Jodie n Kazz
- 3 years ago
- 34
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Blood is thicker than water, a phrase that is supposed to bind families together. An interesting concept don’t you think? Todger65 was the editor for this story, I liked his work so much I asked if he would edit this one for me as well. I do hope you enjoy your read.
It had taken twenty six years for me to finally say my life was my own and I was damn well enjoying it.
Oh what it is to tempt fate like that because you know life is going to stick it to you in the most gruesome of ways it can think of. I was sitting in the officer’s lounge reading some reports when my Base Commander’s adjutant sat down next to me. Instinctively I stiffened, when the mountain comes to Mohamed you know the world is going to end.
‘Martin I need you back at the office in twenty minutes.’
With that he got up and left and that sinking feeling started. When I arrived I was sent straight into the base commanding officers office, the regiment’s padre was stood to one side of my commanding officer and between them they tore my life apart.
My brother and his wife were in a car accident, and as he spoke he also slid papers across the table towards me informing me I was being placed on immediate compassionate leave. Neither of them knew what to do when I declined and asked if I could be dismissed. The soldier in him nodded and I saluted and left to return to my room.
The thing about the forces is that we look after our own, even when we don’t realize we need looking after. The padre came by, my leave papers in his hands, and I listened to him as he gave me the speech about love and family. I then told him about my older brother and his bitch of a wife who spent their lives making mine as miserable as they could until I was old enough to get out from under and eventually join up.
He then played the only card he had left, Jodie.
‘I have read your file, Jodie now has no one but you. There is no other living relative in her life.’
He saw me waiver.
‘At the moment Jodie is being looked after by a neighbor. She needs family at times like these.’
I knew I was toast, so when I finished nodding my head in the right places I was on emergency leave. It still took me two days to get to my brothers house, and Jodie was sat on the porch as my rental car pulled onto the drive. I had watched her grow until she was six and then once more for a couple of weeks when she was ten. Now a fifteen year old, she watched as I left the car and sat next to her on the porch, we both sat looking down the drive like we expected someone else to turn up.
‘You don’t say much do you Uncle Martin?’
‘I’m sorry for your loss Jodie.’
This time she looked at me.
‘It’s your loss too Uncle Martin, he was your brother and my mom was your sister-in-law, nothing can change that.’
This wasn’t the time though for the conversation that should follow what she said. My brother was a bully he took me in when mom died, but only because felt he had too. The bitch he married resented me even more than he did and the efforts I took to keep out of their way were never enough.
We busied ourselves with the funeral arrangements and had the funeral a week later. His neighbors and work colleagues attended and shook Jodie’s hand offering their condolences as best they could to a fifteen year old. They weren’t sure what to make of me, as it seems up until last week no one other than Jodie knew I existed.
The reading of the will was quicker than even I had expected. Jodie got everything on her nineteenth birthday, that girl was going to be very rich at a very young age. All the administration of the will was to be handled by my brother’s lawyers, and they made it clear that I was to be given an allowance for Jodie’s upbringing and her education. Once Jodie had decided what University she wished to attend then the lawyers would get involved.
Come her nineteenth birthday the lawyer’s would get involved again and that’s when the rest of the estate would be handed to her. Jodie sat and listened although I’m not totally sure she took it all in. To me, a lawyers office isn’t somewhere I wanted to talk to Jodie about her life, so I waited until we got back to the house. By the time I had got us a soda and a coffee Jodie had changed into a one piece swimsuit and sat with her feet dangling in the pool.
‘Can you think of anyone who would take you in until college?’
The look I got from her made me think she was going to cry, what she said next made me realize how much I had hurt her.
‘You don’t want me?’
‘Jodie you’re fifteen and if not already then soon will be in need of a mother figure. I’m single and a career officer in the military, I would be dragging you from base to base, you would be living your life as an army brat.’
Remind me never to play poker with this one, all she did was listen and wait for me to finish painting her a very realistic picture of what her future would look like for the next few years until she went off to college and then she lifted her hand towards me ready to shake on it and said ‘deal’.
