A Well-Lived Life - Book 5 - StephanieChapter 27: In Between The Visits free porn video

July 1981, Milford, Ohio
Stephanie and I stood at the window and waited for the plane to depart from the gate. About ten minutes after Karin had boarded, the Jetway was withdrawn and the plane’s engines were started. The plane was pushed away from the gate and began taxiing. When it disappeared from sight, we turned and walked back towards the terminal and then to the car.
“You OK, Big Brother?” Stephanie asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“She was really calm,” Melanie said. “I’m surprised.”
“Not me,” I answered. “When I completely broke down at Birgit’s grave, she was a rock of stability. Stephanie saw her when she arrived.”
“I did,” Stephanie confirmed. “Karin just calmly walked up to Steve and hugged him. That was it. If that had been me, I’d have run the minute I saw him and jumped into his arms!”
“That’s what Katt did, and we were only apart for a couple of months!” I replied.
“What are you going to do, Big Brother? I heard you tell Karin you loved her just like you used to with Birgit.”
“Karin is special. Then again, so are Bethany and Kara, each in their own way. I’ve never called anyone ‘Sweetheart’ except for Bethany and I’ve never called anyone ‘Honey’ except for Kara. Don’t read too much into it. All I can do right now is take things as they come. Kara’s basically under house arrest, Bethany will be a few hours away, and Karin will be in Sweden. Right now, as of this moment, I’m waiting until July of next year to see where things are.”
“What about Kara?” my sister asked. “She’s still planning on coming to Chicago next Fall, right?”
“Yes. I do have to make sure that she has alternate plans, just in case.”
“She’s not going to like that!” Melanie observed.
“True. But so many things could happen. I just want to make sure that she’s not putting all her eggs in one basket.”
“Too late, Steve,” Stephanie said. “She did that in January when you took her cherry.”
“You’re right, I guess,” I sighed.
“This almost seems like Becky all over again, but without being bitchy or being a stalker.”
“Not really. Karin has pretty much the same idea. And so do Bethany and Joyce. I’ve been as honest with all of them as I possibly could. That’s why Bethany is going to date in Madison.”
“Whoa!” Melanie gasped. “Really?”
“Yes. She did date a bit while I was in Sweden. And I encouraged her to date and have fun in Madison. I think she’s a bit too dependent on me at the moment. She knows that if anything is going to happen between us, it’s going to be when we graduate.”
“It seems like things became more complicated once Karin arrived.” Melanie observed.
“No,” I countered, “things became more complicated because of Jennifer. And honestly, it’s not as bad as it seems. If you think about it, it’s pretty much right where it was going to be next Summer. The only difference is that Jennifer and I won’t be together in Chicago. I had thought about making a decision about the long-term right away, but it’s probably best if I don’t.”
Stephanie smiled but didn’t say anything. She’d managed to achieve her goal, at least with regard to me deciding to try to make something permanent. She hadn’t succeeded with regard to Jennifer, and at this point I had not only foreclosed that possibility, but I was comfortable with that decision.
We headed back to Milford, and I dropped Melanie at home, grabbed my bag, and then Stephanie and I went home. I went to my room and picked up the phone to call Kathy Will. She told me that she had talked to Bethany.
“Tell me how you think this will work,” Kathy requested.
“I’d like to date while we’re in Chicago. At least for Freshman year.”
“Like boyfriend and girlfriend?”
“Well, you know my situation. If you’re OK with that, then yes.”
“You mean Bethany, of course. You know I won’t object to that! And Kara, though I hear that’s a bit problematic at the moment.”
“Of course, Bethany and Kara, but there might occasionally be others. And I can fill you in on the situation with Kara when we see each other.”
“I know you well enough, Steve Adams. As long as you aren’t talking about screwing every eligible girl in Chicago, then I can handle it. I guess we’d see each other on the weekends?”
“You’re certainly welcome to stay with Elyse and me at our apartment on the weekends, or really, any time you wanted. Elyse and I are just good friends, so it’s not like you would be interfering in anything. And the rules would apply both ways — if you want to see someone else, that’s fine with me.”
“This sounds like your relationship with Debbie V.”
“I suppose it does. Are you interested?”
“Of course!” Kathy declared happily.
