The Case Of The Abducted NudesChapter 2: Master Carpenter free porn video

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Jasper Reynolds was a bear of a man, well over six feet tall and easily 250 pounds. His black head was shaved, and the effect gave his intelligent eyes a certain sinister air. He led us up the stairs of the third-floor walk-up and down a dark hallway, giving the wood panel door a sharp series of raps, three short and two long. We waited only a few seconds before the portal was opened for our admittance.

“Anything new?” he asked the man inside.

The operative shook his head as he put on his coat. He looked tired. “Nope. He’s still in there. You need me to stick around?” It was obvious that he was really hoping for a negative response to that question.

Reynolds grinned. “Naw. Get outta’ here. The office’ll give you a call if we need you tonight. I got this.”

Loretta and Margaret drifted over to the window, which had venetian blinds pulled down all the way to the sill, with the exception of a single slat, which had been removed. Duct tape covered the long horizontal gap, but a set of binoculars filled one portion of the space.

“Use those,” Reynolds told Margaret. “Is that the car you saw?”

She sat in a chair in front of the instrument and pressed her eyes to the device. “I can’t tell. I’m terrible at identifying types of cars. It’s the same color.” She paused, staring. “It’s so far away! Is Gina in there? Have you seen her?”

“This is as close as we could get for a proper stakeout on such short notice. As with most things, the movies have got it all wrong. There’s absolutely nothing that’s more conspicuous than two men sitting in a car doing nothing. And no, we haven’t seen her yet, but we’ve got a positive ID on him. And we have a witness that puts a girl that matches her description in the building with him. We’re assuming it’s her, though she’s exhibited no distress. Our witness said that she seemed comfortable being with him.”

I hadn’t taken a look yet, but I had a feel for how far away we must be from our “target” by the size of the binocular-and-tripod setup. I had picked up a thin folder from the dining room table and was flipping through it. “Is this all you’ve got on the guy?”

“We’re only twenty-four hours in on this one, Doc,” he answered defensively. “Give our research team time, and they’ll come up with more. Right now, we know that he’s Serbian; but for some reason, he’s taken a Russian name. He does have a degree ... our equivalent of a Masters Degree ... from the University of Belgrade. He’s not licensed in the U.S., since he’s never applied; and apparently, he’s never practiced medicine, though everybody seems to refer to him as ‘Doctor.’ We’ve followed your instructions explicitly. No police involvement, and we’re only interested in getting the girl back ... not with anything that’s going to be used by a prosecutor. But, things don’t really add up here. Not in my mind, anyway.”

I flipped the folder back onto the table’s surface. “Like what?”

“The guy operates out of Jersey. Most of his ... uh ... acquisitions for the various syndicates come from the New York area. He seems to have come up here specifically for this snatch. From Ms. Tooey’s description, he’d obviously already incapacitated the girl somehow ... we still don’t know how he did it or what he used.” He paused and studied me openly. “But you do, don’t you?” I only gave him a tight smile in answer, and he continued. “Anyway, since he already had her subdued, why the hell didn’t he take her back to his home turf? Why did he stick around here?”

I shrugged. “Spite. He knew that Margaret lives here, and he intends to ... um ... program the girl and then flaunt his achievement in front of the person he believes wronged him. It makes perfect sense, actually. And, for the price he demands for his ... um ... accomplishments, I would expect him to keep the women in several different locations. I’m guessing that he’s rented this place under an assumed name?” Reynolds nodded. “And, I’m sure there are other places ... maybe several between Boston and New York.”

“There he is!” Margaret shouted. “That’s him! He’s walking toward his car!”

The private detective gave her a rather undiplomatic shove to the right and pressed his eyes to the binoculars. “This could be our best opportunity,” he said without looking up. “I really should call the office and ask for backup, but if you guys are willing, we could go try to get our girl right now. Up to you, Doc.”

I hadn’t expected this ... not this soon. “Do you have any idea where he’s going or how long he’ll be gone?” I queried.

“No, you didn’t seem interested in the guy himself, so we decided not to put a tail on him if he left. Like I said, we can wait ... or you can go in and look around yourself while I stand watch.”

“Now!” Margaret said firmly. “If there’s any reason to believe she’s in there, I say we go now! She’s been with that monster too long as it is!” She was already out the door and sprinting down the hall. I grimaced to let Reynolds know that I wasn’t too keen on this course of action, but I followed her, and we made our way back to his car.

The drive was only a couple blocks across an area that was mostly commercial storage buildings and seemingly devoid of human activity. In front of the structure (it was the first time I’d actually seen it, since I hadn’t had a turn at the binoculars), Reynolds went to his vehicle’s trunk and took out something that appeared to weigh a great deal. It was about four feet long and cylindrical, with handles on top. The man was built like a linebacker, though, and he hefted the thing up to the imposing front door, which I’d already tried and found to be locked. With a single swing of the thing, the door crashed inward, its lock twisted and useless. Reynolds then reached inside his coat and withdrew one of the biggest pistols I’d ever set eyes on.

“I’ll be here if you need me,” he said in his rattling baritone. “Don’t waste time, if you can help it.” He picked up the battering ram with his free hand and began lugging the device back toward the car.