How I managed to back myself into this corner I will never understand and most of that night I went over it as best I could remember, and still didn’t see it coming until she hit me with it. The next day Jodie either sat and listened or sat out by the pool as I spoke to the base admin people and sorted out a place for us both to live. The lawyers were pissed that I was taking their charge all over the country with me, but since she had agreed they had little choice.
The house was let and all the furniture was placed in long term storage. The lawyers refused to sell the house since it now belonged to Jodie and was considered an asset, they had no choice then but to let it out. When I brought Jodie back to base and showed her our new home she was like a kid in a candy store. I’m sure the padre had some input, because the day had not even ended before a steady stream of our new neighbors came on by with dinner in a dish for us both.
I still heard her cry herself to sleep at night and began to wonder if she was really going to be able to handle her new life and was she telling me the truth. The tour of the base and shops took her to a sort of comfort zone and we enrolled her in school that same afternoon. The base children her age soon came by and to them she was one of their own, I knew they had her back at school and for the rest of the week we just hung out, with me showing her the mall and other things she may need.
Over the week I did notice one thing and still kick myself for not noticing it sooner, not once had she mentioned her mom and dad at all since we had left California. Still being a male of the species it took a reminder from the base padre’s wife that Jodie was growing from a girl to a young woman. She came on by and took Jodie shopping, when they came back she had two bags with the name of the local drugstore on it, everything else was in brown bags and she was bright red when she passed me and headed for her room.
With my leave up I returned to duty, Jodie was speechless the first time she saw me in uniform. For the first three months things went as smooth as I figured they could. Jodie had the padre’s wife on speed dial and once a month they went shopping, I never asked and she stopped going red when she passed me with her bags heading for her room.
Orders came down for my unit, we trained hard and the neighbors closed ranks and looked after Jodie when my team needed to be away for a night or two. It helped that Adele Richards next door to us had a daughter the same age as Jodie and when I went away they took her in. The reason for the training became clear when I was called into my boss’s office. When he was done I walked over to admin and signed everything I owned over to Jodie.
Three days later she watched as I placed all my personal belongings in my room, I said goodbye to Jodie and she wo
uldn’t let go until she dragged a promise from me that I would come back. It was the first time I had seen the little girl in her, since we sat on the porch of her house before the funeral of her folks. We came back four months later, older wiser and one man down. Jodie never left my side throughout the funeral.
As I sat on the couch that evening she brought me a coffee and slid in next to me.
‘Now I understand why my mom and dad’s death didn’t hit you so hard.’
She had caught me in one of my more unguarded moments, I had just lost a very good friend and she was comparing her own father to my friend. Hell she was old enough, so I told her everything, from the death of our mom to the reluctance her father, my own brother, had to look out for me as I handled the loss of our own mother. The vicious vindictive things both said and the verbal but never physical abuse both gave me.
The pattern of abuse increased when my sister-in-law found herself pregnant. To them I was a worthless piece of shit that was taking up room and eating food and the sooner they could get rid of me, the better they could live their life and not have me under their feet. The happiest I had ever seen them around me was when I finished high school and headed off to college. It was my involvement in the ROTC course that eventually had me sign on the line.
Hell they even had a civil word to say to me. Goodbye.
It wasn’t something that Jodie should have to hear as none of it was her fault. Yet she sat and listened to me talk and didn’t interrupt me once. As the silence started to become uncomfortable for us both she leaned over and kissed my cheek, I felt her tears as she did.
‘I’m not going to say sorry Uncle Martin since I was too young to know any of this. I’m glad you took me in though, and thank you from the bottom of this girls heart.’
She never mentioned her folks again, I’m not sure if she stopped just around me or completely. I felt like shit that I had spoken out, and tried to make it up to her as best I could, even suggesting she talk to the padre’s wife. Jodie just smiled and hugged me saying nothing. I watched her as best I could, going to each of the school functions to check how she was doing.
