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Abducted By Mary Beth Sanford Synopsis: A boy missing for decades, returns. The girl he borrowed the dress from for Halloween is an old woman now, but she remembers. She remembers everything. The dress, slip, panties, even the doll, and it sent shivers down her spine. "Impossible!" she whispered looking at the boy in her dress. Players: Sheriff Andrews, Ms. Abby Vanderhoven, Susan Sharp - dispatch, Mark Carson, (Rose and Matt - Mark's parents), Penny - the doll, Buck the bartender, Cindy and Sandy Hanson, Doctor Ruth Rush - MD, Carol Baker - Social Services, Julie Sternson - psychologist, Sheriff Broadbent - Clark County, Abducted Sheriff Andrews cursed under his breath as he shoved the half eaten pie forward to the middle of the counter in frustration. It never failed he mused as he rose. His pie was still warm from baking. It had just starting to melt the ice cream Clair had covered it with. That blasted Ms. Vanderhoven and her burdensome complaints was going to cost him the first taste of a fresh baked apple pie. "Susan, you get a location... an exact location for those lights?" Sheriff Andrews asked. He was walking out cocking his head towards his radio after pressing the mic button clipped to his left shoulder. He'd already started his Ford Explorer when his dispatch told him to stand by. It wasn't seriously cold yet but you could feel the weather changing. The radio cracked.... "No Sheriff. Ms. Vanderhoven just said she thinks that light was at or near the top of Hagar mountain. She said it's got to be on that old logging road if it's a car. Not too far off the road if it's kids with flash lights," Susan said over the radio. "Thanks. Okay, show me out and heading there now," Sheriff Andrews said as he backed out of the parking spot. He gunned his Ford Explorer heading West deciding to run with just the lights just so the rush took care of his anger. Ms. Vanderhoven owned most of Ridge County and nearly all of the logging rights, so it was in the Sheriff's best interest to show his deference to her concerns. He was running for office again in another 14 months and if she didn't like you, you didn't get elected. The Hagar logging road hadn't been used in several years and oddly Sheriff Andrews actually had to unlock the padlock holding the chain across the road. He had never used the "county key" before. If it was a car they had to have come in some other way or they had a key as well, he mused. He was just tossing that chain to the other side when the blast of warm wind hit him. "What the hell," Sheriff Andrews yelled picking himself up from the ground. The warm blast of wind had bowled him over. Not too odd during a storm but there was no storm and no warning of one. Not a sound as he brushed his pants clean. Even more odd was that abrupt end to it as the Sheriff looked around. "Hey Susan," Sheriff Andrews said keying his mike. "Go ahead sheriff," Susan responded. "Susan, we got any complaints or calls on aircraft operating around the Hagar mountain vicinity? Maybe a helicopter or something?" Sheriff Andrews asked over his radio. "Nothing here Sheriff? You want me to call Gus at the airport and ask?" Susan replied. "Nah, whatever it was it's gone now or stopped," the sheriff said. "What's stopped Sheriff?" Susan asked. "Wind. Look, never mind, I'm back behind the wheel and heading up Hagar mountain road," the sheriff said. "Roger that," Susan answered. Sheriff Andrews eased his Ford Explorer forward slowly with high beams and both top spot lights on. It was bleak at night although brighter with the trees now gone and a clear sky. Tonight was fairly clear so he had a good command of the road all the way to the curve. He was just starting to make that curve when he saw the child. "What the hell?" the Sheriff said stopping the car and then pressed the button on his mike. "Susan, standby. I've got a child, a little girl, just standing right here in the middle of the road? Hold on a second, I'm leaving the car," Sheriff Andrews said putting the SUV into park and setting the break. Out of habit, he un-clipped his holster the instant his foot hit the dirt. "What did you say? A child?" Susan radioed back. "Susan hold on the chatter, I don't want to scare her," the sheriff said in a whisper as he lowered the volume on his radio. "Hi honey, are you OK? I'm Sheriff Andrews," he said as he carefully approached. The child was standing there motionless and unflinching. She wasn't blinking either, just looking at the Sheriff. "Are your parents nearby? Is anyone else with you? Okay, never mind any of that," Sheriff Andrews said deciding to ignore the police work for the moment. It was the child he was concerned with. The child still hadn't moved. "Look honey, it's going to be okay. Come on and lets get you into the car. It's going to be a little more comfortable. Come here sweetheart, I have juices and candy that I keep just for emergencies. Would you like a juice?" the sheriff asked. The little girl, looking very confused, nodded a yes and let the Sheriff take her hand. She was holding a very large doll almost as big as she was. The Sheriff walked the little girl to the SUV looking down at her and wondering about the hair. It was done in a flat top and clearly not appropriate for a little girl. The style wasn't right either but he wasn't sure that he should ask. It triggered a thought, fearing it might be abuse and his question might also trigger some sort of emotional response. "Here we go," the sheriff said unlocking the back door. He helped the little girl onto the seat then opened the back for his emergency ration case. He had packets of water, apple juice and energy bars. He grabbed an energy bar and apple juice. "What's that?" the little girl asked looking at the juice bag. The apple juice was in a disposable silver bag that had to be pierced with the sharpened straw that it came with. "It's apple juice," the sheriff said. "What kind of glass is that?" the girl asked. "That's not glass honey," the sheriff said and added, "It's a bag." "It's a bag?" the girl said in surprise before adding, "How come it doesn't leak? "It's an aluminum container honey, it's not a bag actually," the sheriff said poking the straw into the hole. The little girl sipped from the straw for a second then held the container out at arms length looking at it curiously before sipping again. "What's aluminum?" the girl asked. "It's a kind of metal," the sheriff answered with more confusion on his face. "That's radical," the little girl said. "Honey, can I ask you your name?" the sheriff asked softly, cautiously. "My name? Oh, sure. It's Mark. My name is Mark Carson," the girl... or rather the boy said as the sheriff registered instantly the name as a boy's. The name definitely matched the hair, but clearly not the clothes. "Mark, this is a silly question, but are you a girl or boy?" the sheriff asked in a quieter voice fearing he'd upset the child but the contradictions made it necessary. "A boy silly and it's not my dress if that's why you're asking," the boy answered and asked, "Can I have another juice bag?" "Of course," the sheriff said walking to the back of his SUV. He grabbed another apple juice and walked to the passenger door to hand it to the boy before asking, "Does the doll have a name?" "Her name is Penny," Mark said holding the doll up for the sheriff to see. "She's pretty," the sheriff said before adding, "She's wearing a dress just like yours. Did your parents dress you like that?" "No, I dressed at Abby's house," Mark said and added, "I mean this was the dress I got from Abby before they took me. I've had lots of dresses since then because they thought I was a girl, but they wouldn't let me keep any of those and made me wear this one for my trip home." "Who is 'they' sweetheart? Who took you and brought you home honey?" the Sheriff asked. "Si and Ti. I think they're brother and sister. They took me, but they got in trouble from their mother. I mean I think it was their mother but I'm not sure. She got angry and made them bring me back," Mark said. "Were they driving a car or truck? Do you remember the kind of car or truck it was?" the sheriff asked. The boy didn't answer. Sheriff Andrews hackles raised the instant the boy said he was taken. He stepped back towards the front of the car out of ear shot and pressed the mic button. "Susan, you copy?" the sheriff asked in a whisper. "Loud and clear sheriff," Susan answered instantly forcing the sheriff to lower the volume even more. "Listen carefully and get ready to copy this. You know what? Wait, just to be safe, start the second recorder as well," Sheriff Andrews said. "It's going Sheriff," Susan said and added, "Go ahead." "Okay, I've got a male, approximate age... hold on," the sheriff said before turning around to face where the boy was to ask, "Son, how old are you?" "I'm nine," Mark asked. "And do you live around the Ridge or in Ridge county?" the sheriff asked. "I live at 1277 Caster street," Mark answered. "Was this Sigh and Thigh the only two in the car? Was this bother and sister in a car or truck or maybe a jeep?" the sheriff asked. "It was a ship," Mark answered. "A ship? You mean like a plane?" the sheriff asked before realizing there was no place to land as he modified his question from the logic, "Maybe a helicopter?" "No, it was a ship. They had a ship when they took me and it was the same one when they brought me back," Mark said. "OK Mark, thank you. Okay Susan, listen carefully: I've got a child, boy, male, age nine. He said he lives at 1277 Caster Street. That's the same Caster street in town. Copy? "Copied that," Susan said. "Okay, first things first, I want an all points bulletin for a couple. Two people. One male and a female, description to follow, vehicle unknown but they should still be somewhere in Ridge County. Next I want the doc woken and alerted that I'm bringing in a boy age nine that may have been abused." "A boy, you said girl earlier," Susan said sounding confused. "Thought he was a girl at first. Look Susan, he's wearing a little girl's party dress with those country western slips under it..." the sheriff said. "Country Western slips? You mean petticoats? Are you describing petticoats Sheriff?" Susan asked. "Petticoats? That's it, petticoats. He's got layers of them, and he's got a doll dressed the same exact way as he is. That's what made me think it was a girl. I was guessing younger because of the shoes," the sheriff said. "Shoes? Not boots?" Susan asked trying to get as much information down as she could before adding, "And that country western slip? I mean if there are no boots then you could be talking about a crinoline?" "Damned if I know what that slip type is. Whatever it is it really full and it's under his dress. A bunch of layers of slip or something, okay? Anyway, it is shoes! Not boots. So Susan, tell me how old were you when you stopped wearing those black shiny shoes with the strap that little girls always wear?" the sheriff asked. "Mary Jane? Oh gosh, sheriff.... I stopped wearing my last pair of Mary Jane shoes when I was maybe five. I cried when my mother made me wear them to Kindergarten. Too old fashioned for me. Why?" Susan asked. "She... strike that I mean he's wearing those kind of shoes with lacy socks," the sheriff said and added, "Oh, and get a phone number for 1277 Caster street. He said he lived there just recently. Better call and alert social services as well." "Got it," Susan said and then added, "Sheriff, you know that Caster street was taken out for that new terminal and shopping center right? I mean I'm trying that address now and nothings coming up. Like I said, it's no longer there." "How long has it been since that street was there?" Sheriff Andrew asked curiously. "Been... let me think... 5, 6... No, longer, I'm thinking it's been almost 10 years now," Susan said. "Okay, forget trying for a number. We'll keep working on that. Go ahead and get that APB out and the rest of it and show me heading to the hospital. Oh, and alert the emergency room... talk with the admitting nurse or whoever is in charge that I want some discretion, make that privacy, when I come in. God knows what that boy has been through and how he's feeling dressed the way he is," the sheriff said. "Roger that," Susan answered. Sheriff Andrews opened the passenger door and carefully fixed the seat belts around Mark's dress and petticoats. His skirt was very full as Sheriff Andrews closed the door. A moment later he started the SUV and carefully maneuvered it to head down the mountain road again. At the chain he stopped and closed the road once more before starting off again. Once he didn't have to worry as much about driving he looked in the rear view mirror. The boy was happily sitting there with the doll in his lap. He was fussing with the doll's dress. "So Mark, you said ship a little bit ago. Why did you say ship?" the sheriff asked. "That's what they called it. They told me I was aboard a ship," Mark said. "Did it have windows?" the sheriff asked. "No. No windows. They said space gets dilated or something like that and you can't see anything anyway," Mark said. "Dilated," the sheriff repeated and mumbled the word, "Space?" "That's what they said," Mark answered and added, "But I think they said elongated as well." "How long were you in that ship?" the sheriff asked. "Not long. Maybe a week or two," Mark said and added, "They said to make sure and tell my dad that it's not my fault for being gone and that they didn't harm me." "They didn't harm you?" the sheriff asked trying to decide if the boy would even know that dressing him like a girl would be harming him. He decided not to. "No sir," Mark said. "What's your dad's name?" the sheriff asked ignoring the hints that the boy was in a space ship. Traumatized the sheriff decided as he punched the radio again. "Matt," Mark answered and added, "That's my dad's name." "Go ahead sheriff," Susan said over the radio. "Sorry about that," the sheriff apologized to Susan for keying the mic without talking before adding, "Susan, look up a Matt Carson as well... wait, hold on a second..." The sheriff looked up in the mirror to meet Mark's eyes as he asked, "Mark, what's your mother's name?" "Mother's dead. Her name was Rose," Mark said and then added, "And dad might be at the bar. He's always at the bar." "Okay Susan, mother's deceased, father's name is Matt and if there is no new address then call Buck at the bar and see if he's got a regular by that name and where he might be living now." "Will do sheriff," Susan answered. "Can you call Abby? Abby's got my regular clothes," Mark yelled at the radio as he was leaning forward. "What? What's that? Who?" the sheriff asked and added, "What's Abby's last name?" "Vanderhoven. Abby Vanderhoven. She's in my school. She helped me dress," Mark said. "Abby Vanderhoven helped you dress like a little girl?" the sheriff asked starting to get a headache as he added, "She's in your school? What kind of school?" "She's in my school? You know, my school. She said I could wear her clothes for Halloween. She went dressed as a princess, I was going dressed as a girl," Mark said. "Went where?" the sheriff asked. "To the community center. Actually I didn't get to go because they took me, but I think Abby did. I got chased by the Hanson's," Mark said. "The Hanson's?" Sheriff asked. "The twins," Mark said. "Wait? Do you mean the Hanson sisters? You're telling me the Hanson sisters chased you on Halloween?" the sheriff asked. "Yes sir," Mark said. "The Hanson sisters chased you, and Abby dressed you like a little girl?" the sheriff asked. "No sir. Abby dressed me like a little girl. I guess it wasn't