Margaret and Loretta were already inside. Once again, I found myself following a group that I desperately wished I was leading instead. Despite the fact that the place appeared deserted, I didn’t want to cry out to the women, who were already busy trying various doors that connected to the hallway we found ourselves in. None of them were locked, but each led to a dead end: a broom closet, and utility room, a small deserted office, and one huge, massively empty warehouse storage area. The door at the end of the hallway opened on a set of stairs; and once again, Margaret never hesitated before racing upward, taking the steps two at a time. It was a LONG stairway, and it dawned on me, as I rapidly lost my breath trying to keep up, that the storage space was several normal stories high, and that any additional office space was along the top of that area. Sure enough, when I finally reached the required elevation, my only option was to double back into another hallway that went in the opposite direction, and a row of windows overlooked the warehouse space below.

“What’s WRONG with her!?” I heard Margaret screaming.

When I finally entered the room with the open door, I found Loretta looking on while Margaret desperately embraced a thin woman in her arms, rocking her slightly from side to side. The stricken girl simply stood there, her arms at her sides, completely unresisting and registering no emotion at all, staring unblinkingly straight ahead of her.

Panting heavily, I went to them and pried them apart with my arms. I examined the woman’s face. Her complexion was smooth and unconcerned, her eyes vacant but her pupils undilated. She was a pretty woman, though her dark hair was unkempt. She was completely naked, and as I glanced down and twisted her body slightly away from me, her full breasts swayed enticingly. But it was her inner arm I was interested in, and it showed two puncture marks that were obviously recent. Back to her face, I turned her head first one way and then the other, finding a faint mark on her neck, as well. I nodded. That’s how he had administered the first dose. That’s why it had worked so quickly. I let go of the nude, allowing Margaret to seize her once again, and I strode to an open cabinet. Finding nothing important inside, I chose a small refrigerator, instead, and immediately found what I was searching for.

“What’s wrong with her?” Margaret repeated.

“She’s probably going to be okay,” I told her, pocketing the small vial. “I’ll have to do some blood work. She may need some psychiatric consultation, as well. But, she’s going to be alright.”

“The door wasn’t locked,” Loretta was saying. “She was just sitting here ... alone, unrestrained, unguarded.”

“There was no need for a guard,” I said. “She had no will to escape. She has no will at all.”

“What is it?” Margaret wailed. “What did he give her?”

“Vegetamin,” I said, pulling the vial from my pocket to illustrate and then putting it back. “I’d read that it was still in use in some countries. Japan was the most recent to ban it. It’s a different trade name for Thorazine.” I glanced around nervously. “This whole place doesn’t make any sense. It’s WAY too big for a simple stash-house. It’s got to cost a fortune, unless it’s a really, really short-term rental. As in a day or two. He’s in the process of moving her, I’m almost certain. He won’t be away for long.” I turned to Loretta. “Get back downstairs fast. Tell the detective we’re about to make a quick getaway. Tell him to be ready ... and to be alert.”

My nurse nodded once and sped out the door and down the hall. I could hear the fading sound of her feet on the stairs as I took off my sports coat and draped it over the nude figure. I wasn’t about to waste time looking for her clothing. Gina gave absolutely no resistance, which was to be expected from someone dosed heavily with Thorazine, and between the two of us, we led her down the hallway toward the long flight of stairs.

We had just started down when we heard it. A loud POP, followed by a booming blast, followed by another pop. We froze, listening, and my blood ran cold. “Oh, God,” I moaned. “Loretta!”

I left the two women and raced down the steps as fast as I could. I stumbled mid-way, and tumbled over several stairs before righting myself, then continuing. It was like one of those dreams you have sometimes, like running through molasses while the door in front of you doesn’t appear to be getting closer. The hallway seemed endless. When I got to the outer door, I didn’t even hesitate. I confess, I wasn’t thinking very clearly. Bursting onto the porch overlooking the parking area, I was just in time to see a large black car speeding away. I glanced around. Jasper Reynolds was sitting on the ground at the foot of the concrete steps, his legs stretched out in front of him, covered in blood. His pistol was several feet away. He was watching the retreating automobile forlornly. Loretta was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing me at last, he worked a hand into his pants pocket and produced a set of keys. He threw them to me, and I caught them as I strode toward the detective’s car. “He took Loretta!” he said softly, though audibly. “He tazed her. Don’t lose them! Get going! Careful ... he’s got a shotgun!” He reached into his coat pocket at took out a cell phone, but his fingers didn’t work properly, and he dropped it.

As I reached the vehicle, I looked back at him. Then I looked at the retreating car that contained a vicious monster and the person I valued above everything else on earth. Then I looked at the keys again. And finally, I dropped my arms in utter, horrifyingly absolute defeat. I glanced once again at Reynolds. “Goddamn you!” I hissed. “Godfuckingdamn you!” And I went to him, knowing instinctively that the man had less than two minutes to live without my help.

It was a blur after that. I can remember ordering Margaret to fish my cell phone out of my pocket and telling her to dial 911. I can vaguely remember her arguing into the phone, telling them that she didn’t KNOW the fucking address, but that they needed to get there real fucking fast! I can remember being impressed by the woman, who was obviously the type of person who wasn’t afraid of getting a little blood on her while she kept pressure applied to the tourniquet I’d put in place around his massive thigh. In point of fact, she was a dripping red mess by the time the ambulance arrived. I can definitely remember screaming at the paramedic, who kept telling me to move aside and let a professional take over; and I said something very theatrical, like: “When I pull my finger out of this guy’s femoral artery, you’re going to have about twenty seconds to either clamp it or replace it with something else! You prepared to do that, dumbass!?” I can remember thinking that the ride to the hospital was excruciatingly long.