The answer was always the same, to each of her teachers she was a well adjusted young lady, the only time she showed any anxiety was when I was away from base. But they noticed that with all the base children.
Her sixteenth birthday was fast approaching so being a guy, I asked her what she wanted. She just smiled and told me to surprise her. That was no clue whatsoever so I arranged for Jodie and her friend to have a pamper day at the place in town. Getting Adele to go with them so it was an all girl day wasn’t all that difficult, after all it was a pamper day and a guy was paying for it. Well that’s how she looked at it anyway.
To say wow would be a total understatement for all three of them when I went to pick them up. She declined a real party in favor of dinner in town. Other diners looked up and followed her with their eyes as we arrived and did so for most of the evening. It sure made me feel both uncomfortable and very protective of her at the same time.
Jodie was standing in the middle of the day room when I walked in late one afternoon, her arms crossed and she stood like an island in the middle of my camping gear. Then her arm slowly swung over every piece of kit laying there.
‘You never told me you like camping, why?’
A shrug of my shoulders wasn’t enough for her.
‘It keeps me fit and I enjoy the peace and scenery, I hike more than I camp. I just assumed you wouldn’t like it so I just left all my kit in the box.’
Oh boy wasn’t that a mistake. The glare I got from her let me know a storm was coming. She even crossed her arms, now I’ve been in firefights and close quarter battles, yet this was about the only time in my life I flinched as a sixteen year old stuck it to me.
‘Uncle Martin you’re my guardian and my uncle and I love you dearly. You take care of me and make the decisions that have kept me healthy and wanted ever since I have been here. BUT, don’t ever assume anything about me, ask and I will tell you, but don’t ever assume.’
She was still fit to bust, and a kick of my backpack sent it across the room and she walked through the space now vacated by my pack to head for her room, she was mumbling so fast and to herself that the only word I did hear clearly was, ‘men’.
Her mood was a lot better the next morning. She backed it up by telling me that we were heading into town come the weekend, to fit her out for her own hiking boots and anything else she needed. Her eyes told me there was more but she held off on that surprise for another three days.
Saturday had arrived, the post for me was a usual run of bills and flyers. Although there was one addressed to Jodie, and the heading on the envelope showed it was from the lawyers. She read the letter and handed me a check for three thousand dollars. After she finished she handed me the letter to read, she must have sure been pissed at me over me assuming.
The letter stated that they had released some funds under educational and personal needs, the money was to kit out Jodie with her own camping equipment. I learned two lessons that morning. It reinforced in me never to assume anything about Jodie, and when I did she could come up with her own big stick to beat me with. I don’t think shrugging my shoulders was the result she expected from me, but it’s all she got.
We put the check into her account and used my money to get her kitted out. My pride made me do it that way, and Jodie knew me well enough not to push her luck. We hiked a great deal over the summer months and we even managed into late autumn before we stopped. My units training had increased again and Jodie feared the worst and I knew through the grapevine that she was talking to the padre’s wife.
Jodie was in tears when she watched me place all my personal items in my room, the Hummer waiting outside for me. Adele Richards came across and gave me a hug and watched with Jodie as I stepped into the Hummer. That was the first Christmas I had been away from her since she had been with me. I gave Adele money for presents and asked her to help me out. She gave me a glaring look and I wondered if that’s where Jodie learned it from.
The wives and girlfriends from my unit did what all service families do, wait. They had Christmas to keep them occupied but that was all, we came back in late March, just older, wiser and this time two men down. The loss hit my team the worst, between the base commander and the padre they had laid the groundwork, it still broke my heart to look into loved ones eyes and tell them I was sorry for their loss.
Jodie kept so close that I thought at one stage she was joined at my hip. The weekend after the funerals of both my men we hiked, and when we camped she zipped her bag to mine and held me tight. The next morning I told her she couldn’t do things like that, but the glare she gave was identical to that of Adele’s. The voice may have come from her lips but I wouldn’t have recognized it if I hadn’t been watching her.