really a little girl because she was still wearing this dress and slip but it was old for her, and on the way to the community center the Hanson sisters started chasing me. They almost got me, but when they grabbed my hair bow the wig came off and when I got to the lumber yard I hid. That's when the ship took me," Mark said. "Susan," the sheriff said to his radio mic. "Go ahead," Susan answered. "Susan, for the heck of it get Ms. Vanderhoven on a land line and connect me with her," the sheriff said. "Wait one," Susan answered. "What were the Hanson sister's name?" sheriff Andrews asked for the sake of curiosity. "Cindy and Sandy," Mark answered but added, "Sandy was the mean one. Cindy just went along I think." "Why were they chasing you?" the sheriff asked. "Promise you won't tell," Mark said. "Promise," the sheriff said. "They wanted to diaper me again," Mark said. "Diaper you? Again? Why would they want to diaper you?" the sheriff asked. His temple was beginning to throb. "Because-" Mark said. "Doesn't answer the question Mark," the sheriff said firming his voice a little, but fearing he might push too hard. "You promised okay," Mark said. "I promise Mark," Sheriff Andrew said. "Because I wet the bed sometimes and my dad makes me wear diapers and plastic pants to bed and the Hanson sisters found out," Mark said in a lower voice. "It's okay Mark, your secret is safe with me," the sheriff said and added, "Mark, you used the word again. You said they wanted to diaper you again? They did that to you before?" "Couple of times. Found out it was their mom that made the diapers my dad used and that's how Cindy and Sandy found out. Sandy made me wear them at their house and act like a baby or they were going to tell everyone at school," Mark said. "And Abby dressed you like a girl?" the sheriff asked. "But that was for Halloween," Mark said and added, "It don't mean anything if you wear girl's clothes on Halloween... right?" "True enough," the sheriff said. "Sheriff?" the radio screeched. "I have Abby Vanderhoven on the line. Go to tactical one and you can talk with her direct," Susan said. "Thanks Susan," sheriff Andrews said as he switched the radio over to tactical zero one. "Ms. Vanderhoven?" sheriff Andrew asked. "Yes sheriff. What did you find out?" Abby asked. "Well first of all, thanks for returning my call at this late hour," the sheriff said. "You're welcome, but I was awake anyway. Did you find out what those lights were from?" Abby asked. "Not exactly. Ms. Vanderhoven I did find a young boy on that old logging road. Taking him to the hospital as we speak," the sheriff said and added, "Might be an abduction." "Good heavens, thank God I called you. Is the boy okay?" Abby asked. "He seems fine, more or less, but he's giving me some pretty bizarre answers to a few of my questions and some of those answers are beginning to involve you in some odd way," the sheriff said. "Me? How is that even possible?" Abby asked with a suddenly cautious tone in her voice. "Ms. Vanderhoven please don't take offense with what I say next and if you'd like you're more than welcome to have an attorney with you but I need to give you your rights, "sheriff Andrews said. "My rights? What the hell are you talking about?" Abby said. "It's for your own protection," sheriff Andrews cautioned. "Go on then and do whatever you've got to do so we can get some answers," Abby said. "Okay. As to that, you don't have to answer any of my questions. You can have your attorney present if you want and I'm recording this conversation. Do you understand what I just said?" sheriff Andrew noted and added, "And this recording could be used later in a trial." "I understand sheriff and I'll answer any questions you have," Abby said. "Thank you. I know this is going to sound crazy, Abby, but he's dressed like a little girl. His name is Mark. Mark Carson and he said you actually dressed him like a girl. He's that way now. Look, I know that's crazy and I'm sure there has been some sort of trauma but it would help me a lot if you know anything about this," sheriff Andrews said. "Wait? What? Sheriff, you've gone round the bend. I sent you up there because I saw some lights and now I'm part of a kidnapping," Abby said with anger in her voice as she added, "And you think I might dare harm a child?" "No ma'am, I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm just telling you what the boy said and I only told you because I was hoping to sort his story out before I get to the emergency room," sheriff Andrews said and added, "Might help them help him." "Wait? What did you say the boy's name was...." Abby started to say. "Abby? Abby is that you? You sound like an old woman? They said you'd be older when I got back but you sound way old. Abby, it's me. Know what? I've been in a space ship and this is going to make you laugh, but for a long time they thought I was a girl," Mark said excitedly. "Mark? Mark Carson? Wait a second? You are telling me you're supposed to be Mark Carson? Impossible," Abby said and added, "Sheriff Andrew this is some kind of sick joke." "Abby, It's me. It's really me," Mark yelled and added, "And this is going to make you laugh but they made a bunch of pictures for me of dresses, slips, and panties and all sorts of girl stuff. Kept pointing at things till I chose a chair and as soon as I did that a chair appeared. Abby it was awesome." "Listen young man, you're not fooling anyone. You can't be Mark, you realize that don't you? You literally can't be Mark," Abby said with conviction in her voice as she added, "Sheriff! Seriously, is this some sort of joke?" "If it is, I'm not part of it," Sheriff Andrew said. "Impossible! Sheriff, just for the sake of argument, can you tell me what sort of dress he's wearing?" Abby asked. "Well, it's a soft pink, like a pastel I suppose, and it's got a wide sash around the waist that has been tied into a giant bow at the back. There is a white collar that's rounded with lace, and it's got really puffy sleeves also with lace. Susan tells me that the slips I described might be crinolines and he's got on Mary Jane shoes with lacy socks," the sheriff said. "Is the dress two layers over the slip or one?" Abby asked. "Two! He's showing me the second layer and holding up two fingers, and I can see through it," the sheriff said. "And I've got Penny," Mark yelled. "Penny? That can't be! Sheriff, is he really holding a doll?" Abby asked. "Sure is? Dressed almost exactly the same as he is matter of fact? Is any of this making sense?" the sheriff asked. "No it's not making any sense, but let me see if I can sort out some of this. Obviously the boy's fibbing about some of this because it's been about fifty years since Mark Carson went missing. So here is what I know of that," Abby said pausing for a moment before adding, "Let's see, it was 1958. I was twelve, Mark was nine." "1959 Abby. Remember? It was Halloween 1959," Mark said and added, "You had a birthday party, remember?" "That's right. That's exactly right. I had just turned twelve. So yes, it was 1959. Who told you that?" Abby asked. "No one, I just remember is all. Come on Abby, it was only a couple of weeks ago," Mark said. "That's impossible. This is 2010 and that makes you, if you are Mark.... No, it can't be. If that is supposed to be you you'd be at least 59 and me 62 and I'm 62 and you sure as hell are not 59. According to the sheriff you're still a young boy so you can't be who you say you are," Abby said. "They said you'd be older but that's as old as my grandmother is," Mark said and added, "Abby, it is me! Abby I can prove it. Remember what you told me... you know, about the panties? You know, because of the doll?" There was a pause almost long enough for the sheriff to say something. Then Abby began talking again. "I remember," Abby said and added, "But you can't know anything about that because no one outside of Mark and I knew that." "Exactly, only I did remember it because you said it when I was dressing. Abby, you said I couldn't wear the pink panties with the lace because those went with the doll panties and those were your favorites and you didn't want me messing in them, so you gave me a plain pair of regular pink panties," Mark said and added, "Remember?" "Sheriff," Abby said and added after another pause, "I'm telling you this can't be. It's impossible but no one else can know that stuff... No one in this world." "Tell me about it," sheriff Andrew said. "Sheriff, this is going to sound very odd, but can you please see what color the doll panties are and do they have lace around the edges?" Abby asked. "Doll panties? Hold on," sheriff Andrew said looking in his rear view mirror. Mark had lifted the doll along with its skirts and slips high enough and sure enough it was wearing pink panties. Pink panties with lace around the legs. "Just as you described," the sheriff said looking at Mark. "It's not my fault sheriff, Abby made me wear panties," Mark said smiling. "I did not! I said if you're going to wear everything else you might as well wear the panties," Abby said before adding, "I was teasing you.... What am I saying? Oh, hell, this is insane. This simply cannot be and yet here I am arguing with a ghost. Are you a ghost?" "I don't think so," Mark said. "So is any of this making sense?" the sheriff asked. "Not even a little sheriff, but I've got to tell you, so far it's all true. Every last word of it. Let's see? It was 1959. Mark came over to my house when I was twelve to borrow and wear one of my dresses for Halloween. I let him wear a very fancy dress, that pink one he's in because my Patti Play Pal had a dress just like it and she was already in it. Both were gifts from my mother but from last year. The panties and slips came with the doll, but I wouldn't let Mark wear those panties." "And don't forget Sandy's shoes," Mark said. "That's right? My shoes didn't fit so I called Sandy and she brought a pair of shoes she wore when she was like four or five but chubby. Mary Jane shoes, right," Abby said. "Black patent leather," sheriff said before Mark answered. "They tried to run me down and diaper me," Mark said. "Who did?" Abby asked. "Cindy and Sandy," Mark answered. "I heard that when you disappeared. I heard the police talked with them, but they never connected you with them. They said you ran into the lumber yard and disappeared," Abby noted and added, "They said they had the wig because the wig came off when you were running into the lumber yard and they didn't know where you went." "They grabbed for me and got a handful of your pink hair bow," Mark said laughing. "Sheriff, you still there?" Abby asked. "I am," Sheriff Andrew answered. "Sheriff, if it's at all possible, I've got to see him face to face. If I see him and it's him we can take it from there. I can say this Sheriff almost everything he's said so far is accurate because it's impossible for anyone to know all of this," Abby said and added, "And if this is being recorded make it known that I don't believe in UFOs." "No chance someone has gotten hold of your memoirs, notes, tapes or something like that? No autobiographical in the works? No notes written of the past or anything about these events?" sheriff Andrew asked. "Nothing Sheriff," Abby said. "But it's true I did run. I mean I ran into the lumber yard and then I got a little scared and ducked behind a stack of boards then suddenly I'm inside this glass room," Mark said and lowering his voice he said, "Been there a couple of weeks before I was finally brought home." "Sheriff is there anyway you can bring him here first?" Abby asked. "You didn't answer my questions about the information," Sheriff Andrew said. "The answer is nothing. Not a shred of information that this boy has is available outside of me! Period. Until right now I've never talked with another soul about this or that. And it never came up when he disappeared," Abby said and added, "And if you think I've had something to do with this then what better reason than to discover what or how I was involved." "I was taking him to the emergency room to see the doc. He's meeting me at the hospital," the sheriff said worried that he was turning the boy over to someone that could be just as insane as the boy and may even be the reason as he added, "Tell you what! If you allow the rest of those people I've woken up tonight to meet us there then yes, I'll bring him by if for no other reason than to rid myself of this story and establish some facts. It might even help the boy if he thinks he's telling the truth. If you agree to that then okay." "Agreed," Abby said. "Even though I now... or may consider you a suspect," the sheriff said. "Even more so because you consider me a suspect. Anyway, call whoever you think will help the boy and then bring him by. Meanwhile, I'm making some tea," Abby said. "Can we use your tea set?" Mark asked over the radio after asking the sheriff to press it on. "Honey, we can use whatever you want but you must tell me how you know all of this stuff?" Abby asked and then suddenly said, "Sheriff, do you have a secure channel?" "Not really, every channel I have gets recorded. Cell phone as well, why?" the sheriff asked. "I wanted to ask Mark a very personal question that only he could answer no matter what," Abby said. "Ask him that when we gets there but I'd have to be there when you ask, and I don't want him answering any more questions without an advocate standing nearby," sheriff Andrew said. "Fair enough," Abby said after a moments pause. "Sheriff," Susan said over the loud speaker before adding, "Can you go private?" "OK, speakers off. I'm on the ear plug," the sheriff said. "Sheriff, the boy may not be who he thinks he is but for sure he knows a lot about the boy that once lived at that address. Sheriff there was a Mark living at 1277 Caster street and he lived there with a man named Matt. Get this sheriff! I called Buck over at the bar and he said Matt lived with his son Mark. Matt's wife died when Mark was born and his father more or less ignored him from then on," Susan said. "What happened to the boy?" Sheriff Andrew asked. "You on a straight road?" Susan asked and said, "Don't want you swerving off some curb when I tell you this." "Go on," the sheriff said. "Okay. So the boys father is a kind of town drunk and the boy is pretty much on his own till Halloween back in 1959 when that boy Mark disappears. I've got the police report on microfiche and he's wearing exactly what this boy is wearing. The clothes came from Abby Vanderhoven age twelve. There were two girls who last saw him: Cindy and Sandy Hanson - they had the boy's wig when they were picked up and questioned, Sheriff, believe it or not, the wig is still in evidence! I just checked," Sandy said before pausing and then adding, "Want more?" "Go ahead," the sheriff said shaking his head to clear it. "Hold onto the steering wheel, but did you know that there was two UFO sightings about that same time? There was a handwritten note added to the evidence with "ha ha ha" written at the bottom. Seems they interviewed the night watchman, an alcoholic at the lumber mill who was just walking into the yard and he claims he saw a space ship flash a light on the ground. Didn't see a boy and was four sheets to the wind which was verified with a toxicity screening according to the report," Susan noted. "And they didn't believe the guard?" Sheriff Andrew asked. "Of course they didn't believe him," Susan said. "What the hell? Okay, forget all that, I can read it when I come in. What about the dad?" the sheriff asked. "Died. Acute alcohol poisoning a few months after the boy disappeared and the active search for the boy ended about six months later. His name was forwarded