But, primarily, all I can remember thinking most of the time was: “Loretta.”


Oh, man, I was tired. For about the twentieth time, I took my eyes off the roadway ahead and I dialed Dr. Herringwick’s cell number. Just like the previous nineteen times, it went straight to voicemail, and just like the previous nineteen times, I left a message.

“Doc, this is Rory Johnson. Again. Doc, I can’t begin to describe how important this is! Call me back. Call me now. I hope it’s soon, because my phone is almost dead. Call me, doc!”

I threw the phone on the passenger seat of the truck and took a deep breath. For the umpteenth time, I tried to take stock. Half a tank of gas, two bottles of water, one last can of Red Bull and a bag of Cheetos. And a little blinking digital gizmo that was plugged into the only power receptacle in the piece-of-shit old pickup truck. Why hadn’t I tried to talk the doc into springing for a newer model? Why hadn’t I bought the damn battery pack that went with the damn little blinking digital gizmo? What was I going to do if the cell phone died? WHEN the cell phone died! The stupid thingamajig had been beeping and blinking steadily since I’d purchased it, but sure as hell, if I unplugged it to charge my phone, I’d lose the signal. Sure as fuckin’ hell.

When the phone rang, I reached for it so fast that I inadvertently swerved toward the right lane. A horn blared. Goddamn New Yorkers. “Doc? Doc, is that you?” I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I heard his voice.

“Rory, whatever it is, use your own discretion. I can’t really talk right now. I can’t think about the building! Just go ahead and do whatever it is you need to do. Something else has come up. Now, stop calling me, okay? I need to keep this line clear. Bye.”

And he hung up! I couldn’t believe it! I spent several long seconds staring at the phone, which earned me another honk from the same asshole that had blown his horn before. Then, I took a deep breath and hit redial yet again.

“Rory, I need to keep this line clear! Stop calling me! Just stay in the building, and I’ll tell you all about it when I get home!”

“Doc, you stupid dip-wad! Shut the fuck up and listen! I’m not IN the fuckin’ building! I’m nowhere NEAR the fuckin’ building!”

I’d never used language like that before in his presence, and it had an impact. “Where are you?”

“I’m in New Fuckin’ York! I HATE New Fuckin’ York! And ... I’ll very gladly get out of New Fuckin’ York and drive back home if you just tell me that you know where Loretta is right now!”

He made a noise. A funny noise. I’d never heard him make any noise like it before. It was sort of a sobbing shout. Then: “You ... You know where Loretta is? Are you with her?”

“No. I’m following her. I’ve been following her for the past four hours. She’s with a real creepy looking dude, doc. And, she looks strange. Real strange. She just sits there; in the seat beside this guy; and she stares straight ahead; but it’s like she doesn’t see anything. Like she doesn’t FEEL anything. Does that make sense?”

“Do you know where you are?”

“Well, of COURSE I know where I am! I mean, I may be a deviant sexual pervert, but I’ve got a LITTLE sense!”


“I’m on the Garden State Parkway. I’m charging all the tolls to your credit card, by the way. I just passed mile marker ... uh... 165.”

“And you see her? What kind of vehicle are they in? He dumped his last car! You’ve got eyes on her right now?”

“No, not really. It’s a long story, but I won’t lose her, doc. I’m doing everything I can to stay with them without letting them know they’re being followed. You don’t want them to know that, right?” I paused, but he didn’t respond. “Doc?” Again there was no answer. “Doc? You there?”

But, of course, the cell phone had died.


Somebody knocked loudly on my side window, and I just about jumped out of my skin. Oh, my God! I’d fallen asleep! How long? The knock came again, but I ignored it long enough to check my wristwatch. An hour. I remembered looking at it when it read six-thirty, and even though the sun was well up now, it only read a little after seven-thirty. The white SUV was still there, parked three blocks away. I gave a deep sigh and faced the man who was about to knock on my window for the third time; but he paused when he saw that I was giving him my attention, and instead made a circular motion with one finger, indicating that I should roll down my window.

He wasn’t a cop. That was the first thing that popped into my mind. He LOOKED like a cop; or rather, he probably looked like a cop from a distance. But he wasn’t. The jacket he wore looked like a policeman’s jacket; but once again, up close, you could tell that it wasn’t. He held out his palms toward me and took a big step back away from the pickup, then he made the motion with his finger again. He was a big dude, but he was doing everything he could to show that he intended no harm. I nodded. The ignition was already on to charge my phone, so I hit the switch and lowered the window.

“Rory Johnson?” he asked.

That really threw me. “Uh ... yes.”

“I’m with the East-West Detective Agency. We represent Dr. Randall Herringwick. Is that our perp? The white SUV?” He never looked at it.

“Um ... yes.”

“The blue house?” Again, he hadn’t looked.

“Yes. It was still pretty dark, but I saw him lead her in there about an hour ago. She didn’t seem to resist him at all.”

He nodded. “Do you see the apartment building behind you? No, don’t turn around. Look in your rearview mirror.” I dutifully did so and nodded. “There’s a parking lot around on the other side. Wait here for a minute after I leave, then drive around and park. Use the door on that side of the building. Room 412.”