‘Uncle Martin, I don’t question your love for me, so don’t you dare question the love I have for you and how I express it. Yes I know I’m seventeen now but that means shit, we didn’t do anything except hold each other, so don’t you go letting your head tell you otherwise.’
I didn’t have it in me to argue the point, Jodie had told me to my face that I had forgotten her birthday. She didn’t make a big deal out of it since she knew why, but she felt I had hurt her and she needed to hurt me back. I accepted it for what it was and vowed to myself not to let her zip anywhere near mine again.
Through all that was going on at the base, Jodie’s school work still took precedence, her grades slipped for awhile so I called a halt to our hikes until they got back
up again.
When I talked to the padre all he could do was give me general advice, the man was between a rock and a hard place since Jodie seemed to confide in both Adele and his wife, and he couldn’t come clean and break any confidentiality. He hinted that it was just a reaction to my unit being away for a length of time and the loss of two from my team, since it hit me the hardest she felt it too.
We were ‘summoned’ to California, the lawyers wished to discuss Jodie’s choice of University. She had kept quiet about it to me as well so I had to admit to a certain amount of curiosity. My own promotion was imminent and I had asked that it be held back until Jodie left for whichever University or college she got around to choosing. Her stability at school this year had to be my priority.
Even the days before our journey to California, Jodie gave me no indication what college she was going to, or even what she planned for her future and I felt like a third leg. The few times I tried she would swerve around the conversation like a true politician. There was something going on in that girls head that was for sure, yet it seemed this was going to be the one topic she would never discus with me and this was new ground for us.
We were at the lawyers for the day, it felt like a week, hour by hour Jodie’s decisions on her future came to pass and within a few months she would be eighteen. I tried to get her to talk to me, but she shot me down. The young lady that was sat on the porch waiting for me to turn up and take her away that day three years ago, was no longer the young lady sitting across the table today.
Jodie’s decision was that she wanted to stay in California, and she wanted to become a teacher. I couldn’t blame her. I had ripped her out of her life here because I was her sole living relative. No wonder she wanted to come back. I’d had three years of Jodie in my life and enjoyed every moment of them, but in a few months it would be time to give my niece her life back.
The journey back to base was the most quiet I’ve ever had. Jodie kept her own council and I chose to no longer interfere in it. Adele came by the next day, she said she stopped by for coffee, but she was so obvious that she wanted information.
‘She wants to return to California, the lawyers are sorting out university information. She plans to go to the same one my brother went too.’
‘Did she say why?’
I shook my head and recounted everything that went on at the lawyer’s office, when I had finished, she freely admitted she was at a loss as well. Jodie came back from the PX then and all further discussion on why stopped. If anything I took a step back, exams were coming and the pressure that entails was enough.
My promotion came through, as Jodie’s last exam was over I was packing everything we owned into boxes and into a U-Haul.
‘Please Uncle, can we go hiking one last time.’
It wasn’t in me to refuse her. The weather was beautiful as was the company, although she was reluctant to the bitter end to explain so many things. I had come to know that she was her own woman now. In three days time she would be in California and a week later I would be on another continent. But until then I had my niece by my side.
We camped up on Compton Ridge, the sun had just started to slip towards the mountains across the valley, Jodie sorted out the cooking while I put the tent up. When she called me and told me that it was ready she brushed passed me as I left the tent and minutes later I heard her zip our bags together.
The look she gave me when she left the tent told me that it would be advisable not to touch them. It didn’t stop me from trying.
‘Jodie, we agreed this wasn’t going to happen again.’
‘No Uncle Martin, you agreed. I refused to accept it. This is the last time I will be seeing you for awhile and I intend to be as close to you as I can.’
I tried again.
‘Jodie we can’t do this.’
Her eyes welled up, her face flushed and her fingers clenched tightly into fists.