to the missing children database in Washington. The house and belongings were sold off and the case here went into the cold files," Susan noted and added, "I've got a copy of the case report and a picture when you need it. Does the boy have a flat top style hair cut?" "I've got a headache. I'll call you back in a bit," the sheriff said as he turned under the sign that read Bridgetown Estates. A Vanderhoven Development. He started up the well manicured road with some very large homes every quarter mile as he added, "I'm on Abby's road. Listen, I need the doc, social services and that psychologist what's her name to Abby Vanderhoven as soon as possible - make it an emergency. And did you get that APB out?" "I did and I'm making those calls now. You need anything else?" Susan asked. "Couple of Aspirin and a small shot of something that isn't coffee," the sheriff said before clicking off. Sheriff Andrew was pulling up to Abby's gate when Susan came back on the radio and said, "Okay, doc's on her way, so is Carol Baker - Social Services, Julie Sternson - staff psychologist. She's at the school so she should arrive first. Need anyone else?" "Nope, sounds like we've covered it pretty good. Oh, call Sheriff Broadbent over in Clark and ask him if he's seen anything unusual on the North side of Hagar mountain," the sheriff said. "What should I tell him if he should ask why?" Susan said and added, "You know, the weird stuff?" "You never mind about that. Treat it like a good old fashion kidnapping drop off and that's that. He should be seeing the APB anyway," the sheriff said and added, "You hear? I don't want this in the tabloids." "I hear," Susan said. "Okay Susan, I'm here at the house," the sheriff said and added, "Show me code twenty at Ms. Vanderhoven's place and my cell is on. Hold on. Okay, I've got a car pulling in behind me with a young woman in it." "That's going to be Julie Stevenson your psychologist. She said she was just a few blocks from Ms. Vanderhoven's," Susan said and added, "And I'm going on the phone to Sheriff Broadbent." "Thanks Susan," Sheriff Andrew said before waving at the woman setting her car to park before adding to Mark, "Mark, you mind talking to some other grownups about what happened to you?" "No, I mean I don't mind," Mark said before adding, "Do I have to tell them that I like dressing as a girl?" "Not if you don't want to Mark. Do you?" the sheriff asked and added, "Do you like dressing as a girl?" "Yes sir," Mark said as he stepped out of the car after the sheriff opened the door for him as he added, "If Abby said I can keep her dress can I still wear it?" "I don't see why not," sheriff Andrew said shaking his head. "And you won't tell them about the diapers right?" Mark asked. "Not a word," Sheriff Andrew said. "Interesting. Okay let's meet our Ms. Stevenson and then Abby and see if any of this is going to make sense," the sheriff said as Julie walked up smiling at the sheriff. The sheriff smiled back, extended his hand and added, "This is Mark. Mark Carson this is, I take it you're Julie Stevenson." "Correct sheriff. Hi Mark. Mark my name is Julie Stevenson. I'm a psychologist Mark and I'm going to try and see if I can help you with your memories," Julie said. "Because no one believes them, right?" Mark said in a matter of fact voice. "No Mark, because sometimes what a boy of nine means isn't always what an adult thinks it means. I've studied children and I've learned to listen to them better than most adults. And Mark, just for the record, I want to believe you," Julie said. "So can I see Abby still?" Mark asked. "That's her on the porch," sheriff Andrew said. Everyone's attention turned to that porch as the Sheriff added, "Julie can you stand with Mark while I take a minute to talk with Ms. Vanderhoven?" "Sure," Julie said as Mark nodded his yes. Sheriff Andrews walked to the steps, up the few to the porch and stopped right across from Ms. Vanderhoven. He cleared his throat and said, "Listen Abby, I've got to treat this as an abduction and right now, like it or not, you are not my prime suspect but there is a connection under suspicious circumstances. That means I'm already in hot water with the District Attorney by being here. It also means I've got to remind you of your rights. Understood?" Sheriff Andrews said. "I understand," Abby said. "So you okay with me reading them from a card?" Sheriff Andrew asked and added, "And I'm going to turn my cell phone on to record this, okay?" "I'm okay with it sheriff," Abby said. "Okay.... Abby Vanderhoven, for the moment I am holding you in my temporary custody as a material witness for the possible abduction of Mark Carson. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney...." Sheriff Andrews continued with Abby's Miranda reading and asked if she understood what he'd just said. Abby said she had and she also agreed to remain at least 10 feet from Mark. The Sheriff told Julie it was okay to bring the boy up but repeated the 10 foot rule, and Julie came over to help Mark walk to the house. As both began walking towards the large house. Abby gasped a little. As Mark stated up the stairs Abby's composure began to unravel. "It can't be! It just can't be," Abby said and added as she blew her nose and cleared her eyes of tears, "Mark, how is this even remotely possible?" "So you're saying you believe this is Mark? The Mark you remember from 1959," sheriff Andrew said. "It is or a damn good likeness Sheriff," Abby said shaking her head from side to side before adding, "But of course that's impossible so you tell me who that is?" "Abby, they said to tell you that the reason I'm only a few weeks older than I was, and you're as old as my grandmother is because of time dereliction," Mark said before adding, "They travel very fast they told me." "Who told you?" Julie asked. "The aliens that took me to their home," Mark said before adding, "They go so fast that time slows down for me and speeds up for you. You know, time dereliction." "You mean time dilation?" Julie asked. "Yes that's it," Mark said. "What's he talking about?" sheriff Andrew asked. "It's far more complicated than I'm capable of explaining scientifically, but the gist of it is that time dilation is the literal difference of time measured between say two people as one travels faster than the other. It can also be those same people moving relative to each other differently situated from gravitational objects like stars and planets," Julie said and added, "The faster one goes relative to the one watching, time moves faster for the one watching as compared to the one watched." "It's more complicated than you're capable of explaining," Sheriff Andrew said with his eye brows raised and added, "I don't have a clue what you said." "I was an avid fan of Isaac Asimov who wrote a lot about Albert Einstein," Julie said with a grin. "So you're saying this is all possible?" sheriff Andrew asked. "No, not by any process or anything I know of... But, if this is all hypothetical yes. As for his age? In a word, yes. If you believe the theories. We actually have enough evidence between our atomic clocks to tell us the theory is possible, but of course not all the proof you might need someone to investigate for something like this. Other than the observable right now," Julie said and added, "And a good UFO expert perhaps." "The observable right now?" sheriff Andrew asked and added, "And no I don't." "Sheriff, have you ever heard of Occam's razor?" Julie asked. "I've heard the words before, I think, but no, the truth is I don't know anything about that razor," Sheriff Andrews said. "Well Sheriff. Occam's razor is from a principle taken from philosophy. William of Occam's, a Franciscan friar while studying logic in the 14th century came up with this theory that suggested: If there exist two explanations for something, say in this case this occurrence sitting between the possible and impossible. The simpler explanation is usually the right explanation," Julie said. "I'm not sure I follow," Sheriff Andrews said. "Let me see if I can put this another way? Okay, another way of saying it that is simply that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation becomes. It just means that if you ignore all the complications that this story presents then the simplest truth is most likely the actual truth," Julie said. "So you're saying this boy was taken by aliens?" Sheriff Andrew asked. "Well, sheriff, ignoring everything else, there are some facts that can't be ignored. We have a boy age 9 that seems to be claiming he's only been gone a few weeks of his time when in fact he's been gone for nearly 50 years of our time. If he is in fact that boy then he is in fact the very living proof of that theory," Julie said looking at Mark and smiling as she added, "Which can obviously then prove everything else he's said. Including UFOs" "Is this the Mark you remember?" sheriff Andrew asked as Abby fought to control herself. "If he's not, someone has gone through extraordinary lengths to make him appear so," Abby said and added, "Mark, before everyone shows up and muddy's these waters further would you tell me why you're wearing that dress?" "I already told the sheriff. I'm wearing your dress because I like wearing dresses," Mark said and added, "You know that." "Do you crossdress a lot?" Julie asked. "What's crossdress mean?" Mark asked. "It means to cross over from one side to the other and wear the clothes of the opposite sex. In your case a male cross dressing in female clothes," Julie noted. "Oh, okay. Then yes, I crossdress," Mark said and added, "I didn't do it a lot because I'd get beat up if too many guys knew, but Abby let me dress a lot. We pretended we were sisters." "Oh my God," Abby said as she moved to a wicker chair and sat down hard. She was sobbing softly while looking at Mark. "So I'm guessing that's also true then?" Julie asked. "True enough. Mark, do you remember me teasing you back then... I mean the other day, a few days before Halloween when you came over wearing just that diaper and baby top?" Abby asked. "I remember," Mark said and added, "That was the day dad got really mad because I'd stained the mattress. He made me go outside wearing just the diaper, baby pants and a tee-shirt. That's why I came running over here." "And what did I say?" Abby asked. "You wanted me to laugh because I was crying," Mark said. "That's right, but what did I say?" Abby asked. "You said you'd have to make me your little baby sister," Mark answered as he snickered and added, "Till I was potty trained." "That's right," Abby said and added, "And it made you feel better." "It did. It made me laugh," Mark said and added, "You always made me feel better." "Oh my God.... It really is you," Abby said as she began to cry again. This time Mark started crying and quickly ran to Abby as they both began hugging. Sheriff Andrews was about to quickly step in and stop them by enforcing his 10 foot rule, but paused, shrugged and then just stood there. "You got old," Mark said as Abby began wiping his face with another tissue. "That's not polite. I've aged a little yes, but I'm not old," Abby said. "No, you got old," Mark said laughing as Abby smiled. "So how in the world did you manage to keep my clothes and doll so clean?" Abby asked. The sheriff tugged on Julie's elbow drawing her slowly and further away from Abby and Mark before saying, "I need two quick assessments: First I need to make sure this isn't some sort of hoax involving Abby in some way that might harm the boy, and secondly, if Mark is even remotely telling the truth?" "Honestly, unless those two are the world's greatest actors I'd say they are both telling the truth but I'll need more, to say that with enough conviction for you or a court of law. Meanwhile, I don't think Abby is a threat to that boy. If anything, she seems to understand him and frankly that's important for the boy," Julie said. "Very important," the sheriff said as he turned his attention back to Abby and Mark.. "Yes," Julie said. "So Abby, on the ship I got a ton of dresses," Mark said and growing more excited added, "Si and Ti brought a glob in and it started to glow and all of a sudden there were just these dresses showing. Like they were in a catalog or something. I wasn't sure what they wanted me to do but suddenly I felt my hand moving, then a finger and discovered they wanted me to pick something." "Did you?" Abby asked. "I did and the instant I picked it there it was," Mark said. "A dress or what?" Abby asked. "A nightgown at first because I was really tired," Mark said. "What kind of nightgown?" Abby asked. "Like the ones you have. Like the one your mother was wearing that time I got to sleep over," Mark said. "A baby doll?" Abby asked. "That's it. A baby doll. It had panties that matched. It was exactly like the picture. I picked another then another. I picked dresses, slips, panties, even a bra," Mark said excitedly. "Did they let you wear the things that were being created?" Abby asked. "Oh yes. I started to take your dress off and suddenly it was gone. The same thing happened with the slip and then the panties. All I had on were the Mary Jane shoes from Sandy and your lacy socks. When I went to pick up the nightgown there was like a quick flash and I was wearing it," Mark said. "So it was these aliens?" Abby asked. "I thought so. I mean at first I thought it was them but then I discovered it was me," Mark said. "What do you mean you?" Abby asked. "You know I guess I wasn't sure, because I was really tired and suddenly there was a bed almost like yours against the glass wall. When I got to the bed there was already a diaper laying open on the sheet and next to the diaper baby pants. So I'm thinking about wearing the diaper and suddenly it's already on me. It's on me and I don't remember putting it on. That's when I decided that all I had to do was think about them on or off and suddenly the diapers back on the bed. I think again and I'm wearing the diaper over the panties," Mark said almost whispering when Abby looked surprised. "You thought about wearing them over the panties?" Abby asked. "I did. Abby, don't you remember? I was in the diaper that Sandy made me wear, that time. Remember? I was telling you I wanted to wear panties and not the diaper, and you said wear both by putting the panties on first," Mark said laughing. "I remember. I was twelve then," Abby said guiltily looking around to see the sheriff and Julie had heard that part. "OK, so you can think these things into existence and put them on and off at will, so what happened then?" Abby asked. "When I laid in the bed I started to play a little and the diapers got thicker. Then there were two panties, you know, layers, another style nightgown then ruffled panties then those panties like the doll wore. And I guess I finally went to sleep," Mark said. "And that was that?" Abby asked and added, "I mean was that all you did?" "Abby! I didn't do that if that's what you are asking," Mark said as he bowed his head before adding, "OK, maybe I did just a little." "You see! That's why I wouldn't let you wear my good panties," Abby said suddenly forgetting she wasn't twelve again and ignoring the sheriff and Julie as Mark continued. "I remember. So anyway, suddenly your dress and the slip and panties are gone and I'm looking at these pictures of girl's clothes. Then I realize I can have anything I can think of and I forget about your dress. I'm wearing everything, all kinds of things, when suddenly I felt the change," Mark said. "What change?" Abby asked. "Not sure how long it had been but things changed. Can't explain it but after we landed I realized I was on the way back home. I didn't know that at first