We spoke for a few more minutes and then I headed over to Kara’s to spend the rest of the day. I was beat, but I wanted to spend as much time with her as I was able to. Jennifer would be arriving on Saturday and staying until Wednesday, and then on the following Saturday, I was moving to Chicago. That left very little time here in Milford. Fortunately, I didn’t have much to do besides see people. I’d have to spend some time packing my things, but otherwise, everything was arranged.
Kara greeted me with a hug and a soft, quick kiss on the lips, then led me into the den. Mrs. Blanchard stuck her head in the room and said hello and offered me a drink. I asked for a Dr Pepper which she brought, then she left us alone.
“So?” Kara asked.
“She’s on her way home. She’s likely in Chicago. Her flight to Stockholm leaves late in the afternoon.”
“That’s not what I’m asking and you know it!”
“Nothing has changed, Kara! I’m going to Chicago, I’ll share an apartment with Elyse, but we’ll each have our own room. I’ll visit you as often as I’m able. In June, I’ll take my trip to Sweden and then when I come back, we’ll decide what to do.”
“Decide what to do? I thought that was already set? I’m moving in with you!” she said firmly.
“If my life has taught me anything, it’s that a lot can happen in a year. Look at the crazy, unexpected things that happened to me. That’s why I want you to make sure you have alternatives if something happens we don’t plan on. I had to scramble with my plans for Chicago because of Jennifer. What if something were to happen to me? Or, and I know you’ll say it’ll never happen, you change your mind?”
“I think YOU’VE changed YOUR mind,” Kara replied. “It certainly sounds like it. You’re setting me up for not being with you next year!”
That response was exactly what I had been afraid of, but there wasn’t much I could do about it.
“I did not make any commitments to Karin other than to visit her when I’m in Sweden next June. She knows what’s going on. She even lamented that she couldn’t compete with you. And I recall you saying you could beat her with one hand tied behind your back!”
“That was before I met her. She’s sweet, gorgeous, and her worldview is very much like yours. She’s madly in love with you, just as I am.”
“All very true,” I admitted. “But there’s one important thing. She’s not her sister. I love you more than anyone else in the world. The only person I loved as much as you was Birgit. Karin is not Birgit. What I was trying to say to you before is that you should have contingency plans, not that I’m planning on changing my mind or that I’ve decided to be with Karin. I haven’t. Let’s worry about the future when it gets here.”
Kara sighed deeply and asked, “Why do things have to be so complicated?”
“Were you happier with your simple life before you met me? When everything was mapped out and your dad was basically going to marry you off to a pastor? So you could be a dutiful pastor’s wife and live a nice, simple, boring life as a housewife?”
“No!” Kara declared firmly. “Absolutely not!”
“I think you just answered your own question.”
Mrs. Blanchard called us to lunch, and we ate soup and sandwiches and then sat and talked with her for a bit.
“Are you two actually going to come to Chicago?” I asked.
“Alan doesn’t like the idea, but I told him that I’d be with Kara the whole time, and that your father would be there, along with your sister. He grudgingly gave Kara permission to go.”
“That’s great! Kara, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I did, silly! But I think you forgot because we had something more important to discuss.”
The rest of the day and evening went fine, though I did get the usual icy treatment from Mr. Blanchard. When it was time for me to leave, Kara hugged me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. She asked me to come for lunch again on Wednesday. I agreed, then headed out to my car and headed home. I was so tired that even though it was just past 8:00pm, I simply said goodnight to my little sister, then went straight to bed. I slept soundly, waking early as I usually did.
Stephanie and I swam and then sat down for breakfast. The phone rang, and I got up to answer. Karin was calling to say that she’d arrived home safely and that the trip had been uneventful. Mrs. Andersson came on the line to thank me for taking good care of Karin and said that she was looking forward to my visit next June. Karin and I expressed our love and then I hung up and went back to finish breakfast.
“What are you doing today?” Stephanie asked.
“Lunch at Kara’s, then my usual Wednesday date with Elyse. Why?”
“I was just wondering if I might borrow the keys,” she said with a silly smile.
“I guess it’s tough not having your lover in the same house, Miss Insatiable!”
“It’s your fault, Big Brother. You could still have this amazing body all to yourself if you hadn’t listened to your girlfriends!” she teased.
“And it was still the right thing to do, Squirt,” I said, handing her the keys.
“Thanks! I’m biking into Milford and I’ll meet Ed there. And you’re right, of course.”