This was my fantasy about wanting to have sex with a girl I know. Her name is Jodie and even though I'm married. I still have a fantasy of having sex with her. My name was Gary and I'm married. I just turned fifty years old and even though I have a good sex life with my wife, I still had a fantasy of having sex with Jodie. She works with my wife at the Citizens Bank in town and is fifteen years younger. Jodie had some financial issues and when it rained it poured on her. Her Chevrolet Caviler...
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I had met Jodie as a Pro Domme about 2 years earlier. For the last year we had become very close as friends and were seeing each other socialy. A few days earlier Jodie had told me how her ex husband had introduced her to domination and that he was the only person she had ever trusted to dominate her until she caught him with the maid getting a dildo rammed in his ass. I was the only person to ever know about the divorce and it was very emotional day for her she asked me to be be her Master...
You may heve read some of my storys about my kinky wife Jodie who is a parttime Dominitrix and we have had some pretty adventurous times. This time she suprised me.It had been a pretty quiet day I had taken her SUV and filled it with gas and had it detailed and had just had the same done to my car. I had called to see if she needed me to pick anything up for her and she did not but told me she would unlock the door for me. When I came in Jodie was dressed in my favorite outfit, her red leather...
This is a re write of a story I posted last month that was somehow deleted.Jodie and I had planned on a visit to the beach a few hours from were we lived. She wanted me to dominate her leaving her dominitrix role at home. I had agreed reluctently and had rented a small beachhouse for the weekend and Jodie had taken the following week off. We arrived at the beachhouse and after getting the keys from the renter we changed and took a walk along the shore. Jodie had been teasing me and finaly took...
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Mistress closely inspects jodi?s body for traces of hair or stubble then places him in the kneeling stock selects a but ?????? Mistress closely inspects jodi?s body for traces of hair or stubble then places him in the kneeling stock selects a butt plug from her vast collection for jodi to wear for the day? the entire day. The plug is held in place by a thin chain goes around jodi?s waist, down through his ass cheeks through a ring in the plug then up between his legs where it?s locked...
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I got myself into this mess and I can't figure how I'm going to get out of it. It would be simple if I didn't love her; I could just walk away. But Jodi has such a choke hold on my heart that I know I'd be miserable without her, even though right now I'm miserable with her. I met Jodi when I was calling on one of my customers. She was the receptionist and I took one look at her and went into heat. My meeting with the customer was over close to lunchtime and I took a shot and asked Jodi if...
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The chairs were easy. Tony had them done by Saturday. He could strip pieces for his customers and enjoy the work, but stripping something for Jodi was a major turn on. His cock stayed hard the whole time he was working on the chairs. His mind painted pictures of Jodi and her lover doing every imaginable kind of sexual act. Images of his own lovemaking with her were superimposed into the scenes now flooding his brain. He could hear her scream, “Don’t you dare cum, and I mean...
Jody and Tim her 36yrs. him 39yrs. been married 18 years today together with Tim's brother Steve his wife Kate and Jody's sister Nate and her man Jim all go out to the local bar to drink and dance the nite away frist Jody hit a bar in about 10yrs. She being a good wife and mother of two a son 12yrs and a daughter of 16yrs that could be her twin sister Jody spended her days and nites carpooling to school and dance classes all while Tim worked 9to5 and drank beer watched TV and played golf. Still...
JODYThis is for all of those who have been fucked over and fucked up by a cheating, bitchy blonde whore whose name starts with J. Of course any names in this story resembling any persons living, dead, buried in my back yard, and/or chained to my bedpost are purely coincidental. You may read what follows only if you are over the age of 18 and extremely unlikely to be influenced to do something bad by reading a work of fiction. Credit must be given to the author Faibhar as a scene in his...
I am a fixer. That’s what I do. I am a middle man that arranges things for my clients. Over the years I have fixed it for many girls to simply disappear. The youngest was a newborn. The oldest, so far, has been nineteen. Sometimes I get specifics, sometimes a photograph, but most of the time, I am given just general descriptions. The ones I get photographs of are harder, but I have not yet failed. The last one was a sixteen year old, who I kidnapped on her way home from school. The chloroform...