but all of a sudden I'm wearing your dress again, the slip, panties and everything I wore that day they took me. A little while later I'm standing on the road and the Sheriff arrives," Mark said. "So is he making this up or what and is Abby who he said she is back then?" sheriff Andrew asked of Julie before adding, "No prints in those days and no DNA so it's impossible to physically prove any of this." "It's hard to say sheriff," Julie notes with a serious look on her face. "Even a guess would help," Sheriff Andrew notes. "Sheriff, even if it's not true, he believes it is, or at least I believe he believes. It could be an elaborate hoax, but I don't think the boy believes anything else other than what he's told us. Hypnosis could do some of this, maybe all of it? Not sure. As for Abby, nothing she's said suggest otherwise and that slightly guilty look when they talked about those moments of childish sex there was genuine guilt so yes, I believe she believes it as well," Julie said. "So you think he's been abducted by aliens?" the sheriff asked. "No," Julie said. "Neither do I but if that's not the case, how can a story like this become so complicated and so deeply embedded to be believed. Abby truly believes that boy is the boy from her past and that boy thinks Abby is an older version of that girl from his past? How the hell do I sort that out," the sheriff mumbles and then adds, "And what kind of case do I have here? Abduction? Child molestation and by whom?" "Again, hypnosis perhaps," Julie suggested. "Will that theory get me further than I am now?" the sheriff asked. "It will confirm if he's telling the truth or at least that he believes he's telling the truth, and if I do so on Abby I'll be able to establish her part in all of this.... If she's willing to do so," Julie said. "Got to do something because right now I have a boy with no family that likes dressing as a girl and wears diapers to bed still because he said he wets at night, and is going to at least need a place to stay. Who the hell is going to take in that kind of boy?" the sheriff said in frustration. "You don't have to report all the other stuff you know, just that you've found a boy," Julie said looking contemplative. "What are you saying?" the sheriff asked. "Okay, I'm not sure how this might work, but what if you found a boy, just an ordinary boy on that road and he couldn't remember how he got there. What if you put him back in boy's clothes and tell Social Services just that and nothing else? What happens?" Julie asked. "He goes into the hospital, briefly, for a physical exam which is mandatory and then gets put under the responsibility of Social Services. It's their job to find him a place to stay till we find out who he is and where he came from. Within a day or so there is also an advocate assigned to represent him," the sheriff said and added, "And if I ignore everything I could be withholding evidence of a crime or crimes." "And what if you can't find out where he came from or who he is?" Julie asked. "Ultimately he goes into foster care and I suspect he gets some sort of therapy," sheriff Andrew said. "Exactly," Julie said. "Exactly as in what exactly?" Sheriff Andrew asked. "What if I was to volunteer his therapy and Abby offered to take care of him till you discover who he is and where he comes from. Would that satisfy Social Services?" Julie asked and added, "I mean before the world gets here that is." "Then I've got a simple, more or less, case of child abandonment or possible abduction. It they don't find anything wrong with him at the hospital and you certify him okay to reside with someone like Abby, it gets pretty simply. Turns into a more or less routine investigation. I take prints, run them along with his picture and he gets thrown into the middle of thousands of children," sheriff Andrew said but adds, "Trouble is he's got to get out of those clothes, fast, and both he and Abby have to cooperate." "Abby? Mark? Have you been listening?" Julie said. "Yes," Abby said. "Yes," Mark answered. "Is that something you both could do?" Julie said. "Definitely yes," Abby said. "Absolutely, yes," Mark answered. "How about you sheriff?" Julie asked. "Hell yes. Last thing I want to do is tell the world I'm investigating an alien abduction," sheriff Andrew said. "Then we need to get a move on. First we've got to get him out of those clothes and into something less odd," Julie said. "I've got noting to fit him," Abby said before adding, "If I wrapped him in a blanket would that be okay?" "Yes," sheriff Andrew said and then adds, "If I can get Carl Evans to open his store and provide whatever the boy needs the county will pay him back." "I'll call Carl and I'll take care of the cost," Abby said as she walks over to a wireless house phone and starts dialing. "She owns the store," sheriff Andrew said to Julie who is looking on in confusion. She nods her understanding and walks over to Mark. "Come on we've got to get you changed. I'd suggest we all go into the living room and wait there for the others to arrive. We can spend a little time cleaning up the facts," Julie notes and adds, "We can do the hypnosis sometime tomorrow and get that documented which should also help your case." "We can do that," sheriff Andrew said. "And how is this going to start? I mean for my sake," Julie said. "Found the boy on the road. He can't remember how he got there," sheriff Andrew noted. "That cleaned it up a little," Julie said laughing. "Exactly," Sheriff Andrew notes. "Meanwhile-" Julie said. "Meanwhile, I've got a thousand and one questions," sheriff Andrew said as he looked on in confusion. "Like what?" Julie asked. "Like, first of all, is Mark 59 or 9?" Sheriff Andrew asked. "His age is subjective. If his travel time only took a few weeks then he's only a few weeks older. Doesn't matter how old everything else is as in universal ages," Julie said and adds, "At least that's my understanding of how this is suppose to work and looking at him I'd say it does work that way." "It's going to take a while for me to wrap my head around the rest of this," sheriff Andrew said. "No kidding? I mean we're talking about life on another planet," Julie said and added, "And I'm guessing they're a whole lot smarter than we are at the moment." "True. Okay, so let's get into the living room and Mark under a blanket for now. I'll take the other things for now and hide them in bags. They are evidence anyway," sheriff Andrew said. "I've got clothes coming," Abby said hanging up the phone. "I'll need several paper bags and a stapler," Sheriff Andrew said to Abby. Abby nodded. She walked to the front door and opened the screen telling everyone to go into the living room while she goes and gets a blanket. Mark walked in first followed by Julie who is followed by sheriff Andrew. Once inside Mark walked down a hall to the bathroom to take his dress and slips off. Sheriff Andrew suggested Julie do the honors and take his things off while Abby gets the blanket. Sheriff Andrew noted that each item must go into a separate bag and the bag stapled closed. Julie nodded and walked off with Mark. Abby returned from the kitchen with several paper bags and walked down to give them to Julie. She grabbed the stapler on her way. Abby was back with the Sheriff standing in the living room. Tires on Gravel announce someone and the sheriff turning back from the window said, "It's the doc. There is another car behind him so I'm guessing that's going to be Social Services." "Hi doc," sheriff Andrew said letting the doc come in. Doctor Rush walks in and then Carol Baker from Social Services follows as the sheriff adds, "Hey Carol." "Hi sheriff, so were you able to find this boy's parents?" Carol asked. "Nothing so far. He knows his name is Mark, he thinks, but he can't remember how he got on the road where I picked him up. Listen, Carol, if you don't have a place, Abby has offered him a room and is getting some clothes for the boy. I'm taking his other clothes for evidence. I've also got a psychologist in there looking at him as we speak. She said she'll stick it out for the boy's sake. That is if you don't mind. Meanwhile, I'll work the case," sheriff Andrew said. "Nice work Sheriff. Tell you the truth we're always booked up to our eyeballs so if he can stay here that would be wonderful, better than wonderful. I'll just need the doc to tell me he's none the worse for wear and that goes for the psychologist as well. If they both say he's okay to stay, he's okay to stay," Carol noted on a page in her day timer. "I'll check him out right now," Doctor Rush said as she moved to slid an ottoman towards where Mark will be sitting. Doctor Rush opened her bag and took her stethoscope out. A few minutes later Mark and Julie emerged with Mark wrapped in a blanket. "Can you physically guess his age? Doc," the sheriff said. "Within a year or two," the doc said before asking, "Why?" "Just want to make sure I get as much facts established as I can," the sheriff said and added, "The boy is a little confused over things." "Will do," the doc said. The doctor started with Mark's eyes and ears then put her fingers on either side of Mark's neck. She had him stand with his back to everyone with Carol holding the blanket like a partition. Dr. Rush ended her exam, put a sample DNA in her bag while she moved her stethoscope and listened at his back. She then had him turn slightly to hear the front. She used a tongue depressor and flashlight for his throat and then a small rubber hammer for his elbow and knees. "No obstructions, no bruises and a sound heart. His throats clear as are his eyes and ears. Could use a bath and a tooth brush, but I've never examined a boy that didn't need one or both. I'm guessing his age between 8 and 10 so 9 would be my best guess," Dr. Rush said and then started asking him questions before adding, "He can add large blocks of numbers, knows some fairly big words and is starved. I'd say he's healthy but would insist on a complete physical in the very near future. Say within days," Doc said. "I'll set it up for tomorrow if it's okay," Abby said. "I'll start his file when I get back to my office," Carol said as she started writing in a notebook. "So he's okay to stay here?" the Sheriff asked. Everyone looked at everyone else and all nodded. Another car crunched on Abby driveway. "That's Carl Evans from the store," Abby noted looking out the window and recognizing the car pulling up. Abby stepped out onto the front porch and took several shopping bags from Carl. "I've added three sizes of underwear, jeans and shirts. Call in the right sizes when you get a chance and I'll put more stuff together," Carl said as he turned to go down the stairs. "Thanks Carl," Abby said turning back into the house. "You're welcome," Carl said getting into his car. He drove off by the time Abby reached Mark. "OK everyone, let's close this out for tonight," the Sheriff said as he closed his book and looked at Julie before adding, "I'll stay out of the scheduling for his exam but I'd like to talk with you after you've done one and same goes for you doc. Meanwhile I'm going to leave the steps already taken for the APB just to make sure that if we have an abduction, we're covered." "Good enough and I'll do a preliminary exam tomorrow just to verify what I've already been told and then possibly get him under hypnosis. In any event I'll call your office when I'm finished," Julie said. "Good enough," the sheriff said and then added, "OK everyone that's it for the night. Abby, I'm depending on you keeping him safe." "I'm going to have him sleep in the guest room," Abby said taking Mark into the library. Carol, Julie and the Doc filed out of the house as Abby walked back in with Mark wearing a tee-shirt and jeans over socks. Sheriff Andrews smiled and gave Mark his card and another to Abby after he wrote his home phone number on them. "Any time day or night," the Sheriff said as he too headed for the door. Abby turned to Mark and asked if he's tired. Mark nodded yes. "Mark, would you like to sleep in diapers tonight?" Abby asked. "I sure would," Mark said and added, "Or you have a wet bed in the morning." "Can't have that. Come on. I had Carl include a package of disposables in with your clothes," Abby said. "What's a disposable?" Mark asked. "It's probably better if I show you," Abby said and then added, "And while I tape you into your diaper you can tell me about this fantastic voyage you've been on." "OK," Mark said as he took Abby's hand. They walked up the wide stairs to the landing that led off to bedrooms. The bedroom holding the bags of clothing that Carl brought also held a package of disposable diapers. "Wow, it's like a diaper and baby pants combined," Mark said as Abby let him feel the texture of the waterproof cover. "And you can throw them away once they've been used," Abby said as opened it while Mark started removing his jeans, shorts and socks. "Now what did these aliens look like?" Abby asked as Mark happily jumped up to lay over the diaper. Mark and Abby played house a lot when she was twelve and he nine and the memories of those times came back to Abby she looked at Mark through twelve year old eyes. It was like old times dressing him first into his diapers before dressing him like a girl. Abby treated Mark like her doll back then and was almost doing so again. "Only way to describe them is they were like Christmas decorations. You know, like glass ornaments only their surfaces were always changing colors like oil on water. I couldn't tell the girl orb from the boy orb and I wasn't sure they understood me when I asked if one of them is a girl. I remember them asking me if I was a girl and I just told them I just wanted to be. I don't think they understood me," Mark said and then looked down at his diaper before adding, "That feels nice." "We can get you proper diapers tomorrow if you don't like these," Abby said as she smoothed the front. Most times she treated Mark like a living doll but back then she used a lot of her clothes from when she was six and seven. She was always bigger than Mark and it made Mark happier dressing like a little girl or baby girl. "Got any of your old nightgowns?" Mark asked. "I'm afraid not honey, but if you'd like you can wear one of my bed jackets," Abby said. "What's a bed jacket?" Mark asked. "It's kind of like a very short robe but it's really short so a person can wear it in bed while you read," Abby said before adding, "On you it would be kind of like a baby dress." "OK," Mark said following Abby out of the room they were in as Mark said, "I like they way these crinkle." "They do sound nice," Abby said coming back in and adding, "It would have been fun making you run around in those when we played." "Cindy and Sandy Hanson would have liked these because they liked it when my baby pants crinkled like these do," Mark said and then asked, "Where's Penny? I promised her I'd let her stay with me." "Still playing with my old doll?" Abby asked. "She's a lot more fun since Si and Ti fixed her," Mark said. "What did they do?" Abby asked. "You can ask her yourself if you like, she knows about you," Mark said leaving and returning with the doll, and then added, "Hi Penny. Abby wants to know what Si and Ti did to you." "Hello Abby. I was given limited capabilities. What specifically would you like to know Abby?" Penny asked. "I'm feeling faint," Abby said looking at the doll as she suddenly started walking around the room looking at everything. Abby watched backing up and asked, "How is this possible?" "Processors for my movements and an Artificial Intelligence geared to Mark. Not too unlike your own crude computers except I adapt and have the capacity to reas