After breakfast, I did my laundry and started sorting through my things to decide what to take to Chicago, what to throw away and what to leave behind. Dad had said I could keep the room set up and leave as much stuff as I wanted for at least the first year, and after that we’d talk. I knew my mom had designs on the room, but Dad had stood firm. I knew he wanted to leave open the possibility that I’d stay at the house when I was in town.
I headed to Kara’s for lunch. We ate almost right away and then went to sit in the den and talk. About 1:00pm Mrs. Blanchard walked into the room, looking like she was suppressing a smile.
“Kids, I just realized that I forgot to get some things I need for dinner. I’m going to run out to the store. I’ll be back in an hour, and I expect you two to be sitting right here when I get back.”
“Yes, Mom,” Kara said.
“Yes. Mrs. Blanchard.” I said.
She walked out the door and I saw the car pull away through the window. Kara took my hand and led me towards the stairs.
“Kara?” I asked, surprised. “Really?”
“She didn’t forget anything! She didn’t say anything to me, but you saw her face. She could barely contain the smirk! She knew what we’d do if she left!”
“Your dad will kill all of us!” I said.
“I’m not going to tell him; are you?” she asked, her hands on her hips.
“No!” I chuckled.
“Then shut up and come make love with me in my bed!”
We went up to Kara’s room, and she shut the door. She quickly turned down the bed and then began taking off her clothes. I followed suit, and we got into bed. Our first kiss was electric, and our lovemaking was better than ever. The groans of our mutual orgasm echoed off the walls as we finished. I felt completely fulfilled — emotionally, physically, and mentally. Making love with Kara had become an almost spiritual experience.
“That was beyond anything I’ve felt before!” Kara said as we cuddled afterwards. “It was as if your love was just pouring into me.
“Our souls touched! Did you notice how every movement just seemed automatic? And how easily the orgasms came?”
“I did! But look at the time! We need to shower and get back downstairs!” Kara said, nervously.
We quickly went across the hall to the bathroom and showered. Kara wrapped her hair in a towel to keep it from getting wet, even though her mom knew what was going to happen when she left. We dried off, dressed and were back downstairs in the den about ten minutes before her mom arrived home.
“Good. I see you’re right where I left you,” she said with a smile and went off to the kitchen.
“Did that really just happen?” I whispered.
“Yes!” she giggled. “I love my mom!”
“What about the sheets?” I asked, realizing we hadn’t changed them.
“Oh! Wait here. I’ll be right back!”
She ran up the stairs and was back in two minutes.
“I just re-made the bed and sprayed some air freshener in my room. I don’t mind sleeping in sheets that smell like us!” Kara said.
“As long as your dad doesn’t find out! That would be a disaster.”
“I bet Mom doesn’t even mention you were here today!”
We chatted for another hour or so before I had to head home to get ready for my usual Wednesday dinner with Elyse. This would be the last one, at least until Elyse came to Chicago. Of course, then, we’d have dinner together often, I suspected. Stephanie came home just after I did and stopped in my room. She handed me the keys with a smirk and went to her room. I called Bethany and asked if she wanted to go out on Thursday and she suggested we spend the day together. I agreed.
My date with Elyse was typical. We had hoped to see a last Reds game together before I left, but the players were still on strike. Both of us were more or less on the owners’ side because we didn’t like Free Agency. It seemed like it was developing into a bidding war and players weren’t going to be staying long term with teams. The very idea of Johnny Bench, Pete Rose, George Foster, Tony Perez, or Dave Concepcion playing for another team just offended our sensibilities. Yes, trades happened, such as Joe Morgan coming to the Reds from Houston for Lee May and Tommy Helms, but those were the exceptions rather than the rule.
We did discuss our Chicago plans, and she confirmed that she was going to be in Chicago on August 16th. I let her know that I’d be seeing Kathy, most likely quite a bit.
“Why am I not surprised? Steve Adams needs to have a girl handy to screw!” she giggled.
“I certainly wasn’t making any assumptions about OUR relationship. We agreed on the living arrangements and a ‘wait and see’ attitude.”
“I didn’t mean it that way! I was just saying that it fits your pattern. You and Kathy are just good friends, right?”
“Yes, once upon a time we had crushes on each other, but nothing came of that and over time that dissipated. Had we acted on them back in 7th or 8th grade, things might be different. Now? That’s all in the past.”

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