“How did you find me?” I asked.

“Cell phone. You obviously didn’t plug it in until about an hour ago.” He paused. “Haven’t seen one of those in awhile.” He motioned toward the tracking gizmo. “Why the hell didn’t you use a GPS tracker?”

“My cell phone wouldn’t support any of the models the guy was selling,” I groused. “He had this one in some box in the back. Let me have it for thirty bucks. But I had to leave it plugged in the whole time. That’s why my phone died; I couldn’t charge it while I was using the tracker. The security shop was right across the street from where your ... uh ... perp stopped for dinner. The parking lot was pretty dark, so I just walked up and jammed the tracker behind the rear license plate.”

“Did you put the hole in his right taillight?”

“Uh ... yeah. I figured it would make following him easier at night.”

He nodded. “Good thinking. You get tired of working for the doctor, you come look us up. We can use a guy who thinks on his feet. Now, give me a minute before you leave. Okay?”

I nodded. “Room 412. See you there.”

It was a dingy apartment building in a poor neighborhood. The truth of it was, I had no real idea where we were. I knew that we were in New Jersey somewhere, and I guessed it was someplace southwest of Newark. There was no elevator, of course, and the stairwell was dark and sort of rank smelling. As I had supposed, the room I’d been directed to faced where I had parked the pickup in the dark hours of the morning ... as well as the house beyond that I’d been watching. There were four guys in the room, one sitting at a tripod-mounted set of binoculars. The man who I had talked to previously was sitting at a small, round Formica table drinking coffee with another burly character. The man who had admitted me joined them.

“This is quite a party,” I commented. “The doc must have quite a budget for security.”

“Three of us are volunteers,” my window-knocker explained. I got the impression he was the guy in charge. “The asshole that snatched your nurse shot one of our own. Good man. Good friend. Dr. Herringwick saved his life ... though there’s still a chance he might lose his leg. Anyway, we all want in on the pinch ... before L.E. gets involved. Because of the shooting, everybody’s in on it now: cops, highway patrol, the FBI. Little doubt he’s going to face justice, once they find him. We just want to make sure he gets a little pre-justice justice, if you know what I mean.”

I nodded. “I should call the doc. Have you seen your bad guy since you got here?”

“Naw. We just set up. Like I said, we had no idea where you were until an hour ago. The asshole’s been driving all night. I imagine he’s asleep. Maybe you should get a little yourself. There’s a couch over there. We’ve promised the doctor we wouldn’t go in until he gets here. We’re picking him up at Teterboro at ten. We’ll wake you up when he gets here.”

I nodded at that. That couch was battered and stained and looked absolutely wonderful. I used the bathroom first, but when I stretched out on its surface, I was out like a light in half a minute. My intention was to snooze for about an hour, but it was eleven thirty when the increased activity in the room woke me up. I got up and stretched, then shook hands with the doc, who had obviously just arrived.

“Rory,” he said, smiling warmly, “I can’t begin to apologize enough for ignoring your calls. If it wasn’t for your persistence, these men tell me that the odds of ever seeing Loretta again was slim, at best. Thank you. Thank you, so much.”

“We gotta’ stick together, doc. You and Loretta made me feel like part of the family, so when I spotted her in the parking lot of a big hardware store, I had to figure out what was going on. He was moving her from one vehicle to another; from the back seat of a big black touring car to a white SUV. I mean, it’s hard not to recognize your nurse. She has certain ... um ... physical characteristics that sort of make her stick out from the crowd, pardon the pun. Plus, they were out on the edge of the parking area ... way in the back, and that only made it look more suspicious, in my eyes. Loretta was moving almost in slow motion. She wasn’t resisting the creep at all. I mean, it was almost as if she WANTED to do what he was telling her. But, it was such a weird thing that I felt as if I really needed to follow them and make sure she was okay. Believe me, I questioned myself more than once as the night wore on.”

“Well, once again, thank you.”

I was still sort of getting my bearings after my power-nap, and I finally noticed that the only guy from the detective agency still in the room was the leader. “Where is everybody?”

“We’re about to make our move,” the guy told me. “Everybody’s in position.”

“You’re not thinking of leaving me out of this, are you?” I asked sternly.

The guy grinned. “I wouldn’t think of it. However, you and the doc are going to stay out of the way until we do our thing. Agreed?”

The doc seemed more distressed by this announcement than I was, but it was obvious that the pros were insisting on staying in charge until any danger had past. He made the detective promise ... more than once ... to keep the dude alive. That sort of surprised me. I mean, there couldn’t have been any love lost for this psycho in the doc’s eyes. But ... I didn’t question his insistence. We were led downstairs and outside to a waiting van. It was painted brown, and it just LOOKED like a package delivery vehicle. There were benches inside, and the doc and I sat opposite each other in the back during the two-minute ride. Once again, the operative told us to keep completely out of sight until we’d been given the all-clear, and then he picked up a cardboard box and got out, seemingly talking to himself as he did so; but, of course, he was communicating with his men through some sort of radio setup.