“Hello Ladies!”, My mom presented her cheek for a kiss. “Sorry I’m so messy, but Mr. Miller had me cut up all the boxes for the recycle bin.” “Ahem. Forgetting something?” I kissed Leah also. “My apologies, Princess.” Princess Leah was my pet name for my moms best friend. She’s not really my aunt but that’s what I have been calling her since I was a baby. My mom and Leah get together at least a couple times of week and meet at the gym regularly. Originally from Berlin, Leah was a...
Jodi and Aunt Leah Chapter Two Leah took off my clothes, I undressed her and we got in bed for an afternoon ‘nap’ but neither of us got any sleep. As we kissed, I slid myself into her and we made love until I felt myself release deep into her. As we rested, I thought carefully about what I was going to say. “Aunt Leah, just like last night it’s only going to be a matter of time before we bump into someone else we know. If everyone finds out by accident I’m sure that they are going...
I honestly didn't know too much about Jodi. I know, after a year banging a woman you should really know more about them than their name and that she likes her nipples bitten. But, what can I say, the subject never came up. She never pried into my life, and I never questioned about hers. Jodi did have the advantage in that by spending so much time at my place she saw my books, paintings, etc. and could figure some stuff out. I also wouldn't be surprised if she just paid much more attention...
After our encounter in the fields with myself, Charles and John, it has been relative quiet; with pleasure I think often about our threesome masturbation and suck session on the park bench. I did not meet them again, but would very much like to! I have been fairly busy travelling in the countryside, often long trips, with long, at times somewhat tedious stretches of road with few cars and trucks. The plus side is that there is ample opportunity to stop and park in a secluded spot and free my...
All my friends had done it. I wanted to do it to. It was like being a teenager again with a girl that just wouldn't.I wanted to try anal.But Jody just flatly said she wasn't interested.She was so hot. So very hot. And I would be a fool to lose her. But all my friends were talking about how great it was to bang a woman in the ass. How she knew you were the man after that. And I began to pester her.She lost patience. One night after sex when I slipped a finger between her cheeks looking for her...
Most of us fuckers on these porn sites have a thing for chicks over fifty. They call it fine as wine, and for many of us, it started with Stifler's mom from American Pie. However, so many women in their prime are in their fifties. Take Jodi West, for example, she's one of the greatest stars in porn to ever exist, and her best work is as a slutty milf. With her entrepreneurial spirit, she's built several businesses in porn as well as received several nominations. With the amount of pussy...
Twitter Porn AccountsI was in jeans and short, but underneath I wore a corset, stockings and panties. And of course that nasty chastity device.Jody said she would be driving my car on our shopping trip. I nodded in agreement. She stopped me at the door and took out some lipstick. My heart stopped. It was clear I was going to have to go out wearing lipstick. Jody giggled at my face as she applied it. And told me not to smudge. Or I would look like I had been sucking cock.I was relieved, if a little surprised when...
The job market at that time and in my area was really shitty. I couldn’t even get an interview very often, and never a second interview. I had a college degree, not that a sociology degree got me much, but there were scads of people with much more experience and better education than me applying for every available job. Hell, I couldn’t even get a job bagging groceries or flipping burgers. My parents were separated and in the middle of a messy divorce. Neither of them had the time or money...
I woke in the morning after Jody had taken me for the first time. My head still swirled. And Jody had left my cock caged in a chastity device.Jody stirred. I smiled weakly at her. And asked straight, for her to take the cage away. She paused. She was enjoying the moment.She asked why. I was stumped. I started to try and reason with her, it was clear she wasn't listening. I was furious. I has done everything she had asked. She had used me and humiliated me. And now this."Take it off now." I...