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AbductionShe stood at the window of her apartment bedroom, staring out into the night.  Absently, she set her mug of fragrant, steaming tea on the windowsill with a quiet, precise clink.  The darkened room at her back perfectly suited her pensive mood. She sensed a presence behind her.  Probably L, she thought, and without turning, she asked, ?What do you want?? A subtle scent of some unknown perfume was her only warning, jolting her out of her reverie as a female voice whispered, ?You,? and a...

3 years ago
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Abduction... that never happens. People go missing all the time. Jerry had seen it so often on the news that stories of disappearances or abductions didn't even register. He always thought that happened in bigger cities to people with skeletons in their closets. Jerry was twenty, mild mannered and didn't have an enemy in the world. That kind of shit didn't happen to him. So regaining consciousness in a small padded cell didn't make much sense to him. His movement was severely...

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Mahi always enjoyed the atmosphere of The Ice Dragon. Unlike most modern bars, it was pleasantly quiet, with the voices of excellent jazz singers and the sound of small combos playing softly. Mahi’s Indian mother and massively mixed-race father were jazz and classical music buffs. Mahi grew to appreciate complex and sophisticated music. She dismissed rock, and especially rap, as crude and simplistic. Mahi’s jumbled genetic background had gifted her with dark skin, straight black hair, brown...