The back window of the van was tinted, and I felt safe looking out of it at a steep angle toward the house. I spotted one of the men who had been sitting at that little table earlier, but now he was in work clothes and using a loud piece of lawn-trimming equipment by the front sidewalk. I thought that was stretching things a little. I mean, it was pretty warm for that time of year, but it WAS February in New Jersey! I lost sight of our “delivery man” as he approached the front door, but only seconds later, the “lawn guy” dropped his edger, which was still running, and he sprinted out of sight, drawing a gun as he went.

“They’re moving,” I told the doc, who was still sitting on the bench and looking forlornly at the floor between his feet. He grunted and nodded. I craned my neck against the window, but I could see nothing; then I looked around the area in vain for the other two good guys. The doc’s phone rang and I must have jumped a foot, bumping my head against the door frame. Herringwick held the phone to his ear and finally got up. “They’ve got him,” he told me. “Let’s go.”

“Geez,” I said. “It’s only been sixty seconds!”

He was not amused by my lack of movement. He pushed roughly past me, opening the rear door and getting out. I jumped down and followed him to the front door and inside. It was just a house. A small house. The front porch had been painted recently. So had the door, which opened into a wide foyer with a hardwood floor, in the middle of which was the sprawled body of a man. There were also four guns on the floor, but on closer examination, they were not real guns ... they were stun guns, and there must have been a hundred feet of thin wire all over the place. All four of the detectives were present, though two of them were coming in from a hallway to our right. They were all holding real bang-bang style guns in their hands now.

“CRAP!” the doc screamed at them. He dropped to his knees beside the man and dug two fingers into the side of his thick neck. “I told you and told you! I wanted him alive! How many times did you hit him?”

“He looked like he was thinking of getting up again,” the biggest detective muttered.

“Looked that way to me, too,” another one said.

“Shut up!” the doc screamed. Using both hands, he ripped the guys shirt wide open, then he pressed his ear to the man’s bare chest. No one said anything for long, long seconds. Mumbling an oath I didn’t understand, as well as the single word “arrhythmia,” the doc rocked back on his knees, balled his right hand into a fist, raised it high over his head, and brought it down hard to the center of the bare chest. Real hard. Easily hard enough to break ribs, though I didn’t hear anything crack. Then he put his ear back to the chest and listened, once again for a painfully long time.

Finally, he rose and turned to the main detective. “I ... want ... him ... alive,” he hissed loudly, almost evilly. “Understand?”

The dude looked like he wanted to argue, but he finally lowered his eyes and nodded. “Yes, sir. I understand.”

“Where is Loretta?”

“In the office. First door on the right down that hall.” He pointed. “And there’s another one.”

The doc was already moving. “Another what?”

“Another girl. In the bedroom at the end. She wouldn’t talk to us. Screamed at the men to get out. And your nurse is...” His voice trailed away into silence, since the doc had already entered the other room and was obviously ignoring him. I hustled around the prone figure, past the others and followed him.

It was a pretty large room, and it was obviously a well set up doctor’s office. Loretta was sitting on a padded examining table and staring at us. “Hello, doctor,” she said slowly, purposefully. She didn’t actually slur her words, but they were sluggish and unnaturally careful, like a drunk that’s trying his best to sound sober. She was also totally ... and rather magnificently ... naked.

Okay, it’s time to pause in this diatribe and discuss my little problem. I think it’s already been mentioned that I’m on “The List.” Now, this is the point where I’m supposed to moan about injustice and unfairness, and how I ought to be an exception to the rules that apply to everybody else, and all that other bullshit. Well, fuck that. What I AM going to bend your ear about a little is what it’s like. The truth of the matter is, I’m a whipped pup. I gave up a long time ago. Life is much easier when you give up. That might sound a bit harsh; but sadly, it’s true. I can’t fight this. All I can do is say yes sir and no sir, and go where they tell me to go, and do what they tell me to do. I don’t question. I don’t comment. And I keep my nose clean.

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The Case of the Abducted NudesChapter 3 The Slave In Charge

CASE FILES - PERSONAL NOTES - PATIENTS 187 & 188 - DAY THREE - CONTINUED How come, when you’re faced with some of life’s greatest problems, it’s the smallest things that take up all of your time? In my case, it was the damn pickup truck, which was still in Jersey and needed to be in Rhode Island. I mean, we couldn’t just leave the thing there. Somebody ... meaning me ... had to drive the thing back home. That was the little problem. The “big problem” was now sitting in the passenger seat...

3 years ago
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BBC Carpenter

My husband has a habit of setting up meetings and not telling me until the last minute! We had recently purchased a fixer upper house and my husband met our carpenter during the lunch hour at the house. He called and asked me show around 1230. When I got to the house I noticed Ken was there. Now we had made eye contact before and I felt something between us! When I walked in that afternoon in my short black skirt, tan stockings, heels and red silk blouse....well Ken started to bulge in his...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend and Boyfriend Abducted Part 3

Mladic, the one who had captured the poor girl and her boyfriend, had just offered the boyfriend a terrible choice; suck his cock, the same cock which had just raped his girlfriend right in front of him – or stick his tongue into his girlfriend’s freshly raped pussy, a pussy still seeping with the cum of her rapist. Brad Wilson, tied naked to a chair, stared sullenly at the semi-flaccid, shiny cock of his captor as it hung right before his face. He had already been forced to suck the man’s...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend and Boyfriend Abducted Part 2

“Help us!” Ashley screamed. “Please help us!” In a remote house far from prying eyes, with only the woods to serve as witness, a third-year college student lay bound, naked, spread-eagled, and face-up on a creaking bed frame while a muscular man continued to rape her. His cock lanced through her velvety softness, uncaring of her feelings, wants, or needs. She knew only that this man’s name was ‘Mladic’, that he had the slightest of Eastern European accents, and that he looked as harsh as he...

