the shit out of those two...
BIRDIE Winnie Winkle is my hero, a single mother who became the premiere fashion designer of our time. I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame; I wanted to be her disciple. So, after high school, I took off for the big city. Some of my friends were sharing a loft there; they worked some gigs in the theatre district, helping out here and there, and one place let them use their loft as a sort of studio apartment. But their space was cramped, and I had no money for rent, and no...
This is an entry in the Valentine’s Day Contest 2008 — if you enjoy the story, please take a moment to cast your vote. * * * There was a sickening sound of screeching tyres followed by a dull thud. The ominous silence that followed sent ice-cold fear racing through Maddie’s veins. Blindly she ran across the street, the gravely tarmac shredding her bare feet – although she barely noticed. Another car stopped and voices buzzed like mosquitoes on the edge of her consciousness. Sasha was lying...
My name was Gary and I'm married. I just turned fifty years old and even though I have a good sex life with my wife, I still had a fantasy of having sex with Jodie. She works with my wife at the Citizens Bank in town and is fifteen years younger. Jodie had some financial issues and when it rained it poured on her. Her Chevrolet Caviler just broke down and she didn't have the cash to get it repaired. So unbeknownst to my wife, I lent Jodie three hundred and twenty-five dollars to get her car...
EroticFrom my last post, I had jerked off into Edies nylon panties and almost gotten caught in the guest room, having just enough time to return the soiled pair I had cum in to the laundry and the clean one to where it came from. I also had out a bra from the laundry, that I accidently put back with the clean lingerie, and that would be my downfall. About 3 months later, Edie came to visit again, with her 18 year old daughter who is a freshman at a NY City college. I was in heaven hearing this,...
This was my fantasy about wanting to have sex with a girl I know. Her name is Jodie and even though I'm married. I still have a fantasy of having sex with her.My name was Gary and I'm married. I just turned fifty years old and even though I have a good sex life with my wife, I still had a fantasy of having sex with Jodie. She works with my wife at the Citizens Bank in town and is fifteen years younger. Jodie had some financial issues and when it rained it poured on her. Her Chevrolet Caviler...
This was my fantasy about wanting to have sex with a girl I know. Her name is Jodie and even though I'm married. I still have a fantasy of having sex with her. My name was Gary and I'm married. I just turned fifty years old and even though I have a good sex life with my wife, I still had a fantasy of having sex with Jodie. She works with my wife at the Citizens Bank in town and is fifteen years younger. Jodie had some financial issues and when it rained it poured on her. Her Chevrolet Caviler...
AffairWe fade in on the exterior of what appears to be a wide, apartment complex. Two levels, very pretty, limited parking. Then we’re inside, noting the number of old people sitting in armchairs or being pushed around in wheelchairs. We move to an indoor swimming pool – steam rising into the air suggesting that this is a hydrotherapy pool. In the pool, a small group of women are being put through a series of exercises by a nurse/carer who is standing on the side of the pool. They are extremely...
Breathless, Jodie knocked on Julie’s front door with her school books in hand. She needed to focus and calm down. Her body was still buzzing from being fucked hard by Mister Hunter. She really never had an orgasm last as long or was as intense as earlier this evening. She felt his cum still leaking from her pussy and her body trembled. Thoughts of sex were taking over her teenage mind; she had to get her mind on school and not Mister Hunter’s hard cock thrusting deep inside her horny cunt. Her...
TeenThere was a sickening sound of screeching tyres followed by a dull thud. Ominous silence sent ice-cold fear racing through Maddie's veins and she ran blindly across the street, the gravely tarmac shredding her bare feet - although she barely noticed. Another car stopped and voices buzzed like mosquitoes on the edge of her consciousness. Sasha was lying in the road, deathly still. Maddie dropped to her knees, dirt scraping her flesh. She touched the familiar silky fur, trying to convince...
313 Jodie`s embarrassment This is a story of Jodie a 24year-old student, who I am lucky enough to have met on here, she`s blond, a slim 5'2, Blue eyes beauty, not overhung in the breast department at 34B, but a realist and a sensuous lady. She lives in Ashford in Kent, commuting each day to a London university. She had on occasions been asked to attend parties, her looks and poise being the sort of wallpaper, the well to do tended to enjoy even on occasions paying students to attend,...
Blood is thicker than water, a phrase that is supposed to bind families together. An interesting concept don’t you think? Todger65 was the editor for this story, I liked his work so much I asked if he would edit this one for me as well. I do hope you enjoy your read. ***** It had taken twenty six years for me to finally say my life was my own and I was damn well enjoying it. Oh what it is to tempt fate like that because you know life is going to stick it to you in the most gruesome of ways...
The next morning, I woke to feeling John's morning wood trying to find it's way to my hot entrance. I turned my head to look at John over my shoulder. I smiled at him as he was fondling with my clit. His fingers slid up and down making me very moist. I lifted my right leg for him to have better access.John spooned closer to enter himself into me. As he worked his hardened dick further, we both moaned from the feeling. John held onto my breasts as he worked his magic in my pussy. Slow...
Note: This story is non-fiction and a fantasy I've had for a while. It's one of those typical fantasies where married men would love to see their wife with another woman for a threesome. So I'll change the names of the parties involved to protect this horny married man from the northwestern part of the states. So here's how I want my fantasy to play out... My name was Gary and I'm fifty-two years old. I'm 6'-0"" with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blonde pubic hair over my seven-inch cock. I'm...
Group SexIt all starts off rather blurry. But it always starts the same way. I can hear sounds in the distance, sounds like cars and trucks driving to and from. As my blurred vision starts to emerge into a clearer picture I soon realise I am cold. So I look down and I see that I am completely naked. Not a piece of clothing on me. I start to look around and see that I am in a middle of a field. It’s dark and windy but the more I search with my eyes the more I am drawn towards a light. The closer...
Jodie Sweetin sat in the outside office waiting to see the producer of Dancing With The Stars. The pretty blonde former c***d actress had been invited to be on the upcoming season of the very popular show and was asked to come in and speak with the producer. She’d been waiting for about 10 minutes when the door opened and out came Mischa Barton. She looked up and couldn’t help but notice the large wet stain on Mischa’s silk blouse. Mischa hurried past her and then the secretary told her she...
The following photos and videos helped inspire this...