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Your stereo is blaring as you cruise down the highway. You weren't sure Nessie, your dad's old Buick, would successfully get you all the way to school, let alone back again. Another year was tough. Whoever thinks art school is all about pretty pictures has never had a six hour drawing studio. You had always been a weird scrawny kid, but at art school everyone is weird, so you developed some more confidence. You even filled out some. The music lowers and your phone pings. The message was from...

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Favors Small and GreatChapter 7

“So, would you object to me taking both of my breaks before lunch, dear Margret?” I asked my boss, who winked at me through her bifocals as she looked up from her paperwork. “Double booked yourself, didn’t you? That’s okay. You’re a popular guy. Who is the lucky slut?” Margret teased me now, even as she walked over to give me a steamy French kiss that left no question of her desires. Before I knew it, Margret was bent over her desk and I was inside her, just minutes after clocking in for...

3 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash more with Mike ndash CDTVTS

Julie out on her own – more with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about my first sexual experience with my roommate Mike, how I’d “ambushed” him when he came home one night, and I was dressed like one of our sexy busty slutty blonde friends, Vicky. The next morning, I was awake and eating breakfast in our kitchen (not cross-dressed), just in shorts and a t-shirt, ready to do some weekend chores.Mike came in behind me and cleared his throat nervously. He said, “Um, did what happen last...

2 years ago
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Ladz Local Lovelies 58 EmmaChapter 3

They hurried back to Charing Cross, caught the next train to Westmouth and sat next to each other, kissing and fondling. Jake marvelled at how smooth Emma’s legs were. Her breasts felt good too—even through her blouse. Jake had left his car at the station car park. He jumped in the driver’s seat and started the engine before Emma had even gotten her seat belt on. As he backed out of the parking space, she put her hand on his leg and purred, “How far is your apartment?” “On the edge of town....

2 years ago
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Cougar Ch 03

I am sorry that it has been such a long time since I wrote anything, but my life is rather full and spare time is short. At the moment I am barely back from a long vacation. Two solid weeks in a Mexican resort does wonders for a woman tired of the cold and damp of the Pacific Northwest. Now I have two more weeks to just rest and restore myself before I go back to work. If I ever do go back. God, so much has happened. ….. If you have read some of my other stories, you know by now that I have...

2 years ago
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Suck off

I always loved the way you smellin different places I can tellrelating to your body heatclothe or naked to your feetI always love the way you tastewhen sucking your pussy's swella sweetness of mixed up juiceof golden waters and slimy oozeTrust me to suck you hardgliding my mouth over your clityou thrust forward your mount of heapI stick in my tongue really deepYou shudder in pure mightscreaming out in sheer delightcreaming my face as you gomaking a shine all wet and glowReturning the favour you...

3 years ago
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Buddys Sister

This story takes place about a year before my wife and I met. I had graduated college, and was hanging out back at home with a buddy of mine named Carl. I had met him at college, and he had flunked out. The last semester of my college year, Carl and I had spent pretty much every night out drinking, and that is precisely what we were doing at home as well. The only difference was that now, I had a good job, and could afford all the alcohol that we wanted. This is something that I am not real...