4 years ago
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A young blonde Policewoman is abducted during a jewellery heist

The white Fairlane pulled up at the gate of a warehouse block on the outskirts of the industrial district. An armed thug unlocked the gate and opened it to let the car though. The car moved up to the large, plain warehouse where another man opened the roller door so it could move inside. The Fairlane came to a stop and a tall, dark haired man wearing a black suit got out. An older, stockier man was there to meet him, flanked by two more thugs. He was the Mafia crime boss Salvatori Dolmio,...

2 years ago
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Abducted Ch 04

Chapter 4 – More Questions Back in her room, Emma looked at the clock. 12 noon. She had been in the ‘interview room’ for less than two hours! It was hard to believe. So much had happened. She went to the bathroom, started to run the water for a bath, and slipped off her robe. She stared in the mirror at her soft, white body, the whiteness of her skin marred by angry red marks on her breasts, torso, thighs and buttocks. She found the jar marked ‘Bath Balm’ and applied the ointment liberally to...

2 years ago
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Twin sisters abducted and brutally raped

Introduction: Alien creatures satisfy their sexual urges on Earth Twin sisters abducted and raped !! . WARNING: This story contains highly graphic content that can offend people. It contains death, torture and blood and is extreme . In the planet of Halwats, a hundred galaxies away from Planet Earth, two male convicts were punished in a brutal, frustrating manner. They were drugged to increase sexual feelings and then locked in a spacecraft alone and it was projected into space. After a...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend and Boyfriend Abducted Part 4

“AAAAAYY!!! Please, it hurts!” she squealed, but he seemed not to notice. The brutal man who had captured Ashley and her boyfriend didn’t care about her humiliation or her pain. He just pounded into her virgin ass with the strength of a bull, his cock plunging into her again and again. Still tied naked to the chair, Brad could only watch. He could only watch his sexy college girlfriend kneeling doggy-style, her wrists cuffed to a headboard, as this maniac raped her ass. With one hand yanking...

3 years ago
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Janet and Jay were devoted lovers but one fateful day Janet.... Abducted by Janet Baker Ah, life is good. Six months ago I had my SRS surgery and I've been living as the woman I am. For many years I knew that I was a woman but born into a male body. In my teens I started hormone therapy, started living as a female teen, and when I reached the accepted age for SRS I underwent the procedure. Month followed month of recovery, with much dilation and some pain, but it was all worth it. I...

2 years ago
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Stockholm Syndrome Part 1 Abducted

Stockholm Syndrome Part 1 Abducted. As I walked to my car in the parking garage next to my office in Downtown Boston, three well-dressed men walked up, and blocked my path; the one in the middle said, "Mr. Terence Morris?" I nodded in the affirmative. He replied, "Would you please come with us?" I said, "No I won't, I don't know who the hell are you? And why should I accompany you anywhere?" He replied, "Who we are is not important; our instructions are to bring you to a...

2 years ago
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Kate Abducted

Kate Abducted - Part 1 ======================"Kate you're fired!" yelled a voice across the call centre startling Kate who'd just slipped back into the room after a slightly longer than allowed cigarette break."But Steve!" she exclaimed, shuffling towards her desk, "It makes my voice more sexy.""That's the fourth break you've had this morning, three too many!  You're out!" he shouted, striding angrily across the room and blocking Sarah's path.Kate surveyed the room for allies but saw only the...

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Abducted by Aliens

    This story is meant for the enjoyment of adults only.  This is my first attempt at a science fiction story and I would like to hear what you think of it.  I tried to make an implausible situation believable and still have the prurient interests involved.  Please write to me at [email protected] and let me know what you think.                                           Abducted by Aliens                                            Written by 4play      My girlfriend and I were driving to...

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Janet and Jay were devoted lovers but one fateful day Janet?.Abducted by Janet BakerAh, life is good. Six months ago I had my SRS surgery and I've been living as the woman I am. For many years I knew that I was a woman but born into a male body. In my teens I started hormone therapy, started living as a female teen, and when I reached the accepted age for SRS I underwent the procedure. Month followed month of recovery, with much dilation and some pain, but it was all worth it. I emerged as a...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend and Boyfriend Abducted Part 5

The wind howled outside, sometimes even rattling the windows of the house. Remote, tucked away in wooded hills, the home’s log cabin style exterior helped it blend in completely. Inside, a college girl and her boyfriend were being held captive. The hours of their captivity had turned into days, and the days into weeks…although for Ashley and her boyfriend, Brad, all sense of time had begun to blur together. For all they knew, their sadistic captor might have been keeping them for months. Time...

1 year ago
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Abducted on a School Trip

Let me tell you a bit about myself. Alan Riley, 38. Originally from Matlock, but I moved down to London after University. I got a job as a Geography teacher at a local secondary school, where I’ve been ever since. It was a fairly normal teaching job; annoying kids, annoying parents, and annoying co-workers, but I liked it. One day though, something happened. A recurring dream, but it feels like more than that. It’s too vivid. Myself and the lovely, newly-qualified Miss Amelia Parker had taken...