I was downstairs in my maids uniform at the sink.Washing the pans.Jody sat finishing her morning coffee. I was locked in chastity and I hadn't cum in what felt like half a life time. In actual fact it was 8 days 9 hours and, I glanced at the clock... 42 minutes.It was hurting. "Shake your ass while you scrub" Her order was barked. I bit my lip and stuck out my arse and shook it in time to my pan scrubbing.I hear a deep throaty laugh. Her chair pushed back. The hairs on my neck stood up as I...
I had one of those encounters that you only read about. I’m a truck driver and the other day I was picking up a load from a customer and ran into this hot little clerk named Jodi. As Paul Harvey used to say, here is the rest of the story. I walked up to the window to check-in and there she was. She had on layered tank-tops that did little to hold her breasts in and nothing whatsoever for keeping her nipples under wraps. They were standing out a good half-inch through the fabric. I introduced...
Office SexOnce again hello to all, I am back with the 5th part of my story with my hot bhabhi Kanan. Thanks again for all your feedback. So coming back to the story as all of u know that night I almost touched Kanan bhabhi everywhere and cummed like anything. I almost made it to her pussy. So next morning I woke up late as the last night I cummed countless time and that made me very tired. I saw Kanan bhabhi getting ready for college. I was thinking that she must have noticed everything in the morning as...
Incest"Thirty days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, except February which has forty-four." "Grraammmpaa!" wailed my fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Shelly. "What?" I absently replied. "You asked me how many days there were in August. Don't you remember that old saying? "Why did you say there are forty-four days in February?" Shelly looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. She knew I had a story for her and began to settle in for what she already...
I hadn’t seen my sister for about 10 years so I was surprised to get a call from her to say she was having some issues and needed to stay for a couple of days, we chatted about it as her two offspring’s were now teenagers and space was limited but I needn’t have worried my sister had it all worked out, I would sleep with Ryan, Lisa with Nancy and she would have the sofa. Fine! I thought, seems like she is taking over but as its family I guess I have to go along with it.Just to give a little of...
It all started out what I thought was innocent FB chatting, which slowly lead to her asking some basic sexual questions , which led to her asking some personal sexual questions, which made my 40 year old cock hard as a rock. After answering her questions, I then asked her what was her number one fantasy. She told me her being over powered and submissive to a teacher.So I did some writing over the next few days and sent her an erotica story of a 40 year old college professor and a student, of...
My 1st timeWhat follows is an entirely true story, detailing my 1st male to male sexual experience.When I was a boy I was very active in sports. Among the sports that I played was basketball. I was a member team sponsored by my Catholic Church. I was an altar boy at church, and therefore was used spending time alone in the presence of priests. The story, however, has nothing to do with any sexual experiences between me and members of the priesthood. When I was 13 I was a member of a basketball...
Sir Comes To Visit By submissivewife I turned off the shower and grabbed my towel, glancing quickly at the clock and seeing that I only had three hours left until Sir arrived for his visit. I felt my heart begin to pound at the thought, but quickly pushed it aside as I rushed to put on my panties and bra and then went into my daughter’s room to grab some clothes for her stay at her grandmother’s. I then went into my son’s room and got his clothes together. Taking them into the kitchen, I...
My fortieth birthday had just gone by the previous week, with quite a fanfare of celebration. The years just seemed to have flown by. I sat back at my desk in the basement and reminisced the last twenty years. Moreover, perhaps puzzling what changes I should have made, if any at all. Or would all that had gone on this last month be an indication of the next decade. My teenage life was uneventful, I had a few girlfriends but nothing much happened until I was nineteen, then Jane appeared on the...
When Violet Myers’ boss fails to show up for a meeting to sell the company this big titter is pushed into the situation of saving the deal. She brings out her best assets and lets her boobs do the work as she offers them up as proof she deserves a major compensation. Boy, does this man from New York agree. Tommy Gunn gets lathered up and wet in spit as he fucks her sweet mouth and deep cleavage rack before taking part in some fine wet pussy. All over the place they fuck as she rides his...
xmoviesforyouMark O’Mara peers around the door of his locker to see Karen Diangelo laugh at one of her circle of friends’ jokes. She is dressed like all the other girls around her with short plaid skirts and white blouses, but Karen stands out the most because of her hair. Where the other girls are blonde or brunette, she is the only one with red hair, and she makes a hot red head. Mark’s face flushes with this thought alone, and so does his groin. He can feel his cock swelling and has to turn to the...