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Road Trip Ch 01

Eve cringed at the alarming screeching sound and cursed as she parked her car. Glancing to the right, she cursed again. She had just scratched a truck – a gigantic, very new, very shiny truck. You just know the owner of that considers it his baby, she thought grimly. She walked around her car, inspecting the long scratch on the otherwise pristine body of the silver truck, her shoulders slumping. Without bothering to look at her own car’s damage, she leaned into the passenger seat to grab a...

1 year ago
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It Was an Accident I Swear

Prologue The Program had been running at Holywood high for several years. As it was the only school in Holywood, USA the school naturally bore the same name. Last year a new element was added however, all gym class were now Co-Ed and conducted in the nude. This was not because the students or faculty or even the parents of the students wanted it, it instead was because it was mandated by the state. All non-sports related were to be conducted in the nude. Some moron high up in the legislature...

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An experience I had with a couple responding to my ad in on a swinger8217s website

Since I am new to this forum, I thought I ought to make a contribution. In addition, I would hope that there are some people out there who would enjoy playing these kinds of games with a 50’ish-tear-old man. I’ve changed names to protect us all, but “Jane” was really someone special! Several years ago, I ran an ad on a swinger’s website that started “Voyeur’s delight. I’ll please your lady as you would like to see her please.” I made...

3 years ago
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The Zodiac Sign Youll Have The Best Sex With

1. Aries (March 21 - April 19): Sexual Style: Passionate and impatient, these lovers want to get down to business. They're not into wooing you with flowers and romance. They're actors, not dreamers, and they prefer a spicy, energetic romp to a drawn-out lovemaking session."They want what they want, and they want it now," says Vega. If what they want is you, you'll have a partner dedicated to pleasing you between the sheets — but you'd better not be into foreplay, because you're not going to get...

1 year ago
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What can you expect at Ero Profile? With the rise of social media, it seems as if the basics of the internet have been altered. More and more sites now have faced pressures from users to integrate social media features. It is no longer enough for a website to merely exist as a hub of content. People want interactivity, want to feel like they are a part of their online content, as opposed to just a consumer of it.The porn world has not been immune from keeping up with this trend. It would seem...

Amateur Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Mother and Daughter part 17

"...And that's another week done, then!" Sade teased Ellie as they made their way out of their university campus. "Now the REAL hard work starts, heh!" "Meh, I wouldn't call it THAT hard," Ellie replied with a sad smile. "Well, not PHYSICALLY hard, anyway..." "Yeah, I get that," Sade said softly. "But, you know, end of one era, beginning of another?" "Yeah," Ellie replied. "And I am looking forward to it, really, I just-" "It's okay, I understand," Sade whispered, giving her...

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Melinas New York Weekend

A week ago, Melina decided that she was going to New York, and see her online lover for the first time. They had been talking for three years, and she had fallen in love with him. She had dreams about him, wanting to be in his arms. When her husband came come home drunk and hit her, she called Anthony, and thats when she decided that she deserved better...The plane landed at JFK, as she walked into the airport she saw him. He was standing near the window, standing at 6 ft 2 in, he was the most...

4 years ago
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Games Genies Play Part 1 of 6

In the unreachable void, beyond the limits of space and time, lies the Unbuilt City, which exists without ever having been made. Unconfined by the cramped boundaries of infinity, eternal towers rise beside crystal lakes. A galaxy of stars could not power one of those towers, yet their lights blaze with unimaginable fury. The unseen residents know fear. Beings far mightier than even their impossible city can bear move among them. Five genies, each one capable of making and razing a...

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BurrChapter 50 Back to the Life of Luxury

The first two hundred miles of our trip was very similar to our first trip together nearly two years before. I was stewing about none of my friends showing up to see me off and didn't feel like talking. Ned gave me my space. I was disappointed that Daniel Olsen had not driven into town or that Coach Sterns, Buzz Summers and Greg Justin had not made an appearance. Becky had flatly refused to watch us drive away, saying it was not the way she wanted to remember me. My Mom was there,...

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Cheating Gabriella

Undeniably, the Miss Kitty's plan had been a success. Their sex life seemed to have caught fire again, and even their relationship in general had taken somewhat of a turn for the better. Nevertheless, Steve was still more than a little uncomfortable with their continuing meetings at Miss Kitty's. The sex might be better, and the fighting seemed to have ended, but when he was honest with himself Steve knew the love was gone. It didn’t help that two or three other girls in the brothel...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Elsa Jean My Desire

Damon Dice is taking a nap on the couch when his girlfriend Elsa Jean finds him lying there. Just the sight of Damon gets Elsa hot. Sliding her hand up, she cups her bare pussy beneath her miniskirt and thong. Then she gropes her small boobs and decides to climb on top of Damon. Licking her way up his chest, Elsa gives him the sweetest of wakeups. Damon responds instantly, his dick growing hard as his hands reach down to cup Elsa’s slim bottom. She slides down his body once again,...

3 years ago
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How I came to suck my first cock

As I shared in a recent blog post, I had been watching sissy hypno porn and simulating oral sex using dildos for quite a while. It was almost two years and slowly, it just wasn't cutting it anymore. I was becoming quite adept at deepthroating a rubber dick but it was no longer satisfying my submissive sissy urges.During this time, I happened upon the various adult topics on Reddit. Sissyhypno, cuckold, cumfromanal, deepthroat, femboys, traps, and massivecock were just a few of my favorite...

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This story is about a young woman that is seduced by the wealth and power of her rich boss. All the characters involved in any sex are over 18. Thank you for reading. Enjoy! TIM & ERIN prolog---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wedding bells were once again silent. The gifts opened, the honeymoon over. They had both lost their virginity on the first night in a honeymoon suite. Their sex was unsatisfying and painful for her...

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As he walked past her bedroom he heard the unmistakable sound of his sister sobbing, crying out “What am I going to do? He’ll see it as soon as he comes home!” He paused at her closed door, concern rose for his sister as he could hear she was truly distraught about something. Curiosity caused him to open her door, to see who she was talking to, to find out why she was crying. She was lying on her stomach on the bed, legs spread at a 45 degree angle, bent up at the knees swaying to and fro as...

2 years ago
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The Football Bet Part Two Claire Finds Herself

Slowly I began to wake up. My thoughts were still cloudy. The taste of alcohol filled my mouth, turning over I saw a few empty bottles on the small table by the bed. The events of the night slowly came back to me. Then I remembered how I had left my boyfriend. Even though I had left him many times before, this time, I was confident that I wouldn't return.I looked around searching for Damien. There was no sign of him in the bedroom. I got up then went into the bathroom. There was a sticky note...

Group Sex
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Pehli Baar Sex Kiya

Story bachpan ki jab mien chota tha aur pehli bar mene sex kiya.Us waqt hum chote the or mien 18 ka tha or wo bhi 18 saal ki thi hum akshar sath mien khela karte they. Chupam chupai ghar ghar kafi close they par mien bada ho rha tha mujhe hollywood movie shuk tha aur usmien kissing scene atey aur kabhi nude survat mien dhyan nhi deta tha par mere friends kahi se kuch sunte aur dusre ko batate ki sex kiya kaise karte hai hum hamari class ki ladkiyon ko dekhte imagine karte par himmat nhi hoti...

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Jias Awakening Ch 4

Chapter 4 - Fun and play continues in the shower The three of us had just finished having a fun threesome, where I got to give Jia her first fucking by a real cock. She had enjoyed fingers and toys with girls before, but she had never had nerve before to let a real cock into her. Her girlfriend Erica had convinced her that I would be perfect for the job, and I wasn't complaining! Having now two 15 year old girls naked with me was like a dream come true for a horny guy. We were...

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Thirty Milky Days Day 3

Thirty Milky Day - Day 3 When I awoke, it was to Mistress's breast. My lips were pressed against her nipple and, as soon as I recognized the tasty of her milk, I began to suckle in earnest. I knew I was hooked on it. There were few things better. As the caressed my back and bottom, my body slowly, inexorably came awake. For one, my breasts felt swollen and uncomfortably full. Further, my inner thighs felt weird, like there was a pillow between them. Normally, I slept in the...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 444

Some thoughts... The devil whispered to me, “I’m coming for you.” I whispered back, “Bring pizza.” Me: (sobbing my heart out, eyes were swollen, nose red) ... I can’t see you anymore. I am not going to let you hurt me like this again! Trainer: It was a sit up. You did one sit up. Having plans sounds like a good idea until you have to put on clothes and leave the house. It’s weird being the same age as old people. Life is like a helicopter. I don’t know how to operate a...

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My Uncle and His Friend a 2 for 1

I barely contained myself as I crossed the threshold into my adopted uncle’s home, just moments after I watched the gorgeous man pour all his lust onto the beautiful and buxom transgendered woman now standing strikingly by his side. Her soft 5’7” frame oozed of the airs of the most seductive of women. Her slip half covering, half accentuating her exquisite figure. From her considerable cleavage to a hint of her ample curves, my eyes guided me down towards where her thin cloth had ended,...

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The Story of B

The mirror was an old one, picked up at a consignment shop a year earlier. Its oak frame holding glass that was wavy and dappled with dark spots. My image is slightly distorted, Bianca thought. Seeming unconcerned about any distortion, she tried on each of the three tops in turn, and then selected two others from her closet, repeating the routine of bending this way then that, while viewing the amount of cleavage each successive bend or twist might reveal to Jimmy when he stood across the...

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A Cold Days Night

As I have moved through my life, like most of us, I had many events shape my life. Some were good, some were bad and whether these events actually taught me something or not, or whether they were just entertaining is irrelevant. They happened and are forever a part of the man I am today and the man I may become. What I am about to share is one such story. It took place when I was but 18 years of age and had a very bright future ahead of me. This...