2 years ago
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Mom and I had made good time on our drive from Silicon Valley to the Sierra, and had arrived at the secluded campground just on the California side of Lake Tahoe with plenty of daylight left. Our tent was up and our sleeping bags were rolled out, our cooking gear and our food supplies were squared away, and we'd built a small fire just as the last blush of sunset was fading into the jagged black outline of trees against sky. We were the only people in the campground, and the silence and...

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The Case Files of Cindy Masters Dyke DetectiveThis Episode A Chance EncounterPart 3

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I lay back on the weight bench and placed my feet behind the leg brace for a few chest flies. My eyes darted about the room like a fly looking for a warm beer. The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance...

2 years ago
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AbductedChapter 3

I met Cora the following day. She looked beautiful but sad. She always dressed like a business woman since she was in Real Estate. We met at the Red Lobster for dinner. We drove separately. "Why the dinner date Terry?" she asked. "The last couple of days hasn't been the best and I thought we could use a friend. So, did you see my asshole of a brother yesterday?" "Yes, I got there shortly after Abby left. I can't believe a friend would do that to me. I never want to see her again....

3 years ago
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Loves MastersChapter 3 Rings of the Master

Monday, October 20th, 1986, was the day Joey, Suzi and I crossed the previously forbidden line as a gift to Joey. That was just an excuse we used as it really was a gift to all three of us. I had arranged for me and Joey to take the entire day off at school. Suzi would join us during the first period then go to her second class before rejoining us at lunch for the rest of the day. It was her idea to give us some time without her to have what she called some boy fun. The three of us met in...

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Blackfeather26 Demon Master

“PRAISE FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.” The bellows in the pump organ wheezed as the congregation sat. Poor Miranda was silent throughout the singing while her sister and Katie joined in enthusiastically. I had a lot of sympathy for the way she was feeling. I was no opera singer, but I held my own in the school chorus. Unlike Kyle, who couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. Unlike Jason, whose rich baritone carried the harmony of the Doxology throughout the little church. So beautiful....

4 years ago
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My Mom Has Group Sex With Carpenters

Hello everyone, in this story I am going to tell you about the group sex that my mom had with some carpenters. My mom was not like the typical Indian housewife. She used to act slutty sometimes. She had a lot of young men who used to visit her now and then. My dad worked abroad and visited us once in a year. My mom always used to wear low cut blouses and tops. She had a nice and curvy figure with good boobs and a plump ass and she always made it a point to reveal her cleavage whenever we went...

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The Peachtree Training Center Casefiles 1The Case of the Cuckold Husband

Writers note: This is the first of a multipart series. This isn't how it started out, But the characters become interesting and I couldn't resist adding more detail about them. Please let me know if you enjoy it. Send comments to mailto: [email protected]. Flames will be deleted. This story cannot be posted anywhere without permission of the author, Especially Pay sites. I will take any legal action necessary! Disclaimer: This story is fiction, a product of the authors...

3 years ago
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The Case Files of Cindy Masters Dyke DetectiveThis Episode A Chance EncounterPart 2

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Two by Trapper Jock McIntyre I got to Won Huong-Lo's and ordered a bowl of chop suey. Won was a chubby looking guy with a basket between his legs that resembled a hamster munching on carrot, a sight that made me give thanks for the fact that at least I can pick and choose the contents of my Fruit of the Looms. As I sat there chasing some rice around the plate with my chopsticks, Won came out of the...

2 years ago
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The Case Files of Cindy Masters Dyke DetectiveThis Episode A Chance EncounterPart 1

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part One by Trapper Jock McIntyre Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I was sitting in my office trying to figure out how to get lipstick stains out of a silk tie, or preferably onto one, when I heard the clickity-clack of high heels coming down the hallway toward my door. I looked up to see a silhouette through the frosted glass that...

3 years ago
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Me my dogs and abducted teens

That second bitch Fazlin had been a fighter.Fuck me for a sixteen year old she was strong.She had so nearly made me crash the van .I had'nt bound her tightly enough in my haste to get moving.That bitches nails scratched my face when I got back here and opened the vehicles back doors.I was caught completely by surprise when she jumped me like a bat out of hell.Clawing my face and making a dash for it.If it werent for the dogs getting her she would have got away.That was the fiesty bitches...

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Abducted Ch 07

Chapter 7 – Recovery {AUTHOR’S NOTE: – Apologies to my few ardent fans about the delay in publishing Chapter 7 of Emma’s Saga. Blame holidays, pressure of work, lack of time for research, and writer’s block – in no particular order. Emma doesn’t get fucked a lot in the next few chapters, but I’m still developing some important characters. Chapters 8 to 11 follow almost immediately. There may be more, but only if you want it. Please take the time to give me your reactions – for good or ill....

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Abducted Ch 11

Chapter 11 – The Execution Ground In the morning, at 6.55 prompt, Emma was startled into consciousness by an intrusive buzzing in her vagina. For a few seconds, she wondered where she was, but then the memories came flooding back, urged by the throb of the raw pain from the four angry circles on her soft body. The pain was intense. How had she slept through it? She tried to clench her thighs, to give herself over to the throbbing in her cunt, wishing she could move the intruder closer to her...