Martin is a tall, handsome American with blue eyes, brown wavy hair, and an infectious smile. In his late 20s, he began his career as a construction engineer with the KFC Corporation after receiving his degree. Martin then has traveled the world overseeing the building of restaurants on several continents. His most recent project has taken him to Tamale, Ghana. Olivia is a beautiful, slender, young woman with dark eyes, long dark hair, and kindness in her heart, also in her late 20s. She lives...
It is a summer evening at a film-developing lab in Ottawa. The air conditioning is going full blast to prevent the machines from overheating; it is rather hot outside. A cute attractive young brunette named Laura B. is working in the lab; she is wearing a light blue lab smock, but underneath she is wearing only her bra and panties. She is 4'11" of voluptuous build — not fat at all — her dark brown hair is down to her shoulders and anyone can see subtle bits of auburn in her hair. Her ample...
The Trophy Wife by Brittany Bottoms Part One As I sit here now I am a Desperate Housewife, yes I know the show is popular but I really feel like one of those women in the television show. I never intended to be a 36-year-old Mother of three as a matter of fact I did not even intend to be a woman! It all happened when I failed to be as successful in the retail world as I wanted to. I graduated from college with a degree...
For the next ten minutes I made love. Yes it was love. Two hours ago it was just sex we were going to do but now it was love. Now the only thing I cared about was to please her, to take her to a place that only the world's greatest pleasure could carry you. That required two people. Two people who were at that moment were connected with the same purpose in mind and in love. Sure you could have sex but it wasn't the same. The highs were never as high. She said that she had never been there...
Miley Cole and Ivy Jones have just gotten back from a shopping date. Now it’s time for the girls to try on some of their new digs so that they can admire each other’s bodies with and without clothing. They take turns stripping down to their panties, sneaking in touches to each other’s tits as they hand off the next thing to try. When Ivy turns around to slip on a dress, Miley hops onto the bed to lift her miniskirt and start massaging her bare pussy. Turning around, Ivy spies...
xmoviesforyouThe doorbell rang and I wondered who it could be. I got up off the couch and walked over to the window. Looking out my large front window, I could see a delivery truck parked down in the street in front of my house. I wasn't expecting anything. Suddenly my eyes caught some movement on the porch. I glanced to my left and saw the grinning face of a young black guy staring back at me. He was enjoying the view of my big white 42DD tits bouncing back and forth in the window. I saw him say something...
I met 43 year old Janet quite by chance. I am 28 years old and have always fancied older women so it felt really right. We met at a bar, one thing led to another, I went back to her house, had a few more drinks, played around a bit until Janet gave me a playful smack on my bottom. It didn’t hurt as I was wearing jeans, but I didn’t object, in fact I just blushed, and she could tell from the look on my face that I might take more. She smiled, and then a stern word later and I had taken down...
Spanking“In the desert there is no sign that says, ‘Thou shalt not eat stones.’” —Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale 25 JANUARY 2019 Why are relationships so difficult? You’d think that with the amount of experience I have, I wouldn’t do stupid things like forget a date with one woman in order to talk to another. Even if it was important. I didn’t set out to hurt anyone. I’ve been forgiven. At least she says so. I really need to do something special for her and don’t know what it should...
copyright 2005 There was a young fellow named Kimble Whose prick was exceedingly nimble, But fragile and slender, And dainty and tender, So he kept it encased in a thimble. Mother stood there at the entrance to our living room holding father's robe closed with both hands, frozen in fright that I should be home. Dan looked from me to my mom and then back - a smirk growing on his lean handsome face. Me, I just stood there mouth open - my heart felt as if a hand clenched it while my lungs...