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Truth Or Dare Leads To Life Time Memories

Hey Guys, I am Amit and This is the first time I am posting a story out here and i have been reading this site for a long time and eventually got tempted to share my own personal experience with you. The incident that I am narrating occured not very long ago rather just a couple of months ago. I was recently transfered to Bhatinda punjab due to my job and got a house on rent. I have been happily married for the last 6 years with a beautiful punjabi girl. My wife Meenu is a wonderful lady, a...

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Uski New Married Wife Mili Gift Mein Chudne K Liye 8211 Part 2

Mera naam raj sharma hai.Main hanumangarh mein rahta hun.Maine is site pr kai kahani likhi hai.Kai ladkiyo aur bhabhiyo ko chod chuka hun.Is kahani mein srigangananar ki ek iss story reader ki hot wife ko usi k ghar pr kai baar choda.Mera id hai.. Chudai k liye koi bhi contect kr sakta hai…Yahan story k title k paas story writer ka naam likha hai…Rajsharmahmh..Us pr click kr meri sari story padh skate ho.Is story she pahle part-1 jarur padhen.Warns maza nahin aayega. Ye part -2 hai.. Raat ko...

2 years ago
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No matter who it is, everyone has that one person at work that is just knock out gorgeous. I’m no different and at my place of work… her name is Courtenay. She’s twenty-nine years old with a body that wasn’t too slender but not too big either… she was just right. With her short red hair and soft, pouty lips… Courtenay was a sight to behold. She was the kind of woman that I had no doubt many men would fuck without hesitation. I would sit at my cubicle for hours, watching her work at her own...

4 years ago
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Coming and Going

Maddie stood inside the entrance to Hegarty’s, scanning the cool interior as the door closed behind her. At this late hour there were a few dozen people filling the tables scattered around the room, with several more sitting on stools at the bar. The raucous conversation taking place between four young guys in the corner competed with the rock music flowing from the chrome and glass jukebox. A drunken woman stumbled alone to the beat, her high heels clacking across the wood floor. Maddie...

Straight Sex
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CuckTeaser SloppySeconds With CumSlut At Party

Cuck-Teaser: Sloppy-Seconds With Cum-Slut At PartyStory No.6WARNING: This story incorporates strong cuckold themes, including having sloppy-seconds with horny, cum-slut at a party. Please don't read if squeamish.In the past, I used to crave a bit of humiliation and would do some quite degrading things for kicks. I thought I'd compile a list of the 10 most depraved/pervy things I've done and write a short story about them each and post them on xhamster.The list:10. Drank a girl-racer's...

2 years ago
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A Minnie Halloween

A Minnie Halloween My girlfriend's company was having a Halloween party and it was to be a Disney themed costume party so about one week before the party we went to the suggested store that was supposed to have a large variety of Disney themed costumes. Carla and I looked around at many costumes sleeping beauty and Prince Charming peter pan and tinker bell, Beauty and the beast and we finally came across Mickey and Minnie, Clara became excited with these costumes and told the...

3 years ago
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Slot A into Tab B

He started rubbing her crotch lightly, fingering her clit with his thumb and pressing his index finger against the softness of her opening, which made her moan in her sleep and roll onto her back as she opened her legs a little more. His other hand moved the front of her shirt up but was unable to expose her breasts because she was laying on he back of it. He pushed up the front of it far enough to see the she was not wearing a bra, so he exposed one little pink nipple and took it between his...

4 years ago
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QuadrupletsPart 3

My parents, who had left for the weekend, had returned early and caught my sisters, brother and I in bed together. Let me explain. My name is Shawn. My sisters, Stephanie and Stacy, along with my brother, Shane and I are a set of identical 18 yr. old quadruplets. A few nights ago, we consummated our love for each other by having sex for the first time. Last night, we decided to push Shane’s bed and mine together and sleep there. I was the first to wake, and discovered that our parents...

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Driving Her Crazy

He played with her so much that she was dizzy with want for him. His strong fingers brought her right to the edge — and then he teasingly stopped before kissing her. She was light-headed and faint, the hunger between her legs ravenous, her ripe pussy swollen from the spanking delivered with his hands and hard cock. "Not yet, sweet baby," he moaned against her nipple. Inside her, his fingers were slick from juices seeping over his hands.Earlier, he’d bound her hands and feet, enjoying the way...

Quickie Sex
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DarkbitchChapter 4

"Justice with change of interest learns to bow, And what was merit once is murder now: Actions receive their tincture from the times, And as they change, are virtues made or crimes." -Daniel Defoe, A Hymn to the Pillory Each section of the patchwork school building that constituted Darkbitch Academy started classes at a different time. The area where Miss Rhea was rather roughly dragging her student Amy to the nurses' office would soon be filled with a bustle of happy, shapely,...

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The incest video interviews chapter 9

After Ted and I became exclusive, we decided to move in together. It was a win-win situation, we had less bills, and I had total access to his cock. By then, I thought I learned everything I needed to learn. Although, it led me to some great things. I found out about my mom, and aunt, and fell in love with my brother. He told me if I wanted to keep going with my project, then I had his full support. He just told me he loved me, and he'd be ready for me when I got back. My mom put me in touch...

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Hotty Wife8217s Sexperience In Train 8211 Part II

Hi dear readers. This is Amar again. In the last edition I explained about my wife’s aesthetic foreplay and sexual encounter with her friend Uday in Delhi before she boarded the train to Hyderabad. It was mostly factual and here comes the crux of the story in the latter part. After I sent my wife a message, my mind started to think briskly on what more she can do now that she already had another man in her deeply, she can enjoy and think freely. I finished work soon and then went for a walk and...

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Exgirlfriend Sarah ndash exhibitionist story 7

Well, it’s time to really annoy my ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend, Chris, again, with even more evidence of what an exhibitionist slut she really is.Sarah and I used to live together in the city of Bath (UK). Some Saturdays we would go to a café for morning coffee, in the city, to read the morning papers. One time we went there, Sarah was wearing a fairly short skirt, certainly above knee-length, which had a bit of a split up one side. We went into an open courtyard of the café, walking down...

3 years ago
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The storm started about twenty minutes after I'd left my sister in the cabin, the bloody phones were non existent, I deliberately hadn't brought my mobile and the engine had frigging well seized up on the truck. It had been meant as a quiet winter break for just the two of us to lick our wounds after my wife had fucked off with her husband. Our parents had left us a cabin up in the wilds after their death and this was going to be only the second time we'd ever used it, neither of us were...

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Conflicted First Time Cock Sucker Ch 02

For three days I had avoided him and told myself that I was such an idiot to let myself get talked into sucking his cock; that was how I felt most of the time, although there were other times I found myself getting turned on when I thought about his hard cock in my mouth. Still, I kept telling myself that I wasn't turned on by his cock and I wasn't going to every do that again.At eighteen I had established my independence from my strict – and sometimes cruel father – and I wasn't going to get...

1 year ago
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Chennai College Diaries 1

The story is about the circle of love/lust a man goes through in his life. Expect some plausible outcomes as they are real-life encounters that I had in my life. [email protected] Thanks a lot reader

1 year ago
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My December

“And I’d give it all away.” Sometimes I wonder if it all means something. Love, hate, jealousy, mockery, lust, rage; its all part of this world, but I continue to wonder why. These emotions overwhelm us everyday, but for what reason? People say we need balance to bring us peace. If we need balance, then why is the world constantly at war? Everyday the news flabbergasts us with a new report, but why does it not surprise us? Because we live in a world where disgust is normal. Normalcy has created...

1 year ago
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Back to Secret Agent School

Anna Nicole Smith took her seat in the briefing room ready for the top secret sting operation that was about to go down. At the front of the crowded room stood the Chief of the agency. "Okay ladies and gents this is the deal. Anthony Barelle, one of the nastiest organized crime bosses in this country is in town tonight and tonight only," said the Chief, commencing the briefing, "We are going to take him in." There was a few murmurs from the assembled agents, surprised at the job ahead of them,...

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Bridgets Days Ch 10

I smiled, wondering what would have happened had I been able to follow up on my impulse of that long ago evening. Probably for the best that I didn’t have the chance. Things were confusing enough without the memory of having slept with my great-great-great whatever father-in-law. I closed the book, locked it and set it beside the chair. Oh, there were so many other stories I wanted to tell, so many tales of the ‘ancestors’. I looked across the room again at the picture of Mike and the...

3 years ago
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Alone With The Boss

I flipped off my computer and began to gather my things when a ringing phone startled me. It was Friday afternoon, and I was doing my best to slip out unnoticed. I checked the caller ID on the phone and looked over at David, another college student spending his summer behind a computer. ‘Shit, it’s Nicole,’ I said. ‘What the fuck does she want now? I know everything is working.’ David and I had spent the last few weeks busting our butts on a huge project. After reworking parts of it several...

1 year ago
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How I became a slut for BBC

I discovered my husband’s secret fetish almost by accident. 0ne night after too much wine Jamie asked me what my favourite fantasy was. I said that it was for someone to watch us whilst we made love. Jamie probed a little further and said it should be man who was watching us. We were in bed about to go to sleep and had already had some great sex, but I saw that Jamie had an extremely hard erection. I gently licked a little pre come off the end of his penis. He then surprisingly suggested a...

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sorority and franternit have a bdsm and slave party

Sorority and fraternity bondage and sex partyI was very excited when my girlfriend Karen invited me to a special sex party arranged by her sorority and my fraternity. I got even more excited when she explained what happened at the party.There would be at least 10 to 15 girls and an equal number of boys. The idea was that you would converse with one person of the opposite sex or if you wish dance with that person or simply sit and have a chat. From time to time the organizer Amanda would grab a...

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