1 year ago
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Abducted WifeChapter 6

Autumn came to New York State a little early that year. By mid-October the leaves on the tall maples in front of the spacious suburban home had already turned crimson and were beginning to fall on the well-trimmed lawn. Jane Brighton noticed this as she paused from the light housework she had been doing and lit a cigarette by the living room window. Bob had gone out to the liquor store to pick up provisions for the party they had planned for that evening, and she looked anxiously up the block...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 4A Saturday January 22 Tracey Carpenter

I was standing at the bar of one of Melbourne's more popular nightspots sipping on a Bundy and Coke while I was thinking about last nights regular Friday night orgy. If Wednesday night with Connie had been amazing then my performance at the party, it always starts off as a regular gathering of close friends and acquaintances, had been nothing short of incredible. The thanks of course were due entirely to my brother. I mean how else would you explain my state of almost permanent erection, my...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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My Headmaster My Master

Once again, Holly walked down the school corridor, she was being sent to the headmaster’s office. This time it wasn’t even her fault, one of the other girls had thrown the paper airplane. She always got the blame. She walked past the toilets and decided it would be better to hide out in there. Sneaking in, she looked at herself in the mirror. Holly was a cute seventeen-year-old girl with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. She had a small nose and pretty mouth, perfect for sucking cock. She checked...

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My Masters Wish I wrote this for my master who

We'll as you know Master, I was up on Exmoor, it was a lovely weekend at my friends house with just her husband and c***dren, they are old friends of mine from uni and I was just going to chill out, walk on the moors (I could have lots of fun there) and sit by the fire with some was just what I needed but I couldn't get what you said out of my head...I'd been thinking about it all day on Friday and when we took the dogs off to the moors for a walk, I kept picturing myself tied up to...

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Jodie Carpenter

Blood is thicker than water, a phrase that is supposed to bind families together. An interesting concept don’t you think? Todger65 was the editor for this story, I liked his work so much I asked if he would edit this one for me as well. I do hope you enjoy your read. ***** It had taken twenty six years for me to finally say my life was my own and I was damn well enjoying it. Oh what it is to tempt fate like that because you know life is going to stick it to you in the most gruesome of ways...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Nikis Family LifeChapter 10 Masters and Mastered

Ms Masters looked up from her laptop as she heard someone coming into the locker room. Normally this was her free period, so she had not been expecting anyone. In fact, she had just finished catching up on her email and was about to unlock her private directory, when she heard someone enter. Moving out into the main locker area, she saw Niki and her friend Cyndi by Niki’s locker, the blonde haired girl helping Niki out of her robe. “What are you two doing?” “Oh, um, Niki kinda made a mess...

4 years ago
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Casebook of Wilma JenkinsPart 4 The Master Plan

There was a stirring in the air as a time transport inserted itself into the new display area of time systems; a sleek ultra-modern unit had formed in the empty space. A slightly dazed man exited the craft, he checked all around the room. As this display was so new there was only one craft in there, apart from his, the man checked the card just before the machine. 'Type GV589 - Experimental unit. This was one of the first units to achieve temporal transport, this has been put down to the...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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BrotherSister or MasterSlave

Tasha stood before Chris’ eyes completely naked feeling slightly insecure; she’d had sex with her older brother a few times but she’d never been completely at the control of someone. Running his hands gently across her shoulders and down across her breasts, avoiding the nipples to tease her, and up around her back. Bringing his hands down her back he lightly scratched her skin, leaving small tinges of fire running down Tasha’s body. Leaving in he said in a tone that was both light but...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend and Boyfriend Abducted

The attractive brunette had a dark brown ponytail, chestnut-brown eyes with hints of caramel tones around the irises, and a delicate nose fitted perfectly to her elegantly chiseled face. The third-year college student’s pale body sported medium-sized breasts with large areolae of lightest pink. The girl’s closely shaved pubic area left her sex especially bare and exposed. She was slender, perhaps a little on the bony side, but not without some muscle; she’d been playing track and field since...

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Girls Abducted Steiners Journey Part 1

He had driven several hundred miles in the last few days, and for good reason. He had been on the hunt. The thrill of new victims surged in his veins, and in the sleepier suburbs of Boulder he had found more than a few sweet and innocence specimens. The nonde van he drove was brown and as unremarkable as a clod of dirt. Which was, of course, the whole point. People tended to forget the unremarkable, Steiner kept the van well-kept and clean, and that was all. It reflected the meticulous...

1 year ago
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Miss Universe Abducted

Now she tried to move her legs or arms. To her surprise she realized that not only could she barely move them, but she was completely naked and tied to a bed. Spread-eagled, she looked down and saw her ankles firmly bound with black tape to the foot of the bed. Her wrists were cuffed to the headboard, chafing her delicate skin. She looked around the bare concrete room with its cinder block walls and just a few dim bulbs overhead for lighting. A large full length mirror across from her seemed...

3 years ago
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Twin sisters abducted and brutally raped

. WARNING: This story contains highly graphic content that can offend people. It contains death, torture and blood and is extreme . In the planet of Halwats, a hundred galaxies away from Planet Earth, two male convicts were punished in a brutal, frustrating manner. They were drugged to increase sexual feelings and then locked in a spacecraft alone and it was projected into space. After a thousand years the spacecraft drifts towards Earth and crash lands in an isolated country side in...

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